history third eso september examhistory third eso september exam 3 history review task for september...

Post on 11-May-2020






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CEO Andrés Orozco


Yasmina Rivero Abreu YEAR 2018/2019




El/la estudiante deberá presentar en septiembre dos trabajos pautados en las siguientes líneas. El

primero es una línea del tiempo que repasa todos los periodos previos a la Edad Moderna e incluye

esta. El segundo es la cumplimentación de una ficha en lengua inglesa, destacando los logros de

dos investigadores de los propuestos por la profesora. Los aspectos biográficos de las fichas

deberán centrarse en la vida profesional de los investigadores, no en la familiar.

Finalmente, el día de la entrega del trabajo el alumno/a deberá presentarse a un examen de diez

ejercicios máximo, que versará sobre la teoría y los ejercicios contenidos en este dosier de repaso.




Exercise 1: Make a timeline following the instructions. You must do it in a cardboard and you must

add pictures and colors to the periods and sub-periods.

1. Put the following periods and the sub-periods in the correct place. Put the date of the

beginning and the ending in each period and sub-period.





Metal Age

Antiquity Age

Middle Ages

Early Modern Age

High Middle Ages

Late Middle Ages

2. Put the following dates with the correct previous periods and sub-periods given.

4,4 millions years

10.000 b.C.

4.500 b.C.

3.250 b.C.

0 year

476 a.C.

1.100 a.C.

1453 a.C.

1789 a. C.

1.000 b.C.

3. Put this four events and civilizations in the correct place and use the correct representation

in the timeline for each case.

Greek civilization: from 800 b.C. to 30 b.C.

Roman civilization: 31 b.C.-476 a.C.

Mesopotamian civilization: 3.250 b.C.-539 b.C.

Egyptian civilization: 3.050 b.C.-31 b.C.

Constantinople Fall: 1453 a.C.

America discovery: 1492 a. C.

Writing discovery: 3250 b.C.

French Revolution: 1789 a.C.

Christ born: 0 year

Humans appearance: 4,4 millions years b.C.

Farming and ranching: 10.000 b. C.

Metal working discovery: 4.500 b. C

Carolingian empire: 8th-11th centuries

Byzantine empire: 6th-15th centuries

Islam: 8th-13th centuries




There are periods that were at the same time, you have to search the form to represent it well (Metal Age and Antiquity Age are in the same part of the line in a short period of time).

B. C. is before the Christ born.

C. is after Christ born.

If I give you the year and you have to represent the century you must add one to the first number of the year to reach the century. For example: year 476 is the 5th century or year 1492 is the 15th century.

If you want to reach the year it is in the opposite form. For example: 6th century was from the year 501 to 599 or 18th century is from 1701 to 1799.



You have to choose TWO of the following scientifics (at least one men and one women)

and then you have to fill the next personal card for the scientific that you chose.

1. Johannes Gutenberg

2. Galileo Galilei

3. Samuel Finley Breese Morse

4. Antonio Meucci

5. Alexander Graham Bell

6. Benjamin Franklin

7. Isaac Newton

8. Nicolás Copérnico

9. Miguel Servet

10. Francis Bacon

11. René Descartes

12. Oliva Sabuco de Nantes

13. Mary Wortley Montagu

14. Emile du Chatelet

15. Marie Anne Poulze Lavoisier

16. Mary Fairfax Somerville

17. Mary Anning

18. María Andrea Casamayor y de la


19. Caroline Herschel

20. Marie Sophie Germain

21. Maria Cunitz

22. Anne Conway

23. Louyse Bourgeois

24. Maria Clara Eimmart

25. Maria Gaetana Agnesi



NAME: ...............................................................

DATE OF BORN: ..................................................

COUNTRY OF BORN:............................................

DATE OF DEATH: ................................................

COUNTRY OF DEATH:..........................................

SCIENCE/STUDIES AREA: ......................................


... .......................................................................



















NAME: ...............................................................

DATE OF BORN: ..................................................

COUNTRY OF BORN:............................................

DATE OF DEATH: ................................................

COUNTRY OF DEATH:..........................................

SCIENCE/STUDIES AREA: ......................................


... .......................................................................




















Unit 1 – Modern Times.

Humanism and the Renaissance

1. A Short Introduction

Modern Times correspond to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Modern Times started with the

discovery of America in 1492. This date marks the beginning of a new period characterised by the

desire of knowledge, the importance of human being (Humanism), the appearance of a new artistic

style, the Renaissance, the discovery of a new world, and the creation of modern states all over

Europe. (Other important events that happened during this period and that will be decisive for

history were the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation).

Modern Age can be divided in three phases:

16th century that corresponds to Humanism and Renaissance,

17th century that corresponds to the Baroque age and

18th century that is the century of the Enlightenment.

Modern history finished with the French Revolution in 1789. This important event marks the

beginning of Contemporary History.

2. Humanism

Humanism was a cultural and philosophical movement that began in Italy in the 15th century (1400-

1499) and spread through Europe.

It’s most important characteristics were:

Importance of the Human Being that is considered superior to other species thanks to his

intelligence and reason.

Importance of science and technology as a product of human intelligence and as a help for


Importance of Greek and Latin cultures. In this period many Greek and Latin authors were

translated and studied. (Here we need to have in mind that many classical texts arrived to

Europe thanks to the Arab culture and to “La Escuela de Traductores de Toledo” that

translated classical texts from Arab to Latin).



