examen de acreditación de niveles de lengua inglesa - serex - … · 2016-11-03 · examen de...

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2015 Candidate’s Name………...……………………………..… DNI ………………………………………………………. 1 Nivel: POST-INTERMEDIO Paper: READING A.1. Read the following text. Choose from these options the sentences that are missing in the text below. There is an extra sentence. A. "Kids who love Maths do well in Maths. He loves languages and is doing well in languages." B. After about age 4, most people will never gain a truly deep grasp on a second language's morphology, which refers to the rules that govern how words are formed from linguistic units. C. But that finding only applies to learning tonal languages like Mandarin, said study author Patrick Wong, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. D. Very young children are remarkably good at learning multiple languages simultaneously. E. That raises the question: F. There are no other areas that process language. G. There are also many other areas throughout the brain that process language. H. The answer, experts say, seems to be yes, no and it's complicated. I. According to this article, studies also show that it becomes more difficult to learn new languages as you get older. Are some brains better at learning languages? According to research, there may be certain areas in the brain that, in some language learners, are larger or more efficient, and that could give them an advantage at learning languages. 1 . __ According to this article, studies also show that it becomes more difficult to learn new languages as you get older. The gist There may be certain areas in the brain that are enlarged or extra efficient that could lend some language learners an advantage. Scientists have made another huge stem cell breakthrough, this time growing a human brain tissue in a lab! Studies show that it becomes more difficult to learn new languages as you get older. Neuroscientists are still trying to understand all the various brain regions involved in learning a language. In his spare time, an otherwise ordinary 16-year old boy from New York taught himself Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Swahili, and a dozen other languages, the New York Times reported last week. And even though it's not entirely clear how close to fluent Timothy Doner is in any of his studied languages, the high school sophomore - along with other polyglots like him - are certainly different from most Americans, who speak one or maybe two languages. How Exercise Rewires Your Brain

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A.1. Read the fol lowing text . Choose from these options the sentences

that are missing in the text below. There is an extra sentence.

A. "Kids who love Maths do well in Maths. He loves languages and is

doing well in languages."

B. After about age 4, most people will never gain a truly deep grasp on a

second language's morphology, which refers to the rules that govern

how words are formed from linguistic units.

C. But that finding only applies to learning tonal languages like Mandarin,

said study author Patrick Wong, a neuroscientist at Northwestern

University in Evanston, Illinois.

D. Very young children are remarkably good at learning multiple

languages simultaneously.

E. That raises the question:

F. There are no other areas that process language.

G. There are also many other areas throughout the brain that process


H. The answer, experts say, seems to be yes, no and it's complicated.

I. According to this article, studies also show that it becomes more

difficult to learn new languages as you get older.

Are some brains better at learning languages?

A ccording t o research, t here may be cert ain areas in t he brain t hat , in some

language learners , a re larger o r more ef f ic ient , and t hat could giv e t hem an

adv ant age at learn ing languages. 1 . __According to this art ic le , studie s also

show that i t be com es m ore di f f icult to le arn ne w language s as y ou ge t olde r.

The gis t

There may be cert ain areas in t he brain t hat are enlarged or ex t ra

e f f ic ient t hat could lend some language learners an adv ant age.

Sc ient is t s hav e made anot her huge st em ce ll breakt hrough, t h is t ime

growing a human brain t is sue in a lab! St udies show t hat it becomes

more dif f icu lt t o learn new languages as y ou get o lder.

Neurosc ient is ts are s t i l l t ry ing t o underst and all t he v arious brain

regions inv o lv ed in learn ing a language.

I n h is spare t ime, an ot herwise ordinary 16 -y ear o ld boy f rom New York

t aught h imse lf Hebrew, A rabic , Russ ian, Swahil i, and a dozen ot her

languages, t he New York T imes report ed last week.

A nd ev en t hough it ' s not ent ire ly c lear how c lose t o f luent T imot hy Doner is

in any of h is s t udied languages, t he h igh school sophomore - along wit h

ot her po ly glot s l ike h im - are cert ain ly dif fe rent f rom most A mericans, who

speak one or may be t wo languages.

How Exercise Rewires Your B rain

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2. __That raise s the que st ion : I s t here somet hing unique about cert ain

brains , which allows some people t o speak and underst and so many m ore

languages t han t he rest o f us?

