a. (jj · 2015. 5. 30. · 'hjfipw ris.'.--fjm. ss&sgaaega. a. f srva il3 llilt b i...

'HjFipW riS.'.- - FJm. ss&SGaaega . A. f srva Il3 llilt B I t t f (jj QC Vol. XIV. No MOO, HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, ISUO. 60 OENT0 aunaoiPTioN PER MONTH 'A'' ' M X t l ''-- ; HE " ' i I THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed ntid published at tlio oiuce, Quoen Sttot, 'Honolulu, II. I., ovory afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents per Month Address all Communications Daily BOMj&TIN. Advertisements, to ensure insertion, tliunlil bo handed lu bufore one o'clock i'. it. WALTER HILL. Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. Newspaper, Rook and .lob Printing of all kinds done on tlio most favorablo terms. Hell Telephone No. 25!l MutualTolBphoao No. 20(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, .contain S'J columns of tending mutter on local topics, and n complete resume of Honolulu nuil Iiland News. It istliu best paper uubll.mod in the Kingdom to send to friends t, broad. Huliic.i'ljWlon : Island : : : ! 00 year Foreign : : 5 00 ' Commission Moruimnts. T. WAT15HUODHE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen sc, lluunlulu. 1 jOHR iSi Co., Duulorj in Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sU., Honolulu. 1 Olaus SprecKcls. Wm. U. Irwin. IRWIN Ss COMPANY, WQt. Sugar Factors and Commission Agmts, Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlo.--J. 1J. Athurlou-- U. I. Castle S OOOKB, . CASTLH Shipping and Commission Merchant. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. I It. Lowers, F. J. J.owroy U. M. Uooke. & OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 TrnNor.ur.n IRON WORKS. Briinnm i'n lrlnng. suirar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 1IAOIC1T12L.O Jto Co., H- - General Commission Agents. Honolulu G. 7. HA07AE1ANE & Co. IMPOHTBHS AND COMMISSION MBHOHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. U. I. 1043 GON3ALV133 & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohanta Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBEWKIt a COMPANY, 0, (Limited) GKNJtnAL MKnCAHTILB AND COMMISBIOH AOUNTB. LIST OY OFt'IOEltB: P. 0. Jones. Jr. .. .President iz Manager J. O. Oaiitku. . . ..Treasurer & Sccrotary DinKCTOiis: fj Hon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allsn, H. Watubhouse aasiy Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St, Upstairs. The undersigned begs to inform Iho public of these Islands that ho is making HIilrtM by MotiHin'oinonfc I Directions for sclf.mcnsuromcnt will be given on application. White Shirts, 0?ershlrts a Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sample Shirt to ovory order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 OOly A. ill. MUSLIM. H. G. CRABBEn DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. Mutual 'A'cIouIioih No. i. U7 tf Professionals. JM. MONSABItAT, at Law & Notary Public M0 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf JALKHED MAQOON, nt Law & Notary I'ubllo 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Capitol Uulldlux. Agent to take Acknouledgmsal to Co- ntracts for Labor In tlio District of Honolulu, Island of Oiilm. 1H!I Im David Dayton Will practice In the lower courls of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect lug in all its brandies, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him Office 91 King Street Upstairs. Keb.fi.89 riONISKK STEAM GANDY FACTORY AND ICiVXOSltV. V. HORN, Practical Contectloncr, Pastry Cook and Baker. 7inotolSt. "J- - Telephone 74. California : Lands XT-O- BALK I - Apply to A. 3IOIIOFE', 188 tf .42 Merchant St., Honolulu. WEOTER & CO. Alntiuntotni'Ius Joivcllem, NO. 1)3 IT'OK.T STllJaiiX. Constantly on hand a large assortmon of every descrlptionof Jewolry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 95Sly i Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jowelry a Specialty. Klug (Street, Ilonolnln, II. I. Next door to iho Hawaljan Tram, way Company's OIUcc. CST Particular attc"ntion paid to all kinds of repairs. jin-10-3- 9 HustacB& Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders for Cnrtago promptly at-xj- L tended to. Particular attontion paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Odlco, next door to ,Tas. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 19. B EJ f! J. SIQPPC&bO., 74 King st, -- jMj 74 King st Importers of Rattan & Roed Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Moved with Care. Matting , and Carpets Laid, CORNICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. apr.10 8S' P. O. IIox 8.11. -- ir "It'll Tele. 7J. Uawaiian Busiiiess Ageucy Cornor Fort&Morchnnt Sticets, Honolulu, H. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Accountant &. CollectoiH von tii Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department KOH T1IK "ftSupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collodions will receive special alien lion and returns promptly made. Real Estate bought, told nod leased. Taxes Paid and property safely iiisurc'd. Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices. leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Llfo tnsuranco ell'ected in first, class Insurance Companies. Convoyanclng a Specialty Hecords searched and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Logal Documents anil Papors of every description carefully drawn und hand, somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general utc in this Kingdom. Custom House Business transacted with nccurncy anil dispatch. Loans negotiated nt favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and :oM. Advorliscmonts and Subscriptions soil cited for publishers. , Any Article purchased or sold on favor able teiniM Inter-Islan- d Orders will recoivi: parti- cular attention. To Lei, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot- tages In desirable local iliusnt reasonable rentals. Several Valuabio Properties in and around thu olty now for sale and lease on easy terms. gyAll bufciticss entrusted to our enre will receive prompt and faithful atten- tion at mnrlitritto oliarces Kob-4-6- 9 Biwm Locoi lives The undersigned having been appointed agents for the Uawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Baldwin -:- - Locomotives From the works of Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co., XMitlnUclpHIu. I'cun., Aro now prepared to givo estimates and receive orders for tlieso engines, of any dlzo and style. The Baldwin Locpmotivi: Wohks aro now mnnufnclttrinir. a stylo of Locomo- tive paitlcularly adapted For Plantation Purposes A number of which havo recently been received nt these Islands, and wo will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars or same. Tho superiority, of theso Locomotives over all of her makes is not only known kcrc but is acknowledged throughout tlio United States. Win. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 102 d.124 w.ly Hawaiian COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! Cor. lucen &, .V'unnnu Mln. 157" Goods of all descriptions sold on commission. Mutual Telephone 0!!1. feb8.00 A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ocUl.88.ly G. MULLER & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Bleck," Corner store. Surirlcal & Musical Instruments neatlv repaired at reasonable latus. Sewlug Machines and repairing of"all kinds a specialty. A,fl luds of Safes & Scales rcptlicil. tlnuHubolil bewlng Machines for sa'o, ilcc-148- 0 O LUSO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tho I'oituiniesc, elthor for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will find it tho most profitable v,ay to advcrtlso In Iho Lhso Iltiivaiiano, tho now organ of tho l'orluguoso colony, which is pub. Ilsbod on flolel street, and only charge? reasonable rates for advertisements. CO ffsjaa safe M on) eg CD M 0 "- -S A 7 JL&M wbsama EUJL-- J WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH Pedigrees of All jfyg & o BREEDING DEPARTMENT. Tho following Fine Animals will stand for service nt tho rtinrh, Wiihilnc: Woll-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." Norman Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL.- - Thoroughbred Stalliou "MIDNIGHT." Two Xntive Stallion "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 40.1-13- O tf o 4J 41 o 0 o o o tJJ (A o Horses Kept .Marav "afeirvn p?& fciiyit SALE DEPARTMENT, hall: Stallions of various breed. Mares with or without foal. Hor.M! any purpose BREAKING DEPARTMENT, A Skilful Breaker and Trainer is em- ployed ranch. I56r Satisfaction U guaranteed breaking and tratulng PAUL R. ISENBERC. H. E. mclETYRE & BRO., IMP0HTSR8 AND DEALEltB IK Groceries, Provisions and Feed, KAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended tr. and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Island orders poll-cite- Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Bos 14(5. Telephone No. 02 f nov-4-8- 0 Chas. Hustace, King Street, HAS JUST RECEIVED Kits Alaekn Sen Trout, Kitu Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bcllicy, Kits Tongues nnil Sounds, Cases Vienna Sninmge, Hum Siuisngo, Sulinou in 1 and 2 lb. tins, Hams, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mnckercl, Boiled Mnckercl in To-- , niiito Saueo, Top O'Cnn Hiniid Huttor, Honed Chiukcn nnil Turkey, Twin JJrollierft' Yeast Cakes, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Coralino Flakes, Gormen, Bienkfnbt Gum, Wliitn Outs, Ilililnntl Boiled Onts, Dried Apricottf, Dried IVnclieH, Prunes, TnbUi FiuitH, Dales, FiK, Hideo's Fond, Gelatine, SardincH, Wheat, Oats, Urnn, Potatoes, Onions, nnil n General Ashortmunt of tlroeerics nt. Popular price,. Lcnvo your orders, or rine; up telephone 240.- - - - asr- - o N , rmi for on the lu horsei. per "AUSTRALIA," No. 111). otsr - -- P. O. Box 2'J7; i o IQ -- - LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, By each stenmor uf the O. S. H". Co. from California Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits, XInIi, Guiuc, Vocrotnl)liSH, 10 tc, IGtc. A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh linn of 4Joriimn Ynlett Jk. l'ottcd BleutH 4k. ttotilcd J'roNervLMl Frnltw, Lewis & Co.'a Maltefo Brand Sugar Cured Hnms & Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Orcam Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons & Cala. Hivorsfdo Oranues, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. np-1- 0 SJiitisfaiotion. O uixva-iiteod- . 87 BEAM 4. SALOON The Eoet Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of CiEws, JS& Totecco AhviiyH on IIiiikI. SI. ,1. XOF,Tft. I'rnprii!t(i-- . P Metropolitan JsjjjMI Meat Company 81 KING STHKKT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers and NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1117 ly NTEUP $TZ PLANING MILL, Alakcu, nimr 4Jucoti St. Telephone No. (15. WALKER & REDWAItD, Conti'imloi'H vr HuIUIui'm. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings j ta. tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 Kim: struct. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. 0.Bo., .3. np 5.1y fKORGE LUCAS, ," Contractor T afeilyK. and Builder,1 a2 -- !; Honolulu Steam Plant ug Mills, hspla nudo, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Monluu.s, Brackets, Window Framed, Blinds, . Bashes, Doom, und all kinds of Wood- work Unish. Til ni I n;,', Scroll and Baud Sawing. All kinds o'l Hawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly utunded to and work quarantccd. Orders from tho other solicited WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill, M Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmllhtnn, Drays, Carls & Wagon Building as specially. Every description of work In tho above 'lines performed in a llrst-clns- s manner and executed nt short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t3J Orders from tho other Islands solicited. Will bo pleased to see nil our old ctihtomers us well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No .77.",. apr-19-8- 0 W.W. Wright & Son J 79 &8I Bell Tele. King St., 2.No. 381. (Tbc Hose Premises ) ' All orders for wheel vehicles of every description filled with promptness First-clas- s mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TliAJI OAItH. 03IM1I;nHKN. Plantation Wagons,. Mule & Ox Carts, Made to order, altered or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, ktc., inc., ivrc, ktc. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under the management of 11. Cny-for- who will collect and receipts all bills due that branch of our business. (Signed): ocUftMlin V. W. WRIGHT ,fc SON. VETERINA11Y. All. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel nud ltlchaid streets. Sclentillo treatment in all dis- eases of domestic nnimnls. Orders for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephono 054, P.O. Box 320. mh.l8J PU11LIG NOTICE! milE undersicned IiuvIiik been ap- - JL pointed ugi-n- t for II. M. Queen Knplolanl, notice is hereby given that all tennnts, by lenso or otherwise, ant oidcred to mako all payments to me, no other receipt being valid. Olllco at tho Palace Uungnlow. Hours from ! a. st, to 4 v. m. II. O. ULUKOU, 48t) tf Agent for II. M. tho Queen. LADIES' NURSE. M 118. MONHOE. ladles' numo, he removed to Sin. u, Kukui lane. Feb-14-81- ) Prussian National Insurance Comay i:ST.MlMSt!ED 1845. Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks '"JMIK undcridL'tic!, nrjenl of the above JL Company for the llawailan Island?, Is piepnred to accept risks, ng'iinst lire, on IluildingH, Furniture, Merchnndii'i', I'roduci1, Sue;ar Mills, Etc., on thu most favorable terms. I. ones Promptly Atlluslcil and Payslite In Honolulu. C KOL.TI'; jly St.Iy For fl. lticmcnsehuelder. Union, I'M ro & Mavino Insurance Co., L'd, Ol Sew Zcnluiiil. Capital - $10,000,000 Fire rinks taken on Dwelllnuii, Storfl?, StoieboiiRCS and Contents. Also, Sunr and Iticu MIHh, Machinery, Etc, Etc. On IIulK, Cargoes and Freights. Loss paid heie. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian IslnntR jin.OU.1 CA8TLE& COOKE, Life, Eire & Marino Insurance Agents ! AOKKTS mil: New England Mutual Life Ins. Co., op host on. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UN I OX Insurance Company, Vlre A JIarlnr. OP SAX KHANCI8C0, CAI.1K011NIA. JaniiliO NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ago, on every premium tblo, and in ovory year, tho AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of tlio Now York Lifo Insurance Co. have been LARGER than thoso OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policios. J8 For particulars apply to C. O. IIEUGER, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, i MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. ' Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Kiro and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Arujlo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $90,000,000 O.O.BEBGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. lG53 1y CASTLE & COOKE, mroiiTKUM, t Hardware, Shipping AND Commission Merchants. DEAt.nns ik General Merchandise ! Plantation Atronts, Lifo, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents. Jan-tl- J HONOLULU, It. I. 1880 V V

