educaciÓn bÁsica secundaria · cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el...


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Page 1: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando





Periodo 1



Page 2: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del SurInstitución Educativa Ciudadela Del SurInstitución Educativa Ciudadela Del SurInstitución Educativa Ciudadela Del Sur EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA


Primer periodo











In the Factory

Countable and


Past Participle Verbs

Since - For

Verb To- Be

Past Participle Verbs

Objective Pronouns

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Momento A: Apropiación de conceptos.

Momento B: Análisis y propuesta de solución de problemas

Momento C: Práctica en el contexto

Momento D: Capacidad de hacer nuevas propuestas e inventiva.

• Cumplimiento y responsabilidad

• Puntualidad

• Asistencia.


Page 3: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

GUÍA No. 01


Read the recipe

Perfect Apple Pie Ingredients

• 2 cups all-purpose flour

• 1 teaspoon salt • 3/4 cup shortening

• 4 tablespoons cold water


• 7 cups thinly sliced peeled baking apples

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice

• 1 cup sugar

• 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

• 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

• 2 tablespoons butter or margarine

• 1 egg yolk

• 1 tablespoon wáter


1. In a bowl, combine flour and salt; cut in shortening. Gradually add cold water, 1 tablespoon at a

time, tossing lightly with a fork until dough forms a ball. Chill for 30 minutes. On a floured surface,

roll half of dough into 10-in. circle. Place into a 9-in. pie pan.

2. In a bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg; add to

apples and toss. Pour into crust; dot with butter. Roll out remaining pastry to fit top of pie; cut slits

in top. Place over filling; seal and flute edges. Beat egg yolk and water; brush over pastry. Bake at

425 degrees F for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F; bake 40-45 minutes more or until

crust is golden and filling is bubbly.

Work in groups Read the recipe and write two different lists, one with countable items and the other with the uncountable items you find in the text.

Comprende y da instrucciones para la preparación de una receta.

Page 4: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

Write and developed the different exercises in your notebook EXERCISE NUMBER 1:

1. Countable and Uncountable? Write the following nouns under the correct column.

Countable Uncountable

EXERCISE NUMBER 2: Circle the correct answer.

1 Is there ________ cheese left?

A some

B any

C the

2. To make pancakes we need ________ eggs and some flour.

A some

B any

C an

3. How ________ money do we have left?

A many

B much

C do

4. How ________ cars are we taking?

A many

B much

C long

5. How ________ glasses of wine did you drink?

A many

B much

C drunk

6. Excuse me. I need ________ information about trains to Guadalajara.

A some

B any

C an

7. Do you know ________ good restaurants near here?

A some

B any

C the

8. For lunch today I had a salad and ________ piece of pizza.

A some

B any

C a

Book Car Steak Door Elephant Wood Juice Sugar Friendship Money Coffee Wine Water House Girl

Page 5: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

9. How ________ rice do we have left?

A many

B much

C peas

10. It's cold. Don't open ________ windows.

A some

B any

C a


Contables e Incontables Un sustantivo es contable cuando se puede contar en unidades. Por ejemplo, book es contable, porque se puede decir one book, two books, five books. Un sustantivo es incontable cuando no se puede contar en unidades. Por ejemplo, milk es incontable porque no se puede decir one milk, two milks sino que se debe hacer alguna referencia, como por ejemplo al envase: two bottles of milk.

Contables Incontables

Tienen forma plural Ejemplo: pencils

No tienen forma plural No se puede decir sugars

Se pueden usar números adelante Ejemplo: two pencils

No se pueden usar números adelante No se puede decir: two sugars

Se puede usar a/an adelante Ejemplo: a pencil

No se puede usar a/an adelante No se puede decir: a sugar

Se usa How many Ejemplo: How many pencils...?

Se usa How much Ejemplo: How much sugar...?

How much / How many Se utilizan para preguntar por cantidades de algo. Si se trata de sustantivos contables, se aplica How many. Si se trata de sustantivos incontables, se usa How much. How many cars do you have? ¿Cuántos autos tienes? How much money do you have? ¿Cuánto dinero tienes? How much se utiliza también para preguntar precios. How much is this car? ¿Cuánto cuesta este auto? How much are the potatoes? ¿Cuánto cuestan las papas? Quantifiers (Cuantificadores) Los cuantificadores indican la cantidad de un nombre. Son repuestas a la pregunta "¿Cuántos?" Al igual que los artículos, los cuantificadores definen a un nombre y siempre están situados delante del nombre. Se pueden usar algunos sólo con nombres contables, otros sólo con nombres incontables y otros con ambos.

