boletin eures abril 2012

RED EURES: ABRIL 2012 SERVEF - Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES (European Employment Services) : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional: donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. Pueden acceder a este boletín en la página web del SERVEF en el apartado Trabajar en Europa / Novedades . ALEMANIA: Recientemente han aparecido en la prensa diversas noticias relacionadas con la necesidad de personal en Alemania y dada la situación que padecemos en España son muchas las personas que se interesan por un trabajo en este país. Esto ha generado numerosas consultas en las oficinas de empleo y más especialmente en la red EURES, desde donde queremos aclarar ciertas informaciones para vuestro conocimiento y el de los usuarios. A petición de Alemania se ha iniciado la colaboración entre los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de España y de Alemania, a través EURES-Alemania y EURES-España, para un proyecto de colaboración encaminado al reclutamiento de personal cualificado español para trabajar en Alemania. Las áreas preferentes de reclutamiento son: Sanidad, Ingeniería, Docencia y Turismo-Hostelería. Es necesario como mínimo un nivel intermedio de Alemán (B1/B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas ). Las personas interesadas en obtener información pueden dirigir un email con sus datos de contacto y sus características (en español y alemán) a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected] indicando en el asunto del email la referencia que corresponda a su ámbito profesional : Sanidad: RFA. EURES Sanidad-Alemania Ingeniería: RFA. EURES Ingeniería-Alemania Docencia: RFA. EURES Docencia-Alemania Hostelería y Turismo: RFA. EURES Turismo y Hostelería-Alemania No obstante, aquellas personas pertenecientes a otros dominios profesionales y con buenos conocimientos de alemán pueden escribir indicando en el asunto: RFA. EURES otros-Alemania. En una primera fase del proyecto se elaborará una lista de personas interesadas. Posteriormente se contactará con ellas para analizar el casamiento de las ofertas y demandas de empleo. REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1081811268 2 Betriebsmanager/in Agrarbetriebe Arbeitsort Im Auftrag einer mittelständischen Unternehmensgruppe suchen wir für Agrarbetriebe mit verschiedenen Standorten in den neuen Bundesländern und einer Anbaufläche von insgesamt ca. 8.000 ha einen weiteren fachkompetenten Betriebsmanager (m/w) Sie übernehmen auf den Ackerbaubetrieben die fachliche Leitung und erfolgsorientierte Gesamtverantwortung. Dazu erwarten wir Durchsetzungsvermögen, Mitarbeiterführungskompetenzen und betriebswirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln. Diese Position ist auch gut geeignet für Bewerberkandidaten, die nach ersten Erfahrungen auf größeren Ackerbaubetrieben eine neue Herausforderung suchen. Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. Für Vorabinformationen steht Ihnen Herr Plaß gern unter Telefon 0 51 36 / 899 36-60 oder E-Mail [email protected] zur Verfügung. - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen für den Erstkontakt: Lebenslauf und Anschreiben. REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1069349632 2 Ingenieur (m/w) Fertigungsplanung Arbeitsort: diverse Arbeitsorte Sie interessieren sich für spannende Projekte? In den unterschiedlichsten Branchen? Dann sind Sie bei FERCHAU richtig. Als Marktführer stehen wir an über 50 Standorten für eine Aufgabenvielfalt, die Ihr ganzes Potential fordert. Unseren namhaften Kunden bieten wir individuelle Lösungen für neue technische Herausforderungen. Ihnen eröffnen wir die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fähigkeiten endlich in der Praxis einzusetzen. Überzeugen Sie uns mit Ihrem Talent - als ~ ~ ~ Ingenieur (m/w) Fertigungsplanung ~ ~ ~ Innovativ und verantwortungsvoll - Ihre Aufgaben sind herausfordernd: - Koordination und Umsetzung von Optimierungsmaßnahmen in der Fertigung - Durchführung von Prozessanalysen und -verbesserungen - Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Produktivitätssteigerung und Fehlerreduktion - Abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit - Durchführung der Arbeits- und Qualitätsplanung Erwartungen: - Technisches Studium der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau,

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El Servef publica mensualmente una recopilación de ofertas europeas en el boletín Eures


Page 1: Boletin eures abril 2012


SERVEF - Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación

El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES (European Employment Services) : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de contacto ind icado en la oferta de empleo . Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional: donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. Pueden acceder a este boletín en la página web del SERVEF en el apartado Trabajar en Europa / Novedades

ALEMANIA: Recientemente han aparecido en la prensa diversas noticias relacionadas con la necesidad de personal en Alemania y dada la situación que padecemos en España son muchas las personas que se interesan por un trabajo en este país. Esto ha generado numerosas consultas en las oficinas de empleo y más especialmente en la red EURES, desde donde queremos aclarar ciertas informaciones para vuestro conocimiento y el de los usuarios.

A petición de Alemania se ha iniciado la colaboración entre los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de España y de Alemania, a través EURES-Alemania y EURES-España, para un proyecto de colaboración encaminado al reclutamiento de personal cualificado español para trabajar en Alemania.

Las áreas preferentes de reclutamiento son: Sanidad, Ingeniería, Docencia y Turismo-Hostelería. Es necesario como mínimo un nivel intermedio de Alemán (B1/B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para la s lenguas ).

Las personas interesadas en obtener información pue den dirigir un email con sus datos de contacto y su s características (en español y alemán) a la siguient e dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected] indicando en el asunto del email la referencia que corresponda a su ámbito profesional :

Sanidad: RFA. EURES Sanidad-Alemania Ingeniería: RFA. EURES Ingeniería-Alemania Docencia: RFA. EURES Docencia-Alemania Hostelería y Turismo: RFA. EURES Turismo y Hostelería-Alemania

No obstante, aquellas personas pertenecientes a otros dominios profesionales y con buenos conocimientos de alemán pueden escribir indicando en el asunto: RFA. EURES otros-Alemania.

En una primera fase del proyecto se elaborará una lista de personas interesadas. Posteriormente se contactará con ellas para analizar el casamiento de las ofertas y demandas de empleo.

REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1081811268 2 Betriebsmanager/in Agrarbetriebe Arbeitsort Im Auftrag einer mittelständischen Unternehmensgruppe suchen wir für Agrarbetriebe mit verschiedenen Standorten in den neuen Bundesländern und einer Anbaufläche von insgesamt ca. 8.000 ha einen weiteren fachkompetenten Betriebsmanager (m/w) Sie übernehmen auf den Ackerbaubetrieben die fachliche Leitung und erfolgsorientierte Gesamtverantwortung. Dazu erwarten wir Durchsetzungsvermögen, Mitarbeiterführungskompetenzen und betriebswirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln. Diese Position ist auch gut geeignet für Bewerberkandidaten, die nach ersten Erfahrungen auf größeren Ackerbaubetrieben eine neue Herausforderung suchen. Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. Für Vorabinformationen steht Ihnen Herr Plaß gern unter Telefon 0 51 36 / 899 36-60 oder E-Mail [email protected] zur Verfügung. - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen für den Erstkontakt: Lebenslauf und Anschreiben. REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1069349632 2 Ingenieur (m/w) Fertigungsplanung Arbeitsort: div erse Arbeitsorte Sie interessieren sich für spannende Projekte? In den unterschiedlichsten Branchen? Dann sind Sie bei FERCHAU richtig. Als Marktführer stehen wir an über 50 Standorten für eine Aufgabenvielfalt, die Ihr ganzes Potential fordert. Unseren namhaften Kunden bieten wir individuelle Lösungen für neue technische Herausforderungen. Ihnen eröffnen wir die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fähigkeiten endlich in der Praxis einzusetzen. Überzeugen Sie uns mit Ihrem Talent - als ~ ~ ~ Ingenieur (m/w) Fertigungsplanung ~ ~ ~ Innovativ und verantwortungsvoll - Ihre Aufgaben sind herausfordernd: - Koordination und Umsetzung von Optimierungsmaßnahmen in der Fertigung - Durchführung von Prozessanalysen und -verbesserungen - Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Produktivitätssteigerung und Fehlerreduktion - Abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit - Durchführung der Arbeits- und Qualitätsplanung Erwartungen: - Technisches Studium der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau,