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Page 1: A. (jj · 2015. 5. 30. · 'HjFipW riS.'.--FJm. ss&SGaaega. A. f srva Il3 llilt B I tt f (jj QC Vol. XIV. No MOO, HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, ISUO. 60 OENT0aunaoiPTioNPER


riS.'.- -



A. f

srva Il3 llilt B I t t f(jj QC






t l

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is printed ntid published at tlio oiuce,

Quoen Sttot, 'Honolulu, II. I., ovory

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month

Address all Communications DailyBOMj&TIN.

Advertisements, to ensure insertion,tliunlil bo handed lu bufore one o'clocki'. it.WALTER HILL. Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Rook and .lob Printing ofall kinds done on tlio most favorabloterms.Hell Telephone No. 25!l

MutualTolBphoao No. 20(1


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, .contain S'J columns oftending mutter on local topics, and n

complete resume of Honolulu nuil IilandNews. It istliu best paper uubll.mod

in the Kingdom to send to friendst, broad.

Huliic.i'ljWlon :

Island : : : ! 00 yearForeign : : 5 00 '

Commission Moruimnts.

T. WAT15HUODHE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen sc, lluunlulu. 1

jOHR iSi Co.,Duulorj in Lumber, Taints,

Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sU.,Honolulu. 1

Olaus SprecKcls. Wm. U. Irwin.IRWIN Ss COMPANY,WQt.Sugar Factors and Commission

Agmts, Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlo.--J. 1J. Athurlou-- U. I. CastleS OOOKB, .

CASTLH Shipping and CommissionMerchant. Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. I

It. Lowers, F. J. J.owroy U. M. Uooke.

& OOOKB,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1

TrnNor.ur.n IRON WORKS.Briinnm i'n lrlnng. suirar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-

ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-

cuted at short notice. 1

1IAOIC1T12L.O Jto Co.,H- -

General Commission Agents.


G. 7. HA07AE1ANE & Co.


Queen street, Honolulu. U. I.1043

GON3ALV133 & CO.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohanta

Beaver Block, Honolulu.




P. 0. Jones. Jr. . . .President iz ManagerJ. O. Oaiitku. . . ..Treasurer & Sccrotary

DinKCTOiis: fjHon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allsn,

H. Watubhouseaasiy

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to inform Ihopublic of these Islands that ho is making

HIilrtM by MotiHin'oinonfc I

Directions for sclf.mcnsuromcnt willbe given on application.

White Shirts, 0?ershlrts a Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleShirt to ovory order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

OOly A. ill. MUSLIM.



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

Mutual 'A'cIouIioih No. i.U7 tf


JM. MONSABItAT,at Law & Notary Public

M0 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

JALKHED MAQOON,nt Law & Notary I'ubllo

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Capitol Uulldlux.

Agent to take Acknouledgmsal to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In tlio District of Honolulu, Island ofOiilm. 1H!I Im

David DaytonWill practice In the lower courls of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collectlug in all its brandies, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him

Office 91 King Street Upstairs.Keb.fi.89


AND ICiVXOSltV.V. HORN, Practical Contectloncr,

Pastry Cook and Baker.7inotolSt. "J- - Telephone 74.

California : LandsXT-O- BALK I

- Apply to

A. 3IOIIOFE',188 tf .42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

WEOTER & CO.Alntiuntotni'Ius Joivcllem,

NO. 1)3 IT'OK.T STllJaiiX.Constantly on hand a large assortmon

of every descrlptionof Jewolry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.


Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jowelry a Specialty.

Klug (Street, Ilonolnln, II. I.Next door to iho Hawaljan Tram,

way Company's OIUcc.

CST Particular attc"ntion paid to allkinds of repairs. jin-10-3- 9

HustacB& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL orders for Cnrtago promptly at-xj- L

tended to. Particular attontionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Odlco, next door to ,Tas. F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 19.


74 King st, --jMj 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Roed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting , and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


P. O. IIox 8.11. -- ir "It'll Tele. 7J.

Uawaiian Busiiiess Ageucy

Cornor Fort&Morchnnt Sticets,Honolulu, H. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.Accountant &. CollectoiH

von tiiBell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentKOH T1IK

"ftSupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collodions will receive special alienlion and returns promptly made.

Real Estate bought, told nod leased.Taxes Paid and property safely iiisurc'd.Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices.

leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Llfo tnsuranco ell'ected in first,

class Insurance Companies.Convoyanclng a Specialty Hecords

searched and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Logal Documents anil Papors of everydescription carefully drawn und hand,somely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin general utc in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business transacted withnccurncy anil dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

:oM.Advorliscmonts and Subscriptions soil

cited for publishers., Any Article purchased or sold on favor

able teiniMInter-Islan- d Orders will recoivi: parti-

cular attention.To Lei, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages In desirable local iliusnt reasonablerentals.

Several Valuabio Properties in andaround thu olty now for sale and leaseon easy terms.

gyAll bufciticss entrusted to our enrewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at mnrlitritto oliarces Kob-4-6- 9

Biwm Locoi lives

The undersigned having been appointedagents for the Uawaiian Islands

For the Celebrated

Baldwin -:- - Locomotives

From the works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

XMitlnUclpHIu. I'cun.,Aro now prepared to givo estimates andreceive orders for tlieso engines, of anydlzo and style.

The Baldwin Locpmotivi: Wohks aronow mnnufnclttrinir. a stylo of Locomo-tive paitlcularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of which havo recently beenreceived nt these Islands, and wo willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and managers with particularsor same.

Tho superiority, of theso Locomotivesover all of her makes is not only knownkcrc but is acknowledged throughouttlio United States.

Win. G. IRWIN & Co.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

102 d.124 w.ly


Cor. lucen &, .V'unnnu Mln.

157" Goods of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 0!!1. feb8.00

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ocUl.88.ly


Bethel Street, "Damon's Bleck,"Corner store.

Surirlcal & Musical Instruments neatlvrepaired at reasonable latus. SewlugMachines and repairing of"all kinds aspecialty. A,fl luds of Safes & Scalesrcptlicil. tlnuHubolil bewlng Machinesfor sa'o, ilcc-148- 0


persons who want to communiALL with tho I'oituiniesc, elthorfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find ittho most profitable v,ay to advcrtlso InIho Lhso Iltiivaiiano, tho now organ oftho l'orluguoso colony, which is pub.Ilsbod on flolel street, and only charge?reasonable rates for advertisements.






-S A7 JL&M




Pedigrees of Alljfyg & o


Tho following Fine Animals willstand for service nt tho rtinrh, Wiihilnc:

Woll-bre- d Stallion"MARIN."

Norman Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL.- -

Thoroughbred Stalliou"MIDNIGHT."

Two Xntive Stallion"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."

A Well-bre- d


40.1-13- O tf









Horses Kept .Marav"afeirvnp?&fciiyit


hall:Stallions of various breed.Mares with or without foal.

Hor.M! any purpose


A Skilful Breaker and Trainer is em-ployed ranch.

I56r Satisfaction U guaranteedbreaking and tratulng



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended tr.and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Island orders poll-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Bos 14(5. Telephone No. 02 f nov-4-8- 0

Chas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVEDKits Alaekn Sen Trout, Kitu Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bcllicy, Kits Tonguesnnil Sounds, Cases Vienna Sninmge, Hum Siuisngo, Sulinou in 1 and 2 lb.tins, Hams, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mnckercl, Boiled Mnckercl in To-- ,

niiito Saueo, Top O'Cnn Hiniid Huttor, Honed Chiukcn nnil Turkey, TwinJJrollierft' Yeast Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Coralino Flakes, Gormen, Bienkfnbt Gum, Wliitn Outs, Ilililnntl Boiled Onts,Dried Apricottf, Dried IVnclieH, Prunes, TnbUi FiuitH, Dales, FiK, Hideo'sFond, Gelatine, SardincH, Wheat, Oats, Urnn, Potatoes, Onions, nnil n

General Ashortmunt of tlroeerics nt. Popular price,.

Lcnvo your orders, or rine; up

telephone 240.- - --

asr- - o N




on thelu



No. 111).

otsr - -- P. O. Box 2'J7;

i o IQ ---

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


By each stenmor uf the O. S. H". Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

XInIi, Guiuc, Vocrotnl)liSH, 10 tc, IGtc.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh linn of

4Joriimn Ynlett Jk. l'ottcd BleutH 4k. ttotilcd J'roNervLMl Frnltw,Lewis & Co.'a Maltefo Brand Sugar Cured Hnms & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Orcam Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Hivorsfdo Oranues,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

np-1- 0 SJiitisfaiotion. O uixva-iiteod- . 87


The Eoet Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

CiEws, JS& Totecco

AhviiyH on IIiiikI.SI. ,1. XOF,Tft. I'rnprii!t(i-- .

P Metropolitan JsjjjMI

Meat Company81 KING STHKKT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale & Retail Butchers





Alakcu, nimr 4Jucoti St.Telephone No. (15.