Page 6: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

Cuantificador Contable Incontable

Many X

Much X

Some X X

Any X X

No, none X X

A lot of/Lots of X X

Little/A little X

Few/A few X

Some, Any, No, None (of) - con contables y no contables. Some / any se usan para expresar un número o una cantidad indefinida. Some se usa en oraciones afirmativas y any en interrogativas y negativas.

• I think there is some coffee in the cupboard

• There are some students in the class

• Were there any calls for me?

• We haven't got any milk Tamibén se usa some en una frase interrogativa cuando se expresa un ofrecimiento o petición y esperamos una respuesta afirmativa.

• Would you like some more cake? (ofrecimiento)

• Can I have some tea, please? (petición) Se emplea any en oraciones afirmativas con el sentido de "cualquier/a"

• Take any book you want

• Any student can understand this

Usamos “many” con sustantivos contables (Un sustantivo contable es cualquier sustantivo que se puede contar, por ejemplo: cinco coches, tres niños, cuatro botellas):

• I don’t have many problems. - No tengo muchos problemas.

• I haven’t bought many apples. No he comprado muchas manzanas.

Usamos "much" con sustantivos incontables (Un sustantivo incontable es cualquier sustantivo que no se puede contar, por ejemplo: oxígeno. No podemos decir "dos oxígenos" por ejemplo.)

• They didn’t eat much rice. No comieron mucho arroz.

• I don’t have much luck. No tengo mucha suerte.

Page 7: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando

Nota: Sustantivos contables y incontables. En general si un sustantivo es contable en el inglés también lo es en el español pero hay algunas excepciones. En los dos idiomas existen sustantivos que pueden ser tanto contables como incontables. A LOT OF Podemos utilizar A LOT OF con sustantivos contables e incontables. “There are a lot of animals in the zoo” Hay muchos animals en el zoo. “Do you drink a lot of coffee?” ¿Tomas mucho café? El uso de LITTLE – FEW LITTLE y FEW, que son otras dos palabras que determinan cantidad y que, aunque ambas significan "poco, poca, pocos pocas", en muchas ocasiones logran confundirnos. Si nos referimos a un sustantivo singular y por lo general incontable utilizaremos LITTLE, por ejemplo:

little time poco tiempo

little sugar poca azúcar

En cambio si hacemos referencia a un sustantivo en plural y por lo tanto contable, entonces en ese caso utilizaremos FEW, por ejemplo:

few players pocos jugadores

few letters pocas cartas

Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado "A" con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando que "poco es mejor que nada" o "que es más de lo que se espera", por ejemplo:

• There is a little information in the Internet about the topic.

• Hay un poco de información en Internet acerca del tema.

(Significa que lo "poco" que hay es mejor que nada y puede ser de utilidad)

• A few fans attended the concert under the rain.

• Unos pocos admiradores asistieron al concierto debajo de la lluvia.

(Significa que los "pocos" que fueron eran más de los esperados)


En esta parte podrás aplicar lo aprendido, practicar y comprobar que recuerdas tanto el vocabulario como la gramática de la lección. Si cometes errores, se recomienda repasar los temas y volver a realizar los ejercicios.

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Exercise 1

Identify if the noun is countable or uncountable

Man ____Countable____

Air _________________

Water _______________

Beer _______________


Desk _______________

Milk _______________



Horse ______________

Finger _____________




















Exercise 2

Complete the questions with “How much” o “How many”.

1. ________________birds are there? There are two birds.

2. __________________ money is there? There are three thousand dollars.

3. __________________ dolphins are there? There are two dolphins.

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4. ___________________ pencils are there? There are thirteen pencils.

5. _____________________ books are there? There are three books.

6. ____________ milk is there? There are four litres of milk.

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks using “little” or “few

1. There is _____________ money in the wallet.

2. I’ve got a _______________ books.

3. My mum has got a _______________ cigarettes in the packet.

4. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got _________________ time.

5. Fred has got a ______________English books.

6. Brenda has got a _________________ friends.

7. There is _________________ butter left. We need to buy some.

8. There are _______________ people at the cinema as the film is not very good.

9. I have got ________________ magazines. I prefer books.

10. There is a _________________ pizza in the fridge if you are hungry.

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Con estos ejercicios podrás prácticar el reconocimiento de los sustantivos contables y no

contables, así como también el uso correcto de los cuantificadores. Lee atentamente las

instrucciones para su realización.

Exercise 1: Choose the appropriate quantifier: a, an, some, any, much, many, a lot of.

