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    Especialidad Mecánica



    Autor: José Antonio López Cabezas

    Director: Richard Day


    Junio 2016




    1º. Declaración de la autoría y acreditación de la misma.

    El autor D. José Antonio López Cabezas

    DECLARA ser el titular de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de la obra:

    Microwave processing of Carbon-Fibre/PEEK , que ésta es una obra original, y que ostenta la

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    Madrid, a 30 de Mayo de 2016 .



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    Especialidad Mecánica



    Autor: José Antonio López Cabezas

    Director: Richard Day


    Junio 2016



    Autor: López Cabezas, José Antonio

    Directores: Day, Richard

    Entidad Colaboradora: Airbus Advanced Composite & Developement Centre

    Glyndwr University

    1. Introducción

    Los termoplásticos de alto rendimiento como el PEEK (Poliéter-Éter-Cetona) alcanzan

    incluso mejores propiedades cuando son combinados con fibra de carbono. La

    combinación de la fibra de carbono y el PEEK (CFR-PEEK) es un material compuesto

    avanzado con aplicaciones principalmente aeronáuticas, médicas o estructurales.

    El procesado de éste material es una de sus principales limitaciones. Los métodos

    usados actualmente para fabricar piezas de este material permiten altas velocidades de

    producción, pero necesitan equipo especializado y específico. Además, como este

    material no es muy flexible comparado con otros materiales compuestos, especialmente

    a temperatura ambiente, las geometrías creadas con esto métodos han de ser simples.

    El procesado mediante microondas de materiales compuestos tiene varias ventajas

    (especialmente con microondas de frecuencia variable, VFM) como un calentamiento

    uniforme de la pieza, la utilización de un equipo general que puede ser usado para

    varios propósitos y tiempos de fabricación reducidos. Aplicar éste método al CFR-

    PEEK es algo que nadie ha intentado antes públicamente y que podría mejorar los

    métodos de producción no sólo de ese material, si no de los materiales compuestos de

    matriz termoplástica en general.

    En este proyecto ha sido estudiado el procesado mediante microondas de éste material.

    Investigando y llevando a cabo una gran cantidad de test para encontrar un método

  • adecuado y óptimo, analizando los resultados y procedimientos y estudiando la posible

    aplicación de este método a procesos de producción reales.

    2. Metodología

    Las primeras semanas de laboratorio fueron usadas para aprender a manejar

    adecuadamente todo el equipo disponible. Las muestras hechas para los test constan de

    8 capas de CFR-PEEK unidireccional, siguiendo esta configuración que es la más usada

    comúnmente: 90º, 0º, 45º, -45º, -45º, 45º, 0º, 90º. Las capas tienen que ser unidas

    mediante “puntos de soldadura” usando un soldador de estaño. El tamaño de las

    muestras es de 7x18mm.

    Una de las limitaciones del procesado mediante microondas del CFR-PEEK son los

    materiales usados para preparar la muestra. La temperatura necesaria para procesar el

    CFR-PEEK (Aproximadamente 380 ºC) es más alta que el punto de fusión de

    prácticamente todos los materiales usados para la producción de materiales compuestos.

    Pero como la temperatura alcanzada en la mayoría de los experimentos no llega hasta

    esta temperatura, y como la temperatura tenía que ser medida y para ello eran necesarios

    otros materiales, éstos fueron usados igualmente.

    La base de la muestra usada para insertarla dentro de la cavidad, está hecha de un vidrio

    cerámico conocido y registrado como Neoceram ™. Dos planchas de este material

    fueron encargadas a medida para éste propósito.

    Los microondas usados constan de varias partes: Un ordenador con un programa para

    controlar el proceso, un generador de onda, un amplificador, la cavidad y un termómetro

    conectado al ordenador midiendo la temperatura de la muestra. Han sido usados dos

    tipos distintos de procesado por microondas, frecuencia fija y frecuencia variable. Para

    el proceso con microondas variable han sido probados dos modos: controlado

    manualmente y controlado por ordenador.

    El proceso con VFM requiere que se escojan y se fijen las frecuencias a las cuales va a

    trabajar. Para cada frecuencia el comportamiento del material es diferente. Se han

  • intentado escoger las frecuencias con más baja reflexión para conseguir la máxima

    absorción de potencia por parte del material.

    3. Discusión y resultados

    Siguiendo los procedimientos descritos anteriormente, multitud de métodos diferentes

    han sido probados para procesar el CFR-PEEK, cambiando todos los parámetros

    posibles para conseguir un buen procesado. Se distinguen 4 variables de métodos

    distintos, así que han sido agrupados en 4 grupos, ordenados cronológicamente.

    3.1 Primer método, cavidad grande, VFM controlado manualmente.

    La muestra fue precalentada en un horno. Con este método las frecuencias deben ser

    escogidas como un rango y no frecuencias específicas. Lo que significa que el

    microondas usará todas las frecuencias comprendidas en ese rango aleatoriamente. El

    rango escogido fue 7-7.5 GHz. La máxima temperatura alcanzada fue 244ºC y la

    muestra estaba completamente doblada después de este proceso.

    El procesado de CFR-PEEK con microondas necesita mucha potencia. La cinta usada

    para aplicar presión estaba desintegrada después del proceso. Actualmente no es posible

    encontrar una cinta de presión que se distribuya comercialmente que pueda soportar la

    temperatura requerida para el procesado de éste material.

    3.2 Segundo método, frecuencia fija.

    El microondas de frecuencia fija disponible en el laboratorio usa la frecuencia 2,45 GHz

    como la mayoría de ellos. La reflexión (SWR) del CFR-PEEK a esta frecuencia es

    bastante alta, la potencia no puede ser absorbida eficientemente. Además, el programa

    del microondas de frecuencia fija funciona estableciendo unos parámetros, y éste regula

    el proceso a partir de un modelo teórico. Es posible lo diferente que es éste modelo

    teórico con el material estudiado.

  • En éste grafico se puede observar como la temperatura alcanzada por el modelo teórico

    era de 350ºC mientras que la temperatura real de la muestra es de 51ºC. Otras pruebas

    fueron realizadas, cambiando todos los parámetros disponibles, obteniendo resultados

    similares. Ésta frecuencia fija, la más común, es inútil para procesar CFR-PEEK. Otros

    experimentos han sido realizados con el VFM usándolo para una sola frecuencia,

    obteniendo resultados significativamente mejores.

    3.3 Tercer método, cavidad pequeña, VFM controlado manualmente

    El procedimiento seguido en estos test ha sido el mismo usado para el primer método

    pero con una cavidad más apropiada al tamaño de la muestra. Los mejores resultados

    para este método han sido obtenidos usando un rango de frecuencias muy pequeño

    (6.752 - 6.917 GHz). Elegir un rango de frecuencias pequeño permite el uso de mucha

    más potencia que un rango de frecuencias grande con picos de alta reflexión.

    3936,12; 350,01

    3936,12; 51,17950





    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000




    re (


    Time (s)

    2nd Test, Single frequency

    Theoric temperature

    Real temperature

    3000; 245








    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500




    re (






    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.2 Power (W) and Temperature (C)

    Temperature (C)

    Power (W)

  • 3.4 Cuarto método, VFM controlado con ordenador.

    Éste es el método más completo y el que tiene un más alto potencial para ser usado en

    procesos reales de fabricación. A pesar de las limitaciones del equipo utilizado, éste ha

    sido el método más usado y con el que mejores resultados se han obtenido. Éste método

    permite usar varias frecuencias exactas, elegidas por el usuario y elegir la potencia

    aplicada a cada una de ellas. El programa va cambiando entre ellas ordenadamente

    varias veces por segundo.

