itco presentation

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    From Group 3Section A

    Members:-Priyang agarwal (11237)Kaushal Kishore (11220)Rohit Kr. Shrivastwa (11245)Atreya Kumar (11205)Deepak malik (11210)

    Akhil kr. Juneja

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    IT sectors

    Enterprise Software

    Product based softwareHardwareNetworkingServices (support, maintenance, BPO & consultancy)Cloud computing apps

    Mobile applications.


    In nascent stage.

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Porter five force analysis of IT industry

    Availability of substitutes:- Medium

    Supplier power:- Low or NoBuyer power:- Medium to HighThreats of new entrant:- Very HighCompetitive rivalry:- High

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Porter five forces analysis for software

    Barriers to entry:- Quite low

    Threat of substitutes:- (See explanation in notes)

    Bargaining power of customers:- High in enterprise software but low in productSoftware.

    Bargaining power of suppliers:- Low

    Competitive rivalry:- Very Intense

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    History of IT

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Growth drivers of IT

    Easy availability of Talent pool and cost advantageProcess and QualitySupportive government policiesUnique geographic location

    Threat of new emerging service economies

    Emergence of China as substituteHardware Sector lagging behindPoor InfrastructureExchange rateDomestic consumption

    Things to look for

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Future of IT

    According to NASSCOM, India can reach $ 130 Billion in IT revenue by 2015, with

    CAGR of 14%. With this, it would be contributing to 7% of annual GDP andcreating 14.3 million employment opportunities.

    BPO industry will experience high growth but the Software and ITeS segment isexpected to see slower growth.

    Adapt new business models to compete with global players e.g. Cloud, On-demand services, and SaaS.With increased threat from countries like China,the companies will suffer loss unless they change business models.

    It is very important that while investing in a company, an investor selects asector, where the long-term future prospects are bright. In the above case, wehave seen that the IT sector is expected to have good growth in the long run.

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Options for Selection

    IT hardware growing at a fast pace 28.41%

    IT Software has largest market, and a good growth rate 19.94%

    A number of small players in the market, working on

    small projects IT Education has a small market, and will take time to

    establish in this market

    BPO has good market and growth, but will not be

    considered Based upon the analysis, we can say that IT Software

    will be optimal for investment

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


    Start a new company

    Issues May take some time to get clients

    Create a new team

    No experience in the field

    Acquire a companyBenefits

    A number of small companies present in the market

    Have got small clients for development and maintenance

    Have got a team

    Need capital to grow, so can be a good option for acquisition

    How to enter the market???

  • 7/31/2019 ITCO Presentation


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