slide tpe barth_planificación 2_segundo período_primary

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Jean Piaget Dirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche. Grado sección: 6° grado Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta” Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 17/06/15 Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hs Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 09/06/15 Teaching points : Vocabulary about environmental issues: Pollution, recycling, types of energy, types of pollution, poaching, rubbish, chemical, harmful substances, etc. Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Develop their speaking and listening skills by expressing their opinions about a topic. Discuss a specific topic by watching to a video. Develop their writing skills by Writing and expressing their ideas related to pollution by creating a brochure. Develop cooperative work skills by working in groups.

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Segundo períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio Jean PiagetDirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche.Grado sección: 6° gradoCantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta”Clase Nº: 2Fecha: 17/06/15Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hsDuración de la clase: 60 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 09/06/15Teaching points: Vocabulary about environmental issues: Pollution, recycling, types of energy, types of pollution, poaching, rubbish, chemical, harmful substances, etc. Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their speaking and listening skills by expressing their opinions about a topic.

Discuss a specific topic by watching to a video. Develop their writing skills by Writing and expressing their ideas related

to pollution by creating a brochure. Develop cooperative work skills by working in groups.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Talk about

pollution and the different ways to save our planet.

Pollution, environment, chemicals, rubbish, oil, gases, drought, earthquake,

Must, musn’t, don’t

have to, should

 /ˈkemɪkəl//ˈ3ːθkweɪk/ /rɪˈnjuːəbl/I will encourage students to repeat the words while performing the

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renewable energy,

activities to check pronunciation.

New Naming different ways of pollution.

Harvest, poaching,

poisonous, harmful.

Poaching /ˈpəʊtʃɪŋ/

Teaching approach: “Communicative Approach”

Integration of skills: I’ll integrate speaking and listening skills by watching a video called “Save the environment” and after watching we will discuss it and share different opinions. Then I’ll integrate productive skills such as writing and speaking by making students work in groups creating a brochure.

Materials and resources: projector, video, computer, big brochure, markers, crayons, masking tape, coloured papers, pictures related to pollution, glitter, cardboard.

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting down in groups of four or five students.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may have problems in understanding certain instructions; I will repeat every instruction and ask them to repeat them in their own words in order to check comprehension. I will give them specific and clear instructions.

Classroom management strategies:

I will repeat “1,2,3 silence, please” to ask them for silence if they are a bit noisy. (It’s the rhyme that we use in the school with all the grades, it works)

If they continue talking since they are a group very talkative I’ll write the word “Homework” on the board, every time that I have to say silence I will clean one letter, if I clean the complete word students will have extra homework.

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Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may feel insecure while creating the brochures; I will monitor them in order to help them and elicit answers if they need so.

Assessment: I will assess students’ correct answers and I will check that they understand the commands.

Procedure : Routine (3’minutes)

I’ll greet my students “hello children! How are you today?”Then, I’ll choose my helpers, my helper boy will wear a tie and my helper girl will wear a necklace. I’ll ask one of them to copy the date.

Warm-up (7’minutes) I’ll say “do you remember that on Wednesday we talked about pollution? What do you remember?” (I’ll write down their answers on the board)“ Well, yesterday I was talking to a friend about it and she recommended me to watch a video called “Save our planet”. Would you like to watch it with me? Great! Let’s have a look at it” I’ll download the video to my computer to watch it with the projector. After watching the video I’ll encourage students to name different ways in which we can save our planet, for example saving water, recycling, using paper bags, etc. “what ideas did you find in the video to save our planet?” Students will brainstorm and I’ll write down the ideas on the board. In the video we can see different ways to take care our planet, such as stop cutting trees, stop wasting water, etc.

Presentation (5’ minutes) I’ll prepare a big brochure about pollution to display on the board. I will say “Look, as I’m very interested in this topic I’ve prepared a big brochure to help people to understand the importance of “SAVING OUR PLANET” I’ll encourage them to read it aloud and express their opinion about the issue. I will say “Do you consider a good idea to hand out some brochures to help people to understand the importance of saving

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our planet? Why? Would you like to make some brochures?” I will recall the new vocabulary (poaching, contamination, harvest, etc).

Development Activity 1 (10’ minutes) I’ll divide my students in groups of four, in order

to create brochures to display around the school. I’ll say “would you like to help me to show people the importance of saving our planet? Awesome, we’ll work in groups of four or five students to create different brochures about pollution. But first you will have to write down on a piece of paper your own definition of pollution and name different types of pollution. I’ll display on the board different words to help you to write down the definition” (ENVIRONMENT- CHEMICALS-SMOKE-OIL-POISONOUS SUBSTANCES- HARMFUL SUBSTANCES- CONTAMINATION- WATER- AIR- ) students will share their definitions with the class.

Activity 2 (20’ minutes) “Now yes! You are ready to start making your own brochures! You must include on it: what pollution is, what types of pollution exist and what things we can do to save our planet. You must also include drawings or pictures

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and it has to be very attractive to bring people’s attention to it. Are you ready to save our planet? Excellent! Let’s work!”I’ll provide students with markers, cardboard, crayons, pictures and pieces of paper to create their brochures. I will walk around the class in order to monitor them and help them if it’s necessary. I will play some music to create a nice atmosphere.

Activity 3 (10’minutes) Students will present their brochures to the class. “Okay children, you have done an excellent job! Let’s share with the other groups your work! Please, group number one, come here, can you show us the brochure? Wow! That’s great! What ideas to help our planet did you include? Excellent! A big clap for them please” I will repeat the same procedure with the other groups. If they don’t have enough time to present their productions they will do it next class.

Closure (5’minutes) “Well children, it’s almost time! We have to put everything away because we must go home! I really enjoyed the class, your posters were fantastic! Tomorrow I’ll display them on the gym and in the hall to start saving our planet! Ouch, it’s time! The bell has rung! Goodbye! See you tomorrow!”

Homework : I’ll ask students to invite their families to watch the video that we watched today. I’ll give out a note with the link to invite their families to watch it.

Querida Familia, Durante la clase de inglés de hoy hemos estado buscando ideas para salvar el medioambiente. Los invitamos a mirar en casa un video muy interesante y reflexionar con los chicos acerca de la importancia y buscar juntos más ideas para colaborar. Saludos

Miss Pía