el paso county, texas - orden numero 8 del juez ... no. 8 final con...orden numero 8 del juez del...

Post on 01-Oct-2020






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FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN: 29 de Abril, 2020

POR CUANTO, en diciembre del 2019, se identificó un nuevo coronavirus ahora

designado SARS-CoV-2 que causa la enfermedad COVID-19; y

POR CUANTO, los síntomas de COVID-19 incluyen fiebre, tos y dificultad para respirar,

y pueden variar desde muy leves (incluyendo algunos sin síntomas re portados) hasta severos,

incluyendo enfermedades que resultan en la muerte

CONSIDERANDO que el 11 de Marzo del 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud

caracterizó a COVID-19 como una pandemia, y

CONSIDERANDO que el 13 de Marzo del 2020, el Gobernador de Texas declaró un

estado de desastre, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América declaró una emergencia

nacional, y que el Juez del Condado de El Paso emitió una Declaración de Desastre Local por

Emergencia de Salud Pública de conformidad con la Sección 418.108 del Código del Gobierno de

Texas; y

POR CUANTO la Autoridad del Departamento de Salud Pública de la Ciudad de El Paso

ha emitido varias Órdenes de Prevención contra el COVID-19 en un esfuerzo por mitigar y frenar

la propagación de la enfermedad en el Condado de El Paso; y

POR CUANTO, el 19 de Marzo del 2020, la Corte de Comisionados del Condado de El

Paso emitió una Orden de Emergencia del Condado de El Paso, Texas, extendiendo una

Declaración de Desastre Por Motivo de una Emergencia de Salud Pública vigente hasta que sea

cancelada por la Corte de Comisionados del Condado de El Paso, y

POR CUANTO la Orden de Emergencia del Condado autoriza al Director de Manejo de

Emergencias o su designado a actualizar, restringir y promulgar las regulaciones necesarias para

cumplir con las directrices de las autoridades federales, estatales y locales en relación con COVID-

19; y

POR CUANTO, de conformidad con el Código de Gobierno de Texas §418.1015 (a), el

Juez del Condado actúa como el Director de la Oficina de Manejo de Emergencias para el Condado

de El Paso (el "Condado"); y

POR CUANTO el Código del Gobierno de Texas, Capítulo 418 autoriza al Director de

Manejo de Emergencias a emitir las órdenes que sean necesarias para la protección de la vida y la

propiedad en el Condado; y

POR CUANTO el 24 de Marzo del 2020, el Juez del Condado emitió la Orden de

Emergencia Local No. 7, más comúnmente conocida como la Orden "Trabaje Seguro, Quédese en

Casa"; y

CONSIDERANDO que el 28 de Marzo del 2020, el Director de la Agencia de Ciber-

seguridad y de Seguridad de Infraestructura emitió el Memorando sobre Identificación de

Trabajadores de Infraestructura Críticos Esenciales durante la el Combate al COVID-19, que

establece que los gobiernos locales son responsables de implementar y ejecutar actividades de

respuesta y que los funcionarios deben usar sus juicio propio en la emisión de directivas de

implementación y orientación; y

CONSIDERANDO que el 31 de Marzo del 2020, el Gobernador del Estado de Texas emitió

la Orden Ejecutiva No. GA-14 (“GA-14”) que implementa los Protocolos de Servicios y

Actividades Esenciales para todo el Estado de Texas; y adoptando expresamente la “Orientación

Sobre la Fuerza Laboral de Infraestructura Critica Esencial, Versión 2.0” del Departamento de

Seguridad Nacional de los EE. UU. emitida el 28 de marzo del 2020 y que proporciona una lista

de sectores de infraestructura crítica, trabajadores y funciones que podrían continuar como

"servicios esenciales" durante la respuesta COVID-19; y

CONSIDERANDO que, el 1 de Abril del 2020, el Juez del Condado emitió la Primera

Enmienda a la Orden Núm. 7 para fortalecer las restricciones ya vigentes en su orden "Trabaje

Seguro, Quédese en Casa"; y

POR CUANTO, el 10 de Abril del 2020, el gobernador Abbott destacó a El Paso y declaró

que El Paso está viendo un "tipo completamente diferente" de tendencia en comparación con otras

partes del Estado cuando se trata de COVID-19, señalando que, "Claramente, El Paso todavía está

en una tendencia alcista en este momento”; y

CONSIDERANDO que, el 15 de Abril del 2020, la Autoridad de la Salud Publica Local

emitió una severa advertencia de que el número de personas infectadas en el Condado de El Paso

continuará aumentando si la comunidad no se queda en casa, practica el distanciamiento social y

usa los cubre-bocas recomendados en público; y

POR CUANTO, el 16 de Abril de 2020, el Gobernador del Estado de Texas emitió las

Órdenes Ejecutivas Número 15, 16 y 17 ("GA-15, 16 y 17, respectivamente), que reemplazaron a

GA-14 y que se esfuerzan por gradualmente re-abrir la economía de Texas con la ayuda y

orientación de las autoridades de salud y los líderes de negocios; y

POR CUANTO, GA-16 desbanca cualquier orden conflictiva emitida por funcionarios

locales en respuesta al desastre de COVID-19, pero sólo en la medida en que dicha orden local

restrinja la venta de “Artículos para Llevar” permitida por GA-16 o que permita reuniones

prohibidas por la orden GA-16; y

POR CUANTO, GA-16 suspende las Secciones 418.1015 (b) y 418.108 del Código de

Gobierno de Texas, Capítulo 81, Subcapítulo E del Código de Salud y Seguridad de Texas, y

cualquier otra ley relevante, en la medida necesaria para garantizar que los funcionarios locales no

impongan restricciones inconsistentes con GA-16, siempre que los funcionarios locales puedan

hacer cumplir GA-16, así como otras restricciones locales que sean consistentes con GA-16; y

POR CUANTO, la Sección 418.1015 (b) del Código del Gobierno de Texas autoriza al

Director de Manejo de Emergencias a actuar como el Agente Designado del Gobernador en la

administración y supervisión de funciones bajo el Capítulo 418 del Código del Gobierno de Texas

y a ejercer los poderes otorgados al Gobernador de manera apropiada en la escala local; y

POR CUANTO, el Condado de El Paso tiene una ubicación única en la frontera con los

estados de Nuevo México y Chihuahua, México, que continúan experimentando un aumento en su

número de casos positivos y muertes relacionadas con COVID-19; y

CONSIDERANDO que, a partir del 28 de Abril del 2020, el Condado de El Paso tiene 857

casos confirmados de COVID-19 y 14 muertes confirmadas; y

CONSIDERANDO que, el 23 de Abril del 2020, se emitió la 2da. Enmienda a la Orden del

Juez del Condado para delinear los requisitos de cobertura y establecer pautas para el programa

“Artículos para Llevar;” y

CONSIDERANDO que, el 27 de Abril del 2020, el Gobernador Abbott emitió la Orden

Ejecutiva Número 18 ("GA-18") relacionada con la reapertura ampliada de servicios; y

POR CUANTO, el Gobernador Abbott declaró que GA-18 reemplaza a GA-16; y

POR CUANTO, el Juez del Condado ahora desea emitir la Orden Núm. 8 para alinearse con

la orden del Gobernador y dicha orden deberá leer lo siguiente:




SECCIÓN 1. Minimice el Contacto Inter-Personal. A partir del Viernes 1ero de Mayo del 2020,

a las 12:01 a.m. MDT y de conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva GA-18 del Gobernador, toda

persona en Texas deberá, excepto cuando sea necesario, proporcionar u obtener servicios

esenciales o servicios de negocios re-abiertos, minimizar las reuniones sociales y minimizar el

contacto inter-personal con personas que no vivan en el mismo hogar. Consulte el Anexo A,

“Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud Para Todas las Personas.” Sin embargo, se

recomienda a las personas mayores de 65 años que se queden en casa tanto como sea posible;

mantener una distancia adecuada de cualquier miembro del hogar que haya estado fuera de la

residencia en los 14 días anteriores; y si sale de casa, implementar el distanciamiento social y

practicar una buena higiene, limpieza del medio ambiente y desinfectar. Ver Anexo B,

“Orientación Especial para Tejanos Mayores de 65 Años”

a. Requisitos de distanciamiento social. En la medida en que las personas utilicen espacios

compartidos o al aire libre, deberán, en la mayor medida posible, mantener una distancia de al

menos seis pies de cualquier persona que no viva en el mismo hogar, de conformidad con los

requisitos de distancia social definidos en esta sección. Para los propósitos de esta orden, los

requisitos de distancia social incluyen mantener al menos seis pies de distancia de otras

personas, lavarse las manos con agua y jabón durante al menos veinte segundos con la mayor

frecuencia posible y/o usar desinfectante para manos con al menos 60% de alcohol,

cubriéndose al toser o estornudar (con la manga o el codo, no con las manos), limpiando

regularmente las superficies de alto contacto y sin saludar de mano.

b. Recomendaciones de Cubrirse la Cara: Debido a que una persona infectada puede transmitir

el virus COVID-19 a otras personas antes de mostrar cualquier síntoma, es necesario cubrir la

nariz y la boca de las personas para ayudar a retrasar la propagación del virus. Al salir de la

residencia, todas las personas mayores de 2 (dos) años deben usar algún tipo de cobertura sobre

la nariz y la boca, como un cubre-bocas casero, bufanda, bandana o pañuelo, excepto cuando:

i. Estén solos en un espacio individual separado, ya sea en interiores o exteriores,

ii. En presencia únicamente de otros miembros del mismo hogar o residencia, ya sea

dentro o fuera de la residencia,

iii. Cuando el hacerlo represente un mayor riesgo para la salud mental o física, la seguridad

o sea inseguro, o

iv. Cuando se realice una actividad al aire libre como se define en la Sección 5.a.iii. de

abajo. Vea Anexo C para más detalles sobre como cubrirse el rostro.

Los padres y tutores de niños mayores de 2 (dos) años serán responsables de cubrir

adecuadamente a los niños cuando estén fuera de su residencia.

Todas las personas que no residan en hogares de ancianos, asilos del estado, centros de

residencia con atención personalizada y centros de atención a largo plazo, deberán usar una

cubierta facial de tela según lo dispuesto en esta orden (Cubre-bocas). Consulte el Anexo B

para obtener más orientación sobre los revestimientos faciales.

Usar un tapa-bocas no es un sustituto para mantener el distanciamiento social de 6 pies y el

lavado de manos, ya que estos siguen siendo pasos importantes para frenar la propagación del


SECCIÓN 2. Actividades Restringidas.

a. Los hogares de ancianos, asilos del estado, centros de residencia con atención

personalizada y centros de atención a largo plazo deben minimizar el movimiento del

personal entre las instalaciones siempre que sea posible y prohibir que los visitantes no

esenciales accedan a sus instalaciones según lo determinado por el Reporte para Abrir

Texas del gobernador. Vea el Anexo D, “Recomendaciones para Instalaciones de


b. A continuación se describen las áreas y actividades al aire libre que están cerradas y, por

lo tanto, restringidas en todo el condado de El Paso: todos los parques, piscinas y áreas e

instalaciones recreativas, incluidas las canchas de tenis y de baloncesto del condado, las

rutas de senderismo y bicicleta, cualquier uso del área conocida como "Red Sands” ubicada

cerca del número 15698 de la calle Montana Avenue, el área cerca del Complejo de

Actividades Estudiantiles del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Socorro (“SAC”) ubicado

cerca del número 1300 de la calle Joe Battle Boulevard; todo lo que incluya el uso de

cualquier tipo de vehículo recreativo en cualquier área al aire libre enumerada en este

párrafo. Para mayor claridad, los parques del condado permanecerán cerrados, excepto para

utilizar los senderos designados para caminar construidos junto a calles, parques o dentro

de parques. Además, se permite el uso de todos los campos de golf públicos y privados y

canchas de tenis privadas, canchas de rebote del condado, la pesca y el kayak, siempre que

se sigan las pautas descritas en el Anexo E y el Anexo F.

