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  • 7/27/2019 Ingls - IV Medio


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    You will discuss the art form you prefer withyour partner.a. Prepare a set of cut-outs with di erent art forms

    or use an art book from the library. Each of you will need at least one pair of pictures. Eachperson should take two pictures to compare.

    b. Make a list of adjectives for each picture. Dividethe list into two categories: one to describe thepictures and one with adjectives that describeyour feelings while looking at them. Here aresome examples:

    Description: bright, colourful, dull, elegant,magni cent, ugly.Feelings: bored, curious, depressed, excited,indi erent, joyful.

    c. Take turns to describe and compare the rstpair of pictures, talking rst about what you cansee. Then say how the pictures make you feel.You can ask questions such as: What are your impressions of? Which picture is more / less? Which one would you buy? etc.

    d. Now compare your likes / dislikes andpreferences. Do you both agree on all thepictures? Why? Why not? What is di erent?

    e. Finally get together with another pair andcompare your pictures, descriptions and opinions.

    f. Ask your teacher to listen to the presentationsand correct errors and pronunciation.

    g. Use these points to evaluate your performance.Say Yes or No.


    We prepared for the e xercise ver y care full y.

    We follo wed the sugges tions o ered in the ins truc


    We helped each o ther to e xpress our pre ferences,

    sho wing

    respec t for our di erences.

    We correc ted each o thers grammar, vocabular y and

    pronuncia tion. We used words, s truc ture

    s and ideas from the lesson.

    18 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about art in this lesson?

    b. Can you name at least ve famous artists?c. What do you think about paintings done with an artists own hands and

    paintings done using some type of computer software?d. If you could choose between a painting by Leonardo da Vinci and one

    created on an iPhone to put in your living room, which would youchoose? Why?

    16 MINITEST Write sentences in your notebook reporting what thesepeople said. 8 pts.a. I saw Casino Royale on TV, Laurie said.b. I sent the packet three days ago, the man told me.c. The Neanderthal lived thousands of years ago, the scientist explained.d. We have uploaded the exam results on our web site, the university

    authorities announced.0


    to 5GOOD JOB!6

    to 8EXCELLENT!

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    82UNIT 4


    1 Complete the diagrams below. In groups or pairs, choose four adjectives from the box to describe eachcentral idea. Write four sentences comparing rap with other types of music and iPhone painting withother forms of painting. Use expressions such as I prefer ______ to ______ , I like______ more than

    ______ , ______ is better than ______ , ______ is more interesting than ______ , etc.

    African appealing boring colourful disappointing expressive futuristic happ incomprehensible loud modern multi-cultural mysterious original popular

    ________________ iPhone art



    ________________ Rap music



    a. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    b. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    c. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    d. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    a. Rap is more appealing than pop because it talks about everyday things.

    b. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    c. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    d. _____________________________________________________________________________ .

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    No other artist is more associated with the term Modern Art than Pablo Picasso. He a. (paint) ______________

    thousands of paintings, prints and ceramics before hewas 50 years old. After he left Malaga whereb. (live)______________ as a young boy, he joined theBarcelona School of Fine Arts at the age of only 14.According to one of many legends about the artists life,his father, also a painter, gave him all his brushes andpalettes after he c. (see) ______________ his sons rstpainting.

    During his lifetime, the artist went through di erentperiods of characteristic painting styles. The Blue Periodd. (come) ______________ before the artist started theso-called Rose Period. But after he e. (see) ______________the works of Paul Cezanne, he developed, together withGeorge Braque and Juan Gris, the style called cubism .

    In 1937, after the painter f. (learn) ______________ aboutthe barbaric air raid against a Basque village during theSpanish Civil War, he created his landmark paintingGuernica . In Guernica , Picasso used symbolic forms suchas a dying horse and a weeping woman.


    2 Complete these questions using the Past Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.a. ________________________ your homework before you surfed the Internet? ( nish)b. ________________________ breakfast before you left for school? (have)c. ________________________ in Canada before she moved to Mexico? (live)d. ________________________ his hands before he made the sandwich? (wash)e. ________________________ this guy before he came to the party? (meet)

    3 Complete this biography using the Past Perfect tense.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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  • 7/27/2019 Ingls - IV Medio


    CHILEAN CONNECTIONTalk about gra ti in your group. Do you think it is an art formor vandalism?

    Can you name a few examples of street paintings you haveseen recently?


    Chile has long been a centre for radical muralpainting and it is a place where many colourfuland quality murals can be seen in the streets of Valparaiso, Santiago, and other cities. As early as1940, leading Mexican and Chilean artists, includingDavid Alfaro Siqueiros, Fernando Marcos andGregorio de la Fuente, were painting murals in Chile.

    Today, Latin American street art is as innovative asany in the world, and Chile plays a leading part.

    At present, Chile is part of a very ambitious projectcalled Murals Around the World . This project isa worldwide collaborative e ort that began in2003. It is produced through submission of muralphotographs by supporters of the decorative artsworldwide.

    The goal of the project is to document murals fromaround the world. Only commissioned, privateor community murals, produced with permissionfrom the property owner, are accepted. The projectis also looking for documentation regarding themural artist or artistic group, and any facts relatedto any murals on this site. Art is often temporaryand as such, the projects goal is to document asmany murals as posible from both the past andthe present. Some of the murals have alreadydisappeared, since the project began.On March 10, 2009 the project managers releasedtheir rst Windows Media Player version and themurals, from Chile and other countries can be seenon video.

    Adapted from: Fulwiler, D. (n.d).Murals around the World . Retrieved October 2011, from


    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    2 Match the countries in Exercise 1 with the typical views in these pictures ( 1 8).

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    86UNIT 4



    I. He is perhaps the most famous, or infamous, artist alive. To some,he is a genius; to others, a vandal. Always controversial, he inspiresadmiration and provokes outrage in equal measure.

    II. Since Banksy made his name with his trademark stencil-styleguerrilla art on walls, subways, buses and other public spaces -on walls in London, Brighton, and even on the West Bank barrierseparating Israel from Palestine - his works have sold for hundredsof thousands of pounds.

    III. He has dozens of celebrity collectors including Brad Pitt andChristina Aguilera(1)________________ For example,Banksys painting of a monkey wearing a sandwich board sold for228,000 this year. He has also painted murals including a MonaLisa with a rocket launcher sold for another outrageous amount.

    IV. Yet his most provocative statement, and the one that generatesthe most publicity, is the fact that Banksys true identity has alwaysbeen a jealously guarded secret,(2)________________ .Some myths have grown around him. That his real nameis Robin Banks. That before he became a painter(3) ________________ . That his parents dont know what

    he does and think that he is an unusually successful painter anddecorator. Then theres the suggestion that Banksy is actually anumber of artists or that he does not exist at all.

    V. Such is the curiosity about Banksy that when the great man issupposed to have thrown away a pizza box into a bin in Los Angele(4)________________ , with the seller suggesting that thefew anchovies left inside might have traces of his DNA! Trying toestablish just who the elusive Banksy is has proved as di cult aspredicting the location of his next work.

    VI.Banksy has supposedly been photographed a few times, but eachphoto appears to be that of a di erent person, so who knows?However, does it really matter who Banksy is? Is art about the artist(5)________________ ? The people who buy his art thinkthat the person behind it does not really matter. It seems to supportthe statement: Art, in the end, is only about art.

    Adapted from: Joseph, C. (July 12, 2008).Grafti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy frsuburbia . Mail Online. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from:


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    4 32 Listen to this conversation and underlinethe best option. 4 pts.a. Who is going to the concert?

    i. Dani and Carol.ii. Dani, Carol and Jen.iii. Dani and Jen.

    b. When is Jens maths exam?i. Tomorrow. ii. On Monday. iii. Today.

    c. How is Jen doing in maths?i. It is her worst subject.ii. It is her favourite subject.iii. It is her most important subject.

    d. How is Nelly Furtado described?i. A fantastic jazz singer.ii. The best ballad singer.iii. A wonderful singer.

