lengua adicional al español 4


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Módulo de aprendizaje para la asignatura Lengua Adicional al Español 4 del cuarto semestre










Director GeneralMtro. Víctor Mario Gamiño Casillas

Director AcadémicoMtro. Martín Antonio Yépiz Robles

Director de Administración y FinanzasIng. David Suilo Orozco

Director de PlaneaciónMtro. Víctor Manuel Flores Valenzuela

LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPAÑOL 4Módulo de Aprendizaje.Copyright 2014 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora.Todos los derechos reservados.Primera edición 2014. Impreso en México.

DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICADepartamento de Innovación y Desarrollo de la Práctica Docente.Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur.Hermosillo, Sonora, México. C.P. 83280


Elaboradores:Maritza Guadalupe Medina RomeroFigueroa Mazón Héctor Jorge Julian Reprieto Rodríguez

Corrector de Estilo:Teresa Vallejo RiveraJaime Fernando López Méndez

Diseño y Edición:Jesús Ramón Franco Hernández

Diseño de portada:María Jesús Jiménez Duarte

Banco de imágenes:Shutterstock© Departamento de Imagen Institucional

Coordinación Técnica:Rubisela Morales Gispert

Supervisión Académica:Vanesa Guadalupe Angulo Benítez

Coordinación General:Mtra. Laura Isabel Quiroz Colossio

Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de diciembre de 2015.Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora.Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México.La edición consta de 10,000 ejemplares.










Grupo: Turno: Teléfono:




“Una competencia es la integración de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en un contexto específico”.

El enfoque en competencias considera que los conocimientos por sí mismos no son lo más importante, sino el uso que se hace de ellos en situaciones específicas de la vida personal, social y profesional. De este modo, las competencias requieren una base sólida de conocimientos y ciertas habilidades, los cuales se integran para un mismo propósito en un determinado contexto.

El presente Módulo de Aprendizaje de la asignatura de Job Interview, es una herramienta de suma importancia, que propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora, las características mencionadas se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior que actualmente se está implementando a nivel nacional.

El Módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el Colegio de Bachilleres te ofrece con la intención de estar acorde a los nuevos tiempos, a las nuevas políticas educativas, además de lo que demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional; el módulo se encuentra organizado a través de bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades, organizadas en tres momentos: Inicio, desarrollo y cierre. En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos adquiridos a través de tu formación, mismos que te ayudarán a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo, donde realizarás actividades que introducen nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con la finalidad de lograr un aprendizaje significativo.

Posteriormente, se encuentra el momento de cierre de la secuencia didáctica, donde integrarás todos los saberes que aplicaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y el propósito de las mismas, éstas se desarrollan de forma individual, grupal o en equipos. Para el desarrollo del trabajo deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material bibliográfico, videos, investigación de campo, etc.

La retroalimentación de tu aprendizaje es sumamente importante por eso te invitamos a participar activamente, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien fortalecerás lo aprendido; además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.

Recuerda además, que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, el cual permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes: el conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro mejores el aprendizaje. Es necesario realizar la autoevaluación, ya que este ejercicio permite que valores tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu aprendizaje.

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su actuación, con la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus aprendizajes, promoviendo las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Nuestra sociedad necesita individuos a nivel medio superior con conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores, que les permitan integrarse y desarrollarse de manera satisfactoria en el mundo laboral o en su preparación profesional. Para que contribuyas en ello, es indispensable que asumas una nueva visión y actitud en cuanto a tu rol, es decir, de ser receptor de contenidos, ahora construirás tu propio conocimiento a través de la problematización y contextualización de los mismos, situación que te permitirá: Aprender a conocer, aprender a hacer, aprender a ser y aprender a vivir juntos.



Con este gráfico identificarás las Actividades dentro del texto, con las cuales optimizarás los conocimientos aprendidos. Debajo del ícono sabrás la secuencia y bloque al que pertenece y arriba si es individual, en equipo o grupal.

Íconos para indicar si una actividad es:

Individual En Equipo Grupal

En esta sección realizarás la Actividad Integradora, la cual será tu proyecto durante todo el semestre, pondrás en práctica tus conocimientos y fortalecerás tu aprendizaje.

Representa la Evaluación Diagnóstica, la cual te permitirá estar consciente de tus conocimientos acerca del tema a abordar.

En este apartado encontrarás la Evaluación de Actividades, donde tu profesor calificará tu desempeño.


Útil para tener referencias acerca del contenido de tus libros, además que podrás utilizar las Fuentes para tener más herramientas que contribuyan a mejorar tu desempeño académico.

Ícono de Autoevaluación en este espacio tendrás que evaluarte a ti mismo honestamente y te darás cuenta de los conocimientos adquiridos, así como de las áreas que necesitas mejorar.


Con esta ilustración localizaremos el Glosario, ya sea dentro del texto o al final del libro. Será tu ayuda para conocer nuevos conceptos y comprender mejor las lecturas.




Con este ícono se muestra la Rúbrica de Evaluación de tu proyecto, donde se valorará tu desempeño.


El Portafolio de Evidencias lo encontrarás al finalizar cada bloque. Aquí se especifica qué actividades debes incluir y entregar a tu profesor para que te evalúe.


En este espacio encontrarás los Reactivos de Cierre, con los cuales reforzarás los conocimientos que adquiriste durante el bloque y desarrollarás tus habilidades.


En Notas Enfáticas podrás encontrar contenido importante que complementará tu aprendizaje.



Ícono de Coevaluación, donde deberás evaluar a tu compañero y él te evaluará a ti.



Presentación del libro..................................................................................................................................... 4

Glosario Icónico .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Competencias Genéricas y Disciplinarias Básicas ....................................................................................... 8 y 9

Mapa de contenido ....................................................................................................................................... 10


CK 1


CK 2

Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations ............................................ 11

Didactic Sequence 1. Let ’s review what we know ......................................................................... 12

Didactic Sequence 2. If i had a million dollars, I could… ................................................................. 19

Didactic Sequence 3. What could I do if... ....................................................................................... 26

Describes Experiences ....................................................................................... 39

Didactic Sequence 1. “She has studied all day” ............................................................................... 40

Didactic Sequence 2. Rule: Present Perfect Verb Tense .................................................................. 47


Express likes and preferences ........................................................................... 63

Didactic Sequence 1. “Would prefer, would like, like, don´t like, hate, can ´t stand” ..................... 65

Didactic Sequence 2. Likes, dislikes and preferences ...................................................................... 71

Describe objects, activities and persons ............................................................ 85

Didactic Sequence 1. Describe objects, activities and persons ....................................................... 86

Didactic Sequence 2. Relative pronouns and relative clauses such as who, which, that and where .....

......................................................................................................................................................... 91





Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue.

Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expre-siones en distintos géneros.

Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.

Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos me-diante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de méto-dos establecidos.

Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.

Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.

Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región, México y el mundo.

Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.

Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones respon-sables.









Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe.

Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras.

Argumenta un punto de vista en el público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno con base en la consulta de diversas fuentes.

7Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios de comunicación en la recreación o la transformación de una cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propósitos comunicativos de distintos géneros.

Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intención y situación comunicativa.

Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica.

Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios de comunicación.

Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto.

Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa.

Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.



10 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Describe your behavior in

hypothetical situations

Let ’s review what we know

If i had a million dollars, I could…

What could I do if...

Describes Experiences

“She has studied all day”

Rule: Present Perfect Verb Tense

Express likes and preferences

“Would prefer, would like, like, don´t like, hate, can ´t stand”

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Describe objects, activities and persons

Describe objects, activities and persons.

Relative pronouns and relative clauses such as who, which, that and where

■ Identifies main ideas in a text, about moral issues.

■ Understands the main idea in oral messages about moral issues.

■ Uses the Second Conditional Grammar structure, to form and describe imaginary and hypothetical situations.

Length : 12 hours

■ Simple past. ■ Second Conditional form ■ if / even if / unless + ■ Modal Verbs: (would, should, could, might.)

■ Adjectives: honest, loyal, fair, responsible, trustworthy, etc.

■ Connectors: but, and, because, so.

■ Identifies main idea in an oral or written message in a foreign language.

■ Communicates in a foreign language through the use of the Second Conditional Structure.

■ Values logical thinking in the communicative process in hypothetical situations. And concern about possible scenarios on environment or moral issues.

■ Works in a collaborative and effective way, acknowledging the importance of diversity and plurality of ideas and behavior of his/hers classmates.

■ Expresses concepts and ideas in logical way, using coherent and creative introduction, core and conclusion.

■ Produces texts based on the standard use of the language considering the communicative intention and situation, and formal elements of language with regards to punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and cohesion.

■ Evaluates a text by comparing its content with others, making use of students prior and new knowledge.

Performances to be demostrated: Learning objects:

Competences to be developed:

Describe your behavior in hypothetical situationsBLOCK 1

12 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Didactic Sequence 1LET’S REVIEw wHAT wE KNOw

Start Up Activities

I Know what you did last summer!

