manual inglés básico

Inglés Básico Unidad I Socialización Objetivo Terminal Expresar en forma oral y escrita, saludos, presentaciones, despedidas, permisos, disculpas y agradecimientos en el idioma Inglés. Contenido Saludos Formales Informales Despedidas Presentaciones Presentarse Presentar a otros Expresiones Disculpas Permisos Agradecimientos 5

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Inglés Básico

Unidad I Socialización

Objetivo Terminal

Expresar en forma oral y escrita, saludos, presentaciones, despedidas,

permisos, disculpas y agradecimientos en el idioma Inglés.








Presentar a otros





Información de la unidad

Las formas de relacionarse entre las personas son muy variadas. En Inglés

se utilizan diversas expresiones que permiten el acercamiento o

conocimiento entre las personas de manera formal e informal, desde el

saludo hasta la manera de presentar a otras personas. En esta unidad el


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Inglés Básico

participante se relacionará con esas expresiones, permitiendo ponerlas en

práctica entre sus compañeros.

Grammar / Gramática

Formal Greetings / Saludos Formales

In the Morning / En la Mañana: Good Morning / Buenos Días

In the Afternoon / En la Tarde: Good Afternoon / Buenas Tardes

In the Evening / En la Noche:

At Night / En la Noche Good Evening / Buenas Noches

Informal Greetings / Saludos Informales

Hi / Hello Hola

How are you? ¿Cómo estás tú? / ¿Cómo está Usted?

How do you do? ¿Cómo Está Usted? / ¿Cómo le va a usted?

How do you feel? ¿Cómo se siente?

Information Questions

Preguntas Informativas



How are you?


I’m very well

I’m so so

Pretty Good


Thank you And you?

¿Cómo estás tú?


Estoy muy bien

Estoy regular

Muy bien


Y usted?

Y tú?


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Inglés Básico

En el inglés no se establece diferencia entre el usted (you) y tú (you)

Farewell Expressions / Expresiones de Despedida

Good Bye! Adios

Bye! Adios

See you Nos Vemos

Tomorrow Hasta Mañana

See you Later Nos vemos más Tarde

Next Week Hasta la Próxima Semana

Soon Hasta Pronto

So long Hasta Luego

Until Tomorrow Hasta Mañana

Examples / EjemplosInformal Dialogue / Dialogo Informal

A: Hello Aurilu Hola Aurilu

B: Hi Iralis. How are you? Hola Iralis. ¿Cómo estás?

A: I’m fine thanks, and you? Estoy bien gracias, ¿y tú?

B: Pretty Good Muy bien

A: See you later Nos vemos más tarde

B: See you! Nos vemos

Formal Dialogue / Dialogo Formal

A: Good Morning Mr. Rojas Buenos Días Sr. Rojas

B: Good Morning Mrs. Smith Buenos Días Sra. Smith

A: How do you do? ¿Cómo estas?

B: I’m very well, thank you Estoy muy bien, gracias.

Self Introduction / Presentación de sí mismo

My name is… Mi nombre es…


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Inglés Básico

I am / I’m… Yo soy…


My name is Aurilu Mi nombre es AuriluI am / I’m Alfred Yo soy AlfredoWhat’s your name? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

Introducing others / Presentando a otrosInformal

This is (Susan) Esta es (Susan)

She is (Mirian) Ella es (Mirian)

He is (Carlos) El es (Carlos)

Nice to meet you Encantado (a) de conocerte

Nice to meet you too Encantado (a) de conocerte también


A: Peter this is Marlene Pedro esta es Marlene

B: Hi Marlene, I’m Peter Hola Marlene, Soy Pedro

C: Hi Peter, Nice to meet you Hola Pedro, Encantada de conocerte

B: Nice to meet you too Encantado de conocerte también


Let me introduce you to… Permitame presentarle a…

How do you do? Encantado de conocerle

(How do you do?, en este caso es

utilizado como una respuesta más

que como una pregunta y debe

obtener una respuesta con la misma


Glad to meet you Encantado de conocerle


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It’s a pleasure to meet you Es un placer conocerte (le)


A: Good Morning Mr. Rojas Buenos Días Sr. Rojas

B: Good Morning Mr. Perez, Buenos Días Sr. Pérez

Let me introduce you Miss Cabrera Permítame presentarle a la

Srta. Cabrera

C: How do you do? Encantada

A: How do you do? Encantado

Apologize Expressions / Expresiones de Disculpa

Giving an Apologize / Dando una disculpa

Excuse me Discúlpame / Discúlpeme

I’m sorry Lo Siento / Lo Lamento

Pardon Me Perdóname

Forgive me Perdóname

I beg your Pardon Perdóname


Excuse me for coming late Discúlpeme por llegar tarde

I’m sorry. Can you repeat? Lo siento, ¿Puede repetir?

Accepting apologies / Aceptando disculpas

Don’t worry No se preocupe

It’s all right Está bien

It’s OK Está bien

No problem No hay problema


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A: Excuse me for coming late Discúlpeme por llegar tarde

B: That’s OK Está bien

Expressions for asking permission / Expresiones para pedir permiso

Excuse me Disculpe

May I…? ¿Puedo yo? (Formal)

Can I…? ¿Puedo yo? (Informal)

Would you mind…? ¿Le importaría…?


Excuse me, May I come in? Disculpe, ¿Puedo entrar?

Excuse me, Can I go out? Disculpe, ¿Puedo salir?

Giving Permission / Concediendo Permiso

Yes, you may Sí, tu puedes

Yes, you can Sí, tu puedes

Of course! Por Supuesto

Sure Seguro


A: May I go out? ¿Puedo salir?

B: Yes, you may Sí, tú puedes

A: Thanks Gracias


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Refusing Permission / Rechazando Permiso

You may/can not No puedes

I’m sorry, you may not Lo siento, no puedes

Of course not Por supuesto


A: May I use your pen? ¿Puedo utilizar tu bolígrafo?

B: I’m sorry, you may not. Lo siento, no puedes

Giving Thanks / Dar las gracias

Thank you Gracias (Formal)

Thanks Gracias (Informal)

Thanks a lot Muchas Gracias

Thank you very much Muchísimas gracias

Accepting Thanks / Agradeciendo

You’re welcome De nada

That’s OK Está bien

That’s all right Está bien

Don’t mention it No hay de que

Forget it! Olvidalo

Not at all! Por nada


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A: Can you lend me your pencil? ¿Puedes prestarme tu lapiz?

B: Sure Seguro

A: Thank you very much Muchísimas gracias

B: You’re welcome De nada

Pronouns / Pronombres

Personal Pronouns(Pronombres Personales)

Possessives Adjectives(Adjetivos Posesivos)




I Yo My Mi, mis

You Tú / Usted Your Su, sus

He El His Su, sus

She Ella Her Su, sus

It Eso (a) / Esto (a) Its Su, sus



We Nosotros (as) Our Nuestro

You Ustedes Your Su, sus

They Elllos / Ellas Their Su, sus

El Pronombre Personal IT es utilizado sólo para animales o cosas en

singular, y en plural se utiliza el pronombre personal They que es usado para

personas, animales y cosas.

Las formas posesivas utilizadas como adjetivos siempre preceden al nombre

que modifican. Además como todos los adjetivos en Inglés, tienen la misma

forma en el singular y el plural.


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Inglés Básico


This is my apartment Este es mi apartamento

Mary is in her house María está en su casa

John is in his car José está en su carro

Information Questions / Preguntas Informativas

Information Questions Answers / Respuestas

What´s (what is)





name´s (name is)




Vocabulary / Vocabulario

Circle Círculo

Complete Completar

Come Venir

Come in Entrar

Example Ejemplo

Exercise Ejercicio

Farewells Despedidas

Go Ir

Go out Salir

Greetings Saludos

Listen Escuchar

Miss. Señorita


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Inglés Básico

Mrs. Señora

Mr. Señor

Speak Hablar

Point Señalar

Read Leer

Use Utilizar / Usar

Verbs Verbos

Write Escribir

Cardinal Numbers from 0 to 10 / Números cardinales de 0 a 10

0 Zero Cero

1 One Uno

2 Two Dos

3 Three Tres

4 Four Cuatro

5 Five Cinco

6 Six Seis

7 Seven Siete

8 Eight Ocho

9 Nine Nueve

10 Ten Diez


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Inglés Básico

Exercise 1

Listen, read and practice / Escuche, lea y practique

Informal Greeting(Saludo Informal)

Formal Greeting(Saludo Formal)

Exercise 2

Written practice

Complete this dialogue. Use greeting and good bye expressions. Complete

este diálogo. Utilice expresiones de Saludos y Despedidas.

A: ___________________ evening, students.

B: Good ______________, teacher.

A: ___________________ are you?

B: Fine, _______________ and you?

A: ____________________ thank you.

B: Good _______________, students.


- Hi, I’m Marlene - Hi, Marlene. My name is Dellys

- Hello, Mr. López.- Hello, Mr. Rojas. How do you do?.

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Inglés Básico

A: See ________ ________, teacher.

Exercise 3

Read and practice / Lea y Practique.

Formal introductionPresentación Formal

Informal introductionPresentación Informal

Exercise 4

Complete the conversation with greetings / Complete la conversación con


Dellys: Alice

Alice: Dellys


- Mr. Lima this is Mr. Rojas.- Mr. Rojas this is Mr. Lima- How do you do Mr. Rojas?.- How do you do Mr. Lima?

- Martin, this is Marleny- Marleny, this is Martin.- Hi, Marleny. Nice to meet you.- Nice to meet you, too.

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Exercise 5

Write a dialogue introducing someone / Escriba un dialogo presentando a


Exercise 6

Write a dialogue greeting someone / Escriba un dialogo saludando a alguien.


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Inglés Básico

Exercise 7

Read and practice / Lea y practique

Exercise 8Read and practice / Lea y practique


A. Excuse me. Can I use your pen?B. Sorry, you can’t

Pardon me! May I use your dictionary? Yes, you may.A. Thanks a lot

I’m sorryThat’s all right

Pardon meThat’s O.K.

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Inglés Básico

Exercise 9

Read and practice. / Lea y practique

Exercise 10

Fill in the blanks with the possessive adjectives / Llene los espacios en

blanco con los posesivos adjetivos.

Example: Mary is in her room

Anibal is in __________ house

We are in __________ classroom

The children are in __________ School

Exercise 11

Complete the numbers. Complete los números

One, two, _________, _________, _________, six, _________, _________,

nine, _________.


- May I come in?- Yes, you may- Thanks

- Can I go out?- Yes, you can

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Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

A. Greeting People / Saludando Personas

Complete the dialogue with the next expressions. Follow the example.

/ Complete el diálogo con las siguientes expresiones. Siga el ejemplo.

Expressions: Thanks – Hi! – Good Morning – Thank you – How are you?

Fine – I am very well

Example / Ejemplo:


, Fidel.


, Roberto. How are you?Roberto: Fine, Thanks.

Dialogue 1

Aura:(a) , Mario

(b) ?



Dialogue 2

Dr. Castillo:(a)

Mr. Lima.

Mr. Lima:Good Morning

Dr. Castillo.(b) ?

Dr. Castillo:(c)


B. Underline the correct answer for each greeting / Subraye la respuesta

correcta para cada saludo.


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Inglés Básico

Example:Hello, Simón

a) Thanks

b) Hi, Antonio

c) Thank you, and you

1) Good morning, Miss Castroa) Thank you

b) Good morning

c) Hello, Carlos

2) Hello Pedroa) Fine

b) Thanks

c) Hi, Lucy

3) Good morning, Mrs. Rojasa) Thank you

b) Good morning

c) Good morning Mrs. Rojas

4) Sorrya) Thanks

b) It’s O.K.

c) Nice to meet you

5) Forgive me!a) Glad to meet you

b) Thank you

c) It’s all right


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Inglés Básico

6) I’m very sorry!a) That’s O.K.

b) Hello

c) Fine, thanks

C. Complete this dialogue with the greetings and farewell expressions.

/ Complete el diálogo con expresiones de saludos y despedidas.

A: Good (a) _______________Mr. Campos!

B: Good Afternoon Mr. Guzmán. (b) _______________?

A: I am very well, thank (c) _______________, and you?

B: I am (d) _______________, (e) _______________.

A: OK. See you (f) _______________

B: Good (g) _______________

D. Put in order the words below to make a question./ Coloque en orden las

palabras de abajo para hacer una pregunta.


I - in - go - can - ?Can I go in?

a) in - May - come - I - ?


b) Can - me - I - Excuse - use - book - your - ?


c) your - May - use - pencil - I - ?


