manual de ejercicios inglés i ingenieria c

1 Objetivo de la asignatura Objetivo Unidad 1 El alumno verificará información, de forma sencilla, con oraciones simples, estructuras básicas y tag questions, para proporcionar información precisa y de acuerdo a las necesidades del interlocutor Resultado del aprendizaje Unidad 1 Dele p LLI Alicia Ornelas V. Ingeniería en Mecatrónica Manual de Ejercicios Inglés (Ingles 1) IMEC 71 & 72 N El alumno verificará la información recibida a través de las expresiones lingüísticas y formas gramaticales de nivel intermedio para desarrollar una comunicación efectiva. Sin preparación previa y a partir de información  proporcionada por el profesor de manera verbal:  Describirá, a una persona, lo que hace, cosas que le gustan y no le gustan, y reafirma información empleando tag questions.  Realizará una composición, con información adicional escrita, describiendo las actividades de un día cualquiera en la vida de esa persona.  

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Objetivo de la asignatura

Objetivo Unidad 1

El alumno verificará información, de forma sencilla, con oraciones simples, estructuras básicas ytag questions , para proporcionar información precisa y de acuerdo a las necesidades del interlocutor

Resultado del aprendizaje Unidad 1

Dele p LLI Alicia Ornelas V.

Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

Manual de Ejercicios Inglés (Ingles 1) IMEC 71 & 72 N

El alumno verificará la información recibida através de las expresiones lingüísticas y formas

gramaticales de nivel intermedio para desarrollaruna comunicación efectiva.

Sin preparación previa y a partir de información proporcionada por el profesor de manera verbal:

Describirá, a una persona, lo que hace, cosas que le gustany no le gustan, y reafirma información empleando tagquestions.

Realizará una composición, con información adicionalescrita, describiendo las actividades de un día cualquiera

en la vida de esa persona.

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Unit 1 Verifying information

Simple Present – Present Progressive


Simple Present Present Progressive


(3rd person singular: infinitive + 's')

I speak

you speak

he / she / it speakswe speak

they speak

form of 'be' and verb + ing

I am speaking

you are speaking

he / she / it is speakingwe are speaking

they are speaking


Exceptions when adding 's' :

For can, may, might, must , do not add s.

Example: he can, she may, it must

After o, ch, sh or s, add es.

Example: do - he do es, wash - she wash es

After a consonant, the final consonant y becomes ie. (but: notafter a vowel)

Example: worry - he worr ies

but: play - he pla ys

Exceptions when adding 'ing' :

Silent e is dropped. (but: does not apply for -ee )

Example: come - com ing

but: agree - agr eeing

After a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled.

Example: sit - sittingAfter a vowel, the final consonant l is doubled in BritishEnglish (but not in American English).

Example: travel - trave lling (British English)

but: trave lling (American English)

Final ie becomes y.

Example: lie – lying

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Use In general or right now?

Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is happening right now?

Simple Present Present Progressive

in general (regularly, often, never) Colin plays football every Tuesday.

present actions happening one after another

First Colin plays football, then he watches TV.

right now Look! Colin is playing football now.

also for several actions happening at the same time

Colin is playing football and Anne is watching.

Signal words


every ...









at the moment

at this moment



right now



Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present:

be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, want

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Timetable / Schedule or arrangement?

Do you want to express that something is arranged for the near future? Or do you refer to a time set by a

timetable or schedule?

Simple Present Present Progressive

action set by a timetable or schedule

The film starts at 8 pm.

arrangement for the near future

I am going to the cinema tonight.

Daily routine or just for a limited period of time?

Do you want to talk about a daily routine? Or do you want to emphasis that something is only going on for a

limited (rather short) period of time?

Simple Present Present Progressive

daily routine

Bob works in a restaurant.

only for a limited period of time (does not have to happendirectly at the moment of speaking)

Jenny is working in a restaurant this week.

