periódico 'el nicaragüense', órgano oficial del gobierno

EL VOl. 1. MALE &. COOK, PRlNTli:RS AND PUBI,ISH¡;;RS. Wili be in::;erted in the ha tlt; Englbh anrt BpanL-.h languages1 al mOdetHe ratt'::-<. Job Primiug, "es.rivtion exe.;uled with neatness and dispatch. NICARACUENSE. ENGLXSH - G RA N .A D .A , NlC .A R .A G U A, O e T o B ER 2 O, 1 85 5 . NO. 1. nieation and trade the United States and JI wi:bin to liberal feel-¡ o{ :h Europe. 'l'he whole civdized world demands ings theirrcpubhcan. about five miles from Rivas on the a prornpt, short and reliable communicatioa ¡ thlOuglout the .to turn theu attentlOn I evening of th" 28th., at al¡,out 10 o'clock, hetween the Atlantic and the I'nejtic; two to hu sl;.llId. ry and nllnlOg and tIJe develope., marched nearly 1'11 the timethroughheavy r3i1l, and will be establislled ultirnatel v. A railfclad Im'2.>, ;:·their great resourec!!, to forget the I roads. fu Gen. Walkc.r thlrty .. _-- '11 ¡ h'· b h' d d 1 f, d to I of theenemy·s cavall'y who It IS presume "ere out as 111\ t from SallF:-aneisco to Louis WI be ; i t lUgS are e m an l. orwar ! a piequet guaru, whO!Il'20 Americ<ins were detailed to 'fl.."traragurUSt, 'Wf 20, 18á5. the otlter wlll be a fallruad and steambcat Imc I those "'i'lch are bt'fure, keepmg m vlew tlle I attack a"d in a few moments drove t,hem from th" town, lntroduc tory. fmrn UealeJo, via Granada, to San Juan dell great gÓl of natiunal prosperity w:hich tlle killini oight, taking the capta!n prisoner. "ild seizing al\ Norte. Both lines will be the souree 01' inca!. l' wanls \/ld wishell of the commerelal worlll their horse", arms and clothmg. They q.uartered that . . . 1 h Le I b d ni"ht in Tola and on the folloWlng mormng, the 29th eulable. wcalth. to the dlstncts throllgll whlCh I pace before cm. t t lere e no re or "h d 'R' he they arrived ai about li T '.". I h' 'h b t' I fi 'th mare on ¡vas, w re· . Witb the number of the 1\iicamguense they pass, espcp.\ally tIJe latter. 1 he former I w Ite I'Ib ODS, ut IOlla ag Wl appro- o'elock. A. M. On arriving at the outskirtsofthetoWTI, commenccs, we hope, a new era in lIJe líistory ha::; difficultie,,· it which will prevent i priate armorial bearlllg:s, and tlle motto-- God t!te Democratic p:>rty 8 hill, froro tb.ey oí'the press of Central Arneflca. 'rile objects ¡ts fiJe many 'I'hc latter and Libc,·ty, Let thelf watehword be "LA c'Juld see tbeenemy at adlotanee of about .,X of this journal will be widety different frum has had nothing to int.:ríere whh its prompt PATinA." and the cou¡:¡tersign "LA T'AZ." yards. ellemy opened brisk butht tllo l h I 1 l · I ti .... b . I . 1 d' f ¡. ¡. ' cans took lt cooly-adv8nc1I1g to WI 111 ree .111n .re thoS(;' of any w ic} ldS lit lerto nppcare c;Jlnpleu?n t le unsett e o le po 1- yards, when fuey gavG a volley and lUto in this State. Its conduct, too, though it lllight lIcal affatrs 01 the country, llltesUne {'om· town, Ihe enemy making track. in different;-l,rec. tIqns.- To oar Contemporarjes. r h . not be new el:.ewhere, will be elltirely novel motions, its dnubtful fricndi>hip fur those Whell the Amerieans got possession ° t e mam street, here. forei¡r!lers who mi!rht be iuelilled to turn. their On Saturday the '3tb of October 18"5 the! couJd fue COtIn'ld h;,arw 'T'. b' f I "r' '1' b 1 . l" d' . 1 ' t f' ·t··, , , . '.' .' thclr bullets w st mg y ll1 qUlC sueccsslOn. a e L' le o () t le . .LV'lcaragnensew¡ ¡ e t le .to t}", e\ e o 1 S. f( Granada was fr::;eJ frolll the chams of leglt!- momentil the enemy their appearanceand vigorous- diffusion (.r illformatioll in regard to tIJe posi- 1 he adllurahle and 'luperlOr translt facllltlPS. lllaey a1d the last relllnants uf servilislIl' on Iy attaúked the Ameriron portion of tilO combatants, tien ¡¡nd 01' thi:; Sta te. 'l'he natural whieh Nicaragua offers to mcreantile WOrld¡1 Sat. u. rdliv , the 20th of the same montb lay several of fell. At ,tbis of the wealth of is almost unknown, not a source of most ltnmellse wealth to tlll> I'('rq· .... Mone of the palladium of the libert h 01 Gen. sfinahtlvebforoo7dOeocsmrPtehd, IGeav . . b h . . I ._. . '., mg about 50 Amencans to 19 t a out o e ov- only nmong furelgll natlOUS, ut even all10ng el' which \J.s been guarantt:.'ed lO ¡t. The l3t t t . th' OWll strong-hold having them the il1habitants uf the eountry,'l'o assist in 'l'he earryil1g trade has ahvays bcen a i anJ 20tJ'of this month will e\'er be noted as sid: Arter abouI hours street sueh knowledge as wili tend to de- fruitful s'mrp.c of coulltlcss revenuc to every i the two"'.:lOst memorable Saturdays in tbe an-I fi"hting, Gen. Walker gave the order to take a po"ition velope ¡he almost bc.mndl.ess dehes 01' Nieara- eoullt.ry. was maJe I'vbat she is hy ¡ of '1'lte sun whieh rose upon' ir;'two one imme'üateIy oppo.ite the ,o¡thokr; they 1 II b f · I > .• .' 1 b' ·t· f ti '., ,,; ,\ .. >. t' di'" 1 . 'ce' .0 took posseSSIOn and fought ttl! about five (1 e oc , sorne guasla eoneo twpllnelpa o Jeeso carr)" .. ng8 a\.elS .or pa.lIl,:Jn Ias.gwe.n ler t1wban.-.:·.·.·r .. fourcauseonthe3dofSeptem. hA'. .. d fi m randomshots . l" I . . A··.. 1 I i ' J.& J. oft e merlcans reoelvmg WQun s ro papero .. t prepOI1CCr,lllee 81a am t l.e, bcr ha,,'JJw reaehed lts meredmn, and bcallls, thNugh door;¡ and windows, and when any of theenemy But 1.1l order that the natural of the Pned.l e slw lllU8t cont:nue to Iwld, 1fl [¡lrth p. .•.. a .... n ... t.l happiness, evcn while we l' had the temerity to appear within r.ange, tbcy werc sute. Repubhc may be developed, lt lS oue 01 the tWD urc not opened, wrile, ".,: íó,)\: glad the hearts of a people. to At f> o'elo?k, Gen. Walker ordereu a to end the CI VII feuds. ,.vluch have ol' WlJlch l.ns.'Í. to he!' must pa,s tu .France or. wllllse< .. t :'!';i11 throb Witll the ernotions of! WhlCh was WJtAh fue .IOBS 0lf bt·ubt t°te ne men I 1 ·· l' . I 'd 1 I d r 'l, .. ,.' .... ,. .. s.". b.ttle of Rlva.. the merlcans os u n Q .• f¡Jr t le <llSt t )Irty years ate t le an . y 1 d tl .. !bIt eOffimUUltoatlOn d ¡J'OIT alld h. PP1·[ICS·S our arnval seerns to have. . h fi ht' f t,he onemy upwardsof lOOwere '1 I'h . h t . '1 '1 t . t ",. . d J. a IllSIX "urs lllg, o v '1'0 e 1 erty. Wli Dr. er- o preserve I HilllU us g'lvcn ,.' 11 111 ustry pruduct,J. kílled on the spot. ., . thc flghts of the whlle enForemg the 'llld grak¡¡,¡ 8<))1 ylelJs \Ve lmow thatall to whom this sJ;¡aU eome Gen. :Walker then mnrched forSan.JuAn dell'!ur.or duties he. ow. es the State-to substItutc peilee.¡ alIy nmltlpherl Cf"PS of 1I10st ex(.:e!!cnt gram, will hai¡ the n.ital day of NICaragua freeJom . Costa RICa, and fiudmg .. Raneh unoccupled hadltekd- f · I d t't t'· I·j ." f'· . 1 t d, I . bl ·d .. d ·,t . di'·'" "f'· ·t,· I , '. . ' asevere march tl<r<Jugh torrents of ram aft ne&- n un (On5 I u e Hlnge." .. OI VI() en an. 'n ua e gat ell pro ue s, 3n fUi ., I and fCI(lÍce Íll ber dehverance from opresslon!. b o, 1 k' th . . fu r. d I 'll b' ,. tI I h' '1 .... '1 . f d 'i' ['f, .. I .. I deep Ul mud_ca out i> <> e oc III e ,:,ormng, . epa bloo y revo utlOns__ wl e "fIlon¡;- ,le purpo- w IC 1 arc a.twes o "OIa.ll UI. ,1 J (Juua, I by the j)'ml' of good men and true whose t ... t. la' g. h.d 3Py.thing to eat jj'om the tIme of . I .1\" , N Y k d II l. .. E ' .,' l , . J no· 1 VUl ,.'. .." Lb r 1,< ses of t le 'tcaraguense.. I ¿ ew or, nn a. lone grea marts 01 ; urope i in titA ingpir,-tinn ni' ... ,uou· .Lu .... ThoJ ".,Ct .... ':" c/u .... •.• As fal' as eonduet is cOllcerncd, o.ur journal. an¡)Aslk'" únd ',hr,\Jwer souree of wealth ¡ :lfll tbe mailifest destiny of all the awakmgdther thclr . b . 1 r d' d d It di' , . Why will not! A'·" ,L U h I 1 thing to eat, an finumg a str;,y ee, ey.1 e an wIll e. entne y an 111. . em ... , ... "F·;ncd to le!' Cltlzen8. . ., ,.. i !Ue",", has brought t roug 1 mue 1 cooked it as best tlley oould. They then marchad for not ekllm, W¡1I1t sUbllllt el! br1e.:ogm,ed ¡P.e!' nt themsch e,. ,md 1 tflbul',jOIl to thc wlllch once opened TransitRoute, aud on it !,hout noon, as tlle officlal organ of any government. Its'l cultlvatmg fflendshlp wJth tIle people of (;ther I wlll : IOW an astol1lshetl world that eastern to be ohliged to take the vost.q Rica. Toad, a dIstance of Se permite la reproducción sólo para estudios académicos sin fines de lucro, y citando la fuente - FEB

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Page 1: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno

EL VOl. 1.


