state bank of i ndia lho bui lding: poojapura prem ises

1 STATE BANK OF INDIA LHO BUILDING: POOJAPURA PREMISES & ESTATE DEPARTMENT Tender for ELECTRIFICATION OFSBI CCPC CHEMBAKALAM BUILDING VAZHUTHACAUD, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM . Conditions, Technical Specifications & Bill of Quantities LAST DATE : On or before 3.00 P.M. on 13/11/2017 SUBMITTED TO: The Assistant General Manager, Premises & Estate Department, State Bank of India, L.H.O, P.B No. 2704, Poojapura, Thiruvanathapuram- 12. TENDER SUBMITTED BY: CONSULTANTS: M/s. ARCHITECTURE IN CORPORATED VRA, A-8,” VISWAKARMA” W OMENS COLLEGE Lane, Vazhuthacaud Thiruvanthapuram-695014 Kerala Ph:0471-2320143 Mob:9447068289 (Name & Full Address of Contractor)

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C ond i ti ons , T ec hn ic al S pec i fi ca tions &

B i l l o f Q uan ti ti e s L A S T D A T E : O n o r be fo r e 3 . 00 P. M . o n 13 / 11 / 2017 S U B M I TT ED T O : T h e A ss i s t ant G en era l M anager , P r em ises & E s ta te D epa r tm en t, S ta te B ank o f I nd ia , L . H . O , P . B N o . 2704 , P oo japu r a , T h i r uv ana thapur am - 1 2 .


M / s . A R C H IT EC T UR E I N C O R POR A TED VR A , A - 8 , ” VI S W AKARMA” W O M EN S C O LLEGE Lane , Vaz hu thac aud T h i r uv an thapu ram -695014 K e r a la P h : 0471 - 2320143 M ob : 9447068289 ( N am e & F u l l A dd r es s o f C on tr ac to r )


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


Tender No: 24/ 2017-18


No Details Page no.

1 Notice Inv iting Tender 5-6

2 Conditions of Tender 7-64

3 Lis t of approved materials 65

4 S ta tem en t o f abs tr ac t 66

5 S c hedu le o f quan ti ti e s 1-10

6 L is t o f D r aw ings 2


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


T o

The Assis tant General M anager, Premises & Estate Departmen t, S tate Bank of India, Local Head Office , P .B No.2704, Poojapura, THIRUVANANTHAPU RAM


S ir ,

I/We, the unders igned, do hereby tender and undertake to perform, provide, execute and do all the w o r k s ,

mater ials , matter and thing descr ibed or mentioned in the B ills of Quantities Tender Notice , Speci fi c ations ,

Conditions of Contract and special conditions and accepted correspondence, if any, and Agreement, in dup l i -

cate, (which have been produced to me/us and carefully examined by me/us) in s tr ict ac co rdance w i th and

under and subject to the terms, prov isions and conditions set for th or mentioned in the said B ills of Quantities,

Tender Notice, Specifications, Appendix, Agreement and drawings hereinafter referred to as "This C on tr act"

at the rates given and as s tated in B ills of Quantities which amount to Rs. ………………………R upees ( in

words) ………………………………………………………………………

I/We also undertake to do all extra or varied works which may be ordered as part of this contract upon the

terms prov ided for in the specification and agreement and if no terms have been specified

therein then and in such a case on such terms as may be agreed upon.

I/We deposit as earnest money a sum of Rs. 40,200/- (Rupees: Forty Thousand Two Hundred o nl y ) By

means of a Demand Draft No...............dated..............on ……………………………………………. F avou r o f

the Assistant General Manager, (P & E), Premises and Estate Department, S tate Bank of India, Loc a l H ead

Office, P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram with you along with my /our tender. I/We fur ther under-

take and agree to execute at my/our cost the Agreement and to s ign the specification and d raw ings w i th in

fourteen days from the date of the communication of the acceptance of my/our tender and that in the even t o f

my/our failing to execute the Agreement and s ign the specification within such fourteen days , the tender shal l

be considered having been rejected or abandoned and I/We hereby agree that this sum shall s tand fo r fe i ted

and be at your absolute disposal.

I/We hereby undertake to complete the whole of the work required within the time stipulated fro m the da te

of receipt by me/us of notice that my/our tender has been accepted.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


I/We also agree that the words importing the s ingular also include the plural and vice versa w he reve r the

context so require.

I/We undertake and agree to abide by this tender until ninety days from the due Tender date and we shall

keep this tender open till the expiry of the said ninety days.

As witness my/our hand this day of…………………………….. 2017

S ignature of tenderer:

Name of partners of M anagers, Directors and their designation.



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r




NIT- 24/2017-18

SBI inv ites sealed tenders in two bid system for E lectr ification o f S B I C C P C C hem baka lam bu i ld ing Vaz hu thac aud , T h i r uvananthapu ram . Complete set of tender documents can be obtained by down loading from Bank’s web-site under the head ‘Procurement News’ or obtained from the Con-sultants , M /s. Architecture Incorporated from their office at Thiruvananthapuram between 10.00 to 15.00 hrs on any day except holidays on payment of Rs.500/ - in cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘M/ s Archi-tecture Incorporated. A br ief details of tender as follows.

1. A Name of work : E lectr ification of SBI C C P C C hembaka lam bu i ld ing

Vaz hu thac aud , T h i r uvananthapu ram .

B Estimated cost : Rs.40,26, 000/- inc luding taxes

.C E ligibility : Empanelled E lectr ical contractors of SBI in

Thiruvananthapuram c ircle in the category - VI (Rs.30-50

Lacs), Category- VII (upto Rs.75 Lacs) ,Category – VIII

(Upto Rs100Lacs) who are having valid PAN & GST

regis tration.

2. A . Date of Commencement : From the 7th day of date of issuing Work order or handing

over the s ite which ever is earlier

B. Time of completion : 45 days from the date of work order

3. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 40,200/- in demand draft payable to The Assis tant

General Manager, (P & E), S tate Bank of India, Premises

& Estate Department, Local Head Office, P.B No.2704,

Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram.

4. Retention M oney & Security Deposit : 10% subject to maximum as per prescribed in conditions of

The tender contract c lause No.26.

5. Fee of Tender Documents : Nil if downloaded from website.

Rs. 500/- if purchased from consulant M/s Architecture

Incorporated - Consultants


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


6. Date of issue of tender from consultants : 27/10/2017 to 10/11/2017 from Consultant / SBI website

7. Date of Pre-bid meeting : 01/11/2017 at 4.00 PM

8. Last date & Time of receipt of tender : 1311/2017 at 3.00 PM

9. Address to which the tenders are to : The Assis tant General M anager, be submitted Premises & Estate Departmen t, S tate Bank of India,

Local Head Office, P .B No. 2704, Poojapura, THIRUVANANTHAPU RAM -12

10. Date and time of opening tenders : 13/11/2017 at 3.30 PM

11. P lace of opening tenders : Premises & Estate Departmen t, S tate Bank of India,

Local Head Office, P .B No. 2704, Poojapura, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM -12 12. Secur ity deposit

a) Initial secur ity deposit ( ISD) : 2% of contract value inc luding EMD b) Retention M oney : 3% of the CV which will be deducted from bills @ 10%

13. Per iod of Final Measurements : Four weeks from the date of receipt of final certificate

from Consultant.

14. Defects Liability Per iod : 12 (Twelve) Months

15. Liquidated damage : 0.5% of the contract value per week subject to the

maximum of 5% of accepted contract value

16. M obilisation Advance : Nil

17. Value of Work for inter im Payment : Rs. 20,00,000/- m inimum

18. Per iod of honour ing bills

a. Inter im : 15 days from the date of receipt of Architects Certificates.

B . Final : S ix weeks from the date of receipt of final certificate from

The Architec t

19. Rate of Interest for delayed payment : Nil


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


20. Contractors all r isk insurance Policy : Full Contract Amount

21. Validity of offer : 3 months from the date of tender opening

Note : A ll the pages of the Tender document shall be sealed and signed by the Contractor


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r






1. Sealed tender with bills of quantities, in duplicate wi ll be received by the Assis tant General

M anager (P & E), Premises & Estate Department, S tate Bank of India, Local Head Office,

P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram at their office up 3.00 P.M on 13/11/2017. Ten-

ders will be opened as prescribed below at 3.30. P.M. on the same day at their office by The Ass is tan t

General M anager (P & E), Premises & Estate Department, S tate Bank of India, Local

Head Office, P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvanan thapur am or his representative.

2. The pr iced bill of quantities, in duplicate, and all the papers with the completed form of tender, c ond i ti ons

of contract, technical specifications and tender drawings are fully s igned and sealed at every page

should be sent before 3.00 P.M on 13/11/2017 in the manner descr ibed b elow, both superscr ibed

"Tender for Elec trif ication of SBI C C P C Chembaka lam bu i ld ing , Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvanatha-

puram”. and addressed to The Assis tant General M anager (P & E), Premises & Estate De-

partment, S tate Bank of India, Local Head Office, P.B No. 2704, Poojapura, Thiruvanan-

thapuram .

3. The tender is to be submitted in two separate sealed covers marked I & II, the cover ( I)

containing the tenderer 's EM D, any Technical leaflets , data etc as required, dev iations

in conditions if any (The tender may be rejected if dev iations which are not acceptable

to the bank is not withdrawn in wr iting within 24 hrs) . There should not be any mention

about the pr ice in any manner in cover I. Cover No. II should contain the tender documents (o r ig ina l

and duplicate) and the complete set of drawings duly filled in and s igned. Cover I s hou ld be s upe r-

scr ibed as TD (Technical Data) and cover II as PS (Pr iced Scheduled) respectively . A ll pages

should be proper ly tied and tagged in its order for easy identification du r ing scrutiny.

Full address with phone no. of the tender should be wr itten on the sealed covers


i. There should be no reference in any paper in cover - 1, to the rates o r am oun t quo ted by the

tenderer in the tender. Tenderer shall submit the copy of GST reg istration number.

ii. No deviation from the tender are acceptable, Cover - II, shall contain the p r i c ed tende r docu -

ments only .


i. 5.i.Cover I will be opened in the office of The Assis tant General M anager, (P & E), S tate

Bank of India, Premises & Estate Department, Local Head Office, P.B No.2704, Pooja-

pura, Thiruvananthapuram at 3.30 P.M . on 13/11/2017 in the presence of the tender-

ers who may choose to be present. Tenderers could depute one person only for the

tender opening who is duly author ised to negotiate on behalf of the company and he should produce

an author isation letter s igned by a responsible officer of the tenderer 's office.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ii. The time and date of opening of cover II containing the tender documents will be intimated to the

tenderers, after opening of Cover I. If no unfavourable condition in cover numbe r I , the B ank w i l l

open cover No.II on the same day immediately after opening cover No. I


i. 6. I.The terms/conditions s tipulated by the tenderers in Cover I will be evaluated by the Employer

and the Architects in consultation with the tenderers, after detailed discussion, ascertain ing the fi -

nancial implications to the tenders, on account of the terms and conditions s tipulated, and the c o r-

responding adjustments to be made to the tender values (which will be k nown only on opening cover

II) under the s ignatures of the tenderers, in their covering letters .

The mode and venue of discussions referred to on the prev ious paragraph will be collectively decid-

ed on13/11/2017 after Cover I are opened. There will be no reference made to rates and am oun ts

quoted by the tenderers in the said discussions.

On opening cover No.II on a date to be intimated later , the tender values will be adjusted by loading

the financial implications of the terms/conditions, evaluated already as above.

ii. At the time of tender opening only the total amount will be read out twice. No break up figures or

other information will be given to the tenderers.

7. Intending tenderers shall pay as earnest money a sum of Rs. 40,200/- by means of a demand dr af t d r aw n

on any scheduled Bank or pay order if the tenderer is hav ing an A/C with State Bank of India in fav ou r

of The Assis tant General M anager, (P & E), Premises & Estate Department, S tate Bank of

India Local Head Office, P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvana nthapuram. Tenders, which are

not accompanied by this E.M.D., will be rejected. EMD in any other form will not be accepted. R ight o f

rejection is with the Employer and the decision of the Employer shall be final and conclusive.

8. Bills of quantities in duplicate (Or iginal & Duplicate copy) in respect of each work and a speci fi c ation ac -

company this tender notice. The tenderers must use only the form issued by the Architects to fill i n the

rate. The B ills of quantities are liable to alternations by omiss ion , deduction or addition at the discretion

of the Architects. Each tender should contain not only the rates but also the value of each item of wo r k

entered in a separate column and all the items should be totalled up in order to show the aggregate val-

ue of the entire tender.

9. In the event of the tender submitted by a Partnership firm, it must be s igned separately by each member

thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be s igned on his behalf by a person ho ld -

ing a power of attorney author is ing him to do so; such power of attorney shall be produced with the ten -

der and it must disc lose that the firm is regis tered under the Indian Partnership Act and a c opy o f the

Partnership deed should be attached.

In the case of Proprietary concern, the Sole Propr ietor should s ign.

In the case of Lim ited Co., the M anaging Director or any other Director author ised to s ign , w i th nam e

and addressed and designations of all Directors and seal of the Company supported by a reso lu tion o f

the Company.

Each and every s ignature given shall be separately witnessed.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


A contractor or contractors who himself/themselves has/have tendered or who may tender for the s ame

work shall not witness the tender of another person for the work. Failure to observe this condition

would render tenders of the contractors tendering as well as witnessing the tenders liable for s ummary

rejection. The decision of the Employer shall be final and conclusive.

10. The tenderer must quote his rates only on the proper form of the tender, both in figures and w o r ds and

both in decimal coinage in the respective spaces prov ided therefore. If the rates are not quoted in

words also the tender is liable to rejection.

Special care is to be taken to wr ite the rates in figures and words in ink in such a wa y that no interpola -

tion is poss ible, Erasures and alternations must be avoided, but if errors are made unavo idably w h i le

pr ic ing the bills of quantities, the wrong figures and words must be neatly scored out under the initials of

the tenderer and the correct figures and words neatly rewritten but not over wr itten. Overwriti ng i s no t

permitted and may entail rejection of the tender.

No allowance shall be c laimed by or made to the contractor whose tender may be accepted, for any e r -

rors on rates of whatever description that may be discovered after his tender has been sent in.

11. In the case of figures, the word "Rs." should be wr itten before the figures, e.g. Rs.2.15 P; in the c as e o f

words the word "Rupees" should s imilar ly precede and the words "Paise only" sh ould be wr i tten a t the

end, c losely following each rate and each amount. The word "only" should not be wr itten in the next line

unless the rate quoted is in whole rupees c losely followed by the word "only", the amount should invar i -

ably by upto to two decimal places.

12. Errors in the bills of quantities shall be dealt with in the following manner:

IF on check there are differences between the rates given by the contractor in words and figu r es o r i n

the amount worked out by him, the following procedure shall be followed:

a. When there is a difference between the rates in figures and in words, the r a tes w h ich c o rre -

spond to the amounts worked out by the contractor, shall be taken as correct.

b. When the contractor does not work out the amount of an item or it does n ot correspond with the

rate wr itten either in figures or in words, then the rate quoted by the contractors in w o rds s ha l l be

taken as correct.

c . When the rate quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tallies but the amount is not

worked out correctly , the rate quoted by the contractor shall be taken as correct and not the amount.

d. The bills of quantities have been marked "Original" and "Duplicate". If there is any discrepancy

in the rates, units and amounts between the 'or iginal' and 'duplicate' the 'or iginal' will be liable to be

taken as correct and the 'duplicate' corrected accordingly.

13. In the case of electr ical installations the tenderers shall in submitting the tender take due note of the

prov is ions for rebate/recovery, if any s tipulated in the bills of quantities towards conduits already laid in

by other agencies.

14. The calculations made by tenderers should be based upon the probable quantities of the sev e r a l i tem s

of work which are furnished for the tenderers ' convenience in the B ills of quant ities but it must be c learly


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


understood that the Contract is not a Lump Sum Contract that neither the probable quantities not the

value of the indiv idual items or aggregate value of the entire tender will form part of the C on tr ac t and

the Architects do not in any way assure the tenderers or guarantee that the said B ills of Quanti ti e s a r e

correct or that the work would correspond thereto.

The drawings, specifications and the bills of quantities, form ing parts of the contract, are explanatory o f

and are complementary to one another, representing together the works/installations to be carried out.

Anything contained in one or another of (a) the drawings (b) the specifications and (c) the accepted bil l s

of quantities and not found in the others will be equally binding as if contained in each of item.

15. No alterations which are made by the tenderer in the drawings, specifications or probable quantities ac-

companying the notice will be recognised, and if any such alterations are made the tender is likely to be

invalidated. Remarks and explanations should be set out in a cover ing letter and wil l bec ome b ind ing

only if specifically accepted in wr iting by the employer at the time of acceptance of the tender.

16. Before filling the form of tender, B ills of Quantities and sc hedules and making out his tender, the

tenderer is requited to inspect the s ite, examine carefully the drawing, specifica tions and A gr eemen t

Form and Schedule of Conditions of contract, as all c lauses therein contained are intended to be str ic tly

enforced and the tenderer must inc lude in his tender for all the prov isions therein contained and fo r a l l

contingencies which may ar ise. In particular , special attention is drawn to the c lauses mentioned in the

Appendix .

Inspection of s ite : The tenderer s hall also inspect and examine the s ite and its surroundings and s hal l

satis fy himself before submitting his tender (so far as practicable) the form and nature o f the s i te , the

quantities and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the works and the means of

access to the s ite, the accommodation hew may require and in general shall himself obta in a l l nec es -

sary information as to r ights contingencies and other c ircumstances which may influenc e o r a ffec t h i s

tender and the Employer makes no assurance or representation to the tenderer in this behalf.

17. All works shall be measured net as finished and the rates quoted by the Contractors shall include fo r a l l

cuttings, waste, breakages, etc . Tenderer must inc lude in their rates all taxes lev ied b y the Central

Government or any State Government or Local Author ity (GST), if applicable. The rates quoted shall be

firm till the completion of the entire work and no variation of rates will be entertained.

The var ious s tatutory tax deductions implemented by the s tate and central government fr om tim e to

time shall also be affected in the respective running bills.

