lengua y uso binder1

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    1996 Harper Collins Publishers 1996 Grijalbo Mondadori, S. A.

    Arag 385, 08013 Barcelona

    Producido por Mubimedia, S.L.

    Realizado por Sumi Informtica, S. A.Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorizacin escrita de los titulares del copyright,bajo las sanciones establecidas por las leyes, la reproduccin total o parcial de esta obra

    por cualquier mtodo o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografa y el tratamiento informtico,y la distribucin de ejemplares de ella mediante alquiler o prstamo pblicos.


  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Asking for advice

    T qu me aconsejas ? what would you advise me to do ? T qu haras (si estuvieras) en mi lugar ? what would you do if you were me ?

    Te puedo pedir un consejo ? can I ask your advice aboutsomething ?

    T crees que a estas alturas sirve de algo que desconvoquen la huelga ?

    do you think there is any point in ... atthis late stage ?

    Necesito que alguien me aconseje I need some advice Qu es lo ms recomendable en esta situacin ? what would be advisableQuera pedirle un consejo I'd like to ask your advice about

    something Usted qu me aconsejara que hiciera ? what would you advise me toLe agradecera que me asesorase sobre ese asunto I would be grateful for your advice on

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    Giving advice

    Yo que t no hara nada por ahora if I were youYo en tu lugar no lo dudara if I were you

    Hay que tomarse las cosas con ms calma you mustTe interesa ms comprar acciones de la otra empresa you would be better toDeberas mostrarte ms abierto y sincero en tu relacin you shouldLo que ella debera hacer es cambiar su imagenligeramente

    what she should do is

    Haras bien en visitar a un especialista you would do well toMs vale no decir nada por el momento it would be better or best not toMi consejo es que te sinceres con ellos y les digas laverdad

    my advice would be to

    Habra que sopesar los pros y los contras antes de tomar una decisin definitiva

    we/you ought to

    Lo que habra que hacer es consultarlo con quien sepasobre el tema

    what we/you ought to do is

    Lo que hara falta es que instalaran un nuevo sistema derefrigeracin

    what they should do is

    Lo mejor que puede hacer es dirigirse a la oficina central the best thing you can do isLe recomiendo que abandone el hbito del cigarrillo siquiere mejorar su estado de salud

    I would advise you to

    Sera totalmente desaconsejable intervenir ahora it would be extremely inadvisable toPermtanme ustedes que insista en la necesidad de presionar a la compaa

    I'd like to emphasize the need to

    Me permito sugerirle que corrija dichos errores, paramejorar an ms si cabe la calidad de su peridico

    I should like to suggest that you

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    Giving advice - more tentatively

    Y si fueras a verle y le pidieras perdn ? what if youYo te aconsejara un cambio de aires I'd recommend

    Quizs habra que preparar unos planes ms detallados perhaps we shouldYo le dira que fuera prudente a la hora de tomar unadecisin

    I would advise you to

    No sera mala idea enviarlo todo exprs it wouldn't be a bad idea toSera prudente llamar antes por telfono, por si acaso estfuera

    it would be wise to

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    Os advierto que no vamos a dar ninguna informacin I should warn you thatDebo advertirle que esa agencia no es de fiar I must warn you that

    Si no pides disculpas ahora, debers atenerte a lasconsecuencias

    if you don't ... you must accept theconsequences

    Corremos el riesgo de perder toda credibilidad we run the risk of Que sirva de advertencia: si continuis con esa actitud,las consecuencias pueden ser nefastas

    be warned:

    Sera cosa de locos or una locura proseguir en estaspsimas condiciones

    it would be madness to

    Es necesario cambiar de rumbo antes de que seademasiado tarde

    we need to ... before it is too late

    Es absolutamente indispensable que modifiquemosnuestra poltica de ventas

    it is absolutely vital that

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    Para pedir consejo

    What would you do if you were me ? en mi lugar Would a pear tree grow in this spot ? If not, what would

    you recommend ?

    qu recomendara usted

    Do you think I ought to tell the truth if he asks me whereI've been ?

    crees que debera

    What would you advise me to do in the circumstances ? qu me aconsejara que hiciera ?Would you advise me to seek promotion within this firm or apply for another job ?

    me aconsejara usted que ...?

    I'd like o I'd appreciate your advice on personal pensions me gustara que me aconsejara sobreI'd be grateful if you could advise me on how to treat thisproblem

    le agradecera que me aconsejarasobre

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    Para aconsejar - de manera impersonal

    It might be wise o sensible to consult a specialist quizs sera prudenteIt might be a good idea to seek professional advice quizs sera buena idea

    It might be better to think the whole thing over beforetaking any decisions

    sera mejor

    You'd be as well to state your position at the outset, sothere is no mistake

    ms te valdra

    You would be welladvised to invest in a pair of sunglasses if you're going to Spain

    hara bien en

    You'd be illadvised to have any dealings with this firm sera poco aconsejable queIt would certainly be advisable to book a table se aconsejaIt is in your i nterest o your best interests to keep your dog under control if you don't want it to be reported

    le conviene

    Do be sure to read the small print before you signanything

    asegrate de

    Try to avoid upsetting her; she'll only make your life amisery

    intenta evitar

    Whatever you do, don't drink the local schnapps no se te ocurra

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    Para aconsejar - de manera ms personal

    If you ask me, you'd better take some extra cash para m que es mejor que llevesIf you want my advice, you should steer well clear of


    si quieres un consejo, aljate

    If you want my opinion, I'd go by air to save time si quieres mi opinin, yo iraIn your shoes o If I were you, I'd be thinking aboutmoving on

    yo que t, me pondra a pensar

    Take my advice and don't rush into anything hazme casoI'd be very careful no t to commit myself at this stage yo tendra mucho cuidado de noI think you ought to o should seek professional advice creo que deberasMy advice would be to have nothing to do with them yo te aconsejara queI would advise you to pay up promptly before they takeyou to court

    yo te aconsejara que

    I would advise against call ing in the police unless he

    threatens you

    yo aconsejara no

    I would strongly advise you to reconsider this decision yo le aconsejo queI would urge you to reconsider selling the property le ruego encarecidamente queMight I be allowed to offer a lit tle advice ? talk it over with a solicitor before going any further

    me permite que le d un consejo ?

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    Para hacer una advertencia

    It's really none of my business but I don't think youshould get involved

    creo que no deberas

    A word of c aut ion : watch what you say to him if youwant it to remain a secret una advertencia:

    I should warn you that he's not an easy customer todeal with

    te advierto que

    Take care not to lose the vaccination certificate ten cuidado de noWatch you don't trip over your shoelaces cuidado noMake sure that o Mind that o See that you don't sayanything they might find offensive

    ten cuidado de no

    I'd think twice about shar ing a flat with him me lo pensara dos veces antes deIt would be sheer madness to attempt to drive withoutyour glasses

    sera una autntica locura

    You risk a long delay in Amsterdam if you come back bythat route

    corre el riesgo de ... si

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    Comparisons - Contrasting facts

    Las carreteras estn relativamente tranquilas para estapoca del ao


    Las nuestras son producciones modestas, comparadascon las ms "aparatosas" de otros teatros compared with

    En comparacin con el interior del pas, el clima en lacosta no es tan extremo

    in comparison with ... is not so

    Si comparamos el actual estado del ro y or con elanterior, podemos observar un aumento en el grado decontaminacin

    if we compare ... and o r with

    Los pases desarrollados consumen en exceso, mientrasque los del Tercer Mundo no llegan a cubrir lasnecesidades bsicas


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    Comparisons - Comparing simi lar things

    Estos dos cuadros son igualitos are just the sameSu programa poltico es igual que el de la oposicin is the same as

    En nuestras carreteras se producen casi tantos accidentes como en las de Grecia y Portugal

    almost as many ... as

    El paisaje es tan bello como lo describi el poeta as ... asGarca Mrquez se limita a transcribir la realidad tal comoes

    just as or like it is

    Ambos coches valen exactamente lo mismo exactly the sameHa vuelto a suceder lo mismo que hace unos aos the same thing as

    Al igual que sucede en el reino animal, las plantastambin luchan por su supervivencia

    just as happens

    Los dos hermanos se parecen mucho fsicamente are very alikeLas temperaturas aqu son muy parecidas or similares a las de mi tierra

    are very similar to

    Esto equivale a veinte horas de trabajo is equivalent to

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    Comparisons - Comparing dissimilar things

    Los pros son (muchos) ms que los contras there are (far) more ... thanEn su tierra se le aprecia (muchsimo) menos que en el


    far less than

    Es an (mucho) ms nacionalista que su hermano far more ... thanUn coche nuevo contamina bastante menos que uno viejo considerably less than

    Al contribuyente se le cobra mucho menos de lo que cuestan los servicios

    much less than

    Lo que diga una revista del corazn no es lo mismo que las manifestaciones pblicas de un presidente

    is not the same as

    Esa cancin ya no suena tanto como el ao pasado not ... as much asNo se parece en nada a su padre he is not at all like Hay diferencia entre este vino y el otro ...! there's quite some difference betweenUn modelo se diferencia or distingue del otro en el

    nmero de extras que lleva incorporados

    the difference between ... and ... lies in

    La realidad es muy dif erente or distinta de lo quetenamos credo

    is very different from

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    Comparisons - Comparing favourably