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Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen oder Vergleichbares - Erste Erfahrung in der Fertigungsplanung und / oder Prozessoptimierung - Strukturierte und analytische Arbeitsweise - Engagement und Durchsetzungsvermögen - Englischkenntnisse, Deutschkenntnisse Starten Sie Ihre Karriere mit Zukunft - bei FERCHAU! Als begeisterter Ingenieur im Bereich Fertigungsplanung haben Sie bereits mit Ihren Studienleistungen überzeugt. Zeigen Sie uns jetzt, dass Ihre viel versprechende Basis zu einer Grundlage unseres gemeinsamen Erfolges werden kann. Individuell und erfolgsorientiert - Ihre Perspektiven sind ausgezeichnet: - Entwicklung bereichsübergreifender Kompetenzen - Zielgerichtete Seminare - Haustarifvertrag IG Metall - Unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis Sie sehen Ihre Zukunft in spannenden Projekten? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung - gerne online oder per Post Denn was für unsere Kunden gilt, gilt für Sie schon lange: Wir entwickeln Sie weiter. FERCHAU Engineering - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse in deutscher Sprache. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1069357789 2 Arbeitsplaner (m/w) Zeitwirtschaft Arbeitsort: di verse Arbeitsorte Technische Projekte, die es in sich haben. Das ist FERCHAU. Als Marktführer im Engineering bieten wir unseren Mitarbeitern an über 50 Standorten innovative Herausforderungen in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen - einfach die ganze Welt des Engineerings. Sind auch Sie bereit, mit uns gemeinsam neue Wege zu gehen? Dann ergreifen Sie Ihre Chance bei FERCHAU, und geben Sie Ihrer Karriere die entscheidende Richtung. Prägen Sie mit Ihrer Erfahrung die Zukunft von FERCHAU - als ~ ~ ~ Arbeitsplaner (m/w) Zeitwirtschaft ~ ~ ~ Innovativ und verantwortungsvoll - Ihre Aufgaben sind herausfordernd: - Leistungsverfolgung in der Fertgiung (Vorgabe- und Rüstzeiten) und Durchführung von Planungsanalysen - Erstellung von Ist-Analysen und Identifizierung von Verbesserungspotenzialen (Ratio-Projekte) - Erarbeitung von konkreten Ansätzen zur Prozessoptimierung und Produktivitätssteigerung - Kooperation mit Experten aus internen Bereichen wie Engineering, Qualitätsmanagement und Logistik - Gestaltung der Arbeitsplätze nach ergonomischen Gesichtspunkten Erwartungen: - Technisches Studium, vorzugsweise Maschinenbau, Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder Vergleichbares - Zusatzausbildung im Bereich Refa (Refa-Grundschein), MTM wünschenswert - Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Fertigungsplanung und Industrial Engineering - Souveränes Auftreten, Kommunikationsstärke und Durchsetzungskraft - Kooperativer Arbeitsstil sowie selbstständige, analytische und ergebnisorientierte Arbeitsweise Erleben Sie die ganze Welt des Engineerings! Als erfahrener Produktionsplaner haben Sie alle Qualitäten, die wir von unseren zukünftigen Arbeitszeitplaner erwarten - das nötige technische Verständnis inklusive. Bringen Sie sich sowie Ihre Ideen ein und FERCHAU weiter. Individuell und erfolgsorientiert - Ihre Perspektiven sind ausgezeichnet: - Haustarifvertrag IG Metall - Unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis - Entwicklung bereichsübergreifender Kompetenzen - Zielgerichtete Seminare Unser Angebot klingt wie für Sie gemacht? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung - gerne online oder per Post. Denn was für unsere Kunden gilt, gilt für Sie schon lange: Wir entwickeln Sie weiter. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1080177599 3 Lehrkraft für Physik, Musik, Ethik gesucht! Arbei tsort: Naunhof bei Grimma Wir suchen Sie! Idealisten mit Humor und gesundem Menschenverstand Engagierte, die über das eigene Fach hinausdenken Teamfähige, die Kompetenzraster und Projektarbeit als Herausforderung sehen KollegInnen, die sich aus Freude an ihrem Beruf täglich neu anspornen lassen Fach: Physik Beginn: 01.09.2012 Da wir ein Gymnasium im Aufbau sind, liegt die Arbeitszeit im ersten Jahr bei 2-4 Stunden/Woche. Auch als Minijob möglich. Der Arbeitsumfang erhöht sich jedes Jahr mit den steigenden Klassen - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, 2. Staatsexamen. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1080346442 2 Lehrer/in - Real-/Mittelschulen (Sekundarstufe I) Arbeitsort: Erkrath Wir suchen für unsere Internatsschule zwei Lehrer/in Sekundarstufe I Vollzeit mit 26 Wochenstunden und Teilzeit mit 14 Wochenstunden Unterricht 8:30-15.30 h für die Hauptfächer Mathematik, Deutsch oder Geschichte mit der Kombination Englisch und/oder Französisch, Spanisch Bitte bewerben Sie sich schriftlich oder per Mail - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse; Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten: Lehramt - Sekundarstufe I. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1082531648 6 Junior Technician (JT) (m/w) Fachrichtung Systemi ntegration Arbeitsort: Mönchengladbach. Piening Personal-Service ist ein in zweiter Generation geführtes Familienunternehmen und steht seit über 30 Jahren für qualitativ hochwertige Personaldienstleistungen, innovatives Personalmanagement und soziale Verantwortung. Im Bereich der Zeitarbeit gehört Piening zu den Marktführern in Ostwestfalen-Lippe. An über 50 Standorten beschäftigt Piening aktuell über 6.000 Mitarbeiter. Piening ist wiederholt ausgezeichnet als einer der besten Arbeitgeber im deutschen Mittelstand. Dies ist das Ergebnis einer unabhängigen Studie der Universität St. Gallen, in welcher Piening als einzigster Personaldienstleister diese Auszeichnung erhielt. Das Unternehmen wird bereits zum dritten Mal nach 2007, 2010 und 2012 als TOP-Arbeitgeber ausgezeichnet. Stellenbeschreibung: Für einen namhaften Kunden in Mönchengladbach suchen wir mehrere Mitarbeiter im IT- Bereich zur Verstärkung des vorhandenen Teams. Tätigkeitsbeschreibung: Junior Technician (JT) erbringen IMAC Leistungen im Personal Systems Umfeld, im Datacenter und Networking Umfeld nur eingeschränkt. Junioren Technician sorgen für Hardware-Installationsdienstleistungen, für die eine technische Basisqualifikation erforderlich ist. Dies enthält den physikalischen Anschluss und die Installation der Hardware, sowie die Aufrüstung und das Anpassen von IT-Equipment nach Anleitung und sind in der Lage Basis HW-Reperaturen gemäß Teile- und Lösungsvorschlag zu erbringen. Ihre Aufgaben: - Auf-/Abbau im Rahmen von Installationen und Umzügen - Auspacken der Systemkomponenten - Physikalischer Anschluss der Komponenten - Durchführung von Power-On Tests - Pflege von Checklisten und Aufnahme von Asset-Daten - Inventarisierung / Assetpflege im Kundentool - Durchführung von Basis HW-Reperaturen gemäß Teile- und Lösungsvorschlag - Fehlerverfolgung, wenn eine Basis HW Reperatur nicht zum Erfolg führt - IMAC-Services für die oben genannten Supportobjekte - Durchführung von HW-Aufrüstungen/ Installationen nach Anleitung (Dokumentation) - Netzwerkparame ter nach Vorgabe anpassen - Callannahme ohne Qualifizierung, 1.Level Support in dokumentieren, standarisierten und einfachen Lösungsschritten Fachliche Qualifikation: - gute Kenntnisse in einem aktuellen Betriebssystem im Client Bereich - Kenntnisse im Office Bereich (Installation und Grundeinrichtung - Hardwarekenntnisse der gängigen Standardhersteller (HP, FSC, IBM/Lenovo, Dell, Lexmark, Canon) von IBM-Kompatiblen Client-PC's und deren Peripherie (Drucker, Scanner, Multifunktionsgeräte) nachweisbar (Zertifikation vorteilhaft), ohne spezielle Kenntnisse bei

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Server, Datacenter und Networking Komponenten Wir bieten Ihnen: - einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag mit voller sozialer Absicherung - tariflich geregelte Arbeitsbedingungen und Vergütung nach iGZ / DGB-Tarifvertrag - eine langfrstige Beschäftigung bei einem namhaften Unternehmen Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Bei weiteren Fragen oder Interesse zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. [email protected]

REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1070039616 2 Reiseverkehrskaufmann/-frau Arbeitsort: Unterschl eißheim suchen zum nächstmöglichen Eintrittstermin zur Verstärkung unseres Teams zwei TOURISTIK- FACHKRÄFTE m/w in Voll- und Teilzeit mit hoher Motivation, viel Engagement, Teamgeist und Eigeninitiative. Ihr Aufgabengebiet: - Aktive Kundenberatung und Betreuung im Individual-und Gruppenbereich und Travel Bussines - Zusammenstellung von Reiseabläufen und Einbuchen von Reisen - Kalkulation und Erstellen von Angeboten - Buchung von Hotelzimmern, Transfer, Bussen und Flügen - Buchen von bahntouristischen Leistungen - Erfahrung in der Abwicklung vom Marinegeschäft - Reiseeinkauf, Reiseveranstaltung, Reisevermittlung - Beschwerdemanagement Ihr Profil: abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung mit Berufserfahrung - gute Fachkenntnisse in allen Bereichen - gute Produkt- und Zielgebietskenntnisse - Verkaufs- und serviceorientierte Arbeitsweise - Sicherer Umgang mit den Buchungstools ( Start, Amadeus) , SRS Systemen - gute Englischkenntnisse Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt, möchten Sie unser Team verstärken? Dann freuen wir uns auf ihre aussagekraftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an unsere Adresse oder per Mail. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. [email protected]


Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo Austriaco) en alemán e inglés:

REF. NATIONAL: 5024463 3 Maschinenbauingenieur(e)innen (DI) Die Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt Bregenz stellt ein: 3 Maschinenbauingenieur(e)innen (DI) und Fachschullehrer/innen (Tätigkeit in beiden Berufen) für den fachtheoretischen Unterricht *** Dipl.Ing. (TU/FH) für Maschinenbau (A) und Kunststofftechnik (B) - fachtheoretische Grundlagen des allgmeinen Maschinenbaus ***(A) Maschinen- und Formenbau inbes. Konstruktionslehre in 3D-CAD vor dem Hintergrund industrieller Praxiserfahrung *** (B) Kunststofftechnik, Werkstofflehre, Fertigungs- und Prüfverfahren, Kostruktion- und Bauteilgestaltung Erfordernisse: abgeschlossenes Maschinenbaustudium mit anschließend facheinschlägiger Praxis von mind. 4 Jahren, Engagement und Freude an der Weitergabe Ihres Fachwissens und Ihrer Berufserfahrung an junge Leute. Informieren Sie sich über unsere Schule im allgemeinen sowie die Anstellungserfordernisse und Bewerbungsmodalitäten unter und nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf: Tel. 0043/5574/42125-218 - email: [email protected] Die Angabe des Mindestentgelts für dieses Stellenangebot ist nicht verpflichtend, da die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zur Entgeltangabe hier nicht zutreffen. REF. NATIONAL : 5076730 2 Support Engineers (m./w.) Unser Kunde, ein erfolgreiches Softwareunternehmen, sucht zur Verstärkung seines Teams 2 Support Engineers (m./w.) . * IHRE QUALIFIKATION: - Ausbildung im IT-Bereich - gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit SQL-Abfragen - gute Englischkenntnisse - kommunikative, teamfähige Persönlichkeit * IHR AUFGABENBEREICH: - Betreuung von Anwendern - fachliche und technische Fehleranalyse - Dokumentation der Anwenderprozesse - Durchführung von Anwenderschulungen - Erstellung/Durchführung von Testszenarien * Arbeitsbeginn: ab sofort * WIR BIETEN: - Arbeitszeit/Ausmaß: Vollzeitbeschäftigung im Ausmaß von 38,5 Stunden pro Woche. Arbeitszeit nach Absprache. - Gehalt: 2.115 Euro brutto pro Monat; (eine Überzahlung ist abhängig von der Qualifikation und der Berufserfahrung möglich); * Dienstort: LINZ - Erreichbarkeit: ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gegeben; Wenn Sie sich für diese abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit interessieren, dann senden Sie uns Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit Foto. PROFITIEREN SIE VON DEN BESTEN! RECHNEN SIE MIT UNS! SO ERREICHEN SIE UNS: WRS personalmanagement gmbh, Lunzerstraße 42, A-4030 Linz Tel.: +43 (0) 732-30 25 25, email: [email protected] Informieren Sie sich unter Das Mindestentgelt für die Stellen als Support Engineers (m./w.) beträgt 2.115,00 EUR brutto pro Monat auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung. Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL 5086080 2 Reisebüroassistent(en)innen FTI Touristik ist einer der führenden Reiseveranstalter Österreichs mit Sitz in Linz. Mehr als 200.000 Gäste reisen jedes Jahr mit uns in die ganze Welt. Ob ans Mittelmeer oder nach Nordamerika, Lateinamerika, Asien, Australien, ins Südliches Afrika oder in den Indischen Ozean. In 20 Katalogen machen wir Reiseträume wahr. Unser Unternehmen expandiert und daher suchen wir 2 MITARBEITER/IN FÜR UNSERE BUCHUNGSZENTRALE in Linz für die Abteilungen: * Städtereisen und Sprachreisen * Asien Bewerben Sie sich bei uns, wenn Sie folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen: * Sie idealerweise über eine abgeschlossene Reisebüro Ausbildung verfügen * Gute Geographie Kenntnisse sind unbedingt erforderlich * Ebenso gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse * Interesse am Tourismus und an fremden Ländern haben * Auch unter Druck gut arbeiten können Das Gehalt beträgt in der Verwendungsgruppe K3 ab 1.309 Euro, in der Verwendungsgruppe K4 ab 1.387 Euro brutto. Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation ist möglich. Bitte senden Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung an folgende E-Mail

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Adresse: [email protected], z.Hd. Herrn Paul Haselmayr, Tel: 0732/9006-4540 FTI Touristik GmbH, Bäckermühlweg 59, 4030 Linz, Das Mindestentgelt für die Stellen als MITARBEITER/IN FÜR UNSERE BUCHUNGSZENTRALE beträgt 1.309,00 EUR brutto pro Monat auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung. Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung.

BÉLGICA: Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el Servicio de Empleo Internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:

REF. NATIONAL : 124671 4 agents call center, (h/f). Vente téléphonique de produits et services de télécommunication. Bonne connaissance du français et la connaissance du néerlandais est un atout. Dynamique, sens du contact commercial. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL 159704 2 Vendeurs de gaufres, (h/f). ACTIVA Horaire à convenir : de 9h à 17h du lu au ve (5 jours) ; de 12h à 20h du mardi au samedi (5 jours), soit de 14h à 20h du lundi au samedi (6 jours), le soir (jusque 20h les vendeuses/eurs sont à deux pour des raisons de sécurité ; doivent assurer la propreté des appareils et ustensiles de cuisines, une nettoyeuse nettoie le local). Pour obtenir les coordonnées de cet employeur, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à [email protected] . Veuillez postuler dans la langue (ou une des langues) de l’offre en mentionnant la référence nationale. REF. NATIONAL : 162070 1 employé administratif (h/f) NanoMegas est une jeune PME en pleine expansion. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la fabrication d'accessoires pour microscopes électroniques. Nous exportons dans le monde entier et avons besoin d'un Employé administratif (h/f). Nos bureaux sont situés à Forest. Description des tâches: - Vous assistez les gestionnaires (agenda, démarches, comptabilité). - Vous enregistrez, classez et archivez des documents sous forme papier et par outil informatique. - Vous effectuez des tâches logistiques: commandes et gestion de fournitures. - Vous réceptionnez, filtrez et assurez le suivi du courrier, des mails et des appels téléphoniques. - Vous prenez contact avec différentes administrations et sociétés internationales. Profil: - Langues: français, anglais, bon niveau oral et écrit. Le néerlandais et/ou l'espagnol représentent un plus. - Permis de conduire souhaité. - Bonne connaissance de MS Office (Word, Excel, Power point, Outlook). - Vous avez une expérience professionnelle dans une fonction similaire d'un an minimum - Personnalité: - Vous êtes dégourdi(e), structuré(e) et organisé(e), adaptable - Vous prenez des initiatives en concertation. - Vous savez travailler seul(e). Offre: - CDI à temps partiel au terme de la période d'essais, 19 heures/semaine avec possibilité d'évolution vers un plein temps. - Un travail varié dans une structure en pleine croissance Intéressé(e)? Envoyez votre lettre de motivation manuscrite (scannée) et CV par mail à l'attention de Daniel Bultreys à [email protected] REF. NATIONAL : 161648 1 Chef de récéption(h/f) hotel 3 étoiles sur Bruxelles,proche de la Gare du Midi cherche: Chef de récéption avec Carte Activa et minimum 3 ans d'expérience en tant que chef de récéption. Fonction: - Accueil et enregistrement client - Information sur l’hôtel (Heure du petit-déjeuner, Restaurant, Direction, tours,….) - Attribution des chambres - Facturation et archivages - Clôture de la journée

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- Tenue d’une caisse - Veillez au bon déroulement du petit déjeuner - Assurer coordination des femmes de chambres et de l’équipe de cuisine - Gestion du bar Langues:Langues maternelles: Francais, très bon niveau anglais, allemend ou espagnol souhaité Connaissance en Informatique: Excell, outlook, Une formation en interne sera assuré pour le logiciel hôtellier. Tâches: chef de réception Qualités requises : Autonome, serviable, organisée, flexible, polyvalente, méticuleux, permis de conduire (de préférence permis B, sinon permis B) Compétences / Formation requise Connaissances linguistiques min : Français, une aut re langue étrangère sera appréciée, l’anglais, l’it alien ou l’espagnol sont des atouts importants. Intéressé(e) Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV à l'attention de Monsieur ziadi à l'adresse mail [email protected] : Il est inutile de vous présenter sur place. REF. NATIONAL 162039 1 Shiftleader Front Office - NH Brussels City Centr e (m/w) NH Hoteles is a Spanish hotel chain with more than 400 hotels in over 20 countries worldwide. As a fast growing hotel chain, we are constantly looking for enthusiastic people that can strengthen our teams of our 11 hotels in Belgium. For our hotel NH Brussels City Centre we are looking for a shiftleader at the Front Office. In this function you have the following responsabilities: - Supervise Front Desk operations during your shift to a consistently high standard - Ensure your shift team has an up to date knowledge of hotel products, services and pricing along with any special promotional offers - Advise your shift team of any special events or VIP guests in the hotel that day - Monitor the appearance, standards and performance of team members with an emphasis on training and team work - Maximise Sales revenue through up selling and marketing programmes - Deal with guest queries and any complaints promptly and efficiently - Maintain the professional appearance of the Front Desk with a focus on hospitality and guest service - Front Office experience in the hotel sector - Strong commercial awareness ans Sales capabilities - Calm and organised - Excellent language skills (English-Dutch-French), supervisory skills, inter-personal and communication skills - A passion for delivering exceptional levels of guest service NH Hoteles is Top Employer 2010 in Belgium. We surprise our guests with 'eye for detail'... This counts for our employees as well! NH Hoteles offers a world of possibilities. Besides a competitive salary, NH Hoteles offers the following benefits; -Special Employee rate worldwide -NHUniversity -NH Amigos Vouchers -NH Employee Card We are looking for employees who contribute to our succes. Please show us how you would like to contribute to our success! Interested Please send a motivation e-mail and your resume to Miss De Groote at the following e-mail address : [email protected]


Trabajo estacional en Dinamarca :

Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en : (ofertas en varios idiomas)

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2 Telephone interviewer - Finnish speaking Looking for a job where you do not have to be able to speak Danish? In an international environment? And do you speak Finnish? Aalund Business Research offers you the opportunity to work while speaking Finnish. We are looking for a person to interview companies in Finland, as a part of a survey. The job is not telephone sales. Qualifications: All you need is a good telephone voice and we will teach you the rest We offer: · Good salary – not commission · Fulltime · Monday-Friday during daytime About Aalund: Aalund is a business research company based in Denmark. From the callcenter, the interviewers conduct interviews with business people, mostly in Scandinavia, but also in other European countries. If you are interested we would like to hear from you as soon as possible. Please mail your application to: [email protected]. If you have any questions, you are welcome to mail or phone Bettina Bjerre Rye on +45 88 82 21 00 Job start: April 23. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 1 Telephone interviewer - Latvian speaking Looking for a job where you do not have to be able to speak Danish? In an international environment? And do you speak Latvian? Aalund Business Research offers you the opportunity to work while speaking Latvian. We are looking for a person to interview journalists in Latvian, as a part of a survey. The job is not telephone sales. Qualifications: All you need is a good telephone voice and we will teach you the rest We offer: · Good salary – not commission · Fulltime · Monday-Friday during daytime About Aalund: Aalund is a business research company based in Denmark. From the callcenter, the interviewers conduct interviews with business people, mostly in Scandinavia, but also in other European countries. If you are interested we would like to hear from you as soon as possible. Please mail your application to: [email protected]. If you have any questions, you are welcome to mail or phone Bettina Bjerre Rye on +45 88 82 21 00 Job start: April 23. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 1 Telephone interviewer - Lithuanian speaking Looking for a job where you do not have to be able to speak Danish? In an international environment? And do you speak Lithuanian? Aalund Business Research offers you the opportunity to work while speaking Latvian. We are looking for a person to interview journalists in Lithuania, as a part of a survey. The job is not telephone sales. Qualifications: All you need is a good telephone voice and we will teach you the rest We offer: · Good salary – not commission · Fulltime · Monday-Friday during daytime About Aalund: Aalund is a business research company based in Denmark. From the callcenter, the interviewers conduct interviews with business people, mostly in Scandinavia, but also in other European countries. If you are interested we would like to hear from you as soon as possible. Please mail your application to: [email protected]. If you have any questions, you are welcome to mail or phone Bettina Bjerre Rye on +45 88 82 21 00 Job start: April 23. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 1 Farm practicant/ landbrugselev We are looking for a farm PRACTICANT to work with pigs in our sow/ piglet production.. Contacto: Lene Sørensen. [email protected] 1 Mink farm worker Feeding,cleaning and about the minks at all. Any odd jobs. Contacto: Svend Rauff Hansen. [email protected] 1 Sushi chef for Karma Kannon Experienced sushi chef wanted for a new Gourmet sushi restaurant. Karma Sushi has opened a brand new department in the center of Copenhagen. We now search for experienced chef. minimun requirements: english speaking and writing.. [email protected]


