slide tpe barth_planificación 1_segundo período_primary

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Jean Piaget Dirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche Grado sección: 6° grado Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta” Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 10/06/15 Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hs Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 05/06/15 Teaching points : vocabulary about environmental issues: pollution, earthquake, chemicals, drought, renewable energy, Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Identify the new vocabulary presented in a meaningful context. Give and express their opinion about the importance of saving our planet. Develop their listening and speaking skills by watching a video and talking about it. Language focus :

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Segundo períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio Jean PiagetDirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, BarilocheGrado sección: 6° gradoCantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta”Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 10/06/15Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hsDuración de la clase: 60 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 05/06/15

Teaching points: vocabulary about environmental issues: pollution, earthquake, chemicals, drought, renewable energy,

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Identify the new vocabulary presented in a meaningful context. Give and express their opinion about the importance of saving our

planet. Develop their listening and speaking skills by watching a video and

talking about it.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision

Talk about and describe our planet and some natural disasters.

Hurricane, weather, planet, Earth

There is (noise, smoke)

there are (hurricanes,

climate changes, etc)

Weather  /ˈweðəʳ/

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New Talk about pollution and the different ways to save our planet.

Pollution, environment, chemicals, rubbish, oil, gases, drought, earthquake, renewable energy,

Must, musn’t, don’t have to,


/mʌst/  /ˈmʌsnt/

Teaching approach: “communicative approach”

Integration of skills: I’ll integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing by watching a video related to the environment, learners will watch the video and then they’ll share their opinion about it.

Materials and resources: video, computer, projector, poster, pictures, pieces of chalk, masking tape, copies,

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting down in a horse shoe way to facilitate visual contact.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: The projector could not work properly; I will have the video downloaded toin my computer just in case.

Classroom management strategies: Some students might be a bit talkative, I will use some rhymes to bring them back to the class, such as “1,2,3…silence please” I‘ll also vary my tone of voice.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Some students might find it difficult to understand the instructions, I will repeat the instructions twice and I will check comprehension by asking those questions.

Assessment: Listening and speaking skills will be assessed by asking students different questions related to the video in order to check they have understood it.

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Procedure :

Routine (3’ minutes) I’ll greet my students “hello children! How are you today?”Then, I’ll choose my helpers, my helper boy will wear a tie and my helper girl will wear a necklace. I’ll ask one of them to copy the date.

Warm-up (7’minutes) I’ll display a poster on the board with the following phrase “Save the environment” I’ll ask students “Can you explain this phrase through examples? Look! I have here some pictures to help you to illustrate it…what other examples can you name?” smoke, chemicals, rubbish, oil, gases and noise. (I’ll display the pictures on the board and I’ll elicit their names.

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Presentation (15’ minutes) I’ll say “you know that yesterday I was surfing the web and I found a video that made me feel a bit sad… would you like to watch it to find why it was sad for me?” I will have the video downloaded to my computer. I’ll turn off the lights to create a suitable atmosphere for watching and I’ll play it with the projector. At the end, I will ask my students “what can we do to help the planet? Do you consider it important to recycle? Do you and your family recycle things at home? What other things can you do to help the planet? What do you think is the worst type of pollution? Why?”

While watching activity

Circle the words you listen.

Tornado- hurricanes- earthquakes- droughts- landscapes- avalanches- floods- reuse-

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Development Activity 1 (8 minutes)

I will say “Well, I’ve here some copies with sentences related to pollution but I have a problem…they are incomplete! Can you help me please to complete them using the vocabulary from the pictures that are on the board?” I’ll ask my helpers to give out the following copy to complete with words related to pollution. I will provide students with time to complete it, and then I will ask