    Me encuentro muchsimo mejor ahora que me hanoperado

    much better

    Este vino es muy superior al otro is vastly superior to

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    Comparisons - Comparing unfavourably

    Para muchos perder su cargo pblico resulta mucho peor que perder la dignidad

    much worse than

    Las posibilidades que ofrece una mquina de escribir notienen (ni punto de) comparacin c on las prestacionesde un procesador de textos

    there's (absolutely) no comparisonbetween ... and

    Este premio no es tan importante como el que consiguihace unos aos

    is not as ... as

    Como deportista, Juan no le ll ega ni a la suela de loszapatos

    isn't a patch on him

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    Comparisons - Increasing and decreasing

    Estos juegos tienen cada vez ms aceptacin entre losestudiantes

    are becoming more and more popular with

    Las desigualdades son cada vez mayores are becoming greater and greater A decir verdad, yo escribo cada vez menos , y acabar sinduda por dejar de escribir

    less and less

    Son cada vez menos los que se casan antes de los 29aos

    fewer and fewer people

    Cuanto ms madura un vino, ms aejo es su sabor the more ..., the more

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  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Comparaciones - Favorables

    Orwell was, indeed, far superior to him intellectually muy superior aPersonally I think highspeed trains have the edge over

    both cars and aircraft for sheer convenience

    aventajan a

    Michaela was astute beyond her years and altogether in aclass of her own

    nica en su gnero

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    Comparaciones - Desfavorables

    Matthew's piano playing is not a patch on his sister's no le llega a la suela del zapato aMy old chair was now here near as comfortable as my new


    no era ni mucho menos tan ... como

    The parliamentary opposition is no match for thegovernment, which has a massive majority

    no puede con

    Commerciallymade icecream is far inferior to thehomemade variety

    es muy inferior a

    The sad truth was that he was never in the same class as his friend

    no estaba a la misma altura que

    Ella doesn't rate anything that doesn't measure up to Shakespeare

    que no est al nivel de

    Her brash charms don't bear comparison wi th Marlene'ssultry sex appeal

    no tienen comparacin con

    The Australians are far bigger and stronger than us wecan't compete with their robotlike style of play

    no podemos competir con

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    Comparaciones - Para destacar el parecido

    The new computerized system costs much the same as amore conventional one

    prcticamente lo mismo que

    When it comes to performance, there's not much tochoose between them no hay mucha diferencia entre

    The impact was equivalent to 250 hydrogen bombsexploding

    equivalente a

    English literature written by people of the excolonies is clearly on a par with the writings of nativeborn Britishpeople

    est al mismo nivel que

    In Kleinian analysis, the psychoanalyst's role correspondsto that of mother

    corresponde a

    The immune system can be likened to o compared to acomplicated electronic network

    se le puede comparar con

    There was a close resemblance between her and her son haba un gran parecido entre ... y

    It's swings and roundabouts what you win in one round,you lose in another

    al final viene a ser lo mismo

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    Comparaciones - Para destacar el contraste

    You cannot compare a small local library with a large cityone

    no se puede comparar con

    Homemade clothes just cannot compare wi th boughtones no se pueden comparar con

    There's no comparison between the sort of photos I takeand those a professional could give you

    no hay comparacin entre ... y

    His books have little in common wi th those approved bythe Party

    tienen poco en comn con

    We might be twins, but we have nothing in common no tenemos nada en comnThe modern army bears little resemblance to the army of 1940

    se parece poco a

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    Asking for advice

    T qu me aconsejas ? what would you advise me to do ? T qu haras (si estuvieras) en mi lugar ? what would you do if you were me ?

    Te puedo pedir un consejo ? can I ask your advice aboutsomething ?

    T crees que a estas alturas sirve de algo que desconvoquen la huelga ?

    do you think there is any point in ... atthis late stage ?

    Necesito que alguien me aconseje I need some advice Qu es lo ms recomendable en esta situacin ? what would be advisableQuera pedirle un consejo I'd like to ask your advice about

    something Usted qu me aconsejara que hiciera ? what would you advise me toLe agradecera que me asesorase sobre ese asunto I would be grateful for your advice on

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    Asking fo r suggest ions

    Alguna idea ? any ideas ? T qu dices ? what do you think ?

    Cmo lo ves ? what do you think ? T qu haras ? what would you do ? Qu hacemos ahora ? what shall we do now ? A t qu te parece que podemos hacer ahora ? what do you think we can Si se le ocurre algo ... if you have any ideas Qu hara usted en mi lugar ? what would you do if you were me ? Tiene usted alguna sugerencia al respecto ? have you any suggestions ?

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Comparaciones - Desfavorables

    Matthew's piano playing is not a patch on his sister's no le llega a la suela del zapato aMy old chair was now here near as comfortable as my new


    no era ni mucho menos tan ... como

    The parliamentary opposition is no match for thegovernment, which has a massive majority

    no puede con

    Commerciallymade icecream is far inferior to thehomemade variety

    es muy inferior a

    The sad truth was that he was never in the same class as his friend

    no estaba a la misma altura que

    Ella doesn't rate anything that doesn't measure up to Shakespeare

    que no est al nivel de

    Her brash charms don't bear comparison wi th Marlene'ssultry sex appeal

    no tienen comparacin con

    The Australians are far bigger and stronger than us wecan't compete with their robotlike style of play

    no podemos competir con

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    Comparaciones - Favorables

    Orwell was, indeed, far superior to him intellectually muy superior aPersonally I think highspeed trains have the edge over

    both cars and aircraft for sheer convenience

    aventajan a

    Michaela was astute beyond her years and altogether in aclass of her own

    nica en su gnero

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    Comparaciones - Objetivas

    The streets, though wide for China, are narrow comparedwith English ones

    comparadas con

    The bomb used to blow the car up was small in o bycomparison with those often used nowadays en comparacin con

    If you compare the facilities we have here with those inother towns, you soon realize how lucky we are

    si se comparan ... con

    It is interesting to note the similarities and thedifferences between the two approaches

    las semejanzas y las diferencias entre

    In contrast to the opulence of the Kirov, the NorthernBallet Theatre is a modest company

    en contraste con

    Only 30% of the females died as opposed to 57% of themales

    frente a

    Unlike other loan repayments, those to the IMF cannotsimply be rescheduled

    a diferencia de

    The quality of the paintings is disappointing beside that of the sculpture section

    al lado de

    Whereas burglars often used to make off only with videorecorders, they now also tend to empty the fridge

    mientras que

    What differentiates these wines from a good champagneis their price

    lo que diferencia ... de

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Comparaciones - Para destacar el contraste

    You cannot compare a small local library with a large cityone

    no se puede comparar con

    Homemade clothes just cannot compare wi th boughtones no se pueden comparar con

    There's no comparison between the sort of photos I takeand those a professional could give you

    no hay comparacin entre ... y

    His books have little in common wi th those approved bythe Party

    tienen poco en comn con

    We might be twins, but we have nothing in common no tenemos nada en comnThe modern army bears little resemblance to the army of 1940

    se parece poco a

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Comparaciones - Para destacar el parecido

    The new computerized system costs much the same as amore conventional one

    prcticamente lo mismo que

    When it comes to performance, there's not much tochoose between them no hay mucha diferencia entre

    The impact was equivalent to 250 hydrogen bombsexploding

    equivalente a

    English literature written by people of the excolonies is clearly on a par with the writings of nativeborn Britishpeople

    est al mismo nivel que

    In Kleinian analysis, the psychoanalyst's role correspondsto that of mother

    corresponde a

    The immune system can be likened to o compared to acomplicated electronic network

    se le puede comparar con

    There was a close resemblance between her and her son haba un gran parecido entre ... y

    It's swings and roundabouts what you win in one round,you lose in another

    al final viene a ser lo mismo

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Comparisons - Comparing dissimilar things

    Los pros son (muchos) ms que los contras there are (far) more ... thanEn su tierra se le aprecia (muchsimo) menos que en el


    far less than

    Es an (mucho) ms nacionalista que su hermano far more ... thanUn coche nuevo contamina bastante menos que uno viejo considerably less than

    Al contribuyente se le cobra mucho menos de lo que cuestan los servicios

    much less than

    Lo que diga una revista del corazn no es lo mismo que las manifestaciones pblicas de un presidente

    is not the same as

    Esa cancin ya no suena tanto como el ao pasado not ... as much asNo se parece en nada a su padre he is not at all like Hay diferencia entre este vino y el otro ...! there's quite some difference betweenUn modelo se diferencia or distingue del otro en el

    nmero de extras que lleva incorporados

    the difference between ... and ... lies in

    La realidad es muy dif erente or distinta de lo quetenamos credo

    is very different from

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    Comparisons - Comparing favourably

    Me encuentro muchsimo mejor ahora que me hanoperado

    much better

    Este vino es muy superior al otro is vastly superior to

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    Comparisons - Comparing simi lar things

    Estos dos cuadros son igualitos are just the sameSu programa poltico es igual que el de la oposicin is the same as