Adverti:~l; Wili be in::;erted in the t:N~SE, ha tlt; Englbh anrt BpanL-.h languages1 al mOdetHe ratt'::-<.

Job Primiug, ofe~'cry "es.rivtion exe.;uled with neatness and dispatch.


G R A N .A D .A , N lC .A R .A G U A, O e T o B E R 2 O, 1 8 5 5 . NO. 1.

nieation and trade witl~ the United States and JI wi:bin ~:hemselves, to encoura~e liberal feel-¡ ~n¡¡ o{ therthr~~ J:o~~rd~~:~t:~e :~~!:;d ~k :h Europe. 'l'he whole civdized world demands ings t~wards theirrcpubhcan. bretb~en to:~ o}nT~¡a:~ftuate about five miles from Rivas on the a prornpt, short and reliable communicatioa ¡ thlOuglout the worl~, .to turn theu attentlOn I evening of th" 28th., at al¡,out 10 o'clock, havin~ hetween the Atlantic and the I'nejtic; two to hu sl;.llId. ry and nllnlOg and tIJe develope., marched nearly 1'11 the timethroughheavy r3i1l, and ~H will be establislled ultirnatel v. A railfclad Im'2.>, ;:·their great resourec!!, to forget the I roads. fu T~I& Gen. Walkc.r ~llcounteredd s~me thlrty

-~---_ .. _-- • '11 ¡ h'· b h' d d 1 f, d to I of theenemy·s cavall'y who It IS presume "ere out as ·{~11;¡t· 111\ t from SallF:-aneisco to ~.t. Louis WI be o~e ; i t lUgS ~~:,t are e m an ~m; l. orwar ! a piequet guaru, whO!Il'20 Americ<ins were detailed to 'fl.."traragurUSt, 'Wf • 20, 18á5. the otlter wlll be a fallruad and steambcat Imc I those "'i'lch are bt'fure, keepmg m vlew tlle I attack a"d in a few moments drove t,hem from th" town,

lntroduc tory. fmrn UealeJo, via Granada, to San Juan dell great gÓl of natiunal prosperity w:hich tlle killini oight, taking the capta!n prisoner. "ild seizing al\ Norte. Both lines will be the souree 01' inca!. l' wanls \/ld wishell of the commerelal worlll their horse", arms and clothmg. They q.uartered that

. . . 1 h Le I b d ni"ht in Tola and on the folloWlng mormng, the 29th eulable. wcalth. to the dlstncts throllgll whlCh I pace before ~ cm. t t lere e no re or "h d 'R' he they arrived ai about li T '.". I h' 'h b t' I fi 'th mare e· on ¡vas, w re· . Witb the fi¡~t number of the 1\iicamguense they pass, espcp.\ally tIJe latter. 1 he former I w Ite I'Ib ODS, ut IOlla ag Wl appro- o'elock. A. M. On arriving at the outskirtsofthetoWTI,

commenccs, we hope, a new era in lIJe líistory ha::; difficultie,,· attt~udillg it which will prevent i priate armorial bearlllg:s, and tlle motto-- God t!te Democratic p:>rty mou~ted 8 hill, froro w~ence tb.ey oí'the press of Central Arneflca. 'rile objects ¡ts eon~ummatioll fiJe many year~. 'I'hc latter and Libc,·ty, Let thelf watehword be "LA c'Juld see tbeenemy at adlotanee of about .,X hundl'"~ of this journal will be widety different frum has had nothing to int.:ríere whh its prompt PATinA." and the cou¡:¡tersign "LA T'AZ." yards. T~e ellemy opened ~ brisk fi~teh" butht tllo

l Ar;:er~

h I 1 l · I ti .... b . I . 1 d' f ¡. ¡. ' cans took lt cooly-adv8nc1I1g to WI 111 ree .111n .re thoS(;' of any w ic} ldS lit lerto nppcare c;Jlnpleu?n ~t t le unsett e .sta~e o .~ le po 1- yards, when fuey gavG a volley and yell-r~shm¡¡ lUto in this State. Its conduct, too, though it lllight lIcal affatrs 01 the country, lt~ llltesUne {'om· town, Ihe enemy making track. in different;-l,rec. tIqns.-

To oar Contemporarjes. r h . not be new el:.ewhere, will be elltirely novel motions, its dnubtful fricndi>hip fur those Whell the Amerieans got possession ° t e mam street,

here. forei¡r!lers who mi!rht be iuelilled to turn. their On Saturday the '3tb of October 18"5 the! couJd .eehi~otIl~ingbof. fue .enkemy-b~t, COtIn'ld h;,arw 'T'. b' f I "r' '1' b 1 . l" d' . 1 ' t f' ·t··, , , . '.' .' thclr bullets w st mg y ll1 qUlC sueccsslOn. a e L' le o ~ects () t le . .LV'lcaragnensew¡ ¡ e t le ~~tentlOn .to t}", e\ e opm~n o 1 S. f( sou~c:s'l Granada was fr::;eJ frolll the chams of leglt!- momentil the enemy m~de their appearanceand vigorous-

diffusion (.r illformatioll in regard to tIJe posi- 1 he adllurahle and 'luperlOr translt facllltlPS. lllaey a1d the last relllnants uf servilislIl' on Iy attaúked the Ameriron portion of tilO combatants, tien ¡¡nd re~ources 01' thi:; Sta te. 'l'he natural whieh Nicaragua offers to t~le mcreantile WOrld¡1 Sat. u. rdliv , the 20th of the same montb w~ lay several of w~om fell. At ,tbis ~tage of the proceeding~ wealth of .t"ienr¡¡~ua is almost unknown, not pre~ent a source of most ltnmellse wealth to tlll> I'('rq·.... Mone of the palladium of the liberth ~e·whole 01 Gen. ~alkeI: sfinahtlvebforoo7dOeocsmrPtehd, IGeav

. . b h . . I ._. ~,~ . '., mg about 50 Amencans to 19 t a out o e ov-only nmong furelgll natlOUS, ut even all10ng el' elil~em. which \J.s been guarantt:.'ed lO ¡t. The l3t t t . th' OWll strong-hold having them the il1habitants uf the eountry,'l'o assist in 'l'he earryil1g trade has ahvays bcen a i anJ 20tJ'of this month will e\'er be noted as :~=:~de~o~~.~? sid: Arter abouI tw~ hours street furtli~lJing sueh knowledge as wili tend to de- fruitful s'mrp.c of coulltlcss revenuc to every i the two"'.:lOst memorable Saturdays in tbe an-I fi"hting, Gen. Walker gave the order to take a po"ition velope ¡he almost bc.mndl.ess dehes 01' Nieara- eoullt.ry. was maJe I'vbat she is hy ¡ nal~ of ~;.:'Card"ua. '1'lte sun whieh rose upon' ir;'two house~, one imme'üateIy oppo.ite the ,o¡thokr; they

1 II b f· I > .• .' • 1 b' ·t· f ti '., ,,; ,\ .. >. t' S· di'" 1 . 'ce' .0 '~I took posseSSIOn and fought ttl! about five (1 e oc , sorne guasla eoneo twpllnelpa o Jeeso 11~ carr)" .. ng8 a\.elS .or pa.lIl,:Jn Ias.gwe.n ler t1wban.-.:·.·.·r .. fourcauseonthe3dofSeptem. hA'. .. d fi m randomshots . l" .~ ~ I ~ . . A··.. 1 I i ' ~--~~ J.& • J. oft e merlcans reoelvmg WQun s ro ~

papero .. t lat.llIInen~e prepOI1CCr,lllee I~ 81a am t l.e, bcr ha,,'JJw reaehed lts meredmn, and bcallls, thNugh door;¡ and windows, and when any of theenemy But 1.1l order that the natural ~vea!th of the Pned.l e Whl~h slw lllU8t cont:nue to Iwld, 1fl [¡lrth p. ~ .•.. :~.'.ce. a .... n ... t.l happiness, evcn while we l' had the temerity to appear within r.ange, tbcy werc sute.