“We live in a wonderful world, full of life, full of colour, full of beauty but in recent years our world has been debased by hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and droughts…What does the future hold for the planet earth? The place we all called home. Climate change can destroy the world we live in. scientist predict that within 50 years many parts of our world could be under 20 cm of water. We can prevent this if we all work together.There is still time as to save our world, solar panels, windmills and underwater turbines are been used to produce renewable energy. These are sources that can be used again and again. Although there are still many more things we can be doing.Things that you and your family can do together. You can reduce the amount of waste you produce, this can be done by been more resourceful with the things you use and buy. You and your family can recycle many items in your home. Just look at what you can reuse, jars, bottles, bag... Did you know that 100,000 tons of carried bags are been throw away every single year? This is the same weight that 70,000 cars. You and your family can stop this by simply reusing your bags rather that throwing them away. Many of the items you use can be recycling: cans, bottles, paper, even electrical goods and food can be recycling. It is important we don’t throw these items away. You used can be easily become part of your new car, and your used glass bottle can be made in your new window’s home. So, make sure you use a recycle bin every time.There are many simple things that you and your family can do around your home. Plant a tree in your garden and watch it grow. Make compos with your left over food and grow new food. When the weather is nice hang your clothes outside to dry. All these can not only save the environment, they can also save your family money. What we have right now is a chance to preserve our future. Tell your parents, grandparents and friends to do the small things that can. We must take step by step to be sure that you have a future to grow up here… person by person, family by family; community by community… together we can make a difference!”

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different students to read the sentences aloud to check the answers. SS will work individually.

Transition: “very well children! As I found the topic very interesting, I continued investigating and I found some ideas to help the planet”

Activity 2 (12 minutes) “Look I brought you some pictures which show that our planet is in trouble. Can you help me to think possible solutions?” I’ll encourage students to name possible answers. I’ll also stick a “sad” world picture on one side of the board and on the other side of the board I’ll display a “happy” world. I will tell students “I have some pictures with the solutions but I’ve lost them…can you help me to find them? I will pay some music on and you will have to find them. If you find one of them match it with the corresponding problem.” I will play some music on and students will look for the pictures around the class (I will hide them in advance). For the following class, I’ll stick the pictures and solutions on a poster to display in the class. (Pictures taken from The Teachers’ magazine)

Complete the sentences

1. Farmers use ___________________ on plants and we eat them in our food. chemicals

2. Ships put______________in the sea and it kills wildlife. oil3. Cars produce _________________ which warm the Earth. gases4. People throw away too much ____________rubbish5. When there is a lot of ______________, I can’t sleep. noise6. People may become ill when there is a lot of _______in the air.


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Activity 3 (10 minutes) Students will listen to four people talking about pollution. (World quest 2 cd 2) They will have to say what types of pollution they mention. I will hand out some copies with the speakers’ names to complete, and I’ll say “Great children, I have also brought you an audio about a group of children that are talking about pollution. You will have to listen to them and write the type of pollution that they mention. Are you ready to start?”AUDIOSCRIPT: Interviewer We´re talking about pollution on Alive Today. Welcome to the programme, Cathy. What do you think is the worst type of pollution?Cathy I think that chemicals in food. Farmers put these chemicals on the plants. But when we eat the food, we eat the chemicals. Farmers must stop using chemicals. They´re very dangerous.Interviewer Thanks, Cathy. Now over to Bill. What do you think?Bill I think chemicals are bad, but rubbish is worse. In the city it´s terrible. There is too much rubbish; we don´t know what to do with it. People drop their food and drink packets on the floor and the cities are very dirty. They´re horrible to live in. We must stop making so much rubbish.Interviewer That´s an ambitious programme! Is that Helen on the phone now?Helen Yes, it is. I think that oil is the worst thing of all. I mean, it kills poor birds and animals. It´s horrible and it´s cruel. We must stop ships putting dirty oil in the sea. Oh, it´s so cruel … Interviewer Oh dear. Yes, you´re right Helen. We must stop them. Now, a last call from Tony. Hi, Tony, what´s your opinion?Tony All of these types of pollution are horrible. But I think that gases are the worst. These gases are going into the air and they are warming up the Earth. The weather will change and lots of animals will disappear. We must use clean forms or energy.Interviewer Well, that´s all for this week on Alive Today.

Closure (5’ minutes) “Excellent children, you worked awesome today, but it’s late and we should go home. Please, put everything away and leave the class in order”