1. There aren't ... hotels in this town.

A. many B. much C. some

2. I read ... book last month.

A. a B. an C. some

3. I didn't buy a pen, I bought ... hat for my

mother. A. a B. an C. some

4. She didn't eat much for lunch, only ...

apple. A. some B. an C. many

5. I drink ... tea. A. much B. a lot of C. many

6. I listened to ... music.

A. a

B. much C. some

7. We met ... interesting people at the party.

A. an B. any C. Some

8. Are there ... empty shops in your village? A. some B. much C. a lot of

9. How ... milk do you want in your coffee?

A. much B. many C. Some

10. Could I have ... orange? A. an B. a C. any

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Exercise 2

Complete the dialogue with Some, Any, Much, Many, an, a

Carlos: To make this recipe, I will need ______________ chocolate, _________________ egg, ________________ sugar, ________________ flour and ________________ pinch of salt. Oh dear, the children have eaten all my chocolate. I'll go and ask my friend Jane. Hi, Jane, have you got___________ chocolate? I'm making _______________ cake. Jane: I'll have a look, no sorry I haven't got _____________ . Go and ask Derek, who lives opposite. Carlos: Hi Derek. Can you help me, I need _________ chocolate to make ____________ cake. Derek: How _________ do you want? Carlos: 400g. Derek: 400g? How __________ bars of chocolate is that? Carlos: I think. Derek do you have _____________ eggs? I've just remembered that the children ate all the eggs for breakfast. Derek: How ___________ eggs? Carlos: Just one. Derek: OK, Here you are 2 bars of chocolate and _____________egg. Anything else, sugar, flour, butter, ______________ mixing bowl? Carlos: No, that's all. Thanks a lot, I'll bring you _____________ slice of my cake later. Derek: How ______________ calories are in a slice of cake? I'm on a diet. Carlos: I don't know. Derek: In that case, don't bother bringing me _______________ slice of cake; you can pay me for the egg and the chocolate, £10.00 please! Carlos: How ________________ ?

Exercise 3

Taking as an example the previous dialogue, work with your partners and make up a similar

situation in order to performance in front of the class.

Exercise 4

Correct the mistakes in the sentences, but be careful some sentences are correct.

1. Are there much products of that type on the market?

2. How much time have you got?

3. I've had few ideas about the design of the packaging.

4. He doesn't earn many money.

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5. There are only a few women in the engineering profession.

6. Their busy period is during the winter months. They don't have so many work to do in the summer.

7. Can you spare me a few time please? I'd like to talk to you about some ideas I've had.

8. There aren't much trains after eleven in the evening.

9. Would you like a little more coffee?

10. I won't be free until 10 o'clock. I have to see a little people before our meeting.


Exercise 1: Circle the correct answer

1. I’d like some / any help.

2. There aren’t some / any letters for you.

3. Have you got some / any brothers or sisters?

4. She’s got some / any interesting friends.

5. Are there some / any restaurants near here?

6. I’m having some / any problems with my car.

7. I didn’t have some / any breakfast today.

8. We need some / any more milk.

9. he hasn’t done some / any

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks using “much” or “many”.

1. How ____________ books did you buy?

2. How ____________ money do you have?

3. How ____________ did the car cost?

4. How ______________ apples are there in the basket?

5. How ______________ times have you been to the dentist?

6. How _____________ butter do you need?

7. How ___________ oranges do you want?

8. How ______________ wine does he drink?

9. How ______________ girls are there in your class?

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Desarrolla los siguientes cuestionamientos con ayud a de tus familiares o vecinos de tu comunidad

Observe someone cooking and write in your notebook the recipe. Ingredients ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Preparation


El profesor revisa mis trabajos, registra mi progreso y me autoriza con la siguiente guía.

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GUÍA No. 02


This is the latest 2011 best inventions by Time magazine

1. Have you dreamed of a new Android smartphone? SIRI is here:

Siri on iPhone 4S lets you use your voice to send messages,

schedule meetings, place phone calls, and more. Ask Siri to do

things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you

say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to

use and does so much, you’ll keep finding more and more ways to

use it.

2. Malaria Vaccine: a team at Glaxo- smithKline has found a malaria-

vaccine candidate, it´s in the trial stages of testing but is showing

success at cutting the chances of a child contracting malaria by 50

percent. At this rate, it could be on the market in 2015.

3. Better batteries: Researches at Poly Plus have created a working

lithium-water battery that could provide more energy than the

standard lithium-ion battery in your phone.

4. Stem cells from fat: Instead of throwing it out, fat that’s

vacuumed out during liposuction could be transformed into heart

cells to compensate for dying tissue. Fat contains stem cells that

can be turned into heart muscle in a lab dish, and now researchers

have developed a method for extracting stem cells from a

liposuction sample.