Irregular verbs are an important feature of English. We use irregular verbs a lot when speaking, less when writing. Of course, the most famous English verb of all, the verb "to be", is irregular.

What is the difference between regular verbs and irregular verbs?

Base Form Past Simple Past ParticipleWith regular verbs, the rule is simple...

The past simple and past participle always end in -ed:finish Finished Finishedstop Stopped Stoppedwork Worked Worked

But with irregular verbs, there is no rule...Sometimes the verb changes completely: sing Sang Sung

Sometimes there is "half" a change: buy Bought BoughtSometimes there is no change: cut Cut Cut

One good way to learn irregular verbs is to try sorting them into

groups, as above.

You can always find these verbs in a dictionary and see if they

are regular or irregular.


Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 13


(PAIRS) After watching these videos, and according to the information you got, with the help of a dictionary if it’s necessary, get in pairs and complete the following chart with a list about the most common verbs in past, regular and irregulars.

Simple pastVerb Regular Irregular

1 admit

2 ban

3 beg

4 bury

5 clap

6 copy

7 Cry

8 drop

9 dry

10 empty

11 fancy

12 fit


Watch the following videos from YouTube for a quick review of the regular and irregular verbs.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxuYOR4MWGI

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_mrIVNFFIQ

Development Activities

14 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

13 fry

14 Hug

15 hurry

16 identify

17 be

18 become

19 begin

20 break

21 bring

22 build

23 buy

24 catch

25 choose

26 come

27 cut

28 do

29 draw

30 drink

31 drive

32 eat

33 fall

34 feel

35 find

36 fly

37 forget

38 get 39 give

40 go

41 grow

Simple pastVerb Regular Irregular

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 15

Read the following biography of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and do the following exercises.


1.- Complete with the information from the text:






16 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora




2.- Underline all the verbs in Simple Past.

3.- Classify all the verbs from the text in regulars and irregulars.



Connectors Functions Meaning


With the help of your dictionary, identify the meanings and functions of the most common connectors (and, but, so, or, because) and write them down in the chart.

Closing Activities

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 17



(PAIRS) With the help of a partner, choose the best connector to complete the sentences:

A. She doesn’t like vegetables _______fish.

B. I need milk, butter _______bread.

C. There’s snow on the street _______it’s not too cold.

D. She has worked hard _______ but she has not earned enough to buy the car she wants.

E. I would like to go to the cinema _______ I don’t have any money.

F. My favorite bands are Maná _________ U2.

G. Even though I did all my homework, my mom didn’t let me go to the party __________ she made me stay

home all the weekend.

H. I tried to finish the exam __________ I had not enough time.

I. Pedro Infante __________ María Félix starred Tizoc.

A) Complete with and, but, or, so, because.

1. We aren´t going to the park ...... it´s raining.

2. I don´t have any money, ...... I´ll go to the bank.

3. She studies a lot ...... she never passes the exams.

4. You´ve got an exam tomorrow, ...... you must study tonight.

5. I don´t go to the cinema ...... I haven´t got any money.

B) Correct the underlined word using and, but, or, so, because, and rewrite the sentence on the line.

1. We don´t go to the beach but it´s cold._________________________________________________________

2. They don´t like meat and fish. _______________________________________________________________

3. It´s winter because I´m not cold. _____________________________________________________________

4. It´s raining, or take your umbrella! ___________________________________________________________

18 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

C) Put the words in order.

1. accident / an / she´s / in / because / hospital / she / had.



2. but / they / many / work / don´t / hours / they / have / money / much.



3. asked / Paul / me / question, / a / replied / I / so.



4. buy / I / peppers / potatoes. / and / tomatoes,



Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 19


Start Up Activities

1.- Students solve written exercises related to the second conditional.

2.- Read carefully the uses and grammatical forms of the second conditional with oral examples given by the teacher and classmates who have more knowledge about the theme.

3.- Teacher explains in detail so that every student can express his/her own examples of a hypothetical situation.


SECOND TYPE CONDITIONAL CLAUSESConditional Sentences Type II refer to situations that would happen in an hypothetically situation.

Example: If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari.

The structure for writing a second conditional clause is the following:

First sentence the condition Main clauseIF + Pronoun/noun + Past verb+ predicate, Pronoun/noun + Would + Verb (infinitive) + predicate

IF + John + had + the money, I Would buy a car.

Remember two sentences, one written using “If” and in past tense, and the second using “Would” and in present.

20 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

(TEAMS) Now we have 4 imaginary situations. Divide the group in two teams and develop second conditional sentences for every hypothetical situation and when you finish share your answers with the rest of the group.


A. Win the lottery:




B. Have a new car:




C. Go to Paris:




D. Travel to space:




Development Activities

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 21



With the help of your dictionary if it’s needed, find the meaning of the following adjectives:

























22 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



















■■audioA) Listen, read and repeat.

Everybody would like to win the lottery

Albert –Are you looking for some information?John –Yes, I want to know if I won the lottery. I bought a ticket.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 23

Albert –How much would you win?John –Well… the total prize is twenty million;so, my ticket would win one million!Albert –What would you do with that money?John –Well… I would travel around the world. What would you do?Albert –With a million, I would buy a beautiful house.John –But, as my number is not in the list, I’ll buy another one, maybe next timeI would have better luck.Albert –You’re right! It is good to insist.

B) Practice the dialogue with your partner.



Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided.

1. It’s Monday today, but if it ___________________ (be) Saturday, I ______________________ (go) to the beach.

2. I don’t have any money now, but if I ___________________ (have) some, I _________________ (lend) it to you.

3. I have to work tomorrow, but if I ___________________ (be) free, I ___________________ (go) shopping with you.

4. Amy can only speak one language, but if she ________________ (can) speak two languages, she___________________ (apply) for a job at the Multicultural Center.

5. Sue doesn’t know how to knit. If she ___________________ (know) how to knit, she ____________________ (make) a sweater for you for your birthday.

6. I don’t own a pair of skis. If I ________________ (have) skis, I __________________ (go) skiing with you tomorrow.

24 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

7. I can’t understand what he’s saying. If he ___________________ (speak) more clearly, I ________________ (understand) more.

8. We are not going to buy that house, but if it ______________________ (be) a little cheaper, we ___________ (buy) it.

9. He is not going to pass his exam. If he ______________________ (study) harder, he ____________________ (pass).

10. John has a lot of car accidents. If he _____________________ (drive) more carefully, he _______________ (have) fewer accidents.



A) Match the first part of the sentence on the left with the correct ending on the right.

1. If I were hungry... ________ A. if I were bald.

2. If I were thirsty... ________ B. if the neighbors were very noisy.

3. I would go to the dentist... ________ C. I would take it again.

4. I would buy a wig... ________ D. if I came to work late again.

5. I would quit my job... ________ E. I would eat something.

6. If I saw a bad car accident... ________ F. if I had to work overtime every day.

7. I would move... ________ G. I would move to Mexico.

8. If I spoke Spanish... ________ H. I would make some lemonade.

9. If I failed the course... ________ I. I would call an ambulance.

10. The boss would fire me... ________ J. if I had a tooth ache.

Closing Activities

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 25

B) Complete the following sentences using your own words.

1. If I had some free time,____________________________________________________________________


2. I would move to a bigger apartment if_________________________________________________________


3. If I had a bike,____________________________________________________________________________


4. I would walk to school every day if___________________________________________________________


5. I would go to the doctor if __________________________________________________________________


6. If I had a roommate, _______________________________________________________________________


7. If I knew his name, _______________________________________________________________________


8. If I had a dog, ____________________________________________________________________________


26 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Didactic Sequence 3WhAt CoUlD I Do If...

Start Up Activities

“ Even if”, Second conditional.

“Even if” emphasizes that something will happen, would happen not matter if there was conditions to prevent so. Because we are using second conditional we use past tense in the sentence where we use “even if”.

Even if we had booked our flight earlier, it wouldn’t have been cheaper.Structure

Even if + Pronoun/noun +verb (past tense) + predicate, Pronoun + would +verb (infinitive) + predicate

“If”, Second Conditional.

We can use could in the if-clause to express ability, possibility or permission, using the past tense.First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true.Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it’s not trueStructure.

• if + verb (past)+ predicate , pronoun +would + verb + (infinitive) + predicate.

For example: If I won the lottery, I would buy a spaceship.

“Unless”, Second conditional

Unless is a word which is used to say an event is going to happen but there might be something that can prevent the success of happening. As a second conditional we use the past tense in the sentence which explains what happened in the past which prevented an event.

For example:I wouldn’t eat that food unless I was really hungry.

Structure: Pronoun+ would+ verb (infinitive)+ predicate, unless + verb (past)+ predicate.


Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 27


Let’s practice: Please write 5 situations that happened in your life that even if you could change something, it would happen.













Development Activities

28 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Fill the following sentences using “even if” or “if ”.

