proyecto de ingles

Proyecto de ingles Unid 1 Servicies Un servicio es un conjunto de actividades que buscan responder a las necesidades de la gente. Los servicios incluyen una diversidad de actividades desempeñadas por un crecido número de funcionarios que trabajan para el estado ( servicios públicos ) o para empresas particulares (servicios privados); entre estos pueden señalarse los servicios de: electricidad , agua potable , aseo, teléfono , telégrafo , correo , transporte , educación , cibercafés , sanidad y asistencia social . Se define un marco en donde las actividades se desarrollarán con la idea de fijar una expectativa en el resultado de éstas. Es el equivalente no material de un bien . Un servicio se diferencia de un bien (físico o intangible) en que el primero se consume y se desgasta de manera brutal puesto que la economía social nada tiene que ver con la política moderna 5 legends cottas In the eighteenth century the townspeople were very sad because there was a thief or more stealing belongings of their dead, then the neighbors all gathered at the cemetery to take care that no one among the tombs and catching

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Page 1: Proyecto de Ingles

Proyecto de ingles

Unid 1

ServiciesUn servicio es un conjunto de actividades que buscan responder a las necesidades de la gente. Los servicios incluyen una diversidad de actividades desempeñadas por un crecido número de funcionarios que trabajan para el estado (servicios públicos) o para empresas particulares (servicios privados); entre estos pueden señalarse los servicios de: electricidad, agua potable, aseo, teléfono, telégrafo, correo, transporte, educación, cibercafés, sanidad y asistencia social. Se define un marco en donde las actividades se desarrollarán con la idea de fijar una expectativa en el resultado de éstas. Es el equivalente no material de un bien. Un servicio se diferencia de un bien (físico o intangible) en que el primero se consume y se desgasta de manera brutal puesto que la economía social nada tiene que ver con la política moderna

5 legends cottas

In the eighteenth century the townspeople were very sad because there was a thief or more stealing belongings of their dead, then the neighbors all gathered at the cemetery to take care that no one among the tombs and catching criminals, is that they came to think they were ghosts, since nobody appeared but things still missing, once disappeared a grid of a very good man, later appeared two trapped between the fence long ago they themselves had taken that fence, but cannot know who those caught

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directly do not remember the details of who was the captor.

At first there was only grass and animals, then it was when he created man and woman in mud, but melted in water, made into ashes, but then disarmed in the river, finally in metal, to become like us, the God of the universe then created us that problems for the host the world launched a flood which only one family was saved, that of Tepic, he created for this canoe where I put two of every animal, then after a long wait sent a bird to see if the water had gone down, but did not return when he sent a hummingbird this again and told him he could land that was safe, why it happened and turned to populate the earth from scratch.

In a city of Uruguay is a lonely lady that runs through the city cemetery, some testimonials that have been seen, that when crossed felt a chilling cold through his body, this happened to a young man who found himself face to face with this lady, a couple of friends who were drinking near the pantheon were ...

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Unit 2


Title: The boy who wanted to be alone

Autor: Cesar de León

Caracteres: Peter, Mama, Papa, Trolling

Peter was a capricious child, nothing was missing and which had long been mistakenly bred boy who had no respect for their parents, who long made sacrifices, all for the sole purpose of satisfying every whim his son.

A day in a row as one of his outbursts, they cry to their parents who do not stand to be alone and wished with all his heart, just because not bear.

The next day, waking, saw anyone anywhere, curious went outside and saw that he was alone, his wish was fulfilled.

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At first, happy to do what I wanted, everything seemed a game to pranks his parents let him do, eat all the candy he wanted without any care, continued for hours, until they get tired.

The next day, waking from his bed, and thinking it was all just a dream, you wake up, only to confirm his solitude, it was not as nice to be alone, the adventure

Became a nightmare.

Tne zodiac

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Unid 3

Tne human bodi

Unit 4

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5 cities for vacation

Oaxaca, Oaxaca

San Miguel de Allende

Cabo San Lucas

Yucatán, Mérida

Guadalajara, Jalisco

5 grupos indígenas






Unid 5

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5 desastres naturales



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5 trabajos peligrosos



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