    5 32 Listen again and write the name of thespeaker, Dani or Jen. 4 pts.a. _______ : Im studying for my maths exam.b. _______ : I have a spare ticket to a Nelly

    Furtado show.c. _______ : Her guitarist and drummer are tops.d. _______ : Im a concert fan!

    6 32 Listen once more and circle theword you hear. 4 pts.a. This is your only chance / choice .b. My maths exam is more important / di cult

    now.c. You cannot / mustnt miss her.d. Ican / cant help you with maths tomorrow.

    CONCERT FANSLISTENING1 Read the text. Parts of some sentences havebeen cut out ( a e). Place them back in thecorrect positions in the text ( (1) (5)). 5 pts.

    a. he had been a butcherb. known to only a handful of trusted friendsc. or is it about the art itself d. the box was sold on eBay, the auction sitee. who buy his art without actually meeting

    the man!

    2 Read the text again and mark with atick the paragraph where you can ndthis information. 6 pts.

    3 Read the text once more and answer thesequestions. 4 pts.a. What are some things that Banksy has

    painted?b. Who are some of Banksys collectors?c. What object supposedly belonging to the

    artist was sold on eBay?d. Do people who buy his art care about his


    a. A truth about artb. Di culty to prove

    Banksys identityc. Famous collectors and

    pricey paintingsd. Invented information

    about Banksye. Peoples reactions to

    Banksys workf. Places he has painted


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    88UNIT 4


    7 John arrived late at di erent places yesterday.What had happened by the time he arrivedat each place? Write the correct sentencesusing the clues provided and the correctverb form. 4 pts.a. (the station - train - leave) _____________________________________ .b. (the theatre - play - start) _____________________________________ .c. (his friends house - she - go out) _____________________________________ .d. (football stadium - game - nish) _____________________________________ .

    8 Rewrite these sentences using theopenings provided. 4 pts.a. John: The phone rang at three oclock in the

    morning!John complained that __________________ .

    b. Tina: The exam began ten minutes late.Tina told us that _______________________ .

    c. Fred: I lived in Dublin before moving to LosAngeles.Fred said that _________________________ .

    d. Marian: The doctor asked me to describemy typical day.Marian explained that __________________ .

    9 One of these pictures is an example of surrealism by Chilean painter Roberto Mattaand the other one is an example of pop art byAmerican artist Andy Warhol. Work with apartner and compare the two paintings,expressing your preferences. 10 pts.




    10 Choose a singer or a band that you like.Write three paragraphs about the artist /artists. Include information about thepoints below ( a c) 10 pts.a. A brief history / biography of the artist(s).b. The type of music he / she plays / they play,

    giving examples of his / her / their hits.c. Why you think this type of music is worth

    listening to.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    YOUR TEST RESULTS Reading You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details.10 - 15Great Grasped all main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

    7 - 9 Good Grasped most main ideas and answered most questions correctly.4 - 6 OK Grasped some main ideas and answered most questions correctly.

    0 - 3 Poor Deduced some main ideas and answered just a few questions correctly.

    Listening You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details.10 - 12Great Identi ed almost all the information. 4 - 6OK Identi ed some of the information.

    7 - 9 Good Identi ed most of the information. 0 - 3Poor Deduced just a few bits of information.

    Language You are expected to apply and identify two language items.

    7 - 8 Great Understood and applied all items in all cases. 2 - 3OK Understood and applied items in some cases.

    4 - 6 Good Understood and applied most items in most cases. 0 - 1Poor Understood and applied items in very few cases.

    Speaking You are expected to be able to compare two paintings expressing your preferences.


    Compared the paintings in detail andexpressed preferences appropriately.4

    Practically no language mistakes.3 Fluid interaction, good pronunciation,no hesitation. 3

    2Fluid interaction, a few pronunciationmistakes, a minimum of hesitation.

    Very few language mistakes.23

    Compared the paintings with afew details and expressed somepreferences appropriately.

    1Fluid interaction, some pronunciationmistakes, some hesitation.1

    Some language mistakes.2

    Compared the paintings in generaland expressed a few preferences.

    Compared the paintings vaguelyand didnt express preferences. 1

    Language mistakes interfere withcomprehension. 0

    Interaction a ected by pronunciationmistakes and a lot of hesitation. 0

    Writing You are expected to write three paragraphs following instructions.ScorePresentationScoreLanguageScoreTask

    3Correct spelling and organisation of theparagraphs.3Practically no grammar orvocabulary mistakes.4

    Wrote three paragraphs followingall the indications.Wrote three paragraphs followingmost of the indications. 3

    Very few grammar or vocabularymistakes. 2

    A few spelling mistakes and unclearorganisation of the paragraphs. 2

    Wrote two paragraphs followingsome of the indications. 2

    Some grammar and vocabularymistakes. 1

    Several spelling mistakes and incorrectorganisation of the paragraphs. 1

    Wrote one or two paragraphs

    following very few of the indications.1 Grammar and vocabulary mistakes

    interfere with comprehension.0 A lot of spelling mistakes and incorrect

    organisation of the paragraphs.0

    SELF - EVALUATIONYour score

    YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Ne

    I critically thought about di erent types of art, expressed my opinion, andshowed interest and respect for other peoples ideas.

    I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises.

    I used di erent strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

    I participated in the discussions and conversations related to art and artists.

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    UNIT 5


    You will pay special attention to these values Why and how science can change our lives for the better.

    In this unit you will learn to: READING:ll in graphic organisers with specic information / identify the source of a text / identify scientic language.

    LISTENING:nd specic information / transfer information to a graphic organiser / identifyInternet language.

    ORAL PRODUCTION:discuss a scientic topic.

    WRITTEN PRODUCTION:write a scientic article.

    FUNCTIONS:forming and substantiating hypotheses.

    You will also learn: GRAMMAR:reporting verbs and indirect questions.

    VOCABULARY:words related to science and scienticdiscoveries.

    You will use the following text types: READING:a scientic article. LISTENING:a web cam lecture.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    1 Match the names of scientists in the box with the pictures that represent them (1 6) and theirareas of study (a f) Say / write de nitions like this: A(n) ________________________ is a scientistwho studies ________________________ . 12 pts.

    Archaeologist Astronomer Enologist Entomologist Geneticist Ornithologist


    a. Ancient cultures and periods of history. d. Heredity and variation in organisms.b. Birds and their behaviour. e. Insects.c. Celestial bodies and the universe. f. Technique and art of producing wine.

    2 Classify the nouns in the box under the corresponding heading. 9 pts.

    Instruments People Disciplines

    astronomy barometer biotechnology chemistry geography geologist inventor microbiology microscope neurology palaeontologist researcher

    scientist speedometer stethoscope telescope thermometer

    Your score:0 - 6: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you.7 -13: Well done, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words.14 - 21: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    1 . A r c h a e o l o g i s t P i c t . 2 a . A s t r o n o m e r P i c t . 6 c . E n o l o g i s t P i c t . 1 f . E n t o m o l o g i s t P i c t . 5 e . G e n e t i c i s t P i c t . 4 d . O r n i t h o l o g i s t P i c t . 3 b .

    2 . I n s t r u m e n t s : b a r o m e t e r , m i c r o s c o p e , s p e e d o m e t e r , s t e t h o s c o p e , t e l e s c o p e , t h e r m o m e t e r . P e o p l e : g e o l o g i s t , i n v e n t o r , p a l a e o n t o l o g i s t , r e s e a r c h e r , s c i e n t i s t . D i s c i p l i n e s : a s t r o n o m y , b i o t e c h n o l o g y , c h e m i s t r y , g e o g r a p h y , m i c r o b i o l o g y , n e u r o l o g y .

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    92UNIT 5


    o n 1


    1 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. Why do you think we use scienti c terms?b. Do the words in the box look or sound similar in Spanish?c. What do you think their origin is?d. What do they mean?e. In which science discipline are they normally used?

    biologist carnivore DNA dinosaur geneticist genome molecular ornithologist permafrost zoologist

    2 Classify the animals in the pictures under the corresponding category, living or extinct .

    According to their origin,scienti c words in Englishcan be:a. taken from ordinary

    English words:energy,power, womb,etc.

    b. taken from another language:nimbus,cortex, pelvis, helix,etc.

    c. Invented:polonium,uranium, watt,etc.