Repubhc may be developed, lt lS a~solutely oue .~rbuth 01 the tWD tran~lts urc not opened, wrile, ".,: íó,)\: glad the hearts of a people. to ~all. At f> o'elo?k, Gen. Walker ordereu a rh~r:! nece~sa('y to end the CI VII feuds. ,.vluch have ol' WlJlch l.ns.'Í. to he!' must pa,s tu .France or. wllllse< .. t :'!';i11 throb Witll the ernotions of! WhlCh was ~une WJtAh fue .IOBS 0lf bt·ubt t°tene m:~j,éir men

I 1·· l' . l· I 'd 1 I d r .· B· 'l, .. ,.' .... ,. .. '~cas s.". b.ttle of Rlva.. the merlcans os u n Q .• f¡Jr t le <llSt t )Irty years (e~o ate t le an . hU~"jJ. y ~ll(' 1 d tl .. !bIt eOffimUUltoatlOn d ¡J'OIT alld h. PP1·[ICS·S our arnval seerns to have. . h fi ht' • f t,he onemy upwardsof lOOwere '1 I'h . h d· t . '1 '1 t . t ",. . d J. a IllSIX "urs ~ lllg, o v '1'0 r~eoncl e 1 erty. Wli Dr. er- o preserve I HilllU us wllh~ g'lvcn ,.' '~,;r:¡jl'¡~gn~ 11 111 ustry pruduct,J. kílled on the spot. .,

.thc flghts of the c~tIzen whlle enForemg the 'llld "gl'lt:~¡lt:.¡re, grak¡¡,¡ 8<))1 ylelJs alll~u·l' \Ve lmow thatall to whom this sJ;¡aU eome Gen. :Walker then mnrched forSan.JuAn dell'!ur.or duties he. ow. es the State-to substItutc peilee.¡ alIy nmltlpherl Cf"PS of 1I10st ex(.:e!!cnt gram, will hai¡ the n.ital day of NICaragua freeJom . Costa RICa, and fiudmg .. Raneh unoccupled t~ey hadltekd-f· I d t't t'· I·j ." f'· . 1 t d, I . bl ·d .. d ·,t . di'·'" "f'· ·t,· I , '. . ' asevere march tl<r<Jugh torrents of ram aft ne&­n un (On5 I u e Hlnge." .. OI VI() en an. 'n ua e gat ell pro ue s, 3n ,-.~C;IOU~ fUi ., I and fCI(lÍce Íll ber dehverance from opresslon!. • b o, 1 k' th . . fu r.

d I 'll b' ,. tI I h' '1 .... '1 . f d 'i' U· ['f, .. I • .. I deep Ul mud_ca out i> <> e oc III e ,:,ormng, . epa bloo y revo utlOns __ wl e "fIlon¡;- ,le purpo- w IC 1 arc a.twes o "OIa.ll UI. ,1 J (Juua, I by the j)'ml' of good men and true whose t ... t. la' g. h.d 3Py.thing to eat jj'om the tIme of . I .1\" , N Y k d II l. t· .. E ' .,' l ~ , . J no· 1 VUl ,.'. .." Lb r 1,< ses of t le 'tcaraguense.. I ¿ ew or, nn a. lone grea marts 01 ; urope i finobJ¡'.!~t,!, in titA ingpir,-tinn ni' th~ ~I~ ... ,,~ ,uou· '<~"il¡; .Lu .... ThoJ ".,Ct .... ,,~." ':" ~ c/u ....•.•

As fal' as eonduet is cOllcerncd, o.ur journal. an¡)Aslk'" únd t¡',,~ ',hr,\Jwer souree of wealth ¡ doetfc~'e :lfll tbe mailifest destiny of all the w~en, awakmgdther ~'.'rued thclr a~e~tlo~ t0"i,~~t~somed~ . b . 1 r d' d d It di' , l· . Why will not! A'·" ,L U h I 1 thing to eat, an finumg a str;,y ee, ey.1 e an wIll e. entne y I~C~ an 111. e~en . em ... , ... ()e~.wlIh~ "F·;ncd to le!' Cltlzen8. . ., ,.. i !Ue",", has brought the~ t roug 1 mue 1 cooked it as best tlley oould. They then marchad for ~he

not ekllm, ~or W¡1I1t sUbllllt el! br1e.:ogm,ed ¡P.e!' peo~:llc b~ nt pe~ee ~mong themsch e,. ,md 1 tflbul',jOIl to thc ~tes wlllch once opened TransitRoute, aud arrive~ on it !,hout noon, ~Xpe~tll'g as tlle officlal organ of any government. Its'l cultlvatmg fflendshlp wJth tIle people of (;ther I wlll : IOW an astol1lshetl world that eastern to be ohliged to take the vost.q Rica. Toad, a dIstance of



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Page 2: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno

opiníons on all po!í~íc-,i subj!;ct¡¡ ~h~H. be I countries, encourage thern in their attempt!l tú I ras'l8t>~ to tlle Spice Islands Jor which it· has 20 miles, antieipating an att:t\,k fl'OlD; t!'e enemy ir they gi~'en frankly and \'1?t,iout restramt;. ,3ll,d when lopen tbis beautifu! c~mntry ,1.0 comm~rce ami so long:sighed. \Ve had intendeci to celebrate ~vaneed to San Juan. Before :lmvltlé dt t:!r Costa. any government,Jfllct,her democratl,~ or lcgi-, naviaation by purSUlOg a hberal pohcy low- thc¡;c e'vcnts in a largersheet but bein'" unable Rl(;a ro,ad, ~hey met "Mr. Dewe>;¡ whll, to.,' ~ timist, liberal Oi'servile,. undert.~es to control ards t.bem: 'l'he benefit will be mutual. 'l'l~e to DI;Jój:¡r.· e the assi:stance of ~ Spanislf compo- ~tlsfach tion mformetd th:!Dhtha~'3anth uan ::i~ "¡Oae:~\ 't press'Qn' ti "J:'~ar" '11 I ti b 11 d' 'd d rhe Amen ,r ,y t " enemy, a w le p ,e ey e. Oll., ~ s ex 'd ,IS, le J. • ..., ''4,uuellS/J WI ceuse pro ts must e equa y IVI. e . . - Slhr-':lUr intelltion bein" to devote ont.' halC o'dock. and were received very'kindJy, and werosup-: ltS publ . ' cllns love peace and the frUlts of h(Jlle~t mdus- 01' tbe El Nicaraoi:rueme t::, that department- ~ied with clothing, food and everything they requ¡rOO...

W' views·tuc publishers oC this try, and are willing and hap'py to reClprUl:ate arld havin'" resttlved on publishillg but • ',rce ~~ari~g a~ irnm"diate attack, and t-he brig. V~St4.not . .' accol!lplish something, nut only advantage. 'l'hey have capital, und are ready J~ys previ~us te the ¡,resent issue we trust behmg m "!Jlht'rGen. hWalkle~ "';ut aJart'I~ toAsent; the

.'" II C' t, 1 ,. . "d '11' t expend it on this interestirJU'.. . "," se ooner ¡:;a""OS8, ten ymg In PO.' e merloan.t .• IIr. a, er! .ra . ""menca .. u,n Wl mg o o . . . "," wut our .contelllporanes w¡1I make aH due embarked immedistely aftoer the seizllre, and ... i1ed the . ~,ullavalitng lf earnest.}l"ld renHH~ab!e country l. :tn~,thl~ tJI1'lrdf"'SJ.T~1 ahowances, an.l antedate ful' u:s UlC 11IU1<: cu,- fvll""iu¡s JllUuúug for tlt" 1>";g, whbh ,he,)' IDlldo in

. .' . lD~Ustry. are ca. pallle ot'j. to do on prmclple~ of,rcClpro.CJty , 011 terlllS o(,,~'fih18r/;eting ant! flatterin'" notices we hope be- eboul four hours; when tber gave tho s<:!Jooner up to . . ." '. whlCh &hey strive. ¿. mutual advallltages, rney lave not war, nOflfore m.wy:days to merit a"t thcir hands. the 0:wner. They thon s:u1ed for R~leJo, where they

.,.' . ., the horrors of war' they wal' unly for the 1 W ' • ..:.L . h h J f' ., remRmed on board the bng two weeks, tben started for, . '.' .. . . :", ... , f ri 'd rb rt N: e, a ..... "ue ISllmel at t e an s J tile Clt!- Chlnandaga, remaining there three days. FlOm thence

":#.i";;;"o1I'<·"" ~~"~""'''JIl'f'''.,. .,:' ,est.'l bhst~ment ~ ,. I )er,~~ ~n_ ,1 e:a ~~. 'n :'1 ze¡,;~",; Gtan'id~, ftn:d l>egging theirindulgence I they ;narched to ,Leon" the. he~..q~arters of tbe .... .. . -_. ....' C<l¡¡~Hy ~!onc draws aleJl .. ~¡:or~s, w~ ~n!> .. íl ,"'''''ii Uun.; ,; f:...':"."';II',~ ul''';1-''41';ol. Jltatrer i,,1 R,p,rnh!l""U 1"" ['J , .. " .. '1 .. ,.· .. _< o,."," NIcaragua. Th~r6 tl~¡tho~ a'smaUspot on tbe map never dlms the glory of the,lr Victoues. 1 hey thlS' '::\'othiS¿¡~~5'';::?';'m in our next i¡¡sue their the !?emc.crlits m~tered one, thouoaou mec~., . Havmg il.~~'n hemispbere. but grelit take up arms t0r the estabh$tunent of the grcat f lli.~ Íl"', -r>-c)'C, , . r~mamed ten d",y's In Leon w.tho!'t accomphshlnl!: snv