Debido a limitaciones de personal, las condiciones climáticas y realización de proyectos

de construcción, el gobernador Abbott anunció que algunos parques estatales, incluidos el

Parque Estatal Franklin Mountains y el Parque Estatal Hueco Tanks y su sitio histórico

permanecerán cerrados hasta que se indique lo contrario.

c. Como se describe en la Orden Ejecutiva GA-18 del gobernador Abbott, las personas

pueden participar en deportes al aire libre, siempre que los deportes no incluyan el contacto

con otros participantes, y que no más de cuatro participantes practiquen el deporte en

cualquier momento. Tenga en cuenta que, bajo la orden ejecutiva GA-18, las personas

deben evitar las piscinas públicas. Ver Anexo F, “Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de

Salud para Participantes en Deportes al Aire Libre.”

d. Los bares, gimnasios, piscinas de clubes públicos y privados, lugares de diversión

interactivos como boliches y salas de video-juegos, establecimientos de masajes, estudios

de tatuajes, estudios de piercing o salones de cosmetología deberán permanecer

cerrados, excepto para llevar a cabo las operaciones básicas mínimas como se define

en esta Orden.

SECCIÓN 3. Viajes. Las personas que viajan en transporte público deben cumplir con los

requisitos de distancia social y deben cumplir con las disposiciones de Cobertura Facial tal como

se definen en esta orden. A pesar de todo esto, si alguien en un hogar ha dado positivo al COVID-

19, o está esperando los resultados de una prueba de COVID-19, se ordena que permanezca aislado

en su hogar. Los miembros de su hogar no pueden ir a trabajar, a la escuela, o a ningún evento

comunitario hasta que un profesional médico lo autorice, pero pueden buscar los servicios médicos

necesarios de doctores o centros de salud. Las personas sin hogar que han dado positivo por

COVID-19, o están esperando los resultados de una prueba COVID-19, deberán cumplir con la

orden de mantenerse aislados, de conformidad con las medidas de control ordenadas por la

Autoridad de Salud Pública de El Paso.

SECCIÓN 4. Re-Apertura de Negocios y “Artículos Para Llevar” (Retail To Go).

a. Reapertura de empresas. Los "servicios re-abiertos" consistirán en lo siguiente, mientras

no sean ya considerados "servicios esenciales."

1. Servicios minoristas que se pueden proporcionar cuando el cliente recoge la

mercancía, se entrega por correo o se entrega a domicilio.

2. A partir de las 12:01 a.m. del Viernes 1 de mayo del 2020, los siguientes giros de

negocios puede funcionar de la manera que se indica:

i. Ventas dentro de la tienda, para minoristas que operan con una ocupación

máxima del 25% de las personas permitidas dentro del establecimiento. Ver

Anexo G, “Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Minoristas y

sus Clientes.”

ii. Servicios de Restaurant dentro del Establecimiento. para restaurantes que

operan hasta en un 25 por ciento de la ocupación total permitida; siempre y

cuando: (a) Esto aplica solo a los restaurantes cuyas ventas de bebidas

alcohólicas representan menos del 51 por ciento de sus ventas brutas y, por

lo tanto, no están obligados a publicar el letrero del 51 por ciento requerido

por la ley de Texas según lo determinado por la Comisión de Bebidas

Alcohólicas de Texas y (b) los servicios de estacionamiento por valet están

prohibidos, excepto para vehículos los que tengan permisos o placas para

para personas con discapacidades. Ver Anexo H, “Protocolos de Estándares

Mínimos de Salud para Restaurantes y sus Clientes.”

iii. Cines que operan hasta en un 25 por ciento de la ocupación total permitida

para cualquier sala de cine individual en cualquier proyección. Ver Anexo

I, “Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Cines y Sus Clientes.”

iv. Centros comerciales que operan hasta en un 25 por ciento de la ocupación

total permitida en el centro comercial; siempre y cuando dentro de los

centros comerciales, las áreas de comidas, las áreas de juego, y las pantallas

con información interactiva permanezcan cerradas, hasta que se ordene o se

indique lo contrario.

v. Todos los museos públicos y bibliotecas públicas en todo el Condado de El

Paso permanecerán cerrados.

vi. Servicios proporcionados por cualquier persona que trabaje sola en una

oficina. Ver Anexo J para los “Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud

para Oficinas de Una Sola Persona.”

vii. Operaciones de Campos de Golf. Consulte el Anexo E para obtener

orientación sobre la operación de campos de golf.

viii. Operaciones del gobierno local, incluidas las actividades gubernamentales

municipales y del condado, relacionadas con la otorgación de permisos,

registro y archivado de documentos, según lo determine el gobierno local.

ix. Los servicios adicionales que puedan enumerarse mediante futuras órdenes

ejecutivas o proclamaciones del gobernador.

b. Venta de Artículos Para Llevar. En la medida de lo posible, se alienta a las empresas a

continuar con los servicios de “Artículos para Llevar” y a seguir los “Protocolos de

Estándares Mínimos de Salud” como se describe en el Anexo G.

SECCIÓN 5. Servicios Esenciales

1. Operaciones de salud. Para los fines de esta orden, las personas pueden abandonar su

residencia para trabajar u obtener servicios en cualquier “Operación de atención

médica”, incluidos los hospitales, centros de atención ambulatoria, oficinas de otros

profesionales de la salud, laboratorios médicos y de diagnóstico, otros servicios de

atención médica ambulatoria, medicina general y cirugía, hospitales, hospitales

especializados, investigación médica, servicios de laboratorio, centros de atención de

enfermería, centros residenciales para personas con discapacidad intelectual,

tratamiento de salud mental o abuso de sustancias, proveedores psiquiátricos y de abuso

de sustancias, servicios de rehabilitación vocacional, centros de vida asistida,

proveedores de hospicio, clínicas, dentistas, consultorios de terapia física y

ocupacional, farmacias, compañías de investigación, farmacéuticas y biotecnológicas,

otras instalaciones de atención médica, proveedores de atención médica, proveedores

de servicios de atención médica a domicilio, proveedores de salud mental y ventas

minoristas relacionadas o cualquier servicio de atención médica relacionado y / o

auxiliar. Las “Operaciones de atención médica” también incluyen atención veterinaria

y todos los servicios de atención médica brindados a los animales. Esta exención se

interpretará en términos generales para evitar cualquier impacto en la prestación de

servicios de salud, en términos generales. Las “Operaciones de atención médica” no

incluyen gimnasios para hacer ejercicio u otras instalaciones similares. Esta orden

no actuará para impedir la orden ejecutiva GA-19 del gobernador Abbott emitida el 27

de Abril del 2020 en relación con la capacidad hospitalaria durante la contingencia del

COVID-19. Se requiere que todos los operadores de servicios médicos: capaciten a los

empleados en limpieza y desinfección ambiental, higiene de manos y etiqueta

respiratoria, examinen a los empleados antes de ingresar al centro de trabajo para

detectar tos nueva o que empeora, insuficiencia respiratoria, dolor de garganta, pérdida

de sentido del gusto o el olfato, fiebre o una temperatura promedio de 100.0 grados

Fahrenheit o más; o ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona infectada con el

COVID-19. Ese empleado tiene que ser enviado a casa. También obliguen a que todos

los empleados se laven o desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar a las empresas;

asegurarse de que todos los empleados usen cubre bocas; y aseguren que los empleados

mantengan al menos 6 pies de separación entre sí.

2. Infraestructura Crítica.

i. Para los propósitos de esta Orden, las personas pueden abandonar su residencia

para proporcionar cualquier servicio o realizar cualquier trabajo necesario para

las operaciones y el mantenimiento de la "Infraestructura crítica", incluido,

entre otros, el personal de construcción de obras públicas y el personal que

figura en la versión 3.0 de la lista de “Trabajadores de Infraestructura Esencial

Critica de la Agencia de Ciber-Seguridad e Infraestructura (CISA) del

Departamento de Seguridad Nacional. Se requiere que las empresas y

operaciones de infraestructura crítica: capaciten a los empleados en limpieza y

desinfección ambiental, higiene de manos y etiqueta respiratoria, examinen a

los empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para detectar tos nueva o que

empeora; problemas para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del sentido del

gusto o del olfato; fiebre o una temperatura promedio de más de 100 grados

Fahrenheit o más; o ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona infectada con

el COVID-19. Mandar a casa a cualquier empleado que cumpla con los criterios

enumerados anteriormente; haga que todos los empleados se laven o

desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar al negocio; asegurarse de que todos los

empleados usen cubre bocas; y asegurar que los empleados mantengan una

separación de al menos 6 pies entre ellos.

ii. Lo siguiente también constituye una infraestructura crítica: operaciones

aeroportuarias, agua, alcantarillado, gas, electricidad, refinación de petróleo,

extracción de petróleo y gas, minería de carbón, minería de minerales metálicos,

minería y extracción de minerales no metálicos, carreteras y autopistas,

transporte público, recolección y eliminación de residuos sólidos, internet,

cable, sistemas inalámbricos y de telecomunicaciones (incluida la provisión de

infraestructura esencial global, nacional y local para servicios informáticos,

infraestructura comercial, comunicaciones y servicios basados en la web),

siempre que realicen esos servicios o que funcionen en cumplimiento de los

requisitos de distancia social definidos en esta sección, en la medida de lo

posible. Esto también incluye operadores de telecomunicaciones por cable,

operadores de telecomunicaciones inalámbricas (excepto satélites),

revendedores de telecomunicaciones (excepto los minoristas que venden

dispositivos en ubicaciones físicas -no están permitidos), telecomunicaciones

satelitales, distribución por cable y otros, otras compañías de

telecomunicaciones, procesamiento de datos, alojamiento y servicios

relacionados, y otros servicios de informática.

3. Actividades de construcción. Los siguientes tipos de actividades de construcción

están permitidos e incluyen, pero no se limitan a: construcción residencial y comercial,

construcción de edificios no residenciales, contratistas de ingeniería pesada y civil,

cimientos, estructura y exteriores de edificios, contratistas de equipos de construcción

y contratistas de acabado de edificios. . Esta orden no se interpretará para obstaculizar

la capacidad de las industrias identificadas en la “Guía Sobre la Fuerza Laboral de

Infraestructura Crítica Esencial, versión 3.0” de la Agencia de Seguridad Cibernética e

Infraestructura ("CISA") del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU., para

continuar su operación modificada apropiadamente para cumplir con las guías de fuerza

laboral y protección al consumidor del Centro para el Control de las Enfermedades, y

la lista de industrias identificadas en ese memorando se incorpora aquí como referencia.

Todos los trabajadores que realicen actividades de construcción deben de adoptar

o hacer cumplir lo siguiente en su lugar de trabajo:

a. Cumplir con los requisitos de distanciamiento social.

b. Asegurarse que todos los trabajadores utilicen tapa bocas en el trabajo

c. Instituir turnos escalonados;

d. Capacitar a los trabajadores sobre limpieza y desinfección ambiental, higiene de

manos y etiqueta respiratoria,

e. Proporcionar un (1) inodoro con descarga de agua por cada quince (15)

trabajadores en el sitio o un (1) inodoro portátil al aire libre por cada diez (10)

trabajadores en el sitio;

f. Proporcione estaciones de lavado de manos en el lugar y baños portátiles con jabón

de manos y / o desinfectante de manos con al menos 60% de alcohol;

g. Ordenar que los trabajadores se laven las manos por al menos veinte (20) segundos

en los siguientes casos:

1. Antes de que los trabajadores comiencen a trabajar;

2. Después de que los trabajadores se quiten los guantes;

3. Antes y después del uso de elementos compartidos, como herramientas o

dispositivos multiusuario;

4. Antes y después de cualquier comida o descanso en el baño; y

5. Después del turno de un trabajador o cuando termina la jornada laboral.

h. Proporcione descansos obligatorios de al menos quince (15) minutos por cada

cuatro (4) horas trabajadas para que los trabajadores puedan seguir las pautas de


i. No tome represalias contra un empleado que haya sido puesto en cuarentena, o se

le haya aconsejado que se ponga en cuarentena, debido a la posible exposición al


j. Verifique que el trabajador haya realizado una revisión de temperatura obligatoria

antes de que se vaya a casa. Si un trabajador tiene una fiebre de más de 100 grados

Fahrenheit, se le prohíbe ir a trabajar y debe permanecer en casa;

k. Limite el cruce de subcontratistas;

l. Prohibir reuniones durante las comidas o descansos;

m. Mantenga una distancia de 6 pies entre las personas en todo momento, a menos

que el trabajo que se realice requiera múltiples personas para la seguridad de los


n. No use un dispensador de agua fría común. Proporcione botellas de agua

individuales o indique a los trabajadores que traigan las suyas;

o. Permita que personal no esencial trabaje desde casa cuando sea posible; y

p. Designe un monitor de seguridad COVID-19 en cada sitio que tenga la autoridad

para hacer cumplir estas disposiciones.

q. Si es posible, proporcione la capacitación COVID-19 de OSHA a todos los


4. Servicios Religiosos. Para los propósitos de la Orden Ejecutiva GA-16, lo siguiente

se considera un "Servicio Esencial": "Servicios religiosos realizados en iglesias,

congregaciones y lugares de culto", y cualquier otro servicio aprobado por la

División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas. De conformidad con la Orden

Ejecutiva GA-16, si los servicios religiosos no pueden llevarse a cabo desde el

hogar o a través de servicios remotos, deben llevarse a cabo de acuerdo con las

Directrices Para Casas de Oración durante la Crisis del COVID-19.