    While scienti c wordsare sometimes long and

    dif cult to pronounce,Internet users have creatednetspeak or chatspeak, which is very oftenabbreviated or simpli ed.The same abbreviationsappear intexting andinstant messaging or in social networking websites.Examples:Blog - the publicationof ones thoughts on theInternet.To tweet - to writecomments on the Twitter website.To unfriend - to removesomeone from Facebook.PAW - parents are watching.2day - today.b4n- bye for now.

    Lea rni ng ti p

    2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    9 10 11

    13 1 4 15

    1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.2. To connect pictures and topic.3. To express opinions.4. To predict content from the


    Learning abilities


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    3 In your opinion, which word in each line does not correspond to thecategory? Why?a. animal - beast - creature - dangerousb. egg - mother - species - wombc. alive - endangered - extinct - happyd. baker - biologist - geneticist - zoologist

    4 You will read a text about scientists cloning extinct animals from their DNA.Which animals from Exercise 2 do you think will be mentioned?


    5 Read the text and check your predictions in Exercise 4.

    6 What is the purpose of this text? Choose the best alternative.a. To describe. c. To instruct.b. To inform. d. To persuade.

    7 Read the article again. Which of the animals are represented in thesepictures? Which key words helped you to decide?

    Did you know that..according to scientistsmore than one anda half million speciesexist on the earthtoday? However, recenestimates state that at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet. There aremore than 1,000 animspecies endangered world-wide.

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    8 What do these words in bold in the text refer to?a. it (4th paragraph, line 1) d. it (10th paragraph, line 3)b. he (5th paragraph, line 3) e. its (11 th paragraph, line 2)c. she (8th paragraph, line 1) f. he (13th paragraph, line 5)

    5. To validate predictions.6. To identify purpose of a t

    7. To nd specic supportininformation.8. To identify references.9. To transfer relevant

    information to a visualorganiser.

    10. To differentiate between and opinion.

    11. To discriminate betweencorrect and incorrectinformation.

    Learning abilities

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    94UNIT 5

    THE M A GIC OF DN A ma y b ring bac k e xtinct animals

    The recipe f or ma king an y creat ure iswritten in its DN A , so when g eneticists

    recently p u blished the near-complete DN A seq uence of the long e xtinct woolly

    mammoth , there was m uch spec ulation a bo ut whether we co uld bring this

    creature bac k to life.

    Creating a li v ing , breathing creat ure f rom a g enome seq uence that e xists onl y

    in a comp uters memor y is not possi ble rig ht no w. B ut someone , some da y , is

    s ure to tr y it sa y s Stephan Sch uster , a molec ular biolog ist at Penns y l v ania State

    Univ ersit y and a dri v ing force behind the mammoth g enome pro ject. A fter all ,

    50 y ears ag o , we co uld ha v e only dreamt we wo uld no w be capa ble of reading

    the instr uctions for ma king h umans or clone animals s uch as Doll y the sheep!

    Sch uster added.

    Besides the mammoth , what other e xtinct beasts mig ht we bring bac k to lif e?

    Sch uster e xplained that it was only g oing to be possible with being s f or which we

    can retrie v e a complete g enome seq uence. He added that witho ut one , there was

    no chance. The re v i v al recipe also req uires a li v ing and closely -related species to

    act as a surrog ate mother , donating an eg g and her wom b to bring the pro ject to

    completion. In this case , we can f org et a bo ut dinosa urs.

    So , what does the potential res urrection list loo k li ke? Sch uster e xplained that it

    incl uded some ten creat ures either alread y e xtinct or a bo ut to disappear.

    Wooll y Ma m moth These g iant woolly creatures rst appeared aro und 4.8 million y ears ag o , b ut

    m y sterio usl y disappeared aro und 5 ,000 y ears ag o , possibl y d ue to climate chang e

    or h unting . Sch uster told us that their DN A had alread y been decoded.H e added

    that if this co uld be turned into f resh material, the creat ures co uld be cloned with the A f rican elephant acting as a s urrog ate mother.

    DodoH unting and ha bitat destr uction led to the birdsdemise in the late 17

    th cent ur y .

    Ho we v er , the phrase dead as a dodomeans that it has liv ed on in the imag ination.

    Ornitholog ists predict that if s uita ble DN A is fo und , it co uld be used to create

    clones n ursed thro ug h preg nanc y b y pig eons.

    Sa bre-toothed Tig erDespite becoming e xtinct 10 ,000 y ears ag o , li kel y d ue to en v ironmental chang es

    or o v er-h unting at the end of the last Ice A g e , this f earsome beast with dag g er-sharp f ang s has remained a so urce of f ascination.

    Can it be res urrected? A pparentl y y es. Zoolog ists anno unce that DN A samples

    preser v ed in permaf rost or tar co uld be used to create clones which wo uld be

    g ro wn inside an A frican lion.

    Fearsome: (adj.) awful: causing fear, or dread, or terror. Surrogate: (noun or adj.) one that takes tof another.

    American v/s British English



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    Hoof / pl. hooves: (noun) the horny toe of a mammal such as a cow or a horse.

    Tasmanian Tig er Tissue samples of this marsupial , which was hunted to extinction in the 1930s, are stored in museums aroundthe world.How easy is it to clone it? we asked Jenn y White, a

    geneticist. Sh e repliedthat once sequenced , the DNA could be used to create clones, brought into the world with the help of Tasmanian devil surrogate mothers.

    Irish Elk Once f ound across Europe, the Irish elk had antlersalmost four metres wide and stood two metres tall atthe shoulder. It became extinct 7 ,700 years ag o.

    Its closest living relativ e isthe much smallerEuropean deer, whichcould be used as a surrogate f or this elk.

    Short-f aced Bear

    Despite its name, the short-faced bear, which becamee xtinct 11,000years ag o , d warfed the polar bear - the worlds current largest living land carni vore.

    An y chanceof bringing it back? we asked Prof.Schuster. He responded that there were specimensencased in permaf rost from whichDN A couldbe reco vered. The species closest living relativeis the spectacled bear of South A merica.

    The Neanderthal

    The Neanderthal,a distant relativ e of the humans ,disappeared 25,000years ago , althoug h a draftof its g enome is expected to be published later this year.

    Modern humans would prov ide idealeg g donorsand surrog ate mothers , but as New Scientist say s:It is hard to imag ine ev en the most crazed of madscientists entering such taboo territor y.

    Woolly R hinoceros The woolly rhinoceros became extinct 10,000 years ago.

    Man y specimens are preserv ed in permaf rost and hair,horns, and hoov es could pro v ide DNA . Ironically, the surrog ates - modern rhino species - are on the brink of e xtinction.

    Giant Ground Sloth The g iant g round sloth stood nearly sixmetres talland isbelie v ed to ha v e weighed f our tonnes. Itdisappeared some 8,000 years ago.

    How feasible is it to resurrect it? we asked anexpert. Several specimens hav e been found with hair,but nding a suitable surrogate mother would be a challeng e, as its nearest liv ing relati v e - the three-toed tree sloth - is tiny by comparison , h e answered.

    Moa Thishuge birdwas adistant relativeof the ostrich from New Zealand and disappeared only 508yearsago.

    It might be possible to boot up the Moa genome inan ostrich egg , but no bird of any description has yetbeen cloned.

    Ad apt e d f r om : Nicholls,H.(2009). Ten e xtinct beasts that couldwalk theEarth again.N e w S ci ent is t M ag az in e . ( is sue 2 69 0 ) .

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    96UNIT 5

    9 Read the text again and ll in the missing information in the table.

    10 Read these sentences and then read the text again. Do the sentencesexpress a fact (F) or an opinion (O)?a. ______ The resurrection list includes ten di erent creatures.b. ______ But someone, some day, is sure to try it.c. ______ The European deer is smaller than its ancestor species.d. ______ It is a crazy idea to use humans to clone the Neanderthal.e. ______ The Moa disappeared in the 16 th century.