The use of vernacular1 (vernáculas) languages instead of Latin. The vernacular languages are

going to be used in the Universities instead of Latin. Also the first grammars will appear in

this period.

2.1. Humanist philosophers Many humanist philosophers contributed to the spread of this cultural movement all over Europe.

Here we will know more about some of them:

Antonio Nebrija (1441-1522): author of the first grammar of the Castilian language.

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536) (The Netherlands): he was considered “the Prince of the

Humanists”. He translated the New Testament. He also criticised the abuses of the Catholic

Church and asked for a reform, but he never denied the authority of the Pope and remained

a member of the Roman Catholic Church.

Beatriz Galindo (1464 – 1534): one of the first European women that studied in the

university. She became the teacher of Queen Isabella and her children and she also was her

personal counsellor and friend. She studied Latin, Theology and Medicine.

Francisco de Vitoria (1483 – 1546): Jurist and theologist. He is considered the father of

International Law. He was a defender of the rights of the Amerindians based upon the dignity

of all human beings.

Luis Vives (1492 – 1540): Valencian scholar and humanist. He lived most of his life in

Southern Netherlands. He is considered the father of modern psychology.

The School of Salamanca (Escuela de Salmanca): this school is very appreciated nowadays

because of their humanist and modern ideas in concepts such as natural law, international

law and economy.

I hope that with all this information you can realise the importance and dimension of this

cultural movement. We have focused on Humanist from Castile and Aragon, but there were

humanists in all the European countries such as Thomas More (England), Francesco Petrarca

(Italy), Leon Battista Alberti (Italy), Robert Estienne (France), Guillaume Boudé (France), etc.

2.2. How was Humanism spread?

Humanism was spread thanks to the creation of Universities, to the prolific activity of scholars that

translated Greek and Latin books and to an increasing appreciation of culture by the nobility and the


However the most important contribution for the expansion of Humanism comes from the printing

press, invented by Gutenberg around 1440.

1 Vernacular language is the native language of a particular area. (Lengua vernácula)



2.3. The Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg is considered the inventor of the printing press. The great contribution of

Gutenberg is the movable types.

Thanks to the movable types different letters could be combined and a full page could be created

more easily; finally you could print that page as many times as you wanted. The first book that

Gutenberg printed was the Bible and it was printed in 1455.

Before Gutenberg’s creation all the books were copied by hand. Because of this the books were very

expensive and only very rich people could afford them.

The consequences are going to be decisive for history. Common people began to have access to

information, the number of books increased drastically, more people became literate, and people

began to question traditional powers (monarchy and church). This will lead to the Reformation when

Luther (Lutero) criticised the abuses of the Church and a new religion started.

For more information you can see these videos. After seeing the videos do the activity that is in your

dossier of activities.

- www.goo.gl/NycWf7 (Video, long version, 13’41’’)

- www.goo.gl/fAe5vD (short version, 4’04’’)

- https://goo.gl/VVJqEl (animation, 2’14’’)

- www.goo.gl/ACSsuG (written texts about contribution of printing press, 4’21’’)

3. The Reformation and the Counter-Reformation

The Reformation was a historical event that took place in the 16th century and transformed Europe in

political, social and religious aspects. The consequences of this event can be observed even




3.1. Origin, causes and consequences of the Reformation Luther was not the first person that criticised the Church. Other personalities such as Jan Hus, Peter

Waldo, John Wycliffe, Erasmus of Rotterdam and Cardenal Cisneros (who reformed some bad uses of

the Church in Toledo) observed many abuses and asked for a reformation.

However Luther succeeded and was able to put into practice a real reformation that will finally imply

a division inside the Catholic Church.

The abuses of the Church

The abuses that Luther observed and criticised in his famous 95 theses were:

The luxurious lifestyle of the high clergy.

The buying and selling of ecclesiastical positions, as if they were a business and not a matter

of faith.

The indulgences; they were documents sold by the Church for pardoning sins.

The lack of education of the low clergy. Many of them were illiterate and couldn’t read the


Luther denounced all these abuses in his 95 theses in 1517; this date marks the beginning of the


The Pope asked Luther to retract from his ideas and as he didn’t the Pope finally excommunicated

him. The ideas of Luther spread rapidly thanks to the use of the printing press and the support of

some German princes.

Also a series of wars started; the Catholic Church supported by the emperor Charles V and the

Protestants supported by some German princes will confront in a series of battles. Finally the

Protestant German princes won their right to follow the Protestant religion.

Protestant religion

After many difficulties the new Protestant religion was finally established.

The principles and differences with the Catholic Church were mainly the following ones:

o Salvation through faith. (Thanks to this idea there was no necessity of indulgences and

confession for pardoning sins).

o Any person could interpret the Bible.

o Only two sacraments were accepted: Baptism and Eucharist.

o They didn’t accept the cult of the Virgin and the Saints.

o Priests could get married.

Spreading of Protestant religion

Lutheranism spread to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland (Scandinavia).

Also other Protestant religions appeared, such as Calvinism and Anglicanism.



Calvinism appeared in Switzerland and spread to the Low Countries (The Netherlands),

Scotland (here they were called puritans) and France (here they were called Huguenots).