REF. NACIONAL: 27963 30 JAVA J2EE Junior Developers for European Commiss ion project in Spain. (ALICANTE) Task and activities: -Prototyping. -Write and maintain software that corresponds to the specifications based on the requirements. -Designing websites and navigation flows; defining and creating the graphical layout of web pages, including graphical elements and logos. -Perform unit, integration and factory acceptance testing and assist software quality control do site acceptance testing, including user acceptance testing. -Optimising all elements of a software solution: databases, applications, interfaces, etc. -Produce database scripts for data manipulation. -Produce installation scripts and documentation. -Produce the relevant technical or user documentation for a system. -Train users and administrators of information systems. -Participate in meetings with users. -Manage a development environment. -Register and keep updated incident or improvement tickets for information systems. Requirements: Education, knowledge and skills for Software developer: -Successful training in IT, by a relevant institute. -Ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings, good communicator. -Capability of integration in an international environment, experience in team working. -Capability of applying formal quality standards in the IT environment. -High level of English. Experience for Software developer: -1-2 years of experience in the technologies and techniques relevant to the specific project or activity. Technologies for all candidates: Experience required in several, in the more the better, of the following technologies and techniques: -J2EE (JSP, servlets, EJB) -MVC Framework, Struts/Spring, Hibernate, Cocoon -JDBC, JNDI, JSTL, JMS -XML scema, XSLT, XSL-FO -REST-SOAP, WSDL, SAX, DOM -XHTML, Ajax, HTTP(s), MIME(s) -JAXP -JAXB -Ruby on Rails -ebXML, TM-XML/ST.66, DS-XML/ST.86, XML4IP -Javascript -Ant 1.7+ -Eclipse -Maven -Bugzilla -Liferay -Informix -Oracle -Joomla Offer (bonuses, benefits) -3 years of contract -initial sa. Carta y currículo al empresario. Nervia Consultores S.L. Ricardo Marín (phone:+34976293536, email: [email protected])

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REF. NACIONAL: 27871 10 SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS (ALICANTE) 10 Senior Software Developers with an IT University Degree. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGES: J2EE (JSP, servlets, EJB, JDBC, JMS) XML, XSD. Relational Database Scripts (Oracle and Mysql). Knowledge of the use and application of agile methodologies and UML. SKILLS: Capability of team working. Analysis and Technical Design. Knowledge of services level agreements and quality practices in software development. FUNCTIONS: Analyisis, design and implementation of software application based on requirements. Unit and integration test. Preparation of quality plans. Support to system test. Document tecnical and user documentation. Manage a development environment. EXPERIENCE: A minimum of 4 years in IT software development projects and a minimum of 2 years as senior developer. Very goog level of english. Spanish desirable but not compulsory. Job location in the province of Alicante. Carta y currículo al empresario. INFORMATICA EL CORTE INGLES S.A. RODRIGO GUAPO (phone:34913874700, fax: 34917341911, email: [email protected]). REF. NACIONAL: 27872 5 TEAM LEADERS 5 Team Leaders with IT University Degree. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGES: J2EE (JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, JMS and so on) plus Oracle. FUNCTIONS: Team management. Estimate resources, duration and cost for software development projects. Elaborate reports for project follow-up. Leading system testing prior to deliver to the customer. Quality assurance. Validation of quality plans. SKILLS: Conflict resolution, negotiation skills and risk management capabilities. Expertise in services level agreements and quality practices in software development. Ability to estimate resources, duration and cost for software developement projects. Knowledge of agile software development methodologies. Good communication skills. EXPERIENCE: A minimum of 8 years in IT projects and a minimun of 4 years as team leader or project manager. Very good level of english and spanish desirable but not compulsory. Job location in the province of Alicante. Carta y currículo al empresario. INFORMATICA EL CORTE INGLES S.A. RODRIGO GUAPO (phone:34913874700, email: [email protected]). REF. NACIONAL: 27937 10 Infirmières/infirmiers bilingues français-espagn ol . Oferta para transfronterizos, trabajo en Perpignan con posible residencia en España. Les postes sont sur Perpignan, mais également dans toute la France. Carta y currículo al consejero Eures de contacto. Crit EURES GIRONA (phone: , fax: , email: [email protected]) REF. NACIONAL 10000-1083272326 2 Modeberater/in oder Verkäufer/in für Spanien gesu cht Arbeitsort : Wir suchen für unseren Auftraggeber Dress & Co. 4 Modeberater/innnen in Voll- (40 Std./Woche)) und Teilzeit (30 Std./Woche). Sie beraten die Kunden in einem neuen hochwertigen Markenmodestore im Yachthafen Port Adriano und arbeiten in einem kleinem Team (ca. 3-4 Personen). Die Öffnungszeiten des Geschäftes sind von 11 - 24 Uhr. Anforderungen: * Ausbildung oder Berufserfahrung im Textilhandel oder Verkauf von Vorteil, aber auch Quereinsteiger können sich bewerben * Modebewusstsein * Kundenfreundlichkeit * Zuverlässigkeit * Führerschein von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich * Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch, Englisch kommunikativ und Spanisch von Vorteil Wir bieten einen für 1 Jahr befristeten deutschen Arbeitsvertrag mit Aussicht auf unbefristete Übernahme. Einarbeitung erfolgt in Spanien. Vorstellungsgespräche finden in Spanien statt, nach Absprache auch in Dresden. --------------- Wir sind eine private Arbeitsvermittlung. Vermittlungsgutschein ist von Vorteil. Wenn Sie keinen Vermittlungsgutschein besitzen fällt für Sie keine Vermittlungsgebühr an. ------------- ZAV1-Spanien - Geforderte Anlagen: Bewerbungsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Foto erwünscht.. [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

FINLANDIA: REF. NATIONAL: 4865012 1 FARM WORKER / CHICKEN AND PIG FARM We are looking for an independent professional to a long term employment in Finland. Tasks include working on industrial pig and chicken farm. Tractor driving skills are an asset. Also ability to do small repair work is an advantage. Work is physically quite hard and demanding. Job requires experience in working with animals on big farms. Any experience or education on agricultural work is an advantage. We expect good attitude towards work, co-operation skills and flexibility. Working knowledge of English is required. The job starts as soon as possible. Number of vacancies: 1-2 Accomodation will be arranged. It is possible to live first weeks cost free at the farm. The employer will help with finding a more permanent appartment later. The salary starts from 8 – 9 euros / hour. Working hours are 40 hours / week. This salary is brutto, before taxes. Average taxes for average salary in Finland is around 20-22 %. Tax percentage in Finland is personal, so it is impossible to say the exact percentage. Job is permanent. The employer is a Finnish company called Farmi Nummela. You can check their home pages at . The company is situated in Koski Tl, a village 50 kilometres from Turku. Pls send your CV in English to [email protected]. Inquiries about the vacancy can be sent to the same address. REF. NATIONAL: 4865132 1 Grant Writer The University of Turku is an internationally notable multidisciplinary research university aiming for increasing its international research funding further. THE PROJECT AND INNOVATION SERVICES UNIT AT THE UNIVERSITY SERVICES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TURKU INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE on-going position of a Grant Writer The Project and Innovation Services is an expert unit offering support services for the University’s projects and decision makers regarding application, contract and implementation procedures for external funding and exploitation of research results and know-how. The duties of the Grant Writer include tasks concerning the application procedures for international research funding. The primary responsibility is to prepare EU Framework Programme grant applications together with the researchers and the staff of the

