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CONSEJERÍA DE TURISMO Y DEPORTE Boletín de novedades bibliográficas 02-2016 CENTRO ANDALUZ DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE BIBLIOMED: Boletín de novedades bibliográficas en Medicina del Deporte Diciembre de 2016 Unidad de Información y Documentación Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte Glorieta de Beatriz Manchón s/n 41092 Sevilla Tlf.: 600 147 638; fax: 955 54 06 23

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Boletín de novedades bibliográficas 02-2016


BIBLIOMED: Boletín de novedades bibliográficas en

Medicina del Deporte

Diciembre de 2016

Unidad de Información y Documentación Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte

Glorieta de Beatriz Manchón s/n 41092 Sevilla

Tlf.: 600 147 638; fax: 955 54 06 23


Boletín de novedades bibliográficas 02-2016



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Boletín de novedades bibliográficas 02-2016



Referencias bibliográficas ordenadas alfabéticamente bajo el criterio de “autores y obras anónimas”, con

índices de autores, títulos y materias

Los documentos referenciados en estas novedades se pueden obtener mediante el préstamo personal y/o interbibliotecario. Los códigos alfanuméricos (signatura), que aparecen en el siguiente listado junto a cada monografía corresponden a la ubicación de los mismos en la Biblioteca.

Autores y obras anónimas ACU 13/12/2016

1 ACUTE effects of two different stretching techniques on isokinetic strength and power = Efecto agudo de 2 técnicas de estiramiento diferentes sobre la fuerza y potencia isocinética / F. Ayala...[et al.]. -- 10 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Se propone examinar y comparar los efectos agudos de una rutina de estiramientos estáticos o dinámicos de corta duración sobre el pico de fuerza máximo y potencia media de la flexión y extensión concéntrica y excéntrica de la rodilla Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 3 (sep. 2015), p. 93-102 1. Fuerza muscular. 2. Ejercicios de calentamiento. 3. Ejercicios de estiramiento. 4. Estiramientos-Ejercicios. 5. Potencia muscular. 6. Isocinética. I. Título

2 ACUTE glycemic outcomes along the aerobic training in deep water in patients with type 2 diabetes = Respuestas de la glucemia aguda a lo largo del entrenamiento aeróbico en aguas profundas en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 / Rodrigo Sudatti Delevatti...[et al.]. -- 6 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 233-238 1. Entrenamiento aeróbico. 2. Ejercicios acuáticos. 3. Diabetes tipo 2. 4. Glucemia. I. Título

3 AEROBIC fitness in adolescents in southern Brazil: Association with sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle and nutritional status = La condición física aeróbica en adolescentes del sur de Brasil: asociación con aspectos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida y el estado nutricional / D.A.S. Silva...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 17-22 1. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 2. Condición física-Evaluación. 3. Antropometría. 4. Epidemiología. 5. Estilo de vida. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas ALT 13/12/2016

4 ALTERAÇÃO da velocidade em jovens futebolistas brasileiros no período competitivo e sua relação com o conteúdo de treinamento = Alteraciones de la velocidad en jóvenes futbolistas brasileños en el periodo competitivo y su relación con el contenido del entrenamiento /T.V. Braz...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 3 (sep. 2015), p. 103-108 1. Fútbol-Entrenamiento. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Futbolistas. 4. Velocidad. I. Título


Evolución de la prevención de lesiones en el control del entrenamiento / Javier Álvarez Medina, Víctor Murillo Lorente. -- 22 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 37-58 1. Entrenamiento deportivo. 2. Lesiones deportivas-Prevención. 3. Deportes de equipo. 4. Capacidad de carga (Deporte) I. Título


Impacto del sedentarismo sobre la práctica de actividad física y la salud : Análisis de la situación en España / Gonzalo Ambroa de Frutos. -- 12 p. ; 24 cm. Revisión. Esta revisión bibliográfica recoge datos de la evolución y la situación actual de la inactividad física en España. Además, trata de estudiar los motivos que llevan a un estilo de vida sedentario, de analizar cuáles son sus consecuencias, de cómo reducir este factor de riesgo y de cómo la actividad física ayuda a mejorar las patologías asociadas a la misma. Revista española de educación física y deportes.-- Madrid: COLEF, 1949.-- ISSN 1133-6366.--Núm. 412, 1º. trim. 2016, p. 33-44 1. Sedentarismo. 2. Actividad física y salud. 3. Causas de mortalidad. 4. Evaluación del riesgo para la salud. 5. Enfermedad cardiovascular. 6. Riesgo cardiovascular. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas ANA 13/12/2016

7 ANÁLISIS comparativo de las demandas físicas de dos tareas de juego reducido en fútbol profesional / Fabio Nevado-Garrosa...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 82-86 1. Fútbol. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Fútbol-Entrenamiento. 4. Condición física-Evaluación. I. Título

8 ANÁLISIS de los goles conseguidos en 13 temporadas (2000/01-2012/13) correspondientes a la Primera División de la Liga Española de Fútbol Profesional / J. Sánchez-Flores...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. El propósito de este estudio es analizar, desde la temporada 2000/01 a la temporada 2012/13, la distribución de los goles conseguidos, por partido y equipo, y su comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo; además se ha analizado su relación con el grado de competitividad de la liga. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 55-61 1. Fútbol-España. 2. Juegos de pelota. 3. Clubs de fútbol. 4. Rendimiento deportivo. 5. Análisis estadístico. 6. Competiciones deportivas. 7. Competitividad. I. Título

9 ANÁLISIS semilongitudinal de la condición física en adolescentes madrileños / Pedro Barrueco Moro...[et al.]. -- 10 p. : gráf. y tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 183-192 1. Condición física-Estándares. 2. Condición física-Evaluación. 3. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 4. Educación física. I. Título

10 ARAMENDI, José F.

Resumen de las evidencias científicas de la eficacia del ejercicio físico en las enfermedades cardiovasculares / J.F. Aramendi, J.I. Emparanza. -- 15 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revisión. Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son las más prevalentes en la

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Autores y obras anónimas ARA 13/12/2016

sociedad occidental. En las últimas décadas, innumerables publicaciones informan del poder terapéutico del ejercicio físico (EF) en estas patologías. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido buscar, valorar y resumir los resultados de las mejores pruebas científicas publicadas, sobre el efecto del EF, en la mortalidad y morbilidad de pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, insuficiencia cardiaca, hipertensión arterial, claudicación intermitente e ictus. Se buscaron revisiones sistemáticas en Medline, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects. Se concluye que, tanto el entrenamiento aeróbico, como el de fuerza son seguros y eficaces en la disminución de la mortalidad y morbilidad en la mejora de algunos signos y síntomas, y en el incremento de la función física en enfermos cardiovasculares. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 3 (sep. 2015), p. 115-129 1. Aparato circulatorio-Enfermedades. 2. Entrenamiento aeróbico. 3. Fisiología del ejercicio. 4. Entrenamiento de fuerza. 5. Medicina basada en la evidencia. I. Título


Control del entrenamiento y fisiología del ejercicio : La controversia del umbral anaeróbico / Iñaki Arratibel. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(5), n. 169 (Sept.-Oct. 2015), p. 273-274 1. Fisiología del ejercicio. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Umbral anaeróbico. 4. Medicina deportiva. I. Título

12 ARRIAZA, Rafael

Lesiones de estrés de la línea fisaria en jóvenes deportistas /Rafael Arriaza, Javier Amestoy, Álvaro Arriaza. -- 4 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 165 (Ene.-Feb. 2015), p. 32-35 1. Traumatismos del tobillo. 2. Traumatología deportiva. 3. Lesiones del cartílago. 4. Niños y adolescentes-Lesiones y accidentes. 5. Niños-Crecimiento-Heridas y lesiones. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas ARR 13/12/2016

13 ASADI, Abbas

Plyometric type neuromuscular exercise is a treatment to postural control deficits of volleyball players: A case study = Ejercicios neuromusculares de tipo pliométrico como tratamiento de déficits de control postural de jugadores de voleibol: a propósito de un caso / A. Asadi. -- 5 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 75-79 1. Educación postural. 2. Equilibrio postural (Anatomía) 3. Propiocepción. 4. Jugadores de voleibol. 5. Entrenamiento pliométrico. I. Título

14 BENEFICIOS de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas y materiales reciclados sobre la composición corporal y la condición física en tercera edad / Alberto Pérez-López...[et al.]. -- 12 p. ; 24 cm. Para analizar los beneficios de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas y materiales reciclados sobre la composición corporal y la condición física en la tercera edad, veintitrés participantes sedentarios tomaron parte en este estudio prospectivo no controlado (77,9 ± 4,2 años, 74% mujeres). Todo ellos realizaron un programa de ejercicio físico durante 20 semanas (60 min, 2 días/semana) que incluyó ejercicio de fuerza, resistencia, flexibilidad y coordinación. Revista española de educación física y deportes.-- Madrid: COLEF, 1949.-- ISSN 1133-6366.--Núm. 413, 2º. trim. 2016, p. 21-32 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Ancianos. 3. Sarcopenia. 4. Ancianos-Ejercicio físico. 5. Tejido adiposo. I. Título

15 BOTE SERRANO, María Elena

Regulación por el ejercicio físico del estado inflamatorio alterado: respuesta en pacientes con fibromialgia / María E. Bote, Eduardo Ortega. -- 8 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 136-143 1. Ejercicio físico-Efectos fisiológicos. 2. Actividad física y salud. 3. Inflamación (Patología) 4. Fibromialgia. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas BOT 13/12/2016

16 CALDERÓN MONTERO, Francisco Javier

El fundamento de la fisiología del ejercicio / Francisco J. Calderón Montero. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 169-176 1. Fisiología del ejercicio. 2. Condición física-Evaluación. 3. Pruebas de esfuerzo. 4. Entrenamiento deportivo. I. Título

17 CARACTERÍSTICAS antropométricas em atletas de elite das seleções brasileiras juvenil e adulta de voleibol = Las características antropométricas de los deportistas de élite de los equipos brasileños juvenil y adulto de voleibol / D. Monteiro Teixeira...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 160-165 1. Deportistas-Antropometría. 2. Composición corporal. 3. Balonvolea. 4. Somatotipo. I. Título

18 CARDONA ARIAS, Jaiberth

Eficacia del ejercicio físico sobre la calidad de vida en fibromialgia: meta-análisis de ensayos clínicos / Jaiberth Cardona Arias, Carmen Mantilla Gutiérrez, Luis Felipe Higuita Gutiérrez. -- 9 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 244-252 1. Fibromialgia. 2. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 3. Actividad física y salud. 4. Calidad de vida. 5. Ensayos clínicos. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas CHI 13/12/2016


Relevancia actual de la capacidad aeróbica máxima en la práctica clínica / Miguel Chiacchio Sieira. -- 9 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 239-247 1. Rendimiento aeróbico. 2. Sistema respiratorio. 3. Condición física-Evaluación. 4. Fisiología del ejercicio. 5. Pruebas de esfuerzo. 6. Anomalías cardiovasculares. 7. Riesgo cardiovascular. I. Título

20 CHRONIC effect of aerobic exercise on anthropometric, biochemical and hemodynamic variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review = Efecto crónico de ejercicio aeróbico en variables antropométricas, bioquímicas y hemodinámicas en individuos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2: una revisión sistemática / C.A. De Sá...[et al.]. -- 7 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. El propósito de este estudio es analizar los efectos del ejercicio aeróbico sobre los perfiles bioquímicos, antropométricos y hemodinámicos de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, en ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y estudios de casos y controles. Para ello, se han utilizado las bases de datos MEDLINE, BVS (LiLacs), IBECS (España), MED Caribe y el Registro Central de Ensayos Clínicos Controlados. Se incluyeron estudios publicados desde 2004 hasta 2014. Y se analizaron medidas antropométricas (índice de masa corporal, circunferencia de la cintura y porcentaje graso), hemodinámicas (presión arterial y frecuencia cardíaca) y bioquímicas (glucemia, hemoglobina glicosilada, insulina, Colesterol-HDL, Colesterol-LDL y triglicéridos). Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 173-179 1. Glucemia-Tratamiento. 2. Diabetes tipo 2. 3. Actividad física y salud. 4. Gimnasia médica. 5. Terapia de ejercicio. 6. Antropometría. 7. Bioquímica del ejercicio. 8. Hemodinámica. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas CLE 13/12/2016


Respuesta psicofisiológica en un salto táctico paracaidista a gran altitud. A propósito de un caso / Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, José Juan Robles-Pérez, Pedro Montañez-Toledo. -- 5 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 144-148 1. Paracaidismo. 2. Paracaidistas. 3. Deportes de combate. 4. Rítmo cardíaco. 5. Deportes aéreos. I. Título

22 COGNITIVE profile associated with functional and anthropometric aspects in elderly = Perfil cognitivo asociado a aspectos funcionales y antropométricos en personas mayores / W. Araújo de Brito...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 154-159 1. Personas mayores. 2. Ancianos. 3. Demencia. 4. Antropometría. I. Título

23 COMPARATIVE effect of order based resistance exercises on number of repetitions, rating of perceived exertion and muscle damage biomarkers in men = Efecto comparativo de la secuencia de ejecución de ejercicios de fuerza en el número de repeticiones, el grado de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo y biomarcadores de daño muscular en hombres / H. Arazi...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Se pretende comparar los efectos de la secuencia de ejercicios de entrenamiento de la fuerza en el número de repeticiones realizadas, la percepción del esfuerzo y en los marcadores de daño muscular. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 139-144 1. Ejercicios. 2. Ejercicio físico. 3. Percepción. 4. Fisiología del ejercicio. 5. Daño muscular. I. Título

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Autores y obras anónimas CON 13/12/2016


La actividad física, la educación física y la condición física pueden estar relacionadas con el rendimiento académico y cognitivo en jóvenes : Revisión sistemática / Miguel A. Conde, Pablo Tercedor. -- 10 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 100-109 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Desarrollo cognitivo. 3. Proceso cognitivo. 4. Rendimiento académico. 5. Condición física. 6. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. I. Título

25 CONFIABILIDADE do teste de corrida/caminhada de 9 minutos em crianças e adolescentes de 7-12 anos de idade = La fiabilidad del test de correr-caminar de 9 minutos en niños y adolescentes de 7-12 años de edad /A.C. Paludo...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 150-154 1. Condición física-Evaluación. 2. Pruebas de aptitud física. 3. Niños. 4. Adolescentes. I. Título


Comunicaciones orales presentadas en el I Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Pádel (CIP 2015) 5 y 6 de Marzo 2015. Granada. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 184-189 1. Medicina deportiva-Congresos. 2. Congresos y asambleas. 3. Pádel-Investigación. 4. Deporte de pelota. I. Título

27 CONSENSO sobre utilización de las infiltraciones en el deporte. Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte /Miguel del Valle Soto (coordinador), Fernando Jiménez Díaz...[et al.]. -- 12 p. ; 28 cm. Documento de consenso. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2)

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Autores y obras anónimas CON 13/12/2016

, n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 114-125 1. Infiltracion-Deportistas. 2. Infiltración-Técnicas. 3. Inyecciones. 4. Lesiones deportivas. 5. Lesiones musculoesqueléticas. I. Título

28 CONSUMO, características y perfil del consumidor de suplementos nutricionales en gimnasios de Santiago de Chile / C. Jorquera Aguilera...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 99-104 1. Suplementos nutricionales. 2. Nutrición del deportista. 3. Composición corporal. 4. Deportistas-Alimentación. 5. Ejercicio físico. I. Título

29 CORE stability : evaluación y criterios para su entrenamiento /F.J. Vera-García...[et al.]. -- 8 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Revisión. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar las características de los métodos utilizados para valorar la estabilidad de la zona central del cuerpo (core stability), así como las características más importantes de los programas de ejercicios de estabilización del tronco. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 3 (sep. 2015), p. 130-137 1. Equilibrio postural (Anatomía) 2. Gimnasia médica. 3. Postura-Entrenamiento. I. Título

30 COSWIG, Victor Silveira

Anthropometric measurements usage to control the exercise intensity during the performance of suspension rowing and back squats = Uso de parámetros antropométricos para controlar la intensidad del ejercicio en el remo en suspensión y sentadillas / V.S. Coswig, C. Dall’Agnol, F.B. Del Vecchio. -- 5 p. : il., tablas ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 119-123 1. Remo. 2. Entrenamiento de fuerza. 3. Deportistas-Antropometría. 4. Fisiología del ejercicio.

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5. Halterofilia. I. Título

31 CRUZ TORRES, Blanca de la

Efecto inmediato del vendaje Dynamic Tape® sobre la torsión tibial externa con dolor en un futbolista / B. de la Cruz Torres, M. Albornoz Cabello, L. Espejo Antúnez. -- 4 p. ; 28 cm. Caso clínico. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 50-53 1. Fisioterapia. 2. Vendajes. 3. Tibia-Heridas y lesiones. 4. Futbolistas. I. Título

32 DELEVATTI, Rodrigo Sudatti

Effect of aquatic exercise training on lipids profile and glycaemia : A systematic review = Efecto del entrenamiento acuático en el perfil lipídico y la glucemia : una revisión sistemática / R. Delevatti, E. Marson, L. Fernando Kruel. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los efectos agudos y crónicos del entrenamiento acuático en el perfil lipídico y la glucemia. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática valorando los efectos del ejercicio acuático y/o el entrenamiento en posición erecta sobre índices lipídicos y glucémicos. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 163-170 1. Ejercicios acuáticos. 2. Lípidos-Metabolismo. 3. Glucosa-Metabolismo. I. Título

33 DESPLAZAMIENTO del centro de presiones en personas con síndrome de Down en bipedestación / R. Cabeza-Ruiz...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Se pretende valorar el equilibrio de adultos con síndrome de Down a través del estudio del desplazamiento del centro de presiones. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio transversal de casos y controles. Doce sujetos con síndrome de Down y 12 sin síndrome de Down formaron parte del estudio. Todos los

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Autores y obras anónimas DES 13/12/2016

participantes realizaron 2 pruebas sobre plataforma dinamométrica. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 62-66 1. Equilibrio postural (Anatomía) 2. Personas con síndrome de Down. 3. Propiocepción. I. Título

34 DIFERENCIAS en las fuerzas de reacción del suelo entre zapatillas de carrera con dos tipos de drop / Juan José Ruiz Lloris...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 382-386 1. Carrera. 2. Jogging. 3. Deportes-Material y equipo. 4. Calzado deportivo. 5. Podología. 6. Biomecánica. I. Título

35 DIMENSIONAMENTO de amostras e o mito dos números mágicos: ponto de vista = Tamaño muestral y el mito de los númerso mágicos: punto de vista /C.J. Brito...[et al.]. -- 3 p. ; 28 cm. Artículo especial. El presente trabajo trata sobre aspectos que deberían ser cuidadosamente ponderados por parte de los investigadores con el objetivo de establecer, a priori, el tamaño muestral de estudios en áreas de la salud, actividad física y rendimiento humano. Hay que resaltar que el cálculo del tamaño de la muestra no es una ciencia exacta y, por tanto, requiere suposiciones realistas previas a su estimación. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 29-31 1. Investigación científica-Metodología. 2. Proyectos de investigación. 3. Muestreo (Estadística) 4. Recogida de datos. 5. Actividad física y salud. I. Título


Metodología de determinación de la transición aeróbica-anaeróbica en la evaluación funcional / Raúl Domínguez, Manuel V. Garnacho-Castaño, José L. Maté-Muñoz. -- 7 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6)

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, n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 395-401 1. Fisiología del ejercicio. 2. Pruebas de esfuerzo. 3. Electromiografía. 4. Resistencia-Deportistas. 5. Capacidad funcional-Valoración. 6. Umbral anaeróbico. I. Título

37 EFECTO de 8 semanas de corriente TENS modificada y la corriente rusa, sobre la fuerza muscular y la composición corporal / C. Campos-Jara...[et al.]. -- 4 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 3-6 1. Estimulación eléctrica. 2. Terapia por estimulación eléctrica. 3. Fuerza muscular. 4. Antropometría. 5. Deportistas-Antropometría. 6. Músculo cuádriceps. I. Título

38 EFECTO de un método de entrenamiento contrarresistencia en la capacidad funcional y calidad de vida de sujetos con Parkinson idiopático / María Antonieta Ozols Rosales...[et al.]. -- 6 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 70-75 1. Motricidad. 2. Fuerza muscular. 3. Actividad física y salud. 4. Enfermedad de Parkinson. 5. Calidad de vida. 6. Ejercicios isométricos. I. Título

39 EFECTOS del ejercicio físico y pautas básicas para su prescripción en la enfermedad de Alzheimer / C.M.C. Nascimento...[et al.]. -- 9 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. El estudio tiene como objetivo actualizar el estado del arte con respecto a los beneficios potenciales que el ejercicio físico tiene sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 32-40 1. Alzheimer, Enfermedad de. 2. Procesos cognitivos. 3. Ancianos-Ejercicio físico. 4. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. I. Título

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40 EFECTOS inmediatos sobre la potenciación post-activación utilizando oclusión parcial superimpuesta / Moisés Picón...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 368-373 1. Oclusión vascular. 2. Isquemia. 3. Potencia muscular. 4. Fuerza muscular. 5. Entrenamiento deportivo. 6. Ejercicios isométricos. I. Título

41 EFEITO do destreinamento na composição corporal e nas capacidades de salto vertical e velocidade de jovens jogadores da elite do futebol brasileiro = Efecto del desentrenamiento sobre la composición corporal, la capacidad de salto vertical y la velocidad de jóvenes futbolistas de élite / C. Abad...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 124-130 1. Deportistas-Antropometría. 2. Composición corporal. 3. Futbolistas. 4. Fútbol-Entrenamiento. 5. Condición física-Evaluación. I. Título

42 EFEITOS do Programa Escola de Postura e Reeducação Postural Global sobre a amplitude de movimento e níveis de dor em pacientes com lombalgia crônica = Efectos de un Programa de Escuela de Postura y Reeducación Postural Global sobre rango de movimiento y niveles de dolor en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico / P. Soares...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 23-28 1. Educación postural. 2. Transtornos del movimiento. 3. Dolor de la Región Lumbar. 4. Lumbalgia. I. Título

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43 EFFECT of strength training on body composition, strength and aerobic capacity of Brazilians adolescents’ handball players related with peak growth rate = Efecto del entrenamiento de la fuerza sobre la composición corporal, fuerza y capacidad aeróbica de los jugadores adolescentes de balonmano brasileños relacionados con el pico de crecimiento / Luis Paulo Gomes Mascarenhas...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 239-243 1. Entrenamiento de fuerza. 2. Composición corporal. 3. Fuerza muscular. 4. Rendimiento aeróbico. 5. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 6. Balonmano. I. Título

44 EFFECTS of six weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic physical training on metabolic and body parameters of Wistar rats: a pilot study = Efectos de seis semanas de ejercicio físico aeróbico de intensidad moderada sobre parámetros metabólicos y corporales de ratas Wistar: un estudio piloto / Eric F. Andrade...[et al.]. -- 7 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 165 (Ene.-Feb. 2015), p. 25-31 1. Ejercicio físico-Efectos fisiológicos. 2. Fisiología del ejercicio. 3. Metabolismo. 4. Animales de laboratorio-Entrenamiento-Efectos fisiológicos. I. Título

45 EJERCICIO físico y salud: pautas de actuación : Actividad física en Atención Primaria / dir., María Teresa Lara Hernández. -- 1ª ed. -- Madrid : Centro de Medicina Deportiva de la Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte, 2015 -- 444 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Obra sobre pautas de actuación para prescribir ejercicio físico encaminado a la mejora de la salud en atención primaria, haciendo hincapié en los beneficios obtenidos a través del mismo en las patologías crónicas más prevalentes en atención primaria, además de su inclusión en las distintas etapas de la vida. Contiene: Cap. 1. Beneficios del ejercicio físico en el niño, en el adulto y en el anciano. Cap. 2. Ejercicio físico en las enfermedades del aparato cardiovascular. Cap. 3. Ejercicio y actividad física en cardiopatía isquémica. Cap. 4. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Rehabilitación con programas de ejercicio. Fundamentos básicos. Cap. 5. Asma inducido por ejercicio. Fundamentos básicos. Cap. 6. Diabetes y ejercicio físico. Cap. 7. Prescripción de ejercicio físico en pacientes con

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dislipemias. Cap. 8. Ejercicio físico en el sobrepeso y la obesidad. Cap. 9. El ejercicio físico en las enfermedades reumáticas. Cap. 10. El ejercicio físico en osteoporosis. Cap. 11. Ejercicio físico en la fibromialgia y síndrome de fatiga crónica. Cap. 12. Prescripción de ejercicio físico en alteraciones estructurales del raquis. Cap. 13. Prescripción de ejercicio para cervicalgia, dorsalgia y lumbalgia. Cap. 14. Salud mental y ejercicio físico. Cap 15. Trastornos mentales asociados a la práctica deportiva. Cap. 16. Deporte y embarazo. ISBN978-84-451-3504-4 1. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 2. Actividad física y salud. 3. Atención médica. 4. Atención primaria. 5. Patología. 6. Enfermedades crónicas. I. Título

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46 EJERCICIOS resistidos, parámetros hematológicos, virológicos y perfil antropométrico en personas que viven con VIH/SIDA / I.K. dos Santos...[et al.]. -- 4 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 110-113 1. Enfermos de SIDA. 2. SIDA. 3. Ejercicio físico. 4. Antropometría. 5. Virología. 6. Hematología. I. Título

47 EL Triatlón y el control de la carga mediante la percepción del esfuerzo / Milos Mallol...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 164-168 1. Triatlón. 2. Deportes de resistencia. 3. Entrenamiento deportivo. 4. Fisiología del ejercicio. 5. Condición física-Evaluación. 6. Pruebas de esfuerzo. 7. Test de esfuerzo. I. Título


Entrenando músculos y cerebros : ser físicamente activo para ser cognitivamente activo a edades tempranas / Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Francisco B. Ortega. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 161-162

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1. Actividad física y deporte-Niños. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Desarrollo cognitivo. 4. Educación física. 5. Educación física para niños. I. Título

49 ESTUDIO comparativo entre deportes simétricos y asimétricos mediante análisis estructural estático en deportistas adolescentes /Juan J. Ramos-Álvarez...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 98-102 1. Aparato locomotor-Anomalías y malformaciones. 2. Aparato locomotor-Enfermedades. 3. Escoliosis. 4. Exploración clínica. 5. Pies-Enfermedades. I. Título

50 EXERCISE and depression in overweight and obese pregnant women: a randomised controlled trial = Ejercicio y depresión en mujeres embarazadas con sobrepeso y obesidad: ensayo clínico aleatorio /Maria Perales...[et al.]. -- 8 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 156-163 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Mujeres-Ejercicio físico. 3. Mujeres embarazadas. 4. Depresión-Prevención. 5. Obesidad. I. Título

51 FÁBRICA BARRIOS, Carlos Gabriel

Effects of power training in mechanical stiffness of the lower limbs in soccer players = Efectos del entrenamiento de potencia sobre la rigidez mecánica de miembros inferiores en jugadores de fútbol / G. Fábrica, F. López, A. Souto. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar si la rigidez de la pierna (Kleg) cambia después de un período de entrenamiento de potencia. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 145-149 1. Fútbol-Entrenamiento. 2. Fisiología del ejercicio. 3. Biomecánica. 4. Potencia muscular. I. Título

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52 FACTORES relacionados con las lumbalgias de los instructores de paracaidismo en el túnel de viento / Ignacio Martínez-González-Moro...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 149-155 1. Paracaidismo. 2. Paracaidistas. 3. Lumbalgia. 4. Deportes aéreos. I. Título


Efectos de la suplementación con testosterona sobre el rendimiento en resistencia / P. Fernández-Díaz, R. Domínguez. -- 7 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 131-137 1. Dopaje. 2. Esteroides anabolizantes. 3. Testosterona. 4. Rendimiento deportivo. 5. Suplementos nutricionales. I. Título


Comparison between non-exhaustive critical velocity estimated by heart rate with exhaustive critical velocity and heart rate variability threshold = Comparación entre velocidad crítica no exhaustiva estimada por la frecuencia cardíaca con velocidad crítica exhaustiva y el umbral de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca / Adalberto Ferreira Junior, Nilo Massaru Okuno. -- 4 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 94-97 1. Rítmo cardíaco-Deportistas. 2. Fisiología del ejercicio. 3. Velocidad. 4. Rendimiento aeróbico. I. Título

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55 FETAL and maternal heart rate responses to exercise in pregnant women. A randomized Controlled Trial = Respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y materna al ejercicio en gestantes. Ensayo clínico aleatorio / Maria Perales...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 361-367 1. Embarazo y ejercicio. 2. Rítmo cardíaco-Mujeres. 3. Feto. 4. Mujeres-Ejercicio físico. 5. Mujeres embarazadas. I. Título

56 FÚTBOL femenino categorías inferiores : Características antropométricas y fisiológicas. Evolución a lo largo de una temporada /Pilar Oyón...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 24-28 1. Fútbol-Mujer. 2. Futbolistas. 3. Antropometría. 4. Deportistas-Antropometría. 5. Consumo de oxígeno. 6. Mujeres y deportes. I. Título

57 GÁMEZ DE LA HOZ, Joaquín J.

Examen de requisitos de seguridad de piscinas asociados con accidentes a través de la jurisprudencia / Joaquín J. Gámez de la Hoz, Ana Padilla Fortes. -- 7 p. : fíg. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 29-35 1. Piscinas-Medidas de seguridad. 2. Accidentes-Prevención. 3. Natación. 4. Jurisprudencia. I. Título


La hora del ejercicio en la cronodisrupción, la salud y la enfermedad / Mata Garaulet Aza. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 167 (May.-Jun. 2015), p. 133-134 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Biorritmos. 3. Rendimiento deportivo. 4. Cronobiología. 5. Trastornos cronobiológicos. I. Título

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La cafeína y su efecto ergogénico en el deporte (primera parte) /Antonio García Moreno. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 200-206 1. Ayudas ergogénicas-Deportistas. 2. Rendimiento aeróbico. 3. Ejercicio físico. 4. Cafeína-Efectos fisiológicos. 5. Deportistas-Alimentación. 6. Nutrición del deportista. I. Título


La cafeína y su efecto ergogénico en el deporte (segunda parte) /Antonio García Moreno. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 259-266 1. Cafeína-Efectos fisiológicos. 2. Ayudas ergogénicas. 3. Rendimiento aeróbico. 4. Plantas estimulantes. 5. Deportistas-Alimentación. I. Título


Actividad física en pacientes portadores de desfibrilador automático implantable : Más allá de las recomendaciones / José Juan García Salvador. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 94-99 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Desfibriladores cardioversores implantables. 3. Competición deportiva. 4. Calidad de vida. I. Título

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62 GÓMEZ DÍAZ, Juan José

Eficacia de los ejercicios excéntricos en tendinopatías rotulianas: Revisión bibliográfica / Juan José Gómez Díaz. -- 8 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 59-68 1. Lesiones músculo-tendinosas. 2. Tendinopatía-Ejercicios terapéuticos. 3. Rótula-Heridas y lesiones. 4. Gimnasia médica. 5. Fisioterapia. I. Título

63 HAAS, Aline N.

Estudio comparativo del somatotipo de niñas-bailarinas cordobesas y porto-alegregrenses / Aline N. Haas, Manuel R. Plaza. -- 6 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 18-23 1. Ballet. 2. Danza. 3. Somatotipo. 4. Niñas. I. Título

64 HYDRATION practices of runners during training vs competition = Prácticas de hidratación en corredores durante el entrenamiento vs la competición / Fabrícia Geralda Ferreira...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(1), n. 171 (Ene.-Feb. 2016), p. 11-17 1. Nutrición del deportista. 2. Deportistas-Alimentación. 3. Hidratación-Deportistas. 4. Carreras (Atletismo) 5. Deshidratación. I. Título

65 INFLUENCE of ladder climbing exercise on bone of rats induced to osteoporosis and immobilization = Influencia del ejercicio en escalera sobre el hueso de ratas inducidas a la osteoporosis e inmovilización /José MM. Simas...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 176-182

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1. Ovariectomía. 2. Osteoporosis. 3. Gimnasia médica. 4. Terapia de ejercicio. I. Título

66 INICIACIÓN al entrenamiento de fuerza en edades tempranas: revisión / G. Peña...[et al.]. -- 9 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Revisión. El entrenamiento de fuerza en edades prepúberes y púberes está ampliamente recomendado por las organizaciones científicas encargadas de velar por el entrenamiento saludable de estas poblaciones. En este contexto, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo elaborar una revisión sobre el entrenamiento de la fuerza en edades tempranas. Para ello se revisaron trabajos publicados en inglés desde 1995 hasta 2014 en revistas indexadas. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 41-49 1. Entrenamiento de fuerza. 2. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 3. Niños y adolescentes-Deporte. I. Título


Síndrome de pinzamiento femoroacetabular en deportista veterano /F. Jiménez Borrero, C. Cuenca-González. -- 3 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Caso clínico. El síndrome de pinzamiento femoroacetabular (PFA) es una patología común en el adulto joven deportista que cada vez está tomando más relevancia y que se caracteriza por una inadecuada relación femoroacetabular, con una clínica dolorosa e incapacitante de larga evolución, que puede simular otras patologías de la cadera, motivo por el cual, se debe realizar una anamnesis y una exhaustiva exploración física que nos oriente hacia esta patología, confirmando la sospecha diagnóstica mediante pruebas complementarias como la radiografía de pelvis y la resonancia magnética (RM). El tratamiento, en general, es quirúrgico. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 171-173 1. Cadera-Heridas y lesiones. 2. Cadera/patología. 3. Cadera-Enfermedades. 4. Artrosis. 5. Pinzamiento femoroacetabular. I. Título

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[Cominicaciones orales] / VI Jornadas Nacionales de Medicina del Deporte. Bilbao, 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2015. -- 28 p. ; 28 cm. Índices. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(5), n. 169 (Sept.-Oct. 2015), p. 314-334 1. Actividad física. 2. Ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte. 3. Lesiones deportivas. 4. Entrenamiento deportivo. 5. Fisiología del ejercicio. 6. Medicina deportiva-Congresos y asambleas. 7. Nutrición del deportista. I. Título

69 LA fatiga muscular en los deportistas : métodos físicos, nutricionales y farmacológicos para combatirla / Aritz Urdampilleta...[et al.]. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 165 (Ene.-Feb. 2015), p. 36-43 1. Fatiga-Deportistas. 2. Gimnasia médica. 3. Músculos-Ejercicios terapéuticos. 4. Masaje deportivo. 5. Masaje terapéutico. 6. Ayudas ergogénicas. 7. Nutrición del deportista. 8. Medicamentos. I. Título

70 LA vibración como terapia preventiva y tratamiento del dolor muscular tardío. Una revisión sistemática / Claudia Carrasco Legleu...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 184-199 1. Fisioterapia. 2. Vibraciones-Uso terapéutico. 3. Músculos-Heridas y lesiones. 4. Dolor-Tratamiento. I. Título

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71 LAZZOLI, Jose Kawazoe

Physical activity in the reduction of cardiovascular risk - too good to be prescribed? = Actividad física en la reducción del riesgo cardiovascular. ¿Demasiado bueno para ser prescrito? / Jose Kawazoe Lazzoli. -- 3 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 205-207 1. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 2. Riesgo cardiovascular. 3. Mortalidad. I. Título


¿Qué pasa con el deportista no de élite?, ¿y con su reconocimiento? / Emilio Luengo. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 359-360 1. Reconocimiento médico-Deportistas. 2. Actividad física y salud. 3. Cardiopatías congénitas/diagnóstico. 4. Enfermedades cardiovasculares / prevención & control. 5. Personas mayores. 6. Medicina deportiva. I. Título


La Quebrantahuesos y los reconocimientos médico-deportivos /Pedro Manonelles Marqueta. -- 3 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 91-93 1. Reconocimiento médico-Deportistas. 2. Lesiones deportivas-Prevención. 3. Pruebas deportivas. 4. Carreras ciclistas. I. Título

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74 MARTÍN GARCÍA, Christian

Efectividad del entrenamiento de fuerza en niños y adolescentes: Un meta-análisis / Christian Martín García. -- 19 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 23 cm. Revista española de educación física y deportes.-- Madrid: COLEF, 1949.-- ISSN 1133-6366.--Núm. 414, 3º. trim. 2016, p. 19-37 1. Entrenamiento de fuerza. 2. Niños y adolescentes-Deporte. 3. Fuerza muscular. I. Título


Efecto de la fatiga en el ratio isquiotibiales:cuádriceps. Revisión sistemática / Juan P. Martín Martínez, Jorge Pérez Gómez, Jorge Carlos Vivas. -- 9 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 267-275 1. Lesiones deportivas. 2. Traumatología deportiva. 3. Fatiga. 4. Torques. 5. Piernas-Heridas y lesiones. 6. Músculo cuádriceps. I. Título

76 MÉTODOS de evaluación de la composición corporal : una revisión actualizada de descripción, aplicación, ventajas y desventajas /Osvaldo Costa Moreira...[et al.]. -- 8 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 387-394 1. Composición corporal. 2. Antropometría. 3. Deportistas-Antropometría. 4. Índice de masa corporal. I. Título

77 MINATTO, Giseli

Health-related physical fitness in Brazilian adolescents from a small town of German colonization = Aptitud física relacionada con la salud en adolescentes brasileños de una pequeña ciudad de colonización germánica / G. Minatto, E.L. Petroski, D.A.S. Silva.

