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1 DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2015 Micro-behaviours Jiangling Liao 683672 Rozie Gunzburg Thursday 1-3 PM

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2015 Micro-behaviours

Jiangling Liao683672

Rozie GunzburgThursday 1-3 PM

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Digital design and fabrication is the subject that introduce the “digital design and work-flow from ideas to the making of physical artifacts.” The project gain the ideas from a simple everyday object by measuring, draw-ing, analyzing and reconstructing. Followed by making system related to the personal space which is illustrated by the body map-pings.

How the system work well with material to define the personal space and express the emotional change is testing from the process of ideation, Design and Fabrication. Con-temporary design software, tools and tech-nology are contributed in this sequence.

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Module 1--Ideation

Module 2--Design

Module 3--Fabrication

Module 4--Reflection


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1.01-Object1.02-Measured Drawing1.03-System Analysis1.04-Degital Modeling1.05-Redevelopment Model1.06-Concepts and Designs

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It is significant for us to observe and analysis an object by “direct contact and to record them in full size” (Heath 2000). These help us to focus not only on the shape of the finished product but also to consider what it is made of, how and why.

The relationship between the object, other product and the industries will be illustrated in this process. In terms of chair, the measured drawings help me to better understand the physical activities on the chair. How the load transferred from one to another and how the skin holding back the bone.

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Measured Drawing

In terms of the methods that used to measure the dimension of the chair. Two ways have been used. For the bone which is made by the metal which is less easy to adjust the length with the state changes. The meter rulers were used to measure it. Pencil was used to mark the location of each connection points on the rulers and then transferred it to the paper. The skin was putting out from the bone and flatten them on a flat table which can avoid the error caused by the fold shorten the length and the tension force make skin ductile. The second methods is taking picture of the chair and print them out use the ruler to measure the object and multiple by the ratio between real model and the image.

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System Analysis

System: n, a set of things working together asparts of a mechanism or an interconnectingnetwork; a complex whole (Lecture 2)

This series of drawings demonstrated the three different states of the chair: folding up, half spread out (sitting state) and completely spread out (taking out the chair fabric).

There are four bracing subsystems work in two-dimension consist of the bone universal system which is work in three-dimension. This three-dimensional system is quite dynamic. Since the connections between each other are pin joints which transmit the load vertically and horizontally, allow the rotation movements. The one side steel bone move will lead to the movement of another side.

Apart from flexibility, restricts also contained. Firstly, the fixed joints are located on the bottom of each angle which transmit the load vertically, horizontally and rotationally, restrict any direction of movement. Secondly, the fabric is acted in tension and holding back the bone.

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Putting one in an enclosed space, the enclosed spcae’s boundary can be considered as the range of personal space. Since person palced in different situation(space) gain various emotion which may change the expectation of personal space. In this position, a chang-able second skin should be created and adjust to the change of emotion.

Enclosed Emotion Adjustment Changable

Sketch Design V1:

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Sketch Design V2:

Personal space is about spatial invasion which involved perceive one other as persons. When the stranger interrupt your personal space. There are some of the body reactions occur naturally and hard to noticed. These micro-behaviours should be enlarge to show the emotional adjust-ment with the changes of personal space.

invasion micro-behaviours enlarge

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The sense of personal space transforms with the distance change. More pressure, privacy and protection feelings exsist in a closer dis-tance. Insignificant, public and irrelevant feelings obtains in the space far away. This shifting should be represented by the density of the ma-terial usage, shape and also pattern.

Sketch Design V3:

Distance Density Shift Contrast

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Micro-behaviors are the specific ways that individuals react physical-ly to surrounding environments. Some micro-behaviors are expected when stranger gets into or involves with the their personal space.

However, these behaviors are hard to notice, since these normal reactions occur rapidly without premonitions and the spatial move-ments of them are relatively short.

To exaggerate these micro-behaviors from difficult perceived to clearly identified, make invisible emotional changes to visible physi-cal movements become our main starting points. From the observa-tion outcome, moveable joints (mainly pin joints and roller joints) can create flexibility of the bone structure which can be used to exag-gerate the micro-behaviors.