i c' b"-"---' . . " '.. d '. l ., f tb > ' '. i 8 •• re.: ',c' m(lvement of lmportance agmnst the eneroj-thEl , n I,t~ geoglap ~fC3 pOsJtlOn and 1tS ruamfest commerclal and In ustn,.t mlSSlOn.o . e age , !I'fayall . Ale natioDS of the earth be-made Americana returned to ChinandHga-where they lay in.. d.'1s~~!lYt has a!~:v:¡ys be~n re¡¡arded with gre~tl a~d when th,ey llave gamed the vlct?ry tl~~y free:,.!".,. itb the freedom that Americans elljoy, ac'tÍve two weoks. They ~~rted for Realejo, l!th. ~Iltí c(~tlí.alÍlIy IllcreaslIlg wterest, and thls stIll are wlJlmg uud ready to buy tlJ.1,t whICh and'~;Jay we be the humble instruments of of August, and were then Jomed by 150 nativesiund,,'r mterest ¡ts people have llOW. an oppurtunity to I they have cOllf(.uered at the same pnee they 'goo '.:;.':.".' pnJl!'ood onl ' to Nicarragua May COmIDo "hnd oi] Gen.h hVaUeil' d ~ " J d 1 S h . . 1 d . h fii 1 b fi ,. h b ' 'VI ·11 not .-.-:' q .!y, 4 n t e 1 t t ey SR e lor oan uan e ur, w ere tur.~ ~o pr::c;tlCa ~ccount. A ~lrable. for t e o ere~ e uI'e t, le n:g ,t egan. .. ly.WI " pell.~' ,prev;ulthroughout her lal1d, an j guided they arrived on the 15th-the enemy decamping auoen' fCI't1h,ty 01 ItS. SOI~ the healt~¡ul purIty l1?d I t,he .Nlcaraguenses lIm.tate thelu In thelr pe,lce- by ~~X~ee IUld enlightened press, may illllustry ~ th~y appeared. 'll1ey remained in San,Juanreornif¡.. balmmess of Its alr, the vaned beauty of Its I fuI mdustry at )¡ume, 1Il the J?velt)pe~ne~t oC de";¡:.¡pe tIle boundless resources and meilllS ¡~g tul the 2:1. of Scpte~ber,. and at I~ o dock on thllt sf:eIJCry, boulltifuUy supplied with every ap- their OWll national resources, III furmshmg a oiw,>l1thof wbich'nature has been to her so I n'ght,,: Gen. Walk-:r ~th bis tol~bfollOO cr?ssed the prupriate ne. cessary and Juxury uf the ta blc, . marltet lor the prouucti0llS of otbcr eoulltries beunl.éous I\ud 1l0thin<T he ¡l~urd throu ... hout 'lth\'anslt n~;)utef thtoeV311'dgtmhe~ir;mof\h~ ~~!~Oy"~:p!OCpr.~.~~

I h b d· 1 h Id' '1" ti' b d ce to " " /!Ii o emor mgo ,(-40 - UAUl;l 1I.".ture laS no ~ ere ,een !nore pro, 19a of er an III contri )utmg .'fom ¡elf a ,un un, tlle Icl!gth and breadth of the lanrl hut the joy wl's given, twelve of our native guard ~ghting 550 of ?.·\fls, At thl:' tune of Itos dBcovery It was une I the wants alld IUXIHles ofothl?nlatlOns, .\'OU.S shouts of a free anu happy people ming- thern, loading and firing in their retrp>I>t; m good styie, <le th~ bes~ peopled countries in America, and .Nicaraugua has a territory. of6U,IJOO sqU/ue n,7~ "UJ¡:c!n" nntt's ot'tlte thousanJ soi,gstel'¡; umi! tite)' .werc reinforced. < Tbe condue~and bra~err lla.d 11:; tal.les one two and thrce or four I mIles nt th.e great commercIaI centre of the '" b 'f l . o~ the nativa tr"?p. ',lnrler, Gen. Walker, c~nnot ho, too

. " . . fi h f h of 1l,er etutí U groves. hJghly sl'Okan Oflll thlB aetlnn. Thc Amenoan. reeelved lea~ues ID length; ond under a firm, s?lId! ~nd ~orld, a t~r~l~ry equal l,? .lve.sevent s o te· ' the enam] with a dea.dly discharge of rilles, when they reüoble gowrnmel1t, capable of mamtammg bastem d1VI:<1011 ofthe {, ntted Sta tes. 1t has brokc aud ~an-hunted to covel' by the rillcmen. The peaee at JlOlDe and oi' illsuring nationa l respeet in Granana a lIucleus fOI: a second Philadel· Prllgre!!l or Gen. 'Valke"'8ExpedU~on re"~1t of thís ta.tUe is ilIustrative of. Ibe Arneri~an8 and :.broad coulu offer a residehcc inferior to none phia in Leon a second Cineinnati in Realejo in Nicara~'ua. tbetr arms over sn enemy-there bemg only 17:> Amar-

'l' I 1 f h ' 'F' d' '" J 'd 1 N t 1 ican and native troops against an arroy ovor three times on ealtl \11 tle ISlOl't. space O two or t ree aSan <rallClseo, an III ,,,an uun e or ea S'veraln h h t h ". ""t t b Ith' b Att"e b"ttleofVirgm' BaytheAlnP.ri r II Id' f f 1 .. t ,: .,wspapt:!S t long (.n t (1 ;'~.~·~ll >.:l a,es ave elr nJlm er. u . ~ " yeRrs, ,or a c asses an occupatlons o men, mart o t le .allle comr!aratl ve lInpor .unce as publishcd ~·rl'e"p'J .. d,)fi('.e from partio" intel'~sted in thc I caos di<1 nút loose a .ingle man, and had but tViO wound_ ~xcept doctors. New York. It has mineral and agneultural expedítiolf¡( Gen. Walker in Nicaragua, 30me of which I ed-Lieut, B. T. Williamson, and Private, J. SmalJ.

It,prese'ntll" that short and easy passage ti> resoureell unsurpassed byany country in the are. no do,-~t correet, '.nd the faets ~ejJorteJ as th~y ne- Tlle natives had." ~issi~ ~d 3 wounded. Of the ene: the Indies" which Columbus 80ught and wurld. Gold sil ver, Ílon copper coal, saltpe- tually oU"."(d; we, howe\'€~, publi~h " cOndenscd .. ..,. rny 90 w~l'e. buned In Vlrgm Bay, and about 40 wOl\ud-

,h' h h··1 ~ I .• .', d > I h . ' d ~,.? 1 .' COUflt ofh:,e progreso of tha "CToll!~: .. n ír(lm the start· ed. Havrng Jen tha wounded under the care of a sur-""; U~ ,IS leco .. fe t le. gre'at commercIal e· tft" su P ,Ul, al~ coppe ra~, run In HC 1 ,eHls ing ofth c:,xpedition (roro Sa': ¡''''a',lCÍsco, until the preso gaon, Gen •. Walkér then raturned to San Juan, where t!lderaturn and necesslty of the present day. through lts lolty mountam ranges; tobaceo, ent date. '¡'ithout coroUlent or oDinion 01' our own-- tlleyarrived on the 5th. On the night of the 12th a de­'fhe tl'eásures of the Indies must pass vía whea t, coffee, corn, eotton, indigo, cocua, merely pre;enting to tite puhUe ~ eorr~,(Jt snd reliable tachm~llt was sent out as an arnbusca~e abo~t 5 miles on Realejo or via San Francisco to the Atlantic, Rugar, rit:e, and the linest tropical fruit!:! adorn slatrme~oft'lve~ts as they occuued underour OWil eye; the R1Vat road, ,where they remamerl tdl ,6 ?'cloek The manufactures of Europe and the U niteu ¡ts pluins lllll sides and gardens. It has pas. ,On . he I(lrmng of tha 4~ho~ May, Gen •. Walker through hCávy.ramB. Thefy then started for Vugm Bay, '" " ' , WJth SIX~yotW) mM, :dt San FmnClsco on the lmg Ve.!a, whe~e they arnved at 12 ~. About two houro aft;er the ~tat~s must, fiud thelr wa,y. to ASIa to supply Lure grounds m~llIlI1erable, wherl? herds uf cat- fo~ SO!'! Juan .del Sur, tll join the Democratie parly oí r,ass~ge ol' the troops by the junetío? of the Riv88 anq the IOCrea!omg wants 01 ¡ts vast populatlon, tle graze. It IS well adapted lor the 1008t Nlca,'agua, ¡rn~ forseveral yeare bad boon at war with rl'ansit roads, tha enemy, about su, hundred strong, by one or the other or both of these two routes ,. i1l1pfO~'ed agriculture of tite world. Presenting Iba Cha~~rra or Governmenl forees. The V~sta .arrived headed by Gen' •. ~rral and G~ardoJ~ made their al" 'l'he Pacific coast of the Republicofthe north every vllriety of climate every variety almost at Real"jo .n, t,ho -. of June, aH ?n board bemg \O goorl p~arance, but leammg ?f Gen. 'Walker s ~h to ~lr­. 'h . ' ' fi ,.'" healta and oylflts WJth the exceptlon of one man, Luther, gm Bay. fell back on Rivas. On the followmg mormng 18 snortly ~ b~ studded Wlt , :st,ates whose of e!lrthly p:odu\\~ wllI mu wlthm !t.s hmlts who, in a gas oc' wind fell from thn (ore-tor, bl'caking the forces returned to San Juan, where they reroained greatness WJIl rIval that of theu sl:,¡ter States I a SOII congemal to Its growth. Poscssmg every his Jeg, and 'tharwisc injuring him$elf.un~i1 the arrival of tha Oortel, with reinforceroents under on the \tlautic, ,and will furnisb a market prolllinent commercial advantage of position, 011 the-of June, the eBmpany rnar~hed for Chinan· Lieut. Col. Gilman. ~ where every earthly product of art agriculture aH Central Ameriea must within ten or lifteen ?~ga, Wh • .rf thby rem~ed ODa we~k, they wcre then On toe 3~ day ?f Oe!,<>ber, the Steame: Oortes havmg

d' d'U b h' d' A r· b d d'· JOID(·dbyl'.OofthenatlveDeroocrat'lcpartyfl'OrnLeon, onboard Lleut. Col. Gilman, CaptDavldson"nd80me ~.>n m ~stry WI e exe ange. ustrala, years, ecome epen ent upon It~ gr~atness, unrlcrCtj[)l,m!ldofMadregil. 'rheythenillar,~he,d hook 35 rooruits,arrived inthepor~ofSanJuan,afterapa.s-• olyneslIl, and New HoUand must shorUy, by And for all these great results nothIng IS want· , to Real~o, tnd ~nharked on the Vesta for El Gigante I sago of some thirteen OOya troro San Francisco. The 'me or both of the same routes,.hold commu· \ ing liut Cor her OWl1 citizPulI to be at peace I Ba.f fA "ou~'for Rivas, where they arríved on the eve-) newly arrived were muoh pleased to find Gen. W:tlk.,r