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-- 8 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 67-74 1. Composición corporal. 2. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 3. Flexibilidad. 4. Fuerza muscular. I. Título

78 MORFOLOGÍA de las curvaturas torácica y lumbar en bipedestación, sedentación y máxima flexión del tronco con rodillas extendidas en bailarinas / Raquel Vaquero Cristóbal...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 87-93 1. Danza. 2. Columna vertebral-Gimnasia. 3. Equilibrio postural (Anatomía) 4. Propiocepción. 5. Bailarinas. I. Título

79 MOTOR and morphological profile of tennis players from 11 to 15 years old = Perfil motor y morfológico de jugadores de tenis de 11 a 15 años de edad / J.L. Schluga Filho...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 114-118 1. Tenis. 2. Antropometría. 3. Deportistas-Antropometría. 4. Potencia muscular. 5. Educación física. I. Título

80 MUTACIÓN en el gen KCNH2 y el síndrome de QT largo: a propósito de un caso / B. de Pablo Márquez...[et al.]. -- 4 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Caso clínico. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 138-141 1. Cardiología. 2. Muerte súbita. 3. Enfermedades hereditarias. 4. Genética médica. I. Título

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81 OLIVEIRA, Mario Cesar

Injury incidence in Brazilian football referees = Incidencia lesional en árbitro de fútbol en Brasil / Mario Cesar de Oliveira, Luiza Naujorks Reis, Alberto Inácio da Silva. -- 5 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 108-112 1. Lesiones deportivas. 2. Arbitraje deportivo. 3. Árbitros. 4. Fútbol-Heridas y lesiones. 5. Traumatología deportiva. I. Título

82 PARÍS GARCÍA, Federico

La efectividad de los materiales de amortiguación usados en las ortesis plantares para el tratamiento de las sobrecargas metatarsales /G. Dominguez, F. París-García, L. Carrasco. -- 6 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 148-153 1. Podología. 2. Sobrecarga. 3. Prótesis ortopédicas. 4. Pies-Enfermedades. 5. Traumatismos del tobillo. I. Título

83 PESERICO, Cecília Segabinazi

Heart rate deflection point determined by Dmax method is reliable in recreationally-trained runners = Punto de deflexión de la frecuencia cardíaca determinado por el método Dmax es reproducible en corredores de nivel recreacional / Cecília Segabinazi Peserico, Danilo Fernandes da Silva, Fabiana Andrade Machado. -- 7 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 168-174 1. Pruebas de esfuerzo. 2. Rítmo cardíaco-Deportistas. 3. Carrera. 4. Jogging. 5. Umbral anaeróbico. 6. Fisiología del ejercicio. I. Título

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84 POSICIONAMIENTO de la National Strength and Conditioning Association-Spain : Entrenamiento con electroestimulación de cuerpo completo / A.J. Herrero...[et al.]. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Artículo especial. El objetivo de este artículo es establecer, a partir de una revisión sistemática sobre la metodología del entrenamiento y los efectos sobre el organismo de la electroestimulación de cuerpo completo (en inglés, whole body electromyostimulation [WB-EMS]), el posicionamiento de la National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)-Spain al respecto. Se buscaron en PubMed, Web of Science, Physiotherapy Evidence Database y Google Académico estudios que aplicasen WB-EMS en miembro superior e inferior, describiendo claramente el protocolo Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 155-162 1. Estimulación eléctrica. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Fuerza muscular. 4. Composición corporal. I. Título

85 PRESCRIPCIÓN de ejercicio físico en la prevención y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial : Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte (SEMED-FEMEDE) / Miguel del Valle Soto...[et al.]. -- 32 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(5), n. 169 (Sept.-Oct. 2015), p. 281-312 1. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 2. Hipertensión. 3. Hipertensión arterial/tratamiento. 4. Prevención de enfermedades. 5. Enfermedades cardiovasculares / prevención & control. I. Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte. II. Título

86 PREVALÊNCIA de fatores de risco coronariano em praticantes de futebol recreacional = Prevalencia de factores de riesgo coronario en jugadores recreacionales de fútbol / P.H.G. Gomides...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 80-84 1. Deporte y salud. 2. Enfermedad cardiovascular. 3. Riesgo cardiovascular. 4. Factores de riesgo. 5. Futbolistas. I. Título

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87 RABDOMIÓLISIS tras la práctica de spinning : una asociación peculiar / J.M. Torres-León...[et al.]. -- 4 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Caso clínico. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 91-94 1. Deporte y salud. 2. Músculo esquelético. 3. Necrosis. 4. Rabdomiólisis. 5. Orina-Análisis. 6. Células musculares. 7. Daño muscular. I. Título


Aportaciones sobre la eficacia del método Pilates en la fuerza, el equilibrio y el riesgo de caídas de personas mayores / D. Reche-Orenes, M. Carrasco. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 85-90 1. Envejecimiento. 2. Caidas. 3. Ancianos-Ejercicio físico. 4. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 5. Método Pilates. 6. Fuerza funcional. 7. Equilibrio postural (Anatomía) I. Título

89 RECOMENDACIONES para la actividad deportiva en atletas con cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto / Aridane Cárdenes León...[et al.]. -- 10 p. ; 28 cm. Revisión. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 127-136 1. Cardiopatías-Deportistas. 2. Cardiopatías congénitas/diagnóstico. 3. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 4. Actividad física adaptada. 5. Actividad física y salud. I. Título

90 RECOMENDACIONES para un deporte recreacional saludable : Guía para práctica deportiva recreacional de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte (SEMED-FEMEDE) / Pedro Manonelles Marqueta...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(5), n. 169 (Sept.-Oct. 2015), p. 275-280

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1. Actividades deportivas-organización y recreación. 2. Actividades recreativas. 3. Deporte y salud. 4. Entrenamiento deportivo. 5. Lesiones deportivas-Prevención. I. Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte. II. Título

91 RELACIÓN de la postura del pie con las lesiones más frecuentes en atletas : Un estudio piloto / Javier Pérez Muñoz...[et al.]. -- 6 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 76-81 1. Pies-Enfermedades. 2. Trastornos posturales. 3. Atletas-Heridas y lesiones. 4. Carreras (Atletismo) 5. Lesiones deportivas. 6. Podología. I. Título


Relación entre actividad física, procesos cognitivos y rendimiento académico de escolares: revisión de la literatura actual / S. Reloba, L.J. Chirosa, R.E. Reigal. -- 7 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Revisión. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 166-172 1. Actividad física y deporte. 2. Niños y adolescentes-Deporte. 3. Desarrollo cognitivo. 4. Escolares-Rendimiento. 5. Rendimiento académico. I. Título

93 RESPUESTA del balance simpático-parasimpático de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca durante una semana de entrenamiento aeróbico en ciclistas de ruta / G. Rosales-Soto...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 143-147 1. Rítmo cardíaco. 2. Entrenamiento deportivo. 3. Ciclistas. I. Título

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94 RESPUESTA endocrina a la aplicación de vibraciones de cuerpo completo en humanos / S. Benítez, M. Carillo de Albornoz, J.C. García Romero. -- 6 p. : Tablas ; 28 cm. Revisión. La realización de ejercicio físico provoca un rompimiento de la homeostasis corporal, induciendo cambios metabólicos, neuronales y humorales en el organismo de los seres humanos. Las hormonas cumplen múltiples tareas en el adecuado funcionamiento interno. Las vibraciones de cuerpo completo (VCC) se han sugerido en los últimos años como un medio alternativo para la realización de ejercicio físico. Según la bibliografía consultada a través de las VCC se encuentran modificaciones hormonales dependientes de las características intrínsecas de cada protocolo de intervención. El objetivo de esta revisión es recopilar la literatura científica más destacada sobre los efectos que se producen en el sistema endocrino (SE) de humanos a través del uso de las VCC. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 3 (sep. 2015), p. 109-114 1. Plataformas vibratorias. 2. Vibraciones-Efectos fisiológicos. 3. Gimnasia médica. 4. Terapia de ejercicio. 5. Hormonas. 6. Sistema endocrino. I. Título

95 REVISTA Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte: Balance 2015 / J.D. Beas-Jiménez...[et al.]. -- 2 p. : Tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 1-2 1. Publicaciones periódicas-Edición. 2. Medicina deportiva-Investigación. 3. Citas bibliográficas. 4. Indización-Bases de datos. 5. Bases de datos. I. Título

96 ROJAS, Nicolás A.

Análisis de las lesiones en gimnastas de competición en tumbling /Nicolás A. Rojas, Mercedes Vernetta, Jesús López-Bedoya. -- 8 p. : tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 215-222 1. Gimnasia. 2. Saltos de trampolín. 3. Lesiones deportivas. 4. Entrenamiento deportivo. 5. Competiciones deportivas. 6. Deporte-Competición. 7. Acrobacia. I. Título

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97 ROTURA distal del tendón de la porción larga del bíceps braquial. ¿Por qué está aumentado su incidencia? ¿Cuándo se debe reparar? / María Llorens Eizaguerri...[et al.]. -- 5 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(2), n. 172 (Mar.-Abr. 2016), p. 103-107 1. Lesiones músculo-tendinosas. 2. Tendinopatía. 3. Músculos. 4. Tendones-Heridas y lesiones. 5. Aparato locomotor. I. Título


Realización de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo : Beneficios y recomendaciones / Carlos Salazar Martínez. -- 16 p. ; 23 cm. Revisión. Bibliografía. Revista española de educación física y deportes.-- Madrid: COLEF, 1949.-- ISSN 1133-6366.--Núm. 414, 3º. trim. 2016, p. 53-68 1. Embarazo. 2. Embarazo y ejercicio. 3. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 4. Feto. 5. Niños recién nacidos. I. Título


Efeito de um programa de treinamento concorrente sobre variáveis de saúde de uma mulher com múltiplas hérnias de disco: caso clínico = Efecto de un programa de entrenamiento concurrente en las variables de salud de una mujer con múltiples hernias discales: caso clínico / O. Sales-Barros, C.J. Borba-Pinheiro, E.H. Martin Dantas. Caso clínico. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 2 (jun. 2016), p. 95-98 1. Actividad física y salud. 2. Lumbalgia. 3. Hernia discal. 4. Dolor de la Región Lumbar. 5. Dolor-tratamiento. I. Título

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Anterior Knee Pain : A Paradigm of Aversion Towards a Pathology = Dolor anterior de rodilla: un ejemplo de aversión hacia una patología /Vicente Sanchis Alfonso. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 231-232 1. Rodilla. 2. Rodillas-Enfermedades. 3. Traumatismos de rodilla. 4. Dolor. I. Título

101 SHORT-TERM adaptations in sedentary individuals during indoor cycling classes = Adaptaciones a corto plazo en individuos sedentarios durante las clases de ciclismo indoor / Ricardo de Melo dos Santos...[et al.]. -- 8 p. : tablas y fig. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(6), n. 170 (Nov.-Dic. 2015), p. 374-381 1. Ciclismo. 2. Ejercicio físico-Efectos fisiológicos. 3. Fisiología del ejercicio. 4. Fatiga. 5. Electromiografía. 6. Rendimiento físico. I. Título


Resúmenes de las comunicaciones científicas presentadas a las Jornadas nacionales de medicina del deporte / SAMEDE XXV Aniversario. Granada, 14 y 15 de noviembre de 2014. -- 10 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 8, n. 4 (dic. 2015), p. 174-183 1. Medicina deportiva-Congresos. 2. Congresos y asambleas. I. Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte. II. Título

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103 STUDENT and parental perception about physical activity in children and adolescents = Percepción de estudiantes y de los padres acerca de la actividad física habitual en niños y adolescentes /J.P.A. Greca...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 12-16 1. Adolescentes-Ejercicio físico. 2. Actividad física y salud. 3. Estilo de vida. 4. Sedentarismo. I. Título

104 TÉCNICAS avanzadas de diseño web / [Equipo Vértice]. -- Málaga : Vértice, D.L. 2010 -- 188 p. : il. ; 24 cm. -- (Tecnología) D.L. MA. 1326-2010. -- ISBN 978-84-9931-124-1 1. Páginas Web. 2. Páginas Web-Diseño. 3. Informática. I. Título

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105 TERESA GALVÁN, Carlos de

¿Qué prescribir y para qué? / Carlos de Teresa Galván. -- 2 p. ; 28 cm. Editorial. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32, n. 166 (Mar.-Abr. 2015), p. 67-68 1. Ejercicio físico-Prescripción. 2. Medicina deportiva. 3. Diagnóstico médico. 4. Longevidad. 5. Enfermedades-Prevención. I. Título

106 ¿TIENEN las bebidas energéticas efectos ergogénicos en el ejercicio físico? / Juscélia Cristina Pereira...[et al.]. -- 8 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 231-238 1. Suplementos nutricionales. 2. Deportistas-Alimentación. 3. Rendimiento deportivo. 4. Rendimiento físico. 5. Ayudas ergogénicas. 6. Cafeína. I. Título

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107 ¿TIENEN los niños futbolistas más varo de rodillas? / Angélica Ibáñez León...[et al.]. -- 4 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 223-226 1. Ortopedia-Niños. 2. Esqueleto Humano-Abnormalidades. 3. Futbolistas. 4. Piernas-Anomalías y malformaciones. 5. Rodilla-Anomalías y malformaciones. I. Título


Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico / Í. Úbeda Pérez de Heredia, G.Á. Sobrá Hidalgo. -- 4 p. : fot. ; 28 cm. Caso clínico. La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 4 (dic. 2016), p. 180-183 1. Extremidad superior. 2. Trombosis. 3. Clavícula. 4. Fracturas óseas. I. Título

109 UTILIDAD de la ultrasonografía en el diagnóstico de dolor de codo secundario a plica sinovial / Ana B. Puentes-Gutiérrez...[et al.]. -- 4 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 227-230 1. Extremidades superiores. 2. Articulaciones-Enfermedades. 3. Codo-Ecografía. 4. Dolor. 5. Ecografía. I. Título

110 VALIM-ROGATTO, Priscila Carneiro

Stretching exercises accompanied or not with music, reduce the stress level of pre-college student = Los ejercicios de estiramiento, acompañado o no con la música, reduce el nivel de estrés de los estudiantes pre-universitarios / Priscila Carneiro

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Valim-Rogatto, Gustavo Puggina Rogatto, Eric Francelino Andrade. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(3), n. 173 (May.-Jun. 2016), p. 163-167 1. Ejercicios de estiramiento. 2. Estrés (Psicología) 3. Música y jóvenes. 4. Estudiantes. I. Título

111 VALORACIÓN de la masa grasa en futbolistas jóvenes de alto rendimiento: comparación de métodos antropométricos con absorciometría dual de rayos X (DEXA) / Nicolás García...[et al.]. -- 7 p. : tablas y gráf. ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 32(4), n. 168 (Jul.-Ago. 2015), p. 208-214 1. Deportistas-Antropometría. 2. Composición corporal. 3. Futbolistas. 4. Tejido adiposo. I. Título


Análisis de las lesiones deportivas en jóvenes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica de competición en categoría infantil / M. Vernetta, I. Montosa, J. López-Bedoya. -- 5 p. : Tablas ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 3 (sept. 2016), p. 105-109 1. Gimnasia rítmica. 2. Lesiones deportivas. 3. Niños-Deportes. 4. Competición deportiva. 5. Lesiones deportivas-Prevención. I. Título

113 VIDARTE CLAROS, José Armando

El nivel de sedentarismo en nueve ciudades colombianas: análisis de clúster / José A. Vidarte Claros, Consuelo Vélez Álvarez, José H. Parra Sánchez. -- 5 p. : il. y tablas ; 28 cm. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.--ISSN: 0212-8799.-- Vol. 33(4), n. 174 (Jul.-Ago. 2016), p. 253-257 1. Sedentarismo-Colombia. 2. Índice de masa corporal. 3. Estilo de vida. I. Título

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114 WORKLOAD and cortisol levels in helicopter combat pilots during simulated flights = Carga mental y niveles de cortisol en pilotos de helicóptero de combate en vuelos simulados / A. García-Mas...[et al.]. -- 5 p. ; 28 cm. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.-- ISSN. 1888-7546.-- Vol. 9, n. 1 (mar. 2016), p. 7-11 1. Capacidad de carga (Deporte) 2. Ansiedad. 3. Hidrocortisona. 4. Vuelo-Simulación. 5. Helicópteros militares. I. Título

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ACUTE effects of two different stretching techniques on isokinetic strength and power = Efecto agudo de 2 técnicas de estiramiento diferentes sobre la fuerza y potencia isocinética / : 1ACUTE glycemic outcomes along the aerobic training in deep water in patients with type 2 diabetes = Respuestas de la glucemia aguda a lo largo del entrenamiento aeróbico en aguas profundas en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 / : 1AEROBIC fitness in adolescents in southern Brazil: Association with sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle and nutritional status = La condición física aeróbica en adolescentes del sur de Brasil: asociación con aspectos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida y el estado nutricional / : 1ALTERAÇÃO da velocidade em jovens futebolistas brasileiros no período competitivo e sua relação com o conteúdo de treinamento = Alteraciones de la velocidad en jóvenes futbolistas brasileños en el periodo competitivo y su relación con el contenido del entrenamiento / : 2ÁLVAREZ MEDINA, Javier : 2AMBROA DE FRUTOS, Gonzalo : 2ANÁLISIS comparativo de las demandas físicas de dos tareas de juego reducido en fútbol profesional / : 3ANÁLISIS de los goles conseguidos en 13 temporadas (2000/01-2012/13) correspondientes a la Primera División de la Liga Española de Fútbol Profesional / : 3ANÁLISIS semilongitudinal de la condición física en adolescentes madrileños / : 3ARAMENDI, José F. : 3ARRATIBEL, Iñaki : 4ARRIAZA, Rafael : 4ASADI, Abbas : 5BENEFICIOS de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas y materiales reciclados sobre la composición corporal y la condición física en tercera edad / : 5BOTE SERRANO, María Elena : 5CALDERÓN MONTERO, Francisco Javier : 6CARACTERÍSTICAS antropométricas em atletas de elite das seleções brasileiras juvenil e adulta de voleibol = Las características antropométricas de los deportistas de élite de los equipos brasileños juvenil y adulto de voleibol / : 6CARDONA ARIAS, Jaiberth : 6CHIACCHIO SIEIRA, Miguel : 7CHRONIC effect of aerobic exercise on anthropometric, biochemical and hemodynamic variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review = Efecto crónico de ejercicio aeróbico en variables antropométricas, bioquímicas y hemodinámicas en individuos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2: una revisión sistemática / : 7CLEMENTE SUÁREZ, Vicente : 8COGNITIVE profile associated with functional and anthropometric aspects in elderly = Perfil cognitivo asociado a aspectos funcionales y antropométricos en

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personas mayores / : 8COMPARATIVE effect of order based resistance exercises on number of repetitions, rating of perceived exertion and muscle damage biomarkers in men = Efecto comparativo de la secuencia de ejecución de ejercicios de fuerza en el número de repeticiones, el grado de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo y biomarcadores de daño muscular en hombres / : 8CONDE GONZÁLEZ, Miguel A. : 9CONFIABILIDADE do teste de corrida/caminhada de 9 minutos em crianças e adolescentes de 7-12 anos de idade = La fiabilidad del test de correr-caminar de 9 minutos en niños y adolescentes de 7-12 años de edad / : 9CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN PÁDEL ( : 9CONSENSO sobre utilización de las infiltraciones en el deporte. Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte / : 9CONSUMO, características y perfil del consumidor de suplementos nutricionales en gimnasios de Santiago de Chile / : 10CORE stability : 10COSWIG, Victor Silveira : 10CRUZ TORRES, Blanca de la : 11DELEVATTI, Rodrigo Sudatti : 11DESPLAZAMIENTO del centro de presiones en personas con síndrome de Down en bipedestación / : 11DIFERENCIAS en las fuerzas de reacción del suelo entre zapatillas de carrera con dos tipos de drop / : 12DIMENSIONAMENTO de amostras e o mito dos números mágicos: ponto de vista = Tamaño muestral y el mito de los númerso mágicos: punto de vista / : 12DOMINGUEZ HERRERA, Raúl : 12EFECTO de 8 semanas de corriente TENS modificada y la corriente rusa, sobre la fuerza muscular y la composición corporal / : 13EFECTO de un método de entrenamiento contrarresistencia en la capacidad funcional y calidad de vida de sujetos con Parkinson idiopático / : 13EFECTOS del ejercicio físico y pautas básicas para su prescripción en la enfermedad de Alzheimer / : 13EFECTOS inmediatos sobre la potenciación post-activación utilizando oclusión parcial superimpuesta / : 14EFEITO do destreinamento na composição corporal e nas capacidades de salto vertical e velocidade de jovens jogadores da elite do futebol brasileiro = Efecto del desentrenamiento sobre la composición corporal, la capacidad de salto vertical y la velocidad de jóvenes futbolistas de élite / : 14EFEITOS do Programa Escola de Postura e Reeducação Postural Global sobre a amplitude de movimento e níveis de dor em pacientes com lombalgia crônica = Efectos de un Programa de Escuela de Postura y Reeducación Postural Global sobre rango de movimiento y niveles de dolor en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico / : 14

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EFFECT of strength training on body composition, strength and aerobic capacity of Brazilians adolescents’ handball players related with peak growth rate = Efecto del entrenamiento de la fuerza sobre la composición corporal, fuerza y capacidad aeróbica de los jugadores adolescentes de balonmano brasileños relacionados con el pico de crecimiento / : 15EFFECTS of six weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic physical training on metabolic and body parameters of Wistar rats: a pilot study = Efectos de seis semanas de ejercicio físico aeróbico de intensidad moderada sobre parámetros metabólicos y corporales de ratas Wistar: un estudio piloto / : 15EJERCICIO físico y salud: pautas de actuación : 15EJERCICIOS resistidos, parámetros hematológicos, virológicos y perfil antropométrico en personas que viven con VIH/SIDA / : 16EL Triatlón y el control de la carga mediante la percepción del esfuerzo / : 16ESTEBAN CORNEJO, Irene : 16ESTUDIO comparativo entre deportes simétricos y asimétricos mediante análisis estructural estático en deportistas adolescentes / : 17EXERCISE and depression in overweight and obese pregnant women: a randomised controlled trial = Ejercicio y depresión en mujeres embarazadas con sobrepeso y obesidad: ensayo clínico aleatorio / : 17FÁBRICA BARRIOS, Carlos Gabriel : 17FACTORES relacionados con las lumbalgias de los instructores de paracaidismo en el túnel de viento / : 18FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, Pedro : 18FERREIRA JUNIOR, Adalberto : 18FETAL and maternal heart rate responses to exercise in pregnant women. A randomized Controlled Trial = Respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y materna al ejercicio en gestantes. Ensayo clínico aleatorio / : 19FÚTBOL femenino categorías inferiores : 19GÁMEZ DE LA HOZ, Joaquín J. : 19GARAULET AZA, Marta : 19GARCÍA MORENO, Antonio : 20GARCÍA SALVADOR, José Juan : 20GÓMEZ DÍAZ, Juan José : 21HAAS, Aline N. : 21HYDRATION practices of runners during training vs competition = Prácticas de hidratación en corredores durante el entrenamiento vs la competición / : 21INFLUENCE of ladder climbing exercise on bone of rats induced to osteoporosis and immobilization = Influencia del ejercicio en escalera sobre el hueso de ratas inducidas a la osteoporosis e inmovilización / : 21INICIACIÓN al entrenamiento de fuerza en edades tempranas: revisión / : 22JIMÉNEZ BORRERO, Fabio : 22JORNADAS NACIONALES DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE ( : 23

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LA fatiga muscular en los deportistas : 23LA vibración como terapia preventiva y tratamiento del dolor muscular tardío. Una revisión sistemática / : 23LAZZOLI, Jose Kawazoe : 24LUENGO FERNÁNDEZ, Emilio : 24MANONELLES MARQUETA, Pedro : 24MARTÍN GARCÍA, Christian : 25MARTÍN MARTÍNEZ, Juan Pedro : 25MÉTODOS de evaluación de la composición corporal : 25MINATTO, Giseli : 25MORFOLOGÍA de las curvaturas torácica y lumbar en bipedestación, sedentación y máxima flexión del tronco con rodillas extendidas en bailarinas / : 26MOTOR and morphological profile of tennis players from 11 to 15 years old = Perfil motor y morfológico de jugadores de tenis de 11 a 15 años de edad / : 26MUTACIÓN en el gen KCNH2 y el síndrome de QT largo: a propósito de un caso / : 26OLIVEIRA, Mario Cesar : 27PARÍS GARCÍA, Federico : 27PESERICO, Cecília Segabinazi : 27POSICIONAMIENTO de la National Strength and Conditioning Association-Spain : 28PRESCRIPCIÓN de ejercicio físico en la prevención y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial : 28PREVALÊNCIA de fatores de risco coronariano em praticantes de futebol recreacional = Prevalencia de factores de riesgo coronario en jugadores recreacionales de fútbol / : 28RABDOMIÓLISIS tras la práctica de spinning : 29RECHE ORENES, Delia : 29RECOMENDACIONES para la actividad deportiva en atletas con cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto / : 29RECOMENDACIONES para un deporte recreacional saludable : 29RELACIÓN de la postura del pie con las lesiones más frecuentes en atletas : 30RELOBA MARTÍNEZ, Sergio : 30RESPUESTA del balance simpático-parasimpático de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca durante una semana de entrenamiento aeróbico en ciclistas de ruta / : 30RESPUESTA endocrina a la aplicación de vibraciones de cuerpo completo en humanos / : 31REVISTA Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte: Balance 2015 / : 31ROJAS, Nicolás A. : 31ROTURA distal del tendón de la porción larga del bíceps braquial. ¿Por qué está aumentado su incidencia? ¿Cuándo se debe reparar? / : 32SALAZAR MARTÍNEZ, Carlos : 32SALES-BARROS, Olivia : 32SANCHIS ALFONSO, Vicente : 33SHORT-TERM adaptations in sedentary individuals during indoor cycling classes = Adaptaciones a corto plazo en individuos sedentarios durante las clases de ciclismo indoor / : 33SOCIEDAD ANDALUZA DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE. XXV ANIVERSARIO ( : 33STUDENT and parental perception about physical activity in

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children and adolescents = Percepción de estudiantes y de los padres acerca de la actividad física habitual en niños y adolescentes / : 34TÉCNICAS avanzadas de diseño web / : 34TERESA GALVÁN, Carlos de : 34¿TIENEN las bebidas energéticas efectos ergogénicos en el ejercicio físico? / : 34¿TIENEN los niños futbolistas más varo de rodillas? / : 35ÚBEDA PÉREZ DE HEREDIA, Íñigo : 35UTILIDAD de la ultrasonografía en el diagnóstico de dolor de codo secundario a plica sinovial / : 35VALIM-ROGATTO, Priscila Carneiro : 35VALORACIÓN de la masa grasa en futbolistas jóvenes de alto rendimiento: comparación de métodos antropométricos con absorciometría dual de rayos X (DEXA) / : 36VERNETTA SANTANA, Mercedes : 36VIDARTE CLAROS, José Armando : 36WORKLOAD and cortisol levels in helicopter combat pilots during simulated flights = Carga mental y niveles de cortisol en pilotos de helicóptero de combate en vuelos simulados / : 37

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Álvarez Medina, Javier: 5.Ambroa de Frutos, Gonzalo: 6.Aramendi, José F.: 10.Arratibel, Iñaki: 11.Arriaza, Rafael: 12.Asadi, Abbas: 13.Bote Serrano, María Elena: 15.Calderón Montero, Francisco Javier: 16.Cardona Arias, Jaiberth: 18.Chiacchio Sieira, Miguel: 19.Clemente Suárez, Vicente: 21.Conde González, Miguel A.: 24.Coswig, Victor Silveira: 30.Cruz Torres, Blanca de la: 31.Delevatti, Rodrigo Sudatti: 32.Dominguez Herrera, Raúl: 36.Esteban Cornejo, Irene: 48.Fábrica Barrios, Carlos Gabriel: 51.Fernández Díaz, Pedro: 53.Ferreira Junior, Adalberto: 54.Gámez de la Hoz, Joaquín J.: 57.Garaulet Aza, Marta: 58.García Moreno, Antonio: 59, 60.García Salvador, José Juan: 61.Gómez Díaz, Juan José: 62.Haas, Aline N.: 63.Jiménez Borrero, Fabio: 67.Lazzoli, Jose Kawazoe: 71.Luengo Fernández, Emilio: 72.Manonelles Marqueta, Pedro: 73.Martín García, Christian: 74.Martín Martínez, Juan Pedro: 75.Minatto, Giseli: 77.Oliveira, Mario Cesar: 81.París García, Federico: 82.Peserico, Cecília Segabinazi: 83.Reche Orenes, Delia: 88.Reloba Martínez, Sergio: 92.Rojas, Nicolás A.: 96.Salazar Martínez, Carlos: 98.Sales-Barros, Olivia: 99.Sanchis Alfonso, Vicente: 100.Teresa Galván, Carlos de: 105.Úbeda Pérez de Heredia, Íñigo: 108.Valim-Rogatto, Priscila Carneiro: 110.Vernetta Santana, Mercedes: 112.Vidarte Claros, José Armando: 113.

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ACTIVIDAD física en pacientes portadores de desfibrilador automático implantable : Más allá de las recomendaciones / : 61.ACUTE effects of two different stretching techniques on isokinetic strength and power = Efecto agudo de 2 técnicas de estiramiento diferentes sobre la fuerza y potencia isocinética / : 1.ACUTE glycemic outcomes along the aerobic training in deep water in patients with type 2 diabetes = Respuestas de la glucemia aguda a lo largo del entrenamiento aeróbico en aguas profundas en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 / : 2.AEROBIC fitness in adolescents in southern Brazil: Association with sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle and nutritional status = La condición física aeróbica en adolescentes del sur de Brasil: asociación con aspectos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida y el estado nutricional / : 3.ALTERAÇÃO da velocidade em jovens futebolistas brasileiros no período competitivo e sua relação com o conteúdo de treinamento = Alteraciones de la velocidad en jóvenes futbolistas brasileños en el periodo competitivo y su relación con el contenido del entrenamiento /: 4.ANÁLISIS comparativo de las demandas físicas de dos tareas de juego reducido en fútbol profesional / : 7.ANÁLISIS de las lesiones deportivas en jóvenes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica de competición en categoría infantil / : 112.ANÁLISIS de las lesiones en gimnastas de competición en tumbling /: 96.ANÁLISIS de los goles conseguidos en 13 temporadas (2000/01-2012/13) correspondientes a la Primera División de la Liga Española de Fútbol Profesional / : 8.ANÁLISIS semilongitudinal de la condición física en adolescentes madrileños / : 9.ANTERIOR Knee Pain : A Paradigm of Aversion Towards a Pathology = Dolor anterior de rodilla: un ejemplo de aversión hacia una patología /: 100.ANTHROPOMETRIC measurements usage to control the exercise intensity during the performance of suspension rowing and back squats = Uso de parámetros antropométricos para controlar la intensidad del ejercicio en el remo en suspensión y sentadillas / : 30.APORTACIONES sobre la eficacia del método Pilates en la fuerza, el equilibrio y el riesgo de caídas de personas mayores / : 88.BENEFICIOS de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas y materiales reciclados sobre la composición corporal y la condición física en tercera edad / : 14.CARACTERÍSTICAS antropométricas em atletas de elite das seleções brasileiras juvenil e adulta de voleibol = Las características antropométricas de los deportistas de élite de los equipos brasileños juvenil y adulto de voleibol / : 17.CHRONIC effect of aerobic exercise on anthropometric, biochemical and hemodynamic variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review = Efecto crónico de ejercicio aeróbico en variables antropométricas, bioquímicas y hemodinámicas en individuos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2: una revisión sistemática / : 20.COGNITIVE profile associated with functional and anthropometric

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aspects in elderly = Perfil cognitivo asociado a aspectos funcionales y antropométricos en personas mayores / : 22.[COMINICACIONES orales] / : 68.COMPARATIVE effect of order based resistance exercises on number of repetitions, rating of perceived exertion and muscle damage biomarkers in men = Efecto comparativo de la secuencia de ejecución de ejercicios de fuerza en el número de repeticiones, el grado de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo y biomarcadores de daño muscular en hombres / : 23.COMPARISON between non-exhaustive critical velocity estimated by heart rate with exhaustive critical velocity and heart rate variability threshold = Comparación entre velocidad crítica no exhaustiva estimada por la frecuencia cardíaca con velocidad crítica exhaustiva y el umbral de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca / : 54.COMUNICACIONES orales presentadas en el I Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Pádel (CIP 2015) 5 y 6 de Marzo 2015. Granada.: 26.CONFIABILIDADE do teste de corrida/caminhada de 9 minutos em crianças e adolescentes de 7-12 anos de idade = La fiabilidad del test de correr-caminar de 9 minutos en niños y adolescentes de 7-12 años de edad /: 25.CONSENSO sobre utilización de las infiltraciones en el deporte. Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte /: 27.CONSUMO, características y perfil del consumidor de suplementos nutricionales en gimnasios de Santiago de Chile / : 28.CONTROL del entrenamiento y fisiología del ejercicio : La controversia del umbral anaeróbico / : 11.CORE stability : evaluación y criterios para su entrenamiento /: 29.DESPLAZAMIENTO del centro de presiones en personas con síndrome de Down en bipedestación / : 33.DIFERENCIAS en las fuerzas de reacción del suelo entre zapatillas de carrera con dos tipos de drop / : 34.DIMENSIONAMENTO de amostras e o mito dos números mágicos: ponto de vista = Tamaño muestral y el mito de los númerso mágicos: punto de vista /: 35.EFECTIVIDAD del entrenamiento de fuerza en niños y adolescentes: Un meta-análisis / : 74.EFECTO de 8 semanas de corriente TENS modificada y la corriente rusa, sobre la fuerza muscular y la composición corporal / : 37.EFECTO de la fatiga en el ratio isquiotibiales:cuádriceps. Revisión sistemática / : 75.EFECTO de un método de entrenamiento contrarresistencia en la capacidad funcional y calidad de vida de sujetos con Parkinson idiopático / : 38.EFECTO inmediato del vendaje Dynamic Tape® sobre la torsión tibial externa con dolor en un futbolista / : 31.EFECTOS de la suplementación con testosterona sobre el rendimiento en resistencia / : 53.EFECTOS del ejercicio físico y pautas básicas para su prescripción en la enfermedad de Alzheimer / : 39.EFECTOS inmediatos sobre la potenciación post-activación

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utilizando oclusión parcial superimpuesta / : 40.EFEITO de um programa de treinamento concorrente sobre variáveis de saúde de uma mulher com múltiplas hérnias de disco: caso clínico = Efecto de un programa de entrenamiento concurrente en las variables de salud de una mujer con múltiples hernias discales: caso clínico / : 99.EFEITO do destreinamento na composição corporal e nas capacidades de salto vertical e velocidade de jovens jogadores da elite do futebol brasileiro = Efecto del desentrenamiento sobre la composición corporal, la capacidad de salto vertical y la velocidad de jóvenes futbolistas de élite / : 41.EFEITOS do Programa Escola de Postura e Reeducação Postural Global sobre a amplitude de movimento e níveis de dor em pacientes com lombalgia crônica = Efectos de un Programa de Escuela de Postura y Reeducación Postural Global sobre rango de movimiento y niveles de dolor en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico / : 42.EFFECT of aquatic exercise training on lipids profile and glycaemia : A systematic review = Efecto del entrenamiento acuático en el perfil lipídico y la glucemia : una revisión sistemática / : 32.EFFECT of strength training on body composition, strength and aerobic capacity of Brazilians adolescents’ handball players related with peak growth rate = Efecto del entrenamiento de la fuerza sobre la composición corporal, fuerza y capacidad aeróbica de los jugadores adolescentes de balonmano brasileños relacionados con el pico de crecimiento / : 43.EFFECTS of power training in mechanical stiffness of the lower limbs in soccer players = Efectos del entrenamiento de potencia sobre la rigidez mecánica de miembros inferiores en jugadores de fútbol / : 51.EFFECTS of six weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic physical training on metabolic and body parameters of Wistar rats: a pilot study = Efectos de seis semanas de ejercicio físico aeróbico de intensidad moderada sobre parámetros metabólicos y corporales de ratas Wistar: un estudio piloto / : 44.EFICACIA de los ejercicios excéntricos en tendinopatías rotulianas: Revisión bibliográfica / : 62.EFICACIA del ejercicio físico sobre la calidad de vida en fibromialgia: meta-análisis de ensayos clínicos / : 18.EJERCICIO físico y salud: pautas de actuación : Actividad física en Atención Primaria / : 45.EJERCICIOS resistidos, parámetros hematológicos, virológicos y perfil antropométrico en personas que viven con VIH/SIDA / : 46.EL fundamento de la fisiología del ejercicio / : 16.EL nivel de sedentarismo en nueve ciudades colombianas: análisis de clúster / : 113.EL Triatlón y el control de la carga mediante la percepción del esfuerzo / : 47.ENTRENANDO músculos y cerebros : ser físicamente activo para ser cognitivamente activo a edades tempranas / : 48.ESTUDIO comparativo del somatotipo de niñas-bailarinas cordobesas y porto-alegregrenses / : 63.ESTUDIO comparativo entre deportes simétricos y asimétricos mediante análisis estructural estático en deportistas adolescentes

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/: 49.EVOLUCIÓN de la prevención de lesiones en el control del entrenamiento / : 5.EXAMEN de requisitos de seguridad de piscinas asociados con accidentes a través de la jurisprudencia / : 57.EXERCISE and depression in overweight and obese pregnant women: a randomised controlled trial = Ejercicio y depresión en mujeres embarazadas con sobrepeso y obesidad: ensayo clínico aleatorio /: 50.FACTORES relacionados con las lumbalgias de los instructores de paracaidismo en el túnel de viento / : 52.FETAL and maternal heart rate responses to exercise in pregnant women. A randomized Controlled Trial = Respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y materna al ejercicio en gestantes. Ensayo clínico aleatorio / : 55.FÚTBOL femenino categorías inferiores : Características antropométricas y fisiológicas. Evolución a lo largo de una temporada /: 56.HEALTH-RELATED physical fitness in Brazilian adolescents from a small town of German colonization = Aptitud física relacionada con la salud en adolescentes brasileños de una pequeña ciudad de colonización germánica / : 77.HEART rate deflection point determined by Dmax method is reliable in recreationally-trained runners = Punto de deflexión de la frecuencia cardíaca determinado por el método Dmax es reproducible en corredores de nivel recreacional / : 83.HYDRATION practices of runners during training vs competition = Prácticas de hidratación en corredores durante el entrenamiento vs la competición / : 64.IMPACTO del sedentarismo sobre la práctica de actividad física y la salud : Análisis de la situación en España / : 6.INFLUENCE of ladder climbing exercise on bone of rats induced to osteoporosis and immobilization = Influencia del ejercicio en escalera sobre el hueso de ratas inducidas a la osteoporosis e inmovilización /: 65.INICIACIÓN al entrenamiento de fuerza en edades tempranas: revisión / : 66.INJURY incidence in Brazilian football referees = Incidencia lesional en árbitro de fútbol en Brasil / : 81.LA actividad física, la educación física y la condición física pueden estar relacionadas con el rendimiento académico y cognitivo en jóvenes : Revisión sistemática / : 24.LA cafeína y su efecto ergogénico en el deporte (primera parte) /: 59.LA cafeína y su efecto ergogénico en el deporte (segunda parte) /: 60.LA efectividad de los materiales de amortiguación usados en las ortesis plantares para el tratamiento de las sobrecargas metatarsales /: 82.LA fatiga muscular en los deportistas : métodos físicos, nutricionales y farmacológicos para combatirla / : 69.LA hora del ejercicio en la cronodisrupción, la salud y la enfermedad / : 58.LA Quebrantahuesos y los reconocimientos médico-deportivos /: 73.