Conti'imloi'H vr HuIUIui'm.

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings j ta.tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 Kim: struct. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. 0.Bo., .3. np 5.1y

fKORGE LUCAS,," Contractor TafeilyK.

and Builder,1 a2 -- !;

Honolulu Steam Plant ug Mills, hsplanudo, Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Monluu.s,Brackets, Window Framed, Blinds, .

Bashes, Doom, und all kinds of Wood-work Unish. Til ni I n;,', Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds o'l Hawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly utunded to and workquarantccd. Orders from tho other


WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmllhtnn, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every description of work In thoabove 'lines performed in a llrst-clns- s

manner and executed nt short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t3J Orders from tho other Islands

solicited. Will bo pleased to see nilour old ctihtomers us well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No .77.",.

apr-19-8- 0

W.W. Wright & SonJ

79 &8I Bell Tele.King St., 2.No. 381.

(Tbc Hose Premises ) 'All orders for wheel vehicles of every

description filled with promptnessFirst-clas- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TliAJI OAItH. 03IM1I;nHKN.Plantation Wagons,. Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ktc., inc., ivrc, ktc.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of 11. Cny-for-

who will collect and receipts allbills due that branch of our business.

(Signed):ocUftMlin V. W. WRIGHT ,fc SON.


All. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel nud ltlchaidstreets. Sclentillo treatment in all dis-eases of domestic nnimnls. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephono 054,P.O. Box 320. mh.l8J


milE undersicned IiuvIiik been ap- -

JL pointed ugi-n- t for II. M. QueenKnplolanl, notice is hereby given thatall tennnts, by lenso or otherwise, antoidcred to mako all payments to me, noother receipt being valid. Olllco at thoPalace Uungnlow. Hours from ! a. st,to 4 v. m. II. O. ULUKOU,48t) tf Agent for II. M. tho Queen.


M 118. MONHOE. ladles' numo, heremoved to Sin. u, Kukui lane.

Feb-14-81- )

Prussian NationalInsurance Comay

i:ST.MlMSt!ED 1845.

Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks

'"JMIK undcridL'tic!, nrjenl of the aboveJL Company for the llawailan Island?,

Is piepnred to accept risks, ng'iinst lire,on IluildingH, Furniture, Merchnndii'i',I'roduci1, Sue;ar Mills, Etc., on thu mostfavorable terms.

I.ones Promptly Atlluslcil and PaysliteIn Honolulu.

C KOL.TI';jly St.Iy For fl. lticmcnsehuelder.

Union, I'M ro & Mavino

Insurance Co., L'd,Ol Sew Zcnluiiil.

Capital - $10,000,000

Fire rinks taken on Dwelllnuii, Storfl?,StoieboiiRCS and Contents. Also, Sunrand Iticu MIHh, Machinery, Etc, Etc.

On IIulK, Cargoes and Freights. Losspaid heie.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian IslnntR



Life, Eire & Marino

Insurance Agents !

AOKKTS mil:New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

op host on.

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.UN I OX

Insurance Company,Vlre A JIarlnr.



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on every premiumtblo, and in ovory year, tho AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof tlio Now York Lifo Insurance Co.have been LARGER than thoso OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policios.

J8 For particulars apply to

C. O. IIEUGER,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.


Assets, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Kiro and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Arujlo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine)

Capital paid up, $2,000,000South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $90,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

lG53 1y


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.DEAt.nns ik

General Merchandise !

Plantation Atronts,Lifo, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents.Jan-tl- J HONOLULU, It. I. 1880



Page 2: A. (jj · 2015. 5. 30. · 'HjFipW riS.'.--FJm. ss&SGaaega. A. f srva Il3 llilt B I tt f (jj QC Vol. XIV. No MOO, HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, ISUO. 60 OENT0aunaoiPTioNPER






v r.,


tt MMfttycrr(WHiWiiTi


$)aiT$. iuITino


Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But tttabliihtd for the btnrlit of alt.

WEDNESDAY, MAN. 19, 1800.

The Advertiser ought to be more

gonial toward other critics of its

utterances thtui is its habit, In view

of its practice of explaining to-da- y

what it meant to have said yester-


The Advertiser explains that Its

information regarding unanimity of

the Ways and Means committee, In

favor of taking off the raw sugarduty, was received in San Franciscotrom a member of Congress.

There is nothing mean about theHiin.KTiN. The more ornamentalparts and features of the cauls were

of foreign production, but that is

all right and you aro welcome toyour share. Only sorry we cannotcompliment the political product of

the Hawaiian Gazette Co.

Local stamp collectors ("fiends"some people call them) may or not

be put in a lluttcr by the intelli-

gence that there is to be a philatelicexhibition in Brussels, from April

:0 to May 10, ensuing, under theespecial patronage of Marquis Bac-quehe-

Belgian Minister of Com-


The French Postolllcc depart-

ment is desirous of having an inter-

national postage stamp, good in all

countries, whereby remittances of

petty amount could be convenientlymade. Such n stamp ought not to

be gummed, as, if there is one nui-

sance especially provoking to news-

paper people, ii is that of receivingsmall amounts in stamps that have

lo be put in soak to separate fromeacli ottier.

About a score of requests fiom

admirers of the late Father Da-mie-

self-sacrifi- have been de-

nied or postponed, within manymonths past, to tepublish an ex-

tract from a letter purporting tohave been written by Rev. Dr.

ilyrio, which has appeared in jour-

nals all over the world. Our.obfeution to the article was based on theaversion to having a dead man'scharacter bandied about in a semi-religio-

controversy. However, aseven since Mr. Bush's letter givingthe obnoxious extract was received,still another request has been pre-

sented by a gentleman who knewnothing of this letter, for the repub-

lication from a foieign paper, and asit is now, tor the first time, offeredin regular correspondence to thispaper, we have decided to let theextract appear in that connection.We have reason to believe, though,that Dr. Hyde's letter was privateand never intended lor publication,the impropriety of which is to belaid to the recipient who first causedit to be published.


President Eliot of Harvard ap-

pears to have gone out of his way,at the alumni dinner in Philadelphia,to abuse newspaper reporters. Itwas after lie had made his mainspeech, and following a response forthe press by L. Claike Davis of thePhiladelphia Ledger, that PresidentEliot got rid of a torrent of spleenagainst the news writers. He saidthat the men who are employed asleporters in Boston aie drunkards,thieves, deadbcats, and bummers.Four men known to him who hadbeen expelled from Harvard hadfound places on the Boston news-

papers as reporters. Erastus Brain-ar- d

of the Evemug News, whoseturn came next, abandoned his as-

signed subject and pitched into Pre-

sident Eliot, saying that he had beena reporter, and any man who saidthat the rcportoriul ranks of thegreat papers were filled with thieves,drunkards, .deadbcats, and bummerssaid what was senseless and untrue.Max O'lJcll has an aiticlo in theNorth American Heview for March,which shows that the witty French-man has a high opinion of tiie Amer-ican newspaper reporter. Amongother things Max says: "He mustbe a man of honor, and J have al-

ways found him so. Whonevor Ihnve begged an American reporterto kindly abstain from mentioningHits or that which might have beensaid in conversation with him, I haveinvariably found that lie kept hisword. But if the matter is of pub-

lic interest, lie is, before all andabove all, the scivant of the public.So, never challenge his spirit of en-

terprise, or ho will leave no stone

n uwwii raw


unturned until ho lias found yourcrct and exhibited It in public."

The conclusion of tho whole mailerHint there arc different grades of

morality among reporters as in everyother occupation. The reporterwho affects to be, in genteel-vulga- r

phrase, "a devil of a fellow," andthe person who would treat the re-

porter as n uiynah among birds, areboth alike of a despicable turn ofmind.



Eihtoii UuM.rnx: It is with painand regret that I am constrained,for justice's sake, toukyoit lo pub-lish the following piece of informa-tion, in regard lo the life and actionsof a most worthy man, FatherDaniien, whose greatest sin appearsto be, from the way his deeds oflove aro being traduced by a profess-ing Christian of the Protestant faith,that those deeds arc a reproach lothe many professors of religion ofwinch Mr. Hyde is a member. Thisworthy man, who spent his time andservices in the cause and for the re-

lief f suffering humanity, whosodeeds are recognized abroad andhove been the means of stimulatingand encouraging people in othercountries to not only take a deeperinterest towards the suffering, butto offer their services in the spherein which this man served and forwhich he is quietly and in away offplaces being traduced by those whoprofess to follow the lowly Xazarene,whose whole teachings were em-

bodied in the command to "LoveGod with ail your heart, and yourneighbor as yourself."

"Rev. C. M. Hyde, D. D., Princi-pal of the Theological Seminary inHonolulu, replying to the queries ofa correspondent, writes: 'We, whoknew the man, are surpiised at theextravagant newspaper laudations,as if he were a most saintly philan-thropist. The .simple truth is, hewas a coarse, duty man, headstrongand bigoted. JIu was not sent toMoiokai, but went tlieic (at first)without orders; did not stay at tlia..Leper Settlements nut circulatedfreely over the island (less than onehalf' of the island is devoted tolepers), and came often to Hono-lulu. He had no hand in the re-

forms and improvements inaugurat-ed, which were the work of ourBoard of Health, as occasion re-

quired and menus were provided.He was not a pure man in his rela-

tions with women, and the leprosyof which lie died should be attribut-ed to his vices iuj;l carelessness.Others have done much for thelepers, our own ministers, the Gov-

ernment plrysieians, etc., but neverwith the Catholic idea of meritingeternal life.'"

This letter wo take from the Peo-ple's Journal, Dec. 28, 1880, and itwas copied fromthe Christian Lead-er. It speaks the sentiment of aclass of Christian professors, who,we infer from what the learned D.D.says, never do acts of charity "withthe Catholic idea of meriting eternallife," but. for n good fat salary andthe applause of mankind, and byproxy, as wc know by the way inwhich they have left to the poor Ha-

waiian teachers, those fields ofChristian work, which taketheui toofar awoy from civilization, and theluxuries of home in a country,where, besides their salaries, theirgatherings can bo made to multiplya hundred fold. J. E. He-i- t.


Not a great many young mento the kind invitation of the

Y. M. C. A. yesterday evening, buta goodly number of elderly folkand young ladies increased the at-

tendance to respectable proportions.A very pleasant entertainment wasprovided. For the first public occa-sion the hall was brilliantly lightedby incandescent electric lights.

Mr. F. .1. Lowrcy presided andopened the proceedings with

stating that the social wasfor the purpose of entertaining youngmen and strangers.

Miss A. N. Hathaway played apiano solo to the delight of all. Mr.D. G. Morgan sang "Poor BlackJoe" so effectively as to bo recalled,then gave a musical eulogy of goose-berry pie. Mrs. F. 0. Barto exhi-bited line histrionic talents in apathetic recitation, and favored theaudience later with two juvenilecharacter pieces.

Miss Hight, Miss Atlierton, Mr.L. C. Lyman and Mr. ilichardssang, "Softly falls the shades ofevening," so acceptably as lo stimu-late a recall, but the quartet sat onthe encore habit by keeping theirseats.

