slide tpe barth_planificación 1_primer período_kindergarten

1 I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Primer período Institución Educativa: Colegio Castex Dirección: Brown 99 (8400) Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años, turno mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 14 (catorce) Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: Miércoles 22 de abril de 2015 Hora: 9:30 hs a 10:15 hs Duración de la clase: 45 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 19/04/15 Teaching points : Body parts, head, shoulders, knees, toes, mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Identify the new vocabulary presented. Develop their speaking and listening abilities through motivating activities. Foster learners’ motivation. Help students to feel involved in their learning process. To deepen their understanding of commands and instructions while developing their gross motor skills as well.

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Primer períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99 (8400)Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años, turno mañanaCantidad de alumnos: 14 (catorce) Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Partes del cuerpoClase Nº: 1Fecha: Miércoles 22 de abril de 2015Hora: 9:30 hs a 10:15 hsDuración de la clase: 45 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 19/04/15

Teaching points : Body parts, head, shoulders, knees, toes, mouth, ears,

nose, and eyes.

Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Identify the new vocabulary presented. Develop their speaking and listening abilities through motivating

activities. Foster learners’ motivation. Help students to feel involved in their learning process. To deepen their understanding of commands and instructions

while developing their gross motor skills as well.

Language focus :

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision

Follow commands

Greetings, actions (sit

down, stand up, turn

around, touch the ground),

Hello, how are you today?

Fine, thank you, and you?


/f/ / ð/

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boy, girl, numbers (1-

3), fine, happy, sad

New Talk about and identify different body parts

Head, shoulders,

knees, toes, mouth, ears, nose, eyes ,


Touch your nose/mouth/


/ ʃ/ /t/ / θ/ /m/ /n/

Teaching approach : “communicative approach”

Integration of skills : I’ll integrate the skills of listening and speaking through the use of songs and games.

Materials and resources : CD player, song, flashcards, puppet, piece of chalks. Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in a circle on the floor in order to facilitate visual contact and interaction within the group. At some points in the lesson, they’ll move around the class.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may feel excited while playing some games; some of them may behave improperly. I’ll remind students that they should be careful so that no one is hurt and we can continue with the games and activities. Classroom management strategies:

Tone of voice (I’ll vary the quality of my voice at different moments)

I’ll use different commands to remind students they should behave properly and be in silence during certain activities. For example: “1,2,3…silence please!”

Creating a safe environment (I’ll create a safe environment through developing students’ confidence, making them feel comfortable with me and the class).

Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have some difficulty to understand the new vocabulary or to

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understand some commands in L2; I’ll have flashcards to help them to understand better.

Assessment: I’ll assess learners’ acquisition through asking them to point or name different body parts, and to perform certain commands in order to check their understanding.

Procedure : Routine (5 minutes)

I’ll get into the classroom; students will be sitting down ion a circle on the floor. I’ll go to the circle and I’ll sit down with them. I’ll start singing the “hello song” in order to start the lesson, to get students into the mood for work, and to establish rapport.

“Hello, hello, I say hello to you…Hello, hello, how are you today?

Sing it la la, sing it la la…sing it la la!”

I’ll ask students “how are you today? Are you happy or sad? I’ll encourage them to answer me. I’ll have four flashcards to help them to understand the question, and to answer “happy, sad, scared or angry”

Then, I’ll ask students to stand up and line up, we’ll sing a song in order to do it. We’ll walk around the class doing a train.

“A train of boys, and a train of girls…Boys…boys…boys…Girls…girls…girls”

Finally, I’ll sing a circle on the floor song in order to get the students into the mood for work.

“a circle on the floor, a circle on the floor,

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1,2,3 and a circle on the floor”

Warm-up (5 minutes)

In order to introduce different body parts and my teaching points I’ll say “shhh, listen”…(pointing to my schoolbag) “I think that my friend Lobster is here!...let me check…yes! Here he is… Look! This is my friend Lobster… (showing them my friend) “Hello Lobster!” (Giving him a kiss and hugging him) “Lobster! say hello to the kids, HELLO! EA: hello!”

I’ll ask students “what colour is my friend? Is it pink? No, it isn’t. It’s yellow! Yes, excellent…Lobster is yellow… can you help me to count his legs…(pointing to one of the legs)… “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…excellent he’s got six legs”

And now… “how many eyes has he got?” (pointing to his eyes)… “1,2… excellent he’s got 2 eyes”

Transition: very well children! … shhh…pay attention…concentration… pay attention concentration… we’ll watch a video in my computer…everybody pay attention!

Presentation (10 minutes) “Now we’ll watch a video, it’s about a boy (showing them a picture of a boy) singing a beautiful song. Do you like songs? Yes! Me too! I love songs”I’ll play the video on my computer encouraging students to pay attention to it. I’ll show some flashcards while the boy names different body parts). After that, I’ll ask students to stand up and dance the song with me.

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Youtube link:“Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes…Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes…Eyes, ears, mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,Knees and toes…”

Transition: I’ll ask them “Do you like the song? Great! Now I’ll need some help…

Development (20 minutes) Activity 1 (10 minutes)

In order to check students’ comprehension of the new vocabulary, I’ll say “Ouch, I need some help here… look! I’ve mixed all the pictures from the song. Can you help me to order them?”

I’ll display an empty cardboard on the blackboard encouraging students to stick the body parts in order. I’ll say “head, shoulders, knees and toes” (miming the movements and pointing to the body parts)… “Okay, first we need the head, who can give me the head? Joaquin? Yes! It’s a head, excellent Joaco!. Stick the head right here! Great!” I’ll repeat the same

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procedure with the other body parts. I will pay special attention to the main vocabulary pronunciation in order to correct them if it is necessary.

Activity 2 (10 minutes): In order to practice the main vocabulary, we will play a game.I’ll hide some cards around the class in order to ask them to find them. I’ll say “I’ve hidden some cards (showing them one of them)… Let’s find the others! Let’s go! Let’s go”. I’ll encourage them to find the cards. “Excellent Sofi! … look! Sofi found a card!” “very well Dylan, look! Dylan found another card”Once students have found all the cards I’ll sing “a circle on the floor” and I’ll say “Let’s play a memory game!” I’ll put all the cards upside down and mix them. I’ll say “We’ll play a memory game! Do you like playing memory games? YES! Me too! Martín, come here, choose two cards. Come on, let’s choose one (demonstrating the action) Well done! And now, another card! Yes! ... now, Bianca, it’s your turn! Choose two cards! Wow! It’s a nose (touching my nose, and encouraging them to touch their nose) let’s see the other…yes! Excellent, another nose! Hold up the cards and touch your nose!”

Closure (5 minutes)

The T will ask ss to sit down on a circle again and we will sing and mime the rhyme to say goodbye:

“ It’s time to say goodbye, it’s time to say goodbye,see you next class…

bye, bye, bye, bye (we will blow some kisses)”