marzo 1, 2006 se retira el jefe …

FREE | GRATIS Rumbo Pages in English 13-27 STAY TUNED… CROSSOVER WILL BE BACK SOON WWW.RUMBONEWS.COM EDICIÓN NO. 236 AÑO 11 MARZO 1, 2006 a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro a un mejor futuro SE RETIRA EL JEFE MARQUIS RACHA DE FUEGOS EN LAWRENCE Broadway Liquors, en el 434 de la Broadway, se incendió el jueves 23 de febrero. TOO MANY FIRES IN LAWRENCE Broadway Liquors, 434 Broadway, in Lawrence, went on fire Thursday, February 23. El Jefe de Bomberos Joseph L. Marquis, después de anunciar su retiro durante una conferencia de prensa en la oficina del Alcalde Michael J. Sullivan. CHIEF MARQUIS RETIRES Fire Chief Joseph L. Marquis, after announcing his retirement during a press conference at Mayor Michael J. Sullivan’s office. WWW RUMBONEWS.COM VISITA NUESTRA NUEVA PÁGINA DE INTERNET VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE En ocasión de celebrarse un aniversario más de la independencia de su país, los dominicanos izaron su bandera en Lawrence. DOMINICANS RAISED THEIR FLAG On the occasion of their country’s independence, local Dominicans raised their flag. LOS DOMINICANOS IZARON SU BANDERA Representantes anuncian asistencia para primeros compradores de Casa en Lawrence Página 4 Professional staff resign from Workforce Investment Board Page 16 CELEBRATING IRISH HERITAGE MONTH ValleyWorks Career Center Ofrece Programas de Entrenamientos Mientras Trabaja Página 13 El Honorable Dominico Cabral, Cónsul General de la Republica Dominicana en Boston recibió una proclama del alcalde de Lawrence Michael J. Sullivan. Detrás el Representante Estatal William Lantigua (D-Lawrence).

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 1FREE | GRATIS

Rumbo Pages in English 13-27



EDICIÓN NO. 236 • AÑO 11 • MARZO 1, 2006 a un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuroa un mejor futuro


RACHA DE FUEGOS EN LAWRENCEBroadway Liquors, en el 434 de la Broadway, se incendió el jueves 23 de febrero.

TOO MANY FIRES IN LAWRENCE Broadway Liquors, 434 Broadway, in Lawrence, went on fire Thursday, February 23.

El Jefe de Bomberos Joseph L. Marquis, despuésde anunciar su retiro durante una conferencia deprensa en la oficina del Alcalde Michael J. Sullivan.

CHIEF MARQUIS RETIRES Fire Chief Joseph L.Marquis, after announcing his retirement during apress conference at Mayor Michael J. Sullivan’soffice.




En ocasión de celebrarse un aniversario más de laindependencia de su país, los dominicanos izaron su

bandera en Lawrence.

DOMINICANS RAISED THEIR FLAG On theoccasion of their country’s independence, local

Dominicans raised their flag.


Representantesanuncianasistencia paraprimeroscompradores deCasa enLawrence

Página 4

Professional staffresign fromWorkforceInvestmentBoard

Page 16



ValleyWorks CareerCenter Ofrece Programasde EntrenamientosMientras Trabaja

Página 13

El Honorable Dominico Cabral, Cónsul General de la Republica Dominicana en Boston recibió una proclama del alcalde de LawrenceMichael J. Sullivan. Detrás el Representante Estatal William Lantigua (D-Lawrence).

Page 2: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

2 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006


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Rumbo is a bilingual newspaperpublished in Lawrence,

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A dejar de usarcalentadores

Recientemente, la Ciudad de Lawrence ha estadoplagada de incendios. Demasiados y muy cerca uno delotro en distancia y fechas, lo cual hace la imaginación irse ala deriva preguntándose: ¿Premeditado? ¿Accidental?¿Ignorancia? ¿Descuido? Por suerte, según elDepartamento de Bomberos, no consideran pirotecnia lacausa de los cuatro más recientes fuegos que dejaron a 50personas sin hogar y la pérdida de un comercio en el períodode dos semanas.

En su lugar, los calentadores (eléctricos o decombustible) han sido hallados culpables. Eso deja quepuedan ser accidentes, ignorancia y descuido en el uso deestos artefactos, como la causa de los fuegos. Accidentesdebido a la falta de cuidado y una buena porción deignorancia.

No ha sido el intenso frío sino el alto costo del petróleolo que ha motivado a estos inquilinos a usar los calentadoressin seguir las instrucciones sobre su uso apropiado. En cuantoa las instrucciones, las del Departamento de Incendios estánmuy claras: ¡No use estos calentadores!

Let’s stop usingspace heaters!Recently, the City of Lawrence has been plagued with

fires. Too many and too close to each other in distance anddates, that makes people’s imagination run wild wondering:Arson? Accident? Ignorance? Carelessness? Fortunately,according to the Fire Department, arson has being ruled outas the cause in all of the four recent fires that have left 50people homeless and a loss of a business within two weeks.

Instead, space heaters (whether electric or otherwise)have been found guilty on all counts. That leaves accident,ignorance, and carelessness in the use of these artifacts, asthe cause of the fires. Accidents due to lack of care and agood amount of ignorance.

Not cold weather but the sky-high cost of fuel hasprobably motivated these tenants to use the space heaterswithout following the instructions about their use. As far asinstructions are concerned, the ones from the FireDepartment are clear: Don’t use space heaters!

CARTAS AL EDITOR | LETTERS TO THE EDITORRUMBO 315 Mt. Vernon Street, Lawrence MA 01843Email: [email protected]

Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de largo. Favor de incluirun número de teléfono o dirección electrónico para confirmar quién laenvía.

Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please send a telephonenumber or email address by which we may confirm the sender.

Por Alberto Surís

Cuando las memorias de frecuentes fuegos enLawrence comenzaban a disiparse, llegó febrero 2006como recuerdo de cuan cruel puede ser una tragediade tal magnitud. Justo, en un período de dos semanas,tres casas fueron dañados, dejando a 50 familias sinhogar y un negocio tuvo que cerrar sus puertas,aparentemente por el uso impropio de un calentadoreléctrico.

El miércoles, 14 de febrero, 16 personas tuvieronque abandonar su hogar debido a un fuego en el 35de la Calle Bennington. Tres días después, el 17 defebrero, fueron 7 personas las evacuadas de su casaen el 121 de la Melvin Street y más tarde, el martes21, la casa situada en la esquina de las calles Marginy Lowell ardió hasta los cimientos. El último de laserie fue Broadway Liquors, en el 434 de Broadway,el jueves, febrero 23.

Calentadores eléctricos o decombustible

Cuando se usa indebidamente, un calentadoreléctrico o de combustible, puede ser el artículo máspeligroso en su casa o lugar de trabajo.

No use extensiones eléctricas con calentadoreseléctricos. El alto voltaje necesario para operarlopuede derretir el cordón de la extensión y ocasionarun fuego.

No deje desatendidos los calentadores eléctricos

By Alberto Surís

When memories of frequent fires in Lawrencebegan to fade away, came February 2006 as a reminderof how cruel a tragedy of this magnitude can be. Justwithin two weeks, three homes were destroyed,leaving 50 people homeless, and a business had toshut down, apparently because of the improper useof space heaters.

On Wednesday, February 14, 16 people had toabandon their home because of a fire at 35Bennington Street. Three days later, on February 17,7 people were evacuated from their house at 121Melvin Street and on Tuesday the 21st, the house atthe corner of Margin and Lowell Streets burnedalmost to the ground. The last one of the series wasBroadway Liquors, at 434 Broadway, on Thursday,February 23rd.

Space heatersUsed improperly, a space heater can be the most

dangerous appliance in your house or business.

Racha de fuegos enLawrence

y de combustible cuando usted no está en lahabitación.

Mantenga los calentadores por lo menos a trespies de cualquier objeto que pueda arder, incluyendola pared.

No importa el tipo de sistema de calefacción queusted tenga, debe instalar y mantener en buenascondiciones, por lo menos un detector de humo encada piso de su casa.

Lawrence plagued withfires

Don’t use extension cords with electrical spaceheaters. The high amount of current they require couldmelt the cord and start a fire.

Don’t leave space heaters operating when you’renot in the room.

Keep space heaters at least three feet away fromanything that might burn, including the wall.

Regardless of the type of heating system youhave, install and maintain at least one smoke detectorthat is in good working condition on each floor ofyour home.

February 21: 367- 369 Margin, corner of Lowell Street.27 people left homeless.


Visite la página de Internet del US ConsumerProduct Safety Comisión para esta y otraspublicaciones dirigidas a la protección delpúblico. Este y otros enlaces estándisponibles en nuestro página webrumbonews.comUS Consumer Product Safety Commissionhttp://www.cpsc.govTel. (800) 638-2772




FEB 21 367-369 MARGIN ST.



Page 3: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 3

By Alberto Surís

After 28 years of service with theLawrence Fire Department, three as FireChief, Joseph L. Marquis is retiring.

The announcement, made duringa press conference at City Hall, withLawrence Mayor Michael J. Sullivansitting next to him, Chief Marquisannounced that February 28 would behis last day at the helm. “After 28 yearsof service with the Lawrence FireDepartment I decided to retire. This wasplanned,” said Marquis.

Mayor Sullivan used theopportunity to praise the work of ChiefMarquis and the fact that during histenure fires in the city had decreased.“Under him, being the Chief, hisdepartment has seen the lowest amountof fires due to arson and it is becauseof the department being proactive,”said the mayor.

Sullivan also praised ChiefMarquis for being able to upgrade mostof the fire department equipment andaddressing the needs of the firestations as far as leaving quarters,bathrooms and kitchens, etc. “TheChief has given his life to the city for28 years and we wish him nothing butthe best in his retirement. It was achoice that he made,” said the mayor.

Chief Marquis made it clear thathis decision of retirement has nothingto do with the incident he and theMayor had several months ago whenhe, Marquis, had sent a letter toSullivan threatening him with criminalcharges if he, the mayor, did not resolvethe situation with the high school firealarm. Mayor Sullivan, in response,suspended Marquis for 5 days. “Thesuspension was, first postponed andlater discussed between the Mayor andme and now it’s a matter of the past.”

Chief Marquis said that he hasbeen planning his retirement for sometime now. Sixteen months ago, he toldall his Deputy Chiefs about his plansto retire and the need for all of them totake and pass a Fire Chief Test, a CivilService requirement for those whoaspire to becoming a Fire Chief. “Thefirst Deputy I asked was Jack Bergeron,the most senior of all, but he showedno interest,” said Marquis, whocontinued asking according to the listof seniority.

According to Chief Marquis,Deputies James Moffett and JohnMarsh were also asked but showed nointerest. “Only Senior Deputy ChiefPeter Takvorian and Captain RobertHiggins took the test. They bothpassed but Takvorian scored thehighest marks,” said Marquis andadded, “When I leave, Senior DeputyChief Peter Takvorian will becomeActing Fire Chief.”

Chief Marquis said that is up to

Se retira el Jefe MarquisPor Alberto Surís

Después de 28 años de servicio con elDepartamento de Bomberos de Lawrence,tres como Jefe del Departamento, Joseph L.Marquis se retira.

El anuncio, hecho durante unaconferencia de prensa en el ayuntamiento,con el Alcalde de Lawrence Michael J.Sullivan sentado a su lado, Chief Marquisanunció que el 28 de febrero sería su últimodía en ese cargo. “Después de 28 años deservicio con el Departamento de Bomberos,he decidido jubilarme. Esto estabaplaneado”, dijo Marquis.

El Alcalde Sullivan utilizó laoportunidad para alabar el trabajo de ChiefMarquis y que durante su mando losincendios en la ciudad se redujeron. “Bajosu mando, el departamento vio el númeromás bajo de incendios premeditados y estofue porque su departamento ha sidoproactivo”, dijo el alcalde.

Sullivan también anotó que el ChiefMarquis modernizó casi todo el equipo deldepartamento haciendo frente a lasnecesidades de los cuarteles de bomberosen cuanto a los dormitorios, baños ycocinas, etc. “El Chief ha dado su vida a laciudad por 28 años y le deseamos todo lomejor en su retiro. Eso es algo que él escogióhacer por su cuenta”, dijo el alcalde.

Chief Marquis explicó claramente quesu decisión de jubilarse no tiene nada quever con el incidente entre él y el alcalde haceunos meses cuando Marquis envió una cartaa Sullivan amenazándolo con cargoscriminales si el alcalde no lograba resolverla situación con la alarma de incendios de laescuela secundaria. El Alcalde Sullivan,entonces suspendió a Marquis por cincodías. “La suspensión fue primero pospuestay después discutida entre el alcalde y yo yahora es algo del pasado”.

Chief Marquis dijo que él estabaplaneando su retiro por mucho tiempo.Hace dieciséis meses él le dijo a losdiputados sobre sus planes de retirarse y lanecesidad de que todos ellos tomen ypasen el examen de Servicio Civil para Jefesde Bomberos, el cual es un requisito paratodo el que aspire a llegar a ser jefe de esedepartamento. “El primer diputado a quien

El Alcalde de Lawrence, Michael J. Sullivandeseó buena suerte al Jefe del Departamentode Incendios, Joseph L. Marquis en su retiro.

Lawrence Mayor Michael J. Sullivan wishinggood luck to retiring Fire Chief Joseph L.Marquis.

le pregunté fue Jack Bergeron, el que tienemás antigüedad, pero él no mostró ningúninterés”, dijo Marquis y continuópreguntando al resto según la lista deantigüedad.

Según Marquis, los Diputados JamesMoffett y John Marsh tampoco mostraroninterés. “Solamente el Senior Deputy ChiefPeter Takvorian y el Deputy Chief RobertHiggins lo tomaron. Ambos lo pasaron peroTakvorian obtuvo la major nota”, dijoMarquis añadiendo, “Cuando yo me vaya,Señor Deputy Chief Meter Takvorian seráel Jefe de Bomberos Suplente.”

Chief Marquis dice que es laresponsabilidad del alcalde nombrar alnuevo jefe de bomberos, pero que él harecomendado a ambos, el alcalde y alDirector de Personal de la Ciudad deLawrence, que escojan al que resulte con lamayor marca en el examen. “Yo no estoyrecomendando a nadie para la posición”,dijo el Chief. “Es muy difícil escoger entredos hombres excelentes. Lo que quierodecir es que para evitar favores políticos, elmanual dice que “escoja al que tenga lamejor calificación’ y yo siempre voy por loque el libro diga.”

“Yo puedo esperar 10 meses más hastaque cumpla los 55 años de edad y con mis32 años de servicio (28 en el Departamentode Incendio y 4 en el servicio militar) parapoder recibir la pensión máxima, pero ladiferencia no lo merita. Yo quiero estar listopara el verano”, dijo Marquis quien cuatroaños atrás perdió a su esposa y quierededicar su tiempo a su único hijo y nieto enNew Hampshire. “Yo he disfrutado cadaminuto que he pasado sirviendo a la ciudad.Este es un tipo de trabajo que hay que saberdisfrutarlo o no debe hacerlo.”

Marquis no tiene planes de mudarsede Haverhill donde vive, pero le gustaríacomprar una casa en un área cálida del paísdonde ir a pasar los inviernos. “Voy a tomarun descanso y montar mi motocicleta tanpronto como caliente la temperatura. Heestado en California dos veces, Michigan yOhio y ahora voy a buscar esta carretera”,dijo mirando una foto de una vía muypintoresca y bella que tiene en su oficina.“Me la regaló un amigo bombero. Es unacarretera en Arizona y he soñado con unviaje por ella desde que la vi.”




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“Yo puedo esperar 10meses más hasta quecumpla los 55 años deedad y con mis 32 añosde servicio (28 en elDepartamento deIncendio y 4 en elservicio militar) parapoder recibir la pensiónmáxima, pero ladiferencia no lo merita.Yo quiero estar listopara el verano”

Joseph L. Marquis





Page 4: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

4 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

Trabajando mano a mano con la Comunidad Latina

Three regulars at Sal’s restaurant inHaverhill: Frenchi Vidal, Alexis Rosarioand Carlos Erazo, were the firstcustomers at the restaurant.

Por Alberto Surís

Después de extensivasrenovaciones, abrió sus puertas de nuevola pizzería de Sal’s en Haverhill, con unapequeña diferencia. Usualmente, lossitios se inauguran cortando una cinta,en este caso, Sal Lupoli escogió algocomestible para cortar: una pizza.

En cuanto abrieron, los clientescomenzaron a llegar al popular restaurante



Sal’s reopen in HaverhillAfter extensive renovations, Sal’s Pizza Restaurant reopened in Haverhill

with a twist. Usually, inaugurations are announced with the cutting of aribbon. Sal Lupoli opted for something more edible, a large classic pizzastraight from the famous North End

As soon as they open, customers began to arrive at the popular eaterylocated at 95 Winter Street in Haverhill. One of them was Frenchi Vidal,owner of A&F Electrical Services, located around the block. “We have lunchhere every day”, said Vidal, who came accompanied by two of his workers,Alexis Rosario and Carlos Erazo.

localizado en el 95 de la Calle Winter, enHaverhill. Uno de ellos fue Frenchi Vidal,propietario de A&F E l e c t r i c a lServices localizado al doblar de laesquina. “Nosotros almorzamos aquítodos los días”, dijo Vidal, que estabaacompañado de dos de sus empleados,Alexis Rosario y Carlos Erazo.

Representantesanuncian asistenciapara primeroscompradores de Casaen Lawrence

Los Representantes Estatales DavidTorrisi (D-North Andover), Barry Finegold(D-Andover), y William Lantigua (D-Lawrence) anunciaron que Lawrencerecibirá $30,000 para ayudar a compradorespor vez primera para que califiquen para lahipoteca. Además, Community Teamwork,Inc., una agencia de vivienda sin fineslucrativos que ofrece una variedad deoportunidades de viviendas y otrosservicios a familias de bajos ingresos en elValle de Merrimack recibirá $125,000 haciaeste esfuerzo.

“Para mantenerse un estadoeconómicamente competitivo, necesitamoscontinuar construyendo más viviendas enMassachusetts y asegurar que estoshogares son asequibles a las familias deingreso bajo o moderado”, dijo elRepresentante Torrisi, presidente del Comitéante la Cámara para el DesarrolloComunitario y Pequeños Negocios. “Estaayuda hará realidad el acceso a la propiedadpara cientos de residentes en Lawrence quese enfrentan al alto costo de la vivienda.”

Estos fondos son parte de un programaestatal que es administrado por elDepartamento de Vivienda y DesarrolloComunitario junto a MassachusettsHousing Partnership Fund, una agenciasemi-privada. Estos préstamos combinanfondos privados y públicos para rebajar elcosto de los préstamos del propietariocombinando la primera hipoteca de un bancocon un segundo préstamo subsidiado porel estado. El dinero estatal será para el pagode los intereses en la segunda hipoteca porlos primeros diez años.