Certain Verbs

The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present (not in the progressive form).

state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit

Example: We are on holiday.

possession: belong, have

Example: Sam has a cat.

senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch

Example: He feels the cold.

feelings: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish

Example: Jane loves pizza.

brain work: believe, know, think, understand

Example: I believe you.

Introductory clauses for direct speech: answer, ask, reply, say

Example: “I am watching TV,“ he says .

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Exercise 1

Write the verbs in Present Progressive.

1. speak - Iam speaking

2. jump - you are jumping

3. bake - sheis baking

4. play - theyare playing

5. run - weare running

Exercise 2. Write the verbs in SimplePresent, 3rd person singular.

1. be - itis

2. have - he


3. eat - she


4. can - hecan

5. wash - shew ashes


Exercise 3. When to use which tense?

1. For actions happening regularly, often or never, we use .simple present

2. For actions happening now, we usePresent Progressive


3. The verbs 'be', 'have', 'like' and 'want' are normally only used inSimple Present


4. The signal word 'usually' indicates that we have to useSimple Present


5. The signal word 'now' indicates that we have to usePresent Progressive


Positive sentences

Exercise. 4. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. Look! They (leave) are leaving

the house.

2. Brian (cycle) cycles

30 km every day.

3. Samantha (do) is doing

her homework at the moment.

4. My parents (shop) are shopping

right now.

5. He usually (get up) gets up

early in the morning.

Negative sentencesExercise 5. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. You (see / not) doesn't see

her every day.

2. The baby (sleep / not) isn't sleeping

at the moment.

3. I (read / not) am not readin

a book now.

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4. We (go / not) don't go

to school on Sundays.

5. He (watch / not) doesn't w atc

the news every day.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. (you / go) do you go

on holiday by plane sometimes?

2. (they / play) do they play

computer games every day?

3. (she / eat) is she eating

dinner at the moment?

4. What (they / do) are they doing

right now?

5. (she / visit) her grandma very often?

Exercise 7. Write the following sentences into present simple or progressive.

Look! Jenny (go) is going

to school.

1. On her back, Jenny (carry) is carring

her school bag.

2. The school bag (be) is

very heavy

3. Normally, Jenny (wear) w ears

black shoes, but today she (wear) is w earing

red wellies.

4. And look, she (wear) is w earing

a raincoat because it (rain) is raining


5. Jenny (not / want) doesn't w ant

to get wet.

II. Answer the exercises in the following link:

does she v

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Simple Past – Past Progressive


Simple Past Past Progressive

irregular verbs: see 2nd column of irregular verbs

I spoke

regular verbs: verb + ed

I worked

past form of 'be' + ing form of verb

I was speaking

you were speaking

he / she / it was speaking

we were speaking

they were speaking


Exceptions when adding 'ed' :

when the final letter is e, only add d .

Example: love - love d

after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is

doubledExample: admit - admi tted

final l is always doubled in British English (not inAmerican English)

Example: travel - trave lled

after a consonant, final y becomes i. (but: not after avowel)

Example: worry - he worr ied

but: play - he pla yed

Exceptions when adding 'ing' :

silent e is dropped (but: does not apply for -ee )

Example: come - com ing

but: agree - agr eeing

after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant isdoubled

Example: sit - sitting

final l is always doubled in British English (not inAmerican English)

Example: travel - trave lling

final ie becomes y.

Example: lie – lying

See also explanations on Simple Past and Past Progressive


After another or at the same time?

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Do you want to express that the actions in the past happened one after another or at the same time?

Simple Past Past Progressive

after another

She came home, switched on the computer and checked her e-


at the same time

Simon was playing on the computer while his brother was watchin


New action or already in progress?

If you want to express that a new action happened in the middle of another action, you need both tenses:

Simple Past the new action and Past Progressive for the action already in progress.

Simple Past Past Progressive

new action

My mobile rang (when I was sitting in a meeting.)

action already in progress

While I was sitting in a meeting, (my mobile suddenly rang.)

