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Post on 21-Nov-2020






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Periodo 2



Resignificación: Verónica Ortiz Alvaran


Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del SurSurSurSur


Segundo periodo


Comprender situaciones pasadas expresando de manera oral y escrita procesos y sucesos que ocurrieron. INTERPRETATIVA:

Cuando me hablan sobre lo que hago en la escuela en mi tiempo libre, comprendo las ideas generales si el

lenguaje es claro.


Observo una situación cercana a mi entorno y registro información para describirla.


Muestro una actitud respetuosa y tolerante al escuchar a otros.


GUÍA Nº1 Myths and legends

GUÍA Nº2 Describing relevant

events in past

GUÍA Nº3 What things

affected our




Colonization here

Irregular verbs

vocabulary Past events


Auxiliary Did


Past Progressive


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Momento A: Apropiación de conceptos.

Momento B: Análisis y propuesta de solución de problemas

Momento C: Práctica en el contexto

Momento D: Capacidad de hacer nuevas propuestas e inventiva.

• Cumplimiento y responsabilidad

• Puntualidad

• Asistencia.


GUÍA No. 01


Pregunta problematizadora:

What myths and legends?

MOTIVACIÓN: Read the text.


As well as making fascinating reading, these stories also tell us a great deal about how people in the past

saw, and understood the world around them.

There are many reasons why stories are told and passed down the generations. Here are just a few of


To strengthen a community and provide a common understanding. Stories often reflect the beliefs of the

people who tell them. The popularity of any story depends on whether those listening approve of the

values underlying it. By telling and listening to stories, people confirmed their ideas about the world

around them. Things that people found scary, infuriating or desirable all found their way into the stories

and they were passed on, because people wanted to be assured that other people around them were

thinking along the same lines.

As a way of providing moral guidance and showing people how they should conduct themselves, including

the consequences of not doing so. Myths and legends, like any good stories, often include a moral. Within

the myth, the hurt or embarrassment experienced by people is often due to their own stupidity, greed,

dishonesty or negligence.

To explain how the world works, for example why the seasons change, and to explain strange happenings or

phenomena such as eclipses - the reasons for which were unknown in early times.

For entertainment purposes. Stories were told to amuse and enthrall an audience in the days before TV

and other forms of mass entertainment.

To pass on history and knowledge, such as the outcome of battles and tales of courage, in ages when many

people could not read or write. Many myths have an element of truth that has been built upon and

embellished over the years.

For fame, money or recognition - as in all areas of life, not all stories were told for good reasons. For

example, stories of bravery in battle could enhance the status of an individual or a group or, in later

centuries, a good ghost story could be sold for money. The truth was not always the most important


Regardless of why they were told, many of the stories still remain popular today and, although we no

longer swap stories around the fireside, the tradition of storytelling still continues in the form of urban

legends. Many older stories also live on in current day carnivals or festivals, which have their roots in a

very different past.

Comprende la información implícita en textos relacionados

con temas de mi interés


Anwer the following questions in your notebook.

1. Why do the Myths and legends, like any good stories?

2. What does reflect the beliefs of the people who tell them?


1. What are myths?

2. What are legends?

3. What is the difference between legends and myths?

CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO. What are myths and legends?

A legend is usually based on a true event in the past. However, the story may have changed over time to

take on some special.

Legends usually have a real hero at the centre of the story and they are often set in fantastic places. The

story will have been passed on from person to person, sometimes over a very long period of time. The fact

that so many people have taken the trouble to keep the story alive, sually tells you that it has some very

important meaning for theculture or region in which the story was first told.

A myth is not quite the same as a legend. Sometimes a myth is loosely based on a real event but, more

often than not, it is a story that has been created to teach people about something very important and


Myths are often used to explain the world and major events, which, at the time, people were not able to

understand - earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions the rising and setting of the sun, illness and death.

Many of the myths relating to such events have survived for a very long time, sometimes for thousands of

years, as it is only in recent times that we have begun to understand why some of these things happen.


Answer the next questions with your partners, then talk to the others students and to your teacher in the class room.

1. What is the difference between legends and myths?

2. You can make an informative poster with your work team.

3. Ask to the teacher about your turn for the socialization.


ACTIVIDAD EN CLASE Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.


Exercises 1: The stories provide a good context for pupils to practice their own writing skills to develop critical thinking. � Can you write in your note book any story that you has listened?

� You should share with your others partners in class.

Exercises 2: Find the simple past of the verbs in the grid and write them under the right picture.

Read Think Make Sleep Have a bath Sit

Draw Eat Go Sing Break Catch











Drink Send Blow Grow Do Give

Exercises 3: Look at the pictures above and make sentences with the simple past of the verbs.

