gel balístico

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  • 7/31/2019 Gel Balstico


    Gel Balstico:

    RECETA 1Receta para hacer 250ml:

    * 3 o 4 bolsas de gelatina sin sabor (10 gramos por bolsita)

    * Glicerina

    * Recipientes de medida

    * Un molde.


    *Calentamos 250 ml de agua hasta que alcance la temperatura de ebullicin, luego

    echamos 3 o 4 Bolsitas de gelatina sin sabor en el agua y removemos hasta que quede

    todo homogneo.

    *Despus, con una jeringa tomamos 1 o 2 ml de glicerina y se lo aadimos a la mezcla

    de gelatina.

    *Removemos, echamos el contenido del vaso en nuestro molde y a continuacin,

    retiramos toda la espuma que se forme en la parte superior. Solo queda meter el

    molde la heladera alrededor de 1 hora, si se deja mas tiempo se formaran cristales de


    Bueno, eso es todo, si quieren hacer mas cantidad simplemente multiplican por 4 para

    hacer un litro.

    RECETA 2*20 gramos de polvo de gelatina

    *12 centimetros cubicos de agua destilada

    *100 cm cubicos de glicerina (a veces se consigue en farmacias, en el islote de

    primeros auxilios)

    Dejar la mezcla en remojo por unos 45 minutos, despues calentarla a 140 FARENHEIT

    con doble llama (no se que es double boiler, la traduccion literal es doble hervidor,

    sera doble llama??)

    bueno, despues de calentar a 140F poner en ziplocks, las bolsitas esas como para

    lonches, y ponerlas lisas para que se enfrien. el gel se puede volver a derretir para usar

    con un microondas. se puede usar aceite de wintergreen como conservador.

  • 7/31/2019 Gel Balstico


    How to Make Your Own Ballistic Gel

    Ballistics labs within the FBI and law enforcement often use ballistics gel to test wound

    penetration. They use a special ordnance gelatin powder to make the gel to specific standards

    under carefully controlled conditions, and it is then calibrated for accuracy. We also wanted to

    use some ballistics gel for ourCheney Gunshot Experiment. We lacked the time or the facilitiesto prepare the gel to FBI standards, but we managed to whip up a reasonable homemade

    version in our kitchen.

    We got our basic recipe and instructions by consulting a few different websites dealing with

    ballistics and firearms.Tactical Workshas basic how to with clear photographs, andFirearms

    Tacticalhas more detailed step-by-step instructions. We used a simplified procedure from the

    SteyrScout.orgsite. Ideally we would have used gelatin powder made specifically for ballistics

    use, which is manufactured by Kind & Knox. However, the powder has to be special ordered in

    bulk and is expensive. We opted for two 8 oz. boxes of plain Knox gelatin off the supermarket

    shelf, which set us back about $8 each.

    We used a basic formula of one pound of gelatin powder to one gallon of water. We mixed our

    gelatin in two batches using 8 oz. of powder and 2 quarts of water. After measuring out the

    cold water, we added the gelatin powder all at once. We stirred the powder in carefully, trying

    to moisten all of the granules without adding too much air. The mixture was the consistency of

    thick grits.
  • 7/31/2019 Gel Balstico


    We set the gel mixture in the refrigerator to chill and hydrate (a process known as blooming)

    for two hours. We set the gelatin over a pan of water and heated it until it melted. A candy

    thermometer was used to make sure the gelatin mixture didnt get hotter than 130 degrees.

    During the melting process, we stirred carefully to minimize air getting trapped in the gelatin.

    The professionals use specially constructed 6 x 6 x 16 molds coated inside with silicone

    spray for easy release. We used 32 oz. Glad Ware containers and non-stick cooking spray. The

    gel was set to chill in the refrigerator for 36 hours before use. We carried it to the testing site

    in insulated containers and unmolded it before testing. Each of the blocks was cut in half, for a

    total of four blocks measuring about 7.5cm x 12 cm x 13.5 cm. If used in a clean setting, like a

    lab, blocks of ballistics gel can be recycled by melting them down and remolding them.

    However, ours got too full of dirt and wood splinters to be reclaimed.