libro historico2

El pasado presente en el futuro Sean Paul Stapelfeld Castro Colegio Cristiano Oscar Correa Agosto

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Page 1: Libro historico2

El pasado presente en el futuro

Sean Paul Stapelfeld Castro

Colegio Cristiano Oscar Correa Agosto

Page 2: Libro historico2

El crecimiento de las ciudades

Por más de 40,000 años después de la apariencia de los Homo sapiens (Único animal en

la tierra que ha podido desarrollar un pensamiento abstracto.) en la tierra, la mayoría de los

humanos eran cazadores y colectores, se movían donde la comida fuera más fácil de encontrar.

Gradualmente, empezaron a domesticar animales, sembrar, y vivir juntos en comunidades más

grandes. Esto fue el comienzo del crecimiento de las ciudades. Las ciudades son concentraciones

permanentes de un número relativamente grande de personas.

- ¿Qué eran la mayoría de los humanos después de la apariencia de los Homo sapiens?

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Primeras ciudades Europeas

Las ciudades en Europa se desarrollaron en olas, se movían hacia el oeste desde Grecia

desde 700 B.C. hasta A.D. 400, cuando las primeras ciudades se desarrollaron en Irlanda. In

A.D. 43 Londres, Inglaterra, desarrolla por la regla Romana. En el siglo 1, Londres tenía una

populación (Grupo formado por las personas que viven en un determinado lugar.) de 10,000

hasta 12,000.

- ¿Por quién fue desarrollado Londres, Inglaterra?

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Las ciudades industriales.

La industrialización (Desarrolla del sistema económico y técnico necesario para

transformar las materias primas en productos adecuados para el consumo.) empezó en Inglaterra

en los 1700s. En el próximo siglo la populación en Europa se quedó en el mismo número. Las

oportunidades de trabajo en las ciudades le llamo la atención a las personas y así trayendo más

populación a estos lugares. Mientras la revolución industrial seguía, las ciudades rápidamente

fueron creciendo.

- ¿Qué le trajo la atención a las personas para moverse hacia las ciudades?

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Urbanización en los Estados Unidos

Durante el censo (Lista oficial de los habitantes de un país, una provincia o ciudad, donde

figuran sus datos personales.) hecho en 1790, solamente 5 por ciento de la populación podían ser

clasificados como urbanos. La ciudad más grande era Nueva York, tenía menos de 50,000

residentes. Hoy en día entre 82% de la populación de los Estados Unidos que es 281 millón

viven en áreas urbanas.

- ¿Cuál era la ciudad más grande de los Estados Unidos en el año 1790?

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La metrópolis

Una metrópolis es una área urbana más grande que incluye la ciudad y residenciales

(zona destinada exclusivamente a viviendas.) en las afueras de las ciudades. Toda el área está

unido económicamente y culturalmente. Hay diferentes factores que influencian el movimiento a

los residenciales, la facilitación de movimiento por caro y transportación pública y localización

de algunos negocios en áreas por el espacio y los taxes más bajos.

- ¿Qué es una metrópolis?

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Las megas ciudades

Una mega ciudad es definida como una con una populación mayor de cinco millones

de personas. La mayoría de estas megas ciudades están afuera de los Estados Unidos. La mayoría

de las megas ciudades están en países en desarrollo. Se hace muy difícil contar el número de

personas en estas megas ciudades.

- ¿Dónde se encuentran la mayoría de estas mega ciudades?

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Juegos educativos





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Juegos educativos

A) Homosapiens

B) Megaciudad

C) Urbanización

D) Metrópolis

E) Industrial

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Juegos educativos

Instrucción: Nombra la ciudad que es presentada en la foto.

Indirecta: Es conocida como la mega ciudad con mayor populación en todo el mundo.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____

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EURE (Santiago) printed version ISSN 0250-7161

EURE (Santiago) Santiago v.27 n.80 May 2001

Metropolization and suburbanization

In recent decades, under the combined and simultaneous effects of new information

technologies, economic restructuring and globalization, have been processing a series of

radical transformations that have ended affecting virtually every corner of the world

economy . These changes, which began to materialize from the capitalist crisis of the mid-

seventies, profoundly altered the scenario of social action, both in its economic, social,

political and cultural dimensions, and in its territorial expression.