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Page 3: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno

with bis force~ !n lllat t?W1L 'Y:'8 ge,nc'rally "'pe". that cau make the existen ce 01' a Wi," deSi-\ fnrces ~o make you Iho Provisional Pl'esident of Ihe ted to hear- ot hl.~ lJemg m tl10 lI)i..,'j'¡(.1": t'lthcr at Lcotl r.~Lfl". Repubhc. Chinandaga 01' mvas. '11'0 .1"cl"bol'CilJiun tu( 1. ¡.I."" '. " , ''o.' '.vhen 1 found Ihat you wer-e abwnt, and when 1 de-


A NDESTIWS AMUi.OS HIJ.oS DEL PAlS. !luietly aud they "ere·,! i" th~ G ,!L',,';:,. 1; ,',", .\ ~sterday ., Itnells~d ,~hc . arn;~.~~~ ¡;,xty Isired 10 re~urn lo Ibis place, judgo my "urpri~e when J 1'l1<' same day they "ere "Td,-rú" tv hJld tite .. -e.", '! pfllflot solders from Call1ol'll}¡l, 1 .Oc. r;,ell "uS ihformed bolh by lhe Prefecl and the hovernor, Por .causa t.uüo de la cortedad de tiempo ;-eadiness to aceol1;",,,,,), Ihe :r ;'Rllll' ("0';' te: ;;',gJL 1: ""1' ':mulating the nüblest exarnplrs ~ ,.8lOry: \ ¡hat I could 1.lOt return-and:v~ thu3 held for two daya com.o por la taita de süciüs en el idiOlmt They started at /!\'e o cl"ck l. M .. m". ,tlter ,ajdy é".. "üluntarycome furwanl aml pll¡JO'e ,~"". liv's' actually a p:'soner uf \lar, W!trl my sccretary, serv,ants Español, nüs halk,müs .obligados á impri-(',orting the train, l'et'A' .J(-U, read,mg l. .. 0ir '111.n tos abotlt ' ,'1 . l'," b ........ :: e 1 aflU my national flag. }'or this gross act of the vIOla·. t . - . 1 1 day-Iight. Gen. '\\¡ u!ke1' ami his ¡,>¡,ce, ,'el",t'nccl iu I:i~.l t.o asslst t liS peüp e IU t~Jell • t,. epen- ton of the laws of nalions, and my right. as an Ambas- mlr nnes rü pnl11er numero sm as ,co umnas Juan until fue 10,h da)" 01' (;ctol.m. D\Ili;g the ¡Rte- dence; and at sorne tuture <lay 1t j\'l11,Ie the \ sador, 1 protest; and be asnre,], General, that my Españotas que igualmente debe .ocupar. rim the organiz,'tiou 01' the lJUt"lliUll Wf.'.SCU'." PictCd -;'].li<:b pro ud lot .of süme historian tü rec.oro their ~overnment will hold you and your government to a El lÍ'úlllero <le la proxima semana con-l'Csulted in the jú~'ma!iOll af '\YO ''''''', COlllpUl~ies. The names as cJassic, ami Wf.ave ar6uu(l ~em a ;evere l'e5poDsi~i1ity for tbis la,!less aet. tendrá tant.o material en Español como en oompany thcn eXlslmg was "'Jlllluan<.",d hy Car·t. John a halo .of renown whose lu"tre ~hali'b;' 'dy- You fnrl~er IIlform me Ihallf I retUrD lO Grenada, inglés y muchos de los artículos que hoí pa-Markham. M:',B,rewstél' w';' "pp.:.¡¡;t"O lO Uk .. amOlan? '(1" """ ~ c~ .', that you wlll no,: be re.ponstblc for my personal safe. J .ofcompal1y"13; a>id MI'. GCO!';(C Dav,.lcon "as unam. Ille>' ,Col. B. D. 1 ry has .the cornmandJi tlllS Iy. and you wilJ Inf"rm Gov. Marey, the Secretary of recen se ¡allarán en él traducidos. I\\Ously electeJ Caplain of cumI,ally "c." (;en, Walkcr ' batalh.on; th", .otller üffieers are Mapr E. State. and Ihe newspapers of New Y(lrk ol' my pro- Haréms tod.o lo posible para hacer nues-further h¡id ~he goodfo;'Lune t(> oht.Ü¡¡'rom '-'re ,comma~'18anders, Ca ptains ~aIll. Astin,Chll,slLuh)- ceedinga in thi~ maller. tr.o periódico á la vez interesante, é ins-der o~the cllppcr slu}' Queen "f tI,e p'ac',w. \then dis-, Lull andJesse Hamblet.on Lielltemiiit~Sash- In reply 1 mform you that when 1 hav~ kept my tructívo, y esperamos que todos aquellos que ,c1~rglllg cual JIl ~an ,) UCln del Sur,) "1m,, ',·,x pounder i, 1 ' 'k }' di J ..' .' ,,1 ':(Ol'd of honor, glVen to the hovernor of Ulvas, ro re-, Id' WhlÚh W8-l bl'ought fióllOl'C ane! lllOllr:teJ. ! )100 , ~u . er, ones, anu Arch~bald. '1 hey m,i" here Iwo days to aW8il your reply, 1 shall returll tienen a go e III teresan te, sea sobre' las

EverY~"i¡¡g h~\'~ng > .. "en duly Pl'~l",,,cd, cm the .. 10t.h ,ofl ;·,·e as lme and hrave a bo~y 01 men.~; evcr 1 to Granada, and thall do lJOt te~lJe.t nol' have 1 evel' recuj'~os del ptlÍs, O sobre l.os productos del O.cluber LTeu. W llli<er took up tl'e !ille 01 1I,."eh lur Vll·. I stood under anns. 'rhe cordial receptll'n tlll'Y r~<juest.d of you, to be re8p~n81ble I,(l!' my person.a] Estado o subre cualquier interés público, !l,mllllY, nt "h",h 1'1a',,' ho fln'!vcd the "U1De neHillg,-l re..:eived fl'om the Demoer;! Army wil 100'g tufety; Ihe lIa~ uf the U. 8", '~ 8Uffic,elltl~ J:0\~ed~l nos trasmitirán sus ideas por escrito, tonto lhe An!cnral1ti 'vyere liuaJ'tt:retl al.. ÜiP- Jilful!!,t hUlt-!:'¡;-';én* t b . ~ l" d 1, il 'tI f'" 1" fol' m)' protectlon, backecl as lt 18, by a l'atnotlC 1 reInO. t h ti· 1 d I tries poskd, pi"'l"Ct'gl1UrJs ,,1' lluLive tr"o[" ;[;"tiol,.,ll e rem"nl ¡erc uy .. ICII\ WI I eCltngS) dent, and Ihirty mllliuH8 cCpco!,I.. para IIUCS ro "ene CIO com.o para e e a wl',hout the \oW1< "He! the nijJ;ht pas",d oH' '1';ld'y, tI,,,,,!!\¡ 1 ~lUcere pleu~urc. l have, rnyself, informed Gov. of thase mat- cumunidad. , . . tb, er'('l!l~ w'''?llly di>tu:,t som~ ei,~b, mi le" ",de.",,! I ters, and I feclno way resl?ollsible :0. )'011, or to the Ayer ~I medl~ dm se supo en la CIUdad "C~,Ojj '":."'Cd ~~': "xpeet~Dg f. fl'fLt, ~t1''''~~., ' .. : . , ,1 P(·.·fid~· l TIIJltlraUeJc'I... nowspapcr8 of )le\\" lork for rny 0f1, cl~.nduct.. I que el "apOJ:. V Ifgcn, habla ll~gado de la

.:~~~~.ll::tnlcl;mn?,~.p(:r.~'~,~,'\d_~c,~lk:.r.:,c~;p",~,(,~~a~m~.. ,,0' ~-- "" 1 _ ~OUls'fultl:f?,Il):, ,Vll'gen con 6~ AnlCl'lCanos baJO las órde-Ofhe,¡ 01 lhe ,Jppü¡;¡te p"¡'y, \\," fLllc,tCJ .. ,tlHd, anc.I.Me."tmp;.)ftl,e,,,,,zcnsiuan.,'cs,,ru,.¡¡r¡ada),wh,,tenuel'l JOHN n. \\l!LELb:R. I j IC >1 F V" d S F--cÚlldeH.:nc.d aB n ;cpy, bya. (,'1,W'¡j {¡f n~tive, .A1i.cer:-~. 11<.. tO Gen. \V¡dhel' !he 'P:·,<:-.¡iJeIH'Y of ~iearalul, \vhu 1fillistcr. U. 8. A., near Hepublic of Nlcaragua. ~~.s~( e oron;. ry;, T ln,ler9D en an Id~: W;J$ shot mm.wdtaldy aftr.l' thp ~assage o! the S(~r;h'Hcr~.1 df~(:¡Hl(:d iIJ fu¡:ol' of nell. Corr: .. d-.--~físsjon Ú l.lellcc I ---------.--.. - I CISCO en el \ 31)or Uncle S:1O'_, que llego

