reputación corporativa.docx

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Reputacin Corporativa.docx



    Aunque la reputacin corporativa (RC) es un concepto complejo de definir, desde

    nuestro punto de vista es el conjunto de expectativas, percepciones y opiniones que los

    clientes, empleados, proveedores, inversores y el pblico en general desarrollan

    respecto a una organizacin, basndose en la experiencia personal, los rumores o la

    observacin de las acciones pasadas de dicha organizacin. Por lo tanto, esta definicin

    seala que seala que:

    a) no existe una sola reputacin, de hecho, es un concepto multidimensional

    que difiere segn el grupo de inters que se estudie;

    b) la reputacin se construye con el tiempo;

    c) la reputacin corporativa se basa en el comportamiento de las empresas y de

    las actividades realizadas;

    d) la reputacin corporativa se ve influenciada por la experiencia de las partes

    interesadas en la empresa.

    Para la psicologa, la reputacin es bsicamente el sistema que las personas utilizan

    para evaluar el riesgo de una interaccin. En cambio, a nivel organizacional, la

    reputacin corporativa es el medio que permite a las partes interesadas (del ingls

    stakeholders cualquier persona o entidad que se ve afectada o concernida por las

    actividades o la marcha de una organizacin: clientes, empleados, etc. ) evaluar el

    riesgo de interactuar con la empresa.

    Desde una perspectiva econmica se asocia la reputacin corporativa a las

    caractersticas distintivas de la firma (habilidades, recursos, etc.) que hacen a la empresa

    nica y le permiten mantener las ventajas competitivas. En esta lnea, la reputacin es

    una de las mayores ventajas competitivas para la empresa.

    Desde la perspectiva contable, la reputacin es un activo que puede ser considerado

    como un efectivo conductor de las ventas y de la rentabilidad. En este sentido la

    reputacin se puede con siderar como una parte del fondo de comercio de la

    organizacin, un activo intangible que los contables utilizan para calcular el precio de

    venta de una empresa. Existen infinidad de mtodos para el clculo del fondo de

    comercio, pero con el propsito de ilustrar, puede ser entendido como la diferencia,expresada en trminos monetarios, entre el valor contable de los activos de la empresa

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    menos sus pasivos y su valor de mercado. Las reglas contables a menudo recomiendan

    que el fondo de comercio sea tratado al igual que un activo fsico (tangible) y que por lo

    tanto tambin est sujeto a depreciacin.

    Este hecho resalta un aspecto crucial de la reputacin corporativa: puede, a lo largodel tiempo, depreciarse hasta cero, e incluso, por debajo de cero. Esto significa que la

    reputacin corporativa puede, y de hecho en ocasiones as ocurre, convertirse en algo

    negativo. La reputacin corporativa podra pues convertirse, a travs de un proceso

    prolongado de mala gestin, en algo que puede ser denominado desreputacin; dejado

    as de ser un activo para convertirse en un pasivo.

    Por su parte, para la disciplina del marketing que se centra en un grupo de inters

    concreto, los clientes, la reputacin es una fuerza que tiene el potencial de atraer a los

    clientes e influir en los procesos de compra-venta.

    Un enfoque ms sofisticado incluye el papel clave de la relacin entre la empresa y

    partes interesadas (los stakeholders). Este punto de vista pone de relieve la importancia

    de las expectativas de las partes interesadas y de nuevo nos permiten vincular la

    reputacin al valor econmico de la empresa.

    Todas estas formas de entender la reputacin corporativa dan una idea la

    importancia que est cobrando en la era de la economa globalizada. De lo dicho hasta

    el momento consideramos oportuno resaltar el riesgo que para la empresa supone la

    desreputacin, haciendo hincapi en el concepto de confianza de las partes interesadas

    por su relevancia para el desarrollo de una gestin prctica en lo que a riesgo

    reputacional se refiere.

    Finalizamos este bloque resumiendo que la reputacin corporativa es un concepto de

    extraordinaria riqueza multidisciplinar y sus diferentes interpretaciones varan entre las

    disciplinas acadmicas. Sin embargo, es posible distinguir que la reputacin corporativa

    se asocia con las caractersticas nicas de una firma (cultura, ubicacin, productos,

    resultados financieros y econmicos) y depende en gran medida de la percepcin de los

    observadores de y de las expectativas de las partes interesadas de la empresa.