18. The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall not be entitled to make any c laim for increase in the r a tes

quoted and accepted excepting in pursuance of any specific prov ision in the contract for such and then

only in terms of that specific provision or to make any representation on the ground tha t he w as s up -

plied with any information or given any promise or guarantee of any sort, by the em p loye r h is agen ts

and servants, the Architects or their representatives or any other persons, un less s uch in fo r ma tion ,

promise or guarantee is furnished to the tenderer in advance of the date of receipt of tenders and in

wr iting under proper author ity .


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


19. The successful tender shall furnish the following details before commencement of work.:

a. The makes and types of fittings, mater ials , subject to the makes and types stipulated in the

specifications/approved lis t, which he proposes to use in the work.

b. Copy of valid PAN, GST regis tration certificates and details of licenses granted to him and or/to

profess ionally qualified and or/licensed technical personnel on his staff who will be engaged on the

work (and submit, if called for , the licenses for inspection by the A rchitects .)

20. On acceptance of the tender the Contractor shall in wr iting and at once inform the Employer and the A r -

chitects the names of his accredited representative /Superv isor who should be present at the s ite

through out the progress of work and will be responsible to take instructions from the Archi-

tects /Employer.

21. A log book to record daily activ ities/progress of work by the supervisor of the contractor.

22. An illustrative and suitably coloured work-time chart, in the form of bars or other effective means, show-

ing the item wise/location wise/floor wise progress which he ( the contractor) intends to make to enab le

him to conveniently and practicably complete the work in all respects within the agreed time as per con-

tract. The chart will be scrutinised and approved by the Architects with suitable modifications, as and i f

necessary and the approved chart will then form part of the agreement, being the basis for assessmen t

of progress under the relevant conditions of contract.

23. The chart may from time to tim e dur ing the progress of the work be reviewed and m od i fi ed w i th the

approval of the Architects keeping in v iew the agreed date of completion.

24. CAR insurance policy certificate.

25. Nil

26. The rates quoted in the bills of quantities shall, unless specified otherwis e, be deemed to be for finis hed

work, item by item as provided for , and shall inc lude a cost for all necessary materials and labou r, a l l

necessary incidental charges for tools , plant and machinery, clearing s ite etc and for all taxes levied by

Government, Central or Local or Local Author ity, if and as applicable and all insurances as provided fo r

in the conditions of contract till the work is completed in all respects according to the true meaning and

intent of the contract and delivered up. Any new taxes imposed by the State/Central Govt after the las t

date of submission of Tenders shall be reimbursed by the Employer on production of proof as r equ i red

by the Employer. However the words "New Taxes" mentioned above shall not inc lude any incr ease in

the ex is ting taxes, levies etc .

The rates shall be firm and not be subject to any var iations in exchange rates, in taxes, duties, e tc . , i n

railway freight and the like, labour rates, etc . The rates are not subject to escalation otherwise than as

specifically provided for in the contract.

27. The successful contractor shall maintain a proper account of quantity of mater ials purchased li ke , C on -

duit P ipes, Wires, Cables, Switches, Panel/Dis tr ibution boards M CB etc., as directed by Employ-

er/Architect and brought to the s ite of work and that utilised in the work and he shall also mainta in any

other accounts and vouchers, receipts etc ., in the manner as may be required by the Employ-

er/Architect. He shall also allow inspection of all these accounts, records and also of s toc ks in hand by

the author ised representatives of the Employer/Architects .


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


28. The tenders submitted shall remain open for acceptance for a per iod of 90 days from the da te o f the i r

opening. Should any tenderer withdraw his tender before the expiry of the said pe r iod o r makes any

modifications to his tender which are not acceptable to the Employer (Bank) the tender wi l l be tr ea ted

as having been rejected or abandoned and EMD forfeited.

29. The Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the r igh t to ac -

cept or reject any or all of the tenders received at any s tage without ass igning any reasons the r eof a t

any s tage.

30. The Architects /Employer fur ther reserve the r ight to delete/reduce or increase the quantity of any item or

section of the bills of quantities without ass igning any reason whatsoever therefore and no c laim will be

entertained in this regard.

31. The tenderer whose tender is accepted is bound to execute a formal agreement w i th the E m p loye r in

accordance with the draft agreement, which will inc lude the notice inv iting tender. If any, the dr aw ings

and specifications, but his liability under the contract shall commence from the date of acceptance letter

is issued to the contractor or the day on which contractor is instructed to take pos session o f the s i te

whichever is earlier, whether the formal agreement is drawn or not. The contrac to r s ha l l bea r a l l e x -

penses in connection with the execution of the said agreement inc luding fees for s tamping and registra-

tion of documents as required.


Total Secur ity Deposit shall comprise of

a. Earnest Money Deposit

b. Initial Secur ity Deposit

c . Retention M oney


Earnest Money Deposit is calculated at the rate of 1% of the estimated cost of work subject to a ce i l i ng

of Rs. 50,000/-

The EMD is accepted in demand draft or pay order only and not in the form of Bank Guarantee. N o in -

terest is payable on Earnest Money Deposit.


The amount of Initial Secur ity Deposit shall be 2% of the ac cepted value of the tender inc luding the

Earnest Money Deposit.

The initial secur ity deposit is to be paid by the successful tenderer to the bank within 14 ( fourteen) days

of intimation to him of the acceptance of his tender and no interest is payable on the above Secur ity

Deposit by means of Demand Draft or Pay Order.


The retention percentage ( i.e., deduction from inter im bill) shall be 10% of the gross value of each inter-

im bill sanctioned for payment by the Employer.

The maximum amount of retention money shall be the balance amount of the Total Secur ity Deposit. i. e

the ISD plus retention money shall both together does not exceed 5 % of the contract value.

The 50% of the Total Secur ity Deposit is refunded to the contractor without interest on c om p le-

tion, subject to the following:


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


I. Issue of Vir tual completion certificate by the Architect/Premises Engineer

II. Contractor 's removal of his mater ials, equipment, labour force, temporary sheds/stones, etc . from the

s ite (excepting for a small presence required) if any for the defect liability per iod and app r oved by the


The remaining 50% of the amount will be refunded to the contractor without interest within fifteen day s

after the end of defects liability per iod, prov ided he has satis factor ily carried out all the w o r k s and a t-

tended to all defects in accordance with the conditions of the contract, including site c learance.

The retention money will bear no interest whatsoever, until the date of their release.

33. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Employer under the te r m s o f

Contract may be deducted from his earnest money or/and the security deposit if the amount so pe r mi ts

and the contractor shall unless such deposit has become otherwise payable, within ten days after s uch

deduction make good in cash the amount so deducted.

34. The work is to be carried out generally in accordance with I.E . Rules and Regulation the K SEB, K er ala

State E lectr ical inspectorate. Specifications as the case may be and the I.S .S. in addition to the A r c h i -

tects ' specifications, if any, forming part of the tender documents.

35. Electr ical Installation shall comply in all respect with the requirements of the Indian E lectric ity A ct 1916

as amended from time to time and the Indian E lectr icity Rules currently in force.

36. The mater ials to be used in electr ical installations shall be of approved make and shall conform general -

ly to the relevant Indian Standard Specifications.

37. The contractor shall go through all necessary formalities inc luding preparation of drawings, applications,

etc . and follow up with the concerned author ities, to obtain the approval of the C.E.I.G./C.E.A. o r o the r

appropr iate s tate/central author ity to the electr ical installations if and where necessary and th e s e r v ice

connection to the installation as quick ly as possible.

38. On completion of the work the contractor shall furnish three sets of coloured wir ing diagrams and of

conduit layout as executed in the installation. He shall also furnish a test certificate a nd gua r antee in

the s tandard form as prescribed by the Employer.

39. In the case of any c lass of work for which there is no specification in the said I.E . Rules and Regulations

or K.S.E.B specifications, the said regulations and rules, CPWD specifications and the I.S . S. o r i n the

said Architects ' specifications forming part of the tender documents or in case there is a var iation, such

work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Em-


40. The work shall be carried out under the directions and supervis ion of the offic ials of the E m p loy e r and

Architects and subject to the approval in all respects by the Employer and Architects .

41. The work or any part of it shall not be transferred, assigned or sub let without the wr itten consent of

the Employer.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


42. The Contractor shall be required to cooperate and work in contract-ordination with and afford reasonable

fac ilities for such other agencies/specialists as may be employed by the Architects on other w orks/ sub -

works in connection with the projects /scheme of which this work forms part.

43. The Contractor will be required to insure by CAR policy the work for a sum of accepted tender value plus

25% thereof, in the joint name of SBI & contractor and keep it in sured until one month after the da te o f

tak ing over the works/installations by the Employer or otherwise in terms of the contract against loss o r

damage by fire and other usual r isks other than the r isks excepted in terms of the contract with the

General Insurance Corporation of India or its subsidiaries.

44. In carry ing out the work the contractor shall comply with the prov is ions of the safety c ode , annex ed to

these papers.

45. The tenderer shall comply with all prov isions of laws inc luding workmen's compensa tio n A ct, c ontr act

labour (Regulation & Arbitration) Act etc . If the Employer is made liable to pay any sum of money or in -

cur any liability as a consequence of no performance or omiss ion or commission on the part of the Con -

tractor, the Employer is entitled to recover the same from the contractor or adjust aga ins t any money

due to the Contractor.

SPECIAL NOTE: If there is any discrepancy between the conditions mentioned above plus conditions of con -

tract special conditions enclosed and the conditions mentione d in the M anual of Instructions ( ava i lab le w i th

Premises & Estate Department) the latter shall prevail.

S ignature of Contractor:




N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


A r tic les of Agreement made this …………………………………….. Day of ………….…………………

2017……………………. Between The Assistant General Manager, Premises & Estate D epa r tmen t, S ta te

Bank of India, Local Head Office, P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvanan thapur am

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Affix Special


(hereinafter called "the Employer") o f the one part and ……………………………….......... Stamp for the

Value of Rs. 10/-


(whose registered office is s ituated at) ……………………………………………………………...............................


(hereinafter called "the Contractor") of the other part.

(A) WHEREAS the Employer is des irous of ……………………………………………………………............……



And has caused Drawings, Specifications and B ills of Quantities and Tender Documents showing and describ-

ing the work to be done to be prepared by o r under the direction of his /their Architects M/s. Architecture

Incorporated, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

AND (B) WHEREAS the Tender Notice, Conditions of Contract, and Special Conditions Specifications, Draw-

ings, the B ill of Quantities and accepted Correspondence (hereinafter referred to as "the Contact Docu-

ments") have been s igned by or on behalf of the parties hereto.


1. For the consideration hereinafter mentioned the Contractor will upon and subject to the C ond i ti ons an -

nexed hereto execute and complete the works shown upon the said Drawings and described by o r re -

ferred to, in the said B ills of Quantities, Conditions and Specifications.

2. The Employer will pay to the Contractor the sum of Rs …………………………………………………............


(Hereinafter referred to as "the Contract Sum") or such other sum as shall become payable hereunder.

3. The term "the Architects" in the said conditions shall mean the said M/s.Architecture Incorporated,

Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala or in the event of their ceasing to be the Architects fo r the

purpose of this contract, such other person as shall be nominated in wr iting for this purpose by the E m-


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ployer, not being a person in the said Conditions. Provided always that no per s on s ubs equentl y ap -

pointed to be Architect under this Contract shall be entitled to disregard or overrule any decis ion o r d i -

rection given or expressed by the Architect for the time being.

4. The "Contract Document" as referred to in c lause 'B' above shall be read and constrained as forming part

of this agreement and the parties hereto shall be read and constrained as forming pa r t o f th i s ag r ee -

ment and the parties hereto shall respectively abide by, submit themsel ves to the condi ti ons and pe r -

form the agreement on their parts respectively contained in such conditions.

5. The Employer and the Contractors bind themselves, their partners, successors in interest, executors ad -

minis trators and assigns if any to the other pa rty to this agreement and to the partners, s ucc es sor s in

interest, executors adminis trators and assigns of such other party in respect o f a l l c ov enan ts o f th i s


6. The Contractor shall not assign, sublet or transfer his /their Interest in this agreem ent without the w r i tten

consent of the Architects .

7. All disputes retaining to or ar is ing out of the Contract shall be decided as set out in c lause 39 and 41 o f

the Conditions of Contract.

In Witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year firs t abov e w r i t-


S igned sealed and delivered by the said


In the presence of……………………………...





S igned sealed and delivered by the said


In the presence of……………………………...






N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r



a. In constructing these conditions, the specifica tions, schedule of quantities, and

contract agreement, the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them ex c ept

where the subject or context otherwise requires.

b. Headings and marginal notes to the conditions of contract shall not be deeme d to

form thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the con -


c . Where the context so require ( i) words importing persons include firms and corpo-

rations and ( ii) words importing the s ingular only also incl ude the plural and vice versa.

d. Employer shall mean The Assistant General Manager (P&E), State Bank of Ind ia ,

Local Head Office, P.B No.2704, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram.

e. Architects (Architect) shall mean M/s. Architecture Incorporated, Vaz hu thacaud ,

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

f. For the purposes of this contract such other person or persons as shall be nom i -

nated for the purpose by the Employer subject to such qualifying prov isions as may be agreed upon.

g. Contractor shall mean

……………………………………………………………………………………….. And inc lude his/the i r l ega l

representatives, executors, administrators, permitted ass igns, or succ es sor s and ass igns as the

case may be.

h. Site shall mean the land and/or other places on, into or through which w o rk i s to

be executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or s treet through which may be allotted for

use for the purpose of carrying out the contract.

i. The contract or this contract shall mean the tender documents comprising the no -

tice inv iting tenders, form of tender, the tender conditions, the drawings, and priced bill s o f quan ti -

ties, the acceptance thereof, and the artic les of agreement, together with the conditions of c on tr act

with its appendix and special conditions, if any, the specifications, designs all drawings and instr uc -

tions issued from time to time by the Architects and the Employer and their respecti ve c onsul tan ts

and all these documents taken together are derived to form one contract and shall be comp lemen-

tary to one another.

j. P.M .C. shall mean Project Management Consultant, engaged by the Employer fo r

construction management of all post tender activ ities and also working under overall direction of A r -

chitects , for technical matters only.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


k . CTE's Examination shall mean examination by The Chie f T ec hn ica l E xamine r.

The work dur ing its progress can also be inspected by the Chief Technical Examiner/Technic al E x-

aminer in the Central Vigilance Commission of the Government of India or by an officer o f the V ig i -

lance Cell in the Employer's organisation on behalf of the Employer/ Architect.

l. Bills of Quantities var iously also termed ' pr iced bills of quantities ' , ' s chedule o f

quantities ', 'schedule of rates ' shall mean the schedule of quantities or iginally furnished with the no -

tice inv iting tender, duly pr iced in by the tenderer an d accepted by the Employer for i n c lus ion as a

part of the contract for determining the consideration payable to the contractor for executing the

work and as part of the contract agreement it is also referred to as the contract schedule.

m. Notice in wr iting or wr itten notice shall mean a notice in wr itten, typed o r p r inted

characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received ) by r egis -

tered post to the last known pr ivate or bus iness address or to the regis tered office of the a ddr es s ee

and shall be deemed to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would hav e been


n. Net pr ices if in arr iving at the contract amount the contractor shall have added to

or deducted from the total of the items in the Tender any sum, either as a percentage or othe r wis e,

then the net pr ice of any item in the tender shall be the sum arr ived at by adding to or deducting

from the actual figure appear ing in the tender as the pr ice of that item a s im ilar percen tage o r p r o -

portionate sum provided always that in determining the percentage or proportion of the sum so add -

ed or deducted by the contractor, the total amount of any Pr ime cost of items and provis iona l s ums

of money shall be deducted from the total amount of the tender. The ex press ion "net rates " o r " net

pr ices" when used with reference to the contract or accounts shall be held to mean rates or pr ices so

arr ived at.

o. Provis ional items shall mean items for which only very approx imate quantities

have been inc luded in the tender documents.


a. Scope of Contract: - The contractor shall carry out and complete

the works in accordance with this contract in every respect and in accordance with the directions o f

the Architects and Employer and to their satis faction. If the contractor find s any discr epancy in o r

divergence between the contract drawings and/or Bills of Quantities, he shall immediately re fe r the

same in wr iting to the Architects and specifically apply for any instructions that m ay be nec ess ar y

before proceeding with the work. The Architects may in their absolute necessary before proceed ing

with the work. The Architects may in their absolute discretion and from time to tim e i s s ue fu r the r

drawings, details, and/or written instructions, directions and explanations (all of which a re in thes e

conditions collectively referred to as "Architects Instructions") in regard to the following : -

1. The var iation or modification of the design, quality or quantity of the works or the addition or

omiss ion, alteration, substitution or any work.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


2. Discrepancy, if any, in or divergence between the contract Drawings and/or B i l l s o f Q uan ti ti e s

and/or specifications.

3. The removal from the s ite of any mater ials brought thereon by the contractor and the substitution

of any other mater ials therefore.

4. The removal and/or re-execution of any works executed by the contractors.

5. The dismissal from the works of any persons employed in connection with the works whethe r d i -

rectly working under the contractor or under any person appointed or working under his autho r i -

ty .

6. The opening up for inspection of any work covered up.

7. The amending and making good of any defects under clause 20.

8. And such other instructions as may be given by the Architects as may be required ac co rd ing to

the contingency dur ing the performance of the contract.

If any verbal instructions, directions or explanations involving a variation are given to the Contrac to r

or his S ite Engineer upon the works by the Architects or by the c lerk of Works, such instructions, d i -

rections or explanations shall be confirmed in wr iting by the Contractor to the Architects within seven

days, and thereafter if not dissented from in wr iting by the Architects to the contractor within fu r the r

seven days shall be deemed to be Architects' instructions. The contractor s ha l l fo r thw i th c omp ly

with all the instructions of Architects . If compliance with Architects ' instructions involves any Va r ia -

tion, such var iation, shall be dealt with under c lause 13 of these conditions and the value thereof

shall be added to or deducted from the amount that becomes payable to the con tr ac to r . S uch in -

s tructions shall be entered by the Contractors in the s ite order book as prov ided in c lause 2 (q)


If compliance with Architects ' Instructions involves the contractor in loss or expens e beyond that p r o -

v ided for in or reasonably contemplated by this contract, then unless such instructions were necessi -

tated by reason of some mistake or defect of the contractor the amount of such loss or expense s ha l l

be ascertained by the Architects and added to the contract sum. The Employer can also give such di-

rections as deemed necessary and the Architect will be informed of the same.

p. EXCESSIVE USE OF SITE ETC. In no case shall the contractor continue to use or occupy

or allow to be used or occupied any land or property whether belonging to the Employer or not either

for the deposit of mater ials or plant or for any purpose whatever after wr itten notice from the A rch i -

tects shall have been served upon the Contractor requiring the Contractor to remove, or cause to be

removed all such materials or plant from any such land or property of the Employer or to give up v a -

cant possession or such land or property of the Architects within such time as may be fixed by them.