Anglicanism appeared in England. Henry VIII established Anglicanism so that he could

divorce Catherine of Aragon, and also to be the chief of the Church instead of the Pope.

Some consequences of the Reformation

Some consequences of the Reformation were:

The unity of the Catholic Church was broken.

The authority of the Pope was questioned and weakened.

A period of confrontation and war started. In these wars Charles V confronted the Protestant

German princes.

Reformation spread all over Europe and other protestant religions appeared.

The Catholic Church will start his own process of reformation called “The Counter-

Reformation” (Contrarreforma).

3.2. The Catholic Counter-Reformation

The Catholic Counter-Reformation began in 1545 with the Council of Trent (1545-1563).

This council was celebrated in the city of Trent and many representatives of the high clergy, the Pope

and the emperor Charles V attended.

After many meetings and discussions the Catholic Church decided to put into practice his own

Catholic reform that consisted in:

Affirming the validity of the Catholic religion as the true and only one.

Defending the certainty of the Catholic dogmas2 that are the seven Sacraments, the

worshipping of the Virgin and the Saints, and the sanctity of Mass.

The denial and persecution of Protestantism.

4. The Renaissance and Flemish painting

Renaissance is a type of artistic style practiced in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.

It started in Italy thanks to an economic prosperity and the existence of patrons (or commissioners)

who promoted art as a tool for social prestige.

4.1. Characteristics Some characteristics are:

- Inspiration on Greek and Roman Antiquity.

- Use of classical orders (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian).

2 Dogma: principle or doctrine that cannot be questioned.



- Use of linear perspective (with a vanishing point – punto de fuga).

- Importance of the human being and the human figure (studies of anatomy, proportion,


The Renaissance is divided in two periods, the Quattrocento that corresponds to the 15th century

(1400-1499) and the Cinquecento that corresponds to the 16th century (1500-1599).

4.2. Artists of the Quattrocento Some of the artists of the Quattrocento were:

- Donatello who was an excellent sculptor. Some of his works are the statues of David, Saint

George and the equestrian statue of Gattamelata.

- Masaccio, Pierro della Francesca, Mantegna and Botticelli that were accomplished painters.

- Brunelleschi that was the best architect of this period, he constructed the dome of Santa

Maria del Fiore that is the Cathedral of Florence.

4.3. Artists of the Cinquecento Some artists of the Cinquecento were:

- Leonardo da Vinci, (1452 – 1519) who is considered the best example of a “Renaissance

Man” because he controlled many areas such as painting, architecture, sculpture,

engineering, invention, botany, geology, history, literature… He painted the Mona Lisa

among other famous paintings.

- Bramante (1444-1514), was a famous architect that worked in Rome. He constructed the

Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio and made a project for Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

- Michelangelo, (1475 – 1564) who was an accomplished sculptor, painter and architect. In all

these areas he made incredible master pieces. Some examples are the statue of David, the

Pietá, the Sistine Chapel or the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica.

- Palladio (1508 – 1580), architect who worked in Venice. Although he only worked in Venice

he managed to influence all Europe even till nowadays thanks to the brilliance and perfection

of his constructions.

- Raphael Sanzio (1483 – 1520), he is considered one of the best painters of all times. He

worked for the Popes and decorated the rooms in the Vatican Palace now known as the

Stanze di Rafaello. His works of art were appreciated because of their serenity and

perfection. Raphael was also an architect although his constructions are not very well known.

- Titian or Tiziano (1488 – 1576), excellent painter who lived in Venice. A master in the use of

colour, he will exercise a deep influence in painters of all times. He was the favourite painter

of the emperor Charles V.

4.4. Flemish painting At the same time in the region of Flanders another artistic experience is taking place. It is called

Flemish painting. This style appeared in the 15th century and lasted till the 16th centuries.

It is different from the Renaissance because they were more influenced by Gothic than by Classical




Some of the most important characteristics were realism and very precise details, the use of oil

painting3 (that allowed more accuracy) and the incredible representation of the different surfaces

and textures.

The usual topics were religious topics and portraits.

Some famous artists were Rogier van der Weyden, Jan van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch (El Bosco) and

Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

4.5. The spread of Renaissance Renaissance spread all over Europe and reached countries such as Spain, France, and Germany.

In France the castles copied the elegant style of the Renaissance.

In Germany the artist Albert Dürer (Durero) introduced the Renaissance style. Other important

painters were Hans Holbein and Lucas Cranach.

5. The Renaissance in Castile and Aragon

The Renaissance arrived to the Iberian Peninsula in the 16th century. At that time the most important

artistic style was Gothic and they coexisted for a long time.

5.1. Architecture The first examples of Renaissance consisted in just copying some decorative elements of the

Italian Renaissance, like classical columns, classical capitals, grotesques4, tondos (medallones),

round arches, balustrades, bossage (almohadillado), coffers (casetones), coats of arms…

This architectural style will be called Plateresque (Plateresco) because it was similar to the work

made by silversmiths (plateros). In this style we have a blend (mixture) of Mudéjar, Gothic and

Renaissance decorative elements.

5.2. Sculpture Spanish sculpture represented mainly religious topics. This happened because the main client

was the Church, and they only ordered religious works of art.

The most important sculptors were Alonso Berruguete and Juan de Juni. Both studied in Italy

and were influenced by Michelangelo.