Ab0Ut tll'. M" the "teal11er. Vio';;:i" cnalO 10 a!ldw,.: h~ ¡[¡¡, U.}J .. Wnister, al'l'uJIlI,auicd by Ihe yJiniste'· Col. Fry';; balalJioll, wlJich arriveu on yes- á San Juan c!~1 Sur el dia 15 del eorricll-.a~~ea't tl,e !'.:w~, ¡-lose IOÜ", CJll~"":l'~¡lel'::: , By :",<ler:'f 1 01, \-Yar', w ~"n, e",I'1':,I, ar" Hiv"s-Arre"~and i;". terday, was brought by l'arker n, French, te-Fueron reCIbidos en la plaza por el ba­heno ,'\al1.81, ~-ol, IIornsb¡ ',OOK ~"¡,,,:I.y uj ,,,tu ah¡j: P">"·)!lIHI·¡¡t 01 ü! the U . .,. Mlt""Lf:r by the U.vernúr Esq tlIe agent 01' Gen '\Yalker, On their tall.on Americano blljO las armas: en hon.or boardf>d her; {nat s01neth~lli:' 0f iTf!pmot¡H.ce was ahout: uuJ P • .rd'(' .. ,t uf Hiva::-.---Violat.ion of fJlU'ole o;"honol' " . - ... d '. to talte place was e\"ido"t, hut no 'mekuew cx,,~tly wimt i by the S"Cl'l-"ary 01' War. - arrlval at Vlfgm Bay, they wcr~ el!lbarked on e_su llegada ,e bl:-:oun salud.o de 10 ,1, was to be. I Oú :';!luda)' la,t, {,he day "!l",, :]¡e ""pture oftkis cit.y, h.oard tlJe compan}':; slealllcr Vt7'!:J'1:Y/., together canonaso~ y ut! repIque s.olemne de ca m-

"'fhe ¡'!I:~~;ir'lfd. "f Ü:'(lc~".' w,, 1,0 P"'I;'~l~l:, ".m.- '11 ¡o,,:lCetillg of·tIu [~?t¡.".e. e; j;.ell,s ".'lJ.~ ! •• Id} and resolutiO.~. with thc paSSl!ngers and specie. 'l'hc inten- panas. E,w a. fl'i~o causo á sus cürnpaíle­

b~,k and,,~ ~ o el"",, ~. 11.., t~c ~,:lJ,.~,\¡.lt,":l :'1 ul>,.mun U.Cle aU;',¡teJ o,]", u,g (Ú ,'''''n:",,\ Walk.el' t~a Pr"~¡. Uun 01' Col. Fry am! Mr. French was to takc ms un gran regocIJo por hallarse II1corporado ~ommmee(J, and ,)101'(JY ufl",.) () c¡"',k, the) \\ ore 8,,,mn- d',.ncy. I.hc a,ldJT's" V;ilS "¡,(""" l>y ItOollflIL VIVas, Se", '." ' .' , 'l' "bl l. ,1 b· '11 A ' .. di' - ' d' mg up llw Lake towards <Jranuua. 'l'he<.apt,,¡ns 01' eOIl'. , ha,fm J\ln,."".c,co, l'edro q"nJra, 1.).".r"fye!tyos aHl many S~n C,allus by surpll:se, I POS"I e, or .ot lec I en, .~ .ll,~ 011 r!lencan.o e eJerelto e~lO-p&n;es "B," uud .' c," "He hGth skk witlt fever; hutas i olhers. 'fhi, (;"n. '\VaL",,- ,lecli"ed in favor ,)f Geu. wlse If neces:sary, as they hall beell led to I ccatlCU bUJu las .ordenes del Jeneral n al.­ndthe,r "re nwn thal will aH"w (Íleil' corupa"ics to ¡ro ;u-I CorraL A ('o:run¡uee 01' e,;lihus, joine.d by ¡hePdost" suppüse that a boId. demand to surrellller tlle I ker. to_aetion una~co:npunied by .th,'m,clvc, wh;!". ahl" toland MI" Ji",a [;UiL. lak Millbtcr .~f 'Ya!', a1d.111-. place 'would be follo,yed by CLlln pi ian ce, and El Sr, Parker H, French, Este caballe­ralse an arm, lt 18 not Sllrlm~mg. f"~JJl the latlgué ,hey ¡:Mateo Mayorga, lato Mml.'\er. ~f l!orelgn 1"la(¡('l18, 't wa' lillally res.olved to lIlake the demando ro es uno de l.os recien 11 e<rad.os· auncue underw~llt, tllll.t tb.ey ~H\'".(" 611H:e suhercd more al,.·utcly, i called UpOH the Al11~rICar; M!Jlt:itcr" Col. Whc-elc,r, aH 1 S .• . . . _ I •• , " .. ' 4' • - ~, '. ~ f, from the "ffccts of" m".\;ught "",reh, ¡ "Iso Capl, Scott, t!te Gem,ral Agellt oí the Trans,t 01m- As the stea,mer approuched m Ion,:; canr • .oll esta no es su plllnera. VISita a e~le pdlS

About miJuight, a!lJ arte,r ahout genm ]¡ours st"am- pally, and r"que.ted that he woule! pl'ouéed ,),, Hwge a boat ,,,as sel¡t 011 shore W!I,\¡ the cap· hermoso. C.omo es mm bien c.on.oeldo por ing, a ~aint 0:', th~ Lal:e "r~~l'e.' ,JisVmt !'rl)~n :'~'a~arl", in ,,;here Gene~-"l ~;'>rn~~ w:",' "':11,', proposi,tion~? peae". \ tain a.ud two, of !lis .crew, bearing a, note de- á aqu,f y e.omo t!cne I~uchos amigos entr~ a .nor:h easterl, ,d¡rectlOlJ, <, JO"t lo~r lJ1llcb<"a, r'"ach?d. C~I. ,"Vbccler dLrlm~,l, ,1> 11., md not Wlsh 1;(."",umjJro- , mandmg the HllmedlUte surrcndec of the fort· lüs hiJOS Jel pals tUVImos tanto n.osotros Thcdlsenl~arc~tlOll cOUHncnc.(~d, t~l...; Amel'lral1:i landmg rm:,c hlS GOYBJ'nnH'nt ni ally shape. llut wl!c~ it was lb' '. Id .. , 1 > l' J" fJ'. "1 ' . 11'· 1 • • first, amllorrumg 011 the lhell followerl lhe na. urgcd ¡JY tha bUpp1icatiollS, "ven lo tears, 01 ~;cse per, I hut :·Iore It cou reac I t IC um 1Il" a s .1Ot como aq~e os . un .g,ran _ p acel , pOI. /SU ~Ye IlOOPS, .Ome :lOO st1'ong, u,nder,Gcn. y.'lle. ~he SUllS, "ud Lhat no douLt "xioled in the ur¡nds,O'é'''~y tlmt }',!.¡!s f¡r~d. the steall1ers lJOws, Willcn llegada. Su re~lCn VlClW a San l' rancISCo 11Ig1t was <Iark and ful'cateued ram. fhe thlCk tro¡ncal Lhu. pe""" wouhl be s~ttl,,,d. and. tha.t suth m,~',tel'ellee 1 was tl'm::Kíy lolluwed by ~cl'eral others, oae le ha restablecido su salud. growlh. extended ~Imost lo.t~e. YC,ry page of lhe Lake; ,,:a~ noL .u:J".,"ual m lhe ,hplonlUtJC hl".tO. ry of ."'.'< ....• r): eo~,. '1 uf which ricul:hctting acro~s the ,vater. feH Sabemos que se interesa much.o en el, n.oneof thcAmerJ('ansknewlllwlnchdlrec1 .. mtheywerc d,tlOr.,cnmze,l 01' s"vago-he conscnted, aI':<:,efttl"s I ,',1 t· b'" ftl ''''1 'l'hel:0l)tam bienestar públic.o y el" 'd d d to mar eh, and the lendency ofevcrythiugwas toproduce cityaL nJidllight, llooolllpanicd hy MI'. Juan 1¡:jz who ~ lOrt 111' 1 ,1 C,lIO.o ,le \es:se . ,. n a plosperl a . ,e ~",nfu8ionanddisorder, yr.L theselfrcliauceoftheAmer g"v" ht. parole ,,[honor t<lJ'ctUI'll.: (;;'l:y his 01' tbe sle:UlIcr and llls two men were taken todo paIs en que tIene la suerte de VIVir, ican., back~.d b,Y the ~nergy llIlddiscretion oflbe offiecrs, I'ávlttc ",,?l'cmry, l'holJ~as 1". V '.. '¡~:-¿, 'lü~y , pris.oners as ~oon as they lanJed. CoL Fry y (Iue con ~I apoyo de su ingenio y la o~~:r-ca!l cliffieultles, aml urdcr govemcd th" wllOle "e,~hed l\~v ... " ab,o,u.' ~ o dock,un ' '1 rl~,c~ I Lhen cmba:keu lwenty-five lIIet.1 ÜI lwo sll,all ayu~a ele b 1ll1prenlahaadelantado mucho p mg. . ''''" btrongJy furtrü ... 1 oy Ih~ . . CUI-, b.oat~ under the cOJllllJand. of Capt. 'l'ulnbull los llltereses y el prt)<rreso de sus ('onciu·