“Viviendas asequibles continúan siendouna necesidad imperiosa en Lawrence y através de todo el estado por muchasrazones”, dijo el Representante Lantigua.“Estos programas no solamente ayudarána los primeros compradores, sino quefortalecerán a nuestra comunidad y sueconomía.”

“Yo estoy consciente de cuan difícil esser propietario de una casa enMassachusetts. Estos son fondosnecesarios que serán puestos en buen uso

por estos primeros compradores”, dijo elRepresentante Finegold.

Contrario a los productos de cero pagode entrada, estos préstamos llamados SoftSecond requieren un tres por ciento deentrada y los compradores deben tomar elcurso de propietarios. Como resultado, lospagos delincuentes y los niveles dedesahucio son significativamente másbajos dentro del programa de Soft Secondque otros programas de préstamos. SoftSecond no reportó desahucios en el 2005 yha tenido solamente 27 en su historia. En el2005, hicieron 776 préstamos ysobrepasaron un total de 8,700 préstamosen todo el estado. El subsidio individualpara cada familia elegible varía dependiendode la entrada de la persona, pero por loregular el promedio es de unos $5,800 porpréstamo.

Sal Lupoli, President/CEO Sal’s Pizza, withheadquarters at 500Merrimack Street, inLawrence, hisgrandmother MaryLupoli, HaverhillMayor James J.Fiorentini, MVCC CEO/President, JosephBevilacqua, PhilMcCabe and JosephBevilacqua Jr.

“Yo estoy consciente decuan difícil es serpropietario de una casaen Massachusetts.Estos son fondosnecesarios que seránpuestos en buen uso porestos primeroscompradores”

Rep. Barry Finegold

“Estos programas nosolamente ayudarán alos primeroscompradores, sino quefortalecerán a nuestracomunidad y sueconomía.”

Rep. William Lantigua

Page 5: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 5

the mayor to appoint the new fire chief, butthat he has strongly recommended to both,the mayor and City of Lawrence PersonnelDirector Frank Bonet, to choose the one whohas the highest marks in the test. “I’m notrecommending anyone for the job,” said theChief. “It’s very difficult to choose betweentwo excellent men. What I’m saying is thatto avoid political appointments, the booksays, ‘chose the one with the highestqualifications,’ and I always go by thebook.”

“I could wait 10 more months, until Ibecome 55 and with my 32 years of service(28 in the Lawrence Fire Department and 4in the army) in order to get the maximumpension, but the difference is not worth it. Iwant to be ready for summer”, said Marquis,who 4 years ago lost his wife and wants tospend some quality time with his only sonand grandson in New Hampshire. “I’veenjoyed every minute I spent serving thecity. This is a job that you have to enjoy ordon’t do it.”

Marquis has no plans to move out ofHaverhill where he lives, but would like tobuy a winter home in a warmer section ofthe country. “I’m going to take a break for awhile and ride my bike around as soon as itgets warmer. I’ve been in California twice,Michigan, and Ohio and now I will belooking for this road,” said the Chief whilelooking at a picture of a beautiful,picturesque road hanging in his office. “Itwas given to me by a fellow firefighter. It’s aroad in Arizona and I’ve been dreaming totravel through it since I saw it.”


El Consulado General de México en Boston informa que, en colaboracióncon la Asociación Libre Mexicana de Central Falls y Progreso Latino, se

realizará el próximo sábado, 18 de marzo un Consulado Móvil en lasinstalaciones de Progreso Latino ubicado en el número 626 Broad Street en

Central Falls, Rhode Island de 9:00 a 11.00 AM.

Se podrán tramitar Pasaportes de 1 y 5 años, Matrículas Consulares yCartillas del Servicio Militar Nacional. También habrá especialistas en materia

migratoria y representantes de la Oficina de Nutrición y Alimentos queproporcionaran asesorías y orientación gratuitas además de un

representante del Bank of America para proporcionar información.

Para mayores informes, comunicarse con el Consulado General de México enBoston al teléfono (617) 426-4181 ext. 212 ó 214, Asociación Libre

Mexicana de Central Falls al (401) 722-6813 ó Progreso Latino al(401) 728-5920.



El Alcalde de Haverhill James J.Fiorentini anuncia que todos los empleadosmunicipales recibirán entrenamiento deservicio al consumidor. Merrimack ValleyFederal Credit Union se ha ofrecido aproveer el entrenamiento. Tracy Mermet,oficial al cargo de entrenamiento de recursoshumanos y Raichelle L. Kallery,

Servicio al ConsumidorBeneficiará a los EmpleadosMunicipales

vicepresidente asistente de mercadeoconducirán el programa.

El Alcalde Fiorentini dijo, “El servicioal consumidor ha sido una de las prioridadesde mi administración. Desde que yo toméposesión de mi cargo en el 2004 implementéun formulario para cada departamentopidiendo la opinión del público. Aunqueesto fue una herramienta muy efectiva encuanto a servicio al consumidor, pensé queun entrenamiento más profundo daría anuestros empleados los conocimientos paradar un servicio excepcional. Estoy muyagradecido a Merrimack Valley FederalCredit Union por la buena voluntad deproveer este entrenamiento a nuestrosempleados.”


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...”Estoy muy agradecido a Merrimack Valley FederalCredit Union por la buena voluntad de proveer esteentrenamiento a nuestros empleados”

Alcalde James J. Fiorentini

Page 6: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

6 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

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Según Vetilio AlfauDurán, en un trabajo titulado:

“Mujeres de laIndependencia”, la

primera bandera bordada—concebida deacuerdo al modelo de laque se expone” en el

juramento del 16 de julio de1938"— fue obra de las damas

Concepción Bona y Hernández, y Maríade Jesús y Benítez, hermana, esta última deltrinitario Pina, y según dicho autor, ésta fuela bandera que flotó en la noche del 27 defebrero de 1844.

Pese a todo, hay otras opiniones entorno al origen de la bandera. Según ThomasMadiou, todavía “el 26 (de febrero de 1844)los insurgentes no se habían aúnconcertado respecto del pabellón que iba aenarbolarse...” Se promovió una reunión,pero en la misma, no lograron ponerse deacuerdo.

En dicha reunión Joaquín Puellosometió, y según Madiou la mayoría lesecundó, que “se dejase la bandera haitianacomo enseña por dos razones: para evitarconflictos y segundo, para dejar que fueseel pueblo, reunido en constituyente, quieneligiese la bandera”. Uno de loscongregados (en la reunión) dijo:“pongámosle una cruz blanca”, lo que alpunto fue aceptado unánimemente. (TomásMadiou. Citado por Vetilio Alfau D. en

Historia de la BanderaDominicana

“Apuntes en torno al 27 de febrero de 1844).Hay quienes sostienen que el día del“trabucazo del Conde”, no hubo banderapara izar. Gabriel de Luna, un guardaalmacén, fue precipitadamente a su casay volvió con un pabellón haitiano, alque no hubo tiempo de ponerle la cruzblanca, como se convino”. Así ocurrióque, al momento de proclamarse laindependencia, la misma banderacobijaba a dos bandos en pugna(haitianos-dominicanos). Por esta razón lastropas haitianas enviadas para reprimir a losinsurgentes, no lo hicieron porque vieronsu bandera ondeada por dichos ciudadanos.Según Vetilio Alfau Durán, quien a su vezcita a José Gabriel García, los trinitariosplanteaban, desde el primer momento, lo“necesario (que) era dar a la enseña quedebía servir de símbolo de la nacionalidaddominicana, una significacióndiametralmente opuesta, ora escogiendopara formarla colores diferentes a los de labandera haitiana, ora combinado éstos conel color blanco. (José G. García “La ideaSeparatista”. Citado por Vetilio Alfau. Ob.cit.).Siguiendo el criterio más arriba citado,el Lic. Máximo Coiscou Henríquez, quienafirma que “ya para el 23 de diciembre delaño anterior (se tenía) concebido y descritoel pabellón de la nueva RepúblicaDominicana”.

Para probar la tesis de que alproclamarse la independencia nacional, ya

existía una bandera precisa y definida. AlfauDurán recurre al “testimonio (directo deSánchez) de que fue él, y no otro, quienplantara en el baluarte la bandera nacionalque había de significar nuestra eternaindependencia”.

Para Alfau Durán, en su enjundiosoensayo ya citado, quien dio pies a afirmarque “la bandera trinitaria... nunca existió”,fue Báez. A él “se debe la confusión que seintrodujo en las disposiciones de la banderay del escudo de armas de la República,deducciones más extravagantes a algunoshistoriadores ingenuos”. Todas lasmaniobras de Báez y sus seguidores seríansus raíces, según Alfau Durán, en sucarencia de fe en la “independencia pura ysimple”.

Para probar la tesis de queal proclamarse laindependencia nacional,ya existía una banderaprecisa y definida. AlfauDurán recurre al“testimonio (directo deSánchez) de que fue él, yno otro, quien plantara enel baluarte la banderanacional que había designificar nuestra eternaindependencia”



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Dice que la experiencia dePatrick como líder es lo queMassachusetts necesita parapoder progresar.

Citando la necesidad de tener a un lídermaduro en la oficina del gobernador, elRepresentante Estatal Barry Finegold (D-Andover) está endosando la candidaturade Deval Patrick para gobernador deMassachusetts.

"Deval comprende lo que se requierepara hacer de Massachusetts un líder otravez y él está dispuesto a ponerse a trabajarpara que así sea", dijo el RepresentanteFinegold.

Deval Patrick lanzó su campañagubernamental en abril del año pasado.Antes de esta histórica postulación, él fueabogado y ejecutivo de Coca-Cola y deTexaco. Patrick fue un alto administradordel Departamento de Justicia bajo elPresidente Clinton. Durante su estadía, élinspiró un programa de préstamos justos ydio vida al Acta para AmericanosDiscapacitados (Americans with DisabilitiesAct).

"Estoy honrado y feliz de tener elapoyo del Representante Finegold", dijoPatrick. "El comparte mi determinación abasar esta campaña en el público del estadoy sus necesidades, no en juegos políticos."

Desde abril, la campaña de Patrick harecaudado $1.8 millones con $350,000 en

Rep. Finegold endosa a Deval Patrick paraGobernador

donaciones hechas por grupos comunitariosa través de la Internet. Más de 10,000personas han participado en sus esfuerzosde recaudación de fondos. Este poderosoesfuerzo ha hecho posible que más de 3,000voluntarios de todo el estado se hayanunido a él. Cada día los voluntarios llenansu casa de campaña en Charlestown.

Cuando el Representante Barry R.Finegold ganó su elección a la Cámara deRepresentantes en 1996, él era el miembromás joven. Ahora está en su cuarto términocomo Representante Estatal, sirviendo enlos Comités de Ways and Means, DesarrolloEconómico y Tecnologías Emergentes, asícomo el de Trabajo y Desarrollo de la FuerzaLaboral. En Beacon Hill, Finegold ha

trabajado fuertemente para ser una vozindependiente para sus constituyentes.

En octubre del año pasado, Patrickcomenzó a revelar elementos de su plan paraMover a Massachusetts Hacia Adelante.Hasta la fecha, él ha expresado sus ideassobre planes para desarrollo económico,educación, cuidado de salud, trabajandocon ciudades y pueblos y energía y el medioambiente. En este último, anunció su apoyoal proyecto de Cape Wind en NantucketSound y hacer a Massachusetts un líderinternacional en la tecnología de la energíarenovable.

Patrick ha sido endosado por los exSecretarios de Trabajo Robert Reich y AlexisHerman, el Senador Barak Obama (D-Illinois),el Congresista James McGovern (D-Worcester), cinco sindicatos deMassachusetts, y más de 40 funcionariosestatales y locales incluyendo los alcaldesde siete ciudades de Massachusetts.

Candidato a gobernador Deval Patrick durantesu más reciente visita el 3 de febrero, 2006 enel Chateau de Andover.

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8 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

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Anuncia la apertura de la lista de esperade apartamentos de tres aposentos paratodas las categorías de ingreso a partir

del 21 de febrero, 2006.

Presidential Gardens Apartments estábuscando solicitantes para su programade rentas de viviendas para personas de

bajos ingresos. Actualmente estamosaceptando aplicaciones para nuestra lista

de espera de apartamentos de tresaposentos.

Renta para 2006 igual al 30% del ingresofamiliar ajustado, que no exceda de


Las aplicaciones pueden obtenerse enpersona en la oficina de administraciónsituada en el 140 de la calle EvergreenDrive, Bradford, los miércoles, jueves yviernes desde las 11AM hasta las 2PM ollamando al 978-373-2543 y puede ser

devuelto en persona o enviado porcorreo a la dirección mencionada arriba.

Se hacen razonables adaptaciones.

Las aplicaciones para la lista de espera delos tres aposentos no serán aceptadas

antes de las 11AM del martes 21 defebrero, 2006.

Todas las aplicaciones deben llenarse porcompleto y deben ser firmadas por todoslos miembros de la familia mayores de 18

años, para ser consideradas.

Las aplicaciones elegidas serán puestasen una lista de espera de acuerdo con el

salario básico. La selección de unaaplicación de la lista de espera para su

procesamiento se basa en la categoría deingreso, y luego fecha y hora de la


Las aplicaciones incompletas y que noreúnan el criterio de ingreso arribamencionado, no serán aceptadas.

Habrá asistencia disponible en latraducción para completar las

aplicaciones. Presidential Gardens es unapropiedad de igualdad de oportunidad devivienda. Está administrada y puesta enel mercado por Maloney Properties, 27

Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481.Teléfono 781-943-0200.

QuitAssist conecta a losfumadores que han decididodejar de fumar coninformación de lasautoridades públicas desalud.

RICHMOND, VA (15 de febrero de 2006) -Según un reciente informe de los Centrosde Control y Prevención de lasEnfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas eninglés) 41.1 por ciento (15.1 millones) defumadores adultos en los Estados Unidosque fuman todos los días informaron quehabían dejado de fumar durante al menosun día durante los doce meses anterioresporque estaban tratando de dejarlo1.

A nivel nacional, otro estudio informaque un 41.7 por ciento de fumadores adultoshispanos trataron de dejar de fumar duranteal menos un día2. Para ayudar a esosfumadores hispanos que han decidido dejarde fumar a que tengan éxito, Philip MorrisUSA ahora ofrece su recurso de información-QuitAssist - en español en el Internet y anivel nacional. QuitAssist es un recurso deinformación gratuito que ofrece PhilipMorris USA. QuitAssist conecta a losfumadores que han decidido dejar de fumarcon una enorme cantidad de informaciónexperta relacionada con dejar de fumar quebrindan las autoridades de salud pública yotras fuentes. En este sitio de Internet secitan varias fuentes de información deterceros, entre ellas sitios de Internet,recursos telefónicos y otras organizacionescon información adicional.

“Dejar de fumar puede ser difícil.Muchos fumadores que tratan de dejarlono tienen éxito,” dijo Rafael Art. Dr. Javier,profesor clínico de psicología y asesor delConsejo de Revisión de QuitAssist de PhilipMorris USA. “La mayoría de las personas

Para los fumadores que handecidido dejar de fumar – Unrecurso disponible ahora enespañol

tratan de dejar de fumar 2 ó 3 veces antes detener éxito.”

Incluida en la información disponibleen el Recurso de Información QuitAssistestán las Cinco Claves para Dejar de Fumardel Servicio de Salud Pública de los EstadosUnidos que pueden ayudar a los fumadoresa prepararse para el proceso de dejar defumar:· Prepárate. Piensa en todas las manerasen que dejar de fumar mejorará tu vida, tusalud y la vida de tu familia3. Habla con tusamistades y familiares para recordar lasmaneras en las cuales tu vida va a mejorar.· Obtén apoyo y ánimo. Habla con tusfamiliares, amigos, vecinos y compañerosde trabajo acerca de por qué deseas dejarde fumar y cuán importante es para ti. Unamanera en la cual pueden ayudarte esllamarte para darte ánimo: “Puedes lograresta meta.” Estudios indican que lasprobabilidades son mayores si buscas elapoyo de otras personas para dejar defumar4.

· Aprende nuevas habilidades ycomportamientos. Planea maneras dedistraerte cuando tengas un fuerte deseode fumar. Puedes salir a caminar por unosminutos, jugar con tus hijos, salir con tumarido o arreglar la casa.· Consigue medicamento y úsalocorrectamente. Para muchas personas, losmedicamentos pueden ser la clave paraatravesar esas primeras semanas o mesessin cigarrillos.· Prepárate para recaídas o situacionesdifíciles. Planifica maneras de manejar esosmomentos en que estés alrededor depersonas que fuman o en situacionesdifíciles en las cuales sientas la tentaciónde fumar.

Los fumadores que han decidido dejarde fumar pueden encontrar la guía derecursos gratis QuitAssist en línea o en el 1-888-784-7848.

Incluida en lainformación disponibleen el Recurso deInformación QuitAssistestán las Cinco Clavespara Dejar de Fumardel Servicio de SaludPública de los EstadosUnidos que puedenayudar a los fumadoresa prepararse para elproceso de dejar defumar.

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 9


9 de cada 10 hombresno quieren ir al médico.

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Es fácil ver quién se siente bien y aquién le gusta cuidarse.

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Da una imagen saludable. Llámanos.

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Auspiciado por el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts

El Instituto de Gero-tecnologia, uninstituto educativo sin ánimo de lucro,anuncia que el curso Computadoras paraKlutzes®, Básicas, Correo-e, e Internetserá ofrecido en el CentroLatinoamericano de Manchester, NH. Loslunes y miércoles de 5:30 a 7:30 PM,comenzando en 13 marzo del 2006 partefinal 29 Marzo del 2006. Costo del curso$15.00

El curso de 6 lecciones le permite alprincipiante adulto pasar del temor a laconfianza en el uso de las computadorasde hoy en día. Este curso introductoriofue desarrollado por el Dr. CharlieRichmond, de Peterborough, NH, y esenseñado en español por Susannah S.Mendonca. El curso ha ayudado a masde 2,500 adultos mayores a entrar en laera de la informática. La jerga actual esexplicada en un glosario. El texto guía usapalabras y construcciones que losestudiantes mayores pueden entender.

Curso de Computadoraspara Latinos enManchester, NH enmarzo del 2006

Las primeras lecciones enseñancomo darle ordenes al computador paraque efectúe el procesamiento de palabrasque el estudiante desea hacer. Lassiguientes lecciones enseñan el uso delcorreo electrónico, la navegación en laInternet y la búsqueda de informaciónespecífica. Todos los estudiantesaprenden como controlar el computadorsin necesidad de usar el ratón que losjóvenes encuentran mas fácil de usar yaque ellos tienen buena coordinación demanos y ojos. Muchas personas mayoresencuentran el uso del ratón frustrante.

