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Post on 20-Sep-2018




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¿Cómo sobrevive España con ese porcentaje escalofriante de parados? ¿Cómo no está a diario la gente en la calle? ¿Cómo no se disparan las cifras de hurtos, de robos, de asaltos? Hay algo que no cuadra, te dicen desde fuera. La contención misteriosa del pueblo español encuentra su explicación en la economía sumergida, que existe, obvio, pero conociendo a los míos me decanto más por la idea de que es la familia, esa institución que tanta aversión intelectual provocaba en mi generación, la que está salvando el país del desastre. Una solidaridad muda y eficaz que está paliando el déficit de guarderías, de ayudas relacionadas con la célebre ley de dependencia, que afectan al cuidado de enfermos crónicos, ancianos o discapacitados. Nadie está ya libre, o casi nadie, de tener que tender su mano a algún familiar en paro o de tener que subvencionar las vidas de unos hijos que no vislumbran el momento de ser plenamente independientes. ¿Estábamos malcriados? Puede, puede que nos mereciéramos una reprimenda, puede que no hubiéramos sabido transmitir a nuestros hijos que la generación de nuestros padres fue la del hambre, puede que con tanto empeño en la recuperación de la memoria histórica se nos hubiera olvidado lo esencial, que España era, en esencia, un país humilde en el que la gente no gastaba más allá de lo que tenía. Puede que necesitáramos con urgencia un cambio de mentalidad, de acuerdo, pero eso no significa que fuéramos merecedores de este castigo. Un castigo que sufren con más virulencia, como si el hilo de esta historia los manejara un ser perverso, aquellos que carecen de responsabilidad en este caos económico.

España se va manteniendo gracias a la unión de muchos esfuerzos anónimos e individuales. Eso es lo que de momento contiene el cabreo que produce el ver que los responsables de esta pesadilla nunca serán castigados.

ELVIRA LINDO 16/05/2012 Tras leer atentamente el texto, responda a las siguientes cuestiones:

1º Ponga un título al texto. [0,5 puntos]. 2º Tipología textual. Clasifique el texto indicando el género y subgénero a que pertenece. [1 punto] 3º Realice un esquema del texto. [1 punto] 4º Comentario crítico-valorativo del texto. (Actitud del autor, rasgos estilísticos, valoración personal) [2 puntos] 5º Análisis sintáctico de la oración en negrita y subrayada: “Hay algo que no cuadra, te dicen desde fuera” (Renglón 3) [1,5 puntos]6º Elija y responda a una de las siguientes opciones:

a) Identifique desde el punto de vista morfológico las siguientes palabras del texto: [escalofriante] (r.1), [solidaridad] (r.8), [algún] (r.11), [mereciéramos] (r.14). [2 puntos] b) Léxico. Explique el significado en el texto de las palabras en negrita: contención (r.4), aversión (r.6), vislumbran (r.12), virulencia (r.21). [2 puntos]

7º Literatura. Elija y responda a una de las siguientes cuestiones: a) La narrativa española de los siglos XX y XXI: movimientos, tendencias, autores, obras. [2 puntos] b) El Siglo de Oro español: principales corrientes, movimientos, autores y obras. [2 puntos]

1-Vocabulary and Grammar Choose the correct answer (22 x 1=22 points) 1 ____'s his name? Paul

a How b Who c What d Where

2 These are Michael and his sister, Peggy. ____ my friends.

a We're b I'm c You're d They're

3 ____? He’s from Germany. a Where are you from? b Where is he from? c Where from you are? d From where you are?

4 We’re from Bergamo. ____ is in Italy. a They b It c He d She

5 Excuse me, how ____ your last name? A-S-H-L-E-Y

a spell b you spell c do you spell d spell you

6 Oh, ____ are my keys! a This b Here c That d It

7 I'd like ____ ice-cream, please. a a b ⎯ c an d two

8 And here is your ____. a book b books. c a book d an book.

9 My name's Peter and this is Betty. ____ doctors from Wales. a I'm b We'rec She's d They're

10 Sorry, ____ Henry. My name's Eric. a I isn't b I is not c I aren't d I'm not

11 When do you play soccer? ____ Thursdays. a On b In c At d By

12 ____? No, he isn't. a Are they teachers? b Are you from Italy? c Is Mr Cunning a singer? d Is this your phone?

13 ____ is the church? It's 100 years old. a How many years b How much years c What years d How old

14 What is ____? a job Susan b Susan job c Susan 's job d job's Susan

15 Your watch is next ____ the table. a on b to c in d of

16 ____ are the pencils? On the table. a What b When c Where d Who

17 I go to school ____ foot. a with b by c for d on

18 She ____ to study. a not have b don't have c don't has d doesn't have

19 Stephen ____ in our factory. a work b works c is work d working

20 ____ they study in Oxford? a Are b Is c Do d Does

21 ____ to the theatre. a He not often go b He don't go often c He doesn't often go d Often he don't go

22 What time ____ her lessons? a starts she b do she starts c does she starts d does she start

2-Vocabulary and Grammar Choose the right answer (5 x 2= 10 points)

Christie’s experts thought the portrait was a 17th century Rembrandt copy, and valued it at just $3,100. But the British person who paid about 1,500 times more than that apparently knew what he was doing. Experts have confirmed the portrait "Rembrandt Laughing" — bought for a ridiculous price of $4.5 million at Christie’s in October — is a self-portrait by the Dutch painter himself.

William Noortman, specialist in Dutch and Flemish masters, said it's worth $30 million to $40 million, adding: "I'm very surprised people didn’t pay more”.

Art expert Jan Six from another auction house, Sotheby's, didn’t want to put a new price on the painting. But he said the sale itself was a unique opportunity, as Rembrandt's works come on the market only once every few years. "A self-portrait by Rembrandt, that's absolutely unique," Six said.

Rembrandt made the self-portrait about 1628, when he was in his early 20s and lived in his hometown, Leiden. He was earning his reputation as an artist, and experimenting with a mirror and his own face to capture expressions.

1. Why did Christie’s give the painting such a low value? They thought it was only worth that much. They forgot to add a "0" to the number. They thought it was a copy. 2. The painting was bought for 4.5 million pounds. How much is it worth? About $30-40 million About $4.5 million

$3,100 3. How often do Rembrandt's works come on the market? Once every decade Once every couple of years Twice a year 4. Rembrandt painted this self portrait: after he left his home town of Leiden. when he was in his 20s. without using a mirror. 4. The text is about: A book. A film. A painting.

3. Answer the following questions. (6 x 3= 18 points)

1. What was the last thing you drew? _________________________________________________________________________

2. What sculptures do you know? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where are cameras sold? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you could go to any place right now where would you go? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Please, translate “Model Making”? _________________________________________________________________________

6. Name 3 materials to make jewels with _________________________________________________________________________