Por la salud de la comunidad, el Condado insta a las congregaciones y líderes

religiosos a realizar todos los servicios de forma remota y cumplir con todas

las recomendaciones aplicables del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades,

que podrían incluir la cancelación de reuniones con propósitos espirituales de

cualquier número de personas durante el periodo de Riesgo Sustancial de

Transmisión Comunitaria como lo define el Centro para el Control de


SECCIÓN 6. Funciones esenciales del gobierno. Para los propósitos de esta Orden, todos los

empleados civiles de la Policía y el Sheriff, los oficiales de policía en funciones, los Oficiales de

Detención del Sheriff o el Departamento de Bomberos y el personal de Servicios Médicos de

Emergencia ("Ambulancias"), conductores de ambulancias, personal de manejo de emergencias,

personas autorizadas por el Director de Manejo de Emergencias para ayudar a garantizar la salud,

la seguridad o el bienestar del público; operadores de despacho de emergencia (911),

comunicadores y gerentes de piso; Trabajadores del Condado, trabajadores de Depto. de Salud

Pública del condado; personal de las prisiones o cárceles; Empleados del depto. de control de

animales del condado; trabajadores de transporte público; personal de la corte, personal de

protección y bienestar infantil, personal militar, personal que trabaja para empresas que se

desempeñan bajo contrato con el Departamento de Defensa que proporciona materiales y servicios

al Departamento de Defensa y sus subcontratistas, personal que trabaja para empresas que realizan

trabajos bajo contrato con entidades gubernamentales del condado, del estado, y federales, y sus

subcontratistas para las cuales están obligados por ley estatal o federal a permanecer abiertos; El

personal de impartición de justicia, el personal de la vivienda y de refugios, y otras personas que

trabajan para o apoyan negocios esenciales o de infraestructura crítica, están categóricamente

exentos de esta orden.

Para los fines de esta Orden, "Funciones esenciales del gobierno" se refiere a todos los servicios

necesarios para garantizar el funcionamiento continuo de las agencias gubernamentales y para

proporcionar la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar del público y todas las agencias que brindan la

salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de público. Cada organismo gubernamental determinará sus

funciones esenciales de gobierno e identificará a los empleados y/o contratistas necesarios para el

desempeño de esas funciones. En la medida de lo posible, todas las Funciones Gubernamentales

Esenciales se llevarán a cabo de conformidad con los Requisitos de Distanciamiento Social de esta

orden. Los Empleadores Gubernamentales Esenciales deben capacitar a los empleados sobre

limpieza y desinfección ambiental, higiene de manos y etiqueta respiratoria, examinar a los

empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para detectar tos nueva o que empeora; problemas

para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del sentido del gusto o del olfato; fiebre o una temperatura

promedio de más de 100 grados Fahrenheit o más; o ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona

infectada con el COVID-19. Mandar a casa a cualquier empleado que cumpla con los criterios

enumerados anteriormente; haga que todos los empleados se laven o desinfecten las manos antes

de ingresar al centro de trabajo; asegurarse de que todos los empleados usen cubre bocas; y

asegurarse de que los empleados mantengan una separación de al menos 6 pies entre ellos.

SECCIÓN 7. Negocios Esenciales: Se solicita encarecidamente a todos los negocios esenciales,

como se define en esta sección, que permanezcan abiertos. Las empresas esenciales que

permanezcan abiertas deben, en la medida de lo posible, cumplir con los requisitos de distancia

social, incluso en el estacionamiento de la empresa. Las empresas esenciales deben limitar las

reuniones de clientes y personal y establecer un espacio suficiente para que las personas hagan

cola dentro y fuera de la empresa. Los empleadores esenciales de negocios deben capacitar a los

empleados en limpieza y desinfección ambiental, higiene de manos y etiqueta respiratoria,

examinar a los empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para detectar tos nueva o que

empeora; problemas para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del sentido del gusto o del olfato;

fiebre o una temperatura promedio de más de 100 grados Fahrenheit o más; o ha tenido contacto

cercano con una persona infectada con el COVID-19. Mandar a casa a cualquier empleado que

cumpla con los criterios enumerados anteriormente; haga que todos los empleados se laven o

desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar al centro de trabajo; asegurarse de que todos los empleados

usen cubre bocas; y asegurarse de que los empleados mantengan una separación de al menos 6

pies entre ellos. Además, esta orden requiere que todas las instalaciones públicas que proporcionen

comestibles, artículos de mejoras para el hogar, suministros para animales y hogar, o suministros

farmacéuticos (a) proporcionen desinfectante para manos en todos los puntos de entrada (b)

proporcionen un proceso para garantizar la limpieza desinfectada de todas las manijas de las

canastas y carritos de mandado en todas las entradas al establecimiento, (c) pongan en práctica y

garanticen el distanciamiento social para todos los clientes en las entradas, líneas para pagar y

todas las demás áreas, tanto dentro como fuera del edificio, en todo momento, incluso antes de la

hora de apertura, y (d) publique una lista de todas las restricciones en cantidad de artículos que se

pueden comprar en todas las entradas. Para los propósitos de esta orden, “Negocios Esenciales”


a. Tiendas que venden comestibles y otros tipos de suministros esenciales. Proveedores de

servicios de alimentos, incluidos tiendas de autoservicio, supermercados, mayoristas de

alimentos y bebidas, almacenes de alimentos y bebidas y centros de distribución, distribuidores

de cerveza, tiendas ancla, licorerías, bodegas, bancos de alimentos, tiendas de conveniencia y

otros establecimientos dedicados a la venta minorista de alimentos enlatados, productos secos,

frutas y verduras frescas, suministros para mascotas, carnes frescas, pescado y aves de corral,

y cualquier otro producto de consumo doméstico (como productos de limpieza y cuidado

personal). Esto incluye las tiendas de mercancías generales que venden comestibles y también

venden otros productos que no son comestibles, y los productos necesarios para mantener la

seguridad, la limpieza y el funcionamiento esencial de las residencias. Esto incluye tiendas de

muebles y artículos para el hogar. Esta exención no se aplica a los puestos de comida al aire

libre u otros productos vendidos en un mercado al aire libre, incluidos, entre otros, los

mercados de agricultores (farmer’s market) y los tianguis.

b. Cultivo de alimentos. Cultivo de alimentos, que incluye, entre otros, monocultivos, cultivo de

semillas oleaginosas y granos, cultivo de hortalizas y melones, cultivo de frutas y nueces de

árbol, viveros de invernadero y producción de floricultura, ganadería y cría de ganado, cría de

cerdos, producción de aves y huevos, cría de ovejas y cabras, acuicultura, otra producción

animal, actividades de apoyo para la producción de cultivos, actividades de apoyo para la

producción animal;

c. Proveedores de necesidades básicas para poblaciones económicamente desfavorecidas.

Negocios que proveen alimentos, refugio y servicios sociales, y otras necesidades de vida para

los ancianos, personas con desventajas económicas o personas necesitadas;

d. Medios de Información. Periódicos, radiodifusoras, estaciones de televisión, y otros servicios

de medios. Esto incluye el trabajo auxiliar necesario para la entrega de la información a la que

se hace referencia en este documento. Se requerirá que los miembros de los medios de

comunicación cumplan con los requisitos de distanciamiento social definidos en la Sección 1.

Esto también incluye a los editores de periódicos, publicaciones periódicas, libros y directorios,

cable y otros programas de suscripción;

e. Gasolineras y negocios necesarios para el transporte. Gasolineras, proveedores de

combustible, tiendas de neumáticos, establecimientos dedicados al alquiler o arrendamiento de

automóviles de pasajeros y equipos automotrices, talleres de reparación de bicicletas o

motocicletas, concesionarios de automóviles y otros vehículos de automotor, para la venta de

automóviles nuevos o usados o para proporcionar servicios de reparación, tiendas de repuestos

y accesorios automotrices y otras instalaciones relacionadas.

f. Instituciones financieras. Autoridades monetarias: banco central, institución de depósito

(esto incluye bancos de consumidores y cooperativas de crédito que utilizan servicios de

ventanilla, cajeros automáticos y lobby limitado), compañías de seguros, agencias de seguros,

casas de bolsa y otras actividades relacionadas con seguros (aunque las ventas/corretaje en

persona están prohibidas), seguros y fondos para el retiro, todas las empresas de acceso al

crédito deberán cumplir con el Capítulo 5.17 de la Ordenanza de la Ciudad de El Paso;

g. Ferreterías y tiendas de suministros y oficios críticos. Ferreterías y negocios que venden

material eléctrico, de plomería y otros materiales necesarios para respaldar negocios

esenciales, infraestructura crítica y funciones esenciales del gobierno. Esto incluye

distribuidores de materiales y suministros de construcción y tiendas de suministros y equipos

para césped y jardín. Esto también incluye los siguientes oficios críticos: plomeros,

electricistas, exterminadores y otros proveedores de servicios que brindan servicios necesarios

para mantener la seguridad, la limpieza y el funcionamiento esencial de las residencias,

actividades esenciales, negocios esenciales, servicios gubernamentales esenciales e

infraestructura crítica. Incluye, entre otros, servicios públicos como la generación, transmisión

y distribución de energía eléctrica del condado, distribución de gas natural, agua, alcantarillado

y otros sistemas, y otras obras públicas;

h. Comercio. Los siguientes tipos de comerciantes mayoristas son empresas esenciales: piezas y

suministros para vehículos de motor y vehículos de motor, madera y otros materiales de

construcción, equipos y suministros profesionales y comerciales, productos eléctricos y

electrónicos, hardware y equipos y suministros de plomería y calefacción, maquinaria, equipo

y suministros, bienes duraderos misceláneos, papel y productos, medicamentos y artículos

diversos para drogadictos, productos de abarrotes, materias primas de productos agrícolas,

productos químicos y afines, petróleo y productos derivados del petróleo, cerveza y vino y

bebidas alcohólicas destiladas, y mercados y agentes electrónicos y corredores

i. Servicios de correo y de entregas. Empresas que brindan servicios de envío y paquetería,

incluidos correos, servicio postal, mensajeros locales y entregas locales, apartados postales, e

incluyen minoristas que no son tiendas, como tiendas electrónicas y casas de pedidos por

correo, así como empresas que envían o entregan comestibles, alimentos , bienes, suministros

o servicios esenciales directamente a residencias, tiendas o negocios esenciales.

j. Instituciones educativas. Instituciones educativas, incluidas las escuelas públicas y privadas

K-12, colegios y universidades, con el fin de facilitar el aprendizaje a distancia o realizar

funciones esenciales, siempre que la distancia social de seis pies por persona se mantenga en

la medida de lo posible;

k. Servicios de lavandería. Lavanderías, tintorerías y proveedores de servicios de lavandería;

l. Restaurantes. De conformidad con la Orden GA-18 del Gobernador Abbott, ciertos

restaurantes y otras instalaciones que preparan y sirven alimentos pueden reabrir (consulte el