Quien quiera registrarse para estasclases debe llamar a Susana Stiffano alCentro Latinoamericano de Manchester,(603)669-5661. Cada estudiante recibegratis el texto guía y cada estudiante tieneun computador durante la clase. Lapráctica contínua en clase, en la casa oen la biblioteca publica son esencialespara tener éxito en el curso.

Harry Maldonado, detective de lapolicía de Lawrence retirado y ex sheriffdiputado del Condado de Essex, con másde 20 años de experiencia en la aplicaciónde la ley se ha dedicado a ser un detectiveprivado por los últimos tres años.

HM Investigations & Consultingofrece todos los servicios de una agenciade investigación y seguridad localizadaen la Ciudad de Lawrence. Ellosconducen servicios de investigación yseguridad para el sector legal y privadoasí como las corporaciones. Elloscomprenden la necesidad de tenermejores servicios investigativos y ofrecenuna amplia gama de servicios a preciosrazonables. Esta agencia opera en el Vallede Merrimack y por lo tanto tiene másfamiliaridad con las actividades locales yárea rurales.

Trabajando con la oficina del fiscaldel distrito y agencias locales, estatalesy federales, mientras que ninguna firmade investigadora puede garantizarresultados, HM Investigations &Consulting emplea investigaciones

Harry Maldonado, a retired Lawrence Police Detective and former EssexCounty Deputy Sheriff, with over 20 years in law enforcement experience hasbeen a private detective for the past three years.HM Investigations & Consulting is a full service investigations and securityagency, headquartered in Lawrence. They conduct investigative and securityservices for the legal, corporate and private sector. They understand the needfor better investigative services and offer a wide range of full office work atreasonable rates. This agency operates in the Merrimack Valley and is morefamiliar with the local activities and rural areas.Working with the District Attorney’s office, local, state, and federal agencies,while no investigative firm can guarantee results every time, HM Investigations& Consulting employs thorough investigation and surveillance strategies toguarantee that clients are receiving the best possible information.HM Investigation & Consulting specializes in providing confidential, professionalservice to their clients, combining analytical, problem solving, and technical skills.To further provide innovative and comprehensive crime prevention,investigative, safety, and security solutions their services range from backgroundinvestigations, pre-employment, child support, child custody, insurance claims,personal liability, missing persons, photographic and video surveillance, witnesslocation and Locus investigations.

You may contact Harry Maldonado at HM Investigations & Consulting, 420Common St., Lawrence, MA 01840. His telephone number is (978) 688-4576and his email: [email protected]


profundas y estrategias de vigilanciasque garantizan que su cliente puedarecibir la mejor información posible.

HM Investigation & Consulting seespecializa en proveer servicioconfidencial y profesional a sus clientes,combinando destrezas técnicas yanalíticas para resolver problemas. Paraproveer prevención contra el crimen enforma innovadora y comprensiva, asícomo soluciones de investigación yseguridad sus servicios varían desdeinvestigaciones de antecedentes, pre-empleo, mantenimiento de niños, custodiade niños, reclamos de seguros,responsabilidad personal, personasdesaparecidas, vigilancia fotográfica y devideo, localización de testigos einvestigaciones de Locus.

Harry Maldonado puede sercontactado en HM Investigations &Consulting, 420 Common St., Lawrence,MA 01840. Su teléfono es (978) 688-4576y su correo electrónico [email protected].

Harry Maldonado junto aAnthony K. Ortiz

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10 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

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“El Asesino Silencioso”978-681-9129


Por Paul V. Montesino, [email protected]

Ahora bien, siusted piensa que eldiálogo que aparecearriba -no era lo queusted creía, ¿no esverdad?- es ficción,piense de nuevo. Loúnico que usted tieneque hacer es echar

una mirada a lo que está ocurriendo en elmundo hoy día y se dará cuenta que laposibilidad de que pasemos mucha penas ydolores para comprar un galón de gasolina

para poder extraer algunas millas adicionalesde nuestro ineficiente auto familiar, no essolo posible sino muy probable también. Loseventos de los que hemos sido testigosdurante los últimos años son evidencia quesoporta nuestro punto de vista.

Váyase usted a cualquier parqueo deuna tienda de comestibles o un centrocomercial en estos días y usted se verárodeado por Vehículos de Utilidad Deportiva(SUV) que no solamente le bloquean la vistacuando usted trata de salir de su espacio deestacionamiento, sino que desperdicia más

gasolina de la que necesita para llegar deaquí a allá y regresar. Pero, desde luego, nosiempre es un SUV el que lo hace. Otrasveces es un chofer de camión manejado poralguien que posiblemente podía caminar.

El tamaño average de habitantes delhogar americano en el 2004 era 2.6 personasy el tamaño average de la familia 3.18(Fuente: Oficina del Censo de los EstadosUnidos.) Por qué necesitamos un enormeSUV para manejar a tan pocas personas deun lado para otro confunde a la mente. Yorecuerdo cuando podíamos apiñar quinceestudiantes en un Volkswagen enano ennuestras andanzas de universidad. ¿Por quéno podemos poner mucho menos en unpoco más de espacio nada más?

Desde luego, ahora tenemos que cargarmaletas de espalda y palos de jockey oinstrumentos musicales con nosotros, perotal vez podíamos dejar esos trastos enalmacenamiento en los lugares donde losvamos a usar. Pero no importa, es la vida deustedes, no la mía. Este es un país libre.

Pero la evidencia va más allá de lostamaños de los autos en los parqueos deestacionamiento o la congestión decarreteras. Miremos a las noticias diariasque vienen de todas partes del mundo o denuestra propia nación y ustedes verán alpetróleo infiltrando toda parte de nuestrasvidas de una manera u otra. Está sucediendolenta pero seguramente. Los gobiernos quecontrolan las canillas de aceite están detrásde acusaciones y demostraciones diariassobre nuestro estilo de vida o nuestrosistema político y económico. Sea Irán consus amenazas de expansión nuclear;Venezuela vendiendo aceite baratodirectamente a los pobres de nuestrasciudades sobrepasando a nuestrasinstituciones elegidas; o gobiernos delMedio Oriente que manipulan a las masaspara que se alcen y reaccionen contra unpequeño periódico que nadie conocía antesde publicar un insensitivo cartón, el aceitees el nuevo intermediario del poder.

Usted sabe que estamos confrontandoun problema de verdad cuando el Presidentede los Estados Unidos va al Congreso apresentar su discurso anual del Estado dela Unión y su mensaje más citado fue unadeclaración de dependencia nacional:“Estamos enviciados con el petróleo,” dijo.¡Que aburrido! Y se pone peor. Nadierecuerda la respuesta tradicional de losDemócratas que le siguió después. Pero

todos sabemos que la más reportada al díasiguiente fue la de un Vice presidente deExxon-Mobil, la compañía petrolera, querespondió proféticamente: “Jamásestaremos totalmente libres de nuestradependencia del petróleo.” ¡Holaaa!

Mientras hablamos de este asunto, yopienso que el número de discursos sobre elEstado de la Unión debía de reducirseconstitucionalmente. Yo requeriríasolamente dos, uno cuando el nuevopresidente toma posesión; el otro cuandotermina. El primero es el discurso de “estoes lo que me encontré;” el último es eldiscurso de “esto es lo que hice con lo queme encontré.” Estoy dispuesto a apostarque si tomáramos el primer discurso sobreel Estado de la Unión del Presidente Bush,o el de cualquier otro Presidente, y comparalo que prometió con lo que en realidadcumplió, usted sufriría un ataque de angina.Es decir, el Estado de la Unión debíaconsistir solamente de dos discursos: elviejo y el nuevo. No muy aburrido le apuesto.Desde luego, el Presidente no quiere quetengamos un ataque de angina a nivelnacional porque eso afectaría el sistema derespuesta de nuestra salud social.

“El déficit de comercio internacional delos Estados Unidos en el 2004 y el 2005 hasido unos de los más elevados de nuestrahistoria. La fuerza tras ese déficit, sí, ustedse lo imagina, es el petróleo, que en estemomento está por encima de $60 el barril. Ysi usted piensa que el reciente intentoterrorista en Arabia Saudita fracasó porquesus participantes fueron eliminados piensede nuevo. El precio del petróleo subió pormás de dos dólares por barril después delsusto. Eso es más de $41 millones de dólaresdiario para nuestros proveedores árabes.¿Cambiaremos nuestra dirección paracorregir esa situación? Es muy dudoso. Simi vecino es el que tiene que reducir suvehículo de cuatro ruedas mientras yoescojo aumentar el tamaño del mío,seguiremos manejándolo de noche, sinluces, en dirección de un precipicio quenadie sabe está frente a nosotros listo paratragarnos.”

Así que la próxima vez que ustedparquee y tenga problemas tratando de salirde su espacio de estacionamiento porqueestá rodeado por un SUV o un camión,tenga mucho cuidado. Fíjese en el modelodel vehículo. No es el que losmanufactureros de autos le dicen a ustedque es. Su nombre verdadero es “Osama.”Y sí; agarre su Rolex. Lo va a necesitar.

El Dr. Montesino, totalmenteresponsable por este artículo, es elEditor de yconferenciante del ComputerInformation Systems Department enBentley College, Waltham, MA.

“La pesadilla de mil dólares”

HHacía frío y estaba oscuro. Las luces de los postes reducidas, casi muertas;caminar en las aceras vacías llenas de baches y huecos era difícil. El hombre, consombrero negro que casi le cubría las orejas, un cigarrillo encendido en su manotemblorosa, una vieja capa de lluvia que era posiblemente dos números de tamañomás largo para él, siguió caminando.

“Bueno, ¿lo quieres?” preguntó ella sin mucho interés aparente.“¿Lo tienes?” dijo él.“Claro que sí,” contestó ella sonriendo coquetamente.“¿Puedo verlo?”“¿Dudas de mi palabra?” Contestó ella un poco molesta.“No, no, yo no dudo de tu palabra, pero tengo que verlo primero. Es demasiado

caro y yo no tengo usualmente esa cantidad tan elevada de dinero conmigo paraestas cosas.”

Ella dudó y lo miró con sospecha. “Sígueme,” contestó. Entonces amboscomenzaron a caminar hacia la acera opuesta.

“Ten mucho cuidado,” advirtió ella en voz baja. “Tú nunca sabes cuando unpolicía te va a ver. Si uno nos para, tú y yo no nos conocemos. Tú estabassolamente preguntando por direcciones, ¿Está bien?”

“Perfectamente,” dijo él inhalando otra humareda irritable en sus pulmones.Ambos caminaron entonces con más prisa hacia una casa sin luces situada

en medio de la cuadra que estaba rodeada por una cerca alta vieja de madera yalgunos arbustos. Ella abrió la puerta de la cerca y le hizo señas con una manopara que la siguiera, no sin antes haberse asegurado que nadie los había visto. Élla siguió excitado.

“¿Es bueno?” preguntó el hombre con ansiedad.“Lo suficientemente bueno… ¿Qué tú te crees?”“¿Regular?”“Sí; y muy caro.”“¿Qué caro?”“Mil dólares.”“¿Cómo? ¿Mil dólares por un galón de gasolina regular? ¿Tu estás loca?”“Sí, mil dólares; y ese reloj de pulsera Rolex que tienes en la muñeca. El

dinero tiene que ser dividido con mi distribuidor de gasolina; el reloj es para minovio.”



Lawrence Family DevelopmentCharter School en West Street está

ofreciendo tutoría en inglés. Lossolicitantes han de tomar un

examen en ingles para saber a quénivel estan. El costo es $50 por untérmino de 13 semanas que es el

programa menos costoso en toda elárea. Las clases son por la noche de

6 a 8 pm, de lunes a jueves. Losestudiantes toman clases de Ingléscomo Segundo Idioma en dos deesas noches. Pregunte por Sandy

en el (978) 689-9863.

“El déficit de comerciointernacional de losEstados Unidos en el2004 y el 2005 ha sidounos de los máselevados de nuestrahistoria. La fuerza trasese déficit, sí, usted selo imagina, es elpetróleo, que en estemomento está porencima de $60 el barril.

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 11

El envenenamiento de plomo es más común de lo pensado

Usted puede prevenir el envenenamiento de plomo. El programa LEAD (plomo) le proveerá con los recursos que usted necesitara para detectar el plomo en su propiedad. Si su propiedad fue construida antes del 1978 usted y su familia puede estar en riesgo de envenenamiento de plomo.

¿Quién es elegible para este programa? Dueños ocupantes de propiedades de una vivienda o multi-familiar pueden calificar para dadiva(s) desde hasta $10,000.00 por unidad.

Número de personas en la familia: Ingreso Máximo: 1 $40,600 2 $46,400 3 $52,200 4 $58,000 5 $62,650 6 $67,300

Propietarios de inversión pueden calificar para dadiva(s) desde $10,000 por unidad , si el ingreso de sus inquilinos, no sobrepasa el requerimiento de ingresos del programa Para mas información acerca del Programa de Prevención de Envenenamiento de Plomo comuníquese con Elizabeth Rodríguez, al numero de teléfono (978) 681-4940, o visite nuestra oficina ubicada en la siguiente dirección: GLCAC Inc., MV Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, 305 Essex Street Lawrence, Mass. 01840.


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Los estudiantes que pretendeninscribirse al colegio después de susestudios de preparatoria podrán tomar elexamen de ingreso a la universidad ACT el8 de abril del 2006. Las solicitudes debenllevar sello postal con fecha antes del 3 demarzo para prevenir costos adicionales. Elúltimo día para mandar las solicitudes porcorreo es el 17 de marzo, con un costoadicional de $18.00 No se aceptarán lassolicitudes enviadas después del 17 demarzo.

La cuota básica para la evaluación ACTes de $29.00; para los estudiantes quedesean tomar la sección de escritura elprecio del examen es de $43.00.

Los estudiantes pueden registrarse pormedio de Internet al ocon un consejero de escuela. Entre lasrecomendaciones que ofrece el sitio estáuna buena preparación para la evaluaciónACT.

El examen ACT es aceptado en laactualidad por prácticamente todas lasuniversidades en los Estados Unidos,incluso todas las escuelas de la Ivy League.

El examen para ingresara la universidad seráadministrado a nivelnacional el 8 de abril.El día de registro es el 3de marzo

El ACT ha sido diseñado para evaluarel rendimiento académico de los estudiantesde la escuela secundaria y las habilidadespara realizar trabajos de nivel universitario.

“En abril, muchos de los estudiantesen el onceavo grado toman el ACT,” dijo elvocero de ACT Jess Durán. “Cuandoreciban sus resultados, deben sentarse consus consejeros de escuela para ver cómopueden mejorar sus puntuaciones yhabilidades académicas. Muchos de losestudiantes toman el examen más de unavez, porque ellos pueden decidir quépuntuaciones serán enviadas a lasuniversidades y programas de beca”.

El examen ACT abarca cuatro áreas deconocimiento: inglés, matemáticas, lecturay razonamiento científico. El examen ACTse completa en aproximadamente tres horas(30 minutos adicionales para el examen deescritura).

La mayoría de las universidades norequieren el examen de escritura, por eso esimportante que los estudiantes contactensus universidades respectivas antes deregistrase para el ACT.


Haverhill Mayor James Fiorentini awarded a citation to Eagle Scout Ian Craigfor 80 hours of community service spent cleaning up the Hilldale AvenueCemetery. Eagle Scouts were required to lead a service project in order tofinalize his position as an Eagle Scout, the highest rank attained by a member ofthe Boy Scouts of America. Craig has also promised to return and do anothercleanup in the cemetery in the spring.

“The City of Haverhill truly appreciates the hard work that Ian Craig hasdone. We congratulate his dedication and admire this type of commitmentfrom someone so young. It’s great to see that we are raising the nextgeneration of leaders in our city,” said Mayor James Fiorentini.

El Alcalde de Haverhill JamesFiorentini extendió un reconocimiento alEagle Scout Ian Craig for desempeñar 80horas de servicio comunitario limpiandoel Cementerio de Hilldale Avenue. EagleScouts tienen la obligación de llevar acabo un proyecto de servicio para poderfinalizar en esa posición que es la másalta adquirida por un miembro de los BoyScouts of America. Craig también haprometido regresar y hacer otra limpiezaen el cementerio esta primavera.

“La Ciudad de Haverhillsinceramente aprecia el arduo trabajo queIan Craig ha hecho. Lo felicitamos por sudedicación y admiramos este tipo decompromiso de parte de alguien tan joven.

Alcalde Fiorentinihonra EagleScout

Eagle Scout Ian Craig and Mayor JamesFiorentini of Haverhill

Es un placer ver que estamos criando lapróxima generación en esta ciudad,” dijo elAlcalde James Fiorentini.

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12 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

Las propinas estánsujetas aimpuestos

¿Trabaja en un salón de belleza,peluquería, casino, campo de golf, hotel orestaurante, o conduce un taxi? Losingresos que recibe en propina comoempleado por esos servicios son un ingresotributable.

Aquí algunos consejos:

LAS PROPINAS SON TRIBUTABLESLas propinas están sujetas a impuestosfederales por ingresos, seguro social yMedicare, y podrían tener ademásimpuestos estatales. El valor de propinasque no son en efectivo, como entradas,pases u otro artículo de valor, también esconsiderado un ingreso y por lo tanto estasujeto a impuestos por ingresos federales.

INCLUYA PROPINAS EN SUDECLARACIÓN DE IMPUESTOSUsted debe incluir en sus ingresos brutostodas la propinas en efectivo que recibiódirectamente de clientes, las propinasañadidas a tarjetas de crédito, y su porciónen las propinas recibidas a través decualquier arreglo de división de propinasque tenga con compañeros de trabajo.

REPORTE SUS PROPINAS A SUEMPLEADORSi recibe $20 o más en propinas en un mes,usted debe reportar todas sus propinas a

Consejos del Servicio deRentas Internas

su empleador. Su empleador tiene comorequisito retenerle impuestos federales poringresos, seguro social y Medicare.

MANTENGA ABIERTO UN REGISTRODIARIO DE SUS INGRESOS PORPROPINASPuede usar la Publicación 1244SP del IRS,Registro Diario de Propinas Recibidas porel(la) Empleado(a) e Informe al Patrono, paracontabilizar sus ingresos por propina. Parauna copia gratuita y en español de laPublicación 1244SP, llame gratis al IRS al 1-800-829-3676.