Example: He made sandcastles on the beach

Exercises 4: Complete the paragraph with the right verb from the box

Last week it was my birthday. I ………… a party. My friends ………… me a lot of nice mother

…………… a chocolate cake. We ………… sandwiches and pizza and we ………… coke. My cousin that lives in

england………… an e-mail for my birthday. Then I …………. The candles.

We ………. To the garden, there we played a lot. We ……….. On the grass , we ………… lot of pictures ,…………..

Songs and danced.

After the party I ………… a bath and ………… to sleep.

Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos


You can be used to explore cultural contexts or research local myths. The stories are part of a national

cultural heritage. You include elements of history, geography or even climate. They give insight into

customs, traditions and problems faced by communities.

Write an article, then you should share with your partners in the school.

Ate Made Drank Gave (2) Drew Blew Sat Went (2) Sang Had Sent

El profesor evalúa los logros alcanzados con el desarrollo de esta unidad .Si lo considera necesario, me indica qué actividades de refuerzo debo realizar.

Presentamos nuestro trabajo al profesor.


GUÍA No. 02

” Describing relevant events in past”

MOTIVACIÓN: Read the text The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are a British rock and roll band who rose to prominence during the mid-1960s.

The band was named after a song by Muddy Waters, a leading exponent of hard-rocking blues. In their

music, The Rolling Stones were the embodiment of the idea of importing blues style into popular music.

Their first recordings were covers or imitations of rhythm and blues music, but they soon greatly extended

the reach of their lyrics and playing, but rarely, if ever, lost their basic blues feel.

The band came into being in 1961 when former school friends Jagger and Richards met Brian Jones. They

named themselves after a song by Muddy Waters, a popular choice of name —at least two other bands are

believed to have called themselves The Rolling Stones before the Jagger/Richards/Jones band was formed.

The original lineup included Mick Jagger (vocals), Brian Jones (guitar), Keith Richards (guitar), Ian Stewart

(piano), Charlie Watts (drums) and Dick Taylor (bass). Taylor left shortly after to form The Pretty Things, and

was replaced by Bill Wyman.

By the time of their first album release Ian Stewart was "officially" not part of the band, though he

continued to record and perform with them. United by their shared interest in rhythm and blues music the

group rehearsed extensively, playing in public only occasionally at Crawdaddy Club in London, where Alexis

Korner's blues band was resident. At first, Jones, a guitarist who also toyed with numerous other

instruments, was their creative leader.

The band rapidly gained a reputation in London for their frantic, highly energetic covers of the rhythm and

blues songs of their idols and, through manager Andrew Loog Oldham, were signed to Decca Records (who

had passed when offered The Beatles). At this time their music was fairly primitive: Richards had learned

much of his guitar playing from the recordings of Chuck Berry, and had not yet developed a style of his

own, and Jagger was not as in control of the idioms as he would soon become. Already though, the

rhythmic interplay between Watts and Richards was clearly the heart of their music.

The choice of material on their first record, a self-titled EP, reflected their live shows. Similarly, the album he

Rolling Stones (England's Newest Hitmakers) which appeared in April 1964 featured versions of such classics

as "Route 66" (originally recorded by Nat King Cole), "Mona" (Bo Diddley) and "Carol" (Chuck Berry).

Answer the following questions about the text in your notebook.

Comprende la información implícita en textos relacionados

con temas de mi interés


1. Their first recordings were based on blues music. True. False. We don't know.

2. The band was created in 1960. 1961. We don't know.

3. Keith Richards had learned to play the guitar from the recordings of Chuck Berry. True. False. We don't know.

4. The group used to rehearse a lot. True. False. We don't know.

5. 5. They occasionally played in public in London. True. False. We don't know.

PRESABERES. Answer these questions in your notebook. 1. What is a story?



2. What is a history?



3. What is a biography?






Recordemos que el pasado simple funciona de manera similar al Presente simple, salvo que empleamos el

auxiliar 'did' para todas las personas (incluida la tercera persona singular 'he/she/it'). En la forma afirmativa,

el auxiliar 'did' no aparece, empleando en su lugar la terminación 'ed'. Esta es la forma de pasado para

todos los 'Verbos Regulares'

Existe un amplio conjunto de verbos que no cumplen esta condición, es decir, para la forma afirmativa no

emplean la terminación 'ed' sino que su forma es irregular. No siguen ninguna regla, por lo que la única

manera de conocer su forma de pasado es aprenderla. Se denominan 'Verbos Irregulares'.