E. Write the numbers from one to ten / Escriba los números del uno al diez._________, _________, _________, _________, _________, _________,

_________, _________, _________ .


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Inglés Básico

Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación


Dialogue 1

a) Hi / Hello

b) How are you

c) Fine

d) Thanks

Dialogue 2

a) Good Morning

b) How are you?

c) I am very well

d) Thank you

B) 1) b

2) c

3) b

4) b

5) c

6) a

C) a) Afternoon

b) How are you?

c) You

d) Fine / Very well / OK / Pretty Good

e) Thanks

f) Later

g) Bye

D) a) May I come in?

b) Excuse me Can I use your book?

c) May I use your pencil?

E) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten


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Inglés Básico

Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a ten (10) lines dialogue using the following expressions / Escriba un

diálogo de 10 líneas utilizando las siguientes expresiones.

- Greetings

- Introducing someone

- Accepting apologies

- Giving thanks













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Inglés Básico

Unidad II Verbo to Be (Presente


Objetivo Terminal

Construir oraciones en Inglés, en forma oral y escrita utilizando el verbo

to be en presente simple.


Uso del verbo to Be en presente simple

Elementos de la oración





Definidos (the)

Indefinidos (an, a)

Alfabeto en Inglés

Información de la unidad

El verbo To Be (ser o estar) se presenta en las oraciones de las siguientes

formas: am - are - is en tiempo presente.

El sujeto de la oración, tal como sucede en castellano es de quien se habla

en la oración.

El pronombre es el elemento de la oración que puede sustituir al nombre o


El sustantivo es el elemento referido a personas, animales o cosas dentro de

la oración.


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El adjetivo es el elemento que puede acompañar al sustantivo para

describirlo o asignarle una cualidad.


I am a teacher. (Yo soy un profesor.)

You are a student. (Yo soy un estudiante.)

He is tall. (El es alto.)

She is beautiful. (Ella es bella.)

It is good. (Eso es bueno.)

We are in the living room. (Nosotros estamos en el recibo.)

You are from Caracas. (Tu eres de Caracas.)

They are players. (Ellos son jugadores.)


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Inglés Básico

Grammar / Gramática

Personal Pronouns

Pronombres Personales

Verb To Be

Verbo Ser o Estar






I Am I’m

You Are You’re

He Is He’s

She Is She’s

It Is It’s



We Are We’re

You Are You’re

They Are They’re

Nota: El apóstrofe(‘) se utiliza para la contracción de los pronombres con el

verbo to be, ejemplo: I am = I’m

Questions with the Verb To Be / Preguntas con el Verbo Ser o Estar

Yes, no questions (Preguntas Si / No)

Possible answers (Posibles Respuestas)

Are you a student?

Are you from Maracay?

Is Jane an artist?

Is Paul Tall?

Is the class interesting?

Are they friends?

Yes, I am

No, I’m not. I’m from Caracas.

Yes, she is

No, he isn’t

Yes, it is

No, they aren’t


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Inglés Básico


Are you single?

Yes, I am or No I’m not.

Sentences Structure / Estructura de la Oración

I am a Student









I am from Brazil









She is beautiful







Los sustantivos en inglés pueden ser masculinos, femeninos o neutros:

Son masculinos los nombres de varones y los de animales de sexo


Son femeninos los nombres de mujeres y los de animales de sexo


Son neutros los nombres de objetos inanimados

El género de los sustantivos no afecta ni al artículo ni al adjetivo que los

acompañan, ya que estos no varían de forma. Por ejemplo:

The red car El carro rojo

The red cars Los carros rojos


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Inglés Básico

Pero en cambio, si hay que tener en cuenta el género del sustantivo a la hora

de sustituirlo por un pronombre personal:

The boy is here He is here El niño está aquí Él está aquí.

The car is big It is big El carro es grande Este es grande

El plural de los sustantivos se forma añadiendo "s" a la forma singular:

Cat – Cats Gato – Gatos

Dog – Dogs Perro – Perros

Pero si el sustantivo finaliza en "o", "ch", "sh", "ss", "x", para formar el plural

hay que añadir "-es":

Box – Boxes Caja – Cajas

Potato – Potatoes Papa – Papas

Y si finaliza por "y", tras una consonante, el plural se forma eliminando esta

"y" y añadiendo la terminación "-ies":

Copy – Copies Copia – Copias

Lady – Ladies Dama – Damas

Cuando el sustantivo termina en “-f” o “-fe”, el plural se forma eliminando

estas y añadiendo la terminación “ves”

Wife – Wives Esposa – Esposas

Wolf – Wolves Lobo – Lobos


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Inglés Básico

Algunas palabras en inglés tan sólo tienen la forma plural:

Pants Pantalones

Scissors Tijeras

Glasses Lentes

Otras, en cambio, tan sólo tienen forma singular:

Beauty Belleza

Oil Petróleo

Gold Oro

Fish Pescado

Existen también algunos plurales que son irregulares. A continuación se

listan algunos de ellos:

Man – Men Hombre – Hombres

Woman – Women Mujer – Mujeres

Tooth – Teeth Diente – Dientes

Foot – Feet Pie – Pies

Mouse – Mice Ratón – Ratones

Child – Children Niño – Niños

Goose – Geese Ganso – Gansos

Articles / Artículos

Definite Article / Artículo Definido

En inglés se utiliza el Artículo The como el equivalente en español de “El, la,

los, las” para personas o cosas específicas. Por ejemplo:

Ana is the teacher in that school Ana es la profesora en esa escuela


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Inglés Básico

Indefinite Article

El artículo indefinido en Inglés está representado por “a” o “an”, ambas

significan en castellano “un, una” para personas o cosas en general.

Se utiliza “a” antes de un sustantivo que inicie en consonante. Por ejemplo:

Ana is a teacher Ana es una profesora

Se utiliza “an” antes de un sustantivo que inicie con una vocal o una letra

con sonido semivocálico. Por ejemplo:

Jose is an engineer José es un ingeniero

The Alphabet / El Alfabeto

Capital Letters and Small Letters / Letras Mayúsculas y Letras Minúsculas

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j

K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t

U u V v W w X x Y y Z z


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Inglés Básico


Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the Verb To Be in Simple Present. Complete las

oraciones con el Verbo Ser o Estar en Presente Simple.


Rosita is _______is_________ an excellent engineer.

1. Fernando and Isabel ________________ doctors. They

________________ from Venezuela.

2. Caracas ________________ a big City

3. Pedro and I ________________ Venezuelans

4. John ________________ a good student

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences using the personal pronouns. Complete las

oraciones utilizando los pronombres personales.


(Maria) __She__ is a beautiful girl

1. (Rose and Helen) ________________ are good friends

2. (The Dog) ________________ is a nice animal

3. (Mary and I) ________________ are neighbors

4. (Juan) ________________ is my friend

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences. Use the Definite or Indefinite article. Complete las

oraciones. Utilice el Artículo Definido o Indefinido.


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Inglés Básico


Jane is __a__ nurse

1. ________________ Supervisor is Pedro Diaz.

2. Peter is ________________ Doctor at the Central Hospital.

3. ________________ Secretaries in my company are beautiful.

4. He’s a teacher. He’s ________________ man.

5. John is ________________ actor.

6. John is from ________________ United States

7. Alfred is ________________ engineer

Exercise 4

Practice the alphabet orally. Practique el alfabeto de forma oral.

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

m n o p q r

s t u v w x

y z


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Exercise 5

Practice the dialogue. Practique el dialogo.

A. What’s your name, please?

B. Pedro Yanez

A. Can you spell your name?

B. Y - a - n - e - z

A. And your first name?

B. P - e - d - r - o

Exercise 6

Practice the dialogue. Practique el dialogo.

A. What’s your name, please?

B. José Tovar

A. T - o - v - a - r ?

B. Yes, That’s right


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Inglés Básico

Vocabulary / Vocabulario

AdjectivesBadBeautifulBigDoctorEngineerFatGoodMarriedLast nameNameNurseOccupationsOf CourseSecond nameSecretaryShortSingleSmallStudentTallTeacherThinUgly

AdjetivosMalo (a)Hermoso (a)GrandeDoctor (a)Ingeniero (a)Gordo (a)Bueno (a)Casado (a)ApellidoEnfermeroNombreOcupacionesPor supuestoSegundo nombreSecretaria (o)Bajo (a)Soltero (a)Pequeño (a)EstudianteAlto (a)Profesor(a)Delgado (a)Feo (a)

Cardinal Numbers from 11 to 20 / Números cardinales de 11 a 20

11 Eleven Once

12 Twelve Doce

13 Thirteen Trece

14 Fourteen Catorce

15 Fifteen Quince

16 Sixteen Dieciseis

17 Seventeen Diecisiete

18 Eighteen Dieciocho

19 Nineteen Diecinueve

20 Twenty Veinte


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Inglés Básico

Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

A. Ask and answer. Follow the example / Pregunte y responda. Siga el


Example:(Peter / tall) Is Peter tall?

Yes, he is

1. (Lucia / beautiful ?


2. (Cindy and John / young) ?


3. (Joseph / tall ) ?


4. (You and I / friends) ?


B. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the Verb to Be and the

personal pronoun where necessary. Complete el dialogo. Utilice la forma

correcta del Verbo ser o estar y el Pronombre personal donde sea



Mr. Lares isn’t a bad singer

He’s a good singer

Alex: Hello, Is this the English Language school?

Betty: Yes, ____________________. May I help you?

Alex: I like some, information about your program, please

Betty: Of course


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Alex: ____________________ the class small?

Betty: No, ____________________. We are about 25 people in class

Alex: ____________________ the teachers experienced?

Betty: Yes, ____________________. They are excellent teachers

Alex: Thank you very much


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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación


1. Is Lucia beautiful? Yes, she is

2. Are Cindy and John young? No, they aren’t

3. Is Joseph tall? No, he isn’t

4. Are we friends? Yes, we are


Betty: It is (it’s)Alex: isBetty: We aren’tAlex: AreBetty: They are


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Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a paragraph and describe some members of your neighborhood.

Escriba un párrafo y describa algunos miembros de su vecindario.













Unidad III Estructuras que expresan existencia y cantidad

Objetivo Terminal

Expresar en inglés, de forma oral y escrita, estructuras que indiquen

existencia y cantidad en tiempo presente.


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Inglés Básico


Uso del there is, there are

Estructuras interrogativas

Estructuras afirmativas

Estructuras negativas

Respuestas cortas y largas

Uso del how many, how much

Adverbios de cantidad


No contables


Información de la unidad

En inglés existen formas de decir hay, estas son: there is y there are.

There is se usa cuando queremos expresar la existencia de una sola

persona, animal o cosa, es decir en singular, por Ejemplo:

There is a book on the table (Hay un libro sobre la mesa).

There are se utiliza cuando se desea expresar la existencia de más de una

persona, animal o cosa, es decir, en plural, por ejemplo:

There are three pencils on the desk (Hay tres lápices sobre el escritorio).

Para preguntar acerca de cantidades y valor se utilizan las estructuras de

How many y How much. How much es utilizado para determinar la

cantidad en singular de cosas que no pueden ser contadas como el agua, el


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Inglés Básico

aire, la comida e igualmente para preguntar por el precio o costo de algo, por


How much water is there in the glass? (¿Cuánta agua hay en el vaso?)

How much is this cheese sandwich? (¿Cuánto es este sándwich de queso?)

How many es utilizado para preguntar por cantidades en plural (personas,

animales, cosas), por ejemplo:

How many chairs are there in the classroom? (¿Cuántas sillas hay en el

salón de clase?)


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Inglés Básico

Grammar / Gramática

There is / There are

Singular Plural

Affirmative There is There are

Negative There isn’t There aren’t

Interrogative Is there? Are there?

Short Answers Yes, There isNo, There isn’t

Yes, there areNo, there aren’t

Countable Nouns (contables) Uncountable Nouns (no contables)

Singular Plural cream

a tomato Tomatoes sugar

a can of soup cans of soup coffee

a chair Chairs water

one book Books Juice

Some / any

Countable Nouns

Sustantivos Contables

Uncountable Nouns

Sustantivos Incontables

Affirmative There are some lemons. There’s some orange juice.

Negative There aren’t any eggs. There isn’t any chicken.

Interrogative Are there any sandwiches? Is there any milk?

How much? / How many?

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

How many apples are there on the


How much sugar is there in the



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Inglés Básico

Prepositions / Preposiciones

in on at

(en, dentro de) (en, sobre de) (en, a un lado de)


- The students are in the classroom.

- The book is on the table.

- The man is at the door.

Preparing food / Preparando comida

Exercise 1Read and practice the conversation. Lea y practique la conversación

Marlene: OK. We need two hundred grams of flour

Alice: Yes. There’s some flour in the cupboard

Marlene: Are there any eggs?

