Download - Resum -Suresh 2013

  • 8/12/2019 Resum -Suresh 2013



    Kukatpally, E-Mail:[email protected]

    Hyderabad-50007 Mobile: !"#$%50777


    Seeki&' a positio& to utili(e my skills a&d abilities i& a& esteemed )r'a&i(atio& that o**ers

    +ro*essio&al 'roth hile bei&' resource*ul, i&&oatie a&d *leible.


    /otal Eperie&ce: - 0 1ears

    1. Name of the Organization: Tiona Infinet !imite".#

    2esi'&atio& : Sr.Sales Eecutie 34 orporate Sales.

    $%ration: NOV &'1& to Ti(( $ate

    Job Profile:-

    /o promote /iko&a Internet !ea)e" !ine) *I!!+# ,P!-VPN# Wifi# VC

    6espo&sible *or acuiri&' &e clie&ts 8orporate 9 SME

    Ownership of the Accounts & increasing the market share by achieving the sales target.

    Timely execution of orders in hand for revenue realization.

    E&sure the adhere&ce *rom the customers to the payme&t collectio& ;

    outsta&di&' systems 9 procedures as per compa&y policies.

    Mai&tai& relatio&ship ith serice 2eliery team, 6M 9 6< /E a&dcollectio&.

    &. Name of the Organization: Re(iane omm%niation !imite".#

    2esi'&atio& : Sr Sales Eecutie 34 orporate Sales.

    $%ration: /%(0&'1' to Ot &'1&

    Job Profile:-

    /o promote 6elia&ce Internet !ea)e" !ine) *I!!+# ,P!-VPN# PRI# Centre2 an" 3i2e"

    !an" (ine Phone).8?lobal E&terprise >usi&esses

    ?etti&' the busi&ess throu'h cold calli&'.

    Identifying Key Accounts from the market and pitch the Revenue Orders.

    Maintaining the daily reports of customer contacts.

    Mai&tai&i&' 'ood relatio&ship ith the customers.

    4. Name of the Organization: Tata omm%niation !imite".#

    2esi'&atio& : Sr Sales Eecutie 34 SME Sales.

    $%ration: /%(0'5 to /%n&'1'

    Job Profile:-

    /o promote /ata ima >road ba&d a&d ire li&e i&ter &et

    ?etti&' the busi&ess throu'h cold calli&'.

  • 8/12/2019 Resum -Suresh 2013


  • 8/12/2019 Resum -Suresh 2013



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