    En nuestras carreteras se producen casi tantos accidentes como en las de Grecia y Portugal

    almost as many ... as

    El paisaje es tan bello como lo describi el poeta as ... asGarca Mrquez se limita a transcribir la realidad tal comoes

    just as or like it is

    Ambos coches valen exactamente lo mismo exactly the sameHa vuelto a suceder lo mismo que hace unos aos the same thing as

    Al igual que sucede en el reino animal, las plantastambin luchan por su supervivencia

    just as happens

    Los dos hermanos se parecen mucho fsicamente are very alikeLas temperaturas aqu son muy parecidas or similares a las de mi tierra

    are very similar to

    Esto equivale a veinte horas de trabajo is equivalent to

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    Comparisons - Comparing unfavourably

    Para muchos perder su cargo pblico resulta mucho peor que perder la dignidad

    much worse than

    Las posibilidades que ofrece una mquina de escribir notienen (ni punto de) comparacin c on las prestacionesde un procesador de textos

    there's (absolutely) no comparisonbetween ... and

    Este premio no es tan importante como el que consiguihace unos aos

    is not as ... as

    Como deportista, Juan no le ll ega ni a la suela de loszapatos

    isn't a patch on him

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    Comparisons - Contrasting facts

    Las carreteras estn relativamente tranquilas para estapoca del ao


    Las nuestras son producciones modestas, comparadascon las ms "aparatosas" de otros teatros compared with

    En comparacin con el interior del pas, el clima en lacosta no es tan extremo

    in comparison with ... is not so

    Si comparamos el actual estado del ro y or con elanterior, podemos observar un aumento en el grado decontaminacin

    if we compare ... and o r with

    Los pases desarrollados consumen en exceso, mientrasque los del Tercer Mundo no llegan a cubrir lasnecesidades bsicas


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    Comparisons - Increasing and decreasing

    Estos juegos tienen cada vez ms aceptacin entre losestudiantes

    are becoming more and more popular with

    Las desigualdades son cada vez mayores are becoming greater and greater A decir verdad, yo escribo cada vez menos , y acabar sinduda por dejar de escribir

    less and less

    Son cada vez menos los que se casan antes de los 29aos

    fewer and fewer people

    Cuanto ms madura un vino, ms aejo es su sabor the more ..., the more

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    Giving advice - more tentatively

    Y si fueras a verle y le pidieras perdn ? what if youYo te aconsejara un cambio de aires I'd recommend

    Quizs habra que preparar unos planes ms detallados perhaps we shouldYo le dira que fuera prudente a la hora de tomar unadecisin

    I would advise you to

    No sera mala idea enviarlo todo exprs it wouldn't be a bad idea toSera prudente llamar antes por telfono, por si acaso estfuera

    it would be wise to

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    Giving advice

    Yo que t no hara nada por ahora if I were youYo en tu lugar no lo dudara if I were you

    Hay que tomarse las cosas con ms calma you mustTe interesa ms comprar acciones de la otra empresa you would be better toDeberas mostrarte ms abierto y sincero en tu relacin you shouldLo que ella debera hacer es cambiar su imagenligeramente

    what she should do is

    Haras bien en visitar a un especialista you would do well toMs vale no decir nada por el momento it would be better or best not toMi consejo es que te sinceres con ellos y les digas laverdad

    my advice would be to

    Habra que sopesar los pros y los contras antes de tomar una decisin definitiva

    we/you ought to

    Lo que habra que hacer es consultarlo con quien sepasobre el tema

    what we/you ought to do is

    Lo que hara falta es que instalaran un nuevo sistema derefrigeracin

    what they should do is

    Lo mejor que puede hacer es dirigirse a la oficina central the best thing you can do isLe recomiendo que abandone el hbito del cigarrillo siquiere mejorar su estado de salud

    I would advise you to

    Sera totalmente desaconsejable intervenir ahora it would be extremely inadvisable toPermtanme ustedes que insista en la necesidad de presionar a la compaa

    I'd like to emphasize the need to

    Me permito sugerirle que corrija dichos errores, paramejorar an ms si cabe la calidad de su peridico

    I should like to suggest that you

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para decir lo que a uno no le gusta

    Acting isn't really my thing I'm better at singing no es lo moWatching football on television isn't my f avourite pastime no es mi ... preferido

    Some people might find it funny but it's not my kind of humour

    no es mi tipo de

    I enjoy playing golf, although this type of course is not mycup of tea

    no es plato de mi gusto

    Sitting for hours on motorways is not my idea of fun no es lo que yo llamo divertirseThe idea of walking home at 10 or 11 o'clock at nightdoesn't appeal to me

    no me resulta nada atractiva

    I've gone off the idea of cycl ing round Holland se me han quitado las ganas deI can't stand o can't bear the thought of seeing him no soportoI am not enthusiastic about shopp ing in largesupermarkets

    no me entusiasma

    I'm not keen on seafood no me entusiasmaI don't like the fact that he always gets away with nothelping out in the kitchen

    no me gusta que

    What I hate most is waiting in queues for buses lo que ms detesto esI dislike laziness since I'm such an energetic person myself me desagradaThere's nothing I dislike more than having to go to workin the dark

    no hay nada que me guste menos que

    I have a particular aversion to the religious indoctrinationof schoolchildren

    siento una aversin especial por

    I find it intolerable that people like him should have somuch power

    me resulta intolerable que

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para decir lo que uno prefiere

    I'd prefer to o I'd rather wait until I have enough money togo by air


    I'd prefer not t o o I'd rather not talk about it just now prefiero noI'd prefer you t o give o I'd rather you gave me your comments in writing

    prefiero que

    I'd prefer you not to o I'd rather you didn't invite him prefiero que no lo invitesI like the blue curtains better than the red ones ... me gustan ms que ...I prefer red wine to white wine prefiero ... a

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para expresar gustos

    I'm very keen on garden ing me gusta muchoI'm very fond of white geraniums and blue petunias me gustan mucho

    I really enjoy a good game of squash after work disfruto conThere's nothing I like more than a quiet night in with agood book

    no hay nada que me guste ms que

    I have a weakness for rich chocolate gateaux siento debilidad por I've always had a soft spot for the Dutch siempre he sentido debilidad por

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para expresar ind iferencia

    It makes no odds whether you have a million pounds or nothing,we won't judge you on your wealth

    da lo mismo que tengas

    I really don't care what you tell her as long as you tell her something me trae sin cuidado lo que

    It's all the same to me whether he comes or not me da igual que ... o queI don't mind at all let's do whatever is easiest me da exactamente lo mismoIt doesn't matter which method you choose to use no importa quI don't feel strongly about the issue of privatization no tengo una opinin definida sobreI have no particular preference no tengo preferencias

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para preguntarle a alguien sus preferencias

    Would you like to visit the castle, while you are here ? te gustara ... ?How would you feel about Simon join ing us ? qu te parecera si ... ?

    What do you li ke do ing best when you're on holiday ? qu es lo que ms te gusta hacer ...?

    What's your f avourite film ? cul es tu ... preferida ?Which of the two proposed options do you pr efer ? cul de las dos ... prefiere ?We could either go to Rome or stay in Florence whichwould you rather do ?

    qu preferiras ... ?

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    Intenciones y deseos - Para expresar las propias intenciones con mayor conviccin

    I am going to sell the car as soon as possible voy a

    I intend to put the house on the market tengo la intencin deI have made up my mind t o o I have decided to go toJapan

    he decidido

    I went to Rome with the intention of visiting her, but shehad gone away

    con intencin de

    We have every in tention of winn ing a sixth successivechampionship

    estamos decididos a

    I have set my sight s on recaptur ing the title mi objetivo es volver a ganar My overriding ambition i s to get into politics mi gran ambicin esI resolve to do everything in my power to help you estoy resuelto a

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    Intenciones y deseos - Para expresar las propias intenciones

    We're toying with the idea of releas ing a compilationalbum

    le estamos dando vueltas a laposibilidad de

    I'm thinking of retir ing next year estoy pensando enI'm hoping to go and see her when I'm in Paris esperoI studied history, with a view to becom ing a politician con vistas aWe bought the land in order to farm it paraWe do not penetrate foreign companies for the purpose of collecting business information

    con el fin de

    We plan to move o We are planning on mov ing next year estamos planeandoOur aim o Our object in buy ing the company is to providework for the villagers

    nuestro propsito al ... es

    I aim to reach Africa in three months pretendo

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    Intenciones y deseos - Para preguntar a alguien lo que piensa hacer

    Will you take the job ? vas a ... ?What do you int end to do ? qu piensas hacer ?

    Did you mean to o intend to tell him about it, or did it justslip out ?

    tenas intencin de ... ?

    What do you propose to do with the money ? qu piensas hacer ... ?What did you have in mind for the rest of the programme?

    qu tenas pensado ... ?

    Have you anyone in mind for the job ? tienes a alguien pensado para ... ?