5.3. Painting In the Spanish painting religious topics were usually represented. Some important painters were

Pedro Berruguete (father of Alonso Berruguete) that was one of the first painters that copied

some characteristics of the Renaissance style, but without losing the essence of Gothic; Juan de

Juanes and Luis de Morales.

3 Oil painting in Spanish is called “pintura al óleo”.

4 The grotesques were decorative elements that were used in Roman Caves (grutas), that later were considered

part of the Palace of the Roman emperor Nero also called “Domus Áurea”. In Spanish they are called grutescos.



Unit 1 – Activities - Modern Times.

1. A Short Introduction

1) In what centuries does Modern Times take place?

2) What is the most important event that marks the beginning of Modern Times?

3) What are the characteristics of Modern Times?






4) Math correctly the following concepts:

16th century - Enlightenment

17th century - Renaissance

18th century - Baroque

2. Humanism 5) What is Humanism?

6) What are the characteristics of Humanism?







7) After reading the characteristics of all the humanist philosophers that are mentioned in the

text which one do you prefer? Explain why.

8) Choose one humanist and research a little bit about him (or her) and explain to the class

what you have learned.

9) In this activity you are going to read some ideas and you will have to tell to what area they

correspond. There are two ideas for each area.

Here are the areas: Defence of the Amerindians (Francisco de Vitoria), International Law, Natural Law and Economy.

I. Neither the Pope, nor Charles V have a rightful claim over Indian lives or property.


II. The entrance of silver and gold without control caused rise of prices (inflation) and

affected the poorest social groups. _____________________________________

III. The common good of the world is of a category superior to the good of each state.


IV. The relation between states should be justified by law and justice, and not justified

by force. _______________________________

V. The people are the vehicle of divine sovereignty, which they, in turn, pass it to a

prince. ___________________

VI. There were limits on the legitimate powers of the government.


VII. Private property and competitiveness are positive for the development of trade.




VIII. No violent action could be taken against the Indians, nor could their lands or

property be seized. _______________________________

2.1. The Printing Press

10) Fill the gaps with the correct word.

Words for the gaps: Mainz, invention, movable types, goldsmith5.

a) The printing press was an _________________ created by Gutenberg in 1450.

Gutenberg worked as a ___________________ in the city of ________________. He

didn’t really invent the system of printing, but he improved it with the creation of

_________________________ that gave to the printing press a tremendous

efficiency. He also created a special ink and the printing press itself. All these

innovations conferred to the printing press a great potential and the capacity of

printing thousands of copies in no time.

11) Here you have ideas and characteristics that you have to place in the correct place (write

only the numbers) :

Pre-Gutenberg society:

Post-Gutenberg society:

1) Critical thinking

2) Illiterate

3) Schools

4) Gutenberg Bible

5) Oral culture

6) Nationalism

7) Common people had access to


8) Few books and most in Latin

9) Priests would announce news at the


10) Contradictions among texts

11) Schools

12) Large number of books

13) Feudal society

14) Spread of Humanism and scientific ideas

15) No schools, except for elites

16) People could be informed more easily

17) Questioning of authority

18) Modern society

19) Information controlled by Church and


20) Creation of grammars and consolidation

of national languages.

21) Literacy (ability to read and write)

5 Goldsmith: joyero



3. The Reformation and the Counter-Reformation

3.1. Origin, causes and consequences of the Reformation

12) Why Martin Luther was not happy with the Catholic Church?

13) Math the following religions with the corresponding territory where they were practiced.








Low Countries


Some German States



14) Locate in the correct place inside the map or with arrows the following religions:

Lutherans, Catholics, Calvinists, Puritans, Huguenots, Anglicans.



15) Fill the gaps with the correct word.

Words for filling the gaps: Scotland, Calvino, France, Henry VIII, Switzerland, Anglicanism,


a) Calvinism was a protestant religion founded by ____________ in

______________. Other religions evolved from Calvinism that is the case of the

Puritans that was followed in _______________ and the Huguenots that lived in


b) The Lutherans expanded to ______________ that is formed by (Denmark,

Norway, Sweden and Finland).

c) At the same time in England _______________ put into practice his own

protestant religion that is called __________________. In this religion the leader

of the Church is the king and not the Pope.

3.2. The Catholic Counter-Reformation 16) Put these characteristics in the correct column.

(Write all the information and with good handwriting, it may be helpful for studying).

Obedience to the Pope. // - Negation of the figure of the Pope.

Clergy can get married. // - Celibacy6 among clergy.

Seven Sacraments (baptism, Eucharist, confession, confirmation, marriage, ordination,

anointing of the sick). // - Only two sacraments.

Any person can interpret the Bible. // - Only the clergy can interpret the Bible.

The Virgin and the Saints can be worshipped. // - Negation of the sanctity of the Virgin

and the Saints.

Salvation only through faith. // - Salvation through faith and good acts.

Austere religion ceremonies. // - Lavish7 religious ceremonies

Churches with altars and profusion of images. // - Churches without altars and


6 Celibacy: celibato. Abstention from marriage. 7 Lavish: opulent, rich, generous.



Protestantism Catholic Church

4. The Renaissance and Flemish painting

17) Say if the following statements about Renaissance are True or False and write the correct

information if they are wrong.

Renaissance was inspired by Gothic art. ______


They used the classical orders that are Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. ______


They used hierarchical perspective. ________


Importance of God that is the model that must be copied. _________






18) Place the following terms in the correct column. If the term can be in more than one

column repeat the term as many times as you need.