The fabrics move and shape with the bone folding and spreading which express the emotional adjustments behind the micro-behav-iors.

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DESIGN Jiangling Liao 683672 Hanting Hong 6484622.01 Intoduction2.02 Body Mappings2.03 Design Concepts2.04 Design Sketch2.05 Digital Model2.06 Precedent Reasearch2.07 Application 2.08 Design Development v. 12.09 Design Development v. 22.10 Prototypes2.11 Test Effects

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the physical space immediately surroundingsomeone, into which encroachment can feelthreatening or uncomfortable (Lecture 3)

refers to an area with invisible boundaries surrounding a person’s body into which intrudes may not come. (Sommer 1969).

the violation of individual distance is the violation of society’s expec-tationsthe invasion of personal space is an intrusion into a personal spaceindividual distance may be out side the area of personal space (Sommer 1969).

spatial invasion is wether the parties involved receive one other as persons

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The distance is the most obviously physical representation of personal space.

A test to record the distances that individuals can be aware of strang-er gets close and have the sense of intervention are taken by us.

The results of this test are illustrated by the left mapping. Our design is to express this invisible distance diagram boundary to a visual liquid volume.

The triangular form bone system are used by us. A series of triangu-lar mobilizable volumes are ar-rayed, rotated and joined together to simulate the shape of personal space distance diagram.

The transformation of positive and negative space gained from this design which give user a sense of transformation of “out” and “in” for personal space.

The fabrics function- ally acted as tension force to hold the volume back from spreading. They also form the semi-closed space which prevent strangers get too close but not stop them communicate with users.

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Since the expression of Micro-behaviours is our design strategy, specific experi-ments have been made, following micro-behaviours were discovered from sample individuals through our test when people get close to them without reminders : chin withdrawing, neck rotating, shoulder hunching and crouching,body twist- ing and retreating and arms retreating.

The raw datas are classified by the body regions and create the left personal space mapping diagram.

In this position, neck, shoulder and the upper part of the body seems make more respond to the invasion of personal space. It is therefore, a dynamic bone system are designed to shape and adjust these movement in those regions.

Since these behaviors are wispy and hard to noticed by others. A floating superior surface are placed above the bone system.

According to lever principle, longer distance tends to transfer and exagger-ate these wispy shiftings to a larger scale adjustments.

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26 California stage set / John jasperse

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Precedent Studies:

The main material in this precedent is polycarbonate, which contains the characteristics of translucency and reflectivity. The light can be absorbed, reflected and refracted by this material surface. Unfold individual segments of panel are used to create a transformable surface.These groups of panels are jointed by the “Zip Ties” system, which maximizing the movability of segments in three-dimensional axis and create a geometrical and spatial adaptation to the users’ movements. Easy to construct and broke down are also taking into considerations.

Since Zip Ties can create the joints both flexible and controllable, a similar technology are applied to our bone system with the line pass through the holes on the bone surface.

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The developments of our design are mainly focus on create a performative and controllable bone and skin system and also fabrication stages.

Using paneling tools to unify and flatten the bone and skin sys-tem which tends to reach the requirements of laser-cutting but not to change our geometrical and flexible bone and skin sys-tem.

In order to adapt the personal space and express the emo-tional change more exaggerative and easier noticed, larger scale of bone and skin are introduced to our design compered to previous design.

New connections which allow maximum flexibility and easy con-trolled and fabricate for bone to bone, bone to skin and skin to skin are designed in this stage. Both laser-cutting and 3D printing drawing details are discussed and provided above.

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Right Elevation


Back Elevation Front Elevation

Left Elevation

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Right Elevation


Back Elevation Front Elevation

Left Elevation

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In order to test our design‘s physical movement circulation , visual effect and workability. A small scale model are attained. Since hand have relatively small surface which is easy to covered and multiple movable joints which help us to test design flexibility of bone and transformation of skin.

