slide tpe barth_planificación 5_tercer período_secondary

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Tercer período, nivel secundario. Institución Educativa: Colegio Castex Dirección: Brown 99, Bariloche. Grado sección: 4° y 5° años Cantidad de alumnos: 13 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: “Talented People” Clase Nº: 5 Fecha: 20/10/15 Hora: 10:45- 12:05 Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 18/ 10 /15 Teaching points : Revision of present simple (He works as a doctor. He helps people.) Revision of adjectives. Revision of vocabulary related to jobs. Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Develop their speaking skills by talking about job interviews and advertisements. Develop their reading skills by reading a text about interviews. Develop their speaking and listening by interacting with peers and playing a game. Develop their writing skills by writing a letter of application.

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Tercer período, nivel secundario.Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99, Bariloche.Grado sección: 4° y 5° añosCantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Talented People”Clase Nº: 5Fecha: 20/10/15Hora: 10:45- 12:05Duración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 18/ 10 /15

Teaching points:

Revision of present simple (He works as a doctor. He helps people.) Revision of adjectives. Revision of vocabulary related to jobs.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their speaking skills by talking about job interviews and advertisements.

Develop their reading skills by reading a text about interviews. Develop their speaking and listening by interacting with peers and

playing a game. Develop their writing skills by writing a letter of application.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Talking about

jobs interviewsPilot, doctor, teacher, web

designer, firefighter, secretary,


Present Simple (He works as a tour guide. He starts

working at..)

Psychologist /sa k l dɪ ˈ ɒ ə ʒ


/ d n l st/ˈ ʒɜː ə ɪAccountant

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journalist, vet, singer,

actor, police officer, dentist,

psychologist, mechanic and

shop manager.

Simple past (I graduated from…in..)

/ ka nt nt/ə ˈ ʊ əManager

/ mæn d /ˈ ɪ ʒ ə

New Talking about job


Talking about abilities.

Tour guideLabourer

Data collectorCleaner

Tour guide/t a d/ʊə ɡ ɪLabourer

/ le b rˈ ɪ ə ‿ /əCleaner

/ kli n /ˈ ː ə

Teaching approach: “Communicative approach” and PPP Method.

Integration of skills: Reading and writing skills will be integrated through answering some questions about job interviews, and writing a letter of application for a job. Listening and speaking will be integrated through students’ interaction with the peers and teacher.

Materials and resources: Audio, copies, interview, poster with letter of application, computer, CD player, marker, board, dice and masking tape.

Pedagogical use of ICT in the class: Students will write a letter of application for a job on their computers.

Seating arrangement: Students will work at the tables situated in rows facing the board. At a same table three or four students may work together.

Cooperative work: Learners will play a game in groups to promote interaction among them. Then, they will work in pairs to exchange ideas and answer some questions.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

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Some students may tend to use Spanish to refer to unknown words, so I will help them by providing them with the equivalent in English

Potential problems students may have with the language

Some students may not remember some new items; I will use different strategies to help them, such as miming, acting and will also encourage them to use their online dictionaries.

Assessment: Echoing will be used to check students’ listening comprehension. I will ask some oral questions to know if learners understand the listening and if they remember the new lexis.

Procedure: Routine (2’ minutes)I’ll get into the class, and I’ll say “Hello, how are you today? I need some help to write the date on the board” Please Tomi, Can you help me?” I will encourage students to spell the date to help him to copy it.

Warm-up (15’ minutes) I will explain to students that we will play a dice game. I will divide the class into two different teams. In turns, students will take a word from a bag, then they will throw the dice, and they will have to do what the dice says, their team will have to guess the word to win a point. Words: pilot, doctor, teacher, web designer, firefighter, secretary, accountant, journalist, vet, singer, actor, police officer, dentist, psychologist, mechanic and shop manager.1- Define the word2- Act it out3- Draw it 4- Use it in a sentence5- Name a famous person6- Choose an option

Presentation (10’ minutes)

I’ll say to students “I was reading a magazine and I found an interview to a boy called Jeff. He works as a tour guide. Let’s read the interview” We will read the

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article aloud, and then I will ask students to work in pairs to discuss and answer the following questions about the interview. (Article adapted from the book Energy 4 by Steve Elsworth. Ed. Pearson). We will check the activity orally.