Para acciones pasadas. Indican el período de tiempo durante el que se desarrolló y completó una acción ya

finalizada. Es habitual que vaya acompañado de un adverbio de tiempo.

Ex: I bought this car last year / Compré este coche el año pasado

� Para expresar una acción indeterminada en el pasado:

Ex: They used pencils and paper / Utilizaron lápices y papel

� Para expresar una acción habitual en el pasado

Ex: They never drank alcohol / Nunca bebían alcohol.

� Puede servir para expresar una condición improbable.

A continuación encontraran una tabla con los verbos irregulares en su forma en presente y pasado para

que poco a poco la vayas aprendiendo.

Copia la tabla en tu cuaderno para que la puedas consultar cuando necesites saber el pasado de un verbo



Vocabulary Irregular verbs

Infinitive Simple Past Spanish Infinitive Simple Past Spanish arise arose surgir make made hacer be was / were ser mean meant significar

beat beat golpear meet met conocer, encontrar become became convertirse pay paid pagar

begin began comenzar put put poner bet/betted bet/betted apostar quit quit/quitted abandonar

bite bit morder read read leer bleed bled sangrar ride rode montar, ir blow blew soplar ring rang llamar por teléfono break broke romper rise rose elevar bring brought traer run ran correr build built construir say said decir buy bought comprar see saw ver

catch caught atrapar sell sold vender choose chose elegir send sent enviar come came venir set set fijar cost cost costar sew sewed coser

creep crept arrastrarse shake shook sacudir cut cut cortar shine shone brillar deal dealt dar, repartir shoot shot disparar do did hacer show showed mostrar

draw drew dibujar shrink shrank/shrunk encoger dream dreamt/dreamed soñar shut shut cerrar drink drank beber sing sang cantar drive drove conducir sink sank hundir eat ate comer sit sat sentarse fall fell caer sleep slept dormir

feed fed alimentar slide slid deslizar feel felt sentir sow sowed sembrar fight fought pelear speak spoke hablar find found encontrar spell spelt/spelled deletrear flee fled huir spend spent gastar fly flew volar spill spilt/spilled derramar

forget forgot olvidar split split partir forgive forgave perdonar spoil spoilt/spoiled estropear forsake forsook abandonar spread spread extenderse freeze froze congelar stand stood estar de pie

get got tener, obtener steal stole robar give gave dar sting stung picar go went ir stink stank/stunk apestar

grind ground moler strike struck golpear grow grew crecer swear swore jurar hang hung colgar sweep swept barrer have had tener swim swam nadar hear heard oír take took tomar hide hid esconderse teach taught enseñar hit hit golpear tear tore romper

hold held tener, mantener tell told decir hurt hurt herir, doler think thought pensar keep kept guardar throw threw lanzar kneel knelt arrodillarse tread trode pisar know knew saber understand understood entender lead led encabezar wake woke despertarse learn learnt/learned aprender wear wore llevar puesto leave left dejar weave wove tejer lend lent prestar weep wept llorar let let dejar win won ganar lie lay yacer wring wrung retorcer

lose lost perder write wrote escribir



Read the following text.

Diana, Princess of Wales

Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances Mountbatten-Windsor, née Spencer) (1 July 1961–31 August 1997)

was the first wife of HRH The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. From her marriage in 1981 to her divorce in

1996 she was styled Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales. She was generally called Princess Diana by

the media despite having no right to that particular honorific, as it is reserved for a princess by birthright

rather than marriage. Though she was noted for her pioneering charity work, the Princess's philanthropic

endeavours were overshadowed by a scandal-plagued marriage. Her bitter accusations of adultery, mental

cruelty and emotional distress visited upon her by her husband riveted the world for much of the 1990s,

spawning biographies, magazine articles and television movies.

Diana's family, the Spencers, had been close to the British Royal Family for decades. Her maternal

grandmother, the Dowager Lady Fermoy, was a longtime friend of, and a lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth

the Queen Mother.

The Prince's love life had always been the subject of press speculation, and he was linked to numerous

women. Nearing his mid-thirties, he was under increasing pressure to marry. In order to gain the approval

of his family and their advisors, including his great-uncle Lord Mountbatten of Burma, any potential bride

had to have an aristocratic background, could not have been previously married, should be Protestant and,

preferably, a virgin. Diana fulfilled all of these qualifications.