3. __The answ e r, e x pe rts say , se e ms to be y e s, no and i t 's com plicated. For

some people , genes may prime t he brain t o be good at language learn ing,

according t o some new research. A nd st udies are just s t art ing t o pinpoi nt a

few brain regions t hat are ex t ra - large or ex t ra-ef fic ient in people who exce l

at languages.

For ot hers , t hough, it ' s more a mat t e r of be ing det ermined and mot iv ated

enough t o put in t he hours and hard work necessary t o learn new way s of

communicat ing.

"K ids do we ll in what t hey l ike , " said M ichae l Paradis , a neuro linguis t at

McGill Un iv ers it y in Mont real, who compared language learn ing t o piano,

sport s o r any t h ing e lse t hat requires disc ipline . 4. __ "Kids w ho lov e Maths do w e l l in Maths. He lov e s language s and is doing w e l l in language s."

Breaking the Code: Why Yuor Barin Can Raed Tihs

" Th is is just an ex t reme case of a general princ iple , " he added. " I f y ou

pract ice and hav e a great deal of mot iv at ion fo r a part icu lar domain,

y ou' re go ing t o be able t o improv e in t hat domain bey ond normal l imit s . "

5. __V e ry y oung chi ldre n are re m arkably good at le arning m ult iple language s

sim ultane ously. They can dev e lop nat iv e -sounding accent s in each t ongue.

A nd int o adult hood, all re inforced languages ho ld t he ir own in t he brain

wit hout int e rfe ring wit h t he ot hers - un like lat e r learners who may hav e

t rouble remembering a second language when t hey begin t o learn a t h ird.

Wit h age, t hough, it not only becomes t ougher t o learn new languages,

t here may ev en be dev e lopment al s t ages bey ond which cert ain nuances of

language s imply become inaccess ible . By t he age of 9 t o 12 mont hs, fo r

example , babies begin t o lose t he abil it y t o dis t inguish bet ween sounds t hat

are not used in t he ir nat iv e language, said Loraine Ob le r, a neuro linguis t at

t he CUNY Graduat e Cent er in New York.

6. __Afte r about age 4, m ost pe ople w i l l ne v er gain a truly de e p grasp on a

se cond language 's m orphology , w hich re fe rs to the rule s that gov e rn how

w ords are form e d from l inguist ic units. A f te r age 7 or so , t he brain begins t o

pay more at t ent ion t o what it ' s learn ing, Paradis said, which af fect s t he t y pe

of memory k ids use t o pick up languages.

A nd bey ond pubert y , it becomes unlike ly t hat someone wil l be able t o speak

a new language wit hou t a fo re ign accent , t hough Doner is un ique in how

impress iv e h is accent sounds, which may re f lect a lat e -t o-mature brain.

( There seems t o be no cut -of f po int fo r learn ing v ocabulary ).

For more t han a cent ury , sc ient is ts hav e known t hat t here are key areas on

t he ex t e rio r cort ex of t he brain ' s le f t hemisphere , known as Broca' s area and

Wernicke ' s area, t hat are c rit ical fo r learn ing t o speak and underst anding

speech, Oble r said. 7. __The re are also m any othe r are as throughout the brain that proce ss language .

Genes, neurot ransmit ters and brain regions inv o lv ed in long -t e rm memory

play ro les as we ll, Paradis said. A nd a number of dif fe rent s t ruct ures

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probably come int o play when people speak a second language compared

t o when t hey speak t he ir f irs t .

Only in t he last few y ears hav e sc ient is t s begun t o ze ro in on brain regions

t hat seem t o mat t e r most in he lping po ly glot s dev e lop t he ir impress iv e sk il ls .

I n a 2008 s t udy in t he journal Cerebral Cort ex , fo r example , researchers

found bet t e r language learn ing a bil it ie s in co llege st udent s wit h a larger

Heschl' s gy rus , an area on t he le f t s ide of t he brain t hat processes pit ch.

8. __But that f inding only appl ie s to le arning tonal language s l ike Mandarin,

said study author Patr ick Wong, a ne uroscie nt ist at Nor thw e stern Univ e rsity in Ev anston, I l l inois.

B . Read the fol lowing text and complete the exercises below .