Mr. Henry Waterhouse, Presidentof the Association, in closing theliterary and musical part, facetiouslyremarked that the society mightmore truly be styled the "YoungLadies' Christian Association," towhich lie was suro the secretarywould not object. Ho welcomedthe young mon and strangers, as-

suring them also of a welcome inthe homes of members.

Icccrenm and cake were now pro-duced, while sociable conversationensued. Many now acquaintanceswere formed between residents andvisitors by friendly introductions.

General Scerotary Fuller beforedispersal announced tho Y. M. C.A. monthly meeting Thursday even-ing, also that Mr. T. II. 'iJavioswould give an address on India thofollowing Tuesday evening, and thata farewell reception would bo tend-ered that gentleman Thursday even-ing, April 3.

DAILY litJLLETJN: HONOLULU, II. I., MAJK'II 10, i8H0.NKiMWwawaflcst3taww


Yesterday being the birthday ofBro. Bertram, a concert was givenin the evening by the St.Louls band,to which a number of friends wereinvited. The programme embracedthe following numbers:

1'AHT I.Overture Dinilem HermannDuet I.aiiti'rbaeh .MclnettuWaltzes Sliver IHiltie Molmlerf Choiuo The Wandering Savoyard

Solo & Choi us.. The Lluie-Kll- u HandI'.VIIT 11.

( Tower Mutch Junior OrelietraSolo Pour Henry Rhtmberger

( Watchword Polka.. ..Iiinlor OrchidiaOvcittue Golden Uhhiic. .Ileimnnu.Solo Wieekcil and Saved KunwlesMedle-y- The Pialrlo IloullllonMarch' Vlotoi i.i bwobuila

The duct on piano "Lauteibaeh"was rendered by Bro. Francis andMaster Thomas l.loyd with greatspirit. In the ''Wandering Savoy-ard" the sopiano was sustained bysmall boys, the oilier parts beingtaken by older youths. The tenoreffect in Hie chorus was very fine.The "Lime Kiln Club" having ataking melody, embellished by n

winning accompaniment of parts, wascharmingly rendered. "TowerMarch'' and ' Watchword Polka"were then played by novices. Therewere six violins, live wind instru-ments and a duel at the piano. Thepieces were very correctly played,although the polka was slowed to adegree to rob it of dash, yet thetime and accent verc faithfully ob-

served,Two solos, one by little Elias

Jones and the other by Wm.Cuelho,showed the improvement by train-ing of voices naturally good. Theplaintive voice of the singer waswell adapted to the character of thesong. Young Cuelho lias a very linevoice which rang out with greatvigor or was subdued to tendernessas required by the song. In eitherpiiasc it was both melodious andartistic. The other renditions wereparticipated in by the Brothers andthe violin parts displayed variousstyles of bowing, abounded invigorous execution and exhibited afinished style.

A TYPICAL TRAGEDY,I ald until in love ono il.iv,

I.i'i's nli this w tmlln-- r w ay.The way...

The s win "hide was sweet and not :

Wc found a lowly little pool.The pool. O

I -- aid. UMi from there oniliihig;Ileie aie some pieces shoit, of filing."

'i lie: string.

vV knolii'il 1,110th Into thai twine:t'ntll i' had a tishing line.

The line. - -Hut -- oon with (ear my love did bawl;Fiom nooks the HttleuiKes did crawl.

The little snakes. y. K y.

Anil then tho rain it downward dashed;And speedy lightning .!g-7- (lashed.

The lightning. Z.'Zjt'pon the little pool did lloatA cry flilglle little ho.lt.

i lie Hoar. (- - -- )

Quite v ild.-li- e jumped the boat did feelHer weight, mid niggled like an eel.

The eel. w

My lovely love did get moie wetThen fiom the skies for it upset,

The boat. , ,

( )

When from the pool J pulled my fnir.Her locks once ciiilsu'ci a stiiilgh'testlMlr

Thc hair.

And she no more will walk with meHy pool or river, lake or e.i.

The sea. V.


4 HITUATION'as Engineer or Luna.xjl nen qiiHiiuea to till elllier posttiou Iteferenres if requited. Address'F. H ," this ofUee, 500 lw


D VHK liny Hoi sobramlc.l wllh

Cup; fleshly shod.H?5s. Owner ran have same

by paying expensesand enliing nt Onhu .Jail. tM tf


No. 128, drawn by theDRAFT Sugar Co. Feb.' 10, 1S00,for 8:20 has been lost or stolen. Allparties are heieby warned againstnegotiating same. VJi lm


MILS. OSHORNi: is now piepainl loinstructions in PuiieyWmk

at "Tim Arlington," Room C. ClassLessons: .Mnuda)!., Wednesdays amiFridays. Private lessons by 'specialarrangement. Stamping ami orderspromptly attended to. febLM-l- y


HAVINO sold out my Intern! In theIt Wore & Co lo .1. N. H.

Williams, nil pcThons iudebud lo midfirm are icquircd lo pay the nmmiiiu ofllieir ImleliKdiuss to me. and all huvingaccounts against stud 11 in will ptiwiillliem to mo for payment at tho olllro ofIt. Mote &i Co

Tlios. It. LUOAS.Honolulu, Keb. 1, itW). Ib2 lm


"VTOTICK Is hereby given to depoiltoisL In the Savings Rank Depaitinentof Clans Spreekels Co. that, liom andafter the 1st day of Apiil, 1800, the

allowed on deposits will lie re-

duced to four ) per cent per minimi.Depositors will hu allowed to withdrawtheir deposits up to that dale withoutgiving I'm usual notice, but, if allow edto remain after April 1st, said depositswill bflcniisldmeiliiAFUhjoct'tn the i tilesand regulations published in the 1'a-- sHooks,


iaMi ,. ..


Crow Land. LeasesHy order of the Commissioners of frown

Lund?, the leae of tne follow-ing lands for a

TERM OF TWENTY YEARSWill bo sold nt Public Auction, nt

tho Auction Itotiim of L. J.Levey, Honolulu,

On MONDAY, oiuivH 24, 1890,

.IT It '4!I.MK XOO.V.

1 . The FMipond known its JViiilmhi,-- Itnatu at Waikele, HUtilet of l'wa.O.ihti, together willi a stilp of landl.'O feet wide bordciing along said

; subject to right of waygranted Oahu J tail way it Lund Co.Area L'9 acres, t'pset price SlfiOper annum.

I. All of the Kuhi laud adjoining thoabdve l'ishpom! and running up tothe Government Jtoad to Wnlanae,containing lit acres. I'pset Sin,)per annum.

?J. The hind known ts Makawal. -t

unto at Koolaiipoko, Oahu, except-ing the llco lauds ami a small po-tion of tho lvtil.i. Good giainghind and well watered. Area 1222acid inorfc or les. Upset $2.r0 perannum.

'I. Tin; Ahtipuaa of Ilouoknwnl. InKaunapali, Maui, except tho Tarnlands and ii lots of K'ttla land livsin vey 20 1'iiiielpnlly glaz-ing land, and comprises an niea of.1,200 acres moie or less. I'pset$200 per annum

n. The Aliupiiaa of Walilknli or .Mala,situate In l.ahalnn, .Maui. Grazinglaud. A re 12.807 aeie-- . I'pset 8200per annum.

The Lease of the lands Uonoknwaiand Waliikull'will lie sold subject to .1.INpiuda's leases which exphc January1.IMI2, and Kcbiuai.v 1, IS'.K!, lespec'-Ihel- v.

It is leipiiiei'l that panics pur-e!i-i-

tie lease or the .said lauds will,not later tliau 12 tnotiih- - niter tin; ex-- I

ir.llion of tiie picscnt leases, iciuoveail cattle, goats and animals fiom thewoods, and dining ihc leinalmlcr of thenew lease keep tlio fotivt fieo of a'lattlo and animals of nil kinds.BSTilaps of alt tho above lands may

bo seen and particulars obtained uponapplication to the Agent of CrownLand?, Alliolani Hale.

(TMITLS P. IAl'KJM.Agent of Crown Lauds.

littSt-'iOU- w

JUST RECEIVEDPit llaikunliioS. N. C.is'Ie

a lie-- b si ppy of

Hay k Grain-- rnu pam: nv--

J. F. CGLC3URM & Co.,)05 Queen Blieel. jlw


Departure Bay Coal!

K Itaik "C. O. Wliitmoie."

mis s.u.r tALLEN & ROBINSON,1001 Xn. If, Queen street. i"1

Dr. GEO. P. AIMS.IteKldi'itco As Oillco: Comer King andAlneai MrectB. 5021 w


XJOTIOE islieroby given that at tho.LN annual meeting of the KtrokhohlcrBin the Hawaiian Fruil it Turn Co. tliofollowing wore elected to tervo as ofll.cers for tho ensuing j car:

.1 olm ltichariUnii I'reriiU'iit,C'has. Copp Vice. li i sltlcnt,

!S'erctaryA. M. Kcnoiliui Auditor.

W. 11. DAXIKLS,Isecritary.

Wailiiku, Maui, Maieli 1!', 1MJ0.

ro:i 'It


AT the annual meeting of the PioploVIce Si Kefrigerating Co, held

TUESDAY, Match llili, Iho followingclllccrt), wiin constitute nho tbu Hoardof Dinetor?, wcio elected:

W. O. Smith President,.loan. Austin t,

O. P. Castle S'ctttiiry,C. It Bishop TruisuiLr,T. W. Hobron editor.

(1. P OASTLK,5 0 101 KiTietary P. LA H. t n.

Union Iron Works Co.

"VTOiiOH is hereby given that at aXi meeting of tlio &uhscilhci to thocapital .stock of the above named Com-pany held In Honolulu, II. L, Mutch(!. 1S80, ii wiih oted to accept thoChatter of Coipoiation dated .Match 1,Ib'.m, for tlio term of ilfty yea is, gimitcdliy tho Hawaiian Government. The lia-bility of tho stockholders is limited tothe amount due and unpaid on theshares held. The following olllcersweie elected for tliu ensuing year:

f.X. S. Williams Piesident,. More Seei etaiy & Ti eaeui or,

A. .J. Cartwiiglit Auditor.Tho above named nllleers also consti-

tute a Hoard or Direeioirf.It. MONK,

l'.fl lm Seciolnry A; Trensiuei',


MUTUAL LIFEmmmiwifrmifri .iai

Is iEauiiiR a new form of ihBitraneo which provides, in the event of death, for a return of nil premiums paid in ad-diti-

to Iho amount of the policy, or, should tho Inslircd survive n given number of years, the Company willvelum all Hie premlunin paid with interest ; or, innteod of accepting the policy and profits in casli the leiral holdermay, WITHOUT MIMICAL and WITHOUT FIJRTHKU PAYMENT OP PREMIUMS, laku inlieu thereof the amount of policy and profits in FULLY" 1' All i UP insurance, participating annually in dividenda.

Remember, this.contract is ibsucd by tho oldest Life Insurance Company In the United StnleH, and the Largest Einaucial Institution In the World, assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dolluis.


S&" For full particulars call on or

Dcc-24-8- 0

Fresh Cakes, Pies,Mill: Diead,

Graham Dread,Ryu

Ficneb Urcnil,Family nread,


Him and0-- And will bo



Buns, Rusks,


Cofiue, Chocolate .tSotifcd rig'n Feet', Cold Ham,

Tongue, Hoof, Elc,


Pipe & Ciuvctlo Tobacco, Pipes,gjS-- Open fiom :i:'"0 a. m. 0:30

Mutual Telephone 211. Post Office


of &

t&-- All

389 lm

Them FIllCi'B lire pnMlv cleimpil,nnil KEVER become ChACKKI) or

by chiiiigo ofthe wntcr.