Should any such mater ial or plant remain upon any such land or property or should any such land o r

property remain occupied or be used after a per iod specified in such notice for any purpose whatev-

er as aforesaid then, and in every such case, and as often as the same shall happen, the Contracto r

shall pay in the Employer the sum of Rupees ONE THOUSAND as and for liquidated and ascertained

damages for each and every day (24 hour or part thereof) dur ing which the said lands o r p r ope rty


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


are so used and occupied as aforesaid from the time such notice was given. The amount payable as

aforesaid by the contractor shall be appropr iated from any amount payable as aforesaid by the c on -

tractor shall be appropriated from any amount payable by the Employer to the c on tr ac to r and the

short full if any will be paid by the contractor and demand in wr iting by the Employer. If the am oun t

is not paid an demand, it will carry an interest of 18% per annum compounded quarter ly.

b. INSUFFICIENT WORK. Should the Contractor consider any section o f the w o r k as de -

tailed or instructed insuffic ient, be shall, before putting such work on hand, notify the A r ch i tec ts in

wr iting of his doubts or difficulties and the Architects shall dec ide any points so raised.

c . CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EVERYTHING NECESSARY: Contr acto r s ha l l p r ov ide a l l

things that may be necessary for the proper execution of the works according to the intent and

meaning of the Drawings, B ills of Quantities and specification taken together whether the same m ay

or may not be particularly shown or descr ibed therein provided that the same can be reasonab ly in -

ferred there from, and if the contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings or between the D r aw -

ings, bills of Quantities and specification he shall immediately and in wr iting refe r the s ame to the

Architects who shall decide which is to be followed.

The contractor shall himself or by his representative meet the Architects or their representatives up -

on the worker of at their offices whenever reasonably required.

d. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPORT BUILDINGS: The contractor shall at his own expense proper ly and ef-

fic iently support, alter , restore electr ic mains which may be dis tr ibuted or injured dur ing the execution of

the works.

Such work shall not necessar ily or improper ly inter fere with the use or occupation of the p r ope r tie s

by the public or others.

Care shall be taken not to move, without the consent of the proper author ities any pipe, cable, po le,

wire, building or other s tructure. If instructed by the Architects in wr iting, permanent supporting

works shall be constructed. A ll such new permanent work that may be ordered in wr iting by the A r -

chitects or specified by them to be an extra work shall be paid for on the valuation of the Architects .

e. NOTICE OF ENTRY UPON PREMISES: In any case on which works o f s ho r ing o r o the r

works for the protection or secur ity of buildings or other structures or things are necessary, the c on -

tractor shall within a reasonable per iod before the execution of such works serve notice upon the oc-

cupier of the buildings or thing intended to be shored up or otherwise secured and upon all other

parties entitled to notice, apprais ing them respectively that such works are necessary, and the C on -

tractor is about to execute the same and at a time to be specified in such notice, will enter upon the

premises for the purpose of executing such works. Any permission that may be r equi r ed fo r s uch

entry on the land or property belonging to others will be procured by the Employer in advance.

f. TRESPASSING: No use shall be made by the Contractor of any ex isting build ings on the

s ite, unless he shall have obtained previously the sanction in wr iting of the Architects . The Contrac-

tor and his work people shall s tr ictly restr ict the portion of the s ite allocated by the Architects for the



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


g. SUNDAY AND NIGHT WORK: Sunday and night works shall not be permitted un les s w i th

the permission or direction of the Architects , save when the work is unavoidable, or absolutely nec-

essary for saving the life or property . Such work shall be undertaken if so directed by the Architects

without any extra charge.

h. ORDER BOOK: The contractor shall at his own expense keep an Order Book/Log B ook a t

the s ite in which shall be entered all instructions given by the Architects or Employer. A copy o f the

orders shall be sent to Architects for their confirmation within 3 days after the orders are given. The

order book shall not be removed from the s ite without the Architects ' permission.

i. PROGRESS PHOTOS: At his own expense the Contractor shall supply the Architects w i th

duplicate copies of large photographs not less than 6" x 4" of the works taken from app roved posi -

tions as and when required by the Architects or the Employer.

3. Agreement copies to be supplied:

The agreement (or iginal) shall remain in the custody of the Employer and shall be prod uced by them a t

his office as and when required by the Architects or the Contractor. The contractor on the s igning here-

of shall be furnished by the Architects /Employer free of cost with a certified copy of the agreemen t and

one copy of each of the said dr awings issued during the progress of the work. A ny fu r the r c op ies o f

such drawings required by the contractor shall be paid for by him. The contractor shall keep one c opy

each of all drawings on the works and the Architects or his representatives shall a t all reasonable timers

have access to the same. Before the issue of the final certificate to the contractor he shall, for thwith re-

turn to the Architect all drawings and specifications.

4. The contractor to provide everything necessary:

The Contractor shall be deemed to have satis fied himself before tender ing as to the corrections and suf-

fic iency of his tender for the works and of the rates and amounts s tated in the schedule of quantities

and/or the schedule of rates and amounts which rates and amounts shall except as otherwise prov ided

cover all the obligation under the contract, and all matters and things necessary for the proper comp le -

tion of the works.

The contractor shall prov ide at his own cost all mater ials (except such mater ials if any , as m ay in ac -

cordance with the contract be supplied by the Employer), machinery, plant, tools , appl iances, imp le -

ments, ladders, cartage, tackle, scaffolding, temporary works including access roads etc ., together w i th

carr iage therefore to and from the s ite, in fact every thing necessary or proper for the proper ex ecu tion

of the work, whether or iginal, altered or substituted according to the true intent and meaning of the

drawings, schedule of quantities and specifications, or iginal or substituted taken togethe r w he the r the

same may or may not be particularly shown or described therein provided that the s am e m ay be r ea -

sonably inferred therefrom, and if the contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings or be tw een the

drawings, schedule of quantities and the specifications he shall immediately and in wr iting r e fe r to the

Architects who shall decide which is to be followed, subject to:

i. Anything shown or contained in any one or other of (a) the drawings (b) specifi c a tions and ( c)

the contract schedule, and not shown in the o thers shall be equally binding as if it were contained in

each of them.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ii. Figured dimensions are to be followed in preference to the scale, and large scale details in pref-

erence to small scale drawings.

iii. The following order of preference shall apply:

(a) . The drawings, (b) specifications, covered by bills of quantities, (c) Architects ' specifications, ( d)

Kerala State E lectr ical Inspectorate s tandards ,IE rules, Specifications of KSEB.

The contractor shall conform to the -prov isions of any Act of the Legis lature relating to the works and to

the Regulations and Bye- laws of any Authority and of any water, lighting and other Compan ies and / or

Author ities with whose systems the structure is proposed to be connected, and shall, before making any

var iations from the drawings or specifications that may be necessitated by so confo r ming , g i v e to the

Architects written notice, specifying the var iation proposed to be made and the reason for it, and app ly

for such instructions thereon. In case the contractor shall not within ten days receive such instructions

he shall proceed with the work, conforming to the prov isions, Regulations, or bye -laws in question and

any var iation so necessitated shall be dealt with under Clause Nos.13 and 17.

The contractor shall br ing to the attention of the Architect all notices required by the said Acts, r egu la-

tions or bye- laws to be given to any Author ity and pay to such Authority , or to any Public Office all fees

that may be proper ly chargeable in respect of the works and lodge the recei pts with the Architects.

The contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all c laims in respect of patent r ights and s ha l l de -

fend all actions ar is ing from such c laims and shall himself pay all royalties, license fees, damages, cost

and charges of all and every sort that may legitimately be incurred in respect thereof.

a. The Employer is entitled to deduct all taxes and rates and as per ex isting laws and rules, from any

monies due or that may become due to the contractor.

b. The contractor shall indemnify the Employer from and against all c laims, demands, p r oceed ings,

damages, suits , costs and expenses which may be brought or made against the employer or to

which it may be put by reason of the contractor not conforming to or comply ing with any of the prov i-

s ions or requirements of any Act or Statute, Central or State, Rules, Regulations, Bye -laws o f l o c a l

author ities, Panchayat, Collector or any other companies relating to or in connection with the w o r k s

or to Labour or for supply of water, light or other amenities at the s ite.

5. M ater ials to conform to specifications; Tests or materials, work etc .:

a. All mater ials and workmanship shall so far as procurable conform str ictly to r equ i r emen ts in ac -

cordance with the drawings and as described in the schedule of quantiti es and/or specifications and

in accordance with the Architects' instructions, and the contractor shall upon the request o f the A r -

chitect furnish proof to his satis faction that they so conform and if required shall also furn ish a l l i n -

voices, accounts, receipts and other vouchers for the purpose.

b. In the case of all products, which are in the approved lis ts of the I.S .I. no materials, will be collect-

ed at s ite, which does not bear the I.S .I. mark unless the Institution does not affix its mark on thos e

mater ials .


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


c. The contractor shall orders for all materials required in time and in any case not la te r than da tes

fixed in the approved programme. Wherein the matter of procurement of such mater ials as a r e co l -

lected or the dis tr ibution of which is regulated by Government, Central or Local, or by any other Cen-

tral or local author ity , the Employer is obliged to issue any certificate or s ign applications for license

or permit, by v irtue of orders of such Government or Author ity or by Custom or practi c e i t s ha l l be

the sole responsibility of the contractor to arrange for all the formalities to be completed in tim e and

follow up the matter with the concerned authorities and to procure the mater ials in time for incorpora-

tion in the works/installation according to the appr oved programme, and the Employer or the A rch i -

tect will not assume any responsibility for delays in this regard not for the payment of fi nes , pena l -

ties, demurrage and so for th due to the contractor not tak ing timely act in the p r oc ess o f p r oc u re -

ment. The contractor shall not raise any plea, quoting delays in the completion of the formaliti e s o r

of delays by the Author ities concerned for any compensation whatsoever.

d. However, the contractor shall before he places orders for supply, furnish to the A r c h i tect, a t h i s

own expense products and those under specific makes, proposed to be used in the w o r k s, w e l l i n

time, notwithstanding pr ior approval by Architects /Employer of such products and makes; such p r io r

approval shall not constitute a waiver of the rule reg arding approval of samples. In all c ases w hen

makers/manufacturers have test certificates for their goods/artic les/products/processes/equ ipmen t,

Photostat copies o such test certificates shall be produced by the contractor along with the samples.

e. The Architect will within two weeks of the date of supply of samples or within such fu r the r pe r iod

as it may depending upon each case require intimate to the to the contractor whethe r the s amp les

are approved by him or not. If samples are not approved the contr actor shall fo r thw i th a r r ange to

supply to the architect for his approval fresh samples comply ing with the specifications.

f. The approved samples, bear ing dis tinct marks of identification of such approval shall be r e ta ined

at s ite displayed by the contractor, at his own expense, prominently at the s ite, dur ing the pe r iod o f

work, for the inspection/ver ification by the Architect/Employer and their accredited rep resen ta ti v es

and concerned author ised offic ials /organisation of Government. Thereafter the contrac tor ac cru ing

to him (Contractor) the approved samples remain in the safe custody of the contractor till they are so

handed over to Employer.

g. The contractor shall indemnify the Employer or any agent, servant, or employee of the E m p loye r,

against any action, c laim, proceeding, demand, suit, damages, awarded or decreed etc . Rela ting to

infr ingement or use of any royalties or other charges which may be payable in respect of any artic les

or mater ial or part thereof inc luded in the contract. In the event of any c laims be ing made on any

agent, servant or employee of the Employer in respect of any such matter as aforesaid, the contrac-

tor shall immediately be notified thereof. Provided that such indemnity shall not apply when such in-

fr ingement has taken place in c omplying with specified direction issued by the Employer o r the A r -

chitects in connection with the contract, but the contractor shall pay any royalties or o the r cha rges

payable in respect of any such use, the amount so paid being reimbursed to the contracto r only if the

use was the result of any drawings and/or specifications issued after conclusion of the contract. The

contractor undertakes to inform the Employer or Architect if they are having knowledge that a partic -

ular act/direction given by the Employer or Architect will infr inge any patent or des ign r ights .


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


h. All charges on account of taxes and other duties on mater ials obtained for the works from any

source (Other than mater ials supplied by the Employer) shall be borne by the contractor.

6. Superv ision by Contractor:

The contractor shall give all necessary personal super intendence during the execution of the works, and

as long thereafter as the Architects or Employer may consider necessary until the expiration of the "D e -

fects Liability Per iod" s tated in the Appendix hereto. The contractor shall also during the whole time the

works are in progress, employ a competent and qualified representative whose name shall be approved

by the Architect and who shall be constantly in attendance at the works. Such rep resentativ e s ha l l be

author ised to act on behalf of the contractor to accept service of notices under the contract and to agree

to extras, omissions and varied items of work and rates for the same.

If the contractor fails to appoint and keep on the works a competent and qualified representative as

aforesaid the Architects shall have powers to suspend the works till such time a competent and qualified

representative as aforesaid is posted and the contractor shall not be entitled to c laim extension o f tim e

on the plea of such suspension of the works.

7. Dismissal of employees of contractor:

The contractor shall on the request of the Architect/Employer immediately dismiss from the w o r ks any

person employed thereon by him who may, in the opinion of the Architect/Employer be incompe ten t o r

m is-conduct himself, and such persons shall not be again employed on the works withou t the pe r m is-

s ion of the Architects /Employer. The Architects /Employer shall not pay any c ompensa tion o r r e im-

bursement to the contractor consequent to or ar is ing out of such dismissal.

8. Access to works:

The Employer, the Architect and his respective representative shall at all reasonable tim es have fr ee

access to the works and/or to the workshops, factories or other s where ma te r ia l s a r e l y ing o r fr om

which they are being obtained and the contractor shall give the Employer, the Architect and his respec-

tive representative, all reasonable fac ilities necessary for inspection and examination and tes ts o f the

mater ials and workmanship. No person unauthorised by the Employer or the Architects except the r ep -

resentative of Public Author ities shall be allowed on the works at any time.

The proposed work covered under this tender during its progress can also be inspected by the C h ie f

Technical Examiner/Technical Examiner or by an officer of the Vigilance Cell of the author ity on beha l f

of the Engineer -in-charge/Employer's Architects .

9. Site Engineer:

The terms "Site Engineer" shall mean the person appointed or engaged by the E mp loye r, and acting

under the orders of the Architects /PMC/Employer to inspect the works in the absence of the Ar c h i tec ts

or PM C; the contractor shall afford the S ite Engineer every fac ility and assistanc e fo r i n s pecting the

works and mater ials and for checking and measuring the work and mater ial s . S uch pe rson /pe rsons

shall be considered to act solely as Inspectors.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


If any work or mater ials is not approved by the S ite Engineer of Works or any such representative, such

work shall be suspended or the use of such mater ials shall be discont inued until the decis ion of the A r -

chitect is obtained. The work will form time to time be examined by the Architect, the S ite E ng inee r o f

works or the Architect's PMC's representatives, but such examination shall not in any way exonerate the

contractor from the obligation to remedy any defects which may be found to ex is t a t any s tage o f the

works or after the same is completed. Subject to the lim itation of this Clause the contractor s ha l l ta k e

instructions only from the Architects.

10. Work not to be sublet:

The whole of the works included in the contract shall be executed by the contractor who shall not direct-

ly or indirectly transfer, assign or underlet the contract of the Employer; and no undertak ing shall relieve

the contractor from the full and entire r esponsibility of the contract or from active superintendence of the

works during their progress.

11. Variation not to v itiate the contract:

No alteration, omiss ion or var iation shall v itiate this contract but in case the Architect th ink s p r ope r a t

any time dur ing the progress of the works to make any alterations in or additions to or omissions from or

substitutions for the or iginal drawings, specifications, designs, and instructions or any alterations in the

k ind or quality of the mater ials to be used in the work and shall give notice thereof in wr iting to the c on -

tractor, the contractor shall alter , add to or omit from or substitute for as the case may requ i re , i n ac -

cordance with such notice and carry out the amended work on the same conditions in a l l r es pec ts o n

which he agreed to do the main work, but the contractor shall not do any work extra to or make any a l -

terations or additions to or omissions from or substitutions in the works or any devia tions fr om any o f

the prov is ions of the contract s tipulations, specifications or contract drawings without the prev ious c on -

sent in wr iting of the Architects and the value of such extras, alterations, additions or omissions or sub -

stitutions shall in all cases be determined by the Architect with the pr ior approval in wr it ing o f the E m -

ployer in accordance with the prov isions of Clause 17 hereof, and shall be added to or deduc ted fr om

the contract amount accordingly.

a. The supply and execution of any part or the carry ing out of any work incidental to the execution o f

any item or c lass of work shown in the schedule of quantities shall not constitute a var iation entitli ng

the contractor to extra payment provided that the said item of c lass of work cannot be executed s a t-

is factor ily according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications without the

said part thereof or the said work inc idental thereto whether the same may or may not be particular ly

shown or described in the drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities and prov ided the same

may be reasonably inferred therefore.

b. The time for completion of work shall, in the event author ised variations result in an addition to the

contract sum in excess of 10% of contracted value, be extended, on request by the contractor as fol-



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


i) In the proportion whic h the total executed contract value inc luding authorised variations

bears to the or iginal contract value, the certificate of the Architects being conclusive as to s uch

proportion; plus.

ii) 25% of the additional time calculated by way of ( i) above or such fur ther tim e as m ay

be considered to be reasonable by the Architects.

c . Similar ly the changing of the position of the work from one to another or to a more difficult pos ition

than that shown in the drawings or described in the specifications or the contract s c hedu le, o r the

carry ing out of work under c ircumstances not contemplated in the specifications or the contract

schedule shall not constitute a var iation entitling the contractor to extra payment.

d. No compensation for alteration in or restr iction of work

If at any time after the commencement of the work the Employer for any reason whatsoever does not

require the whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carr ied out, the Architects shall give notic e

in wr iting of the fact to the contractor who shall have no c laim for any compensation whats oeve r on

account of any profit which might have derived from the execution of the work in fu l l , bu t w h ic h he

did not der ive in consequence of the full amount of the work not hav ing been carried out. N o r s hal l

he have any c laim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the o r ig ina l

specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that shall involve curtailment of the work or iginally


12. Errors in bills of quantities:

No errors in descr iption or in quantity or by way of omission of items from the s chedule o f quan ti ti e s

shall v itiate this contract but shall be rectified and the value thereof as ascertained unde r C LAU SE 17

hereof shall be added to or deducted (as the case may be) from th e contract amount provided that there

shall be no rectification of errors in the contractors schedule of rates.