Reconoce y utiliza las formas del presente perfecto.

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5. The surveillance hummingbird– Engineers at Aero Vironment

have created the Nano Air Vehicle, a surveillance prototype,

wingspan 16.5 centimeters, designed to mimic a hummingbird’s

flight. It cost $4 million and is remote-controlled. The

hummingbird is equipped with a camera that acquires and

streams images in real time, making it as suitable for urban

surveillance as for use over the world´s battlefields.

6. Clothes made from milk: A German biologist and fashion

designer named Anke Domaske has found a way to create

clothing using a material that’s made from sour milk. She extracts

protein fibers from the milk, and spins it into yarn! The designer

estimate the quantity of milk needed to create one dress costs

around $ 200. We know the concept of milk clothing seems

bizarre, but it is impressive the fact that: amino acids in the

protein are antibacterial, anti-aging and can help regulate both

blood circulation and body temperature.

Contesta en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

Exercise number 1: 1. True or false ? Find evidence in the whole text.

a) All the inventions listed look ordinary.

b) Siri responds to the human voice.

c) Siri has a lantern.

d) The humming bird was designed for entertainment.

e) Scientists are still testing the new vaccine against malaria.

f) The great benefit of this new vaccine is the fact that it does not have any side effects.

g) Poly plus designed a type of battery for cell phones.

h) Fat cells could be used to produce stem cells for organs such as the heart.

i) The use of milk to manufacture clothing is costly.

2. What happened with the fat that is vacuumed out during liposuction? 3. What is the main function of the surveillance hummingbird? 4.What do you think is the most useful invention?

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Presente Perfecto

En inglés utilizamos el tiempo presente perfecto cuando existe una conexión o relación entre el pasado y el presente. A. Lo utilizamos cuando nos encontramos interesados en el resultado presente de algo que ocurrió en un momento no definido del pasado: - The secretary has decided to look for a new job. La secretaria ha decidido buscar un nuevo trabajo. - I'm afraid I have forgotten your name. Me temo que he olvidado tu nombre. B. Lo utilizamos para hablar acerca de una acción o situación que comenzó en el pasado y aún continúa: - How long have you worked here? ¿Cuánto tiempo has trabajado aquí? - She has been away on business since last week. Ella se ha ausentado por negocios desde la semana pasada. - I haven't seen Sylvia for several years. No he visto a Silvia durante varios. C. Para indicar que una acción debe completarse antes de que otra suceda: I'll show you the room after you have had something to eat. (Te mostraré la habitación después que hayas comido algo) Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Presente Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Presente Simple y acompañado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares): Estructura : Sujeto + "have /has " + participio pasado.

Recuerden que a las 3º personas del singular el verbo have cambia por “has “ ya que se trata del Presente Simple.

I have bought a new dress. Yo he comprado un nuevo vestido.

You have studied the lesson. Tú has estudiado la lección.

He has broken the window. Él ha roto la ventana.

She has lost the keys. Ella ha perdido las llaves.

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Para formar una interrogación deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal también en Pasado Participio: Estructura : "have /has " + Sujeto + participio pasado.

Have I bought a new dress? He comprado un nuevo vestido?

Have you studied the lesson? Has estudiado la lección?

Has he broken the window? Ha roto él la ventana?

Has she lost the keys? Ha perdido ella las llaves?

Por su parte, la forma negativa se forma poniendo la negación NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo: Estructura : Sujeto + "have /has "+ not + participio pasado.

I have not bought a new dress. Yo no he comprado un nuevo vestido.

You have not studied the lesson. Tú no has estudiado la lección.

He has not broken the window. Él no ha roto la ventana.

She has not lost the keys. Ella no ha perdido la llave.

También puede utilizarse la forma contraída de la negación colocando HAVEN'T o HASN'T según corresponda. CON EL PRESENTE PERFECTO UTILIZAMOS…. How long...? (¿Cuánto tiempo...?) en preguntas relacionadas con la duración y for (durante) o since (desde) para las respuestas. - How long have you worked at OM Personal? ¿Cuánto tiempo has trabajado en OM Personal? Observa que usamos for es para expresar la duración de una acción, y Since para indicar cuándo comenzó la acción. - I've worked here for twelve months (for twenty years, etc). He trabajado aquí durante doce meses (durante veinte años, etc) - I've worked here Since January (since 1990, since Christmas, etc). He trabajado aquí desde Enero (desde 1990, desde Navidad, etc) A menudo el presente perfecto se utiliza con los adverbios just (justo), yet (aún),still (todavía), already (ya), ever (alguna vez), never (nunca), recently(recientemente), lately (últimamente), so far (hasta aquí), up to now (hasta ahora). Observa algunos ejemplos:

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- They 've just signed an important contract. Ellos acaban de firmar un importante contrato. (RECUERDA: Present Perfect + JUST >> Acabar de hacer algo) - Sheila hasn't received an answer yet. Sheila no ha recibido respuesta aún. - Have you ever used this type of machine? ¿Has utilizado alguna vez este tipo de máquina? - We've had good results so far. Hasta aquí hemos obtenido buenos resultados.