Alice: Yes. I think there are three eggs in the fridge

Marlene: Are there any lemons there, too?

Alice: There aren’t any lemons. Oh, sorry, there is one

Marlene. OK. There’s some milk and some butter in the fridge too


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Inglés Básico

Alice: Right. Oh no! There isn’t any sugar!

Marlene: Yes, there is. It’s on the table.

Exercise 2

Look at the picture above and make ten negative and affirmative sentences

about it. Vea la figura de abajo y haga diez oraciones negativas y afirmativas

acerca de ella.

Example: There’s some milk.

There isn’t any coffee







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Inglés Básico

Exercise 3

Write There’s or There are. Escriba There’s o There are


There are two knives in the kitchen.

1- a new camera on the table.

2- a big clock on the wall.

3- two oranges in the box.

4- five CDs in the CD player.

5- two telephones on the desk.

6- six people in the family.

7- a big television in the room.

8- two suitcases on the floor.

9- three books on the shelf.

Exercise 4

Look at the picture, then answer the question. Vea la foto, luego responda a

las preguntas.


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Inglés Básico

What is there in the picture?

Example: There is a digital camera in the picture.

There are books in the picture.





Exercise 5

Look at the picture, and then write a list of the things in it. Vea la foto, luego

escriba una lista de cosas en ella.





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Inglés Básico




Exercise 6

Ask and answer the questions: Is there…? / Are there…?. (Use the list from

exercise 5). Pregunte y responda a las preguntas Is there…? / Are there…?.

(Utilice la lista del ejercicio 5)

Example: Is there a computer on your list?

Yes, there is a computer on my list.

No, there isn’t a computer on my list.

Continue with the rest of the things / Continúe con el resto de las cosas.


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Inglés Básico

Exercise Nº 7

Answer these questions, affirmative or negative. Responda a las preguntas

afirmativa o negativamente

Example: Is there a cow in the classroom?

Yes, There is a cow in the classroom

No, there isn’t a cow in the classroom

1. Are there three doors in the house? ________________________

2. Are there secretaries in that office? ________________________

3. Is there a boy in your house? ________________________

4. Is there any milk in the refrigerator? ________________________

5. Are there any lemons in the fridge? ________________________

6. Are there any sandwiches on the table?________________________

7. Is there any flour on the table? ________________________

8. Is there a lemon in the fridge? ________________________

9. Are there any horses in your house? ________________________

Exercise 8

Complete with: How much or How many. Complete con Cuanto o Cuántos.

Example: How much sugar is there in your coffee?

1milk is there in the glass?

2cars are there in the garage?

3men are there in your house?

4money is there in your pocket?


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Inglés Básico

Exercise 9

Answer the following questions. Responda a las siguientes preguntas.

Example: How many people are there in your family?

There are five people in my family

1. How much sugar is there in your coffee?


2. How many bathrooms are there in your house?


3. How much coffee is there in your cup?


4. How many children are there in that school?



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Inglés Básico

Vocabulary / Vocabulario

AnyAppleAtBathroomBigBlack beansBookBoxBreadBreakfastBunch of grapesButterCameraCanCarrotCDCD playerChairChickenClockCoffeeCreamCupCupboardDeskDinnerDishEggFamilyFloorFlourFridgeFried bananaFruitGlassesGramsHouseHow much?InJuiceKitchenKnifeLemon

Ninguno (a), ningunos (as)ManzanaEnBañoGrandeCaraotasLibroCajaPanDesayunoRacimo de uvasMantequillaCámaraLataZanahoriaDisco CompactoEquipo de sonido con CDSillaPolloReloj de paredCaféCremaTazaGabineteEscritorioCenaPlatoHuevoFamiliaPisoHarinaRefrigeradorTajadaFrutaLentes, espejuelosGramosCasaCuánto? Cuánta?En, dentro deJugoCocinaCuchilloLimón


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Inglés Básico

LunchMeatMicrowaveMilkMushroomNotebookOfficeOnOrangeOrange juicePapayaPeoplePicturePlatePotatoRiceSaladSandwichSchoolScramble eggsShelfSomeSoupSpoonSugarSuitcaseTableTelephoneTelevisionTomatoWater

AlmuerzoCarneMicroondasLecheChampiñones, hongosCuadernoOficinaSobre deNaranjaJugo de naranjaLechosaGente, personas, poblaciónCuadro, fotoPlatoPapaArrozEnsaladaEmparedadoEscuelaHuevos revueltosEstanteAlguno (a), algunos (a)SopaCucharillaAzúcarMaletaMesaTeléfonoTelevisiónTomateAgua


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Inglés Básico

Numbers / Números

ThirtyFortyFiftySixtySeventyEightyNinetyOne HundredOne ThousandTen ThousandOne Hundred ThousandOne Million

TreintaCuarentaCincuentaSesentaSetentaOchentaNoventaCienMilDiez MilCien MilUn Millón


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Inglés Básico

Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

A. Look at the picture and write three questions / Vea la foto y escriba tres preguntas

Breakfast / Desayuno

Example : Is there any glass on the table?




B. Look at the picture and answer the following questions / Vea la foto y responda a las siguientes preguntas.

Lunch / Almuerzo


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Inglés Básico

Example: Is there any fruit on the table?

No, there isn’t any fruit on the table

1. Is there any papaya juice for lunch?


2. Is there any chicken on the plate?


3. Is there any salad on the plate?


4. Are there any black beans on the plate?


5. Is there any lettuce on the plate?


6. Are there any potatoes on the plate?


7. Is there any carrot on the plate?


8. Is there any bread on the plate?


9. Is there any corn flakes for lunch?


C. Look at the picture and answer the questions / Vea la foto y responda las

siguientes preguntas.


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Inglés Básico

Example: How much bread is there in the picture?

There’s some bread in the picture

1. How much cheese is there in the picture?


2. How many tomatoes are there in the picture?


3. How much meat is there in the picture?


4. How many potatoes are there in the picture?



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Inglés Básico

Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación

A. 1- Is there any juice on the table?

2- Are there any cookies on the table?

3- Is there any dish on the table?

B. 1- No, there isn’t any papaya juice for lunch.

2- Yes, there is some chicken on the plate.

3- Yes, there is some salad on the plate.

4- No, there aren’t any black beans on the plate.

5- Yes, there is some lettuce on the plate.

6- Yes, there are some potatoes on the plate.

7- Yes, there is some carrot on the plate.

8- No, there isn’t any bread on the plate.

9- No, there isn’t any corn flake for lunch.

C. 1- There is a piece of cheese in the picture.

2- There are three potatoes in the picture.

3- There is some meat on the table.

4- There are two tomatoes in the picture.


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Inglés Básico

Written Work / Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write 15 negative and affirmative sentences about The Vacation Hotel. Use

there is - there isn’t, there are - there aren’t.

(Escriba 15 oraciones negativas y afirmativas acerca del Hotel de

Vacaciones. Utilice there is - there isn’t, there are - there aren’t.)

The Vacation Hotel

In each room: At the hotel:

- Bathroom - Two restaurants

- Two beds - Four tennis court

- A television - Two parking lots

- Air conditioner

Other facilities / Otras Comodidades

- A radio

- Refrigerator

- Cellular phone

- CD Player and VCR

- Swimming pool

- Gift shops

- Golf fields

- Beach



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Inglés Básico

Unidad IV Descripción de personas, cosas

y lugares

Objetivo Terminal

Describir en el idioma Inglés personas, cosas y lugares en forma oral y



Descripción de la casa, el salón de clases, oficina, lugares, personas.

Identificación de países, nacionalidades, idiomas.

Relaciones familiares.

Posesivos (‘s).

Preguntas de información.

Días de la semana, meses.

Información de la unidad

En el idioma Inglés usamos adjetivos para dscribir personas, animals y

cosas, ejemplo:

Big (grande)

Tall (alto)

Blue ( azul)

A diferencia del español, los adjetivos va ubicados antes del sustantivo,


This is a beautiful house. (Esta es una casa bella.)


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Inglés Básico

También pueden ir ubicados después del verbo, al final de una oración,


María is intelligent. (María es inteligente.)

Para indagar la procedencia de las personas se pregunta Where are you

from? (¿De donde eres?) es muy importante que se use la preposición from

en es6a presgunta, ya que su omisión cambiaría totalmente el significado de

la misma. Ejemplo:

Where are you? ( Donde estas?)

Where are you from? (¿De donde eres?)

El posesivo (‘s) es usado para indicar pertenencia, este se agrega al

sustantivo, ejemplo:

Miriam’s car. (El carro de Miriam)

Podemos observar mediante el ejemplo que el sustantivo va en primer lugar

y lo que se posee en segundo lugar. Es importante no confundir el posesivo

(‘s) con la contracción del verbo to be, ejemplo:

Miriam’s a student. ( Miriam es una estudiante.

Miriam’s students (Los estudiantes de Miriam)

Por otra parte si el sustantivo termina en “s” solo agregamos el apóstrofe (‘s),


Luis’ dog. (El perro de Luis.)

The students’ classrrom. (El salón de clase de los estudiantes.)


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Inglés Básico

Existen en Inglés las llamadas preguntas de información, que se usan para

obtener una información determinada, ejemplo:

a) What is your name? (¿Cuál es tu nombre?)


b) How are you? (¿Como estás?)



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Inglés Básico

Grammar / Gramática

Adjectives / Adjetivos

Questions / Preguntas



are they

Answers / Respuestas

It ‘sis


They ‘reare


It’s big. (Esto es grande.)

It’s a big car. (Este es un carro grande.)

They’re big. (Ellos son grandes.)

They’re big cars. (Ellos son carros grandes.)

Nota: Observe que los adjetivos en Inglés no tienen formas plurales.

Questions / Preguntas

What coloris it?are they?

Answers / Respuestas

It ‘sis

red, yellow, green, etc.They ‘re



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Inglés Básico

Questions / Preguntas

What kindis it?are they?

Answers / Respuestas

It ‘s a CorvetteThey ‘re Corvettes

Country / País Nationality / Nacionalidad

Language / Idioma

VenezuelaColombiaBrazilCubaPortugalEnglandThe United States



Adjectives / Adjetivos

Colors / Colores




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Inglés Básico

Other adjectives / Otros adjetivos


Bajo / cortoLargoAltoBelloFeoRápidoNuevoviejo

Parts of a house / Partes de una casa

BedroomLiving roomBathroomKitchenDinning room

HabitaciónSala o reciboBañoCocinaComedor

Classroom / Salón de clases

StudentsBoardDeskTeacherMarkerEraserBookNotebookWorkbookFilePaperDictionaryPencilPenAir conditioner

EstudiantesPizarraEscritorioProfesorMarcadorBorradorLibroCuadernoLlibro de tareaCarpetaPapelDicionarioLápizBolígrafoAcondicionador de aire


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Inglés Básico

Possesives / Posesivos

Peter’s family

This is Peter’s family. José is his grandfather. Cristina is his grandmother.

Ana is his aunt and Robert is his uncle. Robert is Ana’s husband. Ana is

Robert’s wife. Patty is Robert and Ana’s daughter. She is Peter’s cousin.

David and Miriam are his parents. David is his father and Miriam is his

mother. Carlos is Peter’s brother and Kelly is his sister.

Nota: ver significado de las palabras subrayadas en el vocabulario.

Questions words / Palabras interrogativas

What (¿Qué o cual?) What’s your name? My name is Miriam.


José & Cristina

AnaRobert MiriamDavid

Carlos Peter KellyPatty

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Inglés Básico

When (¿Cuándo?) When’s your birthday? My birthday is in July.

Where (¿Dónde?) Where are you? I’m at home.

Who (¿Quién?) Who is your mother? Cristina.

How (¿Cómo?) How are you? Fine, thanks

Days of the week / Días de la semana















Months of the year / Meses del año


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Exercise 1

Write a short paragraph about your house.


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Inglés Básico

Example: My house is big. It′s a beautiful house. There are 3 bedrooms. They

are big. The kitchen is small. There are 7 chairs in the living room.




Exercise 2

Read the following paragraph and identify the adjectives that describe the

office and the classroom.

1. Our office is big. There are four small desks and two chairs. There′s a

computer and 1 file, the file is brown. There are two pictures. They are

very beautiful.

2. How is your classroom? (Describe your classroom).

Exercise 3

Practice the dialogues


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Inglés Básico

1) A: Where are you from?

B: I′m from India, and you?

A: I′m from Venezuela

2) A: Where is Nancy from?

B: She’s from Canada.

3) A: Laura, where are you and Ricardo from?

B: We′re from Cuba

A: Oh, Are you from la Habana?

B: Yes, we are

A: And the Garcías?.

B: They′re from Mexico.

Exercise 4

Read and answer the questions / Lea y responda las preguntas.

