
1 Función Exponencial Sea z = x+iy, definimos la función exponencial como: ) sin (cos y i y e e x z + =

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Post on 05-Nov-2015




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  • *Funcin ExponencialSea z = x+iy, definimos la funcin exponencial como:

  • *Funcin ExponencialPropiedades

    (1) ez se reduce a ex cuando z es real (2) ez es una funcin entera. (3) (ez )=(ez )

  • *

  • *(2) Frmula de Euler(3) Las formas exponencial y trigonomtrica

  • *Aplicacin: FasoresMuchas seales pueden ser representadas como senoides:

  • *Representacin de un nmero complejo en forma de fasor

  • *Corriente AlternaCircuitos

  • *Podemos escribir:Funciones trigonomtricasA partir de la frmula de Euler:

  • *Funciones trigonomtricas de variable compleja

  • *Funciones trigonomtricas de variable complejaPropiedades:cos z (sin z) se reduce a cos x (sin x) cuando z es real.(2) cos z y sin z son funciones enteras(3) Sus derivadas coinciden con sus equivalentes en variable real.


  • *Propiedadestan z y sec z (cot z y csc z) no son enterasSe cumple:

  • *Funciones hiperblicas complejas

  • *Funciones hiperblicas complejas(1) Estas funciones son enteras(2) Otras funciones hiperblicas se definen como:tanh z = sinh z / cosh z ; coth z = cosh z / sinh zsech = 1/cosh z ; csech z = 1/sinh zPropiedades(3) Se cumple:

  • *Funcin logartmicaSe Define el logaritmo de un nmero complejo z como(|z| > 0)

  • *Funcin logartmicaPropiedadesSe cumple:El logaritmo complejo es multivaluado(ln z)/ = 1/z

  • *PotenciasDefinamos ahora donde c = a+bi es complejo como:

  • *Si c = n = .-1,-2,1,2,.... entonces zn es univaluadoSi c = p/q, siendo el cociente de dos enteros positivos, zc tiene un nmero finito de valores distintos.Si c es irracional o complejo entonces zc es infinitamente multivaluado.Propiedades:Ejemplo: Calcular ii

    ****1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*****1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.**1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.*1. The real variable can be represented by a single line. All the values it can take, from -inf to +inf can be plotted on this line2. We usually denote the funcin of x by the letter y - each point along the x-axis es mapped to a point in the x-y plane, y we can visualise the funcin of the real variable.**