Develop the exercises in your notebook.

Exercise 1: Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.

1. I answered the question.

2. She opened the window.

3. They called us.

4. You carried a box.

5. It rained a lot.

6. We washed the car.

Exercise 2: Write positive sentences in present perfect simple. The following people have just completed an action. Bob / visit / his grandma Bob has visited his grandma Jimmy / play / on the computer Sue and Walter / wash / their car Andrew / repair / his bike Phil / help / Anne with maths Brad and Louise / watch / a film Tamara / talk to / her best friend Bridgette / draw / a picture Carol / read / a computer magazine Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant

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Exercise 3 Write the verbs in present perfect simple. Tourists from all over the world (be) to Loch Ness.

Most of them (see / not) Nessie, however.

Only very few people say that the Loch Ness Monster (appear) in front of them.

Even scientists (come) to Loch Ness to find the monster.

And the boss of the Guinness brewery (promise) to pay 500,000 Pounds to the person

who catches Nessie.


Con estos ejercicios podrás practicar el reconocimiento del presente perfecto así como el uso correcto del since y for . Lee atentamente las instrucciones para su realización. Exercise 1: Decide whether to use »since« or »for«.

1. I have been waiting_____ 4 o'clock.

2. Sue has only been waiting ______ 20 minutes.

3. Tim and Tina have been learning English______ six years.

4. Fred and Frida have been learning French______ 1998.

5. Joe and Josephine have been going out together ______ Valentine’s Day.

6. I haven't been on holiday_______ last July.

7. Mary has been saving her money _______ many years.

8. I haven't eaten anything_______ breakfast.

9. You have been watching TV ______ hours.

10. We have been living here ________ 2 months.

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Exercise 2: Complete the table in present perfect simple.

Positive Negative Question

We have chatted

The lesson has not started

Have we won?

She has turned around.

They have not arrived

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer, a), b) c) or d) 1. Have you ever .......... to New York? a) flew b) went c) goed d) been 2. No I've never .......... there. a) been b) went c) was d) existed

3. In fact I've just .......... back from there. a) been b) gone c) came d) come 4. and I've .......... at least six weeks there in the last year. a) past b) passed c) spent d) spend

5. Have you .......... to the top of the Empire State Building? a) flown b) sat up c) grown up d) gone up 6. No, I .......... yet. a) haven't b) don't c) not d) won't 7. I haven't .......... the ferry to Ellis Island either. a) taken b) swam

c) jumped over d) driven 8. I've just .......... work so hard. a) looked b) seen c) must d) had to 9. though I have .......... dinner at Sardi's a) had b) taken c) seen d) served 10. and .......... a Broadway show. a) taken b) watched c) seen d) starred in

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Exercise 1: Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I _________________ (read) your book several times.

2. She___________________(wear) that skirt many times.

3. My family ________________ (visit) Brazil a few times.

4. I _________________ (eat) already.

5. Marta_______________ (finish) her homework.

6. You ______________ (break) the glass again.

7. They _______________(pay) for everything.

8. It __________________ (never snow) like that.

9. I ___________________ (meet) Anna once.

10. We_________________ (see) him before.

11. You_________________ (buy) 4 cars so far.

12. There_______________(be) problems.

13. I ___________________(have) a snake.

14. Maria_______________(raise) a monkey.

15. The kids_________________ (grow) so much!

Exercise 2: Read the situation and then write an appropriate sentence. USE THE VERB GIVEN. Example: Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. (lose) He has lost his key. 1. Sue's hair was dirty. Now it is clean. (wash) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Tom weighed 190 pounds. Now he weighs 170. (lose weight).. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. The car has just stopped because there isn't any more gas in the tank. (run out of gas).. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. This morning Bill was playing football. Now he can't walk and his leg is in a plaster cast. (break). _______________________________________________________________________________

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En forma individual resuelvo los siguientes interrogantes en internet…. Listening activity: Watch and listen the following song on you tube “U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For” Then take into account the simple present perfect, answer the next questions.