The Filtering Meilliini U a NATURALSTONE, iniiutl from tho etirtli. It Isunlike any other .tone.It Does Not and

Foul !

neverIt, but lie on tho suifiie.', unci Internallythe rtono i cumins as pine anil whitelifter years of 110 as when tikcn fiomthe mine.

The fialc City Stone Filter Is a per-fect 'ucee'-u- . It Is tho only real filter Ihave cer seen. I woulil not he withoutone for any It eonertHour lake water Into tho betwnler hi the woilil.

IlKNIlV M. M. D.,.:!.'! West Adam St , Chicago.

For Sulo hy


Opposite Fprrc.kcls A Co.'s Iinuk,TUtl Fort street, Honolulu.


-- roit h.w.i: nv tiii:- -

OO.173 lm

irtivrt ma mm wfrn






Hi cad,




S. U.



Te.i, Milk,


& Cold Drink:, Etc.p. m. night, nil nichl. Hell 9fi2.

Uox 178,MTf.-t- l "'!' .."







Ginpr Ale, Hoi Ale, Mineral falars, Etc.


Gate City Stone Filter








Wafer Tanks!






oand lie to


pfrisw.wgfri am&srmmJLMMaumxA

KOSE,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.

Doughnuts, Picnic Rolls.Crackers,



Shoolly Craokeis,


Spiced Spiced S.ilnd?,

Oignr. Cigarette Holders,Saturday Telenhnnn

L E:-a-


Proprietors IRON





297.orderw should nddrcRscd

Etc., Elc.part of tho city

187 lmjib n tup "'"nq

a so looked for by

SMITH & CO.,--A. cents.


A Choice Lin8 of Dry & Fancy Goods,INCLUDING ,

,( Jvltl OIovob from O to UO nuttone,

Hoilery, SapsrScotcli Ginghams, latest patterns; Woolen Dress GocdJ,

--, -'-


Boys', Youths' & Children's Clothing, Trunks, Bags & Yalises,

SAJL.J3Our Great Annual Remnant Salo, which

our customerseagerly

TH3SAnd will surpass any that has over tnken plnco at this or any oilier


We must sell our Romnants and you will bo glad to buy thorn nt low pricesat which they aro offered. Ho suro to bo on hand Saturday.

" " Al nnflN Marked with rioin Figure and Mold for Canli Only

Chas. J.Tho Loading Millinery Houso, Cornor Fort & Hotel sts.





Greiilne, Easjlierryaie, Sarspl,TELEPHONE










Great Reduction Sale !AFTER TAKING STOCK I




Till U'eb-ruar- ltftli, Only.,124 pair of Undressed Kid Gloves I

fl Rtttlons in order at Y a pair Great Bargains.All my 1R$S8 GINGHAMS nbout MO to select fiom are nt

Cost Price. A small lino of

Scotch Ginghams a Great Reduction !





nnu8 ported

pieees offered

atA largo assortment of READ THIS

IXRJE2&S GOODS,Such as rio,iiPs, Embroidered Swisses, India Linon, riain Swiss, Nainsook anil

many othor lines of Whito Goods. I will noil at such apiiro that everybody will buy them.

gjT Remember, February lfilh will eloso this Sale. jtff





S. EHRLICH,Corner Hotel & Fort, Slreolfl.

mtf&!i$l$& . yU.'1, VrtSkfc:f i ',

kmwwa'&waam 'j:MiZ'l; .




Page 3: A. (jj · 2015. 5. 30. · 'HjFipW riS.'.--FJm. ss&SGaaega. A. f srva Il3 llilt B I tt f (jj QC Vol. XIV. No MOO, HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, ISUO. 60 OENT0aunaoiPTioNPER


a J





fatvwrci-''--airt- ifwwaanjfti wim ifpiar'cc Twm,xf?gywMWtffi; II Jtf

ciiTtt SttTlct'iit

WEDNESDAY, MAK. 10, 1830.




A. M. I. M.Leave Honolulu !):C(i .'ooAtihe Miiiiiinu 11:48 i!:lSLeave .Mamma 1 1 :00 I :nnAl live Honolulu 1 :4S 1 MS


A. M. 1'. M. 1'. .M.

I.onvo Honolulu... U'i'.O 12:3() !l:0uAn Ive .Mamma ...10:18 1 :1H :i : ISLeave. Muiiunu.. .. 11:1)0 l:i:t .1:0;,Allive Huiirillllt... 11:18 L'liSI !:":!



Am wli liU Kelndecr from San Fran-cisco

Am wli bk Son Runner from San Piuii- -PlfCO

Am Mm wh Allen Know let, Lnphiim,fiom San FinncMeo

AuiNtiuwh llelvldeio fiom Sim Fiau- -eLeo

Am Mm wh .Jame Allen from SailFiancNeo

Am wli bk 71117.1 from Hun I'rmmi'.coAm wli lik Alaska from San FranciscoAm wli lik tiudicw Hick" fiom San

FinnelscoAm wh bk Lydui fiom Sun FranciscoAm wh bk Stainbonl, Waldrnn, from

San FimiicIl'oMm- - 111

Stinr Klnau from Hawaii mid MaulAm wli bk Helen Man., Kill", fiom San

FranciscoAm bk Aldoh Hcfi'e, 17 days fiom Sail

trail chco xStiiir J A Cummins from KoolauSclir Llholllio from Kniini

OEl'ARTUKES.Mar 111-- Am

bkt Planter, Dow, for San Fian--clsco

Sclir Ka Mol for HawaiiSclir Wnichu for KtiuuiAm Rin wli i k Rchideru for Aictlo


Am bktue.lohii Smith, Ku-'tcl'- , for SanKranulseo


From Maui and Hawaii, per MeiiuiorKlnau. Maich ID Jus lliton. J A Ken-

nedy, W V l.oekwood, J H Wodehouse,jr, F W IIji tt'li, Akuka, Mrs fl 0trum,.r Uliul. Cap) .1 Hansen, W II Campbell,Kev A N Flhfi-- , E It Blven, .Mies Ha-m- il

n, Miss X Daniels, II A Heen and 02deck.

For Kauai per tmr .Milcnhnla, Maieh18Hon(l N Wilcox, Mies J Parke, .1

Sundi'iyon. llov ii Isenbeig, Hon I 1

Kuuoa, .Mr Muller, A Mi own, Mr Smith,II a llncon, j Wilson, M Hanen, .1 GCorrca, and 00 deck.

For Maul per stmr Likelikc, March13-- V.rs W II uciry, MUmm Stilus (2i, AYoung and :!0 deck.


The steamer Klnau biought 10,103bags hiigar, 33 bags corn, 200 bags po-

tatoes, 100 pkgt sundries, und 6S pkgsbides.

Tbu Ainuilca'i bark Aldcn llesso ur- -'

rlvcil this afternoon 17 days fiom SanFranclflco with general Xi eight.

Tho burk Ftrrls S Thompson will sailfor.-a-n Fraucisco about tho middle ofnext week.

The biiikiMitjne Mary Wlnkclman hasbeen (locked at the V M S S Co's whatto receive sugar, and the barkoutlnoIrmgard, at the Klnau wharf.

Tho steamer 7'elo' and the schoonerI.iivlnia aro on the Marine itailwiiy.

Tho niericau barkeiitliio John Smith,Captain OKustol, will J"allfor Han Francisco, with a cargo of sugarand bamiiius.

Tho burk Benj I' Hunt, jr, has beenmoved out lu the stieam.


Arrived: March la, steamer Klnaufrom Honolulu and wav ports: March17, tern J G North from sea, dlseharff-In- g;

March 18, steamer Kinaufrom Uiloand way ports.

Departnic: March IS, steamer Klnaufor Honolulu and way ports.

' March fith, tho Am b.ukcullno Ellashore In a southcily squall and a totalwreck.


7'ritVIS-- On tho 8th Inst., at Kukul-haol- e,

Ilamakuu, Hawaii, to thewife of W. Herbert 1'urvls, Esq., ahon.


HCN'TOX At Pnehuehu, Kohala, Ha-

waii, on March lOib, Kntheritic J.,beloved wlfo of Henry II Ronton,uged 23 years.


Yesterday evening, at the resi-

dence of Mr. John F. Colbnrn, Iti-im- u

btreet, n luau was jjlven inhonor of Mr. and Mrs. .7. F. Merrilland Uaptnin II. II. Ellis and MissICIlis of Sao Francisco.

Tho arrangements were about per-fect. Numerous Chinese and Japa-nese lantern, were Imngabout thehouse, giving jt a magnificent as-

pect. Tho lanai, wliero tho feastwas held, was prepared with tropicalluxuriance.

Shortly after eight o'clock fifty ormore persons sat down to the luau.Every varioty of nativo dish, sotnowith big names and little fishc3, wason tho table. Most of tho guests"had been thero before" and knewhow to make tho inner being happy j

but the facial expressions (curiosity,doubt, pleasure, etc., witlt lightningchanges) of the "strangers, '' as theytasted each diah, Should have beenphotographed. Toasts and speechesbecame in order towards tho end,and the healths of the host, thoguests, the King, tho Cabinet, thopress, and the ladies wero drunk.A native troupe furnished musiuduring tho evening and after thofeast dancing was enjoyed. Thoguests had all dopaitcd by midnight,each ono rejoicing at the pleasureIhpy had experienced.


A Hirlf'.vito.v u infiliicd' or luitu IH


A ji.MtK luy liiir-- o U cnullmdOahu Prison awaiting the call ofowner.

'I'm: Pacific llardwaio' Oo. udvei-t'n- o

t lie aiilvnl of f i ech slnckfc of eiil-lor- y

and slnlilo fiiinifliinj,'!". n

Tim: polHeript of a letterfiom Kolmlu iny: "Weather teni-hie- ;

toadi almost inipn'--iible.-

Till: muntlil.v niceline; of tin W.('. T. U. will bo held ut Associationputlora 2:130 ufturiioon.

Mr.ncii.NT Mtcet, bclweun Nuiinniiand Uctlicl, in undergoing neededgrading and is accordingly fenced oil'from vehicle travel.

Li:t all oliofii players irrespectiveof the excellence of their stylos ofplay flock to the organization meet-ing' thi evening nt tin HawaiianHotel.

Tin: Ainoiic.au barknntino .JohnSmith will pail for San Francisco

at 11 a. in. and take a ninil,which closes al llio Post Ollico at 10


Mil. Juo. Acliilown umiouucoA hisability-t- o poform all kinds of repairson miincal iiistruincnlH. Ho is alsoan experienced Inner of piano andorgans.

Jab. F. Morgan's regular ca.sli taloof dry goods, clothing, hardware,crockery and furniture will tako plueu

A number of cases ofchampagne in pints and quails willalso bo sold.

Is the holiHif tho Kntciinn tlieioarc coiled about twenty sea knots ofcable, and on deck are stowed aboutthirteen knots more. Preparationshave been completed for pulling outon tho lift favorable day.,

E. MAOi'Aiti.A.vi: vs. E. II. F. Wol-tcr- s,

bill for specific, poiformanee, ison trial to-da- y liefoio Mr. JusticoHickcrlon at Supremo Court chant-bor- n.

