declaracion armenia ingles

The psychologists present at the capacity building meeting, representing 16 countries of Latin America, gathering at the LARCP 2015, recognize : The fundamental role of psychological science in the well-being of our societies and especially of the most vulnerable individuals and populations. The need to strengthen professional and scientific organizations of psychology in the region to accomplish their mission. The importance of an effective cooperation among national organizations and search for synergy with regional and international organizations. The importance of interdisciplinary cooperation, based on scientific and professional strengths of psychology. The need to promote training and professional behavior with high ethical and quality standards, within the context of diverse societies and cultures. The relevance to promote participation of psychology in public policy, its positive impact in the quality of life, social well-being and sustainable development, as well as the societal recognition of the profession. We agree to promote actions that contribute to the attainment of goals derived from the present declaration. Signed by representative from : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas and Venezuela. ARMENIA - COLOMBIA DECLARATION Latin American Regional Conference of Psychology 2015 September 5 th , 2015 Organized by Auspiced by Collaboration of

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Declaracion armenia ingles


Page 1: Declaracion armenia ingles

The psycho log is ts p resent at the capac i ty bu i l d i ng meet ing , rep resent ing 16 count r i es o f Lat in Amer ica , gather ing at the LARCP 20 15 , recogn ize :

• The fundamenta l ro le o f psycho log ica l sc ience in the we l l -be ing o f our soc iet ies and espec ia l l y o f the most vu lne rab le i nd iv idua ls and popu lat ions .

• The need to st rengthen p ro fess iona l and sc ient i f i c o rgan izat ions o f psycho logy in the reg ion to accomp l i sh the i r m iss ion .

• The importance of an e f fect ive cooperat ion among nat iona l o rgan izat ions and search fo r synergy wi th reg iona l and in te rnat iona l o rgan izat ions .

• The importance of i n te rd i sc ip l i na ry cooperat ion , based on sc ient i f i c and p ro fess iona l s t rengths o f psycho logy .

• The need to p romote t ra in ing and p ro fess iona l behav io r w i th h igh eth ica l and qua l i ty s tandards , w i th in the context o f d ive rse soc iet ies and cu l tu res .

• The re levance to p romote part i c i pat ion o f psycho logy in pub l i c po l i cy , i t s pos i t i ve impact i n the qua l i ty o f l i f e , soc ia l we l l -be ing and susta inab le deve lopment , as we l l as the soc ieta l recogn i t i on o f the p ro fess ion .

We agree to p romote act ions that cont r i bute to the atta inment o f goa ls der i ved f romthe p resent dec la rat ion .

S igned by representat ive f rom: A rgent ina , Bo l i v i a , B raz i l , Ch i l e , Co lomb ia , Costa R ica , Cuba , Ecuador , E l Sa lvador , Guatema la , Mex ico , Paraguay , Peru , Puerto R ico , The Bahamas and Venezue la .

ARMEN I A - COLOMB IA DECLARAT I ONLat in Amer ican Reg iona l Confe rence of Psycho logy 20 15

September 5 th , 20 15

Organ ized by Ausp iced by Co l l aborat ion o f