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Page 1: Inmigracion


Page 2: Inmigracion


INMIGRACIÓN: Movimiento de población que alude a la llegada a un país de personas de otra nacionalidad para establecerse en él.

INMIGRATION: migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)

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INMIGRACIÓN ILEGAL: migración de personas a través de fronteras nacionales sin atender los requerimientos legales del país de destino. A quienes la practican se les conoce como "sin papeles" o "indocumentados".

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: refers to immigration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Illegal immigrants are also known as illegal aliens to differentiate them from legal immigrants.

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Las recurrentes crisis económicas,

La aguda crisis rural,

La fallida reconversión industrial,

La alta dependencia de la industria maquiladora,

Motivos laborales

Necesidad de emplearse .De esta forma, las migraciones están condicionadas principalmente por asuntos de trabajo.

Unión familiar

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CAUSESIllegal immigration may be prompted by the desire to escape civil war or repression in the country of origin.

Non-economic push factors include persecution (religious and otherwise), frequent abuse, bullying, oppression, and genocide, and risks to civilians during war.

Political motives traditionally motivate refugee flows - to escape dictatorship for instance.

Family reunification


Population growth

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Consecuencias Positivas: el rejuvenecimiento de la población; la población se hace más dispuesta a los cambios (sociales, culturales, técnicos); aportes de capital y de mano de obra; aportes de nuevas técnicas (innovación tecnológica); aumenta el consumo.

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Consecuencias Negativas: formación de grupos completamente segregados y marginales; perjudica a la clase trabajadora, ya que los inmigrantes suelen aceptar salarios inferiores a los de la población local; separación de familias.

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Pros of Illegal immigration

It helps keep the economy moving by filling low-wage jobs. It provides a better life to individuals and families who enter the country illegally. It creates a pool of consumers for a variety of goods and services. Contributions to social security funds often go unclaimed. Illegal immigrants pay sales taxes. Illegal residents, who are property owners, also pay real estate taxes. Millions of illegals rent properties in depressed areas where renters are hard to find. They open bank accounts that yield interest and dividends to bankers.

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Cons of Illegal immigration - according to anti-unlawful immigration groups

Burden on tax-based resources. Difficult prosecution and justice. Disparity between legal immigrants and illegal. They risk death when traveling the desert to reach the borders. Continued growth of the demand for cheap labor and low wages. Potential negative effects on working and middle-class citizens. Fake document mills. Imbalance in immigration quotas. Continued law-breaking. Monopolization of Spanish language in various segments of society.

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Enforce the Immigration laws that are already intact.

Stop making children born in this country to illegals, citizens.

Fine anybody who hires illegals, jail for repeat offenses.

Put National Guard troops down on the borders.

Make it a felony for companies to hire illegals.

Build a huge wall from Texas to California

Make the Mexican government more accountable.