Reportedly, the Prince's former girlfriend (and, eventually, his second wife) Camilla Parker Bowles helped him

select the 19-year-old Lady Diana Spencer as a potential bride, who was working as an assistant at the

Young England kindergarten in Pimlico. Buckingham Palace announced the engagement on 24 February

1981. Mrs. Parker Bowles had been dismissed by Lord Mountbatten of Burma as a potential spouse for the

heir to throne some years before, reportedly due to her age (16 months the Prince's senior), her sexual

experience, and her lack of suitably aristocratic lineage.

The wedding took place at St Paul's Cathedral in London on Wednesday 29 July 1981 before 3,500 invited

guests (including Mrs. Parker Bowles and her husband, a godson of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother)

and an estimated 1 billion television viewers around the world. Diana was the first Englishwoman to marry

an heir-apparent to the throne since 1659, when Lady Anne Hyde married the Duke of York and Albany, the

future King James II. Upon her marriage, Diana became Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales and was

ranked as the most senior royal woman in the United Kingdom after the Queen and the Queen Mother.

The Prince and Princess of Wales had two children, Prince William of Wales on 21 June 1982 and Prince

Henry of Wales (commonly called Prince Harry) on 15 September 1984.


After the birth of Prince William, the Princess of Wales suffered from post-natal depression. She had

previously suffered from bulimia nervosa, which recurred, and she made a number of suicide attempts. In

one interview, released after her death, she claimed that, while pregnant with Prince William, she threw

herself down a set of stairs and was discovered by her mother-in-law (that is, Queen Elizabeth II). It has

been suggested she did not, in fact, intend to end her life (or that the suicide attempts never even took

place) and that she was merely making a 'cry for help'. In the same interview in which she told of the

suicide attempt while pregnant with Prince William, she said her husband had accused her of crying wolf

when she threatened to kill herself. It has also been suggested that she suffered from borderline personality


In the mid 1980s her marriage fell apart, an event at first suppressed, but then sensationalised, by the world

media. Both the Prince and Princess of Wales spoke to the press through friends, accusing each other of

blame for the marriage's demise. Charles resumed his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles, whilst Diana

became involved with James Hewitt and possibly later with James Gilbey, with whom she was involved in

the so-called Squidgygate affair. She later confirmed (in a television interview with Martin Bashir) the affair

with her riding instructor, James Hewitt. (Theoretically, such an affair constituted high treason by both

parties.) Another alleged lover was a bodyguard assigned to the Princess's security detail, although the

Princess adamantly denied a sexual relationship with him. After her separation from Prince Charles, Diana

was involved with married art dealer Oliver Hoare and, lastly, heart surgeon Hasnat Khan.

The Prince and Princess of Wales were separated on 9 December 1992; their divorce was finalized on 28

August 1996. The Princess lost the style Her Royal Highness, and became Diana, Princess of Wales, a titular

distinction befitting a divorced peeress. However, at that time, and to this day, Buckingham Palace maintains

it; since the Princess was the mother of the second and third in line to The Throne, she remained a member

of the Royal Family.

In 2004, the American TV network NBC broadcast tapes of Diana discussing her marriage to the Prince of

Wales, including her description of her suicide attempts. The tapes were in the possession of the Princess

during her lifetime; however, after her death, her butler took possession, and after numerous legal

wranglings, they were given to the Princess's voice coach, who had originally filmed them. These tapes have

not been broadcast in the United Kingdom.

Answer the following questions about the text in your notebook.

1. Diana Spencer was born in...




2. The royal wedding took place in 1981.



We don't know.


3. After the marriage, Diana became Her

Royal Highness The Princess of Wales.



We don't know.

4. The Prince and Princess of Wales got

divorced in 1994.



We don't know.

5. Diana lost her title of Princess of Wales

after the divorce.



We don't know.


Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook. Exercise 1: Read the text

Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727 by the Julian calendar in use in England at the

time; or 4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727 by the Gregorian calendar) was an English physicist,

mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and alchemist; who wrote the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia

Mathematica (published 5 July 1687), where he described universal gravitation and, via his laws of motion,

laid the groundwork for classical mechanics. Newton also shares credit with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for

the development of differential calculus. However, their work was not a collaboration; they both

discovered calculus separately but nearly contemporaneously.

Newton was the first to promulgate a set of natural laws that could govern both terrestrial (earthly)

motion and celestial motion. He is associated with the scientific revolution and the advancement of

heliocentrism. Newton is also credited with providing mathematical substantiation for Kepler's laws of

planetary motion. He would expand these laws by arguing that orbits (such as those of comets) were not

only elliptic; but could also be hyperbolic and parabolic.

He is also notable for his arguments that light was composed of particles. He was the first to realise that

the spectrum of colours observed when white light was passed through a prism was inherent in the white

light, and not added by the prism as Roger Bacon had claimed in the 13th century.