Anexo H de esta orden para mas información). Se alienta a los restaurantes a que continúen

haciendo entregas o vendiendo para llevar. Las escuelas y otras entidades que típicamente

brindan servicios de comida gratis a estudiantes o miembros del público pueden continuar

haciéndolo bajo esta orden con la condición de que la comida se proporcione a los estudiantes

o miembros del público solo para recoger y llevar. Escuelas y otras entidades que brindan

servicios de alimentos bajo esta exención no permitirán que la comida se coma en el sitio donde

se proporciona, o en cualquier otro lugar de reunión de esa escuela o entidad. Los camiones de

comida pueden continuar operando, pero los empleados deben seguir el distanciamiento social

y se les recomienda que sigan las recomendaciones de cobertura facial y prohíban a los clientes

comer la comida en el lugar, y no se estacionen en áreas que están cerradas de conformidad

con esta orden. Se requiere que todos los dueños de restaurantes cubiertos en esta sección

capaciten a sus empleados en limpieza y desinfección ambiental, higiene de manos y etiqueta

respiratoria, examinar a los empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para detectar tos

nueva o que empeora; problemas para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del sentido del gusto

o del olfato; fiebre o una temperatura promedio de más de 100 grados Fahrenheit o más; o ha

tenido contacto cercano con una persona infectada con el COVID-19. Mandar a casa a

cualquier empleado que cumpla con los criterios enumerados anteriormente; haga que todos

los empleados se laven o desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar al centro de trabajo;

asegurarse de que todos los empleados usen cubre bocas; y asegurarse de que los empleados

mantengan una separación de al menos 6 pies entre ellos. Consulte al Anexo H “Protocolos de

Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Restaurantes y sus Clientes.”

m. Suministros para trabajar desde casa. Empresas que suministran computadoras, impresoras

y productos de comunicación necesarios para que las personas trabajen desde casa;

n. Fabricación y suministros para empresas esenciales, servicios esenciales, infraestructura

crítica y funciones esenciales del gobierno. Negocios que proveen a otros Negocios

Esenciales, Infraestructura Crítica y Funciones Esenciales del Gobierno con el apoyo o

suministros necesarios para operar, incluidos, entre otros, computadoras, equipos electrónicos

de audio y video, hardware, pintura, material eléctrico y de plomería, equipos sanitarios,

equipos y suministros médicos, y alimentos y bebidas. Esto incluye a las empresas y

fabricantes que se reorganizan para que una parte sustancial de su negocio sea con el propósito

de fabricar y producir respiradores. Esto también incluye la fabricación de alimentos para

animales, la molienda de granos y semillas oleaginosas, la fabricación de productos de azúcar

y confitería, la conservación de frutas y verduras y la fabricación de alimentos especializados,

la fabricación de productos lácteos, el sacrificio y procesamiento de animales, la fabricación

de panaderías y tortillas, la fabricación de tamales, la fabricación de otros alimentos y la

fabricación de bebidas; aserraderos y preservación de la madera, chapa, madera contrachapada

y fabricación de productos de madera de ingeniería, fabricación de otros productos de madera,

fábricas de pulpa, papel y cartón, fabricación de papel convertido, impresión y actividades de

apoyo relacionadas, fabricación de productos de petróleo y carbón, fabricación de productos

químicos básicos, resina, fabricación de caucho sintético y fibras sintéticas artificiales y

filamentos, fabricación de pesticidas, fertilizantes y otros productos químicos agrícolas,

fabricación de productos farmacéuticos y medicamentos, fabricación de jabones, compuestos

de limpieza y papel higiénico, fabricación de otros productos químicos y preparaciones,

fabricación de productos plásticos, fabricación de productos de caucho, fabricación de

productos de vidrio, fabricación de productos de cemento y concreto, fabricación de productos

de cal y yeso, fábricas de hierro y acero y fabricación de ferroaleaciones, fabricación de

productos de acero a partir de la producción y procesamiento de acero comprado, alúmina y

aluminio, construcción agrícola y minería fabricación de maquinaria, industria comercial y de

servicios fabricación de maquinaria, fabricación de equipos de motores, turbinas y transmisión

de potencia, ventilación, calefacción, aire acondicionado y fabricación de equipos de

refrigeración comercial, fabricación de semiconductores y otros componentes eléctricos,

instrumentos de navegación, medición, la fabricación de electro-médicos y de control, la

fabricación de productos aeroespaciales y de piezas se limita a la fabricación de bases

industriales de defensa y de transporte según la asesoría de CISA, y otras manufacturas

diversas se limitan a la fabricación de bases industriales de defensa de conformidad con la

asesoría de CISA;

o. Transporte. Transporte aéreo programado y no programado, taxis, transporte ferroviario,

transporte acuático, transporte de carga general, transporte de carga especializado, transporte

de autobuses escolares y de empleados, otro transporte de pasajeros en tránsito y terrestre, para

incluir el transporte público, como servicios de autobuses, transporte por tubería de petróleo

crudo, transporte por tuberías de gas natural y otros transportes por tuberías, sistemas de

tránsito urbano y otros proveedores privados de transporte (como taxis, limusinas, Uber y Lyft)

que brindan los servicios de transporte necesarios para el desempeño de actividades esenciales,

negocios esenciales, infraestructura crítica , funciones esenciales del gobierno y viajes

esenciales. Esto incluye actividades de apoyo para el transporte aéreo, ferroviario, terrestre y

acuático, arreglos de transporte de carga, otras actividades de apoyo para el transporte y

servicios de mantenimiento de transporte, como la mecánica necesaria para mantener

operativos los servicios de transporte.

p. Atención y servicios a domicilio. Atención domiciliaria para enfermos o moribundos,

personas mayores, adultos o niños, incluidos los cuidadores que pueden viajar para brindar

apoyo y/o atención;

q. Instalaciones residenciales y refugios. Instalaciones residenciales y refugios para personas

mayores, adultos, niños, incluidos, entre otros, refugios para personas sin hogar, centros de

servicios individuales y familiares, centros contra la violencia familiar y viviendas de


r. Servicios de alojamiento. Empresas que ofrecen alojamiento para viajeros, que incluyen

hoteles y moteles. Los Parques de Vehículos Recreativos (RV) y los Campamentos Recreativos

se limitan a uso residencial, alojamiento y pensiones;

s. Servicios Legales. Los servicios legales, el servicio privado de procesos e investigación y

desarrollo científico, se limitan a aquellos que pueden realizarse desde el hogar, con la

excepción de los servicios profesionales y el personal que trabaja en funciones esenciales del

gobierno, y los abogados y el personal que brindan servicios legales que requieren

participación en funciones de la corte consideradas esenciales por un juez presidente, el

Consejo Local de Jueces, órdenes de la Corte Suprema y órdenes de la corte federal; los

servicios profesionales o el personal de apoyo solo pueden acceder a sus oficinas para efectuar

tales funciones y órdenes

t. Servicios Inmobiliarios. Para tasadores, corredores de bienes raíces, corredores, compañías

de títulos y su personal.

u. Servicios de tecnología de la información. Tecnología de la Informacion (TI) y servicios de

TI y sus proveedores de servicios esenciales, incluido proveer de infraestructura esencial

global, nacional y local para servicios informáticos, infraestructura empresarial,

comunicaciones, servicios basados en la web y fabricación crítica. Esto incluye tiendas

dedicadas principalmente a la reparación de computadoras, productos electrónicos, equipos de

precisión y teléfonos celulares; y

v. Guarderías. Las guarderías se limitan a proporcionar servicios que permitan a los empleados

exentos en esta orden trabajar según lo permitido. En la medida de lo posible, las guarderías

deben funcionar bajo las siguientes condiciones obligatorias:

1. El cuidado infantil debe realizarse en grupos estables de 10 o menos ("estable" significa

que los mismos 10 niños o menos están en el mismo grupo cada día).

2. Los niños no deben cambiar de un grupo a otro, a menos que ocurra el cierre de un

centro de cuidado infantil que requiera que un niño sea ubicado en una nueva guardería.

Los niños que vengan de una guardería que podría haber cerrado se agruparán juntos

en el nuevo plantel, en la medida de lo posible.

3. Si se atiende a más de un grupo de niños en un centro, cada grupo estará en una

habitación separada. Los grupos no se mezclarán entre sí.

4. Todos los proveedores de servicios de guardería deberán entrenar a sus empleados

sobre limpieza ambiental y desinfección, higiene de manos y etiqueta respiratoria.

Examinar a los empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para detectar tos nueva o

que empeora; problemas para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del sentido del gusto

o del olfato; fiebre o una temperatura promedio de más de 100 grados Fahrenheit o

más; o ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona infectada con el COVID-19. Mandar

a casa a cualquier empleado que cumpla con los criterios enumerados anteriormente;

haga que todos los empleados se laven o desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar al

centro de trabajo; asegurarse de que todos los empleados usen cubre bocas; y asegurarse

de que los empleados mantengan una separación de al menos 6 pies entre ellos.

Se les insta a las instalaciones de guardería para personas adultas a que cierren sus puertas,

cuando sea posible, y a que brinden servicios en el hogar, incluyendo cuidado personal,

administración de medicamentos, entrega de comidas y otras necesidades esenciales para la

salud y seguridad de los adultos que necesitan el cuidado.

w. Refugios de animales, zoológicos y otros negocios que mantienen animales vivos. Las

empresas que mantienen y cuidan animales vivos no tienen permitido aceptar visitas ni

clientes, pero pueden continuar operando como sea necesario para cuidar de los animales. Nada

en esta Sección prohibirá que una persona ajena ingrese a las instalaciones para realizar

Servicios Esenciales de Atención Médica u otro Servicio Comercial Esencial.

x. Fabricantes, proveedores y minoristas de ropa y equipos de protección personal. Tiendas

que solo o principalmente fabrican, suministran o venden uniformes, indumentaria, accesorios,

suministros y equipos de protección personal para profesionales de la salud/médicos y

trabajadores de seguridad pública (agentes policiacos y bomberos).

y. Distribuidores de armas de fuego. Los distribuidores de armas de fuego pueden operar de

acuerdo con las leyes estatales y federales aplicables.

z. Control de Plagas y Vectores. Establecimientos dedicados principalmente a exterminar y

controlar aves, mosquitos, roedores, termitas, avispas y otros insectos y plagas.

aa. Servicios funerarios y post mortem: Los trabajadores que prestan servicios mortuorios,

servicios de atención a la muerte, incluidas las funerarias, los crematorios y los trabajadores

de cementerios, deberán cumplir con las disposiciones de Actividades prohibidas incluidas en

la Sección 2 de esta Orden. Trabajadores que se coordinan con otras organizaciones para

garantizar la recuperación, manipulación, identificación, transporte, seguimiento,

almacenamiento y eliminación adecuados de restos humanos y efectos personales; certificar

causa de muerte; y facilitar el acceso a los servicios de salud mental a los familiares, rescatistas

y sobrevivientes de un incidente.

bb. Depósito y Almacenaje. Instalaciones que reciben o almacenan bienes y envíos residenciales

o comerciales.

cc. Servicios de alquiler y arrendamiento. Alquiler de bienes de consumo, centros de alquiler

en general y alquiler y arrendamiento de maquinaria y equipo comercial e industrial.

dd. Personas sin hogar. Una persona sin hogar está exenta de esta orden; sin embargo, se

recomienda encarecidamente a dicha persona que busque refugio.

SECCIÓN 8. Términos y Definiciones.

a. Operaciones Básicas Mínimas. Para los propósitos de esta orden, las “Operaciones Básicas

Mínimas” incluyen lo siguiente, siempre que al realizar tales operaciones los empleados

cumplan, en la medida de lo posible, con los Requisitos de Distancia Social definidos en esta

sección: entrenar a sus empleados sobre limpieza ambiental y desinfección, higiene de manos

y etiqueta respiratoria. Examinar a los empleados antes de entrar al centro de trabajo para

detectar tos nueva o que empeora; problemas para respirar; dolor de garganta, pérdida del

sentido del gusto o del olfato; fiebre o una temperatura promedio de más de 100 grados

Fahrenheit o más; o ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona infectada con el COVID-19.

Mandar a casa a cualquier empleado que cumpla con los criterios enumerados anteriormente;

haga que todos los empleados se laven o desinfecten las manos antes de ingresar al centro de

trabajo; asegurarse de que todos los empleados usen cubre bocas; y asegurarse de que los

empleados mantengan una separación de al menos 6 pies entre ellos en la medida de lo posible

mientras realizan su labor.

i. Las actividades mínimas necesarias para mantener el valor del inventario de la empresa,

preservar las condiciones de la planta física y el equipo de la empresa, garantizar la

seguridad, procesar la nómina y los beneficios de los empleados, o para funciones

relacionadas. Esto incluye servicios de apoyo a las instalaciones, servicios de

investigación y seguridad, servicios a edificios y viviendas (esto incluye servicios de

limpieza y control de plagas), recolección de residuos, tratamiento y eliminación de

residuos, y otros servicios de gestión de residuos; o

ii. Las actividades mínimas necesarias para facilitar que los empleados de la empresa

puedan continuar trabajando de forma remota desde sus residencias.

b. Residencias. Para los propósitos de esta orden, las residencias incluyen hoteles, moteles,

unidades de alquiler compartido e instalaciones similares.

c. Negocios incluidos en esta orden. Para los fines de esta orden, los negocios cubiertos incluyen

cualquier entidad educativa, sin fines de lucro o con fines de lucro, independientemente de la

naturaleza del servicio, la función que realizan o su estructura corporativa o de entidad.