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    La RC, por lo general, se crea lentamente a travs de la innovacin, de la provisin

    de un excelente servicio o productos, y de un servicio post-venta de primera calidad. La

    forma ms obvia de incremento y propagacin de la RC es va boca a boca entre

    clientes que han adquirido productos o servicios y que estn completamente satisfechos

    con ellos. Incrementar las ventas mediante las recomendaciones de los clientes

    contribuye sin lugar a dudas a la futura propagacin de la RC. La reputacin del

    producto es un componente vital de la RC que, como consecuencia, est ntimamente

    ligada a la calidad de los productos/servicios que una organizacin ofrece, el

    establecimiento de marcas y la singularidad y carcter innovativo de esos productos. La

    estrecha relacin entre los productos y marcas de una organizacin y su nombrecomercial puede entenderse fcilmente considerando el ejemplo de la empresa

    multinacional Apple y uno de sus productos estrella: el iPhone. Hoy en da es habitual

    que se usara la palabra iPhone como sinnimo de telfono mvil. Se dira pues se

    ha comprado un iPhone dando a entender que se ha comprado un telfono mvil de

    gama alta.

    Una forma muy potente de de establecer marcas (y de aumentar la CR) es a travs

    de anuncios en los medios de comunicacin: televisin, radio, revistas especializadas y

    peridicos son los principales. Estos anuncios, cuyo fin es el establecer una nueva

    marca en el mercado, no deben slo divulgar informacin acerca del producto, sino que

    su objetivo principal debera ser el conectar los productos de la empresa con emociones


    La RC de una organizacin tambin podra, claro est, beneficiarse de las

    emociones positivas asociadas a las marcas/productos dada la estrecha relacin entre la

    marca y su reputacin.

    Hay sin embargo otro componente de la RC. Este est relacionado con el

    comportamiento general de la empresa y su poltica comercial. Es la nocin de

    responsabilidad corporativa, un concepto altamente considerado en la actualidad por

    las organizaciones que, bsicamente, impulsa una gestin responsable y una valoracin

    del impacto que sobre la sociedad y el medio ambiente tienen sus actividades. Hoy en

    da la responsabilidad corporativa est estrechamente conectada la reputacincorporativa. Por ejemplo, una compaa que limite sus emisiones de efecto invernadero

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    ganar en reputacin corporativa, siempre cuando se informe de este dato a los posibles

    consumidores. En este contexto, es nuevo social media, como las redes sociales

    Twitter y Facebook, las que dan a las compaas la posibilidad de interactuar con un

    pblico amplio para explicar sus polticas comerciales y as aumentar su RC.

    Por ltimo, la RC es indisociable de la habilidad de la organizacin, y sus

    antecedentes, para proporcionar un rendimiento consistente y dividendos a sus



    Las compaas que disfrutan de una buena RC encontraran fcil obtener crdito

    en trminos preferenciales. Dichos fondos permitirn inversiones, expansin y la

    oportunidad de invertir en el continuo desarrollo de su RC.

    Por lo general la RC permite a la co rporacin cargar un precio premium por

    sus productos, obteniendo por lo tanto buenos mrgenes de beneficio. Como

    consecuencia es probable que una excelente RC se convierta en un importante factor

    que contribuya a la viabilidad a largo plazo de la corporacin. Las compaas quedisfrutan de buena RC encontraran ms fcil encontrar socios para estableces

    operaciones en el extranjero.

    Por ltimo, es sabido que las grandes corporaciones son capaces de influir sobre

    los polticos. Por ello, grandes corporaciones con una buena reputacin corporativa

    pueden ser capaces de crear marcos legislativos que sean favorables para sus

    operaciones. Un ejemplo de ello es la modificacin de la Ley Antitabaco que la

    compaa estadounidense Las Vegas Sands ha conseguido para su EuroVegas Madrid,un complejo un complejo turstico y de ocio que se pretende ubicar en Alcorcn.


