may • jun 2009 - mayo-junio...

Post on 29-Oct-2018






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5 ¿Qué es un Reader?

10 ¿Qué pasa en los centros? Viaje a UKBecoming a Londoner• By Renzo Cuadra Lazarte

London simply captivated me right from the first day. With its old buildings, green parks and museums, just the fact that I was actually there thrilled me. I can still remember battling my way home, with the cold wind blowing in my face; or the times that I spent in that tiny, cosy pub in Notting Hill with my friends from Korea, Brazil, Uruguay and Switzerland, eating chips and laughing at everyone. Those were memorable moments in a city that gave me not only better English, new places to see and friends to make, but also, and even more importantly, broadminded ideas and a whole new vision of a cosmopolitan, culturally different and amazing world. And all this made possible with the support of the BRITÁNICO, to which I’ll be eternally grateful.


PROGRESS TESTDiario y Superintensivo 16 de junio

FINAL EXAMDiario 25 de junioSuperintensivo 26 de junioSabatino 27 de junio EXÁMENES ORALESEstas fechas son comunicadas a los alumnos con anticipación por sus profesores.


Número 05MAYO / JUNIO 2009



Renzo at Buckingham Palace.

The Platform 9 3/4, King’s Cross station, London.


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Unexpected reward • By Estefany Victoria Dionicio

It’s hard to explain how I feel about winning the S c h o l a r s h i p . I would have never imagined myself as one of few people that get this

amazing chance. I remember the first time I heard about it, I thought it was only for people who could speak English perfectly and of course not for me. Even when I took the exam, I was not sure I was going to pass. When I found out that I had got an A and then that I won the Scholarship, I still couldn’t believe it. I will always be grateful to the BRITÁNICO for giving me this opportunity and to my friends and family that always believe in me.


Becados 2009-I: TestimoniosEn la primera Ceremonia de Entrega de Certificados Internacionales del año, el BRITÁNICO otorgó diez becas al Reino Unido. En esta oportunidad, cuatro de los ganadores nos brindan su testimonio, antes de viajar.

I’m very grateful…• By Karen Urbina Saldarriaga

Learning new things is a challenge to anyone but with the proper preparation from dedicated teachers everything becomes less hard. Studying at the BRITÁNICO has been a most rewarding and enriching experience which has improved my English with every class I have attended and with all the support from the teachers, who are excellent at their job.

After concluding the Advanced Phase and taking the FCE exam, never did it cross my mind that I was going to win the Scholarship for Excellence along with the other candidates. For me, getting an ‘A’ was enough, however, winning the scholarship was really unexpected and I am much obliged to my parents

for encouraging me to study at the BRITÁNICO and also my teachers who have been the best of the best. I’m very grateful for this opportunity you have given me and I promise that it won’t be a waste.

Siempre soñado, nunca imaginado• By Danika Yamamoto Honma

Ganar una beca es probablemente algo que nadie espera, por lo menos yo nunca lo imaginé. Cuando me informaron que era una de las posibles ganadoras, me sentí inspirada y emocionada, pero

siempre con los pies en la tierra. Aun sabiendo que me voy a ir por un mes al Reino Unido, todavía no puedo creerlo. Ahora sé que nada es imposible y que los sueños realmente sí se vuelven realidad. Gracias al BRITÁNICO y a todos los profesores que me tuvieron que soportar, por su paciencia; y también gracias a mi colegio por la buena preparación que recibí. De verdad, les debo un montón.

Gracias por todo• By Sandra Reaño Novoa

Cuando vi que había obtenido A en el FCE, recordé muchas cosas: primero, a mi profesora de Avanzado, Pilar Morillo, aconsejándome sobre el examen; luego, a mis

padres diciéndome que el examen era también una oportunidad para viajar al Reino Unido; y, finalmente, a mi hermano, hace dos años, animándome a estudiar en Diario en el BRITÁNICO. En ese momento, el deseo de ganar la beca se convirtió en posibilidad, pero no lo creí hasta la premiación. Agradezco al BRITÁNICO por dos años que disfruté mucho, por la enseñanza de calidad que me brindó y por la oportunidad que me ofrece ahora.


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¡Lleva al BRITÁNICO contigo!