1. Where have he had run?

2. What kind of kisses, he had tasted?

3. How was he in the night?

4. What do you think, the singer is looking for?

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GUÍA No. 03


Pre-Reading 1. What were the greatest inventions of men in the past centuries in your opinion? Why? Grahan Bell-Telephone George Eastman- Film Tomas Edison-Light bulb Henry Ford-Car Steve Jobs –Personal Computer Jhon Logie Bair-Tv Felix Hoffman- Aspirine William Morton- Anaesthetic Levis Strauss- Blue Jeans

Microwave Oven Invention A revolution had occurred, a revolution that you did not even notice was happening, where this revolution was? In cooking, of course. The microwave oven is the first new method of cooking since man invented fire. This miracle invention allowed food to be cooked quickly and made life more convenient. Surprisingly, no one had ever intended to discover the microwave oven. It was an accidental discovery. In 1940, two scientists, Sir Jhon Randall and Dr H. A Boot, invented a device called a MAGNETRON to produce microwaves in their lab at England´s Birminghan University. Cooking food was not exactly part of their vision. After the war, in 1946, an engineer named Dr Percy Spencer was experimenting with Magnetron and found that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. He was surprised and started to test this microwave with different foods. So, he had taken a bag of popcorn and place it in front of the magnetron tube, to his surprise the popcorn popped all over the floor. The next morning Spencer, tried to cook some eggs. One of his colleagues that had been so curious about the situations that were happening got too close to see and the egg blew up in his face. Later, Spencer created a metal box and let in microwave power. In Fact, It took decades after the invention of the microwave oven for it to be improved to a point where it would be useful to the average consumer.

Reconoce y utiliza las formas del pasado perfecto.

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Contesta en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

1. What did the scientists wanted the Magneton initially for?

2. How did doctor Spencer discover the microwaves produce heating?

3. What happened to Spencer´s curious colleague next morning?

4. How much microwave oven do you use to cook in your house?

5. What is the greatest “kitchen” invention ever in your opinion?


Pasado Perfecto Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense) El Pasado Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para:

A. Usamos el pasado perfecto para referirnos a una acción o evento que comenzó en el pasado y que es anterior a otra acción también en el pasado (el pasado simple). The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema. La película había terminado cuando ella llegó al cine. (Primera acción: la película había terminado Segunda acción: ella llegó al cine) Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home. Sarah había preparado la cena cuando su esposo llegó a casa. (Primera acción: Sarah había preparado la cena Segunda acción: su esposo llegó a casa) B. Se usa para acciones que pasaron antes de un tiempo específico en el pasado. I had already woken up when the alarm clock rang at 7am. (Ya me había despertado cuando sonó el despertador a las 7.) He hadn't been to France before the trip in 2008. (No había estado en Francia antes del viaje del 2008.)

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C. También, como el presente perfecto, con algunos verbos usamos el pasado perfecto para situaciones que han empezado en el pasado y que siguieron hasta un punto específico en el pasado. She had only owned one car before she bought her new BMW. (Había tenido un coche antes de que comprara su nuevo BMW.) I had been depressed for a long time before I changed jobs. (Había estado deprimido durante mucho tiempo antes de que cambiara de trabajo.) Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Pasado Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Pasado Simple “ HAD “ y acompañado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares): Estructura : Sujeto + had + participio pasado.

I had bought a new car. Yo había comprado un nuevo auto.

You had cleaned the house. Tú habías limpiado la casa.

He had brought the gifts. Él había traído los regalos.

She had lost the credit card. Ella había perdido la tarjeta de crédito

Para formar una interrogación deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal también en Pasado Participio: Estructura : had + Sujeto + participio pasado.

Had I bought a new car? Había comprado yo un nuevo auto?

Had you cleaned the house? Habías limpiado tú la casa?

Had he brought the gifts? Había traído él los regalos?

Had she lost the credit card? Había perdido ella la tarjeta de crédito?

Por su parte, la forma negativa se construye poniendo la negación NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo: Estructura : Sujeto + had + not + participio pasado.

I had not bought a new dress. Yo no había comprado un nuevo vestido.

You had not cleaned the house. Tú no habías limpiado la casa.

He had not brought the gifts. Él no había traído los regalos.

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She had not lost the credit card. Ella no había perdido la tarjeta de crédito.

También puede utilizarse la forma contraída de la negación colocando HADN'T en vez de HAD NOT.


Exercise 1: Make the positive or negative past perfect simple

1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film______ (start).

2) She_____ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

3) After they_______ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

4) If you______ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.

5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I ______ (leave).

6) When we _______ (finish) dinner, we went out.

7) The garden was dead because it ______ (be) dry all summer.