A Hom e s For Al l Organisat ions that he lp the homeless are warn ing that people wi l l face even greater hardship th is winter un less urgent act ion is taken to o f fer shel ter to those wi thout a home. T his warn ing fo l lows publ icat ion of f igures showing an increase in

the number o f homeless people. Susan Evans of the organisat ion 'Homes for Al l ' sa id : "Wi th a shor tage of accommodat ion, more people than ever before - young and o ld - are hav ing to s leep rough . A co ld winter is predic ted th is year which means that these people wi l l ha ve to put up wi th sub -zero temperatures. Act ion must be taken urgent ly to of fer these people shel ter . " A nat ionwide demonstrat ion to ra ise awareness of the problem wi l l take p lace th is weekend. Suppor ters welcome. B V il lage Prote st Residents o f local v i l lage, Shi lden, are prepar ing for a n ight o f protest to save the i r v i l lage f rom Government p lanners. Proposals for a new motorway to be bui l t that wi l l run wi th in 2 k i lometres of Shi lden have caused uproar amongst res idents .

T hey c la im that they were g iven insuf f ic ient t ime to respond to the proposal . T ony Fel lows, spokesperson for the 'Vi l lage Protest ' campaign expla ins: "T he p lanned route cuts across some of the most p ic turesque count rys ide in the reg ion. Shi lden welcomes thousands of tour is ts each year . Many of the shopkeepers depend on th is t rade and would a lmost cer ta in ly face ru in i f tour is ts were put o f f coming by the damage th is road is l ike ly to cause". T he a l l -n ight protest wi l l take p lace in the f ie lds where the bui ld ing work is l ike ly to begin. C Ne w Y outh Club Youngsters in the c i ty -centre wi l l lose out on a much - loved pro ject i f substant ia l funds are not found th is year . T he 'New Youth Club ', which is open to young people f rom the ages of 10 to 17, is be ing threatened wi th c losure by Heal th and

Safety of f ic ia ls who c la im the bui ld ing is unsafe. T he c lub, bu i l t 30 years ago, was badly damaged by heavy s torms last year and c i ty engineers est imate that one hundred thousand pounds in needed to repai r s t ructura l damage. Wi th on ly l imi ted funds at the i r d isposal , managers fear the c lub wi l l have to c lose. Youngsters f rom the c lub have organised an Open Day on T uesday in an ef for t to ra ise some of the money needed to enable the repai rs to be under taken. "T his a lone won't be enough, however" warned Adam Ross, Youth Leader . D Sav e Le a V al le y A rare species of but ter f ly and many nat ive p lants face ext inct ion i f the 'Lea Val ley Of f ice Complex' pro ject goes ahead. T his is the c la im made by loca l env i ronmenta l is ts invo lved in the 'Save Lea Val ley ' campaign. T hey argue that the

proposed development , to be bu i l t on the s i te o f woodland dat ing back hundreds of years, wi l l rob the country of severa l rare species of wi ld l i fe . 'Local people would be horr i f ied i f they knew of the consequences of th is pro ject , ' c la imed env i ronmenta l is t Ian Wi lson yesterday. "We need to inst igate a loca l campaign to a ler t everyone to the dangers. We are s tar t ing by wr i t ing le t ters to everyone in the

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area ask ing for the i r suppor t . T he of f ice complex developers must n ot be a l lowed to do th is . "

B.1. Multip le Matching: Read the magazine ar tic le about var ious local

campaigns. Fo r Questions 1 -10, choose A, B, C o r D .

1 Local bus inesses could be badly af fect ed. B

2 People in t he area are not aware of t he problem. D

3 There are plans t o build a brand new building . D

4 The campaigns do not hav e t o meet t oget her. D

5 The problem af fect s all age groups . A

6 The problem was caused by bad weat her. C

7 I f t he plan goes ahead it wi l l spo il t he look of t he area . B

8 The campaign cannot raise enough money on it s own. C

9 The problem was announced short ly af t e r a report was published. A

10 Young people are in danger. C

B.2. Vocabulary exe rc ise: f ind words o r express ions in the text that match

the de f in it ions be low.