    Frequency Reflection Power (dB) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

    6.8239 1.119 * * * * * * 7.0641 1.104 -2 -1.4 -0.9 -0.4 0 0 7.8046 1.035 -2 -1.3 -0.7 -0.4 0 0 8.0318 1.109 -2 -1.4 -0.8 -0.4 0 * 8.2799 1.0202 -2 -1.2 -0.6 -0.4 0 *

    El gráfico enseña juntos todos los diferentes test que constituyen un solo experimento,

    durante los experimentos se produjeron diversos puntos calientes, alcanzando

    temperatura suficiente para fundir la matriz. Elegir las frecuencias con la reflexión más

    baja es un factor determinante.

    5930; 277,91








    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000




    re (


    Time (s)

    Test 4.4.6 Temperature

  • 4. Conclusiones

    El CFR-PEEK es un material con excelentes propiedades, ideal para múltiples

    aplicaciones. El procesa con microondas de este material ha demostrado consumir

    mucha potencia. Este material reacciona bien a las microondas, especialmente a

    relativamente bajas temperaturas, pero la temperatura necesaria para procesar este

    material es muy alta, entorno a los 380ºC. Mientras más alta es la temperatura, mucha

    más potencia necesita el material para subir esta temperatura. Esto demuestra que la

    tangente de pérdidas del CFR-PEEK es baja.

    La principal limitación de los experimentos ha sido la falta de potencia del equipo

    utilizado. Aunque la potencia hubiera sido la necesaria, los materiales necesarios para

    preparar la muestra no hubiesen suportado esa temperatura. En un proceso de

    producción los materiales usados en contacto con el CFR-PEEK, deberían ser

    cerámicos, ya que los metales reflejan las microondas y prácticamente ningún polímero

    puede aguantar las temperaturas necesarias.

    Las mejores frecuencias para este proceso varían de un experimento a otro, pero

    siempre están en el rango 6,5-8,5 GHZ, Así que el equipo usado debería cubrir este

    rango de frecuencias.

    Para consolidar el laminado es necesaria tanto temperatura como presión, debido a que

    los métodos de vacío y las cintas de presión no son compatibles con este proceso por las

    altas temperaturas, la presión no ha podido ser reproducida en el laboratorio.

    Hacer test a las muestras no tiene sentido ya que el laminado no está consolidado y las

    capas están separadas. Se han hecho algunos test de calorimetría diferencial de barrido

    (DSC), pero se han omitido debido a la inutilidad y poca coherencia de los resultados.

    El procesado mediante microondas de materiales compuesto es relativamente nuevo y

    no está muy extendido. Este proyecto abre las puertas para poder aplicar este método al

    CFR-PEEK y otros materiales compuestos con matriz termoplástica.


    Author: López Cabezas, José Antonio

    Directors: Day, Richard

    Collaborating Entity: Airbus Advanced Composite & Developement Centre

    Glyndwr University

    1. Introduction

    High-performance thermoplastics like Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) achieve even

    better properties when combined with Continuous Carbon fibres. The combination of

    CF with PEEK is a high-performance advanced composite with excellent properties,

    suitable for lots of high demanding applications including medical, structural and


    Processing CFR-PEEK is the main limitation of this material. Methods available and

    used to process CFR-PEEK like hydroforming and matched die forming allows high

    production rates, but they need expensive specific equipment, and, since the material is

    solid and not very flexible at ambient temperatures, the geometries that can be created

    with this methods are very simple.

    Microwave processing of composites materials has advantages (especially Variable

    Frequency Microwaves, VFM) like uniform heating, more general equipment and also

    reduced processing times. Applying this method to CFR-PEEK is something that

    nobody has tried before publically and can improve processing methods not only for

    this material, but for all thermoplastic-matrix composites in general.

    In this project has been studied the microwave processing of this material. Researching

    and Performing lots of test to find a correct and optimum method, analysing the results

    and procedures and studying the application of this method to real industry processes.

  • 2. Experimental procedures (Methodology)

    The first weeks were spent in learning about the equipment available in the laboratory.

    The samples made for the tests consist of eight layers of unidirectional CFR-PEEK pre-

    preg. Following this common configuration: 90º, 0º, 45º, -45º, -45º, 45º, 0º, 90º. Layers

    have been joined together by welding spots using a soldering iron. The size of the

    samples is 7x18mm.

    One of the limitations of the CFR-PEEK microwave processing is the materials used to

    prepare the simple. Temperature necessary to process CFR-PEEK (380ºC

    approximately) is higher than the melting point of all materials (polymers) commonly

    used to process composite materials. Since the temperature were not high enough in

    most cases, and since it was necessary to record the temperature and try to apply some

    pressure to the sample, different materials have been used.

    The base of the sample inside the cavity was made of a glass-ceramic material

    trademarked and commonly known as Neoceram ™. Two plates were purchased with

    similar size of the samples.

    The microwave machines used are formed of several parts: the computer running the

    program that controls the process, the wave generator, the amplifier, the cavity and the

    thermometer. Two different microwave processing have been used, single frequency

    and variable frequency. Variable frequency microwave, as expected, worked better with

    this material. Two methods were used with VFM, manually controlled and program


    The VFM process requires to set the frequencies that are going to be used, for each

    frequency the material’s behaviour is different. It has been tried to choose the lowest

    reflection frequencies to achieve the maximum absorption of power by the material.

  • 3. Results and discussion

    Following the procedures described before, lots of different methods have been tried to

    microwave CFR-PEEK, changing parameters to achieve a good microwave processing:

    the materials used to prepare the sample, the material of the base, the way of the

    pressure is applied, the microwave cavity, the microwave machine, the frequencies

    used, the power used, the time, the ramp-rate, the program, et cetera. The experiments

    were divided in 4 methods, chronologically ordered.

    3.1 First method, big cavity, manually controlled VFM

    The sample was pre-heated in an oven, with this method the frequencies have to be set

    by a range, which means the microwave uses all the frequencies in the range set,

    swapping between them randomly. The range set was 7-7.5 GHz. The maximum

    temperature reached was 244ºC and the sample was completely bent after the process.

    CFR-PEEK microwave processing is very power demanding, in a big cavity

    microwaves cannot concentrate properly to heat up a small simple. Shrink tape was

    used to apply pressure and it was completely disintegrated after the process. Nowadays

    is not possible to find a commercial shrink tape which can withstand the temperature


    3.2 Second method, single frequency

    Single frequency microwave facilities available in the laboratory uses the common

    2,45GHz frequency. The reflection (SWR) of CFR-PEEK at this frequency is high, and

    the power cannot be absorbed efficiently. Furthermore, the software of single frequency

    microwave works setting the parameters of a theoretical model, it is possible to see how

    different the behaviour of this material is compared with a common CFR-Thermoset


  • The temperature reached by the theoretical model was 350ºC while the real temperature

    of the sample were stabilised at 51ºC. Another tries were performed changing all the

    parameters available, but the results were similar. Single frequency microwaves at this

    frequency are useless to process CFR-PEEK. Another experiments with the VFM

    facilities has been performed with a single frequency, obtaining better results.

    3.3 Third method, small cavity, manually controlled VFM

    The procedure followed in these tests were the same used in the first method but with a

    more appropriated cavity size. The best results were obtained with a small range of

    frequencies (6.752 - 6.917 GHz). Choosing a low-reflection small range allows the use

    of much more power than a big range with high reflection peeks.

    3936,12; 350,01

    3936,12; 51,17950





    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000




    re (


    Time (s)

    2nd Test, Single frequency

    Theoric temperature

    Real temperature

    3000; 245








    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500




    re (






    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.2 Power (W) and Temperature (C)

    Temperature (C)

    Power (W)

  • 3.4 Fourth method, computer controlled VFM.

