zapp ingles coloquial globalisation

© Zapp! English eBook by 1 Colloquial 3.9 Zapp! English podcasts by Inglé Inglé Colloquial English / Level 3 Unit 9 - Globalisation Sobre este eBook Este eBook se usa junto con el audio que se puede descargar en Inglé . Si tiene comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visite nuestra página web: valoramos mucho su opinión. ¡Buena suerte! Katie y Tom

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Zapp Ingles Coloquial Globalisation


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Colloquial English / Level 3 Unit 9 - Globalisation

Sobre este eBook

Este eBook se usa junto con el audio que se puede descargar en Inglé Si tiene comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visite nuestra página web: valoramos mucho su opinión. ¡Buena suerte! Katie y Tom

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Introduction In this unit you’re going to learn colloquial expressions using words related to the word, world and related to globalisation. Remember, colloquial expressions are informal – use them with your friends, but not in more formal situations.

Colloquial Expressions Task 1 KATIE: OK, so I’m back in the park, with Cathy.

CATHY: Hello Katie.

KATIE: Hi there. And now we’re going to be playing a bit of a game, where I try and get Cathy to guess colloquial expressions. And this time, the colloquial expressions are...well the unit is globalisation so they’re kind of about that, but they’re also about expressions about the world, or using the word world, very often.

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: OK. So let’s see how many you can get.

CATHY: Let’s see.

KATIE: So...erm, right...if you have...a lot of experience...

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: Maybe because of the kind of life you’ve lived. Er maybe you’ve travelled a lot and seen a lot. Erm...we can say you’re very...worldly...

CATHY: Worldly...hmm...wise?



KATIE: Worldly wise, yeah, worldly wise. So, if you had erm never been away from your hometown, would we describe you as worldly wise?

CATHY: No, no.

KATIE: No. And, usually is it easier to be worldly wise if you’re older or younger do you think?

CATHY: I think it’s easier if you’re older. You’ve had more experiences, seen more people.

KATIE: Exactly, so it will be easier for you to be worldly wise.

CATHY: Yeah.

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KATIE: OK. Ah, next one, using the word world. Er...imagine you are, fast, fast, fast asleep. Ok and I can’t wake you up.


KATIE: I could say, oh she’s completely (mm) to the world.

CATHY: Hmm, she’s completely...dead to the world?


CATHY: Ah-ha. OK.

KATIE: Dead to the world. You won’t get any sense out of her she’s dead to the world. Is that one you would use.

CATHY: No. I don’t think so, I would say she’s completely...knocked out, but that doesn’t have world with it, but yeah.

KATIE: But the same meaning.

CATHY: Yeah exactly. Like unconscious, oblivious to everything.

KATIE: Perfect. Good. OK, now what about if you’re, sort of, you’re dreaming, like you’re daydreaming.

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: And erm, I’m talking to you, but really...nothing that I say is going into your ears.

CATHY: Ah-ha.

KATIE: We could say you’re in a world...

CATHY: I would say, you’re in another world.

KATIE: Yeah, exactly, we could say that. Or we could say, in your own world.


KATIE: Your own little world.

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: OK, so erm, dreaming away, in your own world or your phrase...

CATHY: In another world.

KATIE: Perfect.

CATHY: I would also say you’re spaced out.

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KATIE: Yes, that’s a good one. Yep. OK, another expression with the word world. Erm, what about if you think somebody is really fantastic, you really admire them?

CATHY: Mmm hmm. I would say that...I could say for people or things that they’re out of this world.

KATIE: Oh that’s another one. We’re learning lots of new ones here. Yeah, out of this world means like...

CATHY: Amazing, fabulous.

KATIE: Yeah. What about for a person though. Like erm, you really admire them, and they’re very important to you. You could say, oh I think...

CATHY: The world of them.

KATIE: Yeah. Exactly.

CATHY: Yeah.

KATIE: Yeah. So...I don’t know, you...who might you think the world of?

CATHY: My mom.

KATIE: Yes. Yes I would say the same thing. Oh I think the world of my mum.

CATHY: Yeah, exactly.

KATIE: Great. OK. And...this difficult to describe, because I’ll give you the answer but...

CATHY: OK. (laughter)

KATIE: Erm, if I do something, erm, and it makes things a lot better or a lot easier for you...

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: So, they’re different. We can say, oh that’s made a...

