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  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Harley-Davidson History

    Harley-Davidson was founded in 1903

    Harley-Davidson had become the largest motorcycleproducing company in the world in 1918

    Japanese competitors entered the market in 1959, Harley-Davidson executives did noting to counter the advance ofcompetition.

    100,000 production target achieved; market share exceeds

    60% in the super-heavyweight segment in 1995

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    AMF Years

    It is quantity of motorcycles vs. quality

    Reduce time to introduce new models

    Production and Quality Problems

    Unskilled workers

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    Vaughn Beals

    Took over as the CEO of Harley-Davidson afterGott left

    He held different ideals than AMF and the topmanagement

    AMF began looking for a buyer for Harley-Davidson

    With Harley-Davidsons profitability down, Bealsand some other Harley-Davidson managersorchestrated a highly leveraged buyout

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Vaughn Beals

    This large amount of debt for the buyout forcedHarley Davidsons managers to adopt a newstrategy: survival

    If Harley-Davidson wanted to remain a dominantforce, in the motorcycle market they were going toneed to change

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley



    Forces for Change: Competition

    Japanese competitors began coming into the

    market and forced Harley-Davidson to change theway they produced motorcycles

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    Change in Job Design

    The Productivity Triad Harley-Davidsons newapproach to production

    Beals and his team realize the only way to compete

    with foreign market is to improve quality

    Based on Japanese methods of production

    Involved: (a) employee involvement (b) use of JIT

    inventory (c) statistical operator control (SOC)

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    Change in Job Design

    Organizational Structure - Job tasks would bedivided much differently under the productivitytriad

    Achange in structure introduced new aspects toan employees day at work

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    Change in Job Design

    Employee Involvement - using input ofemployees would increase commitment to success

    Participation is key to success in terms of bothproduct quality and production process

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    Job Characteristics Model

    Autonomy: Line workers were encouraged tomake more decisions during production process

    Skill Variety: Instead of focusing on just producing

    the product, Beals wanted his employees to becomequality experts. Directly uses the SOC

    Task Identity: Employees were responsible for thetangible product, but also the quality aspect

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Creating a Learning Organization

    Learning Organization: To keep up with thecompetition, Harley needed to be able to adapt tochange

    In the 1990s, HD began emphasizing learning atall levels in the organization through a programcalled the Leadership Institute

    Everyone had the potential to learn more

    Going against traditional ways of management

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    New Design Options

    To allow for easy sharing of informationthroughout the organization, team work became anew focus

    Team Structure: Eliminated certain senior vicepresident positions, these brought no value to thefirm

    Teams replaced these positions

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    Chain of command was eliminated

    Employees had limitless spans of control

    Departments were replaced with teams

    Boundaryless Organization

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Employees had a choice to seek training

    Learning was emphasized throughout the

    organization both employees and topmanagement

    Culture outside the firm is also created


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    To master all the skills necessary, to do a qualityjob all the time

    Improve product service and the quality ofproducts through team empowerment

    Take responsibility and ownership for the product

    Always be looking for ways to improve

    Merge the thinking with top management and allother employees

    Core Values

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Functional Harley-Davidsons new culturecreated lots of opinions which would help themavoid groupthink

    Process Harley-Davidson grew internationallyand has subsidiaries throughout Europe


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    Participative Management Harley-Davidsoneliminated several management positions andinstead gave the responsibilities to teams that were

    made up of employees

    Merit Based Pay Harley-Davidson introduced apay for performance system to improve quality

    Rewarding Employees

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    Technical Training Through the LearningOrganization, Harley-Davidson sought to traintheir employees in the latest technologies that were

    used in Harleys factories

    Types of Training

  • 8/6/2019 Case Presentation Harley


    Declared dividend as of December 9th, 2008 for$0.33 a share

    Harley Davidson museum

    Give back to community at holiday time(donatetoys to needy children)

    How Harley Davidson is Today