modelo juego ficha

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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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Modelo juego ficha



Materials: sticks elastic and light, white round ball of plastic. Space: Indoor

N of participants: 6 per team (5 players and the goalkeeper)Length of the game: 15 minutes

Development: The floorball or unihockey is a team sport, practiced on trackcover. The goal is to put a plastic ball into the goalotherwise using a light cane. Both teams have five players anda janitor at the track. Floorball rules are quite similar to thoseIce hockey, with some obvious differences. Is afast game, and is popular as a competitive sport as well as formaintain fitness.Variants: The infiltrate: teams of 3-6 players. A ball per team. It is played on a field divided into two areas; two teams, one to each field, except for an infiltrator from each group were placed on opposite face area. The team that has the ball hits his infiltrated passes while others avoid it. If the pass is achieved scores a point if it is intercepted passes to attack the other team.

IntroductionThe floorball or unihochey is relatively young. Its origin can be placed in the fifties and in the US, as derived from the practice ice hockey adapted so young. The first championship was held in Michigan (USA) in 1962. In a few years it was sold widely in other countries like Canada and acquired its own characteristics as a sport, with different technical and tactical aspects of ice hockey.At the end of the sixties the floorball was introduced in Sweden becoming very popular in schools and among young athletes. Such success carries born in 1981 Swedish International Floorball Federation (IFF).Gradually, the game is spreading in countries like Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium. Today there are more than 19 countries that belong to the IFF, where the organization promotes the various international competitions.In Spain, was implanted in schools within PE classes. It would be in 1998 when the Spanish association of floorball is constituted with the aim of structuring, organizing and promoting this new sport in our country.

Adrin Cano Yepes