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LA vibración como terapia preventiva y tratamiento del dolor muscular tardío. Una revisión sistemática / : 70.LESIONES de estrés de la línea fisaria en jóvenes deportistas /: 12.METODOLOGÍA de determinación de la transición aeróbica-anaeróbica en la evaluación funcional / : 36.MÉTODOS de evaluación de la composición corporal : una revisión actualizada de descripción, aplicación, ventajas y desventajas /: 76.MORFOLOGÍA de las curvaturas torácica y lumbar en bipedestación, sedentación y máxima flexión del tronco con rodillas extendidas en bailarinas / : 78.MOTOR and morphological profile of tennis players from 11 to 15 years old = Perfil motor y morfológico de jugadores de tenis de 11 a 15 años de edad / : 79.MUTACIÓN en el gen KCNH2 y el síndrome de QT largo: a propósito de un caso / : 80.PHYSICAL activity in the reduction of cardiovascular risk - too good to be prescribed? = Actividad física en la reducción del riesgo cardiovascular. ¿Demasiado bueno para ser prescrito? / : 71.PLYOMETRIC type neuromuscular exercise is a treatment to postural control deficits of volleyball players: A case study = Ejercicios neuromusculares de tipo pliométrico como tratamiento de déficits de control postural de jugadores de voleibol: a propósito de un caso / : 13.POSICIONAMIENTO de la National Strength and Conditioning Association-Spain : Entrenamiento con electroestimulación de cuerpo completo / : 84.PRESCRIPCIÓN de ejercicio físico en la prevención y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial : Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte (SEMED-FEMEDE) / : 85.PREVALÊNCIA de fatores de risco coronariano em praticantes de futebol recreacional = Prevalencia de factores de riesgo coronario en jugadores recreacionales de fútbol / : 86.¿QUÉ pasa con el deportista no de élite?, ¿y con su reconocimiento? / : 72.¿QUÉ prescribir y para qué? / : 105.RABDOMIÓLISIS tras la práctica de spinning : una asociación peculiar / : 87.REALIZACIÓN de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo : Beneficios y recomendaciones / : 98.RECOMENDACIONES para la actividad deportiva en atletas con cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto / : 89.RECOMENDACIONES para un deporte recreacional saludable : Guía para práctica deportiva recreacional de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte (SEMED-FEMEDE) / : 90.REGULACIÓN por el ejercicio físico del estado inflamatorio alterado: respuesta en pacientes con fibromialgia / : 15.RELACIÓN de la postura del pie con las lesiones más frecuentes en atletas : Un estudio piloto / : 91.RELACIÓN entre actividad física, procesos cognitivos y rendimiento académico de escolares: revisión de la literatura actual / : 92.RELEVANCIA actual de la capacidad aeróbica máxima en la práctica

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clínica / : 19.RESPUESTA del balance simpático-parasimpático de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca durante una semana de entrenamiento aeróbico en ciclistas de ruta / : 93.RESPUESTA endocrina a la aplicación de vibraciones de cuerpo completo en humanos / : 94.RESPUESTA psicofisiológica en un salto táctico paracaidista a gran altitud. A propósito de un caso / : 21.RESUMEN de las evidencias científicas de la eficacia del ejercicio físico en las enfermedades cardiovasculares / : 10.RESÚMENES de las comunicaciones científicas presentadas a las Jornadas nacionales de medicina del deporte / : 102.REVISTA Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte: Balance 2015 / : 95.ROTURA distal del tendón de la porción larga del bíceps braquial. ¿Por qué está aumentado su incidencia? ¿Cuándo se debe reparar? / : 97.SHORT-TERM adaptations in sedentary individuals during indoor cycling classes = Adaptaciones a corto plazo en individuos sedentarios durante las clases de ciclismo indoor / : 101.SÍNDROME de pinzamiento femoroacetabular en deportista veterano /: 67.STRETCHING exercises accompanied or not with music, reduce the stress level of pre-college student = Los ejercicios de estiramiento, acompañado o no con la música, reduce el nivel de estrés de los estudiantes pre-universitarios / : 110.STUDENT and parental perception about physical activity in children and adolescents = Percepción de estudiantes y de los padres acerca de la actividad física habitual en niños y adolescentes /: 103.TÉCNICAS avanzadas de diseño web / : 104.¿TIENEN las bebidas energéticas efectos ergogénicos en el ejercicio físico? / : 106.¿TIENEN los niños futbolistas más varo de rodillas? / : 107.TROMBOSIS venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico / : 108.UTILIDAD de la ultrasonografía en el diagnóstico de dolor de codo secundario a plica sinovial / : 109.VALORACIÓN de la masa grasa en futbolistas jóvenes de alto rendimiento: comparación de métodos antropométricos con absorciometría dual de rayos X (DEXA) / : 111.WORKLOAD and cortisol levels in helicopter combat pilots during simulated flights = Carga mental y niveles de cortisol en pilotos de helicóptero de combate en vuelos simulados / : 114.

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ACCIDENTES-Prevención.: 57.ACROBACIA.: 96.ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA.: 68.ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA ADAPTADA.: 89.ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y DEPORTE.: 92.ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y DEPORTE-Niños.: 48.ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y SALUD.: 6, 14, 15, 18, 20, 24, 35, 38, 45, 50, 58, 61, 72, 89, 99, 103.ACTIVIDADES DEPORTIVAS-organización y recreación.: 90.ACTIVIDADES RECREATIVAS.: 90.ADOLESCENTES.: 25.ADOLESCENTES-Ejercicio físico.: 3, 9, 24, 43, 66, 77, 103.ALZHEIMER, ENFERMEDAD DE.: 39.ANÁLISIS ESTADÍSTICO.: 8.ANCIANOS.: 14, 22.ANCIANOS-Ejercicio físico.: 14, 39, 88.ANIMALES DE LABORATORIO-Entrenamiento-Efectos fisiológicos.: 44.ANOMALÍAS CARDIOVASCULARES.: 19.ANSIEDAD.: 114.ANTROPOMETRÍA.: 3, 20, 22, 37, 46, 56, 76, 79.APARATO CIRCULATORIO-Enfermedades.: 10.APARATO LOCOMOTOR.: 97.APARATO LOCOMOTOR-Anomalías y malformaciones.: 49.APARATO LOCOMOTOR-Enfermedades.: 49.ARBITRAJE DEPORTIVO.: 81.ÁRBITROS.: 81.ARTICULACIONES-Enfermedades.: 109.ARTROSIS.: 67.ATENCIÓN MÉDICA.: 45.ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA.: 45.ATLETAS-Heridas y lesiones.: 91.AYUDAS ERGOGÉNICAS.: 60, 69, 106.AYUDAS ERGOGÉNICAS-Deportistas.: 59.BAILARINAS.: 78.BALLET.: 63.BALONMANO.: 43.BALONVOLEA.: 17.BASES DE DATOS.: 95.BIOMECÁNICA.: 34, 51.BIOQUÍMICA DEL EJERCICIO.: 20.BIORRITMOS.: 58.CADERA-Enfermedades.: 67.CADERA-Heridas y lesiones.: 67.CADERA/PATOLOGÍA.: 67.CAFEÍNA.: 106.CAFEÍNA-Efectos fisiológicos.: 59, 60.CAIDAS.: 88.CALIDAD DE VIDA.: 18, 38, 61.CALZADO DEPORTIVO.: 34.CAPACIDAD DE CARGA (DEPORTE): 5, 114.CAPACIDAD FUNCIONAL-Valoración.: 36.CARDIOLOGÍA.: 80.CARDIOPATÍAS CONGÉNITAS/DIAGNÓSTICO.: 72, 89.CARDIOPATÍAS-Deportistas.: 89.

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2015 JCR Science Edition

Vol. 44 No. 10 October 2016

The American Journal of Sports Medicine

The American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM) (ISSN 0363-5465) (J545), published monthly by SAGE Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, is a peer-reviewed journal indexed by Current Contents, Index Medicus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and SPORT Database, SPORT Discus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and Scopus. The full text of this journal is also available through InfoTrac and Ovid. Registered with the Copyright Clearance Center. Periodicals postage paid at Thousand Oaks, California, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The American Journal of Sports Medicine, c/o SAGE Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.

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AJSM Table of Contents

2483 Sports and SuicideBruce Reider, MD


Epidemiology and Injury Prevention

2486 Suicide Mortality Among Retired National Football League Players Who Played 5 or More SeasonsEverett J. Lehman, MS, Misty J. Hein, PhD, and Christine M. Gersic

2492 Are Female Soccer Players at an Increased Risk of Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Compared With Their Athletic Peers?Melissa M. Allen, MD, MSCR, Ayoosh Pareek, BS, Aaron J. Krych, MD, Timothy E. Hewett, PhD, Bruce A. Levy, MD, Michael J. Stuart, MD, and Diane L. Dahm, MD

Hip and Thigh

2499 Revision Hip Arthroscopy: A Matched-Cohort Study Comparing Revision to Primary Arthroscopy PatientsJustin T. Newman, MD, Karen K. Briggs, MPH, Shannen C. McNamara, BS, and Marc J. Philippon, MD

2505 Clinical Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopic Surgery: A Prospective Survival Analysis of Primary and Revision Surgeries in a Large Mixed CohortBenjamin G. Domb, MD, Chengcheng Gui, BSE, Mark R. Hutchinson, MD, Shane J. Nho, MD, Michael A. Terry, MD, and Parth Lodhia, MD

2518 Patient Characteristics and Early Functional Outcomes of Combined Arthroscopic Labral Refixation and Periacetabular Osteotomy for Symptomatic Acetabular DysplasiaBenjamin F. Ricciardi, MD, Stephanie W. Mayer, MD, Kara G. Fields, MS, Catherine Wentzel, BS, Bryan T. Kelly, MD, and Ernest L. Sink, MD

2526 Are Short-term Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy in Patients 55 Years and Older Inferior to Those in Younger Patients? Andrew J. Bryan, MD, Aaron J. Krych, MD, Ayoosh Pareek, BS, Patrick J. Reardon, BS, Rebecca Berardelli, BS, and Bruce A. Levy, MD


2531 Clinical Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy in Radiographically Diagnosed Retroverted AcetabulaDavid E. Hartigan, MD, Itay Perets, MD, John P. Walsh, MA, Mary R. Close, BS, and Benjamin G. Domb, MD


2537 Geometric Risk Factors Associated With Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft RuptureJames G. Levins, MD, Daniel R. Sturnick, MS, Erin C. Argentieri, BS, Mack Gardner-Morse, MS, Pamela M. Vacek, PhD, Michael J. Desarno, MS, Timothy W. Tourville, PhD, ATC, James R. Slauterbeck, MD, and Bruce D. Beynnon, PhD

2546 Anatomic Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction of the Knee Leads to Overconstraint at Any Fixation AngleJason M. Schon, BS, Gilbert Moatshe, MD, Alex W. Brady, MSc, Raphael Serra Cruz, MD, Jorge Chahla, MD, Grant J. Dornan, MSc, Travis Lee Turnbull, PhD, Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, and Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD

2557 In Vivo Length Changes of the Anterolateral Ligament and Related Extra-articular ReconstructionsSamuel K. Van de Velde, MD, MPH, William A. Kernkamp, MD, Ali Hosseini, PhD, Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, Ewoud R. van Arkel, MD, PhD, and Guoan Li, PhD

2563 ACL Fibers Near the Lateral Intercondylar Ridge Are the Most Load Bearing During Stability Examinations and Isometric Through Passive FlexionDanyal H. Nawabi, MD, FRCS, Scott Tucker, MEng, Kevin A. Schafer, BS, Hendrik Aernout Zuiderbaan, MD, PhD, Joseph T. Nguyen, Thomas L. Wickiewicz, MD, Carl W. Imhauser, PhD, and Andrew D. Pearle, MD

2572 Early Viscosupplementation After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled TrialAlessandro Di Martino, MD, Francesco Tentoni, MD, Berardo Di Matteo, MD, Alessia Cavicchioli, MD, Mirco Lo Presti, MD, Giuseppe Filardo, MD, PhD, Stefano Zaffagnini, MD, Prof., Maurilio Marcacci, MD, Prof., and Elizaveta Kon, MD

2579 Irradiated Hamstring Tendon Allograft Versus Autograft for Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Midterm Clinical OutcomesShaoqi Tian, MD, PhD, Bin Wang, MD, Lun Liu, MD, Yuanhe Wang, MD, Chengzhi Ha, MD, PhD, Qicai Li, MD, Xu Yang, MD, PhD, and Kang Sun, MD, PhD

2589 Morphologic Characteristics and Strength of the Hamstring Muscles Remain Altered at 2 Years After Use of a Hamstring Tendon Graft in Anterior Cruciate Ligament ReconstructionJason M. Konrath, BSc, Christopher J. Vertullo, MBBS, FRACS(Orth), Ben A. Kennedy, BASc, Hamish S. Bush, MBBS, Rod S. Barrett, PhD, and David G. Lloyd, PhD

2599 Is There a Difference in Graft Motion for Bone-Tendon-Bone and Hamstring Autograft ACL Reconstruction at 6 Weeks and 1 Year? James N. Irvine, MD, Justin W. Arner, MD, Eric Thorhauer, BS, Ermias S. Abebe, MD, Jennifer D’Auria, MD, Verena M. Schreiber, MD, Christopher D. Harner, MD, and Scott Tashman, PhD

2608 Does Extended Preoperative Rehabilitation Influence Outcomes 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction? A Comparative Effectiveness Study Between the MOON and Delaware-Oslo ACL CohortsMathew J. Failla, PT, MSPT, SCS, David S. Logerstedt, PT, PhD, SCS, Hege Grindem, PT, PhD, Michael J. Axe, MD, May Arna Risberg, PT, PhD, Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, Laura J. Huston, MS, Kurt P. Spindler, MD, and Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, SCS, FAPTA

2615 Treatment of Painful, Irreparable Partial Meniscal Defects With a Polyurethane Scaffold: Midterm Clinical Outcomes and Survival AnalysisAad Dhollander, MD, PT, PhD, Peter Verdonk, MD, PhD, and René Verdonk, MD, PhD

2622 Cortical Button Fixation: A Better Patellar Tendon Repair?Gabriella E. Ode, MD, Dana P. Piasecki, MD, Nahir A. Habet, MS, and Richard D. Peindl, PhD

2629 Treatment of Articular Cartilage Defects With Microfracture and Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis Leads to Extensive Subchondral Bone Cyst Formation in a Sheep ModelAswin Beck, DVM, DACVS-LA, David J. Murphy, BVSc, Dip VCS, MS, MANZCVS, DACVS, Richard Carey-Smith, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth), FRACS(Ortho), FAOrthA, David J. Wood, BSc, MBBS, MS, FRCS, FRACS, FAOrthA, and Ming H. Zheng, MBBS, DM, PhD, FRCP, ARCPA

Foot, Ankle, and Leg

2644 Surgical Treatment of Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome in Pediatric PatientsJennifer J. Beck, MD, Frances A. Tepolt, MD, Patricia E. Miller, MS, Lyle J. Micheli, MD, and Mininder S. Kocher, MD, MPH

2651 Sports Activity After Reconstruction of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus With Autologous Spongiosa Grafts and Autologous Matrix-Induced ChondrogenesisMartin Wiewiorski, MD, Lorenzo Werner, MD, Jochen Paul, MD, Andrew E. Anderson, MD, PhD, Alexej Barg, MD, and Victor Valderrabano, MD, PhD

2659 Accuracy of Palpation-Guided Catheter Placement for Muscle Pressure Measurements in Suspected Deep Posterior Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Lower Leg: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging StudyMichiel B. Winkes, MD, Carroll M. Tseng, MD, Huub L. Pasmans, MD, Marike van der Cruijsen-Raaijmakers, MD, Adwin R. Hoogeveen, MD, PhD, and Marc R. Scheltinga, MD, PhD





2667 Epidemiology of Acromioclavicular Joint Sprains in 25 National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports: 2009-2010 to 2014-2015 Academic YearsElizabeth E. Hibberd, PhD, LAT, ATC, Zachary Y. Kerr, PhD, MPH, Karen G. Roos, PhD, MSPT, ATC, Aristarque Djoko, MS, and Thomas P. Dompier, PhD, MPH

2675 Shoulder Injuries in Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse, 2004-2009Elizabeth C. Gardner, MD, Wayne W. Chan, MD, PhD, Karen M. Sutton, MD, and Theodore A. Blaine, MD

2682 Medialized Clavicular Bone Tunnel Position Predicts Failure After Anatomic Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction in Young, Active Male PatientsEmmanuel D. Eisenstein, MD, Joseph T. Lanzi, MD, Brian R. Waterman, MD, Julia M. Bader, PhD, and Mark P. Pallis, DO

2690 The Orientation and Variation of the Acromioclavicular Ligament: An Anatomic StudyMasataka Nakazawa, PhD, Akimoto Nimura, MD, PhD, Tomoyuki Mochizuki, MD, PhD, Masahiro Koizumi, PhD, Tatsuo Sato, MD, PhD, and Keiichi Akita, MD, PhD

Biology and Translational Research

2696 Functional Recovery in Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Through Hyaluronic Acid and Platelet-Rich Plasma–Inhibited Infrapatellar Fat Pad AdipocytesWei-Hong Chen, PhD, Chien-Min Lin, MD, PhD, Chiung-Fang Huang, DDS, MS, Wei-Che Hsu, MS, Chian-Her Lee, MD, Keng-Liang Ou, PhD, Navneet Kumar Dubey, MTech, and Win-Ping Deng, PhD

2706 Initiation Timing of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Stimulation for Tendon-Bone Healing in a Rabbit ModelHongbin Lu, MD, PhD, Can Chen, MD, Jin Qu, MD, PhD, Huabin Chen, MMed, Yong Chen, MMed, Cheng Zheng, PhD, Zhanwen Wang, PhD, Daqi Xu, MD, PhD, Jingyong Zhou, PhD, Tao Zhang, MD, PhD, Ling Qin, PhD, and Jianzhong Hu, MD, PhD

Current Concepts

2716 Sport-Specific Yearly Risk and Incidence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears in High School Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisAlex L. Gornitzky, BS, Ariana Lott, BA, Joseph L. Yellin, BA, Peter D. Fabricant, MD, MPH, J. Todd Lawrence, MD, PhD, and Theodore J. Ganley, MD

2724 Hybrid Tibia Fixation of Soft Tissue Grafts in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic ReviewGeorge C. Balazs, MD, Alaina M. Brelin, MD, Patrick D. Grimm, MD, Jonathan F. Dickens, MD, David J. Keblish, MD, and John-Paul H. Rue, MD

2733 Society News and Announcements

5-in-5 Podcast

In-Depth Podcast

M An online CME course associated with this article is available for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM at

Podcasts can also be accessed from the Table of Contents of the AJSM online issue.





NP48 Arthroscopic Iliopsoas Release: Letter to the Editor / ResponseLyall J. Ashberg, MD, Itay Perets, MD, Benjamin G. Domb, MD, Jacob B. Brandenburg, BS, Ashley L. Kapron, PhD, and Stephen K. Aoki, MD

NP52 Effectiveness of PRP in the Treatment of Tendinopathy: Letter to the Editor / ResponseMarc Russo, MBBS, DA(UK), FANZCA, FFPMANZCA, Willem Volschenk, MBChB, FCA(SA), FANZCA, Danielle Santarelli, PhD, Jane Fitzpatrick, MBBS, FACSP, Max Bulsara, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, and Ming Hao Zheng, MD, PhD, FRCPath, FRCPA

NP54 Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Tendinopathy: Letter to the Editor / ResponseAlex Scott, PhD, Jane Fitzpatrick, MBBS, FACSP, Max Bulsara, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, and Ming Hao Zheng, MD, PhD, FRCPath, FRCPA

NP57 Anatomic Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Leads to Overconstraint at Any Fixation Angle: Letter to the Editor / ResponseBertrand Sonnery-Cottet, MD, Matt Daggett, DO, MBA, Camilo P. Helito, MD, Maxime Cavalier, MD, Eric Choudja, MD, Thais D. Vieira, MD, Mathieu Thaunat, MD, Jason M. Schon, BS, Gilbert Moatshe, MD, Alex W. Brady, MSc, Raphael Serra Cruz, MD, Jorge Chahla, MD, Grant J. Dornan, MSc, Travis Lee Turnbull, PhD, Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, and Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD

Vol. 44 No. 11 November 2016

The American Journal of Sports Medicine

The American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM) (ISSN 0363-5465) (J545), published monthly by SAGE Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, is a peer-reviewed journal indexed by Current Contents, Index Medicus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and SPORT Database, SPORT Discus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and Scopus. The full text of this journal is also available through InfoTrac and Ovid. Registered with the Copyright Clearance Center. Periodicals postage paid at Thousand Oaks, California, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The American Journal of Sports Medicine, c/o SAGE Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.

Copyright 2016 by American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

Disclaimer: Authors’ opinions expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Journal, its publisher, the Editor, or the Editorial Board. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement by the Journal, its publisher, or the Editorial Board.

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Member Information: The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine member inquiries, change of address, back issues, claims, and membership renewal requests should be addressed to American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 9400 W. Higgins Road, Suite 300, Rosemont, IL 60018; telephone: (847) 292-4900; fax: (847) 292-4905; Web site:; e-mail: [email protected]. The publisher will supply missing copies when losses have been sustained in transit and when the reserve stock will permit at the request of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

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Printed on acid-free paper

AJSM Table of Contents

2767 Conquering the Hill-SachsBruce Reider, MD



2771 Diagnosis of Engaging Bipolar Bone Defects in the Shoulder Using 2-Dimensional Computed Tomography: A Cadaveric StudyDavid M. Burns, MD, Jaskarndip Chahal, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Shahram Shahrokhi, MBBS, FRACS, Patrick Henry, MD, FRCSC, David Wasserstein, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Cari Whyne, PhD, John Theodoropoulos, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Darrell Ogilvie-Harris, MD, MSc, FRCSC, and Tim Dwyer, MBBS, FRACS, FRCSC, PhD

2778 The J-Shaped Bone Graft for Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction: A 10-Year Clinical Follow-up and Computed Tomography–Osteoabsorptiometry StudyChristian Deml, MD, Peter Kaiser, MD, Wouter F. van Leeuwen, MD, Magdalena Zitterl, and Simon A. Euler, MD, Priv Doz

2784 What Is the Critical Value of Glenoid Bone Loss at Which Soft Tissue Bankart Repair Does Not Restore Glenohumeral Translation, Restricts Range of Motion, and Leads to Abnormal Humeral Head Position?Sang-Jin Shin, MD, PhD, Yong Won Koh, MD, Christopher Bui, MD, Woong Kyo Jeong, MD, Masaki Akeda, MD, Nam Su Cho, MD, PhD, Michelle H. McGarry, MS, and Thay Q. Lee, PhD

2792 Biomechanical Evaluation of Glenoid Version and Dislocation Direction on the Influence of Anterior Shoulder Instability and Development of Hill-Sachs LesionsJosef K. Eichinger, MD, Daniel F. Massimini, PhD, Jungryul Kim, MD, and Laurence D. Higgins, MD, MBA

2800 T1ρ Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Cartilage Damage After Primary Shoulder DislocationVishal Saxena, MD, Kevin D’Aquilla, BS, Shannon Marcoon, BA, Guruprasad Krishnamoorthy, BE, MSc, Joshua A. Gordon, MD, James L. Carey, MD, MPH, Ari Borthakur, PhD, MBA, J. Bruce Kneeland, MD, John D. Kelly IV, MD, Ravinder Reddy, PhD, and Brian J. Sennett, MD



2807 Evaluation of Repair Tension in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: Does It Really Matter to the Integrity of the Rotator Cuff?Do Hoon Kim, MD, Young Hoon Jang, MD, Young Eun Choi, BS, Hwa-Ryeong Lee, DPT, and Sae Hoon Kim, MD, PhD

2813 Effect of Swim Training on the Physical Characteristics of Competitive Adolescent SwimmersElizabeth E. Hibberd, PhD, ATC, Kevin G. Laudner, PhD, Kristen L. Kucera, MSPH, PhD, ATC, David J. Berkoff, MD, Bing Yu, PhD, and Joseph B. Myers, PhD, ATC


2820 Defining Thresholds for the Patient Acceptable Symptom State for the IKDC Subjective Knee Form and KOOS for Patients Who Underwent ACL ReconstructionBart Muller, MD, Mohammad A. Yabroudi, PT, MSc, PhD, Andrew Lynch, PT, PhD, Chung-Liang Lai, MD, PhD, C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc(Hon), DPs(Hon), and James J. Irrgang, PhD, PT, ATC, FAPTA

2827 Exploring the High Reinjury Rate in Younger Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament ReconstructionKate E. Webster, PhD, and Julian A. Feller, FRACS

2833 The Relationship of the Femoral Physis and the Medial Patellofemoral Ligament in Children: A Cadaveric StudyKevin G. Shea, MD, Alexandra C. Styhl, BA, John C. Jacobs Jr, BS, Theodore J. Ganley, MD, Matthew D. Milewski, MD, Peter C. Cannamela, BS, Allen F. Anderson, MD, and John D. Polousky, MD

2838 Incorporation of Hamstring Grafts Within the Tibial Tunnel After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Suspensory Fixation Versus Interference ScrewsPhilippe Colombet, MD, Nicolas Graveleau, MD, and Stephane Jambou, MD

2846 One-Stage Cartilage Repair Using a Hyaluronic Acid–Based Scaffold With Activated Bone Marrow–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Compared With Microfracture: Five-Year Follow-upAlberto Gobbi, MD, and Graeme P. Whyte, MD, MSc, FRCSC

2855 Trochleoplasty as a Solitary Treatment for Recurrent Patellar Dislocation Results in Good Clinical Outcome in AdolescentsCarlo Camathias, MD, Katrin Studer, MD, Ata Kiapour, PhD, Erich Rutz, MD, and Patrick Vavken, MD

2864 Intertunnel Relationships in the Tibia During Reconstruction of Multiple Knee Ligaments: How to Avoid Tunnel ConvergenceGilbert Moatshe, MD, Erik L. Slette, BA, Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, and Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD

2870 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in Patients With Osteochondritis Dissecans of the KneeKamran N. Sadr, MD, Pamela A. Pulido, BSN, Julie C. McCauley, MPHc, and William D. Bugbee, MD

2876 Which Are the Most Reliable Methods of Predicting the Meniscal Size for Transplantation?Camila Cohen Kaleka, MD, Alfredo Santos Netto, MD, Júlio César Almeida e Silva, MD, Mariana Key Toma, MD, Ricardo de Paula Leite Cury, MD, PhD, Nilson Roberto Severino, MD, PhD, and Claudio Santili, MD, PhD

2884 Revision Meniscal Allograft Transplantation in the Lateral Compartment: Disparate MRI and Clinical Outcomes During the Early Postoperative PeriodBum-Sik Lee, MD, Seong-Il Bin, MD, PhD, Jong-Min Kim, MD, PhD, Won-Kyeong Kim, MD, and Jae Hyan Kim, MD

2892 Regional Variation in the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of the Human Anterior Cruciate LigamentNathan W. Skelley, MD, Ryan M. Castile, BS, Paul C. Cannon, MS, Christian I. Weber, BS, Robert H. Brophy, MD, and Spencer P. Lake, PhD

2900 Effect of Changing the Joint Kinematics of Knees With a Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament on the Molecular Biological Responses and Spontaneous Healing in a Rat ModelTakanori Kokubun, MSc, PT, Naohiko Kanemura, PhD, PT, Kenji Murata, MSc, PT, Hideki Moriyama, PhD, PT, Sadao Morita, PhD, MD, Tetsuya Jinno, PhD, MD, Hidetoshi Ihara, MD, and Kiyomi Takayanagi, PhD, PT

2911 Biological Reconstruction of the Osteochondral Unit After Failed Focal Resurfacing of a Chondral Defect in the KneeLars Goebel, MD, Dieter Kohn, MD, and Henning Madry, MD

Epidemiology and Injury Prevention

2917 Sport Participation and the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescents: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study (The Young-HUNT Study) Marianne Bakke Johnsen, MSc, Maren Hjelle Guddal, MSc, Milada Cvancarova Småstuen, PhD, Håvard Moksnes, PhD, Lars Engebretsen, PhD, Kjersti Storheim, PhD, and John-Anker Zwart, PhD

2925 Epidemiology of High School Sports-Related Injuries Resulting in Medical Disqualification: 2005-2006 Through 2013-2014 Academic YearsJill Tirabassi, MD, Lina Brou, MPH, Morteza Khodaee, MD, MPH, Roxanna Lefort, MD, Sarah K. Fields, JD, PhD, and R. Dawn Comstock, PhD





2933 Influence of the Heel-to-Toe Drop of Standard Cushioned Running Shoes on Injury Risk in Leisure-Time Runners: A Randomized Controlled Trial With 6-Month Follow-upLaurent Malisoux, PhD, Nicolas Chambon, PhD, Axel Urhausen, Prof., MD, and Daniel Theisen, PhD

Head Injury and Concussion

2941 Frequency and Outcomes of a Symptom-Free Waiting Period After Sport-Related ConcussionAdam Y. Pfaller, BS, Lindsay D. Nelson, PhD, Jennifer N. Apps, PhD, Kevin D. Walter, MD, and Michael A. McCrea, PhD

2947 Quantifying Head Impacts in Collegiate LacrosseBryson B. Reynolds, BS, James Patrie, MS, Erich J. Henry, BS, Howard P. Goodkin, MD, PhD, Donna K. Broshek, PhD, Max Wintermark, MD, and T. Jason Druzgal, MD, PhD

Biology and Translational Research

2957 Repetitive Stresses Generate Osteochondral Lesions in Skeletally Immature RabbitsAustin V. Stone, MD, PhD, Kevin J. Little, MD, David L. Glos, BS, Keith F. Stringer, MD, and Eric J. Wall, MD


2967 Ethnic Differences in Bony Hip Morphology in a Cohort of 445 Professional Male Soccer PlayersAndrea B. Mosler, MAppSc(SportsPhysio), Kay M. Crossley, PhD, Jan H. Waarsing, PhD, Nabil Jomaah, MD, Adam Weir, PhD, Per Hölmich, DMSc, and Rintje Agricola, PhD

Foot, Ankle, and Leg

2975 Generalized Ligamentous Laxity Is an Independent Predictor of Poor Outcomes After the Modified Broström Procedure for Chronic Lateral Ankle InstabilityKwang Hwan Park, MD, PhD, Jin Woo Lee, MD, PhD, Jae Wan Suh, MD, Myung Ho Shin, MD, and Woo Jin Choi, MD, PhD

Current Concepts

2984 Graft Utilization in the Augmentation of Large-to-Massive Rotator Cuff Repairs: A Systematic ReviewDevin P. Ferguson, BSc, Matthew R. Lewington, MD, FRCSC, T. Duncan Smith, MD, and Ivan H. Wong, MD, FRCSC

2993 Outcomes After Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction for the Treatment of Recurrent Lateral Patellar Dislocations: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisDaniel K. Schneider, BS, Brian Grawe, MD, Robert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, Adrick Ceasar, MPT, Shital N. Parikh, MD, Eric J. Wall, MD, Angelo J. Colosimo, MD, Christopher C. Kaeding, MD, and Gregory D. Myer, PhD, FACSM, CSCS*D

3006 Change in Posterior Tibial Slope After Open-Wedge and Closed-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: A Meta-analysisKyung-Wook Nha, MD, Hyun-Jung Kim, PhD, Hyeong-Sik Ahn, MD, and Dae-Hee Lee, MD

3014 Society News and Announcements

3016 In Memoriam: Jan Gillquist, MD (1934-2016)Robert J. Johnson, MD

5-in-5 Podcast

In-Depth Podcast

M An online CME course associated with this article is available for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM at

Podcasts can also be accessed from the Table of Contents of the AJSM online issue.




NP60 Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields After Debridement and Microfracture of Osteochondral Talar Defects: Letter to the Editor / ResponseMatteo Cadossi, MD, PhD, Andrea Sambri, MD, Giannini Sandro, MD, Leo Massari, MD, Mikel L. Reilingh, MD, PhD, Christiaan J.A. van Bergen, MD, PhD, Rogier M. Gerards, MD, Inge C. van Eekeren, MD, Rob J. de Haan, PhD, Inger N. Sierevelt, MSc, Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Rover Krips, MD, PhD, Duncan E. Meuffels, MD, PhD, C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, and Leendert Blankevoort, PhD

NP63 PRP Therapies—Is It Time for Potency Assays? Letter to the Editor / ResponseEduardo Anitua, MD, DDS, PhD, Roberto Prado, MSc, MPhil, Gorka Orive, PhD, and Bruce Reider, MD

NP65 Effect of Leukocyte Concentration on the Efficacy of PRP in the Treatment of Knee OA: Letter to the Editor / ResponseLarry E. Miller, PhD, William R. Parrish, PhD, Breana Roides, MS, MBA, Samir Bhattacharyya, PhD, MS, MSc, Jonathan C. Riboh, MD, Adam B. Yanke, MD, and Brian J. Cole, MD

NP68 Corrigendum

Vol. 44 No. 12 December 2016

The American Journal of Sports Medicine

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AJSM Table of Contents

3045 Le Salon des RefusésBruce Reider, MD

3048 Presidential Address of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine: Spem Successus AlitAllen F. Anderson, MD, President, AOSSM

3054 Thank You, Reviewers!


Hip and Thigh

3063 Outcomes After Revision Hip Arthroscopic Surgery in Adolescent Patients Compared With a Matched Cohort Undergoing Primary Arthroscopic SurgeryJustin T. Newman, MD, Karen K. Briggs, MPH, Shannen C. McNamara, BS, and Marc J. Philippon, MD

3070 Analysis of the Current Indications for Microfracture of Chondral Lesions in the Hip JointDarrin J. Trask, MD, and James S. Keene, MD


3077 Effect of High-Grade Preoperative Knee Laxity on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction OutcomesRobert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, Emily K. Reinke, PhD, Laura J. Huston, MS, MOON Group, Timothy E. Hewett, PhD, and Kurt P. Spindler, MD

3083 Twenty-Year Outcome of a Longitudinal Prospective Evaluation of Isolated Endoscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With Patellar Tendon or Hamstring AutograftSimon Michael Thompson, MD(Res), MSc, MBBS, BSc(Hons), FRCS(Tr&Orth), Lucy J. Salmon, PhD, BAppSci(Physio), Alison Waller, BMedSci(Hons), BAppSci(Physio), James Linklater, FRANZCR, Justin P. Roe, MBBS, FRACS, and Leo A. Pinczewski, MBBS, FRACS

3095 Lower Limb Length Discrepancy After High Tibial Osteotomy: Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Lateral Closing Versus Medial Opening Wedge OsteotomyJoong Il Kim, MD, Bo Hyun Kim, MD, Ki Woung Lee, MD, Osung Lee, MD, Hyuk Soo Han, MD, PhD, Sahnghoon Lee, MD, PhD, and Myung Chul Lee, MD, PhD

3103 Comparison of Lateral Closing-Wedge Versus Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy on Knee Joint Alignment and Kinematics in the ACL-Deficient KneeAnil S. Ranawat, MD, Benedict U. Nwachukwu, MD, MBA, Andrew D. Pearle, MD, Hendrik A. Zuiderbaan, MD, Kenneth D. Weeks, MD, and Saker Khamaisy, MD

3111 The Effect of Limited Perioperative Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs on Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament ReconstructionEndre Soreide, MD, Lars-Petter Granan, MD, PhD, Geir A. Hjorthaug, MD, Birgitte Espehaug, PhD, Sigbjørn Dimmen, MD, PhD, and Lars Nordsletten, MD, PhD

3119 No Effects of Early Viscosupplementation After Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy: A Randomized Controlled TrialGiuseppe Filardo, MD, PhD, Berardo Di Matteo, MD, Francesco Tentoni, MD, Alessia Cavicchioli, MD, Alessandro Di Martino, MD, Mirco Lo Presti, MD, Francesco Iacono, MD, Elizaveta Kon, MD, and Maurilio Marcacci, MD

3126 The Influence of Meniscal and Anterolateral Capsular Injury on Knee Laxity in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament InjuriesVolker Musahl, MD, Ata A. Rahnemai-Azar, MD, Joanna Costello, MD, Justin W. Arner, MD, Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc(Hon), DPS(Hon), Yuichi Hoshino, MD, PhD, Nicola Lopomo, PhD, Kristian Samuelsson, MD, PhD, and James J. Irrgang, PhD, PT, ATC, FAPTA

3132 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Alter the Kinematics of Knees With or Without Meniscal DeficiencyYu Zhang, PhD, Wenhan Huang, MD, Zilong Yao, MD, Limin Ma, MD, Zefeng Lin, MD, Shaobai Wang, PhD, and Huayang Huang, MD

3140 Predictors of Revision Surgery After Anterior Cruciate Ligament ReconstructionW. Michael Pullen, MC USN, Brandon Bryant, MC USN, Trevor Gaskill, MC USN, Nicholas Sicignano, MPH, Amber M. Evans, MPH, and Marlene DeMaio, MC USN

3146 Utilization of ACL Injury Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Risk Profile Analysis to Determine the Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Training Timothy E. Hewett, PhD, Kevin R. Ford, PhD, Yingying Y. Xu, MS, Jane Khoury, PhD, and Gregory D. Myer, PhD

Foot, Ankle, and Leg

3152 Modified Broström Procedure for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability in Patients With Generalized Joint LaxityHe-Xing Xu, MD, PhD, and Keun-Bae Lee, MD, PhD

3158 Comparison of the Modified Broström Procedure for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability With and Without Subfibular OssicleHyeon-wook Ahn, MD, and Keun-Bae Lee, MD, PhD


3165 Performance and Injury Characteristics of Pitchers Entering the Major League Baseball Draft After Ulnar Collateral Ligament ReconstructionLucas Wymore, MD, Paul Chin, MD, PhD, Christopher Geary, MD, Gregory Carolan, MD, Daniel Keefe, MD, Heinz Hoenecke, MD, and Jan Fronek, MD

3171 Results of Bone Peg Grafting for Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans in Adolescent Baseball PlayersHiroyuki Oshiba, MD, MSc, Toshiro Itsubo, MD, PhD, Shota Ikegami, MD, PhD, Koichi Nakamura, MD, PhD, Shigeharu Uchiyama, MD, PhD, and Hiroyuki Kato, MD, PhD

3179 Factors Related to Increased Ulnar Collateral Ligament Thickness on Stress Sonography of the Elbow in Asymptomatic Youth and Adolescent Baseball PitchersAlfred Atanda Jr, MD, Lauren W. Averill, MD, Maegen Wallace, MD, Tim A. Niiler, PhD, Levon N. Nazarian, MD, and Michael G. Ciccotti, MD


3188 Outcomes After Arthroscopic Pancapsular Capsulorrhaphy With Suture Anchors for the Treatment of Multidirectional Glenohumeral Instability in AthletesM. Brett Raynor, MD, Marilee P. Horan, MPH, Joshua A. Greenspoon, BSc, J. Christoph Katthagen, MD, and Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc

3198 Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Versus Open Bristow-Latarjet for Shoulder Instability: A Matched-Pair Multicenter Study Focused on Return to SportDavide Blonna, MD, Enrico Bellato, MD, Francesco Caranzano, MD, Marco Assom, MD, Roberto Rossi, MD, and Filippo Castoldi, MD

3206 Survivorship and Patient-Reported Outcomes After Comprehensive Arthroscopic Management of Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: Minimum 5-Year Follow-upJustin J. Mitchell, MD, Marilee P. Horan, MPH, Joshua A. Greenspoon, BSc, Travis J. Menge, MD, Dimitri S. Tahal, MSc, and Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc






3214 Clinical and Ultrasonographic Evaluations of the Shoulders of Elite SwimmersScott A. Rodeo, MD, Joseph T. Nguyen, MPH, John T. Cavanaugh, PT, ATC, Yashika Patel, MD, and Ronald S. Adler, MD, PhD

3222 Critical Findings on Magnetic Resonance Arthrograms in Posterior Shoulder Instability Compared With an Age-Matched Controlled CohortJoseph W. Galvin, DO, Stephen A. Parada, MD, Xinning Li, MD, and Josef K. Eichinger, MD

Epidemiology and Injury Prevention

3230 Increasing Lower Extremity Injury Rates Across the 2009-2010 to 2014-2015 Seasons of National Collegiate Athletic Association Football: An Unintended Consequence of the “Targeting” Rule Used to Prevent Concussions?Robert W. Westermann, MD, Zachary Y. Kerr, PhD, MPH, Peter Wehr, MD, and Annuziato Amendola, MD

3237 Time Trends in Incidence and Severity of Injury Among Collegiate Soccer Players in the United States: NCAA Injury Surveillance System, 1990-1996 and 2004-2009Avinash Chandran, MS, Mary J. Barron, PhD, Beverly J. Westerman, EdD, and Loretta DiPietro, PhD, MPH

Head Injury and Concussion

3243 Multiple Past Concussions in High School Football Players: Are There Differences in Cognitive Functioning and Symptom Reporting?Brian L. Brooks, PhD, Rebekah Mannix, MD, MPH, Bruce Maxwell, PhD, Ross Zafonte, DO, Paul D. Berkner, DO, and Grant L. Iverson, PhD

Biology and Translational Research

3252 The Combined Use of Losartan and Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Significantly Improves the Functional Recovery of Muscle in a Young Mouse Model of Contusion InjuriesMakoto Kobayashi, MD, Shusuke Ota, MD, PhD, Satoshi Terada, MD, PhD, Yohei Kawakami, MD, PhD, Takanobu Otsuka, MD, PhD, Freddie H. Fu, MD, and Johnny Huard, PhD

Current Concepts

3262 Is There a Genetic Predisposition to Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear? A Systematic ReviewRakesh John, MS, DNB, Mandeep Singh Dhillon, MS, FRCS, FNAMS, Siddhartha Sharma, MS, DNB, Sharad Prabhakar, MS, and Mohit Bhandari, MD, MSc, FRCSc

3270 Biologic Treatments for Sports Injuries II Think Tank—Current Concepts, Future Research, and Barriers to Advancement, Part 1: Biologics Overview, Ligament Injury, TendinopathyRobert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, Andrew G. Geeslin, MD, Iain R. Murray, MD, PhD, Volker Musahl, MD, Jason P. Zlotnicki, MD, Frank Petrigliano, MD, and Barton J. Mann, PhD

3284 Society News and Announcements

5-in-5 Podcast

In-Depth Podcast

M An online CME course associated with this article is available for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM at

Podcasts can also be accessed from the Table of Contents of the AJSM online issue.