Quattrocento Cinquecento

19) Place the following terms in the correct column. If the term can be in more than one

column repeat the term as many times as you need.

Architecture Painting Sculpture

20) Fill the gap with the correct information:

Donatello was an sculptor, some of his works of art are



“The Birth of Venus” was painted by _____________________.

Masaccio, Pierro della Francesca, Mantegna and Botticelli were


Bruenelleschi was an _____________________ and he constructed the


Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the ____________________________ that is

located in the Vatican.

Leonardo da Vinci was called a ___________________________ because he

controlled many areas of knowledge.

Donatello, Leonardo de Vinci, Titian, Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Pierro della

Francesca, Raphael Sanzio, Bramante, Masaccio, Mantegna, Palladio.

Donatello, Leonardo de Vinci, Titian, Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Pierro della

Francesca, Raphael Sanzio, Bramante, Masaccio, Mantegna, Palladio.



One of the most famous works of art of Leonardo is


Bramante was and ______________________ that worked in ___________. His

famous Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio was paid by the Catholic Monarchs.

Palladio was an ______________________ that worked in ________________. He

created very elegant and stylish palaces.

Raphael worked for the Popes of Rome and decorated the


Titian was an excellent painter that worked in _______________, he was very

appreciated by ________________________________________.

21) Write down the characteristics of Flemish painting:

Influenced by __________________________________________




Topics: _____________________________________________________




Unit 2 - Modern States - The Catholic

Monarchs and the Geographical Discoveries.

1. A Short Introduction

During Modern Times we observe how Modern States are being created. This Modern State has

specific characteristics that we will study that we will study in this unit. One example of these

Modern States is the kingdom of the Catholic Monarchs.

The Geographical Discoveries are also important because they mark the entrance in Modern Times as

it implied a deeper knowledge of the world and a change in mentality that was the end of a

superstitious and medieval mentality and the beginning of a practical and more modern concept of

the world.

During the kingdom of the Catholic Monarchs the discovery of America will take place; it will imply

the contact with unknown civilizations and an intercultural exchange.

2. The creation of Modern States

2.1. Characteristics of Modern States In the 15th century Modern States were created all over Europe. They have some similar

characteristics that make them different from Middle Ages.

They organised centralised administrations with civil servants that worked for the kings.

They created professional and modern armies that were loyal to the kings.

They controlled the power of Nobility.

They limited the power of representative assemblies (Parliaments or Cortes).

They increased taxes in order to pay a modern army and central administration.

They promoted a territorial unification, with marriages or military campaigns.

They imposed a religious unification, with the creation of the Inquisition, repressive laws and


They created a diplomatic service where ambassadors could defend the interests of the

Crown in foreign territories.

2.2. Some European Modern States During the 15th centuries European monarchs managed to create Modern States all over Europe.

Here you have some examples:

France. Kings managed to consolidate their power and unify their territory.

Spain. With the kingdom of the Catholic Monarch the Modern State will be established in

Castile and Aragon.



Portugal. Also in Portugal the monarchy will manage to impose its authority. They will be

able to start the geographical explorations and discover a new route to Africa and Asia.

England. The Tudor dynasty will reinforce its royal power.

Russia. The Tsars (emperors) will be able to increase their power, control the nobility and

conquer new territories.

3. The Catholic Monarchs

3.1. The Unification of Castile and Aragon. Isabella and Ferdinand married in 1469. When they were married they were not monarchs yet.

After many conflicts, confrontations and a civil war their rule began in 1474 and 1479 respectively.

Thanks to this marriage the Crowns of Castile and Aragon were united although not unified because

each crown maintained its own frontiers, laws, institutions and independence (in internal affairs).

However both kingdoms shared a common foreign policy.

It was a dynastic union, not a territorial union and that means that every kingdom kept its laws,

institutions, borders and independence.

3.2. Creation of a Modern State. Once their rule began they started a process of modernisation and reinforcement of their power and

authority. It included territorial unification, religious unification and creation of new institutions.

a) New Institutions

The creation of these new institutions had the only intention of creating a powerful and

centralised administration that could reinforce the power of the kings.

The Holy Brotherhood (Santa Hermandad) that was a security force that imposed order in

the rural areas.

Permanent and professional army.

Courts of Justice (chancillerías), that will apply royal laws.

Corregidores that were institutional representatives of the kings in the cities.

Royal Councils (Consejos) that helped the kings to govern.

They reorganised the Royal Treasury (Hacienda Real) in order to increase their incomes.

b) Territorial expansion and unification

The Catholic Monarch will conquer new territories inside and outside the Iberian Peninsula in

order to increase their power.

Granada was conquered in 1492 and annexed to the Crown of Castile. Granada was the last

Muslim territory and this conquest will mean the end of the Reconquest.

In North Africa they conquered Melilla, Oran and Bougie. (1497, 1509 and 1510




They conquered the Canary Islands (1496).

They incorporated the kingdom of Naples in 1504 and annexed it to the Crown of Aragon.

They conquered the kingdom of Navarre in 1512 and annexed it to the Crown of Castile.

They also organised a brilliant marriage policy that established alliances with other European


c) Religious unification.

Although in the Iberian Peninsula existed three different religions practiced since medieval times

the Catholic monarchs imposed a religious unification.