    Name Became extinct DNA availability Surrogate

    Late 17th Century

    11,000 years ago

    508 years ago

    DNA samples preservedin permafrost or tar couldbe used to create clones.

    A draft of its genomeis expected to bepublished later this year.

    Tasmanian devil

    Modern rhino

    a. Woolly mammoth




    e. Irish elk




    i. Giant ground sloth


    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    1. Examine these pairs of sentences from the text, paying special attentionto the parts in bold .a. It is only going to be possible with creatures for which we can

    retrieve a complete genome sequence, Schuster explained .b. Schuster explained that it was only going to be possible with

    creatures for which we can retrieve a complete genome sequence.c. Without one, there is no chance, he added .d. He added that there was no chance without one.e. If suitable DNA is found it could be used to create clones nursed

    through pregnancy by pigeons, ornithologists predict .f. Ornithologists predict that if suitable DNA is found it could be used

    to create clones nursed through pregnancy by pigeons.2. What do you notice about sentences a, c and e? How are sentences b , d

    and f di erent?

    3. Notice the verbs in bold in the sentences. We call them reporting verbsand we use them to communicate what someone said more accuratelythan using say or tell.Other reporting verbs are:

    add admit agree announce answer claim comment complain con rm consider deny doubt estimate explain feel insist mention observe persuade propose remark

    remember repeat reply report reveal say state suggest suppose tell think understand

    4. Notice that if the reporting verb is in the Past tense the rest of thesentence experiences some tense changes.Present Simple Past SimplePresent Continuous Past ContinuousFuture Simple (will) wouldPresent Perfect Past Perfect

    5. Go back to the text and nd more examples of sentences reporting whatsomeone said. Write them in two groups in your notebook._________________ _______________ that _______________

    Reporting verbsLanguage Note

    11 Read the text once more. Are these statements true ( T) or false (F)? Correctthe false statements.a. _____ To clone any creature we need its DNA.b. _____ The Neanderthal was a relative of humans.c. _____ The modern three-toed sloth is an ideal surrogate for the giant sloth.d. _____ Tissue samples of the Tasmanian tiger can be found in many

    museums around the world.


    12. To apply new vocabularyand structures.

    13. To consolidate grammarand vocabulary.

    14. To participate in a guidedoral activity.

    15. To evaluate learning.16. To create a new text.17. To reect on the contents

    the lesson and relate themown experiences.

    Learning abilities

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    98UNIT 5

    12 Write what the people said exactly.Example:Schuster explained that it included some ten creatures either already extinct or about to disappear.It includes some ten creatures either already extinct or about to disappear, Schuster explained.

    a. She replied that once sequenced, the DNA could be used to create clones,brought into the world with the help of Tasmanian devil surrogate mothers.b. He added that if this could be turned into fresh material, the creatures

    could be cloned with the African elephant acting as a surrogate mother.c. We asked an expert how feasible it was to resurrect it.d. He responded that there were specimens encased in permafrost from

    which DNA could be recovered.

    13 Read what Wanda told her friend ( a e) and match each situation with oneof the pictures ( 1 6). Then re-write the sentences using di erent reportingverbs + that. Be careful to include any necessary changes.

    a. Jack, I cant go to the party on Wednesdaywith you, I told him.

    ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    b. I have some really important homework todo, I explained.

    ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    c. But we have to go out some time soon,

    he insisted. ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    d. I will go to the cinema with you on theweekend, I promised.____________________________________________________________________________ .

    e. Call me on Friday to decide on the lm,I suggested.

    ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    f. Yes, the best lms are romantic comedies,I agreed.

    ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    14 34 Listen to the recording to check your answers. Listen and practise thedialogue. Then role play it for the class.







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    In your group, you are going to write a scienti c article.a. Choose a subject you are currently studying in

    your biology, physics, or chemistry class. Forexample, if you are currently studying the cell,choose one speci c type of cell, such as thenerve cell, the blood cell, the gland cells, etc.

    b. Distribute research tasks among the groupmembers: parts of the cell, reproduction, ageing,etc.

    c. Think about and develop a list of points to beincluded in the article.

    d. Think what title you would like to give thearticle. Scienti c articles do not have catchytitles, but rather informative ones.

    e. Consider these important suggestions whenwriting your article.i. Be clear and concise . Write brie y and to

    the point.ii. Use the right terminology . Scienti c

    articles do not use colloquial expressions.

    iii. Do not use contractions . For example, dont must be do not , isnt must be is not , etc.

    iv. Use the appropriate tenses . The Past tenseto re ect work that has been completed,the Present tense to indicate permanentprocesses, etc.

    f. Write the article as a group; check each othersgrammar and spelling.

    g. At the end of your article, provide the referencesyou based your article on. For example: Cellreproduction -

    h. Follow these points to evaluate your work. SayYes or No.


    We anal ysed the topic and the in forma tion requir


    We di vided the research task s and did wha t we w


    e xpec ted to do. We discussed the s truc tu

    re o f the ar ticle and agreed on

    the ti tle. We used e xpressions and

    s truc tures learn t in the lesson.

    We check ed and correc ted errors and punc tua tio


    17 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What new scienti c terms have you learnt?b. What are the main characteristics of a scienti c article?c. What is your opinion of science and its importance in our lives?d. What do you think about bringing back extinct animals?e. Would you visit a Jurassic park with dinosaurs which are fed with

    hundreds of live cows? What would be the consequences of that feedingsystem?

    15 MINITEST Read this story and complete the sentences ( a d) according tothe context. Then re-write the sentences in blue ( i - iv) using thecorresponding reporting verbs. 16 pts.

    0to 4REVISE AGAIN 5 to10GOOD JOB!

    11 to16EXCELLENT!

    Thishappened last summer. Iwaswalking downthe beachwhenIsawthisprettygirl.Iapproached

    her andaskedher name. She answered (a .)________. Carla! (i. )Y ouhav ea l ov ely name , I said .

    If ollowedherandasked her if she lived there allyear round. She lookedback at me andreplied that (b .)________. Great!( ii . ) Im f rom Bent onC i ty too. I ad d ed .

    She seemed more relaxed now andasked me whichschool I went to. I told her that (c.)________.

    What a coincidence! ( iii . ) M y bo y f ri end goe s to that sc hool ,t oo. shee xc l ai med . Iwasalsoamazed by

    the coincidence and asked herboyf riendsname. She answered that (d .)________. Now I couldnt

    believe it. ( iv . ) M y namei sG eorget oo! I shout ed . I lookedat her again andsawthat she was laughing.

    I waslaughingtoo. Itook herhandandwe ran down the beach together, laughingat our little joke.

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    100UNIT 5


    o n 2


    1 Which of the following processes ( a e) do you think we use in science?a. Classifying - arranging or organising according to class or category.b. Experimenting - carrying out tests to check a hypothesis or an assumption.c. Hypothesising - making suppositions about something.d. Measuring - establishing dimensions such as weight, length, height, etc.e. Observing - looking at objects or phenomena in order to form hypotheses.

    2 Can you identify an example of each of the processes above ( a e) in thesepictures ( 1 5)?

    3 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. In what other areas of life can we use the processes in the pictures?b. Have you ever used them? What for?

    4 35

    Listen to these words. What do they mean? Which ones sound similarin Spanish?

    analyse conclusion experiment hypothesis journal method palaeontologist universe

    5 You will listen to a lecture by science professor Digby Jones, who will betalking about a scienti c method. Which words from Exercise 4 would youexpect to hear?

    1 2 3

    4 5

    1.To connect content andprevious knowledge.

    2. To connect the topic andpersonal experiences.

    3. To express opinions.4. To infer the meaning of key

    words and identify theirpronunciation.

    5. To predict content fromcognates and familiar words.

    Learning abilities

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    If hypothesis is _______

    Ask _____________

    Communicate ________

    If hypothesis is _______

    Think again

    Analyse your ________and draw __________

    Test your __________

    Construct __________

    8 36 Listen again and complete this diagram that represents the steps of ascienti c process.



