cuadernillo grammar 1º ciclo eso.doc

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  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc



    NDICE1) Pronombres personales SUJETO2) Los artculos: a / an / some / any / the3) erbo !to be !") There #s / There are$) El %erbo !ha%e &ot!') erbos !to be! y !ha%e &ot!(

    ) El plural *e los nombres+) ,ontables / -ncontables.) Los artculos: a / an / some / any / the/ U,0 / / LOT O415) ,omparat#%os y Superlat#%os 6ESO2)11) El Presente S#mple12) El Presente ,ont#nuo13) ,ontraste entre el Presente S#mple y el Presente ,ont#nuo1") Los a*7et#%os poses#%os y el &en#t#%o sa78n1$) E9pres#ones temporales con las prepos#c#ones !#n/ on/ at!

    1') Los *emostrat#%os: th#s that these those1 ) Partculas #nterro&at#%as1+) There ;as/ There ;ere1.) Pasa*o S#mple25) Pasa*o ,ont#nuo 6ESO2)21) ,ontraste entre el Pasa*o S#mple y el Pasa*o ,ont#nuo 6ESO2)22) El -mperat#%o y !let

  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


    25.- First ConditionaIntrod!"tionThe first conditional (also called conditional type 1 ) is a structure used for talking about ossibilities inthe resent or in the future! This age "ill e# lain ho" the first conditional is for$ed% and "hen to useit!

    1. #$% str!"t!r% o& a &irst "onditiona s%nt%n"% A first conditional sentence consists of t"o clauses% an &if& clause and a $ain clause'

    if " a!s% 'ain " a!s%

    If ou stud hard% ou "ill ass the test!

    If the &if& clause co$es first% a co$$a is usuall used! If the &if& clause co$es second% there is noneed for a co$$a'

    'ain " a!s% if " a!s%

    ou "ill ass the test if ou stud hard!

    *e use different +erb for$s in each art of a first conditional'

    'ain " a!s% if " a!s%

    ou "ill ass the test if ou stud hard!2. (sing t$% &irst "onditionaThe first conditional is used to talk about things "hich are ossible in the resent or the future ,things "hich may happen:

    E)a'* % E)* anation

    If it-s sunn % "e-ll go to the ark! Maybe it will be sunny that's possible.

    Paula "ill be sad if .uan lea+es! Maybe Juan will leave that's possible.

    If ou cook the su er% I-ll "ash the dishes! Maybe you will cook the supper that's possible.

    2+.- Pr%s%nt P%r&%"t, (s%sIntrod!"tionThe present perfect tense is co$$on in English! It is used for $an different functions! This age "ille# lain the $ost i$ ortant uses of the resent erfect tense!1. A"tions $i"$ start%d in t$% *ast and ar% sti "ontin!ingThe resent erfect is often used for an action that started at so$e ti$e in the ast and is stillcontinuing no"! Often% the "ords for ("ith a length of ti$e) and since ("ith a starting ti$e) are usedalong "ith the resent erfect!

    % $as i %d in Canada &or &i % 0%ars.(/e started li+ing in 0anada fi+e ears ago% and he-s still li+ing there no"!)

    S$% $as or %d at t$% (ni %rsit0 sin"% 1 3.(She started "orking at the 1ni+ersit in 2334% and she-s still "orking there no"!)2. A"tions $i"$ $a**%n%d at so'% !n no n ti'% in t$% *astSo$eti$es% it-s i$ ortant to sa that so$ething happened (or didn-t ha en)% but it-s not i$ ortant (or not kno"n) when it ha ened! In this case% "e can use the resent erfect too! In this case% "e oftenuse the "ords already %yet %ever or never along "ith the resent erfect! These "ords usuall gobefore the ast artici le in the sentence!I4 % a r%ad0 s%%n t$at &i '. I don4t ant to s%% it again.(It doesn-t $atter "hen I sa" it!)

    a % 0o! % %r %%n to 6%r'an0(It doesn-t $atter "hen ou "ent , I 5ust "ant to kno" "hether ou ha+e been there or not!)

    Pg.2/7 ISRAEL_PROFESOR 647.77.26.27 - [email protected] publ#cac#8n est restra*a est n reser%a*os to*os los *erechos( # la total#*a* n# parte *e la m#sma pue*e repro*uc#rse o

    transm#t#rse por proce*#m#ento electr8n#co o mec n#co #ncluyen*o >otocop#a &rabac#8n ma&nFt#ca o cualGu#er almacenam#ento *e#n>ormac#8n y s#stema *e recuperac#8n s#n el perm#so *e ISRAEL_PROFESOR (

  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


    8. A"tions $i"$ $a**%n%d in t$% *ast9 !t $a % an %&&%"t in t$% *r%s%ntThis use is a little $ore difficult than the other t"o! In this case% the action ha ened at so$e ti$e inthe ast% but the effect of the action is still i$ ortant no"! It-s easiest to understand this use if "eco$ are resent erfect sentences "ith si$ le ast sentences!

    #%ns% S%nt%n"% :%aning

    Presenterfect I-+e lost $ ke s! I don-t ha+e the ke s! The are still $issing!