Newton also developed Newton's law of cooling, describing the rate of cooling of objects when exposed to

air; the binomial theorem in its entirety; and the principles of conservation of momentum and angular

momentum. Finally, he studied the speed of sound in air, and voiced a theory of the origin of stars.


Now, answer the following questions about the text in your notebook.

Choose the correct answer and write the fragment of the text in which you found the


1. Isaac Newton was born in... 1642.



Fragment: ___________________________________________________________________



2. He set the basis for classical mechanics. True.


We don't know.

Fragment: ___________________________________________________________________



3. He worked together with Leibniz to discover differential calculus. True.


We don't know.

Fragment: ___________________________________________________________________



4. Newton discovered that light is composed of particles. True.


We don't know.

Fragment: ___________________________________________________________________



5. He studied the speed of light in air. True.


We don't know.

Fragment: ___________________________________________________________________




Exercise 2: Tell the story in Simple Past. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in past tense.

Saturday in the countryside

On Friday, Nick, Jenny, Charlie and Bill _______ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next

morning, they _________ (go) to the country and _________ (play) with Dave.

Jenny and Dave _______ (have) kites. At lunch time, Charlie ________ (be) not there. Then,

Bill ________ (come) and _______ (tell) the others that he _______ (do) not find Charlie.

They ________(go) with Bill and ________ (look) for him. Charlie ________ (be) in a hole behind a wall.

Then Nick ________ (go) and ________ (fetch) the basket with some meat sandwiches. They ________

(need) the string of Ben’s kite for the basket. Jenny _________ (lower) the basket down into the hole

and soon they ________ (pull) Charlie up in the basket.

Classify the verbs into regular and irregular

Regular Irregular

Presentamos nuestro trabajo al profesor.


Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos

Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en tiempo pasado simple. Respeta las mayúsculas, minúsculas y signos

de puntuación.

1. .I go to school in the morning.____________________________________________________

2. Diane is very tired.________________________________________________________________

3. You are at home._________________________________________________________________

4. I have breakfast.__________________________________________________________________

5. Thomas and Nick play tennis all day.____________________________________________

6. The plane arrives at half past ten._______________________________________________

7. I study English at home._________________________________________________________

8. They stay all night in front of the computer.____________________________________

9. It is ten past eleven._____________________________________________________________

El profesor evalúa los logros alcanzados con el desarrollo de esta unidad .Si lo considera necesario, me indica qué actividades de refuerzo debo realizar.


GUÍA No. 03

” What things affected our culture?”

Pregunta problematizadora:

� How do we use the auxiliary did?

MOTIVACIÓN: Read the basic information with the examples.

Expressing past events

Para expresar los verbos en el tiempo pasado se le agregan la terminación –ed. Las excepciones a esta regla

son ciertos verbos irregulares, los cuales no tienen regla alguna para conjugarse y que deben ser

aprendidos de memoria.


Bruce: Have you ever worked before, Alice?

Alice: Yes. Around a year ago I worked for a software company in Seattle.

Bruce: That’s awesome. And where did you study?

Alice: I studied software engineering in the University of Ottawa.


Bruce: ¿Has trabajado antes, Alice?

Alice: Sí. Alrededor de hace un año trabajé para una compañía de software en Seattle.

Bruce: Eso es estupendo. ¿Y en dónde estudiaste?

Alice: Estudié ingeniería de software en la Universidad de Ottawa.


Richard: Hey John. Did you play tennis yesterday?

John: No, I totally forgot about my practice session!

Richard: And what did you do instead of it?

John: I played my guitar all day long.


Richard: Hey John. ¿Jugaste tennis ayer?

John: No, ¡olvidé por completo mi sesión de práctica!

Richard: ¿Y que es lo que hiciste en lugar de eso?

John: Toqué mi guitarra todo el día.

Comprende la información implícita en textos relacionados

con temas de mi interés


To practice.

Talk with a partner about what you did yesterday.


to sleep – dormir

to listen – escuchar

to practice – practicar

to read – leer

to dance – bailar

to write – escribir


Simple Past

La forma interrogativa se compone del auxiliar DID seguido de la persona y el verbo en infinitivo. El auxiliar es igual

para todas las personas.


Did I go ?

Did You go ?

Did He go ?

Did She go ?

Did It go ?

Did We go ?

Did You go ?

Did They go ?


Para realizar una pregunta se usa la "question word" adelante.

Where did you go? ¿Dónde fuiste?

When did you go to London? ¿Cúando fuiste a Londres?

La forma negativa se compone de la persona, seguido del auxiliar DID, seguido de NOT y el verbo en infinitivo. En

lenguaje informal, puede usarse la forma contracta didn't.