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    Intentions and desires - Asking what someone intends or plans to do

    Qu piensas hacer ? what do you intend to do ? Qu vas a hacer con las plantas estas vacaciones ? what are you going to do

    Qu planes tienes para la familia ? what plans have you got Qu intentas hacer ? what are you trying to do ? Qu esperan ustedes conseguir con esta propuesta ? what do you hope to achieve withQuisiera saber cmo piensa actuar en lo referente altema que nos ocupa

    I'd like to know how you intend to

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    Intentions and desires - Saying what you don't intend or don't want to do withmore determination

    No pienso hacerle caso I do not intend to

    No tena la ms mnima intencin de dimitir he didn't have the slightest intention of Jams hara una cosa as I would never doMe niego (rotundamente) a entrar en la polmica I (categorically) refuse to

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    Intentions and desires - Saying what you don't intend or don't want to do

    No quiero que vayan a pensar otra cosa I don't want you toPor ahora no me planteo hacer una pelcula sobre temas

    tan delicados

    I'm not considering

    Convocar elecciones anticipadas no entraba en nuestrosplanes

    was not on our agenda

    No se trata de hablar otra vez con ellos, sino de queacepten lo que hemos propuesto ya varias veces

    it's not a question of

    No desearamos causarles molestias we would not wish to

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    Intentions and desires - Saying what you would like

    Me gustara saber qu se propone hacer como nuevodirector

    I'd like to

    Me gustara que el partido tuviera una actitud ms realista I'd like ... toMi nico deseo es volver a mi hogar all I want is toNuestro deseo es que , de una vez por todas, se nos tomeen serio

    what we want is for ... to

    Como actriz, me encantara poder trabajar con un director como l

    I'd love to be able to

    Ojal no ll oviera tanto para poder salir ms a menudo if only it didn't rainEsperemos que todo salga bien let's hope thatEs de esperar que las negociaciones lleguen a buenpuerto

    it's to be hoped that

    Quisiera dedicar una cancin a mi hija Gemma, quecumple maana 12 aos

    I should like to

    Querra que mis cuadros estuviesen colgados junto a losde los grandes maestros

    I'd like ... to

    Deseara que se le prestara mayor atencin a losdesamparados

    I should like ... to

    Suea con llegar a ser modelo her dream is to

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    Intentions and desires - Talking about intentions

    Voy a tomar el tren de las siete I'm going toPienso marcharme cuando me haya recuperado por


    I intend to

    Haremos los preparativos para la fiesta la noche antes we shallTengo la intencin de empezar una serie de conciertospara nios

    I plan or intend to

    Mi intencin no es otra que explicar que la promocin dela salud es el objetivo principal de la salud pblica

    my sole aim is to

    Me propongo alcanzar la cima en un tiempo rcord my aim is toTienen previst o casarse coincidiendo con las vacaciones they are planning toLos vecinos tienen pensado denunciar la situacin a lasautoridades

    are planning to

    El objetivo de la directiva es remodelar los estatutos delpartido

    the aim of ... is to

    El mdico est decidido a salvar la vida del nio como sea is determined toEst resuelta a no dejarlo hasta que acabe she is determined not toLa presidencia alemana se ha planteado unos objetiv osmuy ambiciosos

    has set itself some very ambitiousgoals

    Desconozco sus intenciones I don't know what he is intending to do

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Asking people what they like

    Te gusta el yogur de fresa ? do you like Cul de las tres camisas te gusta ms ? which of ... do you like best ?

    Le gustara viajar a otra poca ? would you like toDe las dos posibilidades, cul prefiere ? which do you prefer ?Quera saber si prefieren salir ahora o despus de comer I wanted to know if you would prefer

    to ... or Podran darme su parecer sobre el nuevo programa ? could you give me your opinion on

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Expressing indifference

    Vamos a esperar hasta encontrar la persona idnea, nopasa nada porque no haya titular durante un tiempo

    it doesn't matter if

    Me da igual or Me da lo mismo vivir aqu que all it's all the same to me whether ... or Me es (completamente) indiferente que salga depresidente uno u otro

    it makes (absolutely) no difference tome whether ... or

    Si no le veo hoy no importa it doesn't matter if No tiene (la mayor) importancia que se demoren unosminutos

    it doesn't matter (in the slightest) if

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Saying what you dislike

    No me gusta comer fuera de casa I don't likeSus canciones no son nada del otro mundo aren't anything to write home about

    Me cuesta tener que criticarle en pblico I find it hard to have toNo me gusta nada que me mientan I don't like ... at allNo me result a nada agradable ir a trabajar a estas horasde la noche

    I'm not at all keen on

    Me molesta el olor de las sardinas asadas I find ... very unpleasantMis nuevos vecinos me caen muy mal or no me caennada bien

    I don't like ... at all

    Le he cogido mana a ese chico I've really taken a dislike toNo soporto que me hagan esperar I can't standLo que ms me fastidia es que suban tanto el volumen what really annoys me is whenSi hay algo que no aguanto es que cambien laprogramacin sin avisar

    if there's one thing I can't bear, it'swhen

    Detesto cualquier tipo de violencia I hateMe horrorizan las corridas de toros I really hate

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    Likes, disl ikes and preferences - Saying what you like

    Me agrada que hayan venido a verme desde tan lejos it was good of them to A todos nos gus ta que nos reconozcan un trabajo bien


    we all like it when

    Me ha gustado mucho el regalo que me has enviado I was delighted with the present A m los turistas que vienen por aqu me caen (muy) bien I (really) like ...Lo que ms me gusta es observar a la gente what I like (doing) best isDisfruto charlando con los nios I enjoyDisfruto con sus atrevidos comentarios en televisin I enjoyMe seduce la idea de viajar a Finlandia, no s por qu the idea of ... really appeals to mePara muchos ver la televisin es su pasatiempo favorito is their favourite pastimeSoy muy aficionado a la danza contempornea I'm very keen onMe encanta el mar y navegar a vela I love

    Me fascina observar el firmamento en una noche clara I love watchingMe apasiona la luminosidad del paisaje mediterrneo I loveSiento verdadera debilidad por los postres cremosos I have a weakness for

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    Likes, disl ikes and preferences - Saying what you prefer

    Prefiero la lectura a la televisin I prefer ... toPrefiero que llegues tarde a que no vengas I'd rather you ... than

    Es mejor or preferible hablar en el idioma del cliente it's better toPreferira que nadie me acompaara I would rather Nos vendra mejor or Nos convendra ms salir antespara evitar la hora de ms trfico

    we would do better to

    Tengo especial predileccin por la msica de Falla I am particularly fond of

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    Making suggestions - Assertively

    Yo que t no hara nada por ahora if I were youLo que sugiero es lo siguiente : por ahora no cambiemos

    los planes

    what I suggest is that

    Lo que deberamos hacer es no preocuparnosdemasiado de los dems

    what we should not do is

    Propongo que busquemos ayuda profesional I suggest thatLo mejor sera no involucrarse en un conflicto en el queno tenemos ni arte ni parte

    it would be best not to

    No se olvide de avisarme en cuanto llegue don't forget toYo propondra que la actual reforma de la ley se negociebuscando el consenso de todos

    I would suggest that

    Les sugerira que llamaran antes por telfono I would advise you toQuisiera hacer una propuesta para mejorar el servicio I should like to make a suggestion to

    Si se me permit e una sugerencia , yo creo que debemostrazar un plan de actuacin detallado if I may make a suggestion

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    Making suggestions - Tentatively

    Sera cuestin de hacer una prueba para ver si funciona we/you would have toSi le parece bien, podemos envirselo por correo urgente if you agree, we could

    Lo que podr amos hacer es hablar con l antes de que semarche a Italia

    what we could do is

    Sera mejor que el ganador del premio fuera un escritor novel

    it would be best if

    Sera buena idea aprovechar la atencin que va a atraer elacontecimiento

    it would be a good idea to

    No sera mala idea levantarse un poco ms temprano it mightn't be a bad idea toQuizs habra que ser un poco ms firmes con ellos perhaps you/we shouldEn estas circunstancias sera muy poco aconsejable enviar ms tropas a la zona

    it would be very inadvisable to

    Sera preferibl e tener mejor calidad de vida para nuestrapoblacin

    it would be preferable to

    Convendra encontrar una alternativa ms sencilla it would be advisable toConvendra que recurriera a los servicios de unespecialista

    you would do well to

    Sera conveniente que acudieran a un abogado con ladocumentacin

    it would be advisable for ... to

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    Making suggestions - Using dir ect questions

    Quieres que ponga la maceta en la ventana ? would you like me to Te apetece que vayamos a verle esta tarde ? do you fancy going

    Por qu no lo dejas hasta que volvamos a casa ? why don't you Y si organizramos una fiesta para darle una sorpresa? what if we Te parece bien que la invitemos a la fiesta ? do you think we should Qu te parece decrselo por carta ? what do you think about No se te ha ocurrido que el mejor regalo no es siempreel ms caro ?

    hasn't it ever occurred to you that

    No cree que sera mejor hacerlo ahora ? mightn't it be better to Puedo hacerle una propuesta que quiz le parezcainteresante ?

    may I make a suggestion

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    Offers - Direct of fers

    No te preocupes, ya lo hacemos nosot ros we'll do itSi quieres te acompao ... if you like