    This is the most complete method and it has the highest potential. Besides some

    limitations of the equipment, it was the most used method. This method allows to use

    several exact frequencies, and choose the power applied for each one. The program

    swaps between them periodically and orderly several times per second. For example:

    Frequency Reflection Power (dB) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

    6.8239 1.119 * * * * * * 7.0641 1.104 -2 -1.4 -0.9 -0.4 0 0 7.8046 1.035 -2 -1.3 -0.7 -0.4 0 0 8.0318 1.109 -2 -1.4 -0.8 -0.4 0 * 8.2799 1.0202 -2 -1.2 -0.6 -0.4 0 *

    The graph shows the different tests that form one experiment. Several hot points were

    created during the experiments, reaching the enough temperature to melt the matrix.

    Finding the lowest-reflection frequencies is a determinant factor.

    5930; 277,91








    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000




    re (


    Time (s)

    Test 4.4.6 Temperature

  • 4. Conclusions

    CFR-PEEK is a material with exceptional properties and ideal for multiple applications.

    The microwave processing of the material has demonstrated to be very power-

    demanding. The material reacted well to microwaves, especially at relatively low

    temperatures, but the temperature needed to process this material is very high, around

    380ºC. The higher the temperature of the material is, the higher power is needed to

    elevate this temperature. This demonstrates it is a low loss-tangent material. The

    principal limitation of the tests was the microwave facilities available were not powerful

    enough to process the material.

    Even If the power would had been enough, the materials used to prepare the sample

    cannot afford these high temperatures. In a production process the materials that should

    be used are ceramics or metallic, because other polymers (films and tapes) cannot afford

    the high temperatures needed. Metallic materials reflect microwaves, so they should not

    be used during microwave processing.

    The best frequencies to process the material (low reflection ones) vary from one test to

    another, but the best frequencies always were between 6.5 to 8.5 GHz so the equipment

    used should cover this range of frequencies.

    To consolidate a laminate it is required both, pressure and temperature. Since the

    available vacuum methods and shrink tapes are not compatible with this process

    because of the high temperature needed, it was not possible to reproduce this pressure in

    the laboratory. The pressure should be applied after the heating.

    Testing the samples has no point when the laminate is not consolidated. Differential

    Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) tests have been made but omitted because of the

    uselessness of the results.

    Single frequency and variable frequency microwaves have been tested. In theory and

    based on the research made, variable frequency microwaves can perform a uniform

    heating of a sample, penetrating inside the material and heating not only the surface but

    the inside.

  • Microwave processing of materials is relatively new and not very extended. This project

    opens the gates to applying this method to CFR-PEEK and other thermoplastic


  • 1


    I would like to express my very great appreciation to my project supervisor, Professor

    Richard Day, who gave me the freedom to explore on my own, but always leaded

    me in the right way and helped me with his vast knowledge about composites.

    My deepest gratitude to Mr. Ian Winnington, who helped me not only academically,

    but emotionally. His patience and support helped me overcome frustration moments.

    My great appreciation to professor Jesús Ramón Jiménez Octavio, who always

    solved all my doubts kindly, quickly and comprehensively.

    Most importantly, none of this would have been possible without the love and support

    of my family. My father, my mother, my sister and my grandparents, who have been

    a constant source of love, concern, support and strength all these years.

    I am also grateful to Airbus Composite centre and Glyndwr University, for giving me

    all the facilities and sources of knowledge. And, of course, I am very grateful to ICAI

    and all its professors for giving me the knowledge and the experience about

    engineering, completely necessary to face this project properly.

  • 2


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................ 1

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... 2

    1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 5

    1.1 Aims of the project...................................................................................... 6

    2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................................................. 7

    2.1 Classifying CFR-PEEK and comparison between Thermoplastic Matrix

    Composites (TPMC) and Thermosets Matrix Composites (TSMC). .................... 7

    2.1.1 The Reinforcement .................................................................................. 7

    2.1.2 The matrix ............................................................................................... 8

    2.2 The Matrix : common properties and PEEK structure .............................. 11

    2.3 Crystallinity of the matrix .......................................................................... 12

    2.4 Microwaving composite materials ............................................................ 13

    2.5 Keys of manufacturing Thermoplastics composites like CFR-PEEK ........ 15

    2.6 Conventional manufacturing methods for CFR-PEEK .............................. 17

    3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ................................................................. 18

    3.1 Project timeline and analysis of task ............................................................ 18

    3.1.1 Brief Analysis of timeline tasks .............................................................. 18

    3.1.2. Project timeline ..................................................................................... 20

    3.2 Introduction to laboratory ............................................................................. 21

  • 3

    3.3 Making the samples ..................................................................................... 22

    3.4 Preparing the samples for microwaving. .................................................. 24

    3.5 Materials used ............................................................................................. 25

    3.5.1 Materials to prepare the sample ............................................................ 25

    3.5.2 Material of the base ............................................................................... 26

    3.6. Microwaves used ........................................................................................ 29

    3.6.1 General information ............................................................................... 29

    3.6.1 Single frequency microwave ................................................................. 32

    3.6.2 Variable frequency microwave (VFM) ................................................... 33

    4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................... 38

    4.1 First method, big cavity, manually controlled VFM ....................................... 39

    4.1.1 Procedure and results ........................................................................... 39

    4.1.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 42

    4.2 Second method, single frequency ................................................................ 43

    4.2.1 Procedure and results ........................................................................... 43

    4.2.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 44

    4.3 Third method, small cavity, manually controlled VFM .................................. 45

    4.3.1 First test, procedure and results ............................................................ 45

    4.3.2 Second test, procedure and results ....................................................... 47

    4.3.3 Discussion ............................................................................................. 48

  • 4

    4.4 Fourth method, computer controlled VFM. ................................................... 50

    4.4.1 First attempt, results and discussion ..................................................... 51

    4.4.2 Second attempt, results and discussion ................................................ 53

    4.4.3 Third attempt, results and discussion. ................................................... 55

    4.4.4 Fourth attempt, results and discussion .................................................. 58

    4.4.5 Fifth test, results and discussion ........................................................... 60

    4.4.6 Sixth attempt, results and discussion. ................................................... 62

    5. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................. 69

    6. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 72

    References ............................................................................................................ 73

    Figures ............................................................................................................... 73

    Text references .................................................................................................. 74

    Appendixes............................................................................................................ 76


    HP872ET AMPLIFIER DATASHEET (used in single frequencymicrowave) .. 76

    T82-200 WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER DATASHEET ........................................... 80

    VICTREX PEEK 450G DATASHEET ............................................................. 76

  • 5


    In this project, microwave processing of Carbon-Fibre/Polyether-ether-ketone (CFR-

    PEEK) has been studied, design and evaluated. Lots of tests have been performed,

    trying to adapt microwave processing to this high-performance thermoplastic matrix


    A composite material is a combination of two or more materials in order to improve

    the characteristics and properties of those materials used alone. Nowadays

    composites are being used more and more, and there is a huge variety of different

    composites in the market for different applications and with very different properties.

    CFR/PEEK is a high performance thermoplastic suitable for multiple applications.

    The increasing in the use of composites is due to their big advantages compared to

    others materials, and the variety of factors that can be varied in order to adapt

    perfectly a material to a purpose or an application. High temperature Thermoplastic

    composites like PEEK have characteristics that give them clear advantages in

    structural and high-demanding applications compared to concretes and steel,

    aluminium and titanium alloys. The most important is their high strength-density and

    stiffness-density ratio, but also their corrosion and chemical resistance. Also they

    have much higher toughness and temperature resistance than classics CFR-Epoxy


    Microwave heating is a very familiar process for lots of people in the world due to

    many people having a single frequency microwave at home to heat up the food.