SECCIÓN 9. Aplicación. De conformidad con la Sección 418.173 (b) del Código de Gobierno

de Texas, es un delito que una persona viole una condición o restricción de cualquier orden emitida

por el Juez del Condado de El Paso durante una crisis/desastre de salud pública. Dicho delito será:

1) Un delito menor de Clase C sancionable con una multa que no exceda los $ 500;

2) Excepto que si se demuestra durante el juicio que la persona había sido previamente

advertida o multada por una violación a esta orden, el delito será un delito menor de Clase

B sancionable con una multa que no exceda los $1,000 o el encarcelamiento por un plazo

que no exceda los 180 días, o ambos.

3) No se impondrá ninguna sanción civil o penal por no usar una máscara cubre-bocas.

Cualquier oficial de paz, incluidos, entre otros, los oficiales de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado

de El Paso, el Departamento de Policía de El Paso y la Oficina del Jefe de Bomberos, quedan

autorizados para hacer cumplir las disposiciones de esta Orden de acuerdo con la autoridad

otorgada en virtud del Capítulo 418 del Código del Gobierno de Texas. En la medida permitida

por la ley, esta orden puede ser aplicada por cualquier oficial de cumplimiento de códigos, oficiales

de cumplimiento de códigos u otra designación similar, de la misma manera que los códigos y

ordenanzas municipales se aplican.

SECCIÓN 10. Esta Orden del Juez del Condado se aplica a todas las áreas incorporadas y no

incorporadas del Condado de El Paso. Esto incluye el pueblo de Vinton, la ciudad de San Elizario,

la ciudad de Socorro, la ciudad de Horizon City, la ciudad de Clint, la ciudad de Anthony y la

ciudad de El Paso. En la medida de conflicto entre el Juez del Condado de El Paso y el alcalde de

cualquier ciudad dentro de los límites geográficos del Condado de El Paso, las decisiones

establecidas en esta Orden prevalecen en la mayor medida permitida por la ley de conformidad

con la Sección 418.108 (n) del Código del Gobierno de Texas.

SECCIÓN 11. Publicación de esta orden. El Condado publicará esta Orden en su sitio web.

Además, se recomienda encarecidamente al propietario, gerente u operador de cualquier

instalación que pueda verse afectada por esta Orden que publique una copia de esta Orden en el

sitio y que proporcione una copia a cualquier miembro del público que solicite una copia.

SECCIÓN 12. Órdenes Previas. Esta orden se emite de acuerdo con, e incorpora referencias a

declaraciones, ordenanzas, veredictos y cláusulas establecidas en el preámbulo de esta orden y las

ordenes anteriores emitidas por el Juez del Condado de El Paso, excepto que cuando dichas órdenes

o declaraciones anteriores estén en conflicto con esta orden, esta orden prevalece. Además, todas

las disposiciones de las órdenes ejecutivas del Gobernador Greg Abbott, existentes o en el

momento en que se emitan, se incorporarán automáticamente y constituirán términos de esta Orden

Ejecutiva exigibles como se establece en este documento sin necesidad de emitir órdenes

adicionales. En la medida en que exista un conflicto entre esta orden y cualquier orden ejecutiva

del Gobernador, prevalecerá la orden más estricta.

SECCIÓN 13. Cláusula de Salvaguardia. Si cualquier subsección, oración, cláusula, frase o

palabra de esta orden, o cualquier aplicación de la misma a cualquier persona, estructura, reunión

o circunstancia se considera inválida o inconstitucional por una decisión de un tribunal de

jurisdicción competente, entonces dicha decisión no afectará la validez de las secciones o las

aplicaciones restantes de esta orden.

SECCIÓN 14. Esta Orden incorpora por referencia lo siguiente:

Anexo A: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud Para Todas las Personas

Anexo B: Orientación Especial para Tejanos Mayores de 65 Años

Anexo C: Recomendaciones Para Cubrirse el Rostro

Anexo D: Recomendaciones para Instalaciones de Enfermería

Anexo E: Guias Para el Golf/Tenis de la Autoridad de Salud de la Ciudad/Condado de El Paso

Anexo F: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Participantes en Deportes al Aire Libre

Anexo G: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Minoristas y sus Clientes

Anexo H: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Restaurantes y sus Clientes

Anexo I: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Cines y Sus Clientes

Anexo J: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Oficinas de Una Sola Persona

Anexo K: Protocolos de Estándares Mínimos de Salud para Iglesias/Lugares de Culto

Anexo L: 12va. Orden de Emergencia de la Corte Suprema de Texas sobre el Estado de Desastre

de COVID-19

ORDENADO esto, hoy 29 de Abril del 2020.



Ricardo A. Samaniego

Juez del Condado


Exhibit A

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for All Individuals

as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all individuals in Texas. These minimum health protocols are

not a limit on the health protocols that individuals may adopt. Individuals are encouraged to adopt

additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the

health and safety of all Texans.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health conditions

that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone should

rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe and

measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those who

are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization.

Heath Protocols for Individuals

Maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals not within the same household. If such

distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette,

cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Self-screen before going into a business for any of the following new or worsening signs or

symptoms of possible COVID-19:


Shortness of breath


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell


Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees



Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

Wash or disinfect hands upon entering a business and after any interaction with employees, other

customers, or items in the business.

Consistent with the actions taken by many individuals across the state, consider wearing cloth face

coverings (over the nose and mouth) when entering a business, or when within 6 feet of another

person who is not a member of the individual’s household. If available, individuals should consider

wearing non-medical grade face masks.


Exhibit B


as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on Monday, April 27, 2020

People 65 years or older, especially people 65 years or older with medical issues like heart

disease, diabetes, cancer, or a weakened immune system, are at a higher risk for getting

very sick or dying from COVID-19. Every Texan is part of the solution. Strictly adhere to all

CDC guidelines, as well as all recommendations in this document. Texans 65 years of age or

older are at a higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19 and are especially urged to

follow the special guidance.

1. Stay Home if you Can

Minimize face-to-face contact with others. Avoid young children.

If someone is assisting you, you and your family members or caretaker should wear

cloth face masks. Remember a family member or caretaker can give you the virus

even if they don’t appear to have symptoms.

Try grocery or restaurant delivery, mail order prescriptions, and phone appointments

with your doctor. Call 2-1-1 if you need help with essentials.

Reach out to friends, family, or neighbors who can deliver essential items.

2. Help Save Lives

If you must go out, wear a cloth face mask, and stay six feet away from others.

Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least

60% alcohol.

Disinfect surfaces, buttons, handles, knobs, and other places touched often.

Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, or eating utensils with others.

If you have mild symptoms (difficulty breathing, or a rapidly worsening cough or

fever), call your healthcare provider. If symptoms are severe, call 9-1-1.

3. Check In

Check in regularly with neighbors, friends, and family by calling, texting, emailing,

video chatting, or even writing letters.

Walking, gardening, digital books, games, and online religious services are great

ways to stay active and connected.


Exhibit C

Face Covering Recommendations

A significant percentage of individuals with the COVID-19 virus lack symptoms. Because an

infected person can transmit the virus to others before showing any symptoms, the covering of a

person’s nose and mouth when outside your home or residence is necessary to help prevent the

spread of COVID-19. This is consistent with the findings of the CDC and El Paso Public Health


Fabric face coverings are recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators, which are

critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders.

Staying home is the best way to help reduce the spread of the virus, but if an individual must leave

their place of residence, wearing a fabric face covering is recommended and should be used as

outlined in this Order. Wearing a face covering is not a substitute for maintaining 6-feet social

distancing and hand washing, as these remain important steps to slowing the spread of the virus.

Recommended use, as established by the Order, should be as follows:

a. All persons over the age of two (2) should wear some form of covering over their nose and

mouth, such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana or handkerchief, when

i. Entering into or inside of any building open to the public,

ii. When using public transportation, taxis, or ride shares,

iii. When pumping gas, and

iv. Outside and six feet of social distancing cannot be consistently maintained between the person

and individuals outside of their household

b. This section shall not apply to persons

i. Riding in a personal vehicle,

ii. That are alone in a separate single space,

iii. That are in the presence only of other members of their household or residence,

iv. When doing so poses a greater material or physical health, safety or security risk, such as

anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to

remove the cover without assistance, or

v. For consumption purposes.

vi. This face covering require does not interfere with the requirement of an employer to comply

with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act

Parents and guardians of children over the age of two (2) and under ten (10) should be responsible

for appropriately mask their children when outside their residence.

c. All non-residents in nursing homes, retirement and long-term care facilities should wear a

fabric face covering as provided for in these Recommendations, and set forth in Section 1 of

this Order (Face Covering Rrecommendations).


d. All COVID-19 positive individuals, suspected positives, those currently being tested, and

untested individuals with cough and/or fever, and household members of same category of

individuals should not leave their residence without a mask or cloth face covering to prevent

the spread of others.

e. All individuals working for a business covered by this Order must wear a mask or cloth face

covering whenever in public and whenever performing job duties in the presence of others.

f. Medical grade (N95) and surgical masks should be reserved and used only by medical

professionals and first responders.

Examples of how to make cloth face coverings can be online based on guidance from the CDC.

g. The fabric face covering should:

1. Fit snugly, but comfortably against the side of the face

2. Be secured with ties or ear loops

3. Include multiple layers of fabric

4. Allow for breathing without restriction

5. Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape

6. Even with the use of appropriate face coverings, individuals shall maintain 6 feet of social

distancing whenever possible

7. Individuals should avoid touching their face and should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer


Exhibit D

Recommendations for Nursing Facilities as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on Monday, April 27, 2020

The number of infections of staff and residents in nursing facilities continues to grow. The number

of fatalities of nursing facility residents continues to grow. Enhanced response and control

measures are needed to ensure greater protection for those vulnerable Texans and their families.

A consistent and strong response is needed now to effectively bend the COVID-19 curve in these


Recommendation 1: Quantify the extent of the infection immediately: The first step in the process

is to know exactly what level of infection exists at a facility. Upon the first positive test result of

the nursing facility staff member or resident, the facility shall work with local health authorities,

DSHS, and HHSC to coordinate testing of nursing facility staff and residents. In addition, nursing

facilities will have access to the Rapid Assessment Quick Response Force to provide rapid

response and a medical triage team that can be deployable by DSHS through the Emergency

Medical Task Force upon notification of a positive COVID-19 patient. If needed, an additional

team can be sent to assist the facility with immediate needs.

Recommendation 2: Implement a comprehensive mitigation plan: First, the facility should

immediately initiate measures to control the infection using best practices and CDC requirements.

Second, as soon as any test results are available, the facility shall further implement a

comprehensive mitigation plan that takes into account the extent of the test results and directly

addresses all isolation, infection control, staffing, and other operational aspects of the facility. The

mitigation plan must address the specific level of infection that is discovered in that facility.

Recommendation 3: Re-evaluate current COVID-19 positive facilities: Those currently

positive facilities that have not completed comprehensive testing will need to conduct an

assessment of their current infection levels and consult with local health authorities, DSHS, and

HHSC to coordinate testing of nursing facility staff and residents. The facility will then develop

and implement a comprehensive mitigation plan with any additional testing results taken into


This will require the state regulatory and public health experts, local public health partners, and

health system partners to engage with the nursing facility to ensure that collection kits are

available, and that testing is conducted quickly and efficiently, so that the comprehensive

mitigation plan is implemented immediately.

Recommendation 4: Appropriate isolation and placement of COVID-19 patients: The

comprehensive mitigation plans should first and foremost focus on complete containment of the

infection level present at that facility. The residents who are positive need to be isolated in the

most effective manner available such as removal to a different facility (possibly a COVID-19

positive dedicated facility) or removal to an isolated wing of their facility. The facility should also

place limitations on movement of positive residents within the facility, as well as relocate any

residents to designated COVID-19 negative areas/wings.