    Puedo ir yo si no hay nadie disponible I could go if Djeme que le ayude let me help youEstoy para lo que haga falta I'm ready and willing to do whatever's

    neededEstoy dispuesto a hacer todo lo que sea necesario I'm prepared toNo dude en venir a m si le surge algn problema don't hesitate to come back to me if Permtame usted por lo menos que le lleve a la estacin at least let meMe tiene a su entera disposicin para todo lo quenecesite

    I'm entirely at your disposal

    Sera un placer poder servirle en todo lo que haga falta it would be a pleasure to

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    Offers - Using direct questions

    Te ayudo ? can I help (you) ? Cierro la ventana ? shall I close

    Quieres que vaya a recoger al nio al colegio ? would you like me to Necesitas ayuda ? do you need any help ? Me dejas que te eche una mano con los preparativos ? can I lend (you) a hand with Puedo ayudarle en algo ? can I do anything to help ? Me permite que le ofrezca mi col aboracin de cara alproyecto ?

    perhaps you will allow me to offer some help

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    Opiniones - Para expresar la opinin propia

    In my opinion , eight years as President is quite enough for anyone

    en mi opinin

    As I see i t , everything depended on Karlov being permittedto go to Finland segn lo veo yo

    I feel that there is an epidemic of fear about cancer whichis not helped by all the publicity about the people who die of it

    pienso que

    Personally, I believe the best way to change agovernment is through the electoral process

    personalmente, creo que

    It seems to me that the successful designer leads thepublic

    a mi parecer

    I am under the impression that he is essentially a man of peace

    mi impresin es que

    I have an idea that you are going to be very successful presiento que

    I am of the opinion that the rules should be looked at andrefined

    soy de la opinin de que

    I'm convinced that we all need a new vision of the future estoy convencido de queI daresay there are so many names that you get themmixed up once in a while

    me figuro que

    We're prepared to prosecute the company, which to mymind has committed a criminal offence

    a mi parecer

    From my point of view activities like these should not beillegal

    desde mi punto de vista

    As far as I'm concerned , Barnes had it coming to him en lo que a m respectaIt's a matter of common sense, nothing more. That's myview of the matter

    Esa es mi opinin sobre el tema

    It is our belief that to be proactive is more positive thanbeing reactive

    nosotros creemos que

    If you ask me , there's something a bit strange going on para m queIf you want my opinion , if you don't do it soon you'll losethe opportunity altogether

    si quiere mi opinin

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    Opiniones - Para pedir l a opinin de alguien

    What do you th ink of the new Managing Director ? qu piensas de ...?What is your opinion on women's rights ? qu opinas sobre ...?

    What are your thoughts on the way forward ? cul es su opinin sobre ... ?What is your attitude to people who say there is no suchthing as sexual inequality ?

    cul es su actitud hacia ... ?

    What are your own f eelings about the way the case washandled ?

    qu opina usted acerca de ... ?

    How do you s ee the next stage developing ? cmo ve el desarrollo de ... ?How do you view an event like the Birmingham show interms of the cultural life of the city ?

    cme ve ... ?

    I would value your opinion on how best to set this all up apreciara su opinin sobreI'd be interested to know what your reaction is t o thelatest report on food additives

    me interesara conocer su reaccinante

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    Opiniones - Para responder sin expresar una opinin

    Would I say she had been a help ? It depends what youmean by help

    depende de lo que quiera decir con

    It could be seen as a triumph for capitalism but it dependson your point of view depende de su punto de vista

    It's hard o difficult to say whether she has benefited fromthe treatment or not

    resulta difcil decir si

    I'm not in a position t o comment on whether thedirector's accusations are wellfounded

    no estoy en situacin de comentar si

    I'd prefer not t o comment on operational decisions takenby the service in the past

    preferira no pronunciarme sobre

    I'd rather not commi t myself at this stage preferira no comprometermeI don't have any strong feelings about which of the two companies we decide to use for the job

    no tengo una opinin firme sobre culde las dos compaas

    This isn't something I've given much thought to es algo en lo que no me he parado apensar

    I know nothing about fine wine no s nada sobre

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    Opinions - Asking for someone's opinion

    Qu piensas de su actitud ? what do you think of Qu te parece mi trabajo ? what do you think of

    Crees que le gustar el regalo ? do you think that Piensas que se puede estudiar en estas condiciones ? do you think that Qu opina usted de la exportacin de animales vivos ? what do you think of or about Qu opinin tiene usted de sus compatriotas ? what is your opinion of Qu opinin le merece la subida del precio de loscarburantes ?

    what is your opinion of

    Nos puede ofrecer su opinin sobre la liberalizacindel mercado ?

    could you give us your opinion on

    Quisiera saber lo que opi na sobre el informe publicadoen la prensa

    I should like to know what you thinkabout

    Me interesara conocer su opinin en torno a la nueva

    poltica exterior del gobierno

    I should be interested to know your

    opinion of

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion mor e tentatively

    Me da que no va a venir I suspect thatMe da la sensacin de que no va a dar resultado I have a (funny) feeling that

    Tengo la impresin de que algo marcha mal I have the impression thatSupongo que es una posibilidad tan buena comocualquier otra

    I suppose that

    Los padres, imagino que tambin tendrn que contribuir aello

    I suppose that

    Con el debido respeto, debo decirle que eso no es as with all due respect, I have to tell youthat

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion with more conviction

    Lo que es yo , no lo veo necesario personallySi quieres mi opinin , djame que te diga que no tienes

    de qu quejarte

    if you want my opinion

    Si quieren que les d mi opinin , hay necesidades msimportantes en las que gastar el dinero

    if you want my opinion

    Tengo que decir que no me gusta nada I must say thatEstoy tot almente seguro de que nos lo van a devolver I'm quite sure thatEstoy convencida de que no cuentan con fondossuficientes

    I'm convinced that

    No puedo menos que pensar que es un acto deliberado I can't help thinking that

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion

    Creo que le va a encantar tu visita I think thatMe parece que le has cado muy bien a todos I think that

    Para ser sincero , su obra no me apasiona to be honestEn mi opinin , fue un error no haberle contratado antes in my opinion

    A mi parecer or A mi manera de ver , las cosas sedeberan hacer de otro modo

    in my view

    Mi opinin personal es que se debera nombrar uncomit al respecto

    my personal opinion is that

    Yo considero que eso no es perjudicial para el sistemademocrtico

    it is my belief that

    Personalmente, creo que es un gasto innecesario personally, I think thatDebo reconocer or admitir que nuestra posicin se havisto debilitada

    I must admit that

    Mi posicin al respecto difiere de la suya my position on the matter En mi calidad de or Como Premio Nobel de la Paz,quiero reafirmar mi apoyo inequvoco a una solucinpacfica y negociada

    as ..., I should like to reaffirm

    Si me permite que le d mi opinin, me parece que esaoferta es un engao

    if I may be allowed to offer my opinion, I think that

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    Opinions - Replying without g iving an opinion

    No sabra decir I couldn't sayPreferira reservarme la opinin I would rather reserve judgement

    Es difcil dar una opinin sin conocer las circunstancias it's difficult to give an opinionNo puedo opinar sobre un tema del que no tengoconocimiento

    I can't express an opinion on

    No deseamos of recer ninguna opinin hasta que lasituacin se haya aclarado

    we would rather not express anopinion until

    No estoy en pos icin de hacer declaraciones al respecto I'm not in a position to make astatement

    No puedo pronunciarme a favor de ninguna de lasopciones

    I cannot say I am in favour of

    No me es posibl e emitir una opinin objetiva sobre esteasunto

    I cannot give an objective opinion on

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    Para aconsejar - de manera impersonal

    It might be wise o sensible to consult a specialist quizs sera prudenteIt might be a good idea to seek professional advice quizs sera buena idea

    It might be better to think the whole thing over beforetaking any decisions

    sera mejor

    You'd be as well to state your position at the outset, sothere is no mistake

    ms te valdra

    You would be welladvised to invest in a pair of sunglasses if you're going to Spain

    hara bien en

    You'd be illadvised to have any dealings with this firm sera poco aconsejable queIt would certainly be advisable to book a table se aconsejaIt is in your i nterest o your best interests to keep your dog under control if you don't want it to be reported

    le conviene

    Do be sure to read the small print before you signanything

    asegrate de

    Try to avoid upsetting her; she'll only make your life amisery

    intenta evitar

    Whatever you do, don't drink the local schnapps no se te ocurra

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    Para aconsejar - de manera ms personal

    If you ask me, you'd better take some extra cash para m que es mejor que llevesIf you want my advice, you should steer well clear of


    si quieres un consejo, aljate

    If you want my opinion, I'd go by air to save time si quieres mi opinin, yo iraIn your shoes o If I were you, I'd be thinking aboutmoving on

    yo que t, me pondra a pensar

    Take my advice and don't rush into anything hazme casoI'd be very careful no t to commit myself at this stage yo tendra mucho cuidado de noI think you ought to o should seek professional advice creo que deberasMy advice would be to have nothing to do with them yo te aconsejara queI would advise you to pay up promptly before they takeyou to court

    yo te aconsejara que

    I would advise against call ing in the police unless he

    threatens you

    yo aconsejara no

    I would strongly advise you to reconsider this decision yo le aconsejo queI would urge you to reconsider selling the property le ruego encarecidamente queMight I be allowed to offer a lit tle advice ? talk it over with a solicitor before going any further

    me permite que le d un consejo ?