    Apart from food, microwave technologies are also used to process materials,

    including composite materials. Microwave processes have several advantages in

    terms of efficiency and high production rates.

  • 6

    1.1 Aims of the project

    CFR-PEEK is a high-performance advanced composite with excellent properties,

    suitable for lots of high demanding applications. But processing this material is its

    main limitation. Methods available and used to process CFR-PEEK like hydroforming

    and matched die forming use infrared heating, and it cannot heat the material

    uniformly, only superficially. These methods allow high production rates, but they

    need expensive specific equipment, and since the material is solid and not very

    flexible at ambient temperatures, the geometries capable of being created with these

    methods are very simple.

    The main aim of the project is to develop a microwave processing for CFR-PEEK,

    studying and investigating an effective way to do it. A way that can be suitable for

    companies and applicable to real industry processes. Microwave processing of

    composite materials has many advantages in some aspects, so the aim of the project

    is to understand how to apply microwave processing to CFR-PEEK composites and

    profit from its advantages.

  • 7


    2.1 Classifying CFR-PEEK and comparison between Thermoplastic

    Matrix Composites (TPMC) and Thermosets Matrix Composites (TSMC).

    2.1.1 The Reinforcement

    There are lots of types of composites, the classification of the composite material

    depends on the matrix utilized, the type of fibre used for the reinforcement, and also

    the length, thickness, quantity, position and orientation of the fibres.

    There are several types of fibres used to make composite materials.

    Figure Different types of fibres used in composite materials (Us department of transportation,


    Also there are different types of fibre distribution typically used as the figure below


  • 8

    Figure Possible configurations of continuous and discontinuous carbon fibres. (Campbell F.

    C, 2010)

    The fibre used for the composite material that has been studied (CFR-PEEK)

    is continuous unidirectional carbon fibre reinforcement.

    2.1.2 The matrix

    Relative to the matrix, this is a short scheme to have a quick idea of different types

    of matrix used in composites materials and to classify PEEK matrix.

  • 9

    Figure Types of matrix used in composites materials

    PEEK is classified as a Thermoplastic material, thermoplastics are high-viscosity

    resins and to process those resins they have to be heated above their melting

    temperature. Thermoplastics are very different to thermosets like Polyester resin or

    epoxy (The most common resin used with Carbon Fibre), thermosets are low-

    viscosity resins that crystallise with heat during processing. (Campbell, F.C. 2010)

    Thermoplastics Matrix Composites (TPMC) can be reprocessed by reheating them

    to their melting point and thermosets matrix composites (TSMC) cannot do it. So

    (TPMC) can be recycled relatively easy and can have more than one life.

    Furthermore, there are more differences between TPMC and TPMS. Their general

    mechanical properties are quite similar, but TPMCs have some advantages

    compared to TSMCs especially in toughness and environmental resistance (high

    temperature, moisture, aggressive fluids, non-flammability and infinite shelf time).

    Type of matrix

    Polymer Matrix Composites




    RubberMetal Matrix Composites

    Ceramic Matrix Composites


  • 10

    In this chart the approximate difference in specific toughness between TPMC and

    other materials can be appreciated.

    Figure Chart comparing specific toughness (energy absorption) between different composites

    and common structural materials. (US Department of transportation, 2012)

    The manufacturing process for TPMCs is geometrically more limited than TSMCs

    because they are solid at ambient conditions, and also because of the lack of

    flexibility and stickiness in pre-pregs TPMCs. The layers must be heated up and

    pressure has to be applied in order to consolidate the laminates.

  • 11

    2.2 The Matrix : common properties and PEEK structure

    Thermoplastic matrix composites are commonly used in high-performance

    applications. All thermoplastic materials have aromatic rings in their molecules,

    these rings give them relatively high glass transition temperatures and an excellent

    dimensional stability at elevated temperatures.

    “The ‘Victrex’ range of polymers from ICI provides a series of high performance

    engineering materials whose origins, history and applications have been described

    by Rose and Belbin and Staniland. Polyethersulphone (PES) and polyetherether-

    ketone (PEEK) arc the best known representatives of this family, whose members

    are based on separating rigid aromatic units:” (Cogswell, 1992)

    Polyether ether ketone is a linear aromatic thermoplastic and its molecules are made

    by this following unit repeated periodically

    Figure 2.2.1 Chemical formula of Polyetherether ketone (PEEK) (Mallick P.K, 2007)

    Thanks to its aromatic rings, continuous carbon fibre PEEK composites are known

    as Aromatic Polymer Composites (APC).

  • 12

    “The outstanding property of PEEK is its high fracture toughness, which is 50–100

    times higher than that of epoxies. Another important advantage of PEEK is its low

    water absorption, which is less than 0.5% at 238C compared to 4%–5% for

    conventional aerospace epoxies. As it is semicrystalline, it does not dissolve in

    common solvents.” (Mallick P.K.,2007)

    2.3 Crystallinity of the matrix

    Crystallinity of thermoplastic materials is a determinant factor, and if affects its

    performance and behavior

    PEEK’s glass transition temperature is about 144 degrees, but it changes slightly

    when combined with carbon fibres. PEEK melting point usually is around 340ºC.

    Conventional ways of manufacturing CF-PEEK need temperatures around 380-390

    ºC. The maximum temperature for continuous use is 250ºC.

    PEEK is a semi crystalline polymer and its maximum achievable crystallinity is about

    48% but at normal cooling rates it usually is around 30-35%. Crystallinity can be

    modified by changing the time PEEK spends in cooling from melting. The slower the

    cooling is, the more crystallinity the material will have, as it has been explained below

    in chapter 2.5. Also the fibres in the materials tends to increase crystallinity, the fibres

    improve by acting as nucleation sites. For amorphous PEEK, the material must be

    quenched. (P.K.Mallick, 2007)

    Crystallinity strongly influences the material’s mechanical properties, an increase in

    crystallinity is also an increase in modulus and yield strength of PEEK but is a

    decrease in the strain to failure.

  • 13

    Figure 2.3.1 Tensile stress–strain diagram of PEEK at different crystallinities.(Adapted from Seferis, J.C., Polym. Compos., 71, 58, 1986.)

    2.4 Microwaving composite materials

    Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, microwaves frequency range

    goes from 0.3 GHz to 300 GHz. The range of frequencies offered by the laboratory

    equipment is from 2GHz to 8 GHz. Domestic microwaves are around 2.45 GHz. (H.S.

    Ku, F. Siul, 2003)

    “The material properties of greatest importance in microwave processing of a

    dielectric are the complex relative permittivity ε = ε’−ε’’ and the loss tangent, tan δ =

    ε’’/ε’. The real part of the permittivity, ε’, sometimes called the dielectric constant,

    mostly determines how much of the incident energy is reflected at the air-sample

    interface, and how much enters the sample. The most important property in

    microwave processing is the loss tangent, tan δ or dielectric loss, which predicts the

    ability of the material to convert the incoming energy into heat” (Metaxas A C, 1983)

    (H.S. Ku, 2004)

    To summarize that and make it easy to understand, the larger the value of the real

    part of the complex permittivity, the more the incident energy will be reflected by a

  • 14

    dielectric but the energy that enters the material will penetrate further than in a

    dielectric with the same ε’’ but lower ε’.( H. S. KU, 2006)

    In a Variable frequency microwave process the power absorbed by the sample and

    the power reflected are a function of temperature and they are is different in each

    frequency. In terms of experimental procedures, it is more helpful and practical to

    use the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR), because it is what it can be measured

    practically in the laboratory, even when it is not linear, but logarithmic. That

    coefficient predicts the power reflected by the sample. It is commonly used in

    telecommunications. (Walraven, 2006)

    “The heating effect in most polymeric matrix composites is the result of dipolar

    rotation and ionic conduction because these composites contain none or very small

    amount of magnetic materials. Molecules that are non-polar but are asymmetrically

    charged may behave as dipoles in an electric field; however, their responses to

    microwaves are usually about an order of magnitude less than that of water. The

    other heating mechanism is ionic conduction. The electrical field causes dissolved

    ions of positive and negative charges to migrate towards oppositely charged regions.