Vancouver is a city in Canada. It′s on the pacific Ocean. The city is wonderful.

It′s clean. Almost three quarters of the population are of British ancestry.

Other ethnic groups are east Indians. The food in Vancouver is varied and

delicious. It′s a nice place for a vacation.

1. Where is Vancouver?


2. Is Canada a city?


3. Is Vancouver on the Atlantic Ocean?


4. Is Vancouver a wonderful city?


Exercise 5

Write your family’s names. (Escribe los nombres de tu familia.)


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Inglés Básico

Grandmother __________________

Grandfather __________________

Father __________________

Mother __________________

Brother __________________

Sister __________________

Daughter __________________

Aunt __________________

Niece __________________

Nephew __________________

Uncle __________________

Exercise 6

Underline the possessives in the following sentences.


Pedro’s mother is a writer.

1. Pedro is with his dog.

2. The dogs’ food is on the table.

3. The dogs are in the garage.

4. Mary’s twenty years old.

5. The girls’ cousin are Fred and Tom.

6. The girls are dancing.

Vocabulary / Vocabulario


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Inglés Básico



Ordinal numbers











First (primero)

Second (segundo)

Third (tercero)

Fourth (cuarto)

Fifth (quinto)

Sixth (sexto)

Seventh (séptimo)

Eighth (octavo)

Ninth (noveno)

Tenth (décimo)

Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación


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Inglés Básico

Part I

Complete the sentences using the vocabulary about months and days of the

week. (Complete las oraciones usando el vocabulario de meses y días de la



The first day of the week is Monday.

1. ____________ is after March.

2. ____________ is the month with less days.

3. In __________ we celebrate Christmas.

4. ____________ and ____________ are the days of the weekend.

Part II

Complete the following sentences. (Complete las siguientes orcaiones.)


My brother’s mother is my uncle.

1. My mother’s father is my _______________

2. My father’s brother is my _______________

3. My aunt’s daughter are my _______________

4. My father and mother are my _______________

Part III


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Inglés Básico

Complete these sentences with the correct word. Use the words in the box

below. (Complete estas oraciones con la palabra correcta. Use las palabras

que se encuentran en el recuadro de abajo.)


Hugo is from Venezuela. His language is Spanish.

Brazil – Spanish – Japan – Mexico – Venezuelan – England – Japanese

1. Sussy’s language is English. She is from ___________________

2. Yokosuna is from ___________________

3. Hideo Nomo’s language is ___________________

4. Joao is from ____________. His language is Portuguese.

Part IV

Complete the sentences with the possessive (‘s). Use the noun in

parenthesis. (Complete las oraciones con el posesivo. Use el sustantivo en



Miriam’s students are intelligents. (Miriam)

1. _____________ car is beautiful. (My father)

2. _____________ house is big. (Julio)

3. _____________ friends are nice (The boys)

4. _____________ birthday is tomorrow (Luis)

5. _____________ plate is clean (The dogs)

Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación


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Inglés Básico

Part I

1. April

2. February

3. December

4. Saturday – Sunday

Part II

1. Mother

2. Grandfather

3. Uncle

4. Cousins

5. Parents

Part III

1. England

2. Japan

3. Japanese

4. Brazil

Part IV

1. My father’s

2. Julio’s

3. The boys’

4. Luis’

Written Work / Trabajo Escrito


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Inglés Básico

1. Describe a classroom. Use adjectives. (Describe un salón de clases.

Use adjetivos.)

2. Describe your house. (Describe tu casa)


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Inglés Básico

Unidad V Presente Continuo

Objetivo Terminal

Construir oraciones en inglés, en forma oral y escrita, utilizando el

presente continuo.


Uso del Tiempo Presente Continuo

Estructuras afirmativas

Estructuras negativas

Estructuras interrogativas

Respuestas Cortas Afirmativas y Negativas

Respuestas Largas Afirmativas y negativas

La hora

Información de la Unidad

El presente continuo se forma con el verbo to be + el presente participio del

verbo principal de la oración (verbo + ing). El Presente Participio también es

llamado gerundio (ing). El “-ing” se forma agregando la partícula ing en la

terminación de cada verbo. El gerundio en Castellano equivale a la

terminación “-endo”, “-ando.


Work / Working (Trabajar / Trabajando)

Read / Reading (Leer / Leyendo)


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Inglés Básico

Cuando queremos preguntar la hora en Inglés, podemos utilizar las

siguientes preguntas:

- What time is it?

- What’s the time?

Y para responder a estas dos preguntas utilizamos la expresión:

- It’s one o’clock. ( 01:00 )

- It’s a quarter to five. ( 04:45 )

Cuando es la hora y media, se dice:

- It’s half past four. ( 04:45 )

- It’s half after four. ( 04:30 )

- It’s four thirty. ( 04:30 )

Cuando faltan 15 minutos para la hora, se dice:

- It’s a quarter to five. ( 04:45 )

- It’s fifteen minutes to five. ( 04:45 )

- It’s four forty five. ( 04:45 )

Cuando faltan minutos para la hora, se dice:

- It’s twenty to five. ( 4:40 )

- It’s four forty. ( 4:40 )

- It’s ten to five. ( 4:50 )


- It’s ten past three. ( 03:10 )

- It’s ten after three. ( 03:10 )

- It’s twenty past four. ( 04:20 )

- It’s four twenty. ( 04:20 )


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Inglés Básico


Present Continuos Tense / Presente Continuo

Afirmative Structures / Estructuras Afirmativas

Subject + To Be + Verb (-ing)(Am, are, is)

Examples / Ejemplos:


Verb To Be(Verbo ser o estar)

Gerund (Gerundio)


I am reading a bookPeter is watching T.V.We are having lunch

Negative Structures / Estructuras Negativas

Subject + To Be + Not + Verb (-ing) (Am, are, is)

Examples / Ejemplos:

Subject Verb To Be Negative(Negación)

Gerund Complement

I am not reading a bookPeter isn’t watching T.V.We aren’t having lunch

Interrogative Structures / Estructuras Interrogativas

To Be + Subject + Verb (-ing) + Complement + ?(Am, are, is)


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Inglés Básico

Examples / Ejemplos:

Verb To BeVerbo Ser o


Gerund Gerundio



Are you reading a book ?Is Peter watching T.V. ?

Are we having lunch ?

Affirmative Short Answers / Respuestas Cortas Afirmativas

Yes, + Subject + To Be (Am, are, is)

Examples / Ejemplos:



Verb To BeVerbo Ser o

EstarYes, I amYes, He isYes, We are

Negative Short Answers / Respuestas Cortas Afirmativas

No, + Subject + To Be + not(Am, are, is)

Examples / Ejemplos:



Verb To BeVerbo Ser o

EstarNo, I am notNo, He isn’tNo, We aren’t


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Inglés Básico

Information Questions / Preguntas Informativas

Wh- Question + To Be + Subject + Verb (-ing) + ? (Am, are, is)

Examples / Ejemplos:

Wh-QuestionPregunta Wh-

Verb To BeVerbo Ser o


Gerund Gerundio


What Are you reading ?Where Is Peter playing ?When am I leaving ?

Examples / Ejemplos

I am studying at INCE. (Estoy estudiando en el INCE)

My father is working now. (Mi padre está trabajando ahora)

We are speaking English in class. (Estamos hablando Inglés en


El gerundio es formado añadiendo la terminación "-ing" al infinitivo:

To listen (escuchar) listening

To hear (oir) hearing

Si el verbo finaliza con una única "e", esta letra desaparece delante

de "-ing":

To come (venir) coming

To write (escribir) writing

Si el verbo tiene una sola sílaba, y ésta tiene una única vocal  y

finaliza en una única consonante, entonces esta consonante final se


To cut (cortar) cutting


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Inglés Básico

To sit (sentarse) sitting

Si el verbo tiene dos o más silabas, con el acento sobre la última, y

ésta última sílaba contiene una sola vocal y finaliza en una única

consonante, entonces esta consonante final también se dobla:

To admit (admitir) admitting

To begin (empezar) beginning

Si el verbo termina por la consonante "l" detrás de una única vocal,

esta consonante "l" se dobla:

To cancel (cancelar) cancelling

To impel (impulsar) impelling

Si el verbo finaliza en "y", esta letra se mantiene y se le añade la

terminación "-ing":

To study (estudiar) studying

To try (intentar) trying

Read and practice these dialogues (Lea y practique estos diálogos)

Are the children reading a book? (¿Están los niños leyendo un libro?)

Yes, they are reading a book. (Si, ellos están leyendo un libro)


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Inglés Básico

Is Juan working or playing? (¿Está Juan trabajando o jugando?)

He is working. (El está trabajando)

Is Juan closing the door? (¿Esta Juan cerrando la puerta?)

No, he isn’t. He’s fixing the door. (No, el no. El está reparando la puerta)

Where are Peter and Fred walking? (¿Donde están caminando Peter y


They’re walking in the streets. (Ellos están caminando en las calles)


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Inglés Básico

What’s Luis doing? (¿Que está haciendo Luis?)

He’s cooking. (El está cocinando)

What’s he cooking? (¿Que está cocinando?)

He’s cooking a barbecue. (El está cocinando una parrilla)

- Anna: What’s your teacher doing? (¿Que está haciendo el profesor?)

- Freddy: He’s talking to the students. (El está hablando a los estudiantes)

- Mary: What’s your brother studying? (¿Qué está estudiando tu hermano?)

- Paul: He’s studying mathematics. (El está estudiando matemáticas)


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Read and practice / Lea y Practique

- Is Mary speaking with Ann?

Yes, She is.

- Are you writing?

Yes, I am.

- Is the man wearing jeans?

Yes, he is.

- Are you listening to the teacher?

No, I am not.

- Is Robert drinking juice?

No, he isn’t.

Read and practice / Lea y Practique

- Are you working in the school?

Yes, I am working in the school.

- Is Luisa answering the questions?

Yes, she is answering the questions.

- Are you eating a sandwich?

No, we aren’t eating a sandwich

- Is Helen listening to music?

No, she isn’t listening to music.


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a. Answer in affirmative form


Is the man writing?

Yes, he is writing

1. Are the children playing trompo?

2. Are you coming to class?

3. Is she playing tennis?

b. Answer in negative form


Is he going home?

No, he isn’t going home

1. Is the teacher writing on the board?

2. Are they listening to the radio?


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3. Are you speaking French?

c. Answer according with the word in parenthesis


What’s the girl drinking? (Milk)

She’s drinking milk

1. What are the children flying? (Kite)


2. What are you studying now? (English)


3. What is she playing? (Volleyball)


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Vocabulary / Vocabulario

VERBS ( Infinitive) GERUND

(Verbos en Infinitivo) (Gerundio)

to answer responder answering Respondiendo

to close cerrar closing Cerrando

to come venir Coming Viniendo

to do hacer Doing Haciendo

to drink tomar, beber drinking Tomando, bebiendo

to eat comer Eating Comiendo

to fix reparar Fixing Reparando

to fly volar Flying Volando

to go ir Going Iendo

to open abrir Opening Abriendo

to play jugar Playing Jugando

to ride montar Riding Montando

to sit down sentarse Sitting down Sentándose

to speak hablar Speaking Hablando

to stand up pararse Standing up Parándose

to study estudiar Studying Estudiando

to walk caminar Walking Caminando

to watch ver, observar Watching Observando

to wear llevar puesto Wearing Vistiendo

to work trabajar Working Trabajando

to write escribir Writing Escribiendo


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NOUNS OR SUSTANTIVES (Nombres o sustantivos)

Board Pizarrón

Child Niño

Children Niños

Class Clase

Example Example

Exercise Exercise

Father Padre

Garage Garage

Garden Jardín

Gerund Gerundio

Girl Muchacha

Home Hogar

Jeans Pantalón de Jean

Kite Papagayo

Lesson Lección

Man Hombre

Mango Mango

Men Hombres

Mother Madre

Nouns Sustantivos o nombres

Radio Radio

Sister Hermana

Street (s) Calle (s)

Student Estudiante

Tea Té

Teacher Profesor (a)

Telephone Teléfono


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TIME (La hora)

O’clockToHalfQuarterWatchClockMidday / NoonMidnightWeekdaysWeekendFull timeTomorrowThe day after tomorrowYesterdayThe day before yesterdayMinutesSeconds

En puntoParaMediaUn cuartoReloj de pulseraReloj de paredMediodíaMedianocheDias de la semanaFin de semanaTiempo completoMañanaPasado mañanaAyerAntes de ayerMinutosSegundos


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Self - evaluation / Autoevaluación

Part I

Look at the picture and answer the questions. Vea la foto y responda las




Is the girl reading or writing?