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    Para hacer sugerencias - Haciendo una pregunta

    How do you fancy a holiday in Australia ? te apetece ...?I was thinking of going for a drink later. How about it ? qu te parece ?

    What would you say to a trip up to town next week ? qu te parecera ...?Would you like to stay in Paris for a couple of nights ? te gustara ...?What if you try ignoring her and see if that stops her complaining ?

    y si ...?

    What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on acruise ?

    por qu no ...?

    Suppose o Supposing you left the kids with your mother for a few days ?

    y si ...?

    How would you feel about tak ing calcium supplements ? qu te parecera ...?Have you ever thought of start ing up a magazine of your own ?

    no se te ha ocurrido ...?

    Would you care to have lunch with me ? querra ...?

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    Para hacer sugerencias - Ms di rectamente

    I suggest that yo u go to bed and try to sleep te sugiero queI'd like to suggest that you seriously consider taking a

    long holiday

    te sugerira

    We prop ose that half the fee be paid in advance, and half on completion

    proponemos que

    It is very important that you take an interest in what he istrying to do

    es muy importante que

    I am convi nced that this would be a dangerous step totake

    estoy convencido de que

    I cannot put it too strongly: you really must see a doctor de verdad, tienes que

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    Para hacer sugerencias - Menos di rectamente

    Say you were to approach the problem from a differentangle

    y si

    In these circumstances, it might be better to wait quizs sera mejor It might be a good thing o a good idea to warn her aboutthis

    estara bien

    Perhaps it would be as well t o change the locks quizs convendraPerhaps you shoul d take up a sport tal vez deberasIf I may make a suggestion , a longer hemline might suityou better

    si me permite una sugerencia

    Might I be allowed to offer a lit tle advice ? talk it over with a solicitor before you go any further

    me permite que le d un pequeoconsejo ?

    If I might be permitted to suggest something , installingbigger windows would make the office much brighter

    si se me permite hacer unasugerencia

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    Para hacer sugerencias

    You might like to think it over before giving me your decision

    tal vez quiera

    If you were to give me the negative, I could get copiesmade si me diera ... yo podra

    You could help me clear out my office, if you don't mind podra ... si no le importaWe could stop off in Venice for a day or two, if you like podramos ... si te apeteceI've got an idea let's organize a surprise birthday party for Megan !

    vamos a organizar

    If you've no objection(s), I'll speak to them personally si no tienes inconveniente, hablarIf I were you, I'd go yo que t, iraIf you ask me, you'd better take some extra cash en mi opinin, ms vale queI'd be very careful no t to commit myself at this stage tendra cuidado de noI would recommend (that) you discuss it with him before

    making a decision

    te recomendara que

    It could be in your int erest to have a word with the owner first

    te convendra

    There's a lot to be said for living alone ... tiene muchas ventajasGo and see Pompeii it's a must ! no dejes de ir a ver

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    Para hacer una advertencia

    It's really none of my business but I don't think youshould get involved

    creo que no deberas

    A word of c aut ion : watch what you say to him if youwant it to remain a secret una advertencia:

    I should warn you that he's not an easy customer todeal with

    te advierto que

    Take care not to lose the vaccination certificate ten cuidado de noWatch you don't trip over your shoelaces cuidado noMake sure that o Mind that o See that you don't sayanything they might find offensive

    ten cuidado de no

    I'd think twice about shar ing a flat with him me lo pensara dos veces antes deIt would be sheer madness to attempt to drive withoutyour glasses

    sera una autntica locura

    You risk a long delay in Amsterdam if you come back bythat route

    corre el riesgo de ... si

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    Para pedir consejo

    What would you do if you were me ? en mi lugar Would a pear tree grow in this spot ? If not, what would

    you recommend ?

    qu recomendara usted

    Do you think I ought to tell the truth if he asks me whereI've been ?

    crees que debera

    What would you advise me to do in the circumstances ? qu me aconsejara que hiciera ?Would you advise me to seek promotion within this firm or apply for another job ?

    me aconsejara usted que ...?

    I'd like o I'd appreciate your advice on personal pensions me gustara que me aconsejara sobreI'd be grateful if you could advise me on how to treat thisproblem

    le agradecera que me aconsejarasobre

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    Para pedir sugerencias

    What would you do i f you were me ? qu haras t en mi lugar ?Have you any idea how I should go about it to get the

    best results ?

    tienes idea cmo debera ...?

    I've no idea what to call our new puppy: have you anysuggestions ?

    se te ocurre algo ?

    I can only afford to buy one of them: which do yousuggest ?

    cul me aconsejas ?

    I wonder if you could suggest where we might go for afew days ?

    podra sugerirnos ...?

    I'm a bit doubt ful about where to start no estoy muy seguro de

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    Petic iones - De manera ms indir ecta

    I would rather you didn't breathe a word to anyone aboutthis

    preferira que no

    I would appreciate it if you could let me have copies of the best photos te agradecera que

    I was hoping that you might have time to visit your grandmother

    esperaba que tendras

    I wonder whether you could spare a few pounds till I getto the bank ?

    te sera posible ... ?

    I hope you don't mind if I borrow your exercise bike for half an hour

    espero que no te importe que ...

    It would be very helpfuli o useful if you could haveeverything ready beforehand

    nos vendra muy bien si

    If it's not too much t rouble, would you pop my suit intothe dry cleaners on your way past ?

    si no es mucha molestia, podras

    You won't forget to lock up before you leave, will you ? no te olvidars de ..., no ?

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    Petic iones - Por escri to

    I should be grateful if you could confirm whether it wouldbe possible to increase my credit limit to 5000

    le agradecera que confirmara

    We would ask you not to use the telephone for longdistance calls le pedimos que no

    You are requested to park at the rear of the building se ruegaWe look forward to receiv ing confirmation of your order within 14 days

    quedamos a la espera de

    Kindly inform us if you require alternative arrangementsto be made

    tenga la amabilidad de comunicarnossi

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    Please would you drop by on your way home and pick upthe papers you left here ?

    puedes ... ?

    Could you please try to keep the noise down while I'mstudying ? haced el favor de

    Would you mind look ing after Hannah for a couple of hours tomorrow ?

    te importara ... ?

    Could I ask you to watch out for anything suspicious in myabsence ?

    podras ... ?

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    Propuestas - De manera directa

    I would be delighted to help out, if I may me encantaraIt would give me great pleasure to show you round the


    sera un placer

    We would li ke to offer you the post of Sales Director quisiramos ofrecerleI hope you will not be offended if I offer a contributiontowards your expenses

    espero que no se ofenda si le ofrezco

    Do let me know if I can help in any way avsame si puedoIf we can be of any further assistance, please do nothesitate to contact us

    si podemos ... no dude en

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    Propuestas - Haciendo una pregunt a

    Say we were to offer you a 5% rise, how would thatsound ?

    qu le parecera si le ofreciramos...?

    What if I were to call for you in the car ? y si yo ...?Could I give you a hand with your luggage ? puedo ...?Shall I do the photocopies for you ? te hago ...?Is there anything I can do to help you find suitableaccommodation ?

    puedo hacer algo para ...?

    May o Can I offer you a drink ? le pongo ...?Would you li ke me to find out more about it for you ? quieres que ...?Would you allow me to pay for dinner, at least ? me deja que ...?You will let me show you around Glasgow, won't you ? me dejars que ... no ?

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    Requests - Assertively

    Djame el coche, anda , slo por una noche lend me the car, won't youPor favor , hzmelo cuanto antes please can you do it for me

    Slo te pido que bajes un poco la voz I'm only asking you to Alcnzame las gafas, si me haces el favor pass me ..., will you ?Haga el favor de no poner los pies en el asiento please don'tVuelva a llamar en cinco minutos, si es tan amable if you don't mindLe ruego que se apresure en responder please

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    Requests - In writing

    Tenga la amabilidad d e presentarse en nuestras oficinasen horario laboral


    Ag rad ecer amos s u col abo rac in en cualquier aspectode nuestra investigacin we should be grateful if you wouldhelp us inLes quedaramos muy agradecidos s i se pudieran poner en contacto con nuestros representantes

    we should be very grateful if

    Tengan a bien comunicarnos la respuesta por tlex please

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    Requests - More tentatively

    Si no es mucho pedir , mndame un listado de direcciones please ..., if it isn't too much troubleNos vendra bien saberlo maana, antes de la reunin it would be good if we could

    Preferira que no lo utilizara a partir de las ocho I would rather you didn'tSi no es demasiada molest ia, podras comentarnoscmo es el panorama musical en tu ciudad ?

    if it isn't too much trouble, could you

    Le agradecera que me ayudara a resolver el problema I'd be grateful if you would

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    Requests - Using direct questions

    Me traes un vaso de agua ? would you fetch me Me dejas tu chaqueta ? can I borrow

    Quieres cambiarme el turno ? would you mind Te importa echar esta carta al correo ? would you mind Te puedo pedir un favor ? would you do me a favour ? Podra decirme qu pone en ese cartel, por favor ? could you tell me ..., please ? Le importara cerrar un poco la ventana ? would you mind Sera tan amable de ensermelo usted mismo ? would you be so kind as to Podra aclararme unas dudas sobre su patrimonio, sitiene la bondad ?

    would you mind

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    Os advierto que no vamos a dar ninguna informacin I should warn you thatDebo advertirle que esa agencia no es de fiar I must warn you that

    Si no pides disculpas ahora, debers atenerte a lasconsecuencias

    if you don't ... you must accept theconsequences

    Corremos el riesgo de perder toda credibilidad we run the risk of Que sirva de advertencia: si continuis con esa actitud,las consecuencias pueden ser nefastas

    be warned:

    Sera cosa de locos or una locura proseguir en estaspsimas condiciones

    it would be madness to

    Es necesario cambiar de rumbo antes de que seademasiado tarde

    we need to ... before it is too late

    Es absolutamente indispensable que modifiquemosnuestra poltica de ventas

    it is absolutely vital that

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Asking people what they like

    Te gusta el yogur de fresa ? do you like Cul de las tres camisas te gusta ms ? which of ... do you like best ?