Only mentioning or emphasising progress?

Do you just want to mention that an action took place in the past (also used for short actions)? Or do you

want to put emphasis on the progress, e.g. that an action was taking place at a certain time?

Simple Past Past Progressive

just mentioning

Colin played football yesterday.

emphasising progress

Yesterday at six o'clock, Colin was playing football.

Certain Verbs

The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Past (not in the progressive form).

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state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit

Example: We were on holiday.

possession: belong, have

Example: Sam had a cat.

senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch

Example: He felt the cold.

feelings: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish

Example: Jane loved pizza.

brain work: believe, know, think, understand

Example: I did not understand him.

introductory clauses for direct speech: answer, ask, reply, say

Example: “I am watching TV,“ he said .

Exercise 1

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).

1. When I (get) up yesterday, the sun (shine) .

2. It (is) a beautiful morning.

3. So I (decide) to cycle around a little.

4. I (go) to the shed and (take) out my bike.

5. While I (cycle) past some villages, I (see) some people in theirgardens.

6. One man (mow) the grass while his wife (pick) strawberries.

7. After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly (appear) and

it (start) to rain.

8. Luckily, a farmer (notice) me and (tell) me to come in.

9. While it (rain) outside, I (sit) in the farmer's house.

10. After a while, the sun (come) out again.

11. I (thank) the farmer for his hospitality and (move) o

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Will - Be going to

Exercise 1. Watch the following video

Exercise 2. Answer the exercise

1 I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.


'm going to

2 Where are you going?

I ______ visit a customer. 'll

'm going to

3 Do you want me to help you?

No thanks. John ______ helpme.


's going to

4 Would you prefer tea orcoffee?

I ______ have some coffee,please.


'm going to

5 Would you like to come to my

house for dinner and talkabout this?

Good idea. I ______ bring

some wine. 'll

'm going to

6 I've already decided. I ______buy a new car


'm going to

7 What are your plans for nextweek?

I ______ to fly to New York onbusiness. Probably onTuesday but I haven't boughtmy ticket yet.


'm going to

8 What are your plans for theholidays?

I ______ visit my parents for afew days and then go walkingin Scotland.

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'm going to

9 Why are you wearing yourbest suit?

I ______ have lunch with mybiggest customer.


'm going to

10 Do you want to have thechicken or the beef?

I think ______ have the beef. 'll

'm going to

11 My head hurts.

Sit down and I ______ get youan aspirin.


'm going to

12 We need some more ink forthe printer.

I ______ go to the shop andget some.


'm going to

13 Look! There's smoke comingout of the photocopier.

You turn it off and I ______phone the safety officer


'm going to

14 I cannot see how to use thisspreadsheet.

Don't worry. I ______ helpyou.


'm going to

15 I need to speak to you today.

I'm going out now but I ______ be back later. 'll

'm going to

16 Did you phone Michael?

I'm sorry. I completely forgot.I ______ do it now.


'm going to

17 Can you help me with this? Idon't understand.

I ______ give you a hand assoon as I've finished this.


'm going to

18 That's much too heavy for oneperson. I ______ give you ahand.


'm going to

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19 Could somebody answer thephone?

I ______ get it.


'm going to

20 It's really hot in here.

I ______ put on the air-conditioning.

'll'm going to

Exercise 3. Go to the following link and answer all the activities

Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

The present perfect is used whenthe time period has NOT finished:

I have seen threemovies this week . (This week has not

finished yet.)

The simple past is used when thetime period HAS finished:

I saw threemovies last week .

(Last week isfinished.)

The present perfect is often usedwhen giving recent news: Martin hascrashed his car

again. (This is newinformation.)

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she / live

I / look

you / buy

he / see

they / take


Exercise 7. When do we use which tense?

1. 'How often so far' is a signal word for ...

2. '... ago' is a signal word for ...

3. 'Until now' is an signal word for ...