From the elevation and top view located above, we can clearly find that the bone system are well adapt to the hand skin and all the joints on the hand, which shapes and simulates the boundaries of hand’s personal space.

We use hand’s spread out-clenched shifting process to simulates the micro-behavious movements. A series of process photos are put in next page, these photos clearly display the adjustments of bone to the change of hand state which lead to shifting of personal space. With the movements of personal space, the skin pinned on the bone system create the transformation surface.

In this stage, the personal space are clearly boundaries and the micro-behaviours linked to the invasions of personal space are suc-cessfully enlarged .

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There are three connections confuse us. Firstly, the connec-tion between bone and bone in two-dimension. Since we trend to create a flexible bone sys-tem which allow the shape of bone fitting the body and make adjustment to the micro-behav-iours. Secondly, the connection between bone and bone in three dimension. Since the de-sign should define the personal space which is illustrated by the body mappings. The boundar-ies should be clearly presented by the shape of bone system. In this position, the height of each bone should adjust to the per-sonal space. How to achieve different height of bone is a big question. Thirdly, the connections between bone and skin. Since we trend to make the skin in sim-ple but large quantity to create a flowing surface that moveable and have reflection to enlarge the micro-behavior and also to show the emotional changes.

Generally, we decided to use triangular form as our basic form which is quite stable and easy to connect to each other. from the precedent research, triangular form provide maximal flexibility.

For our first connections, we trying to use the zip technology from the precedent research that can connect two and more triangular bone together but still allow rotation. We use laser cut machines to cut the triangular form which gain from the rhino digital model. The holes are already cut by laser cutting. We use line to gain this zip connec-tions.

In terms of the second connec-tions, we decide to make it fixed, since this connections are used to gain the different hight of the bone system and give the project sense of volume in three-dimension. It is easy to move and collapse. The fixed joints proba-

bly is the best choice which take most of the load and restrict any movements. We use glue to stick the triangular form on the prima-ry bone structural.

For the third connections, we use the zip connections again. We punch the hole on the skin and secondary bone. The line is not useful in this situation since the friction between skin and bone will stop the rotation of skin. We used the iron hoop to form this connections.

VOLUME(noun) the amount of space that a substance orobject occupies, or that is en-closed within acontainerSource: Oxford Dictionary


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FABRICATION Jiangling Liao 683672 Hanting Hong 648462

3.01 Concepts 3.02 Precedent Research3.03 Application3.04 Fabrication v.13.05 Fabrication v.23.06 Fabrication Process3.07 Fabrication v.3

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Left Elevation


Back Elevation Front Elevation

Right Elevation

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The project is based on the concept of micro-behavior, which de-scribes the unconscious movements of human body in response to a certain emotional trigger,and in this case, the trigger is the invasion of personal space. These behaviors, including retreat, bodily evasions, closed eyes, withdrawing the chin into the chest, hunching, and crouching, are mainly concentrated on the area of shoulder. These movements are subtle and mainly unconscious so that they are dif-ficult to be noticed even by the victim of the invasion themselves. Therefore, the aim of these design is to exaggerate these micro-be-haviors to make it noticeable by transforming them to the movement of the second skin.

According to the feedback of M2, the bone structure of the design which was generated by paneling tools was not practical enough in case of fabrication, so the waffle grid with similar effect was applied.In terms of material, the new design used Perspex in stead of MDF to form a more interesting and subtle effect in case of lights and shad-ow.

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In order to use skin to fully cover the bone system, the length of the each bone piece which direct expose out-side are measured by the command “distance”. The dis-tance between the adjacent two bone piece are found in the Grasshopper definition, since these distances are digital controlled by the inputted raw data in Grasshop-per. We decided to use 3mm thickness rods to cover the length since we can use 3mm Perspex to achieve laser cutting. 2cm, 6cm and 8cm as the length of rods are designed. The long rods will be used to hang in the outer layers which will easily cover the internal layer. Small and medium length rods are used in the internal layers. Dif-ferent layers bone system are used order to maximize to area that covered by various size of rods.