Recommendation 5: Implement enhanced access controls to the facility: The mitigation plan

shall manage and control access to the facility by the healthcare partners who frequent the facility

and any other individuals providing critical services in the facility. The plan should keep

individuals from interacting with both positive and non-positive patients. This should include

complete limitations on any unnecessary visitations, enhanced screening and decontamination

techniques, and limited access to the facility through special entrances to control infection.

Recommendation 6: Enhance control of staff access to the facility: To the greatest extent

possible, facilities should discourage staff and employees from working at multiple facilities. This

is not a prohibition, which could lead to further staffing shortages, but additional control measures

should be taken, and, in some circumstances, limitations are necessary. Facilities should establish

very clear definitions, roles, and requirements for each different type of clinical or staffing partner

which is employed by or provides services within a nursing facility. The screening criteria above

should reflect the risk factors for each type of partner. Additionally, facilities should strengthen

existing protocols for third party providers who “come and go” to deliver services at other

facilities, ensuring the use of a separate entrance and exit, decontamination practices, and greater

screening criteria or restrictions if a person has been at a facility with COVID-19 positive results.

Recommendation 7: Effective notifications: The facility shall implement immediate measures

to inform all who interact (or may have recently interacted) with a facility with positive patient(s)

so that further limitations can be enacted to control the spread of infection to residents, family

members, medical staff, therapists, and other service providers who may frequent the facility. This

needs to be done in strict adherence to CDC guidelines, DSHS guidance, the Centers for Medicare

and Medicaid (CMS) guidance, and the HHSC Nursing Facility Response Plan.

Recommendation 8: Continue prevention efforts in facilities that do not have an infection:

Facilities that do not have a positive detection to-date will continue to undergo infection control

assessments and enhancements in compliance with guidance from CDC guidelines, DSHS

guidance, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) guidance, and the HHSC Nursing Facility

Response Plan. HHSC staff will engage with local facilities to provide additional support and help

identify any required changes or enhancements to infection control strategies/procedures to

minimize the risk of introducing COVID-19 into the facility.

This plan requires strong partnership and engagement between all local and state officials. Upon a

positive test result, the nursing facility must notify and work with local public health department

officials, HHSC regulatory staff, and DSHS public health experts to seek input so that the

comprehensive mitigation plan is in compliance with this order. Nursing facilities must also adhere

to reporting requirements established by CMS.

DSHS and HHSC will develop additional guidance to other long-term care facilities (such as

assisted living facilities and intermediate care facilities and others) to enhance infection control

standards in those facilities. Finally, agency staff will develop the standards for recovery for staff

and residents in a long-term care facility, which will inform any modifications to mitigation

strategies and the need for any further testing.


Exhibit E



The current situation on COVID-19 in El Paso, TX continues to evolve. In light of the presence of COVID-19

in our community, the City of El Paso Department of Public Health is issuing the following Orders and

Guidance to golf courses, which their employees, clients and golfers must follow to reduce the risk of

exposure to COVID-19, as well as the protective measures which must be undertaken at all golf courses.

Golf courses may be able to open to the public effective April 28, 2020, at 12:01 AM at a reduced

attendance as described in this document.

Golf pro shops must remain closed and clubhouses with snack bars or grills may be open for take-out and carry out only, until May 1, 2020, when both Golf pro shops and clubhouses may operate at up to 25% of total listed occupancy and on a take-out or to-go basis. These rules shall continue through May 15, 2020 subject to extension, expansion or amendment by the Texas Governor.

Golf pro shops are encouraged to consider dedicating a certain period of time each day for only at-risk customers (those who are 65 or older, especially those with chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, chronic heart disease, severe obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, liver disease, or weakened immune system) or deliver purchased goods to vehicles to reduce the need for at-risk customers to enter the store. If practical, Golf pro shops should monitor what items customers touch to clean or disinfect when the customer leaves the retail establishment. Contactless payment is encouraged, but where not available, contact should be minimized.

Club houses with kitchen will follow restaurant guidance when applicable.

Social Distancing and Other Public Health Interventions

Arrange Tee times to be within 45-minute intervals.

Employees and visitors are encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines including

maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet between individuals.

Players must make reservations and pay for tee times in advance by telephone or online

before coming to the course, no walk up play.

If the course is private, play is limited to members only, no guests.

Adjust waiting areas to follow social distancing guidelines.

Avoid congregating in areas surrounding snack bars or grills. No beverage carts are



Players are not to arrive at the course more than fifteen minutes prior to their tee time

and must maintain social distancing while waiting for their tee time. Players must leave

the course immediately when their round is finished.

Walking is preferred and pull carts are allowed. The use of golf carts is permitted

provided use is restricted to a single rider and anyone living in the same household.

Groups of more than 4 golfers are not allowed. Only golfers are allowed on the course.

Players are responsible for handling their golf bag and clubs. Course personnel will not

handle bags or clubs at any time.

No spectators are allowed.

No golf instruction or academies are allowed at this time.

Golfers are not required to wear a face covering in accordance with the Second

Amendment to the City of El Paso Local Emergency Directive, also known as the latest

Stay Home Stay Safe Directive, and Exhibit B to the Second Amendment to County

Order No. 7, all as amended.

Consider displaying posters and signs to frequently remind guests to take steps to

prevent the spread of COVID-19. These messages may include information about:

o Staying home if you are sick or do not feel well, and what to do if you’re sick or feel ill.

o Reminders of facial hygiene and cleanliness, such as avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

with unwashed hands.

o Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash.

o Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going

to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

o If soap and water not readily available, people can use a hand sanitizer that contains at

least 60% alcohol base.

Rules for Course Set-up

Carts must be staged at least six feet apart. Carts must not be parked closer than six

feet from each other on the course.

Clean and disinfect driving range golf balls between use.

Ensure separation of at least 6 feet between golfers on the driving range.

Putting greens and practice areas only available for players ten minutes prior to their

tee time. Social distancing must be maintained on practice putting greens.

No rakes in bunkers.

No ball washers.

All cups on greens must either be raised to prevent the ball from entering the hole or

be filled with a liner which keeps the ball from dropping all the way into the hole so

that players may remove their ball without touching the flagstick.



Employers should implement a health screening policy for all employees, and establish protocols

for employee exclusion if they develop any of the following symptoms: feeling feverish or present

a measured fever of greater than or equal to 100oF, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty

breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste

and smell, diarrhea, other gastrointestinal symptoms, or have been in known close contact with

a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.

Employers should consider use of a touchless infrared thermometer to check the temperature of

employees each day.

Employees with a temperature above 100°F are recommended to be sent home until they have

no fever and no evidence of COVID-19 symptoms.

All employees shall wear a face covering while at work and interacting with other employees and


Employees should wear gloves and wash hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water

or use of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Employers should consider implementing flexible sick leave and supportive policies and practices

for employees considered high-risk (older than 65 years of age or with other uncontrolled

medical conditions) for developing severe complications.

Make available and visible COVID-19 prevention print materials at your business.

Staffing beyond those needed for golf course maintenance and security should be

minimal (limited number of cart attendants, starter to monitor tee times who must

maintain social distancing).


Use disinfectant to clean common touch points.

Prior to reopening, deep clean all surfaces and touch points with EPA- approved sanitization


Prior to reopening, retrain employees on best practices to avoid contamination.

Consider designating one person to clean high-touch points throughout the day.

o Examples of high-touch point surfaces include doorknobs, gates, door handles and pushplates, railing, faucets, and toilet flush levers.

Employees should practice proper handwashing, observe respiratory etiquette, and avoid using

other employees’ phones, pens, notepads, or other work tools.

Clean and disinfect bathrooms regularly, particularly high-touch surfaces, and ensure

they have handwashing supplies. Some facilities, such as restrooms or water fountains

may be temporarily closed or restricted. Inform visitors if there is limited access to public

restrooms or water fountains.

Ensure that access to handwashing/hand sanitizing facilities and supplies are available


for employees and customers.

Require that when payment is required for booking tee times and associated costs, payment

must be made electronically or over the telephone; otherwise, no cash or credit payments are

allowed on site unless touchless payments and digital money transfers transactions are

available on-site to minimize touching of writing implements and high touch surfaces. For any

Clubhouse or Pro shop purchases, Encourage touchless payments and digital ordering to

further minimize touching of writing implements and high touch surfaces.

Strategic placement of approved hand sanitizers for employees and clients are


No public ice/water machines are to be in use. No drinking fountains in operation.

Golf carts and push carts must be cleaned and sanitized by wiping all high touch areas

(including steering wheels, cup holders, seats and roof supports and areas of the roof

where players would grab entering or leaving the cart) before and after each round of


We appreciate your assistance in this matter. As soon as information changes, it will be made available

through our website at EPStrong.org

The proposed Orders and Guidance are to be effective immediately and publicly disseminated around the

City and County of El Paso, Texas.




The current situation on COVID-19 in El Paso, TX continues to evolve. In light of the presence of COVID-19

in our community, the City of El Paso Department of Public Health is issuing the following Orders and

Guidance to private Tennis Facilities, which their employees, clients and players must follow to reduce the

risk of exposure to COVID-19, as well as the protective measures which must be undertaken at all tennis

courts and facilities.

Private Tennis Facilities may be open to the public effective April 29, 2020, at 12:01 AM at a reduced

attendance as described in this document.

Tennis pro shops must remain closed and clubhouses with snack bars or grills may be open for take-out and carry out only, until May 1, 2020, when both tennis pro shops and clubhouses may operate at up to 25% of total listed occupancy and on a take-out or to-go basis, and shall follow the Social Distancing and Other Public Health Guidelines listed herein. These rules shall continue through May 15, 2020 subject to extension, expansion or amendment by the Texas Governor.

Tennis pro shops are encouraged to consider dedicating a certain period of time each day for only at-risk customers (those who are 65 or older, especially those with chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, chronic heart disease, severe obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, liver disease, or weakened immune system) or deliver purchased goods to vehicles to reduce the need for at-risk customers to enter the store.

If practical, tennis pro shops should monitor what items customers touch to clean or disinfect when the customer leaves the retail establishment. Contactless payment is encouraged, but where not available, contact should be minimized.

Club houses with kitchens will follow restaurant guidance when applicable.

Social Distancing and Other Public Health Interventions

Participants should self-screen prior to arriving at a Tennis club for the following new or

worsening symptoms:

Cough Sore throat

Repeated shaking with chills Loss of taste or smell

Chills Diarrhea

Muscle pain Headache

Feeling feverish or a

measured temperature

greater than or equal to

Known close contact with a

person who is lab confirmed

to have COVID-19


100.0 degrees Fahrenheit

Shortness of breath or

difficulty breathing

Tennis clubs should utilize every other court spacing to provide distancing between courts

being used.

Singles matches are recommended, however, doubles matches are permitted.

Employees and visitors are required to follow social distancing guidelines including

maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet between individuals that are not members

of the same household.

Players are encouraged to make reservations and pay for court fees in advance (if applicable)

by telephone or online before coming to the tennis court; walk-up play is discouraged.

If the courts are private, play is limited to members only; no guests.

Adjust waiting areas to follow social distancing guidelines.

Avoid congregating in areas surrounding snack bars or grills. No beverage carts are allowed.

Players are not to arrive at the courts more than fifteen minutes prior to their reservation

time and must maintain social distancing while waiting for their court time. Players must

leave the courts immediately when their match is finished.

Groups of more than 4 players are not allowed. Only players are allowed on the courts.

Players are responsible for handling their equipment bag and balls. Court personnel will

not handle any equipment bags at any time. Equipment bags are to be placed apart from

each other while in the courts to promote distancing between personal property and

social distancing between players.

Players are encouraged to bring their own beverages.

No spectators are allowed.

Group tennis instruction or academies are NOT allowed at this time, with the exception of those

described below.

Tennis instruction or academies are only allowed in semiprivate or private arrangements in groups of

1 or 2 students at a time. A maximum of 4 people are allowed on a single court.

Players are not required to wear a face covering in accordance with the Second

Amendment to the City of El Paso Local Emergency Directive, also known as the latest

Stay Home Stay Safe Directive, and Exhibit B to the Second Amendment to County Order

No. 7, all as amended.

