slide tpe barth_planificación 3_segundo período_primary

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María Pía Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Jean Piaget Dirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche. Grado sección: 6° grado Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta” Clase Nº: 3 Fecha: 12/08/15 Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hs Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Fecha de primera entrega:05/08/15 Teaching points : Environmental issues, means of transport and conditional sentences type 1. Aims or goals : During this lesson, learners will be able to: Develop their speaking skills by Describing and talking about their brochures about environmental issues. Develop their communicative competence by interviewing friends. Language focus : Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciati on Revision Talk about Smoke, Future Flood /ʌ/

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Segundo períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio Jean PiagetDirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche.Grado sección: 6° gradoCantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta”Clase Nº: 3Fecha: 12/08/15Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hsDuración de la clase: 60 minutosFecha de primera entrega:05/08/15

Teaching points: Environmental issues, means of transport and conditional sentences type 1.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their speaking skills by Describing and talking about their brochures about environmental issues.

Develop their communicative competence by interviewing friends.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Talk about

things that we can do to save our planet.Talk about pollution problems and describe them.

Smoke, noise, chemicals, pollution, Earth, environment, rubbish, oil, gases, poaching, poisonous

Future “Will”Present

simple tense

Flood / /ʌChemicals /k/

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New Talk about means of transport and the way they affect our environment.


Conditional sentences

type 1(If I continue using my car

to go everywhere,

Bariloche will suffer air pollution)

Teaching approach: “communicative approach” and “CLIL”

Integration of skills: I’ll integrate speaking and listening by inviting students to discuss their opinions about pollution and interviewing their friends. I will also integrate reading and writing kills by performing activities such as gap filling.

Materials and resources: copies, pieces of chalk masking tape, pictures. Music, CD player, surveys, copies with the homework and sentences to complete

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting down in groups of 4 or five students.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

The CD player may not work; I will take my computer to the class in case it happens.

Classroom management strategies:

Students may be a bit noisy or disruptive so I will write the word “Dictation” on the board, every time that I have to say silence I will clean on letter, if I clean the complete word students will have an spontaneous dictation on Thursday.

Potential problems students may have with the language

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Students may find it difficult to understand instructions and conditional sentences usage, I will provide them with more examples and I will repeat the instructions.

Assessment: I’ll asses my students’ progress by helping them to understand using posters, repetition and encouraging them to use the dictionary.

Procedure : Routine (3’ minutes)I’ll greet my students “hello children! How are you today?”Then, I’ll choose my helpers, my helper boy will wear a tie and my helper girl will wear a necklace. I’ll ask one of them to copy the date.

Warm-up (15’ minutes) I’ll ask different groups to present the brochures they did on Friday. “Okay children, last class you did an excellent job! Let’s share with the other groups your work! You will have to listen to your friends and take note of some important ideas from each presentation. Please, group number one, come here, can you show us the brochure? Wow! That’s great! What ideas to help our planet did you include? Excellent! A big clap for them please” I will repeat the same procedure with the other groups.

Presentation (7’ minutes) “As I’m very interested in the topic of pollution, I continued looking for ideas in order to save our environment! I found some pictures with ideas to do it, but I do not know where I left the papers with the ideas! Can you help me with that please? I will play some music on for you to find them, if you find them you’ll have to stick under the correct picture that is displayed on the board, are you ready? Go! Let’s find them!”

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Development Activity 1 (15’ minutes)

I will say “Did you realise that in the ideas that I found there is one that is very easy to do… I mean the one that says “use bicycles and public transport”…that is why I would like you to do a survey to your friends. Can you help me to interview them? Here I have a chart to complete it. Remember to ask all of them how do you get to school? And take notes!” I’ll ask my helpers to hand out the copies. At the end we will compare the answers, I’ll encourage them to say “ten students get to school by bus, 6 students get to school by car, etc”

Students will draw their results in a graphic. Activity 2 (10’ minutes)

I will say “fantastic children! Next time that you need to go to a place think: If I continue using my car to go everywhere, Bariloche will suffer air pollution and If people don’t use public transport and bicycles, the city won’t be clean”. I will introduce the First conditional. “We often use the First conditional to talk about things that are likely to happen in the future and make predictions, for example (and I’ll copy the sentences that I said to introduce the topic If everyone continues using their car to go everywhere, Bariloche will

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suffer from higher levels of air pollution and If people don’t use public transport and bicycles, the city won’t be clean) Look! There is a real possibility that this condition will happen. We use the PRESENT SIMPLE tense to talk about the possible future condition (pointing to the part of the sentence that says If I continue using my car. We use WILL+INFINITIVE to talk about the possible future result (pointing to the parts of the sentence that says Bariloche will suffer)” I will display the following poster in the class to help them to remember the usage; I will also elicit more examples related to pollution, and I will write down some of the examples on the board. At the end students will copy the poster and examples in their copybooks.

Activity 3 (10’ minutes) I will say “great! Now we’ll work to complete some sentences that I found on a blog in the Internet related to pollution and its consequences. Helpers please come here, and help me to hand out the copies. Abru, can you read the sentences that are inside the box? Thanks, ok now we have to complete the sentences using the phrases that are in the box…Can you help me to do the first one?” I’ll encourage students to do the first one all together in the board to demonstrate the activity. “Now yes! You are ready to start! You

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have 10 minutes to do it, you’ll have to work in pairs. We will check the sentences orally”.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences.

1- If we use our car all the time, ___________________________________________________________.

2- If we stop polluting the air, _____________________________________________________________.

3- If we waste paper, ______________________________________________________________________.

4- If we don't help now, ___________________________________________________________________.

5- If we recycle paper, ____________________________________________________________________.

6- If we go on foot, _______________________________________________________________________.7- If we switch off the lights, _____________________________________________________________.

Closure and homework (5’minutes) : I will say “ouch! Look at the time! We must go home. Please put everything away and remember to leave everything in order! The helpers will hand you out a copy to do it as homework for next class. You will have to complete it with your ideas”

we will save will be too late.we will pollute the air.we will save trees.we will be healthier. we will save energy.people will cut down more trees.

Complete the sentences with your own ideas !

1- If we waste a lot of water, _____________________________________________________2- If we use plastic bags,__________________________________________________________3- If we use solar panels, _________________________________________________________