Arrancó el Tour de Carlos Galdós 2009En el mes de abril se inició el Tour de universidades 2009 denominado K-rlitos electrokinético, a cargo del conocido artista y locutor de radio Carlos Galdós, que llegará a miles de universitarios en 15 fechas.

Desde el año pasado, el BRITÁNICO participa como auspiciador de esta interesante propuesta.

Recuerda que tenemos en nuestros diez centros: mochilas, cartucheras, loncheras y demás artículos del BRITÁNICO, para que te acompañen en tu colegio, instituto, universidad, trabajo y… ¡donde te encuentres!


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In-Service Methodology Workshops for 2008 BRITÁNICO TeachersThe Teacher Training Team - Dorothy Abanto, Irina Castro and Ivy Diez- ran simultaneous workshops in San Borja, San Isidro and Miraflores on 30 April. The sessions focused on key methodological issues and were most successfully carried out with substantial contributions from the 78 highly enthusiastic teachers who attended.

Curso para profesores

TKT Partially On-line

Como es de conocimiento general, venimos ofreciendo regularmente el programa de capacitación externa con cursos dirigidos especialmente a profesores. Este 18 de abril se inició con éxito nuestro curso Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) en la modalidad Partially On-line (con sesiones en línea, así como sesiones presenciales).

El curso está dirigido a profesores que deseen obtener conocimientos base sobre la enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera y/o actualizar sus conocimientos sobre las últimas tendencias en el mundo del ELT. Al mismo tiempo, el curso los preparará en caso de que quieran rendir el examen internacional de la Universidad de Cambridge.

Para mayor información sobre este y otros cursos, puedes consultar nuestra página web, llamar a nuestra central de informes al 615 3434 o escribirnos a

Ganadores de la matrícula onlineRecuerda que en el BRITÁNICO te ofrecemos la posibilidad de matricularte desde la comodidad de tu casa, oficina o donde te encuentres, a través de nuestra página web En ella también puedes comprar los textos. Además, te damos nuevas opciones de matrícula online por medio del Banco de Crédito (BCP). Entérate dándole clic al banner del BCP, ubicado en nuestra página web, zona Centros de Enseñanza.

Todos los meses se sortearán becas entre los alumnos que realicen su matrícula online.

Los ganadores de este mes son:• Piero Añanca Portillo (J9) de San Borja.• Luis Del Campo Padilla (B8) de San Miguel.



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¿Qué es un Reader?

Un Reader es un libro cuyo nivel de inglés ha sido adaptado y simplificado al nivel de los estudiantes al que está dirigido. Es así como un estudiante de nivel Preintermedio, por ejemplo, puede leer su libro favorito en inglés.

La lectura es una de las mejores maneras de aprender nuevo vocabulario e ir internalizando las estructuras gramaticales del idioma.

Por eso, a partir de este año el BRITÁNICO incluye Readers en su programa de Juniors y en la fase Avanzada.

Para el programa de Juniors tenemos:• Challenges 1 – Daniel Radcliffe• Challenges 2 – Walkabout• Challenges 3 – The Swiss Family Robinson

Para la fase Avanzada tenemos:• Great Expectations de Charles Dickens.

En el caso de la fase Avanzada, se escogió este texto porque es uno de los Set Books que la Universidad de Cambridge elige anualmente para que se pueda responder una de las preguntas opcionales de la parte de escritura.

Estos libros vienen con un CD de audio en el que se tiene grabado todo el texto para que nuestros alumnos no sólo practiquen la lectura en inglés, sino también su destreza auditiva y su pronunciación.


• By Patricia Muñoz, Camacho Deputy Head of Centre

As part of our ongoing role in the preservation of our planet, we decided to celebrate its day with an awareness raising activity amongst our students: They prepared and displayed on the classroom board not only a set of beautiful, creative and well diagrammed posters inviting all of us to recycle and care about nature, plant trees, etc., but a very clear message for everybody. All this also aroused interesting discussions during their lessons, making use of the language they were learning. Once again, our students worked on making people aware of the responsibility every one has, to heal or at least to soothe the “pain” we are inflicting on our dear planet. This was their message


Thanks to our teachers, Lourdes López, Amalia Mesia and Erika Rivas and their students for their enthusiasm in this activity. In the picture, some students and their posters.