4. 'Yesterday', 'last week' und 'in 2006' are signal words for ...

5. 'Just', 'already', 'yet' are signal words for ...

Positive Sentences

Exercise 8. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. William (tidy / already) up his room.

2. Caroline (miss) the schoolbus yesterday.

3. I (finish / just) my homework.4. I cannot go out tonight. My grandparents (come) to see us.

5. In 2004, the Olympic Summer Games (take) place in Athens.

Negative Sentences

Exercise 9. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

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1. We (watch / not) TV last night.

2. Joanna (read / not) the book yet.

3. Collin (not / go) on holiday last year.

4. I (have / not) any problems so far.

5. They (learn / not) the new words yet.


Exercise 10. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. (they / be / ever) to New York?

2. (you / see) Catherine a minute ago?

3. What time (you / get) up today?

4. (he / hear) the news yet?

5. How often (you / play) that game up to now?

Exercise 11. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. A: I (see / not) you for a long time. Where (you / be) ?

2. B: I (come / just) back from Canada.

3. A: Oh really? What (you / do) in Canada?

4. B: I (take) a nature tour.

5. A: Wow! (you / see) many wild animals there?

6. B: Of course. I (watch) bears, wolves and whales in the wild. That (be)

so interesting. (you / spend / ever) a holiday in Canada?

7. A: Yes, I (travel) around Canada twice so far.

8. B: When (you / go) there?

9. A: The first time I (go) there (be) in 1997 and the second time in 2004.

10. B: (you / enjoy) it?

11. A: I absolutely (love) it, especially the west coast.

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Tag Questions

Question tags are the short questions that we put on the end of sentences – particularly in spokenEnglish. There are lots of different question tags but the rules are not difficult to learn.


If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative ….

He’s a doctor, isn’t he? You work in a bank, don’t you?

... and if the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.

You haven’t met him, have you? She isn’t coming, is she?

With auxiliary verbs

The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is a n auxiliary verb (‘ have ’, ‘be ’)then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.

They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they? They weren’t here, were they? He had met him before, hadn’t he? This isn’t working, is it?

Without auxiliary verbs

If the main part of the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate form of‘do ’.

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I said that, didn’t I? You don’t recognise me, do you? She eats meat, doesn’t she?

With modal verbs

If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.

They couldn’t hear me, could they? You won’t tell anyone, will you?

With ‘I am’

Be careful with question tags with sentences that start ‘ I am ’. The question tag for ‘ I am ’ is ‘aren’t I ?’

I’m the fastest, aren’t I?


Question tags can either be ‘real’ questions where you want to know the answer or simply asking foragreement when we already know the answer.

If the question tag is a real question we use rising intonation . Our tone of voice rises.If we already know the answer we use falling intonation . Our tone of voice falls.

Exercise 1

Go to the following link and answer the exercise, keep the result and send it to the teacher’s e -mail.

Exercise 2

Answer the following exercises

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Objetivo Unidad 2

Resultado del aprendizaje

El alumno empleará las estructuras gramaticales indirectquestions y el primer condicional, para expresar hechosque se refieren a algo que es posible que pase en el

presente o futuro

El alumno realizará instrucciones o pasos de un proceso,empleando el primer condicional

El alumno desarrollará una presentación sobre una situaciónhipotética, referente al ámbito ecológico, personal, profesionalo familiar.

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Indirect Questions in English

The rules are different for indirect questions!

Direct questions are the “normal” questions that we can ask to friends, family members,and people who we know well. Example of a direct question:

“Where’s the bathroom?”

Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite. We use them when talking to a personwe don’t know ver y well, or in professional situations, and their form is a little different.

Example of an indirect question:

“Could you tell me where the bathroom is?”

Phrases for Indirect Questions

Could you tell me…

Do you know…

I was wondering…

Do you have any id ea…

I’d like to know…

Would it be possible…

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Indirect: Would it be possible for you to finish the project by tomorrow?

