lesson plan 2 primaria

TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Cantaroni Andrea Alejandra Período de Práctica: primer periodo Institución Educativa: Primaria Dirección: Bélgica y Enrique Julio. Localidad: Bahía Blanca Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4 b Cantidad de alumnos: 25 Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginners Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Friends. Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 11/06/14 Hora: 13 hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 12/6/2014 Page 1

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Page 1: Lesson plan 2 primaria

TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Cantaroni Andrea AlejandraPeríodo de Práctica: primer periodoInstitución Educativa: Primaria Dirección: Bélgica y Enrique Julio. Localidad: Bahía Blanca Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4 bCantidad de alumnos: 25Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginnersTipo de Planificación: claseUnidad Temática: Friends.Clase Nº: 2Fecha: 11/06/14Hora: 13 hsDuración de la clase: 50 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 12/6/2014

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• Teaching points:

Vocabulary related to parts of the house and the main character ‘locations. For instance I can ask “

Where are you?” “I’m in the sitting room”. “Where is Steve?” “He is in the sitting room”.

• Aims or goals:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the question where are

you? Or where is Milton? He is in the bedroom. During this lesson, learners will be able

to use new vocabulary of rooms and where the rooms are in the house.

• Language focus:

lexis function structure pronunciationReview Parts of the

house: sitting –room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen.

Living roomBedroomBathroomkitchen

Zappy is in the kitchen.Zappy is in the bedroom Sonia is in the bathroom.

Practice the pronunciation of names of the main characters of the book. Zappy, Sonia, Milton. Voiced Dental Fricative


new Where….?I ‘m……Where is…? Is in the bedroom. Is Zappy in the bedroom? No, she is not.

Talking about locations in the room. Where are you?

“Zappy is in the bedroom”. “Where is Zappy?”“Zappy is in the …” “Where are you?” “I’m in the kitchen”.“Sonia is in the….

Pronunciations of Labio Dental fricative /f/Voiced dental Fricative/ð

• Teaching approach: We work mainly with communicative approach.

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• Materials and resources: pictures, record player, textbook.

Lesson Procedure:

Routine & Warm-Up: (5 minutes)

Interaction patterns:


Skills / Skills Integration:

Listening and speaking (every day greetings)

Learning styles:

Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

I will greet the students and I will say:

-Hello people! How are you today?

-Fine, thank you and you?

- Fine, thanks.

Presentation (15 minutes)

Interaction patterns:


Skills / Skills Integration:


Learning styles:

Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

It’s time to start working! Today we will be starting with a review of the last class. I will put up the picture with parts of the house and explain to the kids that we are starting with a review of parts of a house. And also I will say that we are going to speak about

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Zappy. “Do you remember Zappy? Zappy is the main character of the story. Do you remember? Zappy has friends. Who are they?”They are Milton, Sonia, Ana, Steve and Paul.

I will tell them that we will imagine that Zappy is looking for his friends and he is very sad because she can’t find them. I will use the figure of Zappy and I will say that Zappy is looking for Milton in the sitting room, but he isn’t in the sitting room. Then I will say that Zappy is looking for Sonia in the bedroom, but she isn’t in the bedroom. I will ask students: “is Milton in the kitchen?” they will answer: “No, he isn’t.” Is Zappy in the kitchen? “No, she isn’t. Is Sonia in the bedroom? No, she isn’t.

Possible problem:

Students might not know how to complete the sentences of the story with the new vocabulary. I will provide the vocabulary and ask them to repeat the words.

Development (10 minutes)

Interaction patterns:


Learning styles:



Activity Nº 1

I will say that Zappy goes to different part of the house to look for her friends. I will say that students have to guess in which part of the house Zappy is. Describe where Zappy is. .I will ask students: Do you like guess? Dou you like mime? Well, I will mime an action that can be carried out in that room. The class can guess the room.

T: Where is Zappy? Then I will mime:

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I am brushing my teeth.

Then they have to guess the answer.

S: in the bathroom.

After that I will ask:

T: Where is Zappy? I will mime:

I am cooking and beating eggs. Then students have to guess which part of the house Zappy is. I will wait their answer.

S: in the kitchen

After that I will ask:

T: Where is Zappy?

I will mime: I am watching TV.I will wait their answers:

S: In the bathroom.

I will ask:

T: where is Zappy?

I will mime: I am sleeping in the sofa.

S: In the sitting room: I will say that they are working very well.

Then I will say that Zappy is very happy because she finds her friends Sonia and Milton in the house. Then I will say that we are going to listen to a cassette and see the pictures of the book about where Zappy and her friends are. I will ask them to pay attention to the listening in order to understand the dialogue.


Activity (15minutes)

Interaction patterns:


Learning styles:

Listening and writing.

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Possible problem:

Students can forget the new vocabulary so I will provide it for them. I will make them repeat it again. Some students cannot understand the procedure. So I will show them again the pictures and explain them how to complete the sentences.

Activity 2:

Then I will say that Zappy is very happy because she finds her friends in the house. I will ask student to open their book at page 22 and look at the pictures .After that we will listen to the record player in order to find Zappy’s friends, Milton and Sonia. Then I will say that they have to complete the sentences on this page and I will help them to complete the sentences and answer the question about the sentences they don’t remember or understand .I will write on the board the answers. Then I will say that we are going to sing a song about parts of a Zappy’s house in order to conclude the activities...

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Conclusion: (10 minutes) I will draw the students´ attention back to Zappy’s house by telling

Them that we are going to sing a song and that I want to share it with them now. It is taken from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lte1uo5hLVw. Let's Clean Up (Sing-along)

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I will explain that I can help them by singing with me. Since the lyrics are very simple, Sts will easily catch them, and will be engaged in fully singing and imaging the different parts of the house .I will invite the children to suggest other goodies for the song, for example, “The living is messy. Clean up”. I can get the children to recite the words after me and then add the melody later, or I can sing the song and get the children to sing the melody to “ok”. If the song has a word which is frequently repeated or a sound like 'ok', the children will soon start joining in on those words. It is better not to try to do too much in one session. The first couple of times, I can play the song and sing it once or twice and encourage the children to join in. There will always be some children who do not sing and it is not advisable to insist on it. If the song is catchy enough and simple enough, they will usually want to sing it. I will not worry if the children do not join in at first as they are listening and doing the actions. They will join in when they feel right.

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