Para más información, vea laPublicación 531 del IRS, Reporting TipIncome, o la Publicación 3148, Tips on Tips.Estan disponibles llamando al 1-800-829-3676 o visitando el sitio de Internet del IRSen

El IRS le explicaqué hacer si lefalta la W-2

Para el 31 de enero, cada empleadordebe haberle otorgado una Forma W-2 paradeclarar sus impuestos federales del 2005(concediendo algunos días para recibirla sifue enviada por correo). Si no la ha recibido,contacte a su empleador y averigüe cuándofue enviada, pues podría haber tenido ladirección equivocada. Después de hablarcon su empleador, conceda un tiempo

razonable para que sea re-enviada. Si perdiósu W-2, su empleador puede emitirle unanueva, pero está autorizado a cobrarle.

Si para hoy continúa sin recibir su W-2, llame al IRS al 1-800-829-1040 con:· Nombre, dirección y teléfono delempleador, y su número de identificación(de saberlo)· Su nombre, dirección, Número de SeguroSocial y teléfono y· Aproximado de pagos, de impuesto federalretenido, y fechas de empleo.

Aunque no reciba la W-2, está obligadoa declarar a tiempo. Puede substituirla porla Forma 4852, pero retrasará cualquierreembolso mientras sea verificada.

Si recibe una W-2 corregida despuésde haber presentado su declaración y lainformación no coincide sus ingresos o losimpuestos retenidos, debe de presentar unadeclaración enmendada con la Forma 1040X.

Las formas y declaraciones estándisponibles en o llamando a 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). Parainformación general llame al 1-800-829-1040.

¿Es usted elegiblepara el CréditoTributario porIngreso delTrabajo (EITC)?

Si en el año 2005 sus ingresos fueron de…

$11, 750 ($13,750 si es casado/a y declaraconjuntamente) sin niños que califican:Crédito Máximo - $399

$31,030 ($33,030 si es casado/a y declaraconjuntamente) con un niño/a que califica:Crédito Máximo - $2,662

$35,263 ($37,263 si es casado/a y declaraconjuntamente) con más de un niño/a quecalifica: Crédito Máximo - $4,400

Para más información visite al

Llene su planilla electrónicamente; esseguro, rápido y exacto.


American Training102 Glenn St., Lawrence, MASite Coordinator: Noelia BatistaTel. (978) 685-2151

HOPE10 Pemberton Way, Lawrence, MASite Coordinator: Vivian PazminoTel. (978) 975-2636 Ext. 101

Mercier Center21 Salem Street, Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Roberta Evans-HaasTel. (978) 322-5403

Community Teamwork, Inc.169 Merrimack St. 3rd floor, Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Rob BuckellTel. (978) 970-4120

Lowell Senior Center/Library Site276 Broadway St. Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Lynn Brown ZounesTel. (978) 970-4131

Después de cinco semanas dedifíciles audiciones y de habercompetido con más de 200 otrosparticipantes, los quince semifinalistasestaban listos para competir por el títulodel primer ganador del concursoProyecto Fama de Telemundo Boston!

La audiencia en Galaxia Nightclubfueron testigos el sábado de una nochellena de emoción y diversión. BolívarSoto, conductor de los programas ConJatnna y Santo Domingo Invita fue elconductor del evento. Los quincesemifinalistas quienes presentaron unavariedad de canciones mostraron suinnegable talento, incluyendo a JustinaOcasio, Elizabeth Ruiz, Tomas Escaleray Pablo Argenis.

Ana María Polo del exitosoprograma Caso Cerrado, quien estuvocomo presidenta del jurado, antes deanunciar el ganador expresó losiguiente, “fue una competencia muyreñida”. Polo mencionó que losmiembros del jurado tuvierondificultades en cuanto a la elección delganador por la participación de tantosgéneros musicales en esa noche. Pero,antes de concluir la noche, TelemundoBoston nombró en tercer lugar VilenkyAgramante, en segundo lugar HéctorFerreira y en primer lugar a ShalónRodríguez, quien presentó su temaoriginal titulado “Dímelo Nena”, comoel ganador de Proyecto Fama 2006.

Shalón Rodríguez quien no podíacreer que había ganado la competenciade Telemundo Boston con tan sólo unmes de haber llegado a Boston desdePuerto Rico, estuvo lleno de emoción.“Siento que estoy en un sueño. Se medio ese deseo que tanto tenía en elcorazón.”

Rodríguez tiene por delante unasemocionantes semanas que lo esperanmientras goza cada uno de los premiosque Telemundo Boston y susauspiciadores le han dado incluyendo$1,000 en efectivo, la oportunidad depresentarse en el show Cada Día conMaria Antonietta este viernes 24 defebrero, y una gira de promoción en laRepública Dominicana donde sequedará en un hotel lujoso, asistirá unarueda de prensa, tomará fotosprofesionales en un estudiorenombrado y grabará su primer demomusical.

Durante la conclusión ProyectoFama 2006, Patricia Domeniconi,Gerente de Telemundo Boston recuerdael trayecto de este evento diciendo que,“Proyecto Fama ha sido un tremendoéxito y con el apoyo de nuestrospatrocinadores, logramos reunirnuestra comunidad hispana en Bostony presentarle al resto del país uno denuestros mejores talentos. Estamosmuy orgullosos de los pasos quehemos tomado en este año conProyecto Fama y estamos seguros queeste evento seguirá siendo un éxito enel futuro.”

Recuerden que Telemundo Bostonle estará trayendo más talento en elpróximo año de Proyecto Fama 2007.¡No se lo pierda!

La GranFinal deProyectoFama2006

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 13

After five weeks of arduousauditions and competing with over200 other contestants, the fifteensemifinalists were ready to battle forthe title of Telemundo Boston’s firstProyecto Fama Winner!

The audience in GalaxiaNightclub on Saturday experienceda night of fun and excitement.Bolivar Soto, host of Con Jatnna andSanto Domingo Invita hosted theevent. The fifteen semifinalists,including Justina Ocasio, ElizabethRuiz, Tomas Escalera and PabloArgenis, perform a variety of songsthat highlighted their undeniabletalent.

Ana Maria Polo from the hitshow Caso Cerrado, who appearedas a special guest judge, beforeannouncing the winner stated that “itwas a very close competition”. Poloalso mentioned that the panel ofjudges had a very difficult timedeciding on one winner when manygenres of music were presented thatnight. But, at the end of the night,Telemundo Boston named VilenkyAgramonte in third place, HectorFerreira in second place and ShalónRodriguez who performed his ownoriginal song titled “Dímelo Nena” asProyecto Fama’s 2006 Winner!

Shalón Rodriguez, who couldnot believe that he had wonTelemundo Boston’s talentcompetition a mere month afterarriving in Boston from Puerto Rico,was overwhelmed with excitement.“I feel like I am in a dream. Thedream I’ve had in my heart for solong has been fulfilled.”

Rodriguez has an exciting roadahead of him as he enjoys each ofthe prizes Telemundo Boston andtheir sponsors have given himincluding $1,000 in cash, anappearance on the Telemundo’smorning show, Cada Dia con MariaAntonietta, this Friday, February 24,and a promotional tour in theDominican Republic where he willhold a press conference, stay at aluxurious hotel, take professionalpictures at a renown studio andrecord his first musical demo.

As Proyecto Fama 2006 cameto an end, Patricia Domeniconi,General Manager of TelemundoBoston reminisced on this eventstating that, “Proyecto Fama was atremendous success this year andwith the support of our sponsors, wewere able to bring our BostonHispanic community together andintroduce one of our best local talentsto the rest of the country. We arevery proud of the strides we’ve madethis year with Proyecto Fama and weare certain that this event willcontinue to be a success in thefuture.”

Remember that TelemundoBoston will bring even more talentnext year in Proyecto Fama 2007!Don’t miss it!

The GrandFinale ofProyectoFama2006

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El nuevo programaproporciona un incentivofinanciero para los patrones

ValleyWorks Career Center (VWCC), uncentro dedicado a asistir a buscadores detrabajo y negocios en el Valle de Merrimackcon todos los aspectos de entrar, volviendoa entrar o empleando a la mano de obra, halanzado un programa experimental parabeneficiar a ambos patrones y empleadoscualificados. El programa del entrenamientode Trabajo de ValleyWorks es uno de losprimeros en el estado dentro de este sistemade centros de carreras.

El programa se financia con el ActaFederal de Inversión de la Fuerza Laboral ypagará hasta el 50% del sueldo del nuevoempleado capacitado mientras que estásiendo entrenado. Ana Shaw, que haservido previamente como coordinadora deltaller de ValleyWorks, es la coordinadoradel programa y trabaja de cerca con laUnidad de Servicios Comerciales del centropara desarrollar relaciones con los negociosinteresados en estos estudiantes.


Es el entrenamiento conducido por unpatrón para un nuevo empleado mientrasque él o ella está trabajando y aprendiendolas habilidades necesarias para elfuncionamiento en el trabajo productivo ysatisfactorio. El programa de entrenamientoes aplicable a negocios del sector privado yutilizado con los candidatos (empleadospotenciales) que acceden a ser entrenadosbajo el programa.

VENTAJAS DEL PROGRAMAPara los patrones, el programa ayuda a

las empresas a ahorrar dinero con el

ValleyWorks Career CenterOfrece Programas deEntrenamientos MientrasTrabaja

entrenamiento de un nuevo empleadopermanente productivo. Si una compañíacalifica, el financiamiento es fácilmenteaccesible y se simplifica el proceso de usopor el coordinador del programa que vieneal centro de trabajo para asistir a determinarla elegibilidad y simplificar el proceso paralos patrones.

“Este programa único también trata lasnecesidades de mano de obra de lospatrones que de otra manera no podránsatisfacer su necesidad de trabajadoresexpertos y experimentados”, dijo Ana Shaw.

Para los que buscan trabajo que reúnenlos requisitos de elegibilidad, este programaproporciona una oportunidad de ganarvaliosa experiencia en el trabajo y unatrayectoria del crecimiento de la carreradespués que el entrenamiento termine. Estambién una buena opción para quienesbuscan trabajo y tienen un buen historialde trabajo pero carecen de habilidadesespecíficas necesarias para asegurar elempleo.

“Si usted es patrón, usted entiendedemasiado bien el costo de emplear y deconservar a buenos empleados,” dijo la Sra.Shaw. “En muchos casos, los candidatos

con la combinación correcta de entusiasmoe inteligencia carecen de las destrezasespecíficas que necesitan para el trabajo.Aquí es donde el programa deEntrenamiento Mientras Trabaja deValleyWorks ayuda a las empresas a ahorrardinero mientras que convierte a un buentrabajador en un empleado debidamentecapacitado. CÓMO COMENZAR

Participar en el programa deentrenamiento es fácil. Primero, Ms. Shawentrevista al patrón para discutir susnecesidades de entrenamiento específicas,reúne la información del trabajo, losrequisitos del nivel de entrada y losresultados previstos. Ella entonces diseñaun plan de estudios que describe lashabilidades específicas, un horario para elentrenamiento y las metas para la posición.Se elabora un contrato estándar y esfirmado. Los clientes trabajan con el personalde ValleyWorks para asegurarse de queestán “dispuestos para trabajar” y “listospara el entrenamiento” como parte delproceso de la solicitud y del proceso derecomendación. Típicamente estosindividuos tienen una historia fuerte deltrabajo, pero pueden necesitarentrenamiento específico para asegurar elnuevo empleo.

PLANES FUTUROS“Esperamos poder aumentar nuestros

éxitos actuales y ampliar el programa paraincluir a patrones a través de más variedadde industrias,” dijo la Sra. Shaw. LaMerrimack Valley Workforce InvestmentBoard ha invertido fondos para que lospatrones utilicen este programa.

Para más información sobre esteprograma de entrenamiento, sírvase llamara Ana Shaw al (978) 722-7051 [email protected].

Bread & Roses Housing estáaceptando aplicaciones para comprardos casas de 3 dormitorios que estánen construcción en el 12 - 14Hampton St., Lawrence. Cada unidad(la mitad del duplex) tiene un costo de$75,000 y serán vendidas apropietarios de bajos ingresos y serprimeros compradores. Las casasdeben permanecer ocupadas por susdueños y mantenerse a bajos preciosen ventas futuras. Para recibir másinformación y una aplicación, tieneque asistir a una reunión - el jueves,el 9 de marzo a las 6 PM o el domingo,el 26 de marzo a las 1:30 PM en labiblioteca pública de Lawrence.

¿Estáinteresadoen compraruna casaeconómica?

El programa se financiacon el Acta Federal deInversión de la FuerzaLaboral y pagará hastael 50% del sueldo delnuevo empleadocapacitado mientrasque está siendoentrenado.

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14 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

Los Dominicanos Izaron Su Bandera

En un esfuerzo combinado, ErnestoBautista, Presidente de Efemérides

Patrias; el Representante WilliamLantigua, D-Lawrence; el Honorable

Cónsul de la República Dominicana enBoston Dominico Cabral y el Alcalde de

Lawrence, Michael J. Sullivan, izan labandera en el Parque Campagnone,

frente al ayuntamiento.

Myles Burke, Jefe de Despacho del Alcalde de Lawrence; Beatriz Pérez yDominico Cabral, Honorable Cónsul de la República Dominicana. Cabralagradeció a las autoridades de de Lawrence por el gesto de añadir el nombrede Juan Pablo Duarte a un pedazo de la Broadway.

Ernesto Bautista, Presidente deEfemérides Patrias, haciendo uso dela palabra. Al fondo, elRepresentante William Lantigua, D-Lawrence.

Miembros de la Coral Femenina de la EscuelaSuperior de Lawrence, que a pesar del

intenso frío, entonaron las notas de losHimnos Nacionales de Estados Unidos y de

República Dominicana, como sólo ellas sabenhacerlo.

Beatriz Pérez, Maestra de Ceremonias; Honorable Dominico Cabral,Cónsul General de la República Dominicana en Boston; ErnestoBautista, Presidente de Efemérides Patrias del Valle de Merrimack;Angel corado, Presidente de El Salvador Presente, durante elizamiento de la bandera dominicana.

Tres damas dominicanas, residentes deLawrence, baten alegremente sus

banderas durante el izamiento de labandera dominicana en el Parque

Campagnone con motivo de la celebracióndel 162 aniversario de la independencia

dominicana. Ellas son, Jeanilda DeLa Cruz,Mary Polanco, Susana Gavin, y Ernestina


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RACHA DE FUEGOS ENLAWRENCEEn un período de dos semanas, tres casas fueron dañados,dejando a 50 familias sin hogar y un negocio tuvo que cerrarsus puertas, aparentemente por el uso impropio de uncalentador eléctrico.

Page 16: MARZO 1, 2006  SE RETIRA EL JEFE …

16 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

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Three senior staff members of theMerrimack Valley Workforce InvestmentBoard (MVWIB) announced that they areresigning from the agency, citing “improper”and “illegal” and “heavy-handed” actionsby Lawrence Mayor Michael J. Sullivan andthe state’s Division of Career Services.

Labor economist O. Steven Quimby,attorney and compliance expert Erna Koch,and public policy/business relationsmanager Andrew Herlihy submitted theirresignations to Shaw M. Rosen, ExecutiveDirector of the MVWIB.

The three individuals, the seniormembers of a MVWIB staff of seven fulltimeworkers, announced their intentions toresign on Friday, February 17, 2006 at ameeting of Sullivan’s newly-appointedWorkforce Investment Board, held inapparent violation of the state’s OpenMeeting Law.

Over the past few years, the MVWIBstaff have achieved national recognition fortheir cutting-edge work to transform abureaucratic job training system to one morefocused on the needs of business andindustry as customers. The agency hasbrought over $7 million in new grants andresources for innovative projects into theregion over the past several years.

The MVWIB staff listed a number ofreasons for their resignations:1. Mayor Michael J. Sullivan illegally fired

an effective, functioning Board of Directorsto prevent them from holding his ownDepartment of Training and Developmentaccountable for millions of dollars in stateand federal workforce investment dollars.2. Mayor Sullivan illegally selected a newboard whose members include threeindividuals who report directly to him, twoother workers from his brother’s bank,several of the city’s largest vendors, and anumber of other associates with ties to the

Mayor Michael J. Sullivan ofLawrence, Massachusetts has beennamed honorary Chairman of IrishHeritage month. “I urge all the citizensto take advantage of the variouslectures, art exhibits, author lecturesand the exhibit on 1916. “These eventsare all free to the public,” said MayorSullivan.

Mayor Sullivan said that IrishHeritage Month in the City of Lawrenceis “the largest cultural event north ofBoston and in the Merrimack Valley”.The fifth annual St. Patrick’s DayBreakfast at the Claddagh Pub, whichwill kick off Irish Heritage Month, issure to be filled with good conversationand friendship. This breakfast is nowa St. Patrick’s Day tradition in Lawrenceand is held the first Saturday in March.

An exhibit will be held at HeritageState Park 1 Jackson Street, importedfrom Ireland, on the 90th anniversary ofthe Easter Uprising. “We’re honoredthat Lawrence was the first city in theUnited States to host this exhibit andurge all our residents to view this fineexhibit,” said Mayor Sullivan.

Other events during Irish HeritageMonth include the Irish Author’sWeekend, the Irish Art Exhibit and afree concert on Tuesday, March 14th byIrish Air Corps Pipe Band from DublinIreland at the Claddagh Pub.

Professional staff resign fromWorkforce Investment Board

City that prevent them from beingindependent and objective in overseeingthe City’s performance.3. The first act of the Mayor’s newhandpicked Board was to turn over virtuallyall the authority granted to a WorkforceInvestment Board by federal law to theMayor and his associates.4. The Mayor suspended the staff of theMVWIB without cause and with agratuitous and heavy-handed show of force,sending three uniformed Lawrence policeofficers to escort staff from the MVWIBoffices.5. The Mayor has continued to keep theMVWIB’s Executive Director, Shaw Rosen,on administrative leave, even though therehas been no finding of wrongdoing, as partof a campaign to smear her integrity, and byextension the integrity of the Board and itsstaff.6. The administration of Governor MittRomney, through the MassachusettsDepartment of Workforce Development andDivision of Career Services, has acted incollusion with the Mayor, his lawyer andthe Lawrence Department of Training andDevelopment to allow blatant misuse ofpublic dollars and mismanagement tocontinue unchecked.

Quimby, who has worked for theMVWIB for three years as Director of Policyand Planning Research and was the leadauthor of the 2003 Merrimack Valley LaborForce Blueprint, stated: “Our integritymeans more to us than our jobs. Given thebreaches of ethics that the Mayor, the state,and their associates have perpetrated, wecannot lend legitimacy to these illegitimateactions by now working for a Board thatexists in name only.”

Koch, who performed a critical reviewof the ValleyWorks Career Center, stated:“The Career Center has continually floutedthe Board’s authority, resisting appropriateoversight with the full support of the City,and frequently the active assistance of stateagency staff.”

Herlihy, who has served as theMVWIB’s Industry Manager for the pastfour years, stated: “We have tendered ourresignations because we believe thatregional workforce development funds willcontinue to be a vehicle for waste and abuseinto the foreseeable future. We cannot ingood conscience participate in that system.”