    6 36 Listen to the lecture and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

    7 36 Listen again. What question did each of these people ask?

    a. Columbus ________________________________________________________________

    b. Newton _________________________________________________________________

    c. Darwin __________________________________________________________________

    d. Paleontologists ___________________________________________________________

    e. Lemaitre _________________________________________________________________

    6. To validate predictions.7. To nd specic supportin

    information.8. To transfer information to

    graphic organiser.

    9. To nd special words.10. To discriminate between

    correct and incorrectinformation.

    11. To identify textual clues.

    Learning abilities

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    102UNIT 5

    9 36 Listen again and tick ( ) three words taken from Internet slang thatProf Jones uses.

    a. ______ bloggerb. ______ chilaxc. ______ cu soond. ______ to text

    e. ______ to tweetf. ______ to unfriend

    10 36 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements.a. ____ For the scienti c process to start, people should ask themselves a

    question with how, what, when, who, which, why , or where .b. ____ A hypothesis is a presumption about how things work.c. ____ You should never do an experiment more than once.d. ____ If your hypothesis is wrong, construct a new one.e. ____ Scientists usually do not communicate the results of their work.

    11 36 Listen to the lecture very carefully once more, and nd out what thewords in bold in these sentences refer to.a. You asked me to explain.

    It refers to ___________________________________________________ .b. It must be about something that you can measure.

    It refers to ___________________________________________________ .c. In such cases, they ll construct a new hypothesis.

    It refers to ___________________________________________________ .d. Text them to your colleagues.

    It refers to ___________________________________________________ .


    12 Match the words from the listening text in box A with their synonyms in box B.A

    data discover factor process result testB

    aspect consequence examine nd out information method

    13 Fill in the gaps in these sentences with some of the words in Exercise 12.a. If you work hard and prepare yourself, you can expect good ___________ .b. The _______________ provided by the computer programme must now

    be analysed.c. There are several _______________ you can use: measuring, testing,

    analysing.d. The most important _______________ to consider is temperature of the


    12. To consolidate vocabulary.13. To apply new vocabulary.14. To consolidate key words and

    expressions.15. To consolidate a language


    16. To consolidate a language itemand imitate a spoken model.17. To evaluate learning.18. To discuss a scientic topic.19. To practise and consolidate

    language through a game.20. To reect on the contents of

    the lesson and relate them toown experiences.

    Learning abilities

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    104UNIT 5

    15 Re-write these questions using the corresponding reporting verb.a. Why does the teacher get angry so often? the child asked. _____________________ why _____________________ .b. When do we use a microscope? I wondered. _____________________ when _____________________ .c. When should I talk to the coach about the match? I enquired.

    _____________________ when _____________________ .d. How much meat do we need for the meat pie? my mother wanted to

    know. _____________________ how much _____________________ .e. Which colour does Susan prefer: blue or green? Georgina wondered.

    _____________________ which colour _____________________ .

    16 37 Re-write the questions below as indirect questions using the openingsprovided in the dialogue. Check with the recording and then practise androle play the dialogue with a partner.a. Could you give me some information?

    b. What time do museums generally close?c. Where can I buy a map?d. How can I get to a handicrafts centre from here?e. Who designed that magni cent building?

    Tourist: Excuse me, I wonder if you ( a. ) ____________________ .Guide: Of course, what would you like to know?Tourist: First, Id like to know ( b. ) __________________________ .Guide: At half past ve.Tourist: Then do you happen to know ( c.) ___________________ ?Guide: You can get one at the Tourist Information Centre on the corner.Tourist: Great. And could you tell me ( d. ) ___________________ to a

    handicrafts centre from here?Guide: Walk along this street and turn right at the corner. There is a small

    handicrafts market very near the big building you can see there.Tourist: Do you have any idea ( e. ) ___________________ that magni cent

    building?Guide: Yes. It was designed by Juan Jos de Goycolea y Zaartu.

    17 MINITEST Look at the pictures and nish the sentences. 10 pts.


    3to 6GOOD JOB!

    7to 10EXCELLENT!

    a. My son asked me why ________________________________________________________ .

    b. I wanted to know when _______________________________________________________ .

    c. My young wife wondered where _______________________________________________ .

    d. I asked my dad how much ____________________________________________________ .

    e. My teacher enquired how many ________________________________________________ .

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    You will discuss a scienti c topic in groups of sevento ten students. You will need to prepare for thediscussion beforehand using your own knowledge,available literature, articles from the Internet, ortalking to your science teacher.

    a. Choose one of these topics.i. The Earth is in danger of being hit by an

    asteroid.ii. The dangers of the swine ue pandemic.iii. Making fuels from plants.iv. Animals in danger of extinction.

    b. Sit in a circle.c. It would be good to establish some ground

    rules, such as:i. everyone should listen respectfully to the

    others (even if they disagree);

    ii. the person who is speaking should not beinterrupted;iii. only one person should speak at the same


    iv. no ones ideas should be made fun of;v. if you disagree with someone, disagree with

    their ideas, but dont attack the person.d. Choose a moderator who will decide on the

    order of speaking. As participants o er their

    views, he / she can encourage group membersto respond to each other by asking questionslike: What does everyone else think? or Isthere anyone else who agrees? Anyone elsewho disagrees?

    e. Start the discussion with setting the purposeand what and why you are discussing.

    f. Use these ideas to evaluate your discussion.Answer Yes or No.


    We follo wed the purpose o f the discussion.

    We were able to presen t our argumen ts

    logicall y. We handled disagreeme

    n ts and con ic ts well.

    E ver yone in the group go t a chance to

    par ticipa te.

    19 Play the radio interview game in groups of six students.a. Choose a famous character you would like to interview.b. On separate pieces of paper, write the questions you would

    like to ask your character. Put them face down on the table.c. On other pieces of paper, write openings for indirect

    questions, like: would like to know, wonder, ask , etc. Putthem on a separate pile face down on the table.

    d. Choose one person in the group to be the famous person,to answer the questions.

    e. To act out the interview, the rest of the players musttake turns to pick up a piece of paper from each pile and ask thecorresponding question, inventing the name of the listener of theprogramme who asked that question.Example: Martha Bravo, from Linares, would like to know where youwere born.

    20 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about the scienti c process?b. Has the lesson changed your perception about science?c. If important leaders in history, either positive or negative, could be

    cloned, what would be the consequences of such an action?d. If you had the possibility of choosing the physical characteristics of your

    future child or cloning all his / her vital organs, what would you prefer todo? Why?

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    106UNIT 5


    1 Professor Digby Jones was interviewed by Teen Science Blog. Read the blog and write the questions hewas asked.

    a. __________________________________________________________________________________ ?

    b. __________________________________________________________________________________ ?

    c. __________________________________________________________________________________ ?

    d. __________________________________________________________________________________ ?

    e. __________________________________________________________________________________ ?

    2 The sentences on the left ( a d) are written using scienti c terms. Match them with their everydaylanguage equivalents on the right ( i - iv).

    a. The hypothesis that dinosaurs becameextinct because of a fallen meteorite isnow widely accepted.

    b. The marsupial was created by the geneticmanipulation of its DNA.

    c. Some animals are carnivores and someare herbivores.

    d. The ornithologist examined the fossilisedremains and established it was a dodo.

    i. Some animals eat meat and some eatplants.

    ii. The bird specialist looked at the old bonesand said it was a dodo.

    iii.What scientists believe about theextinction of dinosaurs is now acceptedby most people.

    iv.The kangaroo was cloned in a lab.

    In his inter vie w , Professor Dig b y Jones e xp lained t hat

    pa laeonto log y is a science t hat st udies fossi l organisms ; he

    said t hat we cannot c lone dinosa urs beca use we do not ha ve

    t heir D N A .

    He to ld o ur jo urna list t hat t he lm J ur assic Par k was j ust

    a fantas y and re vea led t hat he was wor king ona ne w

    h ypot hesis a bo ut dinosa urs.

    Fina l l y , he s uggested t hat we s ho u ld visit him at his

    la borator y.

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    1 2 3 4 5


    a. John asked the waiter what the soup of the day was.

    John: ____________________________________________________________________________ ?

    Waiter: ___________________________________________________________________________ .

    b. Belinda asked the mechanic when the car would be ready.