“A Tolerable Planet: What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)


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St. Patrick’s day at BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre• By Karen Montesinos, Pueblo Libre Deputy Head of Centre

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and the Irish people. He died on March 17th 461 A.D. and the anniversary of his death is celebrated as St. Patrick’s Day. Today it is commemorated by the Irish as well as many people around the world with parades, parties, wearing of green, Irish songs and jigs. We joined this celebration and our students from Infants, Pre-kids and Juniors worked with some amusing activities that made them feel part of this worldwide festivity.

Sorpresa en el SAC• By Dania Chacón, Pueblo Libre SAC Attendant

Con la finalidad de incentivar la lectura en nuestros alumnos, pusimos en algunos libros del SAC vales para canjear un premio. Al momento de pedir un libro para domicilio, los estudiantes se daban con la sorpresa de haber ganado ¡un delicioso Easter Egg! Asimismo, vimos que nuestros usuarios participaron con mucho entusiasmo en esta actividad.

Forever green• By Elizabeth Nuñez Del Prado, San Isidro Teacher

A group of F2 and J5 students commemorated Saint Patrick’s day. Here we have some comments about the celebration:

“Saint Patrick’s day is celebrated on March 17th which has been observed as a religious holiday for over a thousand years in Ireland. However, the first Saint Patrick’s parade didn’t take place in Ireland, but in the USA”.

Marco Ch, Roxana B, Karen and Amparo C. (F2).

“Last month we commemorated Saint Patrick’s Day with an exposition about his life and typical dishes you can eat as part of the celebration. It was good because it gave us the opportunity to discover important events and also we could find out and share information. It was great!”

Heidy Zabarburu, Angel Ochoa and Liliana Elena (F2).

Crossword (Answers)Shakespeare’s Life• By Renzo Chávez and Frank Pachas, Monterrico


ACROSS2. Julius Caesar5. New Globe Theatre8. Stratford-upon-Avon9. Macbeth

DOWN1. Romeo Juliet3. Anne Hathaway4. Holy Trinity Church6. Othello7. Midsummer8. Stage

Sara Chavieri, Infants 3. Gianina Segura, K03. Selma Cunza, J04.


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7CumpleañosFelicitamos a todo el personal que cumple años en el mes de junio del 2009:

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Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo

Giuliana Jaramillo (S.B.), Martha Castillo (Su.)

Selma Sotomayor (Mo.)

Cory Florez (C.Ext.), Yenifer Olivas (Mo.), Celia Aguirre (S.B.), Aldo Zubiate (S.M.)

Francisco Leandro (Adm.), José Luis Angulo (L.J.), Catalina Ynfante (Mo.), Janet Sánchez (S.B.)

Belinda Cajas (S.M.)

Roberto Alvarado (P.L.), Sara Donayre (Su.)

Idina Letona (C.Ext.), Maria Arias (Su.)

Maria Medina (L.J.), Clidy Chávez (L.J.)

Gleni Carrera (S.B.)

Claudia Campos (S.B.)1

Yahaira López (S.B.)

Ernesto Falcón (S.B.), Nancy Isa (Su.)

Linda Martínez (Adm.)

Rubén Cárdenas (L.J.), Ricardo Castellano (Adm.)

Víctor González (S.B.)

Liliana Pederzoli (Adm.), Verónica Martínez (P.L.)

Luis Pereda (S.I.) Jennifer Angulo (S.B.), Sergio Diaz (S.I.), Gonzalo Cantt (S.I.)

Maria Tejada (Su.)

Sandra Ñañez (Su.)

Carmen Pacheco (Su.)

Martha Miranda (Mo.), Juana Brousset (Mi.), Arminda Balboa (S.B.)

Natalia O’Brien (Mo.), Allison Lagos (P.L.), Ana Lozano (Mo.), Patricia Palao (P.L.), Libia Fernández (S.M.)

Alicia Medrano (P.L.), Gladys Villegas (S.M.)

Narda Noel (L.J.), Carlos Amico (P.L.), Ana Chamochumbi (S.B.), Rosina Dávila (S.I.), María Rojas (S.M.)

Juver Cotera (Ca.)

David Castillo (S.M.), Pedro Florez (S.I.)