For direct questions with can, we can use the phrase “would it be possible…” to make itindirect.

Direct: Can we change the meeting to Thursday? Indirect: Is there any chance we could change the meeting to Thursday?

“Is there any chance…” is another option for forming indire ct questions with can.

Yes/No Direct Questions –> “If” in Indirect Questions

If the direct question is a “yes or no” question (it has no question word such as what, who,when, where, why, or how), then the indirect question will have if.

Direct: Does Tom like Italian food? Indirect: Do you know if Tom likes Italian food? Direct: Are your parents joining us for dinner? Indirect: Could you tell me if your parents are joining us for dinner? Direct: Do they speak English? Indirect: I was wondering if they speak English. Direct: Has Barbara ever studied abroad? Indirect: Do you have any idea if Barbara’s ever studied abroad? Direct: Do you plan on traveling this summer? Indirect: I’d like to know if you plan on traveling this summer.


Go to the following links and answer the exercise

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First listen to the interview






Fur ther exercises and listening practice here…..

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The first conditional

We use the First Conditional to talk about future events that are likely to happen.

If we take John, he'll be really pleased. If you give me some money, I'll pay you back tomorrow. If they tell us they want it, we'll have to give it to them. If Mary comes, she'll want to drive.

The 'if' clause can be used with different present forms.

If I go to New York again, I'll buy you a souvenir from the Empire State Building. If he's feeling better, he'll come. If she hasn't heard the bad news yet, I'll tell her.

The "future clause" can contain 'going to' or the future perfect as well as 'will'.

If I see him, I'm going to tell him exactly how angry I am. If we don't get the contract, we'll have wasted a lot of time and money.

The "future clause" can also contain other modal verbs such as 'can' and 'must'.

If you go to New York, you must have the cheesecake in Lindy's. If he comes, you can get a lift home with him.

Watch the following video about first conditional, answer the questions:

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1. Who are the characters? _______________________________________

2. What’s the problem?___________________________________________

Go to the following links and answer the exercises




4. Listen to the song and complete

If I ___________ in love with you, Would you ___________to be true

And help me, Understand 'Cause I've been in ______________ before

And I found that love was more Than just Holding ___________

_________I __________ my heart To you, I must _________ sure

From the very _________That you Would ___________ me more than her

If I _____________ in you Oh please Don't ___________ and hide

________ I love you too Oh please Don't ___________ my pride like her

'Cause I couldn't stand the __________And I ______________be sad

If our new love was in vain So I hope you ___________That I _________love to loveyou And that she _______________ cry When she learns we are two

'Cause I couldn't __________ the pain And I Would be __________

__________ our new ____________ was in vain So I hope you see That I

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_________ love to love you , And that she ____________cry When she________ we aretwo If I ____________ in love with you...



Paragraphs are a form of written communication which contains a minimum of fivesentences. Each sentence in a paragraph "talks about" or develops one single main idea. Ifyour paragraph does this, it is said to have unity. In addition, each sentence in a paragraphmust be tied to the one before and after it, like links in a chain, by using special words

called transitions. If your paragraph contains these links, it is said to have coherence. Now you should be ready to write your own definition of a paragraph. Try it in yournotebook. Check your definition in the answer key at the end of this module.


Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions that follow.

Riding a bike can give you lots of good exercise every day. I use my bike to get to workevery day. I take my bike to get groceries. When somebody stole my bike, I was

heartbroken, but the police found it two days later. I often ride my bike out to the countryon week-ends just for a change of scene. Without my bike, I wouldn’t get any exercise at all.

1. Does this paragraph have unity? Explain your answer.

2. Does this paragraph have coherence? Explain your answer.

3. What changes would you make to improve this paragraph?3

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Of course, every good paragraph has to have unity and coherence, but it must also havestructure. an interesting beginning......called an introduction a middle with specificdetails.........called the body a satisfying ending.........called the conclusion

If you write a paragraph that contains these three sections, you have written a paragraphwith good structure.