13. M easurement of works:

The Architects may from time to time intimate to contractor and the Employer that he requires the works

to be measured, and the contractor who shall for thwith attend or send a qualified Agent to ass ist the Ar-

chitect or the Architect's representative/P.M.C. in tak ing such measurements and c a lcu la tions and to

furnish all particulars or to give all assistance required by eithe r of them. No measurement will be taken

( i) without the presence of the representative of the Employer and ( ii) the certificate of PMC/Si te E ng i -


Prov ided that the contractor shall give notice of not less than ten c lear days to the Architect or hi s r ep-

resentative in charge of the work before covering up or placing beyond the reach of measurements may

work in order that the same may be measured and correct dimensions thereof be taken before the cover

up and beyond reach of measurement any work without the consent of the Architect and his repre-

sentative in charge of the work who shall within the aforesaid per iod of ten days inspect the w o r k and

cause the measurements to be made; if any work be so covered up without the consent of the Architec t

or his representative in charge of the work, the same shall be uncovered at the contractor 's expenses,


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


or in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or materials wi th w h ic h the

same was executed.

Should the contractor not attend or neglect or omit to send such agent then the measurements taken by

the S ite Engineer/P.M.C. or a person approved by Architect to be correct measu r emen t o f the w o r k s

prov ided a representative of the Employer was also present dur ing such measu remen t. S uch m eas-

urements shall be taken in accordance with the Indian Standard Method of M easurement, unless othe r -

wise prov ided for elsewhere in this contract. A ll measurements shall be recorded with split up detail s i n

a s tandard measurement book along with necessary drawings and all measurement shee ts s hou ld be

s igned and sealed with date by the representatives of the contractor, Architect and Employer.

The contractor or his agent may at the time of measurement take such notes and details as he m ay re -


A ll author ised extra works, omissions and all variations made without the Architect's knowledge, if s ub -

sequently sanctioned by him in wr iting (with the pr ior approval on wr iting of the Employer) s ha l l be in -

c luded in such measurements. The measurements should be certi fied by the Employer 's representative

who was present at the time of measurement without the certificate no bill will be cons ide red fo r pay -


The contractor should submit all the bills on the s tandard form in quadruplicate along w i th the m eas -

urement book.

14. Price of Var iation:

The rates for additional, altered, substituted work shall be arr ived at in accordance w i th the fo l l ow ing


a. The next rates or pr ices in the contract schedule shall determine the valuation of ( the rates for) the

extra work ( items) where such extra work is of s im ilar character and is executed under s imilar condi-

tions as the work pr iced therein.

b. If the rates for the extra, altered or substituted (deviated) work are not provided for (av ai lab le ) i n

the contract schedule, they shal l to the extent poss ible be der ived out of the rates given in that

schedule for s imilar or near s imilar items. For the purpose of such der ivation, where necessary and

when so directed, the contractor shall furnish detailed analysis for the said s imi la r o r nea r s im i la r

items in the contract schedule, market rates constants for quantum of mater ia l , l abou r T & P and

sundr ies from standard PWD/CPWD data/analys is, in order thus wr itten, adding 15% ov e r tow a r ds

profits and overheads. When called upon to do so the contractor shall submit the required purchase

bills /vouchers.

c . In the case of additional, altered or substituted (deviated) work for which rates cannot be reasona-

bly be der ived as at ( ii) and ( iii) above, the rates shall be worked out adopting marke t p r i c es , s ub-

stantiated by purchase bills /vouchers, us ing factors and constants for quantum of mater ials, labou r,

T & P and sundr ies from standard PWD/CPWD Data/Analysis in the order thus written add ing 15%


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


towards profits and overheads. When called upon to do so the contractor shall submit his purchase

bills /vouchers, to the architects .

In such cases, only for such items where, and for such quantities only as are in excess of the quanti-

ties prov ided in the contract schedule for or iginal items or items which s tand altered o r s ubsti tu ted

(deviated) by more than the percentage specified in sub -clause (v) above and for items for which the

rates cannot reasonably be derived as at sub-clauses ( ii) and ( iii) above, market rates s hal l be ap -


d. The questions as to what particular items, being s imilar or near s imilar to the additional, altered o r

substituted (deviated) work in the contract schedule are to be adopted for der ivation of rates fo r ad -

ditional, altered or substituted (deviated) work and whether the said rates canno t be de r i ved fr om

s im ilar or near s imilar items in the contract schedule will be decided by the Architects .

e. In cases ( ii) to ( IV) the contractor is required to submit his analysis of rates adopting the pr inc iples

enunciated and the Architect, after scrutinis ing the analysis and other papers furnis hed , w i l l a l l ow

such rates as he considers reasonable.

f. Where extra work is of such a nature that it cannot be proper ly measured or valued the contr ac to r

shall be allowed day work pr ices at the net rates s tated in the tender or the pr iced schedule of quan-

tities or if not so s tated, then in accordance with the minimum local day work rates and wages for the

dis tr ic t, notified by the concerned author ity , provided that in either case if required by the Archi tects ,

vouchers, muster rolls and other documents required for proper ver ification of the labour em p loyed

and the mater ials deployed on the said work and the costs thereof be delivered to the architect or his

representatives at or before the end of the wor k following that in which the work has been executed.

The question as to whether extra work is of such nature that it cannot be proper ly measured o r v al -

ued will be decided by the Architects . The margin to be allowed on actual cost to the contrac to r to -

wards profits and overheads shall be 15%.

g. Deviation Lim it: is the value by which the total executed contract value inc luding author ised varia -

tion is in excess of the or iginal contract value, expressed as a percentage and shall be adjusted on

the sum total of all additions, omissions, reductions, alterations or substitutions (deviations) covered

by author ised variations under c lauses 2 and 13 of the Conditions of Contract. The values of p r im e

cost sums shall not be inc luded in calculating the above percentag es

15. Unfixed mater ials :

Where in any certificate (of which the contractor has received payment) the Architect has inc luded the

value of any unfixed mater ials intended for and/or placed on or adjacent to the w o r k s s uch ma te r ia l s

shall become the property of the employer and they shall not be removed except for use upon the

works, without the wr itten author ity of the Architects . The contractor shall be liable for any loss damage

to such mater ials. Such payment for the mater ials shall be preclude the Architects fr om r e jecting the

mater ials if they are subsequently found not in accordance with the required standard or s pec i fi ca tion


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


and direct the contractor to remove the same. In such rejections the value of mater ials shall be deduct-

ed out of subsequent bills passed for payment.

16. Removal of improper Work, Mater ials etc :

The Architects shall, during the progress of the work, have full powers to order, in wr iting, from tim e to

time, removal from the works within such reasonable time, or times, as may be specif ied in the order, o f

any mater ials which in the opinion of the Architects are not in accordance with the specifications o r i n -

s tructions of the Architects , or do not conform to approved samples, the substitution of the rejected ma-

ter ials by proper other mater ials, and the removal and proper re-execution of any wo r k ex ecu ted w i th

unsound, imperfect or unskilful workmanship or with materials not accordance with the imperfect or un -

sk ilful workmanship or with mater ials not accordance with the contract, notwithstanding tha t the s am e

may have been passed or/and certified or/and paid for and the contractor shall for thwith carry out s uc h

order at his own cost. In case of default on the part of the contractor to carry out such order, the Arch i -

tect shall have the power to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same without being answe r-

able or accountable for any loss or damage that may happen or ar ise to such mater ials removed and al l

expenses consequent on or inc idental thereto as certified by the Architects sh all be borne by the c on -

tractor, or may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or that may become due to the c on -

tractor or shall be recovered from the contractor.

17. Defects Liability Per iod

Any defects which may appear or already appeared before or during the 'Defects Liability Period' s tated

in the Appendix hereto, or if none so stated, then within twelve months after the issue of completion cer-

tificate ar is ing in the opinion of the Architects or Employer from mater ials or w o r kmansh ip no t i n ac -

cordance with the contract, shall on demand which shall be made within the defects liabili ty pe r iod , i n

wr iting by the Architects , and within such reasonable time as hall s tated that the same may hav e been

passed or/and certified, paid for , be amended and made good by the contractor, at his own proper

charge and cost and in the case of default the Employer may employ and pay other person o r pe rsons

to amend and make good such defects , shrinkage, settlements or other faults and all damages, loss and

expenses consequent thereon or inc idental thereto shall be made good and borne by the con tr acto r i n

wr iting be recoverable from the contractor by the Employer or may be deducted by the E mp loy er fr om

any monies due or that may become due to the Contractor or the Emplo yer fr om any mon ies due o r

that may become due to the contractor a sum to be determined by the Architects equivalent to the c os t

of amending and making good such work and in the event of the amount retained unde r c lause 33 o r

33A being insuffic ient, recover the balance from the contractor, together with any expenses the employ-

er may have incurred in connection therewith. Should any defective work have been done or mate r ial s

approved by the Architect as provided in c lauses 12 and 22 the contractor shall be liable to make good

in the same manner as if such work or mater ials had been done or supplied by the con tr acto r h imse l f

and been subject to the prov is ions of c lause 2 thereof. The contractor shall remain liable under the

prov is ions of this c lause notwiths tanding the s igning by the Architects of any certificate inc luding the fi -

nal certificate, or pass ing of any accounts. For removal of doubts it is c lar ified that all defects appea r -

ing on the v ir tual completion of works but before issuing of completion cert ificate shall always be tak en

as defects ar is ing during the defect liability per iod which 12 months running from the date of completion



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


18. Completion Certificate

The work shall not be considered as completed until the Architect has certified in wr iting that they hav e

been v ir tually completed and the defects liability per iod shall commence from issue of completion certif-


Within 10 days of the completion of the work, the contractor shall give notice of completion of the c on -

tract in all respects as undertaken to the Architect and within 10 days of the receipt of suc h no ti c e the

Architects shall inspect the work and of there is no defect in the work shall furnish the contractor wi th a

certificate of completion, otherwise a provisional certific ate of completion indicating de fec ts ( a) to be

rectified by the contractor and/or (b) for which payment will be made at reduced rates, shal l be i s sued

but no certificate of completion, provisional or otherwise, shall be issued, nor shall the work be c onsid -

ered to be complete until the contractor shall have removed from the premises on which the w o r k w as

executed, all scaffolding, surplus mater ials, rubbish etc at s ite in connection with the ex ec u tion o f the

work or other parts of any building, in upon or about which work was executed, or of which he may have

had possession for the purpose of the execution thereof, and not until the work shall have been m eas-

ured by the Architects . If the contractor shall fail to comply with the requirements of th i s c lause as to

removal of scaffolding, surplus mater ials and rubbish as aforesaid and c leaning off dir t on or befor e the

date fixed for the completion of the works, or iginal or extended in terms of c lause 28 he r ein , the E m-

ployer after issuing due notice, may at the expense of the contractor remove such scaffolding , s u rp lus

mater ials and rubbish, etc ., and dispose of the same as he except for any sum actually realised by the

sale thereof. And the expense, if any, so incurred may be recovered from any money due o r tha t m ay

become due to the contractor by the employer.

If several sub works covered by separate schedules are inc luded in the contract, and if at any tim e be -

fore the completion of the entire work, the employer takes possession of any of the separate sub -wo rks

that may have been duly completed in accordance with the contract and so certified by the A r c hi tec ts ,

notwithstanding any other prov ision in this contract in this regard, a completion certi fi c a te m ay be i s -

sued in respect of the said duly completed sub work, the defects liability per iod for such sub w o r k may

be reckoned from the separate date of v ir tual completion so certified and that part of the fu l l s ec u r i ty

deposit that may by proportion (contract value of this sub work to the whole contract value) be at tr ibuted

to this sub work may be refunded in accordance with and subject to the prov is ions of c laus e 20 . T he

same pr inciples will apply where different rates are specified in the contract for different sub works.

19. Specialis ts

A ll specialists , tradesmen and others executing any work or supplying and fix ing any goods fo r w h ich

pr ime cost pr ime cost pr ices or prov isional sums are inc luded in the schedule of quantities /and/or spec-

ifications who may be nominated or selected by the Architects shall be deemed to be s ub - con tr acto r s

employed by the contractor and are herein referred to as nominated sub -contractors.

No nominated sub-contractor shall be employed on or in connection with the works aga inst w hom the

contractor shall make reasonable objection or (save where the Architect and contractor shall othe r w ise

agree) who will not enter into a contract prov iding,

a. That the nominated sub-contractor shall indemnify the contractor against the same obligations in

respect of the sub-contractor as the contract is under in respect of this contract.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


b. That the nominated sub-contractor shall indemnify the contractor against c laims in respect of any

negligence by the sub-contractor, his servants or agents or any misuse by him or them of scaffolding

or other plant, the proper ty of the contractor or any workman's Compensation Act in force.

c . Payment shall be made to the nominated sub-contractor within fourteen days of his receipt of the

architects certificate provided that before any certificate is issued the contractor shall up on request

furnish to the architect proof that all nominated sub -contractors accounts inc luded in the previous

certificates have been fully discharges, in default whereof the employer may pay the sum upon a

certificate of the architect and deduct the amoun t thereof from any sums that may then be due or

may become due to the contractor.

The necessary performance guarantee from the sub -Contractors shall be forwarded by the Contractor to

the c lients through Architects before making final payment for the speci ality .

In addition to the above, the Contractor also shall give the above guarantee in the prescr ibed format as

Architects /Client des ire and the Contractor is also equally responsible for the performance o f the s pe -

c ialised work. The above guarantee by the contractor is to be forwarded along with the specialis t agen-

c ies guarantee before making final payment to the specialised agency.

20. Employer may use Premises

The Employer with the concurrence of the Architects , reserves the r ight to use the p r em is es and any

portion of the s ite for the execution of any work not inc luded in this contract which be may desire to

have carr ied out by other persons and the contractor will provide all reasonable fac ilities for the ex ec u-

tion of such work but is not required to provide any plant or materials for the execution of such work ex-

cept by special arrangements with the Employer. Such work shall be carr ied out in such manner as no t

to impede the progress of work included in this contract and the contractor is not to be held responsible

for any damage or delay which may happen to or be occasioned by such work. Any imperfection in fi n -

ishing items left by such other person shall, if required by the Architects be made good by the contractor

and cost thereof is recoverable from such person.

21. Liability under Fatal Accidents Act, Workmen's Compensation Act contract labour (Regulation & Abo -

lition Act and for Tortuous Acts under the common Law:

a. The Contractor shall be responsible for all injury to any persons, animals or things, and for all

s tructural and decorative damage to property which may arise from the operations w hethe r by ne -

glect or default of himself or for any reason whatsoever whether such injury or dam age a r i se fr om

carelessness, accident or any other cause whatever in a ny way connected with the c a r r y ing ou t o f

this Contract. This c lause shall be held to inc lude INTTER ALIA any damage to buildings, w he the r

immediately adjacent or otherwise, and any damage to roads, s treets , foot-paths, br idges or ways as

well as all damage caused to the buildings and works forming the subject to this contract by frost o r

other inc lemency of weather. The contractor shall indemnify the employer and hold him harmless in

respect of all and expenses aris ing from any such injury or damage to p ersons or property as afo r e -

said and also in respect of any c laims made in respect of injury or damage under any Ac ts o f G ov -


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ernment or otherwise and also in respect of any award of compensation or damages consequent up -

on such c laim.

The contractor shall reinstate all damage of every sort mentioned in this c lause, so as to deliver up -

on the whole of the contract works complete and perfect in every respect and so as to make good o r

otherwise satis fy all c laims for damage to the property of third parties.

b. The contractor shall indemnify the employer against all c laims which may be m ade aga inst the

Employer by any member of the public or other third party in respect of anything which may ar i se in

respect of the works or in consequence thereof and shall at his own expense arrange to e ffec t and

maintain, until the completion of the contract, with an approved insurance company a P o l i cy o f I n -

surance in the joint names of the Employer and the contractor against such r isks and deposi t s uc h

policy or polic ies with the Ar chitects from time to time dur ing the currency of this contract. The con -

tractor shall s imilarly indemnify the Employer against all c laims which may be made upon the E m-

ployer whether under the Workmen compensation Act or any other s tatute in force dur ing the curren-

cy of this contract or at Common Law in respect of any Employee of the contractor and s ha l l a t h i s

own expense effect and maintain, until the completion of the contract in an approved office a P o l i cy

of Insurance in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor against such r i sks and deposi t

such Policy or Policies with the Architects from time to time dur ing the currency of the contract.

c . The insurance policies above stated under c lause 24(b) shall be taken for a m inimum sum of Rs.

5.00 Lakhs with indemnity of Rs. 1.00 Lakh for any single accident.

The Contractor shall also be responsible for anything which may be exc luded from the Insurance pol-

ic ies above referred to and also for all other damage to any property arising out of and inc iden ta l to

the negligent or defective carrying out of the Contract. He shall also indemnify the Employe r in r e -

spect of any cost, charges or expenses arising out of any c laim or proceedings and also in respect of

any award of or compensation of damages arising the refrom.

The Employer with the concurrence of the Architects shall be at liberty and is hereby empow ered to

deduct the amount of any damages, compensation, costs, charges and expenses ar ising or accruing

from or in respect of any such claim or damage from any sum or sums die or to become due to the


d. The contractor shall pay to the labourers and other employees the wages fixed under the M inimum

Wages Act.

e. The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all c laims which m ay be m ade aga inst l a -

bourers, employed of the contractor by the Tax authorities, Regional Commissione r o f E m p loyees

Prov ident Fund and the author ities appointed under M inimum Wages Act in respect of the C on tr ac -

tor 's liability ar is ing under Clauses above.