Fabiola Pardo (S.I.)


Oasis in Lima• By María Angélica Pérez, Lima Teacher

Lima has been honoured with the visit of some great performers and bands in the last months and one of these was the British rock band “Oasis” who gave a successful performance on the 30th of April. At BRITÁNICO Lima we had a session called “singing with Oasis” with our students. They were invited not only to sing but also to learn some techniques to improve their pronunciation and listening skills through songs. In this session, our students showed how much they like and know about this popular band by answering a quiz and singing their songs with great enthusiasm.


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Celebración del Día del Trabajo

San Miguel


El jueves 30 de abril celebramos el Día del Trabajo.


San Borja

Celebración del Día de la MadreEl viernes 8 de mayo festejamos con todas las madres del BRITÁNICO.

New BabiesFelicitamos a Carolina Molina, cajera/recepcionista del centro de San Isidro, por dar a luz a Álvaro. Asimismo, felicitamos a Vanessa Ríos, profesora del centro de Surco, y a Hernán Chamorro, profesor del centro de San Borja, por el nacimiento de Luciana María y Matías Sebastián, respectivamente.

En el sentido del reloj: San Miguel, San Borja, Clientes Externos, Administración, San Isidro, Monterrico, Camacho, Lima y Los Jardines.


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Tiempo libre• Elvira Guzmán, Encargada de Actividades


Una vez más, se abrieron las puertas de los talleres de manualidades de nuestro programa Tiempo libre para recibir a entusiastas alumnos interesados en participar en diversas y atractivas propuestas que se les ofreció este mes. Como ya es característico para la ejecución de cada sesión, los materiales y accesorios son proporcionados por el BRITÁNICO, y los asistentes retribuyen esta acción con su mejor esfuerzo.

Dimos inicio a estas actividades visitando el centro de Surco, donde preparamos un cuadro con una novedosa técnica que consistía en pintar hojas naturales para luego componer distintas y coloridas formas, que sorprendió gratamente a sus creadores por los logros obtenidos. Después estuvimos en el centro de Lima, y trabajamos un práctico portacelular de mesa, para lo cual los participantes pintaron una caja de trupán, y luego cosieron y ensamblaron un simpático muñeco para alegría de ellos. Ya en el centro de San Isidro, se creó mucha expectativa por la preparación de un delicioso postre: pie de guanábana, y el resultado fue muy agradable, pues satisfizo el exigente paladar de nuestros estudiantes. Una jornada muy reveladora tuvimos en Pueblo Libre, donde los participantes no solo produjeron sus calidoscopios, sino que también crearon variedad de bellos diseños en papel con estampados multicolores que podrán utilizarlos en diversas aplicaciones. Terminamos nuestro recorrido en Los Jardines, con una clase de bisutería, en la que las asistentes elaboraron un vistoso juego de collar y aretes, aprendieron una técnica muy sencilla y se apresuraron en lucir sus bellas prendas.

La artesanía nos ofrece inagotables recursos para poder crear y expresarnos de distintas formas. Este programa les brinda esa oportunidad y se encuentra a disposición de ustedes todos los meses. Una vez más, los invitamos a participar en estas mágicas sesiones.


Los Jardines,


San Isidro,Pie de guanábana.


Portacelular de mesa.

Surco,Preparando un cuadro.


Preparando un cuadro.

p prlos en en Los

Pie de

San Isidro,

Pie de guanábana.


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A number of years ago (lots of people know how many…but I won’t tell), I started studying at the BRITÁNICO. It was very different from my previous English learning experience: my teachers enjoyed their work!! … So, after completing my advanced courses, I started working as a teacher in the Miraflores branch to try an activity that was so different from my university studies (dentistry!!)… Having a nice boss and colleagues made me think about making a career at this great institution, so I did.

It has been three years now since I started being Head of San Borja branch. The basic organisation seemed to be similar to other centres but then you realize that each group of people has different characteristics. San Borja could be summarized as an amazing centre: Qualified, enthusiastic teachers (extremely kind and polite I should say), very participative students, and super smart, savvy, dedicated staff (deputies & administrative personnel). It is truly a joy working with each of them… With all these professional people at my side my job becomes easy and enjoyable… I am very lucky!!