I did not go = I didn't go

You did not go = You didn't go

He did not go = He didn't go

She did not go = She didn't go

It did not go = It didn't go

We did not go = We didn't go

You did not go = You didn't go

They did not go = They didn't go

REMEMBER Presentamos aquí una pequeña lista de algunos verbos irregulares con su pasado simple. Intenta recordarlos!


go (ir) went

have (tener) had

write (escribir) wrote

read (leer) read

catch (atrapar) caught

fall (caer) fell

hear (escuchar) heard

see (ver) saw

say (decir) said

give (dar) gave

know (saber) knew



En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los verbos, desarróllalo en tu cuaderno.

Lee atentamente las preguntas y elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Where were you last night?

A. Yes, we were.

B. We were at the cinema

2. Did Sam go to work yesterday?

A. Yes, you did.

B. Yes, he did.

3. Were you at home yesterday morning?

A. No, I was at work.

B. Yes, he was at work.

4. Where did you go on you holidays?

A. I was in Berlin.

B. I want to go to Berlin.

5. Why didn't you call me yesterday?

A. I had too much work.

B. I'm going to call you.

6. Did John buy a new car last year?

A. No, he wasn't.

B. No, he didn't.

7. Did you watch TV last night?

A. Yes, she did.

B. Yes, we did.

1. When did you visit your aunt?

A. Last month

B. Next month.


ACTIVIDAD EN CLASE Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.

We use simple past to describe a completed action that happened at a specific point in time in the past.

Time expressions: ago, last, yesterday, in (for years , months, parts of the day )

Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with simple past

1. I .................(see) a nice film on t.v yesterday

2. Peter .......................(invite) me to a party last night.

3. ..............................(you/ cook) last night?

4. Sally .....................(not go) to work this morning. She................(be) ill

5. I ................(send) an e-mail this afternoon.

Exercise 2: Negative Sentences Somebody believes that yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action. That

cannot be, however, as yesterday at 3 pm these people were not doing those things.

Ex: Did you watch the game? No, I did not watch the game

1. Did I climb the ladder?

2. Did we please the visitors?

3. Did they can the peaches?

4. Did it cost five dollars?

5. Did he receive the letter?

6. Did you see the fireworks?

7. Did she hit the ball?

8. Did he do his homework?

Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes

1. My son clean his room yesterday. ...............................

2. She didn’t got the prize. ...............................................

3. I be late for the meeting yesterday. ..............................

4. Did you went fishing last week? ..................................

5. We taken our dog for a walk some time ago. ..............

6. When I was five I can’t drive a car. .............................

7. Jason repairing that old fridge last Sunday. .................


8. In 1890 I leaved Paris. .................................................

9. Two months ago my father selled his old car. .............

10. He geted a very good job as a manager.

Exercise 4: Listen and complete the dialogue.

Sara: What _______ you do last night?

Charles: I __________ football with my __________

Sara: __________ it fun?

Charles: It ________ very __________ , and what did you ________?

Sara: I ____________ dinner for my family.

Charles: What ______ you __________?

Sara: ______ cooked ______ and soup.

Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos

Exercise 1: Questions with Interrogatives Ask for the information using the past simple. 1. Henry lived in London last year.__________________________________________________

2. Anita worked at a restaurant last week.___________________________________________

3. Ricky waited for Holly last night. _______________________________________________

4. Sarah sang a song___________________________________________________________

5. Joe read a book._______________________________________________________

6. At six o'clock, Myriam and her family had dinner____________________________________

7. Bob walked home because his car had a flat tire. ___________________________________

8. At half past seven, Mister Logan drove home. _______________________________________

9. The children played in the sandbox.______________________________________________

10. Claire visited her best friend.__________________________________________________

El profesor evalúa los logros alcanzados con el desarrollo de esta unidad .Si lo considera necesario, me indica qué actividades de refuerzo debo realizar.

Presentamos nuestro trabajo al profesor.


GUÍA No. 04

“Greece-Rome Colonization here” (2 SEMANAS)

Do the word search in your notebook and look for the words.

Usar planes representados en mapas o diagramas para representar mis escritos


Now identify the meaning of each word.

1. _________________ means "high city" in Greek, literally city on the extremity.

2. _____________dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded

history spans around 3,400 years.Classical Athens was a powerful city-state.

3. The Latin word __________ was originally used to describe a Roman public building, usually located in

the forum of a Roman town.

4. ____________is a staple food prepared by cooking a dough of flour and water and often additional


5. ____________ is a bird of the PIGEON family. The white dove is often used as a symbol of peace.