    La desreputacin, como pasivo, tiene exactamente el efecto opuesto a la positiva

    reputacin corporativa. Una compaa que tenga mala reputacin encontrar difcil

    obtener crdito. Es probable que las ventas declinen conforme los clientes pierdan la

    confianza en los productos o servicios que la compaa ofrece. La disminucin de las

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    ganancias asociada al colapso en ventas puede causar serios problemas financieros y

    finalmente forzar la compaa a la liquidacin.

    En conclusin, como factor positivo, una excelente RC puede constituir una

    ventaja competitiva y un activo indispensable en el mundo competitivo de hoy en da.Es un medio para salvaguardar mrgenes de beneficio, una herramienta de influencia,

    una garanta para el acceso a crdito y un contribuidor del xito corporativo y de su



    This part of the report examines how two big multinational companies manage

    Corporate Reputation. It is divided into four subsections and a conclusion. The

    corporations chosen for this purpose are Telefnica and Repsol. As there is more public

    information available on how Telefnica manages its Corporate Reputation the report

    will primarily concentrate on that company in describing how Corporate Reputation is

    dealt with by big corporations.

    ABOUT TELEFNICA:Telefnica is indeed large and international. According to a report by IE

    Business School, from which much of this information is taken, in 2003 Telefnica had

    89 million clients; 14 000 suppliers; 18 million shareholders and 150 000 employees.

    The company is active in 50 countries. Telefnica concentrates its operations on the

    telecommunications business: broadband, internet, mobile services and fixed telephony

    in Latin America. Being active in so many different countries there is plenty of

    opportunity for things to go wrong that can potentially hurt the reputation of thecompany. This makes the active management of Corporate Reputation especially

    important. Csar Alierta, the chief operating officer of Telefnica, has recognized this

    explicitly when he said:

    I am convinced that our reputation is an asset we must manage and improve on

    a daily basis, referencing it to a vision and to values. That is our challenge doing as we

    say to built trust in the long term.

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    Csar Aierta also said that the goal of Telefnica was to become an operator that

    can be trusted by all those associate with it and that 'trust' became the main value that

    the 'Corporate Reputation Project' (CRP) of Telefnica.

    From this it can be seen that Telefnia considers trust a principal tool and valuein the management of Corporate Reputation. How Telefnica set about to manage

    Corporate Reputation is explained under the next heading.


    Telefnica, being aware of the potential risks to its reputation, created the

    'Corporate Reputation Project A' (CRP) in December 20001. There is also a 'Corporate

    Reputation Project B', but this program deals specifically with the social alarm caused by mobile telephone antennas and is not of particular interest for this report. A major

    objective of the CRP was to establish points of contact with stakeholders and to manage

    those contacts in an efficient and systematic way, so that the group could share

    methodologies for all its lines of business and major countries in which it operates. To

    understand this objective it is useful to appreciate that companies are in a position to

    influence the groups of people with whom they are in constant contact. Such contacts

    therefore are an excellent opportunity to promote Corporate Reputation. It is also

    interesting that Telefnica includes a very wide range of people and agents in its

    definition of 'stakeholders'. The concept 'stakeholders' usually refers to any group of

    people who have an interest in, or are affected by, the decisions and operations of a

    company. Telefnica considers these groups of people as its stakeholders: clients,

    employees, investors, society, legislators, government and public opinion. The IE

    Business School report mentions that the following principles were used in order to

    guide the development of CPR:

    To define and implant the public profile of the group as a player in an open

    society, paying particular attention to the definition of the groups values and codes of

    conduct with regards to society .

    This leads back to the importance of the values that Csar Alierta mentioned (see

    quote at the beginning) and highlights the role that values have in promoting a

    Corporate Reputation. The principles also show that a code of conduct is another

    important tool that companies can use to create trust.

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    Mr. Alberto Andreu, who was involved in developing CRP, highlighted another

    important factor in managing Corporate Reputation in this statement:

    Telefnica had sufficient vision to anticipate the fact that the way ahead for a

    company in the future would be based on its capacity for managing its reputation ontwo levels: as a risk related to the business of a company and as an opportunity for

    bringing out a good part of the value companies normally have hidden away .