NP69 Comparison of the Acute Inflammatory Response of 2 Commercial PRP Systems: Letter to the Editor / ResponseWilliam R. Parrish, PhD, Samir Bhattacharyya, PhD, Michael Mafilios, Jason L. Dragoo, MD, and Steven Arnoczky, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMR


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Número ActualOctubre - Diciembre 2016Vol. 51. Núm. 192.Páginas 113-148

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October 2016 Volume 97, Issue 10, p1607-1820, e1-e153

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Current Research Outcomes From the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems

Yuying Chen, Allen W. Heinemannp1607–1609Published in issue: October 2016

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Changing Demographics and Injury Profile of New Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries in the United States, 1972–2014

Yuying Chen, Yin He, Michael J. DeVivop1610–1619Published online: April 21, 2016

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Association Between Time to Rehabilitation and Outcomes After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

Kurt R. Herzer, Yuying Chen, Allen W. Heinemann, Marlis González-Fernándezp1620–1627.e4Published online: June 5, 2016

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Comorbid Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury: Screening Validity and Effect on Outcomes

Charles H. Bombardier, Darren C. Lee, Debbie L. Tan, Jason K. Barber, Jeanne M. Hoffmanp1628–1634Published online: April 12, 2016

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Página 1 de 7Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, October 2016, Volume 97, Issue ...


Influence of Age Alone, and Age Combined With Pinprick, on Recovery of Walking Function in Motor Complete, Sensory Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

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Patterns of Sacral Sparing Components on Neurologic Recovery in Newly Injured Persons With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

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Early Detection of Pressure Ulcer Development Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Using Inflammatory Mediators

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Developing Artificial Neural Network Models to Predict Functioning One Year After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

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Risk and Protective Factors for Cause-Specific Mortality After Spinal Cord Injury

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Risk Factors Associated With Neurogenic Bowel Complications and Dysfunction in Spinal Cord Injury

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Empowering Adults With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury to Prevent Secondary Conditions

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Cardiometabolic Syndrome in People With Spinal Cord Injury/Disease: Guideline-Derived and Nonguideline Risk Components in a Pooled Sample

Mark S. Nash, Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Armando J. Mendez, Maya David, Inger H. Ljungberg, Emily A. Tinsley, Patricia A. Burns-Drecq, Luisa F. Betancourt, Suzanne L. Groahp1696–1705

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Published online: July 24, 2016

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Trajectories of Life Satisfaction After Spinal Cord Injury

Christopher R. Pretz, Allan J. Kozlowski, Yuying Chen, Susan Charlifue, Allen W. Heinemannp1706–1713.e1Published online: May 27, 2016

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Objective and Self-Reported Physical Activity Measures and Their Association With Depression and Satisfaction With Life in Persons With Spinal Cord Injury

Sara J. Mulroy, Patricia E. Hatchett, Valerie J. Eberly, Lisa Lighthall Haubert, Sandy Conners, JoAnne Gronley, Eric Garshick, Philip S. Requejop1714–1720Published online: April 21, 2016

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Active Lifestyle Is Associated With Reduced Dyspnea and Greater Life Satisfaction in Spinal Cord Injury

Eric Garshick, Sara Mulroy, Daniel E. Graves, Karen Greenwald, John A. Horton, Leslie R. Morsep1721–1727Published online: March 4, 2016

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Loneliness Among People With Spinal Cord Injury: Exploring the Psychometric Properties of the 3-Item Loneliness Scale

Susan Robinson-Whelen, Heather B. Taylor, Michelle Feltz, Megan Whelenp1728–1734Published online: May 10, 2016

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To What Extent Do Neighborhood Differences Mediate Racial Disparities in Participation After Spinal Cord Injury?

Amanda L. Botticello, Mike Boninger, Susan Charlifue, Yuying Chen, Denise Fyffe, Allen Heinemann, Jeanne M. Hoffman, Alan Jette, Claire Kalpakjian, Tanya Rohrbachp1735–1744Published online: May 4, 2016

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Spinal Cord Injury–Functional Index/Assistive Technology Short Forms

Mary D. Slavin, Pengsheng Ni, David S. Tulsky, Pamela A. Kisala, Allen W. Heinemann, Susan Charlifue, Denise C. Fyffe, Daniel E. Graves, Ralph J. Marino, Leslie R. Morse, David Rosenblum, Denise Tate, Lynn A. Worobey, Mary Beth Dawson, Alan M. Jettep1745–1752.e7Published online: April 28, 2016

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Type and Frequency of Reported Wheelchair Repairs and Related Adverse Consequences Among People With Spinal Cord Injury

Maria Luisa Toro, Lynn Worobey, Michael L. Boninger, Rory A. Cooper, Jonathan Pearlmanp1753–1760Published online: May 3, 2016

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Wheelchair Skills Capacity and Performance of Manual Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury

R. Lee Kirby, Lynn A. Worobey, Rachel Cowan, Jessica Presperin Pedersen, Allen W. Heinemann, Trevor A. Dyson-Hudson, Mary Shea, Cher Smith, Paula W. Rushton, Michael L. Boningerp1761–1769Published online: June 15, 2016

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Transfer Technique Is Associated With Shoulder Pain and Pathology in People With Spinal Cord Injury: A Cross-Sectional Investigation

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Brief Report

Special Communication

Organization News


Nathan S. Hogaboom, Lynn A. Worobey, Michael L. Boningerp1770–1776Published online: April 23, 2016

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Effectiveness of Group Wheelchair Skills Training for People With Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Lynn A. Worobey, R. Lee Kirby, Allen W. Heinemann, Emily A. Krobot, Trevor A. Dyson-Hudson, Rachel E. Cowan, Jessica Presperin Pedersen, Mary Shea, Michael L. Boningerp1777–1784.e3Published online: May 3, 2016

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Immediate Biomechanical Implications of Transfer Component Skills Training on Independent Wheelchair Transfers

Chung-Ying Tsai, Michael L. Boninger, Jennifer Hastings, Rory A. Cooper, Laura Rice, Alicia M. Koontzp1785–1792Published online: April 12, 2016

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Outcomes and Lessons Learned From a Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Health Care Utilization During the First Year After Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Telephone Counseling Versus Usual Care

Jessica L. Mackelprang, Jeanne M. Hoffman, Chris Garbaccio, Charles H. Bombardierp1793–1796.e1Published online: March 30, 2016

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Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems: Review of Program and National Database From 1970 to 2015

Yuying Chen, Michael J. DeVivo, J. Scott Richards, Theresa B. SanAgustinp1797–1804Published in issue: October 2016

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Harmonization of Databases: A Step for Advancing the Knowledge About Spinal Cord Injury

Susan Charlifue, Denise Tate, Fin Biering-Sorensen, Stephen Burns, Yuying Chen, Sophia Chun, Lyn B. Jakeman, Robert G. Kowalski, Vanessa K. Noonan, Philip Ullrichp1805–1818Published online: April 29, 2016

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Request for Proposals: Archives Supplement

p1819–1820Published in issue: October 2016

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2016 ACRM Annual Conference Abstracts

e1Published in issue: October 2016

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November 2016 Volume 97, Issue 11, p1821-2026

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Variations in Inpatient Rehabilitation Functional Outcomes Across Centers in the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study and the Influence of Demographics and Injury Severity on Patient Outcomes

Marie N. Dahdah, Sunni Barnes, Amy Buros, Rosemary Dubiel, Cynthia Dunklin, Librada Callender, Caryn Harper, Amy Wilson, Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, Thomas Bergquist, Mark Sherer, Gale Whiteneck, Christopher Pretz, Rodney D. Vanderploeg, Shahid Shafip1821–1831Published online: May 28, 2016

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Plasma Matrix Metalloproteinases in Patients With Stroke During Intensive Rehabilitation Therapy

Feifei Ma, Susana Rodriguez, Xavi Buxo, Anna Morancho, Iolanda Riba-Llena, Ana Carrera, Alejandro Bustamante, Dolors Giralt, Joan Montaner, Carmen Martinez, Immaculada Bori, Anna Rosellp1832–1840Published online: June 30, 2016

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Goal Management Training Combined With External Cuing as a Means to Improve Emotional Regulation, Psychological Functioning, and Quality of Life in Patients With Acquired Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Sveinung Tornås, Marianne Løvstad, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Anne-Kristine Schanke, Jan Stubberudp1841–1852.e3Published online: July 14, 2016

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Systematic Reviews and Clinical Trials in Rehabilitation: Comprehensive Analyses of Publication Trends

Tiago S. Jesusp1853–1862.e2Published online: July 14, 2016

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Original Research

Matching Task Difficulty to Patient Ability During Task Practice Improves Upper Extremity Motor Skill After Stroke: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Michelle L. Woodbury, Kelly Anderson, Christian Finetto, Andrew Fortune, Blair Dellenbach, Emily Grattan, Scott Hutchisonp1863–1871Published online: April 23, 2016

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Orthotic-Style Off-Loading Wheelchair Seat Cushion Reduces Interface Pressure Under Ischial Tuberosities and Sacrococcygeal Regions

Barbara Crane, Michael Wininger, Evan Callp1872–1879Published online: April 28, 2016

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Intrarater Agreement of Elbow Extension Range of Motion in the Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 Using a Smartphone Application

Joana Cruz, Nuno Moraisp1880–1886Published online: May 17, 2016

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Real-Time Assessment of Fatigue in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: How Does It Relate to Commonly Used Self-Report Fatigue Questionnaires?

Martin Heine, Lizanne Eva van den Akker, Lyan Blikman, Trynke Hoekstra, Erik van Munster, Olaf Verschuren, Anne Visser-Meily, Gert Kwakkel, TREFAMS-ACE study groupp1887–1894.e1Published online: May 24, 2016

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Comparison of 1- Versus 3-Minute Stage Duration During Arm Ergometry in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury

Jennifer L. Maher, Rachel E. Cowanp1895–1900Published online: May 25, 2016

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Money Management Activities in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis

Yael Goverover, Shannon Haas, John DeLucap1901–1907Published online: May 27, 2016

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Factors Associated With Recurrent Falls in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Multicenter Study

Vivien Jørgensen, Emelie Butler Forslund, Erika Franzén, Arve Opheim, Åke Seiger, Agneta Ståhle, Claes Hultling, Johan K. Stanghelle, Kerstin Wahman, Kirsti Skavberg Roaldsenp1908–1916Published online: May 27, 2016

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Test-Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-Third Edition in Patients With Stroke

En-Chi Chiu, Wen-Chi Wu, Chiung-Xia Chou, Min-Yuan Yu, Jen-Wen Hungp1917–1923Published online: May 27, 2016

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Intermanual Transfer Effects in Below-Elbow Myoelectric Prosthesis Users

Errit de Boer, Sietske Romkema, Andrea G. Cutti, Michael A. Brouwers, Raoul M. Bongers, Corry K. van der Sluisp1924–1930Published online: May 27, 2016

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Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Brief Report

Sarcopenic Obesity in Adults With Spinal Cord Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study

Chelsea A. Pelletier, Masae Miyatani, Lora Giangregorio, B. Catharine Cravenp1931–1937Published online: June 6, 2016

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Exercise Intensity During Power Wheelchair Soccer

J.P. Barfield, Laura Newsome, Laurie A. Malonep1938–1944Published online: June 8, 2016

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Predictors of Exercise Adherence in Patients With Meniscal Tear and Osteoarthritis

Yetsa A. Tuakli-Wosornu, Faith Selzer, Elena Losina, Jeffrey N. Katzp1945–1952Published online: June 10, 2016

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Comparative Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaires in Patients With Heart Failure Undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Psychometric Study

Fatemeh Rajati, Awat Feizi, Kamran Tavakol, Firoozeh Mostafavi, Masoumeh Sadeghi, Gholamreza Sharifiradp1953–1962Published online: June 8, 2016

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Intraindividual Changes in Ambulation Associated With Falls in a Population of Vulnerable Older Adults in Long-Term Care

Mary Elizabeth Bowen, Meredeth Rowep1963–1968Published online: June 10, 2016

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Effectiveness of a Wellness Program for Individuals With Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injury Within an Integrated Delivery System

Brad E. Dicianno, John Lovelace, Pamela Peele, Christopher Fassinger, Patricia Houck, Alexandra Bursic, Michael L. Boningerp1969–1978Published online: June 14, 2016

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Therapeutic Alliances in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Meta-Ethnography

Michelle Lawton, Gillian Haddock, Paul Conroy, Karen Sagep1979–1993Published online: April 30, 2016

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Effects of Respiratory Muscle Training on Respiratory Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, and Exercise Tolerance in Patients Poststroke: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

Mansueto Gomes-Neto, Micheli Bernardone Saquetto, Cassio Magalhães Silva, Vitor Oliveira Carvalho, Nildo Ribeiro, Cristiano Sena Conceiçãop1994–2001Published online: May 20, 2016

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Interobserver Reliability of Peripheral Muscle Strength Tests and Short Physical Performance Battery in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Prospective Observational Study

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Francesc Medina-Mirapeix, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Eduardo Llamazares-Herrán, MPiedad Sánchez-Martínez, José Antonio García-Vidal, Pilar Escolar-Reinap2002–2005Published online: May 31, 2016

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Toward a National Initiative in Cancer Rehabilitation: Recommendations From a Subject Matter Expert Group

Nicole L. Stout, Julie K. Silver, Vishwa S. Raj, Julia Rowland, Lynn Gerber, Andrea Cheville, Kirsten K. Ness, Mary Radomski, Ralph Nitkin, Michael D. Stubblefield, G. Stephen Morris, Ana Acevedo, Zavera Brandon, Brent Braveman, Schuyler Cunningham, Laura Gilchrist, Lee Jones, Lynne Padgett, Timothy Wolf, Kerri Winters-Stone, Grace Campbell, Jennifer Hendricks, Karen Perkin, Leighton Chanp2006–2015Published online: May 27, 2016

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Current Evidence Does Not Support Exercise Therapy for Perceived Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

Martin Heine, Vincent de Grootp2016–2017Published in issue: November 2016

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The Authors Respond

Fary Khan, Bhasker Amatyap2017Published in issue: November 2016

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Efficacy and Safety of Leg-Press Training With Moderate Vibration After Total Knee Arthroplasty Remains Unclear

Florien M. van Eeden, Karlijn F. van Halewijn, Nynke M. Swart, Dederieke A. Festenp2018Published in issue: November 2016

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The Authors Respond

Walter Bily, Carlo Franz, Lukas Trimmel, Waltraud Kasche, Helmut Kern, Stefan Loefler, Sandra Zampieri, Nejc Sarabon, Jan Cvecka, Peter Zenzp2018–2019Published in issue: November 2016

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Visual Impairment After a Stroke

Julie Faieta, Stephen Pagep2021–2022Published in issue: November 2016

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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Supplements

p2023–2025Published in issue: November 2016

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December 2016 Volume 97, Issue 12, p2027-2238, e1-e43

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Effects of a Home-Based Upper Limb Training Program in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Araceli Ortiz-Rubio, Irene Cabrera-Martos, Janet Rodríguez-Torres, Waldo Fajardo-Contreras, Ana Díaz-Pelegrina, Marie Carmen Valenzap2027–2033Published online: June 22, 2016

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Addition of a Sagittal Cervical Posture Corrective Orthotic Device to a Multimodal Rehabilitation Program Improves Short- and Long-Term Outcomes in Patients With Discogenic Cervical Radiculopathy

Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Aliaa A. Diab, Shimaa Taha, Deed E. Harrisonp2034–2044Published online: August 27, 2016

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How Do Intensity and Duration of Rehabilitation Services Affect Outcomes From Severe Traumatic Brain Injury? A Natural Experiment Comparing Health Care Delivery Systems in 2 Developed Nations

Tessa Hart, John Whyte, Ingrid Poulsen, Karin Spangsberg Kristensen, Annette M. Nordenbo, Inna Chervoneva, Monica J. Vaccarop2045–2053Published online: August 3, 2016

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Social Isolation and Physical Barriers in the Houses of Stroke Survivors in Rural China

Lifang Zhang, Tiebin Yan, Liming You, Kun Li, Yan Gaop2054–2060Published online: July 30, 2016

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Multivariable Prediction of Return to Work at 6-Month Follow-Up in Patients With Mild to Moderate Acute Stroke

Ryan Van Patten, Zachary C. Merz, Kyler Mulhauser, Robert Fucetolap2061–2067.e1Published online: June 30, 2016

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Original Research

Social Support and Actual Versus Expected Length of Stay in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities

Zakkoyya H. Lewis, Catherine Cooper Hay, James E. Graham, Yu-Li Lin, Amol M. Karmarkar, Kenneth J. Ottenbacherp2068–2075Published online: June 30, 2016

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Clinical Prediction Rule for Declines in Activities of Daily Living at 6 Months After Surgery for Hip Fracture Repair

Ryo Tanaka, Takuya Umehara, Takafumi Fujimura, Junya Ozawap2076–2084Published online: August 13, 2016

Open Access

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Difficulty in Identifying Factors Responsible for Pressure Ulcer Healing in Veterans With Spinal Cord Injury

Marylou Guihan, Min-Woong Sohn, William A. Bauman, Ann M. Spungen, Gail M. Powell-Cope, Susan S. Thomason, Joseph F. Collins, Barbara M. Bates-Jensenp2085–2094.e1Published online: June 30, 2016

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Two Different Types of High-Frequency Physical Therapy Promote Improvements in the Balance and Mobility of Persons With Multiple Sclerosis

Brenda L. Davies, David J. Arpin, Min Liu, Heidi Reelfs, Kathleen G. Volkman, Kathleen Healey, Rana Zabad, Max J. Kurzp2095–2101.e3Published online: June 30, 2016

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An Item Bank to Measure Systems, Services, and Policies: Environmental Factors Affecting People With Disabilities

Jin-Shei Lai, Joy Hammel, Sara Jerousek, Arielle Goldsmith, Ana Miskovic, Carolyn Baum, Alex W. Wong, Jessica Dashner, Allen W. Heinemannp2102–2112Published online: July 13, 2016

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Measuring Environmental Factors: Unique and Overlapping International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Coverage of 5 Instruments

Allen W. Heinemann, Ana Miskovic, Patrick Semik, Alex Wong, Jessica Dashner, Carolyn Baum, Susan Magasi, Joy Hammel, David S. Tulsky, Sofia F. Garcia, Sara Jerousek, Jin-Shei Lai, Noelle E. Carlozzi, David B. Grayp2113–2122Published online: June 22, 2016

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Use of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Short Version in Mild to Moderate Parkinson Disease

Sarah K. Hendred, Erin R. Fosterp2123–2129.e1Published online: June 22, 2016

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Reexamining the Validity and Dimensionality of the Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale: Improving Its Clinical Utility

James W. Middleton, Yvonne Tran, Charles Lo, Ashley Craigp2130–2136Published online: July 12, 2016

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Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms in Patients With Stroke

Wan-Hui Yu, Kuan-Lin Chen, Sheau-Ling Huang, Wen-Shian Lu, Shu-Chun Lee, Ching-Lin Hsiehp2137–2145.e2Published online: July 24, 2016

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Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

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Measurement Tool

Evaluation of Internal Construct Validity and Unidimensionality of the Brachial Assessment Tool, A Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Brachial Plexus Injury

Bridget Hill, Julie Pallant, Gavin Williams, John Olver, Scott Ferris, Andrea Bialocerkowskip2146–2156Published online: July 29, 2016

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Patient and Therapist Agreement on Performance-Rated Ability Using the de Morton Mobility Index

Romi Haas, Kelly-Ann Bowles, Lisa O'Brien, Terry Hainesp2157–2165Published online: July 30, 2016

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Reliability, Validity, and Ability to Identify Fall Status of the Balance Evaluation Systems Test, Mini–Balance Evaluation Systems Test, and Brief–Balance Evaluation Systems Test in Older People Living in the Community

Alda Marques, Sara Almeida, Joana Carvalho, Joana Cruz, Ana Oliveira, Cristina Jácomep2166–2173.e1Published online: August 3, 2016

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Disability in Adolescents and Adults Diagnosed With Hypermobility-Related Disorders: A Meta-Analysis

Mark C. Scheper, Birgit Juul-Kristensen, Lies Rombaut, Eugene A. Rameckers, Jeanine Verbunt, Raoul H. Engelbertp2174–2187Published online: March 11, 2016

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Poststroke Aphasia Frequency, Recovery, and Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Heather L. Flowers, Stacey A. Skoretz, Frank L. Silver, Elizabeth Rochon, Jiming Fang, Constance Flamand-Roze, Rosemary Martinop2188–2201.e8Published online: April 7, 2016

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Communication Partner Training in Aphasia: An Updated Systematic Review

Nina Simmons-Mackie, Anastasia Raymer, Leora R. Cherneyp2202–2221.e8Published online: April 23, 2016

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Optimizing the Management of Disabling Spasticity Following Spinal Cord Damage: The Ability Network—An International Initiative

Anthony Scott Burns, Indira Lanig, Klemen Grabljevec, Peter Wayne New, Djamel Bensmail, Per Ertzgaard, Anand Vishwanath Nenep2222–2228Published online: June 6, 2016

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Archives Manuscript Reviewers

p2229–2232Published in issue: December 2016

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Oral Research Presentations

Psychometric Measurement Properties and Clinical Utility of the Keele STarT Back Screening Tool in People With Low Back Pain

Kristian P. Nitsch, Katharine Davis, Kelsey Stippp2233–2234Published in issue: December 2016

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Call for Papers

p2235Published in issue: December 2016

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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Supplements

p2236–2238Published in issue: December 2016

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2016 ACRM Annual Conference Late-Breaking Research Abstracts

e1Published in issue: December 2016

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Preliminary Safety of Intracranial Implantation of Modified Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (SB623) in Stroke Patients: A Phase 1/2A Study

Gary Steinberg, Wenzhong Jerry Liu, Damien Bates, Douglas Kondziolka, Lawrence Wechsler, L. Dade Lunsford, Anthony S. Kim, Jeremiah N. Johnson, Neil E. Schwartze2Published in issue: December 2016

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NIDILRR: Pain, Coping, and Quality of Life Amongst Community Dwelling Black Elders

Sheria Robinsone2–e3Published in issue: December 2016

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NIDILRR: MMPI Profiles of Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: What’s the Norm?

Amanda Childse3Published in issue: December 2016

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NIDILRR: Efficacy of Home and Community-Based Physical Activity Interventions on Physical Function Among Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Maria Swartz, Zakkoyya H. Lewis, Elizabeth J. Lyons, Addie Middleton, Kristofer Jennings, Kenneth Ottenbacher, James Goodwine3Published in issue: December 2016

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NIDILRR: Duration of Neurocognitive Impairments and Symptom Resolution in Mild Traumatic Brain injury (MTBI)

Ensie Abbassi, Heather E. Brassil, Anthony P. Salvatoree3Published in issue: December 2016

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Group Aerobic and Strength Training Combined With Social Cognitive Theory Based Education, Results of The Step it up RCT

Susan Coote, Sara Hayes, Marcin Uszynski, John Newell, Carl Scarrott, Stephen Gallagher, Rob Motle4Published in issue: December 2016

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Research Posters

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Efficacy of a Multi-faceted Vestibular Rehabilitation Program: Balance and Eye-movement Exercises for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (BEEMS)

Jeffrey Hebert, John R. Corboy, Timothy L. Vollmer, Jeri E. Forster, Molly E. Penzenik, Margaret Schenkmane4Published in issue: December 2016

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Improvement in Motor Function Following Intracranial Implantation of Modified Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (SB623) for Chronic Ischemic Stroke

Gary Steinberg, Damien Bates, Wenzhong Jerry Liu, Douglas Kondziolka, Lawrence Wechsler, L. Dade Lunsford, Anthony S. Kim, Jeremiah N. Johnson, Neil E. Schwartze5Published in issue: December 2016

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Examining the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Post-Concussive Symptoms

Bradey Alcock, Dawn Goode5Published in issue: December 2016

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Reliability of a Digital Image-Based Posture Assessment

Susan Wilbankse6Published in issue: December 2016

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Management of Visual Deficits with Neurological Etiology – Implications for Practice Patterns and Inter-professional Collaboration

Elizabeth Kloczko, Salvador Bondoce6Published in issue: December 2016

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Dose Response Effect of Exposure to Hypotension on Expected Neurological Recovery in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

Ehsanian Reza, Ellie Stück, Jessica Endo, Linda Isaac, Michael Beattie, Adam Ferguson, Stephen McKennae6–e7Published in issue: December 2016

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Prevalence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in a Rehabilitation Hospital

Debora Preciosoe7Published in issue: December 2016

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Feasibility and Safety of a Home Exercise Program for Patients With High Grade Brain Tumors

Jennifer Baima, Zehra B. Omer, John Varlotto, Shakeeb Yunuse7Published in issue: December 2016

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The Burn Model Systems: A Content Analysis of the Outcome Measures Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

Candice Osborne, Christina Petersson, James E. Graham, Walter J. Meyer III, Rune J. Simeonsson, Oscar E. Suman, Kenneth J. Ottenbachere7–e8Published in issue: December 2016

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Performance-based Impairment Measures as Predictors of Activity Limitations in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

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Lauren Terhorst, Margo B. Holm, Pamela E. Toto, Joan C. Rogerse8Published in issue: December 2016

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Using ICF Model in Designing Work Process for Patient Evaluation & Plan of Care - Rehabilitation Center Experience

Lamia Al Falehe8–e9Published in issue: December 2016

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Mirror Therapy in Improving Hand Function in a Child With Brain Abscess and Tetralogy of Fallot: A Case Report

Angelita Roma Hebreo, Monalisa L. Dungcae9Published in issue: December 2016

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Changes of Language Function in Aphasic Stroke Survivors Receiving Bilateral Theta Burst Stimulation

Weijia He, Kathy Y.S. Lee, Thomas W.H. Leung, Howan Leung, Qingsu Zhang, Lawrence K.S. Wonge9Published in issue: December 2016

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Group Based High Intensity Gait Training: Is it Intense Enough?

Laura Lenhart, Amy Huckstep, Sarah McCormicke9–e10Published in issue: December 2016

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Implementation of a Multi-Disciplinary Diabetes Self-Management Training Class in Acute Rehabilitation

Kimberly Hreha, Natalia D'Souza, Stephanie Vuonoe10Published in issue: December 2016

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Feasibility of Telerehabilitation in Stroke Recovery: A Survey on Access and Willingness to Use Low-Cost Consumer Technologies

Brodie Sakakibara, Janice J. Eng, Mary C. Edgar, Sarah Monsees, Josina Rhebergen, Jennifer Waring, Todd Van der Stare10–e11Published in issue: December 2016

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Making Sense of Sound: A Biological Marker for Concussion

Nina Kraus, Tory Lindley, Elaine C. Thompson, Jennifer Krizman, Katherine Cook, Travis White-Schwoch, Danielle Colegrove, Cynthia R. Labellae11Published in issue: December 2016

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Influence of Exercise Training on Ventricular Remodeling, Serum Cardiac Parameters and Functional Capacity During Trastuzumab Therapy in Breast Cancer Women

Katarzyna Hojan, Dorota Horyńska-Kestowicz, Ewa Leporowska, Slawomir Katarzynski, Maria Litwiniuke11Published in issue: December 2016

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December 2016 Issue 12, p2027

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December 2016 Volume 97, Issue 12, p2027-2238, e1-e43

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Relationship Between Subacromial Bursitis on Ultrasonography and Efficacy of Subacromial Corticosteroid Injection in Rotator Cuff Disease: A Prospective Comparison Study

Seung-Hyun Yoone11–e12Published in issue: December 2016

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Capsule-Preserving Hydrodilatation With Corticosteroid Versus Corticosteroid Injection Alone in Refractory Adhesive Capsulitis of Shoulder: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Seung-Hyun Yoone12Published in issue: December 2016

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Who Comes Back? Follow-up Care Compliance after Hospital Discharge in Pediatric TBI

Jennifer Lundine, Alexandra J. Spaw, Sarah A. Johnson, Jin Peng, Krista K. Wheeler, Junxin Shi, Ginger Yang, Kathy Haley, Jonathan Groner, Huiyun Xiange12Published in issue: December 2016

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Effectiveness of Bracing in Elderly With Knee Osteoartritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Anamaria Jones, Christine Brumini, Jamil Natour, Lais Yumi Miurae12Published in issue: December 2016

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Examining the Effect of a Powered Exoskeleton on Quality of Life in People With Spinal Cord Injury

Michael Juszczak, Tamara Bushnike13Published in issue: December 2016

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Physical Therapists’ Awareness and Reporting of Peer Misconduct: A Survey

Steven Bittickere13Published in issue: December 2016

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Profile and Predictors of Five-year Outcome in Extended Activities of Daily Living After Stroke

Geert Verheyden, Koen Putman, Eddy Dejaeger, Andreas R. Gantenbein, Nadina Lincoln, Wilfried Schupp, Liesbet De Wite13Published in issue: December 2016

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Effects of Chemotherapy-Induced-Peripheral-Neuropathy on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters and Fall Risk in Cancer Patients After the Completion of Chemotherapy Drug Treatment

Timothy Marshall, Genevieve Pinto Zipp, Fortunato Battaglia, Rebecca Moss, Stephanie Bryane13–e14Published in issue: December 2016

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Upper Limb Virtual Reality Training Provides Increased Activity Compared With Conventional Training for Severely Affected Subacute Patients After Stroke

Geert Verheyden, Jan S. Skouen, Hakon Hofstad, Jörg Assmus, Hanne Pallesen, Frank Becker, Iris Brunnere14Published in issue: December 2016

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Upper Extremity Reaching Kinematics Correlates With Scores on Upper Extremity Behavioral Measures in Moderately Impaired Stroke

Christine Griffin, Nathan D. Schilaty, Nienke W. Willigenburg, Timothy E. Hewett, Stephen J. Pagee14–e15Published in issue: December 2016

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Effectiveness of an Activity-Based Home Therapy Program for Stroke Patients in Singapore

Sock Hong Teo, Zhenzhen Chene15Published in issue: December 2016

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Wheelchair Breakdowns and Pressure Ulcer Development in People With Spinal Cord Injury

Nathan Hogaboom, Lynn A. Worobey, Allen W. Heinemann, Michael L. Boningere15Published in issue: December 2016

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Longitudinal Biomechanical Assessment of Arts-Based Balance Interventions for Elderly at Risk of Falling: A 9-month Case Study

Lise Worthen-Chaudhari, Marie Lamantia, Courtney Bland, Scott M. Monfort, Ajit M.W. Chaudhari, Maryam B. Lustberg, W. Mysiwe15–e16Published in issue: December 2016

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Predicting the Trajectories of Social Participation After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Analysis

Kimberly Erler, Joseph Locascio, Gale Whiteneck, Jennifer Bogner, Shannon Juengst, Jamie Kaminski, Joseph Giacinoe16Published in issue: December 2016

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A Preliminary Examination of Post-traumatic Growth, Empathy, Grief and Spirituality in Long-term Recovery in Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI)

Elena Gillespiee16Published in issue: December 2016

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Effectiveness of Using Prism Adaptation to Treat Motor Function and Spatial Neglect in Stroke Survivors With Multiple Lesions

Kimberly Hreha, Glen Gillen, Peii Chene16Published in issue: December 2016

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Carotid Artery Thrombus Caused by Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia Induced Reactive Thrombocytosis, Leading to Stroke in a Young Patient

Ayesha Khan, Maria Jouvin Castro, Gary N. Inwalde16–e17Published in issue: December 2016

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Disturbing Factors of the Korean's Housing Conditions for Physically Impaired Individuals

Jin-Young Lee, Yong-Min Choie17Published in issue: December 2016

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LSVT-BIG in Stroke: A Case Study

Rachel Proffitt, Whitney Hendersone17Published in issue: December 2016

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Effect of Abdominal Drawing-in Maneuver on the Scapular Stabilizer Muscle Activity During Push-up Plus Exercise in Subjects With Scapular Winging

Da-Eun Kim, A-Reum Shin, Ji-Hyun Lee, Heon-Seock Cynne17–e18Published in issue: December 2016

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Comparison of Knee Push-up Plus Exercises on Scapular and Trunk Muscle Activity and Kinematics in Subjects With Scapular Winging

A-Reum Shin, Da-Eun Kim, Heon-Seock Cynn, Ji-Hyun Leee18Published in issue: December 2016

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Don't Save Me, Then Leave Me. Rehabilitation is a Right, Not a Request

Barbara O'Connelle18–e19Published in issue: December 2016

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A Pilot Study of a Home-based Occupational Therapy Intervention for Older Adults With Cancer

Kathleen Lyonse19Published in issue: December 2016

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Tinnitus, Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide: A Retrospective Analysis

Erin Martz, Chennettee Jelleberg, Deborah D. Dougherty, Charles Wolters, Aaron Schneidermane19Published in issue: December 2016

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Pedi-ICARE Training Improves Walking and Endurance of Child With Cerebral Palsy

Judith Burnfield, Sonya L. Irons, Guilherme M. Cesar, Thad W. Buster, Ruchika Khot, Carl A. Nelsone19–e20Published in issue: December 2016

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Predictors of Arm Recovery for Chronic Stroke Survivors

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Amanda Vatinno, Bethany Woodyatt, Megan Keller, Emily Lander, Mary Ellen Stoykov, Louis Fogge20Published in issue: December 2016

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Gender Differences in Self-Reported Post-Concussion Symptoms

Felicia Fraser, Yuen Shan Christine Lee, Yuka Matsuzawa, Amanda Childs, William Barr, William MacAllister, Joseph Rickere20–e21Published in issue: December 2016

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Complex Perceived States in Work-Related Chronic Concussion

Tatyana Mollayeva, Shirin Mollayeva, Colin M. Shapiro, David J. Cassidye21Published in issue: December 2016

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Polysomnographic Assessment of Sleep Function and Structure in Adults With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion

Tatyana Mollayeva, Angela Colantonio, Lee Vernich, Shirin Mollayeva, David J. Cassidy, Colin M. Shapiroe21Published in issue: December 2016

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Impact of Spasticity on Pivot Transfers in Persons With Spinal Cord Injury

Jacqueline Tibbett, Eva Widerstrom-Noga, Christine K. Thomas, Edelle C. Field-Fotee22Published in issue: December 2016

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Using Mobile Applications to Enhance Social and Educational Connections on a Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit

Aloysia Schwabe, Christian Niedzwecki, Cristen Reat, Cathy Foremane22Published in issue: December 2016

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The Association Between Back Pain and Level of Lumbar Spine according to Modic Changes among Korean

Junghyun Yang, Tae Sik Bang, Sung Hwa Ko, Jae Hyuk Change22Published in issue: December 2016

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Investigating the Effectiveness of Elaborated Semantic Features Analysis as a Word Level Therapy for People With Aphasia

Katerina Hilari, Eva Efstratiadou, Rachel Holland, Ilias Papathanasioue22–e23Published in issue: December 2016

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A Center-specific Demographic Analysis of Barriers to Retention in Traumatic Brain Injury Model System (TBIMS) Research

Michelle Smith, Gabrielle Reimann, Coralynn Long, Barbara Siminovich-Blok, Tamara Bushnike23Published in issue: December 2016

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“My Care My Call,” a Peer-Led, Telephone-based Intervention for Persons With Spinal Cord Injury Improves Self-Management Behaviors

Bethlyn Houlihan, Miriam Brody, Sarah Everhart-Skeels, Diana Pernigotti, Judi Zazula Sam, Burnett, Stathis Hasiotis, Christa Green, Subramani Seetharama, Timothy Belliveau, David Rosenblum, Alan Jettee23Published in issue: December 2016

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Effects of a Standing Workstation on Perceived Pain and Function: A Case Series

Lynn Matthews, Ron Schenk

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e23–e24Published in issue: December 2016

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Characterizing Recovery of Functional Motor Behaviors After Rostral and Caudal Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries in Adult Rats

Sarah Rokhlin, Clara Fontaine, Pooja Deshpande, Shafkat Salem, Prithvi Shahe24Published in issue: December 2016

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Effect of Changing Manual Wheelchair Configurations and Varying Propulsion Conditions on External Demand

Andrew Mudreac, Rachel Cowane24Published in issue: December 2016

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The Significance of Falls and Living Situation as Risk Factors for Traumatic Brain Injury in the Growing Elderly Population

Iain Baileye24–e25Published in issue: December 2016

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A Toolkit for Objective Clinical Outcome Measures of Muscle Tone

Chris McGibbon, Andrew Sexton, Melony Jones, Colleen O'Connell, Glen Hughes, Adam Wilsone25Published in issue: December 2016

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Iliotibial Band Stretching With and Without Manual Patellar Stabilization in Subjects With Iliotibial Band Shortness

Bo-Been Kim, Heon-Seock Cynn, Ji-Hyun Lee, Woo-Jeong Choi, Hyo-Jung Jeonge25Published in issue: December 2016

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Effects of Ball Squeeze Squats With Hip External Rotation in Subjects With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Bo-Been Kim, Heon-Seock Cynn, Chung-Hwi Yi, Tae-Lim Yoon, Ji-Hyun Leee25–e26Published in issue: December 2016

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An Assessment of Rehabilitation Infrastructure in Peru

Amy Fuhs, Lacey N. LaGrone, Miguel G. Moscoso-Porras, Manuel J.A. Rodríguez Castro, Rosa Lisbeth Ecos Quispe, Charles N. Mocke26Published in issue: December 2016

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Test-Retest Reliability of a New Tool Assessing Car-Driving-Related Motor Skills in Adults Living With Physical Disabilities

Mohamed-Amine Choukou, François Routhier, Eric Monacelli, Olivier Rabreau, Pierre-Antoine Leyrat, Claude Vincent, Luc Noreaue26Published in issue: December 2016

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Congenital MP Contracture; In Which Classification Would Be Covers, Distal Arthrogryposis in MP Joints: Case Report

Elham Sadegheine26–e27Published in issue: December 2016

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A Comparative Study on the Change in Electrical Impedance Myography Measurements in the Absence and Presence of a Muscle Contraction

Jessica Bauza, Wendy Lachtarae27Published in issue: December 2016

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Heterotopic Ossification in Stroke: Clinical and Epidemiological Profile in a 10 Years Cross Sectional Study

Denise Cunha, Valéria Maria de Azeredo Passos, Sarah Teixeira Camargose27–e28Published in issue: December 2016

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Developing Rehabilitation Service Areas: Exploring Geographic Clustering in Post-Acute Care Services

Timothy Reistetter, Karl Eschbach, Daniel Jupiter, John Prochaska, Amol Karmarkar, Kenneth Ottenbachere28Published in issue: December 2016

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School Nurses and Concussion Management Training

Sarah Terry, Alexandra A. Linley, Sara J. Gould, Molly K. Cox, Jilian A. O’Neill, Maria T. Crowley, Laura E. Dreere28Published in issue: December 2016

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An Exploration of Dietary Intake Among Adults With Physical Disabilities

Brooks Wingo, Cassandra Herman, James H. Rimmere28–e29Published in issue: December 2016

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December 2016 Volume 97, Issue 12, p2027-2238, e1-e43

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Clinician Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Support Rehabilitation and Discharge Transitions

Kristine Miller, Heather Mullins-Owens, Niki Munk, Arlene Schmide29Published in issue: December 2016

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Internet and Social Media Use After Traumatic Brain Injury

Christina Baker-Sparr, Tessa Hart, Thomas Bergquist, Jennifer Bogner, Shannon Juengst, Therese M. O'Neil-Pirozzi, Angelle M. Sandere29Published in issue: December 2016

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Traumatic Brain Injury Results in Altered Physiologic, But Not Subjective, Responses to Emotional Stimuli

Prin Amorapanth, Preeti Raghavan, Viswanath Aluru, Ying Lu, Sarah Cox, Alvin Tang, Seda Bilaloglue29–e30Published in issue: December 2016

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Lymphedema Surveillance and Patient-Reported Anxiety: Comparison Between Volumetric Assessment and Bioimpedance Analysis

Sarah Stolker, Diane M. Radford, Joshua M. Stolkere30Published in issue: December 2016

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Impact of Post-Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation in Participants Diagnosed With Brain Tumor

Tracy Veramonti, Laura Wiggs, Jill Seale, Katy Mitchelle30Published in issue: December 2016

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To Investigate the Reliability of Physical Tests of Lumbar Spine Range of Movement, Endurance, and Motor Control in Healthy Adults

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Roopika Sodhie30–e31Published in issue: December 2016

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A Comparison of Objective Evidence vs Self-Perceived Physical and Mental Health in a Cohort of Community Dwelling Older Adults

Sabrina McAlister, Fiona O'Sullivan, Edric Leung, Declan Lyons, Margaret O'Connor, Catherine Peterse31Published in issue: December 2016

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First Words for Nonverbal Children and Adults With Autism

Maureen Sweeney, Jenna B. Lebersfelde31–e32Published in issue: December 2016

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Using Speech for the Diagnosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries

Bryan (Ning) Xia, Bryan (Ning) Xia, Louis Daudet, Christian Poellabauer, Sandra Schneidere32Published in issue: December 2016

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“Reps” Aren't Enough: Augmenting Functional Electrical Stimulation With Behavioral Supports Significantly Reduces Impairment in Moderately Impaired Stroke

Brittani Basobas, Stephen Page, Peter Levinee32Published in issue: December 2016

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A Comparison of Diagnostic Outcomes Between the Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness (Matadoc) and Crs-R

Erin Wegener, Caitlyn Bodine, Wendy Magee, Ed Rothe32–e33Published in issue: December 2016

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Improving Participation after Stroke: Examining A Stroke Self-Management Intervention in Day Rehabilitation Setting

Danbi Lee, Heidi Fischer, Joy Hammel, Rosetta Robertsone33Published in issue: December 2016

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How Does Movement of the Arms Influence the Legs During Walking in Young, Neurologically-Intact Adults?

Christine Wang, Prithvi Shah, Sue Ann Sisto, Erin Vasudevane33Published in issue: December 2016

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Safety, Feasibility, and Efficacy of Positive Pressure Treadmill Training in People With Moderate to Severe Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Series

Jonathan Melbourn, Lisa Melbourn, Marina Moldvaskiy, Laura Hawkins, Mark Sweatman, Deborah Backuse33–e34Published in issue: December 2016

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Is There a Gender Bias Involving Impulsivity and Number of Concussions?

Denise Gobert, Jace Kerby, Sean Buchnere34Published in issue: December 2016

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Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques on Perceived Exertion and Cardiovascular Variables During Resistance Exercises Performed by Tetraplegic Rugby Athletes

Sonal Khurana, Piyush Singh, Shaily Razdane34

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Systematic/Meta-Analytic Review Posters

Published in issue: December 2016

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Effect of Exercise on Non-Exercising Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women– A Comparative Study

Sonal Khurana, Razdan Shaily, Sarkar Aparna, Kuhar Suman, Bansal Nileshe34–e35Published in issue: December 2016

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Effect of Speed, Agility and Quickness Protocol on Performance of Junior Tennis Players

Isha Garg, Gaurav Kadyane35Published in issue: December 2016

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Comparisons Between Admission and Discharge Data in Traumatic Brain Injury Participants Completing the Brain Injury Coping Skills (BICS) Intervention Program

Tom Bergquist, Anna Wehde, Kamini Krishnan, Matthew Powell, Anita Milburn, Allen Browne35Published in issue: December 2016

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Assessing the Correlations between the Caregiver Burden Scale, Mood, Life Satisfaction, and Coping Skills in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Patients

Tom Bergquist, Anna Wehde, Kamini Krishnan, Matthew Powell, Anita Milburn, Allen Browne35–e36Published in issue: December 2016

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Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of a Traumatic Brain Injury Sample upon Admission to Brain Rehabilitation Clinic: A Descriptive Study Utilizing the Mayo Classification System of Injury Severity

Tom Bergquist, Anna Wehde, Kamini Krishnan, Matthew Powell, Allen Browne36Published in issue: December 2016

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Self-Management Programs for Persons With Transient Ischemic Attack or Parkinson's Disease: An Integrative Literature Review

Dorothy Kessler, Clare Liddye37Published in issue: December 2016

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Activities and Participation After Burn Injury as Defined by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: A Systematic Review

Candice Osborne, Walter J. Meyer III, Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, Christina M. Arcarie37Published in issue: December 2016

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Identifying and Classifying Quality of Life Tools for Assessing Transportation After Spinal Cord Injury

Krista Beste37–e38Published in issue: December 2016

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Depression and Spinal Cord Injury: A Scoping Review of Clinical Recommendations and Guidelines

Jeremy Winget, Judith Sweet, Jason Raade38Published in issue: December 2016

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Does Pilates Exercise Versus No Pilates Exercise Improve Posture in Healthy Adults? A Systematic Review

Melissa Vincent, Tristan Devitt, Cherie Wellse38Published in issue: December 2016

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The Need for Product Quality Standards for Wheelchairs Provided in Less-Resourced Settings

Anand Mhatre, Matt McCambridge, Norman Reese, Mark Sullivan, Don Schoendorfer, Chris Rushman, Jon Pearlmane38–e39Published in issue: December 2016

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Does Pilates Exercise Improve Balance and Walking in People With Multiple Sclerosis? A Systematic Review

Thomas Gross, Cherie Wells, Melissa Vincente39Published in issue: December 2016

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Evaluating Measurement of Verbal Memory Deficits Associated with Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Diane Morean, Alyx Kesselring, Leora R. Cherneye39Published in issue: December 2016

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The Effectiveness of Pilates Exercise in Improving Balance in Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Alexandra Long, Kate Pumpa, Sophie Cools, Cherie Wellse39–e40Published in issue: December 2016

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Index to Authors of 2016 ACRM Annual Conference Late-Breaking Research Abstracts

e41–e43Published in issue: December 2016

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A1Published in issue: December 2016

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Editorial Board

A3Published in issue: December 2016


Table of Contents

A5–A7Published in issue: December 2016


Editors' Selections From This Issue: Volume 97 / Number 12 / December 2016

A8Published in issue: December 2016

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Warm up 1161 Hip, hip, hooray!

A Weir, J L Tol, G Reurink

Editorials 1162 2016 international consensus on

femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: the

Warwick Agreement—why does it matter? J L Kemp, I Beasley

1163 Striving for multidisciplinary consensus on

the diagnosis and management of patients

with femoroacetabular impingement: more

evidence is neededD J Hunter, O Marín-Peña

1164 Tendinopathy and osteoarthritis: a chance to

kill two birds with one stone R-J de Vos, G J V M van Osch, S M A Bierma-Zeinstra, J A N Verhaar

1166 Small-sided football in schools and

leisure-time sport clubs improves physical

fi tness, health profi le, well-being and

learning in children P Krustrup, J Dvorak, J Bangsbo

1167 Time to be honest regarding outcomes of

ACL reconstructions: should we be quoting

55–65% success rates for high-level athletes? R G McCormack, M R Hutchinson

Consensus statement 1169 The Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular

impingement syndrome (FAI syndrome):

an international consensus statement D R Griffi n, E J Dickenson, J O’Donnell, R Agricola, T Awan, M Beck, J C Clohisy, H P Dijkstra, E Falvey, M Gimpel, R S Hinman, P Hölmich, A Kassarjian, H D Martin, R Martin, R C Mather, M J Philippon, M P Reiman, A Takla, K Thorborg, S Walker, A Weir, K L Bennell


Contents Volume 50 Issue 19 | BJSM October 2016

1177 The Copenhagen Consensus Conference 2016:

children, youth, and physical activity in schools

and during leisure time J Bangsbo, P Krustrup, J Duda, C Hillman, L B Andersen, M Weiss, C A Williams, T Lintunen, K Green, P R Hansen, P-J Naylor, I Ericsson, G Nielsen, K Froberg, A Bugge, J Lundbye-Jensen, J Schipperijn, S Dagkas, S Agergaard, J von Seelen, C Østergaard, T Skovgaard, H Busch, A-M Elbe

Infographic 1179 Infographic. The Warwick Agreement on

femoroacetabular impingement syndrome D R Griffi n, E J Dickenson, J O’Donnell, et al.

Reviews 1180 Physical impairments in symptomatic

femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic

review of the evidence M D Freke, J Kemp, I Svege, M A Risberg, A Semciw, K M Crossley

1181 Athletic groin pain: a systematic review

of surgical diagnoses, investigations and

treatment D de SA, P Hölmich, M Phillips, S Heaven, N Simunovic, M J Philippon, O R Ayeni

1187 Revisiting the continuum model of tendon

pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice

and research? J L Cook, E Rio, C R Purdam, S I Docking


Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

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Contents Volume 50 Issue 19 | BJSM October 2016

Original articles 1192 The medial tibial stress syndrome score: a

new patient-reported outcome measure M Winters, M H Moen, W O Zimmermann, R Lindeboom, A Weir, F J G Backx, E W P Bakker

1200 Increasing compliance with neuromuscular

training to prevent ankle sprain in sport: does

the ‘Strengthen your ankle’ mobile App make a

difference? A randomised controlled trial M Van Reijen, I Vriend, V Zuidema, W van Mechelen, E A Verhagen

1206 Four biomechanical and anthropometric

measures predict tibial stress fracture: a

prospective study of 1065 Royal Marines M Nunns, C House, H Rice, M Mostazir, T Davey, V Stiles, J Fallowfi eld, A Allsopp, S Dixon

1211 Epidemiology of National Collegiate Athletic

Association men’s and women’s tennis

injuries, 2009/2010–2014/2015 R C Lynall, Z Y Kerr, A Djoko, B M Pluim, B Hainline, T P Dompier

1217 Personalised Hip Therapy: development

of a non-operative protocol to treat

femoroacetabular impingement syndrome

in the FASHIoN randomised controlled trial P D H Wall, E J Dickenson, D Robinson, I Hughes, A Realpe, R Hobson, D R Griffi n, N E Foster

Inside track 1224 Robert-Jan de Vos

J Windt

Mobile App User Guides1226 Improve your health and fi tness in ‘Just 6 weeks’

L S Romero, A M Antón


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Warm up 1227 ‘Keeping you active’—the Australasian

College of Sport and Exercise Physicians H Osborne

Editorials 1228 Australasian College of Sport and Exercise

Physicians A Castricum, M Jamieson, H Osborne, P Blackman

1229 Change to Australasian College of Sport and

Exercise Physicians—position statement:

the place of mesenchymal stem/stromal cell

therapies in sport and exercise medicine H Osborne, A Castricum

1230 Critique of ‘The physical activity myth’ paper:

discussion of fl awed logic and inappropriate

use of evidence P Kelly, G Baker, C McAdam, K Milton, J Richards, C Foster, M Murphy, N Mutrie

1231 High-intensity interval training: key data

needed to bridge the gap from laboratory to

public health policy S R Gray, C Ferguson, K Birch, L J Forrest, J M R Gill

1232 Challenges of in-competition cardiac

screening: lessons from the 12th FINA World

Swimming Championships (25 m) Swimmer’s

Heart project H P Dijkstra, M Mountjoy, C Adamuz, A Pelliccia

1234 Sports medicine in Singapore: integrating into

public hospitals and secondary care D Sirisena, S Lim, K C Teh

1235 Physical activity guidelines for weight loss:

global and national perspectives L Mabire

Contents Volume 50 Issue 20 | BJSM October 2016

Consensus statement 1237 Australasian College of Sports Physicians—

position statement: the place of mesenchymal

stem/stromal cell therapies in sport and

exercise medicineH Osborne, L Anderson, P Burt, M Young, D Gerrard

1245 International consensus statement on injury

surveillance in cricket: a 2016 update J W Orchard, C Ranson, B Olivier, M Dhillon, J Gray, B Langley, A Mansingh, I S Moore, I Murphy, J Patricios, T Alwar, C J Clark, B Harrop, H I Khan, A Kountouris, M Macphail, S Mount, A Mupotaringa, D Newman, K O’Reilly, N Peirce, S Saleem, D Shackel, R Stretch, C F Finch

Reviews 1252 Dose–response association of screen time-

based sedentary behaviour in children and

adolescents and depression: a meta-analysis

of observational studies M Liu, L Wu, S Yao

1259 Critical components of neuromuscular training

to reduce ACL injury risk in female athletes:

meta-regression analysis D Sugimoto, G D Myer, K D Barber Foss, M J Pepin, L J Micheli, T E Hewett

1267 Glucocorticoids at the Olympic Games: state-

of-the-art review K Fitch


Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Editor-in-ChiefKarim Khan (Canada)

EditorsBabette Pluim (Netherlands)

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Contents Volume 50 Issue 20 | BJSM October 2016

Original articles 1268 Effectiveness of footwear and foot orthoses

for calcaneal apophysitis: a 12-month factorial

randomised trial A M James, C M Williams, T P Haines

1276 Analysis of head impact exposure and brain

microstructure response in a season-long

application of a jugular vein compression

collar: a prospective, neuroimaging

investigation in American football G D Myer, W Yuan, K D Barber Foss, S Thomas, D Smith, J Leach, A W Kiefer, C Dicesare, J Adams, P J Gubanich, K Kitchen, D K Schneider, D Braswell, D Krueger, M Altaye


Republished editorial from The BMJ 1286 Managing back pain and osteoarthritis without

paracetamol C Mallen, E Hay

PostScript1288 Letter

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Warm up 1289 Collaboration, consensus and consideration

E J Tillett

Editorials 1290 Improving physical performance tests: time

to include a psychologist J B Kazman, S de la Motte, T C Gribbin, J Galecki, P A Deuster, F O’Connor

1291 Cost-benefi t analysis underlies training

decisions in elite sport H T Gabbett, J Windt, T J Gabbett

1293 From management to prevention: the new

cure for sports concussion J Batten, A J White, E Anderson, R Bullingham

1294 Why are back pain guidelines left on the

sidelines? Three myths appear to be guiding

management of back pain in sport B Darlow, P B O’Sullivan

1295 Oral health screening should be routine in

professional football: a call to action for sports

and exercise medicine (SEM) clinicians I Needleman, P Ashley, R Weiler, S McNally

Consensus statement 1297 Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and

elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from

the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne.

Part 2—the effect of exercise on the fetus,

labour and birth K Bø, R Artal, R Barakat, W Brown, M Dooley, K R Evenson, L A H Haakstad, K Larsen, B Kayser, T I Kinnunen, M F Mottola, I Nygaard, M van Poppel, B Stuge, G A L Davies, IOC Medical Commission

Contents Volume 50 Issue 21 | BJSM November 2016

Reviews 1306 Sports-related workload and injury risk: simply

knowing the risks will not prevent injuries:

Narrative review M K Drew, J Cook, C F Finch

1309 Complex systems approach for sports injuries:

moving from risk factor identifi cation to injury

pattern recognition—narrative review and

new conceptN F N Bittencourt, W H Meeuwisse, L D Mendonça, A Nettel-Aguirre, J M Ocarino, S T Fonseca

1315 Effectiveness of after-school interventions

at increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical

activity levels in 5- to 18-year olds: a

systematic review and meta-analysis R Mears, R Jago

1325 Return to play post-Achilles tendon rupture: a

systematic review and meta-analysis of rate

and measures of return to play J A Zellers, M R Carmont, K G Silbernagel

Original articles 1333 Physical performance tests predict injury

in National Collegiate Athletic Association

athletes: a three-season prospective cohort

study E J Hegedus, S McDonough, C Bleakley, G D Baxter, J T DePew, I Bradbury, C Cook

1338 Results of a nationally implemented de novo

cardiac screening programme in elite rugby

players in England S Ghani, M Papadakis, S Kemp, A Zaidi, N Sheikh, S Gati, H Raju, A Smith, C Palmer, J Somauroo, S Sharma

Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Editor-in-ChiefKarim Khan (Canada)

EditorsBabette Pluim (Netherlands)

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Contents Volume 50 Issue 21 | BJSM November 2016

PEDro systematic review update 1345 Prevention of low back pain (PEDro synthesis)

B T Saragiotto, J Latimer

1346 Walking exercise for chronic musculoskeletal

pain (PEDro synthesis) C B Oliveira, R Z Pinto, M R Franco

Mobile App User Guides1348 My Physio App: better communication,

understanding and resultsS Cowan

Prize winning abstracts BASEM Congress 2015 1350 Prize winning abstracts BASEM Congress 2015

PostScript 1353 Correspondence

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British Journal of Sports Medicine is published monthly; subscribers receive all supplements

Institutional rates 2017Print£755; US$1473; €1020

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Warm up1355 Swedish Society for Physical Activity and

Sports Medicine: a long history of excellence

in sport and exercise medicineM Forssblad, K Khan

Editorials 1356 Predicting future physical injury in sports: it’s a

complicated dynamic system C Cook

1357 Let’s programme exercise during

haemodialysis (intradialytic exercise) into the

care plan for patients, regardless of age T Deschamps

1358 Identifying concussion: when guidelines collide

with real-world implementation—is a formal

medical diagnosis necessary in every case

once a proper protocol is implemented? P Frémont

Reviews 1360 Hypothesised mechanisms of swimming-

related death: a systematic review C A Asplund, L L Creswell

1367 Injection therapies for plantar fasciopathy

(‘plantar fasciitis’): a systematic review and

network meta-analysis of 22 randomised

controlled trials K Tsikopoulos, H S Vasiliadis, D Mavridis

1376 Why cardiovascular screening in young

athletes can save lives: a critical review J A Drezner, K G Harmon, I M Asif, J C Marek

Contents Volume 50 Issue 22 | BJSM November 2016

1379 Exercise prescription for patients with type

2 diabetes—a synthesis of international

recommendations: narrative review R Mendes, N Sousa, A Almeida, P Subtil, F Guedes-Marques, V M Reis, J L Themudo-Barata

Original articles 1382 Total sitting time and the risk of incident

diabetes in Danish adults (the DANHES cohort)

over 5 years: a prospective study C B Petersen, A Bauman, J S Tolstrup

1388 Economic impact study: neuromuscular

training reduces the burden of injuries and

costs compared to standard warm-up in youth

soccer D A Marshall, E Lopatina, S Lacny, C A Emery

1394 ‘FIFA 11 for Health’ for Europe. II: effect on

health markers and physical fi tness in Danish

schoolchildren aged 10–12 years C Ørntoft, C W Fuller, M N Larsen, J Bangsbo, J Dvorak, P Krustrup

1400 Economic evaluation favours physiotherapy

but not corticosteroid injection as a fi rst-line

intervention for chronic lateral epicondylalgia:

evidence from a randomised clinical trial B K Coombes, L Connelly, L Bisset, B Vicenzino

1406 Injuries in women’s international ice hockey:

an 8-year study of the World Championship

tournaments and Olympic Winter Games M Tuominen, M J Stuart, M Aubry, P Kannus, K Tokola, J Parkkari


Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Editor-in-ChiefKarim Khan (Canada)

EditorsBabette Pluim (Netherlands)

Kay Crossley (Australia)

Editorial Offi ceBMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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Contents Volume 50 Issue 22 | BJSM November 2016

Republished research from The BMJ 1413 Management of degenerative meniscal tears

and the role of surgery R Buchbinder, I A Harris, A Sprowson

Mobile App User Guides 1417 Accupedo pedometer: daily walking step

counter Z Milanovic, N Stojiljkovic, L Pavlovic, V Antic, N Stankovic

1419 Waking up in the zone with Sleep Cycle M Lastella, G D Roach, C Sargent

PostScript 1421 Correspondence

1422 Letters

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Warm up1425 You have heard of CONSORT, you have heard

of PRISMA. Now, a template for reporting

exercise trials (CERT) K Khan

Republished editorial from the BMJ 1426 Arthroscopic surgery for knee pain: a highly

questionable practice without supporting

evidence of even moderate quality T L N Järvinen, G H Guyatt

Consensus statement 1428 Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template

(CERT): Explanation and Elaboration Statement S C Slade, C E Dionne, M Underwood, R Buchbinder

Reviews 1438 Resistance training reduces systolic blood

pressure in metabolic syndrome: a systematic

review and meta-analysis of randomised

controlled trials Í R Lemes, P H Ferreira, S N Linares, A F Machado, C M Pastre, J Netto

1443 Aerobic exercise ameliorates cognitive

function in older adults with mild cognitive

impairment: a systematic review and meta-

analysis of randomised controlled trials G Zheng, R Xia, W Zhou, J Tao, L Chen


Contents Volume 50 Issue 23 | BJSM December 2016

1451 Cardiorespiratory fi tness cut points to avoid

cardiovascular disease risk in children and

adolescents; what level of fi tness should

raise a red fl ag? A systematic review and

meta-analysis J R Ruiz, I Cavero-Redondo, F B Ortega, G J Welk, L B Andersen, V Martinez-Vizcaino

1459 Does sports participation (including level of

performance and previous injury) increase risk

of osteoarthritis? A systematic review and

meta-analysis G Tran, T O Smith, A Grice, S R Kingsbury, P McCrory, P G Conaghan

1467 Architectural adaptations of muscle to training

and injury: a narrative review outlining the

contributions by fascicle length, pennation

angle and muscle thickness R G Timmins, A J Shield, M D Williams, C Lorenzen, D A Opar

Republished research from the BMJ 1473 Exercise therapy versus arthroscopic partial

meniscectomy for degenerative meniscal tear

in middle aged patients: randomised controlled

trial with two year follow-up N J Kise, M A Risberg, S Stensrud, J Ranstam, L Engebretsen, E M Roos

Education 1481 Can concussion constrain the Caped Crusader?

E P Zehr, B Wright

PostScript 1485 Letter

1486 Correspondence



Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Editor-in-ChiefKarim Khan (Canada)

EditorsBabette Pluim (Netherlands)

Kay Crossley (Australia)

Editorial Offi ceBMJ Publishing Group Ltd

BMA House

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Warm up1487 Soft tissue injuries are still a challenge in

musculoskeletal sports and exercise medicineN Malliaropoulos, M Ghrairi, Y Zerguini, N Padhiar

Editorials 1488 What does ‘preventive training’ prevent in

competitive sport? P B Mahler, B Gojanovic, F Fourchet, F Mahler

1489 Bringing complexity to sports injury prevention

research: from simplifi cation to explanation S Bekker, A M Clark

1491 Fat pads adjacent to tendinopathy: more than

a coincidence? E R Ward, G Andersson, L J Backman, J E Gaida

Consensus statement 1493 2016 consensus statement of the International

Ankle Consortium: prevalence, impact and

long-term consequences of lateral ankle sprains P A Gribble, C M Bleakley, B M Caulfi eld, C L Docherty, F Fourchet, Daniel Tik-Pui Fong, J Hertel, C E Hiller, T W Kaminski, P O McKeon, K M Refshauge, E A Verhagen, B T Vicenzino, E A Wikstrom, E Delahunt

Reviews 1496 Evidence review for the 2016 International

Ankle Consortium consensus statement

on the prevalence, impact and long-term

consequences of lateral ankle sprains P A Gribble, C M Bleakley, B M Caulfi eld, C L Docherty, F Fourchet, Daniel Tik-Pui Fong, J Hertel, C E Hiller, T W Kaminski, P O McKeon, K M Refshauge, E A Verhagen, B T Vicenzino, E A Wikstrom, E Delahunt

Contents Volume 50 Issue 24 | BJSM December 2016

1506 Evidence-based clinical practice update:

practice guidelines for anterior cruciate

ligament rehabilitation based on a systematic

review and multidisciplinary consensus N van Melick, R E H van Cingel, F Brooijmans, C Neeter, T van Tienen, W Hullegie, M W G Nijhuis-van der Sanden

1516 Can ultrasound imaging predict the

development of Achilles and patellar

tendinopathy? A systematic review and

meta-analysis S McAuliffe, K McCreesh, F Culloty, H Purtill, K O’Sullivan

Original articles 1524 Short biceps femoris fascicles and eccentric

knee fl exor weakness increase the risk of

hamstring injury in elite football (soccer):

a prospective cohort study R G Timmins, M N Bourne, A J Shield, M D Williams, C Lorenzen, D A Opar

1536 Effect of high-speed running on hamstring

strain injury risk S Duhig, A J Shield, D Opar, T J Gabbett, C Ferguson, M Williams

1541 Can standardised clinical examination of

athletes with acute groin injuries predict the

presence and location of MRI fi ndings? A Serner, A Weir, J L Tol, K Thorborg, F Roemer, A Guermazi, P Hölmich

Journal of the British Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Editor-in-ChiefKarim Khan (Canada)

EditorsBabette Pluim (Netherlands)

Kay Crossley (Australia)

Editorial Offi ceBMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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Contents Volume 50 Issue 24 | BJSM December 2016

PEDro systematic review update 1548 Conservative interventions for acute hamstring

injuries (PEDro synthesis) A J Vassallo, C E Hiller, E Pappas

1550 Early weight-bearing and rehabilitation versus

immobilisation following surgical Achilles

tendon repair (PEDro synthesis) K Phan, R J Campbell, S J Kamper

Inside track 1552 Jill Cook: #TrueGold

J Windt

Mobile App User Guides 1554 Life-saving fi rst aid tips in the palm of your

hands…courtesy of the Red Cross J J Wilson, W D J Johnston, M A Tully

PostScript1556 Letter

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European Journal of Applied Physiology

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 1439-6319 (Print) 1439-6327 (Online)

In this issue (20 articles)


Invited Review

Fatigue associated with prolonged graded running

Marlene Giandolini, Gianluca Vernillo… Pages 1859-1873

2. Original Article

The impact of repetition mechanics on the adaptations resulting from

strength-, hypertrophy- and cluster-type resistance training

G. Nicholson, T. Ispoglou, A. Bissas Pages 1875-1888


Original Article

Low-volume high-intensity swim training is superior to high-volume low-

intensity training in relation to insulin sensitivity and glucose control in

inactive middle-aged women

Luke J. Connolly, Nikolai B. Nordsborg… Pages 1889-1897


Original Article

High oxygen extraction and slow recovery of muscle deoxygenation

kinetics after neuromuscular electrical stimulation in COPD patients

Diego de Paiva Azevedo, Wladimir Musetti Medeiros… Pages 1899-1910


Original Article

Mechanical work and efficiency of 5 + 5 m shuttle running

Paola Zamparo, Gaspare Pavei, Francesca Nardello… Pages 1911-1919

Página 1 de 4European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 10 - Springer


6. Original Article

Does knee joint cooling change in vivo patellar tendon mechanical


Luis M. Alegre, Michael Hasler, Sebastian Wenger… Pages 1921-1929


Original Article

Influence of chronic endurance exercise training on conduit artery

retrograde and oscillatory shear in older adults

Darren P. Casey, Aaron C. Schneider, Kenichi Ueda Pages 1931-1940

8. Original Article

The impact of sleeping with reduced glycogen stores on immunity and

sleep in triathletes

Julien Louis, Laurie-Anne Marquet, Eve Tiollier… Pages 1941-1954


Original Article

Post-exercise blood flow restriction attenuates muscle hypertrophy

Scott J. Dankel, Samuel L. Buckner… Pages 1955-1963


Original Article

The effect of high-intensity cycling training on postural sway during

standing under rested and fatigued conditions in healthy young adults

Mathew W. Hill, Matthew F. Higgins… Pages 1965-1974


Original Article

Short-term interval training at both lower and higher intensities in the

severe exercise domain result in improvements in on-kinetics

Tiago Turnes, Rafael Alves de Aguiar… Pages 1975-1984


V O2

Página 2 de 4European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 10 - Springer


Original Article

Cardio-metabolic responses during horse riding at three different speeds

Gianmarco Sainas, Salvatore Melis… Pages 1985-1992


Original Article

No evidence of neural adaptations following chronic unilateral isometric

training of the intrinsic muscles of the hand: a randomized controlled


A. Manca, F. Ginatempo, M. P. Cabboi, B. Mercante… Pages 1993-2005


Original Article

Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine responses to a 164-km road cycle

ride in a hot environment

Hui-Ying Luk, Danielle E. Levitt, Elaine C. Lee… Pages 2007-2015


Original Article

Optimal slopes and speeds in uphill ski mountaineering: a field study

Caroline Praz, Benedikt Fasel, Philippe Vuistiner… Pages 2017-2024


Original Article

The effects of different aerobic exercise intensities on serum serotonin

concentrations and their association with Stroop task performance: a

randomized controlled trial

Philipp Zimmer, Christian Stritt, Wilhelm Bloch… Pages 2025-2034


Original Article

1RM prediction: a novel methodology based on the force–velocity and

load–velocity relationships

Pietro Picerno, Danilo Iannetta, Stefania Comotto… Pages 2035-2043

Página 3 de 4European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 10 - Springer



Original Article

The impact of intermittent exercise in a hypoxic environment on redox

status and cardiac troponin release in the serum of well-trained marathon


Feifei Li, Jinlei Nie, Yifan Lu… Pages 2045-2051


Letter to the Editor

Variable responses to eccentric exercise

D. J. Newham, D. A. Jones Pages 2053-2054



Inter-individual variability in the response to maximal eccentric exercise

Philipp Baumert, Mark J. Lake, Claire E. Stewart… Pages 2055-2056


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European Journal of Applied Physiology

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 1439-6319 (Print) 1439-6327 (Online)

In this issue (34 articles)


Invited Review

Bilateral deficit in maximal force production

Jakob Škarabot, Neil Cronin, Vojko Strojnik… Pages 2057-2084


Invited Review

An integrated view on the oxygenation responses to incremental exercise at

the brain, the locomotor and respiratory muscles

Jan Boone, Kristof Vandekerckhove, Ilse Coomans… Pages 2085-2102


Original Article

Resistance exercise increases intramuscular NF-κb signaling in untrained


Jeremy R. Townsend, Jeffrey R. Stout… Pages 2103-2111


Original Article

Effects of a 1-year randomised controlled trial of resistance training on

blood lipid profile and chylomicron concentration in older men

Anthony P. James, Joanna Whiteford… Pages 2113-2123


Original Article

Validity of muscle thickness-based prediction equation for quadriceps

femoris volume in middle-aged and older men and women

Página 1 de 4European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 11 - Springer


Miyuki Nakatani, Yohei Takai, Ryota Akagi… Pages 2125-2133


Original Article

Effects of training and detraining on adiponectin plasma concentration and

muscle sensitivity in lean and overweight men

Caroline Gastebois, Clément Villars… Pages 2135-2144


Original Article

Differences in post-exercise T2 relaxation time changes between eccentric

and concentric contractions of the elbow flexors

Eisuke Ochi, Yosuke Tsuchiya, Kazunori Nosaka Pages 2145-2154


Original Article

The effect of exercise hypertrophy and disuse atrophy on muscle contractile

properties: a mechanomyographic analysis

Christian Than, Danijel Tosovic, Laura Seidl… Pages 2155-2165

9. Original Article

Heritability of heart rate recovery and vagal rebound after exercise

Ineke Nederend, Nienke M. Schutte, Meike Bartels… Pages 2167-2176


Original Article

Markers of biological stress in response to a single session of high-intensity

interval training and high-volume training in young athletes

Yvonne Kilian, Florian Engel, Patrick Wahl… Pages 2177-2186


Original Article

Cardiac stroke volume variability measured non-invasively by three

methods for detection of central hypovolemia in healthy humans

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Nathalie Linn Anikken Holme… Pages 2187-2196


Original Article

Corticospinal and transcallosal modulation of unilateral and bilateral

contractions of lower limbs

Jakob Škarabot, Ruben Perellón Alfonso… Pages 2197-2214

13. Original Article

Mechanisms of force depression caused by different types of physical

exercise studied by direct electrical stimulation of human quadriceps


Albertas Skurvydas, Gediminas Mamkus… Pages 2215-2224


Original Article

Effect of protein quality on recovery after intense resistance training

E. Rindom, M. H. Nielsen, K. Kececi, M. E. Jensen… Pages 2225-2236


Original Article

Duration of fascicle shortening is affected by muscle architecture and sex

C. L. Simpson, S. Arefin, R. R. Smart, B. Harwood… Pages 2237-2245


Original Article

Resistance-training exercises with different stability requirements: time

course of task specificity

Atle Hole Saeterbakken, Vidar Andersen… Pages 2247-2256


Original Article

Effects of plantar stimulation on cardiovascular response to orthostatism

Liubov E. Amirova, Nastassia M. Navasiolava… Pages 2257-2266

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Original Article

Differential vascular reactivity responses acutely following ingestion of a

nitrate rich red spinach extract

Cody T. Haun, Wesley C. Kephart… Pages 2267-2279


Original Article

Aging and the effects of a half marathon on Achilles tendon force

–elongation relationship

Thijs Maria Anne Ackermans, Gaspar Epro… Pages 2281-2292


Original Article

Effects of caffeine ingestion on endurance performance in mentally fatigued


Rafael Azevedo, Marcos David Silva-Cavalcante… Pages 2293-2303


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European Journal of Applied Physiology

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 1439-6319 (Print) 1439-6327 (Online)

In this issue (34 articles)


Original Article

Running decreases knee intra-articular cytokine and cartilage oligomeric

matrix concentrations: a pilot study

Robert D. Hyldahl, Alyssa Evans, Sunku Kwon… Pages 2305-2314

2. Original Article

Passive and post-exercise cold-water immersion augments PGC-1α and

VEGF expression in human skeletal muscle

C. H. Joo, R. Allan, B. Drust, G. L. Close… Pages 2315-2326


Original Article

Improvement in functional performance with high-speed power training

in older adults is optimized in those with the highest training velocity

Stephen P. Sayers, Kyle Gibson, J. Bryan Mann Pages 2327-2336


Original Article

Validity of a perceptually-regulated step test protocol for assessing

cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults

Hunter Bennett, Kade Davison, Gaynor Parfitt… Pages 2337-2344


Original Article

Página 1 de 3European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 11 - Springer


Characterizing cerebral and locomotor muscle oxygenation to

incremental ramp exercise in healthy children: relationship with

pulmonary gas exchange

Kristof Vandekerckhove, Ilse Coomans… Pages 2345-2355

6. Original Article

Gender differences in fatigability and muscle activity responses to a

short-cycle repetitive task

Divya Srinivasan, Kathryn E. Sinden… Pages 2357-2365


Original Article

Resistance training intensity and volume affect changes in rate of force

development in resistance-trained men

Gerald T. Mangine, Jay R. Hoffman, Ran Wang… Pages 2367-2374


Original Article

High-intensity Interval training enhances mobilization/functionality of

endothelial progenitor cells and depressed shedding of vascular

endothelial cells undergoing hypoxia

Hsing-Hua Tsai, Chin-Pu Lin, Yi-Hui Lin… Pages 2375-2388


Original Article

Salbutamol effects on systemic potassium dynamics during and following

intense continuous and intermittent exercise

Muath M. Altarawneh, Aaron Petersen, Robert Smith… Pages 2389-2399


Original Article

Changes in resting mitogen-activated protein kinases following resistance

exercise overreaching and overtraining

Justin X. Nicoll, Andrew C. Fry, Andrew J. Galpin… Pages 2401-2413

Página 2 de 3European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 11 - Springer


11. Original Article

The constant work rate critical power protocol overestimates ramp

incremental exercise performance

Matthew I. Black, Andrew M. Jones, James A. Kelly… Pages 2415-2422


Letter to the Editor

Do maximal aerobic power and anaerobic capacity start really to

decrease at the fourth decade of life?