1 t o spend t he n ight in t he open; be wit hout a home or wit hout she lt e r (A )

2 a s t at e of v io lent and no isy dis t urbance; t urmoil (B)

3 charming or pleas ing t o t he ey e (B)

4 hav ing t he opport unit y t o make use of somet hing (C)

5 t o cause t o happen by urging; t o encourage (D)

C. R ead t h is t ext about B i l l G at es and do t he exe rc ises be low .

Wil l iam Henry Gates III (B i l l ) was born on October 28, 1955, in Seat t le , Washington. B i l l was the second of three ch i ldren in an upper -middle c lass fami ly . He enjoyed p lay ing games wi th the fami ly and was very compet i t ive. He a lso loved to read. B i l l became bored in publ ic school so h is fami ly sent h im to Lakeside

School , a pr ivate school , where he excel led in math and sc ience and d id wel l in drama and Engl ish. Gates became in terested in computer programming when he was 13, dur ing the era of g iant mainf rame computers. His school he ld a fund -ra iser to purchase a te le type terminal so s tudents could use computer t ime that was donated by Genera l E lect r ic . Us ing th is t ime, Gates wrote a t ic - tac- toe program us ing BASIC, one of the f i rs t computer languages. Later he created a computer vers ion of Risk, a board game he l iked in which the goal is wor ld dominat ion. At Lakes ide, B i l l met Paul Al len, who shared h is in terest in computers. G ates and Al len and two other s tudents hacked in to a computer be longing to Computer Center Corporat ion (CCC) to get f ree computer t ime but were caught . Af ter a per iod of probat ion, they were a l lowed back in the computer lab when they of fered to f ix g l i tches in CCC’s

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sof tware. At age 17, Gates and Al len were pa id $20,000 for a program cal led T raf -O-Data that was used to count t ra f f ic . In ear ly 1973, B i l l Gates served as a congress ional page in the U.S. House of Representat ives. He scored 1590 out o f 1600 on the SAT and was accepted by

Harvard Univers i ty . Steve Bal lmer , who became CEO of Microsof t a f ter B i l l re t i red, was a lso a Harvard s tudent . Meanwhi le , Paul Al len dropped out o f Washington Col lege to work on computers a t Honeywel l Corporat ion and conv inced G ates to drop out o f Harvard and jo in h im in s tar t ing a new sof tware company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. T hey ca l led i t Micro -Sof t . T h is was soon changed to Microsof t , and they moved the i r company to Bel levue, Washington. In 1980, IBM, one of the largest technology companies of the era, asked Microsof t to wr i te sof tware to run the i r new personal computer , the IBM PC. Microsof t kept the l icens ing r ights for the operat ing system (MS -DOS) so that they earned money for every computer so ld f i rs t by IBM, and la ter by a l l the other companies that

made PC computers. Microsof t grew quick ly f rom 25 employees in 1978 to over 90,000 today. Over the years, Microsof t developed many new technologies and some of the wor ld ’s most popular s of tware and products such as Word and Power Point . Al though some have cr i t ic ized Gates for us ing quest ionable bus iness pract ices, he bu i l t Microsof t in to one of the largest companies in the wor ld . He has been descr ibed as br i l l iant but ch i ld l ike, dr iven, c ompet i t ive, in tense, fun, but lack ing in empathy. B i l l Gates is one of the r ichest men in the wor ld . In 2012, h is $61 b i l l ion dol lars in assets made h im the wor ld 's second r ichest man accord ing to Forbes Magazine. In 2006, Gates announced that he would cu t back h is invo lvement a t Microsof t to spend more t ime on phi lanthropy and h is foundat ion. T he Bi l l and Mel inda Gates

Foundat ion suppor ts many causes inc lud ing the quest to erad icate Pol io , f ight ing AIDS, malar ia and tubercu los is ; prov id ing vacc inat ions fo r ch i ldren; and even re invent ing the to i le t among many other th ings.

(Adapted f rom ht tp : / /m rnus s baum.com/gates)

C.1. Choose t he best opt ion:

1. I f t he ent ire passage was l imit ed t o t he last paragraph, what would an

appropriat e name for t he passage be?

a. The R ise of M ic rosof t

b. Microsof t and it s Sof t ware

c . The Bus iness P ract ices of M ic rosof t

d. Microsof t and it s Bil l ionaires

2. Which is NOT t rue about Bil l Gat es in t he f irs t paragraph?

a. He enjoy ed public school

b. He was born in Seat t le , Washingt on

c . He was compet it ive

d. He was inv o lv ed in drama

3. What does t he word "philant hropy " mean in t he last paragraph?

a. charit y

b. bus iness

c . wealt h

d. comput er t echnology

4. Microsof t earned money ev ery t ime. . . .

a. I BM built a comput er

b. I BM so ld a comput er running MS -DOS

c . T raf -O-dat a was used

d. CCC used it s sof t ware

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5. Where was St ev e Ballmer a s t udent ?