8) He_________ (meet) her somewhere before.

9) We were late for the plane because we_______(forget) our passports.

10) She told me she _____ (study) a lot before the exam.

11) The grass was yellow because it ______ (not/rain) all summer.

12) The lights went off because we_______ (not/pay) the electricity bill.

13) The children______ (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.

14) They________ (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.

15) We couldn’t go into the concert because we_________ (not/bring) our tickets.

16) She said that she_________ (not/visit) the UK before.

17) Julie and Anne__________ (not/meet) before the party.

18) I__________ (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.

19) He_________ (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it.

20) You_________ (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.

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YOU CAN WORK WITH YOUR PARTNER Con estos ejercicios podrás practicar el reconocimiento del pasado perfecto. Lee atentamente las instrucciones para su realización.

Exercise 1: Write the past participle of the following irregular verbs. think - sleep - throw - wear - swim – Exercise 2: Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1.________________________(what / you / say) before you opened the window? 2._______________________(he / speak) to you before he called us? 3._______________________(you / switch) off the cooker before we left? 4._______________________(you / take) the laundry in when it started to rain? 5._______________________(who / live) in that house before the Smiths bought it? Exercise 3: Match the columns to create a Past Perfect sentence.

Exercise 4: Choose the right answer...

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1. I was sure that I ___________ her before.

a. had saw

b. seen

c. had seen

2. I needed to know what ______________ to my dog.

a. has happened

b. had happened

c. happened

3. The film ________________ by the time we got to the cinema.

a. had start

b. had started

c. has started

4. Julia left the restaurant after she _________ eating.

a. had finished

b. has finished

c. finished

5. I went to bed after I ___________ off the television.

a. switched

b. has switched

c. had switched

4. Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos

We have learnt about inventions and how useful they were. Can you imagine now what these inventions will look like in 2050?

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GUÍA No. 04


MOTIVACIÓN: READ THE TEXT Seven Wonders of the World Interesting facts

Some believe that the Cheops Pyramid was built by slaves but this is not true. One hundred

thousand people worked on it for three months of each year. This was the time of the Nile's

annual flood which made it impossible to farm the land and most of the population was

unemployed. He provided good food and clothing for his workers and was kindly remembered in

folk tales for many centuries.

There are three great pyramids at Giza, each of which once had an adjoining mortuary temple.

The 'great' pyramid itself is truly an astonishing work of engineering skill - for over four thousands

years, until the modern era, it was the tallest building in the world.

The sides are oriented to the four cardinal points of the compass.

Limestone blocks weigh on average 2.5 tons each. But some weigh as much as 16 tons.

The Cheops Pyramid was constructed using around 2,300,000 limestone blocks.

Reconoce la forma de la voz pasiva y la forma del participio pasado.

The Pyramidsof Egypt were built during 2700-

2500 B.C in Giza on the west bank of the Nile and

are the most ancient of the Wonders of the

World. The first three of the ten pyramids at Giza

are considered to be the most important. The

first pyramid is the largest and is known as the

Great Pyramid. It was built for Pharaoh Khufu,

also known as Cheops, and is 450 feet high.

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Discuss with your partners about the text. Then answer the following questions in your notebook. 1. When were the Pyramids built?

2. Where are they situated?

3. Which pharaoh built the largest pyramid?

4. Did the slaves take part in the construction of the pyramids?

5. Which pyramid is the largest construction in the world?

6. How are the sides of the pyramids oriented?

7. How much does an average limestone block weigh?


Para entender este concepto tienes que saber primero qué es la voz activa. La voz activa es la forma en que hablamos habitualmente. Siempre decimos que alguien (una persona) realiza (o no realiza) una acción. Por ejemplo: Presente: Michael corta la manzana. Michael cuts the apple Pasado: Michael cortó la manzana. Michael cut the apple En este ejemplo decimos que alguien llamado "Michael" realiza (o realizó) la acción de cortar la manzana. Por tanto, la voz activa se refiere a aquellas frases en las que expresamos que una persona (el sujeto) realiza una acción. No obstante, hay ocasiones en que no queremos resaltar que una persona es la que realiza la acción. En este caso, hacemos que el objeto (cosas o personas sobre las que recae la acción) cobre el protagonismo de la acción. En el ejemplo que hemos visto, diríamos: Presente: La manzana es cortada. The apple is cut. Pasado: La manzana fue cortada. The apple was cut. Por tanto, en la voz pasiva utilizamos al objeto de la frase como sujeto. Es posible que luego desee mencionar quién cortó la manzana. En este caso diríamos:

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The apple was cut by Michael. La manzana fue cortada por Michael. Veamos ahora la estructura de las oraciones en voz pasiva. ¿Cómo transformamos una frase activa en una frase pasiva? 1) Buscamos el objeto (puede ser una cosa o una persona sobre la que recae la acción del sujeto) de la frase activa y lo convertimos en sujeto. Literalmente, le damos la vuelta a la frase. 2) Cambiamos el verbo principal (el que realiza la acción) a la estructura verbo "to be" conjugado + participio del verbo. Sujeto: He (person) built the house. Ejemplo transformación: Frase activa: He (sujeto persona) built (verbo activo) the house (objeto Él construyó la casa. Frase pasiva: The house (Objeto que hace de sujeto) was built (verbo en forma pasiva) by him. La casa fue construida por él.

Sujeto "The house" was him. En esta tabla de equivalencias veremos cómo cambiar:

Verbo activo Verbo pasivo

Present is/are + verbo en participio

Present Continuous is/are being + verbo en participio

Past Tense was/were + verbo en participio

Past Continuous was/were being + verbo en participio

Present Perfect have/has been + v.en p.

Objeto (hace de Sujeto) + verbo "to be" conjugado + participio pasado + complemento.

Por ejemplo: This house was built in 1980. Esta casa fue construida en 1980.

IMPORTANTE: Hay que hacer coincidir los tiempos verbales del verbo "to be". Si el verbo en la frase activa está en Present Tense diremos, por ejemplo: "is/are + built". Si el verbo está en Past Tense diremos "was/were + built". Si el verbo está en Present Perfect diremos "have/has been + built."

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ACTIVIDADES DE APROPIACIÓN. (Develop the exercises in your notebook)

Change the following sentences from the Active voice to the passive voice. Active Passive 1. The boy killed the spider. The spider was killed by the boy

2. The woodcutter felled the trees.

3. Columbus discovered America.

4. The master praised the boy.

5. The police arrested the thief.

6. The boys were making kites.

7. He has written a novel.

8. We will conquer the enemy.

9. The hunter shot the tiger.

10. Your manners irritate me.

11. He made a very remarkable discovery.

12. Everybody loves him.

13. My cousin has drawn a beautiful picture.

14. Somebody has put out the light.

15. Somebody has picked my pocket.


• You can work with your partner

Exercise 1:

Rewrite the text by changing the sentences into Active or Passive if it is possible.

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One of the most famous monuments

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.

The great statue, which was designed by the French sculptor Frederick Auguste Bartholdi, was completed in ten years. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which has been especially built in France. It was finished in July, 1884.

Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.. The site chosen was an island at the

entrance of New York Harbour. In 1884 a statue which was 151 feet tall was erected in Paris. The following year it was taken to 350 pieces and shipped to New York in 214 cases. By the end of October 1886, the statue was put together again and officially presented to the American people by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Stephen Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th President of the United States, presided over the dedication festivities in 1886. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.




















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Exercise 2: Underline the best option.

1. The book was published/published in 2010. 2. My parents will lend/will be lent me some money to buy a new car. 3. It is said/says that some sports involve serious risks. 4. Lots of workers have been made/have made redundant as a result of the crisis. 5. My father was bought/ bought me a CD. 6. Fewer letters are written/write nowadays. 7. The TV presenter has been made/has made lots of mistakes today. 8. Where are you being lived/are you living? 9. My children are liked/like pasta. 10. Emails are sent/send more and more.

Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos

Exercise 1: Observe the actions made by your relatives or neighbors; then make minimum 10 sentences in passive voice.

Example: The guitar is played by my brother.











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Exercise 2: Listening exercise

Watch the following video on youtube “Ancient Mysteries – Stonehenge”!

Then answer the following questions.

1. Stonehenge is a A. square of giant stones B. circle of giant stones.

2. It is situated in Avebury, in

A. Northern England B. Southern England.

3. It's the most

A. enigmatic B. gigantic C. prehistoric D. monument on earth.

4. It was created as

A. a temple to the son of the sun B. a temple to the son of the moon C. an astronomical calendar D. an astrological calendar

5. It was built at the same time as the

A. Acropolis in Athens B. Pyramid of Giza.

6. It was built in

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 phases.

7. Some stones could weight over A. 40 tones B. 400 tones C. 40kilos D. 400kilos

8. The small "blue stones" were found miles away in

A. South England B. South Scotland C. South Wales

9. They were maybe dragged along on A. cars B. sledges C. horses.

10. These stones are the guardians of A. recent B. ancient C. mysteries.

El profesor revisa mis trabajos, registra mi progreso y me felicita por terminar las actividades del primer periodo.