She’s writing

1. Are the children riding their bicycle or walking?


2. Are they talking or watching TV?


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Part II

Answer in affirmative form

Example: Is Ramon studying the lesson?

Yes, he is studying the lesson.

1. Is Alice opening her book? __________________________________________

2. Is the boy listening to the radio? _______________________________________

3. Are the teachers speaking English? _______________________________________ 4. Are you answering the questions? _______________ ________________________


3. What is the boy doing?


4. What is Susan doing?


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Part III

Answer in negative form

Example: Is he taking a test?

No, he isn’t taking a test.

1. Are you taking a test? ___________________________________

2. Is Pedro studying mathematics?


3. Is she sitting down?

___________________________________ 4. Are they working now?


Part IV

Look at the picture. Answer in negative form and describe the action with the

word in parenthesis.



Is the man reading a Spanish book? (English)

No, he isn’t. He’s reading an English book.

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1. Are they working? (play) _____________________________________

2. Is the old man playing? (speak) _____________________________________

3. Are you playing golf? (fish) _____________________________________

4. Is he writing on the notebook? (board) _____________________________________

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Part V

Write the time. (Escriba la hora.)


What time is it?

( 4:20 ) It’s twenty past four.

1. ( 05:45 ) __________________________

2. ( 12:00 ) __________________________

3. ( 02:10 ) __________________________

4. ( 03.15 ) __________________________

5. ( 08:30 ) __________________________


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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación

Part I

1. They are riding their bicycle.

2. They’re watching T.V.

3. He’s riding in the street.

4. She’s reading a book.

Part II

1- Yes, she is opening her book.

2- Yes, he is listening to the radio.

3- Yes, they are speaking English.

4- Yes, I am answering the questions.

Part III

1- No, I am not taking a test.

2- No, he isn’t studying mathematics.

3- No, she isn’t sitting down.

4- No, they aren’t working now.

Part IV

1- No, they aren’t. They‘re playing.

2- No, he isn’t. He’s speaking.

3- No, I am not. I’m fishing.

4- No, he isn’t. He’s writing on the board.

Part V

1- It’s a quarter to six.


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2- It’s twelve o’clock

3- It’s ten past / after two.

4- It’s a quarter past / after three.

5- It’s half past eight.


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Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Describe the picture above. Use the Present Continuous Tense


There are two men fishing










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Unidad VI Auxiliares Do, Does y verbo to have

Objetivo Terminal

Construir en Inglés oraciones interrogativas, afirmativas y negativas

utilizando le tiempo presente simple y el verbo to have.


Uso de los auxiliares Do – Does

Uso del verbo to have

Adverbios de frecuencia

Likes and dislikes


Información de la unidad

Los auxiliares Do y Does, son utilizados con diferentes pronombres y nos

permiten interrogar o negar en presente simple con los verbos regulares e

irregulares, a excepción del verbo to be.

El auxiliar Do debe ser utilizado con los siguientes pronombres:


Do You




I study English every day. (Yo estudio Inglés todos los días)


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Do you study English every day? (¿Tú estudias Inglés todo los días?)

No, I don’t study English every day

Y el auxiliar Does se utiliza con la terceras personas


Does She


Tenemos que destacar que el verbo principal de la oración debe estar en

forma simple y cuando la oración está en tercera persona se le agrega al

verbo principal la partícula “s” o “es”, dependiendo del verbo.


Alice studies English every day. (Alice estudia Inglés todos los días)

Does she study English every day? (¿Ella estudia Inglés todos los días?)

No, she doesn’t study English every day. (No, ella no estudia Inglés todos

los días)


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El auxiliar Do utilizado con los pronombres I, You, We, They, así como el

Does con los pronombres She, He, It es omitido en las oraciones afirmativas

y se escribe el verbo en su forma simple conservando la siguiente estructura:


a) They play soccer on Sundays.

Sujeto (s) verbo (v) complemento (c)

b) Mario plays soccer on Sundays.

Sujeto (s) verbo (v) complemento (c)

Nota: Con las terceras personas al verbo principal de la oración se le agrega

una (s).

Uso del auxiliar Do




Study English?We


Do You Study English?

Auxiliar Subject / Sujeto Verb / verbo Complement / Complemento


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Sentences Changing to Questions (Cambio de

oraciones afirmativas a preguntas)


You walk every day. (Tu caminas a diario)

Do you walk every day? (¿Tu caminas a diario?)

We eat in a restaurant. (Nosotros comemos en un


Do we eat in a restaurant? (¿Nosotros comemos en

un restaurant?)

Affirmative form (Oraciones afirmativas):


Do they play football every day?

(¿Ellos juegan football todos los días?)

Yes, they do.

Yes, they play football every day

Si, ellos juegan futbol todos los días.


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Do you read History books?

(¿Lees libros de Historia?)

Yes, I do.

Yes, I read History books.

(Si, leo libros de Historia)

Negative form (Oraciones negativas):


Do they play football every day?

No, they do not (don´t)

No, they don´t play football every day.

(No, ellos no juegan futbol todos los días)

Do you read History books?

No, I don´t. (do not)

No, I don´t read History books.

(No, no leo libros de Historia)


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Interrogative form:

Para realizar formas interrogativas con los auxiliares Do - Does, seguimos el

siguiente esquema:



Write books in English?They





Write books in English?She


En presencia del auxiliar Does en la oración interrogativa la (s) o (es) al final

del verbo se omite.


a) I study English. (Yo estudio Inglés.)

Do you study English? (¿Tu estudias Inglés?)

b) He works everyday. (El trabaja todos los días.)

Does he work everyday? (¿El trabaja todos los días?)


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Sentences Changing to interrogative form

(Cambio de oraciones afirmativas a forma interrogative)


I play the guitar. (Yo toco la guitarra)

Do you play the guitar? (¿Tu tocas la guitarra?)

She writes everyday. (Ella escribe todos los días)

Does she write everyday? (¿Ella escribe todos los días?)

He works every day. (El trabaja todos los días)

Does he work every day? (¿El trabaja todos los días?)

Affirmative form (Oraciones afirmativas):


Do they eat fish? (¿Ellos comen pescado?)

Yes, they do. (Si, ellos comen)

Yes, they eat fish. (Si ellos comen pescado)

Does she write in Spanish? (Ella escribe en Español)

Yes, she does.

Yes, she writes in Spanish. (Si, ella escribe en Español)

Negative form (Oraciones negativas):



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Do they study English? (¿Ellos estudian Inglés?)

No, they don’t. (No ellos no.)

No, they don’t study English. (No, ellos no estudian Inglés)

Do you read the newspaper? (¿Tu lees el periódico?)

No, I don’t. ( No, yo no.)

No, I don’t read the newspaper. (No, yo no leo el periódico)

Does she clean the house every Saturday? (¿Ella limpia la casa todos

los Sábados?)

No, she doesn´t (does not)

No, she doesn´t clean the house every Saturday. (No, ella no limpia la

casa todos los Sábados)

Does he clean the room? (¿El limpia la habitación?)

No, he doesn´t. (does not)

No, he doesn´t clean the room. (No, el no limpia la habitación)

We can use these expressions to Express Likes and Dislikes

(Podemos usar estas expresiones para decir lo que nos gusta o disgusta)

Express Likes(Expresar gustos)

I like to dance Merengue

We like to study on weekends

She likes to work in the morning

Express Dislikes(Expresar lo que no

nos gusta)

She doesn’t like to play tennis.

Jhon doesn’t like to watch TV.

We don’t like to eat fish.

They don’t like to speak in class.


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En Inglés al igual que en Español existe una gama de ocupaciones, entre las

cuales tenemos:




















Profesor (a)













Ama de casa







- Sara is a lawyer.

- Robert is an accountant.


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Nota: Es necesario colocar el artículo indeterminado o indefinido ( a / an )

antes de una ocupación.

Simple Present / Presente Simple

We also use the present simple to talk about things that happen repeatedly.

(También usamos el presente simple para hablar acerca de las cosas que

pasan repetidamente)

I / We / They





study English

play soccer

He / she / it Rarely


studies Frenchplays volleyball


I always study English.

They sometimes play volleyball.

He often studies English.

She usually plays Volleyball.


En el idioma Inglés el verbo to have se considera como un verbo irregular, y

en el tiempo presente simple se utiliza para expresar posesión (tener).


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En el tiempo presente simple el verbo to have presenta las siguientes


Affirmative form (Forma afirmativa)











- I have a dog. (Yo tengo un perro)

- Mary has three sisters. (Mary tiene tres hermanas)

Negative form (Forma negativa)

Se debe utilizar el auxiliar Do – Does en forma negativa Do not / Don’t o

Does not / doesn’t y el to have debe ser expresada en su forma básica






Do not have

Don’t have




Does not have

Doesn’t have


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- I don’t have problems.

- Miriam doesn’t have problems.

Interrogative form / Forma interrogative

Debemos recordar que existen dos tipos de preguntas:

a) Information question / Preguntas de información

WH – Question + auxiliar + subjetc + have + complement ?

Palabra interrogativa + auxiliar + sujeto + have + complemento ?

Ejemplo :

- What do you have in your pocket ?

- I have money in my pocket.

WH - Question words. ( Palabras interrogatives WH)

What? ¿Que o cual?

Where? ¿Donde?

Who? ¿Quien?

Why? ¿Por qué?

When? ¿Cuando?

Yes / No questions ( Preguntas Si / No)


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Para formular estas preguntas debemos seguir el siguiente patrón:

Auxiliar Do / Does + subject + have + complement?

(Auxiliar Do / Does + sujeto + have + complemento?)


Question (Pregunta)

- Do Peter and Henry have classes? (¿Peter y Henry tienen clases?)

Short affirmative/negative answer. (Respuesta corta afirmativa/negativa)

- Yes, they do. (Si, ellos si)

- No, they don’t (No, ellos no)

Long affirmative answer. (Respuesta larga afirmativa)

- Yes, they have classes. ( Si, ellos tienen clases)

- No, they don’t have classes. ( No, ellos no tienen clases)


I have a pencil

Do I have a pencil?

We have a teacher

Do we have a teacher?

Alice has a car

Does She have a car?

Carlos has a house

Does he have a house?


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Exercise 1

a. Answer the following questions in affirmative and negative form.


Do you watch T.V. every Sunday?

Yes, I watch T.V every Sunday.

No, I don’t watch T.V every Sunday.

1. Does he dance Joropo music?

2. Do they read in English?

b. Complete these sentences wiht Do – Does

Jackie study French?

We have classes everyday?

The cat eat cheese?

They clean the garage?

c. Write 3 sentences and change to interrogative form.




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Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with Do or Does.

1. ________ she go to the movies everyday?

2. ________ people eat breakfast at 7:30?

3. ________ Mr. Lander and his wife write a letter to his son?

Exercise 3

Rewrite the sentences, using the adverb in parenthesis.


I have coffee in the morning (always)

I always have coffee in the morning.

1. Her husband walks in the afternoon (often)


2. He goes shopping (sometimes)


3. We watch a movie on TV (seldom)


4. We are in bed before 12 (never)


5.- I am at work at 7:30 (usually)



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Exercise 4

Change to interrogative sentence. (Cambie a la forma interrogativa)


You have a cat.

Do you have a cat?

a. I have a bicycle

b. Heleny has a sister.

c. Wilfredo has a ball.

Exercise 5

Underline the correct verb in parenthesis. (Subraye el verbo correcto)Example:

My mother (have – has) a house

1. They (have – has) many students.

2. Belkis (have – has) two boys.

3. The dog (have – has) a bone.

Exercise 6

Answer the following Questions. Give affirmative and negative long

answers. (Responda las siguientes preguntas. Use respuestas largas

afirmativas y negativas)


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Do you have a notebook?

Yes, I have a notebook.

No, I don’t have a notebook

1. Does Aquiles have a horse?

2. Do we have a class?

3. Does Sonia have black eyes?


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AloneAlsoAlwaysBoneBookBoyChangeCleanDanceEatEvery dayFriendsGoHorseHouseLoveNotebookOftenPlayPocketPreferencePutReadSaySometimesStudyThingUsuallyWalkWalletWatchWorkWrite

SoloTambiénSiempreHuesoLibroMuchacho / niñoCambiarLimpiarBailarComerTodos los díasAmigos (as)IrCaballoCasaAmarCuadernoFrecuentemente JugarBolsilloPreferenciaColocarLeerDecirAlgunas vecesEstudiarCosaUsualmenteCaminarBilleteraMirarTrabajarEscribir


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Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

Part I

Answer these questions in affirmative complete answers. ( Conteste

estas preguntas en forma completa y afirmativa)


Do you go to school every day?

Yes, I go to school everyday.