a. Washingt on College

b. A lbuquerque, New Méx ico

c . Harv ard Univ ers it y

d. The passage doesn' t say

6. Which of t he fo llowing was t he EFFECT of Bil l hacking int o t he CCC

comput er

a. He wrot e a T I C -TA C-TOE program

b. He met Paul A llen

c . They were allowed back on t he comput er ev ent ually

d. He lost comput er priv ileges

7. Which of t he fo llowing WA S NOT a program writ t en by Bil l Gat es o r Paul

A llen?

a. A comput erized v ers ion of T ic -Tac-Toe

b. BA SI C

c . A comput erized v ers ion of R isk

d. T raf -o-Dat a

8. The second t o last paragraph describes. . .

a. how Bil l Gat es became a bil l ionaire

b. how Mic rosof t rose t o a major corporat ion

c . how Mic rosof t became a bigger company t han I BM

d. t he t echnical det ails o f MS -DOS

9. What quest ion is answered in t he second t o last paragra ph?

a. What does empat hy mean?

b. How many people work fo r M ic rosof t t oday ?

c . What new t echnologies , bes ides MS -DOS, did M ic rosfot dev e lop?

d. How rich is Bil l Gat es?

10. I n which of t he fo llowing way s were Bil l Gat es and Paul A llen NOT


a. They bot h went t o t he sam e co llege

b. They went t o t he same school

c . They bot h dropped out of co llege

d. They bot h l iked comput ers

C.2. Say w hy t he fo l low ing events w ere impor t ant in t he l i fe o f B i l l G at es:

1. His school he ld a fund-raise r t o purchase a t e le t ype t e rminal.

2 . A t Lakes ide, Bil l met Paul A llen.

3 . He scored 1590 out of 1600 on t he SA T .

4 . Paul A llen dropped out of Washingt on College [ …] and

conv inced Gat es t o drop out of Harv ard.

5 . Microsof t kept t he l icens ing r ight s fo r t he operat ing sy st em (MS -


6 . Gat es announced t hat he would cu t back h is inv o lv ement at

M ic rosof t .

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A.1. For quest ions 1-15, read the text “TWINS” below and decide which

answer A, B , C, or D best f i ts each space.

On 19 A ugust 1939 i n Pi qua, Ohi o, t wi n brot he rs we re born (0) __to __ an

unmarr i e d mot he r. The y (1) ____ t o be adopt e d by di f fe re nt fami l i e s and (2) ____

up not knowi ng of e ach ot he r ’s e x i s t e nce . Je ss and Luci l l e Le wi s of Li ma, Ohi o,

cal l e d t he i r son Jame s (3) ____ t hat , 130 km away i n Dayt on, t he ot he r adopt i v e

pare nt s had al so cal l e d t he i r ne w son Jame s . I t was anot he r 39 ye ars be fore Jame s

Le wi s and Jame s Spr i nge r we re (4) ____ but t he l i s t of coi nci de nce s re gardi ng

t hose (5) ____ ye ars i s as t oni shi ng. Bo t h had grown up wi t h adopt i ve brot he rs

cal l e d Larry and owne d dogs cal l e d Toy. A t school bot h e x ce l l e d (6) ____

mat he mat ics but hat e d spe l l i ng. Bot h had (7) ____ on 4,5 kg (10 l b. ) i n t he i r l at e

t e e ns (8) ____ no obvi ous re ason be fore l os i ng t he i r we i ght l a t e r . Bot h (9) ___ _

hav i ng he adache s whe n t he y we re e i ght e e n whi ch woul d be gi n i n t he l at e

aft e rnoon and (10) ____ i nt o mi grai ne s . Bot h had marr i e d wome n cal l e d Li nda,

di vorce d t he m, and (11) ____ re marr i e d wome n name d Be t t y . One f i r s t son had

be e n name d Jame s A l an, t he ot he r Jame s A l an. Bot h me n had be e n part -t i me

de put y she r i f fs , (12) ____ by McDonal d’s and worke d as pump at t e ndant s i n pe t rol

s t at i ons . Bot h l i ke d s t ock car raci ng but hat e d base ba l l . Each ye ar , bot h t wi ns had

(13) ____ t he i r fami l y t o t he same smal l F l or i da hol i day (14) ____ , dr i v i ng t he re i n

t he same (15) ____ of car and s t ay i ng at hot e l on t he same be ach.