Displaying posters and signs is recommended to frequently remind guests to take steps

to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These messages may include information about:

o Staying home if you are sick or do not feel well, and what to do if you’re sick or feel ill.

o Reminders of facial hygiene and cleanliness, such as avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with

unwashed hands.


o Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash.

o Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the

bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

o If soap and water not readily available, people can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%



Employers shall follow the Minimum Standard Health Protocols issued by the Texas Governor, including:

Implement a health screening policy for all employees, and establish protocols for employee

exclusion if they develop any of the following symptoms:

Cough Sore throat

Repeated shaking with chills Loss of taste or smell

Chills Diarrhea

Muscle pain Headache

Feeling feverish or a

measured temperature

greater than or equal to

100.0 degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a

person who is lab confirmed to

have COVID-19

Shortness of breath or

difficulty breathing

Employers are recommended to use a touchless infrared thermometer to check the temperature of

employees each day.

Employees with a temperature above 100°F or with any of the above symptoms are recommended to

be sent home.

Do not allow employees with new or worsening signs or symptoms as listed above to return to work


o In the case of an employee who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared; or

o In the case of an employee who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above; or

o If the employee has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.


All employees shall wear a face covering while at work and interacting with other employees and


Employees should wear gloves and wash hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or

use of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Employers are recommended to implement flexible sick leave and supportive policies and practices

for employees considered high-risk (older than 65 years of age or with other uncontrolled medical

conditions) for developing severe complications.

Employers shall make available and visible COVID-19 prevention print materials at your business.

Staffing beyond those needed for tennis court maintenance and security should be minimal.


Use disinfectant to clean common touch points.

Prior to reopening, deep clean all surfaces and touch points with EPA- approved sanitization products.

Prior to reopening, train employees on best practices to avoid contamination.

Employers are recommended to designate one person to clean high-touch points throughout the day.

o Examples of high-touch point surfaces include doorknobs, gates, door handles and push plates, railing, faucets, and toilet flush levers.

Employees should practice proper handwashing, observe respiratory etiquette, and not use other

employees’ phones, pens, notepads, or other work tools.

Clean and disinfect bathrooms regularly, particularly high-touch surfaces, and ensure they

have handwashing supplies. Some facilities, such as restrooms or water fountains may be

temporarily closed or restricted. Inform visitors if there is limited access to public restrooms

or water fountains. Encourage visitors to bring their own water.

Ensure that access to handwashing/hand sanitizing facilities and supplies are available for

employees and customers and strategic placement of approved hand sanitizers for

employees and clients is encouraged.

When payment is required for court reservations and associated costs, payment must be

made electronically or over the telephone; otherwise, no cash or credit payments are allowed

on site unless touchless payments and digital money transfers transactions are available on-

site to minimize touching of writing implements and high touch surfaces.

No public ice/water machines are to be in use. No drinking fountains in operation.

We appreciate your assistance in this matter. As soon as information changes, it will be made available

through our website at EPStrong.org

The proposed Orders and Guidance are to be effective immediately and publicly disseminated around the

City and County of El Paso, Texas.



Exhibit F

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Outdoor Sports


as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, individuals may engage in outdoor

sports, provided that the sports do not include contact with other participants, and no more than

four participants play the sport at any time. Please note, under executive order GA-18,

individuals shall avoid public swimming pools.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all individuals engaging in outdoor sports in Texas. These

minimum health protocols are not a limit on the health protocols that individuals may adopt.

Individuals are encouraged to adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and

circumstances to help protect the health and safety of all Texans.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health conditions

that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone should

rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe and

measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those who

are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization.

Heath protocols for outdoor sports participants

Self-screen before playing in an outdoor sport for any of the following, new or worsening

signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19:

o Cough

o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o Chills

o Repeated shaking with chills

o Muscle pain

o Headache

o Sore throat

o Loss of taste or smell

o Diarrhea


o Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees


o Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

Special Consideration for golf courses: o Clean and sanitize golf carts and push carts between uses.

o Except for members of the same household, no more than one individual per golf


o Clean and disinfect driving range golf balls between use.

o Ensure separation of at least 6 feet between golfers on the driving range.


Exhibit G

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Retailers and Retail


as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, non-essential retailers may

operate up to 25% of the total listed occupancy. In addition, non-essential retailers may

operate through pickup, delivery by mail, or delivery to the customer’s doorstep. Shopping

malls may operate at up to 25% of the total listed occupancy of the shopping mall, but

shopping mall food court dining areas, play areas, and interactive displays and settings

must remain closed.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all retailers choosing to operate in Texas. Retailers may adopt

additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the

health and safety of all employees and customers.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health

conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone

should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe

and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those

who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Retailers should stay

informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health and

support economic revitalization. Retailers should also be mindful of federal and state employment

laws and workplace safety standards.

Heath protocols for serving your customers:

Retailers are encouraged to consider dedicating a certain period of time each day for only

at-risk customers or deliver purchased goods to vehicles to reduce the need for at-risk

customers to enter the store.

If practical, monitor what items customers touch to clean or disinfect when the customer

leaves the retail establishment.

Health Protocols for your retail employees:


Train all employees on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and

respiratory etiquette.

Screen employees before coming into the retailer:

o Send home any employee who has any of the following new or worsening signs

or symptoms of possible COVID-19:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell


Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0

degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-


Do not allow employees with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed above to

return to work until:

o In the case of an employee who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual

may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3 days

(72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of

fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory

symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since

symptoms first appeared; or

o In the case of an employee who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does

not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the

individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to

work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above;


o If the employee has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to

work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain

a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an

alternative diagnosis.

Do not allow an employee with known close contact to a person who is lab-confirmed to

have COVID-19 to return to work until the end of the 14 day self-quarantine period from

the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare workers and critical

infrastructure workers).

Have employees wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the retailer.

Have employees maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals. If such

distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough

etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

If an employer provides a meal for employees, employers are recommended to have the

meal individually packed for each employee.


Consistent with the actions taken by many retailers across the state, consider having all

employees wear cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth). If available, employees

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.

Health protocols for your retail facilities:

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as

doorknobs, tables, chairs, and restrooms.

Disinfect any items that come into contact with customers.

Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily

available to employees and customers.

Place readily visible signage at the retailer to remind everyone of best hygiene practices.

Retail Customers

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all retail customers. These protocols are not a limit on the

health protocols that individuals may adopt. Individuals are encouraged to adopt additional

protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the health and

safety of all Texans.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health

conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone

should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe

and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those

who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization.

Health protocols for retails customers:

Self-screen before going into a retailer for any of the following, and do not go into a retailer with

any of the following symptoms:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell



Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees


Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

Wash or disinfect hands upon entering a retailer and after any interaction with employees, other

customers, or items in the retailer.

Maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals not within the same household. If such

distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette,

cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Wash or sanitize hands after the payment process.

Consistent with the actions taken by many individuals across the state, consider wearing cloth

face coverings (over the nose and mouth) when entering a retailer, or when within 6 feet of

another person who is not a member of the individual’s household. If available, individuals

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.


Exhibit H

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Restaurants and

Restaurant Customers

as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, restaurants may operate for dine-in

service up to 25% of the total listed occupancy of the restaurant, and may not offer valet services

except for vehicles with placards or plates for disabled parking. As used in executive order GA-

18, this applies only to restaurants that are not required to post the 51% sign required by the

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Restaurants may continue to provide to-go or delivery


In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all restaurants choosing to operate in Texas. Restaurants may

adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect

the health and safety of all employees and customers.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health

conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone

should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe

and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those

who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Restaurants should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization. Restaurants should also be mindful of federal and state

employment laws and workplace safety standards.

Heath protocols for serving your customers:

Parties maintain at least 6 feet distance apart from other parties at all times, including

while waiting to be seated in the restaurant.

Make hand sanitizing available upon entry to the restaurant

No tables of more than 6 people


o Do not leave condiments, silverware, flatware, glassware, or other traditional

table top items on an unoccupied table

o Provide condiments only upon request, and in single use (non-reusable) portions.


o Use disposable menus (new for each patron)

o If a buffet is offered, restaurant employees serve the food to customers.

Contactless payment is encouraged. Where not available, contact should be minimized.

Health Protocols for your employees:

Train all employees on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and

respiratory etiquette.

Screen employees before coming into restaurant:

o Send home any employee who has any of the following new or worsening signs

or symptoms of possible COVID-19:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell


Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0

degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-


Do not allow employees with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed above to

return to work until:

o In the case of an employee who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual

may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3 days

(72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of

fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory

symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since

symptoms first appeared; or

o In the case of an employee who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does

not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the

individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to

work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above;


o If the employee has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to

work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain

a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an

alternative diagnosis.

Do not allow an employee with known close contact to a person who is lab-confirmed to

have COVID-19 to return to work until the end of the 14 day self-quarantine period from

the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare workers and critical

infrastructure workers).


Have employees wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the restaurant, and between

interactions with customers.

Have employees maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals. If such

distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough

etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Consistent with the actions taken by many restaurants across the state, consider having all

employees wear cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth). If available, employees

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.

Health protocols for your facilities:

Consider having an employee manage and control access to the restaurant, including

opening doors to prevent patrons from touching door handles.

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as

doorknobs, tables, and chairs.

Regularly and frequently clean restrooms, and document the cleanings.

Disinfect any items that come into contact with customers.

Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily

available to employees and customers.

Place readily visible signage at the restaurant to remind everyone of best hygiene


Clean and disinfect the area used for dining (table, etc.) after each group of customers

depart, including the disinfecting of tables, chairs, stalls, and countertops.

Clean and sanitize restaurants daily.

Restaurant Customers

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all restaurant customers in Texas. These minimum health

protocols are not a limit on the health protocols that individuals may adopt. Individuals are

encouraged to adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances

to help protect the health and safety of all Texans.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health

conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone

should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe

and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those

who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization.


Health protocols for restaurant customers:

Maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals not within the same party. If

such distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering when not sitting at

the table, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously


Self-screen before going into a restaurant for any of the following new or worsening

signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19:

o Cough

o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o Chills

o Repeated shaking with chills

o Muscle pain

o Headache

o Sore throat

o Loss of taste or smell

o Diarrhea

o Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees


o Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

Wash or disinfect hands upon entering a restaurant and after any interaction with employees,

other customers, or items in the restaurant.

No tables of more than 6 people.

Customers should wash or sanitize their hands after the payment process.

Consistent with the actions taken by many individuals across the state, consider wearing cloth

face coverings (over the nose and mouth) when not at the table, or when within 6 feet of another

person who is not a member of the individual’s household. If available, individuals should

consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.


Exhibit I

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Movie Theaters and

Movie Theater Customers

as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, movie theaters may operate up to 25%

of the total listed occupancy of any individual theater for any screening.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all movie theaters choosing to operate in Texas. Movie theaters

may adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help

protect the health and safety of all employees and customers.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health conditions

that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone should

rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe and

measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those who

are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Movie theaters should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization. Movie theaters should also be mindful of federal and state

employment laws and workplace safety standards.

Heath protocols for serving your customers:

Movie theaters are encouraged to utilize remote ticketing options to help manage capacity


Ensure proper spacing between patrons in the movie theater:

o Keep at least two empty seats (or six feet separation) between parties in any row,

except as follows:

Two or more members of the same household can sit adjacent to one

another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.

Two individuals who are not members of the same household but who are

attending together can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six

feet separation) empty on either side.

o Alternate rows between customers (every other row left empty).

o Disinfect seats and frequently touched areas between screenings.


For movie theaters providing food service to patrons:

o Do not leave condiments, silverware, flatware, glassware, or other traditional

table top items on an unoccupied table.

o Provide condiments only upon request, and in single use (non-reusable) portions.

o Clean and disinfect the area used for dining (table, etc.) after each group of

customers depart the theater.

o Use disposable menus (new for each patron).

o If the theater allows customers to write down their food orders inside the theater,

provide take-home pencils and notepads that cannot be used by other customers.

o Have wait staff sanitize or wash hands between interactions with customers.

Movie Theaters with counter food services for patrons:

o Provide condiments or flatware only in single use, individually-wrapped items,

and provide condiments only upon request.

o Have employees follow proper food-handling protocols.

o Disinfect any items that come into contact with customers.

Contactless payment is encouraged. Where not available, contact should be minimized.

Health Protocols for theater employees:

Train all employees on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and

respiratory etiquette.

Screen employees before coming into restaurant:

o Send home any employee who has any of the following new or worsening signs

or symptoms of possible COVID-19:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell


Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0

degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-


Do not allow employees with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed above to

return to work until:

o In the case of an employee who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual

may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3 days

(72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of

fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory

symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since

symptoms first appeared; or


o In the case of an employee who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does

not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the

individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to

work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above;


o If the employee has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to

work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain

a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an

alternative diagnosis.