The whole bone system is covered by the thousands of rods skin in different sizes and different directions. The skins begin to change not only their transparency and the color and light create by the reflection but also their shape in response to various environmental influence.In terms of the expression of personal space, not only the response to external influence such as stranger come in and the wind create by the people pass by but also the internal micro- behaviors that logical and spontaneous occurs such as neck rotation, chin harvesting, shoulder twisting and body eluding tend to shifting the skin to cre-ate the movement and the sound created by the colli-sion between a large quantities of rods.

Architecture in the Digital Age - Design + Manufacturing/ Branko Kolarevic, Spon Press, London c2003

Precedent Studies:

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The project is hard to sit on the shoulders and cover the half of the face since the height and width of the project are relatively long. The method of section digital tech-nology help us to achieve the stable and reliable bone system to hang the skin.

The shape of our project is created by Rhino in solid which is modified from our body mapping.

The Grasshopper waffle definition help us to turn the solid shape to the two dimensional section pieces. These pieces are unrolled and layout in the template and send to the laser cutter. The digital data help us cut these two-dimensional pieces directly form our three-dimensional volume since the horizontal waffle pieces are the load takers for the rods and the load will transfer from horizon-tal to vertical and then direct down to the body.

The system is stable and reliable since the spacing be-tween each pieces in waffle grid are equal which is help to balance the equal the weight the two ways snap joint locked completely into each others.

Digital Fabrications: architectural + material techniques/Lisa Iwamoto. New York: Princeton Architectural Press c2009

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In the previous model fabrica-tion, the weight of the model are hard to control which caused the problem that the models were likely impossible sitting on the body. The load is too large. The basement of our structure tends to bend and crush. In addition, it is hard to connect the project to the neck and use

neck as a support. It is therefore the only load taker is shoulders in vertical direction. The project is considerable high and there are no support or bracing in the medium. Due to the unbalance and random distribution load, the project trends to bend to one side. The waffle grid is effec-

tive solve this problem, which incredibly decrease the total weight by turn solid volume to the hollow section. Only neces-sary structural bone remind.

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Material: n, the matter from which a thing is or can be made (Lecture 2)

At first, the 3mm Perspex is cho-sen by us for both bone and skin system, since the perspex is trans-parent and give the sense of invisible which linked to our topic Micro-behaviours which is wispy and hard to noticed by others. In addition, the reflection created by Perspex is expected by us. The gravity of perspex rods can

stay in the completely vertical axis when its in the static status. However, when we fabricate our model. There are some problems found by us. Firstly, the perspex has large self weight which will be enlarge in our large scale model which will be hard to wear. Secondly, the ductility of the perspex is relatively low, it is hard to splice together. It is easy to crack and create sharp finish surface. in this position, we were trying to use boxboard to form

our bone and skin. It is cost-effi-cient and easy to put together. However, we discovered that the rods not worked very well, since it lighter than perspex. The flex-ibility and likely of movement are decrease. The collision sounds between rods are hard to no-ticed which unsatisfied with our requirement that enhance the movement of Micro-behaviours. As a result, we decided to use perspex as our skin and box-board as our bone system.

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In our first model, we designed a project that sit in left shoulder and grows to half of the face. But we find it is hard to sit on shoulder in terms of fall down to the left. We realized that the main reason caused the failure of our design is that the design is not symmetry, as a result theCenter of gravity located at left. There are not support on the left. We decide to change our design into a symmetry cube shape.

We fabricate this cube and it is perfectly sit on the shoulder but it start to fall down forward and backward. It is therefor, we add 6 bracing in both front and back which is extrude from the verti-cal waffle grid near the shoulder and down to the chest.

In order to decrease the load. Apart from the change of mate-rial from perspex to box board and shifting from the solid vol-

ume to waffle grid, to reduce the unnecessary structure also taken into considerations. In our perspex model, there are large area in the middle of the model which did not take the load but increase the material usage which increase the total load. We improve this in our next model which is the hollow cube. The middle part were taken out.