    Belinda: __________________________________________________________________________ ?

    Mechanic: _________________________________________________________________________ .

    c. Emily asked the doctor how many pills she should take.

    Emily: ____________________________________________________________________________ ?

    Doctor: ___________________________________________________________________________ .

    d. Fred asked the police o cer why she was arresting the young man.

    Fred : _____________________________________________________________________________ ?Police o cer: ______________________________________________________________________ .

    e. Gillian asked the usher what time the lm would start.

    Gillian: ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

    Usher: ____________________________________________________________________________ .

    4 Nelly is going to the USA on holiday. All her friends and relatives gave her some advice. Re-write theiradvice using reporting verbs.a. Take your digital camera with you, aunt Sybil recommended.

    __________________________________________________________________________________ .b. Dont talk to strangers, Ursulas father warned her.

    __________________________________________________________________________________ .

    c. Send me en e-mail when you arrive, Vivians mother told her.

    __________________________________________________________________________________ .

    d. Buy a Yankees T-shirt, Richards brother suggested.

    __________________________________________________________________________________ .

    3 Match the sentences ( a - e) with the pictures ( 1 - 5). What questions were these people asked? Writethe dialogues using the clues and your own ideas and then role play them for the class.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    CHILEAN CONNECTIONWhat do these numbers in the text refer to? 1.2 - 2.2 - 3.58 - 3.6 - 4 - 27 - 100 - 160 - 300 - 600 - 1960 -2,400 - 67 million.

    The La SillaObservatory, 600 km north of Santiago de Chile and at an altitude of 2,400 meters, has beena European Southern Observatory stronghold sincethe 1960s. Here, ESO operates several of the mostproductive 4-meter class telescopes in the world.

    La Sillais a mountain bordering the southernextremity of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It islocated about 160 km north of La Serena, 27 kmsouth of the Las Campanas Observatory, and 100km north of the Cerro Tololo Observatory.

    The 3.58-meter New Technology Telescope (NTT)broke new ground for telescope engineering anddesign and was the rst in the world to have acomputer-controlled main mirror (active optics), atechnology developed at ESO and now applied tomost of the worlds current large telescopes.

    The ESO 3.6-meter telescope is now home to theworlds foremost extrasolar planet hunter: HARPS(High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher), aspectrograph with unrivaled precision.

    The La SillaObservatory is the rst world-classobservatory to have been granted certi cationfor the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) 9001 Quality ManagementSystem. The infrastructure of La Sillais also usedby many of the ESO member states for targetedprojects such as the Swiss 1.2-meter Eulertelescope, as well as more common user facilitiessuch as the 2.2-meter Max Planck telescope. The67-million pixel Wide Field Imager on the2.2-meter telescope has taken many amazingimages of celestial objects, some of which havenow become icons in their own right.

    With about 300 refereed publications attributableto the work of the observatory per year, La Silla remains at the forefront of astronomy. La Silla has led to an enormous number of scienti cdiscoveries, including several rsts. The HARPSspectrograph is the undisputed champion at

    nding low-mass extrasolar planets. It detected thesystem around Gliese 581, which contains whatmay be the rst known rocky planet in a habitablezone, outside the Solar System (ESO 22/07). Several

    telescopes at La Sillaplayed a crucial role in linkinggamma-ray bursts the most energetic explosionsin the universe since the Big Bang with theexplosions of massive stars. Since 1987, ESO LaSilla Observatory has also played an important rolein the study and follow-up of the nearest recentsupernova, SN 1987A.

    Adapted from:Mundo Andino (n.d).La Silla Observatory . Retrieved October 2011, from:



    American v/s British English

    meter - organization - standardization - unrival

    metre - organisation - standardisation - unrival

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    1 Read the article. Which of these is the mainconclusion you can draw from it? 2 pts.a. The presence of water on the moon means

    that life existed there before.b. If there is water on the moon, people might

    one day install human colonies there.c. If there is water on the moon, we might one

    day bring it to Earth.

    2 Read the text again and complete thesesentences. 5 pts.a. Scientists said they were surprised ________ .b. They also revealed that _________________ .c. Scientists argued for months ____________ .d. Lunar senior scientist Paul Spudis called the

    new nding __________________________ .e. He also asked the question where ________ .

    3 Read the article once more and answer thesequestions. 3 pts.a. What did astronauts call magni cent

    desolation?b. Why did the NASA probe smash into the

    moon?c. What are the two explanations for the

    presence of water on the moon?

    5 38 Listen to two people talking about somemysteries of science. Tick ( ) the speaker whomentioned these points. 6 pts.

    6 38 Listen again and circle the word you hear. 4 pts.

    a. Jess Martnez-Fras, a planetary geologist,went to investigate the accident / incident.

    b. Ice balls have fallen in other parts of theworld, some up to 100 /200 kilogramsin weight.

    c. The phenomenon is clearly caused by anacoustic resonance / response .

    d. In many booming dunes, the sand grains areunusually uniform in shape / size.

    a. A Spanish geologist

    b. A British researcher

    c.Low ozone levels

    d. Global warming

    e. Acoustic resonance

    f. Various instruments

    Speaker I Speaker II

    4 Complete the sentences in column A with your own ideas. Then ask yourpartner the appropriate questions tocomplete the same sentences incolumn B with his / her answers. 10 pts.



    You Your partnera. In our chemistry class I

    discovered that_____________________ .

    b. Our English teacherexplained that______________________ .

    i. In our chemistry class _________ discoveredthat_____________ .

    ii. Our English teacherexplained that______________________ .

    You Your partnerc. I clearly remember when

    _______________________________ .

    d. My parents complain that _______________________________ .

    e. I have learnt how much _______________________________ .

    iii. _____ clearly rememberswhen___________________________ .

    iv.____ s parents complainthat____________________________ .

    v. _________ has learnthow much________________________ .

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    112UNIT 5


    7 Change these sentences into ReportedSpeech. 4 pts.a. Jane: What programme did you see

    on Saturday?b. Shop assistant: Can I help you?c. Customer: How much does the

    computer cost?d. Sandra: Its not a good idea to leave

    so late.

    8 Look at the pictures and answerthe questions. 4 pts.

    a. A: What did the tourist ask you? B: ___________________________________ .

    b. A: What did you tell Susan? B: ___________________________________ .

    c. A: What did the policeman say? B: ___________________________________ .

    d. A: What did the astronomer explain? B: ___________________________________ .


    9 Write two short paragraphs (maximum 150words) with the information in theinterview below. Use the reportingverbs in the box. 10 pts.

    asked answered enquired explained indicated replied said told wanted to know

    Reporter: Can you tell me a little about theNazca Lines?

    Prof Maine: The Nazca Lines are an enigma.No one has proved who builtthem or why.

    Reporter: Is it true what some people say,that they are old landing sites forextraterrestrials?

    Prof Maine: Some people say so, but wescientists are sure that it is nottrue.

    Reporter: What is the speci c location of the lines?

    Prof Maine: They are located in the NazcaDesert, a high arid plateau

    between the towns of Nazca andPalpa on the pampa.

    Reporter: And how big are they?Prof Maine: They cover nearly 400 square

    miles of desert.Reporter: What is the scienti c name for

    such structures?Prof Maine: Figures produced on the ground

    by the clearing of stones are calledgeoglyphs and they can be foundin Egypt, Malta, the United States,

    Chile, Bolivia and several othercountries.




    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    Reading You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details.8 - 10 Great Grasped all main ideas and did most tasks correctly.

    6 - 7 Good Grasped the majority of main ideas and did most tasks correctly.

    3 - 5 OK Grasped some main ideas and did most tasks correctly.

    0 - 2 Poor Deduced some main ideas and did just a few tasks correctly.

    Listening You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details.8 - 10 Great Identi ed almost all the information. 3 - 5OK Identi ed some of the information.

    6 - 7 Good Identi ed most of the information. 0 - 2PoorDeduced just a few bits of information.

    Language You are expected to apply and identify two language items.7 - 8 Great Understood and applied all items in all cases. 2 - 3OK Understood and applied some items in some cases.