Do not allow an employee with known close contact to a person who is lab-confirmed to

have COVID-19 to return to work until the end of the 14 day self-quarantine period from

the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare workers and critical

infrastructure workers).

Have employees wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the movie theater, and

between interactions with customers.

Have employees maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals. If such

distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough

etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

If an employer provides a meal for employees, employers are recommended to have the

meal individually packed for each employee.

Consistent with the actions taken by many businesses across the state, consider having all

employees wear cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth). If available, employees

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.

Health protocols for your theater facilities:

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as

doorknobs, tables, and chairs.

Disinfect any items that come into contact with customers.

Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily

available to employees and customers.

Place readily visible signage at the movie theater to remind everyone of best hygiene


Clean and disinfect the area used for dining (table, etc.) after each group of customers

depart, including the disinfecting of tables, chairs, stalls, and countertops.

Movie Theater Customers

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all movie theater customers. These minimum health protocols

are not a limit on the health protocols that individuals may adopt. Individuals are encouraged to

adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect

the health and safety of all Texans.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health


conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone

should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe

and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those

who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization.

Health protocols for theater customers:

Maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals who are not attending the movie

together. If such distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering when not

sitting at the table, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be

rigorously practiced.

Self-screen before going into a movie theater for any of the following new or worsening

signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19:

o Cough

o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o Chills

o Repeated shaking with chills

o Muscle pain

o Headache

o Sore throat

o Loss of taste or smell

o Diarrhea

o Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees


o Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

Wash or disinfect hands upon entering a restaurant and after any interaction with employees,

other customers, or items in the movie theater.

Consistent with the actions taken by many individuals across the state, consider wearing cloth

face coverings (over the nose and mouth) when entering a movie theater, or when within 6 feet

of another person who is not a member of the individual’s household. If available, individuals

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.

Wash or sanitize hands after the payment process.


Exhibit J

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Single-Person Offices

as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, services provided by an individual

working alone in an office may operate.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all single-person offices. Employers may adopt additional

protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the health and

safety of all employees and customers.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no

symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they spread it to may become

seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health conditions

that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, everyone should

rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which facilitate a safe and

measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our

communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone, including those who

are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Businesses should

stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health

and support economic revitalization. Businesses should also be mindful of federal and state

employment laws and workplace safety standards.

Heath protocols for single-person offices:

Be trained on all appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and respiratory


Self-screen before coming into the office:

o Do not go into the office with new or worsening signs or symptoms of possible



Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell



Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0

degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-


Do not allow employees with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed above to

return to work until:

o In the case of an employee who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual

may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3 days

(72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of

fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory

symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since

symptoms first appeared; or

o In the case of an employee who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does

not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the

individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to

work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above;


o If the employee has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to

work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain

a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an

alternative diagnosis.

Do not allow an employee with known close contact to a person who is lab-confirmed to

have COVID-19 to return to work until the end of the 14 day self-quarantine period from

the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare workers and critical

infrastructure workers).

Wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the business.

Maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals. If such distancing is not

feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette,

cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Consistent with the actions taken by many businesses across the state, consider wearing a

cloth face covering (over the nose and mouth) upon entering the premises and when using

common areas, including elevators, restrooms, break rooms, or stairs. If available, you

should consider wearing non-medical grade face masks.

Health Protocols for your facilities:

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as

doorknobs, tables, chairs, and restrooms.

Disinfect any items that come into contact with customers.

Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily

available to employees and customers.

Place readily visible signage at the business to remind everyone of best hygiene practices.


Exhibit K

Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Churches/Places of


as Outlined by the

Governor’s Report to Open Texas Issued on

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Office of the Attorney General and the Office of the Governor have been providing joint

guidance regarding the effect of executive orders on religious services conducted in churches,

congregations, and places of worship. Below is an excerpt from the joint guidance for executive

order GA-18, issued on April 27, 2020. The same minimum standard health protocols would

apply to funeral services, burials, and memorials.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18, the following are the minimum

recommended health protocols for all churches, congregations, and places of worship in Texas.

Churches, congregations, and places of worship may adopt additional protocols consistent with

their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the health and safety of all Texans. The

same minimum standard health protocols would apply to funeral services, burials, and


We know now that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons

who have few or no symptoms. Even if an infected person is only mildly ill, the people they

spread it to may become seriously ill or even die, especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-

existing health conditions that place them at higher risk. Because of the hidden nature of this

threat, everyone should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols, all of which

facilitate a safe and measured reopening of Texas. The virus that causes COVID-19 is still

circulating in our communities. We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone,

including those who are most vulnerable.

Please note, public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Churches,

congregations, and places of worship should stay informed and take actions based on common

sense and wise judgment that will protect health and support economic revitalization. Churches,

congregations, and places of worship should also be mindful of federal and state employment laws

and workplace safety standards.

Heath protocols for serving your attendees:

Strongly encourage the at-risk population (those who are 65 or older, especially those

with chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; chronic heart disease; severe

obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis; liver disease; or weakened

immune system) to watch or participate in the service remotely.

Designate an area inside the facility reserved for the at-risk population, or offer a service

for at-risk population attendees only.

Ensure proper spacing between attendees:


o Keep at least two empty seats (or six feet separation) between parties in any row,

except as follows:

Two or more members of the same household can sit adjacent to one

another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.

Two individuals who are not members of the same household but who are

attending together can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six

feet separation) empty on either side.

Alternate rows between attendees (every other row left empty).

Health protocols for your employees and volunteers:

Train all employees and volunteers on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand

hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.

Screen employees and volunteers before coming into the church, congregation, or place

of worship:

o Send home any employee or volunteer who has any of the following new or

worsening signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

Loss of taste or smell


Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0

degrees Fahrenheit

Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-


Do not allow employees or volunteers with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed

above to return to work until:

In the case of an employee or volunteer who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the

individual may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met: at least 3

days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-

reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms

(e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first

appeared; or

In the case of an employee or volunteer who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and

does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual

is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to work until the

individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above; or

If the employee or volunteer has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return

to work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain a


medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative


Do not allow an employee or volunteer with known close contact to a person who is lab-

confirmed to have COVID-19 to return to work until the end of the 14 day self-

quarantine period from the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare

workers and critical infrastructure workers).

Have employees or volunteers wash or sanitize their hands upon entering.

Have employees or volunteers maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals.

If such distancing is not feasible, then other measures including face covering, hand

hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Consistent with the actions taken by many churches, congregations, and places of

worship across the state, consider having employees, volunteers, and attendees wear cloth

face coverings (over the nose and mouth). If available, they should consider wearing non-

medical grade face masks.

Health protocols for your facilities:

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as

doorknobs, tables, chairs, and restrooms.

Disinfect seats between services.

Disinfect any items that come into contact with attendees.

Maintain hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant

readily available.

Place readily visible signage to remind everyone of best hygiene practices.

If a church or place of worship provides meals for employees, volunteers, or attendees,

they are recommended to have the meals individually packed for each employee,

volunteer, or attendee.

Maintain rigorous sanitation practices like disinfection, handwashing, and cleanliness

when preparing or serving anything edible.


Exhibit L

Supreme Court of Texas 12th Emergency Order Regarding

COVID-19 State of Disaster

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS ════════════════════

Misc. Docket No. 20-9059



THE COVID-19 STATE OF DISASTER ════════════════════════════════════════════════════


1. Governor Abbott has declared a state of disaster in all 254 counties in the State of Texas in

response to the imminent threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. This Order, except for paragraph 9, is

issued pursuant to Section 22.0035(b) of the Texas Government Code.

2. The following Emergency Orders are renewed as clarified and amended: the First

Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9042 and Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas Misc. Dkt. No.

20-007), as amended by the Third Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9044 and Court of Criminal

Appeals of Texas Misc. Dkt. No. 20-008) and the Eighth Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-

9051); the Second Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9043); the Fifth Emergency Order (Misc.

Dkt. No. 20-9046); the Seventh Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9050); the Ninth Emergency

Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9052); and the Eleventh Emergency Order (Misc. Dkt. No. 20-9055).

3. Subject only to constitutional limitations, all courts in Texas may in any case, civil or

criminal—and must to avoid risk to court staff, parties, attorneys, jurors, and the public— without a

participant’s consent: a. Modify or suspend any and all deadlines and procedures, whether prescribed by statute,

rule, or order, specifically including those in Section 263.401 of the Family Code and in all

proceedings under Subtitle E, Title 5, of the Family Code, for a stated period ending no later

than 30 days after the Governor’s state of disaster has been lifted;

b. Allow or require anyone involved in any hearing, deposition, or other proceeding of

any kind—including but not limited to a party, attorney, witness, court reporter, or grand

juror, but not including a petit juror juror—to participate remotely, such as by

teleconferencing, videoconferencing, or other means;

c. Consider as evidence sworn statements made out of court or sworn testimony given

remotely, out of court, such as by teleconferencing, videoconferencing, or other means;

d. Conduct proceedings away from the court’s usual location with reasonable notice and

access to the participants and the public;

e. Require every participant in a proceeding to alert the court if the participant has, or

knows of another participant who has, COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, or a fever, cough or



f. Take any other reasonable action to avoid exposing court proceedings to the threat of


4. Courts must not conduct in-person proceedings contrary to guidance issued by the Office

of Court Administration regarding social distancing, maximum group size, and other restrictions and

precautions. Courts should use all reasonable efforts to conduct proceedings remotely.

5. Any deadline for the filing or service of any civil case that falls on a day between March

13, 2020, and June 1, 2020, is extended until July 15, 2020. This does not include deadlines for

perfecting appeal or for other appellate proceedings, requests for relief from which should be directed

to the court involved and should be generously granted.

6. In determining a person’s right to possession of and access to a child under a court-ordered

possession schedule in a Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, the existing trial court order

shall control in all instances. Possession of and access to a child shall not be affected by any shelter-

in-place order or other order restricting movement issued by a governmental entity that arises from

the pandemic. The original published school schedule shall also control, and possession and access

shall not be affected by the school’s closure that arises from the pandemic. Nothing herein prevents

parties from altering a possession schedule by agreement if allowed by their court order(s), or courts

from modifying their orders on an emergency basis or otherwise.

7. In any action for eviction to recover possession of residential property under Chapter 24 of

the Texas Property Code and Rule 510 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure:

a. No trial, hearing, or other proceeding may be conducted, and all deadlines are tolled,

until after May 18, 2020;

b. A writ of possession may issue, but the posting of the written warning required by §

24.0061(d)(1) of the Property Code and the execution of the writ of possession may not occur

until after May 25, 2020, and the deadlines in Rules 510.8(d)(1)-(d)(2) are suspended while

this Order remains in effect; and

c. New filings may be accepted, but the time period in Rule 510.4(a)(10) is suspended,

and issuance and service of citation may not occur until after May 18, 2020.

8. A case covered by Paragraph 7 may nevertheless proceed and a writ of possession may

issue if, but only if:

a. The plaintiff files a “Sworn Complaint for Forcible Detainer for Threat to Person or For


b. The court determines that the facts and grounds for eviction stated in the Complaint,

under oath with personal knowledge, taken as true, show that the actions of the tenant, or the

tenant’s household members or guests, have threatened or pose an imminent threat of (i)

physical harm to the plaintiff, the plaintiff’s employees, or other tenants, or (ii) criminal

activity; and

c. The court signs an order stating procedures for the case to proceed.


9. All deadlines, whether prescribed by statute, rule, or order, that expired or would have

expired between March 13, 2020, and June 1, 2020, are extended until July 15, 2020:

a. in attorney professional disciplinary and disability proceedings; and

b. relating to the issuance or renewal of certifications, licenses, or registrations issued by

the Judicial Branch Certification Commission, or for fulfilling mandatory continuing


10. This order is effective immediately and expires June 1, 2020, except as otherwise stated

herein, and unless extended by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

11.The Clerk of the Supreme Court is directed to:

a. post a copy of this Order on www.txcourts.gov;

b. file a copy of this Order with the Secretary of State; and

c. send a copy of this Order to the Governor, the Attorney General, and each member of

the Legislature.

Dated: April 27, 2020

Misc. Docket No. 20-9059

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