6. __________ is a brined curd cheese traditionally made in Greece.

7. ___________ is a vegetable of the onion family with a very strong taste and smell, used in cooking to

give flavour to food.

8. ___________ is a young sheep.

9. _____________ is a person from modern or ancient Greece.

10. _____________ is a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water:

11. _____________ is a sea creature with a soft round body and eight long.

12. __________________ is a small green or black fruit with a strong taste, used in cooking and for its


13. The _______________ Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in

which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions.

14. _____________ (Greek: Πλάκα) is the old historical neighborhood of Athens, clustered around the

northern and eastern slopes of the Acropolis, and incorporating labyrinthine streets and neoclassical


15. _____________ is an animal with a thick coat, kept on farms for its meat.

16. ________________ (plural souvlakiais) a popular Greek fast food consisting of small pieces of meat

and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer.


Preguntas problematizadoras:

How do we use the past continuous?

What is the family doing?

Read the following text carefully.

It’s a rainy Saturday. It’s raining a lot and Mary and her family are spending the afternoon at home. Her

uncles are visiting them.

Mary and her father are in the living room. Mary is making a draw and her father, Mr.Harris, is surfing

the net. They are also talking.

Mary’s older brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fanatic and he

spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim is also in the living room. He is playing

with his dinosaurs’ collection. Sometimes he teases Mary, he is a really naughty boy.

Mary’s mother, Mrs. Harris, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of them. She is making some tea

and talking to Mary’s uncles – Lucy and Tom. They are from the nearest town and stopped by to say hello.

Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping on the kitchen’s sofa. We can’t see him in the picture, but he is a true

fluffy cat.

Write and answer the comprehension activity in your notebook.

True or False? Correct the false ones. 1. It’s a rainy Sunday.


2. Mary and her father are in the living room.


3. She is watching television.


4. Mary’s father is making tea.


5. Peter is reading a book.


6. Jim is in his bedroom.


7. Mary’s uncles are sleeping in the guest room.


8. Fluffy is playing with its ball.



Answer the questions about the text in your notebook. 1. What day of the week is it?


2. Where is Mary?


3. What is she doing?


4. What is Mr. Harris doing?


5. Is Mrs. Harris preparing a snack in the kitchen?


6. What is Fluffy, the cat, doing?



Past Continuous / Progressive

Los tiempos progresivos ("progressive tenses" o "continuous tenses") expresan el "progreso" o desarollo de

una acción en un momento dado.

El tiempo pasado progresivo ("past progressive") expresa que ina acción se estaba desarrollando en un

momento del pasado o cuando otra acción ocurrió.

En inglés, al igual que en español, el tiempo pasado progresivo está formado por el verbo

auxiliar be conjugado en pretérito más el "present participle" (forma+ing) del verbo principal.

Unos ejemplos son:

Positive Negative Question

I / he / she / it I was speaking. I was not speaking. Was I speaking?

you / we / they You were speaking. You were not speaking. Were you speaking?


Exceptions in Spelling

Exceptions in spelling when adding ing Example

final e is dropped (but: ee is not changed) come – coming

(but: agree – agreeing)

after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is


sit – sitting

l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled (in British


travel – travelling

final ie becomes y lie – lying


Existen dos traducciones en español, se usa el tiempo pasado progresivo para denotar el carácter

progresivo de una acción que es interrumpida por otra, o una acción progresiva y un momento en el pasado.

El pasado progresivo se usa para denotar el carácter progresivo de una de las acciones.

We were watching TV when Claudia called.

Nosotros estábamos viendo televisión cuando Claudia llamó.

Nosotros veíamos televisión cuando Claudia llamó.

Use of Past Continous

� puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past

Example: He was playing football.

� two actions happening at the same time (in the past)

Example: While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.

� action going on at a certain time in the past

Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

Signal Words of Past Progressive

� when, while, as long as



En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los verbos, desarróllala en tu cuaderno.

Lee atentamente las preguntas y elige la respuesta correcta.

We use past continuous to describe an action that was taking place at a specific point in time in the past. Time expressions: while, as, at that time, at the time. Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with past continuous

1. I ..............(have a shower) when the telephone rang.

2. I................(do the shopping) when I lost my wallet.

3. I met my friend, while i .............................(walk) along the street.

4. peter ..................... (wait) for the taxi when he saw the accident.

5. I broke my pencil, while i........................(do) my homework.

6. Boris__________ (learn) English.

7. They__________(swim) in the lake.

8. Your father_________ (repair) the car.

9. I_________ (read) a magazine.

10. You__________ (pack) your bag.

11. My friend__________ (watch) the match on TV.

12. It__________ (rain).

13. The dog___________ (bark).

14. The children_____________(brush) their teeth.

15. Anne and Maureen___________ (sing) a song.


Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.