In this way they created the Spanish Inquisition in 1478; in 1492 they expelled the Jews if they

didn’t convert to Christianity and in 1502 the expelled the Muslims that didn’t convert to


4. The Geographical Discoveries

4.1. Why did the discoveries start? Due to the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 the traditional Silk Road that

connected Asia with Europe was controlled now by the Turks.

The Silk Road was a

trading route that

connected Asia with

Europe. Traders

brought silk, species

and other products



The Europeans will start looking for other routes that could connect Europe and Asia without

crossing the territories controlled by the Ottoman Empire; these routes will be mainly maritime


Some innovations were essential for the start of the maritime voyages:

The improvement of portolan charts8 that are navigational maps.

The changes in the caravel that made this ship a perfect option for sailing long


The spread of navigational tools such as the astrolabe (Greek and Arab origin), the

quadrant, the compass (Chinese origin) and the rudder9.

There were two main kingdoms that concentrated the process of discoveries, Portugal that will

follow the African route and Castile that will follow the Atlantic and American route.

4.2. The Portuguese routes. The Portuguese will sail across the Atlantic Ocean along the African Coast with the intention of

reaching India.

There are two phases:

a) The African phase. In this period they will sail all along the western African coast. The first

steps will be Madeira and Azores, later they will arrive to the Gulf of Guinea and finally

Bartolomé Dias will discover the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

After the discovery of the Cape of Good

Hope the Portuguese will enter into the

Indian Ocean and will be closer to their final


b) The Indian phase. Vasco da Gama will

arrive to India in 1498, to the port of

Calicut. In this way the route to India was

discovered and controlled by Portugal.

8 In Spanish they are called Cartas Portulanas. 9 Rudder: tool or gadget for steering a ship. (Timón).



From now on Portugal will exploit as a monopoly the trade of silk and spices in Europe.

Portugal will create an extensive maritime empire that will include Brazil in 1500 after being

discovered by Pedro Álvares Cabral.

4.3. The Castilian route.

a) Columbus’s Project

The Castilian route was based on Columbus’s project. He wanted to reach the Spice Island sailing

westwards through the Atlantic Ocean. In his project Columbus affirmed that the Earth was round

and smaller. In addition he didn’t know that there was a continent on his way to Asia that later will

be called America.

Columbus presented his project to the King of Portugal, but he rejected it as Portugal had already

discovered the route to Asia through the Indian Ocean.

After this rejection he presented his project to the Catholic Monarchs and Queen Isabella accepted

to finance his expedition and signed the Capitulations of Santa Fe in 1492.

b) Columbus’s Expeditions

The first expedition of Columbus departed from the port of Palos de la Frontera (province of

Huelva) on 3rd August 1492. The expedition was formed by the three famous sailing ships the

Pinta, the Niña (both caravels) and the Santa Maria (a nao).

On the 12th October 1492 Columbus arrived to an island in the Bahamas that he will call San

Salvador. In this travel they explored the nearby islands and Cuba and Haiti.

Columbus thought that he had arrived to the coasts of Cipan-guo (Japan).

Columbus made three more expeditions and he explored and discovered the islands of the

Caribbean Sea and the coasts of Central and South America.

When Columbus died he still was convinced that he had reached the coasts of Asia. In the end

Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator, will prove that the discovered lands were in reality a new

continent. Because of this the new continent will be named America.

c) Consequences: rivalry between Castile and Portugal.

Castile and Portugal will try to control and monopolise the discovered territories and sailing

routes. This will cause tensions and problems between both crowns.

In order to avoid problems they signed an international treaty called the Treaty of Tordesillas

(1494) in which the Pope mediated between both crowns.

This treaty divided the Earth in two areas of influence. The line that separated these two areas

was a meridian that was 2000 kilometres west of Cape Verde Islands. All the territories at the

West of that line will belong to Castile (America and the Philippines) and all the territories at the

East of that line will belong to Portugal (Africa, India and Brazil).



4.4. The Great Explorers and Navigators Apart from the already mentioned Bartolomé Dias, Vasco da Gama and Columbus there were other

explorers and navigators whose discoveries were so important that they will change for ever the

vision and perception of the world.

Here you have some of them:

Amerigo Vespucci. He was an Italian trader and cosmographer that established and worked

in Castile. He was the first person that affirmed that the new discovered territories were in

fact a new continent (1503). Because of this the new continent was named America in his


Vasco Núñez de Balboa. In 1513 he crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered a new

ocean, the Pacific Ocean. In this way it was confirmed that America was a new continent.

Juan Ponce de León led the first expedition to La Florida in 1513.

Ferdinand Magellan and Sebastian Elcano. They circumnavigated the Earth for the first time.

The expedition departed from Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Seville in 1519 commanded by

Magellan. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean till they arrived at South America. There they

discovered the Strait of Magellan and continued through the Pacific Ocean. Then they

reached the Mariana Islands and the Philippines (they were the first Europeans that visited

those islands). Magellan died in the Philippines and Sebastian Elcano took control of the

expedition and continued the voyage arriving to Seville on 1522.

o The expedition lasted three years and only one ship and 18 seamen finished the

voyage (5 ships and 234 seamen had departed from Seville).

o The importance of this expedition is undeniable as it was the first voyage around the

world, it demonstrated that the Earth was round; they calculated the diameter of the

Earth and discovered new territories for the Crown of Castile.



Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, who during 1520-1540 explored Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,

Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Northern part of Mexico and the gulf of California.

These territories will be annexed to the possessions of Charles I.

Other explorers were Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, Hernando de Soto, Alonso Álvarez de

Pineda, Juan de Oñate, Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón, Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo and Estebanico

(among others).

5. The Pre-Columbian Cultures

The discovery of America will also mean the discovery of new cultures and advanced civilisations.

These civilisations were the Mayas, the Aztecs and the Incas.

a. The Mayas The Mayas lived in Central America. This

civilisation was in decline when the

Spaniards arrived. They were divided in

independent city-states, their main

economic activity was agriculture, but they

were also excellent traders. They were

polytheists, they also had advanced

knowledge of astronomy (they made

calendars) and developed writing.

Their typical constructions were palaces and

temples; the temples are beautiful stepped

pyramids that were used for sacrifices and

also for astronomical observations.

b. The Aztecs The Aztecs lived in the valley of Mexico

where they created a great empire. The

emperor had absolute political and religious power. They were a culture of warriors and conquerors.

Their society was very hierarchical and was divided in different groups (warriors, priests, merchants,

craftsmen, peasants and slaves).

The most important economic activity was agriculture and they developed very advanced agricultural

methods (they could have seven crops per year).

They built cities, palaces and temples in the form of stepped pyramids. The capital city of its empire

was Tenochtitlan. They also had astronomical knowledge (they created an advanced calendar) and

they had their own writing system.

They believed in many gods and made human sacrifices.



c. The Incas They lived in the high plateaus of the Andes; their territories correspond to nowadays Peru, Bolivia,

Ecuador, part of Argentina and part of Chile.

The emperor was the Inca, who was believed to be the son of the Sun.

The society was organised in different social groups (nobles, peasants, craftsmen and slaves).

They were also polytheists.

They built temples, palaces, fortresses (like Machu Pichu) and a very advanced network of roads.

d. Transformations and exchanges The new territories will be considered property of the Crown of Castile that will organise its

exploitation in order to obtain benefits.

The form of exploitation will be called “encomienda”, thanks to which the colonisers received land

and indigenous people. In exchange for working the land the local people will receive instruction in

the Christian faith, instruction in the Spanish language, protection, food and shelter.

Of great importance was an interesting process of mixing ethnic groups called “mestizaje”. It created

a system of classification depending on the origin of your ancestors.

An important contribution was the exchange of products, crops and techniques between the two


In this way America will provide new products such as tomatoes, potatoes, maize, cocoa,


While Europe will provide horses, cattle, hens, wheat, plough….



Unit 2 – Activities –

Modern States, the Catholic Monarchs and

Geographical Discoveries

2. The Creation of Modern States

1. Characteristics of Modern States 22) Say if the following characteristics of the Modern States are Right or Wrong. If they

are wrong correct them.

A civil servant is a person that works only for the king and represents the interests of the

monarchy. _____ _____________________________________

The meaning of civil servant in Spanish is: fuerzas del orden. ____ ___________________.

An example of Modern Army is “Los Tercios”. _____ _______________________.

“Los Tercios” were created by the emperor Carlos V, but their origin goes back to the Conquest of

Granada during the kingdom of the Catholic Monarchs. _____ ____________.

The Nobility and the Monarchy worked together in the consolidation of the Modern State. ______


The Nobility confronted the Monarchy because they preferred a weak monarchy. ________


In Modern Times the Kings managed to limit and control the power of the Nobility. ______


The Monarchs used the incomes from taxes in order to create a Modern Welfare State. _____


In Modern Times religious minorities were tolerated. ______ _______________________.

A Diplomat is a person that represents the interests of the Crown inside the same country.

_______ _____________________________.

2. Some European Modern States

23) Say if the following characteristics of the Modern States are Right or Wrong. If they

are wrong correct them.

All the kings of the Modern States mentioned in the unit suffered a weakening of their authority.

______ ____________________________.

Most of the kingdoms were divided and lost territories. ________




Portugal started a period of maritime expansion. ______ ___________________________.

In Spain the Crowns of Castile and Aragon will be united thanks to the marriage of Isabel and

Fernando, known as the Catholic Monarchs. _______ _____________________________.

A Tsar is like a king but with less power. ______ __________________________________.

In England the Tudor dynasty will be substituted by the Lancaster dynasty. _____ ________.

In France Kings will suffer a weakening of their power. _____ _________________________.

In Russia the Nobles will control the Tsars. _____ ___________________________________.

24) Match correctly:


a) Henry VIII of the Tudor dynasty

-Spain b) Charles VII and Francis I of the Valois dynasty


c) The Tsars Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible of

the Rurik dynasty

-England d) Catholic Monarchs of the Trastámara Dynasty

-Russia e) John II of the House of Avis

3. The Catholic Monarchs

3.1. The Unification of Castile and Aragon 25) Fill the gaps with the correct information.

Isabella and ________________ married in 1469. At that time they were not still _____________.

The kingdom of Isabella started in __________ and the kingdom of Fernando started in _______.

Isabella and Fernando were members of the same dynasty that is the House of ______________.

Their marriage implied a ________________ union, but not a ___________________ union. This means

that both kingdoms kept their __________________, __________________, ________________ and


However they shared a common ________________ _______________.