1. It hasn't rained in weeks, and the weather forecaster said it should be warm and sunny tomorrow for the wine festival. But the weather isn't really important; ____________ it rains, the festival will take place.

2. These days a woman can do anything a man can do __________________they propose it.

3. __________________ the science of medicine is advancing very quickly, there are many people in the world who die of diseases which are easily cured because they can't afford to pay for treatment.

4. Jessica is extremely beautiful and graceful__________________ she thinks it will be very difficult for her to break into the world of international modeling.

5. Samantha is very easily insulted. _____________________a person complements her, she takes it as an insult.

6. My dog eats everything - ___________________________ice cream!

7. Fred is a brilliant computer programmer. _________________ he doesn't go to university, he will be able to survive just by doing web page design.

8. _____________________________ the world is becoming increasingly global, many people remain ignorant to other cultures and languages.

9. He can do everything. He sings beautifully, speaks five languages, rock climbs __________________ he prac-tice enough.

10. The movie was predictable and the acting was pretty bad. ____________________, I loved it because it was funny and I needed a good laugh.


Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 29

ACTIVITY 3SD3-B1 ■■audio

A) Listen, read and repeat.

Whose car is this?

Frank –Would you please move this car? It’sin front of my door and I must go.Mike –I would do, but there is a problem.Frank –What problem?Mike –I don’t have the keys.Frank –Don’t you have the keys? Why?Mike –Because that’s not my car.Frank –Whose car is it?Mike –It’s Captain Frey’s, the City Police Chief . Look! He is already coming!Mr. Frey –Any problem?Frank –Would you be so kind to move your car? I can’t leave and I must go to work.Mr. Frey –Ok. I’ll move it right now.Frank –Thanks a lot! Good bye!Mike –Take it easy! Relax!

B) Read and act out the dialogue in front of your teamwork.

C) Circle the option you think is the best one.

a) Why do you think Mike said Frank ”Take it easy”?• Because he realized that Frank was very upset.• Because he was going to work.• Because they were friends.

b) What would you advise Frank for calming down?• He could take a cup of coffee and a donut.• He could smoke a cigarette and phone his girlfriend.• He could take three deep breaths and listen to some quiet music.

30 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

c) What kind of person would you say Mr. Frey is?• A reliable and good citizen.• A nice and efficient public employee.• An irresponsible selfish person, and a bad officer.

d) What should Mr. Frey do when Frank asked him to move his car?• He should apologize Frank.• He should smile and hug Frank.• He should offer Frank his own car to go faster.

e) What kind of person do you think Frank is?• An irresponsible and reckless worker.• A coward and fearful boy.• A peaceful and educated person.

D) Comment your answers with your teamwork.

E) What would you do in that case?

F) Select five positive and five negative characteristics from the last exercise and write them down.



Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 31


■■audioTeenagers can change the world. Young people can really make a difference. If you could change something in the world, what would you change? Get ready to listen to a song by Eric Clapton.

INSTRUCTIONS:Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for you(1) Shine it on my heart so you ___________ the truthThat this love I have inside is everything it seemsBut for now I find it's only in my dreams CHORUS:That I can change the worldI would be the sunlight in your universeYou will think my love was really something good(2) Baby if I _________________the world(3) If I _____________________king even for a day(4) ____________________you as my queenI'd have it no other wayAnd our love will rule in this kingdom we've made(5) Till then I_______________ a fool wishing for the dayCHORUS:(6) I ________the sunlight in your universeYou will think my love was really something good(7) Baby if I _________________the worldCHORUS:That I can change the worldI would be the sunlight in your universeYou will think my love was really something good(9) Baby if I _______________the world(10) Baby if I _______________the world(11) Baby if I_______________ the world

Isn’t it wonderful, that no

one need wait a single moment, before starting to improve the world?

Anne Frank


32 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Homework.I. Circle the option which shows the correct complement of the sentences. 1. Lola failed last semester! I think that if she studied harder this time, she_______ pass her final test.a) Should b) Could c) Could not d) Shouldn’t

2. Charles caught a terrible flue, if he______ to get better, he_______ see the doctor.a) Wants – should b) Wanted – should c) Wanted – shouldn’t d) Want – should

3. If I_______ a lawyer, I think I_______ be honest.a) Was – would b) Were – would c) Wasn’t – should d) Weren’t – wouldn’t

4. Luis is a responsible classmate, if he___________ I________ choose him as a partner for the final project.a) Were´nt – would not b) Was – would not c) Were – should d) Wasn’T – should

II. Select the characteristic according to the actions of every person.1. Paty found a wallet with money and some cards in, and she is going to call the owner. I think she is a___________ person .a) Friendly b) Honest c) Nice d) Selfish

2. I had a terrible problem with my parents and I need someone to talk to. I’ll look for Annie to help me, because she is a ___________person.a) Cultivated b) Coward c) Trustworthy d) Good

3. Lucy’s sister is very sad, because she knew that her husband was kissing another girl. She realized that he isn’t a ___________person.a) Peaceful b) Quiet c) Loyal d) Upset

4. Arnold won the lottery, he is a very ____________boy .a) Lucky b) Reckless c) Funny d) Bored

5. The employees are leaving the office, but Freddy will stay because he is going to finish a report. He is a very_____________ employee .a) Lazy b) Responsible c) Dishonest d) Graceful

III. Translate to English, the following sentences. 1. Si yo fuera médico, me gustaría trabajar en África.



Closing Activities

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 33

2. Si él estudiara más, obtendría mejores calificaciones.



3. Si Lupita fuera amistosa, tendría más amigos.



4. Si David comiera más verduras, no tendría problemas estomacales.



5. Si condujeras cuidadosamente, no tendrás accidentes.



IV. These words form interrogative sentences, but they are not in the correct position. Rewrite them for-ming the questions.1. You – children – money – you – help – would – if – poor – had ?



2. would – to – Shakira’s – you – like – be – friend ?



3. dollar – you – what – do – with – a – would – you – million ?



4. be – were – if – not – you – what – like – a – would – student – to – you ?



34 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


In groups of 4 classmate, use a cardboard paper in order to make a comparative table and write the rules for writing “If”, “Even if” and “Unless” as second conditional. Remember to add 5 examples of each of the conditional.



1Need improvement


PresentationThe comparative table is neat, clean and attractive.

The comparative table is neat and clean, however, somehow attractive.

The comparative table is not neat and clean, or attractive.

SpellingThe text has no spelling mistakes.

The text it has few (1 or 3) spelling mistakes.

The text has a lot of mistakes.

GrammarThe text explains the rules of the second conditional.

The text explains the rules of the second conditional but it miss one-two clause, or it’s no clear in one-two clause.

The text does not explains the rules of the second conditional or it does not make sense at all.

Completion The text has 5 sentences.The text has between 4 or 3 sentences.

The text has less than 3 sentences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 35

Please use the following chart in order to evaluate the student. Don’t forget to add comments.





Need improvement

0Points Comments

PresentationThe exercises

are neat, clean and attractive.

The exercises are neat and clean, however, somehow attractive.

The exercises are not neat and clean, or attractive.

SpellingThe exercises has no spelling mistakes.

The exercises it has few (1 or 3) spelling mistakes.

The exercises has a lot of mistakes.

GrammarThe exercises have no grammatical mistakes.

The exercises have few grammatical mistakes

The exercises are full of grammatical mistakes

Completion It contains all the exercises.

It miss some exercises.

Contains little exercises.

36 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Please use your imagination write five sentences using “If”, “Even if” and “Unless” as second conditional. Then after finishing review the rules for writing the sentences and evaluate yourself using the following chart.

I can …… Excellent Good Regular

Did you use the rules for writing If”, “Even if” and “Unless” second conditional correctly?

Use the following space in order to write what rule or rules you forgot to follow.


Please evaluate one of your classmates using the rules for writing If”, “Even if” and “Unless” as second conditional.

Points Excellent Satisfactory Need improvement Unsatisfactory

Can your classmate write in English?

Dis your classmate follow the rules for writing second conditional sentences?

Do the sentences make sense?

Can he read the sentences and understand the meaning?

Lengua Adicional al Español 4

BLOCK 1 Describe your behavior in hypothetical situations 37

Planes de Estudio DGB

Módulo de Aprendizaje Lengua Adicional al Español IV.




rd=cr&ei=kLMEVsPPNsupgwS3hKzoDw ( Sep 24th 2015)





38 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

■ Describe in an oral and written form his/her personal experiences.

■ Get information about third person in an oral and written text.

■ Uses the grammatical structures of the present perfect and the simple past to express his/her experiences.

Length : 16 hours

■ Vocabulary about places, tourist activities, hobbies and food.

■ Present Perfect Tense in affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

■ Adverbs “for” and “since” in present perfect structures.

■ Adverbs “yet, already, ever, never” in present perfect structures.

■ Present perfect and Simple Past.