    Le gustara viajar a otra poca ? would you like toDe las dos posibilidades, cul prefiere ? which do you prefer ?Quera saber si prefieren salir ahora o despus de comer I wanted to know if you would prefer

    to ... or Podran darme su parecer sobre el nuevo programa ? could you give me your opinion on

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    Likes, disl ikes and preferences - Saying what you like

    Me agrada que hayan venido a verme desde tan lejos it was good of them to A todos nos gus ta que nos reconozcan un trabajo bien


    we all like it when

    Me ha gustado mucho el regalo que me has enviado I was delighted with the present A m los turistas que vienen por aqu me caen (muy) bien I (really) like ...Lo que ms me gusta es observar a la gente what I like (doing) best isDisfruto charlando con los nios I enjoyDisfruto con sus atrevidos comentarios en televisin I enjoyMe seduce la idea de viajar a Finlandia, no s por qu the idea of ... really appeals to mePara muchos ver la televisin es su pasatiempo favorito is their favourite pastimeSoy muy aficionado a la danza contempornea I'm very keen onMe encanta el mar y navegar a vela I love

    Me fascina observar el firmamento en una noche clara I love watchingMe apasiona la luminosidad del paisaje mediterrneo I loveSiento verdadera debilidad por los postres cremosos I have a weakness for

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Saying what you dislike

    No me gusta comer fuera de casa I don't likeSus canciones no son nada del otro mundo aren't anything to write home about

    Me cuesta tener que criticarle en pblico I find it hard to have toNo me gusta nada que me mientan I don't like ... at allNo me result a nada agradable ir a trabajar a estas horasde la noche

    I'm not at all keen on

    Me molesta el olor de las sardinas asadas I find ... very unpleasantMis nuevos vecinos me caen muy mal or no me caennada bien

    I don't like ... at all

    Le he cogido mana a ese chico I've really taken a dislike toNo soporto que me hagan esperar I can't standLo que ms me fastidia es que suban tanto el volumen what really annoys me is whenSi hay algo que no aguanto es que cambien laprogramacin sin avisar

    if there's one thing I can't bear, it'swhen

    Detesto cualquier tipo de violencia I hateMe horrorizan las corridas de toros I really hate

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    Likes, disl ikes and preferences - Saying what you prefer

    Prefiero la lectura a la televisin I prefer ... toPrefiero que llegues tarde a que no vengas I'd rather you ... than

    Es mejor or preferible hablar en el idioma del cliente it's better toPreferira que nadie me acompaara I would rather Nos vendra mejor or Nos convendra ms salir antespara evitar la hora de ms trfico

    we would do better to

    Tengo especial predileccin por la msica de Falla I am particularly fond of

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    Likes, dislikes and preferences - Expressing indifference

    Vamos a esperar hasta encontrar la persona idnea, nopasa nada porque no haya titular durante un tiempo

    it doesn't matter if

    Me da igual or Me da lo mismo vivir aqu que all it's all the same to me whether ... or Me es (completamente) indiferente que salga depresidente uno u otro

    it makes (absolutely) no difference tome whether ... or

    Si no le veo hoy no importa it doesn't matter if No tiene (la mayor) importancia que se demoren unosminutos

    it doesn't matter (in the slightest) if

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para preguntarle a alguien sus preferencias

    Would you like to visit the castle, while you are here ? te gustara ... ?How would you feel about Simon join ing us ? qu te parecera si ... ?

    What do you li ke do ing best when you're on holiday ? qu es lo que ms te gusta hacer ...?

    What's your f avourite film ? cul es tu ... preferida ?Which of the two proposed options do you pr efer ? cul de las dos ... prefiere ?We could either go to Rome or stay in Florence whichwould you rather do ?

    qu preferiras ... ?

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para expresar gustos

    I'm very keen on garden ing me gusta muchoI'm very fond of white geraniums and blue petunias me gustan mucho

    I really enjoy a good game of squash after work disfruto conThere's nothing I like more than a quiet night in with agood book

    no hay nada que me guste ms que

    I have a weakness for rich chocolate gateaux siento debilidad por I've always had a soft spot for the Dutch siempre he sentido debilidad por

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para decir lo que a uno no le gusta

    Acting isn't really my thing I'm better at singing no es lo moWatching football on television isn't my f avourite pastime no es mi ... preferido

    Some people might find it funny but it's not my kind of humour

    no es mi tipo de

    I enjoy playing golf, although this type of course is not mycup of tea

    no es plato de mi gusto

    Sitting for hours on motorways is not my idea of fun no es lo que yo llamo divertirseThe idea of walking home at 10 or 11 o'clock at nightdoesn't appeal to me

    no me resulta nada atractiva

    I've gone off the idea of cycl ing round Holland se me han quitado las ganas deI can't stand o can't bear the thought of seeing him no soportoI am not enthusiastic about shopp ing in largesupermarkets

    no me entusiasma

    I'm not keen on seafood no me entusiasmaI don't like the fact that he always gets away with nothelping out in the kitchen

    no me gusta que

    What I hate most is waiting in queues for buses lo que ms detesto esI dislike laziness since I'm such an energetic person myself me desagradaThere's nothing I dislike more than having to go to workin the dark

    no hay nada que me guste menos que

    I have a particular aversion to the religious indoctrinationof schoolchildren

    siento una aversin especial por

    I find it intolerable that people like him should have somuch power

    me resulta intolerable que

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para decir lo que uno prefiere

    I'd prefer to o I'd rather wait until I have enough money togo by air


    I'd prefer not t o o I'd rather not talk about it just now prefiero noI'd prefer you t o give o I'd rather you gave me your comments in writing

    prefiero que

    I'd prefer you not to o I'd rather you didn't invite him prefiero que no lo invitesI like the blue curtains better than the red ones ... me gustan ms que ...I prefer red wine to white wine prefiero ... a

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    Gustos y p referencias - Para expresar ind iferencia

    It makes no odds whether you have a million pounds or nothing,we won't judge you on your wealth

    da lo mismo que tengas

    I really don't care what you tell her as long as you tell her something me trae sin cuidado lo que

    It's all the same to me whether he comes or not me da igual que ... o queI don't mind at all let's do whatever is easiest me da exactamente lo mismoIt doesn't matter which method you choose to use no importa quI don't feel strongly about the issue of privatization no tengo una opinin definida sobreI have no particular preference no tengo preferencias

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    Offers - Using direct questions

    Te ayudo ? can I help (you) ? Cierro la ventana ? shall I close

    Quieres que vaya a recoger al nio al colegio ? would you like me to Necesitas ayuda ? do you need any help ? Me dejas que te eche una mano con los preparativos ? can I lend (you) a hand with Puedo ayudarle en algo ? can I do anything to help ? Me permite que le ofrezca mi col aboracin de cara alproyecto ?

    perhaps you will allow me to offer some help

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    Offers - Direct of fers

    No te preocupes, ya lo hacemos nosot ros we'll do itSi quieres te acompao ... if you like

    Puedo ir yo si no hay nadie disponible I could go if Djeme que le ayude let me help youEstoy para lo que haga falta I'm ready and willing to do whatever's

    neededEstoy dispuesto a hacer todo lo que sea necesario I'm prepared toNo dude en venir a m si le surge algn problema don't hesitate to come back to me if Permtame usted por lo menos que le lleve a la estacin at least let meMe tiene a su entera disposicin para todo lo quenecesite

    I'm entirely at your disposal

    Sera un placer poder servirle en todo lo que haga falta it would be a pleasure to

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    Propuestas - De manera directa

    I would be delighted to help out, if I may me encantaraIt would give me great pleasure to show you round the


    sera un placer

    We would li ke to offer you the post of Sales Director quisiramos ofrecerleI hope you will not be offended if I offer a contributiontowards your expenses

    espero que no se ofenda si le ofrezco

    Do let me know if I can help in any way avsame si puedoIf we can be of any further assistance, please do nothesitate to contact us

    si podemos ... no dude en

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    Propuestas - Haciendo una pregunt a

    Say we were to offer you a 5% rise, how would thatsound ?

    qu le parecera si le ofreciramos...?