F. M. Hatch for plainlill"; V.V. Ashford for defendant.

A Mi:r.Tisn of tho Hawaiian H.ie-bil- l

League will shoitly be held whenthe date of opening the ofoh's playwill be decided upon. Tho nineshave not as yet been chosen, althoughpractice bus been going on for somelime. For tho interest of the gamesas they only take placo weekly it ishoped that four clubs will constitutethe League.

Rev. H. II. Davis, Kealakekua, Ha-

waii, is foliciting contributions for aa proposed stained glass windowin C'hiist Chinch, South Kona,in.inemoiy of Captain Cook thenavigator, who was killed withinthree miles ol that spot. Postal or-

ders are to bo made payable to Mr.Davis as above, who will also icceivoHawaiian postago stamps for smallamounts, and IT. May it Co. havekindly consented to receive contri-butions for Honolulu.


Mail, per blctnc John Smith, closes10 n. in.

V. C. T. I'., Y. M. C. A. par-

lors, '2:510 p. m.Meeting Star Mill Co.. 11 a. in.Regular cash salo by Jas. F. Mor-

gan, 10 a. m.


Miss Patch desires to acknowledgeher obligations to those who so cor-

dially assisted in tho seminary en-

tertainment Saturday evening, es-

pecially to Prof. II. Bcrger, whosowas so valuable in its

preparation ; to tho Royal HawaiianString Rand ; to the Gleo Club ofthe Karaehameha school, and to thepress of Honolulu for their frequentand most kindly notices.

To that large circle of friendsthe audience who honored the occa-sion with their prosenco, and whosocordiality inspired the success of thoentertainment she would returnher sincere thanks.


By the last mail letters were re-

ceived frOjin Mr. W. J. Forsyth,dated from Chiapas, Mexico, an-

nouncing tho fact tbnt ho had justcompleted the purchaso of n coffeeestate in that locality for the sum ofSlf0,0Q0. Tho estate is an exten-sive ono,and tho bulk of tho plantinglias yet to be done. The work ofdeveloping, planting, and workingof the estate is entirely in Mr. For-

syth's hands, and lie is very san-

guine ns to tho ultimate success ofthe undertaking. "Labor," hewrites, "is at present our greatestdilllculty, but arrangements aro be-

ing made to obtain Polynesians, whoaro very much like the Indians ofthis country."

Mr. Forsyth, it will bo remember-ed, was emnlovcd by this Government in 1888 to go round the groupfor the purpose of making a reporton tho possibilities and prospects ofgrowing coffee in large quantities onthese islauds. After traveling roundfor several months, ho prepared anexhaustive report, that, was publish-ed in the Planters' Monthly, inwhich the subject of growing cin-

chona wns also dealt with. The re-

port strongly advocated tho cultiva-tion of both coffee and cinchona, oncertain localities in the Kona dis-

trict. A bill was passed throughthe Legislature asking for Govern-ment assistance which, however,did not receive tho King's sanction;and the scheme of cultivating bothproducts upon an extensive scalelapsed for want of tho necessary en-

couragement from local capitalists.

bAlLV UUJ.l,toTI UUflOMJJL.U, II. !., MA NCll 10,


Until OiinraliniiK.-foiitliiuc- tl Klnriuttolibd' Catiiclit..- - HntrlnioiilnlCiitcli.

(7Vm Ililo IRcnrd, Muvch 18.)The Road Hoard have been at

work the past week on the "Wnio-lamn-Wninko-

ennui. Whether theopening of this waterway will cause

permanent tilling up of tho mouthol the Waiolama stream, is yet tinopen question. But we need somedirect way of reaching Wainkea land-ing. The long jioundiiliout one byway of the Kulepolepo street, Is notwhat we want. If the canal joiningthe Waiolama to the Wailoa willgive us a direct roadway all right,but if not then the Waiolama shouldbe bridged. At this season of theyear we may expect that live times"out ol ten It will be so rough at ourpresent boat landing, that passen-gers and freight from Honolulu willall have to be landed at Wniakea ;

and tiicre should bo a direct roadthere and not the long one wc havementioned above. There arc quitea large number, too, of people livingsouth of the Waiolama, and some di-

rect way should bo provided forthemto reach town. We are not findingfault with the Road Hoard or anybody else in Ithis matter, but onlywish it pushed through and not letit be another year before it is done,in one way or another.

The now jail on the Volcano roadis finished and the prisoners woretransferred to it last Saturday. Mr.Murlin has about completed the ditchnear the woods, which will remedy,wc think, any danger of overflow totho road in that place. The lastheavy storm has damaged the Vol-

cano road but little. It washed offin a few places the top dressing.This is being repaired. The roadthrough the woods is so well drainedthat no storm, except a cloudburst,can damage it. The road is nowentering the woods on the north ofOlaa and will run through themabout two and one half or threemiles to a point 15 or 10 miles fromHilo.

From Kona wo hear, that in thesuits brought against the RoadHoard thero was a failure to convict.

The late storm of wind and rainwas very severe all along the. Konacoast.

The barkentiiK) Ella' went a9horelast we.ek during'the northerly blow.The large moorings laid there partedand soon she was driven far up onthe rocks. She had about 100 tonsof sugar on' board which was all lost.The wreck was bought by Mr.Wight of Mahnkona. No insuranceon the vessel.

On last week Tuesday a Jap lab-

orer was walking up the road withhis wife, when' ho accused her of in-

fidelity and immediately drew ajack-knif- e on her and with one cutsevered the jugular vein of thewoman. He then cut himself badlyabout the throat, trying to kill himself ; but ho is now in n fine way torecover. This was near Dr. Oliver'splace, between Naalohu and Waio-liin- u.

As soon as the Jap has suff-iciently recovered to be brought intocourt, his examination will bo held.Fortunately tho Sheriff arrivpd inKau the next day.

A horso was found one day lastweek saddled and bridled, awaydown ono of tho Tabala gulches,where he was carried by the torrent.It is supposed that his rider musthave been drowned, although nobody had been recovered.

The storm was ono of tremendousforce in Kau and did much damage.

Aiona's stores in town have dur-ing the past three weoks beon en-

tered and small sums of moneytaken. Saturday morning tho outerdoor of the mauka store was openand a watch and a small sum ofmoney wero missed.' That forenoon,one of tho small boys living nearwas found in possession of a new hatand a new pair of shoes. On search-ing him tho watch was found in hispossession. The young rascal con-

fessed to being the person who hadbeen doing tho pilfering lately, bygoing into tho storo before closingtime and hiding under the counters,until all was closed up and then get-ting wiint he could and leaving. Heis now in jail awaiting his trial.


Ho must bo about six feet tall,dark hair and moustache preferred,strong and good matured. He mustnot bo short and white haired, nevermind how strong, must not use hiswife's back for a warming pan atnight, must not chew and get drunk,must not want to hold her hand for1i minutes. Scotchman preferredthough American will do. No Englishman may apply. Address I M.in Advertiser, Hui.r.r.TiN', Gazette orthis paper.

The St. Patrick dance was enjoyedby all. The cool weather inndo thedancing very pleasant.

YcBterday afternoon Representa-tives Nawahi and Raker met theirconstituents, nt tho courthouse.Next week wo will give a full reportof what wns done there.

Our-stor- still continues, with astrong wind from the northward,which has brought a heavy surf intothe bay, rendering it impossiblefor boots to lend on this side. Sugaris piling up in all the storehousesalong tho coast to Waipio. Anotherfact, showing the need of tho Haina-ku- a

and Ililo railroad. Hurry upthe road, wo say.

C. E. Richardson has put up apowder house on the beach, wherethere can be no danger to nny one.

Tho Government holiday, yester-day, passed off very quietly.

Thirteen arrests on Saturday nightfor gaming and opium.


Hail ltciciv'iiu'iil..M reckllio i:iln-..ltu- ti liunnlat,

Vt'i'.t ol

Early Sunday morning a deepgloom was cast over the whole ofthis district by the sad and unex-pected announcement of the deathof Mrs. Henry Kenton, formetlvMiss Hind of Hawi Plantation. Sheleaves behind her twin daughters,who latest teports say are doingwell. Cutoff In the eatly bloom ofher womanhood, she lives in thenietnoiy of those who knew her, as-- r-

onu of the mout amiable and unas-suming of her sex. lleaitfelt sym-pathies for the bereaved husbandand her family arc freely expressedon all sides. Truly we can heregive vent to the words of the Psalm-ist, "This poor one cried, and theLord heard her, and saved Iter outof all her troubles."

Copious rains have been the orderhere for the last six months; aboutten inches of rain, we hear, has al-

ready fallen during this month.Soon after the departure of the Ki-na- u

last week for Honolulu, a hurri-cane of the regular kona typo sweptover the district, continuing unabat-ed for about twenty-fou- r hours, anddoing serious damage everywhere.At Mahukona during the afternoonof Friday, 7th, hist., indications ofthe baiometer became so threaten-ing that Cnpt. Hansen and the crewof the harkentine Ella, anchored 'offshore of that port, had to abandontheir ship. The storm did not abate,when, at !1 o'clock of the followingmorning, with a sudden squall andcounter sea, the vessel was tornfrom her anchors nud hurled on therocks, somewhere in the vicinity ofthe new warehouse of tiic HawaiianRailroad Co. A big hole was alovcin her bottom and a quantity of su-

gar washed out. She had aboutl.lOO bags of sugar aboard, nearly300 of which were subsequently re-

covered in a more or less damagedcondition. On Thursday, 13thinst.,an auction sale of the wreckagebrought about seven hundred dol-

lars. Damaged sugar was sold se-

parately. Special trains were runthroughout the day by the HawaiianRailroad Co., many availing them-selves of the privilege.

It is whispered around that a pro-

minent gentleman of this district isabout to enter the matrimonial state.Maui furnishes him with a bride.All wish him godspeed.

It is to tho credit of those inpower for responding to the wishesof the district inJudge Atkins for Kohala.


March IS, 1800.


Yesterday Frank Fisher was foundnot utility of assault and battery onManoel Kodrigo and discharged.

Manocl Koelrigo, licensed of rapeon the person of Louisa Either,was discharged.

Ah Sun and others remanded loMarch 21.

Yuen Ping remanded from March15th nolle pros'd. For another of-

fense the defendant pleaded guijtyand was 'discharged with reprimand.

Puamana and Pelika and Gabrielnolle pro9'd.

Arthur Johnstone- for libelby consent to Thursday,

March 20.Four men charged with intoxica-

tion forfeited bail ; one oncharge was reprimanded and dis-

charged, and one was remanded tillto-da-

Daniel Mocaloha for more alohaof rings than tho law allows, was re-

manded on his plea of guilty to acharge of larceny to this day forsentence.

Iokcpa and Kalua charged withcloset ting service of Wilder S. S.Co. were ordered to return to duty.

At this morning's session A.Warsscy accused of maliciouslymaiming dog of h. Kavnnagli wasfound guilty and fined Sl." and83.50 costs.

Daniel Mocaloha who was remand-ed froth the 18th for sentenco for afinding of guilt in tho fourth degrocsentenced to imprisonment at hardlabor for six months. $ 1 costs.