Negative Sentences Somebody believes that yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action. That

cannot be, however, as yesterday at 3 pm these people were not doing those things.


Exercise 1: Write negative sentences in past progressive.

1. Sarah and Luke / not / work______________________________________________________

2. Mister Miller / not / teach / chemistry_______________________________________________

3. Barry / not / drive / a lorry________________________________________________________

4. Mandy / not / have / lunch________________________________________________________

5. Albert / not / play / tennis________________________________________________________

6. Taylor and Bob / not / cycle / home_________________________________________________

7. Annie / not / clean / the table______________________________________________________

8. Benjamin / not / write / an e-l______________________________________________________

9. Jane / not / exercise / in the gym__________________________________________________

10. Robert / not / buy / flowers_______________________________________________________






Exercise 2: Look at the picture and make questions and answer them Example: …………………….? (peter/ cook)

is peter cooking? Yes, he is

1-………………………………..? (mary/ watch t.v)

2-………………………………...? ( the dog/ sleep)

3-…………………………………? (sally/ carol/ play with cars)

4-…………………………………? (pam eat/ an orange)

5-…………………………………? (karl /watch t.v)

6-…………………………………? (tom/ read a book)

7-…………………………………? (mary/sleep on the sofa)

8-…………………………………?(karl/ sit on a chair.

Read the sentences and correct the wrong ones

Example: mary is sleeping on the floor.

mary isn’t sleeping on the floor. She is sleeping on the sofa.

1. Karl is listening to the radio.

2. Pam is eating an orange.

3. Tom is reading a book.

4. Sally and carol are playing in the garden.

5. The dog is playing with carol and sally.

Who…..? Write the name next to the sentences Example:__Mary________ is sleeping on the sofa.

1. ________ is eating an apple.

2. ________ is reading a book

3. ________ is watching t.v

4. _________is cooking.

5. _________ and __________ are playing with dolls.

Complete the sentences with the right form of the present continuous

1. Mary …………………. (not sleep) on the bed.

2. Peter …………………. (cook)

3. Karl …………………… (not listen to) the radio.

4. Tom …………………….. (read) a book.

5. Pam ……………………. (not eat) a sandwich.


6. The girls ………………… (not play) with the dog.

7. Sally ………………….. (wear) a pink dress

Exercise 3 : Complete the sentences with simple past or past continuous 1. Sarah .........................(remember) tom’s message while she ......................(have lunch).

2. When the teacher .....................(come) into the classroom, the children .....................(play) chess.

3. While we ......................(run) in the park, mary................(fall over)

4. While kate......................(drink) milk, she ....................(drop) the cup.

5. Peter ................(get up) and....................(go) to the bathroom.

Exercise 4 : Circle the correct answer

1- while i was reading/read the book, the lights went out.

2- sam was falling/fell asleep, while he was studying.

3- peter turned on /was turning on the t.v, but nothing happened.

4- where did you find/ were you finding the money?

5- sabrina drank/ was drinking orange juice when somebody pushed her.

Exercise 5 : Join the sentences with while or when

1. He was sleeping. I was watching t.v.

2. Tom was playing football. He broke his leg

3. I saw sarah. She was walking to school.

4. I was cooking. My husband was washing the car.

5. I arrived home. My friends were waiting for me.

Exercise 6: Listen to record and complete the sentences.

1. When I ________ having my luch, ________ Boss called

2. When ______ was taking pictures, I ________ my _______

3. When Lena was ________ I asked her to _______ some _________.

Presentamos nuestro trabajo al profesor.


Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos

Questions with Interrogatives

Ask for the information using the past progressive in the sentences.

1. Henry was living in London last year.__________________________________________________

2. Anita was working at a restaurant last week._________________________________________

3. Ricky was waiting for Holly. ___________________________________________________________

4. Sarah was singing a song_______________________________________________________________

5. Joe was reading a book.________________________________________________________________

6. At six o'clock, Myriam and her family were having dinner___________________________

7. Bob was walking home because his car had a flat tire. ______________________________

8. At half past seven, Mister Logan was driving home. __________________________________

9. The children were playing in the sandbox._______________________________________________

10. Claire was visiting her best friend.__________ ____________________________________________

El profesor evalúa los logros alcanzados con el desarrollo de esta unidad .Si lo considera necesario, me indica qué actividades de refuerzo debo realizar.


Referencias Bibliográficas

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