    4 - 6 Good Understood and applied most items in most cases. 0 - 1PoorUnderstood and applied very few items in very few cases. Speaking You are expected to be able to ask and answer questions using reporting verbs.


    Asked and answered all the questionsusing appropriate reporting verbs. 4

    Practically no language mistakes.3 Fluid interaction, good pronunciation,and no hesitation. 3

    2Fluid interaction, a few pronunciationmistakes, a minimum of hesitation.Very few language mistakes.

    23Asked and answered some questionsusing some reporting verbs.Asked and answered half of the questions using one or tworeporting verbs.

    2Some language mistakes.

    1Fluid interaction, some pronunciationmistakes, some hesitation. 1

    Asked and answered only 1 or 2

    questions using one reporting verb.1

    Language mistakes interfere with


    Interaction a ected by pronunciation

    mistakes and a lot of hesitation.0

    Writing You are expected to write a short text based on an interview.ScorePresentationScoreLanguageScoreTask

    Wrote text following all indications,using all reporting verbs. 4

    Practically no grammar orvocabulary mistakes. 3

    Correct spelling and organisation of paragraphs. 3

    Wrote text following most indications,using most reporting verbs. 3

    Very few grammar or vocabularymistakes. 2

    A few spelling mistakes, unclearorganisation of paragraphs. 2

    Wrote text following some indications,using half of reporting verbs. 2

    Some grammar and vocabularymistakes.

    Several spelling mistakes, incorrectorganisation of paragraphs.1 1

    0A lot of spelling mistakes, incorrectorganisation of paragraphs.0

    Grammar and vocabulary mistakesinterfere with comprehension.

    Wrote text, but followed very fewindications, not using the reportingverbs.


    SELF - EVALUATIONYour score

    YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCEIn this unit Always Sometimes Ne

    I re ected on the implications of genetic manipulation and cloning.

    I actively participated in discussions and conversations related to science issues.

    I used di erent strategies to understand and to make myself understood.

    I showed respect for other students opinions and ideas.

  • 7/27/2019 Ingls - IV Medio


    UNIT 6


    You will pay special attention to these values The importance of following specic procedures in formal situations.

    In this unit you will learn to: READING:dene and infer.

    LISTENING:identify specic information.

    ORAL PRODUCTION:discuss professions and occupations.

    WRITTEN PRODUCTION:write a business letter.

    FUNCTIONS:complain / disagree / apologise / warn.

    You will also learn: GRAMMAR:reporting verbs questions / indirectquestions.

    VOCABULARY:words related to business activities andcommercial letters.

    You will use the following text types: READING:business / commercial letters. LISTENING:conversations.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    1 List two jobs for each category. 5 pts.a. They require great physical strength.b. They require long years of study.c. They require a lot of patience.d. They require spending a lot of time away from home.e. They are really dangerous.

    2 Match each of these situations (a d) with the cartoon that best represents it (1 4). 4 pts.a. A complaint. c. A disagreement.b. A warning. d. An apology.


    3 Why do people normally write letters? In pairs, list four reasons. 4 pts.

    Your score:0 - 4: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you.5 - 9: Well done, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words.10 - 13: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson.

    1 . P o s s i b l e a n s w e r s ( a n y t w o o f t h e s e ) : a . A t h l e t e , b u i l d e r , l u g g a g e h a n d l e r , l u m b e r j a c k , m i n e r . b . D o c t o r , l a w y e r , m u s i c i a n , s c i e n t i s t , t e a c h e r . c . A r t i s t , n u r s e , s e c r e t a r y , s h o p a s s i s t a n t , t e a c h e r . d . P i l o t , s o l d i e r , t o u r i s t g u i d e , t r a i n d r i v e r , t r a v e l l i n g

    s a l e s p e r s o n . e . D i v e r , r e m a n , s t u n t m a n , w i n d o w c l e a n e r , z o o k e e p e r . 2 . a . C a r t o o n 1 . b . C a r t o o n 3 . c . C a r t o o n 2 . d . C a r t o o n 4 . 3 . P o s s i b l e a n s w e r s ( a n y f o u r o f t h e s e ) : T o a p p l y f o r a j o b , t o p r o v i d e / a s k f o r i n f o r m a t i o n , t o c o m p l a i n a b o u t s o m e t h i n g , t o

    k e e p i n t o u c h , t o a p o l o g i s e , t o c o n f e s s s o m e t h i n g , t o d e c l a r e l o v e , e t c .

    1 2 3 4

    Excuseme; there

    seems to besomething wrongwith this laptop.

    Youngman! Illhave to giveyou a ne if

    you dont getup from the


    Im very sorryfor interrupting.

    I dont likeyour idea of buyingnew earphones for

    the iPod.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    116UNIT 6


    o n 1


    1 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. In what situations do people complain?b. Have you ever had to return an article you bought? What was the reason?

    How did you do it? Were you satis ed with the result?2 Match the informal expressions in column A with their formal equivalents in

    column B.

    A Ba. Ask your dad to help you with your


    b. I totally agree with you, but theresnothing I can do to help you.

    c. John, there is a guy here waiting for you;he wants to complain.

    d. This thing is broken, so I want it changed.

    e. Will you come to my birthday party?

    i. I request the pleasure of your companyat the party to be held on the occasion ofmy birthday.

    ii. Mr Jensen, a young gentleman is waitinfor you to make a complaint.

    iii.The item is not working; thereforeI would like you to replace it.

    iv.I thoroughly understand your position;however, there is nothing I can do tohelp you.

    v. You should request your fathers help todo your homework.

    3 Which of these words sound or look similar in Spanish? Find the meaning of the rest in a dictionary.

    discr imina tede par tme n tclie n taccoun t

    purchase jus ti fiablyissuein voice

    4 Match the names of letters in the box with their de nitions ( a e).

    Letter of apology Letter of complaint Order letter Resignation letter Thank you letter

    a. _______________ : you write it when you are not satis ed with aproduct or a service.

    b. _______________ : you send it to your employers when you can nolonger work for them.

    c. _______________ : you o er your gratitude for something done for you.d. _______________ : you ask for a product or a service to be delivered.e. _______________ : it shows you are sorry and says that you value your

    relationship with the other party.

    When using formalEnglish, we often use theexpression:Im afraid It means something likeI would help you if Icould, but I cant.Examples:Im afraid the train islate.Im afraid I cant offer you a refund.Im afraid Mr Smith isout of the of ce at the moment.

    Lea rni ng ti p

    1. To connect content andprevious knowledge.

    2. To differentiate betweenformal and informal language.

    3. To infer the meaning of keywords.

    4. To deduce the communicativepurpose of texts.

    5. To predict general informationusing previous knowledge.

    6. To identify format of business


    Learning abilities

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    5 In your opinion, which of these are characteristics of business letters? Mark them with a tick ( ).a. _____ They are fairly short and to the point.b. _____ They are usually handwritten.c. _____ They are usually rude and o ensive.d. _____ They are written to express personal feelings.

    e. _____ They follow a strict format.f. _____ They have a very speci c purpose, such as a complaining,enquiring, requesting, etc.

    g. _____ They use formal language.

    6 These diagrams show what a one-page business letter should look like. Havea look at the letters on pages 118 - 119 you are going to read and decidewhich style they are.a. Block Style b. Semiblock Style c. Modi ed Block Style


    7 Read the letters on pages 118 - 119 and check your predictions in Exercise 5.

    8 Match the letters ( I V) with the de nitions in Exercise 4 ( a e).

    9 Mark with a tick ( ) the letter that mentions the following points.

    7. To validate predictions.8. To identify denitions.9. To nd and support speci

    information.10.To discriminate between

    correct and incorrectinformation.

    11.To identify explicit and iminformation.

    12.To infer information.

    Learning abilities


    a. A product required by a certain date.

    b. An inconvenience caused by a new sta member.

    c. A request for an explanation.

    d. Someones plans for the future.

    e. Someones positive qualities.

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    120UNIT 6

    10 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?a. ____ The sender of Letter I was very happy with her job.b. ____ The name of the recipient of Letter II is Michelle Ortega.c. ____ The sender of Letter III would like to work as an accountants assistant.d. ____ The sender of Letter IV does not have a bank account.e. ____ The sender of Letter V is asking for a 10% discount.

