union de hernandez colon y romero barcelo por voto presidencial

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Documento historica del 1971 donde el entonces Presidente del Senado Rafael Hernandez Colon y el entonces Alcalde de San Juan Carlos Romero Barcelo, se unen por el Voto Presidencial.



    El Senado de Puerto Rico aprob el Sustitutivo al P. de la C. 1458 que dispone: la '\

    celebracion de un referendum el primer domingo de nrnviembre

    de 1973, en el c11al el pueblo de put:rto Rico exprese s u voluntad

    en cuanto a si desea que se conceda el derecho a votar por los

    cancidatos a la Presidencia y Vic epresidencia de los Estados

    Unidos de .America '.

    SERA EN 1973

    tn el Articulo Pr imero se decreta lo siguiente:

    ~l primer domingo de novie~bre de 1973 se efect~ara un referendum en el cual el pueblo de Puerto Rico expresara su

    voluntad en cua nto a si desea que se le conceda a los ciudedancs de Estados Unidos residentes en Puerto Rico el d '

    erecno a votar por los

    candidatos a la Presidencia y Vice Pres idemzia de los Estados Unidos.


    El articulo numero dos indica que un 'loto a fa vor del "SI"

    significara l a siguiente solicitud:

    ''El pl!cbJo de Puerro Pico solic i ret d21 Congreso de los E s tado s Un idos y de las i\ sambk :J s Lcgisi.'.lth_;i s de c2da uno de Jos Est.Jclos Micm bnJs c\c b U11in ,\y .. :.. :-i -cana que adopren una e nmienda a 1

  • 1


    1 1



    b- La concesjn de partic5p~ci6n en el Voto PrcsjcJencial no irnplicar la incorporacjn constitucional de Puerto Rico a los E!:.tldos Unidos ni, por consjgu icnte, la ;tpUcaciCm en Puerto Rjco, ni ahora ni rn[Js rn.rde, de las leyes contributivas f cderalcs.

    e-. El voto a favor de la participacin ele Puerto Rico en el Voto Presidencial no se inteq1rcwr(i ni co1Ystitui r[t expresin alguna del pueblo de Puerto l\ico en apoyo de la admisin ele Puerto Rico a la cstadidad federada.

    EN LA parte inferior de la columna que corres penda al n NO''

    \ l

    . 1

    separado de dicha columna por dos lineas horizontales gruesas

    debera insertarse lo siguiente:

    Un voto en la negativa sjgnificar que no se desea el voto presidcncil l como un modo de desarrolbr el Esrnclo Libre~ Asociado, pero dicho voto no se interprcwr

  • . ... ..... .

    -------- -~--- ----

    . -3-

    este Senado. Lo hicimos con toda urgencia porque al apoyar . el refe- -

    ,_ .Tndurn que rfamos que se celebrara inmediatamente -- especficamente

    , en diciembre 19 de 1971. . ..

    : , ,_ : -_:_ .:. Con las tc t icas dilatorias usadas . h-asta ahora por _el gobierno

    bl celebrar el referendum -en l 971~ . ...:- Ast lo inform6 -: ~ ya--no -.es -_pos1 e t :

    _ ._ ._.. :: ::-.:a _e stas Conisione s el seor de Jes.s -- en re'presentaci6n. del ' grupo : ;_ . . -- -- -- ----

    l... ~ ::. _-_:::,- deJ.cnicos que estuvo dispuesto a. .. trabajar. para que se celebrara .-. ._ ~- =- :::: : :. J :'e. 1 . : ::.~;.:::: ! -_-;;__:.-_ .f-.:~:.:.:.; .:;.~ : :..- .

    . -,. ~ .. : en l 971 siempre que se actuara rpidamente. . - .......__.__:.


    No queremos que se mezcle el voto Presidencial con el proceso electoral

    partidista del ao de las elecciones. Hacerlo sera adulterar el procedimiento y

    confundir al pueblo .


    El 27 de septiembre el Hon. Alcalde de San Juan, Carlos Romero Barcel

    en su -carcter de Primer Vicepresidente del Partido Nuevo Progresista por delega-

    ci6n del Presidente, Hon. Luis A. Ferr y en representacin de dicha colectiv idad

    poi tica compareci a las vistas pblicas del Senado para exponer la posicin

    oficial de su partido. Al preguntrsele que si en el proceso de lograr la estadidad y

    el de lograr e! voto Presidencial, si se cumplieran los deseos del Partido Nuevo

    Progresista de lograr la victoria en el 1972, y se lleva la Estadidad a referendum y

    nuevamente se cumplen sus deseos de que triunfe la Estadidad, si no habra una

    inconsistencia entre seguir aspirando al logro del voto Presidenc ial separadamente

    con la aspiracin a la Estadidad en esos momentos? La respuesta del seor

    Romero Barcel fu la siguiente:

    . ., R. "Oh, definitivamente, entonces t.e~dramos que ponernos luchar ... la Estadidad nada ms, hacer nfasis a porque seria y

    en eso, oh, definitivamen te"


    Cuando mas adelante se le pregunt si partiendo de la base de

    que triunfara el Partido Nuevo Progresfs-ta y la Estadidad en un refe-

    rendum, si al comenzar a gestiona r la Es tadidad desistiran de la5 '.-

    gestiones por el voto Presidencial si no .se ha logrado tod_ava, y que

    todo ello podra ocurrir en e 1 ao de 1 973 o en el ao de 1974, e 1

    Hon. Alcalde c ontest de la manera siguiente: --- -----

  • 1 1: l ; . , ,

    J -1


    R. "Efectivamente. Adems qu~ - entiendo que el Congreso tan

    pronto le fuera, supiera, empezar fa a pedir la Estadidad y- si -

    supiera que estn hacindose gestiones para el voto Presidencial

    - en otros Estados, dira: Pero ven ac, esto lo mayor incluye

    lo menor. Vamos a luchar con eso". ... -


    ,-En vista de estas declaraciones del Hon. Carlos Romero

    Barcel, quien compareci ante nosotros por delegacin del Hon.

    Luis A. Ferr y en representaci6n del Partido Nuevo Progresista,

    eL.P.r.e.sidente de esta Comisin, dirigi6 un cable al Hon -Senador

    Birch Byah y al Hon. Representante - Emanuel Celler, Presidentes

    respectivamente de los Comits del Senado y de la Cmara del

    -:_-Congreso .de los Estados Unidos que . habran de considerar. la propues-1


    ta de enmienda a la Constituci6n para conceder el voto Presidencial

    _ a Puerto Rico. El texto de este cable es el siguiente:

    "The Honorable Birch Byah Chairman, Constitutional

    Amendments Subcommittee -,.,._,, .,,,, ,., . . -. - .-,. Judiciary Committee


    . ~. '- . Senate of the U. S. Washington, D. C.

    The Honorable Emanuel Celler Chairman Judiciary Committee House of Representatives Washington, D. C.

    --- '"' _,.: .. ,, . An ad hoc advisory group appointed by the President of the ....


    '; , ,"';', .. --.. -:-,f United: States and the Governor -of the Commonwealth of Pue-rto Rico ~ ~: - . - ---: -

    -.. - - . ~ recommended that as a development in our Commonwealth status

    .. . . .. . ... .. - . ~ citiz..ens .oL the United Sta tes residing .in Puerto Rico be granted the -- ... :-:':-:.t . ---

    , . '

    - ::.-=;right to vote for P resident and V-ice Pre$i'dent of the. United . States. - . --- --

    - - ~- --o-~ ::..: -- :-.:-~--.::_-__ _ .The 0ommittee al.so recommended that a ....referendum be held -; ; .. ..

    _,_ --:....~ :--- to determine -whether a majority of the electorate in Puerto Rico

    . ... _,._,_..:-, .wants to .:.vote within .Coinmonwealth status for candidates for President -

    and Vice President.

    The Committee recommended further that if a majority o

    the electorate gives a mandate in favor of the right to vote or

    President and Vice President, the Governor and the Legislative _ 1

    \ -- -Assembly of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico pctition the- President 1 ---~ -----

  • ---~----------------


    and the Congress of the United States to take whatever action rnay be

    considered approp~iate for the excercise of that- right. -- - ----- -

    l ' am sending this cable to you as Chairman of the Governrnent

    Committee of the Senate of Puerto Rico which is presently studying .

    -- a b111 submitted by the Administration providing for a referendum to

    be held on the matter o whether the people o Puerto Rico want to '

    vote within Commonwealth status for candidates for President and _

    Vice President o the United States. The bill provides that the

    re!erendum should be held on the 20th of February, .1972.

    - _: As you know there has been a running controversy in Puerto

    Rico !or many years as to whether Puerto Rico should continue to

    be a Commonwealth to the United States or whether is should become

    ~ a State of the Union or an Independent Republic.

    - -- A referendum on whether we _ ought to vote for . the. President .

    --~ -and - Vice-President of the United Sta tes is only necessary . if. we: are .to /

    -- remain a Commonwealth, since __ under .Statehood such a vote would_be ___ _

    _ ::.automatic, and it would be incompatible \\-"'ith sta tus if \ve __ were ,;an ~ : -

    Indepcndent Republic. .,, ... . - - . -1'-- -- - - -

    . _ ...;_--~- ____ _The~-Party favoring statehood for Puerto Rico won the Governor-

    ship and a majority in the House of Representatives in our 1968

    . elections. . This Committee has heard testimony . from an .authorized

    repre-sentative of that Party to the efect . that if - the Party should win

    the Governorship the House and the Senate in the November 1972

    elections, a plebiscite will be held to determine if the people of

    Puerto Rico wish . to become a Sta te of tne Union and in the event

    -. ~ . that a majority of the people should favor this proposal, then the 11

    Government of Puerto Rico would . then petition the Congress on behalf

    o! the people for statehood for Puerto Rico. They have testified that

    this could occur in 1973 o r 1974.