■ Identifies and interprets the general idea and possible development of a written or spoken message in a foreign language.

■ Communicates in a foreign language through a logical discourse, oral or written to ask for or exchange information about the activities that he/she has done in different contexts.

■ Uses strategies of autonomous learning, through information and communication technologies, to obtain information about the use of the grammatical structure of the present perfect and the simple past to express his/her experiences.

■ Maintains a respectful attitude toward multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices, socializing with peers.

■ Produces texts based on the proper use of the language, according to the intention and communicative situation, as well as formal elements of language (punctuation, spelling, syntax and coherence.

Performances to be demostrated: Learning objects:Competences to be developed:

Describes ExperiencesBLOCK 2

40 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Didactic Sequence 1“ShE hAS StUDIED All DAY”

Start Up Activities

Why is it important to know the regular and irregular verbs in past? How can you learn verbs so that you never forget them?


Practice the pronunciation and the meaning of the following verbs

Verb Past Simple Past Participle arise arose arisen

babysit babysat babysat be was / were been

beat beat beaten become became become

bend bent bent begin began begun

bet bet bet bind bound bound bite bit bitten

bleed bled bled blow blew blown break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought

broadcast broadcast broadcast build built built buy bought bought

catch caught caught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut deal dealt dealt dig dug dug do did done

draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found fly flew flown

forbid forbade forbidden forget forgot forgotten

forgive forgave forgiven freeze froze frozen

get got gotten give gave given go went gone

grow grew grown hang* hung hung have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit

hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known

lay laid laid lead led led leave left left lend lent lent let let let

lie ** lay lain light lit lit lose lost lost

make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid put put put quit quit quit

read *** read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent set set set


BLOQUE 2 Describes experiences

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shake shook shaken shine shone shone shoot shot shot show showed shown shut shut shut sing sang sung sink sank sunk sit sat sat

sleep slept slept slide slid slid speak spoke spoken spend spent spent spin spun spun

spread spread spread stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung strike struck struck swear swore sworn sweep swept swept swim swam swum swing swung swung take took taken teach taught taught tear tore torn tell told told

think thought thought throw threw thrown

understand understood understood wake woke woken wear wore worn win won won

withdraw withdrew withdrawn write wrote written

* HANG - Hang has two different meanings. The first is "to attach (or hang) something in a high position" (e.g. on the wall or on a hook). In this case we use the above verbs Hang-Hung-Hung.

BUT when Hang means "to kill someone by putting a rope around someone's neck and leaving them in a high position without any support", we use different verbs: Hang-Hanged-hanged. This verb is typical of public executions in the past. (e.g. They hanged him in the main square.)

** LIE - Lie has two meanings. When it means "to put your body in a horizontal position" (normally on a bed) it uses the Lie-Lay-Lain verbs.

BUT it is regular Lie-Lied-Lied when it has the other meaning of "not to say the truth".

*** READ - Even though they are written the same, the pronunciation is different in the Past Tense and Past Participle form.

42 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Part Two: The following verbs can be regular or irregular:

Verb Past Simple Past Participle burn burned OR burnt burned OR burnt

dream dreamed OR dreamt dreamed OR dreamt learn learned OR learnt learned OR learnt smell smelled OR smelt smelled OR smelt

The second form (burnt, dreamt etc.) is more common in British English.

Part Three: Verbs that have the same form in Present, Past and Past Participle form:

Verb Past Simple Past Participle bet bet bet

broadcast broadcast broadcast cut cut cut hit hit hit

hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put quit quit quit read read read set set set

shut shut shut spread spread spread

All of the verbs above are written and pronounced the same in the three forms EXCEPT for Read which is written the same but pronounced differently .

Development Activities

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Lengua Adicional al Español 4


(PAIRS) Solve the crossword with the past participle of the verbs in the chart



19) READ

44 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


As practice, go to the following link of a “You Tube video.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j32SurxnE4s

Closing Activities

You may have noticed that in English, past tense verbs with an -ed ending are pronounced in three different ways: • [t]• [d] or • [Id].For example, if I say the past tense verb “walked“, as in, “I walked away,” what is the last sound that you hear in the verb?

• “Walked” [wakt]

1) The -ed verb ending sounds like a [t], “Walked” [wakt], even though it ends in the letter “d”.

What do you hear when I say:

• “smelled“, as in, “it smelled bad.”

2) The -ed verb ending sounds like a [d]: “smelled” [smeld]

And when I say, “visited”, as in “I visited New York City”, how did I pronounce that “-ed” ending?

• [Id] [vizitid].3) The -ed verb ending sounds like [ɪd], [vizitid].


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This lesson teaches you the three rules that explain the differences in past tense verb “-ed” pronunciation. But don’t be surprised if most Americans can’t explain these rules to you! The truth is, Americans make these changes in sound without even noticing.

Intro | Why the Sound ChangesPlace your fingertips on the front of your neck, and pronounce the following words. What do you feel on your fingers when you say the underlined sound?

vow | fake (vvv | fff)

zebra | snake (zzz | sss)

–> When we pronounce voiced sounds, our vocal chords vibrate when we say those sounds. [v] [z]. Did you feel the vibration?

–> When we pronounce voiceless sounds, our vocal chords do not vibrate. [f] [s]. No vibration.

This vibration or lack of vibration then carries forward to the following sound in the word. Therefore, this vibration or lack of vibration explains why we pronounce the past tense of verbs in three voiced or voiceless ways: [t], [d] or [Id].

1) [t] final soundVerbs ending in voiceless sounds [p, k, θ, f, s, ʃ, tʃ] cause the “-ed” ending to be pronounced as the voiceless [t] (with no vocal chord vibration).

Listen and Repeat

[p] “He popped a balloon.” [papt]

[k] “They talked a lot” [takt]

[θ] “th”: “She frothed a cup of milk” [frawθt]

[f] “I laughed at the movie.” [læft]

[s] “She kissed a frog.” [kIst]

[ʃ] “sh”: “We brushed it off.” [bruʃt]

[tʃ] “ch”: “I reached around for it.” [riytʃt]

2) [d] final soundVerbs ending in the voiced sounds [b, g, ð, v, z, ʒ, dʒ, m, n, ŋ, r, l] cause the “-ed” ending to be pronounced as a voiced [d].

Listen and Repeat

[b] “It bobbed up and down.” [babd]

46 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

[g] “He begged her to stay.” [bɛgd]

[ð] “She breathed loudly.” [briyðd]

[v] “They loved it.” [luvd]

[z] “We raised her expectations.” [reyzd]

[dʒ] “They bridged the gap.” [brIdʒd]

[m] “I claimed it was mine.” [kleymd]

[n] “They banned new members.” [bænd]

[ŋ] “She banged into the chair.” [bæŋd]

[r] “He cleared it up.” [kliyrd]

[l] “I rolled up the paper.” [rowld]

3) [əd] or [ɪd] final soundVerbs ending in the sounds [t] or [d] will cause the “-ed” ending of a verb to be pronounced as the syllable [əd] or [ɪd].

Listen and Repeat

[t] “I visited the Empire State Building.” [vɪzɪtəd]

[t] “She edited the research paper.” [ɛdɪtɪd]

[d] “We ended the game early.” [ɛndɪd]

[d] “He breaded the chicken.” [brɛdɪd]

Why are these rules important?Connected Speech [c+v]These “-ed” pronunciation rules are particularly important, because in English we connect our speech when we have a word that:ends in a consonant; and is followed by a word that begins with a vowel.In this case, the way you say the verb’s “-ed” ending will be heard loudly and clearly.Example“He walked away” [walkt] –> “He walk taway” [hiy WAWK təWEY]Did you hear that [t] in “walked” clearly? H-DeletionThe same rule of connected speech [c+v] occurs when h-deletion causes us to delete the “h” sound at the beginning of a word.Example“We raised her expectations” [reyzd] –> “We raizd er expectations” –> “We raizdər expectations”We deleted the “h” in “her”, then connected the speech from “raised” and “er”, which became “raisder”.

BLOQUE 2 Describes experiences

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Start Up Activities

We use the present perfect verb tense instead of the simple past when:

1. We talk about something that happened in a non-specific, general time in the past; and

2. This action may have some connection, continuation or significance to the present.

Form To form the present perfect verb tense, use the present tense of “have”:

[have/has] + [past participle of verb]

Example• “He has developed several mobile apps already.”Note that when speaking, Native English speakers will often de-stress (delete the “h” in) or contract the verb “have” or “has” and attach it to the subject before it to speak with greater efficiency and music.How to Contract and De-stress the Verb “Have” or “Has”• “I have” –> “I’ve” • “You have” –> “you’ve” • “He has” –> “he’s” • “She has” –> “she’s” • “It has” –> “it’s” • “We have” –> “we’ve” • “They have” –> “they’ve”

Exercise on Present Perfect Simple

Fill in the blanks with 'have' or 'has'.

