
“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

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“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

El Cuadernillo que hoy tienes en tus manos, tiene por finalidad reforzar

contenidos, habilidades y aprendizajes adquiridos, la internalización de capacidades y habilidades

cognitivas, llegar mejor preparados para el siguiente año lectivo, disfrutar aprendiendo en

cualquier lugar y momento y reforzar de manera sistematizada y ordenada las áreas más

deficitarias, de los aprendizajes y contenidos trabajados durante el año 2012, es por tanto, una

manera de mantener el proceso educativo activo incluso fuera del Colegio.

En esta oportunidad son tres los sectores en los cuales tendrás que trabajar, Matemáticas,

Lenguaje y Comunicación e Inglés, sin lugar a dudas son tres sectores de suma importancia dentro

de tu desarrollo como estudiante, ya que los procesos cognitivos implicados trascienden a otros

sectores, permitiéndote desenvolverte de mejor manera en las otras áreas de estudio y adquirir a

su vez mayor fluidez, claridad y certeza en tus conocimientos, lo que te dará mayor seguridad en ti

mismo y contribuirá a que tu autoestima se fortalezca.

Cada Cuadernillo consta de una cantidad de ejercicios determinados por los profesores

de sector y aprobados por Unidad Técnica Pedagógica y buscan reforzar aquellos contenidos

primordiales para afrontar tu siguiente desafío, el año lectivo 2013. Del mismo modo, cada uno de

estos Cuadernillos estará sujeto a revisión por parte de los profesores y se transformará en la primera

nota del sector correspondiente.

Este "Cuadernillo de Actividades Académicas" debe ser entregado el lunes 11 de marzo, sin

extensión de plazos ni excusas, esperamos por tanto puedas responder en base a las expectativas

que tenemos de ti respecto a la responsabilidad y al compromiso con tus quehaceres escolares.

Confiamos que este desafío lo trabajarás con motivación, responsabilidad y de manera

proactiva, asumiendo el rol protagónico de tu proceso de aprendizaje.

Unidad Técnica Pedagógica

Establecimiento Educacional Nimara

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

1. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

There is one example.

a moon a kitchen

stars boxes

a toothbrush a bathroom

bottles bowls

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”


This is where you eat your breakfast. a kitchen


1 You see these above you at night.

2 You eat soup out of these.

3 You can put drinks in these to take

on a picnic.

4 This is big and sometimes round,

and you see it at night.

5 You can wash your hands and face

in here.

6 People use one of these to clean

their teeth.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

2. Look and read. Write yes or no. There are two examples.


The mother is eating a sandwich. yes

The boy has got some black shoes. no

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”


1. There are four apples on the blanket.

2. The man’s holding a towel.

3. There are some sandwiches in a box.

4. There’s a ball behind the boy.

5. The girl’s reading under a tree.

6. There’s a frog jumping out of the water.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

3. Read the text and choose the best answer. There is one example.


Ann: Are those new shoes, Jane?

Jane: A Yes, they do.

B Yes, they are.

C Yes, they’re shoes.


1. Ann: Where did you find them?

Jane: A Yes, in town.

B Last week.

C In a shop in town.

2. Ann: Was it a good shop?

Jane: A Yes, well.

B Yes, very.

C Yes, good.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

3. Ann: Do you go shopping a lot?

Jane: A Every weekend!

B All weekends!

C Last weekend!

4. Ann: And what do you buy?

Jane: A I like buying clothes.

B I’d like to buy clothes.

C I liked buying clothes.

5. Ann: Would you like to go shopping this weekend?

Jane: A I like to.

B I’d love to.

C I’d want to.

6. Ann: Where shall I see you?

Jane: A At the station.

B On the station.

C To the station.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

4. Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word

next to numbers 1–6. There is one example.

Last week our class went to a farm in the countryside for the day.

It was a beautiful (1) day and everyone talked and

(2) on the bus.

The farm was next to a big field with (3) in it. We were

all very hungry, so we had a picnic next to a lake. In the afternoon, the

(4) showed us his dog, Sam. Sam helped him find the

sheep and we helped feed the chickens. Then we saw some horses and we

wanted to ride them, but they were very (5) .

Before we caught the bus home we went to the farm shop. I bought a

present for my sister.

Today at school our teacher told us to (6) stories about

our day on the farm. This is mine!

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”


countryside pencils farmer

write big swim

laughed vegetables sunny

(7) Now choose the best name for the story.

Tick one box.

The farmer’s day

How animals live

Going to the farm

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

5. Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the

sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Tom’s birthday

My name’s Tom and yesterday it was my birthday. I was nine and I

got a lot of presents. Mum took pictures when I opened my presents.

I got a red football and a blue sweater, my favourite colour! But my

favourite present was a new bike. It’s great. My old bike was small

so I didn’t like it.


Yesterday it was Tom’s birthday.

Tom was nine years old.


1. Tom’s mum pictures when Tom opened his presents.

2. One of Tom’s presents was a red .

3. Tom didn’t like his old bike because it was .

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

After school I went to the swimming pool with three friends. When we

got there we didn’t want to swim at first because the water was very

cold, but when we did we had great fun. Then Mum shouted,

‘Time to go home!’ so we had a shower and got dressed quickly.

4. After school Tom went to the swimming pool with .

5. At first the water was cold so they to swim.

6. When they got out of the pool they went for a before they got


“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

Then we went to my house and played games in my bedroom.

When we went into the kitchen, there was a beautiful big cake on

the table. I liked the clown on the top! We ate the cake and

played again and then at nine o’clock my friends said goodbye.

It was nice but next year I’d like a big party so all my friends

can come!