    This results in multiple billiard ball-like collisions and disruption of hydrogen bonds

    in water, both of which result in the generation of heat” (Venkatesh, M. S., 2004)

  • 15

    2.5 Keys of manufacturing Thermoplastics composites like CFR-


    Some processes of manufacturing thermoplastics are very similar to thermoset

    manufacturing, but others are very different, this is due to some critical differences

    between thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermosets pre-pregs are not sticky and

    they are not as flexible as thermosets, and that makes much more difficult the use

    of contoured mould surfaces.

    “To overcome the problem associated with the lack of stickiness, thermoplastic pre-

    preg layups are spot-welded together along the outside edges. One method of spot

    welding is to use a hot soldering iron and light pressure, which causes the matrix to

    melt and fuse at the edges” (P.K.Mallick , pp 441, 2007)

    That is how the samples have been made, following this method to weld the layers

    together temporally before microwaving.

    Another critical difference is that processing thermoplastics composite materials

    requires much higher temperature than processing thermosets. So the materials

    used in bag-molding processes has to admit high temperatures, in this project, the

    materials used also had to be microwave friendly, which makes it even harder to find

    the rights materials.

    But the main essential difference is that no chemical reaction occurs during the

    processing of thermoplastic matrix composites but physical reactions. The individual

    layers have to be consolidated to form the desired laminate, and to achieve that,

    both high temperature and pressure has to be applied. Depending on the laminate

    thickness and geometry the consolidation usually takes minutes or even seconds.

  • 16

    After the laminate consolidation, the laminate has to be controlled cooled to avoid

    residual stresses and warpages. Also a controlled cooling rate is used to control the

    crystallinity of the laminate. And here is one of the most challenging points of the

    project. Because as it has been explained before, controlling crystallinity,

    mechanical properties can be controlled (Specially the fracture toughness, Young’s

    modulus and elastic limit). As in the majority of semi crystalline polymers, the slower

    the cooling-rate is, the more crystallized the laminate will be, and the faster the

    cooling-rate the more amorphous the laminate will be. Studies have been made to

    demonstrate this fact and it can be known approximately the relation between the

    cooling-rate and the crystallinity percentage. Of course, it is only approximated

    because it depends on many factors.

    Figure 2.5.1 Crystallinity in PEEK thermoplastic matrix composite as a function of cooling rate. (Mallick, P.K., 2007)

  • 17

    2.6 Conventional manufacturing methods for CFR-PEEK

    CFR-PEEK components currently produced have a relatively simple geometry due

    to the lack of flexibility of the fibres, but have a potential rapid production because of

    the short processing times required by the material.

    Most used and efficient methods to process PEEK are hydroforming, die forming

    and thermoforming. These are processes for transforming spot welded laminates of

    PEEK into three-dimensional objects, with a “non-complicated” geometry in a

    relatively high production rates.

    Figure 2.6.1. Forming methods for thermoplastic matrix composites: (a) matched die forming, (b) hydroforming, and (c) thermoforming (Okine.R.K, 1989)

    Independently of the process followed the material need to be heated up, the use of

    material quartz lamps or infrared heaters is the most common way of heating up the


    Once the material is at the right temperature, (Normally it is heated up until 380

    Celsius degrees approximately, it follows a moulding process, the most common

    ones have been named before.

  • 18


    The general experimental procedures are going to be described in this chapter, but

    since the process and procedures are a big part of the project, specific procedures

    for each attempt and test will be described in more detail in Chapter 4 – Results and


    3.1 Project timeline and analysis of task

    3.1.1 Brief Analysis of timeline tasks

    Research: A lot of research is necessary to get the knowledge about

    microwaves, composites in general and Carbon fibre-PEEK processing.

    Without understanding the process and what this project is looking for, it is

    impossible to advance.

    Make the samples: To microwave the material, samples have to be made, the

    samples consist of 8 layers of CFR-PEEK, welded together with welding spots

    made with a soldering iron.

    Prepare and microwave the samples: Before microwaving the samples, they

    have to be prepared, using release film or any material suitable, and a

    microwave friendly base. After that to microwave them there are lots of

    parameters that can variate like the cavity used, the power, the

    frequency/frequencies, time spent, ramp-rate…

  • 19

    Test the samples: Testing the samples after microwave processing (with

    DSC, DMA or bending test) had no point in this project, a few tests were made

    but omitted because its incoherency and uselessness.

    Analysis and comparison of results: The results of the tests of and the data

    taken from the microwave program give us information about what we did well

    or bad and why.

    Investigating new techniques: After getting the information from analysis and

    comparison of results, this has to be applied to next attempts, correcting

    errors or improving the process.

  • 20

    3.1.2. Project timeline

    2015 2016

    October November December January February March April

    Researching about composites in general

    Researching about microwave processing

    Researching about CFR/PEEK

    Learning how to use the Laboratory equipment

    Preparing CFR/PEEK samples

    Microwaving CFR/PEEK samples

    Testing CFR/PEEK samples

    Analysis and comparison of results

    Investigating new techniques to use in microwaving

    First Presentation

    Interim report

    Final Report

    Final Presentation

    Work at home

    Work at Airbus Composite Centre

  • 21

    3.2 Introduction to laboratory

    In a laboratory there is equipment that is not user friendly and not intuitive at all. Most

    of this equipment is very specific, accurate and expensive. So that, before start using

    this equipment it is necessary to learn how to use it. The variable frequency

    microwave, the single frequency microwave and the software related to that use, the

    DSC machine, the oven, all the films, tapes and tools used to prepare the sample,

    etcetera, needs time to learn how to use them properly. The first weeks spent in the

    laboratory were dedicated to that purpose.

    This project has an additional difficulty, there are no experimental procedures

    established in terms of microwaving CRF-PEEK or other high-temperature

    thermoplastic to process it, because there is no public information about someone

    making something similar to that before. And the procedures used microwaving

    thermosets did not worked properly with this material, getting poor results. That also

    gives freedom to use the methods and procedures wanted, always based on the

    research made before.

  • 22

    3.3 Making the samples

    Since CFR-PEEK do not degrade at ambient temperature and one sample can be

    used for more than one test if the temperature reached is not very high, seven

    samples of CFR-PEEK have been made (Since no high pressure is applied, high

    temperatures can create tensions and cause the bending of the layers).

    Each sample is made of eight layers of unidirectional CFR-PEEK pre-preg. The

    direction of the layers is 90º, 0º, 45º, -45º, -45º, 45º, 0º, 90º. This is a common

    orientation of the layers, this distribution is symmetric and has a similar behaviour

    with efforts in all directions. That is why it is frequently used by composites


    Picture 3.4.1 Eight CFR-PEEK layers cut specifically to make one sample. It is possible to appreciate

    the orientation of the unidirectional fibres

    The CFR-PEEK layers are completely solid before processing, and it is not possible

    to stick them together without applying heat. To overcome this problem, as has been

    explained in section 2.5, the spot welding method have been used. Using a soldering

    iron and applying light pressure, which causes the matrix to melt and fuse at the

    edges (P.K.Mallick , pp 441, 2007)

  • 23

    These layers are welded between them by six-eight welding points. This process is

    very time consuming because the layers have to be welded one by one, point by

    point. Since the CFR-PEEK melting temperature is about 380ºC each point needs

    time. This process has been repeated for the seven samples.