1. I ___________answered the question.

2. She ____________opened the window.

3. They ___________called us.

4. You ____________carried a box.

5. It ______________rained a lot.

6. We ____________washed the car.

7. He ____________closed the window.

8. Jenny __________locked the door.

9. The girls ___________visited the museum.

10. John and Sophie ______________helped in the garden.

ACTIVITY 1SD2-B2 Also watch the

following video:


48 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


PRONOUNS POSITIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONI / YOU / WE / THEY I have spoken I haven´t spoken Have I spoken?

HE / SHE / IT He has spoken He hasn´t spoken Has He spoken?


Exceptions in spelling when adding “ed” Example

After a final “e” only add “d” Love-loved

Final consonant after a short, stressed vowel or “l” as final consonant after a vowel is doubled.



Final “y” after a consonant becomes “I” Hurry-hurried

More uses of Present Perfect Tense

- puts emphasis on the result

Example: She has written five letters.

- action that is still going on

Example: School has not started yet.

- action that stopped recently

Example: She has cooked dinner.

- finished action that has an influence on the present

Example: I have lost my key.

-action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking

Example: I have never been to Australia.

Signal Words of Present Perfect

- already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

BLOQUE 2 Describes experiences

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Write positive sentences in present perfect simple

1. Bob / visit / his grandma


2. Jimmy / play / on the computer


3. Sue and Walter / wash / their car


4. Andrew / repair / his bike


5. Phil / help / Anne with maths


6. Brad and Louise / watch / a film


7. Tamara / talk to / her best friend


8. Bridgette / draw / a picture


9. Carol / read / a computer magazine


10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant


50 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Write negative sentences in present perfect simple

1. Sarah / not / wash the dishes


2. Anita / not / clean the kitchen


3. Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants


4. Joey / not / make his bed


5. David / not / buy milk


6. Lisa / not / be to the baker's


7. Aran and Jack / not / do their homework


8. Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms


9. Alex / not / feed the hamster


10. Hazel / not / empty the bin



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Lengua Adicional al Español 4


Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. you / answer / the question


2. Jenny / lock / the door


3. Walter / call / us


4. you / see / the picture


5. your parents / get / the letter


6. it / rain / a lot


7. how often / we / sing / the song


8. Maureen / watch / the film


9. how many books / Bob / read


10. ever / you / be / to London



52 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



The adverbs ever and never express the idea of an unidentified time before now(Have you ever visited Berlin?)’Ever’ and ‘never’ are always placed before the main verb (past participle). Ever is used:

In questions

Have you ever been to England? Has she ever met the Prime Minister?

In negative questions

Haven’t they ever been to Europe? Haven’t you ever eaten Chinese food?

In negative statements using the pattern nothing + ever or nobody + ever

Nobody has ever said that to me before. Nothing like this has ever happened to us.

With ‘The first time’

It’s the first time that I’ve ever eaten snails. This is the first time I’ve ever been to England.


Never means at no time before now, and is the same as not ..... ever: (I have never visited Berlin)

BE CAREFUL! You must not use never and not together

I haven’t never been to Italy. I have never been to Italy.


Already refers to an action that has happened at an unspecified time before now. It suggests that there is no need for repetition. I’ve already drunk three coffees this morning. (= and you’re offering me another one!) Don’t write to John, I’ve already done it.

It is also used in questions: Have you already written to John? Has she finished her homework already?

Already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of the sentence: I have already been to Tokyo. I have been to Tokyo already.

BLOQUE 2 Describes experiences

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Yet is used in negative statements and questions, to mean (not) in the period of time between before now and now, (not) up to and including the present. Yet is usually placed at the end of the sentence. Have you met Judy yet? I haven’t visited the Tate Gallery yet Has he arrived yet? They haven’t eaten yet


Fill in the blanks using ever, never, just, already and yet.

1. Have you________ been in America?

2. Do you hear the noise? The train has__________ arrived.

3. No. Your cousin hasn't come to the party__________ .

4. Can you open the door? Oh, it is____________ open.

5. Your daughter has___________ returned home. You don't have to worry anymore.

6. Haven't you finished your food__________? No, I am still eating mom.

7. I am a very lucky person. I have__________ had nightmares.

8. Are you going to meet me at the shop? Yes, I am____________ there.

9. I have__________ realized how beautiful you are.

10. Would you like to have dinner with us? No thanks, I have___________ had dinner.

11. Have you___________ seen such a big ant?

54 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


(PAIRS) Discuss in your group the answers from this exercises, an then make four sentences with your own words uing the gramar that you have just seen. Ask your teacher for help if needed.











The words for and since are used in sentences where the speaker wants to talk about something that started in the past and continues into the present.

For is used when specifying the period of time of time (how long):

• I’ve had this watch for more than 40 years.

• I’ve only known her for a few weeks.

• He’s been here for 6 months and still can’t speak a word of German.

• She’s been smoking for a long time. No wonder she coughs so much!

Since is used when specifying the starting point:

• I’ve had this watch since 1965.

• I’ve only known her since the beginning of last week.

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Lengua Adicional al Español 4


• He’s been here since April and he still can’t speak a word of German.

• She’s been smoking since she started grade 5. No wonder she coughs so much!

Note: The present perfect or present perfect continuous are needed in such sentences. It is wrong to say:

- I know her for two years. - I know her since 2006.

Closing Activities

Answer the following exercise choosing the correct option to complete the sentence:

Q1. I've had my computer ..... more than five years.

o for

o since


56 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Q2. She has spoken 3 languages ..... she was a child.

o for

o since

Q3. It's ok. I've only been waiting ..... a few minutes.

o for

o since

Q4. I haven't played tennis ..... I came to Germany.

o for

o since

Q5. Our family has lived in this house ..... just after the war.

o for

o since

Q6. Why are you so late? I've been standing here ..... 7.30.

o for

o since

Q7. I've been looking for my keys ..... the last 10 minutes. Can you help me?

o for

o since

Q8. Where's Miho? - Didn't you know? She's been in hopsital ..... yesterday morning.

o for

o since

Q9. It's been raining for ..... over three hours. When will it ever stop?

o for

o since

Q10. Our cat has been missing ..... last Tuesday. We think it's been in an accident.

o for

o since

BLOQUE 2 Describes experiences

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Complete the following sentences with the correct form of verbs in parentheses. Use either the present perfect tense or the past tense. Be sure to pay attention to the time expressions.

1. John still _________________ (not find) a new job.

2. He ______________ (not find) a new job last week.

3. He ____________ (send) his resume to several companies last month.

4. He ____________ (send) his resume to several companies recently.

5. He _____________ (search) the Internet for the last month.

6. He ____________ (search) the Internet in my office from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. last Friday.

7. He ____________ (not pay) the rent for his apartment yet.

8. He ___________ (not pay) the rent when it was due two weeks ago.

9. His landlord ____________ (demand) the rent several times this week already.

10. His landlord ____________ (demand) the rent last Monday.

58 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Circle the correct option.

1.-'Already' is a signal word for ...

Simple Past Present Perfect

2.-'Just' is a signal word for ...

Simple Past Present Perfect

3.-'2 years ago' is a signal word for ...

Simple Past Present Perfect

4.-'Yet' is a signal word for ...

Simple Past Present Perfect

5.-'Yesterday' is a signal word for ...

Simple Past Present Perfect


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

Mary________ (win) the lottery last year.

We _______________ (prepare / already) dinner.

James_____________ (find) your ring in the garden yesterday.

He______________ (come / just) home.

They______________ (buy) their car two years ago.


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

I _________________(see / not) anyone yet.

Phil_______________ (go / not) to the cinema last night.

We _________________(be / not) to the zoo so far.

She_________________ (arrive / not) yet.

Emily________________(visit / not) me last week.

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Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

_____________(you / read) the book yet?

How many letters __________________(they / write) so far?

When________________ (he / tell) you that?



1. Investigate the inventions that have changed people’s lifestyle.2. Make a poster with photos or drawings about those inventions.3. Make an oral presentation to the class about those inventions.

60 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Reconocimiento de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Uso de “Present Perfect”.

Uso de “For y Since”.

Uso de pasado simple y presente perfecto.

Actitud dentro del equipo de trabajo.

Capacidad de buscar y sistematizar información.

Capacidad de resolver problemas actitud propositiva y proactiva.


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BIEN (.4)



Oral=vocabulario y gramática


El alumno maneja vocabulario visto en la unidad, y además agrega más al mismo; cuida en todo momento los aspectos gramaticales correspondientes a cada tema de manera excelente.

El alumno maneja vocabulario suficiente visto en la unidad así como también cumple con las reglas gramaticales necesarias a cada tema.

El alumno maneja poco vocabulario del tema visto en la unidad. Presenta algunos errores gramaticales.

El alumno utiliza vocabulario no acorde con los temas de la unidad, tiene fallas en la gramática utilizada.

Trabajo escrito


El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito de forma oportuna cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales, vocabulario, limpieza, originalidad y creatividad.