“Our integrity meansmore to us than our jobs.Given the breaches ofethics that the Mayor, thestate, and their associateshave perpetrated, wecannot lend legitimacy tothese illegitimate actionsby now working for aBoard that exists in nameonly.”

O. Steven QuimbyLead author of the 2003

Merrimack Valley Labor ForceBlueprint


ENGLISH SKILLS?Lawrence Family Development

Charter School on West Street isoffering a tutoring program to learn

English. Applicants take aplacement test in English to see

where they fit. The cost is $50 fora term of 13 weeks. That’s thecheapest program in the area.

Classes are at night from 6-8 pm,Monday through Thursday. Students

take ESL on two of those nights.Ask for Sandy at (978) 689-9863.



Reception and FundraiserATTORNEY






MARCH 15, 20065:00 PM TO 7:00 PM







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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 17

Paid for by the Friends of Ed ‘Hoppy’ CurranChristine Grange - Treasurer





St. Patrick’s DayKick-off


The Casey Brothers BandSATURDAY, MARCH 4TH






Come celebrate the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth, asmembers of the Lawrence High School Girls Ensemble and theTreble Chorus of New England’s Men’s Ensemble join NECS in

a performance of Mozart’s vivacious Vesperae solennes deconfessore (Solemn Vespers) K.339, with guest artists LauraHarbert, soprano, Pamela Dellal, alto, Aaron Sheehan, tenor,

and Aaron Engebreth, Bass, accompanied by professionalorchestra. This setting of the Vespers was one of Mozart’s

own favorite works.

In addition, NECS will perform Mozart’s Te Deum, K.141accompanied by professional string orchestra, the

Lawrence High School Girls Ensemble will sing a shortprogram, and guest artist Pamela Dellal will sing three Mozart


Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte, K.520,

Das Veilchen, K. 476, andAbendempfindung, K. 523.

Tickets: Adults/$20, Seniors/$15, and Students/$5

BUY TICKETS ONLINE NOW!For additional information, call 978.474.6090

Rogers Center for the Arts, Merrimack College, North Andover,Massachusetts


“My mom likes the mentoring programbecause it keeps me out of trouble. Mymentor is so busy, but he takes time just totalk and play basketball with me. My mentortreats me the way I want to be treated.Without the mentoring program, wherewould I be?”

These are the words of a seventh-gradeboy named Randy who was matched with amentor through the Hispanic Office ofPlanning and Evaluation in Lawrence. Thepair has been together for two years, andsince that time, Randy’s self-confidence andschool performance have improved. Hismentor, a television executive, has eventaught Randy how to use graphics andanimation software.

The Hispanic Office of Planning andEvaluation is just one of seven Lawrenceand Lowell nonprofit programs recentlyawarded a grant through the $1 millionLiberty Mutual Mentoring Initiativelaunched in 2004. The initiative wasimplemented and managed in collaborationwith Mass Mentoring Partnership, theumbrella agency for youth mentoring inMassachusetts.

The Hispanic Office received $15,000in this current round of funding to supportits mentor recruitment and match efforts inLawrence. Below is the complete list ofLawrence and Lowell community agenciesthat recently received grants through theLiberty Mutual Mentoring Initiative.“Whether measured by academicperformance, violence prevention orimproved family relationships, anecdotaland empirical research confirm that theimpact of a caring adult in a young person’slife cannot be overestimated,” said LibertyMutual Group Chairman, President andCEO, Edmund F. Kelly. “By supportingquality mentoring programs, we make apowerful difference in the lives of childrenand an important investment in the futureof society.”

Added David Shapiro, CEO of MassMentoring Partnership, which providesongoing training to grant recipients andmeasurement of their outcomes associatedwith the initiative, “Statewide researchshows that for every two children matchedwith a mentor, one is on a program’s waitinglist. Through Liberty’s strategic investmentin mentoring over the past two years, we’vebeen able to help mentoring programs in allstages of development create qualityprogramming. As a result, more than 1,500kids have been matched with the caringadult mentors they need to fulfill theirpotential.”

This is the third year of funding for theLiberty Mutual Mentoring Initiative. Inaddition to Lawrence and Lowell, nonprofitprograms in Boston, Brockton, Fall River,Holyoke, Lynn, New Bedford, Springfieldand Worcester also received grants throughthe Initiative to support the start-up,enhanced quality, and expansion of youthmentoring programs. Through the initiative,the UMASS Donahue Institute isconducting research on the landscape andimpact of mentoring.

Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group is

Seven Lawrence and Lowell NonprofitPrograms Receive $85,000 for Youth MentoringEfforts through Liberty Mutual Initiative

a leading global insurer and sixth largestproperty and casualty insurer in the U.S. The company offers a wide range ofinsurance products and services toindividuals and businesses, includingpersonal automobile, homeowners, workerscompensation and general liability. LibertyMutual, ranked 111th in the Fortune 500,has approximately 1,870 employees in itsBoston headquarters and more than 3,200employees in 30 locations throughoutMassachusetts. Altogether, Liberty Mutual( employs more

than 38,000 people in nearly 900 officesthroughout the world.

Mass Mentoring Partnership, also inBoston, is the only statewide organizationdedicated to bringing mentoring to scale inMassachusetts. Since 1997 it has beeninvolved in the start-up and sustainabilityof high-quality mentoring programs; theexecution of high-visibility mentorrecruitment campaigns; and the dedicationof increased public and private resourcesto the local mentoring movement.


LAWRENCEHispanic Office of Planning and Evaluation

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Lawrence

Lawrence Public Schools/Stand & Deliver MCASMentoring

Merrimack Valley YMCA

LOWELLRobert F. Kennedy Children Action Corps./EliotCenter

Boys & Girls Club of Lowell

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Lowell

LAWRENCE$ 15,000

$ 15,000

$ 10,000M

$ 5,000

LAWRENCE$ 31,250

$ 15,000

$ 44,000M

$ 25,000

LAWRENCE$ 15,000


$ 10,000

$ 10,000

LAWRENCE$ 15,000


$ 22,000

$ 50,000

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Says Patrick’s Experience asAn Accomplished Leader IsWhat Massachusetts NeedsTo Get Moving Again

Citing the need for an accomplishedleader in the Governor’s Office, StateRepresentative Barry Finegold (D-Andover) is endorsing Deval Patrick’scandidacy for governor of Massachusetts.

“Deval understands what it takes tomake Massachusetts a leader again, and heis willing to roll up his sleeves to get the jobdone,” said Representative Finegold.

Deval Patrick launched hisgubernatorial bid in April of last year. Beforethis historic run, he was a top lawyer andexecutive at Coca-Cola and Texaco. Patrickwas a top official in the Justice Departmentunder President Clinton. During his tenure,he inspired a groundbreaking fair lendingprogram and gave life to the Americans withDisabilities Act.

“I am honored and excited to have theendorsement of Representative Finegold,”Patrick said. “He shares my determinationto base this campaign on the people of theCommonwealth and their needs, notpolitical gamesmanship.”

Since last April, the Patrick campaignhas raised over $1.8 million dollars, with$350,000 in donations raised through thecampaign’s grassroots efforts on theinternet. More than 10,000 people haveparticipated in Patrick’s fundraising efforts.This powerful grassroots effort has signedup over 3,000 volunteers from across thestate. Each day volunteers fill thecampaign’s headquarters in Charlestown.

When Representative Barry R. Finegoldfirst won election to the MassachusettsHouse of Representatives in 1996, he wasthe youngest member of his freshman class.He is now in his fourth term as a StateRepresentative, serving on the Ways andMeans, Economic Development andEmerging Technologies and Labor andWorkforce Development committees. OnBeacon Hill, Finegold has worked hard tobe an independent voice for hisconstituents.

In 2000, Finegold authored the

Holocaust Restitution Bill, which precludedthe 3,500 Massachusetts holocaustsurvivors from paying taxes on recoveredassets from the Swiss Government as wellas income used against them in calculatinghousing or health care benefits.Representative Finegold has used first-hand accounts of conditions in MerrimackValley hospitals and nursing homes to helpimplement statewide reforms. He securedfunding to make Massachusetts one of thefirst states to establish a consumer reportcard on nursing homes. RepresentativeFinegold has also led efforts to improveenvironmental conditions inMassachusetts. As co-chair of the NorthEast Solid Waste Committee, he helpedprocure $3 million from the state to retrofitincinerators in the Merrimack Valley whichgreatly reduced air and water pollution.

Last October, Patrick began unveilingelements of his plan for MovingMassachusetts Forward. To date, he hasreleased plans for economic development,education, health care, working with citiesand towns and energy and the environment.In the latter plan, he announced his supportfor the Cape Wind project in NantucketSound and for making Massachusetts aninternational leader in renewable energytechnology.

Patrick has been endorsed by formerLabor Secretaries Robert Reich and AlexisHerman, U.S. Senator Barak Obama (D-Illinois), Congressman James McGovern (D-Worcester), five Massachusetts unions,and over 40 state and local officials includingthe mayors of seven Massachusetts cities.

State RepresentativeBarry FinegoldEndorses Deval Patrickfor Governor

New Program ProvidesFinancial Incentive forEmployers

The Valley Works Career Center(VWCC), a One-Stop Career Centerdedicated to assisting job seekers andbusinesses in the Merrimack Valley withall aspects of entering, re-entering orhiring the workforce, has launched a pilotprogram to benefit both employers andqualified employees. ValleyWorks’ On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program is one ofthe first in the state’s One-Stop CareerCenter system.

The program is funded through thefederal Workforce Investment Act (WIA)and will pay for up to 50% of a new,qualified employee’s salary while beingtrained. Ann Shaw, who had previouslyserved as ValleyWorks WorkshopCoordinator, is the OJT ProgramCoordinator and works closely with thecenter’s Business Services Unit todevelop relationships with businessesinterested in OJT.What is OJT?

OJT is training conducted by anemployer for a new employee while he orshe is working and learning the skillsnecessary for productive and satisfactoryjob performance. A “hire first” trainingprogram, OJT is applicable to privatesector businesses and used withcandidates (potential employees) whoagree to be trained under the program.

Program BenefitsFor employers, OJT helps save

money through training a new hire into aproductive permanent employee. If acompany qualifies, the funding is easilyaccessible and the application process issimplified by the OJT Coordinator, whocomes on-site to assist in determiningeligibility and streamlines the process foremployers.

“This unique program also addressesthe labor force needs of employers whomay otherwise be unable to meet theirneed for skilled and experienced workers,”

notes Ann Shaw.For job seekers who meet program

eligibility requirements, OJT provides anopportunity to gain valuable workexperience in a career growth path aftertraining ends. It is also a good option forjob seekers who have strong workhistories but lack specific skill setsneeded to secure employment.

“If you’re an employer, youunderstand all too well the cost of hiringand retaining good employees,” said Ms.Shaw. “In many cases, candidates whohave the right combination ofenthusiasm and intelligence lack thespecific skills you need for the job. Thisis whereValleyWorks’ OJT Program can helpbusinesses save money while turning agood worker into an appropriately-skilled employee.”

How to Get StartedJoining the OJT program is easy. First,Ms. Shaw meets with an employer todiscuss specific training needs, gatherjob information, entry level requirementsand expected outcomes. She then designsa training curriculum that outlines specificskills, a schedule and training goals forthe position. A standard contract isdrawn up and signed. Customers workwith ValleyWorks staff to ensure that theyare “job ready” and “training ready” aspart of the application and referralprocess. Typically these individuals havea strong work history, but may needtraining in specific occupational skills inorder to secure new employment.

Future plans“We hope to build upon our current

successes and expand the program toinclude employers from across a widevariety of industries,” said Ms. Shaw. TheMerrimack Valley Workforce InvestmentBoard has invested funds for employersto utilize this program.

For more information about On-The-Job Training, contact Ann Shaw at (978)722-7051 or [email protected].

ValleyWorks CareerCenter Offers On-The-Job (OJT) TrainingProgram

“Deval understandswhat it takes to makeMassachusetts a leaderagain, and he is willingto roll up his sleeves toget the job done”

Representative BarryFinegold

Nuevo ProgramaNuevo ProgramaNuevo ProgramaNuevo ProgramaNuevo Programa

Latinos Unidos de NH (LUNH) tiene un nuevo programasemanal en el Canal 23 de Acceso Público para Manchester,todos los viernes a las 6:00 p.m. con Nery Yasendii Gonzalescomo presentadora.

Esta semana puede verla en una entrevista con WandaCaraballo, la nueva presidenta de LUNH y Daniel Arellano,vicepresidente de LUNH.


Latinos Unidos of NH (LUNH) has its new weekly show atChannel 23, Public Access Channel for Manchester, everyFriday at 6:00PM with Nery Yasendii Gonzales as interviewer.This week you can see the interview with Wanda Caraballo,the new President of LUNH and Daniel Arellano, the Vice-President of LUNH.

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Barry P.Begley, ofMethuen, waspromoted tomanager ofmarketing fort h eMassachusettsP o s t a lDistrict.

D i s t r i c tManager John

W. “Mike” Powers III announcedBegley’s promotion to oversee retailoperations in more than 350 postalfacilities in Massachusetts.

Begley was manager of Post Officeoperations for the 018-019 ZIP Codeareas prior to his new assignment.

He began his postal career as aletter carrier 23 years ago in AndoverPost Office. In 1985, he worked as mailprocessing supervisor at the formerGeneral Mail Facility in Woburn.

In 1988, Begley was promoted tothe position of management trainee atthe former Woburn ManagementSectional Center.

In 1991, he was promoted topostmaster of North Reading. Fiveyears later, Begley returned to Andoveras postmaster. He also served asofficer-1n-charge (acting postmaster) ofLowell Post Office and acting plantmanager of the Middlesex-EssexProcessing and Distribution Center inNorth Reading.

Three years ago, he was graduatedfrom the prestigious U.S. PostalService’s Advanced LeadershipProgram, which seeks to develop ahighly competent managerial base fromwhich future organizational leaders willemerge by providing the knowledge,skills and experience necessary topositively impact and support futurepostal management decisions anddirection. He is also a recent graduateof the Processing and DistributionManager Program.

He was graduated from LawrenceCentral Catholic High School and holdsa Bachelor’s Degree in businessadministration from Merrimack College,North Andover.

Begley and his wife, Debbie, livein Methuen.

He is the son of Rosaleen Begley,of Methuen, and the late Gerald Begley.


Barry P. Begley

I WONDER …If the feds for the last month are in the

Methuen Police Station going over all thosegrant applications looking for fraud.

If Offs. Getchell and Ramirez are the nextto be promoted.

If anybody knows that Getchell is thechief’s brother-in-law, who by the way wechanged the rules to allow him to become acop.

Why according to the policedepartment we need the fire department atall?

How Billy Manzi is spending all thosehours being mayor, when he statedincessantly and uncategorically what agood job the old queen had done.

If Mickey Condon is cold without hiscoon skinned cap.

Why Mickey really dropped out?If old shar will run. She needs the

pension time!If all that dwell in pork town are aware

that the royal chariot has resurfaced andhas landed in the badly acting chief’s yard.

BRILLIANT BILLY: You not taking thegas guzzling SUV, and letting the badlyacting chief tool around in it. As we allknow the chief has the propensity to takepublic vehicles on vacation to the beachand ferry his children around.

If I actually did see Wally Fleming(that’s officer Fleming) peaking through thesteering wheel of the royal chariot the otherday at the Tenney Grammar? I wonderwhom he was ferrying around.

Why, speaking of Wally Fleming, hewas not promoted at the last round ofpromotions? Wally is always so eager toplease the brass boys, you’d of thought hewould have been rewarded by now!

Note: For years now with watching thetop heavy brass ferry around their childrenin taxpayer-funded vehicles I have thoughtthese bad boys would be better serveddriving minivans. Well, be careful what youwish for!

How come in the daily record ofadvertisement, death, Dear Abby andhoroscope the little load in his glowingrendition as master of ceremonies at theThank-You-Sharon-For-Being-Just-Sharon-Dinner, he chose old shar’s visitation ofthose Methuenites who lost loved ones inthe 9/11 act of terror. You would havethought he would have picked a betterexample; in light of the fact, when the PatriotBridge was dedicated the only name toappear on the initial plaque was that of justSHARON! So like old shar to only andalways think of herself, the little load is onlyfooling himself if he thinks the people ofMethuen think any different.

If what I hear about the queen’s plaquewith her name on it is going to be removedper order of the state?

If the antique money confiscated bythe Methuen Police Department in the caseof barn roofers is in the lock up at the policestation?

I wonder if it has its own special area.I wonder who has a key to that area.If deputy dawwg is getting ready to

sock it to the people of Methuen and go

out on a total disability.What is going to happen to Moe our

excommunicated/ disgraced legal beagle?If Billy is still brokering a deal to get

Moe a job.

ASKED AND ANSWERED!!!Who is the director of the Andover

Housing Authority?Was she holding a sign BILLY FOR

MAYOR?How much more trouble the badly

acting chief and his trusty dawwg can getus into, by just acting as their bad boyselves? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?

Come on 1 verse: Bad boys bad boyswhatca gonna do, whatca gonna do whenthey come for you!

IF THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!How much money we have already

spent on their and the ex-mayor queenie’slegal defense, when it comes to breaking allthe rules and regulations?

I am going to put a request for publicinformation, just HOW MUCH WE HAVESPENT ON THEIR DEFENSE.

How much money we have spent onadditional lawyer fee to again defend thebadly acting chief as he portrayed his roleas Vice President of MCTV/Cable AdvisoryBoard?

No!! I do not wonder why Billy replacedhim, it is about time. The problem here issomeone should be held responsible for thebad appointment, and all legal fees incurredshould be returned to MCTV.

Or better still, old shar pick up the tab,when she also reimburses the people forthe giant silver SUV.

How many people who have water intheir cellars liked the ordinance put forwardby Rhame and Leone?

What does Leone do for a living?If any of Leone’s houses have water in

their cellars.How come Rhame and Leone did not

think through the fact that water in yourcellar is not a chosen or desired sellingfeature when purchasing or selling a house?

How come Rhame and Leone do notunderstand that water in your cellar is aresult of bad developing practices that wereallowed to occur in our lovely little havenof pork town?

On February 21, 2006, Kathleen Rahme,with the blessing of Joe Leone, withdrewthis ill-thought, half-baked ordinance!

ONE VERSE: Bad boys, bad boyswhatca gonna do, whatca gonna do whenthey come for you?

I wonder how the badly acting chieffelt when the union told him that the boyswere thinking of having a NO CONFIDENCEVOTE AGAINST HIM?

If I can vote.I wonder why the Methuen police have

no balls.Note: The last gala policemen’s ball

was once again held out of town at HarrisPelham Inn. WHAT DID YOU THINK IWAS TALKING ABOUT!