    Picture 3.4.2. Picture of the process used to weld the layers. The soldering iron heat melt the matrix

    to make the welding points.

    The dimensions of the samples are:

    Figure 3.4.2 Dimensions of the samples made.

    This measures has been designed to fit perfectly and loosely in all the microwave

    cavities used. The samples could be smaller, but microwaving a bigger sample you

    can determine how different parts reacted and also how uniform is the field inside

    the cavity. The weight of the samples is between 22’5 and 23’5 grams.

    7 mm

    18 mm

  • 24

    3.4 Preparing the samples for microwaving.

    To make the tests, it is not sufficient to introduce the CFR-PEEK sample in the cavity

    and apply power. It is necessary to prepare the sample beforehand. In a real

    composite production process a lot of materials have to be used. They perform

    different functions: The easy unmoulding of the sample, they can give different

    surface texture to the material, the absorption of the excess of matrix during the

    process, vacuum bags, etcetera. In this tests, to simulate this process, also different

    materials and procedures have been used.

    The materials used were mainly films and tapes. Since these tests have to be

    monitored and analysed, it is necessary to record the temperature with very

    expensive and accurate thermometers. Films are necessary to fix the thermometer

    to the sample and prevent any possible damage caused by melted material. Also

    they can apply some pressure to the sample, necessary to consolidate the laminate.

    Figure 3.5.1 Basic scheme showing how the sample is prepared for the tests.

  • 25

    3.5 Materials used

    3.5.1 Materials to prepare the sample

    For each test, the materials used have been changed, trying to test the behaviour of

    the most common materials used to process composite materials.

    One of the limitations of the CFR-PEEK microwave processing is, in fact, the

    materials used to prepare the sample. Since most of the materials used to prepare

    the samples are polymers, and CFR-PEEK’s processing temperature is higher than

    the melting point of most polymers (Research made with Matweb.com), it is not easy

    to find a material suitable for CFR-PEEK processing. Another added difficulty is that

    the material has to be “microwave friendly”, it cannot react (absorb or reflect) a high

    amount of radiation, that made the search even harder.

    Since the temperature were not high enough in most cases, and since it was

    necessary to record the temperature and try to apply some pressure to the sample,

    different materials have been used. Common materials are not suitable for this

    application as has been proven, all polymers used have been damaged.

    Picture and Picture Materials damaged and melted because of high temperatures.

  • 26

    3.5.2 Material of the base

    The material used in the laboratory (and commonly in industry) to be the base of the

    sample inside the cavities is Polytetrafluoroethylene, commonly known as Teflon.

    This material is microwave friendly and it ignores microwaves almost completely,

    which is ideal for most microwaves processing. But its melting point is 327ºC and it

    can be even toxic at this temperature (microwaves101, 2016). That is not a problem for

    nearly all composites materials, but it is for CFR-PEEK which required temperature

    to be processed is about 370-380ºC. So Teflon is not suitable for this process.

    Figure CFR-Epoxy inside a microwave cavity using two Teflon plates as a base.

    To find a good material to be the base, all unreinforced Plastics/Polymers has to be

    dismissed because PEEK has one of the highest melting points (which is one of its

    most important and useful characteristics), higher than anyone when combined with

    carbon fiber, which is the case. (Research made using www.matweb.com, a material data-



  • 27

    Dismissing polymers, Ceramics are a good option. Borosilicate glass, commonly

    known as Pyrex (Trademarked as PYREX) is a good option to be used with

    microwaves. Due to its low-thermal-expansion is suitable for high temperatures and

    also microwave friendly. A Pyrex cookware was used in this project for the first test,

    but it was too big to use it in smaller cavities. Pyrex is sold template, so it cannot be

    cut without breaking it with the usual glass factory equipment. So it was not useful in

    this project.

    Figure CFR-PEEK sample prepared to use microwaves using a Pyrex cookware as base

    Finally the material used as a base was a Glass-Ceramic material (Trademarked

    and commonly known as Neoceram). It is used for fire applications, it has low-

    thermal-expansion and it normal service temperature is higher than 700ºC. (TGP,

    2016). Two plates of 5mm thickness of Neoceram were used to make the test. The

    material was purchased and cut on request in a glass factory to have similar

    dimensions of the samples made before.

  • 28

    Figure Two Neoceram™ plates (centre and right) and a CFR-PEEK sample (left), the plate in

    the centre has some melted polymers fastened after a few microwave tests.

  • 29

    3.6. Microwaves used

    3.6.1 General information

    The Microwave machines used are not made of a single device. They are formed of

    several parts.

    Figure 3.6.1 Elements involve in the microwave used

    The wave generator: The wave generator create the microwaves, set the

    frequencies and can be controlled manually or by the computer. It is also used to

    see the SWR graph and look for the lowest reflection frequencies. Data sheet

    attached in appendixes

    Cavity Amplifier


    Wave generator


  • 30

    The amplifier: This device amplify the microwaves received from the wave generator,

    using the power from the electrical current. It establishes the power limitation of the

    facilities. Data sheet attached in appendixes.(

    The thermometer: The thermometer measures the temperature of the sample and it

    is connected to the computer, which records the data. The thermometer used a

    Fluoroptic thermometer (Luxtron 712)

    The Cavity: The cavity is the space where the microwave radiation is applied, the

    sample is placed inside the cavity to perform the tests. They are made of metal, and

    their walls are thick to avoid a radiation leakage. They have a small hole to introduce

    the thermometer. The cavities used are two, the project will refer to them as the

    “small cylindrical cavity”, and the “big square cavity”.

    The small cylindrical cavity has a length of 299 mm and a diameter of 93mm, was

    the most used cavity because easy to open (with screws) and can be handled by

    only one person.

  • 31

    Picture and Picture – Pictures of the small cylindrical cavity exterior (left) and interior

    with a CFR-Epoxy sample (right).

    The big square cavity measurements are 170x340x470 mm. It is a big heavy cavity,

    more difficult to handle. It has wheels for easier transport and it needs a hydraulic

    crane to be opened.

    Picture and Picture Interior of the big square cavity and picture of the process

    necessary to open the cavity, using a hydraulic crane.

    The power applied during the microwave process is controlled (either manual or

    programmed) by changing the decibels of the Amplifier. Where -18 decibels (dB) is

    the minimum power (nearly 0 W) and 0 dB is the maximum power of the amplifier

    applied. The maximum power of the amplifier is 200 Watts in theory, but it was

    proved that at 0 dB, the amplifier was giving a power higher than 300 W. The power

    in watts applied is showed in the amplifier screen, but it changes in function of the

    frequency, time and temperature, even when the value in decibels continues being

    the same. That makes very difficult and inaccurate to record the data in watts, and it

    was only recorded in some tests.

    Must take into account that decibels are a logarithmic scale, they are used to state

    a value as a relative unit, a logarithmic ratio between a reference (The maximum

    power) and the power applied.

  • 32

    3.6.1 Single frequency microwave

    Single frequency microwaves, as the name says, use a single frequency to heat the

    sample, by definition, this types of microwave machines are less complete and

    produce more irregular heating, but the equipment needed is usually cheaper and

    more than enough to process some composite materials.