1. Does Mary live in Maracay?

2. Do we Speak English?

3. Does he Study every day?

4. Does she have to clean the apartment?


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Part II

Complete these sentences. (Completar estas oraciones)


Does she live alone?

No, she doesn´t. She lives with two friends.

1. ___________ your sister ________________ in Caracas?

Yes, she ____________.

2. We ________ n’t ________ in a flat. We _____in a house.

3. Where _________ you _________________ ?

I __________________ in Maracaibo.

Part III

Complete these sentences with: Has – have - do – does (Completar

estas oraciones con has – have – do – does )


She has a dog.

1. ________________ they work every day?

2. We ________________ five friends.

3. ________ Peter have a beautiful house?.

Part IV

Underline the correct verb or auxiliary in parenthesis. (Subrayar el

everbo o auxiliary correcto)


She (write – writes) in English.


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a. Does Peter (play – plays) the piano?

b. What (do – does) he like to Study?

c. Do you (have – has) a blue car?

d. Rosa (have – has) a pen.


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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación

Part I

1. Yes, she lives in Maracay.

2. Yes, we speak English.

3. Yes, he studies every day.

4. Yes, she has to clean the apartment.

Part II

1. Does – live – does

2. Do – live - live

3. Do – live – live

Part. III

1. Do

2. Have

3. Does

Part. IV:

a. Play

b. Does

c. Have

d. Has


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Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a ten (10) lines paragraph about your preferences. Talk about what

you like and dislike. (Escriba un parrafo de diez (10) líneas acerca de tus

preferencias. Hable acerca de lo que le gusta y no le gusta)







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Unidad VII Tiempo futuro.

Objetivo Terminal

Construir oraciones en inglés en forma oral y escrita utilizando el going

to y el auxiliar will.


Tiempo futuro con will

Estructuras interrogativas

Estructuras afirmativas

Estructuras negativas

Contracciones con will

Tiempo futuro con going to

Estructuras interrogativas

Estructuras afirmativas

Estructuras negativas

Información de la unidad

Las formas simples de como construir el tiempo futuro en Inglés son:

Futuro con Will

Se construye con el sujeto, luego will, seguido por el verbo que determinará

la acción futura y un complemento si es necesario.


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I will study English tomorrow. (Yo estudiaré Inglés mañana)

She will be in Maturín next August. (Ella estará en Maturin el próximo Agosto)


SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE: WILL (Tiempo futuro simple : will)

Subject + will + verb + complement

(Sujeto + will + verbo + complemento)

Look at this:




willbe there

do it












You will be an important Doctor. (Tu sera un doctor importante)

I’ll learn English. (Yo aprenderé Inglés)

I’ll meet people from other country (Yo conoceré gente de otro país)

I’ll win a price. (Yo ganaré un premio)

I’ll have fun (Yo me divertiré)


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Inglés Básico

Nota: En los ejemplos anteriores aparece la contracción afirmativa del

auxiliar will (‘ll), el cual se usa con todos los pronombres personales: I’ll,

he’ll, she’ll, we’ll, you’ll, they’ll.

We use Will when we decide to do something at the moment we talk.

(Usamos “will” cuando decidimos hacer algo en el momento en que



I´ll clean my house this afternoon

(Yo limpiaré mi casa esta tarde.)

We also use will to talk about predictions in the future. (También podemos

usar “will” para hablar de predicciones en el futuro)

Interrogative form. (Forma interrogativa)

Yes/No questions. (Preguntas Si/No)

Will + Subject + verb + complement?

(Will + Sujeto + verbo + complemento?)


Will you sleep late? (¿Dormirás hasta tarde?)

Will Henry travel to Europe next month? (Henry viajará a Europa el próximo


Information questions. (Preguntas de información)

Wh – questions + will + subject + verb + complement?

( Palabra interrogativa + will + sujeto + verbo + complemento? )


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- What will you learn there? (¿Que aprenderás allá?)

- Where will be the party tomorrow? (¿Donde sera la fiesta mañana?)

Affirmative and negative answers. (Respuestas afirmativas y negativas)


Will you visit your relatives next vacation? (Visistarás a tus familiares

las próximas vacaciones?)

Yes, I will (Short answer)

Yes, I’ll visit my relatives next vacation. (Long answer)

No, I won’t. (Short answer)

No, I won’t visit my relatives next vacation. (Long answer)

FUTURE WITH VERB TO BE + GOING TO. (futuro con el verbo to be +

going to)

Subject + to be + going to + complement

(Sujeto + to be + going to + complemento)


I’m going to write a letter later. (Voy a escribir una carta más tarde)

He’s going to work at the bank. (El va a trabajar en el banco.)

It’s going to drink milk. (Va a tomar leche)

Interrogative form. (Forma interrogative)


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Yes/No questions. (Preguntas Si/No)

To be + Subject +going to + complement?

(To be + sujeto + going to + complemento?)


Am I going to write a letter?

Is he going to work at the bank?

Is it going to drink milk?

Information question. (Preguntas de información)

Wh – questions + to be + subject + going to + verb + complement?

( Palabra interrogativa + to be + sujeto + going to + verbo + complemento )


What is he going to do tonight?

Where are you going to travel?

Affirmative and negative answers. (Respuesta afirmativas y negativas)

- Are you going to write a letter? (Vas tu a escribir una carta)

Yes, I am. (Short answer)

Yes, I am going to write a letter. (Long answer)

No, I am not. (Short answer)

No, I am not going to write a letter. (Long answer)


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Exercise 1

Give a complete answer in affirmative or negative form. (De una respuesta

completa en forma afirmativa o negativa)


Will you play football tomorrow?

Yes, I will play football tomorrow / No I won’t play football tomorrow.

a. Will they learn a new Language?

b. Will she cook next week?

c. What will he do next Saturday?

Exercise 2

Arrange these Sentences. (Ordene estas oraciones)


Go – will – Mérida – I – To - Tomorrow.

I will go to Mérida tomorrow.

1. Will – move – she – to – Caracas – in – January.

2. They – travel – will – next – to – the beach - Saturday


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3. Work – you – will – next - July

Exercise 3

Write 3 Sentences Using Will”. (Escriba 3 oraciones usando “will”)


Teresa will travel to Japan next year.

a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

Exercise 4

Read the following dialogue. (Lea el siguiente dialogo)

Carlos: We’re going to play tennis this afternoon. Do you want to go?

Alice: Thanks, but I’m going to stay at home this afternoon. I’m going to

watch T.V.

Exercise 5

Answer the following questions in affirmative or negative form. ( Respond

alas siguientes preguntas en forma afirmativa o negativa)


Is she going to go to bed early?


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Yes, she’s going to go to bed early / No, she isn’t going to go to bed


1. Are they going to watch T.V.?

2. Are you going to cook dinner this afternoon?

3. Is he going to play next Sunday?

4. What are they going to do next Weekend?


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Next Sunday

Next week


To come

To cook

To decide

To go

To know

To play

To Stay

To think

To travel

To watch



Tomorrow night

El próximo Domingo

La próxima semana













Mañana en la mañana

Mañana en la noche


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Inglés Básico

Self - evaluation / Autoevaluación

A) Complete the sentences. Use future with going to.(Complete las

oraciones. Use futuro con going to)


Carlos is going to play soccer.

1. Peter going to study tonight.

2. Are you cook dinner?

3. What they do this afternoon?

4. ______ she go to the beach next Saturday?

B) Ask someone if he or she is going to do the following activities.

(Preguntar a alguien si el o ella va a hacer las actividades siguientes)


Cook dinner

Are you going to cook dinner tonight?

1. Read the newspaper

2. Play baseball

3. Go to bed early


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4. Wash your car

C) Write Sentences using “Will”. (Escriba oraciones usando will)


Learn to speak English

I will learn to speak English.

1. Travel a lot.

2. Move to a different city.

3. Be a good student.

4. Pass the English test.

D) Complete these sentences. Use will or going to. (Complete estas

oraciones. Use wil o going to)


Tomorrow we are going to the beach.

1. Don´t go out now. You get wet.

2. Look out! That ladder is fall.

3. We’re have a baby.


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4. Look. It’s rain.

5. Don´t smoke that. You get sick.

Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación


1. Going to

2. Are - going to

3. Is - Going to


1. Are you going to play baseball this evening?

2. Are you going to go bed early this evening?

3. Are you going to wash your car this evening?


1. I will travel a lot.

2. I will move to a different city.

3. I will be a good student.

4. I will pass the English test.


1. Will

2. Going to

3. Going to

4. Going to


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5. Will

Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a ten (10) line dialogue talking about future actions. (Escriba un diálogo

de 10 léneas acerca de acciones futures)









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Inglés Básico

Unidad VIII Verbo to be en pasado

Objetivo Terminal

Construir oraciones en Inglés, en forma oral y escrita, utilizando el verbo

to be en pasado.


Verbo to be en pasado

Was, were

Uso del:

There was

There were

Información de la unidad

En esta unidad utilizamos el verbo to be (ser o estar) para expresar acciones

realizadas en tiempo pasado (was, were), al igual que podemos expresar una

relación de existencia del pasado (there was, there were).


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Past tense of to be : was - were (Pasado del verbo to be: was – were)




last week










Negative form (forma negative)


he was + not = wasn’t




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you = were + not = weren’t



A. Affirmative sentences (Oraciones afirmativas)

Subject + to be + Complement

(Sujeto + to be + complemento)

I was at home yesterday

She was in the library last week

They were in the stadium last night

You were in the park this morning

B. Interrogative question form with was – were (Oraciones interrogatives:

was – were)

to be + Subject + Complement?

(¿to be + sujeto + complemento?)

Was I in the house yesterday?

Was She in the library last week?

Were They in the stadium last night?

Were You in the park this morning?

Question form (Oraciones interrogatives)

was I there? Affirmative answerShe Yes, I – he – she – it was


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He Yes, you - we – they wereIt Negative answer


there?No, I – he – she – it wasn’t

You No, you - we – they weren’tthey

Quantity expressions (expresiones de cantidad)



Were weren’t

Question form (Oraciones interrogativas)

Was a book on the table?


Were apples on the table?

Affirmative answer

Yes, there was a book on the table. (Si, había un libro sobre la mesa)

Yes, there were apples on the table. (Si, habían manzanas sobre la mesa)

Negative answer

No, there wasn’t a book on the table. (No, no había un libro sobre la mesa)

No, there weren’t apples on the table. (No, no habían manzanas sobre la


Estas estructuras también pueden ser respondidas en forma corta.


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Was there a teacher in class?

Yes, there was.

No, there wasn’t.

Were there books on the table

Yes, there were.

No, there weren’t.


There was not = There wasn’t

There were not = There weren’t

Affirmative answer

Was - Were

1. Were you in the house yesterday? (¿Estabas tu en la casa ayer?)

a) Yes, I was.

b) Yes, I was in the house yesterday. (Si, yo estaba en la casa


2. Were you in the park this morning? (¿Estabas en el parque esta mañana?)

a) Yes, I was.

b) Yes, I was in the park this morning. (Si, yo estaba en el parque

esta mañana)

Negative answer

Wasn’t – Weren’t


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1. Were you in the school last week? (¿Estabas en la escuela la semana


a. No, I wasn’t.

b. No, I wasn’t in the school last week. (No, yo no estuve en la

escuela la semana pasada)

2. Was she at the university last year? (¿Estaba ella en la Universidad

el año pasado?)

a. No, she wasn’t

b. No, she wasn’t at the university last year. (No, ella no estaba

en la Universidad la semana pasada)


1. Change the following sentences to the interrogative form. (Cambie las

siguientes oraciones a la forma interrogativa)


She was at the disco last Saturday

Was she at the disco last Saturday?

1-Mary and Rose were students last year.


2-The secretary was in the office.


3-The dog was in the park.


4- The doctors were in the hospital.


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2. Answer in a complete negative form. (Conteste en forma negativa y



Was Robert at the beach last weekend?

No, he wasn’t at the beach last weekend.

1-Was Margaret in the country?


2-Were Pedro and Betsy very happy at the party?


3-Were you in class this morning?


4-Was your father at home yesterday?


3. Answer in a complete affirmative form. (Conteste en forma afirmativa y



Were the students in class?

Yes, they were in class.

1. Was the man at the park?



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2. Were they in the patio?


3. Were you a teacher in the school?


4. Underline the correct word in parenthesis. (Subrayar la palabra correcta

en parentesis)


I (was were) a secretary.

1- They (wasn’t weren’t) in Maracaibo.

2- Margaret (was were) a nurse here.

3- The children (were was) in the laboratory this morning.

5. Complete the dialogue. Use was-were-wasn’t-weren’t. (Complete el

diálogo. Use was – were – wasn’t – weren’t)


Julia: Andres, were you at the party last night?