At length an were on ~ore, 1l1~ eOmp""W8 (¡mned, ral w,'" absent. Afll'l' l'emannng a ' . ", ,. ,'. , ... 11 b' d· d r·, ¡:ti '." p . Jlnd orded to mareh was glven_ Slowl~' and ,.au,i'Jllsly his horses, witb tha iuLention 01' wlth lUstt UctlOll~ lo storl,n a ~1.~1a attery a anos en va 1 orllla- or esta, cümo por tliey. began to pick thdr way thruugh the dal'knc," ;mu inf"rmed thaL he must remain; aqd some few hundl'eu yards dlst.ant lrom the f.ort, !nuc~as otras razones esperam.os que se thickW1derw~od- . Asthey advan(;~(: in single file along the~r uT!'¡.,wel'e plaeed at !ti~ d~or. • Directlyafter tbey left the steamer't! slde a IdentIficará con los habitantes de Nicara-.. muddy ,traIJ, gu~ded "r. som~ natn',e uffie,,,.,,, tho day agaHl.t s~ch COOUU";t 1\8 a gl'';bS, VlOlatlO very' heavy shuwer set in c0111plctely wetling gua y que 8e establecerá en esta ciudad. h .... a"·~ tJ'_' "'" ... '""11. 'I WO OJ' ttlrf'.p. time,; trlPy l.alted. the ad- and a dchberatc anu ".;nmtuú .J!lsul·· to th 1" f h" C' ~~ haVl~g Ivuml a ua(;lve vH lws wa,Y tUÚl;:' uau) ~"'''W''~L~'' . ..l1" ... ..,.'u,s lhU.'M.pi ~);r, two .tle .. amU1.1Il.lun O t e stO.rlfl1ng party. ~pt. _ '. . )a~~. que.stlOns \Vere ask~~, cÚlllr,,,lictor!. ~nswer8 ,'C- fri~llds in V!~gir~ B~y beCOJllillg.,· 'ru.rnbull immedio 'le1},""'!D. vifry' lJl'l:IlAAI~, ~ On the e~c~lI1g after our arr¡val in tlús eity,,, c(nvoo. \Vhleh lea to the opmlOn that we mlght find some ""lety "n,l ]¡lu d,spalched a cUllrier .ordcred tb!! rcturn uf lile boat t '\ "1 few oC our men, h.,mg procured a couple uf Jrums "nd

, ~ s u .. U! ,"í!s~e ",a \ljeT w~r,t on the Pla,," and played .ev~ral llational .Irs,



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Page 4: Periódico 'El Nicaragüense', órgano oficial del Gobierno

thlee hundred of the enemy On the Plaza, One, a llj,tive tain the fuets, who was unab1e fa ¡;enetr"o< ~ "t by I 'rh· e- 1 ¡¡ '. ~ was b~ought aJong as a guide, and di.missed upon a.rriv: a kind native woman he was toíd oC - "oudi. e a I orrua passcngerló wel'e mUCltf_umong which' ",~r" "nan o.lnmbia," " Y""k",, Doo-ing U¡ t)¡1l suburbs. Col. Gilman, in companr with Gen. ¡ion of the U. S. Minister, and'who b , _" !& alarmed, a/~d Col. 1:<'ry, bcing ullwilling to rhk 'Ji~," &c.,-~i.itillg ~m American ~iuisler,. alld a f"w Valle were Oil horseback on account of their Jameness. lum immediately. The stcamel' Virg,," "".., * ': dis-¡ tite lIves oí so many defenseless people by a 01 tVII Amenean reoulenl!., On arnvmg at Gen, ,"­They,in compan?, with.CoI. JIornsbY"v;ere to be seen at patched to S.tint George, ¡he ~earcsI po~~ tI' Jntab ¡,y I close C8l1nonading fight, was compelJe¡)tu 01 er'S 9-u'ar!{J'8, he. waa hwdl~ tJ!~led for, ~h~n ,he mad.e tbe head of tlle lme; Gen. W alker, though on foot, was water, under charge of Ca¡;t. ~cott, wb.o "'"4 fO,lU', can- der the ~tea mer's retuFI to v· . B' I Ihe fullmn1l1l' lInef and ~oll~ted ~d¡jress.- 'í ellow CI­to be seen everywherf>. non hea\i:v .hottcd This "¡,,rmed th~ ,:" 'emO! snd the l. Irgm ay, W lere lize .... an~~-Mdlel'8-tbl. "', perltaps, the firn time

Alier a march of tour miles, the Iittlc army carne upon Prefect, C,;'l. .l". Xdtruche, und Ewa,,' ~as~~ll¡j;"'-C"L. passengers aod speCle were landed. Aftcr that ~uch musi(, illi"J"'"",lIetn·.t"u the Plat .. of Graba-th .. e o .. utskirts ofthe tu,,"; unconsciously thdr pace was I Wheeder seut the Governor word by 'ú" Mi1llstc,. i'( obtaining ~ome ncce:;sary provision~ fOI" Ihe I da; let U8 hope that il Q1pr bt.~)I"'M-d the;~ b,t'ollllb· "fu. quiekened; at lost the order was given to advauce in War that ir he was delnined finother' ltLl,fli"n<P commalld tIIcy camc 00 tu L<rauad,¡, ture ages." Wlteu be cl:ded we 'thuughl ,of :~ar'4 d<fuble quick time, which ",as done with a cheer; at I wúllJJ attack Rivas and Ilot aman 01' . wo.u~' .b" 'I'his Ol:currence tcadlcs us une thin'" tI. t ,. ve";, ~idi, vieir leli'gt. I¡, the old western whoop was given, which must '1' sI ,"red ; that Ih"y might take ltis Ji!'e . ,.. . lif. (Jo" th t't ' 1 j ,. ", t.t --~--lC_ d 1 hii I ., d"" l~.', a I \Va. s t le (clCl'llUnatlOU of Aristocra· ""'ñ= U~· I k l~V:e aroli."'ie .. ~any a s ot u guaruinn fr0111 his couth, '1' \'ernment was able Ilud 1"'''" y too prote"ct ",.....t' ~ n e a e .pl .... j~!t..!'I· stating' 81Id $he whole r",ce advill>ce,l on a b/lrricade in one of vernur then oranted him a plisspúrt to ttc I,¡rces statíoued at San Carlos 10 captuce.' ,Ihellem"cralic fvl'c-e8·~«II;pl)8<¡¡'.í'oitJti: ~1It> &1a"eet:; Mil gaillen Ute PI"",>1 without auy reslstance; I depart on t7le noxl day al 4 ,,'e Ü)¡~,.c;..."·>}.1Fl.t'.!!'~ ~tp"rnpr "'1d ma k" wal' un.thrf :&iugle .iu.taoce at litis poiilt SOllle Jittle iíghting was dOlle, which resu.1t-! mOl'ning. Col. Wheelel' determined ,·Ü)flhey had fil'ed three shots betole':'¡"~,r:t .. . el!. in one killed 011 thdr side, (a native drUlnmer,) with ¡ alld so lfiful'med the Gov .... rnor, ",loo .¡le rnel-'II boat reachcd Ihe Jan1iu/!, a.l.ld "'~I"~:' 11 _ Si;. me ... I5 of the enemy kiHeti ~~,l se,-erallaken prisoncr •. ¡! eort of about an huodred meu ' fi h k I §" ti' W¡'en the lighting was ovel' "few AH,,,";C",ns had their Sto G,'orge. '11,e .olemu ¡;Ie(~ge be ore t ey -new t lere wel'e a !'Y P4ltiot tJ'oéps .de~i¡¡.t l'\Ik ,,""¡ .. e $ti\intion drawn towards the San Francisco Chnl'ch by: W.r, was sharut:ÍuJly ,'jotatcti' by 't~1 .h9ard. 'l'he (Jolh~any IHU,¡! 110w look ..... ,m(C, h.rrica'¡"o_ a'féw ,hot. firoo o'" or ,l .• 1.011;), ~yJ" u .. l.l"l-f ~n fh'" I H; .. ,,,,. lue DC1Hút:ratíc GiJ'venml¿lIL iorproteciton. . I~' lri "". "",'. opQtthey found about eighty prisoners, men, women and J General o.rral ó'.a.!'''_-~t" ... !t .. á. ,ad'¡lIb/lJl*~DJ,í ohll.ilr~u. in the 1\10ót Etate of mi~ery, and in I sud the followiÍlg 'V1" ... -.¡¡hai.;s-,-11 of, whom were hnmediately released. copies 01' whieh we are . UST 08 OI!FICERB IN TllE AMERIC¿" DATA1.L10N·. "'~~':""'''''''.ol.''''';;>f'~1'''''

1'~ o.ty L~!ngsecure~, the ?ex~ step was to g~t pos- [Literal Trallsalalion.] L ,. ; '( . .tr \Ve beg to . . ~~ll8tón ?ftl:m fort. Thls fort lB sltuate about." mde ea"t COMMANDER IN ({filO" O" <HE MMY "F ·Titt en;' 'L:'O Gen. 'Vm. Walket; Col. C. C. HorllShy i Lieut. thut uur colul\1i1s ~hlre eJty, ~nd on tbe b~k of the Lak,,; It mounted o.' NWAiUGUA, .'.C • ~': Col. Chas. J. Gilman ¡ Col. n. D. }!'ry; Surgeon, which ",in be ,00 M(I,d. it'",.te, . .t.I!imOl~~l,n o~e twenty,~our and. two ,etghtee? pounders, ~nd forty , Ilead QUaI.t.,. .. , marcMng, Oct, 17, 18á:i?;~~ Alcx. ~. J?nesi (ir, Master, Copt. W. H. Williamson; the l':ngli.h or Spanish department. ,~ed. men, for .~lO assault, Li~ut. Col. Glh?~n sud To the Minister of the U. S. A, io lIIicaragua:2 ,,;;¿ Cumm,ssanat, Ur, P. P. Cole; A •• t. Jo. De Brisset have"JI ext"nsive cil'culation among Ibe 1rI{~ty five Amenc:,"s, were detalled. 011 arrtvmg Al I am placed in Ihe imperious Decessity tb man~!;'ft lo ~Yandeville; OrdiRance, Liellt. EdwarJ Rawle; Ad- Nicaragua a.~·",-e11 ",,~,e United Siates o,nd EUl'ope. t!t,elr place of destmal1011, they: gOl "w~rm reception the Minioter of.lhe U. S; A .• tIJat in cOIl •• quelíce:f~Jhi. Jutunt, Lleut. Geo. R. Caston. whieh offer. illducements to the mercantil. cornmuuity ftdl1l lhe enem;r, ,vho were statloned bchmd log., POBts retulll to lho city 01' Gran~Ja, in tbe ste.lun.· .~;J¡~;the COMPA"y"A." of ,hi. dty, we ltope they will take advaIlt"ge 01: IlÍlil _boats,drawn up on the bcach; the g~lJallt Colonel accessory Trallsit Company, taken by Ihe ,1,'hie!,COIll' ,, Jnhn Markh.m; lst Lieut. Dan!. K. Bay-,der~d hls men, not lo ,,:aste ""shot unul they _ couJd , 'flanding the fOlees who oceupy that plaée; V{ ~he ob- ley; 2d tlo Oeo. H. Caston; 1st Ser~t. W m. J, Meny. JobDy of tlle American batallion have had a slight at-

