slide tpe barth_planificación 3_primer período_kindergarten

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Primer período Institución Educativa: Colegio Castex Dirección: Brown 99 (8400) Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años, turno mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 14 (catorce) Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo Clase Nº: 3 Fecha: Miércoles 6 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30 hs a 10:10 hs Duración de la clase: 40 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 2/05/15 Teaching points : Body parts, head, toes, mouth, ears, arm, leg, nose, finger, chin, and eyes. Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Identify the new vocabulary presented. Develop and integrate speaking and listening skills by singing and listening to a song. Develop their gross motor skills by performing different activities. Language focus : Functions Lexis Structure s Pronunciation Revision Follow commands Greeting s, actions Hello, how are you - Foot /f/ - shoulders/ ʃ/

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Primer períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99 (8400)Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años, turno mañanaCantidad de alumnos: 14 (catorce) Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Partes del cuerpoClase Nº: 3Fecha: Miércoles 6 de Mayo de 2015Hora: 9:30 hs a 10:10 hsDuración de la clase: 40 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 2/05/15

Teaching points : Body parts, head, toes, mouth, ears, arm, leg, nose,

finger, chin, and eyes. Aims or goals :

During this lesson, learners will be able to: Identify the new vocabulary presented. Develop and integrate speaking and listening skills by singing and

listening to a song. Develop their gross motor skills by performing different activities.

Language focus :Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation



Talk about and identify

different body parts

Greetings, actions (sit

down, stand up, boy, girl,

numbers (1-10), very well, happy, sad, scared,


Teeth, hair, go away

Hello, how are you today?

Fine, thank you, and you?

Yes/noTouch your

nose/mouth/ ears/eyes/

- Foot /f/- shoulders/ ʃ/- Teeth, knees,

green/i:/- mouth/ θ/

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New Identify new body parts

Chin, fingers, arm, leg

Point your finger up.Point your

finger down.

-chin /t ʃ/Finger /ŋ/

Teaching approach : “communicative approach”

Integration of skills : I’ll integrate the speaking and listening skills through the use of a song called “ One little finger”

Materials and resources : Body templates, body parts items templates, glue, markers, scissors, crayons, video (downloaded), computer, flashcards, beans and bingo templates.

Seating arrangement: Students will perform some activities sitting down on the floor, by the end they will work at the tables in groups of seven.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some of them may behave improperly while watching the video, I’ll remind them that they should be careful so that no one is hurt and we can continue imitating the song. I’ll also use some chants to help them to be quiet, such as “silence please, silence please, like a bee, like a bee..shh…silence, silence please, like a bee…shhh”

Classroom management strategies: I’ll encourage students to behave properly, I’ll create a comfortable atmosphere by changing my tone of voice, singing and saying rhymes to call their attention when it’s necessary. I’ll also change students’ places if they start playing or talking.

Potential problems students may have with the language :Some students may have some troubles to understand the new target items, for example finger and chin, in order to help them I’ll show some flashcards and point to the different parts of the body.

Pedagogical use of ICT : I’ll download a video from you tube to share it with the students, this video will help me to integrate the listening and speaking skills while using the language in a communicative activity.

Assessment : I’ll assess students by asking them to perform certain actions to check they have understood everything, I’ll repeat some commands to be sure they are following me.

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Procedure : Routine (5 minutes)

I’ll get into the classroom; students will be sitting down in a circle on the floor. I’ll go to the circle and I’ll sit down with them. I’ll start singing the “hello song” in order to start the lesson. (song adapted from a Barney’s song)

“Hello, hello, I say hello to you…Hello, hello, how are you today?

Sing it la la, sing it la la…sing it la la!”

I’ll ask students “how are you today? Are you happy or sad?” I’ll encourage them to answer me. I’ll have four flashcards to help them to understand the question and to answer “happy, sad, scared or angry”

Then, I’ll ask students to stand up and line up, we’ll sing a song in order to do it. We’ll walk around the class doing a train to rehearse some vocabulary (train, boys, and girls). I’ll also include some direct speech such as “boys! Clap your hands” and “girls! Touch your mouth”

“A train of boys, and a train of girls…



Finally, I’ll sing a circle on the floor song in order to get the students into the mood for work.