22. Responsibility for safety of building:

The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of the works inc luding the mater ials , temporary bu i ld -

ings and plant) until they are taken over by the Employer and they shall s tand at the r isk, and be in the


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


sole charge of the contractor, who shall be responsible for and must with all poss ible for and must w i th

all poss ible speed make good all damage from whatever cause.


a. Cleaning up dur ing progress and delivery of works: - A ll rubbish/waste mater ials shall be re-

moved from the s ite as it accumulates and disposed off out s ide the bank 's premises w i th ou t any

complaint by the contractor. A ll floors, stairs, landings shall be c leaned down and put in a thorough-

ly complete, c lean, sound, and workmanlike s tate to the satis faction of the A rchitects before the work

is finally handed over, all rubbish and surplus materials not required by the E mp loye r having fi r s t

been removed by the Contractors. The contractor shall give notice in wr iting to the Architects w hen

the work is so ready to be handed over, and shall be responsible for its maintenance until it is tak en

over by the Employer.

b. If the contractor except on account of any legal restraint upon the Employer preventing the c on -

tinuance of the work or in case of a certificate for inter im pa yment not paid within the per iod for hon -

our ing Certificates, shall suspend the works or in the opinion of the Architects shall neglect or fails to

proceed with due diligence in the performance of his part of the Contract or if he shall more than

once make default in respect of Clause i the Employer through the Architects s hal l hav e pow e r to

give notice in wr iting to the contractor requir ing that the works be proceeded within a reasonable

manner and with reasonable despatch; such notice shall purport to be a notic e unde r the C laus e .

A fter such notice shall have been given the contractor shall not be at liberty to remove from the s i te

of the works or from any ground contiguous thereto any plant or mater ials belong ing to h im w h ich

shall have a lien upon all such plant and materials to subsist from the date of such notice being g iv -

en until the notice shall have been complied with. If the Contractor shall fail for seven days after

such notice has been given to proceed with the works as there prescribed the E m plo ye r m ay p ro -

ceed as prov ided in c lause 30.

c . Insurance of the work:

i. The contractor shall immediately after date of commencement insure the works and

other r isks specified herein and keep them insured until the completion of the c on tr ac t aga inst

loss or damage by fire etc . With a company to be approved by the Architects in the joint names of

the Employer and the contractor ( the name of the former being placed first in the policy ) , fo r the

full amount of the contract and for any fur ther sum if called upon to d o so by the A r ch i tec ts the

premium of such fur ther sum being allowed to the contractor as extra. Such po l i cy sha l l c ov er

the property of the Employer only , but shall not cover any property of the Contracto r . T he c on-

tractor shall deposit the policy and receipts for the premiums with the Architects with in fou r teen

days from the date of commencement of work as mentioned in this contract unless otherwise in -

s tructed by the Architects . In defaults of the contractor insuring as provided above , the A rc hi -

tects on his /their behalf may so insure and may deduct the premiums paid from any money due ,

or which may become due, to the Contractor. The contractor shall as soon as the c laim under the

policy is settled, or the work reinstated by the insurance company should they elect to do so, pro-

ceed with all due diligence with the completion of the under the same conditions of contract. The

contractors in case of rebuilding or reinstatement after fire shall be entitled to such ex tens ion o f

time for completion as the Architects deem fit. Contractors shall handover all payments received

from the Insurance Company to the Employer.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ii. The amount so due are aforesaid shall be the total value of the work duly exec uted

and the contractors mater ials and goods delivered upon the s ite for use in the works upto and in -

c luding a date not more than seven days prior to the date of the said certificate less the am ount

to be retained by the Employer (as hereinafter provided) and less any instalments previously paid

under this c lause. Provided that such certificates shall only inc lude the value of the said m a te r i -

als and goods as and from the time as they are reasonably, proper ly and not prematurely brought

upon the s ite and then only if proper ly stored and/or protected against weather.

24. Day of commencement and day of completion:

The contractor shall be allowed admittance on the s ite on the "date of commencement" s tated in the

Appendix , and he shall thereupon and for thwith begin the works and shall thereupon and for thwith begin

the works and shall regular ly proceed with and complete the same (except such before the "date of

completion" s tated in the Appendix subject nevertheless to be provis i0on for extension of time hereinaf-

ter contained.

25. Damages for non-completion

If the contractor fails to complete the works by the date s tated in the Appendix or within any ex tended

time fixed under Clause 28 of these conditions and the Architects certify in wr iting that in the i r op in ion

the same ought to have been completed, the contractor shall pay or allo w the Employer a sum calcula t-

ed at the rate s tated as "Liquidated and Ascertained Damages" for the per iod dur ing which the said

works shall so remain or have remained incomplete and the Employer may deduct such damages fr om

any monies otherwise payable to the Contractor under this Contract or recover the same otherwise.

26. Extension of Time

If the contractor shall desire an extension of time as per the format below for completion of the wor k on

the grounds of his having been unavoidably hindered by such caus es as (a) force m ajeu re o r ( b) any

exceptional inc lement weather or (completion) the work or delays of other contractors or tradesmen en -

gaged or nominated by the Employer or the Architect and not referred to in the Schedule o f quan ti ti e s

and or specification or (d) delays in the supply of mater ials s tipulated to be supplied by the E mp loyer ,

he shall apply in wr iting to the Architects within 15 days of the date of such hindrance on account of

which he desires such extension as aforesaid and the Architect, if in his opinion r eas onab le g r ounds

have been shown therefore, may with the prev ious approval in wr iting of the Employer make a fa i r and

reasonable extension of time for completion of the contract works, but the contractor shall nevertheles s

constantly use his endeavours to prevent delay and shall do all that may constantly use his endeavour s

to prevent delay and shall do all that may reasonably be required of him to proceed with the work expe -

ditious ly prov ided –

a. That the contractor shall have no c laim other than extension of time for the delay in comple tion o f

the work due to such hindrance and

b. That the contractor shall suspend the works whenever called upon to do so in wr iting by the Arch i -

tects and shall be allowed reasonable extension of time for complet ion of work due to such suspen-

s ion of work and nothing else.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r




1. Name of the Contractor.

2. Name of the work as given in the agreement.

3. Agreement No.

4. Estimated amount put to tender.

5. Tender amount:

6. Date of commencement of work as per agreement.

7. Period allowed for completion of work as per agreement.

8. Date of completion s tipulated in agreement.

9. Period for which extension of time has been give previously.

A . 1s t extension v ide Date M onth Days

Architect's/Employer's No.

B . 2nd extension v ide ,, ,, ,,

Architect's/Employer's No.

C. 3rd extension v ide

Architect's/Employer's No. ,, ,, ,,

D. 4th extension v ide

Architect's/Employer's No. ,, ,, ,,

Total extension prev iously given

10. Reasons for which extensions have been given previously(copies of the prev ious applications should

be attached)

11. Period for which extension is applied for and the reasons thereof inc luding


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


hindrances, time for extra work assigned, if any etc .

S ignature of the Contractor

28. Failure of Contractor to comply with Architect's Instructions:

If the contractor after receipt of wr itten notice from the Architects requir ing compliance within ten

days fails to comply with such fur ther drawings/and/or Architect's instructions the Employer may em-

ploy and pay other persons to execute any such work whatsoever that may be necessary to g iv e e f-

fect thereto, and all costs incurred in connection therewith shal l be recoverable from the contractor by

the Employer on the Certificate of the Architects as a debt or may be deducted by him from any mon -

ies due or to become due to the contractor.

29. Termination of contract by Employer:

If the contractor being an individual or a firm commits any "Act of Insolvency", or shall be adjudged an

insolvent or being an Incorporated Company shall have an order for compu lso ry w inding up m ade

against it or pass an effective resolution for winding up voluntar ily or be subject to the superv ision o f

the court and of offic ial ass ignee or the Liquidator in such acts of insolvency o r w inding up , as the

case may be, and shall be unable within 7 days after notice to him requir ing him to do so, to s how to

the reasonable satis faction of the Architects that he is able to carry out and fulfil the contr ac t and to

give security therefore if so required by the Architects .

OR if the contractor (whether an indiv idual, Firm or Incorporated Company) shall suffer execu tion to

be issued under an order of cav it or other author ity .

OR shall suffer any payment under the Contract to be attached by or on behalf of any of the creditor s

of the Contractor.

OR shall ass ign or subject the contract without the consent in wr iting of the Architects firs t obtaine d,

OR shall charge or encumber this Contract, or any payments due or which may bec ome due to the

Contractor there under.

OR if the Architects shall certify in wr iting to the Employer that the Contractor,

i) Has abandoned the contract, or

ii) Has failed to commence the works, or has without any lawful excuse unde r thes e cond i ti ons s us-

pended the progress of the works for 14 days after receiving the Architect's notice to proceed, or

iii) Has failed to proceed with the works with such due diligence and failed to make such due progress as

would enable the works to be completed within the time agreed upon, or


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


iv) Has failed to remove the mater ials from the s ite or pull down and re work for 7 days a fte r r ece iv ing

from the Architects that the said mater ials or work for 7 day s after receiv ing from the Arch i tec ts tha t

the said mater ials or work were condemned and rejected by the Architects under these conditions, or

v) Has neglected or failed persis tently to observe and perform all or any of the acts , matters or things by

this contract to be observed and performed by the contractor for seven days after wr itten notice sha l l

have been given to the contractor requiring the contractor to observe or perform the same, or

v i) Has to the detr iment of good workmanship or without the consent in wr iting of the E m p loy e r s uble t

any part of the contract

Then and for any of the said causes or reasons, the Employer with the consent of the Architects may

notwithstanding any perv ious waiver, after giv ing seven days notice in wr iting to the c on tr ac to r , de -

termine the contract, but without prejudice to the powers of the Architects or the obligations and liabil-

ities of the contractor the whole of which shall continue in force as fully as if the contract had not

been so determined and as if the works subsequently executed had been executed by or on behal f o f

the contractor. And fur ther, the employer under instructions of the Architects , by his Agents or s e rv-

ants may enter upon and take possession of the works and all plant, tools , scaffoldings, sheds, ma -

chinery and mater ials lying upon the premises and use as his own property or may employ the s ame

by means of his own servants and workmen in carrying on and completing the works or by employ ing

any other contractors or other person or persons employed for co mpleting and finishing and or us ing

the mater ials and plant for the works. When the works shall be completed or as soon the r ea fte r as

convenient the Architects shall give notice in wr iting to the Contractor to remove his surplus materials

and plants, and should the contractor fail to do so within a per iod of 14 days after receipt the r eo f by

him, the Employer shall sell the same by public auction, and shall give credit to the Contractor for the

amount realised. The Architects shall thereafter ascertain and certify in wr iting under their hand what

( if anything) shall be due or payable to or by the Employer for the value of the said plant and m a te r i -

als so taken possession of by the Employer and the expense or loss which the Employe r s ha l l have

been put in to procur ing the works to be completed, and the amount if any, owing to the C on tr ac to r ,

and the amount which shall be so certified shall thereupon be paid by the Employer to the contr ac to r

and the contractor to the Employer, as the case may be, and the certif icate of the Architects sha l l be

final and conclus ive between the parties.

Whole of the retention money (part of security deposit) is collected where after the instalments ( inte r-

im payment) shall be upto the full value of the work subsequently so executed and fixed.

The Architect may, in his discretion include in the inter im certificate such amount as he m ay c on-

s ider proper on account of any mater ials which are in his opinion non -perishable and ar e in ac co rd -

ance with the contract and which have been brought on the s ite (but not prematurely) i n c onnection

therewith and adequately s tored and/or protected against damage by weather or other cause but

which have not at the time of advance been incorporated in the work, 80% of their purchase value on

production of vouchers for the same subject to a maximum of bas ic pr ices, stated or quoted on stipu -

lation, of cement and steel. When materials on account of which such advance has been made under

this sub-c lause and incorporated in the work the amount of the advanc e shall be deducted fr om the

next payment made under any of the c lauses of this contract, and in any case within 3 months o f the

date of payment of each advance.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


And when the works have been v irtually completed and the Architects shall have certified in wr iti ng

that they have been so completed, the contractor shall submit the final bill in respect of the c on tr ac t

work within one month thereafter and in accordance with the certificate to be issued by Architects

payment shall be made by the Employer within the time named in the Appendix. And the c on tr acto r

shall be entitled to the payment of the final balance in accordance with the final certificate to be is-

sued in wr iting by the Architects after the expiration of the per iod referred to as "the Defects Liab i l i ty

Per iod" in the Appendix hereto from the date of Vir tual completion or as soon after the ex p i r a tion o f

such per iod as the works shall have been finally completed and all defects made good ac co rd ing to

the true intent and meaning thereof whichever shal l last happen. Provided always that the i s s ue by

the Architects of any certificate dur ing the progress of the work or at or after their completion shall not

relive the contractor from his liability in case of all fraud, dishonesty, or fraudulent concealment rela t-

ing to the works or mater ials or to any matter dealt with in the certificate, and in c as e o f a l l de fec ts

and insuffic ienc ies in the works or mater ials which a reasonable examination would not have dis-

c losed. No certificate of the Architects shall of itself be conclusive evidence that any work or mate r i -

als to which it relates are in accordance with the contract neither will the contractor have a c la im fo r

any amounts which the Architects m ight have certified in any inter im bill and pa id by the E mp lo ye r

and which might subsequently be discovered as not payable and in this respect the Employer's dec i -

s ion shall be final and binding.

The Architects shall have power to withhold any certificate if the works or any parts thereof are no t

being carr ied out to his satis faction.

The Architects may by any certificate make any correction in any previous certifi c a te w h ic h s ha l l

have been issued by him. No certificate of payment will be issued by the Architects if the con tr ac to r

fails to insure the works and keep them insures till the issue of the v ir tual completion certificate. A lso

certificate of payment may be refused if the contractor fails to execute the formal agreement.

30. Termination of the contract by the contractor

If payment of the amount payable by the employer under any certificate of the Architects s ha l l be in

arrears and unpaid for 30 days after notice in wr iting requiring payment of the amount as a fo r es a id

shall have been given by the contractor to the Employer, or if the Employer inter feres with or ob-

structs the issue of any such certificate, or if the worker be stopped for three months unde r o r der o f

the Architects or the Employer or by any injunction or other order of any Cou rt o f Law , then and in

any of the said cases the contractor shall be at liberty to determine the contract by notice in wr iting to

the Employer, payment for all works executed in terms of the contract and for any loss be may sustain

upon any plant or mater ials supplied or purchased for the purpose of the contract.

In arr iv ing at the amount of such payment the net rates contained in the contractor 's or ig ina l tende r

shall be followed or where the same may not apply , valuation shall be made in accordance with

Clause 17 hereof.

31. Pr ime costs provisional sums:


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


(a) Where 'P rime Costs' (P.C.) pr ices or provisional sums o f m oney a re p r ov ided fo r any

goods or work in the specification or Schedule of Quantities the same are exc lus ive of any trade d is -

counts, rebate or allowance, discount for cash, or profit which the contractor may require and of fix -

ing, but are inc lus ive of all proper charges for packing, carr iage and delivered.

(b) All goods or work for which pr ime cost pr ices or provisional sums of money are provided may

be selected or ordered from any manufacturer or firms by the Architects in consulta tion w i th

the Employer who reserves to himself the r ight of pay ing direct for any such goods o r w o rk

and deducting the said pr ices or sums or provisional are provided or portions of same, be not

required such prices or sums, together with profits allowed for the same and such additiona l

amounts as the contract may have allowed for carr iage and fix ing, will be deducted in full

from the amount of the contract. Whether the goods be ordered by the contracto r o r o the r -

wise, the contractor shall receive and sign for such goods and be responsible fo r the i r s a fe

custody as from the date of their delivery upon the works and shall be paid for fix ing , w he r e

applicable, in terms of the contract, and in the absence of special provision for suc h payment

for fix ing, in the contract, shall fix the same, if called upon to do so, at his own cos t. F i x ing

shall cover unloading, getting in, unpacking and return of empties and other inc idental works.

(c) In cases in which provisional quantities of mater ia ls are contained in the contract the contrac-

tor shall prov ide such amounts or to greater or lesser amounts as the Architects sha l l d i r ect

in wr iting at the net rates at which he shall have pr iced such items in his schedule of quan ti -

ties. Should however any such items be entirely omitted, which omiss ion shall be at the A r -

chitects discretion no profit on such items shall be allowed to the contractor.

(d) No pr ime cost sum or sums (or any portion thereof) shall be inc luded in any c er ti fi c a te fo r

payment to the contractor until the receipted accounts relating to them have been p r oduc ed

by the contractor to the Architects, such account shall show all di s c oun ts and any s um o r

sums in respect of such discounts shall be treated as a trade discount provided a lw ays tha t

should the contractor in lieu of producing such receipted account request the A r ch i tec ts i n

wr iting to issue a certificate on the Employer for such sum or sums due either on accoun t o r

in settlement to a sub-contractor direct, the Architects shall, upon satisfy ing himsel f tha t the

sub-contractor is entitled to the same, so issue the certificate, and such sum or sums shall be

deducted from the amount of the contract at the settlement of accounts and any profit or fu r -

ther sum to which the contractor is properly entitled in respect of such sub -con tr acto r, and

which is in conformity with the terms of the contract, shall be allowed to the contractor a t the

settlement of accounts as though the amount of such certificate to the sub -contractor had

been inc luded in a certificate drawn in favour of the contractor.

(e) If the contractor neither produces the receipt not gives authority to the Architects to i s s ue a

certificate in favour of such sub-contractor direct, the Architect, may upon giving the contrac-

tor seven days notice in wr iting of his intention to do so issue to the sub -contractor such cer -

tificate direct on the Employer and obtain the receipt from the sub -contracto r w h ich r ec eip t

shall be deemed as discharge for the amount of such certificate as though given by the c on -

tractor. In the event of such default on the part of the contractor, he shall not be allowed any

profit he may have added in the schedule of quantities upon such sub -contract.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


( f) The exerc ise of the option before referred to by the contractor and the issue of certificate be-

fore descr ibed to sub-contractor upon the contractor 's request or the issue to the sub -

contractor direct of the certificate by the Architects shall not however, relieve the con tr acto r

from any of the liabilities in respect of insuffic ient, faulty or incomplete work of the sub -

contractor for which he may be liable under the terms of the contract.

