taller de voz pasiva

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  • 7/21/2019 Taller de Voz Pasiva


    The Argentine newspaper Clarn published on Friday an e-mail that shows that the

    companies were obliged to pay bribes to do business with Venezuela. This scandal has

    been investigated by judicial and parliamentary authorities in Argentina.

    The e-mail dated 2! had been written by "os# $uis %#dica& who was then

    president o' the Argentine Chamber o' %anu'acturers o' Agricultural %achinery(Ca'ma). There& the businessman warned the members o' the association that a *!

    percent commission must be payed to +almat& one o' the companies that would have

    been investigated as middlemen in the e,entual payment o' bribes.

    The eistence o' a parallel embassy is being denied by the new Argentine Foreign

    %inister& /ector Timerman.


    6l diario argentino clarn public7 el ,iernes un correo electr7nico 8ue muestra 8ue la

    compa9a 'ue obligado a pagar sobornos para hacer negocios con Venezuela. 6ste

    esc:ndalo ha sido in,estigado por las autoridades judiciales y parlamentarias


    6l correo electr7nico con 'echa de 2! haba sido escrito por "os# $uis %#dica& 8ue

    era entonces presidente de la C:mara Argentina de Fabricantes de %a8uinaria

    Agrcola (CAF%A). All& #l empresario ad,irti7 a los miembros de la asociaci7n 8ue una

    comisi7n del *! por ciento ser: pagado a +almat& una de las empresas 8ue han sido

    in,estigadas como intermediarios en el pago e,entual de los sobornos.

    $a eistencia de una embajada paralela est: siendo negado por el nue,o %inistro de

    0elaciones 6teriores argentino& /#ctor Timerman.

    were obliged 'ue obligado pasado simple

    has been in,estigated ha sido in,estigado presente per'ecto

    had been written haba sido escrito pasado per'ecto

    be payed ser: pagado

    would ha,e been in,estigated habra sido in,estigado condicional per'ecto

    is being denied est: siendo negado presente progresi,o