    The single frequency machine used in the laboratory is controlled by a computer

    program, with the following inputs. The frequency of this

    Sample ID

    Initial soak T °C

    Soak time min

    Ramp rate °C/min

    Final dwell T °C

    Dwell time min

    Table Single frequency machine program inputs

    Sample ID: Name of the file.

    Initial soak temperature: Temperature of the theoretical model at the

    beginning of the test (usually room temperature).

    Soak time: Time before the program start applying power.

    Ramp rate: Also called heating rate, is the temperature increase per minute.

    Final dwell temperature: Final maximum temperature of the sample

    Dwell time: Time the sample will be maintained at the maximum temperature.

    The program used follows a model. And when you input a ramp rate, the program

    will adjust the power applied to follow a constant ramp rate in the theoretical model

    until it reach the “Final dwell T”, then it will adjust the power to maintain this

  • 33

    temperature. But the theoretical model’s temperature is not the real temperature of

    the sample, if the model and the sample are made of different materials, the results

    could be very inaccurate.

    3.6.2 Variable frequency microwave (VFM)

    The VFM machine used works following the schema below, the range off frequencies

    available for the amplifier goes from 2GHz to 8 GHz. The experimental procedure

    using the VFM varies in function of the method used, it can be manually controlled

    or computerized, using a computer program. Manually controlled:

    This method allows to control the Microwave without a computer program, giving the

    possibility of changing some parameters like power applied while the process is

    running. This real-time possibility allow us to change the power, adapting it to the

    needs of the material, and trying to make the heating process more efficient, trying

    to make the classic “logarithmic” heating graph looks closer to a “linear” heating


    The problem of this method is that the data has to be recorded manually, and the

    results are less accurate. But the biggest limitation of procedure followed is that the

    frequencies chosen have to be in a range, the operator is able to change the size of

    the range and limit frequencies, but multiples singles frequencies cannot be chosen.

    The program will use all the frequencies in a range. For example, if the range is from

    6 GHz to 7GHz. The program will use all the frequencies included in that range.

    So, the frequency range chosen should not include high-reflection frequencies,

    otherwise, if the power reflected is higher than 30% of the maximum power of the

    amplifier (30% of 200W , about 60 W) the process will stop automatically for security


  • 34

    The wave generator can show the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of the different

    frequencies when connected directly to the cavity, instead of the amplifier. Having a

    look on the SWR, the low reflection ranges can be identified and chosen.

    Figure Picture of the wave generator display, showing the SWR graph for frequencies

    between 2GHz and 8 GHz. Computer program controlled:

    With this method is the computer program who control the wave generator. That

    allows to use multiple frequencies (usually between 2 and 6) and fix a different power

    for each frequencies. As described in the manually controlled microwave method, to

    find the best frequencies (the ones with less reflection), is necessary to connect the

    wave generator directly to the cavity and look the SWR graph. The frequencies will

  • 35

    the lowest SWR will be the ones with lowest reflection. The lowest point will be

    identified and saved because they will be part of the input in the program.

    Figure and Figure Wave generator display showing the SWR of a CFR-PEEK

    sample between 5.5 GHz and 8 GHz. The figures shows the marker placed in two low peeks.

    The inputs of the program are:

    File name

    Cure temperature °C

    Low temperature limit °C

    Number of frequencies X

    Frequency 1 GHz

    Power of frequency 1 dB

    Frequency 2 GHz

    Power of frequency 2 dB

    Frequency 3 GHz



    Frequency X(GHz) GHz

    Power of frequency X (dB) dB

    Lowest power applied dB

    Table Inputs of the VFM program.

  • 36

    The frequencies entered in the program will be the ones with low reflection found

    before. The “cure temperature limit” and the “low temperature limit” are not relevant

    because the temperature required was not reached, so the values was fixed to

    380°C for all the tests.

    The VFM program will swap between the frequencies entered regularly, applying the

    power entered to each frequency to heat the sample correctly.

    The limitation of that method with the equipment used is that to change the power

    the program should be stopped and ran again, entering again all the values. In the

    meantime could be a heat loss and the data is saved in another file, recording the

    time from 0 again. So the graphs showed are the addition of multiple graphs, multiple

    tests. This limitation of the method can alter the results, and make more difficult to

    extract conclusions.

    Between different tests made in the same graph it is possible to appreciate a heat

    loss, a heat gain, or even discontinuities. After a few test and some analysis it was

    possible to realize that when the program is stopped, the microwave machine uses

    the last frequency and power used by the program. So the microwave became single

    frequency for a while. If this frequency can apply more power than the average of

    the frequencies used before, there will be a heat gain (It depends on the power set

    and the power reflected for this frequency). And, if the frequency can apply less

    power than the average of the frequencies before, there will be a heat loss in the

    time spent introducing the new values in the program.

  • 37

    Figure Imagen taken from test 4.4.6 It shows clearly a heat loss and a heat gain, depending

    the las frequency used before stopping the program. Example.

    Since the frequency can swap more than 10 times in a second is nearly impossible

    to choose the frequency wanted. It is randomly chosen. But it helps to identify the

    better frequencies.

    The program also spend some time recording data before starting to apply power.

    So the data recorded before starting gives information about the behavior of the

    sample with the last single frequency used. In the example Marker 1 shows a heat

    loss while Marker 2 shows a heat gain, depending on the frequency the program

    was stopped.

    Computer program controlled method was not available in the laboratory until

    February when the thermometer was fixed.



  • 38


    Following the procedures described before, lots of tests microwaving the samples

    have been made. Lots of different methods have been tried to microwave CFR-

    PEEK, changing lots of parameters to achieve a good microwave processing: the

    materials used to prepare the sample, the material of the base, the way of the

    pressure is applied, the microwave cavity, the microwave machine, the frequencies

    used, the power used, the time, the ramp-rate, the program, etcetera.

    This chapter will describe all the procedures followed in each test and the results

    obtained, organizing it by the method used. Following an evolution and learning from

    one attempt to the next one, analysing data obtained and applying this knowledge

    and the research made to evolve the method, improve the results and learn from the


    All data presented here has been recorded manually or computerized depending on

    the machine or the method used. The results and methods are chronologically


  • 39

    4.1 First method, big cavity, manually controlled VFM

    4.1.1 Procedure and results

    Microwaving the Carbon fibre-PEEK is the difficult part. The first test of microwaving

    the CFR-PEEK was very useful to realize how not to do it, and to detect lots of errors.

    The results were not far from what it was expected.

    It is known that processing of CFR-PEEK requires both pressure and high

    temperature to consolidate the laminate, but applying both together at the same time

    in a laboratory is not easy at all. The first idea was to apply pressure using shrink

    tape, which as the name indicate, shrinks with temperature. The way of how to apply

    pressure in the sample has been one of the issues of this project.

    To prepare the sample a Pyrex cookware has been used as a base to put the sample

    on, some release film for an easy separation of the CFR-PEEK after microwaving

    and shrink tape to make the pressure necessary. The cavity used in the test was the

    big square cavity showed before. The microwave used was the VFM, it was ran

    manually because the thermometer was broken and it was necessary to run the

    program, the procedure followed was the one explained before.

    It is known that some materials react better to microwaves when they reach a high

    temperature. It was believed that CFR-PEEK had a bad reaction to microwaves at

    low temperature, so for this test the sample was pre-heated in an oven.

    The sample was heated up to 250`C, this temperature is much lower than the

    temperature needed to consolidate the laminate and far from its melting temperature,

    so it didn’t affect the material at all. There is a high loss of heat in the time spent

    taking the sample out of the oven and putting it in the microwave (The cavity used is

    so heavy it needs a hydraulic crane to open it). The temperature of the sample when

    it started receiving microwaves was 118’4 `C.

