imagines y oraciones en ingle y español

IMAGINES Y ORACIONES EN INGLE Y ESPAÑOL The great-grandmother My father's grandmother is my great-grandmother. la bisabuela La abuela de mi padre es mi bisabuela. The great-great-grandfather His grandfather's grandfather is his Great-great-grandfather. El tatarabuelo El abuelo de su abuelo es su tatarabuelo. The great-great-grandmother Your grandfather's grandmother is your great-great-grandmother. la tatarabuela La abuela de vuestro abuelo es vuestra tatarabuela. The twins Maria is going to have twins. los mellizos María va a tener mellizos. the triplets Robert and Julia are going to have triplets. los trillizos Roberto y Julia van a tener trillizos. The marriage There are fewer and fewer marriages. el matrimonio Cada vez hay menos matrimonios. The homosexual married couple The homosexual married couple is going to adopt a child. el matrimonio homosexual El matrimonio homosexual va a adoptar unniño. The common-law couple There are more and more common-law couples. la pareja de hecho Cada vez hay más parejas de hecho. Maternity My friend is on maternity leave. la maternidad Mi amiga está de baja por maternidad. Paternity Fathers enjoy their paternity. la paternidad Los padres disfrutan de su paternidad. the large family

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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The great-grandmotherMy father's grandmother is bisabuelaLa abuela de mi padre es mi bisabuela.

The great-great-grandfatherHis grandfather's grandfather is hisGreat-great-grandfather.El tatarabueloEl abuelo de su abuelo es su tatarabuelo.

The great-great-grandmotherYour grandfather's grandmother isyour tatarabuelaLa abuela de vuestro abuelo es vuestratatarabuela.

The twinsMaria is going to have twins.los mellizosMaría va a tener mellizos.

the tripletsRobert and Julia are going to havetriplets.los trillizosRoberto y Julia van a tener trillizos.

The marriageThere are fewer and fewer marriages.el matrimonioCada vez hay menos matrimonios.

The homosexual married coupleThe homosexual married couple isgoing to adopt a child.el matrimonio homosexualEl matrimonio homosexual va a adoptarunniño.

The common-law coupleThere are more and more pareja de hechoCada vez hay más parejas de hecho.

MaternityMy friend is on maternity maternidadMi amiga está de baja por maternidad.

PaternityFathers enjoy their paternidadLos padres disfrutan de su paternidad.the large family

Large families receive financial familia numerosaLas familias numerosas reciben ayudasEconómicas.