1- Where does he work?2- Where do they meet?3- How does he travel?4- How many people are in each group?5- What time does he begin the walk?

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Development Activity 1 (8’ minutes)

“Do you remember my friend Johnny? Well, he was looking for a job and he had an interview. I recorded the conversation when he called for an interview. Listen and answer the following questions. Silvi, please can you help me to hand out the copies? Thanks” We will check the answers orally.

1- How does he start the conversation?2- How does he finish the conversation?3- Is he going to apply for the job?

(Audio taken from the book Energy 4 from Pearson)


Johnny: Hello. Is that the place which has the tourist guide jobs?Tourist office: Hello. Yes, this is Cardiff Tours.Johnny: I´m calling about the job as a tour guide. I´d like to get some information please.Tourist office: Certainly. What would you like to know?Johnny: Um… how many days a week is it?Tourist office: It´s five days a week. Sometimes you have to work at weekends.Johnny: And how many hours a day?Tourist office: Eight hours a day. It´s from 9 to 5. You get an hour for lunch.Johnny: Good. And what´s the pay?Tourist office: We pay five pounds an hour.Johnny: I see … Do I need experience?Tourist office: No. We´ll train you how to do the job.Johnny: I´m a student. I can only work for two months. Is that a problem?Tourist office: No that´s fine. We often have students. Two months is fine.Johnny: Great. What should i do next?Tourist office: Send us a letter and your CV. Tell us about yourself. Oh, you must have 2 good references from your teachers or a family friend. If we like your application letter, we´ll invite you for an interview.Johnny: Right.Tourist office: Have you got our address?Johnny: Yes, it´s on the advert.Tourist office: Good luck! Bye.Johnny: Thank you very much. Bye.

Activity 2 (12’) “Awesome! Now, you will have to listen to it again in order to complete the chart (Answers in purple).

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Question InformationHow many days a week is it? It´s five days a weekHow many hours? Eight hours a dayWhat’s the pay? five pounds an hourDo I need experience? No. They´ll train you how to do the job.What should I do next? Send them a letter and your CV

Activity 3 (10’ minutes) “Well done! So, what are the things that Johnny should do next? Yes sent a letter of application and his CV. I searched on the Internet for some ideas to write an application letter. Look, I brought you a poster with a model of an application letter. Let’s read it!” I will ask some confident students to read it aloud. Then I will ask students to help me to label the letter. “I have here some slips of paper with the important information that you should include in an application letter. Can you help me to label it please?” I will stick the slips of paper on the board and I will encourage students to stand up and label the letter. We will check all together.

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Activity 4 (20’ minutes) I will display different posters around the class with some job advertisements. I will encourage students to stand up, read them and choose one of them to send his/her letter of application. Students will work in their computers to write the letter. When they finish, students will hand out the letter to me to check. “Way to go! Now it’s your turn to write your own letter of application. Here you have different job advertisement for you to choose one to apply. First you will have to stand up and find a job to apply. Then, you will have to write on your computer a letter of application for the job” I will walk around the class asking questions to check comprehension and I’ll read students’ productions to assess their progress.

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Homework and closure (3’ minutes)

“The bell will ring pretty soon! As homework you’ll have to read the following job advertisement and complete the conversation. Please Rocío, can you hand out the copies?”

A: Hello. Can I ask you about the job?

B: Yes, Which one?

A: It’s for an …

B: OK. What do you want to know?

A: Is it full time?

B: No, it’s…

A: How much experience do I need?

B: …

A: Do I need references?

B: Yes,…

A: And where should I send my CV?

B: To…


Part-time (3 days a week) 3 years’ experience wanted 2 references needed

Please send you CV to:

Brenton Village School, Wales.