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The subject digital design and fabrication gives me a com-pletely new thinking of design and deep understanding of the process from idea, design and manufacture. The subject is aim to create a wearable architec-ture which define the personal space and adjust to emotion. The design is start from a daily life object. This really surprised me. The best way to observe the object is drawing it. The analysis of Chair (Bone and skin system) gives me a chance to seek the opportunities of design. The movable but controllable bone system with flexible skin is identi-


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fied from this exercise which is gain from pin and fixed joints. In the consideration of personal space, I worked with Hanting do a survey in MSD building to col-lect data. The wispy behaviors that people acted when strang-er invasion their personal space were collected and analysis by us. We use these micro-behaviors to simulate our body mapping which help us to choose the body region for design. The most frequent region neck and shoul-der are chosen by us, since our concept is to exaggerate the micro-behaviors. Design never has end. We change our de-

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sign and make a new model every week. I really enjoy these process. Design is a process of communication. It is a long way from the designer’s initial idea to the built result, necessitating means to describe a design in ways that give sufficient and unambiguous instructions to the builders. There are large gaps between designer and fabricant since designer normally focus on the design concept and the project in a large scale. The fabricant needs more details to transform the design to real-ity (Bernstein 2008). I learn a lot from the process of fabrication.

The model always looks good in Rhino digital model. However, when its comes to fabrication. It always caused problem due to the gravity, material failure in reality. The initial form is not fitting the body and easy to col-lapse. The zip connections from the precedent research worked well with system and meet the requirement of flexibility but it dramatically increase our work-ing load. We are benefit from the third industrial revolutions. Grass-hopper achieves a great deal, representing the graph visually and letting the user interact with it in a fairly intuitive way. Still,

designers should be aware that the resulting geometry at every stage is volatile and immediately dependent on the input. While this eliminates the risk of update anomalies it also suppresses the possibility of deliberate redun-dancies or manual intervention (Rifken 2001). We trying to use Grasshopper to form the waffle grid which is much easier to fabricate. The grasshopper re-ally decrease our working load in modeling steps. We do not need to modeling each piece in the waffle grid. The only thing we should do is edit the control points which gain from the body

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(convert the mesh to Nurbs) and set the definition (input). The waffle will be automatically create as an output and unfold in the Rhino. Waffle is efficiently help us to reduce the total load of the physical model and still keep the shape. We use different material to test our model: MDF, boxboard and perspex in differ-ent thickness. The MDF and box-board are light but hard to carry the weight of the skin. The 3mm Perspex gives the best finished surface and the transparency, reflective feelings but relatively heavy. Finally we decided to use 2mm Perspex in our final design.

The third industrial revolution has change our life a lot from the physical, economical and envi-ronmental ways. The sources are allocation since the information spread more quickly and widely. In this position, the society be-come more fair since the infor-mations are easy to gain. Near Zero Cost Marketing and logistics are achieve in the third indus-trial revolution since the buyers and makers can negotiate go beyond the intermediary. The design and fabrication process also changes a lot. The 3D printer technology highly decrease the waste in manufacturing process.

Since factory always reduces the part from the standard unit to form the object (Rifken 2001). However, the 3D printer is con-nected to the digital data that use material directly add one layers to other layers. The tech-nology I used this semester laser cuter is highly reduce the work load and offer a quick and ac-curate results.

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Bernstein, P., Deamer, P. 2008, Building the Fu-ture: Recasting Labor in Architecture, Princ-eton Architectural Press, New York. p. 38-42

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Iwamoto, L., 2009, Digital fabrications: archi-tectural and material techniques, Princeton ArchitecturalPress, New York

Kolarevic, B., 2003, Architecture in the digital age -design and manufacturing, Spon Press, London

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Pottermann, H., Asperl, A., Hofer, M., and Kilian, A.(eds): ‘Surfaces that can be built from paper’ In Architectural Geometry, p. 534 - 561, Bentley Institute Press, 2007

Rifken, J. 2011, The third Industrial Revolution, Palgrave Macmillan, p.107-126

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Sommer, R., 1969, Personal space : the be-havioral basis of design, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall

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