    What if I were to call for you in the car ? y si yo ...?Could I give you a hand with your luggage ? puedo ...?Shall I do the photocopies for you ? te hago ...?Is there anything I can do to help you find suitableaccommodation ?

    puedo hacer algo para ...?

    May o Can I offer you a drink ? le pongo ...?Would you li ke me to find out more about it for you ? quieres que ...?Would you allow me to pay for dinner, at least ? me deja que ...?You will let me show you around Glasgow, won't you ? me dejars que ... no ?

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    Opinions - Asking for someone's opinion

    Qu piensas de su actitud ? what do you think of Qu te parece mi trabajo ? what do you think of

    Crees que le gustar el regalo ? do you think that Piensas que se puede estudiar en estas condiciones ? do you think that Qu opina usted de la exportacin de animales vivos ? what do you think of or about Qu opinin tiene usted de sus compatriotas ? what is your opinion of Qu opinin le merece la subida del precio de loscarburantes ?

    what is your opinion of

    Nos puede ofrecer su opinin sobre la liberalizacindel mercado ?

    could you give us your opinion on

    Quisiera saber lo que opi na sobre el informe publicadoen la prensa

    I should like to know what you thinkabout

    Me interesara conocer su opinin en torno a la nueva

    poltica exterior del gobierno

    I should be interested to know your

    opinion of

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion

    Creo que le va a encantar tu visita I think thatMe parece que le has cado muy bien a todos I think that

    Para ser sincero , su obra no me apasiona to be honestEn mi opinin , fue un error no haberle contratado antes in my opinion

    A mi parecer or A mi manera de ver , las cosas sedeberan hacer de otro modo

    in my view

    Mi opinin personal es que se debera nombrar uncomit al respecto

    my personal opinion is that

    Yo considero que eso no es perjudicial para el sistemademocrtico

    it is my belief that

    Personalmente, creo que es un gasto innecesario personally, I think thatDebo reconocer or admitir que nuestra posicin se havisto debilitada

    I must admit that

    Mi posicin al respecto difiere de la suya my position on the matter En mi calidad de or Como Premio Nobel de la Paz,quiero reafirmar mi apoyo inequvoco a una solucinpacfica y negociada

    as ..., I should like to reaffirm

    Si me permite que le d mi opinin, me parece que esaoferta es un engao

    if I may be allowed to offer my opinion, I think that

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion with more conviction

    Lo que es yo , no lo veo necesario personallySi quieres mi opinin , djame que te diga que no tienes

    de qu quejarte

    if you want my opinion

    Si quieren que les d mi opinin , hay necesidades msimportantes en las que gastar el dinero

    if you want my opinion

    Tengo que decir que no me gusta nada I must say thatEstoy tot almente seguro de que nos lo van a devolver I'm quite sure thatEstoy convencida de que no cuentan con fondossuficientes

    I'm convinced that

    No puedo menos que pensar que es un acto deliberado I can't help thinking that

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    Opinions - Expressing your opinion mor e tentatively

    Me da que no va a venir I suspect thatMe da la sensacin de que no va a dar resultado I have a (funny) feeling that

    Tengo la impresin de que algo marcha mal I have the impression thatSupongo que es una posibilidad tan buena comocualquier otra

    I suppose that

    Los padres, imagino que tambin tendrn que contribuir aello

    I suppose that

    Con el debido respeto, debo decirle que eso no es as with all due respect, I have to tell youthat

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    Opinions - Replying without g iving an opinion

    No sabra decir I couldn't sayPreferira reservarme la opinin I would rather reserve judgement

    Es difcil dar una opinin sin conocer las circunstancias it's difficult to give an opinionNo puedo opinar sobre un tema del que no tengoconocimiento

    I can't express an opinion on

    No deseamos of recer ninguna opinin hasta que lasituacin se haya aclarado

    we would rather not express anopinion until

    No estoy en pos icin de hacer declaraciones al respecto I'm not in a position to make astatement

    No puedo pronunciarme a favor de ninguna de lasopciones

    I cannot say I am in favour of

    No me es posibl e emitir una opinin objetiva sobre esteasunto

    I cannot give an objective opinion on

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    Opiniones - Para pedir l a opinin de alguien

    What do you th ink of the new Managing Director ? qu piensas de ...?What is your opinion on women's rights ? qu opinas sobre ...?

    What are your thoughts on the way forward ? cul es su opinin sobre ... ?What is your attitude to people who say there is no suchthing as sexual inequality ?

    cul es su actitud hacia ... ?

    What are your own f eelings about the way the case washandled ?

    qu opina usted acerca de ... ?

    How do you s ee the next stage developing ? cmo ve el desarrollo de ... ?How do you view an event like the Birmingham show interms of the cultural life of the city ?

    cme ve ... ?

    I would value your opinion on how best to set this all up apreciara su opinin sobreI'd be interested to know what your reaction is t o thelatest report on food additives

    me interesara conocer su reaccinante

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    Opiniones - Para expresar la opinin propia

    In my opinion , eight years as President is quite enough for anyone

    en mi opinin

    As I see i t , everything depended on Karlov being permittedto go to Finland segn lo veo yo

    I feel that there is an epidemic of fear about cancer whichis not helped by all the publicity about the people who die of it

    pienso que

    Personally, I believe the best way to change agovernment is through the electoral process

    personalmente, creo que

    It seems to me that the successful designer leads thepublic

    a mi parecer

    I am under the impression that he is essentially a man of peace

    mi impresin es que

    I have an idea that you are going to be very successful presiento que

    I am of the opinion that the rules should be looked at andrefined

    soy de la opinin de que

    I'm convinced that we all need a new vision of the future estoy convencido de queI daresay there are so many names that you get themmixed up once in a while

    me figuro que

    We're prepared to prosecute the company, which to mymind has committed a criminal offence

    a mi parecer

    From my point of view activities like these should not beillegal

    desde mi punto de vista

    As far as I'm concerned , Barnes had it coming to him en lo que a m respectaIt's a matter of common sense, nothing more. That's myview of the matter

    Esa es mi opinin sobre el tema

    It is our belief that to be proactive is more positive thanbeing reactive

    nosotros creemos que

    If you ask me , there's something a bit strange going on para m queIf you want my opinion , if you don't do it soon you'll losethe opportunity altogether

    si quiere mi opinin

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    Opiniones - Para responder sin expresar una opinin

    Would I say she had been a help ? It depends what youmean by help

    depende de lo que quiera decir con

    It could be seen as a triumph for capitalism but it dependson your point of view depende de su punto de vista

    It's hard o difficult to say whether she has benefited fromthe treatment or not

    resulta difcil decir si

    I'm not in a position t o comment on whether thedirector's accusations are wellfounded

    no estoy en situacin de comentar si

    I'd prefer not t o comment on operational decisions takenby the service in the past

    preferira no pronunciarme sobre

    I'd rather not commi t myself at this stage preferira no comprometermeI don't have any strong feelings about which of the two companies we decide to use for the job

    no tengo una opinin firme sobre culde las dos compaas

    This isn't something I've given much thought to es algo en lo que no me he parado apensar

    I know nothing about fine wine no s nada sobre

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    Requests - Using direct questions

    Me traes un vaso de agua ? would you fetch me Me dejas tu chaqueta ? can I borrow

    Quieres cambiarme el turno ? would you mind Te importa echar esta carta al correo ? would you mind Te puedo pedir un favor ? would you do me a favour ? Podra decirme qu pone en ese cartel, por favor ? could you tell me ..., please ? Le importara cerrar un poco la ventana ? would you mind Sera tan amable de ensermelo usted mismo ? would you be so kind as to Podra aclararme unas dudas sobre su patrimonio, sitiene la bondad ?

    would you mind

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Requests - Assertively

    Djame el coche, anda , slo por una noche lend me the car, won't youPor favor , hzmelo cuanto antes please can you do it for me

    Slo te pido que bajes un poco la voz I'm only asking you to Alcnzame las gafas, si me haces el favor pass me ..., will you ?Haga el favor de no poner los pies en el asiento please don'tVuelva a llamar en cinco minutos, si es tan amable if you don't mindLe ruego que se apresure en responder please

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Requests - More tentatively

    Si no es mucho pedir , mndame un listado de direcciones please ..., if it isn't too much troubleNos vendra bien saberlo maana, antes de la reunin it would be good if we could

    Preferira que no lo utilizara a partir de las ocho I would rather you didn'tSi no es demasiada molest ia, podras comentarnoscmo es el panorama musical en tu ciudad ?

    if it isn't too much trouble, could you

    Le agradecera que me ayudara a resolver el problema I'd be grateful if you would

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1


    Requests - In writing

    Tenga la amabilidad d e presentarse en nuestras oficinasen horario laboral


    Ag rad ecer amos s u col abo rac in en cualquier aspectode nuestra investigacin we should be grateful if you wouldhelp us inLes quedaramos muy agradecidos s i se pudieran poner en contacto con nuestros representantes

    we should be very grateful if

    Tengan a bien comunicarnos la respuesta por tlex please

  • 7/27/2019 Lengua y Uso Binder1



    Please woul

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