Now write a more complete definition of a paragraph in your notebook.

A. The Introduction

The introduction (one or two sentences) mentions the topic or main idea. In other words,the writer will tell the reader what he/she is about to be told.

German shepherds are good pets.

The introduction, sometimes called the topic sentence, must also catch the reader's attentionso that he/she will want to finish reading the whole thing. The sentence above states thetopic clearly, but it could be reworded.

German shepherd dogs make an ideal family pet.

If you are looking for a great family pet, consider a German shepherd dog .

Copy the information in this box into your notebook.

Topic: German shepherds

Main idea: They are good pets.

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The topic is bike riding and the opinion is that “Riding a bike is good exercise.” As areader, do you know what the paragraph is going to be about? Do you know the writer'sopinion? The answer to these questions is "yes". This is a good introduction to a paragraphthat will try to persuade you, the reader, that German shepherds make good pets.

What is the topic in the paragraph about bikes ? What is the writer’s opinion? B. The Body

The middle sentences of the paragraph are called the body. This is the part of the paragraphthat develops and supports the main ideas presented in the introduction. Readers are notlikely to be persuaded to change their minds about something just because someone elsesays so. They need solid proof and convincing reasons. It’s here, in the body of the

paragraph, that the writer can explain in detail all his/her reasons for preferring Germanshepherds as pets. In other words, now the writer will tell the reader

what he/she really wants to tell.

The body presents supports (convincing reasons) for the writer’s opinion .

Read the body of the paragraph below and find the reasons the writer uses to supporthis/her opinion. Check to see if the supports are convincing and interesting. Also check tomake sure the body has unity and coherence.

First, German shepherds are intelligent. In addition, they are dedicated to their owners. Finally, they are usually suspicious of all strangers.

The body of this paragraph contains three reasons t o supports the writer’s opinion thatGerman shepherds make good pets . Each support is placed in a separate sentence.

In your notebook, write one word that describes each reason. The body of the paragraph hasunity because each sentence deals with the topic, and it contains transitions which give itcoherence.

Transitions are an essential part of good paragraph structure. When a writer adds a newidea begins to develop a new support, he/she often includes a word or phrase to signal thereader that a new section is ab out to start. These “cues” also show the reader how one ideais logically linked to the next one. Reread the body of the sample paragraph on Germanshepherds once more and see if you can find words that act as clues to the start of each newsupport and glue the ideas together.

In your notebook, add these transitions at the appropriate place in your list of supports.

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If you identified first , in addition , and finally , you have found the three transitions in this paragraph. Be sure you have put these in the appropriate place in the notes you are making.These three transitions show the reader that they are part of a list of supports the writer is


There are many "cue words" or transitions. Think of some other groups of words that youcould use to get coherence into a paragraph and that will indicate to the reader that a newsupport is about to be added to the list of reasons. Here are just a few of them to get youstarted.

First,.... Second,..... Third,....

Firstly, ... Secondly,.... Finally

Another reason,.... A final reason

Most importantly....Consult any textbook on writing to discover others to add to this list.

The paragraph on German shepherds has unity and coherence, but it needs to be morepersuasive . To make this paragraph more convincing, the writer needs to add more detailsand examples.

First, I have never met a German shepherd whose intelligence wasn’t above average .They can learn how to turn door knobs, follow a trail, or identify illegal substances. Inaddition, German shepherds are dedicated to their owners . My dog Max waits patientlyat the end of the driveway every night until I come home. Not even a juicy bone will tempthim to move. Finally, he is usually suspicious of all strangers , so he barks or growlswhen anything or anyone unknown is near his family.

Now the body is longer than the minimum three sentences, but it is much more convincing.

In your notebook, add the writer’s example b eside each of the supports used to make the paragraph on German shepherds more interesting and believable.