El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito en forma oportuna cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales, y el vocabulario adecuado.

El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito en un día posterior a la fecha indicada, cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales e incorporando el vocabulario adecuado.

El alumno entrega el trabajo en fecha posterior a la señalada, no cumple con las reglas gramaticales ni con el vocabulario visto.

Trabajo en equipo


El alumno participa activamente en las actividades del equipo.

El alumno brindo apoyo oportuno a sus compañeros en la realización de la tarea (cuando se lo solicitaban).

El alumno apoyó a sus compañeros de forma irregular.

El alumno no brindó apoyo a sus compañeros, no demostró interés en el trabajo del equipo.



El alumno presenta póster o collage en forma oportuna cumpliendo con los requisitos de originalidad, limpieza, originalidad y creatividad

El alumno presenta póster o collage en forma oportuna cumpliendo con los requisitos.

El alumno presenta póster o collage, mas no en forma oportuna y cumple solamente con algunos requisitos.

El alumno presenta póster o collage después de la fecha indicada y no cumple con los requisitos.


62 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

ENGLISH CLUB (Web en línea) http://www.englishclub.com/

• ENGLISH GRAMMAR SECRETS (Web en línea) http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/usedto/menu.php (Ejercicios en línea para practicar más sobre este Tópico)

• LEARNENGLISH.COM.UK (Web en línea) http://www.learnenglish.org.ok

• SABER INGLES (Web en línea) http://www.saberingles.com.ar/

• Strutt, P. (2003). English for international Tourism, Longman.

• Foley, B. (2004). The Heinle Picture Dictionary Beginning Workbook, Thomson Heinle.


■ Describes in an oral and written form his/her personal hobbies and preferences.

■ Identifies specific information in an oral or written text about the hobbies, likes and preferences and those of other people.

■ Uses the grammatical structures needed to express the things they like or dislike.

Length : 10 hours

■ Vocabulary related to leisure activities. ■ Grammatical structure: “would prefer, would like, like, don´t like, hate, can´t stand” to express hobbies, likes and preferences.

■ Adjectives to describe personality.

■ Maintains a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices, at the moment of describing the leisure activities of other people.

■ Participates and collaborates in an effective way in different teams.

■ Identifies and interprets the general idea and possible development of a written or spoken message in a foreign language, focusing on the description of hobbies, likes and preferences.

■ Communicates in a foreign language through a logical speech oral or written, to describe his/her hobbies and preferences.

■ Produces texts based on the proper use of the language, according the intention and communicative situation, as well as formal elements of language (punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and cohesion).

Performances to be demostrated: Learning objects: Competences to be developed:

Express likes and preferencesBLOCK 3

64 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


In order to be able to talk about your likes and preferences, you must have a clear idea about these.Which topics are most interesting to you? What is your favorite TV show? Your favorite film, yourfavorite book?

1. Complete the next chart “Interest Inventory” with the help of your classmates.2. Share the information you gathered with your classmates.3. Find out your common traits with the help of your classmates and teacher.

INVENTORY of interestsWrite about your preferences



What I like most about school is________________________________________________________________

What I like least about school is________________________________________________________________

My favorite book is__________________________________________________________________________

My favorite movie is_________________________________________________________________________

When I watch TV, I usually enjoy watching ______________________________________________________

My favorite animal is________________________________________________________________________

My favorite color is__________________________________________________________________________

When I have time to myself I like to ____________________________________________________________


When I'm with my family, we enjoy ____________________________________________________________


I like to collect _____________________________________________________________________________

My favorite type of music is___________________________________________________________________

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to _______________________________________________


My favorite sport is__________________________________________________________________________

If I had three wishes, I'd wish for:




Didactic Sequence 1“WoUlD pREfER, WoUlD lIkE, lIkE, DoN´t lIkE, hAtE, CAN´t StAND”

Start Up Activities

Prefer and would rather can be used interchangeably, when we are talking about general preferences, prefer is followed by verb-ing, thus:

· I prefer listening to music to watching TV.· I’d rather listen to music than watch TV.

‘d ratherHowever, when we are talking about specifics, would rather is used as an alternative to would prefer to followed by an infinitive. Would rather is very common in spoken English and is often abbreviated to ‘d rather. It is used in this form with all personal pronouns:

I’d / you’d / he’d / she’d / we’d / they’d rather…

Study these examples:1-Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? ~ No, I think I’d rather eat at home / I’d prefer to eat at home.2-Would you rather drink beer or wine with the curry ~ I’d rather drink beer. What about you?3-They’d rather have the strawberries by themselves, but I’d prefer to have them with cream.

Note that would rather is followed by a bare infinitive without to, whereas prefer requires to + infinitive. Would rather (but not would prefer to) is also followed by a past tense when we want to involve other people in the action, even though it has a present or future meaning. Study the following:

1-Shall we go out for dinner tonight? ~ No, I’d rather we ate at home, if you don’t mind.2-Shall I write to Harry and tell him that we’ve sold the car? ~ I’d rather you didn’t.


66 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Directions: write a (1) next to any hobbies, interests, or activities that you like, or a (2) next to any activity you do not like. Then, draw a circle around the 3 things you like to do the most

Development Activities


BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Directions: write a (1) next to sentence that describes you. When you have finished, draw a circle around the 3 sentences that best describe you.

68 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Directions: write a (1) next to all the things you are good at. Then, draw a circle around 3 things you do best.


BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


Closing Activities


Would rather: is used to express what somebody wants in a particular situation. Ex: Let’s take the bus.... (I would rather walk.)

Prefer: is used to express what we prefer in general. Ex: I prefer living in the country; I prefer to walk rather than taking the bus.



1- She ...................... eat a salad than a hamburger.

would rather prefer

2- They .................... dogs. They don't like cats.

would rather prefer

3- I ...................... stay home today.

would rather prefer

4- We ....................... watching basketball.

would rather prefer

5- Usually people ......................... warm weather.

would rather prefer

Choose the correct option .

70 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Choose the correct option. (would rather or prefer )


1-I_________________ buy the blue shirt.

2-Why do you_______________ going out with Tom?

3-I__________________have the meeting at 6 pm.

4-Normally, we ____________going to the beach.

5-I __________________watch the football game.

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Start Up Activities


Development Activities

(PAIRS) Look at the table and build up sentences according to the model.


72 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

(PAIRS) Look at the table.

Build up sentences according to the model.


1. Peter likes orange juice but he prefers coke. He doesn’t like tea.

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________________________

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


(PAIRS) Broken sentences


I love travelling, and I'd love to visit Brazil.

I love big cities, and I think I'd enjoy living in Taipei.

I really fancy some chocolate ice-cream.

I hate it when people are late.

I'd really love to start learning Chinese.

You don't like it? Neither do I.

I really hate getting up early on a Monday morning.

What would you like to drink?

The thing I hate most is when people ask me for money.

Don't you like working late?

Would you like some coffee?

I always have a good time watching horror movies.

I like cooking things like chicken fajitas.

Would you like a regular or large milkshake?

I'd like a hamburger and a coke.

Would you like anything else?

I detest doing so much homework when I have to study.

What would you like to eat?

My friend hates seafood, and so do I.

I think living in Japan is great.

74 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

In this matching activity, students have to put together sentences which have been broken into two halves. The sentences cover different phrases for talking about likes and dislikes .

Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair of students and cut as indicated.


o Give each pair a set of mixed up cards and tell them they have to arrange the cards into 20 sentences about

likes and dislikes.

o Set a time limit of ten minutes and stop the students at the end.

o Check the answers by going round the class from pair to pair.

o Each pair reads out one sentence.

o The teacher says whether it is right or wrong.

o If it is right, the sentence can be discarded and turned over.

o The pair gets 1 point for each correct answer.

o If the sentence is wrong, the pair gets no points and, without giving the correct answer, the teacher moves

on to the next pair of students.

o Continue until all the sentences have been correctly read out.


BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



There are a few basic rules regarding the use of infinitives and gerunds.

Infinitives and gerunds are noun forms. If used before the main verb, they are the subject of the verb; after the main verb, they are the object of the verb.

If a preposition is used after the verb, do not use an infinitive.

If a common expression ends with a preposition, then it may be followed by a gerund.

Examples: Verb + infinitive (A):

We cannot afford to wait. Verb + (pro)noun + infinitive (B):

That will cause him to think again. A or B:

They are allowed to stay out past midnight. Please allow her to be absent tomorrow. Verb + gerund:

I admit getting defensive when I am incorrectly blamed for something. Verb + infinitive or gerund:

You advised me to take that course. You advised taking that course.

In addition, some verb phrases take gerunds e.g. carry on (doing something), or put off (doing something). Also, infinitives may be used after a number of adjectives, e.g. happy (to do something) or determined (to do something), or other structures.



Gerunds and Infinitives Exercises

1. Put the bracketed verb into the appropriate gerund or infinitive form:

Ex. (tell) They hesitated to tell her because they were afraid. (smoke) She quit smoking.