    11 Read the letters again. Do these sentences express explicit (E) or implicit (I)information?a. _____ Christina Hamilton is often out.b. _____ Valeria Santos is going back to university.c. _____ Michelle Ortegas son did not buy the clothes he wanted.d. _____ The sales person has been working with Gerald Belknap for a

    short time.e. _____ Samuel Morgan will be delighted to get the job.

    12 What can you infer from these sentences in the letters? Choose the bestalternative.a. Letter I:

    i. Valerias boss is very demanding.ii. Valeria is willing to help the company and her replacement.iii. Valeria is relieved to be leaving the company.

    b. Letter II:

    i. Ms Ortega does not agree with the guards actions.ii. Ms Ortega nds the guards attitude correct.

    iii. Ms Ortega is unhappy with her sons reaction.c. Letter III:

    i. Samuel disliked the interviewer.ii. Samuel felt uncomfortable at the interview.iii. Samuel liked the interview.

    d. Letter IV:

    i. Mr Derwin knows Ms Hamilton very well.ii. Ms Hamilton has made purchases from this company before.iii. Ms Hamiltons bank account details are public.

    e. Letter V:

    i. An employee caused the problem.ii. Computers and an employee caused the problem.iii. Computers caused the problem.

    We recently hired a new sales personwho was not familiar with your systems.

    You &will &find &the details of my &bank account &in a &previous &invoice.

    I &found your &interviewing &style &very &refreshing, and I appreciate your openness and &honesty.

    I feel that your guard acted incorrectly.

    I will be happy to train my replacement or do anythingelse you feel will help make the transition smoother.

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    13 Use some of the words in Exercise 3 to ll in the gaps in these sentences.a. You have bought another video game! Its such an unnecessary

    _______________________ .b. If you need more information, please contact the Human Resources

    _______________________ .c. What must I do to open a bank _________________________ ?d. One of the most important _____________________ people talk about is

    global warming.e. It is very important to answer the complaint letter sent by one of your

    _______________________ .

    14 The words in the rst column of this chart appeared in the letters you read. They are in American English. Complete the chart with the correct word inBritish English and tick the correct column (Spelling or Vocabulary). Then,add two more examples of your own for each type of di erence.

    Spelling Di erence Vocabulary Di erence


    1. Read these sentences from Letter III and the original direct questions.a. He asked him what his name was.

    What is your name? the guard asked.b. The guard asked him what the purpose of his visit to the shop was.

    What is the purpose of your visit to the shop? the guard asked.c. He also wanted to know where his parents were.

    Where are you parents? the guard wanted to know.

    2. What do you notice about the indirect questions?a. The tenses change.b. The word order changes.c. Nothing changes.

    3. The answer is a. and b. If the reporting verb is in the Past then the rest of the sentence also undergoes a verb change (see Language Note Unit 5,Lesson 1, Page 97). There is also a change of the word order.Direct question: Why is Sonia late? Henry asked.Indirect question: Henry asked why Sonia was late.

    Reporting verbs questions (continued)Language Note

    13.To consolidate key vocab14.To identify and classify

    differences between Ameand British English.

    15.To practise a language ite

    16.To use information to coma conversation.

    17.To imitate a spoken mode18.To evaluate learning.19.To write a new text follow

    model.20.To reect on the contents

    the lesson and relate themown experiences.

    Learning abilities

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    122UNIT 6

    15 Change these direct questions into indirect ones.a. What time is it? Sally wanted to know.b. Who is your maths teacher? my brother asked.c. Where is the bathroom? the child asked his father.d. How tall are you? the doctor enquired.e. How much are these Coldplay CDs? I wanted to nd out.

    16 Use information from Letter I and the visual clues on the left to complete theconversation between Valeria and her boss, Marina.Marina: So Valeria, I understand that you are leaving the Call Center.Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And when exactly are you planning to leave?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: What are your plans for the future?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: I believe that you liked working for us.Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And what is the most important thing that you learned here?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: And what other skills have you learned from working with us?Valeria: _______________________________________________________Marina: Do you think you could help us train your replacement?Valeria: _______________________________________________________

    17 40 Now listen to the conversation and check your answers. Then practiseand role play the dialogue for the class.

    18 MINITEST Report what these people asked. Use a di erent reportingverb for each sentence. 10 pts.a. Mollys mother: Molly, where is your father? ____________________________________________________________ .b. The teacher: How did you nd the information to write the report? ____________________________________________________________ .c. Sarah: How many languages can you speak? ____________________________________________________________ .d. Kelly: Why dont you answer my messages?

    ____________________________________________________________ .

    e. The interviewer: What is your experience with learning disabilities? ____________________________________________________________ .


    3to 6GOOD JOB! 7 to10EXCELLENT!

    American v/s British English

    center / learned

    centre / learnt

    HYPERTEXT : digital resources and activities

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    You are going to work with a partner to write abusiness letter.a. Choose one of the following situations:

    i. You have ordered a PC for your brothersbirthday, which is in four days. The company

    you ordered it from is: PC Quick Deals, 12Dalton Street, Minneapolis, USA. The salesmanager is Ms Edna Carrow.

    ORii. You are leaving your job because you found

    another one closer to your home. You work for QMC Department Store, 234 GardenAvenue, Wicklow, Ireland. The HumanResources Manager is Miss Kiara Spencer.

    ORiii. You went to your local Municipal O ce

    to obtain a driving licence. You foundthe service exceptionally good and quick.You would like to thank the CustomerService manager, Mr Steve Soames, for theservice. The address is: 17 Coleman Parade,Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150.

    b. According to the situation you have chosen,decide what type of letter you are going towrite apology, order, resignation, etc. In pairs,discuss the details: format of the letter, whatinformation you should include, and what kindof language to use.

    c. One of you should write the letter on a cleansheet of paper following the agreed format.

    d. Keep the letter brief and to the point. In a one-page letter, you will usually need only three orfour paragraphs, single spaced. Use a double

    space in between paragraphs.e. Remember not to use shortened verb forms (dontinstead of do not; its not instead of it is not).

    f. Finish the letter with a salutation ( Yourssincerely, Yours faithfully, etc.).

    g. Always sign the letter by hand.h. Proof-read the letter and then read it aloud.

    Ask and answer these questions: Does it makesense? Does it sound polite? Does it have all therelevant information? Does it follow a businessletter format?

    i. If you answered yes to all the questions above,write the letter on a clean sheet of paper.

    j. Ask your teacher to read the letter and give youhis / her opinion. Do not tell her / him what typeof letter you were going to write. Does she / heconsider that you have achieved your objective?

    Evaluate your performance. Say Yes or No.


    We read and follo wed the ins truc tions.

    We de termined the purpose o f our le t ter.

    We wro te the le t ter k eeping the rele van t forma t a

    nd purpo

    We check ed spelling and gramm


    20 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. What have you learnt about writing business letters?b. Can you name two situations in which you would use formal and informal

    language?c. What would you do if one of your best friends needed a job, but he / she

    didnt have a good CV? Would you send a letter recommending her /him to your boss?

    d. What do you think of these quotations? How much do you agree with them?

    Success is never nal.

    Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

    Competition brings out the best in products and the

    worst in people. David Sarno (1891 - 1971)

    A friendship founded onbusiness is better than a business

    founded on friendship. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.(1874 - 1960)

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    124UNIT 6


    o n 2


    1 Answer and discuss these questions in your group.a. How do people know what to do in a speci c job before they start

    working?b. Why do you think we need a job description?c. What information should a job description include?

    2 Look at the pictures ( 1 4) and complete the short job descriptions for eachone ( a d).

    a. A security guard is a person who ________________________________ .

    He or she usually _____________________________________________ .b. A postman / postwoman is a person who __________________________ .

    He or she usually _____________________________________________ .c. A pilot is a person who _________________________________________ .

    He or she usually _____________________________________________ .d. A sports commentator is a person who ___________________________ .

    He or she usually _____________________________________________ .

    3 Work with your partner. Each of you must choose a job and describe it.