What I like best about my job• By César Rivas Plata, Head of Centre



We have had a good number of achievements in San Borja: a steadily increasing number of students, the ISO certification and the possibility of giving the best conditions for the comfort and security of our students and workers. I share all these goals with my colleagues.

So -going back to the title of this article- I can say that what I like best about my job is the people I work with and the full range of opportunities the BRITÁNICO has given me in all the years I have worked here. It is sometimes tough work with long days, but I have learned to love it for what it is.

Would you like to be part of our team one day?

When I first started teaching the advanced level here at the BRITÁNICO, I knew I was in for a bewildering yet exciting adventure. I knew that a heavy weight had been placed upon my shoulders and it was up to me to step up and accept the challenge.

Teaching advanced students: What a challenge!• By Martha Lynch




1997• By Gina García,

Deputy Head of Centre

How long have you been studying at BRITÁNICO San Borja? How much do you know about this language school? What about the staff? How much has it changed? You will find some very interesting and surprising information in this article.

Let’s go back in time… 1997. In that year, operations in San Borja started. Not only did students have a new place to study and learn one of the most fascinating languages in the world, but also, they found a new place to share experiences, ideas and most importantly, culture.

However, this centre now is very different from that time. There are 36 spacious classrooms, specially designed to hold 25 students each and create the most comfortable learning atmosphere. Our reception desk is one of the biggest too and of course, each receptionist is willing to help you whenever you need.

Other facilities that our branch offers you are a well-equipped Self Access Centre with a great variety of books, readers and reference books as well as CDs and videos to help you improve and develop your skills in your learning process; our auditorium, where students can be witnesses to some of the most interesting plays, concerts and other artistic events; and finally, the cafeteria where you can have a snack after enriching lessons.

Last but not least, our teachers are,really committed, responsible and professional people whose work is dedicated to all of you.

Here in San Borja, our goal is to provide our students with everything you need: a nice place to study and make friends, teachers that will guide you in your learning process and most of all, offering you a first-class service.


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Working as a team!!• Staff Administrativo

Hace dos años atrás, la Alta Gerencia del BRITÁNICO decidió trabajar para obtener el Certificado ISO 9001: 2000... ¡Todo un reto!

En ese entonces, para nosotros, como para la mayoría de colaboradores de la Asociación, el tema no era tan conocido, por lo que tuvimos un curso de inducción.

Es así que en setiembre del 2007, fruto de una dedicación constante, logramos obtener exitosamente la ansiada Certificación. No quisiéramos dejar de mencionar que a partir de esa fecha, venimos trabajando con el mismo compromiso de garantizar una adecuada y eficiente atención a nuestros alumnos, tratando en todo momento de superar sus expectativas.

Observing Lessons… Why???• By Jeannette Jiménez, Deputy Head of Centre

You must have seen my colleagues or me entering your classrooms, sitting in a corner and writing down what is happening during the lesson. This is one of the main responsibilities -my favourite one I would say- Heads and Deputy heads of centre have in order to promote professional growth.

During these visits, students show different reactions: some of them invite me to work with them -thinking I am a latecomer-, others keep quiet thinking I am observing and evaluating them, and the most daring ask me questions such as: “Excuse me, how do you say…?”

Seeing students enjoying their lessons and being totally involved, using the language effectively and witnessing how well prepared BRITÁNICO teachers are is a highly rewarding experience especially when they put into practice what has been suggested on the basis of previous observations.

The only purpose of these visits is to maintain the quality of lessons at all BRITÁNICO branches in order to show our students how professional and devoted to teaching our teachers are.

Students are trusting you to guide them through the arduous process of mastering the language and that is what makes it become a challenge, a learning challenge. But you must remain

calm and start by sizing up where we stand in the different learning skills: Reading, Grammar, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Of course, in every group you’ll encounter strengths as well as weaknesses. Since most of the advanced students are looking forward to the FCE, we must try to turn those weaknesses into strengths and those strengths into sharp knowledge tools.

Also as a teacher it is necessary to sharpen our skills and expand our knowledge bank in order to give the proper advice and guidance. Helping students with exercises from the book is always great but it never hurts to think outside the book for a moment and look up additional material to help understand a specific problem.