76 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

1. (kick) Stop __________________________the ball into the river.

2. (fall) The rain kept _________________________last night.

3. (pick) I must go to the pharmacy __________________________up your prescription.

4. (have) I am ________________________my birthday party this Saturday.

5. (watch) Do you like _________________________wrestling on T.V?

6. (date) Are you __________________________that boy?

7. (stand) No one is allowed _________________________up on this ride.

8. (call) She is _________________________out your name.

9. (make) Would you like _________________________a cake with me?

10. (run) She enjoys __________________________to school.

11. (write) No ________________________on the desks please.

12. (sing) Would you like _________________________with the choir this year?


Choose the correct verbs and write them on the line.

1) I like to _____________________________ (swim/swimming)

2) Every morning I go _____________________________ (run/running)

3) The author spends all his time _____________________________ (write/writing)

4) John really _____________________________ to go to the movies (likes/liking)

5) I like to _____________________________ to music (listen/listening)

6) My girlfriend likes to go _____________________________ (shop/shopping)

7) My friend’s dad hates to _____________________________ (cook/cooking)

8) I really need to _____________________________ for this English 161 exam (study/studying)

9) There is too much _____________________________ in this class (read/reading)

10) I really need to _____________________________ my room; it’s filthy (clean/cleaning)

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


(PAIRS) Interview one of your classmates• What is your favorite sport? • Do you prefer water or land sports? • Team sports or individual sports? • Or do, you prefer extreme sports ?


1. Underline all athletes' names mentioned in the text.

2. Underline sports mentioned in the text.

3. Write down a list of 5 sports.

4. Write down a dialogue with a classmate where one of you pretends to be a recognized athlete, being questioned about his/her likes and preferences.

5. Practice the dialogue and present the draft to your teacher.

Good Sports, Bad SportsFor the last several weeks, professional athletes have been on the first page of newspapers as much as in the sports pages. Some news stories are about extraordinary careers. Others are about athletes behaving badly.

Professional baseball players Cal Ripken and Tony Gywnn are among the heroes. They were admitted into the Baseball Hall of Fame Sunday at a ceremony in Cooperstown,

New York. About seventy-five thousand fans gathered there to celebrate. Both men spoke about the importance of the public image of athletes. Gwynn said profes-

sional baseball was about more than just playing. He said players need to do the right thing for all the fans who love the sport. Ripken said players are behavior models whether they like it or not. He said the only question is whether they will be good ones or bad ones. The speeches followed weeks of legal charges, accusations and investigations involving sports professionals. In baseball, Ba-rry Bonds is two homeruns away from breaking the record set by Hank Aaron in nineteen seventy-six. Bonds' success has renewed accusations that he used

banned performance-improving drugs. However, Bonds has never failed a drug test nor has he been charged with any crime.

Similar accusations of banned drug use also took place at the Tour de France bicycle race last month. Several riders tested positive for a performance-improving drug. And,

in the final week of the race, the leading cyclist Michael Rasmussen of Denmark was expe-lled on suspicion of taking banned drugs. The International Cycling Union said there were more

cases of doping in the Tour de France this year because there was more testing.

An American professional football player is also in the news. Last week, Michael Vick told a court in Richmond,

78 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Virginia, he was not guilty of charges connected to an illegal dog-fighting business. The charges include extreme cruelty to animals. Federal investigators say they found fight dogs and other evidence on Michael Vick's property in Virginia earlier this year. A defendant who pled guilty in the case has agreed to speak against Vick in court in return for a lesser sentence. Several sporting goods companies that had paid Vick for the use of his name have en-ded their business relationship with him. And an animal rights group, the Humane Society, is urging the National Football League to suspend Vick from play.

Finally, some bad news in professional basketball. United States federal officials are investigating former National Basketball Association referee Tim Donaghy. The referee enforces the rules and keeps order in the game. He can stop play if he calls a violation by a player and turn the ball over to the opposing team. Donaghy is being investi-gated for betting money on basketball games, including some in which he was a referee.He resigned last month.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Caty Weaver. I'm Steve Ember.http://www.manythings.org/voa/sports/3018.html

Closing Activities


1.- Complete the sentences using the affirmative, negative or interrrogative form of the verbs inside the box .

1. My sister is a teacher. She ____________ Spanish to foreign students.

2. I usually ____________ tea or orange juice with my breakfast but I ____________ coffee very often.

3. Lewis is a public relations in a disco. He ____________ his job very much because he __________ a lot of


4. Have a cigarette! No, thanks, I ______________________________.

5. What ________ your boyfriend______________? He’s a singer. He _____________ in a rock group and he

also ____________ the guitar.

6. I never __________ fishing. It ____________ me feel bored.

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


Complete the sentences with the correct form of TO BE (am, is, are) and TO DO (does, do)

1. Children______________ like going to bed early.

2. My sister______________ a lot of sport every day. She is very fit.

3. Summer______________ my favourite season.

4. I_______________ eat in French restaurants very often because they very expensive.

5. Peter_______________ only three years old, so he go to school yet.

6. You______________ a good a friend.

7. They________________ Chinese. They are Japanese!

8. ______________she like her new house?

9. Where ___________ they live?

10. Where ________ he from?

80 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


82 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

What do you know about urban tribes? How many different urban tribes can you identify in your community?

Comment about this (emos, darks, goths, punks, snobs, etc.) and get ready to beginwith this unit Project.

1. Through a brainstorming, discuss urban groups that exist in your community. In teams, discuss the characteris-tics of these urban tribes and choose one specific tribe to begin with the project of this unit.

2. Organize the research to be done and assign specific roles to each of your team members to accomplish this task.

3. Prepare the presentation for the class, using your creativity and following the indications of the teacher (war-drobe, make up, organization of the information, etc.)

URBAN TRIBESUrban tribes are made up by groups of people – usually young, with a distinct common identity: the same aesthetic codes, the same identity symbols, the same rules, the same language, the same music… A whole ideology!

We are going to analyze the following urban tribes:· Manga· Goths· Emos· Trendies· Punks· Skaters

These tribes hold many different beliefs. Some of them are nearly extinct, and others in full expansion. Butall of them are ruled by their own ideology.

You can read more and get information about them in the following links:http://www.slideshare.net/romina1983/urban-tribes-10377077http://www.emmainteractive.com/http://www.terra.es/joven/articulo/html/jov71.htmhttp://ateacherinlondon.blogspot.mx/2008/09/urban-tribes.html


BLOCK 3 Express likes and preferences.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



BIEN (.4)



Oral=vocabulario y gramática


El alumno maneja vocabulario visto en la unidad, y además agrega más al mismo; cuida en todo momento los aspectos gramaticales correspondientes a cada tema de manera excelente.

El alumno maneja vocabulario suficiente visto en la unidad así como también cumple con las reglas gramaticales necesarias a cada tema.

El alumno maneja poco vocabulario del tema visto en la unidad. Presenta algunos errores gramaticales.

El alumno utiliza vocabulario no acorde con los temas de la unidad, tiene fallas en la gramática utilizada.

Trabajo escrito


El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito de forma oportuna cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales, vocabulario, limpieza, originalidad y creatividad.

El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito en forma oportuna cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales, y el vocabulario adecuado.

El alumno entrega el trabajo escrito en un día posterior a la fecha indicada, cumpliendo con las reglas gramaticales e incorporando el vocabulario adecuado.

El alumno entrega el trabajo en fecha posterior a la señalada, no cumple con las reglas gramaticales ni con el vocabulario visto.

Trabajo en equipo


El alumno participa activamente en las actividades del equipo.

El alumno brindo apoyo oportuno a sus compañeros en la realización de la tarea (cuando se lo solicitaban).

El alumno apoyó a sus compañeros de forma irregular.

El alumno no brindó apoyo a sus compañeros, no demostró interés en el trabajo del equipo.



El alumno presenta póster o collage en forma oportuna cumpliendo con los requisitos de originalidad, limpieza, originalidad y creatividad

El alumno presenta póster o collage en forma oportuna cumpliendo con los requisitos.

El alumno presenta póster o collage, mas no en forma oportuna y cumple solamente con algunos requisitos.

El alumno presenta póster o collage después de la fecha indicada y no cumple con los requisitos.


84 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

■ Asks and exchanges information, in an oral and written manner, about persons, objects and activities.

■ Understands the characteristics about persons, object and activities.

■ Uses relative pronouns and adjectives.

Length : 10 hours

■ Adjectives in order to describe persons, activities or objects.

■ Relative pronouns and relative clauses such as who, which, that and where.

■ Evaluates a text by comparing content with others, depending on their prior knowledge and new.

■ It produces texts based on the use of normative language , considering the intention and communicative situation.

■ Expresses ideas and concepts into coherent and creative compositions , with introductions , development and clear conclusions.

