poag case presentation

Long case presentation Dr.Syeda Fahmida Farzana Aziz

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Page 1: Poag case presentation

Long case presentation

Dr.Syeda Fahmida Farzana Aziz

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Particulars of the patientName : XAge : 65 yearsSex : FemaleReligion : IslamOccupation : House wifeMarital status : MarriedAddress : Keraniganj, DhakaDate of examination : 26/01/2016

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Chief Complaints

• Total loss of vision in left eye for 3 months. • Gradual dimness of vision in both eye for about 2 years.

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History of Present Illness

She was reasonably alright 2 years back. She gave the history of

• Total loss of vision in left eye for 3 months.• Gradual dimness of vision in both eye for about

2 years.

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History of Present Illness: Cont

• Difficulties in vision particularly in peripheral field & in near work.

• Frequent changes of spectacles for last 2 years.

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History of Present Illness Cont…

Her visual problems were associated with• Recurrent redness.•Watering.•Foreign body sensetion.•Mild headache.

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History of Present Illness Cont…

There is no history of •Image distortion•Nausea•Vomiting•Transient visual loss.•Trauma in the eye.

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History past ocular illness

• She was operated for cataract in left eye 1 year back in keraniganj.

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General medical History

• She has no history of • DM• Hypertension• Bronchial Asthma

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General surgical history• She has no significant general surgical history.

Drug History• No significant history of taking medication.

Allergy History• No significant history of systemic , ocular or drug allergy.

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Personal history• Take betel leaf for 25years.

Family history• Her father had a history of low vision.• She has 2 sons and 1 daughter, all are in good health.

Socio Economic History • She comes from a middle class family.

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General Examination

• Appearance : Normal• Body built : Average• Co operation: Co- operative• Anemia : Absent• Jaundice : Absent• Cyanosis : Absent• Edema : Absent

• Blood pressure : 130/ 80 mmHg• Pulse : 74 beats per minutes• Respiratory rate: 18 breathes per minutes• Temperature : 98°F

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Ocular Examination

Visual acuity R/E L/E• DistantUnaided 6/18 NPLWith PH NI ---• NearUnaided N/18 ---With PH NI ---

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Ocular ExaminationR/E L/E

Color vision Trichromatic ---Hirschberg reflex Central CentralLight reflex Brisk SluggishRAPD PresentField of vision Superior & Inferior

field constriction---

EOM Full in all gaze Full in all gaze

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Slit Lamp Examination

R/E L/EEye lid ,Lash Normal NormalConjunctiva Normal NormalCornea Normal NormalA/C Depth Normal NormalIris Normal NormalPupil Round, Regular,

ReactingRound, Regular

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Slit Lamp Examination

R/E L/ELens PSC with

cortical cataract with NS Grade 2


IOP at 10 A.M by GAT

25 26





33 3


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Slit Lamp ExaminationR/E L/E

Fundus:Media Hazy ClearC/D Ratio 0.8:1 GOAColor of disc Mild pallor Severe pallorNRR Inferior &superior

thinningGeneralized thinning

Blood vessels Nasal shifting Nasal shifting Macula Normal Normal

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Other System Examinations

Respiratory system

Cardiovascular system

Elementary system

Genitourinary system

Nervous system including all cranial nerves.

Nothing significant

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Provisional Diagnosis

• POAG with age related cataract (R/E)• Glaucomatous optic atrophy with pseudophakia (L/E)

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Differential Diagnosis

• PACG• Toxic optic neuropathy

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Ocular investigations• CCT• Visual field analysis• OCT: RNFL & ONH analysis• CFP

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Investigations Cont…

Systemic Investigations

• CBC with ESR

• FBS & 2 hours after breakfast

• Fasting Lipid profile

Within Normal Limit

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Investigations Cont…

CCT• R/E: 442 micron• L/E: 443 micron

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• Medical therapy.

– Combet E/D 1 drop 2 times

– Travest E/D 1 drop at night

– Tab. Acemox 1+1+1

– Tab Electroe ½+½+½

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1st Follow up

IOP @ 11.45AM • Right eye: 06 mm of Hg• Left eye : 06 mm of Hg

Contineu treatment• Combet E/D 1 drop 2 times• Travest E/D 1 drop at night

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2nd Follow up

IOP @ 10.15AM • Right eye: 12 mm of Hg• Left eye : 12 mm of Hg

Plan of treatment• Trabeculectomy + Phacoemulcification/SICS with PCIOL under

L/A .

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Thank You