Fabio Borrani, Grégoire P. Millet Pages 2423-2424



Response to the comments “Do Maximal aerobic and anaerobic capacity

start really to decrease after the fourth decade of life?” written by F

Borrani, G Millet to the paper “Maximal aerobic power and anaerobic

capacity in cycling across the age spectrum in male master athletes”

Carlo Capelli, Jörn Rittweger Pages 2425-2426


Acknowledgement to Referees

Acknowledgement to referees

Pages 2427-2430


Página 3 de 3European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 116, Issue 11 - Springer


October 2016 - Volume 44 - Issue 4

pp: 123-149


Fatigue and Fatigability in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis

Zijdewind, Inge; Prak, Roeland F.; Wolkorte, Ria

The Age-Associated Reduction in Propulsive Power Generation in Walking

Franz, Jason R.

Sympathetic Vasoconstriction in Skeletal Muscle: Adaptations to Exercise Training

Just, Timothy P.; Cooper, Ian R.; DeLorey, Darren S.

Decreased Myofilament Calcium Sensitivity Plays a Significant Role in Muscle Fatigue

Debold, Edward P.

Página 1 de 1Current Issue : Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews


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Perez, S. EA: Resistance Training and Ovariectomy: Antagonic Effects in Mitochondrial Biogenesis

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Ausgabe 12 · November 2016

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Evans, E. S.; Hackney, A. C.; Pebole, M. M.; McMurray, R. G.; Muss, H. B.; Deal, A. M.;

Battaglini, C. L. :

> Adrenal Hormone and Metabolic Biomarker Responses to 30 min of Intermittent Cycling Exercise in Breast Cancer Survivors

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Martins, C. C.; Bagatini, M. D.; Cardoso, A. M.; Zanini, D.; Abdalla, F. H.; Baldissarelli, J.;

Dalenogare, D. P.; dos Santos, D. L.; Schetinger, M. R. C.; Morsch, V. M. M. :

> Exercise Training positively modulates the Ectonucleotidase Enzymes in Lymphocytes of Metabolic Syndrome Patients

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Training & Testing

Vieira, A.; Siqueira, A. F.; Ferreira-Junior, J. B.; do Carmo, J.; Durigan, J. L. Q.; Blazevich, A.;

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Turnes, T.; de Aguiar, R. A.; de Oliveira Cruz, R. S.; Pereira, K.; Salvador, A. F.; Caputo, F. :

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In this Issue October 1, 2016; volume 121, issue 4

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It's in our interests not to be in conflict—of interest, that isJason H. T. Bates, Peter D. Wagner

October 1, 2016 : 829-830

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00738.2016

Using devices to upregulate nonnutritive swallowing in typically developing infantsSarah Hegyi Szynkiewicz, Rachel W. Mulheren, Kathryn W. Palmore, Cynthia R. O'Donoghue, Christy L. Ludlow

October 1, 2016 : 831-837

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00797.2015

Sensory stimuli—a pacifier and a vibrator placed over the laryngeal area on the neck—were used to determine whether they could upregulate reflexive

swallowing in typically developing infants. Both increased reflexive swallowing, although the vibrator did not alter respiratory rate in typical infants. Because

vibration would not interfere with oral feeding, further research is needed to determine whether the novel vibratory device might enhance swallowing during

feeding in infants with oral feeding difficulties.

Whey protein with potassium bicarbonate supplement attenuates the reduction in muscle oxidative

capacity during 19 days of bed restAlessandra Bosutti, Michele Salanova, Dieter Blottner, Judith Buehlmeier, Edwin Mulder, Jörn Rittweger, Moi Hoon Yap, Bergita Ganse, Hans Degens

October 1, 2016 : 838-848

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00936.2015

Reduced muscle oxidative capacity and capillary rarefaction may be critical factors in disuse-induced muscle weakness in spaceflight or bed rest. Here we

show that 19 days of bed rest induced a reduction in the fiber oxidative capacity, irrespective of muscle (soleus and vastus lateralis muscle) or fiber type,

without significant capillary loss, that was in part attenuated by a whey protein plus potassium bicarbonate-enriched diet.

Contractile properties of motor units and expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in rat fast-type

muscle after volitional weight-lifting trainingDawid Łochyński, Dominik Kaczmarek, Włodzimierz Mrówczyński, Wojciech Warchoł, Joanna Majerczak, Janusz Karasiński, Michał Korostyński, Jerzy A.

Zoladz, Jan Celichowski

October 1, 2016 : 858-869

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00330.2016

At the early stage of resistance exercise, modifications to motor unit muscle fiber contractile force, speed, and fatigue resistance occur before any significant

transition in the muscle myosin heavy chain isoform and upregulation of Ca -handling proteins can be detected.2+



Página 1 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


Attenuation of exercise effect on inflammatory responses via novel role of TLR4/PI3K/Akt signaling in

rat splenocytesChien-Wei Chen, Chih-Chieh Chen, Cai-Yun Jian, Po-Han Lin, Jou-Chun Chou, Hsueh-Su Teng, Sindy Hu, Fu-Kong Lieu, Paulus S. Wang, Shyi-Wu Wang

October 1, 2016 : 870-877

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00393.2016

The spleen is an important innate/adaptive immunity organ. To our knowledge, this is the first study to illustrate that exercise attenuates immune responses

via a novel regulatory activity in the spleen. Our study demonstrates science-based evidence to support exercise exerting potent anti-inflammatory activity by

suppressing toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and phospho-NF-κB while promoting the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt expression, consequently

leading to decreased LPS-induced proinflammatory molecules. These observations provide novel insights for better understanding of the immunomodulatory

effects of exercise.

Improved single muscle fiber quality in the oldest-oldGreg J. Grosicki, Robert A. Standley, Kevin A. Murach, Ulrika Raue, Kiril Minchev, Paul M. Coen, Anne B. Newman, Steven Cummings, Tamara Harris,

Stephen Kritchevsky, Bret H. Goodpaster, Scott Trappe, The Health ABC Study

October 1, 2016 : 878-884

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00479.2016

This is the first study to report single muscle fiber strength, speed, and power in the oldest-old. These data suggest an improvement in myocellular quality with

age that is more pronounced in the fast-twitch muscle fibers. The improved quality of these remaining muscle fibers suggests a “survival of the fittest”

phenomenon that is in contrast to the classic aging skeletal muscle dogma.

Healthy aging does not compromise the augmentation of cardiac function during heat stressDaniel Gagnon, Steven A. Romero, Hai Ngo, Satyam Sarma, William K. Cornwell III, Paula Y. S. Poh, Douglas Stoller, Benjamin D. Levine, Craig G. Crandall

October 1, 2016 : 885-892

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00643.2016

Previous studies suggest that healthy aged humans are unable to maintain stroke volume during heat stress. We hypothesized that this is due to an

inappropriate augmentation of cardiac function during heat stress. Contrary to our hypothesis, stroke volume was maintained during heat stress in healthy

aged adults and was accompanied by a leftward shift of the Frank-Starling relation. These results suggest that cardiac function is appropriately augmented

during heat stress in healthy aged humans.

Athletic training affects the uniformity of muscle and tendon adaptation during adolescenceFalk Mersmann, Sebastian Bohm, Arno Schroll, Robert Marzilger, Adamantios Arampatzis

October 1, 2016 : 893-899

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00493.2016

This study demonstrates for the first time that athletic training during adolescence can disrupt the uniformity of muscle and tendon adaptation. The resultant

imbalance of muscle strength and tendon stiffness increases the demand on the tendon. This could have potential implications for the risk of overuse injury,

which is a major problem in specific sport disciplines.

A structure-function analysis of the left ventricleEdward P. Snelling, Roger S. Seymour, J. E. F. Green, Leith C. R. Meyer, Andrea Fuller, Anna Haw, Duncan Mitchell, Anthony P. Farrell, Mary-Ann Costello,

Adian Izwan, Margaret Badenhorst, Shane K. Maloney

October 1, 2016 : 900-909

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00435.2016

Our model of oxygen transport through left ventricular cardiac tissue shows that oxygen demands are easily satisfied at rest, but only just satisfied during

simulated heavy exercise. We also find that cardiac mitochondria likely operate close to their functional limits during heavy exercise. However, the cardiac

myofibrils retain a reserve capacity for tension development, which possibly protects the left ventricle from excessive force loads during health and

compensates for impaired function during disease.

Continuous positive airway pressure treatment does not normalize the prolonged reflex inhibition to

inspiratory loading in obstructive sleep apneaNicholas P. S. Murray, David K. McKenzie, Simon C. Gandevia, Jane E. Butler

October 1, 2016 : 910-916

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01000.2015

Patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea have an abnormal prolongation of the inhibitory reflex to inspiratory muscle loading. However, in this study we

found that treatment with continuous positive airway pressure at night does not reverse the abnormality. The explanation for the failure of the reflex to return to

normal is unknown.

Effect of irradiation on Akt signaling in atrophying skeletal muscleDennis K. Fix, Justin P. Hardee, Ted A. Bateman, James A. Carson

October 1, 2016 : 917-924

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00218.2016

Página 2 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


Innovative Methodology

Despite important clinical and physiological significance there is currently limited information on how irradiation interacts with skeletal muscle unloading. Our

study examined the independent and combined effects of acute irradiation exposure and short-term unloading on muscle Akt signaling. We report that an

acute dose of irradiation is sufficient to alter unloading-induced regulation of Akt signaling.

Computational fluid dynamics upper airway effective compliance, critical closing pressure, and

obstructive sleep apnea severity in obese adolescent girlsDavid M. Wootton, Sanghun Sin, Haiyan Luo, Alireza Yazdani, Joseph M. McDonough, Mark E. Wagshul, Carmen R. Isasi, Raanan Arens

October 1, 2016 : 925-931

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00190.2016

This study applied an engineering tool, computational fluid dynamics, to noninvasively estimate the pharyngeal air pressure field based on dynamic MR

images acquired during relaxed wakeful tidal breathing. The slope of cross-sectional area vs. airway pressure was defined as the “effective compliance” and

was often negative, which is attributed to strong activation of airway dilators during inspiration. Effective compliance in the nasopharynx was more negative in

girls with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and correlated with P .crit

Central command does not suppress baroreflex control of cardiac sympathetic nerve activity at the onset

of spontaneous motor activity in the decerebrate catKanji Matsukawa, Kei Ishii, Ryota Asahara, Mitsuhiro Idesako

October 1, 2016 : 932-943

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00299.2016

We examined the effects of spontaneous motor activity on baroreflex-induced decreases in cardiac sympathetic outflow and heart rate, elicited by aortic

occlusion, in paralyzed, decerebrate cats. Baroreflex bradycardia was blunted at the onset of spontaneous motor activity, whereas baroreflex inhibition of

cardiac sympathetic outflow was not altered at all. The finding implies that central command must attenuate cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity at the onset of

spontaneous motor activity while preserving baroreflex control of cardiac sympathetic outflow.

Heme oxygenase-1-dependent central cardiorespiratory adaptations to chronic intermittent hypoxia in

miceJag Sunderram, John Semmlow, Pranav Patel, Harshit Rao, Glen Chun, Priya Agarwala, Mantu Bhaumik, Oanh Le-Hoang, Shou-En Lu, Judith A. Neubauer

October 1, 2016 : 944-952

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00036.2016

Oxygen sensitivity of central cardiorespiratory regions including the pre-Bötzinger complex and C1 region are heme oxygenase (HO) dependent and may be

altered by chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH). Induced expression of HO-1 in wild-type mice and decline in hypoxic sensitivity of sighs and sympathetic activity

were seen in wild-type and HO-1 null mice following 1 day of CIH that persisted in HO-1 null mice, suggesting HO-1-dependent alterations in oxygen

sensitivity in these regions following CIH.

Assessment of the interaction of hyperbaric N , CO , and O on psychomotor performance in divers

J. J. Freiberger, B. J. Derrick, M. J. Natoli, I. Akushevich, E. A. Schinazi, C. Parker, B. W. Stolp, P. B. Bennett, R. D. Vann, S. A. S. Dunworth, R. E. Moon

October 1, 2016 : 953-964

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00534.2016

N , CO , and O affected cognitive performance differently. Attention, memory, and planning were more affected by N than CO . Motor tasks were nearly

unaffected by N . O at 0.925 ATA partially rescued motor and memory reaction time impaired by 0.075-ATA CO . However, 1.22-ATA O with 4.5-ATA N ,

0.075-ATA CO , and exercise caused incapacitation with amnesia. O narcosis or enhanced O toxicity is postulated. Perception of narcosis was not

correlated with actual scores.

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Gut fermentation seems to promote decompression sickness in humansSébastien de Maistre, Nicolas Vallee, Emmanuel Gempp, Pierre Louge, Claude Duchamp, Jean-Eric Blatteau

October 1, 2016 : 973-979

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00503.2016

This is the first time that the gut microbiota has been shown to affect the risk of decompression sickness in humans: we show that gut bacterial fermentation

seems to exacerbate the likelihood of the problem. This confirms results that we obtained in rats in simulated air dives in a chamber. The main interest of this

study is to suggest new recommendations on how to prevent decompression sickness by reducing the fermentation rate in the gut.

FloWave.US: validated, open-source, and flexible software for ultrasound blood flow analysisCrystal L. Coolbaugh, Emily C. Bush, Charles F. Caskey, Bruce M. Damon, Theodore F. Towse

October 1, 2016 : 849-857

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00819.2015

We developed FloWave.US, publicly distributed software for automated ultrasound blood flow analysis. The software provides efficient and reliable measures

of blood velocity and vessel diameter that are valid with a skeletal muscle flow phantom and independent of the ultrasound scanner. Open-source access to

this software reduces barriers to use and enables community improvements and customization of analysis features to advance vascular physiology research.

Página 3 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


HIGHLIGHTED TOPIC | Aging and Exercise

Optical coherence tomography in the assessment of acute changes in cutaneous vascular diameter

induced by heat stressHoward H. Carter, Peijun Gong, Rodney W. Kirk, Shaghayegh Es'haghian, Ceri L. Atkinson, David D. Sampson, Daniel J. Green, Robert A. McLaughlin

October 1, 2016 : 965-972

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00918.2015

This manuscript examines for the first time the utility of optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a novel imaging technique to visualize and quantify changes

in the cutaneous microvasculature in response to acute passive heating. We hypothesized that lower body heating would induce detectible microvascular

changes in the skin of the forearm. Our findings demonstrate the capacity of OCT to image vascular structures over multiple time points and to quantify these

changes using automated techniques.

Physical activity and skeletal muscle agingBenjamin F. Miller, Karyn L. Hamilton

October 1, 2016 : 980-981

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00742.2016

The aging neuromuscular system and motor performanceSandra K. Hunter, Hugo M. Pereira, Kevin G. Keenan

October 1, 2016 : 982-995

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00475.2016

In vivo mitochondrial function in aging skeletal muscle: capacity, flux, and patterns of useJane A. Kent, Liam F. Fitzgerald

October 1, 2016 : 996-1003

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00583.2016

Modeling age-related changes in muscle-tendon dynamics during cyclical contractions in the rat

gastrocnemiusNicole Danos, Natalie C. Holt, Gregory S. Sawicki, Emanuel Azizi

October 1, 2016 : 1004-1012

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00396.2016

The age-related increase in muscle and tendon tissue stiffness and reduction in active force capacity of the muscle compromise elastic energy utilization and

positive work production, which may require the recruitment of additional muscle volume potentially contributing to the increased cost of locomotion observed

in older individuals.

Motor unit number and transmission stability in octogenarian world class athletes: Can age-related

deficits be outrun?Geoffrey A. Power, Matti D. Allen, Kevin J. Gilmore, Daniel W. Stashuk, Timothy J. Doherty, Russell T. Hepple, Tanja Taivassalo, Charles L. Rice

October 1, 2016 : 1013-1020

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00149.2016

World champion master athletes in their ninth decade of life had a greater number of surviving motor units, reduced collateral reinnervation, better

neuromuscular transmission stability, and a greater amount of excitable muscle mass compared with age-matched controls. The presumed better

maintenance of motor units occurs at a time point when motor unit loss is greatest and the loss of muscle mass becomes functionally relevant, potentially

maintaining function and attenuating the deleterious effects of sarcopenia.

Effects of hypervolemia by protein and glucose supplementation during aerobic training on thermal and

arterial pressure regulations in hypertensive older menYufuko Kataoka, Yoshi-ichiro Kamijo, Yu Ogawa, Eri Sumiyoshi, Mari Nakae, Shigeki Ikegawa, Kazumasa Manabe, Mayuko Morikawa, Masashi Nagata,

Satoshi Takasugi, Shizue Masuki, Hiroshi Nose

October 1, 2016 : 1021-1031

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00033.2016

The incidence of heat illness has rapidly increased in older people during the midsummer. Protein+carbohydrate supplementation during aerobic training

reportedly increased plasma volume to enhance thermoregulatory adaptation; however, in hypertensive older people, the symptoms may be worsened by

hypervolemia. We demonstrated that in hypertensive older men, protein+glucose supplementation during aerobic training increased plasma volume and

thermoregulation, but blood pressure rather decreased. Thus, we find the prescription to be applicable to hypertensive older people to prevent heat illness.

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Letters to the Editor

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Resistance or aerobic training decreases blood pressure and improves cardiovascular autonomic control

and oxidative stress in hypertensive menopausal ratsRenata K. da Palma, Ivana C. Moraes-Silva, Danielle da Silva Dias, Guilherme L. Shimojo, Filipe F. Conti, Nathalia Bernardes, Catarina A. Barboza, Iris C.

Sanches, Alex Sander da Rosa Araújo, Maria-Cláudia Irigoyen, Kátia De Angelis

October 1, 2016 : 1032-1038

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00130.2016

Although in a different magnitude, dynamic resistance training (RT) is able to decrease blood pressure in hypertensive menopausal rats compared with

aerobic training. Mechanisms related to cardiovascular autonomic control and cardiac oxidative stress were associated to this decrease. Therefore,

menopausal individuals with hypertension may be benefitted by not only the osteomuscular benefits of RT but also by improved mechanisms of blood

pressure control, which in association with aerobic training may account for cardiovascular risk prevention.

Symmorphosis in patients with chronic heart failure?Jayson R. Gifford, Joshua C. Weavil, Ashley D. Nelson

October 1, 2016 : 1039

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00773.2016

Reply to Gifford et al.: Symmorphosis in chronic heart failure patients?Stephan van der Zwaard, Cornelis J. de Ruiter, Dionne A. Noordhof, Renske Sterrenburg, Frank W. Bloemers, Jos J. de Koning, Richard T. Jaspers, Willem J.

van der Laarse

October 1, 2016 : 1040

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00805.2016

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Most Cited

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A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange

Calculation of percentage changes in volumes of blood, plasma, and red cells in dehydration.

Calculation of substrate oxidation rates in vivo from gaseous exchange

A method for measuring horizontal and vertical eye movement chronically in the monkey.

Adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise and their metabolic consequences


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In this Issue November 1, 2016; volume 121, issue 5

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Synthesis Review


Deflation-activated receptors, not classical inflation-activated receptors, mediate the Hering-Breuer

deflation reflexJerry Yu

November 1, 2016 : 1041-1046

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00903.2015

Evidence for the infiltration of gas bubbles into the arterial circulation and neuronal injury following

“yo-yo” dives in pigsDror Ofir, Yoav Yanir, Michael Mullokandov, Ben Aviner, Yehuda Arieli

November 1, 2016 : 1059-1064

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00392.2016

Four “peeps” and square dives increased the risk of decompression illness. Two-peep dives reduce the risk for DCI as was expressed in more “nonbubbling”

pigs. We have detected a higher incidence of bubbles in the left ventricle after four-peep dives. Frequency of “red neurons” decreases with increasing number

of “peeps.”

Validity and reliability of measuring resting muscle sympathetic nerve activity using short sampling

durations in healthy humansKarambir Notay, Jeremy D. Seed, Anthony V. Incognito, Connor J. Doherty, Massimo Nardone, Matthew J. Burns, Philip J. Millar

November 1, 2016 : 1065-1073

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00736.2016

Short sampling durations are used commonly to assess baseline muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) before a stress to quantify sympathetic

responsiveness. The validity and reliability of these measures have not been tested. Our analyses demonstrate that MSNA, sampled from 2 and 1 min and 30

and 15 s epochs, possesses high agreement and no fixed bias compared with a standard 5-min control but consistent evidence of a proportional bias that

would confound interindividual comparisons.

Dissociation between short-term unloading and resistance training effects on skeletal muscle Na ,K -

ATPase, muscle function, and fatigue in humansBen D. Perry, Victoria L. Wyckelsma, Robyn M. Murphy, Collene H. Steward, Mitchell Anderson, Itamar Levinger, Aaron C. Petersen, Michael J. McKenna

November 1, 2016 : 1074-1086

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00558.2016

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Página 1 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


This is the first study to investigate the effects of controlled unloading on muscle sodium-potassium pumps (NKA) in human muscle, being measured in both

whole homogenate and single fibers. Despite considerable functional deficits caused by disuse, which were recovered by resistance training, muscle NKA

content and isoform abundances were resilient to change, despite some fiber type-specific changes in NKA isoforms. Hence muscle NKA regulation in

response to disuse is more complex than previously thought.

Effect of alterations in blood volume with bed rest on glucose toleranceS. Dandanell, L. Oberholzer, S. Keiser, A. B. Andersen, T. Haider, M. P. Hilty, A. K. Meinild-Lundby, C. Lundby

November 1, 2016 : 1098-1105

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00624.2016

A concomitantly reduced plasma volume and glucose tolerance were observed after 3 days of bed rest. For the first time the relationship between changes in

dilution space for glucose after bed rest and impaired glucose tolerance was investigated. No relationship between glucose tolerance and dilution space was

observed. A novel finding was a transiently reduced plasma glucose concentration after restoration of plasma volume by albumin infusion; however, glucose

tolerance was not restored.

Postinjury biomechanics of Achilles tendon vary by sex and hormone statusGeorge W. Fryhofer, Benjamin R. Freedman, Cody D. Hillin, Nabeel S. Salka, Adam M. Pardes, Stephanie N. Weiss, Daniel C. Farber, Louis J. Soslowsky

November 1, 2016 : 1106-1114

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00620.2016

This study identified sex- and hormone-related differences in Achilles tendon healing, which support the notion that patient sex and hormone status should be

considered in future clinical investigations defining optimal treatments for Achilles tendon rupture.

The prefrontal oxygenation and ventilatory responses at start of one-legged cycling exercise have

relation to central commandRyota Asahara, Kanji Matsukawa, Kei Ishii, Nan Liang, Kana Endo

November 1, 2016 : 1115-1126

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00401.2016

Preexercise increase in prefrontal oxygenation and exercise hyperpnea occurred with arbitrary one-legged cycling, whereas such responses were absent or

blunted with cued cycling. Prefrontal oxygenation did not result from the changes in end-tidal CO . Neither imagery nor passive performance of one-legged

cycling increased prefrontal oxygenation. The in-advance activation of central command enhanced the minute ventilatory response and was reflected in

preexercise increase in prefrontal oxygenation during exercise.


Energy substrate utilization with and without exogenous carbohydrate intake in boys and men

exercising in the heatGabriela T. Leites, Giovani S. Cunha, Lisa Chu, Flavia Meyer, Brian W. Timmons

November 1, 2016 : 1127-1134

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00535.2016

This study provides the new finding that during exercise in the heat, boys experience a lower exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rate and oxidation efficiency

compared with men. In contrast, endogenous substrate metabolism and the relative contribution of substrate for the total energy during exercise were not

different in boys and men. These age-related differences observed in the heat are noteworthy because they expand our knowledge of exercise metabolism in


Generation of active expiration by serotoninergic mechanisms of the ventral medulla of ratsEduardo V. Lemes, Eduardo Colombari, Daniel B. Zoccal

November 1, 2016 : 1135-1144

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00470.2016

The retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group (RTN/pFRG) houses a conditional expiratory oscillator that emerges during metabolic challenges and

generates active expiration. Herein we identify a 5-HT -dependent mechanism in the RTN/pFRG that triggers active expiration at resting conditions. This

mechanism is recruited during intermittent hypoxia exposure and essential for the development of expiratory long-term facilitation. These findings help to

understand the central mechanisms underpinning the development of cardiorespiratory adaptations associated with hypoxia exposure.


Effects of body position on exercise capacity and pulmonary vascular pressure-flow relationshipsKevin Forton, Yoshiki Motoji, Gael Deboeck, Vitalie Faoro, Robert Naeije

November 1, 2016 : 1145-1150

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00372.2016

Body position does not affect exercise stress echocardiography of the pulmonary circulation or aerobic exercise capacity as measured by a maximum oxygen

uptake. However, the semirecumbent position is associated with a decreased maximum workload, and the range of predicted cardiac output at any level of

workload or oxygen uptake is wide. Therefore, pulmonary vascular function is better described by referring pulmonary vascular pressures to cardiac output

rather than to workload or oxygen uptake.

Página 2 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


Pulmonary artery pressure and arterial oxygen saturation in people living at high or low altitude:

systematic review and meta-analysisRodrigo Soria, Matthias Egger, Urs Scherrer, Nicole Bender, Stefano F. Rimoldi

November 1, 2016 : 1151-1159

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00394.2016

Many millions of people are living at high altitude. An increase of pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) is a hallmark of high-altitude exposure and may be

associated with important morbidity, however there is little information on it. The findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis show that pulmonary

hypertension in healthy high-altitude dwellers is rare. The provided reference values and distributions for PAP and SaO will be useful to future studies on

high-altitude (mal)adaptation in humans.2

Adverse postresuscitation myocardial effects elicited by buffer-induced alkalemia ameliorated by NHE-1

inhibition in a rat model of ventricular fibrillationLorissa Lamoureux, Jeejabai Radhakrishnan, Thomas G. Mason, Jeffrey A. Kraut, Raúl J. Gazmuri

November 1, 2016 : 1160-1168

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00336.2016

The study showed a detrimental postresuscitation effect of the CO -consuming buffer disodium carbonate/sodium bicarbonate compromising myocardial

function and survival. The effect was attributed to intensification of the sarcolemmal Na -H exchanger isoform-1 (NHE-1) activity and was ameliorated by the

NHE-1 inhibitor zoniporide. The study raises concerns about inducing alkalemia when tissues are recovering from ischemia after cardiac arrest and identifies

NHE-1 as a mediator of this effect susceptible to therapeutic intervention.

2+ +

Interstitial glucose concentrations and hypoglycemia during 2 days of caloric deficit and sustained

exercise: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trialTracey J. Smith, Marques A. Wilson, J. Philip Karl, Krista Austin, Asma Bukhari, Stefan M. Pasiakos, Kristie L. O’Connor, Harris R. Lieberman

November 1, 2016 : 1208-1216

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00432.2016

This paper provides novel data characterizing glucose homeostasis during acute, severe energy deficit, in conjunction with extensive aerobic exercise in

normal, healthy volunteers using continuous interstitial glucose monitoring. This study demonstrated that glucose regulation is, generally, tightly-controlled in

normal-weight, healthy young adults in response to severe, short-term energy restriction, accompanied by an ~1,500 kcal/day increase in exercise-induced

energy expenditure. Findings have practical implications for military personnel, ultra-endurance athletes, and select groups of first responders.

The effect of body mass and sex on the accuracy of respiratory magnetometers for measurement of end-

expiratory lung volumesJoanne Avraam, Rosie Bourke, John Trinder, Christian L. Nicholas, Danny Brazzale, Fergal J. O’Donoghue, Peter D. Rochford, Amy S. Jordan

November 1, 2016 : 1169-1177

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00571.2016

Respiratory magnetometers are increasingly being used in obese populations while in the supine position for measurement of end-expiratory lung volume

changes despite the fact that they have only been validated in normal-weight individuals while seated/standing for tidal volume measurements. In this study,

we determined that both sex and body mass influenced the accuracy of respiratory magnetometers for measurement of tidal volume and end-expiratory lung


Whole body heat stress attenuates the pressure response to muscle metaboreceptor stimulation in

humansJian Cui, Cheryl Blaha, Lawrence I. Sinoway

November 1, 2016 : 1178-1186

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00212.2016

This study examined the effects of whole body heat stress on the sympathetic and cardiovascular responses to stimulation of muscle metaboreceptors and

mechanoreceptors in healthy humans. Whole body heat stress accentuated the heart rate response, did not alter the muscle sympathetic nerve activity

response, and lowered the pressure response to stimulation of muscle metaboreceptors. Moreover, whole body heat stress attenuated the blood pressure and

sympathetic nerve responses to mechanoreceptor stimulation.

Bouncing on Mars and the Moon—the role of gravity on neuromuscular control: correlation of muscle

activity and rate of force developmentRamona Ritzmann, Kathrin Freyler, Anne Krause, Albert Gollhofer

November 1, 2016 : 1187-1195

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00692.2016

For the first time, this article documents human locomotor behavior under Martian and lunar gravity. Experiments executed during parabolic flights provide

unique data, which give insight into neuromuscular behavior when whole body movement is required in gravity conditions equivalent to our astronomical

neighbors Mars and the Moon. Findings emphasize that gravitational variation is anticipated and that gravity-adjusted muscle activities compensate for

reduced gravitational forces. Thus kinematic adaptations are accompanied by muscle- and phase-specific modulations in neural control.

Página 3 de 7In this Issue | Journal of Applied Physiology


Innovative Methodology

HIGHLIGHTED TOPIC | Aging and Exercise

Letters to the Editor

Modeling the detailed kinetics of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase: Catalytic mechanism and nitric

oxide inhibitionVenkat R. Pannala, Amadou K. S. Camara, Ranjan K. Dash

November 1, 2016 : 1196-1207

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00524.2016

We developed a thermodynamically constrained mechanistic mathematical model for the kinetics of cytochrome c oxidase, incorporating several salient

features, e.g., electron transfer, proton pumping, and nitric oxide inhibition. The model realistically and explicitly accounts for the thermodynamic dependence

of the electron transport and proton translocation mechanisms through its rate constants. The model accurately describes the cytochrome c oxidase kinetics

under both isolated mitochondria and purified enzyme conditions in the presence and absence of nitric oxide with a minimal number of kinetic parameters.

Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of upper airway muscles during sleep in

obstructive sleep apnea patientsEric Rousseau, César Augusto Melo-Silva, Simon Gakwaya, Frédéric Sériès

November 1, 2016 : 1217-1225

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00487.2015

Altogether with previous data obtained in the wake/sleep state, the present results demonstrate that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over

the submental muscles corticomotor somatotopic representation is associated with detrimental upper airway (UA) mechanical response, thus pointing to an

effect of the stimulation paradigms per se. Additional monitoring of UA dilators and constrictor muscles during rTMS would be needed to further investigate the

mechanisms leading to such results.

Novel methodology to perform sulfur hexafluoride (SF )-based multiple-breath wash-in and washout in

infants using current commercially available equipmentP. M. Gustafsson, P. D. Robinson, A. Lindblad, D. Oberli

November 1, 2016 : 1087-1097

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00115.2016

The paper describes novel methodology for indirect calculation of true SF concentration from molar mass, O , and CO sensors contained within currently

available commercial equipment. An improved dynamic method for synchronizing these signals to respiratory flow is also described. Finally, in vitro FRC

validation data are presented from recordings using a series of dry lung models across realistic infant lung volumes and breathing patterns.


6 2 2

Estimating oxygen uptake and energy expenditure during treadmill walking by neural network analysis

of easy-to-obtain inputsThomas Beltrame, Robert Amelard, Rodrigo Villar, Mohammad J. Shafiee, Alexander Wong, Richard L. Hughson

November 1, 2016 : 1226-1233

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00600.2016

New technologies for the continuous assessment of aerobic fitness based on oxygen uptake data have the potential to be used for the early detection of

deterioration of physical health. However, direct oxygen uptake is costly, cumbersome, and not applicable to the general population. An artificial neural

network was trained to predict the oxygen uptake signal from easy-to-obtain inputs, possibly allowing future investigations of changes in aerobic fitness, with

higher applicability for general population.

Age-induced oxidative stress: how does it influence skeletal muscle quantity and quality?Cory W. Baumann, Dongmin Kwak, Haiming M. Liu, LaDora V. Thompson

November 1, 2016 : 1047-1052

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00321.2016

Influence of exercise and aging on extracellular matrix composition in the skeletal muscle stem cell

nicheKoyal Garg, Marni D. Boppart

November 1, 2016 : 1053-1058

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00594.2016

Age-related changes in skeletal muscle function: the sum of the parts could be greater than the whole�

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Massimo Venturelli, Russell S. Richardson, Carlo Reggiani, Federico Schena

November 1, 2016 : 1234

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00770.2016

Reply to Venturelli and colleaguesGreg J. Grosicki, Robert A. Standley, Kevin A. Murach, Ulrika Raue, Kiril Minchev, Paul M. Coen, Stephen Kritchevsky, Bret H. Goodpaster, Scott Trappe

November 1, 2016 : 1235

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00832.2016

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A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange

Calculation of percentage changes in volumes of blood, plasma, and red cells in dehydration.

Calculation of substrate oxidation rates in vivo from gaseous exchange

A method for measuring horizontal and vertical eye movement chronically in the monkey.

Adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise and their metabolic consequences


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Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on endothelial function and cardiometabolic risk markers in obese adults

Lifelong strength training mitigates the age-related decline in efferent drive

Pregnancy at high altitude in the Andes leads to increased total vessel density in healthy newborns

Home-based aerobic exercise training improves skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism in patients with metabolic myopathies

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In this Issue December 2016; volume 121, issue 6

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Innovative Methodology

HIGHLIGHTED TOPIC | Aging and Exercise

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The effect of endothelin A and B receptor blockade on cutaneous vascular and sweating responses in

young men during and following exercise in the heatNaoto Fujii, Maya S. Singh, Lyra Halili, Jeffrey C. Louie, Glen P. Kenny

December 1, 2016 : 1379-1387

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00679.2016

This is the first study assessing whether endothelin receptors are functionally important for the regulation of cutaneous vascular and sweating responses

during and following exercise in the heat. Although both endothelin A and B receptors are not involved in the cutaneous vascular and sweating responses

during moderate- and high-intensity exercise in the heat, we identified that endothelin A receptors potentially contribute to the regulation of cutaneous vascular

tone following high-intensity exercise in the heat.

A generalized method for controlling end-tidal respiratory gases during nonsteady physiological

conditionsShawn M. O'Connor, Jeremy D. Wong, J. Maxwell Donelan

December 1, 2016 : 1363-1378

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00274.2016

We have designed and validated an end-tidal forcing system that removes the need for manual tuning and control policies based on rules-of-thumb, while

allowing for accurate control of gases along spontaneous and complicated time courses and under nonsteady physiological conditions. The principal new

feature enabling this improved controller performance is its use of a generic mathematical model of the cardiopulmonary system to capture the relationship

between inspired and end-tidal gas concentrations at each breath.