3.2. The Creation of a Modern State 26) Write down the six new institutions created by the Catholic Monarchs in order to

develop a Modern State:









27) After the definition of each institution write the corresponding name:

- This institution was reorganised in order to increase incomes:

- They were people that represented the interests of the kings in the cities:

- It was a security force that imposed order in rural areas:

- They were a military force that worked only for the monarchy:

- They were institutions that helped the king to govern:

- Here the royal laws were applied:

28) In the following map locate, draw and colour the territories conquered by the Catholic

Monarchs and the corresponding dates.



29) Read the story of Isabella.

After reading the story fill the gaps of the family tree and answer

the questions.

The unexpected Queen

Isabel was the daughter of Juan II and Isabel of Portugal (in his second marriage), the sister of Alfonso, and the half-sister of the king Enrique IV.

The king Enrique IV was married to Juana of Portugal and they had had a daughter called Doña Juana that would be the heir of the Crown of Castile.

During the kingdom of Enrique IV part of the Nobility confronted the king and proclaimed that Doña Juana was not the rightful heir because she was the daughter of the queen and don Beltrán de la Cueva, who was the favourite10 of the king.

The Nobility that was against the king chose Alfonso (brother as Isabella) as the rightful candidate to the crown, but he died in 1468 in strange circumstances.

The Nobility decided then to support Isabel as the best successor of Enrique IV. After many conflicts and discussions Enrique IV recognised Isabel as the princess of Castile instead of his own daughter Doña Juana. This decision was written in the Treaty of the Bulls of Guisando11.

After the death of Enrique IV some nobles supported Doña Juana and some nobles supported Isabel and a War of Succession started (1475-1479).

Finally the conflict was won by the supporters of Isabel and she will reign in Castile till his death in 1504.

30) Fill the gaps of this family tree

31) Answer to the following questions:

10 Favourite: is a personal counsellor of the King. The Spanish name is valido.

11 Tratado de los Toros de Guisando.

Juan II de Castilla Isabel de Portugal María de Aragón

First Marriage Second Marriage

Isabel _____________ Enrique IV Dª Juana de





a. When did Alfonso, the half-brother of Enrique IV, die? ___________________

b. Why were Isabel and Alfonso half-sister and half-brother of Enrique IV?




c. With what Treaty did Enrique recognised Isabel as the heir of the Crown of Castile?


d. Why do you think that Doña Juana was called “La Beltraneja?



e. Who did the nobility support first, Alfonso or Isabel?______________________

f. What happened when Enrique IV died? _____________________________________



g. When did Isabel die? _______________________

4. The Geographical Discoveries

4.1. Why did the discoveries start? 32) Read the text and change the words that are wrong by right words (write the correct

answer above the wrong one).

The Seleucid Turks conquered Constantinople in 1492. Because of this the Silk

Road was controlled by them. Thanks to the Silk Road wool, amber and other

products came from Asia.

33) What innovations were essential for the beginning of the maritime explorations?




4.2. The Portuguese routes 34) Answer correctly to these questions:

In the African phase they will sail along the ______________________.

The first steps will be ________________________________

Later they will arrive to the _____________________________

And _________________________ will discover __________________________



In _____________________

In the Indian phase Vasco de Gama will arrive to ____________ in ____________, to the

port of ______________________

4.3. The Castilian route 35) Say if the following sentences are Right or Wrong

Columbus knew that between Europe and Asia there was a continent. _______

The best friend of Columbus was Amerigo Vespucci and he called the new continent

America in his honour. ______________

Columbus only presented his project to the Catholic monarchs ___________

Nobody knew that the Earth was round and that was the great discovery of

Columbus ____________

Columbus was from the city of Valencia ____________

The Queen Isabella didn’t accept to finance the expedition of Columbus. _____

Columbus thought that he had arrived to Japan (Cipan-go). ________

Columbus made five expeditions in total. ___________

With the Treaty of Tordesillas the discovered territories will be divided between

Castile, Portugal, England and France. _____________

With the Treaty of Tordesillas the discovered territories will be divided between

Castile and Portugal. _____________

Castile will control America, The Philippines and Brazil. _______________

Portugal will control Brazil, Africa and India. __________________

4.4. The Great Explorers and Navigators. 36) Write down the name of the corresponding explorer:

a) In 1513 he crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered a new ocean, the Pacific

Ocean. In this way it was confirmed that America was a new continent.


b) They circumnavigated the Earth for the first time (1519 – 1522).


c) He was the first person that affirmed that the new discovered territories were in fact a

new continent (1503). ___________________________

d) He led the first expedition to La Florida in 1513. _________________________



5. The Pre-Columbian Cultures

37) Match correctly.

Mayas Valley of Mexico

Aztecs High Plateaus of the Andes

Incas Central America

38) Tell me what civilization corresponds to the characteristic that is mentioned.

(Sometimes you may have to write two or three cultures).

They were polytheists. ____________________

The emperor was the most important person. _____________________

They had advanced knowledge of astronomy. ______________________

They had an advanced calendar. _____________________________

They were in decline when the Spaniards arrived. ____________________

They built a very impressive network of roads. ________________________

They had their own writing system. _____________________________

39) Fill the column with the products that America and Europe will provide to each other.

America will provide Europe will provide

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