    - Inasm1ch as statehood entails voting for the President and

    Vice President of the Unite d States this Committee is considering

    the question of what would be the most appropriate date for a refer-

  • - -------


    ---.....endum on the matter of vllting for the . President and the Vice P resident

    within Commonwealth status.

    As (Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House of

    Representatives of the United States), (Chairman of the Constitutional

    -:-Amendments Subcommittee of the : Senate of the United States), . if the

    ~. referendum were held in Febrary 20th, .lA72 and the results were .

    . . . ~ :...~ . --- ..:: .;fayo)."_able - a bill calling for --Constitutional amendment to grant the.. : .. : - -- ---. . ~

    J.. P.r..esidential. vote to Puerto Rico; _would be referred to ;our attention 1 . 1

    ~ L -during . the .month of Mar ch oL -.1972. - According to the work that you -

    ha ve laid out for your Committee for 1972 and the effects which

    - the Novembcr 1972 elections may have on the question statehood

    l . i i :

    in Puerto Rico, wc would like to have your advise if you consider

    this matter of such urgency that it would be preferable to hold this

    referendum m Puerto Rico in February of 1972, or whether it would

    ~'-. be better to hold the same after the November 1972 elections in " ): . ... . t

    Puerto Rico.

    We would appreciate an early reply to this cable since we are

    in a special legislative session which ends on October Sth, 1971.

    (Signed) Juan J. Canee l Ros, Chairman

    -Government Committee of the Senate Commonwealth of Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico"


    ' '~~ La respuesta telegrfica del Hon. Birch Byah fue la siguiente:

    "Juan ~J. Cancel Ros, Chairman -

    . /

    Government Committee of the Sena te

    Commonwealth of Puerto Rico .. - l - -. .

    . : .

    San Juan, Puerto Rico

    1 share your conce r n for thc e.ectopl process affecting all

    .: -~:- ~ american citize.ns and I ha ve publicly

  • :; <

    - . .. - z ~


    and . the .Virgin Is lands. However I do not believe that a referendum

    { In Puerto Rico would provide an appropriate step in this direction

    -- until .afte.r the november 1972 . elections in Puerto Rico ha ve. be en .~ . l.


    As I understand the facts presented in your cable the results

    of the n'ovember elections may affect the entire guestion o Puerto

    Rico's status because o the statehood partys commitment to a

    plebiscite on the issue o statehood if they should win the governor-

    -- . ship and contro1s the legislature . Since . statehood by definition

    entails voting for the President and Vice President it is extremly

    - doubtedly that the Congress would seriously consider before the

    November 1972 election advancing a Constitutional amendment

    exclusively to grant Puerto Rican citizens the right to vote for

    the .President within Commonw=alth status while. the reasonable

    '' probably exis ts that we might: soon be - petitioned for all the rights

    of statehood for Puerto Rico. For these reasons I believe that

    the Congress would ha ve a much better idea .of the clesires o

    - the .>eople o Puerto Rico i: .the . referendum on the question of

    voting for the - President and ~ Vice Pr.esident o the United within

    '"'-'Commonwealth status were h-eld-in- Puerto.-Rico after . the November /

    .. . - . .. ... -... __ ..:.1972 . e.lections Brch Byah; : Chairman .Subcommittee .n Constitutiorial

    -Amendments United States Senate Washington DC". .. --- .. . - . - -----

    .: ~.::. .!--~: ~ .:_:. :: :'

    ~ -- ---La re-spuesta telegrfica del Hon. Emanuel Celler fue la


    "Honorable Juan J Cancel Ros, Chairman

    Government Committee o the Senate

    , - -Commonwealth o Puerto Rir:o

    San Juan

    Dear Senator Ros:

    This replies to your cable dated september 30 reguesting . my

    comments on the practicability o scheduling a referendum in

  • -8-

    !ebruary 1972 on whether to extend the. Presidential vote to the

    Commonwealth of Puerto Rico .

    The Congres sional calendar for 1972 will include recesses for

    : --:tfre : conventiops of the two national. po litical parties plus ,Jhe

    possibility of a further recess . or adjournment befo re the november

    elections. Accordingly, I be lieve there will not be adequate

    time before the november 1972 elections for both houses of

    -~~-- -- -,,. Congress to process and pass a proposed Cors titutional admendment

    to extend the Presidential vote . to the Commonwealth. If such a

    ~ =

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