éfr'liw on the wlute of theJr eye, advan,:cd caUtIOUS!y, Iject lo hurt, 01' inl.endiug to hurt, Ihe tOrceS:oft!lie·Su- man; 2d du Ira Munson; 1s1 Corl'oral.John B. Moore; tack of fevel' since their urrival in Granada, among, but coolly, whcn they commenced a. brlsk ~re, which I prcme Gov.rnment, wha I have tlIe l1onot"t.o col!ll'la~ 2d d", Robt. l' CJurdner. ",hom are Capts.Davidson and Brows'ter; they are, how-.d~ove the en~ll1y tlu'oug~ the fort, and ,·,to thetr bo"t8.- in ltivas, 1 wnl now in!'orm you tha! liQm llllt,.el WIJI OOMPANV "D." ever, quickly recovcl'ing, snd we soon hope te se" our ~Yhen char,gmg Gil the (lIt y, Col. Hornsby led the Amer-¡ not be responoible fur what lila '. . ' , A. S.l3rew.tcr¡ 1st Lieut. Geo. W Lcarusl'd; frienus;'the captains, al Ihe lIead ahhcir diff~rent com-lcan .b.atall1oll, ,":!d though the~e w€l:e.rn~'r fast ones in I Bonally, foi' having interfered inYour·· . 1st Ser~eant Wno. E. Moody; 2d do Geo. m.t; 1st panies. ~e clOwd, the Colone! kapt hl. pO~ltiOll1l1 the van, be-I "ions to the pr.judice 01' the Huprome . . corporal GeoJ. Hichardson; 2d do Juhn Brady, mg .fue first ~n ~~le ~lal.a ~and burnmg ~,~e fi:-st powder who has r~cognise,J and admitted him; 88 Iluch aH the ~OMPANY '~{).:' ~ . GOVER~ÑOH, KINNEy. f

0/1 the PAlCl:ny ~th hls trn.ty and well tncd rtlle.--Gen.· mad" hilJlljelf bearer of COnllnll/ll(lRtiÜ'le and pro- Capto Geo, R. DaVld.on; J.t Lleut. n. M_ Grlm; 1st W 1 " , 'u ti . d umber of lhe Walkel', wlth. hl8 usual coolncss a~d br~~ery, was ~véry- el.mations agaillst the legitimlltely 'l-ecogn~iéd "ul~ori- Sergeant (,11.8. L. Barrus; 2d do Charles L. Fisher¡ 1 st e lave re~l!1 ve. le~con.n ,' .. wh~re .COnspICUOU~ the. profu:,d.ty. 01 ~ntell~et dI8pla):- tv; there!üre, 1 now pIOtes!, .lld '1 givtlc,~ '1'" notíee, CorjlOl'Ul 'l'hos. J. Smith; 2d do Geo. Cadí.le. Central Amencan, 111 wluch we eal'lnot per· ed l!, lu< ge,neralship, l'al~lllg hi,m st1l1 hlghel' 111 Ihe estl- Ibat on this same date, I informad t!le s.cretary ., _ LlST 0>' KILl.ED.. • I ceive that improl'elüent .on the fir~t i'SS;le thaL matlOn of hlS fellow.suldlC:",-;-fhus ended tite batt100f State, of the U. S., Gov. Marey, and the u¡"l,¡papers Lleut. Col~ Achtlk. Kewen; 1~aJ. Tlmothy, ~roeker; was promised, It contams Mr. Klllney S Gub-Grenada, the Sebastapol 01 Nlcaragnll, N. York. '" Sergea.nt "':m. S. Melndoe; .Pmates, Wm. C. Coth. el'llatorial effort to the citizens of Sao Juan

1 am yon .. dear servant, IÍ¡l~. L. am, W []J. Colo, "Vm. H. nalley, Wm. Hews, John d . ' l' 1 . t _ _ _ PO!lClANO~JORRAL. Wilson, Frank Cole, K II, .Eastabrook, del Sur an Its terrltory, W HC 1 w~ propose ("

ratrlOts Jroln Cahf'ol·lua. __.~ DEATm. han die as he and it de&erves 111 our ,nt'xt . d . --d d LEGATION UF U. S. A., NEAR REl'UDLlC dF Í<'cAR·AUUA, Henry Wheeler, Ch"" mellardson, James COllnolly, i~sue. It appears that Farmer Kinnej has

• ~esu:r ay was a gl~ . ay for the Dem~- ,Vi1-~i" Ba!!, Oct. 18~S5(j. Thomus Cowan, Joseph IIelmuth, -- Lnylon. giveo up his original idea, and aspires t? sorne-cratic Gover~ment of NlCatagua. It gave eVI- To General Ponmano Corral. . .. ' -~-----, - • tilin'" hwhcr thao the plough-share; thls beiug dence of the mtense sympatily ofthe people of 1 have Ihe honor t~ aek~owlcdg<; the rec~pt of youl' I ~ On tbe arrl~al of the CBhfolDla~s nnder CoJo , ,., to . 1,1 'tfi II su-est thRt the United States for Re ublican riaci les ¡Jeuer of yeslerday, m whlch you mform ·,<Ie lhal ~ou ¡ Fry, yesterday eveumg, they were rece~ved by !hetr the cabe, we w~u .respel: u, J oto

. P . P T ~ " are "compolled to manifest to me yOllr pi.lles!, ",g'IDRt' fellow collnlrymell aod fellow laborers, loud VivaS, as he prngresses m hl:j extenslve sc~rne he wh~~eve~ they: ~.nay be fo~nd .. ?en. ~ alkers my rcturn too n.e city of Onmada with th~óbj~. ·o.f ill-I a~d a sal.ute of De,?o~r.tic Ihunder; the belIs of the will dísmiss his .blackp¡miths and secU'l'e th~. posltion m thu! co~mtry lS exact~y palallel 10 l· JUry to the torces under your !,ornmar¡d lU Ihe ,e-.y" of clty. peahng Ollt thelf JOyous and welcoma Ilote~ to the .erviccs of printers. that he ma.y be ab: e t,~ that oC Lafayett's 1Il tlte revolutlOnary stru"', l:iva •. " ",' " SOI,S of f .. eelle"" maklOg 0111' hearls bound Wltlt the '.. l' I''''ll t" t ' h ,... dabJe"'áper gle in America. The one bowed down by 1 repJy that 1 !tad· tlO such object in Yil!itiil'gRhns, as kl1owledge.of beiog the iustr~ment. of im¡larting so I glve liS U," U tn ouc es JO a, r,ea r .. . " d' ·.1 ' 'ted I J ·f· wiJl appear more fully by a l"t~erwhieh1.'Wlotero the much hal'pmess ¡mdhopes uf Juturepcaeeaudpro8per- .• I .

&ppreslon I an hmlSrlUe, IbnvI , _ le I? rom .Military Governor of that Departm,t""t, '" co!"r 01' ity to a down trotlden and oppresscd people. ~ We are cnmpeltedto omit man}' arllO eo.ut France; t le o~ er, ton~ y CIVIl .brol18 and which 1 enclose to yOll. 1 had .. ,o p"rs~nol .tI,esira to _____ ' ¡nlerest a .. dilllportanoeto OUT fr'ends ID t¡',~Ufllte<l tlle haughtyanstocrats, Implored a1d from the Jeave Oranada; hUI inlluellced hy ~heel¡lcf cmzellll IIY As an indication of Ihe "good time com~ng," S~"te.. N ext we~k 'we ho~ Ip be able t';lfu!lllsh tlwm United States. 'I'he glorious result oC the one Granada, \your Own friends) th~ venerabléFa1h..... we are happy lo Ilo!.iee the arri"al of an .a~complt.hed Wlt\t further pat1.lCualrsof ourproeee,dmg., a'"l OUT

is a raillbow of pro mise to thc other and as .Ihe Church, th~ tears .of )vur ?lsteriÍ,. !I,,:¡gh:eril American huly fn'm California, with h'.'r hu.ban?. It I fulu_re....:p:..r_o_B:.p_ec_t_s.l..,.-:._..:c..._~ __ ....;~ __ ~~~ . , . , , '_ ulhcra, 1 consenled 10 VISIt you, lit COIl1pl1lV w¡th Don would seem that 11rs. Fry Is imbucd wllh the splflt of . . . . . a ' ~"G

the Untted States now J'evels ll1 the plclltItllde Juan Uuez, tlle Mini"ter 01' War, andyQIÚ'3up1rio~ in regeneration aud repubJicanism and we han her arrival ThI "n~aragutn&e""JJ'ltblW.eil . ..., ~e ."!lv . .-1'''' of pOWtr dn4 abundance, so may tbls favoredl oJlice, h~aring the olive brand1 oí' pe:¡\ce" thd a '(rOj»o, :"> the forerunner oí' happy eve;¡lI! and social elÚlltenée .",.~, Q~ tMP~.~;:,..,!&, $a!UT¡,/a1/. 1IIm;mng-h!J J&c<J'4 land, at a ouick pcriod, be surrl/unded with al! .• ition from the Commandcr Genenl ú\' tlit')emocratie In out new SJltlemenL. R • .Mul~ and GeOl¡o6. ' .ok •.



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