san diego seo


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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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DESCRIPTION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Welcome to Gotcha Local.

My name is Matt Prados.

The Internet has changed the way business is done forever.

You can no longer afford to ignore your search engine rankings and

website results.

If your competitor outranks you…

You are leaving money on the table and your competitor is stealing that money right from under your nose.

Every day that you lose that traffic is a huge loss because you simply can’t get that day’s traffic back as that day is gone


You need your business to thrive so you can live the life of your dreams.

In order to thrive you need an unfair advantage to dominate your competition

in the search engine rankings.

Gotcha Local can be that unfair advantage for you.

There is no doubt you have been burned and likely lost tens of thousands of dollars to bad marketing campaigns by companies that promised you the


Gotcha Local is different. We partner with you for the long haul, with no long

term SEO contracts, we work to win your business each and every month.

We are a boutique marketing firm, staying small to allow the proper

personal attention our clients needs.

You will not find any SEO interns, trainees or green staff here.

Only experts in SEO.

We will help you find the right keywords to put you in front of the right searchers at the right time and get real traffic from

actual buyers.

Qualified visitors, in volume, to your website that can and do take action.

This is the only way you can have a winning profitable online marketing campaign.

Having generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue through online

marketing we are no stranger to success online.

If you are ready to take your online marketing to the next level then I invite

you to fill out the discovery form on our site.

We will review your specific situation and construct a custom plan that is

guaranteed to build revenue for you.

You and I will jump on a discovery call to review this custom plan and you will know exactly what needs to happen to have success online.

And this is all done at no cost to you!

So click the button to the side and fill out the discovery form now.

I look forward to talking to you soon.