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Educational Testing Service

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El GRE se construye con preguntas que reflejan muy de cerca el tipo de pensamiento que se requiere en el posgrado.

• Razonamiento VerbalMide la capacidad para analizar y evaluar material escrito y sintetizar. El analizar relaciones entre componentes de frases y el reconocer relaciones entre palabras y conceptos.

• Razonamiento CuantitativoMide capacidad, centrada en conceptos básicos de aritmética, álgebra, geometría y análisis de datos para la resolución de problemas.

• Redacción AnalíticaEvalúa pensamiento crítico y habilidades de escritura analítica, específicamente la capacidad de articular y apoyar ideas complejas con claridad y eficacia.

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This test preparation software provides a comprehensive overview of each measure of the test to help you get ready for test day.

It is designed to help you:

Understand what is being tested Gain familiarity with question types Review test-taking strategies Become familiar with testing tools,

including the on-screen calculator Understand scoring Practice taking the test under timed or

untimed conditions Review scored Analytical Writing responses

and reader commentary

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This test preparation software provides a comprehensive overview of each measure of the test to help you get ready for test day.

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45 segs / pregunta




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CIC IPN = 7509

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6 and 5.5 In-depth analysis of complex ideas; supports main points; is well focused; skillfully uses sentence variety; superior facility with sentence structure.

5 and 4.5 Provides generally thoughtful analysis of complex ideas; supports main points; good control of sentence structure and language usage.

4 and 3.5 Provides competent analysis of ideas; supports main points with relevant reasons; is adequately organized; meaning with reasonable clarity.

3 and 2.5 Displays some competence: limited analysis or weak organization; weak control of sentence structure, with errors that lack of clarity.

2 and 1.5 Serious weaknesses. Serious lack of analysis or development; lack of organization; frequent problems, errors that obscure meaning.

1 and 0.5 Displays fundamental deficiencies, content extremely confusing or mostly irrelevant; severe errors, incoherence.

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Verbal Reasoning questions appear in several formats, each of which is discussed in detail below. About half of the measure requires you to read passages and answer questions. The other half requires you to read, interpret and complete existing sentences, groups of sentences or paragraphs.

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Arithmetic: divisibility, factorization, prime numbers; arithmetic, exponents and roots; estimation, percent, ratio, absolute value, decimal sequences of numbers.

Algebra: operations with exponents; factoring, simplifying; relations, functions, equations; linear and quadratic equations; word problems; graphs, slopes of lines.

Geometry: parallel and perpendicular lines, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, 3D figures, area, perimeter, volume, Pythagorean theorem.

Data analysis: basic descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, percentiles); interpretation of tables and graphs (line, bar, circle, frequency distributions); elementary probability, random variables, normal distribution; counting methods (combinations, permutations and Venn diagrams).

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Requisitos para el GREPara el registro e ingreso al examen se requerirá de una identificación (ID).

Registro de GRE: Introduce tu nombre tal y como aparece en el documento de identificación (ID) (excluye los acentos, apóstrofes y espacios).

Usa el mismo documento para el registro y para asistir a la evaluación.

Si tienes nombre compuesto (2 partes), si llevas acento, apóstrofe o espacios.Por ejemplo: “Fernández de Córdova” deberá registrarse como: FernandezDeCordoba


No puede utilizar un ID suplementario para resolver discrepancias.

Debe portar un ID válido y aceptable al acudir al centro de pruebas.

Asegurarse de que el documento de identidad esté vigente.

Con un ID no válido, o cuyo nombre no coincide exactamente con el registro, no se le permitirá hacer la prueba y no habrá reembolso.

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Disponibilidad del GRE en laCiudad de México

Consulta al día: 21 de abril 2015

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Disponibilidad del GRE en laCiudad de México

Consulta al día: 21 de abril 2015

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Práctica de GRE