If Zanni fancies himself as AssistantMayor or maybe that’s co-mayor.

Remember he did not win by alandslide!

If Billy orchestrated that vote forchairman.

I’ll bet you wished now you didn’t!By the way, I did see from my vantage

point of the front funeral parlor chair one ofthe councilors way-laid into Billy’s office,before the chairman vote was taken. AgainBilly, I reiterate bet you wished now youdidn’t do that!

Who do you have to know to be ableto drive up to the Methuen Town Yard, back-in around the back with your pick up truckand trailer, load up to you hearts contendsome nice split wood?

Whose hand I saw the guy in the pickup truck shake after he emerged from thebuilding, just prior to the backing andloading.

Can everybody go up to the town yard,shake this guy’s hand and get a trailer fullof split wood?

If someone from the town yard wouldgive me a call and let me know what thatguy’s name is, so I can tell my readers whoto ask for when they pick up their wood!

How come Billy stated that when hetook over the reigns of pork town, we arealready 3 million dollars in the hole? Funny,when he voted affirmative at every budgetold shar ever put forth, he never quite statedthat in those terms. Being an accountantan all, he was well aware of how old sharwas tucking it to the people.

Where’s Toody? And is she keepinganybody’s public information?

About 40B’sWhere is Ed Marchand?About David Spada and Gleason Street.If David Spada is now trying to sell

Gleason Street. I say that he has securedthe 10+million dollars tax-free loan fromMass Development. And now that he haspicked clean all the remedial money to behad for that site, without ever cleaning thesite up.

About Matty K. filling Toody’s shoes.About the badly acting chief filling the

queen seat? That’s car seat!About an accident that happened right

around the time of the election.The police with the help of the politicos

covered it up?About the public getting a $200 ticket

for parking in the fire lane at the highschool?

About police parking (unmarked cruiseron unofficial business) in the fire lane at thehigh school.

NOTE: It was not parked there becauseof official police business; it was parkedthere for a basketball game!

How he can break the law, but give aticket to someone else that does the verysame thing?

Why the badly acting chief condonesthis bad behavior; this has been in mycolumns in the past. The badly acting chiefmust have given him a belly bumpingjumping high five for this outrageous

Random UnconnectedThoughts


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20 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006


By Paul V. Montesino, [email protected]

Now, if youthink the abovedialogue-it was notabout what youexpected, was it?-isfiction, think again. Allyou have to do is takea look at what is goingon in the world today

and realize that the possibility that we aregoing to go through real pain just to buy agallon of gasoline to get a few more milesfrom our inefficient family car is not onlypossible but highly probable as well. Theevents we have been witnessing for the pastfew years are evidence that support ourpoint of view.

Go to any supermarket or mall parkinglot these days and you find yourselfsurrounded by SUVs that not only blockyour view when you try to squeeze out ofyour parking space, but waste moregasoline that is needed to get from here tothere, or return. But, of course, not alwaysit is an SUV that does it. In other cases it isa truck driven by someone who probablycould walk as well instead.

The average household size of theAmerican family in 2004 was 2.6 personsand the average family size 3.18 (Source:U.S. Census Bureau.) Why we need a hugeSUV to carry so few people around, as anaverage, boggles the mind. I remember when

we could fit 15 students in a smallVolkswagen beetle when we were in College.Why can’t we fit much less in just a bitmore space?

Of course, we now want to carrybackpacks and hockey sticks or musicalinstruments with us, but we could as wellleave those instruments in storage in theplaces we use them. But never mind, it isyour life, not mine. This is a free country.

But the evidence goes beyond car sizeson the parking lots or the crowdedhighways. Look at the daily news all overthe world and our own nation and you willsee how oil is seeping into every part of ourlives in one way or the other. It is happeningslowly, but surely. Governments that control

“A thousand dollar nightmare”

IIt was dark and cold. The lights on the closest lampposts were dim,almost dead; walking on the empty sidewalks full of cracks was hard, almostimpossible.

The man, black hat on down to his ear lobes, a lit cigarette in his shakinghand, an old trench coat that was probably a couple of sizes too large forhim, kept walking. He then saw her. His heart beat faster. The moment he hadbeen waiting for had finally arrived. He sighed. She, on the other side, didnot.

“Well, do you want it?” she asked almost without care and concern.“Do you have it?” he said.“I certainly do”, she answered, smiling coyly.“Can I see it?”“Do you doubt my word?” She responded a bit annoyed.“No, no, I don’t doubt your word, but I have to see it first. It is too

expensive and I usually don’t have that kind of money for this sort of thing.”She hesitated and looked at him with suspicion. “Follow me,” she

answered. Then they both walked to the opposite sidewalk.“Be careful,” she warned in a low voice. “You never know when a cop is

going to see you and catch you. If one stops us, you and I don’t know eachother. You are just asking for directions, OK?”

“Good enough.” He took another puff of smoke in his longs.They walked, more briskly now, towards a run down house without

lights that was in the middle of the block and was surrounded by a tall oldwooden fence and some shrubbery. She opened the fence gate and signaledhim to come in, not without first making sure no one saw them. He followedeagerly.

“How good is it?” he asked with anxiety.“Good enough… what do you think? It is regular quality.”“Regular?”“Yes; and expensive.”“How expensive?”“A thousand dollars.”“What? A thousand dollars for a gallon of regular gas? Are you crazy?”“Yes, a thousand dollars; and that Rolex watch in your wrist also. The

money has to be split with my gas dealer, but the watch is for my boyfriend….”

the oil spigot are behind accusations anddemonstrations about our way of life or ourpolitical or economic system on a dailybasis. Whether it is Iran with its threat ofnuclear expansion; Venezuela sellingcheaper oil to poor inner city Americansdirectly and skipping our electedgovernmental institutions or Middle Easterngovernments manipulating the masses toarise and react against a small newspapernobody ever knew before for publishing asenseless cartoon, oil is the new powerbroker.

You know we are in real trouble whenthe President of the United States goes tothe Congress to deliver his yearly State ofThe Union Address and his most quotedstatement was a declaration of nationaldependency: “We are hooked on oil,” hesaid. What a bummer! And it gets worse.No one remembers the traditional responsefrom Democrats that followed. But we allknow that the one most reported in the newsthe following day was the Exxon-Mobil’sSenior Vice President who respondedprophetically: “We will never be totally freefrom our dependency on oil.” Hellooo!

While we are on the subject, I thinkthat the number of State of the Unionaddresses should be cut down. I wouldhave only two, one when a new presidenttakes office and another when he or sheleaves it. The first is the “this is what I got”picture. The last is the “this is what I didwith what I got” picture. I am willing to betthat if you took Mr. Bush’s-or any otherPresident’s-first State of the Union Addressand compare what he promised then withwhat he actually delivered you would havean angina attack. So the State of the Unionshould really consist of two deliveries: theold and the new. Not a bummer I bet. Ofcourse, the President does not want us tohave an angina attack on a national levelbecause that would affect our healthresponse system.

“The United States’ trade deficits in2005 and 2004 have been one of the largestin history. The driving force behind thosehuge deficits is, yes, you guessed it, oil,which at this time is over $60 a barrel. And ifyou think that the recent attempt of Sauditerrorists failed because they were killed,think again. Oil went up by more than twodollars per barrel after the scare. That is over$41 million dollars per day for our Arabproviders. Will we change direction tocorrect this situation? It is doubtful. As longas my neighbor is the fellow who has todownsize his four-wheeler while I chooseto upsize mine, we will keep on trucking atnight, without lights, in the direction of aprecipice no one knows is right in front ofus ready to swallow us.”

So the next time you park and havetrouble trying to get out of your spacebecause you are surrounded by hugeinefficient SUVs or trucks be careful. Notethe model of the car. It is not what the carmanufacturers make you think it is. Theirreal name is “Osama.” And, yes, get hold ofyour Rolex. You are going to need it.

Dr. Montesino, solely responsiblefor this article, is the Editor and SeniorLecturer in the ComputerInformation Systems Departmentat Bentley College, Waltham,Massachusetts.

State Representatives DavidTorrisi (D-North Andover), BarryFinegold (D-Andover), and WilliamLantigua (D-Lawrence) announced that$30,000 will be awarded to the City ofLawrence to help first-timehomeowners qualify for a mortgage.Additionally, Community Teamwork,Inc., a non-profit housing agencyoffering an array of housingopportunities and supportive servicesto low-income families in the MerrimackValley will receive $125,000 towardsthese efforts.

“To remain an economicallycompetitive state, we must continue tobuild more housing in Massachusetts,and ensure that these homes areaffordable to low- and moderate-incomefamilies,” stated Rep. Torrisi, HouseChairman of the Committee onCommunity Development and SmallBusinesses. “Today’s award will helpmake homeownership a reality forhundreds of residents in the communityof Lawrence, in the face of high housingcosts.”

The awards were made availablethrough the state’s Soft Second Loanprogram, which is administered by theDepartment of Housing andCommunity Development (DHCD)along with the quasi-publicMassachusetts Housing PartnershipFund (MHP). Soft Second loanscombine private and public funds tolower homeowner borrowing costs bycombining a conventional firstmortgage from a bank with a state-subsidized second bank mortgage. Thestate grant will go towards interestpayments on borrowers’ secondmortgages for the first ten years.

“Affordable housing continues tobe a pressing need in Lawrence andacross the Commonwealth for manyreasons,” Representative Lantiguasaid. “These programs will not onlyempower first-time homeowners, butwill strengthen our community and itseconomy.”

“I am aware of how increasinglydifficult it is becoming to afford a homein Massachusetts. These arenecessary funds that will be put togood use for first-time homeowners,”said Rep. Finegold.

Unlike zero-down paymentproducts, Soft Second loans require athree-percent down payment andbuyers must take homebuyer classes.As a result, delinquent payment andforeclosure rates are significantly lowerfor Soft Second loans than othertargeted loan programs. Soft Secondreported no foreclosures in 2005 andhas had just 27 in its history. In 2005,Soft Second made 776 loans and passedthe 8,700 mark in total loans statewide.This month, $2.5 million will bedistributed to 47 communities and nineregional organizations across theCommonwealth. Individual subsidiesfor each eligible household vary de-pending on the applicants’ income, butare on average about $5,800 per loan.


... “As long as myneighbor is the fellowwho has to downsizehis four-wheeler while Ichoose to upsize mine,we will keep ontrucking at night,without lights, in thedirection of a precipiceno one knows is right infront of us ready toswallow us.”

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 21

Mr. B's Sports MemoriesMr. B's Sports MemoriesMr. B's Sports MemoriesMr. B's Sports MemoriesMr. B's Sports Memories

By Frank Benjamin

The Lawrencearea was to send 5 teamsto play in what wascalled the TechTournament at theBoston Garden. Thistourney was an end ofthe year spectacular that

would end with the crowning of statechampions of all divisions namely A, B. andC,. It was the biggest tourney of its timealthough the Catholic Tourney held atCentral Catholic was just a shade behind.The Catholic tourney was held in about thethree-quarter season mark and lasted fromThursday through Sunday at the HampshireSt. School and some of New England’sgreatest high school players displayed theirstuff to standing room only crowds.

Headed to the Tech this year was NorthAndover featuring now retired firefighterand three sport star Teddy Snell. Tedbecame a fine hoop official in later yearsand spent some years in Ireland as theowner of an inn before returning to NorthAndover.

Andy Zigelis was one of the NorthAndover kids that was one of that school’sbest ever, now a retired State trooper fromthe Commonwealth of Mass and a three-sport star at the turkey town school.

Robin Monroe who was considered thebest to play hoop there on his way to itshall of fame. Robin after a great career as adrug undercover agent with his good buddyGilly Frechette a Lawrence city councilor isnow the head of the housing authority taskforce.

Vie Battaglioli and Norm Heinze werealso players for this team and Heinze also aHall of Famer at the school and a three-sportstar a catcher in baseball he caught incollege for Tufts University and later he andI shared catching duties for the AndoverVets a Semi Pro baseball team. He had a sonwho played hockey in the NHL and one whocoached college hockey. Norm was no

slouch on the ice himself.Bob Licare Sr. was the coach and he is

now retired and a member of the statecoaches Hall of Fame and is the father ofDickie and Bobby now coaches at CentralCatholic after great high school and collegecareers, Dickie at North Andover High andMerrimack College and Bobby at CentralCatholic and U/Mass Lowell. He and hisgood buddy Leo Parent of Lowell - and nowthe hoop coach at Pentucket - led that teamto a national Divison 3 championship.

Jack Lyons also played for this NorthAndover team. The Methuen rangers hadBob Drew, George Max, Ara Tutunjian,Dave Nadeaujoe Tardie a fine baseball playerwho becomes a Hall of Famer and wasinducted in the same class with yours truly.

Bill Donovan now retired from theTelephone Company later watched his kidsplay sports for the Rangers along with hiswife Maureen who toils now at the MethuenSenior Citizens building.

John Rimas was a fine player also a Hallof Famer went on to play at MerrimackCollege and had two sons and a daughterwho gave him and his wife Jean great thrillson the hardwood. They recently movedfrom the city and are now residents ofSeabrook, New Hampshire.

Leading the Lancers of Lawrence werea great 3-sporter who later performed atMichigan State in football and later becamea rider in trotters racing and this afterwatching his son George Jr. lead the Salem,New Hampshire Blue Devils to a StateChampionship.

Ron Rochon, Barnsey O’Neil of SouthLawrence and now retired as security guardat Raytheon, Eddie Lonardo also aRaytheon retiree. Moe Ferris who pitchedfor the Lancer baseball team and is nowretired and living on the Cape; he was ateacher in the Andover school systemJimmy McCarthy also known as“Snowshoes” is also retired but after playinghoop at Merrimack College and selling

insurance. He and Robin Monroe take crosscountry motorcycle trips these days. Hestill lives locally and occasionally those twocan be caught eating at the Cedar Crest andthe big contest now is to see who is payingthe check.

Bobby Laudani was a three-sport starat the Haverhill St. School and a good one.Bobby leaves a wife and son as he perishesas his plane crashes into the icy PotomacRiver on a cold winter day.

The red and blue of Central Catholichad the following players at the ready: Dick“Moose” Poulin who later worked at theLawrence District Court. Jack “Biffer”Moynihan a Hall of Famer at the school wasa star in three sports. Biff’s dad was fabledfootball and baseball coach Dick Moynihan.Sadly Biff succumbs to a heart attack andleft us at much too young an age. He wasworking for Mass Electric after a tryout forthe New England Patriots didn’t pan out.

Paul Courtamanche now a retiree fromthe Essex County Jail system was anothergreat for what was called by some “SpicketHigh”. He can be found these days healthwalking with his sister Cammy Robergemany mornings. Bobby Zouloubus a betterthan average high school pitcher from SouthLawrence was also very adept on thehardwood.

Bobby “Dingo” Marchand another wholeft us much too early was as fast aslightning and was an excellent baseballplayer and later a fine softball player for theRocky Club in the fast pitch league. He toiledfor the city’s DPW and was in charge of theMemorial Stadium a great guy who was veryseldom seen without his ever present“stogie” sticking out of his mouth. Dingowas also a great bowler at the alleys beneaththe French Social when it was on Lowell St.

Al Butterworth is now retired and livingin Florida was a local sharpshooter ready togo. Don Tremblay who to this day isconsidered by many as Central Catholic’sgreatest player is living in Florida these daysas well and was an all state football playeron both offense and defense. He laterplayed softball for the Rocky Club and laterled a golden-ager team from Florida toNational Championship.

Joe Carter whose dad Nick has thetennis courts on Lawrence St. named afterhim was with the Centrals this year beforetransferring to LHS. He excelled in everysport he played from the Little League onup. At Lawrence he played for the fabledcoach Ed Buckley in football; later hestarred in hoop and then became the hoopcoach at the school. He works for the LHAmaintenance at Beacon St. these days andreferees hoop in New Hampshire. Joeresides in Derry, New Hampshire at present.He and the now deceased John Hale wererecruited out of Lawrence High Schoolfootball by the legendary coach of Alabama,Paul “Bear” Bryant, where they bothattended for a while. Bryant visited themboth in a house on Bennington St. inLawrence. This happened when Alabamawas a national power.

Greater Lawrence is well represented atthe 1956 Tech Tournament at the BostonGarden.

The 1956 Tech Tourney at BostonGarden behavior!!!

About the cover-your-assdepartment. Has Billy got it up tosnuff?

Where old shar is. Where the littleload is.

What old shar is driving? I thinkshe should have bought out the leasefor the big boat SUV. A lease that wouldwell outlive her time on the throne.You’d think that after what the littleload saying about her being a caringindividual, she would take some of thatthank you for being just Sharon money.

Well, maybe not. She must needthat money. Does she have a job yet?Has an opening at the spout becomevacant?

About the broken fence at theMar-Lin AKA Mill Falls Project, thedangerously high corner drop into thewater.

About the Billy Bridge being 100%handicap accessible.

I am sure that I do not have toworry too much about this because KenWillett will take care of this, and nowthat Kathleen Rahme has emerged fromthe basement water she will be able tohelp Ken. Go get them!

If Ken will be as concerned aboutthe bridge as he was about the track.

Who designed the track not beaccessible for the handicap?

About all the new cruisers and newpick-up truck. Who is going to drivethe new pick-up truck?

If cell phones grown out ofpolicemen’s ears.

If the cell phone drives the car.Apparently the car that recentlycrashed!

If Kraunelis’ father was a big wigat Malden Mills.

About Malden Mills paying theirback taxes.

About Billy picking Matt.Why Nancy Colbert who was our

interim community developmentdirector did not get the job?

Note: I hear she was eminentlyqualified. Well, I guess that explains it!

About Mass Development.If we have new computers coming,

I already know about the ones RandyHaggar has a hand in. I am talking aboutother new computers; we seem to get abig batch of them every couple ofyears.

Why the motorcycles were out thatvery slippery day of Billy inauguration.Seems like a very bad time to have thebikes out, even if it was for the pompand poop.

About officers driving their kidsto and from school and sporting events,while on duty and off duty and alwaysin a police cruiser whether marked orunmarked. Are we insured for this orcould we get sued?

Still wonder about all the buildinggoing on in Methuen?

Traffic?New Post Office?If Rumbo is being thrown away at

City Hall. They better not, Billy! YOUPROMISED!

How many of you citizens willapply for theses boards in Methuen.

What board or boards I will applyfor.

If I will get it. What do you think?



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22 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006


CENTERFor any of the followingactivities, unless noteddifferently, please call KathyBresnahan or Rita LaBella atthe Council on Aging at(978) 374-2390.

Flower ShowCOA is planning a trip to New

England Spring Flower Show onMonday, March 13. Join us for thisyear’s show, themed Welcome Home!Celebrating Our Great New EnglandLandscape. Transportation will leavefrom West Gate at 9:30 and depart fromBoston at 3:30. Tickets are $23.00.Lunch is on your own.