Andres: Yes, I _______

Julia: _________ Margaret and Peter there?

Andres: No, they ___________

6. Complete with was - were – wasn’t – weren’t (Complete con was –

were – wasn’t – weren’t)


There were many people at the beach


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1.- There _________ lots of baseball players there last night.

2.- There _________ few fruits in the refrigerator.

3.- There _________ much money in my pocket.

4.- There _________ some dictionaries here yesterday.

7. Change into negative sentences. (Cambie a la forma negativa)


There were pencils on the chairs.

There weren’t pencils on the chairs.

1. There was a man in the drugstore.


2. There were four cars in the garage.


3. There were lots of books here yesterday.


4. There was a doctor in the hospital.


8. Change to interrogative form. (Cambie a la forma interrogative)


There was a beautiful girl at the meeting.

Was there a beautiful girl at the meeting?


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1. There were many dogs in your house.


2. There was a lot of coffee in the pot.


3. There were two men standing at the door.


4. There was a child at home.


Exercise 9

A.- Read the paragraph. (Lea el parrafo)

Regina lived in La Victoria Aragua State eight years ago. Her house was near

Jose Felix Ribas Square, downtown. There was a big avenue near her home,

there were many shops, four restaurants, two banks and a theatre on the

avenue. She liked her house very much.

B.- Answer the questions about the paragraph. (Responda las preguntas

acerca del párrafo)


Was there a big avenue near her home?

Yes, there was

1.- How many shops were there on the avenue?


2.- Was her house far from downtown?


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3.- What square was near her house?


4.- How many theatres were there?


C.- Underline the correct answer. (Subraye la respuesta correcta)


There ( was – were ) many shops near her house.

1. There ( was – were ) a big avenue in La Victoria.

2. There ( was – were ) two banks in the avenue.

3. There ( was – were ) a square near her house.

10. Complete the conversation. Use was – wasn’t – were – weren’t.

(Complete la conversación. Use was – wasn’t – were – weren’t)


Pedro: Where were you last night?

Alice: I _______ at home.

Pedro: No, you ___________ I phoned you and you __________ there.

Alice: I _____________ with my friend Daysi.

11. Complete with the question words. Use how many – where – when –




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How many books were on the table?

1.- ___________ restaurants were there in the avenue?

2.- ___________ were you in Margarita Island?

3.- ___________ were you this morning?

4.- ___________ color was your car?

12. Answer these questions with the words in parenthesis. (Conteste estas

preguntas con las palabras en paréntesis)


How many apples were there in the refrigerator? (Six)

There were six apples in the refrigerator.

1.- How many students were there at the game? (Many)


2.- How many parks were there near your house? (Two)


3.- How many pencils were there on the table? (Three)


4.- How much sugar was there in your coffe? (Little)



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Vocabulary / Vocabulario























Bello – Bonito


Aula de clase

País – Campo




Granjero – Agricultor
















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Inglés Básico










Last week

Last month

Last Sunday

Last night

Last year

This morning


la semana pasada

el mes pasado

el domingo pasado


el año pasado

esta mañana




Be born

(Was/Were) Born







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Inglés Básico

Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

A) Answer in affirmative form. (Conteste en forma afirmativa)


Were they in the school?

Yes, they were in the school.

1.- Was Susan a nurse?


2.- Were they at the university?


3.- Were we in Mérida last sunday?


4.- Was the dog in the street this morning?


B) Answer in a complete negative form. (Conteste en forma negativa)


Was Susan an accountant?

No, she wasn’t an accountant.

1.- Was Sara a good player?



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2.- Were the men in the restaurant?


3.- Was he a farmer?


4.- Were Angel and Dorys engineers?


C) Complete the dialogue, use these forms: was - were - wasn’t - weren’t

(Complete el diálogo, use estas formas: was - were - wasn’t - weren’t)


He was a good student last year

1.- They _______ in class last week.

2.- Maria and Pedro ____________ good lawyers

3.- Vicente _______ a Mathematic teacher in this school

4.- We ________ here yesterday

D) Answer in affirmative form. (Conteste en forma afirmativa)


Were you here yesterday?

Yes, I was here yesterday.

1- Was there a picture on the wall?


2- Were there many workers in the company?


3- Was there a book on the table?


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4- Were there many classrooms in the school?


E) Answer in negative form. (Conteste en forma negativa)


Was there a tall man near here?

No, there wasn’t a tall man near here.

1. Were there students sitting on the chairs?


2. Were there any erasers on the desk?


3. Was there a cat at the home?


4. Was there a car in the garage?


F) Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.

(Lea el siguiente parrafo y conteste las preguntas)

Simón Bolivar was the Liberator of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and

Bolivia. He helped to liberate others latinoamerican nations. He was born in

Caracas on July 24th in 1783.


Who was Simon Bolivar?


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He was the Liberator of Venezuela.

1.- Where was Simon Bolivar born?


2.- When was he born?


3.- Was Simon Bolivar the Liberator of Ecuador an Peru?


4.- Was Simón Bolívar the Liberator of Mexico?



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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación

A) 1.- Yes, she was a nurse.

2.- Yes, they were at the university.

3.- Yes, you were in Mérida last Sunday.

4.- Yes, the dog was in the street this morning.

B) 1.- No, she wasn’t a good player.

2.- No, they weren’t in the restaurant.

3.- No, he wasn’t a farmer.

4.- No, they weren’t engineers.

C) 1.- Were

2.- Were

3.- Was

4.- Were

D) 1.- Yes, there was a picture on the wall.

2.- Yes, there were many workers in the company.

3.- Yes, there was a book on the table.

4.- Yes, there were many classrooms in the school.


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E) 1.- No, there weren’t students sitting on the chairs.

2.- No, there weren’t erasers on the desk.

3.- No, there wasn’t a cat in the house.

4.- No, there wasn’t a car in the garage.

F) 1.- He was born in Caracas.

2.- He was born on July 24th 1783.

3.- Yes, he was.

4.- No, he wasn’t .


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Inglés Básico

Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a ten line paragraph about your last vacation, using the past form of to

be (was – were – there was – there were).


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Inglés Básico

Unidad IX Ordenes,ubicación y


Objetivo Terminal

Expresar en inglés, oraciones relacionadas con las direcciones y

ubicaciones de personas y lugares, en forma oral y escrita.


- Oraciones imperativas

- Direcciones y/o localización

- Preposiciones: in, on, under, behind, between, close to.

Información de la unidad

En esta unidad se tratarán los siguientes puntos:

Las oraciones imperativas, las cuales se utilizan para dar órdenes y

prohibiciones. Ej.: Sit down, please (Siéntese por favor)

Don’t smoke in class (No fume en clase)

Expresiones para localizar lugares y dar direcciones.

Ej.: Where is the house? (¿Donde está la casa?)

It’s on second street. (Está en la segunda calle?)


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Grammar / Gramática

Command sentences (oraciones imperativas)

En inglés el imperativo se construye con la forma infinitiva del

verbo sin la partícula To.

En una oración imperativa el sujeto es siempre You, pero no se

escribe ni se dice.

El imperativo se usa para dar órdenes, direcciones y prohibiciones.

Read the following sentences (Lea las siguientes oraciones):

Sit down. (Siéntese)

Be here at 7:30 (Esté aquí a las 7:30)

Don’t be late. (No llegues tarde)

Call Mary. ( Llama a Mary)

Don’t smoke in class. (No fumes en clase)

Do not throw the litter on the street, pick it up. (No lances el envase en

la calle, recógelo)

Watch out ! (Ten cuidado)


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Base of verb Complement




here at 7:30




Do not / Don’t + Base form of verbs

Do not throw litter on the street

Don’t smoke in class!



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Inglés Básico

Locate people and places (Ubicar personas y lugares)

Para pedir información acerca de la ubicación de personas y lugares, se

puede usar where al preguntar.

Question Answer

Where is the restaurant ?

(¿Donde está el restaurant?)

Where is Mary ?

(¿Donde está Mary?)

Where are you?

(¿Donde están ustedes?)

On Bolívar Av.

(En la Av. Bolívar)

At the bank.

(En el banco)

We’re at the supermarket.

(Estamos en el supermercado)

En las respuestas se usan las preposiciones de lugar: on, at. El primero se

utilize para referirsen a calles o avenidas y el Segundo se emplea para

referirse a establecimientos.


Where is = Where’s (Donde está?)



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1. The hospital is on Páez Street. (El hospital está en la calle Paez)

2. The library is on Bolívar Avenue. (La biblioteca está en la avenida Bolívar)


Exercise 1

Fill the blanks with an affirmative or negative imperative sentence. (Rellene

los espacios con una oración imperativa, afirmativa o negativa)

Turn drink drive

Leave wear look


Wear the seat belt.

1. ___________ and drive.

2. ___________ left.

3. ___________ at the picture.

4. ___________ carefully.

5. Mr. López isn’t here right now. _________ a message.

Exercises 2


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Inglés Básico

Answer the following questions. Use on – at. . (Responda las siguientes

preguntas. Use on – at)


Where’s the post office?

It’s on Páez Avenue.

1. Where’s the library?


2. Where’s the police station?


3. Where’s the department store?


4. Where’s the school?


Practice these dialogues. (Practique estos diálogos)


A: Excuse me, is the hotel near here?

B: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

A: Thanks.


A: Excuse me, is the Mercantil Bank near here?

B: Yes it is. It’s on Libertad Avenue.

A: Thank you.



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A: Where’s Jane?

B: I don’t know.

A: Where’s Peter?

B: He’s at the INCE

Locations in a building

Nota: Para indicar ubicaciones dentro de un edificio se utilizan las siguientes


Upstairs Arriba

Downstairs Abajo

Over there Por allá

Down the hall on the right Bajando por el pasillo a la derecha

Down the hall on the left Bajando por el pasillo a la izquierda

In that way En esa vía / en ese camino

Practice these dialogues. (Practique estos diálogos)



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A: Where are the restrooms?

B: Over there.

A: Thanks.


A: Where’s the exit?

B: It’s down the hall on the right.

A: Thanks.


A: Where is the cafeteria?

B: It’s downstairs.

A: Thanks.


A: Where are the elevators?

B: That way.

A: Thanks.

Expressions for giving directions. (Expresiones para dar direcciones)

How do I get to the school? (¿Como llego a la escuela?)

- Go straight. (Siga derecho)

- Walk down. (Camine)

- Turn right. (Cruce a la derecha)

- Turn left. (Cruce a la izquierda)

- It’s on / at the corner. (Está en la esquina)

- It’s between………. (Está entre…..)

- One block. (Una cuadra)


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Exercise 3

Give directions. Look at the map and read the conversation below. (Dé

direcciones. Observe el mapa y lea la conversación de abajo)

A. Excuse me, how do I get to the department store?

B. Walk down third Avenue until you get to Washington Street. Then turn

right at the corner. Go straight. Walk one block. The department store is

on the left.

A. Where’s the school, please?

B. It’s on the Third Avenue, between Lincoln and Main Street.


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A. How can I get there, please?

B. Walk down Washington Street up to Third Avenue turn right and walk one

block. It’s on the left at the corner of Main Street and Third Avenue.

Exercise 4

Answer the following questions. (Conteste las siguientes preguntas)


a) Where’s the Japanese Restaurant?


b) How can I get there please?





a) Go down Third avenue to Lincoln street, turn right. It’s between Third

Avenue and Fourth Avenue, on the right what is it? ______________


Exercise 5

Match each sentence from the left with its corresponding advice. (Seleccione

la alternative correcta)

1- I have a headache a) go to the dentist

2- I worry too much b) practice with friends

3- I can’t speak English very well c) go on a diet

4- I feel tired everymorning d) take some aspirin

5- I’m overweight e) take it easy


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Inglés Básico

Preposition of place (Preposiciones de lugar): Usamos las preposiciones de

lugar (in, on, under, betwee ) para decir donde está algo o donde se realiza

una actividad. Una preposición viene antes de un sustantivo, seguido

generalmente por un verbo




Excercise 6

Write sentences using the prepositions given. (Escriba oraciones usando las

preposiciones dadas)




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Inglés Básico

Your hat is on the table.

The pen is under the sofa.

The car is in the garage.

The hospital is between Third and Fourth Avenue

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

4. ________________________________________

Excercise 7

Practice orally. Making substitution from the box

A- Oh, no !

B- What’s the problem ?

A- I lost my umbrella.

B- It’s over there on the table

A- Oh, thanks a lot

B- You’re welcome

What’s the problem?

What’s wrong?

What’s the matter?