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Project and Innovation Services Unit. These tasks include i.e. the drafting of the implementation and impact sections as well as commenting and assessing the applications from the perspective of the call for proposals and the University’s risk management. In addition, the Grant Writer will advise, instruct and train researchers in above-mentioned matters. The duties also include other tasks assigned by the Head of the Project and Innovation Services Unit. A successful applicant for this position should hold at least a Master’s degree with relevant work experience on international research funding (especially EU Framework Programmes) and research and project work. We expect excellent written and verbal English skills (especially writing) and at least a satisfactory command of Finnish. The candidate should also possess excellent skills of interaction and public appearance and be able to work as a member of a team. The work can be highly pressing from time to time, which requires the ability to endure stress and to prioritize. In addition, we appreciate initiative, flexibility, service mindedness and a goal-oriented and solution focused approach to the work. This is a new position and the job description will be defined along with time and actual work. The salary is in accordance with the University salary system (for other personnel) level 9, where the work specific salary component is 2731,16 €/month. In addition, there is a salary share based on the personal performance, which is max, 46,3 % of the base salary. The position has a four-month trial period. Enquiries may be directed to the Head of Project and Innovation Services Unit, Soile Haverinen, tel: +358-2-333 6165, e-mail: soile.haverinen(at), or Research Liaison Officer Mari Riipinen, tel. +358-2-333 6054, e-mail: mari.riipinen(at) The applications should be addressed to the University Services. The application should include a CV and other documents relevant for the filling of the position. The applications should be submitted to the Registry Office of the University of Turku by Wednesday 28 March 2012 at 15:45 at the latest. The postal address is Kirjaamo / Registry Office, 20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, FINLAND (the street address is Main Building, ground floor). The applications can also be submitted by e-mail to the address [email protected]. Application documents will not be returned. 28 February 2012 in the University of Turku. Chief Operating Officer REF. NATIONAL: 7930886 5 Software testers: several languages We are looking for software testers for different projects related to software localization testing and language technology.. Native level language skills or corresponding level of skills needed in one of the languages. Familiarity with technology or translation processes, internationalization experience, and previous testing experience are considered beneficial. The location will be Tampere office. Join our multicultural Lion family! Company Profile: Lionbridge is the leading provider of translation, development and testing solutions that enable clients to create, release, manage and maintain their technology applications and Web content globally. A key differentiator for Lionbridge is our global footprint, which enables us to deliver superior service to customers through local contacts and resources. We employ more than 4,200 specialists, including linguists, project managers, engineers, subject matter experts, content developers, application developers and quality assurance professionals, in 26 countries. We also work with a network of 85,000 independent multilingual workers including translators, interpreters, web raters and subject matter experts across more than 100 countries. For more information on our company and services, please see our Web site at We offer: -An opportunity to work with a business leader as a part of a global localization company -A pleasant working environment -Flexible working hours Requirements: -Knowledge of the Windows environment, common office software and the Internet -Mother tongue one of the following (or corresponding skills): -Indonesian -Basque -Danish -Norwegian -Japanese Note: if your native language is not listed here, feel free to send us an open application and CV for our future needs. - Language skills, especially good skills in English. Finnish skills not required - Initiative and ability to perform tasks independently - Possibility to work part-time in Tampere March-September Additional advantages would include: -Educational background in linguistics/philology/software technology -Knowledge of translation processes -Knowledge of technology -Other language skills Additional Information: Send your application and CV via e-mail to [email protected]. Please add information on your availability and salary request. Detailed info on language skills is required. If you have any questions about the jobs or the application process, feel free to send your inquiries to the same address. E-mail inquires only. Please note that we only consider applications written in English or Finnish. Applicants are invited to interviews based on their applications., [email protected]

FRANCIA: REF. NACIONAL: 838670K 5 CONSULTANT/CONSULTANTE -ERP - Nous recherchons pour notre client des collaborateurs experimentés sur l´ero sap. Vous maitrisez les domaines fonctionnels finances et controle de gestion, avec au moins 5 ans d´experience dans l´implantation des modules fi et/ou co, alors rejoignez une ssii en pleine expansion. [email protected] REF. NACIONAL: 992711W 10 GESTIONNAIRE EN DOCUMENTATION Vous serez en charge de la gestion des données techniques aeronautiques: verifier la completude, indexer, imprimer les dossiers, puis classer et diffuser. Competences obligatoires en gestion des données techniques, impression, tri et archivage + connaissance milieu aeronautique. [email protected] REF. NACIONAL: 778779F 3 NEGOCIATEUR/NEGOCIATRICE EN IMMOBILIER Dans le cadre de son developpement, orpi ni du reseau des agences immobilières, recherche des negociateurs pour le secteur de moulins. Être motive et dynamique. Une formation sera assurée. Les frais de deplacement sont pris en charge. Poste à pouvoir de suite. Salaire minimum annuel de 15.900 Euros Brut. [email protected]. REF. NACIONAL: 961338C 3 ASSISTANT COMMERCIAL / ASSISTANTE COMMERCIALE Prospection téléphonique pour un specialiste des fermetures, portes, fenetres, volets. Poste évolutif. Formation Internet. Tutorat actif salaire selon lieu de travail. Martigues. [email protected].

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REF. NACIONAL: 958704Y 7 COMPTABLE Cabinet d´expertise recherche un comptable effectuant: la saisie des differents éléments comptables, l´imputation et le lettrage des comptes, la justification des comptes et la participation aux écritures de cloture des comptes. MME. VIRY FADILA. E-mail: [email protected]. REF. NACIONAL: 705377X 3 AIDE-SOIGNANT / AIDE-SOIGNANTE Vous assurez les soins d´hygiene des residents necessitant une prise en charge globale et une attention specifique. Vous realisez le suivi individualise centre sur le maintien des acquis et sur l´adaptation aux besoins. Vous participez aux temps d´echanges institutionnels. Salaire: Selon convention 51. MME. NATHALIE VERGNOL. Dirección: 5 RUE HYACINTHE HEVIN 35370 ETRELLES. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Envoi CV par courrier et LETTRE DE MOTIVATION. REF. NACIONAL: 685567I 5 COIFFEUR / COIFFEUSE À DOMICILE Statut salarie. Contrat à temps choisi. Produits fournis gratuitement. Soutien commercial et publicitaire. Stages de perfectionnement. Remuneration progressive en fonction de votre activité. Véhicule personnel exige puis fourni sous conditions. E-mail: [email protected]. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Par e-mail + LETTRE DE MOTIVATION A L´ATTENTION DE MME. BICA REF. NACIONAL: 981177X 4 AGENT / AGENTE DE SÉCURITÉ SSIAP Agents de sécurité ssiap 1, sst et carte pro obligatoire. Vous évoluerez sein d´une équipe. E-mail: [email protected] REF. NACIONAL: 426440R 3 POSEUR TIREUR / POSEUSE TIREUSE DE CABLES EN FIBR E OPTIQUE Idéalement qualifié, vous avez impérativement de l´experience sur le poste. Vous serez charge de la pose, du tirage et du raccordement de cables en fibre opthique. Postes à pourvoir d´urgence. Teléfono: 00 33 468350026. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Par téléphone. REF. NACIONAL: 967097N 5 TÉLÉPROSPECTEUR / TÉLÉPROSPECTRICE Fecha de inicio: 16/04/2012. Región: Île de France. Salario mínimo: 1.398,37€ Bruto Mensual. Horas por semana: 25. Tipo de contrato: Indefinido + Media jornada. Requisitos: Nivel educativo requerido: Sin especificar. Se requiere experiencia: No se precisa. Empresario: SECURITAS DIRECT MME. SALLA SIDIBE. E-mail: [email protected]..

HOLANDA: Si te interesa trabajar estacionalmente en la agricu ltura en Holanda, regístrate online en:

REF. NATIONAL: 680494A 10 ANIMATEUR / ANIMATRICE DE PARC DE LOISIRS SAISON D'AVRIL A NOVEMBRE 2012. ACCUEILLIR ET DIRIGER LES CLIENTS. V EILLER AUX REGLES DE SECURITE. CAPPACITES D'ECOUTE ET DE PATIENCE. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL : 680501A 3 RESPONSABLE DES ATTRACTIONS ENCADRER, DIRIGER UNE EQUIPE D'OPERA TEURS DE JEUX. GERER LES PLANNINGS. GERER LES STOCKS. VEILLER AU RESPECT DES CONSIGNES DE SECURITE. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL : 236012 Cultivation Staff (outdoor vegetable cultivation) Tasks: largely independently exercising activities aimed at propagating preparation, crop care, shipping make ready of strawberries and strawberry plants in cultivation, co-organize the harvest and controlling the sprinkling Minimum requirements are: +/-2 year cultivation experience, experience with assessment and health of the crop. A pre is: experience with tractor and forklift driving Working hours: average 38 hours per week spread over 6 days. Number of hours depends on amount of work, in consultation. Provided: Contract certain time of 30-04-2012 t/m 31-12-2012, payout according to CAO Open Crops pay scale D (min. 1681,10 Euro a month). Please register yourself at Once registered select: tab 'Links' >

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go to 'Category' and select "vacancy". Then enter this national vacancynumber 236012 in the field "Value". This way the employer can select you as an applicant for this specific vacancy. REF. NATIONAL : 097242L 4 INGENIEUR/INGENIEURE HYGIENE HSE EN INDUSTRIE FOR A MAJOR O&G COMPANY,WE ARE LOOKI NG FOR 2 EXPERIENCED SENIOR SEISMIC HSE SUPERVISORS AND 2 SEISMIC HSE SU PERVISORS WITH SIGNIFICATIVE EXPE- RIENCE IN OFFSHOE SEISMIC OPERATIONS .THE SURVEY AREA IS COMPLEX WITH NU- MEROUS PLATFORMS AND 4 SHIPPING LANE WITH INTENSIVE SHIPPING TRAFFIC. - Salaire : A NEGOCIER. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL : 10000-1082071840 4 Dachdecker Niederlande Arbeitsort : Abgeschlossene Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung erwünscht. Dachdecker für Steil-und Flachdach erwünscht. Aufgaben: Lattung anbringen, Eindecken von Dächern, Einbau von Fenstern, Klempnerarbeiten. Teams sind willkommen. Lohn: ab 2100 € Netto /Monat. Auch Flachdachdecker sind erwünscht. SCC-Schein ist von Vorteil, aber nicht Bedingung. Vermittlungen sind kostenfrei, wenn ein gültiger Vermittlungsgutschein vorgelegt werden kann. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Kopie Vermittlungsgutschein. [email protected]

