sumaris de revista. maig 2012/2

1 Museu Marítim. Biblioteca Sumaris de revista Maig 2012/2

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Llistat d'articles de les revistes rebudes a la Biblioteca del Museu Marítim de Barcelona durant la segona quinzena de maig de 2012.


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Museu Marítim. Biblioteca

Sumaris de revista

Maig 2012/2

Page 2: Sumaris de revista. Maig 2012/2



Revistes rebudes a la Biblioteca del Museu Marítim de Barcelona durant la segona quinzena del mes de maig 2012 i llurs continguts:

Continguts dels articles

Arte navale ...................................................................................................................... 3 Nº 70 (Febbraio/Maggio 2012) .................................................................................. 3

L’Exocetus volitans : Butlletí de les Associacions d’Amics de la Mar de Banyuls de la Marenda i de Girona ........................................................................................................ 3

Nº 25 (2012) ............................................................................................................ 3 Gent del Masnou ............................................................................................................. 4

Maig 2012 ............................................................................................................... 4 Marina civil ...................................................................................................................... 4

Nº 102 (2012) .......................................................................................................... 4 Mariner’s mirror .............................................................................................................. 5

May 2012 (Amb aquest número s’adjunta Bibliography for 2010) .................................. 5 Maritime Repoter ............................................................................................................ 6

May 2012 ................................................................................................................ 6 The Motorship ................................................................................................................. 6

May 2012 ................................................................................................................ 6 Port Nautic Press ............................................................................................................. 7

Nº 309 (2012) .......................................................................................................... 7 Sàpiens ............................................................................................................................ 7

Núm. 117 (Juny 2012) ............................................................................................... 7 Saudi Aramco World ........................................................................................................ 8

May/June 2012 ........................................................................................................ 8 Suhayl : International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation ....................................................................................................................... 8

Volume 10 (2011) ..................................................................................................... 8 Ships monthly .................................................................................................................. 9

July 2012 ................................................................................................................. 9

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Arte navale

Nº 70 (Febbraio/Maggio 2012)

Editoriale: navigare sul web

Ghiaccio e tradizioni: Il Cantiere di Viaporin


Raduni 1 : C’era una volta la Whitbread

Recensioni 1: Patria e Onore: 130º Accademia navale – 80ª Vespucci

Storie di mare: La mareggiata

Raduni 2: 15 metri S.I. e non solo... : Monaco Classic Week 2011

Naufragi: Titanic

Recensioni 2: Lo spettacolo del mare in burrasca : mareggiate in Liguria

Barche a vela: Atlantic una leggenda che rivive

Barche: Capolavori in legno

Pittori: Il Van Gogh livornese : Mario Puccini

Fotografi: La fotografia tra arte e artigianato : Robert James Taylor

Porto Mirabello news


Sangermani Owner’s Club

Porto Carlo Riva news

Yacht Club Rapallo news

Signora del Vento


Il Corsaro

Guarda Costiera news: Naufragio all’Isola del Giglio



L’Exocetus volitans : Butlletí de les Associacions d’Amics de la Mar de Banyuls de la Marenda i de Girona

Nº 25 (2012)

L’AGAM, en el transcurs de l’any 2011

28 butlletins ..., en 30 anys

30 anys i un dia : cavil·lacions envers el passat i el futur de l’AGAM

Fem memòria ...

Viatge a Terra de Foc

Els satèl·lits i el coneixement dels oceans

Savis, geòmetres i astrònoms

Crònica d’una travessia atlàntica : 4ª part La travessa de l’Atlàntic

Drassanes Tino, un referent en la construcció naval al Palamós del segle XX

Petita història dels llums de posició dels vaixells.

Activités de l’ASAME au cours de l’année 2011.

L’Île de Pâques, un nouvel effondrement?

Si Vauban était venu a Banyuls ...

Les savoirs de la mer: un long apprentissage pour devenir pêcheur.

Toponymie: De Banyuls a Cerbere

L’Avenir des anguilles est-il écrit dans le ciel ...

Du passage des Pyrennées par Philippe III dit “Le Hardi” a la defaite de sa flotte dans le Golfe de Rosas

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El “Sant Patró català” de Columbia

L’Herbier de posidonies, poumon de la Méditerrannée


Les Desman des Pyrennées un remarquable locataire de nos cours d’eau

Les superstitions et croyances des marins

Passage du detroit de Messine


Le coelacanthe : nouvel argument créationniste?