CATHY: A world of a difference.

KATIE: Yes exactly.

CATHY: Yeah.

KATIE: Yeah, a world of a difference. Erm, example might be...the weather, in Spain, has made a world of a difference to my mood.

CATHY: Yeah. That’s a good one. Yeah, or let’s see what else. I just, I’ve been doing a lot of Spanish bureaucracy, paperwork recently and I’ve had some friends, who have helped me. And I think I just said the other day, actually that’s made a world of a difference to have some help.

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CATHY: And not do it alone.

KATIE: Yeah, that’s a perfect example. OK, what have we got left, here? How about...erm...let’s imagine that erm, we’ve both been working really hard, like imagine you’ve been working ten hour days, OK, and I come to you and I say, “Oh God, I’m really...I really am working so hard at the moment.” Now the situation for you, is exactly the same.

CATHY: Right.

KATIE: So you might say – huh! Welcome...

CATHY: To my world.


CATHY: Mmm yeah.

KATIE: Exactly. So when do we use that? When...

CATHY: Erm...when do we use that? Well exactly, when...when you’re a little bit annoyed maybe, and you want someone to notice that you’ve been doing the same thing or you’ve been, in this case working hard, or...

KATIE: Yeah, yeah. So it’s like a way of saying, well, my life’s always like that.

CATHY: Right, exactly.

KATIE: Welcome to my world.

CATHY: Yeah.

KATIE: OK. Have we done them all? I think we have.


KATIE: Perfect. OK. Let’s have a little break.

CATHY: OK. Sounds good.

Meaning and Pronunciation 1 So let’s check you are clear on the meaning of those, and do a little work on pronunciation. Try and answer the questions or finish my sentence, and then repeat when you hear the beep.

I go to try and wake my friend up, but he’s very drunk and I can’t wake him. He’s…

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dead to the world

dead to the world (beep) You won’t wake him, he’s dead to the world. (beep)

I really admire her, I think she’s great. I think….

the world of her.

I think the world of her. (beep) I think the world of her. (beep)

A very big difference is a…

a world of difference

a world of difference (beep)

Moving closer to the city has made a world of difference to our life. (beep)

What are you thinking about? You’re in a…

a world of your own

a world of your own (beep) She didn’t hear you, she’s in a world of her own. (beep)

What’s another way to say that you understand someone’s situation, because yours is just as bad? Welcome…

Welcome to my world.

Welcome to my world. (beep) Welcome to my world. (beep)

He’s had a lot of experiences in his life, he’s very…

worldly wise

worldly wise (beep) He’s very worldly wise (beep)

Colloquial Expressions Task 2

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KATIE: So, shall we have a go at the…the last four.

CATHY: OK, sounds good, let’s go.

KATIE: Right, erm, what would you say…if erm…somebody came to the park now…

CATHY: Mmm hmm.

KATIE: …a friend of yours…

CATHY: Ah-ha.

KATIE: And it turned out that they also knew me?

CATHY: Ahh. I would say, what a coincidence.

KATIE: Yes, and why would it be a coincidence? Because you and I are from different countries…

CATHY: Right.

KATIE: So we might say, oh, it’s a…

CATHY: Small world.

KATIE: Yeah. Oh wow, it’s a small world, you know each other too!

CATHY: Yeah.

KATIE: Yeah. So erm…we usually use this when um, there’s a coincidence about people knowing each other.

CATHY: Yes exactly or if you run into someone on the street, that you haven’t seen or they…they’re in a place that you don’t usually see them. Mmm hmm.

KATIE: Wow, it’s a small world.

CATHY: Yeah.

KATIE: You’re here and I’m here. Yeah, OK great. And what about an expression with the word, world, erm…that says someone or something is very important to you, really really important. It means…

CATHY: It means the world to me.

KATIE: Yeah. Exactly.

CATHY: Yeah. So erm, I could say this…it’s really important, and er, I’m very happy that you’re here, doing the recording, it means the world to me...

CATHY: Yeah.

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KATIE: ...that we have…er such a great person to have this conversation with.

CATHY: Mmm hmm. Well thank you! (laughter)

KATIE: You’re welcome.

CATHY: Yeah and I think, you know, I was thinking of a good example…on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving lunch with my family, it means the world to me to have my whole family together eating together.