“a circle on the floor, a circle on the floor,1,2,3 and a circle on the floor”

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Warm-up (5 minutes)

In order to set the mood to engage students in learning we’ll start the class playing “Simon says”. I’ll explain to students that when I say “Simon says and an action” they’ll have to perform it but if I don’t say Simon says they won’t have to do it. I´ll demonstrate the activity to help them to understand better.

“Let’s play Simon says!” “Simon says: boys! Touch your nose!” “Simon says: girls! Touch your eyes” “Simon says: touch your mouth”

Transition: Awesome! Very well! Now…pay attention! Concentration! I’ve brought a video for you…I found it on internet, you’ll love it!

Presentation (5 minutes) I’ll ask my students to line up and sit down on the floor to watch a video. I’ll say, “Yesterday, I was in my house and I found a video about a song, it’s very funny. Do you want to watch it? Yes? Excellent!” Then, I’ll encourage them to watch the video and imitate the friends that are on it. I’ll start singing the song from the video remarking and pointing to the new language items such as (finger, chin, arm and leg).I’ll download the video to my computer.

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. 

Point your finger up. Point your finger down. 

Put it on your head. Head! 

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. 

Point your finger up.Point your finger down.

Put it on your nose. Nose! 

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

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Tap tap tap.Point your finger up.

Point your finger down. Put it on your chin. Chin!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. 

Point your finger down. Put it on your arm. Arm!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. 

Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your leg. Leg! 

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap. 

Point your finger up.Point your finger down. Put it on your foot. Foot! 

Put it on your leg. Leg! Put it on your arm. Arm! Put it on your chin. Chin! Put it on your nose. Nose!

Put it on your head. Head! Now let's wave goodbye. Goodbye! 

*****(Song: One Little Finger

CD: Super Simple Songs 1)

Development (25 minutes) Activity 1 (15 minutes)

In order to refresh and revise the vocabulary learnt this class and the previous one (body parts, colours and numbers) I’ll ask students to create

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their own monster. I’ll prepare my monster to model the activity. I’ll ask students to sit down at the table to start working. I’ll prepare two boxes with different body parts (to leave on the tables since they are sitting down on groups of seven students) to colour and stick them on cardboard body to design their monsters. I’ll also provide them with crayons, markers and glitter to decorate them. I’ll say “Look, he’s my monster Frankie! Frankie has got (…)Would you like to make your own Frankie? Yes! Well, so let’s start. Here you have different body parts for you to colour and stick them on the body. You can put as much body parts as you wish! You can put five or six eyes! Point your eyes! Excellent! You can put three or two mouths! Point your mouth (I’ll repeat the same procedure naming different body parts)…are you ready? Yes! …I’ll walk around the class in order to check that students are working on their monsters and they are not playing or talking. I’ll also play some music on to create a nice atmosphere to work. Once students have finished their monsters I’ll ask them to show it to the others encouraging them to count and name the different body parts.Transition: Excellent! That was awesome! Would you like to play a game? Yes? Okay, let’s do a circle on the floor! We’re going to play!

Activity 2 (12 minutes) First I’ll ask students to sit down in pairs to play a game, then I’ll say: “Look what I have here! I’ve got BINGO boards! Would you like to play? Yes? Okay…here I have some beans too. You’ll have to pay attention and listen to me… if I name one body part and you have on your board you’ll have to put a bean on it”. I’ll demonstrate the activity to help them to understand better.

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Transition: “ouch! Miss Silvia is coming, we’ve finished for today. Let’s make a circle on the floor”

Closure ( 3 minutes)

We will sing and mime the rhyme to say goodbye. (I really don’t know the source of the song, we use it in the school I work, and their teacher uses it with these students)

“ It’s time to say goodbye, it’s time to say goodbye,see you next class…

bye, bye, bye, bye (we will blow some kisses)”