(g) If any prov isional items are provided for work of a nature usually carried out by the contractor

in the ordinary course of his business the Employer shall give the contractor an oppo r tun i ty

for tender ing for the same without prejudice to the Employer's r ight to ac c ep t any o r r eject

any or all of the tenders received.

32. Certificates and Payment:

A bill in quadruplicate shall be submitted by the contractor, each month on or before the date fixed by

the Architect, or if no date be so fixed, by the 15 t h of the month, along with detailed m eas u rements ,

also in quadruplicate for the work executed in the prev ious month, and the Architects shall, c onsistent

with the s tipulation in the appendix to these conditions of contract regarding "value of work for Inter im

Certificates" (or at c loser intervals at his discretion) check/take the measurements or cause the

measurements to be checked/taken for the purpose of hav ing the same to be ver ified and to the ex -

tent the work has been executed in accordance with the contract, issue inter im c e rti fi c a te , and the

Employer shall make payment to the contractor on the basis of such certificate within the per iod spec-

ified for honour ing inter im certificates ( in the Appendix to the conditions of contract) , subject to reten-

tion of such sums at the percentage marked in the said Appendix .

33. Amount not paid in time to carry interest:

Any amounts payable by the Employer to the contractor to pursuance of any certificate g iv en by the

Architect hereunder shall if not paid within the "Per iod for honouring certificates" named in the A p -

pendix , carry interest at the rates named in the Appendix as the "Rate of Interest" fo r de l ay ed pay -

ment from the date upon which such sum ought to have been paid by the Employer until payment.

33-A. Secur ity deposit/Retention Money bear no interest:

Retention money/Security deposit, or the balance of it available with the Employer, however, s hal l

be refunded to the contractor in the manner specified in the Appendix to the conditions of contract

and shall bear no interest whatsoever until the date of its return.

34. M atters excepted from Arbitration:

The decis ion, opinion, direction, certificates (except for payment) with respect to all or any of the mat-

ters under Clauses 2,4,7,9,13,17,19,28,30,42,43 hereof (which matters are herein referred to as the

excepted matters) shall be final and conclusive and binding on the parties hereto and shall be valua -

tion of the Architects or any refusal of the Architects to give any of the same shall be s ub jec t to the

r ight of Arbitration and rev iew in the same way in all respect ( inc luding the provis ion as to open ing

the reference) as if it were a decis ion o f the Architect, under the following c lause.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r



Except where otherwise provided in the contract all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of

the specifications, design, drawings and instructions herein before mentioned and as to the qual ity of

workmanship or mater ials used on the work or as to any other question, c laim, r ight, matter or thing

whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, des igns, drawings, specifications, es-

timates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the work or the execution or

failure to execute the same, whether aris ing dur ing the progress of the work or after the cancellation,

term ination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter :

If the contractor considers that he is entitled to any extra payment or compensation in respect o f the

works over and above the amounts admitted as payable by the Architect or i n c as e the c on tr acto r

wants to dispute the validity of any deductions or recoveries made or proposed to be made fr om the

contract or raise any dispute, the Contractor shall for thwith give notice in wr iting of his c laim, o r d i s -

pute to the Assis tant General Manager (Premises& Estate) and endorse a copy of the same to the Ar-

chitect, within 30 days from the date of disallowance thereof or the date of deduction or recovery. The

said notice shall give full particulars of the c laim, grounds on which it is based and detailed c a lcu la-

tions of the amount c laimed and the contractor shall not be entitled to raise any c la im no r s hal l the

Employer be in any way liable in respect of any c laim by the contractor unless noti c e o f s uc h c la im

shall have been given by the contractor to the Assistant General Manager (Premises& Estate ) i n the

manner and within the time as aforesaid. The contractor shall be deemed to have waived and ex tin -

guished all his r ights in respect of any c laim not notified to the Assistant General Manage r ( Premis-

es& Estate) in wr iting in the manner and within the time aforesaid.

ii) The Assistant General Manager (Premises& Estate) shall give his decision in writing on the c la im s

notified by the contractor. The contractor may within 30 days of the receipt of the decis ion of the A s -

s is tant General Manager (Premises& Estate) submit his c laims to the conciliating au tho r i ty name ly

the Circ le Development Officer for conciliation along with all details and copies o f c o r respondence

exchanged between him and the Assis tant General Manager (Premises& Estate)

iii) If the conciliation proceedings ar e terminated without settlement of the disputes,

the contractor shall, within a per iod of 30 days of term ination thereof shall give a

notice to the concerned Chief General Manager / Circle Development Officer of the Bank for appoin t-

ment of an arbitrator to adjudicate the notified c laims failing which the c laims of the contr ac to r s hal l

be deemed to have been considered absolutely barred and waived.

iv ) Except where the decis ion has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of the

Contract, all disputes or differences ar ising out of the notified c laims of the contractor as

aforesaid and all c laims of the Bank shall be referred for adjudication through arbitration by

the Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Chief General Manager. It will also be no objection t o any s uc h

appointment that the Arbitrator so appointed is a Bank Officer and that he had to deal w i th the m a t-

ters to

which the Contract relates in the course of his duties as Bank Officer. If the arbitrator so appointed i s

unable or unwilling to act or res igns his appointment or vacates his office due to any reason w ha ts o -

ever another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid by the said Chief General

M anager. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at wh i c h i t w as

left by his predecessor.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


v ) It is a term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a lis t of disputes with

amounts c laimed in respect of each dispute along with the notice for appointment of a r b i tr a to r . I t i s

also a term of this contract that no person other than a person appointed by such Chief General Man-

ager aforesaid should act as arbitrator.

The conciliation and arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the prov isions of the Arbitration

& Conciliation Act 1996 or any s tatutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made

there under. It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator thes e s ha l l

be paid equally by both the parties. However, no fees will be payable to the a rbitrator if he i s a B ank

Officer. It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the ref-

erence on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to submit their s tatement of

c laims and counter statement of c laims. The venue of the arbitration shall be such place as may be

fixed by the arbitrator in his sole discretion. The fees if any, of the arbitrator shall, i f r equ i red to be

paid before the award is made and published, be paid half and half by each o f the parties. The cost of

the reference and of the award ( including the fees, if any of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion o f

the arbitrator who may direct to any by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof

shall be paid and fix or settle the amount of costs to be so paid.

v iii) If the Appointing Author ity (Chief General M anager) fails to send to the contractor the panel of

three names as aforesaid within the per iod specified, the contractor shall send to the Appointing A u -

thor ity a panel of three names of persons who shall all be unconnected with e i the r pa r ty . T he A p -

pointing Author ity shall on receipt by him of the names as aforesaid select any one o f the pe r s ons

named and appoint him as the sole arbitrator . If the Appointing Author ity fails to s e lec t the pe r s on

and appoint him as the sole arbitrator within 30 days of receipt by him of the panel and inform the

contractor accordingly, the contractor shall be entitled to appoint one of the persons fr om the pane l

as the sole arbitrator and communicate his name to the Appointing Author ity .

a) If the Arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to and or resigns his appointm en t o r v aca tes

his office due to any reason whatsoever another sole arbitrator shall be appointed as aforesaid.

b) The work under the contract, shall however, continue dur ing the arbitration p r oceed ings and no

payment due or payable to the contractor shall be withheld on account of such proceedings.

c) The arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date the i s s ues no ti c e to

both the parties fix ing the date of the firs t hear ing.

d) The arbitrator may from time to time, with the consent of the parties, enlarge the tim e fo r m aking

and publishing the award.

e) The Arbitrator shall give a separ ate award in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him .

The Arbitrator shall dec ide each dispute in accordance with the terms of the contract and give a r ea -

soned award. The venue of arbitration shall be such as may be fixed by the Arbitrator in his sole dis-



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


f) The award of Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. In all cases where the amount

of the c laim is in dispute is Rs. 75,000/ - (Rupees seventy five thousand only) and above, the arbitrator

shall give reasons for the award.

g) It is also a term of Contract that if Contractor(s) do/ does not make any demand for arbitration in

respect of any c laim(s) within 90 days of receiving intimation from SBI/ Architect that the bill after due

ver ification is passed for payment of a lesser amount, or otherwise, the contractor 's r ight for feited and

SBI/ Architects shall be relieved and discharged of their liability under this agreement in r es pect o f

such c laim(s). Further, it is agreed that for the purpose of this Clause, such no tice is deemed to have

been received by the Contractor(s) within 2 days of posting of the letter by SBI/Architects or when de-

livered by hand immediately after receipt thereof by the Contractor(s), whichever is earlier. Further, a

letter s igned by the offic ials of SBI/ Architects that the letter was so posted to the Contractor(s) s hal l

be conclus ive.

36. Right of technical scrutiny of final bill:

Notwithstanding other c lauses in this contract, Employer shall have a r ight to cause a technical exam-

ination of the works and the final bill of the contractor including all supporting vouc he rs , abstr acts ,

etc ., to be made at the time of payment of the final bill. If as result of this examination o r o the r wis e

any sum is found to have been overpaid or over certified it shall be lawful for the Employer to recover

the sum, the contractor agrees for the same.

37. Employer entitled to recover compensation paid to work -men:

If, for any reason the Employer is obliged, by v irtue of the prov is ions of the Workmen's Compensation

Act 1923, or any other s tatutory regulations to pay compensation to a workman employed by the con-

tractor, in the execution of the works, the Employer will recover from the c on tr acto r the am oun t o f

compensation so paid, and without prejudice, the Employer wil l be at liberty to recover such amount

or any part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or otherwise. The Employer shall no t be

bound to contest any c laim made against him of the above, except on the wr itten request of the c on -

tractor and upon his giv ing to the Employer full secur ity for all cost for which the Employer migh t be -

come liable in consequence of contesting such claim.

38. Day work wages

No day work shall be allowed unless the same has been wr itten upon approved day sheet which shal l

be sent to the Architects week by week and within one week from the end of the week in wh ic h s uch

work has been executed; the pr ior sanction in wr iting of the Architects shall be app l ied fo r and ob -

tained before such work is executed. If any extra has been tendered as day work which in the opinion

of the Architects should be measures, it shall be descr ibed in Clause 17.

39. War Damages

If dur ing the progress of the Works, the Republic of India shall become engaged in hostilities o r w a r-

like operations with any foreign power and if such hostilities or warlike operations w i th any fo r e ign


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


power and if such hostilities or warlike operations either directly or indirectly involve or would inv olve

either purely in loss or expense beyond that prov ided for in or reasonab ly contemplated by th i s C on -

tract then, the employment of the contractor under this contract may be determined by e i the r pa r ty

given to the other 7 days notice by registered post and the contractor shall be paid by the Employer in

respect of the works executed before such determination in accordance with the prov ision o f C laus e

31 of these Conditions. Such payment shall be without prejudice to the r ights , if any, of the Employer

to any defective work of the Contractor so far executed or otherwise.

In the event of the Works or any part thereof or any mater ials on the s ite for use in the w o r k s be ing

destroyed or damaged by war damage, the Contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever to repair,

reinstate or make good the destruction or damage so caused an d shall be entitled:

(a) To be paid the full value of work executed before such event and for all mater ials on the s i te

for use in works ( including the work or mater ials so damaged or destroyed).

(b) To be paid for any work done and mater ials supplied in and abo ut the reinstatement or m ak -

ing good of any destruction or damage so caused upon such terms as may be ag r eed be -

tween the parties and in default of agreement upon the basis of pr ime plus a reasonable prof-


40. When contractor dies

Without prejudice to any r ights or remedies under this contract, if the contractor dies, the E m ploye r

shall have the option of term inating the contract without compensation to the contractor.

41. Return of surplus materials:

Notwithstanding anything contained in any or all of th e Clauses of this contract, where any mate r ia l s

for the execution of the work have been supplied by the Employer in whatever manner, the contractor

shall hold the said mater ials economically and solely for the purposes of this contract and not dispose

of them without the permission of the Employer and return if required what may be left with h im a fte r

the completion of the contract or at its termination for any reason whatsoever, on being paid or c red -

ited so at such pr ices as the Architects shall determine having due regard to the condition of the m a -

ter ials . The decision of the Architects in this regard will be final. Prov ided that the con tr ac to r s ha l l

not be entitled to return any such material unless with such consent and if the Employer does no t s o

require the mater ial to be returned the contractor may at his r isk and expense dispose of the m a te r i -

als and he shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever in this regard and provided that s teel

in lengths of less than 2 meters shall not be deemed to b e steel in good condition.



42. Nuisance:

The contractor shall not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the s ite or do anything

which shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to owners, tenants or occupiers of other

properties in and near the s ite and to the public generally.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


43. Lighting

The contractor shall prov ide and maintain at his own expense all lights and watching when and where

necessary as required by the Architects for the protection of the works or for the safe ty and c onv en -

ience of those employed on the works or the public .

44. Taxes and rates

The Employer is entitled to deduct all taxes and rates or any duties by whatever name called as pe r

ex is ting laws and rules, from any moneys due or that may become due to th e contractor.

45. General Indemnity

The contractor shall indemnify the employer from and against all c laims, demands, proceedings,

damages, costs and expenses which may be brought or made against the E m p loye r o r to w h ic h i t

may be put by reason of the contractor not conforming to or complying with any of the pr ov is ions o r

requirements of any Act or Statute, Central or State, Rules, Regulations, Bye- laws of l o c a l A u tho r i -

ties, Panchayat, Collector or any other Companies relating to or in connection with the w o r k s o r to

Labour or for supply of water, light or other amenities at the s ite.



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r







The scope of work covers supply, manufacture, installation testing and commiss ioning of the E lectr i -

fication work for SBI CCPC, Chembakalam Building, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvanathapuram accordance

with the drawings, specifications etc . Prepared by M/s. Architecture Inco rpor ated , Vaz huthac aud ,

Thiruvananthapuram and under the direction and to the satis faction of Architec ts and Banks E ng i -



The installation shall be carried out in accordance with the Indian E lectric ity Rules 1956 as amended

up to date and as required by E lectr ical Inspectorate local Electr ical Author ities and as s peci fi ed in

the National E lectr ical Code.


Necessary approval shall be obtained from the E lectr ical Authorities before commissioning . I t s ha l l

be the responsibility of the successful tenderer to prepare necessary documentation, apply, follow up

and obtain approval from Electr ical Inspectorate, Local Electr ical Author ities and any other competent

author ities for all electr ical des igns, manufacture, erection of mater ials and equipments us ed . T he

approval shall be obtained both for the drawing stage and on completion of installation , w h ic h sha l l

be obtained within the overall completion per iod s tipulated in the tender documents . T he s ta tu to r y

fees payable to the E lectr ical Inspectorate will be paid by the Client and will be paid by the B ank as

per the production of or iginal receipts . 5% of the billed amount will be deducted from the contractor ’s

bill and retained with the bank until the contractor complete the above formalities arrange inspection

and obtain sanction and necessary approval from the departments energis ing the total installation.


The rates quoted shall be firm till completion of the work. No variation of rates will be allowed due to

increase in cost of mater ials, labour, transport, taxes, or any other reason whatsoever. The rate shall

be indicated net. The rates shall inc lude IT, Labour welfare fund, GST and any other in c idental




N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


The rates shall inc lude all m inor c ivil works such as floor cutting, wall cutting for condu i t l a y ing , D B

installations related to var ious Electr ical works. Nothing extra will be paid for these works.


The rate quoted inc ludes supply, transport, erection and commiss ioning.


7.1 The works shall be completed within 45 days from the date of issue of LOA/works order.

7.2 No extension of time will be allowed except for valid reasons acceptable to the e mployer.

7.3 If there is unforeseen delay in completion of c iv il construction work by c ivil contractors the completion

of electr ical contract shall be extended to such per iod as may required for which electr ical contracto r

shall not have any c laim whatsoever and no extra payment is admissible \on this score.


The necessary insurance shall be made for transport, installation of the equipment agains t dam age ,

fire etc . Until completion and handing over. No extra payment will be made on this account.


A ll mater ials , equipment, fittings, accessor ies and applications used on the electr ical installation shall

be of best quality obtainable and of approved installation shall conform to the latest Indian S tanda r d

Specifications, wherever these exis t. Wherever Indian Standard Specifications are not available, re l -

evant Br itish Standards shall applicable. The tenderer must submit along with the tender, the nam e

of manufacturers/catalogues etc ., and shall be procured by the successful tenderer and us e d on the

works unless he has obtained the pr ior approval of Consultants in wr iting.


Any mater ials supplied by the Bank like light fittings, ceiling fans, exhaust fans etc ., should be unde r

the safe custody of the contractor after receiving it from the Bank.

Any damage to such mater ials while under s torage with the contractor is responsible for such damag-

es and the contractor should replace such damaged and the contractor should re such damaged

items by new one at no extra cost to the Bank/Client.


Good workmanship and neat installation are the pre -requisite for compliance with the var ious comple-

tion sections of these specifications. The work shall be carried out under the direct and constant s u -

perv is ion of a person, technically qualified suffic iently experienced, holding certificate of Competency

issued by the Kerala State Government and in accordance with the s tatutory rules and regulations in

force. The relevant I.S.I. Code of Practice shall be followed wherever applicable.



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


Two copies of wir ing diagram and layout plans, the schedule of quantities and specifications shall be

furnished by the Architects to the Contractor for their own use until the completion of the contract,

which shall be accessible at all reasonable times to the consultants or thei r r ep r esen ta ti v es. T he

tender drawings indicate only the general scheme of requirements. It shall be the r es ponsib i l i ty o f

the contractor that the location of dis tr ibution boards, cable routings etc ., are got appr oved by C on -

sultants /Banks Engineer well before the commencement of the work. Wherever required by the A r -

chitects , detailed drawings shall be prepared by the successful tenderer and got app r oved by C on -

sultants and Banks Engineer. On completion of the work, complete drawing and ' as bu i l t' s hal l be

prepared by the successful tenderer and s ix copies of the same along with the reproducible pr int

submitted to the employer through CONSULTANTS. The completion drawings shall indica te c lea r l y

the main switch board, the runs if var ious mains and sub-mains, position of points and their contr o ls .