IRLANDA: REF. NATIONAL 672611 2 IT consultant - Junior Position The employer is Irelands premiere SAM consulting firm. Its focus on innovation and quality of service is driving rapid expansion in European and US markets. The candidate will assist new and existing clients use a unique cloud based software asset management service. They will become experts in the field of software licensing and assist clients understand their software licensing requirements. Formal training includes a 3 month secondment with a large international software vendor, online software license training and examination support to become a Microsoft Certified Professional. Please apply for Junior IT consultant role with a CV at: REF. NATIONAL 671275 5 Bilingual Customer Service Agents – Dundalk The Call Centre Agent is responsible for answering pre and after sales calls. Functions: Answering calls in relation to: Placing a telephone order (entering order on line). Order status. Goods not matching original order. Shipping issues (tracing orders; returns pick up etc.). Finance queries (processing payments, invoice / statement queries. Responding to faxes and letters from Customers. Please send your CV to: [email protected] REF. NATIONAL 672119 5 Channel Account Manager (Bilingual) Our client is a successful multinational company offering a rewarding long term career in a dynamic work environment and excellent benefits worth up to EUR7,000. Due to ongoing expansion, Bond Personnel have been asked to assist with the recruitment of a number of Account Managers in their channel partner support team.The job:A strong player in the global IT industry, our client cooperates with a range of channel partners to service the SME market in the EMEA. Building strong relationships with an assigned portfolio of channel partners, your duties will include:Act as an Account Manager and Advisor so as to enable channel partners to sell the companys products in the most efficient and profitable way in local markets. Gather essential information on behalf of channel partners from both internal departments and external parties and advise them through web conference presentations on a diverse range of topics, such as the marketing and sales of products, logistics. If you have the required experience we invite you to apply today by sending your CV and cover letter to [email protected] REF. NATIONAL 10000-1082105937 5 Bilingual Customer Service Agent (m/w) Arbeitsort : Dundalk Bilingual Customer Service Agent FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE AND WORK IN IRELAND National Pen, Ireland At National Pen we strive to be the worldwide leader in providing high value promotional products for businesses and professionals by providing expert knowledge and effective promotional products. With a workforce from over 30 different countries with 12 working languages, we provide a very diverse and multi-cultural environment in which to work with ongoing training to provide you with the tools to be successful. Bilingual Customer Service Agent The Call Centre Agent is responsible for answering `pre¿ and `after¿ sales calls, in addition to mail order entry. He or she will be assessed by the number of calls, time on line, average handling time and average speed of answer. Most of the agent¿s tasks will be actioned on-line using Oracle (training provided). Functions: ¿ Answering calls in relation to: o General information on products o Sample Product Requests o Placing a telephone order (entering order on line) o Order status o Goods not matching original order o Shipping issues (tracing orders; returns pick up etc.) o Finance queries (processing payments, invoice / statement queries) o Upselling mail orders o Responding to faxes and letters from Customers o Translation and proofing o Data input of mail orders o Any other duties/projects as directed by Management Skills/Attributes/Requirements: ¿ Minimum of 1 year of customer support experience (experience using various communication channels such as chat, phone, email) ¿ Must demonstrate ability to work well in a team contributing to the team¿s goals ¿ Need to demonstrate good time management, and good housekeeping ¿ Ability to analyse a problem quickly and resolve it following procedures ¿ Good telephone manner: courteous, clear speech, good call management, assertive ¿ Very customer service focused, able to deal with customers in a friendly and polite manner ¿ Be fluent in one or more of the following languages: French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese ¿ Good English ¿ Computer literate: excellent keyboard skills, familiar with different on-line database packages ¿ Ability to multitask The recruiter is interested in your answers to the following question(s). Please place your answers in the email you send when applying for the job. Question 1: Are you fluent in one or more of the following languages: French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese? Question 2: Do

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you have customer support experience? Question 3: Are you available to work in Dundalk, Co Louth? And What is your availability? Job type: Permanent full-time Normal Hours of Work: 39.5 hrs per work ¿ Day Shift is from 7.30 am to 4.30 pm (depending on language) Mon to Fri. Additional benefits: ¿ Paid Holidays ¿ Parking ¿ Relocation package, we pay for flight ticket to come to Ireland with 2 - 3 nights accommodation ¿ Bonus ¿ Vouchers ¿ Staff discount ¿ Sports & Social Club Sie finden uns auch auf der Job Messe in Düsseldorf (24./25. März), Hannover (2./3. Juni) und Dortmund 23./24. Juni) - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, wenn möglich auf Englisch . [email protected]


REF. NATIONAL: ÞÁ120314-02 1 Barnapössun / child care Garðyrkjubýli á suðurlandi leitar að starfskrafti til að gæta barna á heimilinu, tímabundið starf ca. 1. maí - 31. okt. Starfið felst í því að sjá um 10 mánaða barn og 2 systkini þegar leikskólinn lokar í sumar ásamt léttum þrifum. Viðkomandi verður að hafa gaman að börnum og hafa þolinmæði gagnvart þeim. Reynsla af barnapössun er kostur. Í boði er afnot af bíl, herbergi á heimilinu með sjónvarpi og dvd. Íslenskt/sænskt heimili. Laun skv. kjarasamningum. Áhugasamir sendi umsóknir á netfangið [email protected] A gardening farm in South Iceland needs a babysitter for the summer, 1 May - 31. okt apr. The job included taking care of a 10 month old baby and her two siblings for fours weeks and light cleaning. The successful applicant must be interested in children and be patient with them. Experience with childcare is an asset. Room with television and dvd player included and use of a car. Icelandic/Swedish home. Salary according to collective agreement. Please apply online at and put "barn" in the field for employer. Please use the online application form: Further enquiries, when you have filled the online application form: [email protected] --- Further guidance: --- ***NB: Speaking Icelandic is a must for most jobs not marked with the EU Flag. REF. NATIONAL: ÞÁ120228-02 1 ráðskona / housekeeper Sauðfjárbú á Norðurlandi vantar ráðskonu frá 1. apríl nk.. Starfið snýst um að sjá um heimili og eitt barn, elda mat, þrif og önnur tilfallandi verk. Húsnæði í boði. Laun skv. kjarasamningum Bændasamtakana. Áhugusamir sendi umsókn á netfangið [email protected] A sheepfarm in North Iceland needs a housekeeper from April 1st. The job includes running the household, taking care of one child, cooking, cleaning and other incidental work.. Housing included. Salary according to collective agreement. Please fill in an online application form at and put "fjos" in the field for employer. Please use the online application form: Further enquiries, when you have filled the online application form: [email protected] --- Further guidance: --- ***NB: Speaking Icelandic is a must for most jobs not marked with the EU Flag. REF. NATIONAL: ÞÁ120321-01 2 carpenter Stígandi ehf. leitar að tveimur smiðum eða verkamönnum . Almenn smíða- og byggingavinna. Samsetning og frágangur eininga fyrir ferðaþjónustu. Viðkomandi verður að vera smiður eða laghentur einstaklingur með reynslu að smíðavinnu. Tímabundinn vinna til 31. maí en hugsanlega framtíðarstarf í framhaldinu. Laun skv. kjarasamningum, vinnutími 7:30-16:15. Áhugasamir sendi umsókn á netfangið [email protected] A construction company in North-west Iceland needs two carpenters or workers. General carpentry and construction work. Assembly and finnishing of building units for the tourism sector. The applicant must be a carpenter or a handy person with experience of carpentry work. Temporary job untill 31 May, could become a future job. Salary according to collective agreement, working hours 7:30-16:15. Please apply online at and put "smidar" in the field for employer. Please use the online application form: Further enquiries, when you have filled the online application form: [email protected] --- Further guidance: --- ***NB: Speaking Icelandic is a must for most jobs not marked with the EU Flag

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REF. NACIONAL: 0000012011000000000067026 25 PROCACCIATORE DI AFFARI Le risorse si occuperanno di ricercare nuove aziende da convenzionare e nuovi acquirenti della “Card Carpe Diem Club” sia aziendale che familiare. Il candidato, automunito, preferibilmente ha maturato esperienza come agente di vendita, autonomo, dinamico ed intraprendente con forte predisposizione ai rapporti interpersonali, buona dialettica, con attitudine a lavorare per obiettivi, concreti, misurabili e databili, propenso a raggiungere elevati guadagni all'interno di un clima di alta professionalità. Región: Campania. E-mail: [email protected], Cómo solicitar el puesto: Letter + CV to Employer. REF. NACIONAL: 0000012011000000000066227 20 INFERMIERE/ INFERMIERI PROFESSIONALI IN CENTRI VACANZE STUDIO ALL’ESTERO 2012. - MANSIONI: assistenza infermieristica e primo soccorso rivolta a gruppi di studenti presso college in Gran Bretagna, Irlanda e Francia previa selezione (per titoli e colloquio conoscitivo + corso di formazione obbligatorio gratuito). PERIODO DI LAVORO: da metà giugno a fine agosto 2012 (per uno o più turni di due settimane ciascuno) La disponibilità per più turni è titolo preferenziale REQUISITI: laurea e abilitazione alla professione infermieristica e iscrizione all’albo professionale; conoscenza della lingua del paese di destinazione è titolo preferenziale CONDIZIONI DI COLLABORAZIONE: da € 800 netti per turno; viaggio di andata e ritorno dall’aeroporto italiano di partenza al college di destinazione, sistemazione in pensione completa a carico dell’Azienda E-mail: [email protected]. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Letter + CV to Contact EA. REF. NACIONAL: 0000012111000000000065850 20 OPERATORI DI PRODUZIONE (lg68/99 ex 482) Per importante multinazionale operante nel settore elettronico 20 OPERATORI DI PRODUZIONE APPARTENENTI ALLE CATEGORIE PROTETTE (lg 68/99 ex 482). Le risorse si occuperanno di lavorazioni del silicio all'interno di camere sterili in ambiente asettico con apposite tute e guanti. Si richiede disponibilità al lavoro su tre turni a ciclo continuo dal lunedì alla domenica, esperienza in produzione, appartenenza alle categorie protette. Durata contratto: inserimento diretto in azienda. Zona: Agrate Per informazioni: Gi Group S.p.a Agrate Via Marco d'Agrate 27 Tel 0396899903 Fax 0396881818 E mail [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected]. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Letter + CV to Employer. REF. NACIONAL: 0000012111000000000065283 20 TECNICI MECCANICI MAW ricerca CORSISTI PER CORSO DI MECCANICA DI BASE. Il corso comincerà lunedì 26 marzo e durerà una settimana fino a venerdì 30 marzo. Orario: da lunedì a venerdì dalle 09.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 ( durerà quindi 40 ore ). Materie principali trattate durante il corso saranno: - il disegno meccanico ( proiezioni ortogonali, norme, quotature..) - il Sistema Internazionale di Unità di Misura - tipologia e taglio dei materiali - cenni su macchine utensili tradizionali e a controllo numerico. Verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza. Per candidarsi all'offerta inviare Cv all'indirizzo mail [email protected]. Aut. Min. Prot. 1131-SG Ai sensi dell’art. 1 L.903/77 la ricerca è rivolta ad entrambi i sessi E-mail: [email protected]. Cómo solicitar el puesto: Letter + CV to Contact EA. REF. NACIONAL: 0000012111000000000066023 20 CORSO DI FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE PER GDO GI Group S.p.a. organizza CORSO DI FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE per ADDETTI ALL'ATTIVITA' DI REPARTO E DI CASSA per il settore GRANDE DISTRIBUZIONE Durata: 40 ore Si terrà presso punto vendita di Ferrara I candidati interessati sono inviati a presentarsi in filiale con il proprio CV: GI Group Spa Filiale di Ferrara Corso Giovecca, 132/a 44121 Ferrara Tel. 0532/211405 Fax 0532/242208 Mail [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Cómo solicitar el puesto: Letter + CV to Employer. Contacto: (phone, fax, email). Fecha límite de solicitud: 31/03/2012.