(0)A to B got C by D f rom

(1)A came B depended C went D were

(2)A brought B raised C grew D dev e loped

(3)A unknown B unaware C unt h ink ing D unimport ant

(4)A re jo ined B l inked C combined D reunit ed

(5)A bet ween B int e rv al C miss ing D disappearing

(6)A of B fo r C wit h D at

(7)A put B t aken C grown D gone

(8)A wit hout B wit h C fo r D be ing

(9)A used B s t art ed C suf fe red D complained

(10)A become B dev e lop C keep D cont inue

(11)A t herefore B furt hermore C subsequent ly D consequent ly

(12)A worked B employ ed C st af fed D occupied

(13)A t rav e lled B brought C t aken D spent

(14)A v enue B recreat ion C resort D pos it ion

(15)A labe l B make C name D badge

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Candidate’ s N ame………...…………………………… . .…

DN I ……………………………………………………….


A .2 . Complete the s econd s entence s o that i t has a s imi lar meaning to

the f i rs t one us ing the word giv en. Do not change the giv en word. Y ou mus t us e between two and f iv e words inc luding the giv en word.

0- I w oul d prefer not to go out tonight .

I __would rather not go__ out tonight . rather

1- I ’v e nev er seen a better performance.

I t ’s _ the best performance I ’ve _ ev er seen. the

2- He managed to pass his dr iv ing test at the third attempt.

He _succeeded in pass ing_ his dr iv ing test at the third attempt.


3- I s tarted w orking here four years ago.

I _have worked here for_ four years . have

4- In our opinion, you ought to see a doctor about your arm.

Y ou _ ’d better see_ a doctor about your arm. better

5- I t ’s poss ib le he d idn’t see the note you l eft .

He _may not have seen_ the note you l eft . seen

6- I think a qual if ied el ectr ic ian needs to l ook at it .

I think you need _ to have i t seen_ by a qual if ied el ectric ian. have

7- I can’t s tand peopl e ta l k ing about me behind my back.

I can’t s tand _being talked about_ behind my back. talked

8- Y ou onl y do so badl y because you don’t t ry hard.

I f you _ t ried hard, you wouldn’ t_ do so badly . would

9- We might go sw imming so br ing your sw imsuit w ith you.

Br ing your sw imsuit w ith you _ in case we go_ sw imming. case

10- I ’m sure it isn’t the engine – it ’s just been checked.

I t _can’ t be_ the engine – it ’s just being checked. be

11-“I’ l l make the country a safer p l ace,” promised the Pr ime Minis ter.

The Pr ime Minis ter _promised to make_ the country a safer p l ace.


12- I d idn’ t phone because I d idn’t know you w ere back.

I _would’ve phoned i f _ I ’d know n you w ere back. i f

13- “The t r ip is not going to be an easy one,” sa id our teacher.

Our teacher _warned us that_ the t r ip w as not going to be an

easy one. warned

14- My fr iend has a l ways been abl e to cook better than me.

I ’v e nev er been abl e to cook _ as wel l as_ my fr iend. as

15- Peopl e say that infl at ion is gett ing out of control .

Infl ation _ i s said to be_ gett ing out of control . be

Page 9: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - … · 2016-11-03 · Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2015 ... second language's morphology,

Ex amen de A credi tac ión de N iv e les de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2 0 1 5

Candidate’ s N ame………...…………………………… . .…

DN I ……………………………………………………….


A .3 . Read the tex t be low. Us e the words giv en at the end o f the l ines to fo rm a word that f i ts in the s pace in the s ame l ine .