In these processes, which further intensified industrialization and outsourcing of productive-

and, therefore, the development of the economy were consolidated cities as hubs around

which has been articulated dynamics accumulation, growth and modernization of the

various components of an economy accelerated process of globalization. It has decisively

influenced the fact that under the impulse of the policies of economic liberalization and

deregulation, the penetration of new information technologies contributed to affirm and

generalize a new production architecture structured around configured network companies

whose territorial crystallization influenced the shaping of what Saskia Sassen has been

characterized as a global network of border cities that function as strategic sites for global economic operations.

In this way, as it were deployed on a global scale the various productive activities organized

network, various cities of the countries involved in this approach were preferred for the

location of the main links of the respective chains places. This was developing a new urban

economic base, structured around the most dynamic activities of globalized production system and domestic markets from there began to expand.

In essence, this new urban economic base was structured from a diverse set of functions

and activities, including matters include: a) the tasks of leadership, management,

coordination and control of a broad spectrum of clusters and national companies and

multinationals, relevant role in the command accumulation dynamics and articulation with

the global economy; b) the most modern advanced tertiary, highlighting financial services

activities, producer services, services related to products and global activities and

educational and cultural activities of the highest level; c) the most innovative and intensive

capital of the new core industry and companies more competitive lines of business and / or

oriented to the world market and, d) the market for the most relevant part of global

products . Thus, regardless of their level of development, several cities came to play an

increasing number of global functions, so say like Marcuse and van Kempen (2000) -

became increasingly globalized cities, although not all of them can be classified stricto-sensu as global cities.

To the extent that these activities are those that Brogan higher wages in each country and

generating increased demand for expensive and sophisticated urban artifacts whose

presence, especially in outlying cities, has intensified in this phase of capitalist development

its metropolitan location has strongly contributed to the outbreak and feedback from

inducing effects of growth and urban expansion. In particular, the proliferation ofshopping-

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malls latest generation of high standard closed condominiums, corporate buildings

intelligent, integrated enterprise sets, etc., have had a fundamental impact on the

metropolitan structure and configuration of the emerging morphology .

Thus, it has structured a new geography of global coverage, marked by new centers, in

which the role of cities has been greatly appreciated. As stated Pierre Veltz , "far from

dissolving in the a-spatial universe of teleactivity, global cities concentrate a part of more

and more considerable wealth and power" (1996: 7). This has resulted in growth in the

respective urban sprawl tend to move towards a dynamic metropolization expanded, which

are progressively occupying the villages and rural areas in their path, overflowing again and

again its previous limits. Of these uncontrollable processes of suburbanization, whose

dynamics the car has a decisive impact, emerging cities and regional coverage range,

polycentric structure and fuzzy boundaries.

Thus, the city of Europe, compact and enclosed court, which had prevailed as a reference

idealized until not long ago, is giving way to a kind of urban image that Los Angeles seems

the most appropriate paradigm.Denominations as informational city ( Castells 1989 ), global

city ( Sassen, 1991 ), metapolis ( Ascher 1995 ),postmodern city ( Amendola,

1997 ), postfordist city ( Dematteis, 1998 ), postmetropolis ( Soja, 2000 ), cities in

globalization ( Marcuse and van Kempen, 2000 ), among many others, documenting the

efforts that are being developed towards identifying trends that would mark the transition to

the city of the future and to apprehend and morphological traits that characterize conformation.

In any case, beyond the aforementioned mutations, when the continuities and ruptures

leading to this city product metropolization considering the processes that were triggered

under the impulse of ISI in the previous phase of capitalist development in the analyzes

countries to refer the papers included in this issue of Eure, should not discard the

hypothesis that trends that are now crystallizing not be regarded as entirely novel, but as

the logical and predictable culmination of a form of capitalist development, then had already

begun to emerge.And, therefore, from this perspective, the type of city that is now being

developed would result from a set of perfectly compatible mutations to a specific

embodiment of urbanization, whose origins probably should be at the moment it starts the industrial revolution.