LUXEMBURGO: REF, NATIONAL: 10000-1081445802 3 Verkaufsberater/innen Spezialfuttermittel Arbeits ort Im Auftrage eines international ausgerichteten Unternehmens für Spezialfuttermittel suchen wir für Luxemburg weitere fachkompetente Verkaufsberater/innen Sie übernehmen nach Einarbeitung die direkte Ansprache der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe. Dazu sollten Sie Erfahrungen im Agrarhandelsvertrieb mitbringen und auch bereit sein erfolgsorientiert zu arbeiten. Diese Position gibt Ihnen sehr viel Freiraum für die Ausgestaltung und Umsetzung vor Ort. Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann sollten Sie sich bewerben. Für Vorabinformationen steht Ihnen Herr Plaß gern unter Telefon 0 51 36 / 899 36-60 oder E-Mail [email protected] zur Verfügung. - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen für den Erstkontakt: Lebenslauf und Anschreiben.

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Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés ): ( buscar enlace: NAV EURES in English) 2 Shop Sales Personel, Bergen, Norway Bryggen Handel as, Bergen, Norway, is looking for sales shop personel. Start date: From May 1 but we gradually increase number of staff in the high season June 15 – August 20. Work Regulations: permanent, project, fulltime, part time etc. Work Place: Bergen city, in the county of Hordaland, Norway. About the company: We are Souvenir and Sweater Shop located in the historic part in the City of Bergen, Norway. We sell mostly to the tourists in the season from early May till late September. Useful links to Bergen: or Information about the position: Our shop is at times crowded with tourists from all parts of the world and we therefore seek 7 candidates that are efficient, independant and representative with: • Good communication skills. • Fluent in english language. • Fluent in one or more of the following languages: Spanish, Italian, German, French or Russian. • Able to communicate in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish with our local customers. This is also required for understanding our computer programs. We also offer • 1 permanent (full time) contract after season • 1-2 part time contracts after season Normal working hours is 40 hours (37, 5 net after lunch break) ENCLOSE PHOTO & CV with your application. Wages: NOK 120, - (16 Euros) – 130, - (17, 50 Euros) gross pr. hour depending on experience and qualifications. 50 % paid overtime when working on Sundays. Candidates will be given contract according to Norwegian law regarding salary/holiday money and workings hours etc. Housing: Unfortunately we can not offer any accommodations. For more information: please call Mr. Jostein Kalleklev at +47 55 31 17 67/mobile: +47 934 54 085 or send e-mail to: [email protected]. Application: Send short application and CV pr. E-mail to [email protected] Apply by e-mail and in Subject Line put: NAV/Tourist Season 2012. Diplomas and other papers must be brought if interview. Last application date: April 30th, 2012 Bryggen Handel as Bryggen 23 N-5000 Bergen Norway T: +47 5531 1767 E: [email protected] 5 Nurses, Bergen City, Norway Haukeland University hospital, Helse Bergen, Norway, is looking for nurses (intensive care, operation and anaesthetic). Work Regulations: Permanent, fulltime. Startdate on agreement. Haukeland University hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Norway and situated on the west coast. We are a technologically advanced hospital with about twelve thousands colleagues. The scenery is beautiful, both close to the fjords and mountains, a place to live and thrive. Want to know more about us, see Information about the positions: We are looking for NURSES specialized in Intensive care, operation and anaesthetic nurses in fulltime permanent position for our intensive care unit, recovery unit and operation unit. Position demands: The applicant must have a specialised degree in nursing within anaesthetic, operation and intensive care. It’s an advantage if the applicants have about 2 years of experience of specialized nursing. All applicants must speak a Nordic language (Norwegian, Swedish or Danish) or good technical English. Wages: From EURO 46 933 to 54 800 gross pr year, depending on experience and qualifications. Housing: The employer can accommodate with housing. Family: The employer will assist you if you bring your family. For more information: please call Janne Kristiansen: +47 482 66 300 or send an e-mail to: [email protected] Application: Send short application and CV pr. E-mail to: [email protected] Diplomas and other papers must be brought if interview Last application date is 15.04.2012. Haukeland University hospital, Helse Bergen Jonas Lies Vei 1 N-5021 Bergen Norway T: +47 5597 5000 E: [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 1209 12 03 000038 7 Butikkmedarbeider 2012 We are a Souenir and Sweater Shop located in the historic part in the city of Bergen. The shop is at times very busy and we seek candidates that are efficient ,independant and representative with: Good communication skills. Fluent in English language. Fluent in one or more of the following languages: Spanish, Italian, German, French or Russian. Able to communicate in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish with our local customers. This is also required for understanding our computer programs. We also offer:1 permanent (full time) contract after season, 1-2 part time contracts after season. Apply by e-mail and in Subject Line put: NAV/Tourist Season 2012. [email protected]. ENCLOSE PHOTO & CV with your application. REF. NATIONAL: 0313 12 02 000403 2 Kokk PASCAL is well known for his restaurants and patisseries in Oslo. Since 1995 he has impressed the Norwegain people with his French cuisine and patisseries. The restaurants serve a variety of warm courses for lunch, a la cart in the evening and special menues for parties. We know search 3 chefs who are motivated and wants to work in a restaurant that puts quality first. We only apply for chefs speaking norwegian, swedish, danish or english. Please send your CV and application to [email protected]. REF. NATIONAL: 0612 12 03 000009 4 Servitører bankett/a-la carte/renhold Sundvolden Hotel in Norway (1 hour from Oslo) looking for suitable candidates for professional Waiters/Waitress/maid -must be fluent in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian -fantastic and outgoing personality -great customer-relation skills -able to work both first and second shifts -having prior experience from a similar restaurant/hotel will be a plus -eager to learn and upgrade oneself -salary from NOK 139,- pr hour ~ depending on candidate's experience and how well he/she presents him/herself -Apartments available next to the hotel at low rents -Position available from 13st of august 2012 Visit to learn more about us. Información: Cecilie Laeskogen, tlf. 32 16 21 00. Email: [email protected]

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REINO UNIDO: REF. NATIONAL: UXB/54911 10 BAR STAFF, HOSTS AND WAITING STAFF We are excited to have opportunities for staff at every level to join our teams in the world-famous Heathrow Airport. Passionate Waiting Staff, enthusiastic Chefs, brilliant Bartenders, skilled Baristas, energetic Hosts, and more. From long-established favourites such as Garfunkels and Bridge Bar, to exciting developing brands including our stylish Est. Caffe, our classic English pub Harlequin, and luxury VBar, as well as our fantastic franchise partners Giraffe. Working within the airport is a unique experience, with early 4am starts and large numbers of passengers, so experience is essential. Please note that 5 years work and education references are required to work in the airport.. Pension: No details held. For more details please telephone Jobseeker Direct on +44 845 6060 234. Lines are open (UK time) 08.00hrs - 18.00hrs weekdays only. The textphone service for deaf and hearing-impaired people is +44 845 6055 255. If you are suitable for this job you will be asked to register your details (name, date of birth, location, contact telephone) and you will be told how your application will be handled. Please quote job reference number: UXB/54911. REF. NATIONAL: BIE/22140 3 BAR WAITING STAFF Must be 18 if serving alcoholic beverages. Previous experience preferred but not necessary. Must have good customer service skills and be of smart appearance. Duties to include customer service, serving food and drinks, keeping bar area clean and tidy, waiting on tables and any other related tasks as may be required. The employer has claimed an exception . under the Equality Act 2010. . Or applicants can take a CV to the Hotel. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Julie Finn at Durrant House Hotel, [email protected]. REF. NATIONAL: LOS/49094 6 Waiting staff catering bar Driving licence is preferred but not essential. No experience required training can be given. Duties will include preparing food, serving meals, bar tending, waiting on tables and any other related tasks as required. . Apply with CV and recent picture of themselves.. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Ian Sievwright at A.L.S Group, Buslingthorpe, Lincolnshire, LN3 5AQ or to [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: DOV/31848 2 WAITING / BAR STAFF Must be 18 due to licensing laws. Must have some previous waiting experience, a passion for food and good service. Duties include waiting on tables, serving drinks, taking orders, housekeeping and any other duties as required. Own transport essential. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Ben Walton at Marquis at Alkham, [email protected]. REF. NATIONAL: SJC/30229 50 SECURITY OFFICERS Main DutiesPatrolling and maintaining a high level of security presence on site Access control Monitoring Logging information Provide a visible presence Monitor CCTV cameras when required Report any emergency repair requirements to client Evening, nights and weekend work Person Specification Ideal applicants should have the following skills knowledge Must. be over 18 Hold a valid in date SIA licence Hardworking Dedicated Honest and polite Special Requirements Conditions The vetting process requires applicants to provide a continuous record of employment or history for 5 years or back to school leaving whichever is the shorter valid SIA licence. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by telephoning +44 208 2214626 and asking for Patrick Mowbury. REF. NATIONAL: LAU/23437 8 Gardening Grounds Keeping Services No previous experience is required. This is a physically demanding role, and involves a good deal of manual work. Your main duties will be to attend to the greens and fairways, and maintain the grounds as directed, and any tasks as required by the green supervisors.. telephone to apply for application. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by telephoning +44 1837 53053 or +44 1837 55453 and asking for Paul Adams REF. NATIONAL: BOL/114600 4 CALL SALES REP. This is a self employed vacancy. We our looking for enthusiastic outgoing people to join our sales departments. To be successful you will need to be a motivated team player. Must be able to work from home, be goal orientated and enjoy a challenging and rewarding environment. Successful applicants will have Enthusiasm, A Positive attitude, be self . motivated, have Great communication skills, Great presentation, customer service experience. The Company has given an assurance that this vacancy enables workers to achieve a wage equivalent to the National Minimum Wage rate. Self-employed people are responsible for paying their own National Insurance contributions and Tax. For information on how benefits are affected, a and whether entitlement may be lost, speak to a Jobcentre Plus Adviser. Please send your C.V to Pension: No details held. For more details please telephone Jobseeker Direct on +44 845 6060 234. Lines are open (UK time) 08.00hrs - 18.00hrs weekdays only. The textphone service for deaf and hearing-impaired people is +44 845 6055 255. If you are suitable for this job you will be asked to register your details (name, date of birth, location, contact telephone) and you will be told how your application will be handled. Please quote job reference number: BOL/114600.