Schncigc wns reprimanded anddischarged.

V. II. Mason pleading guilty ofassault on Ilolon (w) was lined 810with 8 1 costs.

Ah Yeck, possession of opium,nolle pros'd.

Arthur Hunt accused of drunken-ness and disturbing night forfeitedbail of 8G for formor and 810 torlatter charge owing lo nonappear-ance. Hut on subsequent appear-ance and at his representation andrequest the cases wero continued till


Drill Co. O Honolulu Killcs, nt7:110.

Oahu I.odgo No. 1, K. of P. at7: .10.

Mystic I.odgo No. 2, K. of P., at7:30.

Services at Central Union church,at 7:110.

Services at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral, nt 7:30.

Meeting chess players, Hotel, at7:30.

now spring styles of IliiltlmoroOUR Lints, just la. M. Mclniirny.001 lw

invoice of Fine IrishANOTHER Jtnt to hand. M.Moluorny. "'01 lw

Clothing. Another In.CLOTHING, Hprlngstylcs. Meii'rtand Hoy's Clothliii;, Just in. M. Me.Inurny. MM lw

infr . wirf!No nrwMVw rivcej

Auction Sales b7 James P, Morgan.

Regular Cash Sale!

Miiri-l- i aoiii,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. .11.,

At my Hulcsnmiii, Qiii'tu ircut, I willsjl at Public Auction,

Dry Goods, Clothing,1 lurtl wart. C'rot'lim'y.

-- At M- l-

B, W, Harbletop Bedroom Set,

lllnck Walnut tfldebo'id,Single llcdstends,TilUli'., Cllllllr1, Eic., Kto.

And at II o'clock a. m ,

41 cases of Cbampigno In Qiarls,26 casjs of Cininpajius in Pints,

JAS. F. MOKGAN,Wlli It Auctioneer.

Ciillqi.lStiil)lcSiiiife!Tlic Pari Hi' ILii'ittvarn Co.

Have i iRt reit'lved u line line of

G. Wostengholm's I.X.L. Cutlery;

Also, Chamois Skins,


Supplies Goncrally. if

JMNASHDOWNOf San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe & Reed OrganTuner & Repairer.

Having worked in sonic of the Inrcc'tpiano mid orgu'i factories in the Unitedotates of America, 1 am fully able andprapnteil to do all kinds of repair workIn Hie most satlsfnctory milliner.

Kir Orders euu by left t II. F.Wiuliniari's Jewelry Ktore. Foil siree',at tlits Advertiser ofllcc, or lliroii);!'Mutual Telephone No. !U7. roil I in

t ii i:

Maiiuliicliiiffi' Shoe Co.

Hwfived ex Zeal mill!, thitirdiiy,u lurfto consignment ol


FINE GOODSin Medium ami wry Narrow

noij Width. l'BILLS for BALL.

ALL bills itgihiHt the bull eoiiiiniiltcCo A, Honolulu Hllle', will ho

rceulved by thoi:. it. tiiomas,

.IT. tw 1' ( Hox Mo. 117.


IS Inroby given tliui I will not b, icsponaiDlu (i- - lb') pnymeiil of urn

debit, coilruotcd in my mine, withoutmy written otdor.

DAVID KKALOMAPAUOLK.Honolulu, March ti. I1MI. Mill l


w i: the undei stoned duly lieiebyKlvo notice that, on dale we

have l cslgned our .nttnrnnystilp In theaffalri of C Iieitelmann, of Piliui,Kiiuiil. in favor of Susan Ilertelmiiiiu,wife of C. iiertehminn.


Maieh 17, 18'JO. ."Willi-I'- ll IfSPECIAL MEETING.

AHPKCIAL iiROtinit. of the Block,tho Star Mill Co. will

bo hold ut tho ofllco of V. U. Irwin &Co., on THURSDAY, the wOth iaH., at11 o'clock a. it. Busiiif'SR of Importance.

YV. O. IRWIN,501 til Seerelury.


the Coist a choice lot ofIUOM Cigarette and TobnccoH,which will bo sold at vcrv 'low prices.

HANS PETERSEN,101 lm No. 87 Kill),' btreet.


for talo at llnwniiimFIREWOOD Halcsioomi1, corner ofQueen anil Nuiiunu KtreclH. 4f tf


pOpurnhnie,ii Viiicoiiil-lmiii- l Safe.Apply at this olllce. 411) lw


COPIES of tlnDAtLV Uuu.r.TiN, of(lutes pcellU'd below, t"0 cents

a copy will be paid for the sumo ondelivery at this ollleo:

January i),lHHtt, a Cople.4..1HSU. tf :mI'h.


rpWKLYB SMALLX Hnrnes for pnek.

T lug. Apply at thoHnwalhiu Pnelflu On.

- Ulo Works, foot ofQueen street. r.cii it

WANTEDriV) rent for 1 month a Lnrgu

AflSli X Room or Hall, eitherIfySyHl ground tlooror iiHtain, mustbe centrally tltiiatcd. 'lO.'i tf

Ileal Estate For Sale.

Houses and Lots onTWO Lane, Pallium.Convenient to Btcam nnd tram

cum. Very lieauny locality, i.ot onKing street, near Unimiuku's Line, t atparticulars apply lo

JOHN K. HOWLER.I OrClms.T. (lullek. W0 Ilni



Eqyitafjie LfeSociety of tho

Extract From Annual

"We purpose placing in your hands to oifer to the public an Indem-nity Bond. Mnnv will be "attracted bv the fact thut you ure selling thebonds of n life insurance society with assests over S 105,000,000.00, uudwill not fail upon examination to see its intiin-i- c merits.

"This, with our various forms of Tontine Policies will, (as you arenow nble to quote the results of twenty year Tontines) give you greatadvantages over others, as no other company will for a number of years,be able to show actual icsulls on similar Policies.

'IIKNKY Ii. HYDE,"President."

ktSr Send for illustrative pamphlets, orsigned.



Gcnoral Agent for the Hawaiian lslaudu, Equitable Life Assurance Societyof the U. S. Jan-1-0- 0

B IS II II i3ID U, Ufa U i'i VJ H


AMATEUR, OUTFITSKioni .fS.."0 $100 Each.















A t:






Manager.Secretary &




Tin :

uranceUnited t3taf.esn

Circular to Agouts.

call in parson under- -

rf-- A fcD 7VSf O S .O EJI TWWII, il UBilWnJ i f

ffis 98

A a. !H D SI UN 11d U' Zu

1)1! Y VI.ATES,









Jons Ema, Vicc-Presido-

Cr.cn. Auditor.

: Fori Struct, Honolulu.and DEALERS IN

Handsome S indestructible !01ic-ie- i lliiXM. Wood !




HK JH-fBBWfW-i nBUfl1' i 'ii'h llwO v 111 H.Ml

Lawn Fence piotcets a lawn without concealing it, suitable

Lawns, Parks, Gardens, Churches, Cemeteries, Etc,


HAWAIIAN HARDWARE Co.,Fort 6ticot,oppo. SpreokelB' Hnnfc, Honolulu, H.

E. It. Hkndisv, President &GoiiriiKV Huown, Treasurer.





Oppu. Bn.uk,

Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Gonuino Haviltuul Chiaa, plain nrd decorated; and Wedpcwocd


Piano, Libiary A Stand Limpt, CliatidoliotA it Electoltoro,Lamp of all kinds, A coniplnlo aasortm't of Drills .t Filen,


The "Gazollo" Riding Plow .t EquAlizor,lllucbeard Hico Plow, l'liuitortt' Stonl it Ooodoneokud Ho,

OilH, Oils, "

LAUD, CYLINDER, KEROSENE, LINflI1,IViuli, Vriijili(s t IlrtuliOH, Manila &. Siaal Rop,


Hoso, o, Hose,RIJUHER, WIRE-HOUN- of Htipwior quality, A. STE1M,

Agate Iron Wine, Silver Plated Waro, 'Pablo fc Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot & Caps, The Cnlebr.Ueil"Club" Maehino-lpado- d Oiirltiiluea,

A.OISNrX-r- ITOliHurt'M Patent "Duplex" Din Stock lor Pipe .fc Bolt Tliroadinjr,

IIiutmau'H Steel Wire Fonco k Stoel Wire Mats,Win. O. Fisher' Wrought Stoel RanRM,

Onto City Slono Fillora,"Now Piooois" TwUl DrilU,

noviD-S- NV Cairiago PuiuU.

I ,- ' k&t-S&-t'dkM-kss&-.

" j3yT, ikj&iu.i ilS&it" .".W j.tfjtafc. J:'"dM lf. ''.! i'.Sw




' " :. - '. - , ., '..

Page 4: A. (jj · 2015. 5. 30. · 'HjFipW riS.'.--FJm. ss&SGaaega. A. f srva Il3 llilt B I tt f (jj QC Vol. XIV. No MOO, HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, ISUO. 60 OENT0aunaoiPTioNPER

RmJeL- - ''vK . iUIiA' BULLlSTtes HONOLULU H. i,j iii, I8i)fl.


' VBw " m1"""" uwhim'iiihiih iii.iiwh .... "' .i .i 111 ill Mii.ilWci''M'iMIlillWl'liftriiiiiuUa'ibl r-- .7. - i-- . . .. jv.uttiAfra"wfp .. ;nr

K. CASTLE & COOKE, E. B. THOMAS, UCOailC lamp GIU7. T1IR1I H llflTIBS & fl

Rv. Contractor ffiE & Builder. 3 kxezexSI x' d&fo '

Kfc- Estimates Glvon on Brick, Iron. Stone & ?wmmmwS !Bfe?, Woodon Buildings. Jobbing ? X TI3IK TAIIVjH: JfeCxSKP Allendod To. ""f" ?. --rflSwfaf .' ftl ' O n ! ... RlLL.iA6i : ki:i:is vnn sai.i: WHBftrasi x From San Francisco. illSSfflEjPtsBs

K'. OnippinS; & uUrnrniSoiOri mBlUldlllb, Brick, Lime, Coment, Plaster of Paris, WTWjt' Marble bust, Wire Lath, PSSwf ur.AMmAirmv tvuitiMviiH AfiBWT. Ca form HoTtti Beach & Santa Cruz

jLl ikau:h.s in


J I L'.inlliniiCl X f

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' fc Plumbers' Tocls,


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Cowls anil

General 3WCerclif incline.

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines,

Jun-3-!)- 0


Pacific Hardware Co., Ld,IRONMONGERS !

Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnisliiog Goods,--A INVOICE OF- -

Classware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;Galvanized Fence Wire, Steel Wire, Galvanized SJujiIop,

.Staple.", .Special Quality Fence Staples.NEW GOODS ! -- a Gr NEW GOODS !

In all lines by late arrivals. Agent forKublmr Garden Hose, AVire Bound Hose, Slemn Hose,

or vkiiv sui'i-mio- huawtv.PACIFIC UAKDWAKK CO., (l.V),

.7). F. DiLUxuiiAM, J. (5. .Sit.nci:!!, F. L. Winter,jaii'0-0- 0 Picfiident. Manager & Secretary. TreiiKiirer.


Great Bargains ! Great Bargains !


All ioods Sold at Greatly ReQuced Prices !