A ll c ircuits shall be c learly indicated and numbered in the wir ing diagram and all points shall be given

the same number as the c ircuit to which they are electr ically connected. A laminated copy of the E lec-

tr ical Schematic drawing shall be displayed near SSB and AC panel. Date of installation, S r . no and

Warranty shall be wr itten neatly by paint on all fittings and fix tures.


The bur ied earth wire/flat lead will be properly protected from mechanical injury by inserting them in

to a suitable G.I. pipe recessed in wall and floor wherever considered necessary and carried upto the

earth electrode. It shall be fixed over its entire length by c lamps, saddles, staples etc . Th e earth ing

lead shall be securely bolted/welded to the earth electrode with bolt and washers of the bas e m e ta l .

The earthing lead shall be securely connected at the other end to main board and all items and

mountings looped to all other iron c lad switches and distr ibution boards.


The installation inc luding the equipments, switchboards, cabling, earthing, etc ., a s s peci fi ed in the

Scheduled executed at s ite shall be guaranteed for a per iod of twelve months from the date of s a ti s -

factory commissioning after obtaining necessary approvals from Electr ical Author ities.

14. All the switchboards and MCB DB' shall be powder coated and its name and specifications marked on

it neatly by paint. A ll M CBs should be marked corresponding to the switchboards it is connected . A l l

other angle iron frame, metal parts shall be neatly painted with one coat of red ox ide pa in t and tw o

coats of enamel paint as required.

15. Definition and conventional symbols

The definition of terms in I.E .E. wiring regulations shall apply e xcept the definition of a point.

15.1 Point wir ing shall inc lude all works necessary in complete wir ing of a tumbler sw i tc h c i r cu i t o f any

length from the tapping point on the dis tr ibution board (v iz . Sub -mains) to the following, v ia the


a) Ceiling rose ( in the case of ceiling and exhaust fan points) .


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


b) Ceiling rose or connector ( in the case of pendants except s tiff pendant points) .

c) Back plate ( in case of s tiff pendants) .

d) Socket outlet ( in the case of socket outlet points) .

e) Lamp holder ( in case of wall brackets, batten points , bulk head fittings and s im ilar other fittings).

15.2 The following shall be deemed to be inc luded in the point wir ing:

a) Switch and ceiling rose as required.

b) In the case of wall brackets, bulk head fittings and all other light fittin gs cable as r equ i red up to

the lamp holder.

c) Bushed conduit or porcelain tubing or pilca pipe where cables pass through walls etc .

d) Earth wire from three pin socket point to the common earth s tation.

e) All wood or metal blocks, boards and boxes sunk or surfa ce type includ ing thos e r equ i red fo r

mounting fan regulator but exc luding those under the dis tr ibution board and main control switch.

f) All fix ing accessor ies such as clips, nails, screws, Phil, plugs, rawl plug, wooden plug etc ., as re-


g) Joint for junction boxes and connecting the same as required.

h) Connections to ceiling rose or connector, socket outlet, lamp holder, switch, fan regulator, etc .

Note – I

In the case of points with more than one light point controlled by the same switch, the complete i tem

shall be considered as one point and the rate shall be accordingly quoted.

Note – II

A light point controlled by two nos. Of two way switches shall be measured as one point from the fi t-

tings to the switches on either s ide.

16. Joints and looping back

Unless otherwise specified, the wir ing shall be done in the 'Looping system' Phase and liv e c onduc-

tors shall be looped at the switch box and neutral conductor can be looped either from the switch box

or from the light, fan or socket outlet. Where 'Box s ystem' is specified, all joints in the c onduc to r s

shall be made of approved mechanical connectors in suitable and approved junction boxes.



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


In wr ing a branch dis tr ibution board, the total of the consuming devices shall be di v ided as far as

possible evenly between the numbers of ways of the board, leaving the spare c ircuit for future exten -

s ion.

A ll connections pieces of apparatus or between apparatus and terminals on a board shal l be nea tl y

arranged in a definite sequence fol lowing the arrangement of the apparatus mounted thereon, avo id -

ing unnecessary crossing.

Cable shall be connected to terminal only by soldered lugs, unless the terminal is of such a form tha t

can be securely c lamped without cutting cable s trands.

A ll bare conductors shall be r igidly fixed in such a manner that a c learance of at least 2 . 5c m ( 1 ") i s

maintained between conductors of opposite polarity or phase and between the conducto r s and any

mater ial other than insulating mater ial.

In a hinged board, the incoming and outgoing cables shall be neatly bunched and s hal l be fi x ed in

such a way that the door shall be capable of swinging through an angle not less than 90 degrees.

If required in the Schedule of Quantities a pilot lamp shall be fixed and connected th r ough an inde -

pendent s ingle pole switch and fuse to the bus -bars of the board.


Surface conduit wir ing system:

A ll conduit pipes shall be conforming to I.S. Specification as per IS . No conduit less than 20m m. I n

diameter shall be used. The capacity of conduits shall be in accordance with the Table I . T he c on -

duits shall bear the ISI mark and the name or trade mark of the conduit manufacturer on each length.

Table – I

- - - - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -

Cross Sectional area S ize of M S conduit mm

Of cable (copper conductor) 20 25 32 38

--- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -

1.5 5 10 14---

2. 5 8 12---

4.0 3 8 10---

6.0 2 5 8 - - -

10.0 -3 5 6

16.0 - - 3 6

- - - - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


19.1 Conduit joints

PVC Conduit pipes shall be joined by means of solvent pasted couplers and pasted accessories only .

In long dis tance straight runs of conduit, inspection type couplers shal l be provided.


19.2 Protection against damages

In order to m inim ise condensation or sweating ins ide the tube, all outlets of conduit system s ha l l be

proper ly drained and ventilated, but in such a manner as to prevent the entry of insects .

19.3 Protection of conduit against rust

The outer surface of the conduit pipes, inc luding all bends unions, tees, junction boxes etc ., fo r m ing

part of the conduit system shall be adequately protected against rust, particularly, when such system

is exposed to weather. In all cases, no bare threaded portion of conduit pipe shall be allowed unless

such bare threaded portion is treated with anti -corrosive preservative or covered with approved plas-

tic compound.

19.4 Fix ing of conduit

Conduit pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge saddles, secured to suitable wood p lugs o r any o the r

approved plugs with screws in an approved manner at an interval o f not more than one metre, but on

either s ide of couplers or bends, or s im ilar fittings, saddles shall be fixed at a dis tance of 30 cm.

From the centre of such fittings.

19.5 Bends in conduits

A ll necessary bends in the system inc luding diversion shall be done by bending pipes; or by inserting

suitable solid or inspection type normal bends, elbows or s imilar fittings; or by fix ing cast iron inspec-

tion boxed whichever is more suitable. Conduit fittings shall be avoided as far as poss ible on c on -

duit system exposed to weather. Wherever necessary, solid type fittings shall be us ed . R ad ius o f

such bends in conduits pipes shall be not less than 7.5 cm. No length of c ondu i t s ha l l hav e m o re

than three equivalent 90 bends from outlet to outlet, the bends at the outlets not being counted.

19.6 Outlets

A ll outlets for fittings, switches, etc . Shall be boxes of suitable metal of either s u r fac e moun ting o r

flush mounting system. Wall thickness shall not be less than 1mm.

19.7 Erection and earthling of conduit

The conduit of each c ircuit or , section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. The entire

system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electr ical continu i ty , th r oughout

and permanently connected to earth conforming to the requirements specified unde r s ec tion 15 by

means of special approved type earthing clamp effic iently fastened to conduit pipe in a wor kman l i ke

manner for a perfect continuity between each wire and conduit. Gas or water pipes shall not be used


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


as earth medium. If conduit pipes are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protec t-


19.8 Recessed conduit wir ing system

This system of wir ing shall comply with all the requirements of surface conduit wir ing sys tem s peci -

fied in c lauses 12.1 to 12.9 in addition to the following c lauses.

19.9 M aking the chase

The chase in the wall shall be neatly made and be ample dimensions to permit the conduit to be fix ed

in the manner desired. In case of buildings under construction, chases shall be provided in the w a l l ,

ceiling, etc . A t the time of their construction and shall be filled up neatly after erection of conduit and

brought to the or iginal finish of the wall.

19.10 Fix ing of conduit in chase

The conduit pipe shall be fixed by means of s taples or by means of saddles no t m o r e than 60 c m.

Apart. Fix ing of s tandard bends or elbows shall be avoided as far as practicable and all curves

maintained by bending the conduit pipe itself with a long radius which will permit easy d r awing in o f


19.11 Inspection boxes

Suitable inspection boxes shall be provided to permit per iodical inspection and to fac ilitate removal of

wires, if necessary. Theses shall be mounted flush wi th the wall. Suitable ventilating holes s ha l l be

prov ided in the inspection box covers.

20. Earthing

Except for equipment provided with double insulation, all non -current carrying metal parts of electr ical

installations are to be earthed proper ly. A ll metal conduits , cable sheaths, switchgear , d i s tr i bu tion

fuse boards, etc . Shall be bonded together and connected to an effic ient earth e lec tr ode . M ed ium

voltage energy consuming plant and equipment shall have two separate and dis tinct connections with


20.1 Earthing conductor:

Earthing conductor shall be of high conductiv ity copper c ircular or G.I. wire or any other suitab le ap -

proved material to give equivalent conductivity and shall not be less than half the largest current ca r-

ry ing conductor for poly phase or (2.032 mm) dia copper wire but subject to an upper lim it of 65 For equipment exceeding 750 KVA size shall be as per IS: 1886 – 1961.

20.2 Installation

The bur ied earthing lead will be properly protected from mechanical injury by a ½" (12 mm.) G>I . Pipe

recessed in wall and floor where considered necessary and carried upto the earth electrode. It s ha l l


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


be fixed over its entire length by c lamps, saddles, s taples, etc . The earthing lead shall be s ecu re ly

bolted and soldered to the earth electrode w ith bolt and washers of the base metal. The earthing

lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the main board and all its mountings and a t the

other iron c lad switches and distr ibution boards.

20.3 Electrodes

a) Pipe:

The C.I. pipe shall not be less than 100 mm. Dia. And 3.0 m. Long and shall be bur ied ve rti c a l l y

into the earth with the top not less than 1.25m. (4 ft.) Below ground level.

b) Plate:

The G.I. P late shall be of s ize not less than 60 completions. X 60 cm. X 6mm. And the c opper

plate 60 cm. X 60 cm. X 3 mm. And shall be bur ied in the earth with their faces vertical and the i r

tops not less than 3 ft below ground level.

The electrodes shall be surrounded by alternative layers of charcoal or coke and salt. W a te r ing

arrangement with 12mm dia G.I. pipe with a funnel shall be prov ided, the latter being housed in a

chamber 30 cm. X 30 cm. The res istance of earth electrode shall not ex ceed 5 ohm s; tha t o f

earth continuity path from any point with the electrode shall not exceed 1 ohm and that o f ea r th -

ing connection of 1 ohm. The chamber should also have C.I. cover as specified in the B.O.Q.


21.1 Trench:

Trenches shall not be less than 45cm. Wide and 60 cm. below ground level. Whatev e r necessa ry ,

suitable propping and shoring may be done to avoid cav ing of the adjoining trench wails. Whe re the

cables cross other service lines adequate protection should be taken to prevent acc idental ex posur e

and/or damage to the cables.

21.2 Spacing between cables:

Where more than one cable is laid in the same trench the actual space between the c ab les shou ld

normally be 23 cm. Apart leav ing a c lear dis tance of 15 cm. From the cable and the trench walls.

21.3 Laying of cables:

Before the cables are laid, a layer of 75mm sand face is to be prov ided for purpose s o f c ush ion ing.

The cables after being uncoiled and laid into the trench from the rollers should be cov er ed w i th an -

other layer of sand of about 15 cm. In depth, and the top surface to be suitably levelled to receive the

cable covers. These covers may be of second class br icks or tiles and laid in a m anne r to ov e r lap

the cables on either s ide by at least 5 cm. Cables markers of aluminium or G.I. shall be prov ided a t

ground level after being suitably embedded in concrete blocks of 20 cm. X 20 cm. X 5 cm. And

spaced at a dis tance of about 30 m. From centre to centre and at every change in direction. C ab les

may also be laid in tire formation in the same trench. In this case also after the firs t 5 cm. Sand

cushion, the firs t tier of cable is laid and sand filled in the trench to form a bed of 23 cm. A bove th i s

tier . A fter this the second cable is laid and process repeated the top most tiers being at least 45 c m .

Below the ground level. The cable shall be suitably covered with br icks or tiles.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


When lay ing the cables, care should be taken to see that the paper insulted cables are bent or

s traightened s lowly and sharp radii avoided. The minimum safe bending radius for s ingle-core cables

is 20 diameters and for multi-core cables 15 diameters and for armoured cables 12 d iame te r be ing

the overall diameter of the cable. Where the cables are required to cross roads this shou ld be no r-

mally taken through s leeve pipes at least 10 cm. In diameter which may be either in s toneware, s tee l

or spun reinforced concrete. For more than one cable the diameter should not be les s than 15 c m.

Steel pipe shall be used where it is not poss ible to obtain suffic ient depth to withstand v ibrations due

to traffic .

Cables laid ins ide the building should be properly and be carried either in ducts with suitable c ove rs

with s lab or chequered plates or fixed to walls by clamps, brackets or cable trays.

21.4 Testing the cables:

High voltage test should be undertaken to ensure that no damage has occurred during the lay ing op -

eration and that the joints are in order. Cables of 1.1 KV. Suitable for low and medium voltage should

withstand for 15 minutes, 3000 volts D.C. current applied between the conductors and be tw een the

conductors and between each conductor and sheath. In absence of pressure test ing arrangement i t

is suffic ient to test for 1 m inute with 1000 volts . If the test results are found to be not satis factory the

contractors shall arrange for having this set r ight at their cost, inc luding removal of rejected mater ials,

re- lay ing etc .

22. Additional Specifications

a)Any damage to walls , floors, etc . During installation and erection must be repaired by the contractor

to match the or iginal surface for which no extra amount will be paid.

b) Raw plug and raw paste can be used for fix ing the conduit e tc .

c) For surface (open) conduit system, Conduits shall be pa in ted

with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade for protecting against


d) For conduits all the junction boxes, bends, etc . Should be of inspection type and th ere must be

electr ical continuity throughout the length.

e) Approved materials and fittings shall only be used. The Contractor shall re the unapproved materi-

als and fittings at his own cost.

f) The contractor shall submit test report in duplicate for installa tion and for earth in the form specified

by the concerned Electr ic Supply Company.

g) As per relevant IEE regulation, all electr ical equipment such as motors, switchgea rs, e tc . Shou ld

have two separate dis tinct earth connections.

h) When aluminium cables are connected to copper bimetallic bus-bars etc . Due care must be tak en

to prevent effects and the work must be of high s tandard ensure that Copper is tin coated.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


i) Always the copper bus-bar chambers of panel should be of tin coated.

j) Intending tenders are advis ed to s tudy all the drawings, specifications, conditions etc . I n de -

tail and inspect the s ite before submitting tenders so as to ascertain the nature and sc ope o f

the work involved and the methods to be adopted in executing the work.

k) The rate quoted shall inc lude cost of cutting holes and chase in walls , floor slabs, r epa i r ing

the same and restoration of or iginal surface. Noting extra shall be entertained on this ac-


l) The Contractor will also be required to submit the 'Form of Completion Certificate' i n the r e -

quired Performa.

m) Any excess mater ials brought at s ite shall be taken back without any extra cost. If any pay -

ment is made for the excess payment shall be deducted in their final bill.


Insulation res istance

a) The insulation res istance shall be measured by applying between earth and the whole system of con-

ductors or any section thereof with all fuses in and all switches c losed and except in earthed concen -

tr ic wir ing all lamps in position or both poles of the installation o therwise electr i ca l l y c onnected to -

gether, a direct current pressure of not less than twice the work ing pressure provided that it need no t

exceed 500 volts for medium voltage c ircuits . Where the supply is der ived from the three wires (A.C .

or D.C.) or a poly phase system, the neutral pole of which is connected to earth either direct or

through added res istance, the working pressure shall be deemed to be that which is main ta ined be -

tween the outer of phase conductor and the neutral.

b) The insulation res istance in meg-ohms of an installation measured as above shall no t be les s than

the value of fifty div ided by the number of points on the c ircuit provided in the installa tion . A nd the

insulation res is tance need not be greater than one megohm.

c) Control rheostats , heating and power appliances and electr ic s igns may, if required, be disconnected

from the c ircuit dur ing the test, but in that event the insulation res is tance between the case o f fr am e

work and all live parts or each rheostat appliance and s ign shall not be less than that specified in the

relevant Indian Standard Specification or where there is no such specification shall not be les s than

half a megohm.

d) The insulation res istance shall also be measured between all conductors connected to one o r phas e

conductor of the supply and all the conductors connected to the middle wire or the neu tr a l o f to the

other pole or phase conductors of the supply and its value shall not be less than that specified in s ub

c lause (b).

e) On completion of an electr ic installation (or an extension to an installation) a certificate sha l l be fu r -

nished by the contractor countersigned by the qualified supervisor under whose direct supervision the


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


ins tallation was carr ied out. The certificate shall be in the prescribed from as requi red by the loc a l

E lectr ic Supply Authorities. One such recommended form is given in Appendix B.

Testing earth continuity path:

The earth continuity conductor including metal conduits and metallic envelopes of cables in all c as es

shall be tested for electr ic continuity and the electr ical resistance of the same along with the earth ing

lead but exc luding any added res istance or earth leakage c ircuit-breaker measured from the connec-

tion with the earth electrode to any point in the earth continuity conductor in th e completed installation

shall not exceed one oh,.

Testing of polar ity of non- linked s ingle pole switches:

a) In a two wire installation a test shall be made to ver ify that all non - linked s ingle pole s w i tc hes hav e

been fitted in the same conductor throughout and such conductor shall be labelled or marked for con-

nection to an outer or phase conductor or to the non -earthed conductor of the supply .

b) In a three wire or a four wire installation, a test shall be made to ver ify that every non - l i n ked s ing le

pole switch is fitted in a conductor which is labelled or marked for connection to one o f the ou te r o r

phase conductor of the supply .