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REF. NATIONAL: KDL/28574 50 CREW TICKET SALES GENERAL ASSISTANTS We have a range of vacancies on and around Lake Windermere from the end of March until early November. Were looking for friendly and outgoing people to assist with the smooth running of our busy operation and to ensure that our visitors have a safe and enjoyable experience with us. No experience necessary - well teach you what to do. Available positions. include crew to work on board our vessels in coffee shops, bars and to check passenger tickets. We also require staff for the Bowness road train, ticket offices, cafes, shops and information centres around the lake. Positions are available at Lakeside, Bowness and Ambleside. Due to the nature of the business, weekends and some evening work will be necessary.. Pension available. You can apply for this job by obtaining the employer's application form by telephoning +44 1539 443360 ext and asking for Fiona MacKillican or alternatively by emailing the employer at [email protected] and returning it to Fiona MacKillican at Windermere Lake Cruises Ltd, Winander House, Glebe Road, Bowness-on-Windermere, Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria, LA23 3HE or to [email protected]. REF. NATIONAL: BIG/24210 1 MULTILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMIN It is essential that you have a language mix of the following English and Spanish Essential one of the following, French, Italian and German. It will be working a shift pattern between the hours of 7am - 10pm equating to 38 hours per week. Providing a highly efficient, service orientated order fulfilment process for both internal and external sales, . including order acceptance transportation booking scheduling shipment documentation provision and invoice processing, in line with customer requirements. It is essential that you are educated to degree level or equivalent. Level 4 in two European languages English and Spanish essential. Ability to demonstrate lateral thinking. Good communication skills both written and oral. Proven numerical and analytical skills. Ability to demonstrate own initiative. Computer literate.. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Heather Keegan at Jo Hand Recruitment Ltd, [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: FTS/155770 20 Inbound Customer Service and Sales Our client, a major blue chip organisation, currently require a number of experienced staff for their expanding Manchester operation. As an inbound agent, you will deal with new and existing customers, offering excellent service and product knowledge. THIS IS A 100 INBOUND POSITION. You should be confident on selling and promoting products of the company to. the benefit of its customers. Furthermore candidates must have a confident telephone manner, and have experience of working towards targets or KPIs. In return for your hard work, our client offer a fantastic working environment and ongoing training. Furthermore, they offer a competitive basic salary dependent on experience plus bonus opportunities. If this sounds like your ideal opportunity then please email your CV to Mike via Immediate interviews.. Pension: No details held. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Mike Gorman at Selection Group, [email protected].

SUECIA: REF. NATIONAL: 5563807 1 Projektledare med stort intresse för affärssystem och utveckling Organisations-/företagsbeskrivning SCAN COIN AB, with head office in Malmö, is a Swedish company that develops, manufactures and markets solutions for coin and bank-note processing. Market sectors include central and commercial banks, security companies, supermarkets, casinos, bus companies, etc. SCAN COIN's worldwide customer base is served through a network of SCAN COIN companies and distribution partners covering some 120 countries. SCAN COIN Systems, part of SCAN COIN AB, is one of the market leading software developers specialised in cash management systems, mainly for the bank and CIT market. SCAN COIN Systems strong market position has been acquired throughout 23 successful years. Arbetsuppgifter Vill du ta dig an en spännande utmaning? Vill du arbeta i en roll med mycket frihet? I din roll kommer du att verka som projektledare och driva utvecklingsprojekt i nära samarbete tillsammans med kunder. Projekten kan både vara av längre och kortare karaktär, och kan gälla två olika utvecklings plattformar. Du kommer även, vid behov, själv agera som utvecklare. Du kommer att vara med att driva projekt från uppstart till slutleverans hos kund. Till din hjälp har du ett utvecklingsteam på 14 personer. Tjänsten innefattar även en del resor, främst i Europa. Erfarenhet/Utbildning Du har någon form av eftergymnasial bakgrund inom IT som Systemutvecklare eller liknande. Du har arbetat med utveckling av system i ett par år har tagit steget till att driva projekt själv, men vill inte släppa tekniken. Du har erfarenhet av både objektorienterad - och realtidsprogrammering och har kunskaper om utveckling i: C#, .NET, MS SQL, C++ och/eller C. Det är en fördel om du har grundläggande kunskaper inom ekonomi. Det är ett krav att du är flytande i tal och skrift i engelska och svenska. Ansökan I denna rekrytering samarbetar vi med Dfind IT. Välkommen med din ansökan genom att trycka på knappen Sök. Vid frågor gällande tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta rekryteringskonsult Pernilla Ohlsson på 0733-57 36 01 eller [email protected] Uppdragsgivare: SCAN COIN AB Ort: Malmö

REF. NATIONAL: 2069922 1 Experienced tester wanted Academic Work recruitment is looking for a Test Engineer for a recruitment at Jeppesen. The company is a successful partner in developing systems for Aviation, Marine, and Rail Navigation. The company has offices in over 30 countries and is about 300 employees at the office in Gothenburg. You will work in a multicultural and international organization, owned by Boeing. The position involves working in multiple international projects, making sure that each project is using appropriate testing processes and tools. Job description: As the Test Engineer you will be a part of a team that will be testing Jeppesen's large and complex products. You will work strategic - as well with direct hands on technical work. You will work with documentation and reporting, test automation tools, test process development and improvements. You will for example: - Participate in the development of test planning and test procedure documentation including writing detailed test cases - Perform analysis of requirements and providing feedback on requirement testability - Create and maintain automated test cases and automated test solutions - Execute test cases and record results - Automate test cases - Enter defect reports in the project´s approved

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defect tracking system. Development Opportunities: You will be a part of a company that encourages employee development and innovation through side projects and innovation days. Requirements: You need a minimum of three years? experience of testing in a software engineering environment. A Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Software Engineering or Computer Science, or related discipline. You are fluent in English both written as well as oral. It is considered an additional qualification if you have ISQTB certification and experience of Agile Testing. As a person you are disciplined and have a passion for testing. You have the ability to work hard and put time, energy and commitment into your work. You work well with other people and relates to them in a sensitive and flexible way. You are driven and and well aware of targets and standards of quality in you work. START DATE: Mid April EXTENT OF WORK: Permanent recruitment LOCATION: Gothenburg city central CONTACT: Mathias Karlsson REFERENCE NUMBER: MK 64166 LAST APPLICATION DATE: 12/3-2012 Do you find this job interesting? This recruitment is performed by Academic Work Recruitment and you will be employed by Jeppesen. Interested? Send your application as soon as possible as we will go through the applications on a daily basis and the position may be appointed before the due date. Please apply for the job via or send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] . REF. NATIONAL: 4865111 10 Forestry workers for manual work Forestry workers We need to hire 2-3 teams with 3-4 people in each team, who have experience of working together and with experience of similar work. Work is conducted primarily in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. Requirement is that at least one in the team speak English and that every team has access to a private car. We want your application by mail asap, not later than 2012-04-08, but we conducted continuosly so search immediately, work is expected to start 2012-05-01. Chord salary. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL 4864835 1 Agriculture worker Agriculture worker to animal farm in Södermanland Sweden. Qualifications: Experiences in cattle and sheep breeding. Experiences in driving tractor, working in forest and maintaining buildings. [email protected] REF. NATIONAL: 4865031 4 Computer programmers We are a next generation IT-Services provider and we help organisations to improve business by delivering powerful, yet easy to use IT, regardless of size, geography or market focus. Cloudmore have been repeatedly named as one of the most promising growth companies in Europe. Essential requirements: We are looking for passionate developers that, in a tight team with inspiration and creativity, will develop our next generation web, desktop and mobile applications. You should have an university degree in programming and at least 3 year’s experience of Java. You need to be fluent in English, which is our corporate language. Desirable requirements: Knowledge in C++ and Kudos for knowledge in Scrum. [email protected]


Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en diferentes idiomas)

REF. NATIONAL: 10000-1080824928 2 Biologielaborant (m/w) für die Schweiz gesucht Arbeitsort: Wir bieten Ihnen: - Schweizer Arbeitsvertrag - Einarbeitung durch unser Kundenunternehmen - Unterstützung bei der Unterkunftssuche - Unterstützung Wahl der Krankenkasse Sie bringen mit: - Ausbildung zum Biologoelaborant/in - Berufserfahrung - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte vollständige Unterlagen: Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse; Führerscheine: Fahrerlaubnis B PKW/Kleinbusse (alt: FS 3): Zwingend erforderlich [email protected]