World Cup Mystery Th e Ju l es Rem i t Tr o p hy , t h e g r eat est p r i ze i n 0 - _pr ofe ss ional_ s o ccer P ROF ES SION

i s m o r e co m m onl y 1 -_known _ as t h e Wo r l d Cu p – a r ewar d t o o n e K N OW

co u n t r y an d i t s el ev en m os t 2 -_g ift ed _, i d i o li sed fo o tb a ller s G IF T

Wh en t h e cu p was s t o l en i n En g l and i n 1 9 66, 3 -_organizat ions_ o f fer ed l ar g e ORG ANIS E

r ewar d fo r i t s s a fe r et ur n. N at io na l 4 -_pr ide_ h ad t o b e r es t o red t o P ROU D

i t s r i g h tfu l p l ace. Bu t wh er e was t h e cu p ? Th e p o s sib il iti es wer e 5 -_e ndless_ .END

Th e an s wer cam e i n an 6 -_unexpected _ way. A m an was wal k in g h i s d o g EX P ECT

i n Lo n d o n wh en h e s p o t ted a g l i n t , a 7 -_r e f lection_ t h at l as ted a s eco n d REF LECT

i n a b u n d l e o f d i r t y o l d n ews paper s . H e l i f t ed t h e t o p 8 -_layer _ o f LA Y

n ews p ap ers an d t h er e i t was . Bu t t h e s t i ll 9 -_unanswer ed_ q u es tio n A N S WER

r em ai n ed: wh o act u al ly s to le t h e cu p ? Des p ite a n u m b er o f 1 0 -_suspect s_ S U S P ECT

i t was a q u es t i on t h at t h e p o l ice wer e n ev er t o an s wer.

A .4 . Read the fo l low ing tex t and look careful ly at each l ine . Some of

the l ines are correct and s ome hav e a word that s hould not be there . I f a l ine is correct, put a tick ( √) by i t. I f a l ine has an ex tra

word, w ri te the word at the end o f the l ine .

CRIME AT CHRISTMAS A s C h r i s tmas wa s a p p roach ing I d eci d ed t o gi ve my sch o o l p ro ject t h e t i t le √

“C r i me a t C h r i s t ma s”. I h a d a sked fro m my t ea ch er i f t h i s wa s a go o d i d ea from

a n d h e a greed with t h a t i t wa s . I d eci d ed I wo u l d s t a rt b y i n t ervi ewin g

a p o l i cewoman. Sh e sa i d t h a t t h e n u mb er o f b u rgl ar ies a ro u nd C h r i stmas d i d

n o t i n crea se a s the mo st p eo p le t h i nk. Th i s wa s b eca u se t h e ki n d o f t h i n gs

t h a t a re being fo u n d u n d er t h e C h r i st mas t ree a re n o t t h o se t h a t t h e t yp i ca l

b u rgl a r i s l o o ki ng fo r . Th e b u rgl a r wo u l d f i n d i t d i f f i cul t t o se l l t o ys . Bu t

o n e a rea although wh ere t h ere wa s a n i n crea se i n cr i me wa s sh o p li fting.

Th e p o l i cewoman has sa i d t h a t sh e t h o ught t h i s wa s b eca u se ma n y

p eo p le d eci d ed t h ey co u l dn ’t a ffo rd b u ying t h e ex t ra t h i ngs they n eed ed

fo r C h r i s tmas. Peo p l e get greed y a n d a re mo re l i ke l y t o t a ke t h i n gs wi t h out

p a yi n g t h em. A n o th er co mmo n cr i me sh e men t i on ed wa s p eo p l e

p ret en ding t o b e Sa n t a C l a us . I l a u gh ed a t t h i s a s I wa s t h i n king o f

p eo p le wh o d ress u p i n d ep a rt ment s t o res b u t sh e wa s n o t al l jo ki ng. A

l o t o f p eo p l e go t o u t i n t o t h e s t reet s d ressed a s Sa n t a so t o l o o k l i ke p eo p le

wh o a re co l l ect in g mo n ey fo r ch a r i t ies. Of co u rse t h i s i s n o t a s ser i o us

a s l ik e o t h er cr i mes b u t i t i s a sh a me p eo p le sh o uld ex p l oit C h r is tmas t h i s wa y.

Page 10: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - … · 2016-11-03 · Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2015 ... second language's morphology,

Ex amen de A credi tac ión de N iv e les de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2 0 1 5

Candidate’ s N ame………...…………………………… . .…

DN I ……………………………………………………….



A.1. Listen to the information about “THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD” competition

Complete the gaps with the correct word.

The organisat ion Tour ism Aust ra l ia is offer ing s ix jobs, for s ix 1-_months_.