Ma vie de marin

Les associations du patrimoine culturel maritime dans le perimetre du parc naturel marin de Leucate à Cerbère

Salaison “maison” des anchois

L’ours blanc et les esquimaux

L’histoire de “Capatas”

Gent del Masnou

Maig 2012


Bústia oberta

La Flama del Canigó 2012

El Rei que ens mereixem per Joan Camps

Les nostres famílies avui per Aleix Ripol i Millet

La nostra classe per Joan Maresma Duran

Teatre capital

La punta de la llengua

Històries de la vila per Joan Muray

Cròniques : La coral Xabec i el dia del ram

Gairebé tot això és veritat

L’andròmina submergible “CSS Hunley” per J Condeminas

Els rellotges de sol parlen (XV)

Parlem de llibres

Gent del Masnou informa

Arran de sòl

La cuina de l’Antònia

Marina civil

Nº 102 (2012)

Editorial 10.000 páginas de historia

Administración marítima: - Entrevista a la ministra de Fomento, Ana Pastor - 25 años de historia de Marina civil en España - Nueva estructura del Ministerio de Fomento - Marina mercante unifica criterios - La ministra de Fomento en en Centro de Seguridad Marítima integral

“Jovellanos” - El Gobierno regula el seguro de los propietarios de buques civiles - Emitidos 41.000 certificados

Radio exterior de España

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- “Españoles en la mar”, al servicio de los marinos que están lejos de casa

Salvamento marítimo - Salvamento marítimo coordinó el rescate de 13.292 personas - Salvamento marítimo recibe el premio al Equipo de seguridad del año - La seguridad en buenas manos - Salvamento marítimo estrena nueva web - Refuerzo de la seguridad en el Mediterráneo

Centro de Seguridad Marítima Integral “Jovellanos” El uso de la simulación para potenciar la seguridad

Navieras Marina mercante anuncia un plan estratégico para el sector

Medio ambiente Respuesta a la contaminación y a las sustancias peligrosas en el mar

Buques y equipos - Un buque oceanográfico de los más avanzados del mundo - La Guardia civil del mar incorpora tres nuevas embarcaciones rápidas

Salón Naútico internacional de Barcelona

Espejo del mar Naufragio y milagrosa salvación en la costa de las ballenas

Libros - Los peces de la Corona - Inglés técnico marítimo

Mariner’s mirror

May 2012 (Amb aquest número s’adjunta Bibliography for 2010)


Repair Records of the Eighteenth-century Navy : the missing data

Nostalgia and Imagination in Nineteenth-century Sea Shanties

A Ludicrous Travesty? James R. Napier and the Lancefield

Speculating Gig Boats “Shilling Sickers” and Riggers: A social history of Mersey watermen


The effect of catharpings on shroud tension and mast displacement

Davy Jone’s Locker by W.L. Wylie, RA : a new addition to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, supported by the Macpherson Collection Endowment Fund of the SNR

Beer luggers

The Sale Steamboat Company Ltd, Sale, Victoria, 1890-1928

Sir James Caird’s bust: a tale of three heads


Stuart royal yacht project – The Foreign Office and the Royal Navy – Attack on Spiekeroog – The schooner Friendship


Stuart royal yacht project – Henneessy’s Safety Boat – Drawing spikes and nails

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A portrait of Phineas Pett found in Strängnäs, Sweden – Miniature ships in a designed landscape


Maritime Repoter

May 2012


Bill Clifford, BAE Systems ship repair Bussiness & personal insights from a U.S. ship repair leader

Vessel of the month Farstad’s chem tanker compliant Platform Supply Vessels

Insurance: Managing risk Going above and beyond the minimum required

Training : Elearning evolves Elearning is increasingly valuable, but not a perfect, learning tool

Exhibitions: new for Norshipping Vidar Pederstad explains why 2013 will be the best ever

Environment: The BWT Revolution The Evolution of the Ballast Water Treatment technology market

Iran, sanctions & You The Impact of increased sanctions on your maritime business

Young Fleet for heavy loads German shipowner Roelf Briese and his ongoing fleet renewal plan

Environment: The Arctic Holding an estimated 40 to 160 billion barrels of oil, the Arctic holds plenty of promise but still equal (if not more) amounts of peril

Environment: An Eedi Trailblazer Hapag Lloyd voluntarily commits its fleet; reduces emissions 27%

Environment:: What’s on the road ahead? An environmental roadmap for an energy efficient shipping industry

Middle East: Vela is beyond compliance Proactive risk management pays dividends for Vela International

Middle East:: ASRY profitable in Q1 Bahrain ship repair giant logs bustling business from U.S. owners

Technical: Ribs & Patrol Craft A new breed of agile, fast craft take to the waterways

Propulsion updates Products People & Company News Buyer’s Guide Classified Advertiser’s index

The Motorship

May 2012

News Review

Medium Speed Propulsion Systems:

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- Dual fuel ticks all the boxes says engine designer - Need for compact performance drives turbo technology

Water systems: - Large capacity systems cause doubts - Danish owners question convention - Failure is not an option - Choosing the right ballast system - Market forces at work - 5ppm certification for bilge systems