Effect of aging and exercise on the tendonRene B. Svensson, Katja Maria Heinemeier, Christian Couppé, Michael Kjaer, S. Peter Magnusson

December 1, 2016 : 1353-1362

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00328.2016

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Table of Contents

Volume 46, Issue 10 Volume 46, Issue 10 Volume 46, Issue 10 Volume 46, Issue 10

October 2016October 2016October 2016October 2016

Pages 815-930 Pages 815-930 Pages 815-930 Pages 815-930


Whiplash Continues Its Challenge

Authors: Gwendolen Jull

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):815-817. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0112

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Preventable Injuries/Fatalities Due to Distracted Driving: A Call for a Coordinated Action

Authors: Karen Bowman, Robyn D. Robertson

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):818-821. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0113

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Assessment and Management of Whiplash From the Emergency and Acute Care Setting:

Care, Questions, and Future Global Research Needs

Authors: D. Mark Courtney

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):822-825. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0114

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Mechanisms and Mitigation of Head and Spinal Injuries Due to Motor Vehicle Crashes

Authors: Paul C. Ivancic

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):826-833. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6716

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Whiplash-Associated Disorders: Occupant Kinematics and Neck Morphology

Authors: Brian D. Stemper, Brian D. Corner

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):834-844. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6846

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Pharmacological and Interventional Management of Pain After Whiplash Injury

Authors: Michele Curatolo

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):845-850. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6906

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Recovery Pathways and Prognosis After Whiplash Injury

Authors: Carrie Ritchie, Michele Sterling

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Issue Details

Volume 46, Issue 10

October 2016

Pages: 815 - 930



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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):851-861. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6918

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Advancements in Imaging Technology: Do They (or Will They) Equate to Advancements in

Our Knowledge of Recovery in Whiplash?

Authors: James M. Elliott, Sudarshan Dayanidhi, Charles Hazle, Mark A. Hoggarth, Jacob McPherson, Cheryl L. Sparks, Kenneth A. Weber II

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):862-873, A1-A2. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6735

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Whiplash Injury or Concussion? A Possible Biomechanical Explanation for Concussion

Symptoms in Some Individuals Following a Rear-End Collision

Authors: Benjamin S. Elkin, James M. Elliott, Gunter P. Siegmund

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):874-885. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.7049

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An Investigation of Fat Infiltration of the Multifidus Muscle in Patients With Severe Neck

Symptoms Associated With Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorder

Authors: Anette Karlsson, Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard, Ulrika Åslund, Janne West, Thobias Romu, Örjan Smedby, Peter Zsigmond, Anneli Peolsson

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):886-893. Epub September 2, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6553

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Are People With Whiplash-Associated Neck Pain Different From People With Nonspecific

Neck Pain?

Authors: Ricci Anstey, Alice Kongsted, Steven Kamper, Mark J. Hancock

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):894-901. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6588

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Morphology of Cervical Spine Meniscoids in Individuals With Chronic Whiplash-

Associated Disorder: A Case-Control Study

Authors: Scott F. Farrell, Peter G. Osmotherly, Jon Cornwall, Peter Lau, Darren A. Rivett

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):902-910. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6702

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MicroRNA 320a Predicts Chronic Axial and Widespread Pain Development Following

Motor Vehicle Collision in a Stress-Dependent Manner

Authors: Sarah D. Linnstaedt, Kyle D. Riker, Margaret G. Walker, Jennifer E. Nyland, Erin Zimny, Christopher Lewandowski,Phyllis L. Hendry,Kathia Damiron, Claire Pearson, Marc-Anthony Velilla,Jeffrey Jones, Robert A. Swor, Robert Domeier, Samuel A. McLean

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):911-919, B1-B3. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6944

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The Traumatic Injuries Distress Scale: A New Tool That Quantifies Distress and Has

Predictive Validity With Patient-Reported Outcomes

Authors: David M. Walton, Dan Krebs, Dianna Moulden, Peter Wade, Lenerdene Levesque, James Elliott, Joy C. MacDermid

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):920-928, C1-C1. Epub September 3, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6594

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Cervical Spine Fracture With Vertebral Artery Dissection

Authors: Joshua P. Halfpap, Aaron A. Cho, Michael D. Rosenthal

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):929. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0416

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Unstable Os Odontoideum

Authors: Mark Riebel, Richard Westrick, Donald Goss

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(10):930. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0417

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Table of Contents

Volume 46, Issue 11 Volume 46, Issue 11 Volume 46, Issue 11 Volume 46, Issue 11

November 2016November 2016November 2016November 2016

Pages 932-1014 Pages 932-1014 Pages 932-1014 Pages 932-1014


Unraveling the Complexity of Low Back Pain

Authors: Peter O'Sullivan, Joao Paulo Caneiro, Mary O'Keeffe, Kieran O'Sullivan

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):932-937. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0609

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Discord Between Approaches to Spinal and Extremity Disorders: Is It Logical?

Authors: Gwendolen Jull

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):938-941. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0610

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A Standardized “Rescue” Exercise Program for Symptomatic Flare-up of Knee

Osteoarthritis: Description and Safety Considerations

Authors: Cecilie Bartholdy, Louise Klokker, Elisabeth Bandak, Henning Bliddal, Marius Henriksen

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):942-946, A1-A16. Epub September 28, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6908

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Patients With Chondrolabral Pathology Have Bilateral Functional Impairments 12 to 24

Months After Unilateral Hip Arthroscopy: A Cross-sectional Study

Authors: Joanne L. Kemp, May Arna Risberg, Anthony G. Schache, Michael Makdissi, Michael G. Pritchard, Kay M. Crossley

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):947-956. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6577

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Pelvic Rotation in Femoroacetabular Impingement Is Decreased Compared to Other

Symptomatic Hip Conditions

Authors: Daniel Camara Azevedo, Edson Barreto Paiva, Alexia Moura Abuhid Lopes, Henrique de Oliveira Santos, Ricardo Luiz Carneiro, André Soares Rodrigues, Marco Antonio Percope de Andrade, Eduardo N. Novais, Linda R. Van Dillen

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):957-964. Epub September 29, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6713

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Volume 46, Issue 11

November 2016

Pages: 932 - 1014



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Management of a Patient With Acute Acetabular Labral Tear and Femoral Acetabular

Impingement With Intra-articular Steroid Injection and a Neuromotor Training Program

Authors: Joel R. Narveson, Matthew D. Haberl, Patrick J. Grabowski

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):965-975. Epub September 29, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6573

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Dutch Translation and Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Lysholm Score and Tegner

Activity Scale for Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

Authors: Rienk Eshuis, Gijsbertus Wilhelmus Lentjes, Yelverton Tegner, Nienke Wolterbeek, Maurits Remmelt Veen

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):976-983. Epub September 28, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6566

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Comparison of Muscle Activation Levels Between Healthy Individuals and Persons Who

Have Undergone Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction During Different Phases of

Weight-Bearing Exercises

Authors: Gulcan Harput, Jennifer Sebert Howard, Carl Mattacola

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):984-992. Epub October 12, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.5896

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Biofeedback in Partial Weight Bearing: Validity of 3 Different Devices

Authors: Remko van Lieshout, Mirelle J. Stukstette, Rob A. de Bie, Benedicte Vanwanseele, Martijn F. Pisters

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):993-1001. Epub October 12, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6625

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The Association of Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion With Hip and Knee Kinematics

During the Lateral Step-down Test

Authors: Alon Rabin, Sigal Portnoy, Zvi Kozol

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):1002-1009. Epub September 29, 2016. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.6621

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Femoral Fracture Following Acute Trauma in a Female Collegiate Swimmer

Authors: Jonathan Hernandez, Seth Gamradt, Drew Morcos

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):1010. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0418

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Giant Cell Tumor of the Distal Femur

Authors: Mary Kay C. Hannah, Emmanuel J. Easterling, Cheryl Ann Woodson

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):1011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0419

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November 2016 Letter to the Editor-in-Chief

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(11):1012-1014. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0203

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Published: December 2016


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Thank You to All JOSPT Contributors for 2016

J. Haxby Abbott

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A Call for Saving Interdisciplinary Pain Management

Xiulu Ruan, Alan David Kaye

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Recognition and Treatment of Central Sensitization in Chronic Pain Patients: Not

Limited to Specialized Care

Jo Nijs, Dorien Goubert, Kelly Ickmans

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Long-Term Clinical Outcomes and Factors That Predict Poor Prognosis in Athletes

After a Diagnosis of Acute Spondylolysis: A Retrospective Review With Telephone


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October 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 10

pp: 2667-2964,e10-e14

Original Research

Acute Resistance Exercise Performance Is Negatively Impacted by Prior Aerobic Endurance Exercise

Ratamess, Nicholas A.; Kang, Jie; Porfido, Tara M.; More

Effects of Short-Term Free-Weight and Semiblock Periodization Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome

South, Mark A.; Layne, Andrew S.; Stuart, Charles A.; More

Time Course of Changes in Neuromuscular Parameters During Sustained Isometric Muscle Actions

Smith, Cory M.; Housh, Terry J.; Herda, Trent J.; More

Optimal Loads for Power Differ by Exercise in Older Adults

Potiaumpai, Melanie; Gandia, Kristine; Rautray, Ambika; More

Comparison Between the Effects of Combining Elastic and Free-Weight Resistance and Free-Weight Resistance on Force and Power Production

Paditsaeree, Kampanart; Intiraporn, Chaninchai; Lawsirirat, Chaipat

Periodization Training Focused on Technical-Tactical Ability in Young Soccer Players Positively Affects Biochemical Markers and Game Performance

L. Q. T. Aquino, Rodrigo; Cruz Gonçalves, Luiz G.; Palucci Vieira, Luiz H.; More

Postactivation Potentiation of Horizontal Jump Performance Across Multiple Sets of a Contrast Protocol

Seitz, Laurent B.; Mina, Minas A.; Haff, G. Gregory

Comparing the Effectiveness of a Short-Term Vertical Jump vs. Weightlifting Program on Athletic Power Development

Teo, Shaun Y.M.; Newton, Michael J.; Newton, Robert U.; More

Explosive Resistance Training Increases Rate of Force Development in Ankle Dorsiflexors and Gait Function in Adults With Cerebral Palsy

Kirk, Henrik; Geertsen, Svend S.; Lorentzen, Jakob; More

Efficacy of a Four-Week Uphill Sprint Training Intervention in Field Hockey Players

Jakeman, John R.; McMullan, Judith; Babraj, John A.

The Acute Effects of Static Stretching on Speed and Agility Performance Depend on Stretch Duration and Conditioning Level

Avloniti, Alexandra; Chatzinikolaou, Athanasios; Fatouros, Ioannis G.; More

Influence of Military Training and Standardized Nutrition in Military Unit on Soldiers' Nutritional Status and Physical Fitness

Tomczak, Andrzej; Bertrandt, Jerzy; Klos, Anna; More

Implementation of an Ability-Based Training Program in Police Force Recruits

Orr, Robin M.; Ford, Kelsie; Stierli, Michael

Relationship Between Maximum Aerobic Speed Performance and Distance Covered in Rugby Union Games

Swaby, Rick; Jones, Paul A.; Comfort, Paul

Página 1 de 2October 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 10 : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Res...


Testing Game-Based Performance in Team-Handball

Wagner, Herbert; Orwat, Matthias; Hinz, Matthias; More

Physical Attributes and NFL Combine Performance Tests Between Italian National League and American Football Players: A Comparative Study

Vitale, Jacopo A.; Caumo, Andrea; Roveda, Eliana; More

Examining Relative Age Effects in Fundamental Skill Proficiency in British Children Aged 6–11 Years

Birch, Samantha; Cummings, Laura; Oxford, Samuel W.; More

Comparison of V[Combining Dot Above]O2peak and Achievement of V[Combining Dot Above]O2peak Criteria in Three Modes of Exercise in Female Triathletes

Snoza, Colleen T.; Berg, Kris E.; Slivka, Dustin R.

Hip and Shoulder Range of Motion in Youth Baseball Pitchers

Oliver, Gretchen D.; Weimar, Wendi H.

Bone Mineral Content and Density Among Female NCAA Division I Athletes Across the Competitive Season and Over a Multi-Year Time Frame

Stanforth, Dixie; Lu, Tao; Stults-Kolehmainen, Matthew A.; More

Página 2 de 2October 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 10 : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Res...


November 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 11

pp: 2965-3265

Original Research

Player Selection Bias in National Football League Draftees

Beyer, Kyle S.; Fukuda, David H.; Redd, Michael J.; More

Hydration and Fluid Replacement Knowledge, Attitudes, Barriers, and Behaviors of NCAA Division 1 American Football Players

Judge, Lawrence W.; Kumley, Roberta F.; Bellar, David M.; More

Energy Drinks Improve Five-Kilometer Running Performance in Recreational Endurance Runners

Prins, Philip J.; Goss, Fredric L.; Nagle, Elizabeth F.; More

Males and Females Pace Differently in High School Cross-Country Races

Deaner, Robert O.; Lowen, Aaron

Comparison of Physiological Variables Between the Elliptical Bicycle and Run Training in Experienced Runners

Klein, Ian E.; White, Jason B.; Rana, Sharon R.

Validity of a Wearable Accelerometer Device to Measure Average Acceleration Values During High-Speed Running

Alexander, Jeremy P.; Hopkinson, Trent L.; Wundersitz, Daniel W. T.; More

Acute Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training Protocols Using 60 s of Work and 60 s Recovery

Rozenek, Ralph; Salassi, James W. III; Pinto, Nicole M.; More

Change of Direction Deficit: A More Isolated Measure of Change of Direction Performance Than Total 505 Time

Nimphius, Sophia; Callaghan, Samuel J.; Spiteri, Tania; More

The Relationship Between Dynamic Stability and Multidirectional Speed

Lockie, Robert G.; Schultz, Adrian B.; Callaghan, Samuel J.; More

A New Method for the Evaluation and Prediction of Base Stealing Performance

Bricker, Joshua C.; Bailey, Christopher A.; Driggers, Austin R.; More

Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Correlates With Strength, Sprint, and Agility Performance in Collegiate Rugby Union Players

Wang, Ran; Hoffman, Jay R.; Tanigawa, Satoru; More

Evaluation of Performance Improvements After Either Resistance Training or Sprint Interval–Based Concurrent Training

Laird, Richard H. IV; Elmer, David J.; Barberio, Matthew D.; More

High-Intensity Training Improves Exercise Performance in Elite Women Volleyball Players During a Competitive Season

Purkhús, Elisabeth; Krustrup, Peter; Mohr, Magni

Do Lower-Body Dimensions and Body Composition Explain Vertical Jump Ability?

Caia, Johnpaul; Weiss, Lawrence W.; Chiu, Loren Z.F.; More

Influence of Knee-to-Feet Jump Training on Vertical Jump and Hang Clean Performance

Página 1 de 3November 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 11 : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Stark, Laura; Pickett, Karla; Bird, Michael; More

Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption After High-Intensity and Sprint Interval Exercise, and Continuous Steady-State Exercise

Tucker, Wesley J.; Angadi, Siddhartha S.; Gaesser, Glenn A.

The Neuromuscular, Biochemical, and Endocrine Responses to a Single-Session Vs. Double-Session Training Day in Elite Athletes

Johnston, Michael J.; Cook, Christian J.; Drake, David; More

Use of Low Level of Continuous Heat as an Adjunct to Physical Therapy Improves Knee Pain Recovery and the Compliance for Home Exercise in Patients With Chronic Knee Pain: A...

Petrofsky, Jerrold S.; Laymon, Michael S.; Alshammari, Faris S.; More

Incremental Testing Design on Slide Board for Speed Skaters: Comparison Between Two Different Protocols

Piucco, Tatiane; O'Connell, Jessica; Stefanyshyn, Darren; More

Acute Effects of Drop-Jump Protocols on Explosive Performances of Elite Handball Players

Dello Iacono, Antonio; Martone, Domenico; Padulo, Johnny

Physical Characteristics Underpinning Repetitive Lunging in Fencing

Turner, Anthony N.; Marshall, Geoff; Phillips, James; More

Relationship Between Individualized Training Impulse and Aerobic Fitness Measures in Hurling Players Across a Training Period

Malone, Shane; Collins, Kieran

Electromyographic Analysis of Traditional and Kinetic Chain Exercises for Dynamic Shoulder Movements

Oliver, Gretchen D.; Plummer, Hillary A.; Gascon, Sarah S.

Torque and Muscle Activation Impairment Along With Insulin Resistance Are Associated With Falls in Women With Fibromyalgia

Góes, Suelen M.; Stefanello, Joice M. F.; Homann, Diogo; More

Physical and Physiological Responses of Amateur Football Players on Third-Generation Artificial Turf Systems During Simulated Game Situations

Sánchez-Sánchez, Javier; García-Unanue, Jorge; Felipe, José L.; More

Test-Retest Reliability of Physiological and Performance Responses to 120 Minutes of Simulated Soccer Match Play

Harper, Liam D.; Hunter, Robert; Parker, Paul; More

Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Performance in Subelite Gaelic Football Players From Under Thirteen to Senior Age Groups

Roe, Mark; Malone, Shane

Preseason Functional Movement Screen Component Tests Predict Severe Contact Injuries in Professional Rugby Union Players

Tee, Jason C.; Klingbiel, Jannie F.G.; Collins, Robert; More

The Association Between Visual Assessment of Quality of Movement and Three-Dimensional Analysis of Pelvis, Hip, and Knee Kinematics During a Lateral Step Down Test

Rabin, Alon; Portnoy, Sigal; Kozol, Zvi

Core Muscle Activation During Unstable Bicep Curl Using a Water-Filled Instability Training Tube

Glass, Stephen C.; Blanchette, Taylor W.; Karwan, Lauren A.; More

Acute Effects of Static vs. Ballistic Stretching on Strength and Muscular Fatigue Between Ballet Dancers and Resistance-Trained Women

Lima, Camila D.; Brown, Lee E.; Wong, Megan A.; More

The Effects of Caffeine on Arousal, Response Time, Accuracy, and Performance in Division I Collegiate Fencers

Doyle, Taylor P.; Lutz, Rafer S.; Pellegrino, Joseph K.; More

Acute Low-Dose Caffeine Supplementation Increases Electromyographic Fatigue Threshold in Healthy Men

Página 2 de 3November 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 11 : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Research Note

Morse, Jacob J.; Pallaska, Gramos; Pierce, Patrick R.; More

Self-Reported Physical Tasks and Exercise Training in Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teams

Davis, Matthew R.; Easter, Richard L.; Carlock, Jonathan M.; More

Influences of Fascicle Length During Isometric Training on Improvement of Muscle Strength

Tanaka, Hiroki; Ikezoe, Tome; Umehara, Jun; More

An Analysis of the Pacing Strategies Adopted by Elite Cross-Country Skiers

Losnegard, Thomas; Kjeldsen, Kasper; Skattebo, Øyvind

Test-Retest Reliability of a Novel Isokinetic Squat Device With Strength-Trained Athletes

Bridgeman, Lee A.; McGuigan, Michael R.; Gill, Nicholas D.; More

Página 3 de 3November 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 11 : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


December 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 12

pp: 3267-3559

Original Research

Does Intrasession Concurrent Strength and Aerobic Training Order Influence Training-Induced Explosive Strength and V[Combining Dot Above]O2max in Prepubescent Children?

Alves, Ana R.; Marta, Carlos C.; Neiva, Henrique P.; More

Sequencing Effects of Balance and Plyometric Training on Physical Performance in Youth Soccer Athletes

Hammami, Raouf; Granacher, Urs; Makhlouf, Issam; More

Effects of High-Velocity Resistance Training on Athletic Performance in Prepuberal Male Soccer Athletes

Negra, Yassine; Chaabene, Helmi; Hammami, Mehréz; More

Technical Actions, Heart Rate, and Locomotor Activity in 7v7 and 8v8 Games for Female Youth Soccer Players

Ørntoft, Christina; Larsen, Malte N.; Andersen, Thomas B.; More

Consistency of Field-Based Measures of Neuromuscular Control Using Force-Plate Diagnostics in Elite Male Youth Soccer Players

Read, Paul J.; Oliver, Jon L.; Croix, Mark BA. De Ste; More

Effects of an In-season Plyometric Training Program on Repeated Change of Direction and Sprint Performance in the Junior Soccer Player

Hammami, Mehréz; Negra, Yassine; Aouadi, Ridha; More

Difference in Agility, Strength, and Flexibility in Competitive Figure Skaters Based on Level of Expertise and Skating Discipline

Slater, Lindsay V.; Vriner, Melissa; Zapalo, Peter; More

Photobiomodulation Therapy Improves Performance and Accelerates Recovery of High-Level Rugby Players in Field Test: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled...

Pinto, Henrique D.; Vanin, Adriane A.; Miranda, Eduardo F.; More

Influence of Cognitive Interferences and Self-Talk Functions on Performance During Competition in Elite Female Field Hockey Players

Pérez-Encinas, Cristina; Fernández-Campos, Francisco J.; Rodas, Gil; More

Validity and Reliability of a Submaximal Intermittent Running Test in Elite Australian Football Players

Veugelers, Kristopher R.; Naughton, Geraldine A.; Duncan, Craig S.; More

Strength and Conditioning and Concurrent Training Practices in Elite Rugby Union

Jones, Thomas W.; Smith, Andrew; Macnaughton, Lindsay S.; More

Running Performance While Wearing a Heat Dissipating Compression Garment in Male Recreational Runners

Leoz-Abaurrea, Iker; Santos-Concejero, Jordan; Grobler, Lara; More

Arterial Stiffness and Autonomic Modulation After Free-Weight Resistance Exercises in Resistance Trained Individuals

Kingsley, J. Derek; Mayo, Xián; Tai, Yu Lun; More

Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve the Resistance Strength and Decrease the Rating Perceived Scale in Recreational Weight-Training Experience?

Lattari, Eduardo; Andrade, Maria L.; Filho, Alberto S.; More

Functional Movement Screen Factorial Validity and Measurement Invariance Across Sex Among Collegiate Student-Athletes

Gnacinski, Stacy L.; Cornell, David J.; Meyer, Barbara B.; More

Página 1 de 3Current Issue : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Brief Review

Comparison of the Effects of Seated, Supine, and Walking Interset Rest Strategies on Work Rate

Ouellette, Kristen A.; Brusseau, Timothy A.; Davidson, Lance E.; More

Risk Factors for Injury Among Japanese Collegiate Players of American Football Based on Performance Test Results

Iguchi, Junta; Watanabe, Yuya; Kimura, Misaka; More

Assessment of Fatigue and Recovery in Male and Female Athletes After 6 Days of Intensified Strength Training

Raeder, Christian; Wiewelhove, Thimo; Simola, Rauno Álvaro De Paula; More

Relationship Between the Range of Motion and Isometric Strength of Elbow and Shoulder Joints and Ball Velocity in Women Team Handball Players

Schwesig, René; Hermassi, Souhail; Wagner, Herbert; More

Electromyographical Comparison of Pike Variations Performed With and Without Instability Devices

Snarr, Ronald L.; Hallmark, Ashleigh V.; Nickerson, Brett S.; More

Effect of Immersion on Ground Reaction Force and Contact Time During Drop Jump Exercise

Dell'Antonio, Elisa; Ruschel, Caroline; de Brito Fontana, Heiliane; More

The Potentiating Effect of an Accentuated Eccentric Load on Countermovement Jump Performance

Hughes, Jonathan D.; Massiah, Ricky G.; Clarke, Richard D.

Electromyographic Comparison of Squats Using Constant or Variable Resistance

Andersen, Vidar; Steiro Fimland, Marius; Knutson Kolnes, Maria; More

Strength and Conditioning Practices of University and High School Level Cricket Coaches: A South African Context

Pote, Lee; Christie, Candice J.

Current Warm-Up Practices and Contemporary Issues Faced by Elite Swimming Coaches

McGowan, Courtney J.; Pyne, David B.; Raglin, John S.; More

Profile of Women Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches

Laskowski, Karisa D.; Ebben, William P.

Effects of 16 Weeks of Concurrent Training on Resting Heart Rate Variability and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in People Living With HIV/AIDS Using Antiretroviral Therapy: A...

Pedro, Rafael E.; Guariglia, Débora A.; Okuno, Nilo M.; More

Individual Optimal Frequency in Whole-Body Vibration: Effect of Protocol, Joint Angle, and Fatiguing Exercise

Carlucci, Flaminia; Felici, Francesco; Piccinini, Alberto; More

Total Hemoglobin Mass, Aerobic Capacity, and HBB Gene in Polish Road Cyclists

Malczewska-Lenczowska, Jadwiga; Orysiak, Joanna; Majorczyk, Edyta; More

Ingestion of a Nitric Oxide Enhancing Supplement Improves Resistance Exercise Performance

Mosher, Scott L.; Sparks, S. Andy; Williams, Emily L.; More

Use of B-Mode Ultrasound as a Body Fat Estimate in Collegiate Football Players

Hyde, Parker N.; Kendall, Kristina L.; Fairman, Ciaran M.; More

Resistance Training Alters the Proportion of Skeletal Muscle Fibers but Not Brain Neurotrophic Factors in Young Adult Rats

Antonio-Santos, José; Ferreira, Diórginis José S.; Gomes Costa, Gizelle L.; More

Does Carbohydrate Intake During Endurance Running Improve Performance? A Critical Review

Wilson, Patrick B.

Página 2 de 3Current Issue : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

Theme Issue on Infection after TKA

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (47 articles)

1. Editorial

Periarticular joint infection: Survey of the European Knee Associates


Antonia F. Chen, Sufian S. Ahmad… Pages 3047-3049



EKA survey: diagnosis of prosthetic knee joint infection

Sufian S. Ahmad, Roland Becker… Pages 3050-3055



Does pre-operative sampling predict intra-operative cultures and

antibiotic sensitivities in knee replacements revised for infection?: a

study using the NJR dataset

Richard J. Holleyman, David J. Deehan… Pages 3056-3063



Accuracy of diagnostic tests for prosthetic joint infection: a systematic


Sufian S. Ahmad, Ahmed Shaker, Mo Saffarini… Pages 3064-3074



Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Method of intraoperative tissue sampling for culture has an effect on

contamination risk

Antonia F. Chen, Meredith Menz… Pages 3075-3079



Microorganisms responsible for periprosthetic knee infections in

England and Wales

Richard J. Holleyman, Paul Baker… Pages 3080-3087



Superficial wound infection does not cause inferior clinical outcome after


Pau Guirro, Pedro Hinarejos… Pages 3088-3095



Complications associated with 133 static, antibiotic-laden spacers after


M. Faschingbauer, R. Bieger, H. Reichel… Pages 3096-3099



Articulated spacer provides long-term knee improvement after two-stage


Michele Vasso, Chiara Del Regno… Pages 3100-3105



One-stage versus two-stage exchange arthroplasty for infected total knee

arthroplasty: a systematic review

Navraj S. Nagra, Thomas W. Hamilton… Pages 3106-3114

Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer




Short-interval two-stage approach to primary total knee arthroplasty

for acutely septic osteoarthritic knees

Bettina Hochreiter, Carol Strahm… Pages 3115-3121



The results of two-stage revision TKA using Ceftazidime–Vancomycin-

impregnated cement articulating spacers in Tsukayama Type II

periprosthetic joint infections

Michael Drexler, Tim Dwyer, Paul R. T. Kuzyk… Pages 3122-3130



Infection recurrence factors in one- and two-stage total knee prosthesis


P. Massin, T. Delory, L. Lhotellier… Pages 3131-3139



Prosthetic knee infection by resistant bacteria: the worst-case scenario

Michele Vasso, Alfredo Schiavone Panni… Pages 3140-3146



Treatment of septic arthritis of the knee: a comparison between

arthroscopy and arthrotomy

Christoph Böhler, Mirnic Dragana… Pages 3147-3154



Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Arthrotomy versus arthroscopy in the treatment of septic arthritis of the

knee in adults: a randomized clinical trial

Luciano Rodrigo Peres… Pages 3155-3162



The C-reactive protein level after total knee arthroplasty is gender


Christoph Windisch, Steffen Brodt… Pages 3163-3167



Antibiotic-loaded bone cement reduces risk of infections in primary total

knee arthroplasty? A systematic review

A. Schiavone Panni, K. Corona… Pages 3168-3174



High rate of implant loosening for uncemented resurfacing-type medial

unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

Danilo Bruni, Stefano Zaffagnini… Pages 3175-3182



Surgical repair of chronic patellar tendon rupture in total knee

replacement with ipsilateral hamstring tendons

Marco Spoliti, Alessio Giai Via… Pages 3183-3190


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

Theme Issue on Infection after TKA

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (47 articles)



Medial femoral condyle fracture as an intraoperative complication of

Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement

Bart ten Brinke, Laurens J. de Haan… Pages 3191-3193



Does a non-stemmed constrained condylar prosthesis predispose to early

failure of primary total knee arthroplasty?

Ajit J. Deshmukh, Parthiv A. Rathod… Pages 3194-3199



Fixation of stem in revision of total knee arthroplasty: cemented versus

cementless—a meta-analysis

Changyao Wang, Tilman Pfitzner… Pages 3200-3211



The adductor tubercle: an important landmark to determine the joint line

level in revision total knee arthroplasty

Francesco Iacono… Pages 3212-3217


Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer



Balancing UKA: overstuffing leads to high medial collateral ligament


Thomas J. Heyse, Bilal F. El-Zayat… Pages 3218-3228



Decreased flexion contracture after total knee arthroplasty using

Botulinum toxin A: a randomized controlled trial

Eric B. Smith, Karim A. Shafi, Ari C. Greis… Pages 3229-3234



Moderate clinical improvement after revision arthroplasty of the severely

stiff knee

P. J. C. Heesterbeek, J. H. M. Goosen… Pages 3235-3241



Patient-reported allergies cause inferior outcomes after total knee


Pedro Hinarejos, Tulia Ferrer, Joan Leal… Pages 3242-3246



Intraoperative factors affecting conversion from cruciate retaining to

cruciate substituting in total knee arthroplasty

Dae Kyung Bae, Sang Jun Song, Kang Il Kim… Pages 3247-3253



Knee biomechanics during walking in recurrent lateral patellar dislocation

are normalized by 1 year after medial patellofemoral ligament


Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Makoto Asaeda, Masataka Deie, Naoto Fujita… Pages 3254-3261



Modified fixations for distal femur fractures following total knee

arthroplasty: a biomechanical and clinical relevance study

Shih-Hao Chen, Ching-Lung Tai, Tzai-Chiu Yu… Pages 3262-3271



The incidence of implant fractures after knee arthroplasty

Magdalena M. Gilg, Christian W. Zeller… Pages 3272-3279



Is isolated insert exchange a valuable choice for polyethylene wear in

metal-backed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty?

Alexandre Lunebourg, Sébastien Parratte… Pages 3280-3286



Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) distribution shows a better kinetic

pattern than C-reactive protein distribution for the follow-up of early

inflammation after total knee arthroplasty

J. C. Yombi, P. E. Schwab, E. Thienpont Pages 3287-3292



Preoperative haemoglobin cut-off values for the prediction of post-

operative transfusion in total knee arthroplasty

Jared Ze Yang Yeh, Jerry Yongqiang Chen… Pages 3293-3298



Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Local infiltration analgesia adds no clinical benefit in pain control to

peripheral nerve blocks after total knee arthroplasty

Pedro Hinarejos, Bruno Capurro… Pages 3299-3305



The role of wound closure in total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review

on knee position

Simone Cerciello, Brent Joseph Morris… Pages 3306-3312



Tourniquet-induced ischaemia during total knee arthroplasty results in

higher proteolytic activities within vastus medialis cells: a randomized

clinical trial

Ahmed Jawhar, Stephan Hermanns… Pages 3313-3321



Patient kinesiophobia affects both recovery time and final outcome after

total knee arthroplasty

G. Filardo, A. Roffi, G. Merli, T. Marcacci… Pages 3322-3328



Predictors of hospital readmission following revision total knee


Philip J. Belmont Jr., Gens P. Goodman… Pages 3329-3338


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

Theme Issue on Infection after TKA

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (47 articles)



Clinical outcome is not affected by total knee arthroplasty alignment

Raffaele Mugnai, Francesco Zambianchi… Pages 3339-3345



Joint awareness in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee evaluated with the

‘Forgotten Joint’ Score before and after joint replacement

E. Thienpont, A. Vanden Berghe, P. E. Schwab… Pages 3346-3351



Does post-operative knee awareness differ between knees in bilateral

simultaneous total knee arthroplasty? Predictors of high or low knee


Katrine Abildgaard Nielsen… Pages 3352-3358



Development and validation of a questionnaire assessing discrepancy

between patients’ pre-surgery expectations and abilities and post-surgical

outcomes following knee replacement surgery

Pazit Levinger, Neil T. Diamond… Pages 3359-3368

Página 1 de 2Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer




High correlation of the Oxford Knee Score with postoperative pain, but not

with performance-based functioning

Ruud P. van Hove, Richard M. Brohet… Pages 3369-3375

6. Shoulder

RETRACTED ARTICLE: The benefit of arthroscopically assisted therapy for

concomitant glenohumeral injuries in patients with unstable lateral

clavicle fractures

Tim Schwarting, Philipp Lechler… Page 3376

7. Knee

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Comparison of double-bundle anterior cruciate

ligament reconstruction with and without autologous conditioned serum


Nikica Darabos, Denis Trsek, Dina Miklic… Page 3377


Página 2 de 2Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 10 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

Theme Issue on Computer Assisted Surgery Where are we and

where we are going?

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (39 articles)

1. Editorial

Future perspective of CAS in orthopaedics

S. Zaffagnini, K. Deep, N. Confalonieri Pages 3379-3380



A randomized controlled clinical and radiological trial about outcomes of

navigation-assisted TKA compared to conventional TKA: long-term


E. K. Song, Pranav R. Agrawal, S. K. Kim… Pages 3381-3386



Role of computer-assisted surgery in osteotomies around the knee

D. Saragaglia, B. Chedal-Bornu, R. C. Rouchy… Pages 3387-3395



Current use of navigation system in ACL surgery: a historical review

S. Zaffagnini, F. Urrizola, C. Signorelli… Pages 3396-3409



Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer


Surgical accuracy in high tibial osteotomy: coronal equivalence of

computer navigation and gap measurement

S. Schröter, C. Ihle, D. W. Elson, S. Döbele… Pages 3410-3417

6. Erratum

Erratum to: Surgical accuracy in high tibial osteotomy: coronal

equivalence of computer navigation and gap measurement

S. Schröter, C. Ihle, D. W. Elson, S. Döbele… Page 3418



Superior alignment but no difference in clinical outcome after minimally

invasive computer-assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (MICA-


Zhenxiang Zhang, Wei Zhu, Lixian Zhu… Pages 3419-3424



Minimally invasive navigation-assisted versus conventional total knee

arthroplasty: a meta-analysis

Young-Soo Shin, Hyun-Jung Kim, Young-Rok Ko… Pages 3425-3432



Computer-assisted navigation decreases the change in the tibial posterior

slope angle after closed-wedge high tibial osteotomy

Dae Kyung Bae, Young Wan Ko, Sang Jun Kim… Pages 3433-3440



Abnormal rate of intraoperative and postoperative implant positioning

outliers using “MRI-based patient-specific” compared to “computer

assisted” instrumentation in total knee replacement

M. Ollivier, Q. Tribot-Laspiere, J. Amzallag… Pages 3441-3447

Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer




Does computer-assisted surgery influence survivorship of cementless

total knee arthroplasty in patients with primary osteoarthritis? A 10-

year follow-up study

Hervé Ouanezar, Florent Franck… Pages 3448-3456



Patient-specific and intra-operatively modifiable factors assessed by

computer navigation predict maximal knee flexion one year after TKA

Frank Lampe, Carlos J. Marques… Pages 3457-3465



Comparison of ultra-congruent mobile- and fixed-bearing navigation-

assisted total knee arthroplasty with minimum 5-year follow-up

Seong Hwan Kim, Jung-Won Lim, Young-Bong Ko… Pages 3466-3473



Computer navigation is effective in reducing blood loss but has no effect

on transfusion requirement following primary total knee arthroplasty: a


Seung-Beom Han, Hyun-Jung Kim, Tae-Kyun Kim… Pages 3474-3481



Current state of computer navigation and robotics in unicompartmental

and total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Jelle P. van der List, Harshvardhan Chawla… Pages 3482-3495



Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer


Technical variables of ACL surgical reconstruction: effect on post-

operative static laxity and clinical implication

S. Zaffagnini, C. Signorelli, T. Bonanzinga… Pages 3496-3506



Navigated “small implants” in knee reconstruction

Norberto Confalonieri, Alessio Biazzo… Pages 3507-3516



How to assess femoral and tibial component rotation after total knee

arthroplasty with computed tomography: a systematic review

Eduard J. De Valk, Julia C. A. Noorduyn… Pages 3517-3528



Outcome reporting following navigated high tibial osteotomy of the knee:

a systematic review

James Yan, Volker Musahl, Jeffrey Kay… Pages 3529-3555



Clinical advantages of image-free navigation system using surface-based

registration in anatomical anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Byung Hoon Lee, Dong Ho Kum, Im Joo Rhyu… Pages 3556-3564


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

Theme Issue on Computer Assisted Surgery Where are we and

where we are going?

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (39 articles)



Current state of the art in total knee arthroplasty computer navigation

Frederic Picard, Kamal Deep, Jean Yves Jenny Pages 3565-3574



Dynamic knee behaviour: does the knee deformity change as it is flexed—an

assessment and classification with computer navigation

Kamal Deep, Frederic Picard… Pages 3575-3583



The role of bone void fillers in medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy: a

systematic review

Omer Slevin, Olufemi R. Ayeni… Pages 3584-3598



Does meniscus removal affect ACL-deficient knee laxity? An in vivo study

S. Zaffagnini, C. Signorelli, T. Bonanzinga… Pages 3599-3604


Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer



ACL rupture and joint laxity progression: a quantitative in vivo analysis

C. Signorelli, G. Filardo, T. Bonanzinga… Pages 3605-3611



Quantification of the pivot-shift test using a navigation system with non-

invasive surface markers

Shugo Maeda, Eiichi Tsuda, Yuji Yamamoto… Pages 3612-3618



How does lower leg alignment differ between soccer players, other athletes,

and non-athletic controls?

William Colyn, Rintje Agricola, Nele Arnout… Pages 3619-3626



Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone-patellar tendon-bone

autograft versus allograft in skeletally mature patients aged 25 years or


Patrick W. Kane, Jocelyn Wascher… Pages 3627-3633



Characterization of patellar maltracking using dynamic kinematic CT

imaging in patients with patellar instability

Miho J. Tanaka, John J. Elias… Pages 3634-3641



Decreased extension gap and valgus alignment after implantation of total

knee prosthesis in primary varus knees

Yukihide Minoda, Shigeru Nakagawa… Pages 3642-3647

Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer




Rotational alignment in patient-specific instrumentation in TKA: MRI or CT?