Identification or earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of switches a nd cut outs therein:

Where the conductors inc lude an earthed conductors of two -wire system or an earthed neu tr al c on -

ductor of a multi - wire system or a conductor which is to be connected thereto, the foll ow ing c ond i -

tions shall be complied with : -

An indication of a permanent nature shall be provided by the owner of the earthed or earthed neu -

tral conductor, or the conductor which is to be connected thereto, the enable s uch c onducto r to be

dis tinguished from any live conductor. Such indication shall be p rovided:-

a) Where the earthed or earthed neutral conductor is the property of the supplier , at or near the

point of commencement of the supply .

b) Where a conductor forming part of a consumer's system is to be connected to the supp l ie r ' s

earthed or earthed neutral conductor, at the point where such connection is to be made; and

c) In all other cases, at a point corresponding to the point of commencement of supply or at

such other point as may be approved by an inspector.

2. No cut-out, link or switch other than a linked-switch arranged to separate s imultaneously on the

earthed or earthed neutral conductor and live conductor shall be inserted or remain ins e rted in any

earthed or earthed neutral conductor of a two-wire system or in any earthed or earthed neu tr a l c on -

ductor of a multi-wire system or in any conductor connected thereto with the following exceptions;


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


a) A link for testing purposes, or

b) A switch for use in controlling a generator or transformer.

Earthed terminal on consumer's premises:

1. The supplier shall provided and maintain on the consumer 's premised for the consumer 's use a suita -

ble earthed terminal in an accessible position at or near the point of commencement of supply as de -

fined under Rule No. 58.

Prov ided that in the case of medium, high or extra high -voltage installation the consumer shall, in ad-

dition to the aforementioned earthing arrangement, prov ide his own earthing system with an inde-

pendent electrode;

Prov ided fur ther that the supplier may not provide any earthed terminal in the case of install ations al -

ready connected to his system, on or before the date to be specified by the State Government in th i s

behalf if he is satis fied that the consumer's earthing arrangements is effic ient.

2. The consumer shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent m e mechanical damage to the earthed

terminal and its lead belonging to the supplier .

3. The supplier may recover from the consumer the cost of installation of such earthed term ina l on the

basis laid down in sub-rule (2) of Rule No. 82.

Connection with earth:

1. The following prov is ions shall apply to the connection with earth of systems at low vol tage in c as es

where the voltage normally exceeds 125 volts and of systems at medium voltage: -

The neutral conductor of a three-phase four -wire system and the middle conducto r o f a tw o - phase

three-wire system shall be earthed by not less than two separate and dis tinct connections with ea r th

both at the generating s tation and at the cub-station. It may also be earthed at one o r m o re po in ts

along the dis tr ibution system or service-line in addition to any connection with earth which may be a t

the consumer's premises.

The frame of every generator, s tationary motor and so far as is practicable, portable motor and the

metallic parts (not intended as conductors) of all transformers and any other apparatus used for regu-

lating or controlling energy and all medium voltage energy consuming apparatus shall be ear thed by

the owner by two separate and dis tinct connections with earth.


1. I/We certify that the installation detailed below has been installed by me/us and tested and that to the

best of my/our knowledge and belief, it complies with Indian E lectr ical Wir ing Insta l la tions ( System

Voltage not exceeding 650 Volts) (Revised) :

E lectr ical installation at.........................................................................................


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


Voltage and system of supply..................................................................................

- - - - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -

Total Type of system

(a) Particulars of work : Number load of wir ing

- - - - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---

(1) Light points ...

(2) Fan points ...

(3) Plug points (3 pin) ….

(4) M otors ...

(5) Other plant ...

(b) Overhead lines...

(c) Underground cables ...

(d) Earthing :

(1) Type of mater ials & Size of electrode:…………………………..


(2) Number of electrodes: ...................................................................

(3) Size of mater ial of ear th ware: .........................................................

(e) Test results :

(1) Insulation res istance for the whole installation:

(For all DB c ircuit wires)

( i) Between conductors: ......................................................

( ii) Between each conductor and earth: .................................

(2) Resistance of earthing of each electrode & total earthing system



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


(3) M aximum earthing res istance of installation: ....................................


(4) Insulation res istance of each UG cable: ............................................

(5) Polar ity test: .................................................................................

2. I/We guarantee the installation for a per iod of twelve months against defective mater ials and

workmanship, the guarantee commencing from the date the installation is taken ov e r by the ow ne r

and dur ing the per iod of guarantee I/We shall rectify or re defects in mater ial or workmanship fr ee o f

cost to the owner.

I/We submit herewith s ix sets of drawings showing the installation and conduits layout as actually ex -


S ignature of Supervisor S ignature of Contractor

Name: ................................. Name: .............................

Address: .............................. Address: ...........................


1.0 It is proposed to install suitable s ize dis tr ibution board for power and lighting dis tr ibution. It shall

have adequate rating of incomer and outgoing isolator/breaker and shall be suitable for indoor insta l -

lation. The dis tr ibution board shall inc lude all accessories and shall be complete in all respects and

any item not inc luded in the specification but essential for proper operation of the equipment and also

to meet safety and relevant agencies requirements shall be deemed to be within the scope of the

specification whether it is specifically mentioned in the tender/document or not

1.1 The dis tr ibution boards shall be made out of (2.032mm) ,sheet s teel metal c lad, to ta l l y en -

c losed, dust, damp and vermin proof suitable for front operation with busbar (Aluminium). T he dbs

shall be suitable for wall/column mounting. It shall have bolted type front door. A n ov e ra l l doo r o f

hinged type shall be prov ided with lock provision.

All dis tr ibution boards shall have removable gasketted top and bottom plate’s suitable knock -out.

Cover plate shall be provided inside the panels to shroud all the live parts . A ll live parts or termina ls

shall be shrouded with high non-conducting mater ial. The front door shall have neoprene gask ets to

make and DB totally vermin proof air tight. The inner door shall have projecting handle or ope ra ting



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


1.2 All unused outgoing mcbs shall be blanked with PVC plates. The incoming terminals s hou ld

be fully shrouded to avoid accidental contract after opening of the bolted door. A ll phas es s hal l be

suitable shrouded with FRP/hylam plates. A ll panels shall be factory wired and assembled. A l l bus-

bars shall have uniformity . A ll screws, busbars, bolts and nuts shall have uniform s ize un i fo rm r a t-


1.3 The top cover shall be prov ided with identification sheet for DB number, ratings, c ircuit i den ti fi c a tion ,

load etc . Temporary sheet shall be fixed till the completion of the job. On completion a sheet be pe r -

manently pasted in the DB after approval from Owner/Architect. The identification sheet s ha l l l ami -

nate to make it mois ture proof before fix ing it permanently .

1.4 For DB of tr iple pole and neutral, 4 poles Isolator/MCB shall be provided as incoming contr o l

and for s ingle pole and neutral and double pole isolator/MCB shall be provided. A ll the mcbs pr ov id -

ed in the DB shall have:

a) 9 KA short c ircuit capacity ( 9 KA RMS symmetr ical)

b) It shall have dual cr ipping mechanism - thermal bimetal for over load and magneti c c o i l fo r

short c ircuit

c) M CB housing shall be of heat res is tant mater ial

1.5 The busbars shall be air insulated and made out of high conductiv ity high strength coppe r w i th ade -

quate rating to handle both short c ircuit and continuous load circuit currents. The busbars shall be to

grade 63401 of IS : 5002. Adequate neutral busbars with adequate entry holes and ear th busbars

shall be prov ided in each DB.

1.6 The M CB shall be of high res is tance, mounded type and shall be designed and manufactured as pe r

IS : 8828. The breakers shall have inverse time tr ipping character istics against over load and ins tan -

taneous tr ip against short c ircuits. It shall be designed to operate at 45 degree C ambien t tem pe ra -

ture. The incoming and outgoing knobs of the mcbs shall be accessible only after opening the fr on t

door of the DB. A ll mcbs shall be suitable for 415 V., 3 -Ph-4--wire, 50-Hz. System. It shall hav e ad -

equate s ize terminal screws to terminate cable lugs. The DP, Tp & 4 -pole MCB/ Isolators shal l hav e

a common handle. A ll dbs shall be provided with two numbers brass earthing s tud te r mina ls w i th 2

Nos. Nuts and washers for eac h connection. The earth bolts shall be marked suitably.

1.7 All DB locks shall have independent keys and overall common key (master key) to open any locks in

case of emergency.

1.8 Painting shall be carried out as per the latest rev ision of IS - 5. The shade of pa in t s ha l l be as r e -

quired by the Client. A ll sheet s teel surfaces shall due chemically cleaned to remove all scales, r ust

and foreign mater ials , r insed and dried before painting.

A ll panels shall be painted with anti -corros ive polyure rubber based paints befor e go ing in fo r fi na l

painting. The final finish shall be uniform.

1.9 Along with the offer the vendor shall submit the following:


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


a) Detailed G.A. drawing showing the total construction details

b) M ounting details of dbs

c) Size of dbs, weight etc .

d) Busbar details, interconnection details etc .


1.0 It is proposed to earth the low tension, lighting installation etc ., with suitable s ize of copper conductor

for effective earthing. The earthing system shall be complete in all respects and any dev ice no t i n -

c luded in the specification but essential for proper operation of the equipment to meet the s ta tu to r y

requirement shall be deemed to be with in the scope of the specification whether s pec i fi ca l l y m en-

tioned in the technical specification or not.

1.1 The earthing installation shall conform to the latest Indian Standards and other statutory provis ions. I t

shall generally conform to:

a) Code of practice for earthing - IS : 3043

b) Indian E lectr icity Rules – 1956

c) Indian E lectr icity Act 1910

d) Local FEIG requirement

1.2 The main earth bus shall be 25 x 3mm copper conductor. The conductors shall be so ft and fl e x ib le .

The main earth bus shall be c lamped with spacer clamp. The spacer c lamp shall be of adequate s ize.

The spacer c lamps shall be fixed at the centre with one screws of cadmium plated , c ounte r s hunk.

The screw shall have effective depth ins ide the wall/RCC, etc . Of 37 mm for ho r i zon ta l c onducto r s

and shall be screwed in such a way that the top surface shall be plane with the spacer. The top plate

shall have two tapped holes of 6 mm.

1.3 The location of hor izontal and down conductors shall be decided at s ite in consultation w i th the O w n-

er/Architect. Any changes of methods, housing shall be subject to approval of the owner. A l l j o in ts

shall be brazed and shall not be bolted. Bolted joints shall have cadmium plated bolts and nu ts w i th

adequate number of spr ing and flat washers.

1.4 Excavation and refilling of earth required for lay ing underground earth bus and ea r th p i t s ha l l be the

responsibility of the Contrac tor. Wherever it is required, mechanical protection shall be given.

1.5 Earth electrode shall be as per the diagram enclosed. A ll c ivil works, soil treating media, pou r ing w a -

ter , ramming, br ick work, cover slabs, etc ., shall be the responsibility of the con tractor. The c ivil work

shall be carr ied out neatly to match with the quality of building general c ivil work.

1.6 The location of earth electrode shall be decided in consultation with the Owner/Architect, before ex ca -


1.7 Each electrode shall be tested for earth resistance test by earth megger. The test results shall be with-

in the allowable lim it. If required number of electrodes shall be connected in parallel to b r ing dow n

the values within allowable lim its.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


1.8 All equipment shall be earthed with two separate and dis tinct earth connections from main earth bus.

1.9 The earthing conductor s ize shall be as per the tender.

1.10 The earthing res istance of the total system shall not exceed 2 Ohms.

1.11 All earth bus shall be painted with dis tinct colour enamel paint.



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r




The CUBICLE Panels shall be suitable for operation of 3 phas e 4 wire, 433 Volts , 50 Cycles, s ystem w i th

neutral earthed at transformer and paving short c ircuit fault level not less than 35 KA at 415 Volts . Rated

normal voltage shall be 415 Volts .


The design, manufacture and testing of the var ious equipm ent covered by this specification shall

comply with the latest edition of the relevant Indian Standards and Indian E lectric ity Rules and Regulations.


The switch board shall be made from CFCA sheet s teel (1.626mm) thick and shall be f olded and

braced as necessary to provide a r igid support for all components. Joints of any k ind in sheet shall be s eam

welded, all welding s lag grounded off and welding pit wiped smooth with plumber metal. A ll pane ls and c o -

vers shall be properly fitted and square with the frames and holes in the panel correctly pos i ti oned . F ix ing

screws shall enter into holes tapped into an adequate thickness of metal or provided with s hunk nu ts . S e l f

threading screws shall not be used in the construction of switch boards. The board shall be of totally enc losed

design, completely dust tight and vermin proof. Gaskets between all adjacent and beneath all covers shall be

used to render the joint effectively dust tight. Soft compressible gasket shall be used between all me tal

joints , doors and covers to prevent ingress of dust.

A ll s im ilar mater ials and removable parts of the switch board shall be interchangeable . T he s wi tc h

boards shall be fixed with the same family of switches for var ious ratings with a v iew to ensure un i fo r mi ty o f

des ign, maintenance and remnants. A hor izontal wire way with screwed cover shall be provided at the top to

take inter -0connecting control wiring between different vertical sections. Separate and adequa te c ompa r t-

ments shall be provided for acc ommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control c on tr acto r s and con tr o l

fuses etc . These shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any danger of acc identa l c on tr act

with live parts of the c ircuit breaker busbar connections.


Separate and adequate compartments shall be prov ided for accommodating instruments, i nd ica ting

lamps, and control fuses etc . These shall be accidental contract with live parts of c ircu i t b r eake r, busba rs

and connections. Bus bars should be of aluminium Busbars of adequate current ratings as s peci fi ed in the


Busbar and rectangular cross section suitable for full rated current for phase busbars and or neu tr a l

busbasr and shall be extendable on either s ide. The horizontal busbar shall run the entire length of the panel.

The busbars shall be fully insulated with heat shr inkable PVC s leeves. The interconnections shall be

s leeved with PVC insulation tapes and color coded. The busbars shall be supported on s u i tab le in s u lation


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r


supports at shorts intervals to withstand the forces aris ing from short c ircuit on the s y s tem. A u toma ti c a l l y

operated safety shutters to screen the live parts c luster when the breaker is withdrawn from the cubical s hal l

be prov ided.

Hor izontal busbars shall run at the top or at the bottom of the panel in a separate c hambe r and the

chamber shall be adequately ventialted.


The outgoing terminals of the breaker and neutral link shall be brought out to a terminal block suitably

located at the rest s ide of the panel. Separate cable compartment shall be provided fo r i n c oming and ou t-

going cables.


A ll s teel work shall undergo a process of degreasing, pickling in ac id, cold r insing, phospha te , pas-

s ivating us ing sever tank process and then powder coated or sprayed with two coats of a high c o r r os ion r e -

s is tant pr imer each coat preferably of different colour.

The Pr imer shall be baked in an oven. The finishing treatment shall be by applica tion o f tw o c oa ts

synthetic enamel parts of approved paint thickness shall be 100 to 125 microns.


The panels shall be fabr icated at such work shops where the following fac ilities are available.

a) Sand blasting

b) Pretreatment (Seven tank process)

c) Spray booth for painting / Powder coating

d) Heating over for all s izes of panels

e) Heat shr ink ing of PVC s leeves covered over busbars, etc .



N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r



S l . N o

I tem s A pp r ov ed M akes

1 P VC ins u la ted C oppe r w i r es ( F R LS )

F ino lex / V- gua rd / Gloste r /Po lycab /R R

2 S w i tc hes , s ock ets & fan s peed r egu la to r s (modula r)

Leg r and -M yr i s / M K-Blenz+ / S c hne ide r -Zence lo

3 M C B /ELC B & D B ( 10k A) S iem ens/ Legr and / L&T /H ager /Schne ide r/ H PL

4 M C C B/ SFU / SDF /con tacto r s S iem ens/ L&T/ Leg r and / A B B

5 C hangeov e r s w i tc hes H P L / L& T/ C &S/ABB/ GE/ HH E lc on

6 C O S w i th au tom a ti c c hange ov e r w i th c u r r en t l im i te r ( A C C L)

M an i lec/ Legr and / CG/ H av el l s

7 T im e r s S iem ens/ L&T/ Leg rand /MG/ H PL

8 P VC c ondu i ts & ac c esso r ies [ I S I m a r k ed ( M )]

P r ec is ion / Attu l / Avonp las t/ E lephan t/ C l ips a l / B a l c o / A s ian / C i rc le a r c / T oms

9 M S c ondu i ts [I S I m a r ked ] B E C / Vimco / Gup ta

1 0 T e lephone c ab les F ino lex / D e l ton / HPL / Po lycab 1 1 U G P ow er c ab les(X LPE) V- G ua r d / G los te r/ C C I / P o ly cab/ Tr aco / R a l l i s o n s /

N ic c o / F ino lex

1 2 C r im p ing s oc ke ts D ow e l l s / J a is on / B r aco

1 3 C ab le g land D ow e l l s / J a is on / B r aco / C r omp ton

1 4 T e lephone K r one box H enz e l

1 5 L igh t fi tti ngs P h i l i p s / W ip r o / O s r am / C r om ton G r eav es / L igh ting T ec hno logy/ luke r

1 6 C e i l i ng fan ( 5 s ta r , doub le ba l l bea r -ing )

C r om p ton G r eaves/ K u l i rma / V gua r d / K ha i tan

1 7 E x haus t fan C r om p ton G r eaves/ K u l i rma / A lmona rd / K ha i tan

1 8 P a tc h pane l / P a tc h c ho r d / i n fo r m a tion ou tle t / D a ta c ab le & A c c es so r ies

Leg r ands / D L ink / S y s temax/ S chen id ier / P andu i t

Al l o th e r m a te ri als n o t s p e c i f ied s h a l l b e g o t a p p r o v e d b y th e c o n s ul ta nt p r i or to s u p ply / i n s ta l lat io n. T he b r a nd n a m e o f th e i te m p r o po se d to b e s u p p l ied / i n s ta l le d s h a l l b e m e n t i one d b y th e te n d e r e r.


N ote : A ll pa ge s t o be s e a le d a nd s igne d by the t e nde r e r




E lect rif ication wor k f or S B I C C PC C hembakalam B ui ld ing ,

V azhuthacaud, Th i ruvananthapuram.


1 . E lec tr i fi c a tion w o r k -SBI C C P C C hem bak alam bu i ld ing , fi r s t fl oo r : R s . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

G R A N D T O T AL . : R s . = = = === ========