Teaching advanced courses is definitely a hard task for both students and teachers. That is why teachers should praise their students if they do well as well as encouraging them to keep trying to overcome those tougher areas. As for the teacher, nothing is better praise than watching your students receive an FCE diploma or maybe go to the UK also!

Believe in your students and they won´t let you down• By Juan Allauca, Teacher

As teachers, we should be innovative enough to broaden the range of our activities as well as being supportive and resourceful in order to back students up and provide help. At the same time, it’s essential to enable students to work on their own to develop autonomy and take some responsibility for this ongoing learning process. In addition, it’s worth creating a motivating, disciplined, businesslike atmosphere in class so that they can work more industriously. Keeping this in mind and assuming that the sky is the limit, I involved my Advanced 4 group in an activity called “The Hat Parade”. Having sold the idea to the students, we agreed to join forces and, without sophisticated resources but with loads of enthusiasm, prepared a successful show. During the show we could witness lively students wearing snazzy hats and chatting excitedly about what they had done to turn plain hats into designs which were all the rage. By the end of the show, not only there was a feeling of achieving something worthwhile but students were exposed to a different approach to learning and success was reinforced.

For this reason, bear in mind that students can do wonders, just give them a try.

inicio de ciclo diario y sabatino fin de ciclo feriados

(F) Superintensivo (D) Diario (A/B) Interdiarios (S) Sabatinos

Inicio de ClasesFechas de matrícula y precios de los cursos



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BRITÁNICO NEWS. Es una publicación de la Asociación Cultural Peruano Británica. Editado por el Área de Marketing Dirección Av. Arequipa 3445, San Isidro. Teléfono 615 3434. Hecho el depósito legal Registro No. 98 -3437.

Approach applied at the BRITÁNICO• By Gleni Carrera, Teacher

The communicative approach applied at the BRITÁNICO focuses on students rather than on teachers. My students’ contribution is an

important factor in their own development in the learning process. I regard my role as a teacher as someone who orientates, motivates, and helps them to take on responsibility for their own learning inside and outside the classroom.

Work hard, teach right• By Jorge Tafur, Teacher

Team spirit in San Borja is wonderful. There really is a sense of service from the heart and I can tell you without doubt that it is more than just a place to work; I really think of my colleagues and staff as my very own family.

As a BRITÁNICO teacher I am able to make people learn and enjoy doing so. I feel like an ambassador of good will always on stage (the classroom). Students can see that as a team we are united and have known for years the kind of service we give which makes them choose the BRITÁNICO as their permanent place to study English, thus becoming part of our extended family.

My role as a teacher• By Giovanni Quiroz, Teacher

Over the last 6 years as a teacher here at the BRITÁNICO, I have played multiple roles in my relationship with the students -as an organiser when I make my students get really involved in what they have to do in a lesson or as a controller when I need my students to pronounce correctly.

I strongly believe that as an English teacher I can’t make students good speakers (readers, writers, etc.) of English just by explaining English to them. I have the responsibility of being a motivator, a guide, a prompter, monitor, participant, etc., and of making my students be part of this active learning principle, providing a good environment for them and making English study as interesting and attractive as possible.

Undoubtedly, I love being part of this marvellous team called BRITÁNICO. Thanks a lot!!!

Just a teacher? I don’t think so!• By Graciela Chang, Teacher

After devoting myself to my line of work for over 10 years, I can claim that being a teacher is a multifaceted profession. Being an English teacher implies having lots of “personalities” -don’t be scared, not in a pathological way!- I’m a guide, counsellor, psychologist, model, frustrated actress, comedian, excellent mime artist, film director, judge, lawyer, detective, strict lieutenant, disc jockey and even a mediocre singer!

Am I not fortunate to have a job like this? One of my favourite activities in class is role play because the students practise what they’ve been learning and use it in real life situations. Here they have the chance of showing different “faces” too. When I watch them improvising creative, funny conversations and enjoying themselves, I can confess that this is one of the reasons why I do what I do.

“What do you do?” people ask me. “I’m an English teacher,” I answer. “How interesting! Where do you work?” they say. “BRITÁNICO San Borja,” I say proudly. “Wow!” they exclaim in admiration. And that’s how I feel to belong to this wonderful team, BRITÁNICO San Borja, my second home.

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