C. The Conclusion

Remember that when a paragraph, or longer essay, deals with only onesubject, it has unity, and when all the ideas on that subject are linked to eachother, the paragraph has coherence.

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The last part of a paragraph is the conclusion. Readers need to know that they are coming tothe end of what they are reading, and they need to feel satisfied that they have heard thewhole "story". The easiest way to write an acceptable conclusion is to reword theintroductory sentence. In other words, look at your introduction and then say it again usingother words. In other words, in the conclusion, the writer tells the reader

what he/she has just been told.

Here is a possible conclusion for the paragraph on German shepherds.

German shepherd dogs make a great addition to any family.

Record the conclusion in your notes. Now turn to the answer key and see how closely yournotes correspond to the outline printed there.7


Before you move on to the next concept in learning to write, let's look at another paragraph.

Canoeing is the best way to relax and relieve your stress. Gliding across a still lake on a summer day, nothing but silence and bird songs will break the quiet and interrupt yourthoughts. In addition, the slow rhythmic strokes of the paddle can help you unwind so thatall your troubles will fade into the background. Canoeing has its most soothing effect when

you can lie back in the middle of a deserted lake and stare up at nothing more complicatedthan a bright cloudless sky. Canoeing always makes you feel comfortable with your life.

1. What is the general topic of this paragraph?

2. What is the main idea? (the writer’s opinion)

3. What are the three things that support the writer’s opinion?

4. What examples strengthen these supports?

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5. How does the writer link the supports together? Be specific.

6. What is the conclusion?

7. Make a list of other words in the paragraph that relate to stress and relaxation.

8. Your answers may vary slightly. If you are unsure whether you have answered thequestions properly, check with your instructor.


For each of the paragraphs below, answer the same questions as you did in the previousexercise.


Be kind to the environment; take a hot dog for lunch. The humble wiener makes a greatback country meal for hikers. First, because they are light weight and compact, a meal for

five or six people weighs under a kilogram and takes up very little space in a backpack.

Second, hot dogs can be prepared over a small fast fire. The small amount of firewoodrequired can be gathered near the path without trampling large areas of the delicate forest

floor. Perhaps the best part is that hot dogs create very little garbage to pack out, so thetemptation to litter is reduced. Take hot dogs on your next hike, and you’ ll be doing

yourself and nature a big favour.


Three things about my new computer program are going to drive me crazy. The worst thingis the annoying chime that sounds so happy every time I make a mistake. Add to that the

frustrating problem of the capital letters that appear even t hough I haven’t typed them, allbecause some arrogant programmer thinks that I am too stupid to know when to capitalize.

If t hat’s not enough to drive me to distraction, this program has a glitch that automatically shuts the computer down when some unknown combination of keys are struck. By the end ofa day of wrestling with this new word processor program, I’m ready to grab the neare stblunt instrument and do some serious bodily harm to this latest advance in technology .

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Is there anything better than h omemade bread? When it’s almost baked, the warm, nutty smell fills the house and brings everyone into the kitchen. After it’s out of t he oven, thedark, golden crust makes the first crunchy slice a treat to bite into. The third, but most

wonderful thing about homemade bread is its soft middle section dripping with lots ofbutter and fresh strawberry jam. Freshly baked bread is a delicious treat.


My grandfather has always been my favourite person. Since I was very little he has alwaystaken me fishing with him, and he taught me everything I know about catching salmon.When I was just ten, he started to show me how to fix cars, and now I know enough to helphim in his garage. Most of all, gramps has always spent lots of time talking to me: herespects what I have to say and listens to my suggestions. I love to be with my grandfather,a man who has a special place in my life.


If it were up to me, I would outlaw three foods. First, there’s o atmeal porridge. It’s thickand sticks to my spoon like glue. Then, there’s spinach, a slimy green goo that makes mymouth feel funny. The food I dislike the most is liver. I can’t stand the smell, and it feels like

a cup of sand in my mouth. If I never eat any of these again, I’ll be happy

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