0Dressmaking Department





Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla,CJIA.SlIVGrV33



ST ii2jcjMutual Telephone 330 -- a




promptly attended to.




-:- -

California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Gako Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling: Ground Barley,

Wheat Corn Flour.FLOUR Golden Gate & Salinas- - FLOUR

9 Telephones, No. 175.


Black FenceBlack

JOHN"Dim oiul HlocK," IS'oh.

under MISS


Island orders


Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.--- W

.s1.,Jli:ll:rx, csto tar Bell Telephone 298



Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sis.

NOTT,5" &: WT JiUifs Blrcot.



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND093 Sheet Iron Work.

Quarry Tiles Oxfi roil, white ami blue;illutoii, Plastic ami Encaustic Tiles Invmioiu patterns, all kinds of DinlnngeWare.

BSf Oi'Kici: corner Ala-ken anil Queen streets.Mutual - -- nTELEPHONESarBcll 351


VOLCANO STABLESWitlanuenuc .Street.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice.

Also, Saddlo Hones,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carls,


Proprietors, Hllo, Hawaii.- Orders received liv Telephone, "8



Al Vessel will he despatched forAN Honolulu to sail from Now Yorkhi all tlic month of April. Orders forKontls to he. chipped hy this vesselshould ho forwarded as early as pept-ide to Injure shipment. For furtherparticular', inquire 01 me Agous.

UASTLK&COOKi:.Honohilu, II. I.

Or. W. II. OROSSMAX & BRl)..77 & 7U llroad street.

.185 'Jni New York City.

JAMES NOTT, JrritAonc.u.

TINSMITH and PLUMBER,Corner of King ntid Alaken streets,

Honolulu, II. I.

Workshop Mut ?.CI Rcsidonco-M- ul 23G

furnished on all cIhsfcsof plumhlng and tlntmithing work.First eln" work mnn ship and mattrialguaranteed In all the above branchesof my business at reasonable rates.

401 3m



Just the Thing for the Holidays

-- AT Tlir.--

Pacific Hardware Co.421 tf


HAVING bought out Mr. W. II.in the "Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory," at 128 Fort btreet, I amprepared to continue the above businessunder tho old name of Honolulu Car-riage Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced carriage builder I folieitthe patronage of my old friends and thepublic in general, and with my thoroughknowledge of tho business and with

workmen and using only thebest material I guarantee genoral cutis-factio-

Please call and m.-- mo beforegoing elsewhere.

(Signed): GIDEON WEST.Honolulu. Oct. 28, 1889. Mil tf

Collector Wanted.

AN nctivo American, Englishman orGerman, ot good habits and char-

acter, who also speaks Ifawailan, andcan furnish first-clas- s rclcrcnces, mayobtain a permanent situation as Col-lector, by addressing P. O. Hex No.tni, Honolulu.


A LARGE 2 Blory House,flrst class in every res-

pect, with all necessary out.buildings, flno lam, shade trees, llowerlicite, etc , very desirably located wllliln10 minutes' walk of tho Post Olllcc, willho leased for onu or more years, at areasonable rental to a telest privatefamily. Apply nt


Furnished House To LetT Waikikl, a two story

House, containing sixrooms nicely furnished, with

kliehen, hinai, hath and servant's rooms,stable, etc., to let for a fow months at arcatnuahle rate. Or rooms Mill be letslnnly with cnod table board.


Valuable Property For Sale

O' N'uuiiuu Avenue, anewly lurntblieit

House containing 8 rooms,Uiidii'ii. bathroom, closets. earrlHcehouse, stable, hencry, etc. Groundscontain 2 240 ncics, well laid out inlawn0, shade and fruit trees, (lowers,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, livo stock,and all the appoint incuts needed in atirst-cliis- s icsidcnce, as the owner in-

tends leaving these Islands.HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOENOY.

Island Views.

A LARGE assortment of Photographsand Stereoscopic Viows of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, etc ,in these islands, for salo at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNOY.Corner Fort and Merchant nt reels.

2.10S tf






frfrJMW4 w--

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5 Jfr" W

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pr. cofcJ

pB p



p P OB oooa SB B

CO co



a H aS1 P CD



erhCD l

mmm4tt if; xkhoowmwov

l.cuvo Due atH. F. Honolulu

Aluniedn . . Apt-Ma- ..Apr 12Mariposa , . .May 10Zcnlitndin . May III.. . ..Ittno 7Aliimciin . ..luno 28.. ..July fMiuipojn . July 20.. ..Aug 2Zenlandia. . .Aug 23.. . . Aug 30Aluniedn. . . Sept 20 ..Sept 27Muriposn. . ..Oct 18., ...Oct 25Zenhuidia. ..Nov 1,').. ..Nov 22Aliimcdii. . ..Deo 13.. ...Dec 20

For San Franoisoo.Leavo Due at

Sydney HonoluluMariposa Mar 10. . . .'. Apr 0Zenlunilin Apr 10,. . . .May 3

Alameda May 11 May 31Mariposa .Tunc 11. . .Juno 28Zciilandiu July ..,..luly 20Alameda Aug (.. ..Aug 23Mnripos-- Scjit 3 .... Sept 20Zcnlandiu Oct 1 Oct 18Alnmediv Oct 20. . . Nov 15Mnriposrt Nov 20 . . . .Dec 13Zoalandia Dec 21.... Jim 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.Leave S. V. Leave Honolulu.

Fridny. . Mar 28 Friday . . . Apr 11Friday . Apr 25 Friday ...May 0Friday . . .May 23 Fridny . .Juno G

Friday.. Juno 20 Friday, I.July 1

Friday . . July 18 Friday, ...Aug 1

Friday. .Aug 15 Friday ,.. Aug 29Friday . Sept 12 Friday . . Sept 20Friday, .Oct 10 Friday . . . Oct 24Friday, . .Nov 7 Friday ...Nov 21Fiiday. . .Deo 5 Friday . ..Dec 18




. mcaH H



'ACD S 5

2xl. 3H



CO a


instraliai Mail Service,

VOll SAM FItANCISCO,The new and fine Al steel Btenuuhip

" Mariposa,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu liom fciyduoyuml Auckland on or about

ApMI 5, 1890.And will leavo foi the above port withmalls and passengers nn or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, appl)

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Aeent.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tho new and flue Al steel RtCMcahlp

ki "Alameda,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

he duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

April 12, 1890.And will havo prompt dispatch withmalls and nassongers for the above porta

For freight or passage, having SUPERIOJt ACCOMMODATIONS, appljto37 WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. Aeent


MRS. OSBORNE is now prepared toInstructions in Fancy Work

nt Arllngtoi," Room C. ClassLessons: Mondays, Wednesdays andFiidays. Private lessons hy specialarrangement. Stamping and orderspromptly attended to. fehiM-l- y


HAVING sold out my intore.it in thoR Moro&Oo to J. N. 8.

Williams, all persons Indchtul to saidfirm arc required to pay the amounts oftheir induliKdncss to me, and all havingaecnunts agaiust said firm will presentthem to me for payment at the olllcc ofR. Moro Co.

Tiiqs. It. LUOAS.H on nl u I ii, Feb. 1, it 1)0. ' ' 482 lm


NOTICE Is hereby given to depositorsSavings Bank Department

of Claim Spreekels & Co. that, from andafter tho 1st day of April, 1800. tho In-

terest allowed on deposits will ho re-duced to four (A) per cent per milium.Depositors will he allowed to withdrawtheir deposits up to that dato withoutgiving thu usual notice, hut, If allowedto remain after April 1st, said depositswill be considered as subject to tho rulesand regulations published in tho PassBooks,


.'j i ' w&&&! ' 'm l&'Sisi'ifJr' mm.;immdzt iftKta &&,$

Per "Deanfield"131 Days from Liverpool.

In addition to our regular Impor-tations of




Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Wo have received special lots of


Crockery ware,Fine Wedgcwnodware,

Fancy Umbrella Stands,Fancy Flower Pots,

Fine Glniwwurc,

Gut TumblersCut Wine Glaiscg,

Cut Decanter!1,

Fancy Vases,Basket Trunks In all size?,

III New Design & Latest Pattern.



American andPortuguese

F LAG S !t


Dressing Cases,

Dress Goods,


ISncllsli Saddle,


Fine Ribbons," ,

, Embroidered Dresses,


Carpets I RugsSO FA! PILLOWS,

X Fine, k'o'cclion.



Lawn Tennis Shoes,


Nets 6l Rackets,CROQUET BETS.




Hawaii, March I), 1S68. fItlHitnu Iron A-- f.ocomotivo Woi-K- J

Man JKrniiclNCo.Gentlkmiin:-W- o havo used two rt

your 30'Chsmbcrcd Filter Prcttes thliseason. They arc convenient, easilyhandled and are working entirely to ot;'satisfaction. I can recommend" no lmpiovctnent on them.

Very respectfully yours,(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager Panttliau Plantation

Hkkia, Sept. 28, 1SSI'.Mn. John Dycii, Aguut KUdou Iron

Works, Honolulu.DkauSik: PleaMJslilpusoneofj'our

!0 Compartment Filter Prcttes, 240 rquarcfeel surface, same as the cue suppliedus hist season, which I inn pleased tosay has given us entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,Gi:o. R. EWART,

Manager II eel. i Agricultural Co.

These Presses nn made exlra heavyfor high pressures, occupy a floorspace 11 feet hy 1 ficMind present nfiltering .surface of 240 tquaro lect.

A limited number In stock in Ilonolulu and are sold at very low prlcos.

Risdon Iron & Lien. Works,San Francisco.

p$f" For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. a Sprcckcls Block.

2230 tf W. G. Irwin & Co.. Aeonr.

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Readinq Room Association.

or. Hotel & Alaken Streets.Open every Day and Evening,

Tho Library consists at tho presentlime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty ot thu leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationand games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents njionth, payable quarterly in advauce.No formality required in joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tho other Islands aro wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is expcctPd that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelati interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their 'namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside-


II. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, TreaRiirer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.38 Ruo deDunk.ero.ue, . Parii.

Kxccutes Indents for every descriptionof Fronch, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents.; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Fiinm.

Piece Goocts, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,

.Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pcarh,Boots and Shoos, Glass, andGhinaoAjarc, Clocks, Wntches,Jowellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plut- o, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Porfumcry, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chrotno , Machinery, &c &c.

. MVB.

Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Artificial Teeth from ono to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which aro a constnntsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plato. All operationsperformed in accordanco with tho latestmprovements in dental science Teeth

Extracted without pain by tho uso ofNitrous Oxido Gas.

rarOfflco at Old Tregloan ResidencoHotel street. Fcb.2C8Q


Returned on tho Australia nnd has re,sumed practice at his former ofiico, 08Hotel street. 400 if


Has removed from Fort street to Ret- -

hello Lane, Pnlama.Oppicr Houuh: 0 a. m. to 12 u. and

r. m. to 0 i'. m.

Mutual 608"aTELEPHONESj-Bo- ll 475410 tf

A Cuvo for Influenza J

DR. LOZIER'S HAWAIIAN CHERRY COR.DIAL, one of the best remedies

cvor prepared for coughs, asthma, lungand chest trouble, and n great reliefto whooplne cough and throat affection.Ask for Dr. Lozler't Hawaiian Cherry Cordial sold at


llt.l Urn



.. )