    The factor that Mr. Andreu emphasized in relation to Corporate Reputation is


    - In relation to clients the risks to corporate reputation are obvious. They consist

    of a breakdown in services or other aspects that affect the decisions of clients. Inthis context a breakdown in the internet connection provided by Telefnica

    comes to mind.

    - In relation to shareholders an obvious risk exists in the price of shares that may

    be adversely affected by unwise decisions taken by the company.

    - In relation to employees the reputational risk is for the company not being

    perceived as fair or as not providing adequate prospects for the future.

    - In relation to suppliers the risk is that purchasing decisions are perceived as not

    being transparent or objective.

    Operating the CRP, Telefnica learnt that risks primarily arose from the

    continuous contacts with clients and other stakeholders and understood that reputation

    could be managed effectively via these contacts. In this context, soft skills related to

    corporate culture, emotional appeal of the brand name, responsibility, ethics, and

    communication were found to be important.


    Telefnica identified the following dimensions of Corporate Reputation:

    - Emotional perception . The extent to which the company is admired,

    appreciated and respected.

    - Products and services . Perceptions of quality, innovation, value and reliability

    of the companys products/services.

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    - Financial realization . Perception of its competitiveness, profitability, growth

    expectations and risks.

    - Vision and leadership . Companys ca pacity for recognizing and capitalizing

    market opportunities.

    - Work environment . Perceptions of employees and their work and what

    working in the company is like.

    - Social responsibility . Perception of the way in which the company deals with

    people, social causes and the environment.

    It is worth noting that almost all of the above factors are related to intangible aspects

    of management. The objective of the ICRM was to integrate the variables affecting

    reputation into a coherent model. It was based and structured around questions on three

    different levels: what we are; what we do; and what we say. This led to the

    integration the following aspects: business ethics, values, mission and vision, corporate

    social responsibility, corporate identity, corporate governance and communication. This

    shows that Corporate Reputation touches almost all aspects of business activity in one

    way or another.


    Repsol is an integrated energy company that undertakes exploration and

    production of hydrocarbons as well as downstream refining activities. The company

    posted a net income of 2,060 million in 2012 and employs people in over 30 countries.By any standards, Repsol can therefore be described as an international corporation.


    The information that follows has been taken from the Repsol's annual report for


    In the report one can read that soli d fi nancial resul ts depend heavil y on winni ng

    the tru st of an organization's most significant stakeholders. Another paragraph states

    that building trust involves having strong and differentiated brands, capable of meeting

    stakeholders' expectations through excellent corporate conduct and timely and relevant

    communications. From this it can be seen that Repsol like Telefnica identifies 'trust' as

    a key component in the management of Corporate Reputation.

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    We can further read that a brand defines the company's commitment to

    stakeholders, while reputation is the value judgment stakeholders have in the company

    'honouring' this pledge. This coincides with Telefnica's insistence on a 'code of

    conduct' which also has the practical effect of the company honouring it's pledges.

    Repsol has an 'Intangible Assets Department' which is responsible for Corporate

    Reputation. Here a difference arises as Telefnica has a department especially dedicated

    for the promotion of corporate responsibility. The difference becomes more obvious

    when one looks at Repsol's website. The website emphasizes 'Corporate Responsibil ity'

    rather than Corporate Reputation. When one considers the risks inherent in oil

    exploration, particularly considering the Deepwater Horizon oils spill for which BP

    was responsible, then it becomes clear that the public must be primarily interested in

    the 'responsible behaviour' of oil companies. Of course, Corporate Responsibility and

    Corporate Reputation are very closely related. Another difference in the approach to

    managing Corporate Reputation is that Telefnica used a strategy by creating and

    implementing a 'Corporate Reputation Program' through which it learnt practical

    approaches of managing corporate reputation. In contrast Repsol primarily sets out

    general principal and values as an approach to Corporate Responsibility.


    In conclusion it can be seen that Telefnica used the creation of a special

    program, the CRP, to develop an effective approach to managing corporate reputation.

    Repsol relies primarily on principles and values for managing Corporate Reputation.

    Another difference arises because of the different nature of the business of

    telecommunications and oil exploration. As can be seen when looking at Repsol's

    website, the company does not emphasize Corporate Reputation but rather concentrates

    on Corporate Responsibility.

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