KATIE: That’s a great example. Yeah. OK. Now then…erm…we looked before, erm in another episode, at er…the world is your oyster. Erm meaning, you’re in a really good situation, you can do anything that you want. There’s another expression with world, when…it’s like you’re…you’re in control, anything is possible for you. We can say, the world is…

CATHY: The world is…hmm…


CATHY: At your feet.



KATIE: So you can say…sorry go on.

CATHY: No, no, continue.

KATIE: Erm, so we could say, oh he’s got the world at his feet.

CATHY: Uh-huh.

KATIE: You know everything is possible for him at this time.

CATHY: Right. Exactly. He has…he has the power…

KATIE: Yeah.

CATHY: …of the world. (laughter) Yes...

KATIE: Good. OK. And erm, I think maybe you already said this one. But this is when somebody is in a dream. It’s like mentally, they’re in a different place.

CATHY: Right. They’re…

KATIE: So it’s not about the world but a…

CATHY: In a cloud.

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KATIE: Erm…you could say that, but I’m thinking, on another planet.

CATHY: Ah yes, mm hmm. I think we do say that, yeah you’re on another planet. You’re completely not…think…your mind is not where you are, at all.

KATIE: Yeah. Mmm hmm. Or you say some very strange things, that we wouldn’t expect you to…you know, we’re talking about one thing and you talk about something completely different…

CATHY: Yeah, ah-huh.

KATIE: …I would say, she’s on another planet!

CATHY: Yeah, yeah. Mmmhmm. People say that to me a lot. (laughter)

KATIE: Well I think you’ve been very present because you’ve guessed all four so well done.

CATHY: Oh great.

Meaning and Pronunciation 2 So – let’s check those last ones. As usual, answer any questions and repeat after the beep.

If someone is always in a dream or has lots of crazy ideas, we say they are…

on another planet

on another planet (beep) He’s on another planet most of the time. (beep)

If you see someone from your home country when you are abroad on holiday, what might you say?

It’s a small world.

It’s a small world. (beep) It’s a small world. (beep)

What was the expression that shows something or someone is very, very important in your life.

to mean the world to someone

He means the world to me. (beep) He means the world to me. (beep)

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And last one – when you are in a brilliant position and can do anything you want. You…

have the world at your feet

to have the world at your feet (beep) to have the world at your feet (beep)

Summary You should feel a lot more confident in understanding and using ten new colloquial expressions related to globalization or the word world. Brilliant.

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Extra Materials


1 = Informal, pero puede ser usada en conversaciones con la mayoría de las personas y en casi todas las situaciones.

2 = Informal, es mejor usarla solamente en situaciones muy informales y con gente que conozcas muy bien.

3 = Ten cuidado! Muy informal y puede ofender a algunas personas. No la utilices cuando estés cerca de tu suegra!!!

to be worldly-wise (1) – to have a lot of experience in the world

in a world of your own (1) – to be unaware of what is happening around you

dead to the world (1) – cannot be woken up

to think the world of someone (1) – to greatly admire and love someone

welcome to my world (2) – now you understand that this is my usual situation, not only yours

a world of difference (1) – a big difference

small world (1) - say this when you see someone miles away from where they would normally be, and seeing them is a coincidence

to have the world at your feet (1) – to be in control and be able to do anything you want

on another planet (2) - to think in a very different and slightly strange way to other people, or to have no idea what is happening around you

spaced out (1) – Atontado o drogado.

out of this world (1) – Impresionante, increíble.

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Practice Exercise 1

Match a number (1-6) with a letter (a – f).

1. I’m sorry, what did you say? I was

2. I can’t wake him up, he’s completely

3. It’s such a small world – I can’t

4. My mother is a really amazing woman,

5. I had such a long day, I’m tired out.

6. She’s not very worldly-wise

a) believe you are here too!

b) Welcome to my world!

c) in a world of my own.

d) she’s worked in the same small shop for ten years.

e) dead to the world.

f) I think the world of her.

Practice Exercise 2

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. He’s amazing, I think the world to him.

2. He’s got the world at his foot.

3. He’s on the other planet.

4. Welcome to the world!

5. Living nearer my family has made a world different.

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Extra Materials - Answers

Practice Exercise 1

1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. d

Practice Exercise 2

1. He’s amazing, I think the world to of him.

2. He’s got the world at his foot feet.

3. He’s on the other another planet.

4. Welcome to the my world!

5. Living nearer my family has made a world different of difference.