  • 40

    Figure 4.1.1 Graph showing the temperature of the sample and the approximate power used in the


    The VFM was set to use all frequencies in the range of 7 GHz to 7.5 GHz. This

    method is not efficient, because the power reflection of some frequencies in this

    range is high.

    The maximum temperature reached by the sample in the microwave was 244

    degrees. The power reflected was too high and the VFM stopped (it stops when the

    power reflected is higher than 30% of the maximum power). The power used was

    not enough to heat up the sample to the required temperature. The cavity was too

    big for this purpose.

    To make sure, another attempt was made with same conditions, the results obtained

    were similar.

    2040; 2332040; 244








    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500





    C )

    , Po





    First Test Big cavity, attempt 1



  • 41

    Figure 4.1.2 Graph showing the temperature of the sample and the approximate power used in the


    After the tests the sample was curved and the shrink tape was broken, the shrink

    tape used was not adequate for this temperature. It became very brittle and useless.

    With the heat, the shrink tape curved the sample.

    Figure 4.1.2 .Picture of the sample after the process. The sample is curved and the shrink tape is


    1760; 243

    1860; 210









    0 500 1000 1500 2000




    re º

    C, P


    er (



    First Test Big cavity- attempt 2



  • 42

    4.1.2 Discussion

    CFR-PEEK microwave processing is very power demanding, in a big cavity

    microwaves cannot concentrate properly to heat up a small sample, and also the

    heat loss around the metal walls of the cavity is higher. But the Pyrex cookware used

    as a base prevented the use of smaller cavities. The Neoceram base used in

    following attempts was suitable for smaller cavities.

    Shrink tape is not adequate to apply pressure. Even if the shrink tape chosen was

    not the proper one or the position around the sample was not suitable, with the shrink

    tape the pressure applied cannot be calculated accurately and easily and it cannot

    be applied to difficult geometries. It could be a good option of applying pressure for

    tubular shapes but not for general processes. Nowadays is not possible to find a

    shrink tape which can withstand the temperature required.

  • 43

    4.2 Second method, single frequency

    4.2.1 Procedure and results

    The single microwave machine used, as it has been explained in 3.7.1 chapter, use

    a model to adjust the frequency power to the values entered in the program.

    The program input was:

    Sample ID Singlefreq-nooven

    Initial soak T 27 °C

    Soak time 1 min

    Ramp rate 5 °C/min

    Final dwell T 400 °C

    Dwell time 10 min

    Table 4.2.1. Values entered in the program.

    The sample was prepared using the normal procedure, and the base was the

    Neoceram plate described before. Since the small Neoceram plates were

    purchased, the small cylindrical cavity was available, so it was used for this test. The

    graph below shows the results.

    3936,12; 350,01

    3936,12; 51,1795










    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000




    re (


    Time (s)

    2nd Test, Single frequency

    Theoric temperature

    Real temperature

  • 44

    Graph 4.2.1. Graph showing the theoretical model temperature and the sample real temperature as

    a function of time

    The graph shows a huge difference between the theoretical temperature and the

    real temperature of the sample. The test was intentionally stopped after more than

    one hour running, because the temperature of the sample was already constant.

    The sample reached only 51.2 ºC while the theoretical model was around 350ºC.

    Another quick test was made elevating the ramp-rate to 10 ºC/min, and the results

    did not improved significantly. Choosing a lower ramp-rate would not has worked

    either because the temperature was already stabilized. This test could not be


    4.2.2 Discussion

    The model used for the program is not useful at all for CFR-PEEK. The model

    imitates the behaviour of a common composite, probably a Carbon-fibre/thermoset-

    matrix. But compared with the model, CFR-PEEK is much more power demanding.

    All the power applied during this time only heated up the sample to 51ºC, while an

    average composite would have reached 350ºC. Usual models used to process

    composites do not work properly with CFR-PEEK. Frequency used by this single

    frequency microwave is the common 2.45 GHz, which seems to be a high reflection

    frequency looking the SWR graph in the following experiments.

    The single frequency microwave machine used was not adequate, next single

    frequency tests have been made with the VFM machine. (Which is also able to work

    with a single frequency) The VFM machine program is much more controllable and

    suitable for the material studied.

  • 45

    4.3 Third method, small cavity, manually controlled VFM

    After trying the single frequency microwave with bad results, and since the

    Neoceram plates were purchased, the manually controlled method could be used

    again with the small cylindrical cavity. It was thought that one of the causes of the

    first method’s failure was the use of a cavity much bigger than the sample. So the

    microwaves could be too dispersed to heat the sample properly. To avoid that, the

    small cylinder cavity described before and the procedure explained before about

    manually controlled VFM were used.

    4.3.1 First test, procedure and results

    For this test the frequency range used was from 6 GHz to 7.9 GHz. There were high-

    reflection peeks in the range used but the test was performed anyway to analyse the

    results. The Temperature and the power (dB) were recorded manually.

    To perform this test, and due to the bad reaction to microwaves of the first test made

    without pre-heating the sample in the oven, the sample was pre-heated in an oven

    to 180 ºC. By the time the microwave process started, the sample was already at 99

    ºC. The heat loss was about 81 degrees, lower than the heat loss with the big cavity,

    the time spent moving the sample was shorter.

  • 46

    Graph Graph showing the temperature of the sample versus time.

    Graph Graph showing the power of the sample versus time. The power was changed


    1320; 127,4








    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400




    re (


    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.1 Temperature

    1320; -4








    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400





    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.1 Power

  • 47

    The power was changed manually trying to make the heating graph “linear”. The

    microwave machine stopped the process because of the excess of power reflected.

    The temperature reached was only 127.4ºC.

    4.3.2 Second test, procedure and results

    This test was similar to the first one but the sample was not pre-heated in the oven,

    it was wanted to see how the reaction of the sample to microwaves at low

    temperatures was. The SWR was checked again to find a shorter range of

    frequencies to avoid the high reflection peeks. The range used for this test was from

    6.752 GHz to 6.917 GHz.

    Graph Temperature of the sample and the approximated power applied

    3000; 245








    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500




    re (






    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.2 Power (W) and Temperature (C)

    Temperature (C)

    Power (W)

  • 48

    Graph Power applied in decibels.

    The temperature reached in this attempt was much higher than the one in the first

    attempt. The microwave was working full power, but the test had to be stopped

    because there was smoke coming out the cavity. The temperature reached at some

    points of the sample was higher than expected. And some of the materials used to

    prepare the sample started melting.

    4.3.3 Discussion

    The power reflected in the first test was so high that the maximum power that could

    be applied was -4dB. With this power, the microwave machine is not even close to

    being capable of heating the sample to the required temperature. The method

    followed to choose the frequencies is not adequate at all and will not be used again

    in this project.

    In the second attempt the way the sample accepted microwaves at low temperature

    was surprisingly good, the pre-heating process is not necessary. So it will not be

    necessary to use it in the following attempts

    3000; 0












    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500P


    er (



    Time (s)

    Test 4.3.2 Power (dB)


  • 49

    With these two test it is possible to see that a range with low reflection even if it is

    small, allows the use of much more power than a big range with high reflection

    peeks. More power means higher possible temperature reached. It is very useful

    especially for a high power-demanding material like CFR-PEEK.

    The temperature reached in this cavity was not far away from the one reached in the

    big cavity, it is believed that following this method, the result obtained could have

    been the same using the small and the big cavity. But due to it is being easier to deal

    with the small cavity, and also because the big cavity needs more than one person

    to be used, the small cavity was used for the following attempts anyway.

    The materials used to prepare the sample were not able to endure the temperature

    reached in the hot points. For next tests the materials used will be different.

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