In this new reality, where urban management is increasingly difficult to overcome obstacles,

each city eagerly seeks to increase its appeal in relation to mobile capital, the most skilled

human capital, a certain type of high call international events and currents tourism

continues to grow. Being competitive happens to be regarded as an inescapable

requirement to increase investment, achieve greater volume of productive activity and,

consequently, increase employment.

This complex popup has been a growing momentum in recent decades countless studies and

research, which attempts to identify and decipher the roots and foundations of these

transformations and characterize the type of city towards which would evolve in both

countries plants, as in the periphery. To the extent that changes of this nature have begun

to be perceived in Latin America, in this part of the world have intensified studies on the

evolution and transformation of our great cities. It's been like that the Latin American

Network of Researchers on Globalization and Territory decided to create a working group

on Globalization and Expansion Metropolitana,which already held a wide body of work on

these cities in two international seminars in Toluca in September of the year Rosario 2000

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and in May 2001, an effort that will continue in a third event to be held in Camagüey, Cuba, in the second half of next year.

At the same time, parallel has formed a network to specifically consider the evolution of

large cities within Mercosur, which has been added Ciudad de Mexico, a network that has

already made a series of international seminars (Teresopolis, Brazil, 1999 , Santiago de

Chile, 1999; Buenos Aires, 2000), where they have been presented and discussed the

results of various investigations relating to different aspects and dimensions of the

transformations that have lived in the last decades the cities considered.

In the context of these concerns, Eure decided to pay special attention to this subject that

has been one of their main concerns since its inception, 30 years ago. So, having published

numerous articles on urban issues in several previous issues, in December 1999, collecting

some of the materials produced in the field of the networks mentioned, as well as works

written especially for this magazine, devoted a special issue the theme of "Globalization and

Metropolization". At that time, recognized experts in the field analyzed the cases of Buenos

Aires, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile and Sao Paulo, seeking to identify the main

impacts that globalization had on those large metropolitan areas and let you set the stage

for further discussion on a topic that still raises many questions.

Now, in this new special issue, Eure seeks to expand coverage of the subject and focus on

other aspects and problems seen in many of these metropolitan areas in growth and

expansion. In this direction, are included in this number and suburbanization

metropolization studies referred to cases of Buenos Aires, Caracas, Madrid, Salvador,

Santiago de Chile and Sao Paulo, where its authors explore various facets of these processes.

The papers collected in this issue represent an important contribution to deepening this

topic. In each of them are discussed, with different focus and emphasis, different

dimensions and problems caused by the recent transformations in these cities, often with an

original and provocative treatment, laying the groundwork for a discussion Eure considered essential and which convenes his readers.

Carlos A. de Mattos Guest Editor

Link del artículo:


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Hoja de ejercicio


1) ¿Cómo se desarrollaron las primeras ciudades en Europa?

2) ¿Qué son las ciudades?

3) ¿Qué factores influenciaron el movimiento a los residenciales?

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Hoja de ejercicio


1) ¿Cuál fue la ciudad con mayor populación en los Estados Unidos?

A) Jacksonville

B) New York

C) San Diego

2) ¿Cuánto tiempo paso después de la apariencia de los Homo Sapiens para que finalmente

se vieran las personas que cazaban y recolectaban?

A) 10,000

B) 75,000

C) 40,000

Page 16: Libro historico2

Hoja de ejercicio


1) Nueva York animal que ha podido desarrollar un pensamiento abstracto

2) Tokio Lista de la populación.

3) Populación Ciudad con mayor populación en los Estados Unidos.

4) Censo Desarrolla del sistema económico y técnico.

5) Homo Sapiens Ciudad con mayor populación en el mundo.

6) Mega ciudad personas que viven en un determinado lugar

7) Industrialización Ciudad con mayor de 5 millones de personas.

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Repaso de la lección

Después de la apariencia de los Homo sapiens la mayoría de los humanos cazaban

y colectaban.

Las primeras ciudades en Europa fueron desarrolladas en Irlanda

La revolución industrial hace que haiga un crecimiento drástico en el número de

la populación en las ciudades.

En 1790 la ciudad más grande de los Estados Unidos era Nueva York con un

número de 50,000 en populación.

Una metrópolis es una área urbana más grande que incluye la ciudad y

residenciales en las afueras de las ciudades

La mayoría de las megas ciudades se encuentran en países en desarrollo.

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