Ten TenorsCOA has tickets to a performance

by the Ten Tenors at Lowell Auditoriumon Wednesday, March 15 at 8:00 p.m.The Ten Tenors has been seen by over77 million people on three continents,selling out shows and winning heartswith their unmistakable charm,camaraderie and vocal prowess inopera, pop, rock and more. Theirconcert was broadcast on PBS stationsaround the Country. Bus will leavefrom the Citizen Center at 7:00 pm.Tickets are $45 per person.

Ballroom DancingPut on your dancing shoes and join

the Haverhill Council on Aging for anevening of ballroom dancing! Trilogywill perform live at the Citizens Center10 Welcome Street, Haverhill, onSaturday, March 25, from 7:30 to 11:00p.m. Doors will open at 7:00. Ticketsare $8.00 per person. Buy tickets earlyas seating is limited. Call your friendsand join in this lively evening of fun!You can dance the night away or simplysit and enjoy the music. Lightrefreshments will be served: soda,coffee, tea, desserts. There will be araffle and door prizes.

Lord of the Dance - LowellCOA has tickets to Lord of the

Dance at Lowell Auditorium onWednesday, March 30 at 8:00 p.m.Michael Flatley and his 30 superblychoreographed precision dancers havebeen selling out arenas and theatresworldwide with this Celtic-infusedspectacular program. Bus will leavefrom the Citizen Center at 7:00 pm.Tickets are $45 per person.

Boston SymphonyOrchestra

Haverhill COA has tickets to theBoston Symphony Orchestra All-Mozart Program open rehearsal onThursday, April 6, at 10:30 a.m. Buswill leave Westgate at 9:00 a.m. Lunchwill be dutch treat after theperformance. Tickets are $30 per

person for ticket and transportation.

Alleppo Shriners CircusHaverhill COA is planning a trip to theAlleppo Shriners Circus in Wilmington,MA, at the Shriners Auditorium onFriday, April 21. The bus will leaveWestgate at 12:30 a.m. and return toHaverhill at approximately 6:00 p.m.Tickets are complimentary, andtransportation for this event is $10.00per person for seniors. Reservationsmust be made by March 14 for thistrip.

Weight WatchersWeight Watchers is coming to the

Citizen Center! Our central locationand accessible parking make this theperfect site for Boomers, Seniors andothers to attend informative sessionsled by a knowledgeable, supportiveWeight Watchers leader. Learn to makebetter choices and eat wholesomefoods. Everyone is welcome!!

Meetings will take place onThursdays at 4:15 p.m. Cost is $12.00per week for 10 weeks with $120payable in full, in advance. Paymentscan be made using cash, check (madeout to Weight Watchers), money orderor credit card. Visa, MasterCard,Discover, and American Expressaccepted. Minimum of 15 paidmembers is required for the classes tobegin.

Monthly Discussion GroupCouncil on Aging is seeking

members to form a monthly discussiongroup to be held at the Citizen Center.Day and time will be determinedaccording to the needs of the group.Topics for lively conversa-tions couldinclude current events, politics,international events, local events, etc.


Faced once again with an upcomingbudget deficit, Mayor James J. Fiorentiniordered an immediate hiring and spendingfreeze. He also ordered all department headsto prepare a level funded budget for theupcoming year.

The Mayor said that his preliminarybudget numbers showed a deficit of $3.6million for the upcoming year. During thisyear, rising energy, fuel and snow removalcosts threaten to create a deficit during thepresent year.

Under the order issued by the Mayorthis morning, all spending of $1,000 or morebe must be personally approved by theMayor. No positions can be filled withoutthe permission of the Mayor. This is thethird year in a row that the Mayor hasordered a hiring and spending freeze. TheMayor also ordered all department headsto prepare a level funded budget for theupcoming year and to prepare an impactstatement showing the effects of level

Haverhill Mayor James J. Fiorentiniannounces that all City Employees willreceive customer service training. TheMerrimack Valley Federal Credit Union hasvolunteered to provide the training. TraceyMermet, Human Resource Training Officerand Raichelle L. Kallery, Assistant VicePresident of Marketing will conduct thisprogram.

Mayor Fiorentini stated, “Customerservice has been one of my administration’s

funding.“Our budget numbers are preliminary

and most certainly will change. However,the preliminary numbers, even with theprojected increases in State aid, show adeficit of over three million for the upcomingyear. We project a $2 million increase inhealth care costs, and rising energy andtrash collection costs,” said the mayor.

He will present an action plan to thecity council to meet this gap once they havemore detailed numbers. In the meantime, Ihave ordered that all departments present alevel funded budget for next year. “I havealso ordered a freeze on all nonessentialpurchases and a freeze on all new hires. Iinformed department heads that unless itwas something critical, such as salt for theroadways, please do not even submit therequest. The public expects us to live withinour means, and we are going to make everyeffort to do so,” added Mayor Fiorentini.

Mayor Orders Hiring,Spending Freeze,Orders DepartmentHeads to Present LevelFunded Budget

Customer ServiceTraining Will BenefitCity Employees

top priorities. Since I took office back in2004 I implemented a customer feed backform for every department. Although thiswas an effective tool in customer service,we thought a more thorough training wouldgive our employees the tools for exceptionalservice. I am truly grateful to the MerrimackValley Federal Credit Union for theirwillingness to provide our employees withthis training.”

FREE CELL PHONESCouncil on Aging announces it has a

supply of free cell phones for Haverhillseniors. These phones are

programmed to call 911 in anemergency. This is a free service.Please call Joel Berg for additional


NEET DRIVERS NEEDEDA dependable car, a good driving

record and a little time each month areall you need to become a NEET driver.The Northern Essex Elder Transport,Inc. program (NEET) drives seniorsfrom their homes to out-of-townmedical appointments. All of theseniors requesting NEET rides areindependent and ambulatory. The

NEET drivers are provided withsupplemental insurance for their

vehicle and are reimbursed at $.40 permile. Call the Haverhill Citizen Centerat 978-374-2449 or the NEET office at

978-388-7474 to sign up.

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 23

The Institute on Gero-technology,a not for profit educational institute,announces that its Computadoras paraKlutzes®, Básicos, Correo-e, e Internetwill be taught at Centro Latinoamericanoin Manchester. Classes will run from5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Mondays andFridays beginning 13 March, 2006ending 29 March, 2006. The tuition is$15.00.

The six lesson course takes theolder beginner from fear to confidenceso he/she can get the most out oftoday’s information machines. Thiscomputer literacy course was developedby Dr. Charlie Richmond, now ofPeterborough and is being taught inSpanish by Susanna S. Mendonca. Ithas helped more than 2,500 older adultsenter the Information Age. Today’sjargon is explained in a glossary. Thetextbook uses words and constructionsthat the older students can understand.

The first lessons teach how to givecommands to the computer so it willperform word processing tasks. Theremaining lessons teach the use ofemail, browsing the web, and searchingfor specific information. All studentslearn how to control the computerwithout needing to use the mouse thatyounger people find “people friendly”because they have good eye/handcoordination skills. Many older adultsfind mouse operations daunting.

Anyone wishing to register forthese classes should call SusanaStiffano at Centro Latinoamericano inManchester. Her telephone number is:(603) 669-5661. Each student receivesa textbook and each student has acomputer to use during class. Handson experience in class and at home orat a library are vital for success.

The ANA Synchers took gold in fourout of five categories of competition at thisweekend’s East Zone Junior SynchronizedSwimming Championships in Tonawanda,New York. The ANA Synchers, thesynchronized swimming team based at theAndover/North Andover branch of theMerrimack Valley YMCA, continue todominate in the region and dazzle the fieldwith the beauty and sophistication of theirroutines. Representing the largest team atthe event, the Synchers fielded three, aswell as five entries in each of the duet andtrio categories, and two solo competitors.

Of 27 teams competing, the ANASyncher’s teams finished in first, tenth andfifteenth positions. The top ten teams earna position in the final round. Snagging thegold for the team event by a precedent-setting four point margin were StephanieGarcia-Restrepo, 16, of Billerica, Rita Gillan,17, Ashley Cohen, 16, Beth O’Connor, 15,and Kelly Mahoney, 16, all of Andover,Meaghan Arsenault, 14, and MaggieConlon, 15, of Methuen, and CharlotteGorski, 16, of Manchester, NH. Faryn Shiro,16, of Andover was the alternate for the teamevent. They swam to a musical excerpt fromThe Prince of Egypt, and their routineincluded dramatic imagery, earningexceptional scores for both technical meritand artistry. Garcia-Restrepo and Gillanclaimed three Zone Championship titles atthis meet, making them the most decoratedswimmers in the team’s history. In additionto their first place team event finish, theyalso took gold in the duet event, and werejoined by teammate Ashley Cohen to takefirst place for their trio. Both routines wereset to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra’sinterpretation of Beethoven’s NinthSymphony. As a result of their successfulperformances, Garcia-Restrepo, Gillan andCohen earned qualifying scores to competein the prestigious Junior NationalChampionships in Minneapolis in April.They will be competing in solo, duet andtrio events.

Top ten finishes were also achieved byduet pair, Beth O’Connor and MeaghanArsenault, and by trio Charlotte Gorski,Faryn Shiro and Kelly Mahoney.

The tenth place junior team led off theteam finals with their routine, set to theTrans-Siberian Orchestra’s interpretation ofThe Nutcracker Suite, entitled “The MadRussian”. Team members include ClaireRudder, 14, of Sudbury, Jessica Mancini,14, Erica Potts, 15, Molly Trerotola, 14,Rachel Veznaian, 17, Sheila Cremin, 14, andEmily Stone, 15, all of Andover, and AmberBlum, 14, of North Andover. Rebecca Ely,15, and Emily Ingram, 14, of North Andoverwere alternates.

The third ANA Synchers team entered,the newest to this level of competition, fairedwell in their debut by placing 15th out of 27teams. This team includes Alice Wu, 15,Laura Hanson, 13, Colleen Maher, 13,Elizabeth Maldari, 13, all of Andover,Elizabeth Kwok, 16, Shefali (Minnie) Lohia,13, Hannah Straus, 12, of North Andover,and Taylor Clarke, 13, of Lowell.

Those interested in learning more aboutsynchronized swimming and experiencingthese exciting routines first hand can attend

the ANA Synchers Annual Showcase, heldat the Andover/North Andover branch ofthe Merrimack Valley YMCA on April 29th-30th. Watch for more details.

ANA Synchers Continue toDominate in East ZoneCompetition

Coursesfor LatinAmericansto be heldinManchesterbeginningin March,2006

Rita Gillan (left) and Stephanie Garcia-Restrepo, each earned three gold medals fortheir team and secured berths at April’s Junior National Championships inMinneapolis.

The ANA Synchers SeniorTeam: back row, fromleft: Faryn Shiro.Meaghan Arsenault,Stephanie Garcia-Restrepo. Middle row:Rita Gillan, MaggieConlon, Kelly Mahoney,Beth O’Connor. Frontrow: Ashley Cohen,Charlotte Gorski.

The ANA SynchersJunior Team: Back

row, from left: EmilyStone, Claire Rudder,

Amber Blum, RebeccaEly. Middle row:

Emily Ingram, SheilaCremin, Rachel

Veznaian. Front row:Jessica Mancini, Molly

Trerotola, Erica Potts.


MARCH 12, 2006The St. Patrick’s Parade

Committee would like to invite youto participate in this year’s great

tradition.The parade is scheduled for

Sunday, March 12th at 1:00 p.m.and will begin at Salem and SouthUnion Street, in South Lawrence.

If you have any questionsabout getting your group involvedor wish to make a contribution,

please call Marie Gosselin at (978)683-4792.

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24 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

What’s New atWhat’s New atWhat’s New atWhat’s New atWhat’s New at NECC

Presidential GardensApartments

140 Evergreen DriveBradford, MA 01835

announces the opening of thethree-bedroom waitlist for allincome categories effective

February 21, 2006!

Presidential Gardens Apartments isseeking applicants for low-incomerental-housing program. We are

currently accepting applications forour three bedroom waitlist.

Rent for 2006 equals 30% ofadjusted household income, not to

exceed $1161.

Applications can be obtained inperson from the managementoffice at 140 Evergreen Drive,

Bradford on Wednesdays,Thursdays and Fridays from 11 AMuntil 2 PM, or by calling 978-373-

2543, and may be returned inperson or mailed to the above

address. Reasonableaccommodations made.

No applications for the three-bedroom waitlist will be accepted

prior to 11 AM on Tuesday.February 21. 2006.

For consideration all applicationsmust be completely filled out andsigned by all household members

aged 18 or over.

Eligible applications will be placedon the appropriate income-basedwaitlist. Selection of an applicationfrom the waitlist for processing isbased on income category, then

date and time of application.

We will reject ail incompleteapplications and applications thatdo not meet the above income


Translation assistance incompleting applications is

available. Presidential! Gardens isan equal housing opportunityproperty, It is managed and

marketed by Maloney Properties,27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA02481, Phone 781-943-0200.

Interested inbuying anaffordablehome?Bread & Roses Housing is currentlyaccepting applications for two 3-bedroom units (duplex style) beingbuilt at 12 - 14 Hampton St.Lawrence. Each 3-bedroom homewill be sold for $75,000 to lowincome first-time homebuyers. Thehomes must remain owner-occupiedand affordable through all futuresales and resales. Applications areonly available by attending a Bread &Roses Housing seminar on Thursday,March 9 at 6:00 PM or Sunday,March 26 at 1:30 PM at theLawrence Public Library.

Dr. Robert O’Neill, director of the JohnBurns Library of Rare Books and SpecialCollections at Boston College, will sharefascinating stories from his experiencescollecting all things of importancedocumenting the history, life and culture ofthe Irish people on Sunday, Mar. 5 at 2 p.m.

Collecting All Things Irishduring a presentation at Northern EssexCommunity College’s Amesbury StreetCampus in Lawrence. Free and open to thepublic, this presentation is part of the WhiteFund Enlightenment Series presented byNorthern Essex Community College and istitled From Medieval Gravestones to Yeats:Not So Ordinary Stories on Collecting IrishTreasures.

The program will feature Yeats familystories as told to Dr. O’Neill by the poet’sson; tales of stolen Irish artifacts and FBIstings; and accounts of how BostonCollege came to acquire the papers ofThomas Clarke, the first signer of theProclamation of 1916.

Robert Keating O’Neill is director of theJohn J. Burns Library and part-time facultyof political science at Boston College. Hehas been Burns Librarian since 1987. Heholds both a Ph.D in History and a Master’sof Arts in Library Science from theUniversity of Chicago. He is widelypublished and has served on many boards.In 2003, he was named to Irish AmericaMagazine’s Top 100 Irish Americans. Dr.O’Neill has received many awards andcommendations, including the Eire Societyof Boston’s prestigious Gold Medal.

LibrarianCatalogues Storiesof Collections

Dr. Robert O’Neill, director of the JohnBurns Library of Rare Books and SpecialCollections at Boston College, will sharefascinating stories from his experiencescollecting all things of importancedocumenting the history, life and culture ofthe Irish people on Sunday, March 5 at 2p.m. during a presentation at Northern EssexCommunity College’s Amesbury StreetCampus in Lawrence. Free and open to thepublic, this presentation is part of the WhiteFund Enlightenment Series presented byNorthern Essex Community College and istitled From Medieval Gravestones to Yeats:Not So Ordinary Stories on Collecting IrishTreasures.

The program will feature Yeats familystories as told to Dr. O’Neill by the poet’sson; tales of stolen Irish artifacts and FBIstings; and accounts of how BostonCollege came to acquire the papers ofThomas Clarke, the first signer of theProclamation of 1916.

Just in time for Irish Heritage Month,the New England Civic Ballet launches anoriginal ballet based on Irish mystical themesand set to lilting Celtic music. Written byartistic director Phyllis George, “TheENCHANTED GLEN”, features youngperformers from the Merrimack Valley andsouthern New Hampshire. Ms. Georgechoreographed this premiere productionwith the assistance of Roshni Pecora,director of New England Civic Ballet’sschool for dance education.

The story line surrounds the classictale of 2 young lovers separated by death.The magical Enchanted Glen, deep in a lushgreen Irish forest, is the setting for our storyof lost loves reuniting.

Villagers of the glen celebrate thecoming of spring with a day of dancing andcompanionship. During the celebration, twofriends try to help Eilis overcome hermourning the loss of her love, Faolan.Despite their efforts, Eilis remainsdistraught. As the day ends, the villagersdepart leaving Eilis alone. The Nightwindushers in the evening and Eilis dancesbriefly as she fondly re-enacts her last timetogether with her beloved Faolan.Overwhelmed, she cries herself to sleep.

Later she awakens to dancing faeriesand a faun who summon the spirit of Faolanto dance once again with Eilis. Bansheesfrom the underworld arrive to once againseparate the young lovers, but with the helpof the majestic White Owl, the bansheesare exiled back to the underworld. Faolan isgranted life and reunited with Eilis. Awedding and day of merriment bring ahappy ending to the story.

NECB’s production for St.Patrick’s Day

Join the cast and crew of the EnchantedGlen as they weave this magical story withtheir dance. Three performances will be heldat the Rogers Center, Merrimack College,North Andover, MA: Saturday, March 25,at 2 PM and 7:30 PM; Sunday, March 26, at2 PM.

Local dancers from Lawrence and Methuen include: Back row: (L-R) Cassandra Boucher, KimberlyWentworth, Theresa Taft, and Audra Mele. Front row: Jana Schulz, Bryanne Papadakis, MariaKaramourtopoulos, and Kelly Scarpone. They will all dance the part of villagers throughout theballet, in addition Kimberly and Theresa will also dance the role of Banshees in act II.

Missing from the photo are: Ashley Fichera who dances the role of the Night Wind and RichardMcNeil who is cast in the role of the lost love, Faolan.

Tickets may be ordered online, or bycalling (978) 975-0289. Tickets are $20 foradults and $18 for senior citizens andchildren under 12. Group rates areavailable for groups of 15 or moreattending the same show.

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If you have any questionsregarding this section or

anything else, please get intouch with the shelter duringregular work hours:Tuesday

through Saturday from 11 amto 4pm, Thursdays from 12noon to 7pm, and Sundays

from 12-3 pm by calling (978)687-7453.

MSPCA Online Find our page in the

Internet:methuen-mspca.orgThe animal shelter is locatedat 400 de Broadway, Ruta 28

en Methuen.

