  • 7/24/2019 Resea de la literatura inglesa


    Tuesday, November 10, y

    Jos Villar

    Chemistry and British Literature

    Chemistry now a days is been using for many different things.

    The products we use, the food we take,some machines,etc. With the

    course of the time, chemistry has been adapted in many things that we

    use on our daily bases. The most important one and the one we should

    use everyday is food. There are many different products that are used

    for cooking that need to do with chemistry. For doing a cake you

    usually use different types of powder so that the cake takes volume.

    That's part of chemistry. That powder needed to go threw a chemical

    process. Other thing that's really important in our dailybases is soap.

    Have you ever asked you the question how does soap work? That's

    another big thing that we use everyday. Soap needs to go threw a

    chemical process so that when you use it, it would create the effect to

    wash. Also the detergents that we use to wash clothes. It's the same

    thing but this time your washimg clothes. This products need to go

    threw a chemical process. But talking about washing, there's another


  • 7/24/2019 Resea de la literatura inglesa


    Tuesday, November 10, y

    big part. All the products you use for washing your house. The things

    you put on the floor, on the bathrooms, the product to clean the

    windows. All those products needed to go threw a chemical process.

    Another really important use of chemistry is gasoline. Here in Mexico,

    where i live, everybody uses a car. That car needs gasoline. This

    product needs also to go threw a chemical process. Without gasoline,

    we would need to adapt an electric car. It would be more expensive

    and hard to find. We use chemistry different times in the day and we

    don't realize. When we wash our teeth, the toothpaste has a chemical

    process. They need to do different things so that they work for it to

    wash your teeth. Another big thing, are the creams we use. By this I

    mean sunscreen, creme for hidratation, etc. Everything needs to go

    threw a chemical process. We use this products every day. Without

    them our life would be different. Other product that's really important is

    pest products. This products are made to kill rats and all types of pests.

    It's really important for us. This are the principal things were we use

    chemistry in our daily bases. Besides this there are also many different

    ways were we can use chemistry. Otherwhise something that's really


  • 7/24/2019 Resea de la literatura inglesa


    Tuesday, November 10, y

    important are medicines. There are people that can't live without them.

    This is really important. Otherwhise, a big attraction can be fireworks,

    this ones need to go threw a process. Most of the things were we use

    chemistry are not pure chemistry. They need to go threw a process.

    Chemistry has changed over the past years and has become more

    important with the years. Time is going to go by and new things are

    going to be developed and created. Chemistry has changed our ways

    of living.


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