Thank you

Under the table in the closet

Don’t mention it


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Stand upGo to the boardSit downRaise your handOpen your bookClose your bookLook at the pictureTurn rightTurn leftGet toGo straightWorryWatch outPick it upTake it easyI don’t knowOverweightTiredUmbrellaExitNearBankPost officeSupermarketGymDiscoHospitalLibraryTheatreRestaurantPolice station

PáreseVaya a la pizarraSiénteseLevante su manoAbra su libroCierre su libroMire el cuadroCruce a la derechaCruce a la izquierdaLlegar aVaya derechoPreocuparseCuidadoLevántaloTómelo con calmaYo no séSobre pesoCansadoSombrillaSalidaCerca deBancoOficina postalSupermercadoGimnasioDiscotecaHospitalBibliotecaTeatroRestaurantEstación de policía


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Inglés Básico

Self-evaluation / Autoevaluación

A) Match the sentences

1- You get into a taxi a-“Give me my exam, please”

2- A father to his son b-“I love you very much son”

3- A man stops you on the street c- “Excuse me, what time is it?”

4- A student says to his teacher d- “Take me to the airport, please”

B) Translate to Spanish this paragraph. (Traducir al español este


My name is Carmen Ruíz. I’m from Guárico. I live there, on Miranda Avenue #

15. I work at the INCE Guárico. I can get there by bus because it’s far from

my house.

C) Fill the blanks with the prepositions. (Llene los espacios en blanco

con las preposiciones)


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The car is in the garage.

1. The keys are _________ the table.

2. The bank is __________ the post office and the restaurant.

3. The cat sleeps ________ the bed.

4. The bird is ____________ the cage.

5. The books are _________ the shelf.

6. The knives are _________ the drawer.


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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación

A) 2.b 3.c 4.a

B) Mi nombre es Carmen Ruíz. Yo soy de Guárico. Yo vivo allá, en la

Avenida Miranda # 15. Yo trabajo en el INCE Guárico. Yo puedo allá en

autobús porque está lejos de mi casa.

D) 1.- On

2.- Between

3.- Under / on

4.- In

5.- On

6.- In


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Written Work / Trabajo Escrito

Write a short paragraph about locations of objects in your office, room or



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Inglés Básico

Unidad X Auxiliar Did, pasado simple

Objetivo Terminal

Construir oraciones en inglés en forma oral y escrita en pasado simple,

utilizando el auxiliar Did.


Uso de auxiliar Did, tiempo pasado simple.

a) Estructuras interrogativas

b) Esctructuras afirmativas

c) Estructuras negativas

d) Contracciones

Información de la Unidad

El auxiliar Did se usa en Inglés para interrogar, afirmar y negar en pasado

simple. Cuando utilizamos el auxiliar Did para interrogar, la oración queda

en pasado y el verbo que se use en la oración siempre tendrá que estar en

presente simple.

Example: Did they see Patricia at school?


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Mientras que cuando respondemos en forma larga afirmativa, el verbo que se

use en la oración siempre tendrá que estar en pasado simple y debemos

obviar el auxiliar Did. La respuesta corta, en cambio, exige la presencia del

auxiliar Did.

Example: Did they see Patricia at school?

Respuesta larga: Yes, they saw Patricia at school.

Respuesta corta: Yes, they did.

y cuando el auxiliar Did se use en una respuesta negativa larga, el verbo

tendrá que estar en presente simple.

Example: Did they see Patricia at school?

Respuesta larga: No, they didn’t see Patricia at school.

Respuesta corta: No, they didn’t.

Contracción: Didn’t = Did not


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Grammar / Gramática

Regular Verbs/ Verbos Regulares

1. Infinitive + Ed

Talk + ed = talked

2. infinitive + D

Like + D = liked

3. Infinitive – y + ied

cry = cried

4. Infinitive + double final consonant + ed

Stop = stopped

Irregular Verbs/ Verbos Irregulares

Infinitive Past Infinitive Past


Was / wereBecameBeganBroughtBuiltBoughtCameDidDrankDroveAteFound




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Affirmative and Negative:

Subject Verb ComplementI


WentDidn’t go

Did not go

To the supermarketTo the bank


YesterdayLast Saturday

Last night


Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb ComplementDid


They You


Go There Last week?Last month?Last night?Last year?At 9:00?



Short Answers Yes, (I) did.

No, (she) Didn’t.

Long Answers: Yes, I went to the supermarket yesterday.

No, I didn´t go to the supermarket yesterday.


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Exercise 1

Read the following story. (Lea el siguiente cuento)

Part IAlice and Pedro are on vacation. It’s 10:00 at night. They’re on a very dark

and lonely country road. Suddenly their car stops.

Alice What’s wrong with the car?

Pedro: I don’t know .

Alice: Did you put in any gas today?

Pedro: I put some in this afternoon.

Alice What are we going to do?

Pedro: I’m going to find a phone.

Alice: I’m going with you.

Pedro: No, It’s freezing! Stay here, lock the door.

Alice: Please, be careful.

Part II

Pedro comes back a few minutes later.

Pedro: Alice, It’s me. Open the door. Sorry, did I scare you?.

Alice: Yes, you did! Did you find a phone?


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Pedro: No, but I found a hotel. I went around the corner up there and

saw it. They have a room for tonight. We can call a garage

tomorrow. Come on!

Part III

They’re in the hotel room. Pedro goes into the bathroom. There’s a

noise outside.

Alice: Pedro! Did you hear that?

Pedro: What?

Alice: I heard something. A strange noise.

Pedro: I didn’t hear anything.

Alice: You were in the bathroom.

Pedro: Yes, and there aren’t any towels. I’m going down to the front desk.

Alice: O.K.

Pedro: Don’t worry; Alice. I’m not frightened.

Pedro: Alice!

Alice: What’s the matter?

Pedro: I went outside… and I saw someone in the hall. He was wearing

a long black coat, like count Dracula. He had two big teeth,


Alice: This isn’t funny, Pedro.

Pedro: He was there! I saw him. He went around the corner and I went

after him. But there wasn’t anyone there.

Alice: What? There wasn’t anyone there?

Pedro: That’s right. I didn’t see anyone. Ssh! Did you hear that?

Alice: It’s that same noise again.

Pedro: Come one, I’m not staying here. Let’s go.

Part IV


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They are at the front desk

Alice: Pedro, look. It’s a Halloween* party

Pedro:And there’s count Dracula! Come on, We’re staying!

* Halloween is a popular festival that takes place on October 31. Many

people wear strange, frightening, or funny costumes. There are parades,

dances, and parties in many places.

B. Read again and answer these questions. (Lea de nuevo y conteste estas preguntas)


Did Pedro put in any gas today?Yes, he put some gas today.

1. Did he find a phone?

2. What did he find?

3. What did Alice hear?

4. Where was Pedro?

5. What did Pedro see?

6. What did Pedro and Alice see at the front desk?

7. How is this party called?


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Exercise 2

Write negative and affirmative answers to these questions. (Escriba

respuestas negativas y afrimativas a estas preguntas)

Example: Did you drink coffee with breakfast this morning?

Yes, I drank coffee with breakfast this


No, I didn’t drink coffee with breakfast

this morning.

1. Did you eat eggs for breakfast this morning?

2. Did he walk to school today?

3. Did she drive home this morning?

4. Did they come to work yesterday evening?


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5. Did we read the newspaper this morning?

Exercise 3

A. Write negative sentences. Use the words in parenthesis. Escriba

oraciones negativas. Use las palabras en parentesis.


I woke up at 8:30 (8:15)

I didn’t wake up at 8:15

1. They swam 400 yards. (800 yards)

2. The lesson began at 9:00. (9:10)

3. They drank tea (milk)

4. He ran 100 yards (400 yards)


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A / an Be careful Call Car Come back Corner Count Country Dark Door Few Freezing Front deskFuel Funny Garage Gas Hall HalloweenHere Know Later Lock Lonely Minutes Night Noise Open

Uno, unaTener cuidadoLlamarCarroRegresarEsquinaCondeCampo/ paísOscuro-aPuertaPocoCongeladoRecepciónCombustibleChistoso, graciosoGarage/tallerGasolinaPasilloFiesta de brujasAquíSaber, conocerMás tardeCerrar con seguroSolitario-aMinutosNocheRuidoAbrir


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Outside Party Put Road StayScareStory Teeth Today TowelVacation Very With Wrong

AfueraFiestaColocarCaminoQuedarseAsustarCuentoDientesHoyToallaVacaciónMuyConEquivocación, problema

Self – evaluation / Autoevaluación

A.- Answer the following questions. Use complete answers.

(Conteste las siguientes preguntas. Use respuestas completas)


What time did María get up this morning?

She got up at six o’clock this morning.

1. Did José have eggs for breakfast?

2. Did you go to school last week?

3. What did they play yesterday?

4. Did your father watch TV last night?


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B. Read (Lea)

Last night Carol stayed at home. She read a novel until 12 P.M. It was

late and she was tired so she went to bed. In the morning she got up

early, at 7 a.m. she watched TV for 15 minutes. Then she had juice,

coffee, bread, and cheese at home. It was Saturday and schools are

closed on Saturdays. At 8 a.m. she went to the library. Carol is a good


Write true or false. If you write false, write the true information.

(Escriba verdadero o falso. Si escribes falso, suministra la información



F Carol was in the library yesterday evening.

Carol stayed at home yesterday evening.

1. She read a novel yesterday.

2. She went to sleep last night about 10 p.m.

3. Today she had coffee and juice at school.

4. She went to the library in the morning.

5. She watched TV today for two hours.


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Answers to Self-evaluation / Respuestas a la Autoevaluación


1. Yes, he had eggs for breakfast.

No, he didn’t have eggs for breakfast.

2. Yes, I went to school last week

No, I didn’t go to school last week.

3. They played (baseball) yesterday.

4. Yes, he watched TV last night.

No, he didn’t watch TV last night.




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2. F

She went to sleep last night about 12 p.m.


She had coffee and juice at home.



She watched TV today for 15 minutes

Written Work / Trabajo Escrito


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Write a 10 line paragraph about a what you did yesterday.

( Escribe un párrafo de diez (10) líneas.


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Prueba de revision final

Unidades I al X

I. Arrange the following sentences. (Organice las oraciones siguientes)



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at – at – 3 o’clock – she – ten – is – usually – home

She usually is at home at three o’clock.

1) in – August – takes – always – vacation – she


2) an – has – Helen – to – wear – uniform


3) she – English- everyday – work – practices – at


4) the – working – is – in – office – the – secretary



Read about Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford, then write the answers of the

following questions. (Lea acerca de Richard Gere y Cindy Crawford, luego

escriba las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas)


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What does Richard Gere do?

He’s an actor.

1. What does Cindy Crawford do?


2. Name some of his films.


3. Are they married?


4. Where do they live?


III. Answer the following questions. (Conteste las siguientes



Do you go to the beach every weekend?

No, I don’t. / Yes, I do.

1. Does Alice write books?


2. Do they usually eat in a restaurant?


3. Does he eat chicken everyday?


4. Did he work in the office yesterday?


5. Did you go to school last week?



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6. Are you a good student?


7. Is Merly a nurse?


8. What are you doing?


9. Are you studying English?


IV. Change to question the following sentences. (Cambie a pregunta las

siguientes oraciones)


I was born in 1961

When were you born?

1. She plays tennis every Saturday.


2. They worked late last night.


3. He is going to school.


4. They are cleaning the office.


V. Look at the map, then answer the following question: How can I get to

the Police Station?


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Clave de respuesta de la prueba de

revisión final

Part I

1. She always takes vacations in August


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2. Helen has to wear a uniform

3. She practices English at work everyday

4. The secretary is working in the office

Part II

1. She is an actress

2. Pretty woman, Yanks, etc.

3. Yes, they are

4. They live in USA

Part III

1. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

2. Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

3. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

4. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

5. Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

6. Yes, I am. No, I am not.

7. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

8. I’m studying, playing…..

9. Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Part IV

1. Does she play tennis everyday?

2. Did they work late last night?

3. Where he is going?

4. What are they cleaning?

Part V


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Go straight ahead Washington Street. On the second block turn right to Third

Avenue. Walk down Third Avenue, then turn left on the second block to

Lincoln Street. The Police Station is on the right.



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- BADALAMENTI V, HENNER Stanchina, C. (2000), Grammar Dimensions, form, meaning and use. Heinle & Heinle.

- DU VIVIER, M, HOPKINS, A, POTTER J. (1994), Look Ahead, Teacher`s Book 1

- MAURER, J, SCHOENBERG J. (1999), True Colors Basic, Teacher`s Editor.




- _________________ (S/F) Spectrum 1, Student Book, Prentice Hall Regents.

- VINEY P, VINEY K, REIN D. (1993), Main Street, Student Book 1, Oxford University Press.

- VINEY P, VINEY K, REIN D. (1993), Main Street Student Book 2.