MSPCA - Methuen & Rumbo Cooperative Education



Bandit, Domestic Short Hair-black and white, Age: Adult, Sex: FemaleMeet Bandit. This friendly girl enjoys meeting new people hereat the shelter and is always up for a game of play. Her ownersays she especially likes fur covered toy mice. Bandit is used toliving with another cat, a Chihuahua, and a bird. Unfortunately,her owner moved and her new landlord doesn’t allow pets. Banditis also used to having her owner’s grandchildren come for a visit.As she likes to play a little rough at times, Bandit would probablydo best in a home with older children who can recognize whenshe needs a time out from her game. And when game time is over,Bandit enjoys spending quality lap time with people. If you are looking for a friendly, playfulcompanion, come and meet Bandit. She may be the perfect girl for you.

Zoe, Domestic Short Hair Mix, Tortoiseshell, Age: 9years old, Sex: Spayed FemaleAlthough she can be shy when you first meet, once Zoe warms up toyou she is a real love bug. She got along so well with our photographerthat it was almost impossible to take her picture because she keptgetting too close to the camera! Zoe needs a quiet home with no smallchildren and no other pets. The other cat in her home picked on her, and

now Zoe is nervous around other animals. Don’t let that turn you off though. With all the loveand affection she has to offer, Zoe is the only cat you’ll need. Come and meet this very cute andvery special girl today.

Mr. Hollywood, Domestic Short Hair-black, Age:8 years old, Sex: Neutered MaleIntroducing Mr. Hollywood!!!! He came to the shelter because theother cats in the home were tormenting him. When he came to theshelter and became ill and developed an infection in his eye. Afterweeks of antibiotics and other medical trials the decision had to bemade to have his eye removed. You’d think that this would havemade him depressed or withdrawn...but not Mr. Hollywood! He isquite the ham and loves to get attention from people....and hedeserves all the attention in the world. It’s been a tough year for this trooper but he has come outon top and has become a staff favorite. He loves to lay on your lap and to be patted. He’d do wellin any home but a quieter one would be the best for this special guy.

Tasha, Pit Bull Terrier Mix, Age: 3 years old, Sex: Spayed FemaleHey everybody! My name is Tasha! Hopefully you’ve been able tolook at my pictures and see my adorable, smiling face. I am 3 ½ yearsold and I am very social and affectionate. Now sometimes people getnervous about my breed but I am here to tell you that you will be sosurprised when you meet me, I don’t have a mean bone in my body. Iam here at the shelter looking for a new home because my owners weremoving and could not take me with them. I am searching for a newloving home with older kids or adults only...I may be a bit too strongfor younger children. I would also do best without cats and small dogssince I can be a bit too much for them as well. Other larger dogs would

be fine as long as our introduction goes well here at the shelter and your dog likes me. I love togo for nice long walks and I am very playful...I also LOVE to snuggle and sometimes I think I ama lap dog. If your out there looking for a real sweetie and a dog who not only has a ton of affectionand love to give but also has a nice level of play and energy then I’m your gal!!!

Samantha, Catahoula Leopard Dog, Age: Young, Sex: Spayed FemaleSamantha is an active, fun, affectionate dog. She came to us with abulging left eye due to untreated glaucoma. After a visit to the vetit was determined that her eye needed to be removed. This has notslowed her down one bit. She loves to play and has been aroundcats. (They would need to be cats who are used to an active dog)Samantha has also lived with older children and teens before. Shewould do well in some group training classes so she can bond witha new owner and learn some manners. She would love to live witha family who enjoys hiking and other outdoor activities where shecan come along. Samantha is a wonderful dog who will be a greataddition to a new family. She would do best as the only dog since she has so much energy and canbe too much for other dogs and plus she LOVES to get all the attention.

Clifford, Hotot Mix, Age: Adult, Sex: Neutered MaleClifford came to the shelter as a stray bunny so unfortunately there isnot much information about him. He’s easy to handle - even for nailtrims- and can be very affectionate. Clifford would prefer to an onlybunny but other than that he would be perfect for almost any home. Besure to come by the shelter to say hello!

Tips are subject totaxes

Do you work at a hair salon, barbershop, casino, golf course, hotel or restaurantor drive a taxicab? The tip income youreceive as an employee from those servicesis taxable income.

Here as some tips about tips:

TIPS ARE TAXABLETips are subject to federal income, socialsecurity and Medicare taxes, and may besubject to state income tax as well. Thevalue of non–cash tips, such as tickets,passes or other items of value, is also incomeand subject to federal income tax.

INCLUDE TIPS ON YOUR TAX RETURNYou must include in gross income all cashtips you receive directly from customers,tips added to credit cards, and your shareof any tips you receive under a tip–splittingarrangement with fellow employees.

REPORT TIPS TO YOUR EMPLOYERIf you receive $20 or more in tips in any onemonth, you should report all your tips toyour employer. Your employer is requiredto withhold federal income, Social Securityand Medicare taxes.

KEEP A RUNNING DAILY LOG OF YOURTIP INCOMEYou can use IRS Publication 1244,Employee’s Daily Record of Tips and Reportto Employer, to record your tip income. Fora free copy of Publication 1244, call the IRStoll free at 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).

For more information, check out IRSPublication 531, Reporting Tip Income, orPublication 3148, Tips on Tips. They areavailable by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676) or by going to the IRS Website at

Are you eligible forthe EITC?If in 2005 you earned…

$11,750 ($13,750 if married filing jointly)without a qualifying child: Maximum Credit- $399

$31,030 ($33,030 if married filing jointly)with one qualifying child: Maximum Credit -$2,662

IRS Tax Tips$35,263 ($37, 263 if married filing jointly)

with more than one qualifying child:Maximum Credit - $4,400

You may qualify for the Earned IncomeTax Credit. For more information go

E-File your return…it’s safe, fast andaccurate

Places where you may have your taxreturn prepared free of charge:

AMERICAN TRAINING102 Glenn St., Lawrence, MASite Coordinator: Noelia BatistaTel. (978) 685-2151

HOPE10 Pemberton Way, Lawrence, MASite Coordinator: Vivian PazminoTel. (978) 975-2636 Ext. 101

MERCIER CENTER21 Salem Street, Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Roberta Evans-HaasTel. (978) 322-5403

COMMUNITY TEAMWORK, INC.169 Merrimack St. 3rd floor, Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Rob BuckellTel. (978) 970-4120

LOWELL SENIOR CENTER/LIBRARYSITE276 Broadway St. Lowell, MASite Coordinator: Lynn Brown ZounesTel. (978) 970-4131

Missing your formW-2?

You should have received a Form W-2,Wage and Tax Statement, from each of youremployers for use in preparing your federaltax return. Employers must furnish thisrecord of 2005 earnings and withheld taxesno later than January 31, 2006 (if mailed,allow a few days for delivery). If you didnot receive is, contact your employer, as itmay have been returned because of anincorrect address. After contacting youremployer, allow a reasonable amount of timefor your employer to resend or issue the W-2. If you misplaced your W-2, your employercan replace the lost form with a “reissuedstatement.” Be aware that your employer isallowed to charge you a fee.

If you still have not received your W-2,contact the IRS for assistance at 1-800-829-1040 with the following information:

· The employer’s name and address, theemployer’s identification number (if known),and telephone number,· Your name and address, Social Securitynumber, and telephone number; and· An estimate of the wages you earned,the federal income tax withheld, and thedates you began and ended employment.

You still must file your tax return ontime even if you do not receive your FormW-2. If you cannot get a W-2 by the tax-filing deadline, you may use Form 4852,Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and TaxStatement, but it will delay any refund duewhile the information is verified.

If you receive a corrected W-2 afteryour return is filed and the information itcontains does not match the income orwithheld tax reported on your return, youmust file an amended return on Form 1040X.

Forms 4852 and 1040X and theirinstructions are available on the IRS Website, or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).

Celebrate the arrival of spring byvolunteering for the American CancerSociety’s Daffodil Days. Lend a handto sell, pack, sort or deliver flowersduring the week of March 20 for asmuch time as you can give. Withyour help during Daffodil Days, theAmerican Cancer Society can raise

the vital funds for research,education, advocacy and patientservices programs, while bringing

hope and help to cancer patients inyour community. Please call the

American Cancer Society at1.800.ACS.2345 to be connected to

a staff person in your local office.



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26 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006

GALLERY 181181 Canal Street, LawrenceExhibiting intriguing Art monthlyFor more Information: (978) 741-7979——SATURDAY, MARCH 4 | 7:30 PM“MOSTLY MOZART”Rogers Center for the ArtsMerrimack College, No. AndoverPresented by New England ClassicalSingersFor more info: 978-474-6090——SUNDAY, MARCH 5 | 2PMLecture with Dr. Robert O’NeillDirector of the John Burns Library ofRare Books and Special Collectionsat Boston CollegeNECC, White Fund Room78-82 Amesbury Street, LawrenceFree and open to the public.Presented by: Northern EssexCommunity College And the WhiteFund.For more info: 978 556-3700.——SUNDAY, MARCH 5 | 2:30 PMGiovanni Bottesini: Concerto no. 2 forContrabassRogers Center for the ArtsMerrimack College, No. AndoverPresented by: Merrimack ValleyPhilharmonic OrchestraFor more info: 978-685-3505——FRIDAY, MARCH 10 | 10:30 AM“Venus and Adonis” a baroque operaRogers Center for the ArtsMerrimack College, No. AndoverPresented by The Treble ChorusOf New England. For more info:978-837-5461——MARCH FILM SERIESRoger Center for the ArtsMerrimack College, No. AndoverFree and open to the publicPre-screening discussion: 6:30 PMScreening: 7:00 PMFor more info: 978-837-5355

TUESDAY, MARCH 14International Film Series: “The Closet” – France——THURSDAY, MARCH 16 – 7:30 PMCHERISH THE LADIESRoger Center for the ArtsMerrimack College, No. AndoverOne of the most engaging ensemblesIn the history of Irish Music.For more info: 978-837-5355——MARCH 17 &18, 7:00 PMRogers & Hammerstein’s OKLAHOMA!Friday and SaturdayThe Dupre Sports and Arts CenterPresentation of Mary AcademyAdmission: Adults $8.00 Students/Seniors $6.00.For more info: 978-682-9391 x116.

The Lawrence Cultural Alliancepublishes the Events Calendar on a

quarterly basis. For a complete listingof their calendar of events, please visit


To have your event listed on this section of Rumbo, please send us an email to (and only to)[email protected]. The email must contain the name, date, time and location of the event. A contact emailand phone number is recommended. A brief description of less than 30 words could also be included. If your messageis missing any of this information, it will not be posted. Posting of your event is subject to space availability. Rumbo isnot responsible for any misprinted information.

COST OF ADVERTISINGEvents organized by non for profit organizations will be posted for FREE. If your event is for profit, please contact us tolearn about our posting fees. Please visit our website,, for display ads rates.

PUBLISHING SCHEDULEYou must submit your event 5 days prior to our Publication DatesRumbo is published four times a month. Our Regional Edition is printed on the 1st and 15th of every month. This editionreaches Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, and Lowell in Massachusetts. It is also distributed inManchester, Nashua, and Salem in New Hampshire. Publications printed on the 8th and the 22nd of each month areonly distributed in Lawrence and Methuen.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONSPlease use our email address [email protected] for anything in reference to posting an event on thissection of the paper.

Welcome to Rumbo’s new Calendar of EventsWelcome to Rumbo’s new Calendar of EventsWelcome to Rumbo’s new Calendar of EventsWelcome to Rumbo’s new Calendar of EventsWelcome to Rumbo’s new Calendar of Events

Irish Vice-Counsel Mary AnnBolger of the Irish Consulate inBoston and Mayor Michael J.Sullivan will open Irish HeritageMonth in the city of Lawrence witha special storytelling at the SouthLawrence Branch Library on Friday,March 3rd at 11:30 a.m. Ms.Bolger will be present for the firstof two Irish storytellings at theBranch library located at 135Parker Street in Lawrence, MA theprogram is open to children andadults. Light refreshments will beserved.

The program is sponsored bythe Ancient Order of the HiberniansDivision 8, the Irish Foundation ofLawrence, and the Friends of theLawrence Public Library. TheSouth Lawrence Branch Libraryhouses an extensive specialcollection of Irish books and othermedia established bythe Ancient Order of the HiberniansDivision 8. The collection isavailable for use by the public.

For further information pleasecall the South Branch, 978-794-5789


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Irish Flag Raising at the NorthLawrence Common across fromLawrence City Hall, Common Street,Lawrence, MA at 11 AM

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 TO FRIDAY,MARCH 31Irish Literature Exhibit at HeritageState Park Visitor’s Center, 1 JacksonSt. Lawrence, MA - Open Daily 9:00 –4:00. Free Admission – HandicapAccessible – Sponsored by Division 8AOH & the Irish Foundation

THURSDAY, MARCH 2Irish Art Exhibit (entire month) LoricaArtworks, 90 Main St. Andover

FRIDAY, MARCH 3Irish Children’s Story Telling byMaryann Bulger of the Irish Consulatein Boston & Mayor Michael J. Sullivan -Reading Irish Children’s Stories, SouthLawrence Branch Library, 135 ParkerStreet, Lawrence, MA at 11:30 AM –Refreshments

FRIDAY, MARCH 3Irish Authors Weekend featuringKevin O’Hara author of Last of theDonkey Pilgrims (A tour of Ireland ona Donkey) at Heritage State Park, 1Jackson St. Lawrence, MA – Sponsoredby the Irish Foundation

SATURDAY, MARCH 4Irish Breakfast at Claddagh Pub &Restaurant, 399 Canal St, Lawrence,MA from 8 AM – 11 AM - Sponsored byDivision 8 AOH and LAOH - Hosted byMayor Michael J. Sullivan

SATURDAY, MARCH 4Irish Authors Weekend featuringDavid Quinn author of An IrishRebel on the Frontier at theCladdagh Pub & Restaurant, 399 CanalSt, Lawrence, MA at 12 Noon(References will be made aboutCaptain Timothy Dacey & Mayor John J.Breen) – Sponsored by the IrishFoundation


Irish Heritage Month is sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 8& LAOH and the Irish Foundation

SUNDAY MARCH 5 | 11:00 AM14th Annual Irish Classic 4 Mile RoadRace and Walk, to benefit cancerresearch. Sponsored by the CladdaghPub and Restaurant. For information978-688-8337

SUNDAY, MARCH 5White Fund Lecture featuringAuthor Dr. Robert O’Neill of BostonCollege at Northern Essex CommunityCollege White Building, Amesbury St,Lawrence, MA, at 2 PM

SATURDAY, MARCH 11Lecture by Dr William J. Matthews,Professor at U Mass Amherst – Dr.Matthews will discuss his forthcomingbook on the Easter Uprising of 1916 –at the Claddagh Pub and Restaurant,399 Canal Street, Lawrence, MA at1:30 PM – Sponsored by the IrishFoundation

FRIDAY, MARCH 10Irish Story Telling at the SouthLawrence Branch Library, 135 ParkerSt, Lawrence, MA at 10:30 AM

SATURDAY, MARCH 11135th Saint Patrick’s Day DinnerDance – Music by Andy Healy BandSponsored by the Rev. James T.O’Reilly OSA Division 8 AOH

SUNDAY, MARCH 12Lawrence’s Saint Patrick’s DayParadeFor more information contact MarieGosselin at 978 683- 4792

THURSDAY, MARCH 1637th Annual Corned Beef andCabbage Luncheon - Music by theSilver Spears Irish Show Band -Sponsored by Division 8 AOH

THURSDAY, MARCH 16Cherish the Ladies @ 7 PM at theRoger’s Center, Merrimack College,North Andover, MA - For moreinformation please call 978 – 837 –5117

FRIDAY MARCH 17Irish Music, Bands and Singers, all day,at Claddagh Pub and Restaurant, 399Canal Street, Lawrence. 978-688-8337

FRIDAY, MARCH 17 & SATURDAY,MARCH 18Irish Film Festival at LawrenceHeritage State Park, 1 Jackson Street,Lawrence, MA at 11 AM – Sponsoredby Division 8 AOH. For furtherinformation please call 978 – 794 –1655

SATURDAY, MARCH 252:00pm and 7:30pm, andSunday March 26 at 2:00 pmThe New England Civic Ballet presents“The Enchanted Glen”At the Rogers Center, MerrimackCollege, North Andover, MA.For information and reservations call978-975-0289WEBSITE:WWW.RUMBONEWS.COM | EMAIL: [email protected]

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Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006 | RUMBO - 27

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FECHAS DE INSCRIPCION:Febrero 11, 18, 25 & Marzo 11

entre las 12:00pm a 3:00pm,Knights of Columbus, 1 Market St,

South Lawrence.

El Costo de inscripciones $55.00 y$35.00 para T-Ball.

SPRING CAMP para las edades de8, 9 y10 se llevará a cabo en abril1, 8, 15, entre 12:00pm a 3:00pm.

T-BALL CAMP se llevará a cabo enabril 24, entre 5:30pm y 6:30pm.Apertura de temporada (Openingday) Abril 29, 11:00am (rain dateAbril 30)

La directiva de South LawrenceEast Baseball (Board Memebers)

se complacen en invitarlos alOpening Day a celebrarse el 29de abril, 2006. Este año la ligatiene el honor de llevar a cabosu temporada en los nuevos

terrenos localizados detrás deSouth Lawrence East School.

Esperamos contar con supresencia en el Opening Day.

HEALTH &EDUCATIONSERVICES, INC.Health & Education Services,Inc., es una agencia de saludextensa enfocada en elcomportamiento humano, consu oficina principal localizada en

Beverly, y con sucursales a través de lazonas de Greater North Shore y el LowerMerrimack Valley, que está buscando:

ENFERMERA LICENCIADA PRACTICANTE(NURSE PRACTITIONER): (Lawrence)P/T (hasta 20 horas, algunas horas deguardia). Con experiencia, bilingüe (Inglés/Español) NP Para Adultos con una ampliagama de habilidades, incluyendo flebotomía,para proveer cuidado de salud primaria apersonas adultas con enfermedadesmentales severas, en una consulta externaen Lawrence; Tiene que haberse graduadode un programa de NP aprobado, conCertificación de Massachusetts y conLicencia activa en MA a Nivel Avanzado enEnfermería. Envíen Resumé a: QualityManagement Division, HES, 162Federal St., Salem, MA 01970, óenvíelo por correo electrónico [email protected].


The Commonwealth ofMassachusetts Human Resources

Division will hold an Entry-Level CivilService Examination for Firefighter,

Municipal Service, on June 10, 2006.Applications must be filed or

postmarked no later than April 24,2006. Applications and information

about eligibility requirements,application fees, and the

examination process are available atthe Human Resources Division, OneAshburton Place, Boston, MA 02108

or by calling the Examination HotLine at (617) 878-9895 or toll-freeat 1-800-392-6178. You may also

apply on line at






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28 - RUMBO | Lawrence, MA | Marzo 1, 2006


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con Jean Acevedo y Johny Castillo, todos losmiércoles de 9:00 a 10:00 de la mañana porImpacto 1110 (WCEC).

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