I f you w ant one of these jobs, you hav e to make a short 2-_video_. Th e

job of outback adv enturer is for someone w ith a pass ion for 3-

_outdoor_ l ife. Job number tw o is a park 4-_ ranger_ in Queens l and. The

w il d l ife caretaker job on Kangaroo I s l and is for someone w ho l ov es 5-

_animals_. I f you’re not an outdoor person, the next job is for someone

w hose ta l ents are in 6-_photography / wri t ing / report ing_. The taste

master w il l need to 7-_know_ about food as w el l as enjoy eat ing it . 8.

The fina l job is based in 8-_Sydney_.

A.2. L is ten and put the job requirements (a – l ) wi th the wi th the

corresponding job.













I - J G - B K - C L - A E - F H - D

a. write, take photographs and make films

b. help preserve and promote plants, animals, fossils and indigenous culture

c. work with some dangerous animals

d. work with the organisers of festivals

e. find the best places for “wining and dining”

f. learn how to make alcoholic drinks

g. work in a state with the world’s biggest sand island

h. use social media to tell people about cool events

i. find adventures and employment for young people on working holidays

j. travel in a hot air balloon and be prepared to eat insects!

k. use different types of transport and leave only footprints

l. report on cafés, concerts and days out

Page 11: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - … · 2016-11-03 · Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2015 ... second language's morphology,

Ex amen de A credi tac ión de N iv e les de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2 0 1 5

Candidate’ s N ame………...…………………………… . .…

DN I ……………………………………………………….


B.1. Listen to MY HERO and circle which speaker talks about someone who…

1. was dedicated to world peace. A / B / C / D

2. has been the victim of violence as a result of their campaigning. A / B / C / D

3. left a more conventional job to help young people in their country. A / B / C / D

4. was excluded from the professional community of the time. A / B / C / D

5. she wishes she could meet. A / B / C / D

6. wrote a book about the effect humans could have on nature. A / B / C / D

7. made an important scientific discovery while still a child. A / B / C / D

8. faced strong criticism from big business. A / B / C / D

B.2. Listen Circle the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Mary Anning's discovery was important because it showed that __.

a. fossils could teach us about the past

b. an animal could become extinct

c. the shape of the coast was constantly changing

2. Mary Anning's dog died because __.

a. it fell off a cliff

b. a large amount of earth and rocks fell on it

c. it got stuck down a hole while looking for fossils

3. Mary Anning didn't write a famous book because __.

a. she was too busy exploring the cliffs

b. she did not have access to a formal education

c. she believed only men could be scientists

4. Kailash Satyarthi first saw the problems of child slavery when he was __.

a. 6 years old

b. 11 years old

c. 26 years old

5. Kailash Satyarthi has saved over __ children from enforced labour.

a. 18,000

b. 80,000

c. 800,000

6. Because of their work, two of Kailash Satyarthi's __.

a. friends were injured

b. children were attacked

c. co-workers were murdered

7. Rachel Carson first specialised in __.

a. human biology

b. the study of insects

c. marine biology

8. Rachel Carson's book made people realise that __.

a. using pesticides was damaging the ecosystem

b. birdsong is essential to humans

c. humans cannot control nature

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Ex amen de A credi tac ión de N iv e les de Lengua Inglesa - SEREX - 2 0 1 5

Candidate’ s N ame………...…………………………… . .…

DN I ……………………………………………………….


9. These days, more and more people are buying __.

a. powerful pesticides

b. organic food

c. Rachel Carson’s book

10. The speaker is apologetic because __.

a. she doesn’t know very much about John Lennon

b. she gets upset when she thinks about John Lennon

c. John Lennon is an obvious choice of hero

11. The speaker likes __.

a. all the Beatles’ songs

b. all of the Beatles’ music,

c. only the Beatles songs

2. Express your opinion WRIT ING AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY on

ONE of the following topics to be shared with your classmates. Write between 210 and 240 words.

2.1 Most teenagers nowadays believe they cannot do w ithout a home computer and f ind them advantageous in every way. To what extent do you agree w ith this? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having your own computer? 2.2. No one can deny that the age of get t ing marr ied is dif ferent f rom one count ry to another . So, we st il l can see that some people believe that get t ing marr ied at a young age has bad ef fects on our l ives. Discuss and explain three benef it s and three draw backs of ear ly marr iage