Alcindo Silva, Elisabete Pinto… Pages 3648-3652



Will a single periarticular lidocaine–corticosteroid injection improve the

clinical efficacy of intraarticular hyaluronic acid treatment of symptomatic

knee osteoarthritis?

Cemil Ertürk, Mehmet Akif Altay, Nuray Altay… Pages 3653-3660



Usefulness of long tibial axis to measure medial tibial slope for opening

wedge high tibial osteotomy

Y. Akamatsu, M. Sotozawa, H. Kobayashi… Pages 3661-3667



Isolated patellofemoral arthroplasty reproduces natural patellofemoral

joint kinematics when the patella is resurfaced

Hilde Vandenneucker, Luc Labey… Pages 3668-3677



Assessing the accuracy of patient-specific guides for total knee arthroplasty

Jong-Keun Seon, Hyeong-Won Park… Pages 3678-3683


Experimental Study

Navigation forces during wrist arthroscopy: assessment of expert levels

Miryam C. Obdeijn, Tim Horeman… Pages 3684-3692

Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer


17. Erratum

Erratum to: Arthroscopic reconstruction of the popliteus complex: accuracy

and reproducibility of a new surgical technique

Karl-Heinz Frosch, Ralph Akoto… Page 3693

18. Erratum

Erratum to: Patient demographics and surgical characteristics in ACL

revision: a comparison of French, Norwegian, and North American cohorts

Robert A. Magnussen, Christophe Trojani… Pages 3694-3695

19. Erratum

Erratum to: The minimal clinically important difference in the Oxford knee

score and Short Form 12 score after total knee arthroplasty

N. D. Clement, D. MacDonald… Page 3696


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 11 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (44 articles)

1. Editorial

Thank you for 2016

Jon Karlsson, Roland Becker… Pages 3697-3701

2. Editorial

PRP: Product Rich in Placebo?

Giuseppe Filardo, Elizaveta Kon Pages 3702-3703



Effect of soft tissue laxity of the knee joint on limb alignment correction in

open-wedge high tibial osteotomy

Dae-Hee Lee, Sung-Chul Park, Hyung-Joon Park… Pages 3704-3712



Comparison of femur tunnel aperture location in patients undergoing

transtibial and anatomical single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament


Dae-Hee Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim, Hyeong-Sik Ahn… Pages 3713-3721



Osteochondral transplantation of autologous graft for the treatment of

osteochondral lesions of talus: 5- to 7-year follow-up

Dimitrios Georgiannos, Ilias Bisbinas… Pages 3722-3729


Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer



Increasing incidence of acute Achilles tendon rupture and a noticeable

decline in surgical treatment from 1994 to 2013. A nationwide registry

study of 33,160 patients

Ann Ganestam, Thomas Kallemose… Pages 3730-3737



Effects of boric acid on the healing of Achilles tendons of rats

Burak Kaymaz, Umut Hatay Gölge… Pages 3738-3744



Sentinel sign: a sign of biceps tendon which indicates the presence of

subscapularis tendon rupture

Dipit Sahu, Robert Fullick… Pages 3745-3749



Association between acromioclavicular joint pain and capsular bulging in

adolescent baseball players

Taku Hatta, Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Hirotaka Sano… Pages 3750-3755



Diagnosis and treatment of anteroinferior capsular redundancy

associated with anterior shoulder instability using an open Latarjet

procedure and capsulorrhaphy

Mickaël Ropars, Armel Cretual, Rajiv Kaila… Pages 3756-3764



Tenotomy or tenodesis for pathology of the long head of the biceps

brachii: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


Navin Gurnani, Derek F. P. van Deurzen… Pages 3765-3771



Arthroscopic proximal versus open subpectoral biceps tenodesis with

arthroscopic repair of small- or medium-sized rotator cuff tears

Young Yi, Jong-Myoung Lee, Seok Hyun Kwon… Pages 3772-3778



The role of tendon and subacromial bursa in rotator cuff tear pain: a

clinical and histopathological study

Claudio Chillemi, Vincenzo Petrozza… Pages 3779-3786



The effect of subacromial injections of autologous conditioned plasma

versus cortisone for the treatment of symptomatic partial rotator cuff


Lutz von Wehren, Fabian Blanke… Pages 3787-3792



Management of an engaging Hill–Sachs lesion: arthroscopic remplissage

with Bankart repair versus Latarjet procedure

Nam Su Cho, Jae Hyun Yoo, Yong Girl Rhee Pages 3793-3800



Anterior shoulder instability with engaging Hill–Sachs defects: a

comparison of arthroscopic Bankart repair with and without posterior


Nam Su Cho, Jae Hyun Yoo, Hyung Suk Juh… Pages 3801-3808


Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer



Prognostic factors influencing the outcome of rotator cuff repair: a

systematic review

Maristella F. Saccomanno, Giuseppe Sircana… Pages 3809-3819



Anatomical study of the articular branch of the lateral pectoral nerve to

the shoulder joint

Young-Seok Nam, Karnav Panchal, In-Beom Kim… Pages 3820-3827



Arthroscopic management of massive rotator cuff tears: an evaluation of

debridement, complete, and partial repair with and without force couple


Philipp R. Heuberer, Roman Kölblinger… Pages 3828-3837



Eccentric and isometric shoulder rotator cuff strength testing using a

hand-held dynamometer: reference values for overhead athletes

Ann M. J. Cools, Fran Vanderstukken… Pages 3838-3847


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (44 articles)



Bone mineral decreases in the calcanei in men after arthroscopic

shoulder surgery: a prospective study over 5 years

Anna O. Elmlund, Jüri Kartus… Pages 3848-3854



Reconstruction of 25 and 50 % subscapularis tears: a single anchor with

a double-mattress suture is sufficient for the reconstruction

Olaf Lorbach, Christian Trennheuser… Pages 3855-3862



Outcomes and complications following graft reconstruction for anterior

sternoclavicular joint instability

Lukas Willinger, Jakob Schanda, Elmar Herbst… Pages 3863-3869



Combined SLAP repair and biceps tenodesis for superior labral anterior

–posterior tears

Peter N. Chalmers, Brett Monson… Pages 3870-3876



Página 1 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


Blind suprascapular and axillary nerve block for post-operative pain in

arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery

Jin-Young Park, Jin-Young Bang, Kyung-Soo Oh Pages 3877-3883



Impact of cyclic mechanical stimulation on the expression of

extracellular matrix proteins in human primary rotator cuff fibroblasts

Birgit Lohberger, Heike Kaltenegger… Pages 3884-3891



Arthroscopic-assisted plate fixation for displaced large-sized

comminuted greater tuberosity fractures of proximal humerus: a novel

surgical technique

Sang-Eun Park, Jae-Jung Jeong… Pages 3892-3898



Similar results comparing early and late surgery in open repair of

traumatic rotator cuff tears

Soheila Zhaeentan, Anders Von Heijne… Pages 3899-3906


Sports Medicine

Professional football can be considered a healthy sport?

Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani, Diego Costa Astur… Pages 3907-3911


Sports Medicine

The comparison between the different generations of autologous

chondrocyte implantation with other treatment modalities: a

systematic review of clinical trials

Ely Zarina Samsudin, Tunku Kamarul Pages 3912-3926

Página 2 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer



Sports Medicine

Nonoperative treatment and return to play after complete proximal

adductor avulsion in high-performance athletes

Peter Ueblacker, Bryan English… Pages 3927-3933

12. Sports Medicine

Are severe musculoskeletal injuries associated with symptoms of

common mental disorders among male European professional


Vincent Gouttebarge, Haruhito Aoki… Pages 3934-3942



Evaluating healthcare resource utilization and outcomes for surgical

hip dislocation and hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement

Darren de SA, Nolan S. Horner… Pages 3943-3954



Is quality of life following hip arthroscopy in patients with

chondrolabral pathology associated with impairments in hip strength

or range of motion?

Joanne L. Kemp, Michael Makdissi… Pages 3955-3961



Orthopaedic surgeons’ use and knowledge of ionizing radiation during

surgical treatment for femoroacetabular impingement

Adriana J. Saroki, Coen Wijdicks… Pages 3962-3970


Experimental Study

Página 3 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


Effect of a novel sterilization method on biomechanical properties of soft

tissue allografts

T. Baldini, K. Caperton, M. Hawkins… Pages 3971-3975


Experimental Study

Biomechanical characteristics of bioabsorbable magnesium-based

(MgYREZr-alloy) interference screws with different threads

Marco Ezechieli, Max Ettinger, Carolin König… Pages 3976-3981


Experimental Study

Biomechanical comparison of fixation techniques for medial collateral

ligament anatomical augmented repair

Mohamed Omar, Maximilian Petri… Pages 3982-3987


Experimental Study

The use of autologous adult, allogenic juvenile, and combined juvenile

–adult cartilage fragments for the repair of chondral defects

Davide Edoardo Bonasia, James A. Martin… Pages 3988-3996


Experimental Study

Effects of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) on biomechanical

properties of Achilles tendon repair

Diego López-Nájera, Mónica Rubio-Zaragoza… Pages 3997-4004


Página 4 de 4Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0942-2056 (Print) 1433-7347 (Online)

In this issue (44 articles)


Historical Paper

Past and present of interposition arthroplasties for joint repair with

special tribute to the contribution by Vittorio Putti

N. Nicoli Aldini, A. Angelini, S. Pagani… Pages 4005-4011

2. Erratum

Erratum to: Efficacy of intraarticular application of ketamine or

ketamine–levobupivacaine combination on post-operative pain after

arthroscopic meniscectomy

Cengiz Isik, Abdullah Demirhan, Tevfik Yetis… Page 4012

3. Erratum

Erratum to: Patient-specific instrumentation improved mechanical

alignment, while early clinical outcome was comparable to

conventional instrumentation in TKA

Werner Anderl, Leo Pauzenberger… Page 4013

4. Erratum

Erratum to: Evidence-based indications for hindfoot endoscopy

Pietro Spennacchio, Davide Cucchi… Page 4014


Página 1 de 1Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 24, Issue 12 - Springer


October 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 10

pp: 1859-2073

Clinical Sciences

Basic Sciences


Mediators of Exercise Effects on HRQoL in Cancer Survivors after Chemotherapy


A Randomized Trial on the Effect of Exercise Mode on Breast Cancer–Related Lymphedema


Fatigue Exacerbation by Interval or Continuous Exercise in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Hip Strength in Patients with Quadriceps Strength Deficits after ACL Reconstruction


Fitness during Breast Cancer Treatment and Recovery in an Athlete: A Case Study


Overuse Injuries of the Pediatric and Adolescent Throwing Athlete


Advances in Exercise, Fitness, and Performance Genomics in 2015


Neutrophil Depletion Attenuates Muscle Injury after Exhaustive Exercise


Cardiovascular and Renal Effects of Birdseed Associated with Aerobic Exercise in Rats


Raw Accelerometer Data Analysis with GGIR R-package: Does Accelerometer Brand Matter?


Accuracy of Wristband Activity Monitors during Ambulation and Activities


Página 1 de 3October 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 10 : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Applied Sciences


No Evidence of Reciprocal Associations between Daily Sleep and Physical Activity


Injury Profile of American Women’s Rugby-7s


Ischemic Preconditioning and Repeated Sprint Swimming: A Placebo and Nocebo Study


Effects of Footwear and Fatigue on Running Economy and Biomechanics in Trail Runners


High-Intensity Interval Training for Cognitive and Mental Health in Adolescents


Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Associated with Better Executive Function in Young Women


Effect of Acute Exercise on Fatigue in People with ME/CFS/SEID: A Meta-analysis


Muscle Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals versus Venous Blood Hemoglobin Oxygen Saturation in Skeletal Muscle


Apoptosis of T-Cell Subsets after Acute High-Intensity Interval Exercise


Contralateral Repeated Bout Effect of Eccentric Exercise of the Elbow Flexors


Diaphragm Contractility in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability


Increased Visual Use in Chronic Ankle Instability: A Meta-analysis


Consensus Statement

Strategic Priorities for Physical Activity Surveillance in the United States


Letters to the Editor-in-Chief

Revisiting Tabata’s Protocol: Does It Even Exist?

Gentil, Paulo; Naves, João Pedro Araújo; Viana, Ricardo Borges; More

Página 2 de 3October 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 10 : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


November 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 11

pp: 2075-2343

Clinical Sciences

Basic Sciences


Applied Sciences

Fitness Moderates the Relationship between Stress and Cardiovascular Risk Factors


Association between Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Noncontact ACL Injuries


Impaired Pulmonary V˙O2 Kinetics in Cystic Fibrosis Depend on Exercise Intensity


Parasympathetic Activity and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Athletes


Postexercise High-Fat Feeding Suppresses p70S6K1 Activity in Human Skeletal Muscle


Exercise Training Prevents Diaphragm Contractile Dysfunction in Heart Failure


Neural Correlates of Expert Visuomotor Performance in Badminton Players


Isotemporal Substitution Analysis for Sedentary Behavior and Body Mass Index


Moving Forward with Backward Compatibility: Translating Wrist Accelerometer Data


Incidence of Shoulder Dislocations and the Rate of Recurrent Instability in Soldiers


Página 1 de 3November 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 11 : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise



Resistance Training Increases Skeletal Muscle Capillarization in Healthy Older Men


The Effect of Different High-Intensity Periodization Models on Endurance Adaptations


Altered Running Economy Directly Translates to Altered Distance-Running Performance


Walking and Running Require Greater Effort from the Ankle than the Knee Extensor Muscles


Ankle Proprioception-Associated Gait Patterns in Older Adults: Results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging


Tibiofemoral Contact Forces in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament–Reconstructed Knee


Psychobiological Responses to Preferred and Prescribed Intensity Exercise in Major Depressive Disorder


Evaluating Walking Intensity with Hip-Worn Accelerometers in Elders


The Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue

The Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue


Fatigue: Where Did We Come from and How Did We Get Here?


Translating Fatigue to Human Performance


Reactive Oxygen Species as Agents of Fatigue


The Relevance of Sex Differences in Performance Fatigability


Comparative Physiology of Fatigue


Muscle Fatigue from the Perspective of a Single Crossbridge


Página 2 de 3November 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 11 : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


No Muscle Is an Island: Integrative Perspectives on Muscle Fatigue


Neural Contributions to Muscle Fatigue: From the Brain to the Muscle and Back Again


Disease-Induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Fatigue


Critical Power: An Important Fatigue Threshold in Exercise Physiology


Contrasting Perspectives in Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

The Role of Acidosis in Fatigue: Pro Perspective

Fitts, Robert H.

Acidosis Is Not a Significant Cause of Skeletal Muscle Fatigue

Westerblad, Håkan

Book Reviews

Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training

Principles of Pharmacology for Athletic Trainers, 3rd Edition

Página 3 de 3November 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 11 : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


December 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 12

pp: 2345-2586

Clinical Sciences

Basic Sciences


Applied Sciences

Cardiorespiratory Response to Different Exercise Tests in Interstitial Lung Disease


Acute Effects of Low-Load/High-Repetition Single-Limb Resistance Training in COPD


Neural Control of Posture in Individuals with Persisting Postconcussion Symptoms


Persistent Muscle Inhibition after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Role of Reflex Excitability


Exercise Improves Insulin Sensitivity in the Absence of Changes in Cytokines


Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Phosphatase Regulatory Gene Expression Correlates with Exercise Training Insulin Sensitivity Changes


Is Concurrent Training Efficacious Antihypertensive Therapy? A Meta-analysis


Allometrically Scaled Children’s Clinical and Free-Living Ambulatory Behavior


Additive Benefits of β-Alanine Supplementation and Sprint-Interval Training


Periodization Strategies in Older Adults: Impact on Physical Function and Health


Página 1 de 3Current Issue : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise



Four-Year Physical Activity Levels among Intervention Participants with Type 2 Diabetes


Early Intervention to Encourage Physical Activity in Infants and Toddlers: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Biological Maturation and Physical Activity in South Korean Adolescent Girls


Footwear Matters: Influence of Footwear and Foot Strike on Load Rates during Running


Sprint Acceleration Mechanics in Masters Athletes


High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise Enhances Motor Memory Retrieval


Exercise Maintains Dendritic Complexity in an Animal Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


Frequency of Breaks in Sedentary Time and Postprandial Metabolic Responses


Effects of Standing and Light-Intensity Walking and Cycling on 24-h Glucose


Impact of 12-s Rule on Performance and Muscle Damage of Baseball Pitchers


Resistance Exercise Augments Postprandial Overnight Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates


Neuromuscular Changes and Damage after Isoload versus Isokinetic Eccentric Exercise


Heterogeneous Circulating Angiogenic Cell Responses to Acute Maximal Exercise


Metabolic Responses and Pacing Strategies during Successive Sprint Skiing Time Trials


The Influence of Maturation on Sprint Performance in Boys over a 21-Month Period


Seven Passive 1-h Hypoxia Exposures Do Not Prevent AMS in Susceptible Individuals


Página 2 de 3Current Issue : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Methodological Advances

Estimation of Energy Expenditure during Treadmill Exercise via Thermal Imaging


Letters to the Editor-in-Chief

Ghost or Real Musculoskeletal Asymmetries in Football Players?

Sanchis-Moysi, Joaquín; Calbet, José A.L.


Hart, Nicolas H.; Nimphius, Sophia; Weber, Jason; More

Look beyond Thermoregulation and Hydration in the Diagnosis of Heat Stroke

Lim, Chin Leong


Roberts, William O.; Dorman, Jason C.; Bergeron, Michael F.

Book Reviews

Biostatistics for Epidemiology and Public Health Using R

Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine Surgery, 2nd Edition


Effects of Fractionized and Continuous Exercise on 24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Corrigendum

Página 3 de 3Current Issue : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise



143 Respuesta del balance simpático-parasimpático de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca durante una semana de entrenamiento aeróbico en ciclistas de ruta

G. Rosales-Soto, R. Corsini-Pino, M. Monsálves-Álvarez y R. Yáñez-Sepúlveda 148 La efectividad de los materiales de amortiguación usados en las ortesis

plantares para el tratamiento de las sobrecargas metatarsales

G. Dominguez, F. París-García y L. Carrasco 154 Cognitive profile associated with functional and anthropometric aspects

in elderly

W. Araújo de Brito, L. Mendes, M. Magalhães Sales, J.B. Neto, C.J. Brito, M.E. da Silva Grigoletto y A. Pimentel Ferreira

160 Características antropométricas em atletas de elite das seleções brasileiras juvenil e adulta de voleibol

D. Monteiro Teixeira, J. Del Fraro, F. Soares, L.C. Reeberg Stanganelli, C. Simões Pires-Neto e E.L. Petroski


166 Relación entre actividad física, procesos cognitivos y rendimiento académico de escolares: revisión de la literatura actual

S. Reloba, L.J. Chirosa y R.E. Reigal 173 Chronic effect of aerobic exercise on anthropometric, biochemical and

hemodynamic variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review

C.A. De Sá, P. Grudka Heizen, V. S. Corrao, G.A. Gonzaga dos Santos y N.M. Moura Soares

Caso clínico

180 Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico

Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia y G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo

R e v i s t a A n d a l u z a d e

Medicina del DeporteVolumen 9 Número 4

Diciembre 2016


Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports © John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

October 2016 Volume 26, Issue 10

Pages 1129–1264

(1) Issue Information. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1129-1131.

(2) Wadey R, Podlog L, Galli N, Mellalieu SD. Stress-related growth following sport injury: Examining the applicability of the organismic valuing theory. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1132-1139.

(3) Lesinski M, Prieske O, Demps M, Granacher U. Effects of fatigue and surface instability on neuromuscular performance during jumping. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1140-1150.

(4) Laffaye G, Levernier G, Collin J-. Determinant factors in climbing ability: Influence of strength, anthropometry, and neuromuscular fatigue. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1151-1159.

(5) Lima FD, Stamm DN, Della Pace ID, Ribeiro LR, Rambo LM, Bresciani G, et al. Ibuprofen intake increases exercise time to exhaustion: A possible role for preventing exercise-induced fatigue. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1160-1170.

(6) Churchill SM, Trewartha G, Bezodis IN, Salo AIT. Force production during maximal effort bend sprinting: Theory vs reality. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1171-1179.

(7) van Ginkel S, Ruoss S, Valdivieso P, Degens H, Waldron S, de Haan A, et al. ACE inhibition modifies exercise-induced pro-angiogenic and mitochondrial gene transcript expression. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1180-1187.

(8) Morabito C, Lanuti P, Caprara GA, Guarnieri S, Verratti V, Ricci G, et al. Responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to moderate exercise and hypoxia. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1188-1199.

(9) Grosse U, Syha R, Gatidis S, Grözinger G, Martirosian P, Partovi S, et al. MR-based in vivo follow-up study of Achilles tendon volume and hydration state after ankle-loading activity. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1200-1208.

(10) Stevens CJ, Thoseby B, Sculley DV, Callister R, Taylor L, Dascombe BJ. Running performance and thermal sensation in the heat are improved with menthol mouth rinse but not ice slurry ingestion. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1209-1216.

(11) de Vries A, Zwerver J, Diercks R, Tak I, van Berkel S, van Cingel R, et al. Effect of patellar strap and sports tape on pain in patellar tendinopathy: A randomized controlled trial. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1217-1224.

(12) Kristenson K, Bjørneboe J, Waldén M, Andersen TE, Ekstrand J, Hägglund M. Injuries in male professional football: A prospective comparison between individual and team-based exposure registration. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1225-1232.

(13) Willick SE, Cushman DM, Blauwet CA, Emery C, Webborn N, Derman W, et al. The epidemiology of injuries in powerlifting at the London 2012 Paralympic Games: An analysis of 1411 athlete-days. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1233-1238.

(14) Runciman P, Tucker R, Ferreira S, Albertus-Kajee Y, Derman W. Paralympic athletes with cerebral palsy display altered pacing strategies in distance-deceived shuttle running trials. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1239-1248.

(15) Henriksen PW, Rayce SB, Melkevik O, Due P, Holstein BE. Social background, bullying, and physical inactivity: National study of 11- to 15-year-olds. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1249-1255.

(16) Gustafsson H, Hill AP, Stenling A, Wagnsson S. Profiles of perfectionism, parental climate, and burnout among competitive junior athletes. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(10):1256-1264.

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports © John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

November 2016 Volume 26, Issue 11

Pages 1265–1378

(1) Issue Information. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1265-1267.

(2) Sperlich B, Calbet JAL, Boushel R, Holmberg H-. Is the use of hyperoxia in sports effective, safe and ethical? Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1268-1272.

(3) Martinez-Valdes E, Guzman-Venegas RA, Silvestre RA, Macdonald JH, Falla D, Araneda OF, et al. Electromyographic adjustments during continuous and intermittent incremental fatiguing cycling. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1273-1282.

(4) Zelenkova I, Chomahidze P. Long-term effects of frequent maximal breath-holding on the cardiac health of elite freedivers. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1283-1286.

(5) O'Leary TJ, Morris MG, Collett J, Howells K. Central and peripheral fatigue following non-exhaustive and exhaustive exercise of disparate metabolic demands. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1287-1300.

(6) Aboodarda SJ, ?ambaher N, Behm DG. Unilateral elbow flexion fatigue modulates corticospinal responsiveness in non-fatigued contralateral biceps brachii. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1301-1312.

(7) Ponce-González JG, Rodríguez-Garcia L, Losa-Reyna J, Guadalupe-Grau A, Rodriguez-Gonzalez FG, Díaz-Chico BN, et al. Androgen receptor gene polymorphism influence fat accumulation: A longitudinal study from adolescence to adult age. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1313-1320.

(8) Giandolini M, Horvais N, Rossi J, Millet GY, Morin J-, Samozino P. Acute and delayed peripheral and central neuromuscular alterations induced by a short and intense downhill trail run. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1321-1333.

(9) Ishøi L, Sørensen CN, Kaae NM, Jørgensen LB, Hölmich P, Serner A. Large eccentric strength increase using the Copenhagen Adduction exercise in football: A randomized controlled trial. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1334-1342.

(10) Fältström A, Hägglund M, Kvist J. Factors associated with playing football after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in female football players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1343-1352.

(11) Connick MJ, Beckman E, Ibusuki T, Malone L, Tweedy SM. Evaluation of methods for calculating maximum allowable standing height in amputees competing in Paralympic athletics. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1353-1359.

(12) de Araújo CC, Marques PS, Silva JD, Samary CS, da Silva AL, Henriques I, et al. Regular and moderate aerobic training before allergic asthma induction reduces lung inflammation and remodeling. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1360-1372.

(13) Isner-Horobeti M-, Muff G, Lonsdorfer-Wolf E, Deffinis C, Masat J, Favret F, et al. Use of botulinum toxin type A in symptomatic accessory soleus muscle: first five cases. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016;26(11):1373-1378.

Sports Medicine

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0112-1642 (Print) 1179-2035 (Online)

In this issue (14 articles)


Leading Article

New Insights into Enhancing Maximal Exercise Performance Through the Use of a Bitter Tastant

Sharon Gam, Kym J. Guelfi, Paul A. Fournier Pages 1385-1390


Review Article

Thermoregulation, Fluid Balance, and Sweat Losses in American Football Players

Jon K. Davis, Lindsay B. Baker, Kelly Barnes, Corey Ungaro, John Stofan Pages 1391-1405


Review Article

Co-ingestion of Nutritional Ergogenic Aids and High-Intensity Exercise Performance

Alireza Naderi, Conrad P. Earnest, Ryan P. Lowery, Jacob M. Wilson… Pages 1407-1418


Review Article

The Importance of Muscular Strength in Athletic Performance

Timothy J. Suchomel, Sophia Nimphius, Michael H. Stone Pages 1419-1449


Review Article

Expression of VO2peak in Children and Youth, with Special Reference to Allometric Scaling

Mark Loftin, Melinda Sothern, Takashi Abe, Marc Bonis Pages 1451-1460


Systematic Review

Monitoring Athletic Training Status Through Autonomic Heart Rate Regulation: A Systematic

Review and Meta-Analysis

Clint R. Bellenger, Joel T. Fuller, Rebecca L. Thomson, Kade Davison… Pages 1461-1486


Systematic Review

Validity of the Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT)

Página 1 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 10 - Springer


Bara Alsalaheen, Kayla Stockdale, Dana Pechumer, Steven P. Broglio Pages 1487-1501


Systematic Review

Monitoring Workload in Throwing-Dominant Sports: A Systematic Review

Georgia M. Black, Tim J. Gabbett, Michael H. Cole, Geraldine Naughton Pages 1503-1516


Systematic Review

The Prevalence of Meniscal Pathology in Asymptomatic Athletes

Corey T. Beals, Robert A. Magnussen, William C. Graham… Pages 1517-1524


Systematic Review

Towards a Determination of the Physiological Characteristics Distinguishing Successful Mixed

Martial Arts Athletes: A Systematic Review of Combat Sport Literature

Lachlan P. James, G. Gregory Haff, Vincent G. Kelly, Emma M. Beckman Pages 1525-1551


Original Research Article

Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race: Performance, Pacing and Tactics Between 1890 and 2014

Andrew M. Edwards, Joshua H. Guy, Florentina J. Hettinga Pages 1553-1562


Original Research Article

Error Rates, Decisive Outcomes and Publication Bias with Several Inferential Methods

Will G. Hopkins, Alan M. Batterham Pages 1563-1573


Letter to the Editor

The Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning on Human Exercise Performance: A Counterpoint

Gustavo Ribeiro da Mota, Moacir Marocolo Pages 1575-1576


Letter to the Editor

Author’s reply to da Mota and Marocolo: “The Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning on Human

Exercise Performance: a Counterpoint”

Anthony V. Incognito, Jamie F. Burr, Philip J. Millar Pages 1577-1578


Página 2 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 10 - Springer


Sports Medicine

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0112-1642 (Print) 1179-2035 (Online)

In this issue (15 articles)


Current Opinion

It is Time to Ban Rapid Weight Loss from Combat Sports

Guilherme G. Artioli, Bryan Saunders, Rodrigo T. Iglesias… Pages 1579-1584


Current Opinion

Two-Load Method for Distinguishing Between Muscle Force, Velocity, and Power-Producing


Slobodan Jaric Pages 1585-1589


Review Article

Minimizing Head Acceleration in Soccer: A Review of the Literature

Jaclyn B. Caccese, Thomas W. Kaminski Pages 1591-1604


Review Article

The Type 2 Diabetic Heart: Its Role in Exercise Intolerance and the Challenge to Find Effective

Exercise Interventions

J. Chris Baldi, Genevieve A. Wilson, Luke C. Wilson, Gerard T. Wilkins… Pages 1605-1617


Systematic Review

Advances in Sprint Acceleration Profiling for Field-Based Team-Sport Athletes: Utility, Reliability,

Validity and Limitations

Kim D. Simperingham, John B. Cronin, Angus Ross Pages 1619-1645


Systematic Review

Modifiable Factors Associated with Knee Abduction During Weight-Bearing Activities: A

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Anna Cronström, Mark W. Creaby, Jenny Nae, Eva Ageberg Pages 1647-1662

7. Systematic Review

Correlates of Gross Motor Competence in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and


Lisa M. Barnett, Samuel K. Lai, Sanne L. C. Veldman, Louise L. Hardy… Pages 1663-1688

Página 1 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 11 - Springer



Systematic Review

Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Measures of Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic

Review and Meta-Analysis

Brad J. Schoenfeld, Dan Ogborn, James W. Krieger Pages 1689-1697


Systematic Review

The Effects of Heat Adaptation on Physiology, Perception and Exercise Performance in the Heat: A


Christopher J. Tyler, Tom Reeve, Gary J. Hodges, Stephen S. Cheung Pages 1699-1724


Systematic Review

Effects of Exercise Training in Hypoxia Versus Normoxia on Vascular Health

David Montero, Carsten Lundby Pages 1725-1736


Systematic Review

Efficacy of Exercise Intervention for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Meta-

Analysis and Implications

Lee Stoner, David Rowlands, Ariel Morrison, Daniel Credeur… Pages 1737-1751


Original Research Article

Sub-anesthetic Xenon Increases Erythropoietin Levels in Humans: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Christian Stoppe, Julia Ney, Martin Brenke, Andreas Goetzenich… Pages 1753-1766

13. Letter to the Editor

Effects of Exercise Training in Hypoxia Versus Normoxia on Vascular Health: Comments on

Clinical Importance

Mohadeseh Sani, Erfan Ayubi, Salman Khazaei, Kamyar Mansori Page 1767


Letter to the Editor

Author’s Reply to Sani et al.: “Effects of Exercise Training in Hypoxia Versus Normoxia on

Vascular Health: Comments on Clinical Importance”—Facing Common Misconceptions

Concerning Meta-Analysis in Biomedical Research

David Montero Pages 1769-1770

15. Erratum

Erratum to: The Effects of Heat Adaptation on Physiology, Perception and Exercise Performance

in the Heat: A Meta-Analysis

Christopher J. Tyler, Tom Reeve, Gary J. Hodges, Stephen S. Cheung Page 1771


Página 2 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 11 - Springer


Sports Medicine

All Volumes & Issues

ISSN: 0112-1642 (Print) 1179-2035 (Online)

In this issue (15 articles)

1. Acknowledgement to Referees

Acknowledgement to Referees

Pages 1773-1779


Current Opinion

The ARCANE Project: How an Ecological Dynamics Framework Can Enhance Performance

Assessment and Prediction in Football

Micael S. Couceiro, Gonçalo Dias, Duarte Araújo, Keith Davids Pages 1781-1786


Current Opinion

Beta2-Agonist Doping Control and Optical Isomer Challenges

Glenn A. Jacobson, J. Paul Fawcett Pages 1787-1795


Review Article

Is There a Biomechanical Link Between Patellofemoral Pain and Osteoarthritis? A Narrative


Narelle Wyndow, Natalie Collins, Bill Vicenzino, Kylie Tucker… Pages 1797-1808


Review Article

Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training Effects on Glucose Homeostasis, Fitness, and Other

Major Health Indices: A Review of Current Guidelines

Neil M. Johannsen, Damon L. Swift, Carl J. Lavie, Conrad P. Earnest… Pages 1809-1818

6. Review Article

A Method by Which to Assess the Scalability of Field-Based Fitness Tests of Cardiorespiratory

Fitness Among Schoolchildren

Sarah Domone, Steven Mann, Gavin Sandercock, Matthew Wade, Chris Beedie Pages 1819-1831


Systematic Review

Forearm Muscle Activity in Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Systematic Review with Quantitative


Luke J. Heales, Michael J. G. Bergin, Bill Vicenzino, Paul W. Hodges Pages 1833-1845

8. Systematic Review

Página 1 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 12 - Springer


Movement Patterns and Muscular Function Before and After Onset of Sports-Related Groin Pain:

A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis

Paulina Kloskowska, Dylan Morrissey, Claire Small, Peter Malliaras… Pages 1847-1867


Systematic Review

Movement Patterns of the Knee During Gait Following ACL Reconstruction: A Systematic Review

and Meta-Analysis

Mandeep Kaur, Daniel Cury Ribeiro, Jean-Claude Theis, Kate E. Webster… Pages 1869-1895

10. Systematic Review

Does Habitual Physical Activity Increase the Sensitivity of the Appetite Control System? A

Systematic Review

Kristine Beaulieu, Mark Hopkins, John Blundell, Graham Finlayson Pages 1897-1919


Systematic Review

Stiffness as a Risk Factor for Achilles Tendon Injury in Running Athletes

Anna V. Lorimer, Patria A. Hume Pages 1921-1938


Systematic Review

Is There Evidence that Runners can Benefit from Wearing Compression Clothing?

Florian Azad Engel, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Billy Sperlich Pages 1939-1952


Original Research Article

Oxygen Costs of the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test in Cardiac Rehabilitation Participants: An

Historical and Contemporary Analysis

John P. Buckley, Fernando M. F. Cardoso, Stefan T. Birkett… Pages 1953-1962


Letter to the Editor

Different Sports, But the Same Physical and Physiological Profiles?

Leonardo Vidal Andreato, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco Pages 1963-1965


Letter to the Editor

Using the Evidence Available to Inform Practice and Direct Future Research

Lachlan P. James, G. Gregory Haff, Vincent G. Kelly, Emma M. Beckman Pages 1967-1969


Página 2 de 2Sports Medicine, Volume 46, Issue 12 - Springer


October 2016 - Volume 38 - Issue 5

pp: 1-101


Performance Variables of Obstacle Course Racing and Recommendations for Programming in Novice and Intermediate Competitors

Rawdon, Christopher L.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000253

Assessing Change of Direction Ability in Badminton Athletes

Paterson, Samuel; McMaster, Daniel Travis; Cronin, John

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000241

Nutritional Challenges and Strategies for the Bariatric Patient and How Fitness Professionals Can Provide Support

Bova, Charla; Fox, Elizabeth; Alencar, Michelle; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000248

Spondylolysis in American Football Players: Etiology, Symptoms, and Implications for Strength and Conditioning Specialists

Shurley, Jason P.; Newman, Justin K.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000244

Testing Protocols for Profiling of Surfers' Anaerobic and Aerobic Fitness: A Review

Farley, Oliver R. L.; Abbiss, Chris R.; Sheppard, Jeremy M.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000252

The Impact of Laterality on Soccer Performance

Petro, Bela; Szabo, Attila

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000246

Influence of Muscle Slack on High-Intensity Sport Performance: A Review

Van Hooren, Bas; Bosch, Frans

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000251

Statistical Use in Applied Sport Research: Methodological and Ethical Challenges

Shalfawi, Shaher A. I.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000242

The Training Octagon: Training the Anterior and Posterior Serape

Santana, Juan C.; Brown, Lee E.; Ferrigno, Vance A.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000250

Página 1 de 2October 2016 - Volume 38 - Issue 5 : Strength & Conditioning Journal




Exercise Technique

The Rope Climb: Scissor Method

Spence, Adam; Kay, Andy

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000232

Spondylolysis in American Football Players: Etiology, Symptoms, and Implications for Strength and Conditioning Specialists

Duration: 6:47Strength & Conditioning Journal October 2016, Volume 38, Issue 5;Dr. Jason Shurley discusses Spondylolysis in American Football Players and what strength and conditioning professionals need to know about this condition.

Página 2 de 2October 2016 - Volume 38 - Issue 5 : Strength & Conditioning Journal


December 2016 - Volume 38 - Issue 6

pp: 1-80


Strength and Conditioning for Throwing in Cricket

Cronin, John B.; Sharp, Anthony P.; Stronach, Bryan; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000254


Sands, William A.; Apostolopoulos, Nikos; Kavanaugh, Ashley A.; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000260

Asymmetries of the Lower Limb: The Calculation Conundrum in Strength Training and Conditioning

Bishop, Chris; Read, Paul; Chavda, Shyam; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000264

Complex Training for Power Development: Practical Applications for Program Design

Lim, Julian J. H.; Barley, Christopher I.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000265

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Combat Among Different Categories: Time-Motion and Physiology. A Systematic Review

Andreato, Leonardo Vidal; Follmer, Bruno; Celidonio, Carolina Leal; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000256

Development of the Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning Program Military Operator Readiness Assessment for the Special Forces Operator

Bear, Ray; Sanders, Mike; Pompili, Jason; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000258

Effect of Interset Rest Interval Length on Resistance Exercise Performance and Muscular Adaptation

Gonzalez, Adam M.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000257

Exercise Benefits and Considerations for Individuals With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Yuen, Elizabeth P.; Bagley, James R.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000261

Strength Training for the Brain: Using Technology to Deliver Mindfulness Training to Improve Strength and Conditioning Performance

Rist, Billymo; Pearce, Alan J.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000267

Página 1 de 2Current Issue : Strength & Conditioning Journal




Profile of a Strength and Conditioning Coach: Backgrounds, Duties, and Perceptions

Hartshorn, Mark D.; Read, Paul J.; Bishop, Chris; More

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000255


Abdominal Crunches Are/Are Not a Safe and Effective Exercise

Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Kolber, Morey J.

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000263

Exercise Technique

The Split Alternating Foot Snatch

Hedrick, Allen

doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000231

Development of the Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning Program Military Operator Readiness Assessment for the Special Forces Operator

Creator: Ben Reuter, SCJ Podcast EditorDuration: 8:17Strength & Conditioning Journal December 2016, Volume 38, Issue 6;Ray Bear discusses THOR-3 and its role as a performance test for Special Forces.

Página 2 de 2Current Issue : Strength & Conditioning Journal
