arab words

Upload: amir-dehdarirad

Post on 01-Mar-2016




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  • LA INFLUENCIA ARABE EN EL IDIOMA ESPAOL La presencia rabe en Espaa durante casi un milenio dej un patrimonio histrico de incalculable valor, cuya ms genuina expresin est contenida en el habla y reflejada en la lengua. El avance cultural de los musulmanes hizo que se impusieran trminos de todo tipo (jurdicos, agricultura), que no tenan correspondencia en las estructuras sociales de los cristianos. El elemento rabe fue, despus del latino, el ms importante del vocabulario espaol hasta el siglo XVI. La presencia musulmana desde el ao 711 hasta 1492 hizo que el rabe se hablara en la pennsula durante muchos siglos y por esa razn, el idioma espaol conserva ms de 4000 palabras de origen rabe. ARAB INFLUENCE ON THE SPANISH LANGUAGE The Arabs were in Spain for nearly a millennium and left a cultural heritage of incalculable value. You're probably aware of their architectural impact but they left their mark on the Spanish language too. They were well ahead in a socio-cultural sense and thus had to incorporate their own terms to describe things, especially in agriculture and jurisprudence, that literally didn't exist in the Spain of those days. After Latin, Arabic was the biggest contributor to the Spanish vocabulary, until the 16th century. Today there are still over 4000 in the Spanish vocabulary, and many are everyday words.

    30. babuchas slipper

    31. barrio neighborhood

    32. bellota acorn

    33. berenjena aubergine

    34. caf coffee

    35. cndil oil lamp

    36. caravana caravan

    37. corral yard, farmyard

    38. espinicas spinach

    39. fideo noodle

    40. fulana whore, tart

    41. gandul idler, loafer

    42. guitarra guitar

    43. jabal wild boar

    44. jarro jug

    45. mscara mask

    46. mazorca cob

    47. naranja orange

    48. noria water wheel

    49. ojal! I hope so

    50. ola wave

    51. retama broom

    52. sanda watermelon

    53. tambor drum

    54. taza cup

    55. zanahoria carrot

    1. aceituna olive

    2. acelga chard

    3. adobe adobe

    4. ajuar trousseau

    5. alambique still

    6. albahaca basil

    7. albaricoque apricot

    8. albornoz bathrobe

    9. alcachofa artichoke

    10. alcalde mayor

    11. alcohol alcohol

    12. alcornoque cork oak

    13. aldea hamlet

    14. alfalfa alfafa

    15. alfiler pin

    16. algodn cotton

    17. almbar syrup

    18. almohada pillow

    19. alpargatas espadrille

    20. alquitrn tar

    21. alubia bean

    22. arrabales outskirts

    23. arrecife reef

    24. arroz rice

    25. atad coffin

    26. azafrn saffron

    27. azotea flat roof

    28. azcar sugar

    29. azucena white lilly