    Si$ le ast I lost $ ke s esterda ! I didn-t ha+e the$ esterda % but $a be toda I foundthe$!

    Presenterfect She-s broken her ar$! The ar$ is still in5ured!

    Si$ le ast She broke her ar$! The ar$ is robabl O6 no"!

    Pr%s%nt P%r&%"t #%ns% - A r%ad0 and ;%tA r%ad0 $eans that so$ething ha ened earlier than "e e# ected! *ith Present Perfect alreadusuall goes after ha+e or has and before the $ain +erb!Examples

    !e've already had our breakfast.

    !hen are you "oin" to do your homework# $ut %'ve already done it&

    o you want a cup of coffee# (o) thanks. %'ve already had one.* ;%t $eans that so$ething that "e e# ected has ha ened or hasn-t ha ened! *e usuall ut it atthe end of a sentence!Examples

    +as the post arrived yet #

    +ave you done your homework# (ot yet .

    +aven't you "ot ready yet # ,ook at the time&

    22.- I'*%rati o Se usa el i'*%rati o o &i'*%rati %& ara dar o reali7ar' 1 Instr!""ion%s !Turn to the right!8ira a la derecha! 2 otocop#a &rabac#8n ma&nFt#ca o cualGu#er almacenam#ento *e#n>ormac#8n y s#stema *e recuperac#8n s#n el perm#so *e ISRAEL_PROFESOR (

  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


    >o ? %r o %n in&initi o sin to!llaos% or fa+or La for$a %n&ti"a n%gati a se for$a con'>on t ? 0o! ? %r o %n in&initi o sin to!isPara las -uestion ta"s B!%stion tags res uestas cortas se usa & i & % &"an &% o &o! d&de endiendo del 9nfasis =ue =uera$os darle!Sta here% "ill ou !

    ;u9date a=uB% Cno ($>s categ:rico)De =uiet% can?t ou !0>llaos% C od9is (un oco $enos categ:rico)Sta here% "ill ou !;u9date a=uB% Cnote% or fa+or I'*%rati o D%gati oEl negati+o se for$a con'>o ? not ? %r o %n in&initi o sin to .

    For'a arga For'a "orta

  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


    "ou must do your homework .# $u dois faire tes devoirs )negative form ! mustn%t mustn%t is used to forbid something ,it is forbidden, it is foolish to do it. e.g."ou mustn%t be late

    2 LIGE ? DO(D9 LIGE ? ID6Pr%s%nt Si'* % H %r to i %1SE (Think in E@8LIS/G)*e use the +erb to like in the resent si$ le to talk about PREFERE@0ES or to e# ress interest

    about so$ething or so$eone .Sub5ect J +erb to like J +erbQ 8ER1@< FORN ( ing)*hen "e "ant to use a +erbQ as a co$ le$ent "e use the +erb in the gerund for$ ( I@8 E@

  • 8/11/2019 cuadernillo GRAMMAR 1 CICLO ESO.doc


    @ote' not % %r J n% %r !E#'One erson not e+er li+es al"a s \ one erson ne+er li+es al"a s!R%g as,

    @or$al$ente se colocan 5usto delante del %r o *rin"i*a !E5! *e ha+e n% %r seen Paris! (unca hemos visto 0aris. *e !s!a 0 go out Saturda night! (ormalmente salimos 2bado por la noche.Ta$bi9n se uede oner al final o en osici:n inicial'E5! So'%ti'%s "e go to the ci$ena! 3 veces vamos al cine. She hones $e o""asiona 0! Elle me llama de ve4 en cuando.0uando la frase es interrogati+a% el orden es au#iliar J su5eto J ad+erbio J +erbo rinci al!/a+e ou % %r seen Paris 5+as visto al"una ve4 0aris#Sie$ re siguen al +erbo ]to beU% e#ce to en el i$ erati+o' IU$ o&t%n in London! 3 menudo estoy en ,ondres. n% %r be lateG 6no te retrases nunca& Sie$ re siguen los +erbos $odales' ou can a a0s hone $e at ho$e! iempre puedes llamarme a casa.

    Se usan los ad+erbios de frecuencia con % *r%s%nt% si'* % ara decir con =u9 frecuenciase hace algo! E=%'* o,

    % usually "et up at 7 o8clock. (ormalmente me levanto a las 7. 9 Se usa al"a s con % *r%s%nt% "ontin!o ara =ue5arse de algo! E=%'* o, he is

    always interruptin" me. Ella siempre me interrumpe. Se uede usar ne+er con % *r%s%nt% *%r&%"to! Se one entre el +erbo au#iliar ]ha+eU el artici io

    asadoE=%'* o,

    % have never visited Madrid. (unca he

    Pg.7/7 ISRAEL_PROFESOR 647.77.26.27 - [email protected] publ#cac#8n est restra*a est n reser%a*os to*os los *erechos( # la total#*a* n# parte *e la m#sma pue*e repro*uc#rse o

    transm#t#rse por proce*#m#ento electr8n#co o mec n#co #ncluyen*o >otocop#a &rabac#8n ma&nFt#ca o cualGu#er almacenam#ento *e#n>ormac#8n y s#stema *e recuperac#8n s#n el perm#so *e ISRAEL_PROFESOR (