Maritime Safety: - Retrofitting BNWAS - The bigger they are, the harder they fall - Fire protection upgrade keeps ferry saling

Fuels and emissions review: - Greening the low speed fleet - Strategy is key for SEEMP compliance

Machinery Matters

Argonon Ship Description

50 Years Ago

Port Nautic Press

Nº 309 (2012)


Volvo Ocean Race

Empresa x empresa

Especial pinturas: El laboratorio flotante de International Paint

Puertos deportivos



Hoy presentamos: La evolución de las Pirelli Pzero Sport 1400

Motonáutica: Badalona 2012: dos mundiales en una temporada




50 Salón Náutico de Barcelona

Mercadillo / Brokers


Núm. 117 (Juny 2012)

Jo, Sàpiens. Ventura Pons : Rodar cinema històric és massa car

Tu , Sàpiens. L’espai dels lectors

Ells, Sàpiens : notícies de la història Els pilars polítics d’Andorra

Per què passa? Les notícies en el seu context El desert de les oportunitats : Mali

Sàpiens sàpiens : un viatge al passat

Protagonistes de la història : l’entrevista Jovan Divjak

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L’últim sopar de Roger de Flor

Les coves dels mil Budes

El coet de combat de la República de Catalunya

Com era el senat de l’antiga Roma

Anys de guerra a Cadaqués La Torre de les Creus, una icona a punt de caure. Testimoni mut d’un passat lligat a la mar i a les terres de frontera, una iniciativa popular demana recuperar aquesta antiga torre de guaita que ha vist passar soldats.

Andersen a Catalunya

Viu la història: Amb llagut per l’Ebre

L’aparador: Novetats editorials

Agenda juny

Saudi Aramco World

May/June 2012

Discovery at al-Magar

The Synthesist

Thyme travels

Sailing through time : Jewel of Muscat Hand-built to replicate a ninth-century merchant vessel that plied the “Maritime Silk Road” between Oman and Southeast Asia, the Jewel of Muscat sailed for five months along the greatest sea-trade route of its era to a permanent berth in a Singapore museum.

The Point of the Arch

Classroom Guide

Events & Exhibitions

Suhayl : International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation

Volume 10 (2011)


De diebus et noctibus

Al-Khayyam’s Scientific Revision of Algebra

Solomon Franco on the Zero Point for Trepidation

From a Heavenly Arabic Peom to an Enigmatic Judeo-Arabic Astrolabe

In Menoriam: Juan Vernet Reviews

Theodosius, De habitationibus. Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations

Theodosius, Sphaerica. Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations

Ketâb al-nejârat (Sur ce qui est indispensable aux artisans dans les constructions géométriques

Selected papers on Medieval and Renaissance Astronomy

De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic. A critical edition with translation and commentary of Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Kitab ayyam al-buhran

Die Mineralien in der arabischen Materia medica der klassischen arabischen Heilmittelkunde nebst überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Studien

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Ships monthly

July 2012

Waterfront News of tall ships heading for Iberian Peninsula, The Sapphire goes for breaking and HMS Ocean helps out at the London Olympics

Ferry Seatruck to move to Belfast, Steam Packet protests about wind farms and Serco gets the Northern Isles contract

Cruise Princess tests the Japanese market, Saga Sapphire problems on maiden voyage and Happy Cruises keep going

Naval Nuclear submarine delivered to India, QEC blocks on the move and USS Gerald R. Ford near completion

Cargo Suezmax eco-design, Evergreen set to expand. Samskip buys chartered ships and Workington keeps busy

Preservation Featured ships include the sailing ship Maud and Cutty Sark

Navy Special

Elizabeth’s Navy A look back over the last 60 years of Royal Navy

Britain’s first submarines The history and development of the Royal Navy’s first submarines

Navy day A day of naval visitors at Portsmouth, with a wide variety of warships from several different nations

Ships Pictorial A selection of ships pictured around the world

Sailing with the fairies TT-Line is celebrating its 50th anniversary and this special profile looks at the operator’s first half century

P&O at 175 P&O,once the world’s largest and most extensive liner shipping company, provided services that bound much of the British Empire together, and is marking 175 years of service

Rough sea challenge A unique pictorial looking at the images produced by maritime photographers Flying Focus, who specialise in seeing ships in bad weather

Maritime Mosaic A look at some of the many cruise ships which call at Gibraltar

Liverpool coasters Chronicle of the rise and fall of coastal shipowning at the port of Liverpool

Ships mail

Ports of call Cruise ship calls around the UK in July

Mistery ships Can you identify this month’s mystery ship?

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Ships library Reviews and details of some new maritime books

View from the bridge Interview with Captain Magnus Gottberg, master of the cruise ship Superstar Virgo