7. When they got to Tom’s house they in his bedroom.

8. Downstairs in there was a big cake on the table.

9. It was when Tom’s friends left his house.

10. Tom wants to have with all his friends next year.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

6. Read the text and the example. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.







The Library

The library is a good place to be on a wet day.

You can find the answers to all your questions there.

When you want to know about the world

you live in, there are a lot of books to read. You can learn

about mountains, rivers, animals or the stars.

You can the books home with you for three

weeks. The library is a great place to do your homework

it is always very quiet so try

to talk loudly when you are there.

Some libraries have a shop and you can buy things

pens and maps there. There’s sometimes

a café. Try to go to the library more often!

Example on in at

1. something nothing sometimes

2. take took taking

3. so or because

4. not no now

5. like of on

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

7. Match.

1. visit a gymnastics

2. read b the piano

3. do c photos

4. turn on d family

5. play e a kite

6. take f music

7. listen to g comics

8. fly h the TV

8. Complete the sentences.

1 Where’s she from? She ’s from Australia.

2 Where are you from? I from Korea.

3 Where’s he from? He from Vietnam.

4 Where are you from? We from Brazil.

5 Where are they from? They from Thailand.

6 Where’s she from? She from the U.S.A.

9. Match.

1 Do you like cooking, Jane? a No, they don’t.

2 Does Harry like fishing? b No, we don’t.

3 Do you and Harry like playing chess? c Yes, he does.

4 Do Sam and Steve like taking photos? d Yes, I do.

’m ’re ’s



“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

10. Write the short answer.



1 Can I read your comic?

Yes, you can.

2 Can you turn on the computer?



3 Can you play chess?

4 Can I use your computer?

11. Write and complete the puzzle.




1 c a m e l





camel ___________



___________ ___________



___________ ___________

12. Complete the words.

1. g e t dr e ssed 2. ave brea fast

3. c tch the b s 4. w lk to sc ool

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

13. Check ( ) the correct sentence.


He’s snorkeling.

He’re snorkeling.


He aren’t windsurfing.

He isn’t windsurfing.


They’re kayaking.

They’s kayaking.


We’m sailing.

We’re sailing.

14. Match.





1. Are the monkeys eating? a No, it isn’t.

2. Is the zebra running? b Yes, they are.

3. Is the crocodile swimming? c No, they aren’t.

4. Are the penguins sleeping? d Yes, it is.


“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

15. Read and circle.

1. We has / have breakfast at eight o’clock.

2. My dad get / gets up at six o’clock.

3. He don’t / doesn’t catch the train to work.

4. Does she brushes / brush her teeth every morning?

5. I play / plays with my friends after school.

6. They don’t walks / walk to school.

7. What time does / do you start school?

8. Do / Does you have homework every day?

16. Write the words.







17. Look and complete the words.




m u s e um fé pl__ __




l br ry s n er c n ert

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

18. Match.

1 bridge

2 mountain

3 waterfall

4 ocean

5 building

6 lake







19. Check ( ) the correct sentence.

1 We always catch the bus to school.

We catch always the bus to school.

2 You sometimes go to the beach at June.

You sometimes go to the beach in June.

3 She never go shopping with her mom.

She never goes shopping with her mom.

4 Do they ever go to the library?

Do they never go to the library?

5 I play soccer on Saturdays.

I play soccer in Saturdays.

6 He gets up on eight o’clock.

He gets up at eight o’clock.


“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

20. Write the odd one out.

1. COUNTABLE melon / cucumber / orange / bread bread

2. UNCOUNTABLE rice / bread / cheese / lemon

3. UNCOUNTABLE salt / water / onion / pepper

4. COUNTABLE meat / banana / orange / cookie

5. UNCOUNTABLE cereal / pepper / melon / bread

6. COUNTABLE peas / butter / potato / apple

21. Look and complete.

1 The bus is bigger than the truck.

2 The truck is .

3 The bus is than the


4 The car is .

22. Look and complete the words.




l i t t e r t es f un ain




g rb ge can ra s f o ers

/ 5

/ 3 bigger slower the fastest the oldest

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

23. Circle.


bus / train


helicopter / plane


tolley / taxi


motorcycle / train


plane / trolley


helicopter / taxi

24. Check ( ) the correct sentence.

In the library …

1. You must be quiet. 2. You must walk your dog.

You mustn’t wash your hands. You mustn’t eat.

3. You mustn’t drop litter. 4. You must take photos.

You mustn’t be quiet. You mustn’t talk.

25. Write was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

In the past, there 1 wasn’t a shopping mall in this town, but there 2 lots of

small stores. There 3 a park in the middle of the town. The park was clean

because there 4 any litter. There 5 a lovely big lake with boats.

There 6 always lots of children there, because children love boats! Of

course, there 7 any cars in the park, so it was a safe place to play.

“Aprendemos con Excelencia en la Confianza y el Afecto”

26. Choose the correct word.

Pete 1 Were you tall, Dad?

Dad Yes, I 2 . And I had black hair!

Pete 3 Aunt Susan have black hair?

Dad No, she 4 . She 5

pretty, long hair. She 6

very tall.

27. Complete the dialog.

Tom Dad, 1 did the Ancient Mayans 2 pizza?

Dad No, Tom, they 3 .

Tom When did they 4 ?

Dad They 5 hundreds of years ago.

28. Underline the correct question word.

1. When / Where / What did Paul and Tim have breakfast? At seven o’clock.

2. Where / What / When did Jenny paint? Her cat.

3. What / When / Where did we visit Grandma? Last week.

4. When / What / Where did you play soccer? In the park.

5. Where / What / When did the Ancient Mayans cook? Rice.

6. What / When / Where did the Ancient Mayans live? A long time ago

Were didn’t Did had was wasn’t



Aunt Susan

did didn’t lived cook live

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