■ It communicates in a foreign language through a consistent logical discourse , oral or written , with the communicative situation.

■ Identifies and understands the main idea and the development of a short message, written or in a speaking manner, in a foreign language, using previous knowledge about persons, object or activities.

■ It uses the technologies of information and communication to investigate , solve problems, produce materials and transmit information.

Performances to be demostrated: Learning objects: Competences to be developed:

Describe objects, activities and personsBLOCK

86 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Start Up Activities


Please look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Portfolio.





BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


1. Can you tell what kinds of jobs are being performed in the locations above?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Can you describe what the chef and the waiter do in their jobs?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Describe the places and the people who work there__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please in groups of four investigate what occupations (jobs) are being done in the images below and describe the activities being perform by the jobs. Please write 6 occupations (jobs) per image


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Activity Descriptionlocation Job

BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


ACTIVITY 2SD1-B4 ■■audio

Read the following text and answer the following questions.

Changing Roles of Men and Women in American Society.

Men and women's roles in society have been changing for decades now. Traditionally, men have worked outside the home and served as the sole breadwinner for the family. They held some of the most powerful jobs in society, including doctor, lawyer and politician. Women, on the other hand, governed the domestic sphere. They were ex-pected to stay home, raise children and have an evening meal waiting for their husbands. If they did work, it was as a secretary, a nurse or another stereotypically female profession.

Women in the U.S. got one of their first tastes of the working world during World War II. The men went to war, and the women went to the factories and offices. Though the women returned to their homes after the war, they didn't remain there for long. The social changes of the 1960s and 1970s caused a cultural revolution that found many women pursuing careers outside the home. In recent years, more men have expressed a desire to take on the role of primary caregiver to the children.

That doesn't mean these changes have been easy. Men have had to struggle with what masculinity means to them if they're not the sole breadwinner. Women have to deal with making less than men in wages and a difficult time advancing to the highest positions within a company. Women are also subjected to the "Mommy Wars" -- a set of battles between working moms and stay-at-home moms in which each side declares that the other side is irrepa-rably harming their children.

And while the recession may have forced more men to stay home, they didn't necessarily pick up the bulk of the housework or childcare. The New York Times reported that unemployed dads spent about as much time caring for their children as their working counterparts did; the laid-off dads made finding a new job their foremost priority. This state of affairs is probably not unfamiliar to working moms, who have long dealt with the so-called "second shift," in which they come home from their stint in the professional world only to spend just as much time coo-king, cleaning and caring for children.

Though change is still in the air, there's no doubt that men and women's roles have become less strictly defined, and many families have made the male and female roles more egalitarian when it comes to jobs, housework and childcare.

Development Activities

90 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

1.Who used to be the people in charge of bringing the money to the family in the past?



_________________________________________________________________________________________2. Why the change in roles happened?



__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the challenges that working women have?




4. What are the roles that woman and men have in your community?




Closing Activities

Please organize with your teacher and using the information from the previous activity; use the information in order to prepare a discussion if the role of women should stay the same or if it should evolve. Write the conclusion in the following space.








BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Start Up Activities


Please read the following words and explain their meaning.


Which ____________________________________________________________________________________



As homework please investigate the use of the four previous words when they are use as relative clause.


Which ____________________________________________________________________________________ That______________________________________________________________________________________



Relative Clauses

We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence. By combining sentences with a relative clause, your text becomes more fluent and you can avoid repeating certain words.

The next chart will give you the right use of the most commons relative clause.

92 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Who Subject or object pronoun for people I told you about the woman who lives next door.

Which subject or object pronoun for animals and things Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?

Which referring to a whole sentence He couldn’t read which surprised me.

Whose possession for people animals and things Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?

Whomobject pronoun for people, especially in non-defining relative clauses (in defining relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)

I was invited by the professor whom i met at the conference.

Thatsubject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible)

I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.

Please use the right relative clause. Portafolio.


This is the bank_______________ was robbed yesterday.

A boy_______________ sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.

The man________________ robbed the bank had two pistols.

He wore a mask__________________ made him look like Mickey Mouse.

He came with a friend_______________ waited outside in the car.

The woman_________________ gave him the money was young.

The bag____________________ contained the money was yellow.

The people_________________ were in the bank were very frightened.

A man____________________ mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

A woman______________________ daughter was crying tried to calm her.

BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



The car____________________ the bank robbers escaped in was orange.

The robber__________________ mask was obviously too big didn't drive.

The man____________________ drove the car was nervous.

He didn't wait at the traffic lights__________________ were red.

A police officer_________________ car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.

Please use relative clauses in order to connect the two sentences. You can eliminate words which can help in the flow of the sentence.

1) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete)


2) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby)


3) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia)


4) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly)


5) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father)


94 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

6) I dropped a glass (the glass was new)


7) She loves books (the books have happy endings)


8) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England)


9) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)


10) The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India)


11) My sister has three children (my sister lives in Australia)


12) The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt)


13) The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John)


14) The table got broken (the table was my grandmother’s)


15) The television was stolen (the television was bought 20 years ago)


16) The fruit is on the table (the fruit isn’t fresh)


You are in a foreign city visiting relatives for the first time and you must describe to them the place where you are at so they can come and pick you up. How would you describe the place and its surroundings?

1.What objects can you see?




BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



2.Can you identify any landmarks?



3.Are there any distinctive buildings or stores ?



Please listen to the audio and answer the following question.

The City Park

It's a Sunday evening in the city. Many people have come to stroll in the park which is by downtown. There are two girls who are sitting where the fountain is. There are some doves which are eating.

We can see a girl who has a balloon in her hand. There are the parents who are with her. We also can see some people who are where the trees are. Near the park, there is a restaurant where people like to go for breakfast, lunch or dinner. We see a couple who eat some food which is on the table

What are the girls doing?



What is near the park?



What are the doves doing in the park?



96 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

In the previous text, identify the underlined words and describe to whom they are describing

Line 1 which refers to___the park ______________________________________________________________

Line 2 who refers to: _________________________________________________________________________

Line 2 which refers to: _______________________________________________________________________

Line 3 who refers to: _________________________________________________________________________

Line 3 who refers to: _________________________________________________________________________

Line 4 who refers to: _________________________________________________________________________

Line 4 where refers to: _______________________________________________________________________

Line 4 where refers to: _______________________________________________________________________

Line 5 who refers to: _________________________________________________________________________

Line 5 which refers to: ________________________________________________________________________



Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.

Describe the lady, the shopping cart and the clothes she is wearing





BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4




Please view the video of the following link and answer the following questions:


What kind of job you think is being offer to the man? Why?



What are his strengths?



What kind of job you think is being offer to the woman? Why



What are her strengths?



In the following paragraphs, please write what would be your dream job. In this writing please include, why do you choose that job, what are you strength in order to achieve that job and what are your weakness and how can you improve those weakness. Portfolio.__________________________________________________________________________________________







98 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora










BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4


ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZTopic: Relative pronouns 2 - Who, whom, where, whoseLevel: Intermediate NB: In everyday speech, THAT is often used instead of WHO or WHOM.Also, when it comes to WHO/WHOM, while it is important to know when to use each one, most people will only use WHO in everyday conversation.

Choose the correct (and most natural-sounding) response to complete each sentence:


100 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

In groups, draw in a cardboard the profession of some of the parents of the group. In this draw please describe what they do in their profession, what part of their job that they like is and how hard the job is. Then after finishing the draw please presentation in front of your classmate.



PresentationThe draw is neat, clean and attractive.

The draw is neat and clean, however, somehow attractive.

The draw is not neat and clean, or attractive.

SpellingThe text has no spelling mistakes.

The text it has few (1 or 3) spelling mistakes.

The text has a lot of mistakes.

GrammarThe text has no grammar mistakes.

The text has few mistakes.

The text has a lot of mistakes.

CompletionThe text has more than 10 sentences.

The text has between 10 or 7 sentences.

The text has less than 6 sentences.


Please evaluate yourself using the two learning objects.


Use relative clauses

Describe profession using adjectives

BLOCK 4 Describe objects, activities and persons.

Lengua Adicional al Español 4



Please evaluate one of your classmates using the learning objects and his working habits.


Can your classmate write in English?Can your classmate describe the job profession of his father?Can you classmate use relative clause?

Can he speak in English?

Please use the following chart in order to evaluate the student. Don’t forget to add comments.

Rubric Excellent 2 Good 1 Need improvement 0 Points Comments

PresentationThe exercises are neat, clean and attractive.

The exercises are neat and clean, however, somehow attractive.

The exercises are not neat and clean, or attractive.

SpellingThe exercises has no spelling mistakes.

The exercises it has few (1 or 3) spelling mistakes.

The exercises has a lot of mistakes.


The exercises have no grammatical mistakes.

The exercises have few grammatical mistakes

The exercises are full of grammatical mistakes

Completion It contains all the exercises.

It miss some exercises.

Contains little exercises.


102 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora
